#fem!logan sanders
thegoldenduckie · 3 months
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d-c-it · 9 months
I cant belive i never finished these
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I guess ill have to start again sigh.
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ascenari0 · 6 months
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Fem!Virgil makes her grand return. 🖤
Bonus Logan sketch-
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(Ignore the math.)
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bookloover35 · 8 months
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Virgil Sanders x fem reader-Snowman.
Yns Pov:
Yes it's snowing it's finally snowing i have to wake up all the others.
So we can all have a snow day.
We can have snowball fights, make snow angels and we have to make a snowman and after we do all that we can go in and watch a Christmas movie and drink hot chocolate and eat cookies.
I ran out of bed and started to wake up everyone else then I went and woke up my brother Patton he opened his bedroom door with a warm smile which was always the best thing about my brother his warm hugs and smiles.
Patton: Good morning my dear sister,  What makes you so happy this morning?
Yn: Patton, it's snowing outside so dress warm because we're going to have a snow day.
Patton: Yeeeey how fun, ok let's do this you go wake up Virgil and I'll just go quickly and change then I'll go get the others and we'll meet outside.
I laughed at him and ran towards Virgil's room and first I knocked on his bedroom door but I got no answer so I tried knocking again.
Yn: Virgil are you awake?
Huh no answer i opened his door and walked over to his bed and sat on his bed and looked at him and couldn't help but think how cute he is.
I could sit like this for how long, I know it sounds very unpleasant but I really can't help it he is so very cute.
I removed the bangs that were hiding his face and as I did so Virgil started to move a little, I put my hand on his shoulders and started trying to wake him up.
Yn: Virgil wake up.
Virgils Pov:
God I just want to sleep today I don't want to get up or I'd rather try to sleep but it seems someone else has some other plans for me.
It must be Patton or one of the other guys I opened my eyes to tell them to leave me alone but when I saw Yn I didn't say anything.
Virgil: Yn what are you doing?
Yn: It's snowing outside and we're going out for a snow day so get up and jump and put on something warm.
Virgil: Snow days and having fun aren't really my thing.
Yn: Please Virgil it will be a lot more fun if you join please for me.
Virgil: Okey okey, I'm with you on your snow day.
Yn: Yeeeey, I'll just run back to my room and change into warmer clothes and I'll see you out there.
She told me and hugged me then she ran to her room.
It's strange I usually don't like it when people touch me but when she touches me it feels like my whole body gets warm and I get happy what does this feeling mean?
Yn: Virgil come and help me build the snowman I've started with.
Virgil: Um I've never built a snowman before.
Yn: It's easy, I'll show you how.
Yn showed me how to do it and luckily she had already rolled all the balls to their correct sizes and I have to admit this was a lot of fun.
And now we were standing in front of the half finished snowman all that was missing was a nose.
I looked at her and saw that she was holding a carrot that we were going to use as the snowman's nose.
She turned her head towards me and held out the carrot and smiled at me as she told me.
Yn: Would you like to have the honor of giving our dear friend a nose.
Virgil: Um okey.
I took the carrot from her hand and walked over to the snowman and put the "nose" in place, so now it was completely ready.
I turned around and saw a very happy Yn.
She is so very cute, and before I could say anything I was tackled in a hug by Yn and I hugged her back and while we were standing there it started to snow even more.
She looked up at me and gave me a small light kiss on my nose.
Yn: I'm so glad you chose to come out with me.
Virgil: Me too.
The end.
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nico-the-overlord · 2 months
Okay so lesbian butch for butch analogical is… well it’s genderswapped analogical and also they’re both butches because (and I think I have sound logic here) of how they each view gender.
Virgil likes to fight the Man, often opting for alternative or emo styles. Thus, it wouldn’t be odd to assume that if he were a woman, she’d likely be more tomboy-ish or butch.
Logan, I believe, does not care about his gender. Fem!Logan should wear a tie because the tie is essential to how he views himself. It’s a symbol of his professionalism and how he should be taken seriously. As a woman, adopting a more masculine style would support that (though femininity should be taken just as seriously and can be just as professional as masculinity. However, we are discussing their specific views on gender and presentation.)
Anyway they should be women and also girlfriends
Ooo I see and can also agree to this
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hyperfixated-homo · 1 year
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im never going to finish this lmao. take a fem!logan anyways <3
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stardustsides · 11 months
thinkin about butch4butch fem!logicality goddddddd
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anteonnix · 11 months
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Redraw momeeeeent 💗❤❤
Original drawing under here vvv
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stormlessstormcloud · 1 month
The Crown or The Stars
Last | Next | AO3
Summary: When Prince Logan gets betrothed, he decides that perhaps this whole "becoming king" thing isn't going to work out. Fleeing into the forest, Logan discovers a world he's never seen or heard of before. The only question on his mind: Is it all real, or just a dream? Main Ship: Loceit
Chapter One: A Formal Affair
Once upon a time, in a kingdom by the sea, a prince lived with his grandmother, the queen. The prince loved things like reading, and wandering the woods surrounding the north side of the palace, and would gladly spend every day - from morning until night - either in the woods or hidden in the shelves of the palace’s vast library, if not for one simple problem. A prince has responsibilities.
That small statement had been drilled into him for as long as he could remember, and Logan was getting tired of it. One can only hear something - a thing meant to be a reason they can’t spend their time doing what they want to do - so many times before the words turn sour in their ears. And that milestone had been reached long before Logan got the news that he was meant to get married before his grandmother stepped down from the throne. She’d said something about how it was tradition in their kingdom that every person meant to take the throne had to be wed in order to strengthen the kingdom’s alliances with the surrounding kingdoms.
It made logical sense, for a marriage to be made as a form of political alliance, but that didn’t mean Logan was looking forward to it.
He sat through meeting after meeting deciding details for the ball that was being held this weekend so he could meet his potential brides, and as time pushed on and he got closer and closer to the day of the ball, Logan wanted nothing more than to escape. His days, rather than being spent actually paying attention to the preparations and dance lessons and information about each lady he was meant to meet, were filled with fantasies. He thought of slipping out of his bedroom window and climbing over the palace walls in the dead of night, while he was dancing with his instructor, his hand on her waist as he twirled her effortlessly around the ballroom. Of taking a trip into town and slipping away into a crowd, never to be seen again, while he picked which crystal glasses would be available for dinner.
It wasn’t the responsibilities that irked him, per se. Logan understood that running a kingdom, especially one as involved and large as theirs, was a difficult task, and he was more than prepared for meetings and public appearances and other tedious things. But when it came to marrying somebody… marrying a woman who he didn’t love… Logan wasn’t sure he could do it. He knew that he would have to. But he was dreading the day that he had to walk down the aisle and pledge himself, body and soul, to someone he didn’t love -- could never love.
The night of the ball came, and the ballroom was packed. Gentle music played by the band on the stage filled the hall, echoing over the marble, over the voices of people as they chattered.
Logan sat on his throne, taking a break from socializing with foreign diplomats and princesses and duchesses. He had never really been one for parties, and while he’d been dreading this one and the implications of it, he had to admit, even if only to himself, it was nice. He was having a nice time, all things considered.
That was, however, until he was approached by his grandmother and a man he recognized as the Duke of one of the three adjacent kingdoms.
“Your Highness,” the Duke said, bowing before Logan. He was an older man, a bit brutish but not altogether unpleasant. “Duke Samuel of Lailon. It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance.”
“Yours, as well,” Logan replied as Samuel stood. “I trust you’ve found everything to your liking this evening?”
Samuel nodded. “I have, thank you. I hope I can look forward to your attendance at our Festival of the Sun next month.”
“I was just having a wonderful conversation with Duke Samuel,” Logan’s grandmother began, and Logan felt a sinking feeling in his stomach, for a reason he didn’t fully understand. “Seeing as you’ve had such a hard time coming to a decision who you’ll wed, and Lailon is having a difficult time with their ongoing trade negotiations with--” Her words trailed off in Logan’s head, just more official chatter that all sort of blurred together. Despite the fact that he wasn’t listening anymore, the meaning behind her words wasn’t lost on him.
She had decided for him.
Now, not only did Logan have to get married before he was ready, but he wasn’t even able to choose who he married.
“--alright with you, your Highness” Samuel was saying when Logan started paying attention again. “I’d like to introduce you to my daughter, Lady Emilia of Lailon.” He gestured to a girl who looked about the same age as Logan, standing beside him.
Emilia curtsied, holding her skirts out of the way as she dipped down. She was beautiful, objectively speaking, with long mousy brown curls and a round face that showed a sort of innocence that Logan hadn’t seen in many people, her eyes bright and excited. She looked up at Logan with a smile. “It’s lovely to meet you, Your Highness.”
Smile, Logan.
He hated that he had to remind himself of the courtesy. He bowed his head in greeting, a small smile at his lips. “The pleasure is mine, Lady Emilia.” He took her hand and lifted it to his lips, pressing a soft kiss to her skin. “Perhaps you’d like to take a walk with me, so we can talk?”
Emilia’s cheeks flushed under her makeup, and she nodded. “I would like that very much.” She looked over to her father, who nodded in permission.
Logan offered an arm to Emilia, and she slipped her hand into his hold, resting her hand on the crook of his arm, and she let him lead her away from the ball. His guardian followed them at a distance, keeping an eye on them as chaperone but giving them a bit of privacy. Logan led Emilia outside, the cool night air chilling any exposed skin. While Logan was dressed in a nice suit, his skin covered from his neck down, Emilia’s shoulders, arms, and the curve of her bosom were bare, and she shivered in the night, goosebumps rising easily on her skin.
“Oh, I’m.. my apologies,” Logan said, correcting himself to be more formal. He unbuttoned his suit jacket and slipped it off, his shirt and vest underneath more than enough to keep him covered. He draped the jacket over Emilia’s shoulders, the fabric still warm from his body and smelling of the luxurious perfumes from his bath.
Emilia’s cheeks warmed and she smiled softly. “Thank you, Your Highness,” she mused, holding the jacket closed with one hand as the other found its way back into the crook of Logan’s arm. “It’s a lovely night tonight.”
Logan hummed softly and nodded, walking slowly and leisurely away from the palace, towards the garden. “So, Lady Emilia,” he mused as the two entered the garden. It was nice, with paths laid down in cobbled stone, between bushes of flowers and carefully pruned hedges. “Tell me about yourself.”
Logan and Emilia spent the better part of the evening talking, going over their hobbies and their future goals, talking about everything from favorite foods, to how holidays would be celebrated, to what the goals were for Heryn to help Lailon in their trade negotiations. By the time they said their goodbyes as Samuel came to fetch Emilia, Logan knew that he would marry her, even if he hadn’t been forced into it by Samuel and his grandmother. While he wasn’t attracted to Emilia, they did have quite a bit in common. She was easy to talk to, and she had had plenty of training in her upbringing that would make her a suitable queen alongside him.
He didn’t necessarily have to fall in love with her.
After Emilia left, Logan sat in the garden, his suit jacket resting on his lap as he stared into the fish pond, his eyes following the path of the fish as they swam. His guardian, who had watched him and Emilia from a distance the entire night, approached and stood at his side.
“Sire,” the older man said, his voice soft in the night. “You should come inside before the night catches you cold.”
Logan sighed softly, and didn’t respond for a bit -- maybe a little too long, but he couldn’t be sure. Eventually, he looked up from the fish pond, his eyes flickering to the man before returning to his favorite fish, a black-spotted koi he’d named Cow, and tracing its path once more. “How long is the Heryn courtship ritual?” he asked.
“Assuming you mean specifically in royals, after courtship begins, there is typically one month before betrothal, and then two more before marriage. You will wed Lady Emilia just in time before your coronation.”
He thought that Logan was worried he wouldn’t have time. The irony of that was almost enough to make Logan laugh. He didn’t have time. He only had three months before his life and future was set in stone even more than it had been since his birth.
“And the Lailon courtship ritual?” Maybe he could find some loophole. Maybe Lailon tradition stated that courtship was meant to last six months… a year, even. Logan could only hope to be so lucky.
“Courtship in Lailon lasts a fortnight among the royal family, and betrothal only one month. Seeing as Heryn’s traditions call for a longer courtship and betrothal, that is likely the tradition that will be kept in yours and Lady Emilia’s case.”
So much for that idea…
Logan sighed again, softly, and got up from his seat. “I’d like to retire to bed for the night, Willian. I’ll dress myself tonight, if that’s alright with you.”
Willian nodded, a small bow of his head. “Very well. I’ll walk you to your chambers, and leave you for the night.”
Logan slipped his suit jacket back on and buttoned it up, not wanting to be caught with a piece of his clothing draped over his arm instead of on his person, even if it was just a jacket. After he deemed himself presentable, Logan reentered the palace, and headed up the stairs to his chambers. He walked in silence, avoiding any of the servants and lingering guests who had been put up in the guest hall for the evening, and in no time at all, he found himself bidding goodnight to Willian and slipping into his chambers.
Logan’s room was one of the few places in the palace that he truly felt he could be himself. It was quiet here, and comfortable, with a fire crackling in the fireplace by the time he retired here each night. The smell of his perfumed bath this morning still lingered in the air, as he’d expressly instructed the servants not to open the windows, not wanting any of the papers on his desk to blow away in the wind.
He gathered his nightclothes and as he started undressing, his mind started wandering.
Logan was getting married. In three months, he would be pledging his heart and soul to a woman for the sake of his kingdom and hers. It was a noble reason for marriage, and he wished deep in his heart that he could accept that for his life. He wished that he didn’t feel the deep-seated hatred and dread for the very idea of marrying Emilia.
Perhaps it would be better if he took the path of his father, and simply abandoned the throne.
Once the idea sparked to life in his mind, there was no squashing it. No amount of avoidance or distraction would take the thought from his head, and as his fingers ghosted over the buttons of his vest, he found himself almost in a sort of trance.
He would abandon the throne…
It would be so simple.
Logan wouldn’t have to get married, wouldn’t have to take on the responsibilities of an entire kingdom before he was ready. Logically, he should have considered what would become of Heryn and of his grandmother if he left, but the thought never occurred to him.
After he was certain that nobody would enter his chambers, telling a passing maid that he wasn’t feeling well and required privacy for the night, Logan cracked open a window. And though he had nothing with him but the clothes left on his body, Prince Logan of Heryn slipped into the night.
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thegoldenduckie · 4 months
Fem Logan except the only thing different is that he likes women now
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Self-indulgent Logicality in Sarees
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d-c-it · 8 months
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She is gorgeous ur honor.
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nogender-chandlo · 7 days
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Transfem puppy girl Logan
She's a blue heeler (as suggested by my husband)
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bookloover35 · 9 months
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Virgil Sanders x fem reader-My emo boy.
Yns POV:
Hum what a wonderful morning I thought as I stretched out in my and my boyfriend Virgil's shared bed. Oh now I have completely forgotten to introduce myself. I'm Yn and I'm Thomas shyness. And yes I am with Virgil and I love him so much it hurts and I understand him we help each other when it gets too much.
I decided to try to get out of bed but felt two very familiar arms around me that stopped me. I managed to turn around and smile when I saw Virgil's sleeping form. Then I snuggled into his warm body it is a little strange he is always so cold but when he is with me he is so warm. Virgil is really the best boyfriend I could have wished for, yes he may have a little problem sometimes but can you blame him he is Thomas' anxiety. But I love him one then and he is so good at working on his problems with me.
I love him and he loves me. I looked up at his sleeping face he is so cute when he sleeps. He may be extremely handsome when he is awake but when he sleeps then he is cute. I decided to start kissing him around his face and I could see him smiling but he had not really opened his eyes yet. Then I kissed him on the lips and then I felt him put his hand against my cheek and kissed me back. After our lips separately, he opened his eyes and with a smile.
Virgil: Good morning baby, have you slept well.
Omg that voice. Virgil's voice in the morning always makes me knee weak. I looked at him and smiled then I gave him another kiss then I answered.
Yn: Good morning Virgie I have slept wonderfully you?
Virgil: Ugh I do not like that nickname but yes I have also slept wonderfully.
I laughed at him and cuddled into him again I know he actually likes that nickname but only when I say it. This is the best I know that just lying and cuddling with Virgil I do not want to leave his side today. Wish we could just stay like this all day.
Knock Knock!!!
Hum Wondering who it might be?
Patton: Hello Kiddos good morning just wanted to tell you that breakfast is ready if you are interested.
I smiled when I heard it was Patton. Breakfast sounded really good right now I'm pretty hungry. I heard Virgil shout to Patton that we'll be down soon. But I do not want to leave the bed and I do not want to stop cuddling with Virgil.
Virgil: Baby what do you say if we just have a cozy day today and stay in bed and just cuddle and watch movies. Would you like it.
Yn: Yes please.
Virgils POV:
I laughed at her she is so heavenly sweet I kissed her on the forehead then I got up and picked up my sweater which was on the floor. I ignored switching to regular jeans because I'm just going to go down and get breakfast. Then I can just as easily go down in my pajama pants. When I turned around, I saw my wonderful girlfriend and saw that she looked a little sad. oh no what happens i did something stupid. I started to panic a bit.
Virgil: B_baby What is it have i done something.
Yn: Where are you going. Would we not stay in bed today.
Does she have to scare me so I smiled at her and giggled then I went to bed and took her in my arms. Then I kissed her and when we separated I told her.
Virgil: Yes, we're going to baby, but I'm just going to go down to the kitchen and get some breakfast. You're hungry, aren 't you?
She nodded to me and said a little yes then she gave me a kiss on the cheek and then lay down in bed again and hugged my pillow. So cute and I can not believe she's mine.
(Jumpskip in the kitchen)
Virgil: Morning.
Patton: Good morning Kiddo.
Logan: Morning.
Patton: But wait a minute where is Yn, she's okay. She's not sick, is she?
Virgil:Patton breathe YN is okay she's fine. We'll have a quiet day today.
Patton: Awwwww Soooooo Cuuuuuuuute!!!!!
Logan:Okay take it easy Patton it's okay Virgil but remember that when Roman and Thomas come home we'll make a new video.
Virgil: Okey.
(Jumpskip again sorry not sorry).
Virgil: Baby wake upp breakfast.
Yns POV:
Huh I must have fallen asleep. I sat up and rubbed my eyes, and when my eyes had adjusted to the light, and there I saw my nice boyfriend next to the bed with a tray of breakfast.
Virgil: Was it nice to have a little nap?
Yn: It was but there is someone missing next to me.
Virgils POV:
Oh god how cute she is I laughed at what she said then I put the tray aside then I took off my sweater and threw it on the floor. Then I lay in bed next to her side and said.
Virgil:I must make up for it then,
Come here baby.
Yns POV:
He smiled at me and kept his arms open for me. I giggled at him and crawled up to his arms then I gave him a kiss on the lips. Then I put my head on his chest and I felt him put his arms around me. Here I feel safe in his arms. I felt my eyes start to go out again but quickly opened them again because I just remembered the breakfast.
Yn: Virge what about breakfast?
Virgil:It can wait right now I just want to cuddle with my Baby.
I smiled at him and said nothing more I cuddled more into him. Just when I had fallen asleep, he whispered to me (I love you, thank you for being there). And yet I could only think of one thing. No, it's me to thank you for being there, I love you.
My Sweet Emo Boy.
And believe me that breakfast was completely forgotten.
Patton: Omg Logan come and check.
When Logan came, I held a finger and told him to be as quiet as he could. He looked at me strangely so I pointed into Virgil's room and told him to look towards the bed. Virgil held Yn in her arms and hid her face in her hair and they both lay asleep.
Patton:Come on you have to admit that the two of them are absolutely cute with each other.
Logan: Yes Patton I have to admit they are very sweet with each other.
I took out my mobile and took pictures of them, then we left the turtle doves alone. I have to show this picture later to Roman and Thomas.
The end.
Omg the cuteness overloud.
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monkeythefander · 9 months
Below are some of my Fem-Sides Headcannons
AN: Names of the sides
Logan: Logan
Virgil: Vigilia (Nickname: Vi)
Roman: Romy
Remus: Reem
Janus: Janna
Patton: Patli (Nickname: Pat)
Thomas: Tommi
• Logan used to only wear her hair in a ponytail. She wanted to keep it out of her face since she found it distracting when she worked. Romy constantly complained that Logan’s hair style was boring, and Logan got tired of the complaining. Logan goes to Patli’s room to ask for hair style advice since Pat is constantly putting her hair up in different styles. Pat introduced Logan to space buns and added little star hair clips. “Since you really like space, I thought this style would suit you” Patli said with a smile. Logan looked at herself in the mirror and quickly fell in love with the hairstyle. She has worn her hair like that ever since.
• Reem used to have really long hair but she didn’t really brush it and take care of it well. Janna got tired of having to help Reem brush out the knots when her hair got really tangled and suggested that Ree should cut her hair short. Reem immediately agreed and Jan helped with the hair cut.
• As kids, Romy and Reem would play dress up together. Romy would wear a Disney princess outfit and Reem would dress as a Disney villain.
• Back when Vi was a Darkside, she and the others would have horror movie nights and paint each others’ nails afterwards to calm down after the film. After being accepted by the light sides, Vi discovers Patli and Romy paint each others nails too. They offer to paint Vi’s nails for her, but the idea of anyone else doing this activity with her feels wrong.
• In terms of appearances, Romy and Reem both wear sparkly skirts with off the shoulder shirts. Romy’s emblem is on her shirt’s breast pocket and Reem’s is on the back of her skirt. Their skirts have pockets because everyone deserves pockets.
• Romy’s hair goes past her shoulders and is very soft. She puts it up into a messy bun whenever she goes on a quest in the imagination.
• Logan wears a polo shirt and pants. She wears her signature tie and glasses still and her emblem is still on her shirt.
• Patli wears a light blue dress with white shorts and a cardigan around her shoulders. She also wears white socks that have cat ears at the top of them. The light blue dress has little daisies on it. She wears her hair in pigtails or braids.
• Janna wears a black dress that goes a bit past her knees. She also has a yellow scarf she wears around her neck because she gets cold easily. Her hair goes up to her shoulders. She still wears her signature bowler hat.
• Vi wears a beanie, light purple t-shirt, ripped black jeans, a black patched up hoodie. Her hair is also short and she has side bangs to cover one of her eyes.
• Vi has a collection of fidget rings because Logan gets her a new one on her birthday each year. Vi’s grateful she’ll always have one to fidget with.
• Logan gets a new tie every birthday from Vi. Vi has Romy help her design and make the ties. When Reem discovers this gift tradition she decides to make Logan a bow tie. Reem puts little morning star images on the bow tie so Logan will be reminded of who made the bow tie every time she wears it.
If you’re interested in any more fem-sides headcannons let me know. I’ll probably post a second part for this list if I come up with any new ones.
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sagesparrow394 · 2 years
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It’s @loceitweek2022 and I decided I had to take part at least one of the days. So for day 5, I decided to create a good ol’ Sun and Moon AU. These space deities are lesbians, good for them
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