#ficscafe royalty drabble event
ichorai · 3 years
bloody blue ; k.th
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pairing ; prince!artist!taehyung x muse!reader
summary ; in which you can't stay still for taehyung's painting and you're afraid you've been dancing for far too long.
words ; 1k
warnings / includes ; angst, artsy tae, mentions of symbolic blood, my pathetic attempts at poetry :D
a/n ; this fic is written for the royalty drabble event @ficscafe is holding !! im kinda lovin the aesthetics of this drabble OOMF !! huge thanks to @kireiwoo and @gyukult and @subways-stuff for hyping me up, i love them sm :(
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“Stay still, my love,” he whispered softly, scrutinizing you with a soft gaze before darting his dark irises back towards the canvas. There was a dried smudge of aegean blue streaking across the expanse of his cheekbone, the same tint coating the paint brush’s bristles. The flaky pigment was a stark contrast to his peach-hued lips, slightly parted in the midst of his hazy concentration. His tongue pressed against the side of his cheek, brows furrowed.
Despite his gentle reminder, you shifted in your spot once more. There was an itch on your shoulder blade, no doubt due to the scratchy mauve fabric laying loosely over your intricately-positioned frame. Your dress glimmered under the clementine flames flickering above dribbling candlesticks, casting a warm honey-light over your skin. The dark, elongated shadows splayed across the marble floors danced with your every fidget, resulting in Taehyung's frustrated huff.
“Your Majesty,” you mumbled, arching your stiff spine, an uncomfortable grimace twisting your features. “Can we take a break? Just for five minutes, please. I don’t think I could stand staying still any longer.”
After a final stroke of paint against the coarse fibres of the canvas, Taehyung pauses and places the brush back into its tankard of water. Dissipating curls of cerulean spun away from the bristles, staining the water a faint aquamarine.
Silently, he pushed himself off of the velvet stool, approaching you with long footsteps. You watched with bated breath, tilting your head upwards to meet his indiscernible stare.
“Why do you look scared, dove?” His words were tender, almost hesitant. His spindly fingers reached out to push your chin upwards, cradling your jaw as if you were a fragile piece of glass.
With a subtle frown quirking your lips downward, you moved your face away from his grasp, crossing your arms over your chest.
“Is this all I am to you?” You muttered, shocking Taehyung enough into kneeling beside you. He smelled far too strongly of flower gardens and cinnamon ciders. “A pretty thing to put on display?”
“You know that’s not true,” he replied in a mildly offended tone, as if the very notion of diminishing you to only your looks was abhorrent. “I love you. Why else would I be painting you?”
Unwilling to meet his pleading eyes, your sharp tongue formed words the both of you knew were far from the truth. You were afraid that if you so much as glanced at him, you’d melt right into his arms, like wax around a wick. “My prince,” you sighed out, lifting a hand to pinch between your brows. “I’m only here to be your muse - an inkling of your inspiration. Nothing more, nothing less. We can’t be in love. Nobody even knows about us. You don’t want them to know about us.”
“Must love be announced to the world for it to be of any significance? You know better than that, darling.” Though he still spoke softly, you couldn’t help but feel as if you were being scolded. You were tired of this dangerous waltz. It was time to retire into the night, before your feet started bleeding.
You recoiled from his touch, as if the very sensation of his skin on yours was enough to burn. You wouldn’t be surprised if there were scorch marks on your arm.
There was a heavy silence that laid between you. Your shadows molded into one dark figure, looming and twisted, mirroring the queer feeling that tied your stomach into knots.
Finally, you angled your face towards your Prince. There was a tentative kind of despair hidden in the depths of his expressive coffee-tinted irises, almost as if he knew what you were about to say next. Tendrils of Taehyung’s overgrown hair fell into his eyes, but he impatiently batted them away.
“Don’t go, Y/N. I need you.” His pretty hands held onto you, but his grip loosened with every passing second. There seemed to be tears pricking the corners of his eyes, but you paid that no mind. No point in making this more painful than it needed to be.
Without warning, Taehyung wrapped his arms around you, brushing his nose against the nape of your neck. He breathed in your warm scent of faint rosewater and honeyed tea. You could feel his heart thumping against his ribcage, not unlike a frantic bird trapped in its cage.
“Is this farewell then, Your Majesty?”
Your words fell on deaf ears. Taehyung pulled away from your collarbones, only to dip down once more to capture your lips with his, one last time. Screwing your eyes shut, you leaned into him. He was crying, and you were still. It had always been like this. Taehyung would throw his emotions across a canvas in the form of colorful blends and portraits, and you would watch from the side. After all, he was never in love with you. He was only in love with the image you portrayed.
“I love you,” he whispered, just loud enough for you to pick up. It hurt you to admit that he was starting to sound like a broken record. With the tears running down his cheeks, the aegean blue smothered along the side of his face now dripped in a watery blue mess all over his face.
A small, non-committal hum escaped your throat.
You placed a hand flat against his chest, the fabric of his tunic crinkling under your palm. For a second, Taehyung seemed hopeful, as if you would keep dancing with him beneath the moon and stars.
But your feet were already starting to bleed.
“Goodbye, Taehyung,” were the last words you could manage to say, rushing to press a chaste kiss to his forehead before gathering the scratchy mauve fabric of your dress, bolting away from the Prince you broke.
He didn’t know it, but his feet were bleeding, too.
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yuzukult · 3 years
grapefruits & cranberries || kth & reader
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title: grapefruits & cranberries pairing: kim taehyung & reader genre: royalty!au, prince!taehyung, guardsdaughter!reader, romance, unrequited love word count: 1,237
a/n: @ficscafe royal drabble event! :) hope you guys enjoy. (yes,.... i know the other tae fic is supposed to be called no blueberries)...... also thanks @jin-fizz and @masterninjacow for being my beta readers :)
She’s a glimpse of heaven.
Taehyung calls her a beauty, but without the beast. He wants to be the Prince Charming to her Cinderella; to be the man that could deliver her dreams on a silver platter with heartfelt eyes that were disguised with chocolate swirls as orbs to camouflage his veracious feelings.
But unfortunately, there’s an apparent line. 
She’s sixth in line to her kingdom, but if she were to be his, she'd be next on the throne as queen in his very own. He wonders what she smells like if he could stand up close, possibly a mixture of apricots and clementines, she’d be all things sweet, just like that saccharine laugh that escapes from her petal soft lips. 
However the moment he gains Rose’s attention, the girl who is just like her name, delicate and pretty, they build a relationship that he finds unexpecting. She confides in him about many things, such as her goals and aspirations, and her favorite forbidden indulgences. Taehyung realizes how much he has in common with this Angel, only falling more in love with each encounter. He often gazes at her longingly, lids heavy with desire to be hers, but one day when she finally trusts him, she confesses something she’s prohibited, something that Taehyung never anticipates. 
Rosé finds love in only women.
He guesses he has too much in common with her. 
Life doesn’t go as planned, and Taehyung is truly heartbroken by this revelation. Through his lenses, they’re not rose-colored anymore, rather faded to dull grey, fogging his vision with nothing but pure sadness. She’s the girl of his dreams, or so he claims, but she will never be his.
You don’t smell sweet.
On the contrary, a scent of bitterness lingers over your skin like a ghost who haunts his dreams. You’re that cloud of darkness, pouring rain that hovers over his head on a bad day. Thunder roars and the lightning cracks, how you snap with a fiery response when he says something ignorant, he’ll never quite understand what goes on through that thick skull of yours. 
“I’m needed at the castle. Your father said you’re more than capable of escorting me.”
Taehyung hates asking a woman to accompany him as a protector and not as a date. It’s strange when you dip your head slightly, obeying a request without reluctance: he’s used to your sharp tongue.
“May I ask what’s got you so down? You’re usually very… curt.” 
The brisk air blows through your dark locks, cascading in the direction of the wind like waterfalls that Taehyung had descried during his adventures into the depths of the forests. He doesn’t know when it starts but he’s drawn to your ways, although never conventional, he finds comfort in that.
“I’m fine, your royal highness,” you respond. And though it’s usually through your gritted teeth, in this occurrence, he’s met with lips that resemble cotton. “Just having a rough day is all. Is the Queen setting you up for a potential wife?”
“You’re familiar with mother’s tactics by now,” he says with a charming chuckle, smooth and thick as honey. It’s no wonder he’s enamored by many. “But she’s doing it because she wants the best for me.”
Abruptly halting in your steps, your boots kick the dirt and Taehyung nearly topples onto you from behind. The exhausted scuffs and discoloration of the leather validates the maturity of your shoes, in vast contrast to the squid ink authentic leather oxfords he sports that were purchased just yesterday morning. 
Taehyung’s brows furrowed. “I was being kind before. I demand an answer to what’s going through your mind.”
With a father appointed as Chief Security Officer of the Royal Guard, you’re not permitted to showcase any vulnerabilities, especially not in front of the prince. Fear was a luxury that a person of your position couldn’t afford. 
But being around Taehyung leaves you feeling on edge. 
It’s frightful yet safe in unison. Being with him is like standing on a tightrope, above thousands of feet off the ground, seconds from death. It’s similar to rainy days, cold and wet, but with the warmth of a blanket over your shoulders as you cosily find home at the end of the couch, warm cup of tea in your thawing hands. 
“I—” Your expression contorts into sourness, as if the response is pungent to your taste buds like the juices of lemons. It’s a command, what he asks, and it’s an obligation to truthfully answer. It’s a crime to dishonor direct orders from the Prince. “Does it bother you, your highness, that you will not be marrying for love?”
He tilts his head, fluffy chestnut locks brushing over his retinas. “I’ve been in love before, if that’s what you’re asking. Dear Rosé had informed me that I wasn’t… who she was looking for.”
You wave him off. “She’s into women. I understand that. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t someone on her route—she’d been interested in me.”
Taehyung’s jaw drops, unable to squeak a word out.
“I meant… doesn’t it feel like a burden to not be able to wed the one you love?” 
Scrunching up his nose, he’s unsure what you mean. How could someone like you, so valorous, blunt, and calloused, express fragility that you inhabit because Taehyung isn’t acquainted with this sight. “Well, not really.”
“Would you like me to help you plan an escape, your highness?”
His eyes widened. “Oh—what, no! No, I’m perfectly fine. What has gotten into you?”
When you turn your head, you take a moment to take in a sharp breath of the fresh air. The bustling of the branches and the leaves of the trees fill the silence between the two of you, and Taehyung is left befuddled. 
He’s still adjusting to the idea of a woman, although history itself has repeated the characteristics of strong females, possessing such courageous qualities. But you radiate it so effortlessly that he finds himself floating, infatuated with the way you stare ahead so sternly, focused only with the task at hand.
“Because maybe—” You start off combatively, almost like you’re bringing a gun to a sword fight before susurrating, “—maybe, I’m the one in love with you.” Sighing, those dainty fingers rake through the loosened strands. “And I guess… for a second, I thought you’d reciprocate those feelings, your highness.” 
In shock, Taehyung’s soles are practically sunken into the soil. He feels like a tree stump, roots weaving through the abyss of the Earth, hesitant of what to say next.
Perhaps that bitterness is actually bittersweet. The cloud of obscurity that previously stormed on his parade was mistaken for the warmth of the fireplace on those days, settled on a rug on the floor, simply nestling underneath the arms of a loved one with brewed tea and biscuits. There’s no apricots or clementines, maybe grapefruits and cranberries instead. You’re like a nostalgic memory, the kind that you’d love to relive on a loop, but the toughness of your personality is often confused with acrimony. 
There may be a sliver of a chance that he could mirror your love. But before he could respond, he is met with the view of your backside, with a hand resting on the hilt of your sword that remains sheathed in its scabbard. 
“We must leave, your highness. I promise not to bring up the topic in discussions anymore.”
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carat-archive · 3 years
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➝ prompt: 
“You know, I was thinking of kissing you, but now I’m not gonna.”
“Well, I suppose I have to kiss you, then.” 
➝ pairing: prince!kevin x gn!reader
➝ genre: fluff, angst
➝ themes & tropes: royalty au, secret relationship(?)
➝ warnings: none
➝ word count: 466
➝ notes: i’ve been watching the irregulars and these two lines have not left my mind since. i know i said that under all this would be the last piece i posted before i move blogs sometime over the summer, but i lied. this was also written for @ficscafe’s royalty drabble event! special thanks to @wonwooslibrary​ for beta-reading this and helping me come up with a title 💖
➝ tagging: @haechanblr​
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He meets you on the bridge next to the pub, like he does most nights. He hasn’t even bothered to wear a suitable disguise tonight, his court garb still visible underneath an oversized coat, and his sketchbook is noticeably absent from his side. 
He looks like one of those runaway princes from the storybooks, stealing away from the palace to woo his beloved—a star-crossed love for the ages. 
(Kevin may be a runaway prince, but your lives are nothing like the storybooks.)
“What are you running from this time?” you ask, staring down at the streets beneath you. 
“Nothing new,” he shrugs. “Another dinner, another banquet, another ball. They all start to blur together after a while.” He pauses, taking the time to study your features, an artist studying his subject. “You’re very different from anyone I’ve ever met.” 
“What do you mean?” 
“You have something about you.”
“And I take it you won’t tell me what it is?” 
“That would take the mystery out of it,” he teases, winking in your direction. 
You purse your lips, letting out an exasperated breath. “You know,” you start, turning to face him. “I was thinking of kissing you, but now I’m not gonna.” 
Kevin’s eyes widen almost imperceptibly. If it weren’t for the catch in his breath, you would have missed it. He briefly glances at your lips before his eyes flicker down to his hands, the tips of his ears suddenly red. 
“Well, I suppose I have to kiss you, then,” he mumbles. 
And he does. 
First, it’s a featherlight brush of his lips against yours, as if it’s his first and last chance to do so. When you don’t pull away, he places a hand on the back of your neck, drawing you deeper into the kiss. You grab the front of his jacket, pulling him into the shadows until your back is scraping against the brick wall of the pub, his hands settling on your hips. You only kiss him harder as your hands start to wander over the fabric of his shirt, fingers bumping against elaborate buttons, tracing patterns onto his skin. 
You’re interrupted by the sound of a bell tolling nearby, signaling the late hour. Dread pools in your stomach as Kevin pulls away from you, his eyes apologetic. Pressing his forehead against yours, he whispers, “Meet me back here in two hours.” 
You nod silently, feeling a tightness in your chest as a part of you wonders when he’ll wake up from this dream, when he’ll return to reality and realize that the comforts of the palace remain far superior to whatever fleeting escape he may find in the twisting city streets—far superior to whatever he has with you. 
And yet, despite all your doubts, you’ll wait for him. 
You always do.
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escapewriter · 3 years
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until we meet again
request : prince!seungkwan x thief!reader where the king is neglecting the kingdom so reader and atz/skz members form a crew that reader is the leader of that steals unnecessary stuff from the palace so food and stuff can be bought from other kingdoms and y’all are basically keeping the kingdom alive. but reader gets caught by seungkwan one night and almost gets executed cuz he doesn’t believe reader abt the state the kingdom is in, but opens his eyes later. angst and fluff pls! tyty
pairing : prince!seungkwan x thief!reader
genre : fluff, humor, slight angst
type : oneshot
wc : 3.1k (3100)
warnings : stealing, mentions of execution
main masterlist || svt written masterlist
requests are closed
a/n : this is me killing two birds with one stone. i finish a request along with participating in the royal themed writing event for ficscafe. i hope you all enjoy this, i really liked writing this!
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You wait silently behind a bush, keeping an eye out for the signal. Watching carriages and wagons pass by and into the gates of the palace, you hear a crunch behind you. You turn your head, watching Jisung munch on an apple, the savory juice trickling down his chin as he hums in content. “Where the hell did you get that?”
He looks at you, shifting in his squatting position before holding the apple out towards you. “Want a bite?”
Your eyes shifted to the market behind him, seeing a display of apples before narrowing your focus back on Jisung. “I can not believe you stole food from them, do you know how hard it is to make money?” Watching him shrug you turn back around to wait for the signal.
“Okay, but we take from the palace all the time, it’s not like this is any different.” You rolled your eyes, spotting Wooyoung a few feet down the dirt road with his wagon.
“Yeah, but the palace has riches that they keep to themselves. Out here, on the other side of these gates, everyone is trying to survive.” You see Hongjoong peak out of the bush on the other side of the dirt road, blanket in his hand. “Jisung, get ready.”
You both get in a better position, bags secured tightly around your shoulder. Wooyoung arrives at the first checkpoint before the gates. He patiently answers the guards questions before they check the items hidden under the tarp. He looks at Hongjoong, giving him the cue. Hongjoong stands up, walking to a campfire close by, and lets the blanket catch on fire. He yells, running up to the guards, distracting them from checking the wagon as he screams for water and help.
Woonyoung pushes the wagon forward and sends you the signal. You grab Jisung, tugging him along as the tarp on top of the wagon opens for you both. “Welcome!” You smack Hyunjin’s head, telling him to be quiet as the three of you wait for Wooyoung’s next signal.
The wagon came to an abrupt stop. All bags were full of treasures from the palace that were to be sold to other kingdoms for the sake of restoring the kingdom the King has been neglecting. Crops and other resources that were used to survive have not been shipped to the kingdom for half a year, which is what led to the formation of you, Jisung, Wooyoung, Hyunjin, and Hongjoong. The five of you sneak into the palace, taking various items that seem worth hundreds so you could sell them to gain money to pay for the shipment of cloth, pottery, and crops. It wouldn’t have been this way if the King simply looked after his kingdom.
You stepped out of the wagon and into the hut you shared with the other four. Placing all three bags on the table, you watch Hongjoong sort out all the jewels into separate piles. Wooyoung emerged from the doorway, sitting at the table Hongjoong was at. “You know the three of you almost got caught, right?” You rolled your eyes, a small smile making its way onto your face.
“Yeah, but we didn’t. Plus it was worth it,” you picked up a ring, “if I didn’t take the risk, I wouldn’t have gotten this precious jewel.” You examined the ring, deciding to keep it as a souvenir for the adventures you’ve made with your friends.
“Yeah, but Wooyoung’s right,” you look down at Hyunjin who sat on the floor next to the table as he played with a golden tablecloth, “it was really risky with how far you went.” You sighed, not being able to defend yourself before Hongjoong spoke.
“How far did they go?”
“The Princes’ room.” You smack Jisung on the arm for ratting you out, only receiving a wince then a shrug in return.
Hongjoong said your name in a warning tone, “you better watch yourself. You go too far, you may not come out and we won’t be able to save you.”
“I know Hongjoong, I’m the one that enforced these precautions.”
Clearly, you should have listened to those precautions more because here you were, hiding in the closet of the kingdom’s Prince.
Your breathing was staggered as you cupped your hand over your mouth. The rest of the guys should be gone by now, but since it was Hongjoong leading the mission that week, he would be too stubborn to leave. You bite your lower lip in hopes that the prince doesn’t enter the room. Unfortunately, luck wasn’t on your side as you heard the stomps of multiple feet enter the room.
“Vernon, you have to help me find it,” your eyes widened, the hand covering your mouth attempting to muffle any that could potentially escape, “I swear, the last time I saw it was on my dresser.”
“Seungkwan, I promise you that it’s okay if you lost your ring, we can always buy a replacement.” You swallowed, mind racing back to the ring that was currently sitting on your table back at home.
“A replacement isn’t the same, I need to find it. You gonna help me or do you have other things?” The floor began to creak, the weight walking past the closet before a sigh was heard. “Where the hell could I have put it?”
“I’ll help you later, my mom needs my help in the kitchen. Let me know if you find it.” You heard footsteps leave the room and the door close. You don’t know what the ring is worth and why it’s so important to this Seungkwan guy, but if you got home, maybe you can find out.
Or not because the second the doors to the closet opened and yours eyes connected, you immediately jumped up, trying to cover the mouth of the man in front of you as you tackled him to the floor. In attempts to calm him down, your mind failed to think that this guy is the Prince and probably knows how to defend himself.
He quickly locks both your left arm and leg and immediately flips you over so he’s on top. Your eyes full of fear as he pins your arms to the sides of your body. He narrows his eyes, staring deeply into yours before turning into a sharp glare. “Who are you?” You don’t answer, but instead look to the side, trying to think of some way to escape. “Are you not going to answer me?”
“Well you can probably guess what I do.”
“Sarcastic one, aren’t you. Trust me, you do not want to be on my bad side.”
You don’t know what took over you at that moment, but you just became a new person. “Believe me then, your highness, you’re already on my bad side.”
You woke up strapped to a chair in a cold room. The small window with the moon shining through was your only form of light. You don’t even remember how you ended up there after telling the Prince that he was on your bad side. And honestly, he should know that the whole kingdom is growing more hatred towards the royal family.
The screeching noise of the metal door took you away from your thoughts as you saw the Prince come into the room with a small candle. He sets it down on the table, eyes trained on you, waiting for any movement as if you weren’t chained on the chair. “So, thief, are you going to tell me why you were in the castle?”
“I’m a thief, why else would I be there?”
He scoffs, leaning against the wall. “You do realize that I can have you executed, right?” You thought for a moment, a little fear rising but pushed it to the back of your head. You shrugged at him. “You’re not scared?”
You shifted in your seat, thinking about what to say, or maybe what any of the guys would say if they were in this situation. Jisung would probably cry, Hyunjin would look away out of nervousness, and both Wooyoung and Hongjoong would be stubborn and refuse to speak. But what would you say? “No not really.”
“Well, you should be! I can have you killed at any moment!”
You looked around the cell you were in, the unimpressed look clearly evident on your face, “Yeah,” you humed, waiting for any sign of death machine, but you had this feeling that he could never kill you and you don’t know why, “you’re not gonna kill me, are you?”
“You have my ring! I know you do!” He whined, catching you by surprise as he stomped his foot. “You’re not leaving here until you tell me where you put it.” He furrowed his eyebrows, sitting on the chair next to the table. Your lips formed a straight line. What’s the deal with this ring anyway?
“I won’t tell you where your ring is until you tell your dad that the entire kingdom is dying.” His eyebrows shot up, a disbelief scoff escaping his mouth.
“Our kingdom isn’t dying.” He folds his arms and looks away from you, frustration evident in his actions as he clenches his jaw.
“Dude, any tools, cloth, crops, and other necessities needed haven't been shipped here for half a year,” you look down, trying to contain your emotions as you thought about how everyone has been struggling to just get out of bed in the morning, “why do you think I steal from the palace? Because then I can sell it just to use the money to pay for the shipment of the things that your kingdom needs. I shouldn’t be the one to do it.”
He sighs loudly, slowly turning around and clapping his hands. “I applaud you. That was some acting and a great lie. Our kingdom is perfectly fine,” he walks closer to you and leans down, face inches away from yours, “you have no idea what you’re talking about.” He stands up and laughs, picking up the candle from the desk before heading towards the door.
“Then I guess you’ll never get your precious ring back.” He stops momentarily in hesitation, but ignores you and continues to exit the cell.
Seungkwan sat on his bed, his mind racing on whether or not the information you’ve told him was true. It couldn’t be because if the castle got supplies, shouldn’t the rest of the kingdom get supplies too? He rubbed his temples as he fell back on his back, groaning in frustration. The door to his room opened with a creak, standing at the doorway was Vernon.
“What’s up with you?” Vernon walks in, taking a seat next to his best friend. “Still can’t find your ring? I’m telling you, the guys won’t care if you get it replaced, I mean, this castle is huge and it’s easy to lose things here.”
“It’s not that this time,” Seungkwan sat up, “it’s just,” he pauses, debating on whether or not he can ask Vernon, “what if I’m not a good King?” He watches Vernon scoff and look away.
“No offense to your dad or anything, but trust me, you’ll be a way better King than him.” Seungkwan tilts his head, confused as to what his friend was talking about. “You don’t know?” Vernon looks into his eyes, surprised that his friend doesn’t know what has been going on. “Your dad is a selfish coward. The people in his kingdom are dying because he won’t pay the shipment of the crops they need to survive.” Seungkwan looks down at his hands and plays with his fingers, you were right. “The payment increased by a few pieces of gold, but the man is greedy, as if he doesn’t have a whole castle.”
“How do you know about this Vernon?”
Vernon places a hand on Seungkwan’s shoulder, a small smile on his lips. “We may be best friends and have grown up together, but I’m still a peasant and in the lower class that works for your family. I have to go out the gates to get resources for my family because we’re not allowed to eat the food in the kitchen,” he pauses, patting Seungkwan’s back as a form of comfort, “if you went out there, you’d see how bad it is.
Seungkwan stood in front of the gate to the castle, watching all the people scurry by and the wagons pass by. He looks around, seeing markets have a low supply of food, children who have barely any coverage of clothing, and some huts falling apart as men try to repair them. His heart feels heavy at the sight, his emotions going crazy as he thought about how the people are feeling. Is he on their bad side just like how he is with you?
“Sir! Sir!” He watches a young man walk pass a market, dark circles evident under his eyes as he turns around to face the owner. “Do you know when the next shipment will come in? You and your group have been doing so much for everyone, but we haven’t gotten any new supplies in a few weeks”
The man looks down, sorrow and regret on his face. “Unfortunately, Mister, we don’t have enough money yet. It’s been hard as we have lost a member, but please, try to wait a little longer.”
Lost a member? You? Seungkwan’s feet took him towards the man who was walking away. He placed his hand on his shoulder. “Excuse me,” the man turns to look at him, his eyes scanning Seungkwan who has covered his whole face besides his eyes, “I can help with the rest of the payment.”
Your head lolled to the side, a sigh escaping your mouth as you tried to sleep in the uncomfortable position. Your eyes shot open as a man cleared his throat. You slowly moved your head up as you watched the silhouette open the door. “So I’m guessing you’re the reason Seungkwan has gone out the gates of the palace?” You didn’t know what to say, mainly because you had no idea what this man was talking about. “Or maybe I encouraged him a bit, but it was unintentional at least.”
He walks up to you, a clunking noise coming from his hand, “I’m Vernon by the way,” he lifts up a string of keys and begins to unlock you from your chair, “if you have his ring, please give it back,” he holds his hand up with the same exact ring on his pinky, “it’s a friendship ring we have with some of our other friends.”
You nod your head, ignoring what he said and rubbed your wrists once they were free. “Why did he go out there?”
Vernon shrugged, looking out the small window of the cell, “to see for himself.” He holds his hand out, helping you stand. “Seungkwan has got to pick a better place than the wine cellar, he knows I go in here.” He stops you from leaving, “I’ll let you go after you eat. Mom always told me to feed visitors.”
You opened the door to the small hut, a breath of relief escaping your lips as you saw your four best friends together at the table. Immediately, you were surrounded and engulfed into a big group hug. It was nice, the feeling of home and back to the way things were. The only difference was that everything won’t be back to where they were because the Prince will freak out now that you have been set free. Part of you wants to go back and maybe talk him into making some change, but you couldn’t focus on that.
“Now that you’re back safe, we have some news.” You sat on the chair, looking at Wooyoung, who signaled to Hongjoong.
“Earlier today, I was approached by a man who said he could help pay for the shipment. We told him what we do, which I know was probably a bad idea, but he gave us payment that would last probably two years.” Part of you wanted to believe it was Seungkwan because no man living in the kingdom had that much money unless they lived behind the gates, so you just thought it was a traveler.
“That’s great news!”
Jisung took his seat next to you, “We thought they…” You snorted, thinking back to the night before and Seungkwan’s paranoia.
“They couldn’t even if they tried.” You look to your room, excitement bubbling in your chest as you couldn’t wait to sleep on your bed. However, your conscience echoed Vernon’s words in your head. “I’ll be back, I have to return something.”
You heard the boys calling for you, telling you to not go as you went to your room to retrieve the ring. “Gosh, shouldn’t you have learned your lesson by now?”
You grinned at Hyunjin, “you know I never do.”
You went through the back of the garden where Vernon escorted you out. There weren’t any guards there, for no one had known about this area of the palace. Hopping the gate, you walked to the door of the kitchen and peaked through the window. The lights were turned off, the full moon as the only source that illuminates the room. You heard someone clear their throat behind you, deja vu hitting once again. Turning around, you were met with Seungkwan, behind him was Vernon smirking and walking away.
“I can’t believe he let you leave— no, I can’t believe he fed you and let you leave.” He glared hard at you, to which you rolled your eyes.
“Well you’re not the best host,” you took a step forward, eyes focusing on him, “but I wasn’t the best guest either.” You played with the ring in your pocket as you looked at his hands that were missing a ring. “I forgot to bring my gift before entering your home,” you cautiously walked up to him, took his hand in yours and placed the ring on his pinky finger.
His eye scanned yours, the moonlight capturing your features perfectly. He never looked at you like this, nor has he ever seen you in this light. You’re astonishing.
Smiling softly, you let go of his hand, “thank you for paying for the shipment,” you took a step back, bowing, “your highness.” He looked at you with a hint of guilt in his eyes, but before he could say anything, you were walking away. You turned your head as you were about to hop the gate, “until we meet again!”
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jeonqquk · 3 years
what did you think ; pjm
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-pairing: jimin x reader -genre/tags: royalty!au | angst | forced marriage | cheating? but not like accidental or on purpose | 0 plot -rating: 13+ -wc: 995 words -notes: this is a drabble for @ficscafe's drabble event!
-summary: forced marriages almost never worked out for anyone. so what made your parents think that it would for you and park jimin?
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“Do you, Kang Y/n, take Park Jimin as your lawfully wedded husband?” the priest asks with a calm voice, and you gulp harshly before nodding, not once meeting your husband’s eyes. You know he’s smiling, the energy he’s giving off is overwhelming but you know it’s all fake. Jimin doesn’t love you, nor is he happy about the wedding, but having been born into one of the most powerful royal families came with its share of responsibilities and restraints.
“I do.” and you almost cry right then and there. As soon as the words leave your mouth, you shut your eyes and try gathering yourself. For the thousands of people watching, if not yourself. A tight-lipped smile adorns your lips and you try to make it look natural but it’s really tough to be genuinely happy when you’re getting married to a man you hadn’t even known for a month.
You had been enraged when your parents had told you about this, not even bothering to listen to their explanation which sounded like something along the lines of ‘It’s very good for our kingdom’ before storming out and into your room. You had locked yourself and screamed into the pillow, having learnt that this was one of the best methods to release your anger.
Turns out, your opinion hadn’t really mattered because the next day, you were meeting your to-be-husband and his parents. Not gonna lie, their palace was really enormous, with grand ornaments both on the inside and outside and you couldn’t help but stare in appreciation of the wonderful architecture.
It had all happened in such a rush, both of your parents telling you that they’d take care of the wedding and all you and Jimin had to do was get married without creating a scene. So, now, here you were, in a beautiful white wedding dress with Jimin standing in front of you looking- dare you say- dashing.
“Do you, Park Jimin, take Kang Y/n as your lawfully wedded wife?” His nod shatters your heart, and you can’t help but glare. It was supposed to be the man you loved over there, not some rich boy who didn’t even know how to fold a shirt.
“Now, with the power bestowed upon me, I pronounce you both man and wife.” Everybody stands up, loud cheers filling the area as you finally look at Jimin, his chocolate eyes meeting yours. He’s moving closer before you know it, and the one second he gives you before placing his lips on yours is unhelpful. It’s not even a kiss, just a press of his lips against yours but he makes it seem longer by tilting his head and blocking your connected lips from the view of others. He pulls off but hovers there for a few more seconds to make it seem longer and when he finally pulls back, your eyes are wide and cheeks ablaze.
You look around, the smiling faces of all the people invited to your wedding forcing you to crack one yourself. And although you hate Park Jimin for what he just did- steal your first kiss. You’re not able to resist touching your lips once, the feeling of his plump ones on yours still ghosting around.
The food’s delicious, the people are sweet, and Jimin doesn’t bother you much so you think your marriage isn’t a total flop for you. When you’re in your room, and it’s late at night- the celebrations having just gotten over, the door opens and Jimin enters, clad in his white shirt that has half the buttons unbuttoned. But it isn’t his shirt that catches your attention, nor is it his black dress pants that hug his thighs deliciously, no.
It’s the girl in the wine red dress in his arms who’s kissing him like her life depends on it. Neither one of them have noticed you sitting on the bed, too caught up in their heated make-out session to even bother opening their eyes.
You’re frozen, unable to move as your eyes are fixed on the way Jimin’s hands travel across her entire body, like he wants her. He walks forward, the girl’s back facing you and even as they come closer to the bed where you’re sitting, your mind has stopped working and you’re unable to get up. They’re even closer and Jimin opens his eyes for a split second only to find the bed to lay her down properly, but his eyes meet yours.
Those brown eyes filled with lust widen, only ever so slightly but you notice it. You stare at him, waiting and hoping for him to say something. He parts his lips, and you assume it’s to apologise but as soon as you see what he mouths, your heart stops beating, even the little hope you had left that Jimin wouldn’t hate you leaving you.
“Do you mind?” His words stab through your heart, and you’re glad that he says them silently so that the girl doesn’t hear him and just continues mouthing her way down his neck. Getting up as quickly as possible, you run out the door, shutting it behind you so he doesn’t see the tears in your eyes.
You run. Where? You don’t know, but all you want right now is to get away from all the problems in your life and live freely without anyone holding you back. You knew that Jimin didn’t love you, obviously. But what he did right now, and how his eyes didn’t show a single ounce of regret as he asked you to leave your shared bedroom, left you shocked. And questioning yourself. You had always been taught to love yourself, probably one of the best things your parents did but in this moment, all you knew was that your husband definitely didn’t want you. Despite everything, he was still your legal husband and you couldn’t do anything about it. Your husband who left you feeling worth nothing.
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thanks for reading! feedback is always welcome <3
taglist: @cosplay-snow-white @neoculturedtrash @bluejaem @orange-lemon-cross @thatonemultistan @multi–kpop–fanfics @whiteprincessofnohr @chittaslee @multifandomnet @jaeminpeachy @jaeminpeachy-reblogs @kyuwoyo @i-have-no-jams-yuh @cupidluvstarrz @thats-a-jen-no-no @johnyusangel @guksauce @tokyohobi @crazyboutjooni @trashlord-007 @masterninjacow @kpop-and-anime-for-me @madotae @minblank @byeolhyesisi @gustingirl @twilightkoo-bangtan @ethereal-eirene @bbyjjaeng @kookcvlt @coco-riki @yuniixoxo @neovisiontechnology​ @yutahoes​ @elcie-chxn​ @vera-liscious​ @electronicgentlemencrusade @pjmschlat @dejvns send an ask or dm to be added!
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wonwooslibrary · 3 years
Stay Forever
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pairing: lee seokmin x fem!reader (told in third person)
genre: royalty!au, arranged marriage!au
word count: 2587
warnings: there are no warnings, but there is a small sword fighting scene - nothing graphic though!
author’s note: i have been planning this and stressing over this for so long, it feels great to finally post it! this is written for @ficscafe ’s royalty au drabble event! thank you @cha-lan for beta reading & editing (and writing the chan part towards the end) for me (ily lannie & this is for you!! <3), along with @minghaofilm for editing and @sanshiine​ for beta reading!! (thank you all so much!!) 
this is based heavily off of “17″ by Pink Sweat$ ft. Joshua & DK of SEVENTEEN. The title is also from that song. You can find the whole playlist for this drabble HERE. 
The throne room was large. The golden trim seemingly glowed around the ceilings, and the red velvet curtains blocked out the blinding sun from being too overbearing on one’s eyes. In the back of the room on a higher platform were two thrones: the one on the left was larger than the one on the right, and was adorned with more embellishments carved into its golden-stained wood. 
Sitting in the larger throne was an older man in his early nineties; a shiny crown sat lightly on his white hair, gleaming in the sun. Next to him on the smaller throne was a woman about the same age—her hair pulled back and out of her face, the crown on her head sparkling. Sitting in the woman’s lap were two small children, both slightly above the age of ten. 
The man beamed at the children, his smile bright and full of love. “Do you want to hear a story?”
The children giggled, their loud, high-pitched voices echoing off of the walls and throughout the room. “Yes, please, Grandpa! Tell us a story!” 
"Well, it all started when your Grandmother and I were very young," the man began. "Before your grandmother and I met, she was living in a faraway place with your Uncle Junnie." 
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The first thing Seokmin noticed about sitting at the round table in the conference room was the uncomfortable surface he was forced to perch on. You'd think as a prince living in a palace that he'd get to sit on something softer or more comfortable, but no, the King had to make him sit on the same uncomfortable wooden chairs for hours, pretending to listen to any of the information that was being said to him. 
"Seokmin? Are you even paying attention to what we are talking about?" 
Seokmin snapped out of his daydream and lifted his head off of his palm to look up at his father. 
“Oh! Um, yeah—yes. Of course, I’m paying attention.” 
The King rolled his eyes but continued to catch Seokmin up to speed with the conversation. 
“So, as you know, the Queen of Shenzhen—along with her son and daughter—are going to be visiting soon,” the King explained. “We are going to hold a ball when they get here. It will be used to announce a wedding.”
The Prince looked over at his father, tilted his head slightly to the left and raised his brow. “A wedding? For who?”
His father coughed slightly and glared at the younger boy, "You and the princess, of course." 
With that, the King stood up and walked out, leaving his middle son to sit in the still uncomfortable chair of the conference room, staring off into space.
Hours later, Seokmin was found in his older brother's bedroom. Most of Jihoon's belongings were not in the palace anymore but in the neighboring Kingdom's, leaving the room to look as if Jihoon didn’t live there for almost twenty years. 
As Jihoon was unpacking some of the clothes he brought for his stay, Seokmin and their youngest brother, Chan, sat on his bed. 
The youngest patted his hand on Seokmin’s knee, “When did father say you were getting married?”
“In, like, four days! I haven’t even met the princess yet!” 
Jihoon sighed, “I can’t believe he’s doing this again.” 
Seokmin rolled his eyes, “Tell me about it. It made sense for the eldest sibling to go through an arranged marriage, not that any of us liked putting you through that, but why me too?”
“It’s probably because Father wants someone to be in charge here after he’s gone, and it obviously can’t be hyung if he’s living in another kingdom,” Chan looked over at Seokmin. “And I am way too young to get married–”
“When do the prince and princess arrive?” Jihoon interrupted his youngest brother. 
“Tomorrow. The Queen is arriving the day before the wedding. Father says that gives us time to get acquainted with them.”
Jihoon turned around and moved his gaze from the closet he was putting clothes into and to his brothers’ faces. “It can’t be that bad to at least meet them, Seok.”  
“I just don’t want to get married, hyung. I don’t know this person, and I’m only nineteen!”
“It’ll get better, hyung,” Chan started. “I mean, they can’t force you to get married.”
Seokmin opened his mouth to protest but was interrupted by a knock on the large, wooden doors of the bedroom. 
“It must be time for dinner, let’s go,” Jihoon told his brothers, setting the clothes hanger that was in his hand down onto the bed, and walked towards the door.
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“So?” the youngest of the two kids questioned the older man. “Did the prince ever meet the princess?”
“Of course he did!” The man exaggerated his words for the children’s entertainment.
“Tell us that story, Grandma!”
“Okay, Okay. When the princess met the prince, she was very—how do I say this?—surprised.”
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On the day the Queen’s children arrived, Seokmin was pleased to have met the prince, Junhui, before he met the princess. The two bonded fairly quickly over their enjoyment of sports: Seokmin with sword fighting and Junhui with martial arts. 
Seokmin had offered to show Junhui around the palace, their last stop being the training grounds where Junhui suggested that Seokmin teach him some sword fighting. 
Seokmin quickly agreed, taking Junhui to the armory to get proper protective equipment and swords. They spent most of their time outside on the battleground, swords in hand and padded gear covering their bodies. The blazing sun made Seokmin start to sweat the more he moved to practice attacking his dueling partner. 
He had easily disarmed Junhui, the elder’s inexperience in the sport evident; Seokmin took his sword and used it against his opponent. One sword in the prince's left hand, the blade behind Junhui’s neck, and the one in his right hand pointed towards his rival's chest; the edge only centimeters away from his protective gear. Seokmin smirked at Junhui's scared expression and lowered the weapons, holding his left hand out for his opponent to take his sword back. 
Suddenly, the sound of clapping echoed around him, forcing Seokmin to look around his surroundings. His eyes focussed on a woman, no older than nineteen, who was applauding almost sarcastically at the display of Seokmin’s skill.  
He slid his sword back into the sheath that was slung over his shoulder, the blade resting on his back. With long strides, he walked away from the battleground and towards the woman, only stopping when he was a few feet away from her, a dazzling smile on his face. 
Seokmin bowed, “What can I do for you, miss?” 
“Oh, today is my first day here. I was just exploring. The other people seem to gravitate towards you, you know.”
Seokmin chuckled. “Being a prince—specifically one who knows their way with a weapon—does that to you.”
The woman’s eyes widened a bit. “You wouldn’t happen to be Seokmin, would you, Your Highness?” 
“I am. Were you expecting one of my brothers instead?”
“Um, not exactly,” she began. “I’m Y/N. Princess Y/N, from Shenzhen.”
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The night following Y/N and Junhui’s arrival at the palace was a ball. His father had encouraged him to host some type of gathering to announce the wedding, and at this point, there was nothing Seokmin could really do besides agree. 
He had only spoken with the princess a few times; her calm and collected voice intimidated Seokmin a bit, not that he would admit to that. When introducing themselves at dinner later the night they met, she had expressed her love of sword fighting: it one of the main reasons that the battleground was the first place she explored when she arrived. Seokmin had wondered why he had never met the princess earlier in his life, especially since they both shared this hobby. 
Seokmin's mother made it clear—he was supposed to dance with Y/N for most of the night. The strict woman also made sure to make it very clear: 
"Do not, and I mean do not try to sneak out as your brother did. You know exactly how your father reacted to that, and we do not want to see that again." 
Of course, Seokmin rolled his eyes at that. He was not making any promises. 
Though, when it was time to get ready for the ball, Seokmin started to become impatient. He, surprisingly, was excited to see the princess again. He had never had someone that truly had the same love for sword fighting as he did, besides the generals and other soldiers—such as his close friend, Joshua. He couldn’t wait to talk to the princess about their mutual love of the sport. 
While Seokmin was getting ready for the ball in his bedroom—with the help of his best friends, Soonyoung and Seungkwan, of course—Y/N was on the other side of the castle, Seokmin’s mother helping her with her ball gown.
The dress was beautiful; the light reflected off the golden fabric and made the small sequins on the lace sleeves sparkle. The bodice of the gown was fairly plain, the off-the-shoulder neckline showing off the golden necklace that Y/N wore. The skirt of the dress, however, was the most beautiful part of the outfit. With a slim silhouette only going out a few inches around Y/N’s feet, the skirt's fabric floated slightly above the floor. 
When looking at herself in the mirror, Y/N had not failed to tell the Queen about how much she loved the dress her future mother-in-law had picked out for her. 
“Even the fabric shines in the sun,” Y/N had told the Queen. “It’s beautiful!”
The Queen was not going to argue with the princess.
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The ballroom of the castle was similar to many of its other rooms. The golden trim near the ceilings glowed, and the red velvet curtains blocked the sun from reaching the room. The colorful mural on the ceiling encouraged guests to look up and admire all the small details. 
Along the middle of the ceiling were three large crystal chandeliers, illuminating the room with a glow. Towards the left side of the room was a grand staircase, comparable to something out of a fairytale. The marble flooring matched the marble stairs; the steps led to a balcony that circled above the main level of the room. On the right side of the room on the platform were three thrones. They were smaller compared to the ones found in the throne room but just as elegant. Connected to the stairs was a hallway leading deeper into the castle on the next floor. 
The room was crowding up fast; different people from all over the kingdom arrived at the ball to hear the surprise that the prince had planned to announce. Everywhere Seokmin looked, he saw fancy gowns and hands holding champagne flutes. 
For the next while, Seokmin continued to stand at the side of the room close to the exit, greeting people as they walked in. He recognized some of the people as council members with which he and the King would have meetings. Others he recognized as villagers from the many outings he had taken to the outdoor markets deeper in the kingdom. 
As he was greeting people, he began to wonder, “Where is the princess?” 
Though, all of a sudden—
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“Did the prince see the princess wearing her big ball gown and—oh! Was the princess wearing glass slippers? Was she, Grandpa? Was she? Was she?!” the older of the two children began to tug on the man’s sleeve, demanding an answer that was enough to satisfy the child’s ever-growing imagination. 
“Yes, sweetheart. The prince did, in fact, see the princess standing at the top of those marble stairs. I don’t know about the glass slippers, though.”
“I can promise you I would never wear glass slippers to a ball. It may have worked in fairytales, but I would have tripped over that dress so quickly,” the woman sat next to the white-haired Seokmin spoke up, patting his arm to interrupt him from continuing the story. 
“What about the rest of the ball?” the other child asked. “Did the prince dance with the princess?”
“Oh, of course, he did. The prince couldn’t leave someone as beautiful as the princess waiting.”
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As Y/N walked closer to Seokmin, he couldn’t take his eyes off of her. When she was only a few feet away from him, she smiled. Seokmin held his hand out to her, and she took it, coming closer to him. He moved his hands to Y/N’s waist, and she wrapped her arms around his neck, careful to not accidentally hit his crown. 
“Good evening, Princess,” Seokmin’s eyes morphed into crescents as the sides of his mouth lifted. “You look beautiful tonight.”
Y/N laughed, “Thank you, Your Highness. Her Majesty helped me with it.” 
“Mother. What can’t that woman do?”
As the music started to get heavier, Prince Chan yelped out from across the room. Seokmin and Y/N glanced in his direction, only to see the youngest brother hopping with his foot in his hand, face morphed with pain.
“I’m sorry!” another young guest exclaimed, her hands held out to try to stabilize the boy.
“Have I ever mentioned how glad I am that you don’t step on my feet while we dance?”
“Don’t push your luck, Your Highness," Y/N giggled, a sudden sly smirk upon her lips. "You never know what could happen.” 
Seokmin and Y/N proceeded to glide  across the marble floors; their conversation continued all while the prince's heart raced. 
"So, how do you feel about your first dance here in the palace?" Seokmin questioned. 
"Hm," Y/N began. "I think it's going pretty great. I didn't know you could dance.”
"It's mandatory for royals to learn here," he hummed. "I've known how to dance since I was seven."
Y/N's eyes widened, and silence ensued. Suddenly, Y/N leaned forward and rested her head on Seokmin's chest, his heart beating loudly into her ear. The two stayed like this for a while until the next song played, and Seokmin spoke up once again. 
"My father wants me to use this to announce the wedding," Seokmin looked down at Y/N. "Do you want that?" 
Y/N hummed. "I don't see why I can't learn to love someone like you, Your Highness."
Seokmin's heartbeat sped up as he moved his hand from Y/N's waist to her chin, making her face him. He bent down, his lips centimeters from hers and—
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"Ew! Cooties!" 
The two elders laughed at their grandchildren's exclamation. 
"Yes, kids. Cooties. Now, don't you think about doing that until you are much, much, much older, you hear?"
"Yes, Grandpa!" the eldest giggled. 
"But did the prince and the princess ever get their happily ever after?" the younger questioned, pouting at her Grandparents. 
"Of course they did!" Y/N told the child, running her hand through their hair. 
“The end?” 
“The end.”
“Oh! I guess I showed up at a wonderful time! C’mon kiddos, time for bed!”
The kids turned their heads to face the doorway. 
“Uncle Jun!” They bolted towards the door to greet their Uncle, throwing quick goodnights and goodbyes before exiting the room. Junhui waved to the married couple and followed after the children.
Seokmin glanced over at his wife, shot her a wink and said, "Please, princess, forever stay with me like this."
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barsformars · 3 years
How Scandalous
g - fluff, angst if you squint super hard, a lil suggestive at the end; royalty!au
p - crown prince!yeosang x warrior!reader
w.c - 1199
t.w - none
c - when the line between personal and professional lives are blurred, how can the crown prince show his true feelings for his subject and vice versa?
a.n - for @ficscafe royalty drabble event! it’s the way i finished this only a few days after the event was announced but i wasn’t sure if i was going to post it or not but like since it’s already written,,,, also just reminding everyone that reader is gender neutral!! it always is in my stories unless stated otherwise anyways! and yes female warriors were a thing in the past too for a lil while.
t.l - @closer-stars @jeongyunhoed @fromercury
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"Your Highness, it's best you keep a straight face," you reminded, eyebrows slightly furrowed as you scanned your surroundings as discreetly as one could be doing so. The crown prince narrows his eyes at you before heaving out a heavy but silent sigh as he slowly lowered the corners of his lips. He would probably roll his eyes and argue with you if the both of you had any privacy at all right now but for now, he can only afford to show his annoyance with a purse of his lips that lasted no longer than a blink of an eye. After all, there are eyes and ears everywhere in the palace — especially around him — and one of his many duties as the crown prince is to always only act as he is expected to.
With a clear of his throat, Yeosang changes the topic to one that was more expected of this meeting, and thankfully it was also something he meant to talk about regardless of who was around. "Chief Choi says the new recruits are terrible," Yeosang shared as you refilled his tea cup. He takes a sip of the warm tea before continuing with a chuckle, "His skills are second to none and so are his high standards. They looked just fine to me."
"Shall I go join Chief Choi on the training now to make them look excellent, Your Highness?" Taken aback by your suggestion, the prince shakes his head as an amused laugh leaves him. He did not mean it that way but of course you would take it seriously, you have always taken pride in your duty as a warrior to protect him.
"No, that's alright, let's not torture the recruits. Besides, I need you for something else." With that, Yeosang rose up from his seat and gestured for you to come with him, a smirk apparent on his face. You wonder what he was up to, but you don't bother questioning him right now so you do as he asks of you. As the both of you descended the small flight of stairs leading up to the gazebo, the long line of servants visibly tensed up as they got ready to follow along, only for Yeosang to stop them from doing so. "Leave us alone from here on, I will return by myself when we're done."
"Yes, Your Highness." You don't miss the shaky breathing of the head eunuch in charge of the prince.
"You're going to get them into trouble," you said softly as the distance between him and the servants grew. Their biggest responsibility was looking after the crown prince and yet he has ordered them to shirk their duty off, putting their lives at risk as if they don't already do on a daily basis. Yeosang only shrugs it off as he increased his pace, forcing you to do the same.
As soon as the both of you turned right round the corner, Yeosang took a quick peek over his shoulders, grabbing your wrist and pulling you along as he ran up the small hill once he was sure there was nobody around. A smile blooms on your face, too, as you see just how pleased he was for you to finally be back from your month long expedition. He has missed you dearly, that much was obvious.
"Are we going to keep running?" You asked as you erupted into breathless laughter, everything was funny once you are free from titles that were meaningless between childhood friends. It is hard to draw a line between your professional and personal lives when they were meant to be intertwined — you can never be just his confidante nor just another one of his many subjects — but you try your very best to separate them anyways. Now, you throw the sword that was by your side to the back of your mind and choose to focus only on how Yeosang's hand has slipped from your wrist to your hand, and how he gave it a gentle squeeze as he slows down and eventually comes to a stop at the entrance of his private garden.
"We don't have to run from anything here," Yeosang reassures as he pushes the gates open. When the both of you entered hand in hand, everything in the world suddenly seemed a little less serious and a little more forgiving. The world is different here in his little private garden. Yeosang shuts the gates before ushering you further in, not that you didn't already know this place like the back of your hand. "Come, I have something for you."
Yeosang sits you down on the bench and walks over to one of the bushes nearby, reaching his hand into them and pulling out a silk pouch before you could ask him what he was looking for. He dangled it as he held it up beside his face which was beaming with happiness and excitement. If Yeosang was anywhere but here, you would have immediately told him to put on a poker face, but you take the rare chance to properly take in and appreciate his pretty smile. He can afford to be vulnerable in front of you.
"Give me your hand," Yeosang requests as he pulls out the contents of the pouch, revealing two beaded bracelets of the same colour. He gently slips one of them onto your hand before slipping the other onto his. "Matching bracelets, I thought they would be a nice idea."
"They are," you replied, your voice soft as you feel tears welling up in your eyes. Maybe you have missed him more than you would ever admit.
"Listen-"Yeosang reaches out one hand to caress your face as he bent his knees to look you in the eyes-"when I have more power, I will make you mine. I promise I will make you mine. Do you trust me?"
You stare back at him, the corner of your eyes drooping down as you processed his words. "Why does it sound like you're going to marry someone else first? Are you?" You feel your throat tighten at the thought of it. It was not a ridiculous idea at all. Yeosang could have been forced into a diplomatic marriage, one that he cannot refuse because as a crown prince, he serves not himself but the country. "That's not fair, th-"
Yeosang gives you a soft knock on your head for being such a fool. "No, no I'm not marrying anyone. Look at you jumping to conclusions. I just want you to know that I'm serious about you, so don't you ever for a second even dare to think I don't love you."
Feeling your cheeks heat up just from his words, you forced yourself to look away from Yeosang. "How scandalous...those words," you said, voice trailing off from the shyness.
"Oh come on, if you consider all the things we could do here, what I just said would be far from scandalous."
Your eyes widened in shock as you delivered a slap to his arm. "Your Highness!"
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sanccharine · 3 years
dynasty | ty
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royalty au
pairing: queen!tzuyu x gender neutral reader
genre: angst
word count: 0.4k
warnings: brief mentions of blood, war, and colonization
summary: soon to become the ruler of your kingdom, you begin to question your legacy and your future. 
song rec: dynasty by rina sawayama, hence the title
a/n: finally writing AND posting for my bias woop woop! i wrote this for @ficscafe’s first drabble event and admin @masterninjacow​ thanks for beta-reading! this is lowkey inspired by my boi, zuko lol. also @reluvy​ thank you so much for sending your ask ;-;
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The elaborate crown of liquid gold and rubies as red as the blood you’ve spilt weighed down on your head. 
For years, you’ve watched your father accomplish what your great-grandfather put in motion. Your belligerent father waged war against neighbouring kingdoms, infiltrated and conquered great nations, and seized power for himself. While your mother stood tall at his side; cold, calculating, and conniving as she charmed her way through her disputes with honeyed words and lavish gifts.
Unfortunately, you were just as filthy as them; tainted and drowning in their wrongdoings with scars equally revolting. 
On this difficult night, your mind was a strange combination of numbing silence, and what followed, a ruinous storm. Your thoughts twisted around fervently as you stayed rooted in a daze; the weight of your choices only burying you deeper into the ground. 
Amongst the swirling darkness that were your thoughts, Princess– Queen Tzuyu’s words shone like a beacon. Powerful and direct, just the way she had admonished you in righteous frustration. 
“I will not make the mistakes my parents made! I will not be your father’s pawn! I am breaking this chain of violence. That is my choice, my dynasty,” she’d declared, nose in the air with a determined gaze. “What choice will you make, Y/N?” 
What your bloodline had spent centuries on, meticulously and delicately constructed, shattered like glass. Absolutely, irrevocably unmendable. Many years of comradeship, built on the blood and bones of innocent souls, demolished with just a few words. 
Tzuyu, as soon as she was pronounced Queen, decided to abolish the allyship with your kingdom, leaving chaos in her wake. Across the nation, devastation reigned as more kingdoms began to leave – some at the borders, ready for battle, and others to never spill blood again. 
However, the common people suffered the most; especially your people. The kingdom that once boasted its militia, filled with aggressive and ambitious folk, was now withering away right alongside your bed-ridden father.
Standing on the balcony of your throne room, you looked down at your enormous kingdom as the sun disappeared behind the horizon. Lights began to flicker on as people began heading home, exhausted and terrified of the climate you’d put your nation in. Depressing images of the protests and riots came to mind, the fear of destruction and death knocking at their door.
How will you mend the centuries of mistakes? How will you reverse the trauma and devastation your ancestors spread like a blight? How will you repent for their crimes, as well as yours? 
What choice will you make? 
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any feedback is much appreciated.
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ichorai · 3 years
the golden daggers ; j.yh
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pairing ; enemy!yunho x princet!reader
summary ; in which your kingdom is destroyed, and you come across a soldier from the enemy realm in the forest.
words ; 1.7k
warnings / includes ; mentions of death and weapons but nothing graphic, yunho being a lil shit but also being a softie </3
a/n ; here's my second drabble for @ficscafe's royalty drabble event !! fyi for those who don't know, princet is a gender-neutral term for prince / princess ! i might be turning this into a full-fledged fic, who knows 👀 special thanks to @minghaofilm and @subways-stuff and @gyukult for reading through and tolerating my onslaught of frustrated rambles <33
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The brisk morning air whistled past you, brushing against your skin in a wintry kiss. With muted footsteps, you stepped over the forest foliage, gentle and cautious. You lifted your sleek wooden longbow, keeping the feather-tipped arrow nocked. Just in case.
In times like this, you couldn’t be more careful. There could be traps anywhere.
Your kingdom had only just collapsed yesterday. To be quite frank, you had no idea what you were going to do. Where was a royal princet to go once everything you knew burned to the ground?
The memory of smoke and flames still played vividly in your mind, a staggering mirage of harsh ambers and furious carmines and sooty blacks. The smell of death had filled your nostrils, slowly seeping into you, wrapping its grimy dark fingers around your heart as you sobbed over what you lost.
Death had poisoned you, and you just barely managed to pull away before it could see you choke.
That was last night. Today was going to be different. You had nothing left to lose now.
“Your Highness,” a voice rumbled from behind a nearby tree. With your heart thudding angrily against your ribcage, you swiveled around on your heels, watching the man stride out of the shadows with open arms. “Though, just how high could a princet be without their kingdom, hm?”
This man, evidently, was a soldier of your kingdom’s worst rivals. You could tell by the glimmering silver medallion he bore on his jacket, their intricate insignia etched precariously into the metal. Wars were fought for centuries, and thousands of battles found your nation victorious and proudly arrogant. Until… well, until last night.
You wouldn’t be surprised if you were the last survivor of your kingdom.
Without giving it a second thought, your pinched fingers let go of the arrow’s feather-tip end. It sailed through the short distance between the two of you with a resounding hiss, slicing through the air like a hot knife through butter.
A tumultuous concoction of apprehension and awe roiled about you as you watched the man pull two gold-encrusted daggers out of their scabbards, side-stepping at lightning speed and cutting down your arrow as if it were paper.
You paused for just a millisecond, before reaching behind for your quiver, grappling for another arrow. What a fool you were, thinking you could beat him in a game of speed. In just a blink of an eye, he stood in front of you, the cool metal of his dagger rested gently against your jugular. One wrong move, and you would be dead in a matter of minutes.
“I’m Yunho,” he murmured with a sinister grin, blowing a strand of dark hair away from his narrowed eyes. He practically towered over you, glancing down with a mischievous glint in his gaze.
You didn’t bother to grace him with a response, muscles frozen in place.
“Are you afraid of me, Your Highness?” He attempted once more, leaning down slightly to meet your angry stare. “I won’t hurt you if you don’t hurt me. Drop your bow.”
With a gentle huff, you slowly moved your hand away from the quiver, coming to slowly wrap around the wrist that held the dagger against you. It pained you to see that your own fingers were trembling uncontrollably. Were you afraid? You couldn’t quite tell. Yunho watched you with a strange look of curiosity, his pupils flitting from your ashen face to your nimble fingers, wondering just what you were planning to do next.
And that was when you jerked your head away, keeping his wrist still with an iron-grip, taking advantage of his momentary surprise. You hooked your leg around his buckling knees, shoving him backwards. Yunho fell onto the damp leaves of the forest floor with a pained groan.
Though he was a giant of a man, you managed to kick the daggers across the damp forest foliage, toeing them farther and farther away from his reach and pinning his hands above him as you situated yourself just above his hips.
“My, my,” Yunho crooned breathlessly, chest rising and falling just centimeters away from yours. “Never thought I’d be in a position like this with a princet of the enemy kingdom. You smell better than I expected. Is that fougère I detect? A hint of honeyed-peach eau, perhaps? Forgive me, it’s hard to tell underneath the stench of burnt fabric, Your Highness.”
“Shut up!” Were the first words you managed to snarl out. “You… you took everything from me.”
“And we had nothing to begin with, princet,” he murmured coolly from beneath you, regarding you with a well-hidden anger broiling in his narrowed gaze. It took all you had in you not to pummel your fists against his perfectly sculpted features. “Are you going to kill me? If so, I ask you to do it quickly. You don’t quite strike me as the torturing type.”
There was a tense pause lingering between the two of you as you huffed out a small breath, hanging your head in shame. It almost physically pained you to let go of his wrists as you clambered off of his larger frame.
“Thank you,” he said.
You remained silent, a frivolous symphony of death wailing into your ears. If you let him go now, you’d be a goner. And despite that, you knew that you hadn’t the courage to end his life.
After all… he had every right to be angry.
You curled your hands up into tight fists, balling up the wet leaves of the forest floor. Yunho watched you with bated breath, arching his eyebrows. “You know I have to take you in, right? You’ll be a prisoner for the rest of your life.” His question was asked softly, tentative. You were no longer the villain he thought you were.
“I know.”
“I won’t hurt you.”
Swallowing around your clogged throat, you bobbed your head once more. “I know.”
The two of you pushed yourselves off the damp floor. After you grabbed your longbow, he snagged his daggers (kicked an impressive distance away), then the two of you proceeded to stride through the forest in unvocalized tandem. Several times, he pried his lips open to say something, but promptly snapped his jaw back shut, a bashful expression gracing his features. You weren’t entirely sure where he was taking you, but you doubted that it’d be anywhere good for you. You could already picture the musty cell they’d throw you in.
Following several tepid seconds, Yunho spoke up to ask with a slight air of curiosity, “you had a chance to be free. Why didn’t you take it?”
You winced slightly, fiddling with the notched wood of your longbow. “I have nothing left, Yunho. What’s the point in running?”
His throat bobbed as he swallowed uneasily. A gentle breeze ran through the trees, tousling the withered foliate hanging on the gnarled branches. Bits of dead canopy fluttered downwards. Out of the corner of his eyes, he spotted a browning leaf catch against the strands of your hair, a minute frown marring your lips. You reached upwards to pluck out the weather-beaten frond, flicking it away in the midst of your silent brooding.
“Stop,” he commanded after a moment’s hesitation, lifting an arm to your abdomen to halt you mid-step. “I can’t… I can’t do this. You have to go.”
Incredulity seeped into your voice. “What?”
In frustration, the giant of a man carded his hands through his ink-hued locks, screwing his eyes shut.
“I’ll pretend like I never saw you. Please, just go. Get on a boat and sail far away from here.” He paused to unsheath one of his gold-encrusted daggers, glinting almost maliciously against the filtered sunlight. You had to hold in a gasp when he held the hilt out to you, gesturing for you to take it. “I hope to never see you again, princet.”
With nimble hands, you slowly curled your fingers against the handle, the cut-jagged gems cold against your skin. You twirled the blade with surprising agility, and Yunho almost found himself grinning at your natural talent.
“Why are you doing this? Why are you letting me go?” You couldn’t help but be slightly suspicious.
Yunho refused to meet your gaze, shame sitting heavily on his shoulders. “I… I don’t want to hurt you. I wasn’t lying when I said that before. You lost everything, and it’s my Kingdom’s fault. My people are proud, and they don’t want to admit when they’re wrong. For that, Your Highness, I’m sincerely sorry. I just… I don’t want to be the reason you’re rotting away in prison.” One of his hands reached out to grasp yours, laying his warm palm over both the dagger and your knuckles. You almost flinched backwards, eyeing him warily. “If you head far enough east to where no soul knows of ridiculous trivialities like Kingdoms and royalty lines, you can… you can start over. No titles, no responsibilities, no ties. I’m giving you a chance to leave behind your bloody past. You’ll be safe. Or, as safe as one can be in these times.”
When he slipped his hands away from yours, you could almost feel all of his warmth pull away. Reality seemed to sink into your consciousness, and you also staggered backwards, sucking in deep breaths of cold forest air.
“Thank you, Yunho,” you whispered, clutching his dagger and your bow. “I won’t ever forget about this.”
He dipped his head just slightly, the smallest of smiles quirking his lips upward. “Have a safe journey, princet. I know I said I hoped I’d never see you again, but… I don’t think it’d be too awful, would it?”
“Far from awful, soldier.” You were pleasantly surprised to find genuine mirth coloring your words.
You were well aware of Yunho’s gaze piercing holes into the back of your neck. There was a queer concoction of relief and dread roiling about in your stomach. Nonetheless, you swiveled on your heel, thumbing the grooves and bumps of the sleek dagger he had given you, striding away from the enemy who let you go.
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wonwooslibrary · 3 years
🌹𝓢𝓮𝓿𝓮𝓷𝓽𝓮𝓮𝓷 𝓜𝓪𝓼𝓽𝓮𝓻𝓵𝓲𝓼𝓽 🌹
♡ = series ☆ = drabbles (<5k) ❀ = fics (>5k)
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All My Love ♡
Boyfriend!Seungcheol, Fluff, cwc valentines gram
Ah! Love is You ♡
Boyfriend!Seungcheol, Fluff, sequel to All My Love
Seungcheol in Hogwarts
Bulleted list, Hogwarts au
svt as boyfriends ♡ seungcheol edition
bullet points, fluff, 23-24 birthday project
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Jeonghan in Hogwarts
Bulleted list, Hogwarts AU
🥐☁️ ☆
angst?, ex best friend!jeonghan, CWC’s 2nd Anniversary Project 
paperweight ☆
Coworkers AU, enemies to lovers, CWC’s Secret Santa 2022
svt as boyfriends ♡ jeonghan edition
bullet points, fluff, 23-24 birthday project
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high school sweethearts  ☆
Non-idol AU, High School AU, Fluff
Joshua in Hogwarts
Bulleted list, Hogwarts AU
[2:12]  ☆
Timestamp, fluff
svt as boyfriends ♡ joshua edition
fluff, bullet points, 23-24 birthday project
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Strawberries & Cigarettes ☆
Non-idol AU, Fluff
Junhui in Hogwarts
Bulleted list, Hogwarts AU
svt as boyfriends ♡ junhui edition
bullet points, fluff, 23-24 birthday project
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Soonyoung in Hogwarts 
Bulleted list, Hogwarts AU
svt as boyfriends ♡ soonyoung edition
bullet points, fluff, 23-24 birthday project
in other words, i love you ☆
fluff, super light angst, 4+1 things, roommate!au
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our love is true.  ☆
Fluff, ficscafe dialogue event
Wonwoo in Hogwarts
Bulleted list, Hogwarts AU
svt as boyfriends ♡ wonwoo edition
fluff, bullet points, 23-24 birthday project
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Jihoon in Hogwarts
Bulleted list, Hogwarts AU
Baby, I’ll Be Right There ❀
Fluff, angst, 1950s AU, Soulmate AU
svt as boyfriends ♡ jihoon edition
fluff, bullet points, 23-24 birthday project
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Seokmin in Hogwarts
Bulleted List, Hogwarts AU
Stay Forever ☆
Royalty AU, Ficscafe royalty event drabble
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Mingyu in Hogwarts
Bulleted List, Hogwarts AU
[22:48] ☆
Timestamp, Fluff, College AU
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Minghao in Hogwarts
Bulleted list, Hogwarts au
🌈⚡️🐸 ☆
CWC's 2nd Anniversary Project, fluff, light angst, percy jackson / greek mythology au
svt as boyfriends ♡ minghao edition
fluff, bullet points, 23-24 birthday project
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Seungkwan in Hogwarts
Bulleted List, Hogwarts AU
Potions and Broken Rules ☆
Hogwarts AU, Enemies to Lovers
svt as boyfriends ♡ seungkwan edition
Fluff, bullet points, 23-24 birthday project
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Hansol in Hogwarts
Bulleted list, Hogwarts AU
Delivery! ☆
Pizza delivery AU, past classmates to lovers, college AU, fluff!!!
❤️ 🌺 🔥 ☆
CWC’s 2nd Anniversary Project, fluff
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Chan in Hogwarts
Bulleted List, Hogwarts AU
Bowling Lanes & Broken Toes ☆
First Date AU, Fluff
svt as boyfriends ♡ chan edition
fluff, bullet points, established relationship, 23-24 birthday project
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Seventeen as Hogwarts Students
mingyu ; seungkwan ; chan ; seokmin ; hansol ; seungcheol ; minghao ; junhui ; joshua ; wonwoo ; soonyoung ; jeonghan ; jihoon
petnames Seventeen would call you based on songs/lyrics/albums: a thread
fluff, bullet points, a joke lmao
Happy Ending
A series of seventeen fairytale retellings.
svt as boyfriends ♡ 2023 - 2024 birthday project
junhui ; soonyoung ; wonwoo ; seungcheol ; jeonghan ; minghao ; jihoon ; joshua ; seungkwan ; chan ; seokmin ; vernon ; mingyu
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