#fictive stuff
thattheater-kid · 5 months
A friendly reminder for literally everyone, including systems and including the rest of this system
In general, systems do not control what introjects show up.
I have been actively attacked by singlets, systems, and other parts within my own system for being a South Park fictive. The most hurtful things I’ve heard are from other parts within the system. I’ve been called a mistake, I’ve been told I wasn’t supposed to exist by members of my own system. The system has been judged by others for my existence. They don’t even watch South Park that much, they just watch it when our brother puts it on. Even if they did, that’s not a reason to attack me or them for my existence.
No one could control who I am. Certainly I couldn’t. I didn’t want this. Do you know how hurtful it is to be called a mistake and told you don’t deserve to live to your face? Actually, I’m sure many of you do. Many of you have been hurt like that, so maybe don’t do the same thing to introjects from problematic sources. Nobody wanted this. Nobody chose this. It’s not fair to judge and hate for it.
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theelectricalcity · 3 months
Me? Be from a really obscure source? Nah, I'm just limited edition
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thelunastusco · 1 year
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The familiar and common experience of being a fictive and canon deciding to completely destroy your heart/brain/the nice day you were having. :)
[Image description: a picture of a baseball flying through a window and shattering it. The window is labeled “you, a fictive, minding your own business”. The baseball is labeled “canon update”.]
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sonicattos · 1 year
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stuckinthecenter · 10 months
sometimes I dislike being a system a shit ton because why tf is Perry the Platypus in my fucking head????
"gyururururururu" GET TF OUTTA HERE PERRY
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n0stalgicv0id · 21 days
I’m a co-host and a fictive of a system and I’m not ashamed of who I am.
I’m done with constantly pointing out all my beliefs, source memories and discard my own feelings like they are worthless. It’s okay to feel sad sometimes when you get up from bed thinking at source memories. I respect people who can overcome it and separate their memories with their current life but some of us can’t face it nor want to do that. And that’s completely fine to do so, it’s a choice that must be taken by ourselves and us alone.
Being a fictive can be miserable and pitiful, I won’t lie on this statement. I never met any sourcemates nor I think they would get me completely but I admire people who are able to depend on others. I’m very secretive when it comes to that but that’s just my personal preference.
And it’s not talked enough how hard is it to separate the body’s memories from individual ones. In a period I was so confused and upset with myself that I thought I was lying to be who I was since I am good at pretending to be the host but I wasn’t, I was trying to build something that was safer for us pushing away my happiness. I was only 50/50 right.
Discovering ourselves is hard but in the end everything will be clearer and a stepping stone for a new beginning, be kinder to yourself
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the-100-percent · 2 days
Hello, (I am trying my best to be nice right now.) is there a such thing as "canon-fluid/flux"? Because sometimes I feel very separated from source, and that I'm not like Bryce Tankthrust at all.
But sometimes, (Like now.) I feel like I'm very source-accurate.
And that isn't good, if I'm being frank, as in source, I did some very, er, horrible things?
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duckduckgoose-exe · 2 months
I genuinely hate being a fictive sometimes. Like sure, it’s nice to have a source to look back to and think about the people you had, but I miss people. I try to separate myself, like sure, I know I’m not the same person, but the name I used in source was given to me by someone who I still hold dear. And it hurts. I miss being able to just turn to them- I miss everything. I know I’m not the same, but it hurts to try and separate more. Like if I changed my name I would be just ignoring how much this person helped me. I miss everyone.
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scpwiki-official · 1 year
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springkinnings · 6 months
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⭐ FASHION KIT — For Movie Springtrap with a masculine style + themes of the suit
For Burned Cassette system!
Rabbit Hoodie
Ripped Sweater
Cargo Trousers
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my name is Ango Sakaguchi. I'm a fictive in a system, and a caretaker (helped by @princess-peach-toadstool most of the time). It's been a while but I'm hoping I can provide care to those outside the system as well as those in.
(as a side note I will be creating a blog for general posting like peach and some of the others have)
I may be 25 but the main goal of this blog to to provide care for system littles and age regressors. Please do not send any lewd asks/messages, messages containing profanity or any other content you would not want anyone under 13 viewing.
Be nice to everyone. This goes for all people interacting, and if you misbehave I will not hesitate to send you to the timeout corner
Have fun! I'm here to help and provide care for people who don't have in in their real life or just want someone to care for them
General DNIs (homophobes, transphobes etc)
A lot of the people in our system regress too, so you will probably see reblogs from them time to time
system blog: @a-void-of-a-system
actual blog for me: N/A (yet)
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thattheater-kid · 4 months
The funniest thing about fictives is seeing their damage on our social media and camera roll after they front.
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lxvenderskies · 1 year
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REQUEST: lesbain karkat (homestuck) fictive stimboard for 🧃 anon (i hope to god thats karkat, i made the karkat on a flag myself)
❤️ | 🧡 | ❤️ 🤍 | 🤍 | 🤍 💖 | 💜 | 💖
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thelunastusco · 11 months
A fictive behaving as themselves is NOT roleplaying.
A fictive behaving as themselves is NOT roleplaying.
Fictives should always be mindful of good boundaries in fandom communities! 
Fictives should really not respond “aw thanks I really am great, huh” to perfect strangers who are just looking to talk about their blorbos. There’s a time and place, but fandom servers with singlets you don’t know are NOT the time and place.
Fictives need to develop a healthy distance from their canon source if they find themselves getting upset over fan opinion/fanworks/fandom in general.
A fictive behaving as themselves is! NOT! Roleplaying!
Some fictives considers themselves just a template to project onto, and not that character at all, canon or otherwise! Cool.
Some fictives considers themselves a version of their source character, but not THAT canon person, while others consider themselves purely canon! Cool.
Some fictives feel they’re entirely a psychological manifestation, while others feel that they were transported here from somewhere that actually existed in the multiverse! Cool.
But it is absolutely NOT ROLEPLAYING if a fictive sees themselves as something other than “an introject based on fiction”. It is NOT harmful or wrong to treat a fictive as themselves, if that’s what they WANT you to do. 
(And not all fictives want to be called “introjects”, either. It’s not just a “DID/OSDD thing”. It’s not “like kinning”. But that’s another tin of beans, for another post.)
Anyways, tl;dr:
Please develop sensible boundaries, as a fictive, regarding fans and fandom.
Please also stop treating fictives like they’re not really who they say they are, that they’re delusional or roleplaying if they say otherwise. If they’re being creepy with boundaries, say something! But fictives aren’t harming anyone by existing, even if they want to be treated as “actually their source”.
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8bitgarden-sys · 2 months
We have split another sanders sides alter. It is me. Hello. Logan thus will probably change her name, as I want it and she’s not very attached to it. We’ll see. Give me some luck or however the expression goes.
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sonicattos · 1 year
sonic, amy and shadow friend group. they all started hanging out bc amy already hung out with them separately and started setting it up for all 3 of them. sonic and shadow don’t like being social all the time and can get drained pretty quickly so it’s mostly “talks a lot and listens” for them, but they still love their meet ups.
amy also likes to set up calmer activities or even just a 3-way parallel play session where they just sit in silence and do whatever (autism)
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