inkfishie · 1 year
So I had planned on getting my fic done by the end of this week before the new episode of Trigun, buuuut. Yeeeah. I had also intended it to be a short one-shot, but I’m about 7K words in and a larger plot has suddenly appeared. Oops. Blame it on Wolfwood lol
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alana-rp · 13 days
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lacollectionneuse1967 · 2 months
fic updates/preview ?
in over my head yet again...
started outlining a new theseus fic!!
multi-chapter dark police procedural.
+ slow burn romance.
the year is 1950.
for five years theseus has been working for the american auror's office: some shitty, underfunded post in rural massachusetts. after his brother died at the hands of grindelwald and war swept through europe like a bad dream, theseus could no longer stomach england, could no longer stomach personhood. newt's death swallowed theseus's life and then death itself swallowed the world--wwii came and went. theseus moved to the u.s. without looking back.
five long, hard years on the force have left him worn and hardened. less of a person and more of a profession--without his work all he has is grief.
working as an auror in america has been nothing like working in england, or in europe.  overseas, there’s some semblance of law and order and magical propriety, some strung-together “magical community" exists. but america is 40x as large as the rainy island theseus hails from. stretches of cornfields and barren plains, unbroken mountains and blackened swamps and dreary little pockets of death and magic, everywhere. abandoned churches and truck stops and rotting bridges. aurors are spread thin and not respected here. dark wizards get away with nearly anything. nearly. theseus is that nearly. he can't obliterate the darkness but he can chip away at the edges.
it's all routine. instant coffee and donuts and fluorescent lighting. with an uncooperative magical population and far too much ground to cover, his job has mostly been documenting crimes that he's powerless to solve.
but then magical children start disappearing across the whole of new england.
the country is in an uproar. there's talks of shutting down the school.
the u.s. magical congress blames a dark wizard serial killer and sets theseus's office on the killer's trail, but theseus senses that a far more sinister conspiracy is at play. no bodies have been found--he believes the children must still be alive somewhere. for now, at least...
enter Y/N. defense against the dark arts professor and the youngest instructor at ilvermony school of witchcraft and wizardry.
your most beloved student was one of the children who was taken, and you'll stop at nothing to get him back, even if it means having to work alongside the withheld and terminally grouchy theseus scamander. your student was like a little brother to you. you couldn't live with yourself if you didn't at least try to find him.
theseus isn't too keen on letting you help with the investigation. he can hardly stand you, to be frank. sometimes he just looks at you and feels his hollow chest ache, he doesn't know why or what to do with it. he can't bear to have anyone get close to him--not after newt's death--but, as the investigation unfolds, he also realizes he can't bear to see you hurt, and 'close to him' is the only place he can keep you safe.... theseus couldn't save his own little brother, but maybe he can still save yours. he believes his life has been wasted and ravaged by time--that, by some sorry accident, he's lost his soul--but if his life can be of use to you, then it could never be useless...
besides, there's a case to crack and you're the only one who can help him.
workplace romance with a bit of the bodyguard trope! hurt-comfort elements too (theseus thinks he's too broken to love, boo).
the mystery / detective storyline gets VERYYYY dark but there's still the slow burn romance & magical aspect to provide some levity, i think! basically it;s you and theseus uncovering some really dark, crazy shit and forming an unbreakable trauma-bond because of it :0))) but also!! romance and grumpy-sunshine banter muahaha
think true detective s1 / twin peaks meets The Bodyguard (1992)
thoughts? LIKE is this something you're interested in reading or should i stick to the fluffy theseus stories i'd planned before :o ?
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infinitethree · 12 days
SwSh is complete, and now we move on to a travel/silliness fic!!
First chapter is the introduction of the SMPza folks! They are not having a good time, to put it mildly.
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Update: Lips On You AU
This is going to be a three-chapter update so it’s going to take a while for these to be posted so you guys are going to get chapter(s) 9, 10, and 11 possibly all at the same time. 
As for the Titanic Au there will be a two-chapter update for that one and possibly the Podcast Au. 
As for how I am personally doing. Well... to say that I am okay would be an understatement. Emotionally i’m pretty much all over the place, angry, sad, reminiscing, and helplessness. I wish I could say more but, sadly I don’t really have a whole lot to say. I’m not sure what to say.
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yawnvibez · 4 months
PSA: Please Read Before You Follow.
I'm just going to go ahead and list all the tags I'll be using for my fics and writing updates. Any other information will also be added to this post.
Firstly, all my fics that I'm working on are:
#illuminate - TAEKOOK, Beauty and the Beast retelling
#settingsun - full name is Setting Sun Rising Sin, BEOMJUN, Arranged Marriage and Royalty
#trophywife - BEOMJUN
#Angels - BEOMJUN (haven't started yet)
#prizedfighter - BEOMJUN
I'll use the same tags for updates along with #ficupdate, #ficprogress
So ultimately it will look like:
e.g. - #illuminate #fic progress
Or in case I'm updating a work, it'll look like:
e.g. - #illuminate #ficupdate
Any other information will also be added to this post!
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squidyyy23 · 3 years
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DANCING AFTER DEATH - Chapter 1: Meet Me in the Woods Tonight
Fresh off a prison sentence, Ian Gallagher is lost, wandering aimlessly through a life that doesn’t feel like his anymore. So when Lip offers him a fresh start halfway across the country, he takes it. He’s not sure what he expected from the small, Northern California town of Charming, but it certainly didn’t involve a closeted, dark-haired, blue-eyed member of the local motorcycle gang turning his life upside down. His head tells him to get the hell out of dodge, but there’s just something about him Ian can’t let go. And maybe he’ll fly too close to the sun and get burned. But it’ll be a beautiful fucking fire.
Chapters: 1/12
Rating: Explicit
Chapter Word Count: 13k
Click here to read on AO3.
I am beyond fucking excited about this project. Hope you all have as much fun with it as I am. 💕
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rdr-addict · 2 years
Finally posted the next chapter of my fic! Sorry for the long wait, I know some people were asking about when it would be updated. 
Daughter of Arthur Morgan
Chapter 27: Shootout
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ecofinisher · 3 years
Lady Frost and the Fire King - A familiar partnership - Chap 11
Chapter 11
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(Chapter is about 5000 words long. I recommend to read inside the previous fanfic links)
Kai and Alfida stood together in front of a library and looked at the description at the entrance about the opening time.
„Okay, this must be it,“ Alfida commented. „Shall we go in?“
Kai nodded, then opened the door to enter along with the girl into the library and looked around the place. Alfida showed Kai the reception, where a woman sat using the computer and the two went to encounter the woman.
„Good morning. We‘d like to know if it‘s possible for someone here to help us look for flight tickets to Paris,“ Kai spoke. „Our grandfather told us this was the only way he knew how to obtain and get information about,“ Kai asked earning a nod from the librarian.
„For your grandfather or for you two?“ Asked the librarian.
„Us two,“ Responded Kai.
„I‘m 15 and she‘s 16,“ Responded Kai.
„17,“ Corrected Alfida making Kai grin embarrassed.
„Okay and does it have to be a non-stop flight or a connecting flight?“
„If possible, the cheapest one,“ Added Alfida. „We gotta pay this on our own, eventually,“
„Alright I‘m looking for you two on Brian Airlines, a low-cost airline if you‘re okay with it,“ Stated the woman making the teens nod.
„There are no available low-cost flights to Paris. You would need to choose another destination and see from there, how you could go there to Paris,“ Responded the librarian.
„Well what more can you want, we‘re at the moment out of money and need to go there to get my sister back,“ Explained Kai earning a nod from the librarian.
„How did you get here, if I may ask?“
„It‘s a long story. We‘re really thankful for your help ma‘am,“
„We really are and I don‘t want to be rude or anything, but what are the prices of the available destinations? Are there close to Paris a bit?“ Asked the raven-haired girl the woman, which used her mouse to open the offers.
„60 Norwegian Kroner is if you fly to Vienna, in Austria. Wroclaw in Poland costs 50 Kroner and to Basle in Switzerland 60,“ Mentioned the librarian looking at the two teens.
„For two persons it‘s actually cheap,“ Kai mentioned glad making his crush nod.
„Oh, that‘s for each person,“ Corrected the librarian. „Each of you pays 50 or 60 bucks. So 100 or 120,“
„Oh…..okay, so looks like we have to stay here for a while and find a way to make some money for our flight,“ Kai mentioned making Alfida nod.
„Yeah, we better start to look for a way to obtain money. Maybe Hendrick has an idea and helps us out,“ Commented Alfida.
„I know I can make money with art, I just need to get myself a painting easel and colors. The issue is I will need money for that as well,“
„I‘m thinking about going to Orm and Hendrick and tell what‘s up. Hendrick mostly, he knows this world at the moment better than us,“
„I think you‘ve got a point,“ Kai agreed, then Alfida thanked the woman and walked along with the boy to the outside of the library. „Hey, should we head back to the troll kingdom and see, if we can unfreeze the others?“ Questioned Kai making Alfida shrug her shoulders.
„We could go and try, yeah,“ Replied the raven-haired. „Let‘s get out of here,“ Called Alfida walking the street up with the short boy.
As the school had ended Rollan was alone in the locker room looking at a small book he has as his agenda to see the homework he had noticed down for the week and stored the books we wouldn‘t need for now inside his locker.
„Ay, it‘s been a long time since I‘ve ever done homework. That looks like a lot than usual,“ Spoke Rollan, then stored his agenda inside his bag and got up to close his locker, then noticed his belt he encountered a few days ago. Rollan took the belt out to look at his initial letter and unlocked the aperture under it and tried to adjust it around his waist. „I…..almost got it,“ Commented Rollan trying to squeeze the thick textile through the bands of his pants. Rollan made it and closed his belt, then noticed the old-goldish tune of his symbol get lighter, making him furrow his left eyebrow and in front of him appeared a stone-creature in the air, then it dropped on the ground and it got split into two and both got up scratching their heads.
„Whoa,“ Rollan commented surprised as seeing the two creatures, then got down at the two. „What kind of creatures are you?“ Asked Rollan about to pat the slink creature, then yelped as he burnt his finger on it.
„Hey, hey, hey. Didn‘t you notice the magma on my head?“ Asked the slink stone creature watching Rollan shove his finger in his mouth. „It‘s hotter, than a day at the beach,“
„I‘m sorry,“ Apologized Rollan. „I was kinda astonished by seeing you two,“
„I‘m glad you‘re thinking that way,“ Commented the round creature. „Hey haven‘t we seen each other once? You‘re pretty familiar to me,“
„Not that I know,“ Responded Rollan. „Why?“
„I felt like I‘ve known you somehow,“ Responded the large stone-creature. „I‘m Coal by the way. You‘ve got a name as well?“
„Of course he does, Coal,“ Commented the slink stone creature, making Coal frown and punch him on his face making him fall down on the ground to split into two, now the third creature was much smaller than the slinker one.
„I‘m Rollan,“ Responded Rollan looking at the third creature, which got up along with the slinky one.
„If we‘re going to be together for the next amount of time. I would really love if I could walk on the ground on my own or be carried by you. Anytime I‘m hit or fall down, I split in two and if they fall as well, you‘ll have it worse than in a rabbit burrow,“ Coal commented seeing Rollan sit down on the bench looking at the trio,
„Can I at least know, why I am here talking to you three? What were you doing in my belt?“
„That‘s an excellent question, for some reason a foreign man mixed my powers into this belt, so I assume this would be a way to have the wielder be able to use the powers,“
„Powers?“ Asked Rollan curious. „What kind of powers?“ Asked Rollan, then he heard a loud noise on the outside of the building and ran at the window to look out and see the feet of a large robot stand there blocking the way to the buildings behind it. „Coal?!?“
„The power of fire“ Responded Coal. „You‘re able to create fire and use it,“
„Really? How can I do so?“ Asked the raven-haired boy. „Do I have to say anything?“
„You‘ll get the hand of it. You just have to transform and you‘ll be able to use the powers,“ Responded Coal watching Rollan look out of the window and hear someone scream, then the robot moved back and Rollan dropped his mouth knowing someone might be in trouble right now.
„Does this make me one of the good people if I use the firepower?“ Asked Rollan making the stone-creature shrug his shoulders.
„I‘m just here to follow your orders. Whatever path you chose, is up to you,“ Responded Coal watching Rollan look out of the window and frown.
„They need a hero? They will get one!“ Announced Rollan earning applause from the three stone-creatures.
„Then all you need to do is say, Coal, I‘m fired up,“ Stated the stone-creature.
„Coal, I‘m fired up! Ah ha, ha!“ Shouted Rollan opening up his arms and have his clothing get replaced by brown boots, pants, that were marked with fire-themed symbols resembling an engravure. On his body he wore a dark-brown pullover with small streaks, forming lava running down the clothing. Above the pullover, he wore a gray vest with similar patterns to the ones from the pants, and his belt, which now works as a miraculous was dark-red and the cover with Rollan‘s initial got brighter. His skin got darker along with his eyes and his hairstyle became fixed up resembling a fire flame with its colorings as well starting on the ground with dark brown, leading to red up to the end, which was orange and yellow.
„Wow!“ Commented Rollan astonished looking at his appearance, then ran at the exit and shrieked as the door got smacked back to encounter students from the fencing class run into the locker room accompanied by their class teacher.
„There‘s fire!“ Shouted a girl pointing at Rollan‘s superhero form, which looked around to spot the empty room.
„Where?“ Asked Rollan watching the disappear behind the locker while the rest of the team looked at the superhero. „Why is everyone looking at me as if my head was on fire?“ Asked Rollan and Mr. D‘Argencourt took out his smartphone to show Rollan his looks as a superhero and he got surprised as he saw himself as a superhero and his hair was burning at that exact moment. „Oh that‘s what you meant,“
„Get in here!“ Shouted a red-dressed fencing student, which stood at the entrance waiting for other students to leave the court and Rollan ran out heading to the field passing by a few students encountering Kim Chien Le, who he met on his first school day.
„Hey, Kim! Where‘s the danger?“ Asked Rollan watching Kim point at the outside, making Rollan nod and ran at the outside of the court to spot, a large, dark-blue car robot with two white stripes on its legs and arms holding with its left hand a police car with an agent in it. Rollan spotted on the ground Sabrina Raincomprix, which watched in shock the Roboter threatening her father.
„Papa!“ Shouted the redhead, making Rollan swallow hard.
At another part of the schoolhouse, Gerda was in the restroom washing her hands and moved to the side seeing there was no handpaper available, but a strange, electronic device, which had an etiquette with instruction on how to dry her hands in there. Gerda looked at her hands and slowly put them inside the device, which began to blow wind at Gerda‘s hands to dry them and the side of the device had a small display counting from ten down until it would stop drying. As it stopped Gerda took out her hands, then smiled at seeing it made its job good. Gerda picked up from the floor her bag, then walked out of the restroom out a the library opening up the bag to check her material, she had in it and noticed the wreath Rollan told to have found. Therefore the blonde removed the wreath from her bag, then looked at the reflection of a large metal cart and observed herself inserting the wreath on top of her head. As she‘s done that, a blue spirit appeared beside Gerda floating over the lavatory, shrieking at the girl at the sudden appearance of the small creature.
„Hello. I‘m Snowflake,“ Greeted the spirit. „I‘m coming in peace, don‘t worry. I‘m able to grant you powers...the power of ice,“ Explained Snowflake watching Gerda, which had gotten calmer. „With me, you‘ll be able to use ice. You‘ll be able to freeze things, create things, destroy things. A lot is possible if you learn to figure it out,“ „Like the….Snow Queen?“ Asked Gerda curious making the spirit nod, then she spotted someone and hid inside Gerda‘s backpack. „Hey!“ Shouted Gerda opening the backpack. „Get out of here, I need to talk to you,“ Gerda ordered, then she noticed at the end of the library a student, which was wearing a red hoodie and black pants staring at her confused. „I…..can‘t find my phone in there, but I‘m able to talk like this on it. That‘s pretty cool, isn‘t it?“ Asked Gerda faking a grin at the student.
„Uh…..we gotta hide, there‘s another akuma out there terrorizing the city,“ Stated the student making Gerda nod.
„I will come, don‘t worry,“ Responded Gerda watching the boy move on, then from Gerda‘s pocket came out the spirit, making her frown. „Why didn‘t you show up?“
„You‘re my new holder, right?“ Asked the spirit making Gerda shrug her shoulders.
„I don‘t know. You just appeared at the time I‘ve set this on my head,“ Commented Gerda making Snowflake nod.
„Then I assume you are if the wreath is supposed to go to you,“
„Maybe,“ Commented Gerda, then Snowflake floated forward and Gerda followed the spirit to see above the top of the room two TV screens hanging with the news of the akuma alert.
„Shadow Moth akumatized another citizen, which turned into an Autobot and is causing trouble in Paris,“ Explained the purple-haired moderator on TV.
„Oh oh, that‘s right here at our school,“ Commented Gerda earning a nod from the spirit.
„So what do you think? Do you want to give it a chance and use your powers to take down that monster over there?“ Questioned Snowflake. „I think the superheroes would love to have another helping hand. What do you think?“
„I‘ve never done this before. I don‘t know if I can even pull this off,“
„You can do that. You‘ve got me and my powers. You don‘t have to get worried about being hurt or killed. You're sheltered pretty well as long as you have me activated,“
„Okay I could give it a try,“ Gerda answered. „I‘ve defeated the Snow Queen once when I was younger. This will be easier…..I hope at least,“ Gerda commented, then Snowflake patted Gerda on her shoulder.
„Don‘t worry Gerda. You will do just fine. Say, Snowflake freeze and you‘ll transform,“ Added the creature making Gerda nod.
„Snowflake, Freeze!“ Shouted Gerda having her entire look exchanged. Her clothings had vanished and her entire body was covered in a long, blue winter coat with big snowflake patterns spread around the outfit. The wreath got the similar colors of the outfit, the hair had gotten lighter along with the skin, and around her eyes, up to the side of her ears, she wore a mix of ice-white and blue make-up powder with smaller dots and snowflake spread over it along a part of her cheek.
„Woah I look like a….a mini Snow Queen,“ Gerda commented. „Or no this looks like a regular winter cloak,“ Spoke Gerda, then heard the door of the library get kicked back by Kim Chien Le and Ethan, the student he played basketball with holding up the doors, so a few students ran in for safety. Gerda looked from the second floor at the two, then she had an idea and looked at the stairs beside her and looked at her hands, then held them open wide and shoot ice from her hands and she approached the stairs, so she would freeze them. Gerda smiled, then jumped on it sliding down at the first floor, then Gerda shrieked and pushed down a redheaded student and flenched her teeth in shock.
„I‘m sorry Nathaniel,“ Commented Gerda looking at the redhead scratch his head and look up at the girl bewildered from knowing his name. Gerda saw him not caring about what happened, then she ran out of the library and a few students got at the door to see the mysterious person, that had just run out of the library.
„I feel like I‘ve seen her before,“ Commented Kim making the blonde student shrug his shoulders watching the superheroine freeze the long stairs, to slide down on her back.
Rollan stood at the exit looking at the robot, which held the police car in his hands, then he whistled to catch the robot‘s attention.
„Hey! You have to pick someone who‘s worth your level!“ Shouted Rollan‘s alter ego, then he heard a whooshing sound and turned his head back to see the ice-themed superheroine come along. She had made herself a path to the exit with ice, where she was trying to slide on, but she ended up falling down on her front. Rollan got down on the ground to offer her his hand. She took his hand to get up, then tripped over the ice and hit her forehead on his nose, causing him to shake his head surprised at the mishap.
„Are you okay?“ Asked Rollan raising up the girl carefully, then looked into her blue eyes and got lost in them. „Que Hermosísimo...“ Commented Rollan making Gerda grin embarrassed at her slipping, then both turned around as they heard Sabrina cry about her father in danger.
„Have you got any idea?“ Asked Rollan. „I don‘t know, how I can get up there,“
„Maybe we should attack him from here,“ Suggested Gerda, then Rollan nodded and ran towards the supervillain, making Gerda drop her mouth. „What are you going to do?“ Asked Gerda watching the superhero move his arms back causing two fireballs on the hands, then jumped up and hit with them the feet of the supervillain, causing the metal of the feet to melt a little. Rollan looked up at the robot, which moved his feet hard yeeting Rollan across the air, so he would crash with his back against the wall of the school. Gerda ran at the superhero to check for him, then helped him sat up.
„Are you okay?“ Asked Gerda making him nod.
„Yah,“ Replied the brunette. „My fire isn‘t powerful enough to harm him,“
„I saw,“ Responded Gerda and looked at the supervillain, which used his other hand to open the door of the police car, then stopped as the policeman began to shot with his gun at him.
„I think I have an idea,“ Gerda said running at the robot then used her ice power to build around the feet of the robot ice and Rollan sat up observing her doing that. Rollan looked up at the robot, then at the schoolhouse, and had an idea, then run into the school building leaving Gerda alone trying to stop the villain with her ice power.
For a long while, Gerda continued using her ice power seeing she made it to froze the feet of the robot in it, then smiled as he didn‘t move his feet in it. Gerda raised her hand in victory, then the robot tried to pull out his right leg, making pressure on the ice, which began to decay, making Gerda wide her eyes as her plan didn‘t quite work well.
From above the schoolhouse, Gerda spotted Rena Rouge fly against the car, then catapult herself away from it, while pushing Roger Raincomprix out of the vehicle and she landed on the ground, followed by catching the heavy man almost bringing the heroine down on the ground.
„Gosh! Are you heavy!“ Complained Rena Rouge, then the supervillain broke out off the ice and Gerda ran in Rena‘s direction throwing ice at the supervillain to stop him, unsuccessfully.
„Sorry, we‘re new here,“ Gerda commented watching Rena Rouge drop the policeman on the ground, which ran to his daughter and shrieked as the robot dropped the police car over the two.
„Watch out!“ Shouted Rena Rouge then Gerda used her ice power causing a long bridge to appear over the Raincomprix‘s and it hit the bridge, causing it to break, making Gerda scream and before it fell on top of the family Ladybug showed up, coming from the school and used her yo-yo to pull them away, before getting hurt.
„Well done, Ladybug!“ Chanted Rena Rouge, then Ladybug pointed at the school court, where the two members ran into and Ladybug noticed the foreign girl and figured out, that she was wearing the ice miraculous.
„Where did you find that miraculous?“ Asked Ladybug pointing at the wreath.
„It‘s actually mine,“ Gerda responded. „Or it‘s very identical to the wreath I lost,“
„Look….“Ladybug commented, then she heard the shatter of a window, then looked up along with Gerda to see the fire-themed superhero jump out off the window against the supervillain, landing on the middle of his leg, then he used both hands to create a fireball and grabbed the iron of his leg to melt it.
Ladybug facepalmed, then watched Gerda use her ice power to freeze the leg of the villain, then she stopped as she saw the robot push Rollan off his leg into his doom, then Gerda quickly used her ice to freeze the villain‘s foot and Rollan landed on the ice, slipping against Gerda's arms, which caught him. The boy grinned abashedly, then got dropped to the ground as Ladybug approached the duo.
„I see both of you are new. Per coincidence, I already defeated this villain once. The main goal is getting into the head of the villain and destroy the car keys,“ Stated Ladybug, then she heard Cat Noir‘s staff and looked from above the houses behind the bakery to see the cat-themed superhero come along and land on the head of the supervillain, then he knocked on the head of the supervillain.
„Cou cou!“ Greeted Cat Noir gazing upside down into the cabin of the car to see the human, that was akumatized and used his staff to break the windshield, then the robot moved with his upper body hastily causing Cat Noir to fall off, then grab himself on the waist of the robot.
„How shall we get up without any help?“ Asked Gerda looking at Ladybug, then Rena Rouge had an idea and grabbed the girl on her shoulder.
„Follow me you two,“ Asked Rena Rouge switching from Gerda to Rollan, then both followed the fox-themed superheroine and Ladybug looked at her yo-yo, then threw it up to activate her lucky charm.
„Lucky charm!“ Shouted the heroine, then received a large ladder and chuckled about it. „Wow this is actually useful….in a way,“ Commented the spotted heroine, then looked around the place and noticed the car of the police agent lie broken in front of the stairs, then she had an idea and ran at the car to place the ladder over the car. Ladybug watched Cat Noir jump off the Autobot, landing on the ground, and observed the Autobot hit himself on the leg, making Cat Noir grin.
„You‘ve got a plan, bugaboo?“ Asked Cat Noir, then Ladybug pointed at the ladder.
„I had expected you to remain up on Apace there for a little longer and jump down at the ladder, but now I think you‘ve gotta do it in another way,“
„From above the school?“ Suggested Cat Noir, then heard the window of the school getting broken, then both looked up to see Rollan‘s superhero form fly towards the supervillain, getting closer to his head, beginning to distract him. „I wasn‘t aware he could do that,“ Cat Noir commented surprised making Ladybug chuckle.
„Rena is quite imaginative, isn‘t she?“ Asked Ladybug looking at Cat Noir, which then understood, Ladybug had already figured out it was an illusion. Rollan‘s alter ego jumped out off the window and Cat Noir jumped at the middle of the ladder and got on the top of it, making the ladder swank down and Rollan‘s landing on the other side catapulted Cat Noir up at the driver cabin, thereafter Cat Noir broke with his staff the side of the window, then blocked with it the driver and activated his cataclysm to destroy his car keys to reveal the akuma.
„Bingo!“ Cat Noir chanted, then the villain packed Cat Noir on his head, trying to hold him down, and moved his hand close to Cat Noir‘s hand.
„Why is it taking so long?“ Asked Rollan looking at Ladybug, which noticed Cat Noir‘s odd movements from down, then she looked up at the roof to see Rena Rouge and Gerda‘s alter ego.
„Hey, snowgirl! Jump down and help the fire guy up at the robot head to help Cat Noir out!“ Ordered Ladybug, then Gerda looked down at Rollan‘s alter ego, which waited for her to jump down. „Don‘t worry,“
„Come on, you‘ll do just fine. I trust you,“ Rollan said loud, then Gerda jumped down landing with her feet on the end of the ladder catapulting Rollan up on the robot, then he landed on top of Cat Noir and grabbed the hands of the villain to prevent him to remove the ring off Cat Noir‘s hands.
„What‘s the next plan?“ Asked Rollan, then Cat Noir moved his head to look at the villain trying to find another place, where an amok could be located eventually.
„Do you see here anything loose?“ Asked Cat Noir, then Rollan looked around noticing on the rearview mirror a religious necklace hanging on it. He then kept looking around the vehicle and glanced back at the mirror.
„What about the necklace on the mirror?“ Asked Rollan making the superhero nod.
„That must it be, destroy it,“ Ordered Cat Noir, then Rollan picked the necklace and pressed it tight together causing fire with his hands, so it would get pulverized by him, then a blue feather flew out off the broken windshield making Cat Noir smile. „Well done,“ Complimented Cat Noir and Rollan watched the feather fly out, then they heard Ladybug activate her healing light to restore everything back to normal and around the robot passed by her light and removed the robot, dropping the two superheroes on the ground. Rollan got confused, afterward looked around himself to see, what had happened and looked at Cat Noir.
"Is your hair really burning?" Asked Cat Noir looking at the rookie, which was checking the surroundings wondering, where the robot had gone.
„Where did the robot go?“ Asked Rollan. Cat Noir spotted the citizen, that had been de-akumatized appear on the ground and beside him stood a blue, American muscle car. Cat Noir got up and went down on his knees to check on the man.
„Did you get caught on another illegal race, Anthony?“ Asked Cat Noir making the man shake his head.
„Not really, but I broke the speed limit and got my license taken away. I actually deserved it anyway, but I have let the anger take over me,“ Explained the driver, then Rollan looked into the car to see the necklace on the mirror, then got down to the man as well.
„That necklace in there, I used to have one from my mother, but I‘ve lost it,“ Commented Rollan.
„I‘ve got it there as a lucky charm,“ Stated the driver. „But I should really keep the velocity down. Not because of my life, I could bring someone else in danger or even erase someone‘s life, who‘s most likely to be innocent,“
„We never know,“ Commented Cat Noir, then Rollan got up to approach Ladybug, Rena Rouge and Gerda‘s alter ego, then smiled at the girls.
„We‘re not quite the skilled heroes here,“ Commented Rollan. „I‘m not sure, how we got to be them or if we deserve it,“
„Actually I‘ve lost your two‘s miraculouses during my last fight and I needed to retrieve it, but you two were fighting without any hesitation and trying to help. I think I‘ll let you keep them. Now that Shadow Moth is stronger than before it would be really good to have more team members. This was your first time, you two will gain skills with the time,“
„Yes,“ Agreed Gerda looking at Rollan‘s alter ego, which smiled at her and bowed down at the girl.
„Have you two actually a name?“ Asked Rena. „You know a superhero one?“
„Exactly, no one has to know who our identity is. No one. This is most important, cause if Hawk Moth knows about our other identity, we and our family and friends will be in danger,“
„Sure,“ Responded Rollan.
„I promise,“ Gerda added.
„So, what‘s your hero name?“ Asked Ladybug. „Paris needs to know, who these two newbies are,“
„Well I would need to think about how I should call myself...something feminine,“ Stated Gerda while Rollan pondered about it.
„Fire King, I‘m Fire King,“ Stated Rollan making Ladybug smile.
„It does‘t have to be complicated. Something very simple like uhm….Ice Queen“ Suggested Ladybug making Rena chuckle.
„Or Frosty, Frosty-girl, Queen Frost…….Ice Frost….“ Suggested the Fire King making Gerda chuckle, then she figured out a name she could use.
„Hey, I think I‘ve got one…...What about, Lady Frost?“
„It‘s up to you, if you like it,“ Mentioned Ladybug earning a nod from Rena Rouge.
„I like it,“ Rena commented making Gerda smile.
„I find it suits you,“ Added Fire King earning a nod from the light blonde girl, then Ladybug lifted her fist up in the middle, then watched Cat Noir and Rena Rouge get beside the two and look at the two newbies. Rena Rouge moved her eyes calling the attention of the two rookies, which smiled and placed their one hand in the middle to do a group fist bump.
„Pound it!“ Said the group together, seconds later Fire King and Lady Frost repeated their sentence, then saw Cat Noir‘s ring beep.
„Oh excuse me, I gotta go, see you another time,“ Cat Noir said waving at the group.
„How long have you been superheroes if I may ask?“ Questioned Lady Frost watching Ladybug think about it.
„I think about two years, almost,“ Replied the blue-haired girl. „I‘ve got a lot of experience on my back. You two are new, inexperienced, and are probably new to us all. Eventually to each other as well. The more we work together in the future, the better you two get,“
„Thank you for your confidence, Ladybug,“ Commented Lady Frost giving the heroine her hand to shake, then saw Ladybug‘s earring beep.
„Oh I gotta go as well, before I transform back,“ Warned Ladybug earning a nod from Rena Rouge, which saluted at the duo and ran away. Ladybug used her yo-yo and swung away, disappearing behind the building and Fire King and Lady Frost looked at each other.
„Do we know each other?“ Asked Fire King making the ice-themed heroine shake her head.
„Probably not. I don‘t seem to recognize you,“ Responded Lady Frost making the brunette nod.
„I felt like I‘ve seen you before,“ Commented Fire King. „I don‘t know, maybe your eyes made me feel like I‘ve seen them before,“
Lady Frost chuckled, then patted the superhero on the shoulder.
„Probably just a coincidence. There are more people with blue eyes. Might just be a coincidence,“ Explained Lady Frost. „I have to go. We will see each other next time,“ Mentioned the blonde making the fire-themed superhero nod and watch the heroine ran into the school court. Fire King smiled enchanted as the heroine went upstairs and leaned his back against the railing of the school sighing.
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luckywatersao3 · 3 years
Chapter 44 is up!
It only took two more classes of Defense Against the Dark Arts to conclusively convince Virgo that Lupin was an amazing professor. Every class was engaging and full of new information, and Professor Lupin tried to help each and every student participate and understand the material. Even the Slytherins had cut down on the number of snide comments they made about Lupin’s shabby clothes and disheveled appearance, and at Quidditch practice on Wednesday, Page and Inglebee commiserated that they both had chosen to stop taking Defense after receiving their OWLs. Defense Against the Dark Arts was suddenly everyone’s favorite class.
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kabibblewrites · 4 years
So it’s not like, a PROPER chapter-chapter, but more of an interlude to get my ass in gear because let me tell you, this year is a major suck-fest
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alana-rp · 23 days
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that ask from yesterday/the other day inspired me to outline a new fic :’’’) slow burn, enemies to lovers, grumpy sunshine theseus fic is on its wayyy!! it’s gonna be a longer, multipart fic so bear with me but i PROMISE it will be worth the wait! i’m really so excited, i finished outlining it + writing the first scene so it’s just a matter of chipping away at the rest as soon as i have time to
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infinitethree · 10 months
Spicy twist on what you thought you knew! :)
Casual reminder that Daz's playlist is out and even if he has some Very Sad songs, he is still a bastard. Awful little guy. Terrible. He's my favorite for a reason.
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maquira713 · 4 years
KBS Updated!
And then Riddle whispered, nearly hissing,
“Do you know how much you frustrate me?”
Harry’s breath hitched — at the words, at Riddle’s proximity, and at the sensation of Riddle’s exhalation washing over his skin...
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fanfictionaries · 4 years
Chapter 16 of Oh So Many Years up SOON!
It’s written, I just have to proofread it. I wrote it while I was at the airport all day today. I’ve been traveling to get back home since 8:30am. It’s currently 8:30pm. I just left the airport and it’s a two hour drive home. But once I get home, I’ll edit/proof-read and post! I promise!!! Thank you guys!!
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