#fingers crossed knock on wood next week will be the week
ashwhowrites · 13 hours
Hi! Can you please write something abt Eddie x Cheerleader! Reader? Like they met at detention and Eddie was surprised bc “Hawkins High Princess” was at detention, maybe they started to sneak out and went to the bench at the woods, and after some time, they fell in love?
I hope this is what you wanted and you enjoy it! Thank you for requesting 🫶🏻
Hawkins princess
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Eddie knew the route to detention like the back of his hand. It was a routine he did almost daily. Walking down the hallway to the small classroom filled with the other delinquents.
He took the chair in the back corner, as always, and propped his dirty sneakers on the table. He crossed his arms and slanted his head down, preparing for an afternoon nap.
He looked up when people gasped as the doors opened. He was shocked to see Y/N shuffling inside.
She sat near the front, and Eddie was already picking up his stuff. He slammed his body right next to her spot, a dazzling smirk on his face.
She eyed him but didn't say the first word.
"What the hell did the Hawkins princess do to land in here?" He asked, his voice was loud. She sat in her cheerleading uniform, growing uncomfortable from the eyes on her.
"Punched Jason in the jaw," she said as she rolled her eyes. She'd do it again with no regrets.
Eddie's smirk grew as he looked impressed
"Well damn, I think you deserve an award for that." Eddie joked
"Yeah well, no one else thought so." She shrugged. She was a bit annoyed she got called into dentition for it. He practically asked for it.
"Eddie Munson right?" She asked, turning her body to face him. A look in her eyes.
"The one and only" he smiled
"You know how to get out of here?" She whispered, leaning closer
"Oh baby, I do." He said, grabbing her hand and racing out the doors.
She laughed as they ran to his van, she could hear teachers yelling but she loved that Eddie kept going.
He peeled off on two tires as she held on to the door. She didn't ask where they were going to go, she weirdly trusted him.
And that's where their adventure began.
She didn't get a dentition after that, but that didn't mean she stopped seeing him. She'd skip out of practice and knock on the door, once he saw her he was taking off. Then they'd run and run.
Their destination changed how they felt. Sometimes they cruised on the roads until they found a beach, or they went down the street for burgers and fries. Sometimes they went to Eddie's or she snuck him in her bedroom.
She loved how fun he was and how spontaneous he could be.
"Wanna go smoke?" He asked, they reached his van but he didn't open the doors.
"I don't smoke but I'll sit with you." She offered. She would sit and do nothing with him, his presence was enough to entertain her.
"Sweet. I got a place" he winked and took her hand again.
She felt her heart racing as they walked through the woods, his hand tight as it held hers.
She never thought she'd find herself crushing on Eddie, but boy was she fucked. It was weeks of sneaking out to be alone with him, and she was captivated by his persona. He was just as crazy, loud, and obnoxious as he was in school, and she found herself loving it.
"Here she is!" He said, letting go of her hand to proudly show off the tiny wooden bunch. "My second favorite girl," he said as he knocked on the wood and took a seat.
"Who's number one?" Y/N asked as she sat on the bench across from him, secretly hoping he'd grab her and place her right next to him.
"You," he said with another wink, making her body heat up as she tried to play it off
He got busy working on his joint as she watched. She squirmed at the way his fingers perfectly rolled the paper. And she held back a moan as his tongue swiped across the paper to seal it. She never knew how attractive Eddie could be.
He lit the end and the smoke filled the air. She silently watched as he puffed on the joint, the way his lips wrapped around the end. The way he inhaled and his neck stretched.
The smell filled her nose and knocked her into reality.
"Wanna try?" He asked
"No, thanks. Chrissy would kill me." Y/N laughed
"Didn't you punch her boyfriend then skip out on multiple practices?" Eddie laughed
"Eh all worth it." She laughed with him.
Eddie held the joint with his mouth as he reached for her hand. "Healed nice." He said, muffled by the joint but she knew what he said.
She felt her face blush as he softly traced her skin.
"Can I ask you something?" She asked
He nodded and returned his hand to smoke the joint the correct way.
"Wanna go to my place? My parents are out for the weekend." She asked, and she asked in a way that Eddie knew what she meant.
He coughed the smoke out of his lungs. He tried to keep his cool but inside his brain was cheering and patting himself on the back.
"Oh hell yes"
That night they went further than ever before. They kissed, made out, and had sex. All weekend long. They barely left the sheets, just soaking in each other from sunrise to sunset.
That weekend she realized she was falling for him.
"I can't keep covering your ass for the coach. She's pissed you ditched out on weekend practice." Chrissy said, sitting next to Y/N as the cafeteria filled.
"It's the weekend. I'm not spending it with her." Y/N scoffed
"Well, I have an idea who you spent it with" Chrissy smirked, flicking the dark spot on Y/N's neck.
"Ow!" Y/N flinched
"Spill," Chrissy said, somehow getting closer to Y/N.
Y/N sighed and looked over at Eddie, Chrissy followed her eyes and gasped. Causing the table to look at her.
"What?" Jason asked, his black eye now returning to a normal color.
"Nothing. Mind your business." Y/N snapped. Once the table went back to their conversations, Chrissy silently squealed.
"Bad boy of Hawkins? Oh I know he's dirty." Chrissy teased, she looked back at Eddie and then back to her.
"Oh you are gross" Y/N laughed as she shoved Chrissy's shoulder.
"Oh come on! Give me some details. I tell you mine!" Chrissy begged
"Yeah and it makes me sick," Y/N said with a mocking smile. But she knew she'd give in.
"It is dirty but that's all I'm gonna say!" Y/N laughed, Chrissy fanned herself as she acted out.
"Next sleepover you are telling me everything!"
"One problem though," Y/N sighed, "I really like him"
"So? Ask him out" Chrissy shrugged, like it was the easiest thing to do.
"Ask who out?" Jason but in
Y/N rolled her eyes and kept her attention on Chrissy
"Trust me, I've thought about it. But what if he isn't interested? He doesn't look like the relationship type." She sighed and her eyes trailed over to Eddie once more. He laughed with Dustin, shaking the boy's body.
"You wanna date the freak?" Jason scoffed
"He's not a freak." She said annoyed. Already tired of giving him her time. "But yes, I wanna ask Eddie out."
"That's social suicide and might lead to actual suicide," Jason argued
"Jason shut it." Chrissy snapped
"You know what Jason? I should have blackened your other eye. Save you from having to watch this." Y/N snapped. She grabbed her backpack and walked straight over to Eddie's table.
"incoming!" Mike said as Y/N marched over to their table.
Eddie looked at Mike and followed his eyes. Eddie straightened in his chair and quickly fluffed his hair.
"You look good, don't worry," Dustin whispered as he patted Eddie's shoulder.
"Y/N?" Eddie asked once she made it over. He looked over her shoulder and saw her table staring at him
"Stand up," she demanded and he quickly obeyed
He stood up, very confused about what was happening
Then she wrapped her arms around his neck and smashed her lips on his. She didn't keep it little, she shoved her tongue down his throat and tangled her hands in his hair.
He felt his breath being taken away but made sure to kiss her back. His hands slipped down to her ass as he proudly groped her in the middle of the cafeteria.
The hellfire table stared at them with shock and amusement
Chrissy watched proudly
And the rest of the table watched with disgust
They pulled away, and Y/N smiled at Eddie's dazed face.
"Wanna go out, Munson? Try a real date?" Her arms were still hooked around his neck as she smiled
"Fuck yes" he breathed out as he caught his breath back
"Pick me up 7" she winked as she walked back to her table
Eddie blinked a thousand times, watching her walk away with her hips swaying.
"Dude! Nice!" Gareth cheered as he slammed his hands on Eddie's shoulders.
Did that really just happen?
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@bmunson86 @mxcheese @michaelfuckinglangdon @z0mbie-blah @biittersweet @mirrorsstuff @somethingvicked @micheledawn1975 @ago-godance @magnificantmermaid @tlclick73 @hargrovesswifee @cityofidek @silky-luxe @lokiofasgard616 @loving-and-dreaming @eddiemunsonsbitch69 @thegemaqua @ashlynnkennedy @strangerthingsstories5255 @harringt8ns @pleasinghellfire @whoscamila @stusdollface93 @gretavankleep37 @bellaisswagger @arlx @ineedmentalhelp123
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I miss my d&d campaign so bad 😢
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silverskye13 · 4 months
just wanted to say that I fell out of my mcyt strong interest around the first few chapters of redstone and skulk but I'm back in it now and have been slowly working my way through the fic and it's So good I love your writing style and characterization (also I've been seeing all the art still and it's SO COOL)
Beloved mutual bananasofthorns! I saw your comments! Welcome back to my silly fic [and also to MCYT!]
Thank you for the kind words :D that means a lot coming from you, I think yours were some of the first fics I ever read for this fandom.
The art is amazing, there's so many people making so many cool things and I appreciate them all dearly. I wish I had enough fridge space for them all [and of course, I have been doodling too. They are fun little guys to draw.]
I'm glad you're liking the fic so far ^_^
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sillyboysmackdown · 1 year
ohhh i never . said when i was closing the form oopsies !!! im just alittle silly sometimes sorry guys <3
depending on how many submissions we get the form will be closed on friday, march 31st, and the first polls will be up on saturday, april 1st, if i can get pictures of The Sillies and graphics formatted in time. if i cant then theyll be up on the 2nd !!!
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lipglossanon · 8 months
Urban Legend
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shape shifter/wendigo!Leon S. Kennedy x fem!reader - NSFW
warnings: 18+ minors DNI, monsterfucking, dirty talk, mentions of cannibalism, threats, CNC, rape fantasy, rape talk, oral (f receiving), impromptu thigh job lol, biting, blood kink, multiple creampies, fingering, overstimulation, belly bulge, cum inflation, breeding kink, double penetration in one hole
not proofread ✌️ it’s all made up and the points don’t matter 😜
I literally had to stop myself from writing so sorry if the ending is sudden/lame 😝
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“There’s no way that it’s real,” you scoff into your phone.
“Then why was it in the newspaper, huh?” Your friend’s voice sounds tinny on the other end, letting you know you’ll be out of range soon. 
“To sell them, duh,” you laugh, “hey listen, I’m about to lose service so I’ll talk to you on Monday.”
“Call me if anything happens!” her concern makes you smile to yourself. 
“Will do, bye!”
You lock your phone and slide it back into your pocket. A quick glimpse of a chimney in the treeline lets you know you’re almost to the cabin. It’s just a small little one bed, one bath place deep in the middle of the woods. Your parents moved and left the place to you, so you’re not able to come out as much as you like so it’s a little more rundown than in previous years. 
You have to park at the bottom and make the mile long hike up the mountain in order to reach it. There’s an ATV parked in the shed for any emergencies, but you’ve made the trek all these years without any issues so fingers crossed this will just be another year in the bucket. 
Stepping up onto the small porch, you pull out the spare key and unlock the door. A branch snaps off in the woods and you shoot a look over your shoulder. Your friend’s nervousness seems to be rubbing off on you. Rolling your eyes, you turn back to open the door. 
“There’s no such thing as werewolves anyways,” you mutter under your breath. 
She gave you a quick breakdown of the last several month’s events while you talked to her on your walk. She told you there’s been missing livestock for weeks until suddenly a few local parishioners went missing after service and were found brutally mutilated days later. Attacks have been gradually ramping up, peaking around the full moon especially (which just happens to be the weekend you decided for a mini vacation at the cabin, go figure). 
The locals believe in some old wives tales about a werewolf returning every hundred years. You think it’s kinda cute they hold onto such old superstitions, but it’s more than likely some bobcat or mountain lion that’s come down due to deforestation in the area. 
You let these thoughts wash over you as you bustle around the cabin; you get everything in place and mentally thank your dad for putting up solar panels years ago. Those paired with the propane tank and generator outside means you won’t be without hot running water or lights. 
Once you’re all settled in, you decide to make something quick and simple for dinner before relaxing in front of the fireplace. Stretching out on the beat up couch, you scrunch your toes in the thick fuzzy socks you love to wear this time of year and flip open the book you brought with you. You’ve just found the most comfortable position for reading, becoming more engrossed page by page when a loud thudding knock rings out from your door. You jump at the sound and scowl over at the door. 
Another knock happens and you close your book, making sure your bookmark is securely tucked in the pages, and raise up. Quietly walking to the door, you peek out of the peephole and see an injured man slumped against the porch railing. Your heartbeat quickens and you watch as he raises a tired hand to knock on the door again. Glancing around the area yields nothing but trees and the dusky twilight. 
You tiptoe away and grab the rifle out of the gun safe next to the fireplace. As you walk back over, the man knocks once more. 
“How can I help you?” You call out from your side of the door, gazing back through the peephole. 
The man tilts his face up, fringe falling away for you to make out a strong jawline. 
“I-I was attacked and n-need help,” he winces, arm hugging his middle where you can see blood seeping through his shirt, “some kinda w-wild animal. I just need a phone or a first aid kit. Please, miss.” 
You pause, eyes glancing down to the gun in your hands. On the off chance he’s faking, well he won’t be for long.
“What’s your name?” You call out, pulling your phone from your pocket. 
“Leon. Leon Kennedy,” he grunts, clenching his waist.
You type it out in your notes as well as a text message just to be on the safe side and lock your phone again. Unbolting the heavy door, you pull it open, gun at your side. 
He glances down at the weapon and back up to you, a small grin pulling at the corners of his mouth before pain pinches his expression. 
“Promise I don’t bite.”
You gesture forward and he takes a staggering step before pausing. 
“Are you coming in or what?”
He grimaces and takes another halting step, “Yeah, just hurts to move.”
You shift on your feet, debating with yourself before setting the gun down and stepping forward. 
“I’ll help you,” you murmur, taking his other arm and placing it over your shoulders. 
You angle him in the doorway first and help him hobble over to a chair near the fire. 
“Thank you,” he breathes out a sigh of relief before groaning, “cut me pretty deep.”
You walk over to pick up the gun and move it back to the safe. Making your way to the bathroom, you pull the first aid pack from under the sink and walk over to your impromptu guest. 
“Can you take your shirt off?”
“Shouldn’t you buy me dinner first,” he jokes, but stiffly slips his shirt over his head. 
You smile sardonically and snap open the bag, “I usually don’t harbor strange men on my days off, so I guess I don’t quite know the protocol.”
He laughs but it ends in another pained groan, hand pressing against the clawed marks across his ribs. 
“Shit, that might need stitches,” you frown, pulling out the disinfectant. 
Once you clean off the area, you notice it’s not as deep as you thought.
“Luckily we didn’t need to use the quick clot,” you smear antibacterial ointment over the wounds and pull out the gauze. 
He hums but doesn’t say anything; his blue eyes haven’t moved from your face the entire time you’ve been ‘doctoring’ him. 
“Thank you for this, I really thought I was gonna be wandering the woods for hours,” he finally speaks as you tape a bandage across his ribs and wrap it with the gauze (to be on the safe side you murmur to him). 
“Well, tomorrow, we can ride the ATV down and call a friend or the local ranger since you were attacked by an animal,” you zip up the first aid kit and grab all the rubbish to toss in the trash. 
He nods, “Okay.”
“You’ll be sleeping on the couch,” you point to the old upholstered couch in question, “it’s not big but it’s better than the floor.”
His eyes flick from the couch back to you, “I appreciate it. Better than being outside, ya know.”
He quirks a smile at his own words and you give a tight one in response. 
Sitting down in the chair across from him, you give him a quick once over, “Are you okay though? Like I’m not doctor, but I can help you down the mountain to my car if you really need one.”
He shakes his head, a softer smile pulling at his lips, “No, I’m good. Thanks though.”
“What happened?”
“I have a place out here and decided to go for a walk and an asshole jumped out of the bushes and nicked my ribs, knocked me down. I got a little disoriented and wound up over here. I could hear it following me up until I reached your porch.”
You rub your arms and gaze over to the front door, “Did you see what it was?”
“Some kinda wolf I think,” his brows furrow as he thinks back, “big for a wolf though.”
His expression clears as he looks back at you, “You live here?”
Shaking your head, you drop his gaze to look into the fireplace, “No, just a weekend getaway. Shitty job and even shittier neighbors getting on my nerves, so here I am.”
He laughs, “You don’t love your job?”
“No, not really,” a small smile crosses your face turning back to him, “does anyone?”
Leon shrugs before hissing from jostling the wound, “Mine’s not so bad. I work security.”
“Ahh, any place I know?” 
He shakes his head, “It’s local.”
You hum in reply and glance at your watch. 
“Well, I’m going to head to bed,” you stand and make your way back to the gun safe, pulling out the rifle again, “not to be rude, but I don’t know you from Adam so if you need to get my attention, I highly stress knocking and waiting for me to reply.”
His gaze doesn’t move from your face, “Read you loud and clear, miss.”
“Bathrooms through there, kitchen is there,” you point at each in turn, but with the open floor plan it would be hard for Leon to miss any of this, “I’ll probably wake up pretty early and make coffee. Then we’ll head down, okay?”
He nods along with you, “Okay, I’ll see you in the morning then.”
You walk over to the bedroom and right before the door snaps shut, Leon calls out to you. 
“Goodnight,” you parrot, giving one last look to the stranger now sitting on your couch. 
His eyes seem to reflect the firelight making you shiver. In a blink, everything seems normal making you think you only imagined it. Closing the door all the way, you slide the lock in place and crawl into bed, leaning the rifle next to your nightstand. 
He says he lives nearby but you’ve been coming to this cabin for most of your life and have never heard of any neighbors. It’s one of the reasons why your parents bought this place, the seclusion of not having anyone around for miles. He’s just really suspicious to you, even if he is cute. 
You eventually drift off, eyes trained on the door until they’re slipping shut. A loud jarring sound from the living room wakes you with a jerk. Raising up your hand hovers over your gun. A loud muffled curse makes you deflate a little. Leaving your warm bed, you unlock and open your bedroom door a crack to see Leon kneeling over the chair he must’ve ran into. 
“You okay?” You call out making him jump, head jerking around to the sound of your voice. 
“Yeah,” he clears his throat, “I sorta tripped. Sorry to wake you up.”
You shrug and step out, making your way over to the kitchen, “Shit happens.”
Leon watches you as you grab a bottle of water from the fridge. 
“You seem really interesting,” he tosses out as you drink your water, “it’s kinda refreshing.”
“No offense Leon, but this is super weird for me,” you blatantly state, squinting at him, “in all my time being up here, I’ve never run into anyone else.”
“I was attacked,” he gestures to his ribs, “and I walked around for a while before finding you. It’s not like I was hiding out for you.”
He laughs suggesting it’s a joke, but there’s a ring of truth to his words that makes your hair stand on end. You eye the block of knives to your left. 
Once he realizes you’re not laughing, he tapers off, a queer little smile tugging at his lips. 
“I think I’ve spooked you,” he sighs, placing his chin in his palm as it rests against the chair, “didn’t mean to, miss.”
Using the excuse of sitting your bottle down on the counter, you side step closer to the knives. 
A grin stretches wide across his face, “Those won’t do you any good.”
Your fingernails dig into the soft meat of your palms as you level a flat look at the man in front of you. 
“And why not, Leon?”
He tilts his head, fringe shifting until only one blue eye can be seen, “Because they’re not sharp enough, silly.”
By the time your fingers wrap around the handle of a butcher’s knife, four sharp claws are wrapped around your neck, thumb digging into your jaw to tilt your head up. Your brain stutters, trying to comprehend what you’re even looking at now. 
He’s monstrous, blocking out the light completely, his body towering above your frame by a couple of feet, not including the curled ram horns protruding from his head. From what little you can see, you’re grateful for the dark. He chuckles a low warbling sound that has your heart rate kicking into overdrive. 
“You’re very interesting,” you feel a cold press of something hard and smooth against your ear, “think I’ll keep you for myself.”
He drags you closer to the fire and you catch a flash of an animal skull in place of a face before he turns away and in a blink he looks human as he did earlier tonight. 
He smiles at you, “Gotta remember not to scare you too much.”
With all the insanity that has taken place in the last few minutes, you find yourself blurting out the first thing that comes to mind.
“You weren’t even hurt, you asshole. Made me waste my first aid gauze.”
Surprise crosses Leon’s features before he’s smiling again, too wide to be human. You can see his pupils are slitted now, like a cat’s.  
“Yes, very interesting,” he chuckles, facing off against you and blocking any access to the bedroom (and your gun), “and you’re right.”
Under his breath you catch the words, “fucking Chris.”
You purse your lips, “If I go missing, they’re going to come looking for me. They’ll know your name.”
He sits you down on the couch taking a seat next to you. Leon’s excited by your words, eagerly leaning into your space. 
“You’re just full of surprises,” his teeth are longer now, needle sharp as he speaks, “and so clever. I like you already. I don’t plan on killing you.”
You snort, “Sure, and all of those locals just fell down and hurt themselves to death?”
He laughs, a sharp bright sound that makes your chest flutter.
“Oh, well they had it coming to them. Needed to eat,” his eyes reflect in the low light, “you’re such fun.”
He leans forward and breathes in causing goosebumps to race down your arms, “You make me want things. Things I haven’t thought of in a long, long time.”
Confusion pinches your brows together, “How old are you? Wait, is Leon even your real name?”
“You ask such silly questions,” he pouts, “and yes, it is. Why? Think I should have something like Cthulhu?”
You huff a laugh at how offended he sounds but bite down the smile as soon as Leon lights up from your amusement. 
“You’re a tough cookie to crack,” he presses more into your space making your skin prickle, “think I know a way to get you to like me.”
He pulls back and tugs his shirt off and with a small flex of his arms, rips the clothing in half. You can’t help but stare at him. When you patched him up hours ago, you had a fleeting appreciation of his body and now it flares back up as your eyes trace his pecs down to the happy trail disappearing under the band of his jeans. 
After tearing the shirt again, he wraps a torn piece around your wrists and ties it off. You try twisting your arms, but it does nothing except pinch the skin. Embarrassingly, your clit pulses at the feeling of being tied up like this. 
Next, Leon strips you both down quickly; his eyes hungrily raking down your nude body as he removes each piece of clothing.  Feeling self conscious, even in front of a monster, you shift your arms to cover yourself. He grabs your biceps, blue cat eyes flashing with heat, and yanks them back up. 
“Let me have my fill,” he gnashes his teeth, sharp points drawing your eye, “look at how soft you are, all that lovely unmarked skin…”
His voice trails off as he runs his hands down your arms to your breasts. 
“Sweet little nipples that need sucked…”
You shiver as he tweaks your nipples until they’re stiff and sensitive. He runs his hands over your soft stomach and hips. One hand grips the fat of your waist and the other teasingly rubs across your mound. 
“And a fat wet pussy that needs licked.” 
You shudder at those words, thighs subconsciously parting for him as he grins wickedly into your eyes. 
“Yeah that’s what she needs, huh? A sexy cunt that just needs to be stuffed full with a big fat cock.”
A whine slips past your lips and you go hot all over with embarrassment, toes curling against the soft rug. 
“S-shut up, fucking perv.”
He laughs, a distorted chime that reminds you of a bell, and leans forward to nose against your jaw, kissing your cheek. 
“Mmm, I’ll enjoy every second of this. You’re so feisty,” he kisses down to your neck, “which means this pussy is gonna taste so good. Especially when you cum.”
You glare at him but can’t stop the slick leaking down your thighs from his words and touches. It’s your darkest fantasy come true; you’ve gotten off to the thought of someone forcing themselves on you more than you’d like to admit. And now this weird creature is going to have his wicked way with you; it makes your pussy thrum in anticipation. 
His hands distort into claws in front of your eyes; the fingers are multi jointed in the strangest of ways, skin discolored and skeletal with nails long and sharp, digging into your waist roughly making you suck in a breath. His teeth and eyes are still abnormal, but so far that’s the extent. 
“What are you?” you murmur, eyes wide as they move back down to his strange hands. 
He shrugs easily, “I’m me,” grinning mischievously he presses on, “wanna see something?”
Before you can say anything he sticks out his pink tongue. It unfurls from his mouth, long and thick with a rough bumpy texture. He laughs and pulls it back into his mouth. 
“Gonna show you how fun it can be,” he kneels down in the floor, between your parted thighs, “god, you smell fucking fantastic.”
He drools a line of spit down onto the hood of your clit making your cunt throb with arousal. 
“Yeah, you may say you don’t like it, but look how fucking messy this pussy is,” he sighs happily, laying his head onto your thigh to gaze up at you, “I’m gonna make you feel so good, little human.”
He kisses your cunt sweetly making your hips jump up. 
“So sensitive,” he growls, eyes luminous as he glances back up to your face, “gonna enjoy this.”
He buries his face into your pussy, slurping and groaning as he licks into your hole. 
“Such a fat pussy,” he grunts, mouth moving up to suckle your clit, “fat little pussy that’s gonna cum all over my tongue.”
You whimper, hooking your legs over his shoulders making him laugh at you. 
“You like that? Like that I wanna eat this sweet pussy until you’re creaming my face?”
“Fuck,” you moan, head tossed back as he dives back into licking and kissing your pussy. 
It should gross you out, turn you off, anything, other than wanting to have this monster eat you out. You blame it on your brain just giving into the craziness that’s happening. Hell, maybe you’ll wake up and this will all have been some kind of fever dream. 
You grind against his mouth and his thick rough tongue fucks up into your clenching hole, fluttering against your walls and stretching your cunt wide like a cock would. Reaching down, your fingers grip into his hair, using it as an anchor as you hump down onto his tongue. 
With a rumbling purr deep within his chest, you feel his hair shift as his horns grow out of his skull. Hesitantly, you move from his silky hair to the rough texture of his horns. You gently wrap your fingers around the base and he humps the air. 
“Grip’em,” he murmurs, eyes bright, sharp teeth nipping the meat of your thigh, “think we’ll both like it.” 
A shuddering whine leaves your lips as you grasp his horns and rock against his greedy mouth. He groans, the vibration thrumming through your cunt making more slick ooze from your hole. He pulls away to lick a broad stripe up your cunt, bumpy tongue lapping slowly at your clit making your thighs shake. 
With a rumbling growl, he buries his face into your pussy lips, tongue pressing into your drippy hole. You shift your wrists as the binding bites into your skin while you grip his horns. He purrs and rubs his head back and forth so his nose rolls across your swollen clit. Whining softly, you buck upward, grinding yourself against his mouth. 
More slick oozes from your cunt and he slips his tongue into your pulsing walls before licking his way up to your pudgy clit. Leon bites your pussy lips, sucking the skin roughly before letting go. He kisses the hood of your clit and across your mound before biting down on where your cunt meets your thigh. 
Letting go, he moves back to running his bumpy tongue through your slick folds. You arch off the couch and into his warm rough mouth as he keeps licking and sucking at your cunt until you’re crying out. 
“You’re gonna make me cum,” you pant, tugging his horns before grasping his hair. 
He hums and sucks your clit into his mouth, tongue licking over the swollen bud as you moan softly. Right on the brink, he pulls his mouth away, sticky strings of saliva connecting to your pussy lips as he denies you your orgasm. 
You narrow your eyes at him as he pulls away, his slitted pupils expanded as they move up from your glistening cunt to your pinched expression. 
He grins and the sharp teeth make your clit throb.  Gripping your arms, he slips your hands over his head to wrap around his neck. Moving up your body, he kisses you messily, tongue licking into your mouth greedily. You whimper to taste yourself on his lips. 
His claws slide down your ribs making your breath stutter, exhaling a gasp as they wrap around your waist. 
“So soft,” he murmurs, “just wanna sink my claws in you over and over.”
He slips his hands underneath your ass and lifts you up, standing to his full height where your head nearly brushes the roof of the cabin. Turning, he sits down on the couch with you in his lap.  
“You seem rather human,” you mutter, eyes taking in his body as you straddle his waist, legs tucked on the outside of his thighs. 
“Easier to enjoy a soft thing like you when I’m like this,” he laughs, clawed hands digging into the meat of your hips.
“It’s just surprising,” you shrug, arms still tied around his neck. 
His eyes gleam white before settling back into their usual blue; he shifts on the couch before a smooth cat like tail slips from behind his body to wrap around your waist. 
“Better?” A smug look crosses his face. 
You hold back the laugh bubbling at the base of your throat; maybe you’ve lost your mind, maybe this is some weird hallucination brought on by whatever you ate, but a monster trying to impress you before fucking your brains out is something you never would have dreamt in your wildest fantasies. 
“What about your face earlier?”
He rolls his eyes, “That’s so boring. Don’t you wanna see if I have two cocks or something?”
This time you do laugh, a small sound that you quickly stifle under his gaze. He jostles you as he pulls you down onto his bulge making your breath hitch from the sheer size of him. 
“The answer is yes by the way,” his grin widens at the same time as your eyes do, tail tightening around your middle in excitement. 
Burying his face in your neck, he mutters, “You seriously smell so good.”
His fingers move down and tease across your swollen clit, parting your pussy lips to drag slick up from your hole all around your bud. He lets go to remove his pants (which you’re not even sure how they’re still on), having you raise up on your knees as he shoves them down and off. 
Once you settle back down on his lap one of his dripping cocks is sandwiched between your pussy lips and the other presses against the front of your mound, uncut head smearing precum on your abdomen, making you clench around nothing. From the looks of this one, both are thick and long, definitely bigger than anything you’ve had before. 
“Eyes are up here,” his snarky tone pulls your attention back up to his face. 
You shake your head, “How—“
“One at a time, silly,” he nips your neck, “then once you’re stretched enough, we can try both.”
His voice drops a lower octave, “But you’ve also got two holes that we can try out, too.”
Your eyes flutter as your cunt oozes slick all over his cock making him laugh.
“You’re really interesting,” he sloppily kisses your neck, “never had someone so excited before. Usually have to rape their little cunts in their sleep.”
You whimper and he raises up to smirk at you. 
“Were you hoping for the same thing? Mmm, all half asleep as I stuff that pussy,” he purrs in your ear, “too tired and weak to push me off as I rape this tiny hole til I’m pulling out and covering you with cum.”
You grind down against his cocks as your nails digs into the back of his neck making him smile into the feeling. 
“You’re such fun,” he tilts his head, eyes glittering, “just for that I’ll give you a little treat.”
Your mouth drops open in shock as he changes between one blink to the next; his entire face morphs to that of a smooth animal skull, bright eyes flaring from the empty eye sockets. He bares his teeth at you in what you hope is a smile. 
“Ta da!” His voice comes out distorted and echoey, octave low and strange. 
A high keen slips past your lips as he eases the head of one of his cocks into your cunt. 
“You’re so wet,” he praises, “god, ‘m so lucky to get a little freak like you.”
You want to argue against him, but it’s hard when this monster is slowly sinking his fat dick into your spasming hole, stretching you out so good. 
He pauses when he’s only halfway inside, holding you still with his huge hands until you’re squirming. 
“Please,” you whisper, frustration making tears bead your lash line. 
“Awww,” he coos at you, “since you’ve been so good, I guess you can have it all.”
And with that, he drops you down on his lap like a stone, cock bullying all the way into your cunt until the fat tip is bruising your cervix making you wail. 
“Too rough?” He smirks. 
You nod and slump against his chest. 
“Must like it,” he mocks, “this pussy is gripping me so tight, don’t know if I can pull out.”
You shudder and drool on his pecs as his cock kicks inside your overly full pussy. His other cock drips precum all over your lower abdomen from where it’s sandwiched between you two. 
“Untie me,” you’re able to slur out, slowly tugging your arms over his head. 
He squints at you (or the skull seems to insinuate squinting) and uses a claw to slice through the tattered shirt binding your wrists. 
Sighing, you rotate your hands before placing them on his chest and dragging them down. You watch as his muscles jump and twitch under your smooth palms. Finally, you cup the base of his other cock and slowly pull down the foreskin. You drool a line of spit down onto the head and precum blurts from the tip of his dick.
He snarls and pulls out only to roughly fuck back into your pussy. Whimpering, you’re only able to loosely grip his second cock as he jackhammers into your soaked cunt. 
“Sensitive, huh,” you murmur, eyes half lidded as they gaze up into his skull face. 
He whines at your words, grinding his tip hard against your cervix making your eyes roll back, “Been so long since a pretty thing wanted to play with me.”
Your hands grip his cock and begin to jerk him off firmly, spitting down on his tip to make it wet and messy. 
His tail, which you forgot about, slips lower down on your waist and lightly teases across your clit. 
“Oh,” your eyes move from his slackened jaw down to watch his soft tail slowly tap and rub across your swollen clit. 
Your cunt squeezes around his cock rhythmically as he teases your bundle of nerves until you’re rocking against him. His claws let go of your hips to wrap around your thighs, spreading you open until he can see his cock pounding into your drippy hole.  
His tail helps you lean back some so he can leverage his hips into rolling thrusts up into your pussy. Your hands shakily keep stroking his other cock,completely  covered in spit and precum. 
His tail smacks across your clit and your orgasm hits you hard. Your toes curl and spine arches as your cunt clenches down on his thick cock like a vice, milking him until it must hurt but he only groans in pleasure. Your hands go slack and he grabs them to toss over his broad shoulders. 
He presses his mouth right against your ear, low baritone making your cunt spasm and clench around his fat cock. 
“Gotta pull out, little human,” he chuckles when you whine, “mmm, I’ve got to cause if I cum in you, we’ll be mated. And you wouldn’t want that, would ya?”
Your nails dig into his shoulders hard enough to pierce his skin and he purrs, “Unless you want me to fill up this sexy little pussy and keep you forever.”
You bounce what little you can down onto his dick, hands moving up to his horns to grab onto them. Feeling cockdrunk and unhinged, you swivel your hips to fuck him harder, wanting everything he has to give.
“Wanna feel it,” you sigh as he sinks his sharp teeth into your shoulder, “fill me up, Leon.”
He growls, a loud inhuman sound that makes your skin crawl and a bolt of fear spike through the arousal. Instead of letting go, you grind down even harder, pussy feeling sore and sensitive. 
“You want me to cum inside you?” He sounds pained and when he tilts back up his skull face has morphed into the one he wore earlier that night.
“Uh huh,” you pant and bring up one of your hands to cradle his jaw, hips swiveling down to prevent him from pulling out, “or are you all talk?”
In a flash, he has your back on the couch as he pins you down in a mating press, legs pressed open wide by his clawed hands. 
He snaps his teeth in your face, “You don’t even know what it means to be bred, do you? I’ll have this fat cunt stuffed so full you’re dripping my seed for days. You’ll beg for it constantly, needing me to breed your cute little hole cause you feel so empty.”
You whine, hands coming up to wrap around his horns again, “Promise?”
He growls low in his throat and smashes your mouths together, his sharp teeth  cutting your bottom lip so the taste of blood flavors your kisses. 
“Promise,” he mutters against your mouth before licking up the blood tinging your lips. 
“Gonna mate you all the time,” he mumbles against you as he pistons his hips deep into your swollen pussy, “have you cumming on my cock until you can’t even think anymore.”
You moan and pull him back in for more sloppy kisses, “Please, please, Leon, cum in my pussy.”
His second cock’s weeping so much precum, your stomach is a sticky mess, but it just makes you squeeze down on the cock inside you even more. Leon has flipped some switch in your brain because you feel like you’ll die if he doesn’t spill inside you.
“You promised me both,” you pout, tears clinging to your lashes as his cock presses into your cervix, “promised to stuff me with both.”
He groans brokenly, hips shuddering as he bucks into you one last time, spilling his thick load deep into your cunt at the same time his other cock spurts rope after rope of hot thick cum all over your body, jizz shooting all the up to your chin. 
He groans like an animal you’ve never heard of as he dumps load after load into your pussy until it’s spilling out around his fat cock. 
“Mated,” he sounds happy as he sinks his teeth into your neck making you scream out.
He pulls back with bloody teeth and that’s the last thing you see before passing out. 
The warm slant of sunlight from the bedroom window shines into your eyes and you roll over with a grumble. You raise up quickly once you remembered where you were, only to see Leon lounging on the bed next to you eating a bowl of cereal as he watches the small portable tv on the dresser. 
“These movies are so dumb,” he scoffs, digging into your Count Chocula cereal, “they always go overboard on the transformations.” 
Your bleary eyes squint at the small screen and see what looks to be The Thing and you frown at him. Pushing yourself up, you slump against his side, body feeling overly sore (the same as your sensitive cunt). 
“That better not be the last of it,” you mumble against his arm, making him turn his bright eyes over to you. 
“No, but good morning, little mate,” he purrs, setting the bowl down on your nightstand so he can roll over on top of you to pin you down to the bed. 
You whimper and arch up into the soft kisses he presses against your neck. The blanket slips down to his waist as he grinds his cocks against your needy pussy. He eases the head of one of them inside your hole, making you sigh and wrap your legs around his waist. 
“Gotta fill you up again,” he chuckles, “sucking me in like I didn’t spend all night pounding this little pussy.”
“Leon,” you whine, nails scratching red lines down his back and making his hips thrust into you. 
He fucks you slow and soft, rutting into your pussy as his other cock is sandwiched between your thighs. 
“Perfect,” he sighs happily, “can’t wait to give you both.”
Eyes fluttering, you moan and pull him down fully on top of you, his heavy weight squishing you into the mattress. He growls and snaps his hips harder, the sound of his balls slapping against your ass makes you clench down on him. 
“First pussy I’ve ever got to creampie,” he coos against your ear, “so taboo to mate a human, but damn if I don’t love fucking this tight cunt. S’all mine now, I own this tight little pussy.”
His words wring your first orgasm of the day from your sore body, pussy walls fluttering as you cum around his fat cock. He moans low in his throat, hips rabbiting harder against you as he chases his own climax. 
His blunted human teeth bite down on your neck as he buries his cock as deep as he can in your pussy, pumping his load right against your cervix as his other cock spills wet and hot between your legs. 
“Fuck,” you whimper, clit pulsing as he stuffs you to the brim and paints your thighs white with his thick cum.  
He pulls away with a grunt and snuggles into your side. With a soft giggle, he nuzzles against the bite mark he left on your shoulder. 
“Can’t wait to show you off. Chris is gonna eat shit,” he crows in your ear before kissing your jaw. 
“Chris?” you tiredly ask, twisting to look at the top of Leon’s head. 
“Yeah he’s the asshole who scratched up my ribs. He’s a part of what you humans would call my pack,” he leans up to kiss you on the lips, “don’t worry, I’ll introduce you after you’re settled in.”
“What?” You frown. 
“I’ve got a place not too far from here,” he gushes, eyes shining excitedly, “you’re gonna love it. It overlooks the river and everything.”
“You have a house?” Your brain feels like it’s lagging behind. 
“Of course, silly,” he kisses your neck again, “you’ll come live with me. I’ll take care of you, never have to worry about a thing.”
“Quit my job and just move out here?”
“It’s not like you liked it anyway,” he rolls his eyes before climbing on top of you, pinning you down again. 
His cocks rub against your cunt making you whimper. 
“I’ll take such good care of you,” he murmurs before kissing you, strange tongue licking into your mouth. 
Whining, you suck on the thick muscle as he rocks against you, cunt oozing creamy slick and cum all over your thighs. 
“Keep you forever,” he groans, pulling back to prop his weight on his forearms, “got me addicted to this little human pussy already. Definitely not letting you go.”
A high pitched moan slips from your lips as he slips the head of both of his cocks into your cunt. 
“Mmm, can’t fit quite yet but we’ll get there,” he laughs, “let me just slip the tips in for now.”
Your thighs tremble as he rocks the first few inches of each cock into your used cunt. He relaxes on top of you, letting your pussy cockwarm his dicks as he bites and kisses at your neck. He moves up to kiss you, all wet and messy, making you whimper and cling to him. 
It doesn’t take long before you’re rocking against him, slowly fucking the heads of his cocks in and out of your stretched pussy.  He sighs and purrs into your kisses as he tongue fucks your mouth. You can feel as his teeth change against your lips, sharp points digging into the sensitive skin. 
He works you for what feels like hours, just slowly sinking inch by inch into your spasming hole. His precum and your slick have soaked your thighs all the way to the bedspread underneath. It’s a wet mess between your thighs, but all you can feel is the pleasurable pain of being too full. 
“Never had someone take both like this,” he rumbles happily, nosing against your jaw, “god, what a perfect fucking pussy. You’re taking me in so well, such a good fucking girl.”
You hiccup a whine at the praise, walls fluttering against the stretch of his dicks. 
“Yeah? Like being my good girl,” he nips at your earlobe, “you’re the best I’ve ever had, so fucking lucky. Can’t believe I own a slut who likes being DP’d.”
Your nails dig harshly into his back as your toes curl, his words making you burn hot all over. 
“Like that?” He mocks, “like that I own you and your pretty pussy?”
His tail slips between your bodies to spank your clit making you cry out and  rock against him harder. 
“Leon,” you slur out, tears slipping from your eyes due to overstimulation.
With a groan, he buries both cocks to the hilt inside of your clenching heat. Your pussy feels stretched to the limit, overwhelmed by the sheer size of both of his dicks. You gasp and mewl, feeling like you can’t breathe from being stuffed so full. 
“Shh, shhh, I’ve got you,” he kisses your cheek, “taking me so well. Tight little cunt just made for me, huh?”
Not able to think, you just babble out nonsensical words, feeling on the edge of another orgasm. It’s not going to take much to make you cum. 
“Aww did I fuck you stupid?” He laughs, “wet little pussy just can’t handle me can she?”
His tail smacks across your pudgy clit and your orgasm slams into you, making you squirt around his cocks, too spread open to clamp down as tight as usual. 
“Oh fuck me,” he hisses, grinding himself deeper, making you wail as you continue to gush around him. 
“Got your cute little pussy to squirt,” he moans excitedly, “fuck, that’s so hot.”
He growls and you watch as his eyes shine before his body shifts into that monstrous form you saw last night. He’s huge, caging you in with his skeletal and strangely jointed body. You whimper and move your hands up from digging into his shoulders to the horns coming out of the skull he’s wearing now. 
He pulls out only to bully his fat cocks back into your well used pussy. Eyes rolling back at the pleasure he’s wringing from your body, you moan and grip his horns tighter making him buck harder into you. A few more thrusts and you’re cumming again with a weak cry, pussy walls fluttering and milking Leon’s dicks. 
“My mate,” his distorted voice rumbles, hips fucking roughly into your spasming hole, “gonna breed your little pussy, fill you up with my hot cum.”
All you can do is mewl and whimper underneath his body, feeling as he fucks harder and harder into your cunt until he’s finally burying himself all the way inside. His tips knock and rub against your cervix which set off fireworks behind your eyes as you cum one last time. 
Hot thick spurts of cum shoot out and quickly stuff your pussy full. Your abdomen looks bloated from how much Leon’s pumping inside your body. He’s snarling against your neck as he humps your pussy, dumping load after load into you until it’s dripping out around his balls. 
You must black out cause the next thing you know, you’re leaning against Leon’s chest in the bath. Whimpering, you weakly grasp onto the hand he has trailing across your stomach. 
“Finally awake,” he chuffs against your hair, “how do you feel?”
“Sore,” you croak out, throat feeling scratchy. 
One of his hands clasps yours while the other slides across your hip to your swollen pussy. 
“Leon,” you whine, “I can’t.”
“Shhh,” he kisses the side of your head, “let me make you feel good, my perfect little mate.”
His fingers quickly tease and rub across your sensitive clit until you’re rocking your hips up with the motion. 
“There we go, good girl,” he sighs, “let me play with that cute pussy. Feels so good to have my fingers on your little clit, huh?”
“Mm hmm,” you arch back into his chest, thighs parted until they’re touching the sides of the bathtub. 
“Want me to slip inside? Want my cocks to stuff you full of cum again?”
Your body feels molten with the arousal pounding through your veins. He shifts and both cocks are pressed against your cunt between your thighs. 
“‘M always so hard around you,” he whines in your ear, “you smell too fucking good, wanna eat you up.”
You shudder as his sharp teeth press against your neck, fingers dipping into your cunt to trail back up and smear slick across your pudgy clit. 
“Come on, I know you can cum for me,” he kisses your neck softly. 
In next to no time, your thighs shake as an orgasm crests and sweeps through your tired body, making you tense all over before going totally limp against Leon’s body. 
“Good girl,” he purrs against your back, hands rubbing at your waist, “can’t wait to take you home.”
Humming, you relax, letting the warm bath lull you into a sleepy state. Leon goes off on a tangent about introducing you to everyone as soon as possible as well as moving you into his house. While you listen to him talk about your new home, you think to yourself that being mated to a monster like Leon isn’t the worst thing in the world. 
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divider: @firefly-graphics
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xhoneygirlxx · 9 months
Miss Americana & The Heartbreak Prince
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Steve Harrington x Reader
summary: The cheerleading and boy's basketball coaches are the talk of Hawkins High. When they can't seem to put two and two together, the students have to take matter into their own hands to get the pair together.
warnings: fluff. Steve and reader are both in their 20s. gender/body size/ethnicity are not discussed (the name of the fic was simply picked based off of one line). a little cameo from our favorite metal head. a bit sappy but who cares. idiots in love. we stan the students in this fic, they were doin god's work frfr. also modern au! spelling errors/shitty writing, i'm sick so forgive me for any mistakes lmao.
*if i miss anything please let me know*
a/n: As we all know, today would have been the last day of Honey's birthday bash. That was the plan my friends but bc of party festivities, hangovers, and now a bad cold, we are now behind on schedule. Thank you all for hanging in there with me :) I hope you all enjoy this, love you bunches!
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The whole school is rolling fake dice.
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Whispers traveled through the echo chamber hallways, bets being placed with the shaking of hands, and gossip being passed back and forth in the lunchroom like a breadbasket at dinner. All anyone could talk about was the two coaches that were blind to their own attraction to one another.
Unbeknownst to you and Steve, you guys were in the middle of a storm of circulating rumors since the beginning of the season. From the moment you two met all hell broke loose, a wildfire spreading through the classrooms of the school.
Everyone could see how much you liked each other, it was so clear like the scoreboard that shined brightly in the gym, except for you. The perfect love story, the cheerleader and jock, it was bound to happen sooner or later.
It started as a game between the cheerleaders and the basketball players, betting on who would break first and finally make it official. Soon it became a game amongst the rest of the student body, all of them biting at their nails and crossing their fingers in the hope that one of you would crack.
To everyone's disappointment, neither of you ever did. It was exhausting watching the two of you dance around your clear feelings for one another. The two of you tried to play it cool, act like any of the accusations were just that, accusations. But it was there, bright as day, on display for the whole world to see.
It was in the way your eyes would find each other's in a crowded room, feather light touches that would linger for way too long, shy smiles and rosy cheeks. The way you talked to one another was anything but two people who worked together. It was teasing, flirty, and breathless any time you talked.
There was a big wager for this whole thing, which team would win the biggest check and which one would have to fork over all the money. The cheerleaders and half of the school had their money on Steve, his reputation as a ladies man helping them with their decision. The basketball team and the other half of the school bet on you, knowing you were more outspoken then he is.
Now it's been months since the bets were placed but neither of you finally crossed over the line from friends to lovers. So the cheerleaders did what they do best, they rallied everyone on their side, made a plan that would guarantee their win.
Winter formal was only a week away, both of you were sure to chaperone without a date. So the cheerleaders got to work, making sure their plan would be executed flawlessly.
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Phase #1: Plant the seeds
Two loud knocks against the heavy wood door of Steve's office bring him out of his computer screen. Shouting a come in, he's met with the sight of the student council president, Lauren McPhee who holds a white paper.
"Sorry to bother you but I need this form filled out for the dance next week!" She's too chipper for a Monday morning, smiling brightly like the sun that hangs in the cold December sky.
"Oh yeah, let me just get a pen." Wheeling back on his desk chair, Steve begins to pat his shirt while looking around at his cluttered desk for the writing instrument.
Once he snatches the ballpoint pen from under the stack of papers, Steve grabs the flimsy sheet from Lauren's hand and scribbles down his signature on every empty line.
"Alrighty, there you go." With a tight lipped smile, he hands it back to the nice girl.
Steve watches as her eyes flit over the paper, flipping it front to back to make sure everything is filled out properly. When her features twist in confusion he can't help but wonder why.
"Everything look good?" He questions and she shakes her head while still reading over the curled letters of his name.
"Y-yeah, it's just," pulling her lip between her teeth, Lauren begins to chew on it anxiously, "the section for your date has been left blank. Excuse me if I'm crossing a line here, coach, but you're not bringing a date?"
Her voice is sympathetic, lips pulled into a deep from and her eyes sparkling with pity as she looks at the older man. Steve isn't sure why she seems so upset about him going alone or why it would be a problem, but when she looks at him like a dog that's been kicked he feels the need to answer.
"Oh, well I don't really have anyone to take. Plus it's more important for me to be paying attention to the punch bowl to make sure no asshole- I mean jerk, spikes it." With a forced laugh, he waits to see if his answer is enough to suffice the girl's curiosity.
"O-oh that makes sense I guess, I just though maybe you and the cheerleading coach would go together. You know cause they're also going alone and from what they told me, they never been to their winter formal before." Shrugging, the girl moves her sights from him back to the paper.
"They told you that?" Steve's answer is met with a hesitant nod from the girl. "I-I didn't know that." He breathes.
"At least they'll finally be able to go, right?" Again she shrugs, pulling a folder from her bag to put the paper away.
"Wait!" It comes out louder than he expected, cringing slightly at his volume. "Can I hold onto that and then had it in later?"
"Sure! I'll be back on Wednesday." A sunny smile shines at him, the white paper being passed back to him. "See you then, coach."
Waving him goodbye, Lauren shuts the door behind her where the cheerleaders wait for her. With a singular thumbs up, they begin to jump with joy only for a moment before moving on to phase two.
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Phase #2: Destroy the band room
Now destruction of school property was not something any student was willing to get written up for, but with the help of an adult maybe they wouldn't have to.
Mr. Munson was the band instructor and drama teacher, as well as Steve Harrington's right hand man. Before he was an educator, Eddie Munson menaced these halls for many years. Before getting his act together and after he quit selling weed to the students in the woods, he worked as an apprentice for a while, following a plumber around for months while he went to college for education.
"Mr. Munson come on, don't you want to see your bestie finally get a happy ending?" Karissa Thomas batted her eyelashes at him as she begged for his help.
"I don't know guys, I could get into a lot of trouble." Rubbing his forehead, Eddie sighs as he weighs out his options in his head.
"Think of it this way, you can finally give principle Higgins the finger. At least metaphorically." Anthony Whitmer adds.
"Plus, we'll give you some of the profits." Mark, another band kid pleads from the group.
Eddie leans against his desk wide eyed, smirking slightly at his band students. Who knew they would be so devious.
"Fuck it, I'm in." The group before him shout in victory while Eddie laughs devilishly. Somethings never changes, he thinks.
So this morning when he arrived at school, Eddie made sure that no one was around when he began fucking with the pipes. After about twenty minutes and sore upper arms, he finally succeeds by springing a leak.
When he reported the leak to principle Higgins, he was met with a side eye before getting the approval of the gym slot after school, which meant you and your team would be forced to share with Harrington and his team until it got fixed.
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Phase #3: Offer planning services to coach Harrington
Now to bring this whole plan together, cheer captains Dan Morrison and Amber Hall needed to be in the same place at the same time as Steve Harrington. The only problem was his office and where he usually occupied the most was the east wing of the school. The east wing was the closest to his office and it was the least traveled hallways out of the whole school.
That meant they needed to make it look like they were that way for a reason. Luckily for them, the art room was also in the east wing, so they would make it look like they were grabbing poster boards for last minute winter formal posters.
Lunch time was the best time to put this into motion, so the minute the 11:50 bell rang, Dan and Amber sprinted to the east wing in the hopes they would catch him.
After rummaging around for glitter, markers, and poster boards, the two waited at the door, peaking over the frame in the hopes to catch the older man. When the door of his office opened, the two seniors began to walk out of the room talking about random things to not make it look so obvious.
In the hopes of sparking a conversation with him, Amber dropped the container of markers causing colorful pens to fall all over the hard floor.
"Amber, I told you not to drop them!" Dan laughs, putting the white posters to the floor in order to pick up the rolling markers.
"You made me laugh!" The girl argues back, laughing loudly as she crouches to help.
"I didn't even do anything." He replies, making the girl laugh even harder at his comment.
The echo of Steve's heavy footsteps could be heard by both teenagers, but they ignore it so he wouldn't catch on.
"You guys cool?" Steve asks, crouching down to help pick up what fell.
"H-hi coach," Amber greets, catching her breath from her heavy laughter, "We're okay, Dan just made me drop these."
The boy in question huffs and rolls his eyes playfully, continuing his actions of gathering the rest of what's on the floor.
"So what are you guys doing with all this, anyway?" Steve asks, pushing off on his knees to stand.
"Oh, just last minute posters for the dance." Dan says nonchalantly as he gathers his pile of supplies.
"You're going, right?" The young girl asks and Steve responds with a small sigh, fingers pinching the bridge of his nose.
"Yeah I'll be there." Nodding his head, the man places his hands on his hips looking at the two kids in front of him.
"That's fun! Are you bringing a date?" Amber wiggles her eyebrows.
Shoving her playfully, Dan looks at her with a gasp. "Oh my gosh, Amber you can't just ask that. Sorry, coach." Doing his best to look sympathetic, Dan offers his best smile to the older man.
"It's okay, Dan," Steve places a hand out, looking at the brown haired boy, "Actually, I was wondering if you guys could help me with that."
"Sure!" The cheerleaders agree in unison.
"Let's talk about this in my office." Pointing a thumb to the end of the hall, spinning of the ball of his foot to lead the way.
Steve defiantly doesn't see how bright both of the teen's smiles are from where they walk behind him and he surely doesn't see them giving each other a high five.
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Phase #4: Get you to go to the parking lot before practice
This phase was probably the hardest of them all. You were very keen on punctuality, always the first to be at the building to make sure everything was set up. Now that you'd be sharing the gym with the basketball team, you were more than likely to be there a whole lot earlier than usual.
Now this is where the most important players come in, Lauren Hernandez and Simon Carter. The two freshmen were bright stars at Hawkins High, the leading members of the mathletes and very trust worthy students.
When this whole plan started it was known that they'd need someone who was convincing to divert your attention, so the two meek students volunteered without a second thought. The amount of money they'd win if coach Harrington made the first move was way more important than credibility at this point.
When they spotted you coming through the outside gym door, the two kids began to put on their show. Rushing through the two gymnasium doors, Lauren and Simon pant acting as if they ran a mile.
"C-coah, we need-" Simon bends over, bracing his hands on his knees while breathing heavily, "We need your help!"
You immediately drop your bags, sprinting over to the two youths. Worry is written all over your face, eyes immediately checking for any visible injuries on them.
"I-is everything okay? What's wrong? Are you hurt?" Placing a hand on your chest, you wait for them to catch their breath.
"There's a fight outside. Max Newman and Devon Lewis are fighting in the parking lot." Lauren rushes out, eyes wide and glassy under the gym lights.
You're more than shocked at the news, the two boys have been great friends the whole time you've coached them. In a flash, you urge both kids to get coach Harrington from his office while you break up the fight.
What you don't know is neither Simon or Lauren have to get him, waiting until the slam of the heavy gym door both run after you to make sure they don't miss a single moment.
Rushing through the entrance doors, the cold winter chill instantly hits you but you don't pay too much attention to it when there isn't a fight happening.
When you walk outside, you see your team of cheerleaders lined up on both sides of the steps, a red rose in each hand. As you walk, they hand them to you, bright smiles on each of their faces when they do.
You can't speak with the amount of confusion that runs through your brain. Even though you want to ask them what all of this is about, you just let your feet carry you out into the parking lot.
You jump slightly when you hear Wildest Dreams being play, the only difference is the band kids stand off to the side with their instruments. Giggling slightly, you imagine Eddie Munson teaching his kids a Taylor Swift song but Bridgerton style.
With a bundle of roses in hand, you continue out into the snow covered parking lot. Under the street lights you see him standing with his hands in his pockets. Behind him stands some of the drama kids, holding big white posters. Taking a moment to read the blue and silver lettering, you gasp when it finally hits you.
F O R M A L ?
Tears prick your eyes and not just because of the cold winter wind. The thought and dedication that went into this must've taken so much (more than both of you even realize), you're heart beaming with the thought of Steve putting this together.
"So what do you say, coach? Will you do me the honors of being my date to the dance?" Steve's cheeks are red and his teeth glimmer under the florescent lights.
You can't help but let more tears fall, all of the pining and wishing finally coming true under the darken sky, right where the two of you first met. It feels too good too be true, a real life fairytale happening in real time.
"Of course I will." It comes out loud enough for only him to hear, the two of you looking at each other in adoration.
In a split moment, Steve's strong hands pull you in and wrap you in the tightest hug, something you dreamt of all this time. Even in the cold temperatures, his body heat, his touch holds the heat of a thousand suns.
The roaring cheer of all of those around you, besides the band who continue to play, fills the open air. You and Steve are so wrapped up in each other you don't even notice the flash of the camera, Andrew Johnson of the yearbook committee getting multiple shots of the whole thing.
Pulling back enough to look at one another, you smile brightly up at him. Steve looks so pretty like this, cherry nose, snow flurries collecting in his eyelashes and hair, and a smile so sweet it could rot your teeth.
"I can't believe you did all of this." You say with a laugh, shaking your head in amazement.
Chuckling slightly, he looks down bashfully at you. "Yeah well, I had some help." The two of your look all around the parking lot where multiple students stand, all from different clubs, groups, and social brackets beam and cheer for the two of you.
The two of you turn back to one another, gooey looks on both of your faces and love filling your eyes. "Who would've thought." You say breathlessly and he agrees.
"Can I kiss you?" It's breathless and hopeful when Steve says it, and you're answer is just as breathless.
Connecting his lips to yours felt like two puzzle pieces fitting together, it's feels like home, and it feels right. Like a snow globe, you and Steve are frozen for just a moment under the December snow.
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I hope you all enjoy! Love you all <3
343 notes · View notes
chvoswxtch · 1 year
pairing: frank castle x fem!reader
summary: it's been almost two weeks since you've seen frank, and in his absence, you've been left in the questionably capable hands of billy russo.
warnings: swearing, angst, mentions of alcohol, brief mention of death
word count: 6k
a/n: this is part 3 of this series! i'm so so so happy that you guys are enjoying bodyguard frankie. I still don't have a clear idea of how many parts this will be, but as long as you keep wanting it, i'll keep writing it. as a reminder, this is going to be a slow burn. ;) & as always, feedback is welcomed/appreciated!
[previous chapter] | [next chapter] | [series masterlist]
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It had been two weeks since you had seen Frank. You had found out from one of the other bodyguards that he was on a special assignment, and was due back in another week or so. It was hard not to let your mind wander about where he was, what he was doing, who he was with…if he didn’t like being away from you as much as you despised being away from him. 
He probably hasn’t thought about you once.
You shoved that thought as far back into your mind as you could, focusing back on the blank document that was currently mocking you from your computer screen. A knock sounded on your door, and as you looked up, you saw a face that you’d been seeing more and more of lately in Frank’s absence.
Billy Russo.
“Mr. Russo.”
“C’mon Y/N/N, how many times I gotta tell you to call me Billy. Mr. Russo’s so…formal.”
“Says the man always in a three piece suit.”
“I got appearances to keep up.”
Billy flashed you a charming grin as he smoothed out the lapels of his suit jacket, undoing the middle button as he closed the door behind him and took a seat in the chair directly in front of your desk.
“Are you always this hands on with all of your clients? I’ve seen you more this past week than I’ve seen my own boss.”
“Nah, you’re a special situation that requires special attention.”
“Why’s that?”
Billy leaned back in the chair as he looked at you, that cheshire grin splitting further across his lips as he let his eyes wander shamelessly over your figure. Billy Russo was one of those guys that knew he was attractive, which only made him less attractive to you. He always looked too perfect. Always dressed in the most expensive suits, not a single hair ever out of place, beard always trimmed and neat, constantly being driven around in numerous luxury cars. While he wasn’t overly cocky, there was a smugness about him that made you want to roll your eyes every time he was around. Billy owned the company that Frank and the others worked for, but you hadn’t been able to figure out why he had been coming to visit you at least once a day for the past week.
“Told Frankie I’d look after you personally.”
You sat up a little straighter at the mention of Frank’s name, staring curiously at Billy as your face morphed into an expression of interest.
“Because he asked me to. Apparently, you like to cause trouble.”
Billy’s eyes twinkled with mischief as he adjusted the Rolex watch on his wrist, never once breaking eye contact with you. Whatever hope that had been ignited by the first half of his words was immediately snuffed out by the second half.
Frank wasn’t concerned about you. He had warned Billy about you.
Tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear, you crossed your arms over your chest as you leaned back into your chair and stared blankly at your computer.
“I’m not causing any trouble any time soon. Trust me.”
“Regrettin’ your decision that caused all this?”
Billy gestured between himself and the other bodyguards outside your office, the grin on his lips faltering as he stared at you with genuine novelty. Narrowing your eyes slightly as you stared back at him, you pursed your lips and shook your head defiantly.
“I didn’t cause anything.”
Tapping his index finger against the wood of the arm chair, Billy cocked his head to the side as he surveyed you silently for a moment.
“Can I ask you somethin’?”
“I feel like even if I say no you’re going to anyway.”
The playful smirk returned to Billy’s mouth as he held his hands up in surrender for a moment before letting them drop back onto his lap.
“You can tell me to fuck off if you want.”
Letting out a dry laugh, you rolled your eyes as you glanced around your office before focusing back on him, giving a gentle nod of your head.
“Go ahead.”
“Why did you do it?”
The faint smile on your lips disappeared at his question. You lightly dug your nails into your palms, a slight sense of enragement filling your veins as you stared blankly at the notes in front of you. People had been asking you that ever since the article came out, and you were sick of justifying yourself.
“Because I didn’t want those assholes to think I agreed with anything they stood for.”
“You did write an article praisin’ the Punisher. He took justice into his own hands. That’s what those guys think they’re doing-”
“I didn’t praise him. I wrote an article about the complexities of vigilantes and the weaknesses in the justice system. What the Punisher did wasn’t right, but he never hurt anyone that didn’t deserve it. These…these cowards, they’re homegrown terrorists. They go after anyone that doesn’t agree with them-”
“And you thought it was smart to antagonize them?”
Billy leaned forward with his forearms on his thighs, staring directly into your eyes with a look of severity you hadn’t seen in him before. Shaking your head slowly, you let out a deep exhale of frustration before meeting his gaze again.
“They took my words and twisted them to fit and justify their own fucked up narrative. I didn’t want them or anyone else thinking for a second that I agreed with, or believed in their bullshit ‘cause’. They’ve hurt and killed innocent people. I wanted them to know exactly what I thought of them. And I’d do it all fucking over again, exactly the same. I don’t regret anything.”
Maybe it wasn’t the brightest idea to offend a group that had been terrorizing New York with various bomb threats and attacks, but you couldn’t sit idly by while they used your Punisher article to justify themselves. Maybe you shouldn’t have verbally eviscerated the leader that had called into your radio interview, or write that scathing follow up piece that further dismantled his ego. It certainly would have kept him from threatening you and everyone that worked at your paper, forcing Homeland Security to get involved, and causing you to walk around with an assigned shadow the past few months. 
But what was your other option? Stay quiet and let them think you were on their side just because they were dangerous? Live in fear of pissing off some weak man with a fragile ego?
Fuck that.
Billy’s lips once again split into a wolfish grin, and his eyes almost seemed to be glowing with something that resembled pride. He nodded his head in a sign of respect, settling back into the chair as his eyes once again roamed over you.
“I see why he likes you.”
Blinking a few times, you stared in dumbfoundment as Billy’s words settled in your ears. A dark chuckle left his lips as he stood, buttoning his jacket up while he made his way over to your door. Pausing in the entryway, he lightly gripped onto the handle and looked at you over his shoulder with a smirk.
“See you Saturday night, doll.”
“The gala. You’re goin’ still, right?”
“Uh…yeah. Why?”
“Who do you think is takin’ you in Castle’s absence?”
Stunning you silent for the second time in less than two minutes, Billy’s lips spread into a smirk as he dropped his left eye into a wink, closing your door shut behind him to leave you alone with a flurry of thoughts swirling around in your head like a snowglobe that had been violently shaken. 
The gala.
Frank was supposed to be your escort. He was the primary one in charge of your detail at all times. Billy had assured your boss and Homeland that Frank was the best of the best, and the only time he swapped out with someone else was when they changed shifts during week nights. Or when he was pulled to do something that was more important than protect you from a terrorist group, apparently. A part of you wondered if he really was pulled, or if he had requested a break from you after the shit you had pulled.
There was no denying the disappointment you felt at the thought of not getting to see Frank all dressed up for a black tie event. It made sense Billy would be the one to take his place. He would blend in a lot easier than Frank, but he wasn’t who you wanted to spend the evening with. Dragging your palms down your face, you let out a deep exhale as you picked up your notes for the article you were supposed to be working on, the words blurring together in a jumbled mess as you read over them for the millionth time. You’d had an extremely hard time focusing lately with Frank being gone, trying your hardest not to think about the look on his face when he had left, the wedding ring around his neck, or anything about him. But now with Billy’s confession echoing in your ears, it was even harder.
I see why he likes you.
»»———  ———««
Billy was having the absolute time of his fucking life, and that annoyed you to your wits end. There wasn’t a single person in attendance at the gala he didn’t know, or didn’t seem to want to kiss his ass, and since you had promised not to cause any trouble, you weren’t to leave his side at all. Which meant you had to wait for him to finally shut the fuck up whenever you were ready for another trip to the open bar. 
A tiny piece of you hated to admit that having Billy as your escort wasn’t all bad. He’d picked you up in a Rolls Royce and practically undressed you with his eyes, keeping his compliments professional but not bothering to hide the hunger in his voice. While it stroked your ego the way he kept eyeing you in your dress, you quickly remembered that Billy Russo hit on anything with tits and a heartbeat. It did make you breathe a little easier that he was such an important person though, hoping that meant no one would try anything with you while you were in his company, and that the night wouldn’t end in fireworks. 
Sipping at your third glass of red wine, you watched as socialites and powerful political figures alike mingled in their fanciest outfits. An hour into the event you’d convinced Billy to let you sit at a table in his direct line of sight, growing bored of following him around like a shadow as he networked. Lightly trailing your index finger up and down the stem of your wine glass, your mind once again drifted to Frank. He wouldn’t have let you sit at a table all alone. He’d be the one following you around. 
You wondered if he’d like your dress. It was a simple emerald green satin gown with a low cut back and a deep v line that stopped at your sternum. You’d originally picked it out with him in mind, wondering if the way it hugged your body and showed off your figure would finally get your resigned bodyguard’s attention. A dry laugh left your lips at the thought of him, knowing he realistically would’ve just grunted in response when you asked if he liked it, looking anywhere but at you as he scanned the room like a guard dog. 
You missed Frank. You wondered if you would’ve gotten him to joke with you again if he had come tonight. You thought about picking out pretentious victims from the crowd with him, making up stories about who they were, misreading their lips on purpose knowing what they were actually talking about was far more ridiculous than anything the two of you could come up with. You wondered if he would’ve danced with you if you asked. You wondered if he would’ve asked.
You wondered where he was.
You wondered if he was with his wife. 
Swallowing the rest of the bitter burgundy contents in your glass, you glanced up when Billy’s tall figure suddenly appeared in front of you. He eyed your empty glass, flickering his eyes to yours with a playful arch of one of his dark brows.
“You gonna pace yourself?”
“I’ll be fine. You’re lucky I’m not drinking tequila.”
“So I’ve heard.”
Rolling your eyes, you leaned back into your chair and smoothed your dress out, tucking a loose curl behind your ear. Billy unbuttoned his suit jacket as he sat down beside you, turning his body towards you slightly.
“You know, I’ve never seen someone look so unhappy at a party.”
“I’m not unhappy.”
“You’re not havin’ a good time. What, I’m not good enough company for you?”
“How would I know? You’ve spent the whole night being the life of the party instead of my security escort.”
Billy stiffened slightly beside you, causing you to let out a deep exhale as you turned your head to look at him with an apologetic expression.
“I’m sorry. That wasn’t fair. You weren’t even supposed to be babysitting me tonight. You should be having a good time for having to put up with my shit.”
Billy placed his hand on your wrist, causing you to face him again as he looked at you completely void of his usual playful charm.
“Hey, I’m not babysittin’ you. I’m here to look after you. I know Frank can be a bit too hands on, so I was givin’ you your space. Didn’t want you to feel suffocated, that’s all. But if I’m bein’ too hands off, I can change that. Whatever makes you feel more comfortable.”
The sincerity in Billy’s voice caught you off guard, and it made you feel guilty. He didn’t hardly know you, and he certainly didn’t owe you anything. He was doing all of this because it was his job, and as a favor to Frank. Glancing around at all the people in attendance, you nibbled slightly at the inside of your cheek before looking back at Billy.
“Did…did he tell you about that night in the bar?”
Billy sat up a little straighter as his lips pressed into a set line, giving a slight nod of his head in your direction.
“He did.”
“That was my fault. I fucked up. And all I’ve been able to think about since…is how any one of those guys could’ve been one of them, and that would’ve been it. I haven’t felt comfortable in a crowd since. Shit…I haven’t felt comfortable since I got that first death threat. But I wasn’t really…scared until that night. I don’t know what would’ve happened if-”
Letting out a shaky breath, you averted your gaze down to your lap, brushing your hair away from your face as you held onto the back of your own neck in an attempt to self soothe. You weren’t sure why you were telling Billy all of this. You weren’t sure why you were feeling so vulnerable and emotional. But you were suddenly feeling grateful for his presence as he took your hand into his and gave it a gentle squeeze.
“Hey, nothin’ is gonna happen to you tonight. I promise. If you want me to stay with you, I will. I’ll go where you go. You want me to fuck off, I will. You just let me know what you need. You wanna leave?”
“No…no I didn’t…nearly have a breakdown in my bathroom because my hair wouldn’t cooperate just to leave so soon.”
The edge of Billy’s mouth curved upwards into a smirk, nodding slowly as he leaned back in his chair and ran his fingers through his own hair to push it back into place.
“I know the feelin’.”
Rolling your eyes, you let out a soft laugh as you stared at him incredulously.
“Oh please. Like Billy Russo ever has a bad hair day.”
“Hey, you see the finished product, not the bloodbath it took to get there.”
Billy abruptly craned his neck to look past you, furrowing his dark brows as he nodded sharply at someone before glancing down at you with a softer expression.
“You excuse me for a sec? I’ll be right back, I promise.”
“Yeah, sure. I’m gonna go find the bathroom anyway.”
Billy paused in the middle of standing up, glancing between you and the hallway that led to where the bathrooms were, lifting his brows up slightly as he looked at you again.
“I can wait for you if-”
“No, it’s alright. Besides, I know you got eyes all over this place.”
Looking up at him with a soft smile on your lips, you watched as Billy’s lips pulled into a wide grin before he winked.
“Goddamn right I do.”
Never in a million years did you think you would be baring your soul to Billy Russo, or that confessing your fears to him would make you feel lighter, but surprisingly it did. Perhaps you had been just as wrong about him as you had been about Frank. 
For the first time all evening, you felt like you could actually breathe. Billy’s words had a calming effect on you, and you didn’t feel anxious anymore as you walked alone towards the bathrooms. The long hallway was surprisingly empty and seemed to go on forever. You paused as you noticed a set of french doors at the end of the hall that were slightly opened, revealing a balcony of some kind. You walked right past the bathrooms as your inquisitiveness got the better of you.
“Where you think you’re goin’?”
Instantly freezing in place, a surprised gasp flew past your lips when a familiar deep gruff voice cut through the sound of your heels clacking along the empty tiled hallway.
You knew that voice.
Quickly spinning around, your eyes widened considerably as you took in the sight in front of you; Frank Castle in a sleek all black suit. 
He was the most cleaned up you had ever seen him. Frank had been growing his hair out lately, enough for you to notice it had a bit of a curly texture to it, but it looked like he had gotten it trimmed recently, and it was pushed back into a neat style. There weren’t any bruises or cuts littering his face, and it looked like he had just shaved since his usual five o’clock shadow was gone. The suit somehow made him look even bigger. His shoulders looked immensely broader in the jacket, and the dark material clung to his bulging arms and thick thighs as if it had been tailored to fit him perfectly. 
The thought briefly crossed your mind that it probably had been if it had been provided by Billy for the event. 
Thank you Billy Russo.
You were all of a sudden painfully aware that Frank had been staring at you silently, essentially watching you ogle at him as he waited for your answer. His features were set in an indifferent expression that had a hint of irritation lingering beneath, one you had gotten all too familiar with, and it caused a flush of scarlet to coat your cheeks as you parted your lips to speak and tried to remember how.
“I…just…was curious. About what’s out there. I saw the door was open…and…what-what are you doing here?”
“Russo’s fuckin’ job apparently.”
Blinking a few times, you were stunned silent by the anger that bit through Frank’s words, noticing the ember of vexation that burned in his deep espresso eyes. Your brain was still trying to process the sight of him in a suit, and you struggled to figure out what he seemed to be pissed off about until Billy’s name clicked it all into place.
“Don’t be mad at him. I told him I was just going to the bathroom and coming right back. That’s…my fault. I got sidetracked.”
“Didn’t realize you two were so close.”
A muscle feathered in Frank’s jaw as his coarse voice spit those words into your ear, and you crossed your arms over your chest as you leaned against the wall and lightly shrugged your shoulders, averting your gaze to the fancy tiled floor.
“I wouldn’t say that. I think tonight is the most I’ve ever talked to him.”
“Seemed pretty close when you were holdin’ his hand.”
Flickering your eyes up to meet Frank’s, your lips parted in shock. 
How long had he been here?
You furrowed your brows slightly as you tried to figure out what he was talking about. A look of realization spread over your face when it dawned on you that Billy had held your hand at the table earlier when you had opened up about the night at the bar with Frank and your current apprehensions about crowds.
Why did he sound so pissed off about that?
Shaking your head slowly, you tucked some of your hair behind your ear as you stared down at the floor once again, unable to meet his fiery disappointed gaze.
“That wasn’t…he was just being nice. I was giving him shit about spending more time flaunting himself than looking after me. It’s…been a long week and I wasn’t…I was feeling uneasy about being here tonight.”
In a flash Frank was in front of you, his large hand lightly gripping onto your chin to force you to look up at him as his eyes frantically searched over your form.
“Why? Somethin’ happen?”
The way Frank could switch from a broody, intimidating man that could snap someone in half with his bare hands to a gentler version of himself that spoke to you and touched you as if you were made of glass in less than a millisecond nearly gave you whiplash and always left you in a daze. You stared up into his concerned eyes almost in a trance, lightly wrapping your fingers around his wrist as you let out a breath.
“No. Nothing happened, it's just…since the bar…I’ve just…been kinda freaked out. I’ve never really liked crowds, but now they make me even more nervous. It’s…it’s my fault. I did all this to myself.”
“Don’t say that. You didn’t do nothin’ wrong.”
“I put myself in danger. When I wrote those articles…when I said what I did to him…that night at the bar…I just…have a really awful habit of putting myself in bad situations, apparently.”
Frank’s lips parted slightly, as if he was going to say something, but you were caught on the way his features had softened substantially as he stared down at you. There was an emotion lingering in his eyes that looked like pity, or maybe remorse, but you couldn’t make it out. It was always so hard to read him.
“Oh, shit.”
Frank instantly turned his head in the direction of Billy’s voice, dropping his hand from your face and standing up a little straighter as his expression of annoyance from earlier returned full force.
“You wanna tell me why she’s alone?”
“She was just goin’ to the bathroom, Frankie. Relax. I got four guys watchin’ cameras, and twelve posted around the whole place.”
“I asked you for one thing, Bill. One goddamn thing.”
“I asked you to watch her, personally. That means watch her. Not parade yourself around like fuckin’ royalty while she sits by herself at a fuckin’ table and wanders around the goddamn place alone.”
Billy instantly pressed his lips into a hard line, his eyes narrowing slightly as he stared at Frank’s irritable form. Frank looked absolutely pissed off as he glared back at Billy, and for whatever reason, you felt the need to come to Billy’s defense. Moving to position yourself between the two men, you placed your hand on Frank’s chest to get his attention.
“I asked him to do that, Frank. I didn’t feel like mingling with anyone. We thought it was a smart idea if Billy looked like a regular attendee instead of a bodyguard in case anyone tried anything, and I really didn’t want the extra attention. He made sure I was where he could see me at all times. Frank, he’s been coming by my office everyday to check on me while you were gone. Please don’t be upset, it was my idea. I just didn’t want the headache.”
Frank clenched his jaw as he stared down at you, his dark eyes occasionally flickering over your head to meet Billy’s. Letting out a deep exhale through his nose, he nodded his head towards the other direction of the hallway.
“If you’re done fuckin’ around out here, get back inside.”
Frank’s voice was so rough as it came out, it felt as if he’d physically slapped you across the face. You did your best not to let your emotions get the best of you, quickly dropping your hand from Frank’s chest as if it had burned you. Giving a light submissive nod, you swiftly turned on your heel to walk back towards the party. Billy eyed you with pity as you walked past him, and you promptly dropped your gaze, not wanting him to see the hurt that threatened to slip past your waterline. 
Bypassing the table that you had been sitting at, you made a beeline for the open bar, tucking yourself away at the furthest corner as you ordered your fourth glass of red wine of the night. The bitter taste on your tongue was nothing compared to the bitter resentment you felt towards Frank right now. He had been so hot and cold with you lately, it was driving you mad. You could never tell where you stood with him. You had never wanted so badly to look into another person’s mind to figure out what they were thinking or feeling. Frank was a brick wall when he wanted to be, and you weren’t sure if you had the patience or the strength to try to break through. 
Ten minutes later, you felt Frank’s presence beside you before you saw him out of the corner of your eye. The scent of his cologne was more intoxicating than anything they were serving tonight, and you resisted every urge to move closer to the source. 
“Might wanna consider slowin’ down. That’s your fourth one.”
So he had been here all night.
You weren’t in the mood to argue with him, so you simply slid the glass over on the bar towards him and turned around to walk back to the table. Frank caught your wrist to halt your movements, and you looked up at him with furrowed brows. His lips were downturned into a frown that tugged at your heartstrings, and the lighting above the bar cast a spotlight on the guilt pooling in his eyes.
“I didn’t say stop, just…be careful. You have a hard time findin’ your limit.”
“I know where it is, Frank. I just ignore it.”
Frank’s face twisted up with an emotion you couldn’t decipher, and as you went to tug your wrist free from his grasp, his fingers tightened to hold you firmly in place.
“Hey…look, I’m uh…I’m sorry.”
“For what?”
“Bein’ a dick, back there. I didn’t mean to. I…just…I asked Bill for a favor-”
“Because I’m a handful.”
Frank’s dark brows knit together in the center of his forehead as he stared down at you, features drawn in confusion.
“What? No. Cause I trust him. I know what he’s capable of, and I know he’s the only other person that could protect you as good as me.”
A fresh spell of heat pooled in your lower belly at Frank’s words, and a rosy tint rose to the surface of your cheeks.
Frank hadn’t warned Billy about you. Frank only trusted Billy with you.
“Oh…I thought…maybe you…had told him I was trouble.”
Frank cocked his head to the side while he looked at you, and suddenly a faint smirk curled at the edge of his mouth as he chuckled lowly.
“Well, that you are, sweetheart. But it wasn’t that. Matter of fact, I’m kinda disappointed you didn’t give Russo a run for his money. You only like fuckin’ with me?”
Sweetheart. There it was again.
You immediately blushed realizing Frank had been onto you, trying your best to hide your grin as you feigned an expression of mock offense.
“Frank Castle, when have I ever fucked with you?”
Frank narrowed his eyes slightly in a playful glare, arching one of his dark brows in challenge as his lips spread into a devilish grin.
“You want a list?”
Granting him a roll of your eyes, you sank your teeth into your bottom lip as you giggled, lifting your hands up in surrender as you shrugged your shoulders.
“Okay, fine. Maybe I do. Will not confirm or deny. But, I can tell you that Billy isn’t nearly as fun to be around, and I was worried that he would have an aneurysm if I derailed even a second of his perfect life.”
“Probably, but woulda been damn funny to watch.”
These were the moments it was the hardest to be around Frank. When he did let the broody facade drop. When he smiled at you, joked with you, and acted like he genuinely cared about you and that you weren’t just some assignment. Because it made it all that much harder when he inevitably switched back into your ruminative bodyguard. 
“You look really good in a suit.”
As soon as the words flew past your lips, your heart started to beat faster. Those four glasses of wine were finally catching up to you and slowly dismantling the filter between your mouth and your brain. Frank’s grin faltered, and he looked completely taken aback by your comment. He quickly cleared his throat, lightly tugging at the tie around his neck as he timidly met your eyes.
“Uh, thanks. Gotta be honest, it’s real fuckin’ uncomfortable. Don’t know how the hell Bill wears these things all the goddamn time.”
“He can’t pull off jeans and a regular shirt like you can.”
Jesus Christ please shut the fuck up.
As the heat of embarrassment flamed in your cheeks, you swiftly turned your head to look anywhere but at Frank, trying your hardest to find a new subject of conversation.
“You wanna dance?”
Frank looked just as surprised by his own question as you did, lifting his hand to awkwardly scratch at the back of his neck before gesturing around to the party.
“Since we’re s’posed to be blendin’ in and all that. You don’t gotta, just thought-”
“I do.”
A timid smile spread over your lips as you looked up at Frank, swallowing thickly as you held out your hand for him to take. Glancing between your eyes and your hand, Frank gave a slight nod and grunted quietly in response before taking your hand to lead you to the dance floor. Your hand trembled when you raised it to place on Frank’s shoulder, a quiet gasp leaving your parted lips as his large hand settled on your waist. He clasped your small hand in his large one, his deep brown eyes glancing around at everyone over your head.
“Um…can you dance?”
Frank looked almost offended by your question as he looked down at you, cocking his head to the side.
“You didn’t think to ask me that before followin’ me over here?”
“Just curious.”
“What? Don’t I look like I can dance?”
“Oh, yeah. Absolutely. I mean you’re so…graceful.”
A fit of giggles slipped past your lips as you momentarily leaned your forehead against Frank’s chest, giving his hand a gentle squeeze before pulling back to peer up at him with a grin.
“Just don’t step on my toes, please. I really like these shoes. And I’m pretty sure you would break them considering you’re twice my size.”
“Just for that I’m gonna do it on purpose. See how much trouble you can cause with two broken feet.”
Your mouth immediately fell open as you stared up at Frank with wide eyes.
His eyes crinkled at the sides as he bellowed with laughter, shaking his head slowly as he lightly squeezed your waist.
“Aw c’mon, you know I’m kiddin’.”
“Actually, I don’t. I think you would. And just for that, I’m requesting a new bodyguard.”
“Why not?”
“Cause I said so.”
You glared up at Frank with a smug grin spreading across your lips, jutting your chin out defiantly as you shrugged.
“Not your call.”
“Actually it is. See, the guys report to me, and Bill ain’t gonna challenge me. So, as I said before, no.”
Frank tilted his head to the side as he stared down at you with the ghost of a smirk covering his lips. The look in his eyes caused a fire to erupt in your lower belly, and you rolled your eyes so that you could look away. Frank was surprisingly a great dancer, making it feel as if the two of you were floating around the dance floor together effortlessly.
“You uh…you look nice.”
Whipping your head up in Frank’s direction, you stared blankly up at him as his words translated in your ears.
“Your dress and all. Meant to tell you earlier. You uh, look…beautiful.”
The sincerity in Frank’s voice and his gaze made your heart swell, feeling as if it had completely swollen inside your ribcage. Taking in a sharp breath, you lightly squeezed onto his shoulder to steady yourself as your voice came out quiet.
“Thank you.”
Frank grunted quietly in response with a nod of his head, averting his gaze to survey the room like it was second nature. You couldn’t stop staring at him as his words swirled around inside your head.
“You’re really good at this, you know.”
A timid smile appeared on Frank’s lips as he chuckled lowly, glancing briefly down at you.
“Was worried I’d be rusty. I ain’t danced like this in quite awhile.”
“When was the last time?”
The smile on Frank’s face was instantly torn away like a vengeful tide erasing a sandcastle. You stilled as you watched his dark eyes immediately harden, the outline of his strong jawline becoming sharper as it set roughly. The shift in the mood felt as if someone had tossed a bucket of ice cold water over you, and you fumbled to backtrack.
“Sorry, I didn’t-”
“My wedding.”
Frank didn’t meet your eyes as he spoke. The playful tone of his voice from earlier was long gone, leaving nothing but the rough gravel behind. 
“I…I’m sorry. I…it must be difficult for you. I’ve never been divorced-”
“Didn’t get divorced. She died.”
Frank’s confession knocked all the wind right out of your lungs. He said it so…casually, but with so much pain and anger layered beneath the syllables. The only reason his eyes met yours again was because he noticed you had stopped dancing. Frank’s eyes had become wild, completely blown open like a wound with shades of rage and grief. It caused a shiver to caress your spine.
There was a hard edge to his voice, a warning mixed with a plea as he stared down at you. Giving a slight nod of your head, you snapped your mouth shut, unable to tear your gaze away from him. Frank stared you down silently for a moment before relinquishing his grip on your waist and dropping his hand from yours to take a step backwards.
“Bill will take you home.”
“What? Where are you going?”
“Got somethin’ to finish up.”
“Right now?”
Frank’s impenetrable glare stunned you once again into submission, and you found yourself nodding again since you didn’t trust your voice. Giving you one last final look over, Frank forced his way through the crowd towards the exit, leaving you completely stunned and all alone in the middle of the dance floor.
tags: @jwjeepers @day-dreaming-goddess @messymissy @itwasthereaminuteago @strawberry1042 @queenofthenoobs @wanda2themax @neverlandcity @charmedkim @stilldreaming666 @dark-academia-slut
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piratefalls · 3 months
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i'm back! between work and trying to write my first fic for this fandom i've been falling really behind on reading, so for now these are going to be a more bi-weekly occurrence than weekly. in any event, there's truly a little bit here for everyone, so enjoy this week's mix of a+ works!
you and me, babe, how about it? by @myheartalivewrites
Alex sits in the back of their Secret Service approved, PPO driven Land Rover, excitement thrumming through his body. The leather squeaks as he fidgets incessantly; his skin burns where Kieran’s shoulder is pressed into his, despite the layers of fabric between them. On the other side of Kieran, he can see Henry’s fingers twitch on top of his own knee, playing an imaginary piano, flicking out and squeezing in before releasing and starting again. Like he’s so fucking desperate to reach out and touch the leg next to his he’s having to muster up all of his self-control, draw on all the years of keeping himself restrained, just to not start things too soon. Alex can’t believe they’re actually, finally, doing this.
you know i can't be found with you by stutteringpeach
“He’s cute,” Alex declares on the first day of class. Liam doesn’t even bother to look up from his laptop. “Uh huh.” “The professor.” Liam makes a non-committal noise. “I’m gonna fuck him.”
Longer Than Most by happinessofthepursuit
“Oh,” Alex says. “Sick.” Henry can’t help but grin. He can’t believe he’s so bloody gone on a man who says sick and dude, who he’s slept with all of one time and proceeded to knock him up. Henry’s a cliche, honestly. “It is, indeed, sick, as you say.” Alex rolls his eyes, but his cheeks darken a shade, giving him away a bit. “Listen, the closest I get to poetry is your fucking face. Excuse me if my vocabulary doesn’t quite compare to yours.” Or, Alex and Henry have a one night stand. That is, until a baby’s involved.
Baby (Let Me Put On a Show) by SatinBirds
It’s been five months, and still Alex is never completely prepared for Henry’s performances. Private or otherwise. Or, Henry is a night dancer, and he’s everything Alex wants.
Sun Salutations (Waif for Me) by @duchessdepolignaca03
He repeats the movement five or six times, his body heating up with each repetition, loosening the hangovers’ grip on him through very effective breathwork. Wanting to open up his hips a little bit more, he settles into a wide-legged forward fold. He holds the pose, enjoying the delicious stretch on his lower back and virtually all the muscles of his lower body. Then he just about jumps out of his skin when he hears, “Mmm, breakfast is served.” Or: Alex parties hard on a Thursday night and has some deliciously anonymous sex with the glittery blond he calls Waif. When he wakes to do his naked sun salutations, he learns that Waif is a very, very hungry, 'temporarily unhoused' boy whom Alex quickly invites to live rent-free in his head.
secret, scars, and trust by viciouslyqueer
He trails off and Henry takes the opportunity to cup his cheek, gently swiping his thumb over the smooth skin. “Hey. We don’t have to do anything. We can stop right now if you want to, or cuddle for a while. I can put on a movie if you’d like. I don’t mind either way.” Alex’s smile grows and he leans into the touch, pecking Henry’s lips again. “Thanks, baby,” he murmurs, and Henry has to fight the urge to react at the pet name. “But it’s not that. I want to keep going, if you want it, too. I just have to tell you something before, okay?”
make it five by anincompletelist
“Fifty bucks says I can get that guy’s number.” Popping the bubble of cinnamon-flavored gum Alex had just blown, he glances up from his phone to look at where Nora’s pointing. Just over the soles of his shoes, crossed at the ankles and propped on the flaking black wood of the shop’s front desk, there’s a man with broad shoulders lingering by the far wall. Alex hadn’t even heard the guy come in. “Nora. He’s literally looking at one of the biggest dildos I’ve ever seen,” he deadpans quietly. + alex works at a sex toy shop. it's usually a pretty easy job — if he could just stop daydreaming about the blonde guy that keeps coming in to buy literally all of alex's favorite sex toys.
talk by smc_27
Henry records himself for an audio erotica app. Alex finds it. And listens.
Got a ticket for two by clottedcreamfudge
Henry likes his apartment - he has done since the day he moved in a year ago. The light in the sitting room is gorgeous at all times of day thanks to the ceiling to floor windows which lead out onto a south-facing balcony, only just large enough for the plethora of plantlife his flatmates care for. The kitchen is always stocked with his favourite tea, everyone keeps to their allotted cupboard and fridge space, and the bathrooms are kept meticulously clean. There's a rota for chores stuck to the fridge with magnets from Rhode Island and Minnesota, London and Milan, with everything typed up neatly so that nobody has to squint to read someone else's awful handwriting. His flatmates themselves? Well, they're a little… strange.
Far Away From the One That I Love by allmylovesatonce
It's been an agonizing two months of Henry being in London and Alex being in New York. When an opportunity to finally be reunited with Henry comes his way, Alex jumps on it. But things don't go quite how they expected after so much time away.
If We're Caught in a Wage (I Will Carry You Over) by @sparklepocalypse
There it is, up ahead – the small island just offshore, with Alex’s favorite broad, flat stone outcropping, perfect for sunning himself in seclusion. He splashes into the shallows and dives in when the water’s up to his knees, and it’s a matter of maybe a minute’s swim to reach the island. Alex finds his footing among the sand and pebbles, pulls himself upright, and shakes the water out of his hair, then pushes it back from his face. He can practically hear the outcropping calling to him -- you know, if inanimate rock could speak. Alex stretches, his mid-back satisfyingly popping, and then skirts his way between some larger rocks until his sunning rock is in view. Except – there’s someone already on the outcropping, their short blond hair shimmering in the sunshine, the upper slant of their shoulders visible from where Alex is standing. (Movie or Bookverse AU; Alex rents a remote beach house and Henry is a cecaelia.)
Protect Your Solitude by graceofgrayskull
At the 2016 Rio Olympics, Alex stumbles onto Prince Henry crying in a storage closet and is forced to rewrite his perception of their first meeting.
Out For A Bite by everwitch
Henry's eyes fly up, zeroing in on the reflection in the mirror. There, behind him. The man from the bar. He looks different in the fluorescent bathroom lights. Sharper. There’s a look in his eyes that has Henry shivering all over again. It's greedy. Hungry. He’s staring right at Henry. Henry's throat feels dry. His heart beats madly. He's heard whispers of this place, and more importantly of its patrons. He thinks he knows what this man is.
each time we touch / i wanna take too much by @firenati0n
my fingers slipped and now there are fingers in mouths. wrote this in one sitting at 5am today. please forgive any egregious errors, i wrote it without my glasses on and on no sleep lol. hope you like it. <3 title from New Girl by FINNEAS
you took the time to memorize me (my fears, my hopes, my dreams) by coffeecatsme
The tour guide has a small bisexual flag pinned to his chest, right next to where his name is scrawled in big, bold letters. Alex, it reads; simple, to the point. The name tag rests on a red and black flannel, and underneath is a white t-shirt with Georgetown’s name stretched on the front, reminding Henry ever so starkly that he’s thousands of miles away from what he calls home. The flannel stretches over broad shoulders leading up to a strong jaw, all in contrast with the bright, dimpled grin stretched over a beautiful face. Henry thinks there isn't a place on the world far enough away from his grandmother to escape her clutches - even after transferring to Georgetown. Then, his tour guide extends a helping hand and shows him otherwise. Or, 5 steps Alex and Henry take to memorize each other and 1 time they realize they already do.
Praise & Supplication by NoCoastPosts
Alex is always moving, always going, always seeking. He is defiance and brashness tinged with anxiety, but not in these moments. Henry pins him down with a gaze as heavy as his touch, and all of Alex’s motions cease. He is calm, he is obedient, he is pliable. He knows he’ll be broken apart piece by piece, sending waves of heat deep into his core. or When Alex gets stuck in his head, Henry helps him let go.
Another Door Opens by 14carrotgold
Henry takes a long drink. “If it makes you feel any better, my dad's dead. He and my mum had the type of love straight from the storybooks and it got cut tragically short, so what is the point in finding something real if it's just going to hurt you?” Alex bites back a smile and shakes his head. “How in the fuck was that supposed to make me feel better?” He waves his hand awkwardly. “Oh, I just thought we were both sharing the trauma that impacted our romantic relationships.” - Henry and Alex first meet when Henry reveals their partners are cheating on them with each other.
Fifteen Hours Till Forever by inexplicablymine
“I would say that in this life, we aren’t granted many chances at true happiness, at the unadulterated freedom and joy that comes to the lucky ones. I would say that I know right now only fifteen feet apart, fifteen hours till forever, and somehow the universe has decided I ought to be one of the luckiest there are.” “But tomorrow,” he continues, “when we are saying our vows, when we are promising ourselves to one another forever, I want you to look me in the eyes and know that you are it for me.”  OR The year is 2025, and the world doesn't know they are getting married. 
home by rizcriz
For a moment he fears Henry’s been outed against his will somehow, but he scrolls down to find a video clip. Unable to trust himself to watch the video, he scrolls a little further to read the transcript. He learns that Henry had come out during a ribbon cutting, of all things. He’d stood in front of a crowd of a couple hundred people gathered for the opening of a new youth shelter, and he’d told his truth. Alex is tempted to watch the video, to examine his body language to see if it was planned or not, but he reads further and one sentence stands out to tell him it wasn’t. There is no comment yet from Buckingham Palace. -- or, six months after Henry rejected Alex at Kensington Palace.
The Way of Things by writerkenna
Henry and Alex have been very much enjoying the life they’ve managed to carve out for themselves. They’ve had to compromise and work and change to maintain it, but it’s worth it. Henry finds himself pregnant, though, and everything they’ve built starts to turn on its head. as always, let me know if you want to be tagged either because you're a writer or a reader (or both!) and i'll see you next time!
My life is a cosmic joke and you're not a real person by lizzie_bennetdarcy
Alex plans to be a lot of firsts in the world. But this absolutely isn't the kind of first he was thinking. He stares wide-eyed into the mirror at the letters on his shoulder while June whines to be let in. Alex finally unlocks the door and June bursts through. “Show me!” Wordlessly, Alex turns to show her his back. "What the actual fuck?" June exclaims, then claps a hand over her mouth. "Sorry, that was rude, but — is it more than one person?" Or: Five times Alex doesn't find his soulmate, and one time he does
tagging: @starkfridays @stilesgivesmefeels @midnightsfp @sarahjswift omg i feel like i'm missing someone
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spooky-luvur · 5 months
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Eyeless Jack x m!Reader Pt. 2
(A/N i didn’t reread this at all so sorry if something doesn’t make sense. that’s usually the case ha)
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Shivering even under the thick blanket, you run your fingers over the sore scar tissue. Part of you is scared if you move wrong or press too hard the skin will split open and stain your sheets. Maybe he smells blood. Like a shark.
Freak, you think to yourself.
A sudden knock at your door makes you jolt and freeze up in pain. You yell at whoever’s at the door to wait a moment as you pretty much fall off the couch to tug some clothes on.
Your hand pauses over the doorknob for a stiff moment. What if you open it and he’s there? Will he take your other kidney? Or maybe your liver this time. Forget shark, is this guy a zombie? You force yourself to open the door.
“Hello, dear. How are you?”
You relax against the frame and smile tiredly at the woman.
“Hey Miss Zhao. I should be asking you that.”
She shuffles past you to set a casserole dish on the table next to the door.
“Oh, I’m alright. Jack is good company, you know.”
“Jack?” You echo, folding your arms against your chest- subtly wincing in pain as the movement pulls on the raw skin. “Is that the new neighbor? I saw them in the lobby the other day, I think.”
Miss Zhao laughs and waves her hand.
“No, not them.”
Your brow burrows but the smile doesn’t drop from your face until a figure steps into view behind the stout woman. Your side aches at the sight.
He has the nerve to casually wave at you.
You stutter as Miss Zhao says something about feeding time and goes back to her room, leaving you with the very thing that’s been haunting you like a ghost.
“Hey,” he greets.
“Wha-“ Is all you allow yourself to say before promptly slamming the door shut. You stand there for a few moments, half expecting the man to open it and thrust a knife at you. But he never does, and the door stays firmly shut. You find yourself glaring at the poor wood before stomping away.
A nice shower, you think. Thats exactly what I need.
You strip yourself of what little clothes you were wearing. Grumbling, you pivot to the bathroom hallway and come to an abrupt halt. There he stands, hands in his pockets. How is that even fucking possible?
You stare at each other in silence before his head tilts down not-so-subtly.
“Nice,” is all he says.
It takes you a moment to realize this masked murderer that literally took one of your organs the other week is currently scrutinizing you.
“FUCK you!” You cross your arms over your chest which is about all you can do at the moment. “What the hell do you want? My other one?”
“Not today.” He frees one of his hands to point at you. “How is it? The scar.”
You subconsciously reach down to mess with the puckered skin.
“Fine, no thanks to you.”
“It is thanks to me, actually.”
“What?” You hiss.
“Well, it was me that fixed you up instead of leaving you to bleed out on the floor like a hog.” He shrugs his broad shoulders.
“Ugh, right,” you rub a hand down your face, exasperated, “the tub. The damn ice. What the hell even was that? Who does that?”
“Do you really want to know why I took it?”
“You’re a psychopath that won’t even show his face. My guess? You’ll be caught as soon as next week.”
The man does that stupid quiet laugh again and lowers himself onto your plush sofa.
“Kick up your feet why don’t you! Make yourself comfortable. Actually, get the fuck out.”
He folds his hands in his lap like he’s about to have a very nice conversation with your mother “I think I’ll stay.”
You’re about to snap at him again, start yelling, maybe throwing things, but you choke on the words as you remember exactly who you’re about to lash out at. This man who is obviously stronger, faster, and smarter than you (and has no problem proving it) is giving you little to no options. Part of you doubts he would hurt you again, but what’s stopping him? Nothing.
So you bite your tongue and simply glare. After hesitating a few moments longer you turn away to go take your well needed shower.
Jack pulls out his (untraceable, courtesy of a ffffffffriend) phone once you round the corner. His mouth twitches in annoyance at the messages on the cracked screen.
you ar not supplied to be out today
ohhhh i get it
its that guy
dont worry ill keep your secret
Jack feels the need to have eyes to roll as he slips the device back into his pocket. God forbid that kid keep his thoughts to himself.
“So, I should call the cops. Right? That’s what I should do.” Is what you tell the man relaxing on your couch once you face him again. He looks over at you and you almost shiver at the sight of the goo slowly sliding down the blue face.
“You’re really confusing, you know?”
Your eye twitches in annoyance before you give up, heaving a heavy sign and taking a seat in the recliner beside the couch. Your hand absentmindedly wanders to caress the puckered skin of the healing wound.
“Let me see.”
“The stitches. I can take them out now.”
You eye the man on your couch warily. What is this guy, some kind of doctor?
“You want to…take the stitches out.” You parrot. He nods and stands from his seat and push yourself further into the chair the closer he gets, like a picky child that’s being fed peas.
“You want them out. They’re itching.”
“Are you a doctor or something?” You snap out your previous thought causing him to stop in his tracks. You spot his hands twitch before he stretches his fingers out.
“I know what to do,” Is his reply.
Really, what other choice did you have? Going to the hospital to get undocumented stitches out would raise a few questions…not to mention you’d never be able to pay for it.
“…Fine. But I’ll catch you in the nuts the second you do something funny.”
You gasp as he grabs you and pulls you up and then a second later you’re laying on your stomach on the couch. You can’t even spit out a retort when he tugs your shirt up to get better access. The cold leather against your bare skin causes you to squirm for a moment before a hand is holding itself against your back.
“Stay still.”
He must sense your coming fit and slips his hand to lay gentle but firm across the back of your neck. Words die on your tongue as you go lax like a kitten that’s just been picked up by its mum.
You feel his hands poking and prodding before the tug of stitches being cut.
“Is it even ready?” You ask the man who is currently leaning over you on his knees like you’re on an actual operating table.
“It is.”
“But are you sure? If it isn’t healed-“
“It’s healed.”
“You love cutting me off!”
You resist the urge to kick him in the face.
After a few minutes of silence he leans away, running his fingers across your skin.
“Done?” You crane your neck.
“This isn’t very sanitary. I should-“
You sit up and turn to look at him but pause at the sight of his hands retracting. The color makes you gasp and almost fall off the couch to grab him.
“What the fuck?” You hold his arm and push up his sleeve to see more of the man’s skin as he simply watches you basically feel him up.
“I don’t get a lot of sun.”
You glare at him for the joke.
“This is…so weird.” You release him and scrub a hand down your face as you relax into the couch. He takes a seat next to you like you’re two friends catching up. “What’s wrong with you?”
You close your eyes and wish your mouth had been sewn shut instead of your side but he huffs out a laugh and you look at him almost timidly.
“Shit, I didn’t mean- I mean I did but like- okay, I’m done.”
“It’s a long story.”
“Oh yeah? An interesting one?” You lightly pry. Whatever happened for him to look the way he does- for him to be some kind of kidney-stealing grey skinned freak has to be more than ‘oh yeah I got the flu real bad once.’
“Are you…gonna tell me? I feel like I’m entitled at this point.”
Jack folds his arms and you hear him hum in (probably fake) contemplation.
“I’ll tell you…once you trust me.”
“Trust you?” You gape at him in disbelief. “Why would I- you tried to kill me!”
“No I didn’t.”
“Then what the hell was this?!” You gesture toward your scarring angrily.
“Not enough to kill you. I could have, though.”
Your mouth clicks shut at the new tone in his voice. Dangerously territory, this conversation. So you drop it.
“Okay. Fine. So…what’s with the goo?”
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morri-draws · 3 months
Gale x Reader - 'Some Time Alone, Together'
You plan some time alone with Gale to finally relax and bathe after so long in the Shadowlands, and to make passionate love
Rating: Explicit
TAGS: porn no plot, self-conscious reader, passionate sex, nipple-licking, cunnilingus, vaginal fingering, blow-jobs
Words: 4,099 | Ao3
(Note: This is my first time writing smut so please go easy on me lol)
After weeks in the Shadowlands, the relief you feel when you finally arrive in the outskirts of Baldur’s Gate is immeasurable. Even with protection against the Shadow Curse, just being surrounded by it seemed to eat at you, leaving you feeling a sense of hopelessness, as if you’d never be able to leave. But at last, you’re out of that dark and dreadful place, the sun is shining, and you are so close to finally being able to have a bath.
Once you and your party arrive at Wyrm’s Crossing and make camp, you take a little trip by yourself while the others relax, to a famous pleasure house called Sharess’ Caress. However, you’re not going there to let off steam, but to arrange something for the next day for you and someone special.
Over your time travelling together, you and Gale have become close. In fact, one night during your time in the Shadowlands, he declared his love for you, and you confessed yours for him, before making love under the wizard’s conjured starry sky, a pocket of beauty in an otherwise perilous land.
You talk over your plans with the Mamzell of the establishment and pay her upfront, before heading back to camp, where you have some dinner before heading to bed.
The next morning after breakfast, you talk with each of your companions in camp, encouraging them to have a day for themselves to relax and do what they choose. Once you’ve spoken to everyone else, you make your way over to Gale and ask him to head out, just the two of you.
You walk together from your camp at the abandoned homestead in Rivington and over the bridge to Wyrm’s Crossing. When you turn off the path to enter Sharess’ Caress, Gale’s expression becomes unsure. You look to the Mamzell behind the bar, who nods with a smile and speaks discreetly to another employee, who then leaves the bar and heads upstairs. You pull Gale aside to a vacant corner.
“I know what you must be thinking,” You say. “But I promise, the only person I am here to be with is you,”
His shoulders relax slightly, showing some relief, but you can tell he’s still not entirely certain.
“Let’s head upstairs,” You give a reassuring smile and take his hand in yours, heading to the back of the bar area and turning left up the stairs.
You lead him through a passage and up another flight of stairs until you step out onto a balcony. To the left is a set of double doors, surrounded by intertwining vines, rich green leaves blanketing the walls.
You approach the door and knock. The door swings open almost immediately, revealing a beautiful wood elf, her skin almost the same shade as the vine leaves, her hair the colour of cherry blossoms. She is scantily clothed in green and black lingerie.
“The two lovers,” She greets you and Gale with a smile, her voice silky.
She steps aside so you may enter. You step onto the shiny marble floor of the antechamber, multi-coloured tiles forming a mandala pattern in the centre. At the far end of the room is a large rectangular bath framed by vines and ferns.
“Before I leave you to it,” The wood elf says. “Are you sure you do not wish me stay? I offer many services beyond the erotic,”
“Thank you, but no. It shall be just the two of us,”
You look to Gale for confirmation and he nods and clears his throat. “Yes, thank you for preparing the room,”
The elf smiles and steps out, gently closing the doors behind her. Gale looks about the room, taking in his surroundings.
“You’ve picked a pretty place,” He says. “Very atmospheric,”
“Gale,” You approach him, slipping your hands around his. “It might be a silly idea after all, I just thought… well we’ve been on the road so long. Self-care hasn’t exactly been a priority. I know you said you like my… musk… as you so eloquently put it, but I personally can’t wait to have a bath,”
Gale smiles and shakes his head. “Not one of my best lines of conversation,” He chuckles. “In my defence, you are one of the only people who makes me nervous and when I am nervous, I can say… less than intelligent things. I hope I didn’t offend you?”
“Well… I wasn’t really offended, just a bit… self-conscious, and being in the Shadowlands so long… well I wouldn’t want to touch any water there with a ten-foot pole. But now we’re here, in civilisation, no shadow curse… just me and you in a beautiful room with a very enticing bath,”
He glances over at the crystal-clear water. “It does look very inviting,” His voice softens, taking on the sultry tone you heard during your encounter under the moonlight.
The encounter where despite the act that was performed, the two of you remained almost completely clothed. But even though it was you who planned this moment here and now, you had put aside your anxieties leading up to it, hoping that when the time came, it would all melt away. But now Gale gazes at you, his eyes soft but wanting, the bath waiting for occupants.
“Shall we?” Gale quirks a brow, a hand hovering over one of the clasps on his robe.
You nod, and he undoes the first, second and third clasp, slipping off his outer robe so he’s in just his undershirt and trousers. He slips off his boots and socks, placing them beside the bath, along with his neatly folded robe, before facing you again. Seeing that you’re in the exact same position as you were before, all garments of clothing remaining on, he steps closer, his eyes searching yours.
“What’s wrong?”
You shake your head, embarrassed, turning from his gaze.
“If you’ve changed your mind, that’s perfectly alright,” Gale says softly. “We can take turns in the bath in privacy. Or not do this at all,”
You meet his gaze again. “I do want this. It’s just… I thought I’d be alright once I got here,”
“What do you mean, my love?”
“It’s just… well, you’ve never seen me without… not wearing…” You sigh. “You’ve never seen me nude,”
“To be fair, you’ve never seen me either,” He chuckles.
“I… I’m self-conscious,” You hang your head.
He takes your hands in his, eyes locked onto yours. “I hope you know that I love you… all of you,” You lets go of your hands to cup your face. “The whole package. But I understand, I do. So, we don’t need to do this today, alright?”
You close the gap between you, your mouth finding his. You melt into his soft lips, desire flooding through your body.
“But I want to,” You say as you pull back.
Gale smiles. “Alright, what if… I look away while you get undressed and… you get in the water first?”
You think it over for a moment and nod. “Okay,”
“And you’re sure this is what you want?”
“It is,”
Gale plants a kiss on your cheek and steps back, turning to climb the shallow steps up to the attached bedchamber. He stands facing away from you and begins to remove his shirt, so you turn away to attend to your own clothing. Untucking your shirt from your breeches, you pull it over your head and drop it on the floor next to you. You sit on the edge of the bath on the tiled ledge and slip off your boots and socks, before standing again to remove your pants. You glance up to the bedchamber where Gale has his back turned, now wearing only his drawers.
Focusing back on yourself, you remove your bra and undies, adding them to the pile of clothes, and step up on to the bath’s ledge, dipping your toes into the water. The temperature is perfect, so you step into the bath and lower yourself into the water, until only your head and the top of your shoulders remain unsubmerged. You quickly give your armpits and intimate places a quick scrub before calling out.
“Gale… I’m ready,”
You inspect a series of bottles placed on the edge of the bath, filled with various bath gels, shampoos and lotions, as Gale comes into your peripheral. Given that he didn’t watch you undress, you give him the same curtesy, only hearing him slip off his underwear before he steps into the bath. You feel a foolish now for not considering that he too might be nervous. Perhaps that’s why he kept his clothes on during your last encounter?
He lets out a low, satisfied groan as he lowers into the water and you look his way as his sits on the inner ledge of the bath. You edge closer to him until you’re sitting beside him, your arms brushing against each other’s. He turns his head, his eyes finding yours.
“How lucky I am,” He says with one of his smiles that you love so much.
He extends his arm, inviting you to cuddle up to him. You oblige, moving closer and resting your head against his shoulder. You gently trace the markings on his chest, the symbol appearing warped through the rippling water. You move your head up, intending to plant a kiss on his cheek, when you notice something.
“There’s dried blood in your hair,” You say.
He wrinkles his nose in disgust and dips his head under the water, running his hands through his hair, before resurfacing with a gasp.
“Is it gone?” He asks, water drops clinging to his lashes.
“How about we give it a proper clean to be certain?” You reach for one of the shampoo bottles.
Gale inspects the bottle in your hand. “I have that same shampoo at home,”
You smile. “Good. Imagine you’re at home then, without a care in the world,”
You open the bottle, pour some of the shampoo in the palm of your hand and reach for his hair.
“You don’t need to do that,” He says.
“Let me look after you,”
You beckon him closer and he gives in, turning his back to you. You begin to lather the shampoo through his hair, massaging his scalp with your fingers.
 “That feels… really good,” He sighs. “But I can’t imagine I’m at home, since I don’t get this there,”
“Well, maybe that’ll change,” You murmur in his ear.
You plant a soft kiss on the curve between his neck and shoulder and continue to work the shampoo into his hair, the floral scent absolutely divine. Once his hair is completely covered, you dip your own head underwater for a moment before getting more shampoo from the bottle, rubbing it through your hair. Once you’ve done that, you return your attention to Gale, brushing your fingers down the back of his neck and along his shoulders. You sit up on your knees to reach around him, placing a hand along his jawline and gently turning his face toward you, planting a gentle kiss on his already parted lips. He opens his eyes, his gaze flicking down to your now exposed chest. He turns his body to face you, snaking one hand up to your neck, his fingers lightly brushing on the sensitive skin there as he brings his face closer, nuzzling into the other side of your neck. At first, he kisses you softly, then hungrily, his teeth nipping at your skin. He plants a kiss on your collarbone and continues down, leaving a trail of kisses until his lips find your nipple. He strokes it with his tongue, your nipple hardening instantly. His lips enclose around it and suck it lightly. A quiet moan escapes you as arousal shoots through you and your body goes slack for a moment, your knee slipping off the side of the step’s edge. You plunge into the water, your vision blurring, bubbles coming out of your nose. Two arms wrap around you, pulling you upwards. You gasp as your face breaks the surface, and come face to face with Gale, his brow creased with concern.
“Are you alright?” He asks, wet hair clinging to his face.
You chuckle. “I’m fine Gale, I just slipped,”
He lets go of you, moving back a step. His gaze moves downward and you realise that your body is exposed, the water only covering your legs.
“You are exquisite,” Gale says in barely more than a whisper.
Embarrassed, you move to cover yourself, but Gale takes your hands in his.
“You do not need to hide from me, my love. My desire for you is stronger than it has ever been. I don’t know who or what made you feel self-conscious about the way you look, but whoever could balk at the beauty in front of me is a fool indeed,”
You wrap your arms around him, pulling his wet body into yours, skin slick against each other, his hardness pressed against your leg.
“Shall we take this to the bedchamber?” He murmurs in your ear, voice rich with lust.
“Yes please,”
Gale slips an arm around your back and hooks the other behind your knees, picking you up. He carries you to the edge of the bath and steps out carefully, kissing your forehead as he brings you up the steps and to the bed in the next room. He places you down gently on one side of the bed and kneels in front of you, your thighs encasing him. His lips crash into yours, his kiss hungry, his tongue exploring your mouth. You slide a hand up to his jaw, a thumb stroking along his beard, while your other hand rakes through his wet hair. He moans softly into your mouth, the sound sending hotness to your lower regions, slick pooling between your folds.
He sucks your lower lip before pulling away, his own lips pink and glistening. His eyes are dark, brown irises almost completely eclipsed by his dilated pupils. He places a hand on your shoulder, pushing you back firmly but carefully, until your body’s reclined, weight resting on your elbows. He cups one of your breasts between his thumb and index finger, taking your nipple in his mouth, his tongue swirling around the hardened bud as he gently squeezes. He does the same to the other side, a string of spit stretching from his mouth as he pulls away. He trails kisses down your belly until he reaches the crevice where your torso and legs meet. His lips brush against the sensitive skin, causing your legs to twitch. The corners of his lips upturn in a satisfied smile as he progresses down, closer and closer to your folds, until you feel his hot breath against where you want him most. His head dips, tongue finding its mark, flicking across your clit. You let out a small whimper, and he grasps your thighs, pulling you closer to the edge of the mattress. He strokes his fingers across your inner thighs while his tongue laps at your clit. He trails a finger up your thigh until it hovers around your entrance. He edges closer, his finger dancing around the edge of your entrance, before he plunges inside easily, your slick easing passage. He gets a feel for you with the single digit, his tongue still working you, before adding a second finger. You moan as your back arches and you lift your head to look at Gale, his wet hair hanging in front of his face in dark tendrils. As if he can feel your gaze, he looks up, his dark eyes boring into yours. Your core throbs, yearning for him, more of him, all of him.
“I want you,” You say breathily.
He pulls his mouth away, beard flecked with slick and spit. “Then you shall have me,”
He stands, his hard cock coming into view for a moment before he leans down to give you a wet kiss. He climbs on the bed, as if to be on top of you but you place your hands on his arms and guide him into a laying position. You pose yourself next to him in a semi-reclined position, your head level with his hips, and extend an arm, massaging his upper thigh before curling your fingers around his cock and moving your hand up the length, his skin hot and smooth in your fingers, Gale letting out a quiet sigh as your hand glides up and down. Your core throbs, begging for him, but you resist, wanting Gale to be completely prepared for you.
Dipping your head down, you lick along the sensitive spot on the underside of his cock. You move your tongue around his tip, before taking his cock in your mouth, his hot, slick skin sliding along your lips. You do this a few more times, letting the spit spill from your mouth, completely coating him, before pulling back, inspecting his now glistening length.
Pulling yourself up, you swing a leg over him, his body between your thighs, and reach for his cock underneath you, gently angling it up and lowering yourself onto him until his cock is nestled between your folds. You thrust your hips forward, his length sliding along your swollen clit, shuddering at the sensation. You pull back and thrust forward again, your breath hitching in your throat. Gale grasps your thighs, holding them tight. You tilt your head back and sigh as you bring your hands up to your breasts and play with your nipples between your thumb and index finger. Your hips move faster as you grind against his cock, your arousal flaring. Moving your hands down, you lean forward, cupping Gale’s face, your noses touching.
“Do you want me?” You ask breathily.
“More than anything,” He pants.
You reach down between your legs again and grasp his cock, slick with your saliva and juices, and line it up with your entrance. You allow just the tip inside at first, Gale looking between your legs then up to your face, his eyes wild, and you hold his gaze as you lower yourself onto him, until he’s fully sheathed inside of you, filling you, exactly where you want him, and now he’s there you want to unravel him completely. You rock your hips back until only the very tip of his cock remains inside you, before coming forward again and repeating the movement, hearing a wet popping sound each time the rim of his tip exits and plunges back inside you. His hands snake up to your breasts, massaging them with his thumbs. You lean forward until your breasts almost touch his face, and he takes one in his mouth, sucking and licking.
He pulls back, putting his hands down on the bed beside him to push himself up and scooting back against the bed’s headboard, his length pulling out of you with the movement.
“Are you alright?” You ask.
“Oh, yes,” He says. “I just want to be as close to you as possible,”
He extends a hand to you, inviting you back to him. You take his hand in yours and climb on top of him, wrapping your arms around his shoulders and lining up his cock with your entrance again. It slips in easily, your core slick with arousal, and you begin to thrust slowly, your face right next to his, his breath tickling against your ear. He holds you close, his arms wrapped around your back.
“Gale,” You breathe.
“Hmm,’ He responds, moving his hips in rhythm with you.
“I love you,” You whisper. “I love you more than anyone or anything I’ve ever loved before, more than words can describe,”
His entire body shudders, but he says nothing. You pull your face back to inspect his. His eyes glisten with tears.
“Gale?” You become still, panicked.
His shining eyes meet yours and he smiles, the purest smile you’ve seen from him yet.
“You truly mean that, don’t you?” He asks.
“Gale,” You stroke his cheek. “You know I don’t say things I don’t mean,” You smile.
He strokes your cheek with his thumb, eyes wide and full of adoration. “Who would think to be glad of being kidnapped by mindflayers, to be infected with their parasite… but without all that, I never would have met you. I never would have felt a love so pure, I can’t… for once words fail me. I think it would be easier to show you, if I may?”
You nod and he presses his forehead to yours, the parasite in his mind nudging against your own. You open yourself to him, your mind suddenly flooded with emotion as images flash before you. You see through Gale’s eyes, moments you shared together, of you speaking to one another, travelling together, him seeing you taking the lead, making decisions, important decisions, hard decisions. You see yourself sitting at camp, eating by the fire, talking to your companions, laughing, and in your heart, Gale’s heart, you feel such warmth, such admiration. Your mind reels with Gale’s questions and doubts and hopes and finally… acceptance. Acceptance that you love him, that you don’t want anything from him in return but his love. There’s no ulterior motive, no manipulation, just… you.
Your minds disconnect and you’re met with Gale’s eyes, searching yours, yours which are brimming with tears, but not with sadness, but –
“Joy,” Gale whispers. “Is what I feel when you tell me you love me,”
He presses his lips to yours, his hands resting on your thighs as he moves in you again and a gasp escapes you, pleasure flooding through you, the feelings more heightened than before since your heart and mind are full of Gale’s love for you and yours for him. You rake your fingers through his wet hair, your lips still connected, your hips rocking with him. He moves a hand down and finds your clit with his thumb, rubbing small circles on your swollen bud. Your lips break apart for a moment as you shudder at his touch, before crashing together again, his tongue finding yours. Your hips buck as arousal builds, his thumb working you, your breaths becoming short and sharp. You can feel it climbing higher, your crescendo nearing, closer and closer. Your mouth breaks away from his with a moan.
“Gale,” Is all you manage to say, your voice weak.
He wraps his other arm around your back, pulling your body as close as possible, his length reaching further inside you, your breaths becoming faster. He guides your hips with one arm while the other still works you, your thrusts desperate, harder, faster, the promise of your crescendo nearing, flooding through your body until –
A ragged moan escapes as pure ecstasy floods through you, your core quaking and pulsing around Gale’s cock, still inside you. He removes his thumb from your clit and wraps that arm around you as well, holding you tight as your body quivers, your face nestled into his neck. You stay like that until the pulses slow to a near stop and Gale flips you around, your positions now reversed, and kneels in front of you, positioning your thighs on top of his and against his waist. You reach your arms back behind your head and grab the headboard tight as he enters you again, his hands bracing your waist, your breasts bouncing with each of his thrusts. Waterdrops from his wet hair run down his bare chest, leaving shining streaks over the Orb’s mark. His breathing is ragged, his moans audible between the slapping of his hips against your thighs. His moans become louder as he moves inside you faster and faster, his fingers digging into the flesh of your thighs, until he draws back, his cock sliding out of you just in time before he comes, shooting onto your chest, his warm seed coating your breasts and stomach.
He reaches over to the bedside table, grabs a cloth and begins to gently wipe his mess from you.
“Sorry, I should have asked first,” He says.
You let go of the headboard and sit up, taking the cloth from him.
“That’s quite alright,” You smirk, finishing the job.
He lies back on the bed with a contented sigh. You put the cloth aside and lie next to him, resting your head on his shoulder, a hand on his chest.
“I suppose we should bathe again after that,” He chuckles.
“Not yet,” You reply. “Let’s stay here for a while,”
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Hii can i request a comfort fic abt lady lesso and professor!reader, they're in a relationship and r has really bad cramps and a headache from their period and leo comforts r? Needed this bc I'm on my period rn and the pain omg
Tender Comfort
The way the light was filtering through the broken window of your classroom was easily the straw that broke the camel’s back regarding your outlook on the day. Which didn’t start great, considering you woke up in a puddle of your own blood. And then had to proceed to teach idiot students all morning on an empty stomach because you were too busy cleaning up to make it to breakfast on time. 
And now, the light slanting through the dark classroom contrasted too sharply for your gritty eyes and fueled the headache creeping in from your sharply dropping hormones. The brightness of the rays seemed to glitter against the dust particles floating in the dingy air, giving you the worst aura. 
“Professor Y/N, are you alright?” A young Never student asked from the front of the class. 
You shook your head and tried to blink away the floating squiggly lines that clouded your vision, but the movement only made the migraine flare up your neck. 
“Class dismissed. I want a three page essay on the effectiveness of poisons administered over time on my desk before class next week.” 
As the last student left the class, you allowed the rigidity of your posture to deflate and you melted into a trembling heap on your desk. You swallowed thickly against the bile bubbling in your throat. 
“That bad, huh?” 
You turned your head and cracked open an eye to find your girlfriend leaning casually against the door frame. Her long legs were crossed at the heels and she looked entirely too comfortable lurking in your doorway. 
It was all you could do to simply blink and groan in response. Lady Leonora Lesso sighed and pushed off from the frame, gliding to your desk. She hitched one leg over the corner and half sat on the wood next to your face. You moaned in relief as her cool fingers found the pressure point at the base of your skull. 
“Come on. Let’s get you back to bed.” She whispered, releasing the pressure and allowing blood to flood back to your brain. 
“I can’t, Leo. I have classes all afternoon.” You argued. 
It was your second year teaching here at the School for Good and Evil. And though you had quite settled into a good routine, you still felt the irrational need to prove yourself worthy of your position. It had taken an entire year for you to muster up the courage to ask the infamous Lady Lesso out on a date. She had laughed and told you it was about damn time. She was wondering how long she would have to wait before having to make the first move. 
“Come on.” Leonora urged again, pulling you up from your chair. “Let me take care of you.” 
What kind of monster would you be, to refuse?
Your body gave in and you allowed her to guide you through the halls back to your chambers, a steady hand at your lower back the whole way there. The weight of her palm was grounding, and every now and then her strong fingers would knead at the tight muscles as the cramps angrily flared from low in your abdomen, reaching all the way around to your spine. 
She led you directly to the bathroom upon entrance to your quarters. As you toed off your boots, Leonora began to fill the porcelain tub with steaming hot water. 
“I’ll be back in a bit.” She said as she passed you a towel. 
And she was true to her word. Not long after you had settled into the heat, she re-emerged with a soft knock against the door. 
“I come bearing gifts.” Leonora spoke quietly, opening her palm to reveal two paracetamol and a glass of water.  
You choked back the offerings swiftly, eager for some relief from the pain. 
“I will be covering your afternoon classes.” Leonora murmured into your neck as she kneeled beside you. 
You didn’t have the energy to argue. She conjured a cup and began pouring the hot water over your neck and shoulders. The cascading warmth helped to relieve some of the built up tension you held there. She then moved to your hair. With deft fingers, she pulled the pins holding it in place and let it tumble down. Her long, painted nails scratched at your scalp as her other hand poured water over your hair. A soft whimper escaped your lips as she began to lather shampoo through your locks. New words were needed to describe the feeling in a world where magic already exists. Your whimpers evolved into contented moans as the pain and discomfort faded into pleasure. 
“Let’s get you into bed.” Leonora hummed as she rinsed the last of the soap from your hair. 
“What would it take to get you to join me?” You purred, threading your fingers between hers. 
Her chuckle was low and seductive, even as she pulled away. Leonora turned back and held out the large and fluffy towel. You stood languidly, rising from the water with false confidence but ever so emboldened by the way her eyes followed the droplets as they trailed down your skin. You wrapped the towel around yourself and gratefully took her offered hand. You dried quickly under her watchful gaze and reluctantly dressed in the nightclothes she passed you. 
In a gentleness shown only to you, Leonora tucked you into bed and with a glowing finger, drew the curtains, plunging the room into blessed darkness. 
“Sleep. There will be plenty of time for other, more vigorous activities once you are feeling well.” She said as she dropped a kiss to your forehead. 
You muttered darkly your disagreement but settled easily into the nest of pillows she had arranged for you. Truthfully, you were exhausted. And you wanted to be in peak shape when you were able to show her just how grateful you were to her for taking care of you. 
Your eyes grew heavy in the dark. Unable to resist the call of sleep, you allowed them to close. You would make it up to her later. 
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cal-writes · 5 days
since i have feelings about nervous subject and pascal curious from the sims 2 so i will inflict this on you all as well
Pascal fell back against the door with a shaky sigh. He took off his glasses to drag a hand across his face, feeling the beads of sweat that clung to his brow. The air con in the house struggled to fight against the desert heat, making the inside feel stifling. His eyes burned and every time he blinked he could see the imprint of his computer screen embedded in his lids. A cursory glance at his wristwatch told him he had been working for close to twelve hours. The lab had been in a tizzy about a misstep from an intern causing everyone to have to resolve the issue before they broke reality or burned the building down. But his exhaustion hadn’t started today. 
Down the dark hallway shone a sliver of light from underneath Tycho’s bedroom and muffled voices came through the wood. A few weeks ago Pascal had upended his entire life for the two people behind the door. 
He shed his lab coat and took off his shoes slowly, trying to ground himself. He was starving but it was too late to cook anything. Not that he even felt awake enough to actually finish cooking anything. Instead he dragged himself across the hall towards Tycho’s room and knocked gently before he pushed the door open. 
“I’m home.” Pascal muttered. 
Nervous’ head whipped up, eyes wide with barely controlled panic that vanished quickly, replaced with a pressed smile. He was sitting on the floor on crossed legs in front of Tycho who was engrossed in some building blocks and didn’t even look up at Pascal’s arrival. The house was silent, safe for the soft clacking of the wooden toys. No buzz of electronics, not Lazlo’s music blasting too loud or Vidcund’s snores carrying through the walls. It made Pascal’s skin itch. 
“H-hey. How was work?” Nervous asked after a long pause.
Pascal huffed. “Long.” He crossed the threshold and dropped to the floor next to the duo, finally becoming aware of the ache in his legs when the pain subsided. Tycho finally looked at him with his big black eyes. It should probably look unnerving, unnatural pupiless eyes that blinked just infrequently enough to be noticeable but all Pascal’s chest swelled with was love. He reached out his arms toward his child with a tired smile. “Hey baby.” 
Tycho cocked his head, sticking his hand into his mouth before he turned to Nervous. “Baba?” He mumbled around his fingers.
Nervous shifted, shoulders drawing up to his ears and he held up his hands. “Yeah, there’s baba.” He said, shuffling away from Pascal while pointing toward him but Tycho’s attention just followed him. 
Pascal felt something cold and ugly land in the well of his empty stomach. His throat swelled and pulse quickened. “Baba?” Tycho said again, reached out toward Nervous who was shifting away further. Tycho eventually abandoned his seat by the blocks to crawl after him. Nervous, having reached the wall had nowhere to run and scrambled to grab the baby. 
He laughed anxiously and stood hunched over, holding Tycho to carry him over towards Pascal. “There’s Baba.” He said. Pascal reached out to take his child on autopilot. His vision narrowed at the edges. Tycho squirmed as he was handed over, turning his head around to look at Nervous as the other man left him in Pascal’s hold. Nervous scratched the back of his head and then the edge of the bandages around his arms. “No idea where he got that from.” He told Pascal. 
Pascal could only stare as he tried to keep a hold on Tycho who became increasingly restless. Pascal tried to control his breathing, quelling the panic he had hoped to outgrow. He pressed Tycho against his chest, rocking to calm him down and tried to forget the image of Vidcund with Tycho in his arms trying to leave their house in the middle of the night. 
“He’s probably hungry. I’ll- I’ll go get something.” Nervous stammered but as he approached the door, Tycho began wailing in earnest. He pushed away from Pascal, with his chubby little hands reaching out towards Nervous. Nervous hesitated, coming back to crouch in front of the baby. “It’s all good-” He said softly before glancing at Pascal. “He’s probably tired.” 
“He’s not supposed to be up this late.” Was the first thought on Pascal’s mind. It was way past Tycho’s bedtime and even if he had woken up after, there was no reason he should have been playing. His grip tightened. 
Nervous flinched. “He wouldn’t settle and kept asking for you.” He said, biting his lips. 
“Oh really?” Pascal asked over the shoulder of the squirming baby that was hiccuping with sobs, trying to get away from Pascal to get to Nervous. 
“Ehrm.” Nervous looked away, jumping when Tycho screamed and cried louder. He reached out to take the baby and Pascal leaned away and out of reach. 
They stared at each other, Nervous’ hands awkwardly hanging in the air and his sunken eyes wide. Pascal broke first, turning his attention to his baby and began to stroke Tycho’s back. Nervous ducked out of the room quickly without a word. 
Pascal closed his eyes and pressed his forehead against Tycho’s soft fluff of hair, rocking back and forth. “I’m here, baby.” He said quietly. It took a while for Tycho to calm down.
After what felt like hours, Pascal emerged from the kids room, weary as if he had fought a war. Light from the kitchen fell into the hallway from the open archway, beckoning him. He wanted nothing more than to turn the other way and collapse into his bed. It was so late it was almost morning. Pascal was hungry, tired and sad in ways he couldn’t explain and in no state to have any productive conversation. Still his feet carried him into the kitchen where Nervous sat at the table, the pendulum light in its middle painting his face in harsh shadows. His foot kept tapping on the floor, fingernails scraping the wood. There were already the beginning of grooves on the table top. Pascal inhaled sharply, swallowing his irritation. He sat down slowly and deliberately opposite Nervous and folded his hands over the table. Nervous avoided looking at him. In the harsh light the white of his bandages stood out even against his pale skin. In the weeks since leaving the Beaker household, he had spent little time outside to get some color. 
The reminder tampered Pascal’s irritation somewhat. Nervous wasn’t trying to take Tycho away. Tycho was a baby, still too young to really understand that Pascal needed to go to work. Nervous was a decent babysitter against all odds and Pascal hadn’t even thought twice about leaving his child in his hands while he was out. What his absence would do to Tycho hadn’t occurred to Pascal until now. 
He dragged a hand through his hair with a sigh. It wasn’t supposed to be like this. Tycho was supposed to grow up in a house full of his uncles on rotating schedules so that he was never left alone. Triple income would have allowed Pascal to scale back his hours at the lab so he could care for his son. Instead he was here, in a new house that was barely furnished, on the other side of town with Nervous. 
Nervous had needed help and Pascal didn’t regret providing it. Even if he didn’t know exactly what the Beakers had done, Nervous’ disposition painted a picture on itself. Nervous had always been weird. When they were younger, Pascal and his brothers had thought he was some kind of cryptic, living in the Beaker’s house without even their knowledge. Over the years they had learned that Nervous was the Beaker’s adopted son whose mental state unfortunately necessitated homeschooling and little contact with the outside world. Back then Pascal had taken it at face value. The few interactions he had had with Nervous being slightly off putting, the other man - then a boy - being erratic and strange. Over time he had started to question the Beaker’s word more and more and when Nervous had shown up at their doorstep, begging for help, there had been no other choice really. 
It sounded heroic and dramatic but reality had long set in. Pascal was understanding of Nervous’ various ticks and behaviors, had his fair share of own eccentricities that made him challenging to live with but the past weeks had been a challenge. After Vidcund had overstepped with Tycho, trying to bring him to the lab without Pascal’s knowledge he had moved out as quickly as possible. Nervous had followed like a lost puppy and Pascal hadn’t questioned it. Nervous took care of Tycho and some of the household chores, even if he did them in a way that had Pascal redoing them after work and cooked, even if not particularly well. Nervous tried. Pascal knew that Nervous tried. And Pascal tried.
But he was so, so tired tonight and his son’s first words were calling someone else his father. 
Pascal took a deep breath. “How is the job hunt going?” He asked, keeping his voice carefully neutral and even. Nervous flinched regardless. 
He drew in on himself, nails digging into the wood. He shrugged, making the table shake with his tapping leg. His mouth opened and closed, eventually pressing it shut. Pascal sighed again. “This was meant to be temporary, you know that right?” He said as gently as possible and Nervous nodded, jerking his head. “Whatever happened- you got your own life now.” He added. Nervous’ movement stopped, his gaze falling to the table. He seemed to panic as he noticed the marks he had left in the wood, trying to cover them up with his hands. 
“Yeah. I know. I’ve been looking around. I did some work for the neighbors.” Nervous said. 
“I know.” Pascal said. The neighbors kept asking him about Nervous. The old lady next door trying to pry what was wrong with him with heavy sympathy in her tone. The couple across the street kept implying Paccal and Nervous were a young couple and Pascal couldn’t begrudge them their confusion when he denied it. He had seen Nervous cut shrubbery or fix roof shingles when he got home, the respective neighbor keeping on eye on Tycho while he worked. That arrangement had irritated Pascal enough that he had asked Nervous to refrain from doing it. A stranger looking over Tycho made him uneasy but he couldn’t exactly blame Nervous for not getting a job when he made him babysit all day. 
“I’ll hire a nanny tomorrow.” Pascal said and Nervous’ gaze snapped to him so quickly Pascal himself felt a twinge in his neck. “So you don’t need to watch him anymore.” 
Nervous face seemed to pale further in the kitchen lights, his eyes looked past Pascal, unseeing. 
“You should get out.” Pascal said, adding hastily. “Get out more. Meet some people. Live a little.” 
It took Nervous long to react. Nodding silently. 
“I think that’d do you good.” Pascal told him. “I mean, being stuck here can’t be what you wanted for your life.” 
Nervous ducked his head, nodded again and his eyes fixated on the table. Pascal rubbed his eyes. He stood, the chair legs screeching over the tiles. “Good night.” He said, standing by the table with a hand on the back of the chair. 
Eventually Nervous replied with a hurried: “Night.” Mind entirely elsewhere. 
Pascal’s instincts told him to stay, to not leave the conversation hanging like this, to not leave Nervous in whatever state of mind he was in now. But his body was tired, his eyelids drooping, his limbs aching. There would be time tomorrow, he told himself and left Nervous behind in the solitude of the kitchen. 
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a-strange-inkling · 1 year
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Hellcheer AU Week
Role Reversal:
(Was sick during actual Hellcheer AU Week last week, so here’s some belated pieces, more to gradually come cw: referenced a*use)
It isn’t until he’s knocking on her door that he realizes just what he’s doing, where he is. That he actually got in his car and drove all the way to Forest Hills, pulled up next to her aunt’s car and is presently standing on her front porch, knuckles scraping against the wood.
His heart clenches up anxiously and he’s suddenly cold.
What the hell does he even say?
What if she isn’t home?
Before he can reflect too much on that, he hears the tumblers of the lock and the whine of the hinges as the door pulls in and her delicate face appears behind the mesh in the hazy glow of the blue hue of the porch light.
“Eddie?” she asks in soft surprise.
“I’m sorry, I…”
The screen door creaks and he steps back as she pushes it open, closing the distance between them.
“What’s going on?” she asks, her brow creasing in concern, crossing her arms against the night air. “Are you okay?”
“I just…” he stares down at her.
He’s never seen her look so natural before, without the war paint she uses to ward others away, her hair loose down her back. She’s wearing only a large black sweatshirt that comes down to her knees and flannel pajama pants.
She takes him in, stiffening when she sees the bruising and cut along his jaw. “Eddie, what happened?” she whispers worriedly, reaching up toward the tender, swollen flesh.
He winces slightly, but otherwise stays completely still, letting her caress him, closing his eyes at the feel of her delicate fingers.
He can’t remember a time in his life when he was touched so gently.
“I’m sorry, Chrissy… I just… Can we go somewhere?” he asks her quietly. “Please.”
Her lower lip falls and he can’t stop his gaze from following it before sliding back up to her ridiculously blue eyes.
She glances over her shoulder hesitantly. “My aunt and brother are asleep…”
His heart begins to sink as he watches her waver, her irises moving rapidly as she decides, but just when he thinks she’s going to turn him away, she slips on a pair of combat boots and reaches inside to grab her three sizes too big jean jacket.
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(Here is another moodboard because this au concept is so yummy 💚🖤🧡)
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guardiandae · 1 year
you tell me more about “Wade realizes he's in a fanfiction” right this instant !!!!
!!!!! You'll most likely be my only ask, so let's make this worth while for both of us. :3
Wade was having a weird week.
He didn't notice the signs at first, but looking back, he should've realized something was up when he actually went a day without some D-list antagonist ruining his life. But he was staying on Providence -- Nate's handmade little piece of paradise that was also personally protected by the savior of mutantkind (Nate) himself -- so Wade felt like his temporary reprieve was just because all of the action didn't center around him at the moment. That kind of thing only tended happened when you tagged along in someone else's storyline. Less action and a lot less dialogue, but he'd take the hiatus, or the cameo guest spot, or whatever. Probably next week the writer's would pit him against the Rhino. Or worse, some villain whose schtick involved puppets or something.
But that didn't happen. His next clue should've been all the little stolen moments with Nate. When Irene was busy being annoying with all of her business talk about current world events and mutant factions and world leaders, Nate's eyes met Wade's in a mutual moment of eye-rolling boredom. Okay, it was more like Wade miming blowing his brains out and Nate rolling his eyes at him and then trying to convey, "stop being a dumbass and pay attention," to him through a series of glares and facial expressions. But Wade took it more like a game of charades and kept miming back increasingly outlandish gestures, including casually rubbing his eye with his middle finger. Irene, of course, turned to glare at Wade just as he was miming a blowjob at Nate.
"Seriously?" Ms. No Fun Allowed asked. "Would you two fuck each other already so this immature flirting can stop?"
"Ex-squeeze me? Since when does this-?" Wade mimed a blowjob again. "Mean I wanna fuck him?"
Nate rubbed a hand over his face. "I'm sorry, Irene. We're not -- doing whatever that is."
"Damn straight we're not!" Wade agreed. "And I, for one, am outraged -- outraged -- that you'd even suggest something so obscene. I think you should leave."
"Wade, you weren't even invited to this briefing, or informed about it," Irene said. "You just came in unannounced and parked your ass in my seat as soon as I stood up."
"I don't see your name on it."
"I don't see yours either!" Irene shouted back at him. Hah. It was kinda funny when she actually got flustered.
"Fine. I can tell when I'm not wanted," Wade said, standing up.
"Really?" Irene deadpanned. "Can you?"
"But for the record," Wade added, knocking over his chair. On the seat, he'd carved WADE into the wood in large letters.
"Real mature," Irene huffed as Wade swaggered out, but Nate had to stifle a laugh. "Don't encourage him," she warned.
Nate didn't find it as funny, of course, when he realized that every single chair had Wade's name carved into it, not just in that room but in every room Wade had access to. He mentioned it the next time they crossed paths, which was when Wade let himself into Nate's apartment that night to watch TV and eat his snacks.
"I also found your name carved into my table, and the couch you're sitting on," Nate added. "Care to explain why?"
"I finally learned how to spell my name?" Wade offered up an innocent smile. At least he hoped it looked innocent. Fuck, it probably didn't. He switched to a pout instead to play on Nate's bleeding heart. "You should be proud of me. W's are hard."
"Funny. If anything's hard for you, you'd think it'd be the D."
"Did… did you just make a dick joke?" Wade asked, and Nate's face twisted into a handsome grin, chuckling at Wade's shocked expression. "Nate, you're too old to make jokes. You could die."
"Fuck off," Nate said, but he was still in good humor. "And stop carving your name into everything. Irene's making jokes about you marking your territory and I don't think she's wrong."
"Okay, okay, I'll stop," Wade promised. And then to himself, "Man, he's gonna flip when he finds my name on his bed."
Nate raised his eyebrows at that and folded his arms. "When I find it where exactly?"
Wade blinked up at Nate in a moment of genuine surprise.  "What? ...Oh, for fucks sake, did I forget to think inside my boxes again?"
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coridallasmultipass · 13 days
Vent/personal/health/long post
Omggg so today has been so unbELIEVABLY shitty
First i wake up in pain still from my back going out on sunday when I woke up. That was expected though. My dental aligner trays hurt like a motherfucker to pull out still. Then im getting a quick breakfast together and I get a text from the clinic saying my doctors appointment i needed before tomorrow is canceled AGAIN. I had to check with the clinic and the specialist (appointment tomorrow) if its okay if I have renewed referral clinic appointment next week. So fingers crossed thats okay, because thats whats happening its not possible to see the clinic before the specialist, and ive had the specialist appointment for months, and the clinic only told me i need to renew the referral on last friday, and ive had appointments every day this week. Whatever. It is what it is.
Then im pouring cereal, drizzle a little agave on top because its unsweetened, and then immediately knock the bowl over all over my lap, sticky side down. I still cant go pick up the bits under the table now, because its killing my back to even pull the chair out, my back is in such bad shape. (Was gonna ask the clinic doctor to help out w it too but i guess im going this whole week without a treatment plan, just taking old painkillers lmao.)
Speaking of painkillers, i have one left of this bottle. I have another painkiller type, but its way too strong, and even if i cut it in half itll be too strong, but im gonna have to use that if i dont have any improvement.
So all that above was the easy peasy part of my day. Next is my appointment to renew state benefits (for food). I get EVERYTHING ready all gathered into the one spot in my room i know i can get consistent cell service, and settle down. Phone appointment time comes. I hear the landline downstairs ring. Fuck. I grab my phone and paperwork and i cant make it in time both because of my back problems and also because the landline only rings twice. I literally grabbed the phone as the case worker stopped speaking on the machine. Fuck again. I cant understand the phone number they said on the machine. It takes me a minute to realize its the same number on my paper work. I try to call but my house is a dead zone. Go back to my room, get put thru to the robot answering machine because its the general number. Not a callback number. Fuck. The robot then hangs up on me saying theres a high call volume and to call back later.
But my appointment is now! I call again and get hung up on. I call again and finally get put on hold. This is like 20 minutes after my appointment time because it takes like 7 minutes of talking to the robot to get put into a call. So im on hold, i hear the landline so i rush downstairs to try and get it again but im too late (probably a robo call, we get a lot). There was no new message, so i stay on hold, where im expecting an 80 minute wait time.
Completely fucked up process when i had an appointment scheduled! I shouldve been able to call the worker back on the available phone.
Anyway. Im dying in pain and sobbing on the phone and end up having to sit on the kitchen chair thats hard wood because i got reception in there and i wanted to be closer to the landline just in case. Im sobbing for like the first 2 hours bc of pain from exterting myself rushing around the house. I try sending off a message on the online portal. But its like 'we'll get back to you within 5 days' lol.
My battery gets low so I risk bringing my phone to my room to use the bathroom and grab a charger, take off my dental trays (more pain) so i can eat and drink something. More pain when i get back downstairs.
Im on hold for longer. So i start looking for someone higher up to pester because the whole situation is fucked. Around 3 hours on hold i send off an email to someone whos the director of that org at the county.
Its at this point i realise i might be racking up a huge phone bill, so i start telling myself 'ok sunk cost fallacy this isnt worth the wait' and i start trying to log back into the portal (which id already been doing like 20 times already this day) to request a new appointment. Then the portal keeps logging me out as soon as i log in. And i cant reset my password or do anything.
Im about to give up, going nuts after hearing the same note played over and over on the hold music. And someone fucking answers the phone.
Ho lee shit. I couldnt believe it.
A 4 hour hold that actually produced results????
Apparently all their systems are down and the worker was like 'okay yeah youre gonna be the last person i process today i am not able to access anything right now' and even had to do some stuff manually, but my case is renewed and everything should be settled now
So yeah that was over 4 hours of torture being in the uncomfortable kitchen for so long, when i WAS prepared for my appointment ahead of time. Ugh. I shouldnt have to hurt myself to get this done, but no one else was in the house to catch the landline for me, and i didnt know i could get reception in the kitchen.
(Kind of worked out tho bc i wouldve had to hang up if my doctors appointment today didnt cancel, and also i wouldve hung up if the online portal functioned)
The sad thing is im not even done. i gotta deal with another appointment tomorrow in another town. (Already had to go out of town on tuesday for the teeth aligners/tmj appliances), like the car is not comfortable for my injured back lmao
I dont think the appointment tmr is anything big its prob just a check up and to renew meds, but getting there, early in the morning, is gonna be fucking hard. I doubt this doc will do anything for my back or regular level of chronic pain, but im gonna make a big stink about it because i havent stopped being in pain for like ever, and the past month has just been so fucking hard on me with trying to help family do labor intensive stuff (which is probably why my back got fucked and gave up on sunday)
It really fucking sucks being in chronic pain and no doctors wanna do anything to treat the pain. Ive already been on every type of antidepressant and none of them helped my fibro or depression. Ive actually felt a LOT better since stopping them last winter. But im still in a lot of pain all the time. I dont wnna be like 'give me painkillers' but... give me painkillers. I was so comfortable when i was on them regularly in the past. And then the whole opioid crisis thing happened and now no one gives them to me except when i had endo flare ups (which. Lol. They barely do anything for endo pain. Which is why i was so surprised they did anything at all for my back pain when i took one on sunday!) I have always been responsible with them and always took the lowest dose (cut them in half back then) because i dont like the feeling of painkillers lololol
God tho this back pain... on sunday it was so humiliating, i kept getting stuck where i was because the pain was so bad. Even just lying flat on my back was excruciating. I was Almost at the point where i wouldve needed help to use the bathroom. Even now, while my back is much better (still terrible tho) and with painkillers, i can barely twist to grab toilet paper or reach to dry myself. It fucking sucks. Getting clothes on and off? Sucks. Especially reaching to get my feet out of pants or socks on and off.
You dont realize how much you took for granted until you struggle to do basic daily movement. I thought i was doing so well too because ive been lifting weights since februrary! Just arm workouts tho. Was doing situps until i had another endo flare up in spring. I always forget how bad severe pain situations are, either with an injury or my endo flare ups. Im living in constant fear of the next endo flare up and that sucks too. My current back problem is like, spikes of level 10 pain with movement. The endo flare ups is sustained level 10 pain. So theyre not even comparable but its still super severe.
Anyway. This has been super rough on me. Especially the added pain and overstimulation of the new back pain, and now the constant pain and headache from the teeth aligners, which is another thing im super scared about. What if it ends up making my jaw worse? What if i pull out a tooth? God just prying them off my teeth is like getting teeth pulled it hurts so much. Im like crying when i have to take the bottom one off, the hook digs into my gums and then when one side comes off its excruciatingly stuck on the other side. Literally feels like teeth being pulled. Im surprised my one crown is still in place (ive been pulling from the opposite side to try and save it). And ive already lost a bunch of the tooth spikes they added to keep the aligners in place, but the office is like a 2 hour drive away so i cant just go get the spike replaced. I dont even have a car or license i have to coordinate with family lol. And the brand is like so new theres no online discussions about it so i cant even commiserate or see how people manage to cope with this level of constant pain from the trays, pulling them out, or the extra large bite guard i cant even close my lips around at night. My teeth are so crooked i cant even tell if its in the right placement bc my teeth dont fit in the bite guard tray. So lol. Im trying.
So yeah i dont have faith in my doctors im scared starting treatment is just gonna make things worse especially because thats been the case my whole life. Ill try to get treated for something and then it reveals or causes something much worse i need to treat. But im trying. Its just hard when i have to treat so many fucking illnesses all at once, and theyre all super painful.
Im fucking tired. Want this week to be over. Want to just sleep, but i cant even do that without being in excruciating pain every time i try to move position. Life rly sucks for me rn.
So thats my vent.
Oh yeah, also dermatillomania has been severe lately too lol. So i look a mess but thankfully my lips get covered by my mask. I was so scared the tmj doc was gonna comment on it but i accidentally forgot to take my piercings out before the appointment so he ended up making conversation about those instead of the glaring wounds on my lips and fingers. (He did notice my bandaids on my fingers lol)
So yeah. Send prayers and gay vibes my way pls i rly need it. Fffff time to go cry and put my trays back in
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idabbleincrazy · 1 year
Best Laid Plans: Christmas in the Cascades (A Secret-verse future!fic)
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Fandom: Angel (Buffyverse)
Rating: E
Pairing: Spangel (Will/Liam)
Word Count: 2908
Warnings: PWP, human au, fluff, smut, rimming, brief fingering, anal, topping from the bottom, est. d/s, sub!Angel, bottom!Angel, pain kink, nipple kink, praise kink, nipple play, degradation kink, fluff, blow job, deep thrroating, throat fucking, come swallowing, masturbation, coming on command, come feeding, switch!Spike, future fic
Summary: Will and Liam's Christmas vacation does not start the way they planned.
A/N: written for @mfbingo Christmas edition for the square "I can keep you warm".
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This was not the White Christmas in the Cascade Mountain Range William had been planning for the last three weeks. He'd planned for a week of fun and relaxation, driving the twenty minutes into town for a dinner or two…that he made reservations for…ice skating, and shopping at quaint little shops in the artsy district, you know, all the silly little touristy stuff couples do on vacation. Now, they were stuck having to waylay all their plans and start from scratch. If the snow ever lightened up. 
"Bloody hell! Stupid sodding weathermen not doin' their bloody job right. Supposed to just be a light snowfall, not a bloody blizzard!" 
William and Liam hurried down the driveway into the cabin, Liam stomping his feet at the door to knock the snow off his boots before heading inside. He cast a wry smirk at Will as the blonde tossed his suitcase on the couch and kicked his boots off, careless of the puddle that would form from the melting snow. 
"Will, it's fine, really."
"'S not fine, it's bloody freezing. And we're trapped out here now till the roads open back up. We were supposed to get here four hours ago so we could head into town for supplies after unpackin'. Now the shops are bloody closed until the day after tomorrow."
"We've got enough food in the truck for the next couple days, and the manager already said they stocked up on the standard stuff. We'll make do, okay?" Liam snagged William's hand as he trudged by and pulled him into an embrace, wrapping his arms around the slim waist and nuzzled into his neck. Feeling Will shudder lightly, he trailed his nose up along his throat, his voice lowering as he whispered into his ear. "And as for the temperature, I'm pretty sure I can keep you warm."
William let out a low groan, and pulled away, his eyes darkening with lust as they traveled over Liam's body.
"I'm going to get a fire going, an' I want you naked, laid out on that faux-bearskin rug, by the time I'm done, understood, Angel?"
Liam's eyes flashed with hunger as his hands began quickly working at his jacket zipper. 
"Yes, Spike."
Another groan and Will shed his coat as he crossed the cabin to the fireplace, thankful that the manager of the rental company had seen to it that plenty of wood was chopped and ready, a large pile of it set beside the stone hearth. He set up a good source of fuel for the flames and managed to get the fire going strong after a minute of fiddling with the kindling. 
Unbuttoning his shirt, he turned back to Liam and stopped, his cock hardening instantly at the sight. Liam was stretched out on the rug as instructed, on his stomach, the firelight flickering mesmerizingly over his smooth, tan skin, his firm buttocks dimpling as the brunette flexed teasingly. 
"Christ, you're a sight, luv." William walked around Liam and stood at his feet. “Show me.”
Liam quickly pulled his knees under him, his ass raising up, legs spreading as wide as he could manage as he presented himself to Will’s heated gaze. His hands slid back to spread his buttcheeks apart, revealing the jeweled plug stretching him open. His cock, which had finally softened after the first hour of the long drive up to the cabin from the airport, was hard as stone again, and leaking steadily under William's watchful eye, the tip brushing tantalizingly against the soft nap of the rug. He almost wished he'd agreed to the matching cock ring this morning when Will had presented him with the erotic addition to their trip up here, he could've used the extra security against cumming without permission.
“God, I love your arse, Angel. Look so bloody hot, all filled up with your pretty, new toy. You know how hard I was most of the way here,” Will growled at the pretty picture his lover made, and dropped to his knees behind him, his hands, warmed already by the fire, grazing lightly over the round globes of his ass and down along his inner thighs, his cock throbbing against his zipper at the low moans his touches garnered. Stroking his fingers upwards, he traced a fingertip around the furled skin of Liam's stretched rim, groaning as he watched the puckered muscle clench and relax around the plug. Nearly two years and he still hadn't tired of this sight. “Knowing you were all slicked up, your lovely hole stretched open around the plug, just waitin’ for a cock to replace it. Should’ve taken you in the plane’s bathroom, introduced you to the Mile High Club. Was even worse in the car, pet. Wanted to pull over a dozen times and just fuck you over the hood of the car.”
Replacing Liam's hands with his own, he held his cheeks spread open and dipped his head down to mouth over the filled hole. Liam let out a soft cry of pleasure, struggling to keep still as William lapped his tongue around the ring of muscle, glad he’d had the foresight to use one of the flavored lubes when he’d inserted the plug for the brunette before they’d left for their flight. 
“Love this bloody arse”, Will repeated himself, the words muffled against Liam’s skin as he licked away the taste of strawberries and cream, his teeth just grazing over the sensitive flesh, pulling fresh moans and whimpers from the younger man. Pulling away slightly, he slid his fingers between butt plug and flesh, circling around the steel base that flared out and tugging it halfway out, watching the skin stretch around the width of the plug. “Christ, pet, could eat you out for hours, make you cum, over an’ over, from just my tongue up this sweet li’l hole. ‘S not what you really want, though, is it, luv? Need my cock, don’t ya, Angel, fillin’ you, stretching you wide, thrustin’ into you the way this li’l toy never could.” 
“Oh, God, Spike…please…fuck me. Need to feel you, Master.”
“Don’t worry, pet, not gonna leave you wanting, need it myself too much to make you wait.” William pulled the plug out completely and quickly eased two fingers into the gaping hole, stretching Liam briefly. They could take it slow later, and anyway, he knew the brunette got off on a bit of pain, which was just fine with him. A fast, hard, fuck was just the outlet he needed after hours of willing away a nearly constant hard-on and the more recent stress of having their plans delayed by Mother Nature’s whims. He let out a groan as Liam pushed back on his fingers and gave his ass a firm smack with his other hand for his impatience as he pulled his fingers out of the slick hole. “Behave, Angel. Now, kneel up, pet. Want you to ride me.”
Liam did as ordered, the sting of the slap on his butt pulsing slightly as he sat back on his heels. He watched hungrily as Will stood up and finished undressing, moaning with need as his long, pale cock was revealed as he stepped out of his jeans, head fully exposed from the foreskin and leaking pre-cum as it curved up towards his stomach. Will smirked and retrieved a small bottle lube from his pocket before laying down beside Liam, not even bothering to order him to give him head; he was close enough to climaxing as it was. 
“C’mon, luv, wanna see you fuck yourself on my cock.” Liam quickly straddled Will’s waist, taking the proffered lube and reaching behind him to slick up the blonde's cock. Will grunted and thrust up into Liam's fist as he stroked the hard length, his head falling back against the rug as frissions of pleasure shot up his spine. "Enough, Angel, take me in."
Lifting up on his knees, Liam positioned himself over the tip of Will's cock, one hand holding it steady, his other sliding down his thighs to cup his balls, lifting them enough for William to watch his cock disappearing inside the brunette. He bore down on the blunt head pushing against his opening, hissing out at the slight burn of pain as William's cock stretched him further. 
"Jesus bloody Christ," Will fought the urge to thrust further into the tight heat surrounding his cock as Liam worked himself down the long shaft, his hands moving back to brace against Will's thighs as he took him in completely. "Fuck, tha's it, pet, so bloody good. Such a good boy, Angel, taking me so fucking deep."
Liam moaned at the soft praise and raised his hips, letting Will's cock slip almost completely out before slamming back down, his own thick cock bouncing against his stomach. 
"Christ! Oh, what a good li'l slut you are, pet." 
William reached up, one hand caressing Liam's flexing thigh, the other sliding up his chest as he began a quick but steady pace, angling his downward thrusts to ensure minimal contact with his prostate. As Will's fingers tugged at his nipples, he let his head fall back against his shoulders, letting out a loud moan of desire when the blonde pinched the hardened nubs painfully. 
"Yeah, such a sweet little pain slut, aren't you, luv? God, you're bloody perfect, Angel, ridin’ my dick so fuckin’ good.”
The warmth of the fire had already begun to affect the brunette, a light sheen of sweat coating the bronzed skin. William licked his lips and surged up, his knees bending to brace the larger man's back as he leaned in and licked a line of sweat from Liam's torso. 
"Jesus!" Liam yelped as the change in position rammed Will's cock against his prostate on the next thrust, a thick spurt of pre-cum dripping down his aching cock at the added sensation. As William mouthed over his skin, he quickened his pace, desperate to bring the smaller man off before he lost control of his own imminent orgasm. "Oh, God, Master…shit, feels so good, love how your cock feels inside me, Spike. Fuck, I don’t know how much longer I can...ahh."
Will growled and slid his hand up Liam's body, wrapping around his neck to pull him up into a deep, thorough kiss. His tongue slid easily into Liam's gasping mouth, tangling briefly with the brunette's before pulling back to bite at his bottom lip. He could feel himself teetering on the brink already; the tight, clenching heat of Liam's ass, the debauched look of the younger man's face as he rode him and fought off his own release, the beautiful, pleading, sounds of his need, all coalescing to drive him to the edge.
"Shite, Angel, love you so bloody much”, Will rasped against Liam’s mouth, pumping his hips up as Liam bore down, arms wrapping around each other’s backs. Crushing the brunette to him, he could feel Liam’s cock leaking a steady stream of pre-cum against his stomach as they rode on and into each other. “Fuck, gonna cum, luv. Fill this sweet, tight arse up, the way you milk my cock so fucking perfect. Oh, yeah, fuck…Liam!”
Will buried his face in Liam’s neck, holding him still in his embrace while he rode out his orgasm, thrusting up into the clenching tightness as his cock pulsed out spurt after spurt of thick, ropey cum. Liam twitched his hips as best he could in Will’s clutching grasp, desperate for his own release as he felt William filling him up. He’d registered the use of his real name but was unsure if they were still in play and didn’t want to risk the punishment, not when he was this close. 
“Spike, Master, please…need to cum.”
The realization that Liam had succeeded in withholding his own climax, without even being ordered, sent a fresh thrill of arousal down William’s spine. Releasing his tight grip on the larger man, he eased Liam off his cock and rose to his knees. Liam groaned at the loss, the sound quickly followed by a louder moan as Will reinserted the butt plug.
“Stand up, luv.” As Liam rose shakily onto his feet in front of him, William looked over at the cuckoo clock above the fireplace, smirking up at the brunette. “Happy Christmas, Liam.”
Before Liam could respond, Will leaned forward and took his entire aching length into his mouth, lips sliding down the leaking cock to the root. 
"Will", Liam yelped as the blonde swallowed around his shaft, the head of his cock nestled in the opening of his throat. He looked down at William, groaning at the sight of his darkened blue eyes staring hungrily back up at him, his spent cock already beginning to reharden. Carding his fingers through Will's peroxided curls, he pulled his head back slightly to thrust his cock along his tongue. "God, baby, I love your fucking mouth. Look so fucking pretty on your knees like this, Will, sucking my dick like a goddamn pro. Want me to fuck your mouth, huh, baby? Wanna feel my cock bruising that sweet little throat?"
William moaned his approval around the girth filling his mouth, his hands coming to rest on his own thighs as he relaxed his jaw. 
Liam groaned at the seldom seen submission in William's features, the heavy-lidded gaze causing another spurt of pre-cum to bubble from his throbbing cock. Tightening his grip on Will's hair slightly, he thrust his hips forward, pushing his cock back into the tight, wet warmth of his lover's throat, starting a fast pace, knowing he wouldn't last more than a minute or two after holding back for so long. 
Will swallowed and suckled around the thrusting length, letting the brunette use him in a way he rarely felt the longing for. He let go of his control and just let his body take over, the feeling of the thick, hard, cock brutally pummeling his throat making his dick ache for a second release. Thoughtlessly, his hand drifted towards his cock, fingers scratching through the sparse nest of curls as he teased himself.
Liam growled at the sight of the blonde’s mindless self-ministrations, the sudden, unexpected need etched on Will’s face driving him closer to the edge. It was far from the first time in the past two years that Liam had been allowed to take the lead, but William didn’t often give over the control so easily and completely. The knowledge that, if he wanted, he could order Will to drop his hand away from his groin and he would do so with merely a disappointed whimper, meant more to him than he could express; for someone so wholly dominant to submit to his this way showed just how much trust there was between them. 
"Fuck, yeah, baby, touch yourself. Jesus, look how hard you are again. All that just from me using your sweet mouth like this?” Liam watched William fist his cock as he thrust his own down his throat. “That’s it, Will, God, yeah, wanna see you blow just from the taste of my dick. Shit, baby, such a good little cocksucker, gonna fucking cum, cum for me, Will. Oh, fuck!"
Liam held Will's head in place as he thrust deeply one last time, his cock pulsing thick spurts of cum down the swallowing throat. Over the roar of his orgasm sounding in his ears, he could just make out the wet squelching of William's hand speeding over his own shaft, the garbled keen and sticky splash of the blonde's release on his calf barely registering as he fought to stay upright through the intense climax. 
William swallowed down the final bursts of cum and lapped away every drop from the softening length before pulling away, tugging the panting brunette down to the floor.
"Bloody fucking hell, that was hot", Will husked, his voice the only sign of the rough treatment Liam had wrought upon his throat.
He swiped his fingers through the glob of cum on Liam's calf and fed them to him, watching him lick them clean before stretching out beside the larger man and capturing his lips in a dirty kiss, mingling the tastes of each other together until they needed to break apart for air.
"Merry Christmas, Will," Liam huffed a laugh against Will's lips, pulling him into the circle of his arms. Reaching behind him, he tugged the large throw blanket from the nearby couch and maneuvered it over the both of them, the warmth of the roaring fire and his long overdue release leaving him sated and sleepy as Will snuggled into him. "I love you, William Pratt."
"And I love you, Liam Devlin. You do know there's a perfectly good bed in the other room, luv?"
"Mm-hmm, don't care. Comfy here, here good."
"Caveman say 'ugh'", Will chuckled in Liam's ear, returning his embrace. Liam merely growled softly and nuzzled into the curve of Will's neck. William sighed, casting his mind to the surprise he'd paid extra for management to set up in the bedroom and shook his head. At least he had the morning to look forward to, then; if the surprise went as hoped, they might not even step foot out of the cabin for another day. "Fine then, Mr. Sleepyhead, but if I get a cramp, you're giving me a massage."
"Mmm, happy ending costs extra, though."
All Things Spike: @leatafanfiction @captain-peroxid3
Other: @countblucas
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