#fireman james potter
kquil · 7 months
SUM. : you had more baked goods than you were able to sell and decide to give them out for free to the firefighters at your local fire station to say thank you
TAGS. : fluff ; modern au ; muggle au ; baker reader ; firefighter james ; james being a love sick puppy ; he hides it well though ; remus and sirius begin scheming ; everyone knows james is in love ; it's obvious to everyone but you
LENGTH : 1.6k
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“No! Don’t tell me!” you giggle as the man behind the counter grins widely and laughs along with you, his hazel eyes carefully watching as you bring up a brown paper bag and a steaming take-away cup of coffee, “Our special BLT sandwich and a dark roast, cocoa blend to go,”
“All ready for me, huh?” James teases as you smile innocently. He pays for his order and goes to inspect the contents of the brown paper bag as you move behind the cash register and file away his notes, “And a mini treacle tart!” James’ voice lights up in cheerful surprise when he sees the unexpected treat but hurriedly goes in search for more payment in his wallet. 
“Don’t you dare, James,” you scold light-heartedly, “it’s on the house,” his movements stop and he meets your eyes, ready to retaliate. However, sensing your seriousness, his shoulders slacken and his expression eases into a grateful smile instead. 
“Thanks, you’re an angel,” of course, he couldn’t help but send you a wink. His words spread a heat across your cheeks but you pay it no mind, hoping that any signs of your flustered state can be ignored as long as you didn’t draw attention to it. 
“I know I am~” 
“Take care, angel,” with a toothy grin and a wave, James turns and leaves, his day already looking as bright as could be. 
James has been visiting your little bakery and cafe for the better part of a year now; he’s become one of your beloved regulars, maybe one of your most beloved. He was just too handsome and charming for his own good, cute and sweet and always gentleman with you. His uncontrollable dark curls and round glasses gave him this boyish appeal that you couldn’t help but fall for. His voice is smooth and comforting, his eyes a mesmerising hazel, his lips a pretty shape—
“Hey!” snapping out of your daze, you turn to your co-worker in shock.
She smirks and wiggles her brows at you, “I knew you had a thing for him,”
“Oh shush Leona!” you huff and fold your arms but burn hotter in the cheeks when she laughs at you. 
“No need to deny it, I can see why you’re so head over heels~”
“Is that any way to talk to your boss?” making your way over, you playfully nudge her side as you plant yourself beside her and help with the cupcake decorations. 
Gasping, Leona grasps at her chest in mock offence, “I never believed you were that kind of boss! I was tricked—!” her mock ramblings were cut off with another nudge to her side that sent the both of you into a fit of giggles. 
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“What should we do with all this?” you ask with a huff, staring in disappointment at all the leftovers in your display cases. Most would only end up in the trash and it broke your heart to see such goodies go to waste. 
“Why don’t you donate them at the local police station or fire department?” Leona suggests with a smile as she wipes down surfaces, “The fire department isn’t too far from here so you can go there first and do the police station on another day we have extra leftovers,”
Smiling brightly, you nod and get to work, “Brilliant idea Leona! How come I’ve never thought of that before?” 
“Maybe because you’re too busy all the time?” with a light-hearted pout, she faces you and presses on about how you need to consider yourself as a priority for once and actually go home on time. She had a point; the bakery was consuming your life. But you worked hard on the things that mattered to you and that was always a trait you were proud of. Every day you return home with pride and fulfilment in your heart; you loved that feeling despite the ache in your limb. Sighing, your enthusiasm slows considerably but you keep on packing up a random selection of baked goods, “Just think about it at least, boss,” Leona comes up behind you and gives you a quick but heartfelt hug, “we want you to be our boss forever so you have to stay healthy,” just like she always does, she brings a smile to your lips and slowly helps you with packing up the rest. 
With the bakery closed up, you head out with your packaged leftovers piled high in the passenger seat of your car and wave goodbye to Leona before pulling away. She was right in saying that the fire station wasn’t too far, it was a short five-minute drive from your bakery with parking close by too. 
It was a little unnerving. You had never done this before. And, even though you knew there was nothing wrong with doing this, your nerves still caused a stir in your chest and stomach at the thought of facing such brave and dedicated workers. However, it was that simple thought that pushed you forward. These men and women deserved free baked goodies and more for all of their hard work, there was no need to be shy about it. Balancing the stacked packages in your arms, you push the front door open with your back and carefully turn around as you step into the space. 
“Whoa, you need help with those?” someone calls from your left and you turn to see a handsome brunette, standing tall with an almost invisible dusting of freckles on his nose and a faint scar across his cheek and jaw. 
“Good afternoon!” you chirp happily and sheepishly accept his kind assistance, “I— umm, I wanted to give you guys some of the baked goods from my bakery. We made a little too much today,”
He grins widely as he appraises the tall stack of packages before turning to you with gratefulness in his eyes, “So that’s what smells so delicious,” the two of you share a laugh, “Thank you so much for this, it’s very kind of you,” a warm heat coats your cheeks as you shyly wave off his praise, which he shakes his head at discreetly but still maintains his happy grin, “come,” he tilts his head to one direction, “lets go feed everyone,” 
Remus introduces himself as he leads you down a hallway to the lounge room, where he suspected most of his colleagues congregated to. When you give your name in return, he tilts his head and mutters something unintelligible under his breath.
“I’m sorry, what was that?” 
“Oh nothing,” he chuckles softly, “I just thought it sounded familiar,” you had questions but shrugged and shrugged them off as unimportant when the two of you finally made it into the lounge area. Entering the space, you see the firemen scattered around the wide room, a group were playing cards around a table with several spectators, one or two were reading a book while another small group stood by a small kitchenette with steaming mugs, chatting between themselves. 
“Remus!” a dark haired man with a visible neck tattoo walks up from where he stood observing the card game, just so he could sling his arm over the brunette’s broad shoulders, “Who’s our cute guest?”
Remus introduces you and the purpose of your visit but his voice slowly fades into the background as soon as you meet eyes with a very familiar pair of hazel pools. 
“James?” blinking in surprise, you tilt your head and observe the man in his fireman uniform, minus the heavy jacket, leaving him in a black compression shirt to showcase his muscles. It made your cheeks heat up again but hotter. You had no idea how brawny he was with his soft charm and sweet face. But this was a very pleasant surprise. 
The man in question stands up, staring at you as if in a trance and makes his way over as Remus and his raven-haired friend step away with devious grins on their faces. They weren’t the only ones however, everybody else in the room looked on with a similar grin stretching across their lips, slightly leaning forward in their interest. 
“Wh-what are you doing here?” he sounds like he’s choking on air, breathless and in complete disbelief at the sight of you. 
“I uh– there were some leftover goodies at the bakery so I thought I could give them to you guys…as a thank you for all your good work,” you admit softly, staring up at him with timid eyes and watching with a gradually racing heart as a toothy grin takes over his features. His eyes sparkled with mirth under the fluorescent light and your heart skipped a beat in your chest. How does he do that? 
“You’re really too kind,” and so perfect James wanted to finish, ignorant to his friends’ snickering. Please be mine! It was a desperate wish and one that he had been making for a long time but he needed to keep his cool. He understands how overbearing and clingy he could be at times and didn’t want to frighten you.  
“You guys deserve it,” you return and silently hold up your packages with a smile. Happily, he takes the load and leads you to a table where he helps spread them out for his friends and colleagues to take as they please. Everyone around you gushes at the array and sings your praises in between their gratitude for the kind gesture. Amongst all the chatter, you also manage to hear soft whisperings that didn’t quite fit the rest of the words at the forefront of surrounding conversations. 
“That’s the cute baker Jamesie has been gushing about for months now, huh?”
“Seems so. Finally, we can put a name to the face,”
There was some laughter, “He looks like a love sick puppy,”
From the corner of your eye, you observe James and the goofy grin on his face, trapped in a daze as he stares down at you with adoring eyes and a soft blush on his cheeks. In your head, you make a mental note to visit the fire department more often. 
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A/N : it just feels right that James is a firefighter, right? i'm not the only one who thinks this? nevertheless, i hopefully managed to convince you lovelies otherwise hehehe~
TAGLIST : @melinajenkins @aastonishment @until-i-found-you @corp0real @sageskisses444 @celestcies @lovelydoveval @inlovewithremusjohnlupin @calums-betch @futurecorps3 @hihihi1112 @simpingforthe80s @yrluvjane @chaosofmanyfandoms @storyofaromance @loving-and-dreaming @somewereinthegalaxi @fortheeeefics @cassandra-nerezza-black @stray-bi-kids @ttkttt @notasadgirlipromise @ghostgardn @rosalyn-s @seungtelevision
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a-lilypad · 2 months
@jegulus-microfic | march 31: body hair | 876 words
regulus calls the fire station when a strange burn mark appears in his house and fireman james comes to investigate (cw: mentions of sex and someone nearly gets set on fire but doesn't get hurt)
Barty is laughing. Regulus is in the middle of a crisis and Barty has the nerve to laugh at him. He knows he must look ridiculous, pulling at his plaid pyjama bottoms, zipping and unzipping his ratty hoodie, and adjusting his hair using every reflective surface in his house, but how was he meant to know the local firemen had become hot? 
He’d called the fire station earlier in the day after finding a mysterious hole burned into his downstairs carpet. Stumbling downstairs in a desperate search for coffee at 7 am he’d spotted it from the corner of his eye. It was quite small and in an odd place, just in front of a cupboard he barely used, and it looked almost as if some acid had corroded his floor.
Regulus had hounded Barty, his best friend and current roommate, but Barty swore it wasn’t him. Though he didn’t quite believe him, it was too big to be a cigarette burn which did, annoyingly, put the blame on something else.
However, what that something is he still has no clue, and it’s been driving him a bit insane. He had sat in front of the hole cradling his massive mug of coffee with his chin resting on his knees just..glaring at it. For hours, until he’d been dragged away from it and forced onto the sofa instead.
The fire brigade had taken forever to get there, he’d thought they’d forgotten him and was about to phone them again (third time’s a charm) when the doorbell echoed and he jumped up, tripping over his feet in the rush to get to the door while flipping Barty off for laughing at his urgency. 
He’d yanked the door open, flushed and breathing heavier than normal and proceeded to immediately choke on his words because the man standing in his doorway was the fittest person he had ever had the pleasure of seeing.
Messy brown hair, big hazel eyes framed by gold wire, and soft rosy lips. His brain short-circuited and all he could think of was what those lips would look like wrapped around him. He was screwed.
Now the hot fireman (James, he’d learned), is on his hands and knees inspecting the floor, and Regulus is lost for words. He’s pretty sure he’s drooling actually. His arse….dear lord. You could end world hunger with it. Regulus wants nothing more than to dig his teeth into it. Maybe take a chunk out of it and bring it with him wherever he goes as a reminder that the world is a beautiful and wonderful place.
James chooses that exact moment to sit up and take off his jacket, revealing the sluttiest shirt he’s ever seen. This uniform should be fucking illegal. It’s so tight that Regulus can see every single curve, every dimple, every line of the man’s body, it barely fits him, he is bursting out of it, the material squeezing the top of his arms. He wonders how the seams haven't burst yet.
His arms. Wow.
They’re huge and covered in black ink, two full sleeves of intricate patterns and whenever he moves they flex, golden brown skin glinting in the light. He’s definitely drooling now. Barty has to lean over and shut his mouth for him. 
“So, James is it?” Barty says, smirking, and Regulus has never turned his head so fast, glaring at his soon-to-be ex-best friend, right eye twitching. He wouldn’t fucking dare…oh who was he kidding of course he would, he lives to make Regulus’ life a living hell. He should have kicked Barty out the minute James got here.
James hums in affirmation as he goes back to probing the hole in the carpet. Regulus wishes that was him. 
He can see Barty’s smug smile and his eyes twinkling and starts slowly approaching, moving into hitting distance. “You got a girlfriend? Or a boyfriend of course, there’s just no way a hot guy like you is singl-ow fuck!” he breaks off as Regulus elbows him sharply in the side while hissing at him to shut up.
James turns around with a cocked eyebrow, smiling, and lets out a chuckle, “Nope, no girlfriend,” then looks straight at Regulus, gazing deep into his soul as if he’s searching for something, “or boyfriend,” and he winks. HE WINKS. Regulus cannot handle this man he feels a bit faint.
As he flops down on the sofa he sees James stretching, his arms reaching above his head looking like some form of God, his shirt lifting and revealing a strip of soft skin and a line of thick black hair leading down and down and down…his eyes follow it, he’s unable to look away. Regulus loves a guy with body hair, but happy trails have always sent him crazy.
He picks up a pillow and holds it over his crotch hoping he’s being subtle, but by Barty’s sudden cackle, he guesses not so much. Although he doesn’t have to worry about it for long as James goes back to poking around, chuckling a bit under his breath until a huge fucking white spark bursts from his floor effectively stopping the laughter but also setting his carpet on fire.
Huh. That’s probably not a good sign.
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therealbartyjr · 2 months
Writing a fanfic w my friend. It’s canon Remus is actually secretly Fireman sam. He doesn’t die at the end of Harry Potter he fakes his death to persue his dream.
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thebestofoneshots · 7 months
Feels Like The First Time | James Potter x reader
Pairing: James Potter x Reader
Word Count: 6 k
Warnings: Smut, fingering, P in V, lots of praise, consent is sexy, lusty!James, bashful!James, he literally can't take his eyes off you.
Prompt: As a part of the Marauween Series, this fic takes you to an Alternate Universe where James Potter is a fireman, telling the story of how you met, and how your first time came about.
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Maraudween is a Halloween-inspired anthology series where each chapter transports you into a distinct alternate universe. From the real world to old western Texas and even through the dark times of vampires. These standalone tales invite you into a realm of boundless potential. Experience the enchantment of Halloween as it weaves its spell, intertwining the magic of costumes, AUs, terror and spice.
NSFW (Smut under the cut) ♡
“What can I get you, sir?” You asked, not looking up from the register as you were trying to close the tab of the previous order. The machine had been acting up lately and no matter how hard you tried, it seemed to take its sweet time between closing an old order and opening the feed to start a new one. 
You were almost scowling at it when you heard a low chuckle from behind the counter, you instantly recognized it. The cute fireman, you felt your cheeks flush at the thought. 
“Everything all right, angel?” he asked, voice soft even as a little smirk played on his lips. 
“James!” you said with a smile, deciding to ignore the machine and talk to the man instead. He lived a few blocks away, in your same building, and he always passed by the shop to get some coffee and a snack before he finished his walk to work. Sometimes he came on his way back too, he was over so often, that you almost knew his orders by memory, “Americano?” 
He shook his head “I’m feeling up for something sweeter today.” 
You hummed in response, running his typical orders in your head “Late with a pump of strawberry?” 
He tilted his head, seemingly thinking about it, you couldn’t help to let your eyes linger over his uniform. He’d typically alternate between blue, yellow and grey. Today he was wearing grey and you would be lying if you said he didn’t look disarmingly attractive. He was big and well built too, but that was a lot easier to appreciate on hotter days when he wasn’t wearing his jacket on top of the usual either crisp white or neat black shirt, “Yeah, that’s perfect.” 
You smiled and started writing down the details in his cup. When you realised there was no one on the line behind him, you decided to prepare his drink yourself, instead of passing it over to Marcus, your coworker, and better barista between the two. James knew, and yet, he much better liked the drinks you prepared. 
“Want me to add a bit of whipped cream?” You asked. 
“You spoil me,” he said with a smile, you turned to give him a questioning look, a smile playing on your lips as he nodded, perhaps that’s why he liked your drinks best, they almost always came along with a smile. 
“You do spoil him,” Marcus added as he used one of the machines to draw pictures over a latte. 
You gave him a pout as an answer and continued with your preparation. Once it was done you turned around, Marcus had gone off to tend some table and you walked over to James, handing him his cup straight to his hands. His fingers lingered over yours as he took it from you and you felt your stomach flutter, “I’d add some cinnamon for spice,” you told him, he nodded and walked over to the sugar table, doing exactly as you told him.
“Hey, James?” 
“Good luck at work today,” you added with a smile, Marcus from one of the tables almost rolled his eyes, while James’ smile only widened. 
There was a huge fire that day, you saw it on the news on the small TV in the corner of the shop, one of the old buildings near the centre of the city had caught fire. Since it had been during work hours there hadn’t been that many people inside, and thankfully no one died but about 2 dozen had ended up in the hospital due to smoke toxicity. Or so was reporting the news lady. 
“Do you think James’s all right?” you asked, turning to Marcus with a little frown. 
“Why don’t you go home and check on him? He lives almost in front of you anyway. This happened about an hour ago, he might be there soon...” 
You nodded, and hurried with the wiping of tables, still looking a bit nervous and rushed “I’ll finish up closing,” he added. 
“Thank you,” you said as you went to pick up your stuff and remove your uniform from the back room. 
Marcus called your name, you turned to him “Bring him something. His favourite treat of whatever… I’m sure you already know it by memory.” 
“I… Well, I mean…”  
“Don’t play dumb and just take it to him, whatever it might be. Would serve you well, maybe admit that you like him as well.” 
You flushed “Shut it, Marcus.” 
“He likes you back, did you know?” You gave him a look “Hey it’s true! I’ve seen the way he looks at you.” 
“He’s just polite.” 
“Polite my ass, he’s never looked at me like that. Go on, knock on his door, patch him up and admit your crush. Maybe get it going with him too. What do you think he’d look like with those snug pants and a pair of suspenders? Only a pair of suspenders.” 
You flushed a lot more this time around, the image floating to your brain unprompted, and you weren’t able to shake it off that easily. Curse your imaginative mind and Markus’ dirty one to put the idea in your head. 
“So… his favourite treat?” 
“It’s the lemon tart,” you admitted reluctantly. “He orders it whenever he’s feeling down. And also after bad days.” Markus smiled and leaned down to take two of them and place them on a small box for you to take home, “Thank you.” 
“Thank me when you’ve seen him with only pants and suspenders!” he joked, and you shook your head in disbelief, a smile still plastered on your face as you did. 
You got home after a short walk and went straight for a quick shower. It was then that you heard the thud of heavy boots in the hallway. He was walking towards his apartment. You hurried to finish and changed into simple shorts and a sweatshirt before walking the 2 door distance to his apartment. You took a deep breath and knocked on the door. 
There was no answer, you considered leaving, your nerves getting the best of you, but you remembered you still had the lemon tarts and decided to try again. This time you heard some shuffling and then the door opened, revealing James, still wearing his uniform, hair clinging onto his face from sweat and blotches of soot patching his cheeks, he looked tired, but he smiled the moment he saw who it was at the door. “Fancy seeing you here, darling.” 
You swallowed, his gaze having a powerful effect on you “I… I uh… I saw the news and well, I assumed you had been there, I guess I was right,” you added after gesturing toward your face, trying to refer to how blotchy he was “I thought I’d come to check if you were all right… I also brought you some of those lemon tarts you really like.” 
He stared at you for a second, as if trying to process the fact that you really had taken the trouble to bring him food, just because he’d had a tough day. When he realised you really were there, and not only a fragment of his imagination, he smiled “You picked my favourites,” he said pointing at the box. 
You gulped, as if scared of getting caught but nodded “You… order them often,” you said with a shrug. 
He hummed “And you know all of your client’s orders?” he asked, a flirty tone slipping as he moved to the side to let you in, nodding towards the kitchen, although you already knew where it was, since the layout of his apartment was almost an exact mirror of yours. 
“Only the ones of my favourites,” you responded, which got him to raise his eyebrows as he pulled out two plates and a pair of forks, placing them on the counter. You opened the small box and gracefully served one of the pies on each of the plates, he didn’t wait too long to dig in, moaning at the sweet and acidic flavour. 
“You’re the absolute best,” he told you as he continued to eat “Getting this after a fire might be the best thing that’s ever happened to me.” 
You just giggled at his exaggeration, you didn’t know he didn’t mean only the pie, but also your company. As the two of you finished your meal, you stood up to go back to your apartment but he stopped you, a hand gripping softly onto your forearm “Hey wait!” You turned to him “Let me pay you back.” 
You gasped and then shook your head. “Oh no, don’t worry about it, I get free treats since I work there.” But he didn’t let go of your arm just yet. 
You saw him bite his cheek, looking to the side as if trying to find the right words “Regardless, I–  Let me take you out, yeah?” 
“Out… to the door?” You asked with a frown “I mean I know where it is but–” 
“Out on a date.” 
“You want to– Me?!?” He nodded fervently in response. 
You smiled, you were sure you were blushing madly but his nervousness only made him even more adorable “I’d love that.” 
He’d taken you to a small Italian restaurant that his friend Sirius had recommended, he told you about his life, about how he got into firefighting and you told him about yours, how you were working at the cafe as a side job to pay for your online studies. He thought you were a hero, which was almost ridiculous because if anyone was saving people between the two, it had been him. 
After that date you went on many others, he frequented the cafe a lot more often, sometimes to order something, sometimes to drop by a bouquet of roses or some other kind of flower. Markus had teased you relentlessly after that, but he really was happy to see you happy. He also started giving you treats to take home a lot more often, but that was because he knew you were always sharing them with James.  
“Thanks love, see you at dinner?” James asked as he took the takeaway coffee cup from your hands, you had written “Prongs,” and drew a pair of antlers on it just to tease him, since he’d told you about his friends giving him that nickname in school. 
You nodded in response “Sure, want me to bring something?” 
He leaned over the counter as if it were about to say something of the utmost secrecy “How about some of those chocolate tarts?” he whispered. 
“Sounds about perfect to me,” you agreed and gave him a quick peck on the cheek before pulling back. He smiled dumbly after that and waved on the way out, almost bumping into a tall teacher who was also your regular. 
“Watch your step, lover boy,” he told him. That day you found out Remus –the teacher who was a regular– and your boyfriend not only knew each other, but had been best friends for the longest time. He’d told you about him many, many times, but you had no way of knowing the calm, concentrated teacher who sat on his laptop grading students was the same mastermind prankster he always called Moony. 
“So… how does he look in suspenders?” Markus asked you as he eyed your boyfriend finally leaving. 
“Oh… well, I mean… I haven’t– we haven’t-“ 
“Shut it,” he said turning to you “You’ve been dating for a while now, like 2 months, right? Didn’t you tell me you slept at his apartment the other night?” 
“Yeah, I mean, I did… I fell asleep watching the telly and he didn’t want to wake me.” 
“I thought you meant something else…” he said as he shook his head “Maybe he’s asexual,” he added with a shrug “Total bummer for you.” 
You frowned “I don’t think he– I think he’s just trying to be a gentleman.” 
Markus shook his head, unconvinced “Have you tried to initiate anything?” 
“We’ve snogged a couple of times.” 
“And when it gets more heated?” 
You shrugged “Don’t know what to tell ya.” 
He hummed “You need to try harder.” 
“I need to try?” 
“Well to find out at least, don’t you want to?” 
You shrugged it off then, but truth be told, the idea had already cemented itself in your brain. You paid closer attention to the times you snogged after that. Be it on the couch, or the counter of yours or his kitchen, it was always romantic kisses and even if he certainly seemed affected, be it his ragged breath, pink lips or expanded pupils, he never pushed for more. Perhaps he really was waiting for you to initiate things. 
A few nights later, there was another fire, you had already gotten the key to his apartment so you waited over at his, bringing over some cream puffs and setting yourself on the couch while you waited. He arrived a little late, covered in soot like he had that first time you walked into his house with lemon tarts in your hand. He smiled the moment he spotted you on his sofa “Fancy seeing you here, darling,” he teased, echoing the words he’d said that first night. 
You smiled “How are you feeling?” you asked. 
He sighed, his shoulders slumped at that “We couldn’t… One of them didn’t make it.” You frowned, you knew he’d torment himself about it all night, so you walked over to him, taking a wet towel as he sat near the counter and started wiping some of the soot from his face.
“‘S not your fault.” 
“But if we had gotten there sooner maybe–“ 
You pulled his chin, making his eyes look straight into yours “Jamie,” you said sternly, trying to ground him “It’s not your fault.” 
He sighed again “I know, I know…” he said, and buried his head in your neck, smelling your perfume as he grabbed onto your hips, “Stay over tonight?” he asked “Please, I don’t– I don’t want to be left alone with my thoughts.” 
You smiled, placing your hand on the back of his head, brushing it lightly over his messy hair before settling it at the nape of his neck “Of course, my love,” you responded simply, and pulled his shoulders back to look straight at his face “come on, let’s get to the sofa, maybe we can play something on the telly to get your mind off things.” 
He pouted “I’m sweaty, and I smell of charred wood.” 
You tilted your head, a small smile drawing on your lips “I think you look sexy,” you teased, before grabbing his hand to pull him up and towards the sofa. He had a diverted look as he followed. 
They were screening Karate kid for like the 5th time that week, but both of you were watching it patiently. That was until the commercial break started and you turned to James, he had a small frown on his face, almost imperceptible, as if he were trying to hide it from you, but you knew him well enough to know. “You’re thinking about it again, aren’t you?” 
James turned to you, a sorrowful look in his beautiful hazel eyes, “I found them, I tried, but…” You kneeled on the sofa and gave him a bone-crushing hug, or at least your version of one, since you had about half the strength he did anyway. Regardless, you heard the huff of a laugh coming from him. 
You gave one last look at the telly, they were still going on some infomercial about a magical razor, yeah, no way in hell he gets distracted by that. “Hey Jaimie,” he hummed in response “How about we find another way to get your mind off things?” you asked, pulling back a little so he could see your face.
He gave you a look, “Like playing Monopoly or…” he didn’t even finish his sentence since you crashed your lips against his with a kiss. He was surprised at first but followed the kiss shortly after. Tightening his grip on your waist. 
“Like this?” you said as you pulled out for air. He still had a bit of a frown, so you leaned into him again, determined to erase it with a kiss. He pretty much melted into you again, at some point you crossed your knee over his lap and you were straddling his thigh. You didn’t lean closer to him too fast, you wanted to give him some time. 
Your lips started to travel from his lips to his jaw, he was right, he was sweaty, you could feel the salty taste of it as you kissed, and there was something else too, a little bit of that smoked flavour going on. You didn’t care, if anything, it really made him feel sexier. You landed on his neck, and started pressing wet kisses on a section you knew from experience he liked, and you heard a low moan coming from his throat, music to your ears. 
“Wait… wait… hold up,” he said as he patted your shoulder softly, you didn’t pull back “Angel, please, I’m gross right now…”
“Don’t care,” you said between kisses “I like the way you taste.” 
He stifled grunted after you said that –partly because of what you said, partly because of the way you sucked onto a particularly sensitive part of his neck– it was hard enough for him to restrain himself as it was, and you saying things like that was only making it harder. 
You, without quite noticing what you were doing, started grinding against his leg, not quite against his crotch yet thought, you could still think enough to know it’d be too soon. You leaned back, trying to get to his mouth when you spotted him, he had a rather interesting expression on his face, brows furrowed, as if he was trying really hard to concentrate on something, or not to concentrate on something. 
You smiled, holding back a laugh before placing your hand on his cheek, he opened his eyes, a worried look on his face “James, what is it darling?” 
He swallowed, his breath was heavy, “I’m just… I’m trying not to– thinking of something else.” You raised an eyebrow at him, not sure exactly what was going on until you saw his gaze flicker down to his crotch. 
“Oh.” You said quietly, and then, in an outburst of bravery, pulled your hand down to pat him. He hissed, grabbing your hand and pulling it back.
“That– that’s going to make it worse.” 
You smiled again, tilting your head just a little as you stared at your beautiful boyfriend “Allow me,” you said softly “I want to make it worse.” He looked at you as if he was trying to decipher whether what you were saying was true, and you leaned in to place a kiss on his cheek “Pretty please?” 
You had your forehead against his when he bit his lip and nodded, letting your hand free as you pushed it towards his crotch again. He was a lot harder than you had initially assumed he’d be, but you started rubbing your hand up and down regardless, feeling out his entire length which was nothing short of surprising. His head had somehow ended up on your shoulder again “fuck,” he said and trailed off with a few other curse words you weren’t sure you had heard him say before “That feels incredible Angel, You feel so good,” he whispered. 
Eventually, you pulled your hand backward and he gave you the most reproachful look, “Hey… I want to be able to kiss you,” you said softly before leaning in for a kiss and finally closing the gap between your bodies. You had been wearing a pair of simple lycra shorts, so everything felt very close when you finally leaned your hips over his, grinding your core against the rough texture of his firefighter pants. 
James was about to moan when you pulled him into a kiss again, so he moaned into your mouth, half attempting to return the kiss. His hands had now travelled to your hips, and he was helping you grind onto him, gripping almost a little too tight, not that you minded. If anything, you thought seeing this less controlled side of him was the hottest thing. 
Your hands travelled to his jacket, he’d been so lost in thought when he arrived home that he hadn’t even taken it off, but that was fine, you could help him with that now. You found the plate box and started to unbutton it one by one, he had been so engrossed in you that he didn’t notice what you were doing until you moved your hands to his inside shirt to push the thick jacket to the side. 
He helped you shrug it off and you set it to the side of the couch since you knew how much he cared for it. He gave you a smile through huddled lids and this time around he was the one pulling you towards him for another kiss. 
You went to the buttons of his pants this time around, grinding on his thigh in an effort to not stop the buildup you’d already created. “Angel what are you…?” 
“Material’s too rough,” you managed to mumble. His eyebrows knit in concern and he helped you in an instant. While he did that you fumbled with your shorts and took them off as fast as possible, not sparing a second glance to see where they fell on the floor, they were pretty ruined either way. He didn’t notice you had done that, not until you went back to straddle him and he felt the wet patch of your panties on his trouser. On his cock. 
“Fuck dove,” he said when he realized. 
“I’m sorry,” you whispered, almost shy, thinking he might think it was gross but he shook his head.
“Don’t be, it’s fucking hot,” he said as he grabbed onto your hips again and started sliding you against him, grinding you against him. This time there was a lot more purpose behind his movements, he was quite literally rubbing you right onto his cock, you could feel it almost in between your folds through the two layers of clothing separating you from each other. 
The room started feeling too hot, and you removed your hands from the back of his head and brought them to the hem of your sweatshirt, attempting to pull it off when his hands travelled to yours. 
He pulled back from the kiss and stared at you, searching for your eyes “You don’t have to– Not because of the…” he took a deep breath, trying to think straight “We don’t have to do this just to distract me.” 
Your expression turned soft, as you looked at him. How on earth did I get so lucky? You thought. You licked your lips, biting the bottom as you brought your hands to the side of his face. “It’s not just because of that, I want to do this Jamie, I’ve been thinking about it for a while.” He swallowed. “You think that sexy little uniform does nothing to me? I’m only human James.” He chuckled, eyes averting to the side in an adorably bashful expression that you were certain only James Potter would be able to pull off. When he looked back you gave him a teasing smile “Help me?” you asked again, nodding down. 
This time it was he who bit back a grin, almost giving you a wink before he let his hands to the hem of your hoodie and helped you pull it off. He stared at you for a second. You were wearing a simple sports bra, nothing fancy, in fact, you’d dare say it was a little embarrassing since the bottom hem was frailing a bit already, but that didn’t seem to matter to James. He was staring at you as if he’d seen the hottest woman on earth. As if you had been wearing the most exquisite set of lingerie. 
You blushed, obviously, you blushed, and hid your head on his neck so he wouldn’t notice, pretending you were going for a kiss, but he stopped you. “Hold up, I wanna enjoy the view,” he complained. 
“When I’m wearing nicer underwear I’ll let you,” you said, pushing against him to go to his neck again, but he was stronger, if he didn’t want you to move, there was no way in hell you’d be able to move. 
“Darling, your underwear is the last thing I’m paying attention to,” he said honestly. You took a deep breath and allowed him to pull you back, his eyes were blown with lust as he stared at you, at your bare shoulders he’d seen a couple of times, although not many since you started going out in winter and it still was winter. At the supple curve of your hips. At your breasts, you felt his hand twitch in your shoulder, as if he was holding himself back from touching anywhere else. 
“James,” you said, getting him to turn his gaze back to your face, although you noticed it flicker down a couple of times, “You can touch.”
It was as if that had been all the permission he needed, he brought his hands down, letting them roam through your bare waist as you started to grind against him again. He was harder, if that was even possible. He groaned as you rolled your hips against his, and started trailing kisses down your neck, setting in the curve of your breasts as you continued to dry hump him. 
He could see your hardened nipples through the thin cotton fabric. He’d actually seen them harden as he kissed, and then he did something you weren’t expecting, he held your waist and pulled you up a little, you almost whined at the loss of contact, but he pushed his head forward and gave an open mouth kiss to your breast, sucking and nipping through the fabric, you were now helping him hold you up with your own legs and holding onto his strong shoulders, absolutely lost in the feeling of his mouth. 
He pulled back, giving you a mischievous look as he trailed his fingers over the frilled hem, there was almost an innocence to the way he was looking at you “May I?” he asked. 
“Please.” He was already digging his fingers under the hem and pulling it over your head. “You too,” you added, pulling at his shirt. He quickly passed his hand to the neck of his shirt and yanked it off in a second. You gulped, you’d never seen anyone take their shirt off in such a hot way. 
He was staring at you as he placed his hand on your waist and pulled you towards his face, this time licking from the underside of your breast all the way to your nipple before he closed his mouth around it and started sucking again, without the fabric in the middle you could feel his wet tongue and teeth grazing against your sensitive skin, you arched against him, and moaned his name when he bit softly. 
His other hand was already massaging your other breast, kneading it and brushing his thumb over your nipple every couple of seconds. It felt incredible, and you relished on the feeling until your neediness got the best of you, “James,” you somehow managed to form the words, and grabbed the hand that was still kneading on your breast, pulling it down, to your core “Here, please.”��
You saw him pull back to look at you, and he swallowed thickly but nodded, moving to kiss your neck as he traced his fingers over your wet panties “fuck, you’re so wet,” he whispered between kisses. You gripped onto his shoulder a little harder, when he pressed his finger onto your folds, you were already pretty sensitive from so much rubbing onto his hard uniform pants that even the slightest touch had you on fire. 
After toying with you for a bit, he slid his finger through the hem and pushed your panties to the side, digging his fingers on your folds, while his thumb searched for your clit. He found it in the blink of an eye and you were pretty much bucking your hips against his hand in search of more friction. He let out a breathy laugh “So needy,” he said before setting one of his fingers near your entrance and digging it in. 
His finger was long, much longer than yours and it reached places you wouldn’t have dreamed of, he curved it in a particular way and you let out a gasp “Yes! Please, James, do that again,” you said as you panted, he obliged, and had you grinding against his hand again in no time. 
“Angel you’re too tight,” he whispered as you leaned in to kiss him again, slowly lowering yourself onto his tight. He went in for another finger as you kissed him and swallowed your whimper. He was already moving his fingers and slowly opening them inside of you, trying to prepare you, in case you wanted to continue because hell knew he did. 
He pressed his thumb against your clit again, he could feel you faltering on him, your hip movements becoming sloppier as he continued to rub “Jamie I’m gonna…” 
He kissed your neck “Please do.” 
You leaned closer to him digging your nails into the muscles of his back as you bit your bottom lip. James separated from your neck for a second to look at you, you looked fucking stunning as you whimpered and whispered his name and a few course words almost incoherently. 
“So fucking stunning,” he told you with a smile. It took you a second to come back and be able to pay attention to him, to the way he was looking at you. 
You huffed a laugh “Shut up Jamie,” you said with a smile as you shook your head, he still had his fingers inside you, and it looked like he didn’t have the intention to remove them any time soon.
“How are we doing?” he asked. 
You frowned, “Why do you– oh.” He flicked his thumb over your clit again, thrusting his fingers in and out in a rather sharp way “James you aren’t thinking of…” 
“Of course, I’m thinking of it angel, I need to see that pretty face of pure bliss on you again.” 
You almost let him convince you but you shook your head. You didn’t miss the way his smile faltered, you leaned into him, making sure to let your clit rub onto his thumb again as you shifted your weight and your hips “Not until I see yours,” you whispered in his ear, bringing your hand down to the hem of his boxers and digging your hand to grope him. 
He groaned at your harsh movement, but his head fell back, an expression rather similar to yours as you dragged your hands through his length. 
“Help James,” you said, words cut with sharp breaths from the effort you were making to pull his boxers down. He lifted his hips and helped you do it, all the while you continued pumping him. There was already a bit of white precum coating his tip, even if the boxers had sucked up most of it, you used it to allow your hand to glide easier around him. 
“Faster,” he asked, you complied, he was already bucking his hips into your hands, “fuck doll I think I’m going to– “ You instantly stopped moving your hand and his eyes snapped open, looking at you like you had betrayed him. But you didn’t give him an explanation, you used your legs to prop forwards and lined him against your entrance “Wait, doll–“ you lowered yourself onto him, “fuck.” 
You gulped, allowing yourself to adjust before giving him a look, he was looking at his cock buried in you attentively, and he swallowed thickly, you didn’t wait too much after that, and started grinding onto him, “Fuck Jamie you fill me up so good,” you whispered, as if he needed any more encouragement. You thought he did since he wasn’t moving, but that wasn’t the reason he wasn’t. 
He grabbed onto your hips, and halted your movement “fuck, angel, hold up– I need–“You looked at him worriedly, accidentally bucking your hips again as you tried to search for his eyes, and then you felt it. Wet and sticky, inside you. He’d cum.
He looked at you with the most mortified expression on his face, as if he was sorry “I’m– I’m so sorry I…” 
You just laughed, placing your hand on his cheek to prompt him to look at you “Hey, It’s okay my love.” 
“But I didn’t… Not even like 30 seconds I–“ James was completely flustered, you weren’t sure you’d ever seen him that flustered before, you pulled him into a kiss. 
“I’m taking it as a cumm-pliment,” you told him, he gave you a reproachful look and you gave him a peck on the lips. A small smile wavered its way towards his lips. 
“That’s the– what a terrible pun,” he added. You bucked your hips against him again “fuck.” 
You raised your eyebrow at him “Keep insulting my puns and I won’t help you with your little issue,” you threatened playfully as you started to buck your hips again, helping him empty himself completely. This time a lot slower, enjoying the way he felt on you, the way he was filling you up, how much easier it was to glide onto him with his warm cum all over you, some of it dripping to the side of your thigh and onto his already, you continued until he patted on your tight. 
You nodded and pulled out slowly, setting yourself on his lap still. He still seemed awfully bashful, “Come on Jamie, I really don’t mind it.” 
“But it was– our first time and I… ugh” he placed his hands over his face, groaning as he replayed the events in his head.
You bit your tongue not to laugh. At least he wasn’t thinking of the fire anymore. Mission success? You sighed and placed your hands onto his own and pulled them down, tilting your head a little in search for his eyes.
 “How about…” you started, it seemed to gather some of his attention, although he was still looking at you with a dissatisfied expression “We go get a bath, and clean up…” you continued, he had finally lifted his head towards yours “we relax together a little,” you added, letting your fingers trace over his muscles, “we clean all the soot of that pretty face of yours,” you added, pinching his cheek which earned you a playful scowl from his part “and then chill for a while, see what happens next,” you finished, making sure your tone, raised eyebrows and half bitten bottom lip was suggestive enough. He looked at you, a diverted smile playing on his lips. “If it makes you feel better, we can pretend the shower was our first time instead,” you added just to spite him. 
He huffed, a smile on his face as he placed his hands on your waist and stood up, holding you against him with ease. You squealed and laughed at the sudden action “James!” you reprimanded “We didn’t even take your boots off, you’re gonna fall and drop me in the process,” he looked down and groaned when he realised it was true. Regardless he tried to jump his way before the two of you ended up back on the couch. You were laughing merrily as he huffed. 
“Come on hot fireman,” you told him with a smile “Take off those pretty boots of yours…” you smiled as you sneaked out of his grasp “I’ll meet you in the bathroom.” 
He pretty much groaned as he saw you leave, staring at your ass as you disappeared through the door. 
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A/N: this one came out so much sweeter than I expected it to, but I kind of love it. It really captures that James Potter humour, doesn't it? Maraudween and The Five Senses are the anthology series where I explore writing smut, all as a way to hone my skills for the moment I write it in my Wolfstar x Reader series that's currently being posted on a weekly basis. If you have feedback, please leave it in the comments below. I absolutely love reading your comments <3
Taglist: @starchaser-lily
Leave a comment stating it if you wanna be tagged on the next chapters of Maraudween
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moonstruckme · 7 months
James Potter Drabbles
✩ = 18+, mdni ♡ = mae's favs
James apologizes to hufflepuff!you after a prank gone wrong ♡
Roommate!James takes care of you when you're sick
You have a complicated relationship with touch, and James loves you just the same
James protects you from the cold
James x you when you're uncomfortable around drunk people
You inadvertently torment bestfriend!James with your hotness
You introduce James to nipple piercings (he's a fan)
Touchy bestfriend!James is obsessed with your boobs
James is beyond proud when you pass your big test
You're anxious and PMSing, and James is The Best
You both misplace your glasses
Hockey player!James experiences love at first sight with figure skater!reader
Your muscley boyfriend James gives you the hug of the year ♡
You wash James' hair after a long day ♡
James gets a lesson on waxing moon rituals from whimsical!reader
James knows you're not so innocent
You give James flowers ♡
Roommate!James is way too nice to you when you come home drunk
You and James are both very fit and achey (massages help)
James doesn't care about your acne
James is (lovingly) worried when whimsical!reader brings home a friend
James loves your nose
James is lovestruck for whimsical!reader
James gets into a slight tizzy when you scrape your knee ♡
James comforts you when you worry you're a not a good person
James helps when you have a nosebleed
James is obsessed with plus size!reader
You help bodyguard!James in his time of need ♡
James is smitten with you, Sirius' sister
You accessorize James' bicep
James is drunk and staunchly loyal
fireman!James rescues you from an elevator
James reasons with you when you're jealous ♡
James wants to be your champion
Bodyguard!James saves you during a shooting
James feeds you
Bestfriend!James and you roll around (platonically of course)
You and James are adorably domestic ♡
You're afraid of showing too much love for James
You and James finally have your time ♡
Rockstar!James throws a drumstick at you
James comforts you when you have a migraine
Firefighter!James frets over your smoke inhalation
You divert James on a summer day
You worry you and James are drifting apart ♡
James comforts you when you have anxiety troubles
You and James meet when you're drunk and upset
Roommate!James is protective when you go on a date
You call on your neighbor, James, for help
James and shy!reader kiss for the first time
Camp counselor!James
He invites you to a bonfire The kids know about his crush He tells a campfire story You share a sunrise (and a kiss) He gets handsy in the lake He frets when you cut yourself You share a moment at the bonfire ♡ You reunite for your second summer
You're James' opposite, but you love each other
James comforts you when you break down
James takes care of you when you're hurt
James wants you to be treated kindly
You and your roommate James have a spat
James is upset when a creep bothers you
James loves to tease ✩♡
Giggly sex with James ✩
James is your first time ✩ | the aftercare
James x shy!reader ✩
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whorediaries-09 · 2 months
hi lovie, me again, an anon (not so anon) James' lover. I loved your writing for the celebration, thank u, love.
so that's why I'm here again, asking, begging, imploring for a blurb, Fireman! or Policeman! James x baker! reader, something like reader's muffins burned a little sooo the smoke turned on the smoke detector.
postscript, James was already head over heels for reader and her muffins :)
oh my thank you so much love! i love it when people request for something and when i write it out they actually tell me whether they liked it or not. also please keep sending in your requests, i love your ideas!!
you're in love;
pairing- policeman!james potter x baker!reader warning(s)- fluff, james being an adorable idiot. (let me know if i should add more.) a/n- i say this again, please keep sending in your ideas, who ever you are lovely anon, i love your ideas!! i literally had so much fun writing this.
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' you two are dancing in a snow globe, 'round and 'round and he keeps the picture of you in his office downtown. '
james mouth is full of the rich chocolate muffin he stuffs into his mouth. it's buttery, soft and crunchy? it's a chocolate almond muffin he realizes as he takes another big bite. oh no, he doesn't like those. but somehow, he chews on. in his imagination, you're feeding him the muffin with your hands, a sweet shy smile on your face. he imagines then licking off the melted chocolate off your fingers, from the overdose of chocolate chips in your delicious muffins.
you're a great baker, he decides when he swallows the muffin. to be able to make the james fleamont potter eat almond muffins was tough work, for he doesn't like too much texture variation in his food. but somehow you manage to balance it out just right.
you're a great thief too, he decides. an oblivious one, though. perhaps the 'friendly' winks or the constant writing of his number on tissue papers or the nicknames did nothing more make you blush and laugh.
he loved your saccharine laughter. it reminded him of the muffins you baked. he loved the subtle blush on your cheeks. it reminded him of the jam cookies from your bakery which had been a hit during the valentine's week. he loved the crinkle of your skin beside your mouth and eyes when you smiled or laughed. it reminded him of the soft buttery croissants that you'd so beautifully crafted to bake them with the perfect texture and taste.
he watches the a butterfly flap it's wings, flutter in the sky. the sunshine reflects on the spots of it's beautiful wings just right. it feels him with a warm comfortingly fuzzy feeling soothing him. he loves it. it reminds him of the time he'd seen you smile for the first time, and felt his heart soar.
james is distracted from his thoughts when his walkie talkie beeps, grabbing his attention. he slides it out from his back pocket, brushing his muffin crumb covered fingers onto his pants. he holds it up to his ears, listening to the speaker.
'attention, officer james. smoke alarm detected in batter and crumbs. please take your team as quickly as possible.'
he doesn't listen further, running towards the bakery. it's probably unsafe, his brain says, but his heart beats otherwise, at the aspect of you stuck like a damsel in distress within a cloud of smoke and the ferocious flames of fires.
he opens the door of the bakery, entering in a rush, his shoes chafing over the polishes tiles as he rushes, runs and jumps into the kitchen. anything but a normal walk.
when he reaches the kitchen, he finds you bent over towards the microwave, smoke sizzling out the oven. his brain doesn't register the fact that there's no fire in sight, when he pulls you by your waist, steering you away from the smoking oven. you carry a burnt muffin tray in your hands, and hit the intruder's head with it.
it's hot and thus, it burns his forehead. he screams, letting go of your fighting body. he massages the burnt spot, and when the realization dawns upon you, you're quick to to run to the freezer and bring him ice.
you wrap it up in your apron, avoiding direct contact from the ice to his burn, and making him sit down on one of the chairs, you slowly place the ice. his fingers clench into his thigh, and he hisses at the contrast of feelings on his nerves.
'fuck, mr. potter, i'm so sorry,' you mutter sheepishly, slowly rubbing the ice on the burn, trying to soothe the burn. he doesn't say anything. and even though feel scared, you look at his face, searching for any signs of anger. oh why did you hit him! you just lost the hot regular who you had come to good terms with and who you had a crush on-
not a sign of anger to be found on his expression. all you saw was a dopey grin and red tinted cheeks underneath the dusk of his skin. oh.
'i-i'm sorry?' you said again, though it came out more of a question. he grins even wider, looking into your eyes. for a minute you think he's drunk, but he's a policeman on duty so...
'it's okay,' he whispers. 'heart-thief' remains silent as you stand in front of him, letting the ice soothe his burn.
for what the man seems so jolly for remains a mystery until a a few years later you're cuddled up to him watching a silly sitcom and laughing when he confesses out of the blue it was because you were so closer to him... and also because your breasts were directly in front of his hungry eyes.
taglist - @reggieisfit @siriuslycaptainofthedawntreader @jamespottergf @eternallybipanicking @fictional-magic @iamgayforyourmom1510
(if you want to be tagged please send a request through my inbox.)
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ddejavvu · 2 years
trick or treat: vampire!james
“bite me”
trick or treat!
"C'mon, darling," James pleads, his face smushed into your neck, "For me? It would be sooo cute."
"No it would not," You pout, arms crossed over your chest, "I am not dressing up as a bat for halloween!"
"But you said we could have matching costumes!" James points a finger accusatorily at you, forced to break from the bone-crushing hug he'd trapped you in, "And I want to be a vampire!"
"You are a vampire," You groan, "Every day of the week! Don't you want to be, oh, I dunno, a hotdog or something? A banana? A fireman?"
"If I were a banana you'd have to be my monkey," James grins, trailing a finger along the soft wings of the bat costume he'd bought for you, "And you'd hate that just as much!"
"A fireman, then."
"My flame," He gushes dramatically, throwing a hand over his heart. "And don't ask about the hotdog," He warns, "'Cause you won't like the joke I'll make."
"Oh," You groan, "Bite me."
"Well that's the idea," He drawls, grinning proudly, "So, you're in?"
"No James," You whine, looking at the velcro hood of the bat costume, "This is embarrassing! I'm gonna look like a character at disneyland."
"Those guys make lots of cash," James muses, "'Probably not the worst thing to be."
You don't offer a response, you just pout. You're not eager to have Sirius tease you all night, shoving a camera in your fake-fanged face.
"Oh, come on," James pleads, sticking his plush lower lip out in a terribly overexaggerated pout, "Please? You said I should be comfortable being myself. And I wanna. I wanna go out tonight with my fangs popped, I wanna go out with no makeup on, I wanna wear a tacky cape and twirl it around me when i make an entrance. 'N I can't do that if I don't have a bat with me! You'll be a vampire's best friend," He bargains, though you already are, even more, in fact, "I'll let you eat my caramel apple tonight."
"Deal," You grumble, teeth already aching for the sweet treat, "But I get all of the apple, Potter. Not some bullshit halfsies excuse."
"Yes!" He gushes, already wrestling with the velcro on the straps of the bat hood, "You wont' regret it, lovey! You can have it all, 'm just gonna kiss it off'a you anyways."
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bombyxluna · 17 days
James Potter is so fireman coded istg
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krethes · 2 years
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@wolfstarmicrofic Day Twenty-Three: accident
This is part 3 of the firefighter AU. Part 1 (Wildfire). Part 2 (Inhale).
c/w: mentions of car accident, past death of parent, general firefighter peril and emotions.
18+ nsfw
There's no off-season, no summer vacation, no federal or religious holidays. There are a lot of missed events, fun opportunities gone untaken, and fucked-up sleep schedules. Remus can't remember the last time he actually watched a movie in theaters or ate a meal at a restaurant that wasn't within walking distance of the station. Dry springs and drier summers are spent jumping out of planes into burning landscapes, and the rest of his year is...this.
He can feel the bite of the sleet even through his gear. The burning heat of the up-ended oil tanker set ablaze does little to warm him, but even if it did, the accident scene they've walked into is enough to chill his blood: an oil tanker on fire a few meters off, the cab crushed like a coke can. The ground beneath his boots is slick: black ice.
His team is already on the trailer of the tanker, dousing it with foam from three angles. Remus descends on the cab and steels his heart against the chaos he knows he'll see inside. He needs to focus on the mission and put his emotions aside. Emotions cause mistakes, and mistakes cause burns, injury, and death.
So he shuts his sympathies down as they wrench open the crumpled door. The driver is breathing (good) and conscious (poor fucker), but he has a face full of glass and his leg definitely shouldn't be bent that way. "Sir, can you hear me? I'm Lieutenant Lupin. I'm here to help."
The man's screams follow him home.
He tried to ignore Lily's pointed look once they'd loaded the driver into the ambulance, but she's somehow gotten craftier over the years. She's not allowed within explosion range of the tanker (James's rules, not hers, though Remus thinks she'd probably change her stance on that now that her jacket can't close over the swell of her belly) but she cuts Remus off at the scarlet Number 10 engine. She dismisses his protests that he's fine (because he is!) and sends him home. There is no arguing with Captain Potter.
At home, he's alone with his thoughts. Sirius will be back...some time, hopefully before the sun rises. They both moonlight as paramedics, because of course they do. They have to constantly keep moving. If they stop, they might have to deal with all the shit getting thrown at them. If they stop, they might never start again. Remus lights their fireplace (funny how he can't stay away from that, either) pours himself a measure of whiskey, and curls up on their sofa.
Sirius wakes him with a gentle touch, all that's needed after years responding to a hair-trigger alert. "You're the worst fireman ever," he teases, gesturing to the still-lit fireplace. "Leaving a hearth unattended. Wow, Remus."
He smells like the hospital, like antiseptic and the lurid green cleaner they use on the floors. His mouth, when Remus kisses him, tastes like stale hospital coffee and cigarettes, and his hair is a bit lank under his fingers and his blue shirt sweat-damp. Need overtakes Remus, pushing aside the shadowy feelings lurking just below his skin, and he quickly fiddles with the zip and buttons of Sirius's uniform shirt.
Sirius pulls back as Remus's wandering hands grow more urgent, a questioning look in his eyes. "Bad call?" he asks, though he must already know. "Saw that guy..." Sirius stills Remus's hands and pulls him upright to sit next to him. "Even looked a little like your dad, huh?" His words are soft, smoke-husky, but gentle as he presses Remus to his chest.
Remus's throat is tight. "Yeah..." His father was a long-haul trucker, and not as lucky as the one today when his tires met sudden ice over a bridge. Accidents like this are always hard on him. It's been seven years, but things like that don't just go away. Remus clears his throat and stands, tugging Sirius up with him. "C'mon."
The shower is a sanctuary. There is no fire here, just steam. No murky memories or painful thoughts, just the slick slide of their bodies together as the water sluices through their skin. It washes grey soot and sweat alike down the drain until the water runs clear. Sirius shampoos Remus's hair with careful, luxurious care, working out the knots in his neck and shoulders with deft fingers, and Remus thinks (not for the first time), that if he could live in their shower, he would.
When Remus returns the favor, Sirius decides to drop to his knees and take Remus in his mouth. When Remus's nails scrape across his scalp, lathering the soap into his long, black hair, Sirius moans and takes him deeper, deeper, deeper, down into the soft, wet heat of his throat. There's no rush to it, though, no urgency to reach a hasty end, and Sirius stands to let Remus rinse his hair.
They fall into each other on the bed, sheets freshened by their maid (the one "frivilous" thing Remus agreed to after they both made Lieutenant) and smelling of lavender. Five years ago, Sirius would have begged him to talk about it, to open up, to crack apart his protective walls and spill all of his squirmy, sobbing guts out onto the mattress before they did anything. But Sirius knows him now, knows that Remus will speak when he's ready. They don't need words, not for this.
His hips whinge in protest when Sirius pushes his legs back, but Sirius's first bottomed-out thrust into his body is worth the discomfort. They don't often have time for actual sex, but their schedules and the stars do occasionally line up. Sirius fucks into him slowly, measured movements focused entirely on Remus's pleasure without racing towards orgasm. With each push forward, it's 'I love you 'and every pull out 'you are enough.' The kisses that dot his neck, stubble-rough, are 'you are a good son,' and the hands that catch his wrists and hold them above his head are 'you are a good man.'
By the end, Remus is crying, even as his orgasm is finally wrung from his body by Sirius's tongue filling the space his spent cock left. It's cathartic, a release of the emotions he's had to lock up, of the agonizing heartbreak he feels because it is too much for one person, it is, but if they don't do it...if they're not the ones running into burning buildings, parachuting into burning forests, racing toward burning cars... who will? No one wants their job. The pay is shit. The benefits are shit (well, there is a pension so that's pretty nice). The hours are fucking shit.
But the looks on their faces, like the man he resuced today...that look of hope that dawns like the day, that spurs them to hang on to their breath, to hang on to life...is enough.
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thenasoneshots · 2 years
Master list:
As I publish stuff, I will update this. - Underlined, have links, non-underlined are not linked yet
FandomMas: 2023
Ace Attorney + Next Gens
TGAA: Sherlock x Reader: Flowers of Love
DD/SOJ: Trans! Apollo x Reader: Love is Unconditional
DD: Simon x Phoenix's Sister! Reader: All for One and One for All
DD/SOJ: Apollo x Divorced! Reader: Doors Closed? Well, Windows are Always an Option
Addison x Edgeworth's Daughter! Reader: Untitled
BBC Sherlock
Sherlock x Reader: A Christmas Surprise
Lestrade x Reader: Classroom Shippers
Sherlock x Reader: 'Secret' Identity
John x Reader: Deductions or Doctor?
Sherlock x Daughter! Reader: The Girl that I Wanna Be
Black Butler
Ciel x Reader: A Birthday Surprise
Grell x Reader: BECAUSE I LOVE YOU!
Sebastian x Reader: Cats
Ciel x Reader: Secrets
Mey-Rin x Reader: Taking the Blame
Alois x Reader: Will He Allow It?
Ben x Reader: (Needs a Name)
Carlos x Reader: Dog Lovers
Bruno x Reader: You Can Always Find Help in Friends and Family
Fantastic Beasts/Harry Potter
Newt x Reader: Bowtruckles Know Love
Newt x Reader: The Memory of a Muggle
Newt x Reader: Trust is Important
Newt x Reader: Bookstore Lovers
Sirius x Reader: Protection and Pranks
Sirius x Reader: Some Facts Are Good to Know
James x Reader: Seven Minutes with Black
Remus x Reader: Visiting Hours
Sirius x Reader: The True Gift of Gifting (Christmas oneshot)
Remus x Reader: Frozen Heart
Wolfstar x Reader: Extreme Truth or Dare
Sirius x Reader: Its the Inside That Counts
WolfStar x Reader: Flirting Gets You Nowhere Part 1 Part 2
Wolfstar Raise Harry: Part 1 (Not x Reader)
Fireman Sam (Plz don't judge meh)
Sam x Reader: Some Secrets Can Be Shared
Sam x Daughter! Reader: How Far I'll Go (Songfic)
Genshin Impact
Kurt x Reader: Similarities
Blaine x Trans ftm! Reader: Love Story
Sebastian x Blaine's Sister! Trans ftm! Reader: You Are the Reason
John x Reader: Strangers to Lovers
Jefferson x Washington's Daughter! Reader: (Y/n)'s Candy Store
Lee x Laurens! Reader: "Get Away From My Sister!"
John x Laf's Sister! Reader: Laf the Matchmaker
Hazbin Hotel:
Alastor x Reader x Lucifer: A Tale of Two Dads
Oneshots: Series:
Coloratura x Reader: Remembering
Rainbow Dash x Reader: Tone it Down
Human! Sunset x Reader: Forgiveness, Can you Imagine?
Hikaru x Reader: Always There for You
Tamaki x Reader: Goodbye Doesn't Mean Forever
Hikaru x Reader: Jealousy
Tamaki x Reader: Mistakes of the Past
Tamaki x Reader: Never Give Up Hope
Kaoru x Reader: Safety Sacrifice
Tamaki x Reader: Wait...
Paw Patrol
Marshall x Reader: Battle of the Klutzes
Ryder x Reader: Behind the Scenes - I can't find on my Wattpad....
Chase x Reader: Guard Dog.... Literally
Ryder x Reader: You'll Always Belong
Cress x Reader: (Needs a Name)
Cress x Reader: Why Didn’t You Just Tell Me?
Chili x Reader: You Caused This?
Cilan x Reader: An Utter Surprise
Cress x Reader: Smarts of Reader-Chan
Cilan x Reader: (Needs a Name)
Professor Sycamore x Reader: Thank You?
Sofia the First
Cedric x Reader: Sofia and James; Ace Shippers!
Yuri on Ice
Viktor x Reader: A Helping Hand
IF you would like me to post any of the ones that aren't links, lmk and I will do!
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wzrd-wheezes · 7 months
james potter as a fireman?? idk why but it just fits
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Mr. March
Happy Birthday James Potter
So my plan was to post this on Saturday as that is the special day, but I've already been sitting on this for a few days and I am impatient for you all to read it. I hope you like it. Have to include a TW for a car crash.
read on AO3
Lily stared at her office calendar again, wondering once more if she should probably take it down. It wasn’t exactly PC and, even though she had checked that nobody was offended by it, she didn’t know if it was exactly acceptable to have a calendar of shirtless male firemen in a workplace anymore.
It had been part of her Secret Santa present (Marlene), and she had just put it up on the wall of her office in January, not taking that much notice of it. Not really anyway. Until March came around.
Mr March was wearing the boots and fireproof trousers with his chest bare, the same as all the others, the suspenders hanging at his waist. His light brown skin had been oiled and looked flawless contrasting against the tribal tattoo that covered his right shoulder and down the top half of his arm. The same arm that was holding a coiled hose making his bicep bulge slightly. He had dark penetrating eyes that were looking right back at her with a sparkle like he was thinking of some private joke just between them, his dark curling hair looked beautifully tousled in that way that photographers liked to do, to make you think their subject had just wandered out of bed, or someone had just had their fingers running through it. Once again she caught herself staring at him, biting the end of her finger in a wistful daydream, and not doing her work.
Mr March needed to be taken off the wall completely. He had already made her move the location of the calendar so it wasn’t constantly in her eye-line while she was sitting at her computer anymore. She found herself drifting off far too often fantasising about those strong arms rescuing her. Lord, she needed to get a life outside the office. Going home to her cat was not quite the same.
March moved to April and as nice to look at as the next picture was, she stopped noticing the calendar quite so much and she stopped thinking about taking it down.
“Have you seen the news?” her colleague and best friend Marlene came in asking her, as she sat down on the small sofa in the corner of her office. Lily did not stop what she was doing straight away as her friend asked the question, but finished typing out her sentence, added her sign off to the email, then clicked send. Only when she got the swoosh sound did she turn to the blonde woman waiting expectantly.
“I’m trying to get all my stuff done before my holiday next week so I haven’t stopped. What news?” she asked as Marlene pointed out the window where the spring sunshine was brightening up her office.
“Some blizzard is coming in. A blizzard in fucking April! Management is sending everyone home early. Didn't you get the email? I thought they would’ve sent it to you first?” Lily turned back to her computer frowning, realising she hadn’t turned off the do not disturb from her last Zoom meeting just after lunch. She clicked it off and hit refresh, then sighed as her screen filled with unread messages.
“You go, it’s fine, and send everyone else home too.” She told Marlene spotting a few ‘urgent’ flags and wondering how many of them actually were as urgent as the sender thought they were.
“What about you, Lil? The news says it’s another beast from the east. It might look okay now but who knows in an hour,” her friend told her concern clearly etched on her face. Lily smiled, feeling great affection for her friend and her worrying about her.
“I promise as soon as I get through these I’ll go,” she reassured her, although Marlene did not seem overly convinced and was squinting at her suspiciously. Lily half thought she might try to force her out the office and go home with her instead. As appealing as getting blind drunk and staying over at her best friend's house was, she didn’t want to leave anything half done here, as this was her last chance to try and catch up for a while. “If it gets too late or the snow’s too bad I’ll just stay. It’s not the first time.” This seemed to appease her enough to not force the issue any further. Instead she wished her a nice week off and bid her farewell.
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a-lilypad · 2 months
HIIIII!!! do we have any fireman au brainrot today?? i am thinking about them so hard rn... <3
so okay i've been thinking about them a lot but i'm kind of brain fried at the minute so i'll try and get my thoughts out coherently
so this is basically how i think the week or two after the first incident went...
the minute james and the other firemen left (backup was called) regulus collapsed on the sofa and had what was basically an extended temper tantrum because why did this have to happen in his holey ratty pyjamas and an old school hoodie please kill me right now
while barty laughed hysterically and documented it all in the skittles group chat
the next day barty got him a sexy fireman calendar which regulus used as kindling for the fire he decided to start so he had an excuse to get james back and see him again
he absolutely got all dressed up and changed his outfit fifty times first
also he does this multiple times
"barty where do you think is the most flammable place i could drop this candle that wont burn the whole place down"
"what would happen if i just so happened to drop a cigarette on the carpet"
"a lit match and 'accidentally' spilled vodka is definitely too insane right?"
meanwhile james is at home with anxiety sweats aggressively googling how to help arsonists
he's slipping fire safety pamphlets under their front door while leaving a fire extinguisher he went and bought outside of it just in case
he is so concerned
until he tells remus about the whole situation and remus literally has to leave the room because he can't breathe from laugh crying
which is how james (who truly is as dense as a brick) realised arson was regulus' chosen method of flirting
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The One With The Boyfriend Cleanse
“I hate Valentine’s, I hate happy couples and I hate men!” Lily said exasperatedly as she plonked herself on the ugly but comfortable purple sofa.
Remus raised an elegant eyebrow at her outburst, while Alice continued to lounge upside down on the armchair.
“Well not you Rem, you’re a literal angel,” Lily says matter of factly.
“Wanna tell us what happened?” Alice asked.
“Sev!” she said and they all shuddered.
“He asked me out again and when I declined, he started ranting about how I’ve changed and am hanging out with the wrong sort and what not!”
Severus was Lily’s friend from college. He harboured romantic feelings for the redhead which Lily unfortunately didn't reciprocate, leading to a fall out between them. But that hadn’t deterred the man from trying.
“Ugh, he’s the worst. The man simply cannot take a hint! Plus for such a germaphobe he has surprisingly bad hygiene,” Alice shuddered.
Remus sighed dramatically. “That is why I have decided to stay blissfully single.”
“I just want to find a nice guy, maybe get married, have a couple of kids,” Alice mused.
“Ugh, this is so depressing. I’m gonna make hot chocolate, want some?” Remus asked.
“Screw hot chocolate, lets have margaritas!” Lily announced. And that was how the three roommates and best friends got rather tipsy on Valentine’s day.
As they were finishing their third pitcher, Alice had the idea of performing a boyfriend cleanse . She felt they were being haunted by the bad vibes of terrible exes. While Remus and Lily initially scoffed at her, the alcohol and Alice’s persuasiveness had them on board in no time. They each decided to burn any momentos or gifts from past lovers they’d like to forget and ran to their rooms to get their stuff.
Fifteen minutes later they all reconvened in the living room with their momentos. Alice brought out an old steel bucket she used to store some of her art supplies and a candle. She placed the bucket on their coffee table and lit the candle.
“Okay, let us begin the boyfriend cleanse,” she said in a deep voice. “What? I’m trying to set the mood,'' she defended, when the other’s burst out laughing.
Lily decided to go first. She held a picture of herself and Anthony, taken at a funfair. They were eating candy floss and smiling widely at the camera. Unfortunately, he turned out to be a cheater. Oh well, good riddance , she thought as she held the edge of the photograph to the flame and dumped it in the bucket. She was met with cheers from the other two.
Remus went next and dumped a Holiday card from a bitter ex. Benjy and Remus had broken up a while back, and while it had seemed amicable at the time, Benjy was petty and sent Remus a holiday card from him and his new beau. The girls cheered and clapped him on the back.
Alice went next and threw in a pair of red boxers.
“Whose are those?” Lily asked.
“I don't remember, but hey, in the spirit of the cleanse…” Alice trailed off, shrugging.
“Oi! I think those were mine!” Remus pouted as the girls laughed sheepishly.
They continued the ritual; Alice threw in a few love letters from her first boyfriend, Edgar; Remus added the receipt from his dinner date with Gilderoy who had taken him to a swanky restaurant and then conveniently forgotten his wallet.
“And here we have Sev’s stupid hand sanitizer,” Lily crowed as she dumped the liquid into the bucket before the other two could stop her.
A burst of flames shot up from it as they all screamed and moved away from the table. Remus ran to get his cell phone and call the fire department.
The firemen were at their apartment within 15 minutes and had the bonfire under control.
“What do we have here?” asked the grey eyed fireman.
“Greeting cards, half-charred pictures... red boxers?” smirked the bespectacled man who Lily couldn’t stop ogling.
“You know, we can explain, it's a really funny story,” Remus tried.
“It's all right. You don't have to explain. This isn't the first boyfriend bonfire that we've seen get out of control.” The fireman who’d introduced himself as Frank said kindly.
“Really?” Alice said and smiled coyly. “I’m Alice by the way, and these are my friends, Remus and Lily.”
“Oh, sure, Valentine's is our busiest night of the year,” Frank said good naturedly.
“You're our third call tonight. I’m Sirius,” his colleague added.
“Oh, we don’t doubt you,” Lily said sincerely.
The three men burst into laughter. “No, that's his name. And I’m James. You already know Frankie, here,” the bespectacled man said as he locked eyes with Lily.
“Well, thank you so much for your help,” Alice purred as she looked at Frank, “Can we offer you something to drink, for the trouble?”
“Ahh, not while we’re on duty,” Frank said conscientiously.
“But we get off work in an hour, maybe we could pick you guys up for drinks?” Sirius asked the group with a charming smile but his eyes were zoned in on Remus.
“Oh he’s smooth,” Lily mumbled to a blushing Remus.
“Sure thing, meet us here in 90 minutes?” Lily asked after having a quick silent conversation with her roommates.
“It’s a date,” James said, his eyes twinkling with mischief as they left.
“Aaaah!” they all screamed as soon as the door shut.
“They're so handsome and they seem like good guys too!” Remus gushed.
“See? The cleanse worked,” Alice crowed and pushed her friends to get ready for their triple date.
A big thank you to the lovely @crazybutgood! for the beta help! You're a star!
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thebestofoneshots · 7 months
MARAUDWEEEN (marauders x reader) | masterlist
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Maraudween is a Halloween-inspired anthology series where each chapter transports you into a distinct alternate universe. From the real world to old western Texas and even through the dark times of vampires. These standalone tales invite you into a realm of boundless potential. Experience the enchantment of Halloween as it weaves its spell, intertwining the magic of costumes, AUs, terror and spice.
NSFW (this is a collection of smut fics)
Feels Like the First time
(James x reader) Prompt: This fic takes you to an Alternate Universe where James Potter is a fireman, telling the story of how you met, and how your first time came about.
(Remus x reader)+ bits of Sirius x reader
Prompt: This fic takes you to an Alternate Universe where Remus Lupin is the Sheriff of Moonridge and you’re an outlaw he’s bound to chase after, but there’s a catch, you knew each other in the past, and the tension between the two is palpable, to say the least.
More marauders fiction
Leve a comment if you wanna be tagged on Maraudween
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moonstruckme · 4 months
THAT ACTUALLY HAPPENS TO ME ALL THE FUCKING TIME!! My mind will just drift until I’m fully into an elaborate daydream and then suddenly I tune back into the lecture and I’m like five slides behind lmao
It’s a serious problem 😔🤚 I’m being lectured on gulliver’s travels but really I’m being fireman carried and gazed lovingly down upon by one James Potter
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