#first time drawing the inside of a car... be kind
8dayrain · 3 months
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road trip
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stevethehairington · 1 year
One day, seemingly out of the blue, Max starts calling Steve "Skippy".
No one knows why, no one knows where it comes from. And no matter how many times they all ask her to elaborate, she never does. She never tells them why.
They look to Steve for clarification, but even Steve is confused where it comes from.
Until one day she calls him "Skippy", then pointedly looks between him and Eddie, that mischievous quirk of her lips growing and one eyebrow arching slyly. It clicks then, for Steve, and he sinks back into the couch, blushing and grumbling under his breath about not having any privacy with these kids, jesus christ.
Max got the nickname from that one night a few weeks ago when she hadn't been able to sleep, so she'd wrapped herself in her blanket and slipped out of her front door to sit on the porch. She found that breathing in the shock of the cool night air helped ground her. Helped give her something else to focus on.
So that night she'd snuck outside, quietly so she didn't wake her mother. The Munson trailer was just a hop, skip, and jump away, and from her perch on her front steps she had the perfect view of it. And of the maroon Beemer parked right out front (as it so often was these days).
And of Eddie and Steve where they stood just outside the door. Where Steve's hands cradled Eddie's face, and Eddie's arms embraced his waist.
Where they were kissing.
It hadn't lasted long, just a short, sweet little thing. But when they two of them broke apart, they'd shared these shy looks, matching smiles curling their mouths. And, though it was too dark for Max to see, matches blushes painting their cheeks too.
They'd shared a bit more conversation that Max couldn't hear either, then one more fleeting kiss before Steve started to back away. He laughed as Eddie stepped forward, following him, and he'd put his hand between them, pressed it against Eddie's chest to stop him. Steve shook his head, and said something else that made Eddie pout, but reluctantly take his own step backwards.
Steve paused at the top of the stairs, watching Eddie retreat back to his front door. Eddie had blindly felt for the knob behind him, so he didn't have to look away from Steve, and when he found it and pushed the door open, he'd slowly slipped back inside. He paused in the archway, hanging onto the door, and had said something else (another goodbye, Max thought), and he'd waved one last time before the door finally closed.
Steve stayed put through it all, watching with stars and hearts alike in his eyes (not that Max could see those either, but if she knew Steve, and she did, they were definitely there). After the door shut, he lingered still, until he finally turned away.
He'd hopped down the stairs, and then, to Max's shock and absolute delight, god damn skipped the entire way to his car.
She'd had to stifle her laughter into her hand so as to not draw his attention.
Thus, "Skippy" was born.
But, after the initial surprise at finding out that Max had been (unintentionally) lurking in the shadows, Steve found that he didn't really mind the silly little nickname. In fact, he kind of loved it.
Because that night had been the night of Steve and Eddie's first kiss. That night had been the start.
A really good start.
And Steve kind of loved the reminder of that.
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savicals · 2 months
New neighbour König x afab reader part 2
*König is your new neighbour that you thought mildly disliked you.
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This ones for you @konigsandghostsslvt LMFAO ENJOY !!
You managed a choked out “Thank you,” before he offered to take the both of you home.
You were pleasantly surprised to find out that he drives a Mercedes S-class, but you did expect an executive car. He dropped off your friend first for convenience, since he and you were neighbours.
He got out of the car and opened the door to let her out and even told her goodnight. What a gentleman.
Just as he was about to close the door, you called his name.
He crouched down to see you inside the car and looked at you with curiosity.
“Why have you been so kind to us tonight?” You asked, returning his eye contact. “You don’t… You don’t talk to us. You don’t know us. You have no idea the kinds of people we are.”
But oh, how wrong you were. He knew exactly the kinds of people you were. Especially you. He knew what you were capable of, and it was you drawing a knot so tight in his stomach he has to fuck something. Whether it be a hand, a pillow, a sock, he didn’t care. It didn’t matter.
He stayed silent for a few moments. Then, he climbed into the seat next to you and shut the car door, never breaking eye contact.
Your heart started beating what you could only imagine as inhumanly fast when he leaned in closer to your face. You were inches apart and you were convinced he could smell the alcohol on your breath, so you tried to direct it away from him.
“I know your type.” He said, his accent prevalent. “You… are the innocent type who acts like she isn’t. You pretend you know what you are doing when you do not.”
He was so right, but why did he know that?
You didn’t actually have anything to say to that. So you looked at him and let him continue.
“You are a tease. What makes you such a tease is that you do it by accident. You don’t intend the nature of yourself that you put out. It’s like… an expensive treat that you want to get your hands on, but is behind an armoured window.”
Did he just imply he wants to get his hands on you?
“You…What? Sorry, are you telling me you want to put your hands… all over me?” You asked, swallowing the brewing heat that grew in your stomach, along with the nervousness you felt too.
“Would you let me?” He asked, holding eye contact still.
You sat for a second and thought. Obviously, the answer is yes. What idiot would say no to him? You let your head fall down in thought and kept it there, so it didn’t feel like König was analysing your thought pattern. It must have been a few minutes, because he lifted your chin up with his rough hands and forced you to look at him.
“Would you?” He asked, again.
This time you felt no inclination to think about your answer. You were already drunk anyway. Being drunk over König didn’t seem worse.
“Yeah.” You nodded, looking at him with your pretty eyes.
It made his dick throb.
He started by unbuckling your seatbelt and sitting you in a position facing him. He put his hands on your waist and revelled in how tiny you look in his hands.
You looked at him in such a way that drove him crazy. God, how he wanted to ruin you.
He moved your body closer to his and your breath hitched.
You decided to wrap your arms around König’s neck and pulled him forward for a kiss. You kissed him hard, and you kissed him desperately.
He wasn’t expecting it at all, not from you. The huge calloused hands wrapped around your waist clenched into a bruising grip, resulting in you moaning further into the kiss. He picked you up in what little room he had and sat you on his lap in the backseat of the car.
Just about the two of you could fit, and as if you knew what he wanted, you instinctively started grinding your hips down onto König’s lap, earning yourself a low grunt from the man. Finally, you broke the kiss with a gasp and leant back onto the back of the front-seat, still rolling your hips into your chauffeur.
“Mmmh…” you whined, making it known you wanted König even more than you were displaying. It was definitely reciprocated. König bucked his hips up into you as you were grinding into him, both of you still fully clothed, thickening the sexual tension between you two.
“Your place?…Or mine, meine liebe?” He asked, keeping his hands attached to your waist.
“Mm… mine? I don’t care…” you responded, your eyes screwed shut.
You whined in dissatisfaction when König moved you back to your original seat, making sure it was heard and exaggerated.
“I know, schatz.” He cooed, patting you on the leg. “10 minutes…and you’re all mine…”
He stepped out of the backseat and into the front. He turned the ignition on, and sped off back in the direction of home.
[part 3 is already in the making!! Sorry this one is short ily guys]
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roosterforme · 2 months
Covering the Classics Part 3 | Bob Floyd x OC
Summary: When Anna finally agrees to meet her new friends at the bar, she learns pretty quickly that the hot guy from the bookstore is actually Bob Floyd. But the fact that she ran and hid from him, thinking she'd never have to see him again, leaves her feeling mortified, and Bob is left to draw his own conclusions.
Warnings: Fluff, angst, adult language, eventually 18+
Length: 3700 words
Pairing: Robert "Bob" Floyd x Female OC (this story is part of the Beer Boy/Sugar and Jake/Jessica universe)
Covering the Classics masterlist. Check my masterlist for more! Thank you to @mak-32 for the beautiful banner!
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Anna took a deep breath as she swiped on some mascara and found her tube of lipgloss. She finally caved and agreed to go to the Navy bar that her friends couldn't stop talking about at lunch every day. She only had about five dollars in her wallet to buy a drink since she sold her car for rent money. She couldn't believe was going to take an Uber all the way to Coronado just to make an absolute fool of herself in front of this Bob character. And worst of all, she was still thinking about the hot guy with glasses from the bookstore. 
"It's okay," she told her reflection in the bathroom mirror. "At least you're absolutely killing it at work. And you're having a good hair day." She dabbed at her lips, but skipped the concealer. Kevin used to love it when she covered up her freckles which made her never want to do it ever again. Every time she thought about him, her heart skipped a beat, but not in the fun way.
She counted to five and said, "Kevin isn't here." Then she put her makeup away and made sure her computer was plugged in so she could mess around online when she inevitably returned to her miniscule apartment within the next hour and a half. "Let's get this show on the road," she muttered. 
The ride to the bar was uneventful, as she was sure the rest of her evening would be as well. Bob sounded like an absolute dream when Advanced Calculus and Advanced Physics talked about him. Anna couldn't imagine him being outright rude to her after the two of them said he was sweet and had perfect manners, but she could already tell what his reaction would be: a kind but forced laugh, and maybe a halfhearted smile. And then Anna would probably get to watch him pick up a different girl instead if she didn't leave right away with her proverbial tail between her legs. 
Maybe she should have stayed home.
"Here we are," the driver said as he pulled into a beachside parking lot as the sun started setting over the ocean. "The Hard Deck."
"That was quick," she murmured, wishing she could stay in the solitude of this backseat a bit longer as she climbed out. "Thanks."
The fact that every day in San Diego was warm and beautiful was going to take some getting used to. The weather almost never wavered here unlike back at home. Anna opened the weather app on her phone and scrolled to her saved location in New Jersey, and sure enough, it was raining there. She nibbled on her lip and checked her work email, dragging the toe of her beat up sneaker on the gavel parking lot. 
She was just stalling now, wondering if her friends would even notice if she didn't show up. They just met her two weeks ago; they probably didn't even really like her that much. Her thumb hovered over her rideshare app as she thought about the two other women just going about their business like normal if she never went back to the weird tree at lunchtime. She was inconsequential to their day.
Anna pressed her lips together and tapped the app. There was a car two minutes away, but the guilt of having wasted eighteen dollars to come here in the first place was eating away at her mind. "Damn it," she whispered as she closed out of the app and shoved her phone into the pocket of her snug jeans. She started walking up to the sand covered wood planks that led to the entrance of the bar, and she didn't stop until she was inside. 
Slow Ride was blaring from the sound system, and the place was pretty packed. It took a few seconds for her eyes to adjust so she could get the lay of the land, and when she did, she realized she was surrounded by mostly men. "Great," she mumbled, earning a few looks, probably because she had barely taken a step beyond the entryway before freezing up. 
But as Anna made her way closer to the bar, a big guy in a khaki uniform winked at her and called out, "Hey, Red!"
She felt her cheeks warm up which was certainly not going to help with that nickname. "Oh no." Deftly, she squeezed her way through the many bodies until she had one hand resting on the bar. Why were all these men so attractive? And why were they looking at her? 
When a different guy next to her turned and saw her, he stuck out his hand and said, "Hey, I'm Jackson."
"Anna," she replied, slipping her smaller hand into his very briefly before trying to take a step back. But she just ended up bumping into someone else. 
"You gotta let me buy you a drink," Jackson told her with a grin. "Seriously. You're already the best part of my night."
Anna swallowed as she looked around for her friends, but she didn't see either of them. "Um... not yet. I'm not a big drinker."
Jackson laughed merrily. "Aww, honey. You came to the wrong place. Hey, Penny!" Anna watched the bartender turn around with her hands full of two martini glasses. "Can you get this one anything she wants on my tab?"
Penny laughed, and said, "You'll have to get in line, Jackson. You're number four on her roster already."
"Damn it!" Jackson complained with a laugh.
Anna's eyes went wide as Penny delivered the two drinks and then came back and leaned on the bar right in front of her. "By the looks of things, you won't have to pay for a single drink all night. So what'll it be?"
Penny had friendly looking eyes that made Anna feel a little more comfortable. "A ginger ale?"
"Coming right up," Penny replied, reaching for a pint glass and the soda dispenser gun without looking away. "I've never seen you in here before, so I feel like it's only fair to warn you that these guys can get a little relentless."
That was literally the last thing Anna wanted to hear right now. Even Jackson hadn't moved an inch away from her, and her hands were starting to sweat as the ginger ale came gliding across the bar. When she wrapped her hand around the cold glass, she told Penny, "I'm actually supposed to meet some friends here. But I don't see them?"
She smiled and said, "Give me a name."
Anna looked down into the bubbles of her drink and muttered, "Jessica Reed?"
The response was immediate but kind. "By the pool table. Where she always is. Oh, and do not challenge her to a game, because she will kick your ass."
Anna laughed as she picked up her drink. "Thank you so much. And um... could you thank whomever paid for my ginger ale?"
Penny nodded as Anna started to head for the pool table. Jackson pouted at her, and the big guy in the uniform called out, "Come back, Red!" She ignored both of them as she fought her way through the crowd, desperately trying not to spill her drink on anyone. There were a lot more khaki uniforms and even some one piece jumpsuit type things that had patches sewn onto them. She read a few of the patches as she got closer to the pool table. Harvard. Omaha. Halo. Those were some weird names. 
"There she is. Anna!" 
She turned her head when she heard her name, and she saw Jessica waving one hand in the air as she juggled a beer and a pool cue in the other. Jessica actually looked happy to see her as she stood there, all wrapped up in the arms of a guy that Anna couldn't fully see yet. And then her other friend was waving both hands in the air, too, so she waved back. "Hi."
Both women squealed, "Hi, Anna!" in unison, and it was honestly one of the nicest sounds Anna had heard in recent memory. She already felt better about being here now, and that's when she caught sight of who she assumed was Jake. And she was momentarily struck dumb. 
The blonde man kissed the side of Jessica's neck and whispered something before releasing her, and then his green eyes met Anna's as he smiled. She decided immediately that he looked like a GQ model, and that was actually pretty fitting for what would pair well with Jessica.
"Hey," Jessica said, reaching for her hand and pulling her closer. "This is my boyfriend, Jake." She gestured over her shoulder to the GQ model who reached his hand out.
"Hi, Anna," he said with a southern drawl. "I've heard a lot about you."
"Oh. Same," she replied, biting her tongue before she told him she'd never heard of a man who was sweet enough to pack his girlfriend fancy sandwiches and also had the nerve to look like he belonged on a magazine cover.
"And that's Bradley," Jessica said mildly. 
"My god," she whispered to herself. Her other friend was wrapped up in a pair of thick arms that belonged to a man with a mustache and alluring scars that ran along his left cheek and down the side of his neck into his floral shirt collar. He was every bit as good looking as Jake, but he had dark hair and eyes and looked decidedly a little bit rougher around the edges. 
She blushed as she remembered the comment about how he and his wife liked to use math as foreplay in the bedroom. Right now, he kept pulling his wife closer for another hug and kiss while she playfully tried to escape his grasp, and Anna had to look away, because a flash of jealousy hit her like a brick. 
"Hey, Anna," came Bradley's gravelly voice as he finally released his wife, and she shook his hand as well. "Sugar told me you're from New Jersey."
Sugar? Anna was definitely beat red in the face now. "That's right."
He laughed and reached out again for a fist bump. "Way better than all these west coast losers," he said over his shoulder, earning a middle finger from another seriously good looking guy.
"Stop trying to make her think you're cool, Beer Boy," his wife told him with an eye roll before he turned away to talk to the other guy. 
The problem was, Anna already thought they were all devastatingly cool, and now she was standing here like an awkward fifth wheel. "Do you want a beer?" Jessica asked with a smile. "They have Sam Adams."
Anna didn't want to tell her about the scant five dollars in her pocket, and she also didn't want to have to thank one of the random guys who told Penny they wanted to buy her a drink, so she just shook her head. 
Then her other friend said, "Well Bob is up at the bar right now. You just missed him, actually." She was smirking as she added, "He's probably getting himself a ginger ale, but if you want a beer or something else, he'd be happy to get it for you."
She made like she was about to call out his name when Jessica said, "Bob also likes ginger ale. And the bookstore in North Park."
Anna met her eyes before turning and craning her neck. "He does?" she asked softly, thinking about those pretty eyes and wire rimmed glasses and the smell of tea leaves. And then she saw him. He was here! "Oh," she gasped. He was Bob?
"Thanks, Penny," Bob said as he accepted his drink. Two of the guys at the bar were talking about a cute redhead, and all he could think about was the girl from the bookshop who decided after probably four minutes and seventeen seconds that she didn't want to talk to him anymore. He wanted to look around for this mysterious, new redhead, because if he was being honest, that was something he really thought was pretty, but what was the point? She was probably already over trying to talk to Bradley or Jake or Mickey.
Yesterday, Bradley told him to start wearing his uniform to the bar if he wanted more girls to talk to him, but Bob wasn't that desperate. He still had this fantasy where he met the girl of his dreams kind of organically. But maybe wearing a Dungeons & Dragons shirt wasn't the best thing he could have paired with his jeans tonight. Jake took one look at it thirty minutes ago and told him to go home and change into something else.
"Your girlfriend likes it," Bob had told him with a smirk, and sure enough a minute later Jessica was making a fuss over it.
But now he was making his way back to the pool table where the two couples were most likely on the verge of being indecent. Seriously, if Bob had to watch Bradshaw's hands all over his wife's rear end for one more minute, he was going to scream. 
Then he saw her, and he nearly dropped his glass of ginger ale on the floor. It was the girl from the North Park bookstore. Red hair, brown eyes, freckles, kissable lips. She was looking back at him in disbelief. 
Oh my god. He was hallucinating. He must be. Jessica was talking to the redhead who wasn't paying an ounce of attention to her, because she was focused on Bob. Her lips curled into a smile, and he thought he'd better make sure. When he glanced to his left and then his right, he didn't see anyone else who could be on the receiving end of that smile besides him. 
"Bob!" called Bradshaw's wife. "Come meet Anna!"
Anna. That was the name of their new friend from the university. They talked about her all the time even though they just met her. They told him he would like her. But this was the girl who wanted that horrible Vonnegut book last weekend. This was the girl Mickey thought he imagined.
Apparently he hadn't stopped walking, because now he was right in front of the three women, and he had three pairs of wide eyes trained on his face. "I remember you," he said softly. "From the classics section." Her lips parted softly, and her pupils went wide as Bob asked, "Are you Anna?"
She nodded, her cheeks tinged with pink beneath her freckles. He almost groaned, because she was so much cuter in person than what his memory supplied. Nothing about her was flashy, which he almost preferred, but there was no way she wasn't the hot girl that those guys at the bar were talking about. 
"I am," she replied. "And you're Bob?"
He glanced at the other two women, wondering what exactly they told her about him. They looked like they were both holding their breath as he held out his hand and said, "I'm Bob Floyd. It's nice to meet you. Again."
"I'm Anna Webber." She bit her lip, a look of embarrassment overtaking her features as she shook his hand gently. Then he remembered that she ditched him last weekend, leaving nothing but the book he'd already devoured in her place like some sort of parting gift. He released her hand abruptly and cleared his throat.
Now she looked a little hurt, but he didn't know what to say. He ran his fingers through his hair, his nerves getting worse by the second as the other two women practically vibrated with excitement on either side of Anna. "Uh, thanks for that book recommendation. I loved it," he said, barely meeting Anna's pretty eyes.
She gasped and asked, "You read it? You actually read it?"
Bob was trying to formulate another coherent response, but the urge to walk out of the bar was very strong. He was already embarrassed right now, and then he heard Mickey's voice as his friend walked over. "Holy shit, she does have red hair and brown eyes."
Mickey seemed to capture Anna's attention for the time being which really grated on Bob's nerves. Nat would never do this to him, and he couldn't wait until she got home from being deployed. Then Bradshaw's wife was in his personal space along with Jessica. "So she was the girl? From the store in North Park?" she whispered, squeezing his hand.
"The one you had instant chemistry with?" Jessica added hopefully. 
Bob swallowed hard. "Yeah," he murmured. "It was Anna. But the two of you need to knock it off now, because it's probably not going to happen. There's just something about me that doesn't translate well. She kind of ditched me at the bookstore."
"What do you mean?" Jessica practically shrieked, and Bob had to hush her. "You're perfect for each other!"
He closed his eyes and shook his head, letting his awkwardness wash over him. "I don't know, Jess."
When he opened his eyes again, Anna was looking at him while she talked to Mickey, and Bob knew it would take even longer to get over the mystery woman now.
Anna couldn't believe Bob was the mystery man from the bookstore. Their chance meeting read like a piece of poetry that had no business being in her life, but the fact that she was meeting him for the second time felt something like fate. And she didn't like it. Not one bit. 
He was so handsome, just like Jake and Bradley. Now Anna was wondering what they fed these men in the Navy, because Mickey was very good looking as well. But the more she spoke to him, the more irritated Bob seemed. And she didn't like how his brow was pinching above his glasses. Not compared to the way he'd looked at her in the bookstore. 
Her mind was a mess right now. And then she remembered that she actually ran and hid from Bob last time she saw him. She started to panic and look around, silently coming up with an escape route, but it was too late. 
"Let's play pool?" Jessica asked a bit cautiously, and that was when Anna fully pieced it all together. Her new friends from work were going to think she wasn't attracted to Bob, but that couldn't have been further from the truth right now. Frankly she didn't know what she should do, so she followed everyone over to the pool table.
Well, everyone except for Bob. He remained at the bar alone, and she couldn't really blame him for not wanting to talk to her after the stunt she pulled in the bookstore. But she was only trying to protect herself. Maybe she could explain that to him. 
She was trying to decide if she would have hid from the most attractive man who had given her the time of day in years if she knew it was actually Bob. That's when she set down her empty glass of ginger ale because she was being handed a pool cue and told to team up with Bradley. She went through the motions, playing as well as she could while she chatted with everyone, but she found herself hoping to catch Bob's pretty eyes looking at her. Once she lost and handed the cue to Jessica, she saw him heading her way, and he had a glass of ginger ale in each hand.  
"Anna," he said softly in that voice that left her shivering. She took the drink he offered her and tried to act normal, but she was still so startled by what he said earlier. 
"Did you really read A Room with a View?" she asked quickly before she lost the nerve.
Bob smiled softly and met her eyes briefly before glancing at the floor. "Every word of it."
She bit her lip to keep from screaming. Kevin never once read any of the novels she suggested for him, preferring modern horror monstrosities instead. And then he went and actually turned her life into a horrific monstrosity which she should have probably seen coming. But right here in front of her was Bob who she had actually already met and formed a pitiful crush on, and she couldn't bring herself to say more than, "I'm happy you read it."
He was blushing now as he sipped his own ginger ale before saying, "Yeah, it was great. I wouldn't mind some more of your book recommendations, honestly. As long as you don't try to get me to read that Vonnegut."
"Cat's Cradle," she said with a laugh that had his gaze snapping back up to hers. His eyes were hopeful as she smiled at him, but she rubbed her hand along her forehead and said, "I'm sorry I... vanished. The other day."
"What happened? I told Mickey I needed a minute, and you were just gone."
She wanted to be honest with him, but she didn't know how to explain herself. And now she was starting to feel like she and Bob were in a fishbowl; so many pairs of eyes were looking their way with next to no subtlety. She cleared her throat and decided to avoid his question. "Have you read any Jane Austen?"
He looked a bit disappointed by her response, but he said, "I have not."
"I think you'd enjoy Persuasion. Or Northanger Abbey. What about Virginia Woolf?"
Bob shook his head. "I feel like I'm about to embarrass myself again like I did last weekend at the bookstore, but no, I haven't read either."
Anna practically moaned at his bashful expression and pink cheeks. He smelled so good, it was unbelievable. Why did she feel so drawn to him? Why couldn't she stop herself from taking a step closer when he muttered, "As soon as you said you knew what Cat's Cradle was about, I figured I was in way over my head. The classics kind of elude me. I'm actually more of a poetry buff."
"Poetry?" she gasped, heart pounding at an overwhelming rate as he swirled his glass of ginger ale around with nonchalance. As if he hadn't just said the sexiest thing any man had ever told her. 
"Are the two of you just going to stand here and play footsie all night?"
Anna looked up to see Jake with a smirk on his face right in front of her. She didn't even notice anyone else in her vicinity before he spoke. Bob was shaking his head and already taking a step away from her when she asked, "Do you want me to text you some more recommendations?"
Bob froze and turned to look at her with a soft smile. "That'd be great." When she handed him her unlocked phone, he quickly added his number before handing it back to her. His calloused fingers felt even more exhilarating this time, which was very bad, because she'd already been thinking about the way he accidentally touched her at the bookstore on repeat.
"I'll send you some of my ideas," she muttered, pocketing her phone again before allowing Jake to pull her away toward the pool table again. She tried her best not to let her attention return to Bob over and over again, but she mostly failed. Sure enough, after a while, she saw another woman break the perimeter of the pool table and make a beeline toward Bradley before eventually turning toward Bob. 
She was really pretty with shiny brown hair, and it made Anna uncomfortable when she touched Bob's arm. It wasn't fair. He was so lovely and soft spoken and handsome. He was even wearing a shirt Kevin would have never been caught dead in, but it made Anna smile. In another version of her life, she would have gone for it tonight. Instead she got to watch the brunette woman hand him her phone just like she'd done a few minutes prior. 
"It's pretty late," she said suddenly even though she had no idea what time it actually was. "I'm going to head out."
Advanced Calculus and Advanced Physics both looked a little alarmed. "Already?"
"Yeah," she said, setting down her ginger ale and trying to skirt past Bob and the unknown woman. She gave both of her friends a quick hug and said, "I have a lot to prepare for my upcoming classes this weekend."
"Let me walk you to your car," Bob replied immediately, slipping away from the brunette to be closer to Anna. "Maybe you can give me the titles of the Jane Austen books again?" His cheeks were flushed, and the other woman looked annoyed now which did make Anna smile.
"Persuasion and Northanger Abbey," she repeated for him as she started to walk past the bar sending a wave in the direction of the pool table. Bob was following her now as she added, "And I don't have a car, so there's nothing to walk me to."
"Persuasion and Northanger Abbey," he repeated softly to himself. "Will you let me drive you home then?" he asked hopefully. "All I had to drink was ginger ale."
Anna let herself look up at him before she shook her head. "I'll get an Uber, but thanks for offering. It was nice to meet you. Again."
"It sure was," he agreed as he continued to follow her all the way to the door.
With one last glance over her shoulder, she noticed the dark haired woman on her tiptoes looking around for Bob. "Your brunette friend is looking for you," Anna said softly before slipping outside into the cool night air and opening the rideshare app on her phone. Bob didn't follow her any further, and she rode home with disappointment and sadness thrumming through her body. She was out of cheap wine, but at least she had her favorite poetry website to keep her company.
Bob groaned as he nudged his glasses up his nose and pressed his fingertips to his eyes until he was seeing stars. "But I like redheads," he moaned to himself. He could not believe it. He really just couldn't get over the fact that tonight of all nights some random woman started to chat him up. Anna could barely look at him to begin with, but now he'd be damn lucky if she actually texted him the book recommendations at all. 
His dream girl was Anna. Anna was the perfect woman he met at the bookstore. Anna was the one he'd been thinking about nonstop, but now he had confirmation that she wasn't into him. That's why she vanished last weekend. That's why she gave him the cold shoulder tonight when he was practically tripping over himself at the sight of her. She was perfect. He was just hopeless. He could keep thinking about her, but what was the point? Now that he knew she worked with his friends, he had to stop this crush in its tracks and try to save face.
"There you are, Robby." A hand snaked around his side to his abs, and he almost jumped a foot in the air. He hated being called that, and he hated that Anna saw this woman talking to him. 
"Hi," he said cautiously, taking a step away from her. 
"Is the redhead your girlfriend?" she asked, clearly annoyed now.
Bob sighed and said, "I wish."
She rolled her eyes and vanished back into the crowd, leaving him alone again. He never imagined he'd have such an eventful night involving the fairer sex. "Damn it," he whispered as he made his way back toward the pool table to his friends. 
"There he is!" Bradley called out with his hands cupped around his mouth. "Big ol' Bob! Did you just give your phone number to not one but two women?"
His wife and Jessica both looked mad now. "I thought you liked Anna," Jessica snapped. "Once we realized she was the redhead from the bookstore, we thought you'd probably end up sneaking off with her or something."
Bob could feel the heat rising in his face. "Come on," he replied, giving Jessica a look. "There's no way that would have happened. And I didn't give that other woman my number. I didn't even want to talk to her." In a softer voice, he added, "She just started touching me for no reason."
Bradley's wife pulled Bob in for a quick hug as she said, "Pretty soon, you'll be as good at dodging them as Bradley is." She looked him in the eye and quietly asked, "Now what happened with Anna?"
"I don't really know." That was his honest answer. "I was excited to see her again. I guess I imagined she vanished in the bookstore like some sort of romanticized Cinderella fairytale or something stupid when in reality she just... kind of got tired of talking to me. She seemed a little uncomfortable when she saw me again tonight, so that must be it."
"I think you're wrong," she said with conviction that almost made Bob believe it himself. "Jess and I will ask her about it next week."
"Please don't," he groaned, shaking his head. "I'm going to go home. See you at D&D tomorrow," he told Jessica before stopping by the bar to pay for the ginger ales, but Penny just waved him on. He left her a ten dollar tip and walked out to his truck. 
It wasn't even that late, and when he parked in front of his duplex, his elderly next door neighbor was still awake with her door propped open for her cat to come back inside. As Bob trudged up the shared walkway with his key in hand, she called out, "Robert! Is that you?"
"Hi, Suzanne," he replied with a laugh. "It's me."
She was sitting on her couch, and he could hear game show reruns playing as she loudly said, "You're home pretty early for a Friday night. Still haven't found a girlfriend?"
Bob groaned. He could kick himself for even mentioning that he wished he had a girlfriend a few weeks ago when he took dinner over for her one Sunday evening. "Still single," he confirmed as he headed for his front door which was all of ten feet away from hers. 
She scoffed, and Bob saw her massive cat, Sylvester, streak back inside. "You must not be trying very hard, Robert. Handsome, strong thing like you."
It was like arguing with his grandma, so he just avoided it completely. "Okay, I saw Sylvester run inside, so I'm going to close your front door. Make sure you lock it before you go to sleep. Good night, Suzanne."
He pulled her door closed for her and then unlocked his, and he walked inside to find his copy of A Room with a View sitting on the coffee table. It seemed to be taunting him like it knew he'd seen the adorable redhead again. And struck out a second time. He was confused and hurt and annoyed, and he just wanted to go to bed and pretend like he wasn't as hopeless as he felt. 
These babes need to get themselves straightened out! Anna, he thinks you're not into him! Bob, she's scared to admit she is! Thanks @mak-32 and @beyondthesefourwalls
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kissami · 4 months
UN ÁNGEL- Cloud strife Headcanons
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sum. Need boyfriend headcanons for cloud? SAY LESS.
warning: modern cloud, oc cloud srry I love him soft, might be a little self insert because of the stuff I like but that’s all
femreader! with she/her pronouns
song of the day: igual que un ángel - Kali uchis
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boyfriend Cloud who knows your order by heart at your guys’ favorite coffee shop and no matter how many times he does it, it never fails to make you blush and impressed.
Boyfriend Cloud who never fails to make you ticklish especially during intimate moments that you can’t help but burst out laughing.
Boyfriend Cloud who sometimes can’t handle all the attention and affection so he distances himself but can’t help but miss you even more.
Boyfriend Cloud who loves picking you up from university on his motorcycle to show off especially knowing that Reno would be there. He is still very bitter that Reno was your first kiss in fifth grade and not him because he was too busy helping collect Tifa’s shopkins from the grass at recess.
Boyfriend Cloud who loves going to Aerith’s flower shop because he helps her make your bouquets extra pretty just for you. #bestfriendprivileges
boyfriend Cloud who has recurring nightmares of losing you to Sepiroth. No not the “I’ll steal your girl,” kind of way. More like he murders you and Aerith at the same time. Perhaps something from a past life?
Boyfriend Cloud who loves watching studio ghibli movies with you especially ponyo and spirited away. Let’s not get started on his love for Princess Mononoke.
Boyfriend Cloud who goes with you at the bookstore for now on to carry your books because he found out that a guy put his number inside of a book after catching it for you when you accidentally dropped it from your stack pile.
Boyfriend Cloud who’s COMPLETELY and UTTERLY obsessed with you. Not the annoying obsession, but the obsession that makes your tummy in knots and the cute things he loves to do for you. Whether it’s making you lunch for school/ work, leaving cute notes on your door handles, or literally dropping everything instantly for you when you call.
Boyfriend Cloud who hid in the bathroom after you guys had…yk…and too embarrassed to come out. If only he knew you were on the bed breathless and wanting more.
Boyfriend Cloud who baby trapped you. With a cat. Her names Honey and every time there’s an argument he uses her as an excuse to visit you. “We can’t let our cat have separated household problems,she needs both of her parents so please answer the door.”
Boyfriend Cloud who had no idea him getting a lip piercing would be in the way of kissing you for it to heal correctly. He ran out of the piercing shop and only agreed to come back to get a matching eyebrow piercing with you instead.
Boyfriend Cloud who not only made you a playlist, but this mf burned a cd for you, made tifa draw a one in a million piece of art for you for the cover, has a sticker of it on his car, and even bought a necklace that had the Spotify playlist code. So whenever a person flirts with him, he’ll hold it up and say, “scan this and read the description. That’ll be my answer for you.”
Boyfriend Cloud who didn’t understand why you were so obsessed with kpop, especially BTS. Him and jungkook have beef apparently. He also buys you albums all the time and even sacrifices himself to let you use his phone to make sure you guys get tickets to concerts.
Boyfriend Cloud who WILL call your work to call off. He doesn’t care, cuddles are more important.
Boyfriend Cloud who forces you to drink water whenever you hang. You always complain about headaches and he makes sure when you’re with him you’re hydrated.
Boyfriend Cloud who is addicted to Dr.Pepper. You gave him some when you two went to watch Barbie in the summer and it’s his holy grail. “We need to head to Costco, I ran out of my pepper.”
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cursedmoon-doll13 · 10 months
La Petite Mort
(Lucius Malfoy x Reader)
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Cw: Smut, Noncon, PwP, Afab Reader, Death Eater Lucius, Unprotected Sex/Creampie, Fingering, Choking, Forced Orgasm, Degradation (‘slut,’ ‘whore,’ ‘mudblood’), Nasty Graveyard Sex™️
Word Count: 1.2k
Ao3 || Masterlist || Dividers by @/saradika
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Late that evening, you find yourself wandering, loitering, roaming aimlessly in the quiet of your local graveyard. Humid fog cloaks the night as street lamps flicker on and hum, flashing with yellowy light. Death is out of reach, distant and unreal.
But then, it finds you first, grasping you powerfully. You yelp as your head bumps sorely against the mossy tombstone, caged in by a spectre… 
“Who— Who are you?!” 
The hooded figure does not answer. In the dark, your blood freezes to ice inside your veins as you watch him reach into his clothes and draw out some long, sharp object— A switchblade, he’s going to—
“Muffliato,” he hisses.
The flash of car headlights blinds you— But your desperate pleads for help all go unanswered. He tsks as his gloved hand seizes your jaw and pulls you forcefully towards him. Blown softly from the slits in his mask, his cool breath fans over your skin. 
“To think this utter filth could have such an effect on me…” The figure mutters quietly, as if to only himself: “You dare to be so alluring…” 
“I— I don’t know what you’re…”  
You shriek as he brandishes the pointed object again, uttering incantations, and your clothes melt away like fragile, torn spiderwebs. It dies in your throat as he squeezes your windpipe, the frigid night wind air biting at your naked flesh— If only you could wriggle out of his grasp— but some unnatural force has paralysed you, left you completely at his mercy. 
“Hold your tongue, Mudblood,” he spits contemptuously, as the other leathery hand slithers down your belly, prying your thighs apart— Now, you finally understand— His true motive— 
A long, smooth finger curls into your pussy, and you screech at the unwelcome intrusion. But then, he pulls briefly out, his strange knife prods at your leg, and lustful heat pours into you— No, this can’t be happening, but oh God, it is— The heady slick of your arousal is coating his glove, eliciting slimy, lewd noises as he pumps mercilessly into your wet cunt— Fuck, he’s tightening his grip on your throat, cutting off your whimpers as you choke, squirming feebly.
“Look at you, muggle slut,” he’s mocking you, his deep voice dipping silkily into a croon. “You are lapping it up, aren’t you? Desperate whore.” 
His thumb rubs harshly over your clit, and you shudder, flinching away from the jolt of nerves that stings you; rejecting it. You let out a strangled sort of cry as the offending fingers pinch, hard, and another slides into your soaked pussy, assaulting you utterly.
“All this time, you’ve been waiting for me…” The man sneers haughtily. “None of your weak, worthless kind could ever satisfy you, no, not like I could.” 
Fear-stricken, all you can do is stare dumbly into those metal slats. You’re still petrified against the stony grave, as if bound by invisible manacles— Worse still, the satisfaction you feel is real; a fiery spark of pleasure, rising up against your will… 
And then you shriek loudly again as you are thrown onto your back on the filthy ground. You see him clearly now, looming tyrannically against the backdrop of a coldly gleaming sky— The outline of a dark, shrouded robe, long strands of silvery hair escaping through the confines of his hood, and the unforgiving visage of his embellished mask…  
But your moment of freedom is abruptly cut off as you’re rolled around onto your stomach, gasping and clutching for purchase on the foetid soil. The dark fabric of his shroud billows and wafts over you, strangely pleasant… Almost.
“Yes… This is all you’ve ever wished for,” he murmurs softly into your ear, caressing you, gentle as a lover. “… And so much more. Isn’t that right?” 
Your joints lock up, horrified, as the unmistakable outline of his cock twitches over your ass. The hooded figure sighs contentedly, and, flexing his gloved hands, lifts you up by the hips, positioning himself readily over your dripping cunt. You swallow, only capable of whining futilely in protest; whatever restraint binds you, it holds you fast.
“Be still, now,” he commands. 
You have no other choice. With a pleasant hum, your assailant fills you to the brim with his cock, sinking into you like hot, insidious venom. Damp cemetery dirt sticks onto your bare flesh, crusting your knees as you press your forehead to the ground… No, no, If you could wish for anything but your escape right now, it would be to smother that sickly sweet aching in your abdomen, the drag against your insides as he rolls his hips into you… Pulling out, slowly, and thrusting back in with a wet slap. He moans deeply. 
“This is good, very good…” The masked man purrs. “See how you can pleasure me, serve me… Even as a mudblood. You are gifted, indeed.” 
You let out a croaky noise - somehow too exhausted to fight back any longer - as he kneads your thighs, forcing you to take every sordid inch of him into your throbbing cunt. The soil spills through your fingers, whining pitifully as unwanted thrills spiral through you with his every deliberate movement. 
“So tight… So wet. You can’t deny it, can you?” 
Chuckling, the man adjusts you carefully and fucks you harder still, vibrating your ravished body with a low groan, a decadant thing. 
“Ah, you take me so well…” 
There’s nothing that can stop the needy whine that spills from your lips, as he just hits that perfectly mind-numbing spot— Are you under some strange fog, a dream, or spell…? He slides you over his cock so perfectly, it feels as if you were meant to be his, in his grip, being used like a beloved plaything… You could almost let him have you… Just let him… 
“That’s it,” he’s saying. “Surrender yourself to me.” 
As he holds you flush against him, his cool breath brushes over your nape, the silvery strands of his hair tickling your skin. His pace quickens as he rocks steadily into you, lapping over your consciousness like euphoric waves, rising higher and higher… 
You don’t know why you’re begging; or what for, but the heat radiating from your core is burning so hot, like boiling poison threatening to spill over. Trembling now, you choke out a strangled moan as his gloved fingers swiftly find your clit again and rub urgently— his breath hastens and hitches above you— his thrusts strike true, burying himself deep inside your pussy— Your walls spasm and clench around him— Your own climax jolts you, giving sorely little warning before releasing its knot and assaulting your body, so intense it’s almost painful— The masked man rolls his hips hard— He cums inside you, and it feels like the sting of fangs, a deposit of venom. 
For a moment, there is stillness. You hear the distant squeal of tires again, but louder is your own heartbeat, skittish as a captured prey animal.
“You’re mine, now…”
Your assailant’s darkly rich voice has dipped into a hypnotic hiss - almost calming - and you go limp in his arms, fucked into submission. He hums and softly strokes your hair, almost affectionately, and the darkness, thick and bleak, consumes you.
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ncityprincess · 4 months
how yuta would be as a boyfriend
The series continues 🤭 check out the other members in my masterlist!
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-like i said, he is totally a gomez addams type of lover
-and based on astrology, we know scorpios are passionate and intense af
-so best believe this man is going to do any and everything to get you
-he’s not gonna just date anybody
-he has to be completely and utterly consumed by the person he is with
-a once in a lifetime connection
-he would be all about you. mind, body and soul
-he wouldn’t just like you, he would be infatuated by you and borderline obsessed
-without even having a single conversation with you
-he just observes you, and immediately knows he has to have you
-one day, jaehyun invites his girlfriend and her best friend (you) over to an infamous 127 Karaoke Extravaganza
-and immediately yuta knows within the first five minutes of meeting you that he’s gonna make you his
-after hanging out for a few weeks and getting to know you more he takes you off the market so that no one else can have you
-finders keepers losers weepers <3
-he’s not gonna bullshit you
-what you see is what you get
-he’s not going to waste your time or his
-that’s why he wastes no time in making it official
-but anywho, yuta is super attentive and caring as a boyfriend
-you can literally turn your brain off when you’re around him
-he’s going to be your eyes and ears for you
-and yuta already has that “don’t fuck with me” aura about him
-so you will always feel safe and secure around him
-but more than that
-he just makes you feel seen and beautiful
-you never have to question where he stands with you
-will proudly show you off to everyone in his life
-everyone within an 10 mile radius will know you’re with him
-holds your hand, or waist, or the small of your back wherever you go
-and it makes you feel super girly and loved
-now I know we all may automatically think he’d be super possessive over you
-especially if other men try to hit on you
-but for some reason a small part of me thinks he would get an ego boost when other dudes gawk at you
-it gives him a rush of pride, knowing that he has what everyone wants
-he knows you’re fine as shit, and other people should know it too
-but if they get disrespectful with it, things can turn ugly real mf quick so watch out!
-loves to surprise you with outfits for date night
-he has a really good eye for fashion and knows what flatters your body surprisingly well
- he’s alwayssss thinking about you
-what he can do for you, how he can make you happy, what do you need
-he will do things like put gas in your car the night before you leave for work
-clean your room so that you can focus on studying for a test
-draw you a bubble bath and give you a thorough body massage when you tell him you had a rough day
-he can tell what kind of mood you’re in with just one look at you
-he has studied you inside and out
-and secretly hopes that you do the same for him 🥲
-he has a service mindset
-that definitely translates in and out the bedroom ;)
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kyufessions · 4 months
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synopsis: your annoying neighbor bothers you yet again
pairings: neighbor! eric x afab! reader
genre: smut, 18+
request: “open your mouth” + “why so shy?”
word count: 2.2k
warnings: spitting, oral (f. receiving), making out, playful teasing, pet name (sweet heart), lmk if i missed anything!
a/n: i’m writing this half asleep so it’s not proofread whatsoever,, oopsies
general taglist: @jwnghyuns @eaudenana @soobin-chois @haechansbbg
tbz taglist: @ilovechanhee
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Only if everyone knew. Only if everyone knew that the boy next door you always swore annoyed you to your very core since you had first moved in over ten years ago, would meet you in your old tree house that stood between both of your houses at ungodly hours. With what started as another night wanting to get away from one of your family’s parties, turned into heated makeout sessions that led to what anyone would imagine.
Throughout the years, your father had been kind enough to re-do the treehouse. Seeing as you still adored it, he re-vamped it to make it seem more private and to your liking since you were now in your early 20’s. There was even a small makeshift door and small windows with curtains that you often kept closed- it was your favorite place to get away from madness when your room wasn’t cutting it. That was- until one spring night.
You had been in your treehouse reading a new novel you had bought at your local barnes and nobles, your lamp on and one of curtains slightly open to enjoy the slight breeze. Tonight your parents had some guests over from work, their conversations and jazzy background music being too loud for your liking. So you quietly made your way to your treehouse and enjoying your time alone until you heard some rocks being thrown at the door. Groaning, you ignored the disturbance. You knew exactly who it was and you did not want to deal with him tonight. One more rock, two, even three more were thrown. Thats when you stood up and fully opened up the half drawn curtain, looking down to see the annoying boy next door.
He stood there with his devilish grin, wearing a white tank and his baseball varsity jacket from the college he attended. He waved hello as soon as he saw you looking down at him, catching a glimpse of you from the limited lighting. “What do you want eric?” you shouted down, making sure your voice was only able to be heard between you both and not to disrupt what was happening inside your home.
He shrugged, his grin never fading. “I’m bored.” as you rolled your eyes and started to pull back down the curtain, he yelled back out to you. “Wait!”
You shushed him right away, his voice too loud for your liking. As you motion for him to come up the wooden ladder, he does as instructed and you watch as he climbs up halfway before you stop him with your words. “What do you want?” you ask again, annoyance stringing through your voice.
His lips form another shit eating grin. “I’m bored and saw the light on.”
“Find someone else to bother.” you start to close the door but see his hand stop it from closing.
Before you can begin to speak up again, eric decides to first. “Come on, i’ll stay in the corner and let you do your own thing. I won’t bother you. I just don’t want to be in my house right now and am grounded from using my car.”
“Is no an option?” you ask him with a puff. With a swift shake of his head, you open the door fully and allow him inside.
He looks around in amazement at the fairy lights and overall set up, noticing how you plop back on the mini couch you have set up in the corner. His eyes scan over a small drawer with a chipped paint job, old drawings and paintings hanging throughout that’s barely holding on with tape and some nails. There are some obvious new items hanging about and some older ones, and he quietly takes note of that as he walks around to inspect. As he does so, you occasionally glance at him to make sure hes not touching anything he isn’t supposed to. After a little more snooping, he takes a seat on the floor and starts aimlessly scrolling through his phone while you continue to read your novel.
Minutes pass in pure silence- nothing but the occasional hoot from a faraway owl and the distanced sound of jazz music from your home below. That was, until eric opened tiktok. His volume was louder than necessary, his laughter echoing in your ears. You try to continue your reading, trying to be the nice guy. But it felt as if each tiktok he watched just made him laugh harder than the last. You make a mental note of the page you stop on before closing your book and looking over at him, your face blank with irritation.
“If you’re going to be in here, can you at least quiet down? I’m trying to read my book.” your eyes finally meet and he just chuckles, getting up off the floor and walking over towards you.
“What’re you reading anyway?”
You clear your throat before speaking as he inches closer, trying to keep your book close to hide it from him. “None of your business, just please keep it down.”
Eric notices you trying to keep the book from him and as he steps closer he tries reaching for it but failing as you hold it closer to you. He scoffs, trying to reach for it again. “Why so shy about it, huh?” his tone is playful, his eyes beaming with curiosity as he tries to sneak a peek of the cover. You try moving your body to hide it from him but as you’re squirming, he snatches up the book and examines the cover. A small laugh leaves his lips as he notices the explicit cover, your face turning a slight shade of pink as he then reads the first page that started off juicy. When he looks down at you, your cheeks are now red and your eyes wide. “This is the shit you read?”
You stand up and grab the book back from his hands, or at least attempt to before he raises it above your head with a smirk. The height difference between you both wasn’t much, but the fact he was also wearing grey sweats right now didn’t really help the burning sensation growing in the pit of your stomach. To say eric was ugly would be the biggest lie- you actually found him quite attractive. He was just annoying and pestered you often, but he was quite handsome. As his hand was held above you, your book in his hand, you can notice his peaking bicep from under his varsity jacket.
Your silence and wandering eyes failed you as eric took note of this. “Checking me out, huh?”
As you're snapped out of your daze by his words, you jump up and grab the book from his hand successfully and try to move around him to leave but fail. Although your treehouse is spacious, it’s not the biggest either. So now you’re backed into a corner by the hot annoying neighbor who just found out you read smut. Cool. you just sit down on the small couch, puffing in annoyance in an attempt to hide how flustered you’ve become.
“No i’m not.”
His index and middle finger tap the right side of your cheek, a smirk playing on his lips. “Your red cheeks say otherwise, sweetheart.”
Normally you'd swat away his hand, but as you looked in his eyes you felt the air catch in your throat. You felt as if time had stopped due to the close proximity you both were in. the little nickname that normally bothered you made your stomach churn with butterflies, your hands gripping your book tighter.
you tried to hide it once more, trying to keep your tone high and mighty. “don’t call me sweetheart.”
“then try to act like you don’t like it and maybe i will.” eric then squats so he’s now eye level with you, his fingers tracing from your cheek all the way down your neck and to your shoulder ever so gracefully as he does so. your eyes just watch him, unsure of what this feeling is that’s come over you. his head tilts, his face amused by this. “does mommy and daddy know you read smut all up here by yourself?”
eric had always seen you as this goody-two-shoes; mommy and daddy’s most prized possession who always got fantastic grades and went to one of the best colleges the states had to offer. throughout the past ten years, he had always seen you achieve the highest possible grades with honors just to seek your parents approval. never brought over a guy, your nose always buried in a book whether it be for your studies or for fun. he also noticed how your hair never failed to be done perfectly, different colored bows or hair accessories to match your dress or skirt. you always had to present the world with this perfect image of you, and he was just so curious to get to know you deeper than this facade you try to sell everyone you come across.
he watches you shake your head, no words being spoken as you seem choked up. your eyes sparkle under the dimly lit fairy lights as they glare at him, causing him to chuckle lowly yet again. “what if they found out?”
“don’t you fucking dare eric sohn-“
“ah ah,” he slips the book from your hands, placing it beside you. “why don’t we put page one to the test?”
your eyes widen, eyebrows raising. “e-excuse me?”
eric slips off his varsity jacket, tossing it on top of your book. “i skimmed the page over. doesn’t ellen get eaten out, or am i mistaken?” you’re left speechless, yet your face continues to redden all over. eric has thought about this for years but never thought this day would come, only in his wildest of dreams.
eric stands up a little bit to hover over you, lifting your chin and leaning down to rest his forehead against yours as he stares deeply into your eyes. his hair is messy, probably from the baseball practice he had earlier in the day. your lips are inches from his, yet not a word can be spoken as you’re just in shock.
“all you have to do is tell me to stop and i will.” is all eric whispers before placing his lips on yours.
both of your lips move in sync with one another, his fitting perfectly on yours. his hand moves from your shoulder to your cheek, his entire palm cupping it and his fingers placing themselves on the nape of your neck. his touch sends shivers down your spine, his fingertips delicate and careful. his other hand moves to your left thigh, starting to spread it apart from your right one. but you don’t stop him, something within you tells you to allow him. as he bites down on your bottom lip, his hand on your thigh travels to the inner part and stops near your panties. his fingertips graze your folds, the lace material feeling good against his skin.
the sound of your whimper against his lips makes his blood rush, separating his lips from yours. for a few moments he just stares down at you, taking in the view of your wide innocent eyes and puffy pink lips. “fuck you’re so pretty, you know that?”
eric then gets on his knees in front of you, and you watch as he slips off your white silk pleated skirt and stare at your pussy in awe. “all wet for me already, sweetheart?” you bite your lower lip as you watch him, arching your back against the wall at the nickname.
his fingers push the fabric aside, the fingertips grading your folds ever so slightly to take in the beauty for a second. he grins up at you before slipping in one finger, earning a gasp from you. eric starts slow, pumping in and out of you teasingly. he just stares up at you the whole time, taking in the beauty of your reactions. he watches your hand involuntarily reach for his hair, tugging on it once he picks up the pace out of satisfaction. you let out quiet moans as he slips in a second finger, not wanting anyone to potentially hear anything happening up in the treehouse.
after a few moments of his second finger, he puts his mouth to your clit. with this sudden movement you throw your head back, starting to grind against his face. eric takes in every movement you make, enjoying how you use him for your advantage to release. his fingers continue pumping in and out of you at a consistent pace, his tongue occasionally moving in and out of your hole as his lips continue to satisfy you. as your breathing pattern picks up and your legs begin shaking, he knew it was only a few seconds before you climaxed.
once you did, you let out a loud moan and eric took in every juice you offered to him. he begins licking you up, cleaning you up the only way he’s currently able to. he then leans up, grabbing you by the cheek and staring down at your tired face.
“open your mouth, baby.” he murmurs. you do as instructed, allowing him to spit in your mouth. you watch him through half-lidded eyes, smirking as you take in the taste he offers you.
and that’s the night where it all started, your friends with benefits relationship with your annoying neighbor.
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familyvideostevie · 9 months
takin' a breath
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for @strangerfreaks <3 simply put, you love being in love with sirius black. you just never realized other people noticed all that much. | fluff, established relationship, the general idea that love is lovely, 1.8k
No matter how many times you check your watch, the hands don't tick backwards. You're going to be late.
Nothing to be done about it, you suppose. Sirius is always late, anyway, though he'd texted you he was on the train so he might arrive at the bar before you. Your own train slows and the speaker reads out your station in a clipped tone. You step on to the platform and the strangest thing happens -- the air changes, somehow. Like someone is looking at you. In the moment before you turn around you hear your name in a voice you know very well and when you do turn, there he is.
"Were we on the same train?" Sirius asks as people stream past you towards the exit. "I don't think this has ever happened to me before."
"Different cars," you say.
"Fancy that." He holds out his arm once he reaches you and you hook yours through it and head towards the escalators. "You look lovely," he says. "Are we late?"
"Well, you're always late," you remind him. He rolls his eyes. "I meant to be there ten minutes ago." Sirius smooths down the collar of your coat and you allow yourself to admire him.
You never get tired of his face -- he's handsome in an edgy way, a way that makes you look away at first and then draws you back in. You're very familiar with how he looks by now. The slope of his nose, the intense line of his eyebrows and the length of his lashes. His eyes are dark, deep, mysterious. The rings in his nose and his ears stand out, gold against his otherwise dark features, and his hair begs for you to run your fingers through it.
He tolerates your staring. You know he likes it but you're kind enough not to call him out. "Remus texted me that they're all going to be at least a half hour. Bus is stuck in traffic."
You step off the escalator and emerge onto the street, the chill of the fall evening wrapping around you both. You press a bit closer to him. "Guess it's just us for now."
He hums. "How was your day?"
"Nothing of note. You?"
Sirius turns into you a little bit to speak as a truck passes. He smells like tobacco and the spicy cologne you bought him for his birthday. "By lunch I was ready to get out of there."
"You always are."
He's always on the go, your boyfriend, always looking for the next thing. Everyone who knew him before you met tells you the same thing -- he's wild, spontaneous, full of energy, but with you, he seems to become a centered version of himself. Not like you've changed him, not quite, but like he feels it's okay to slow down because you're around. He takes a breath, lets the somewhat permanent scowl settle into something calmer. You feel it too, like being near him is the most natural thing in the world. Puzzle pieces that fit, magnets that snap together, every cliche in the book fits.
The night is quiet, for the most part, so when you finally get to the bar and go inside the noise is a bit jarring. There's music and chatter, the clink of glasses and chairs scraping on the floor as they're pulled to new tables. You head for the bar and unwind your arm from Sirius's. He makes grabby hands so you undo your coat and turn around, shaking it off and into his arms.
"Do you want me to do drinks or find a table?" he asks, breath hot on your cheek as he leans in to ask.
"I'll do drinks," you say. "You got them last time. Do you want the usual?" He nods, squeezes your elbow and heads off to find a table with a wink.
You wait patiently and wonder what you're going to order. Sirius always gets a pint of whatever dark beer they have on tap and you'll take a sip even though you never like it that much. Maybe it's a wine night? Bit weird to get a glass of wine in a bar like this and surely James will tease you for it when he gets here, but it's a bit cold out and it sounds warming --
"Excuse me?" You look around to see if someone's just addressed you and find a girl about your age at your side. Her eyes are bright and her face flushed and she's holding a pint. Clearly she's a bit further along in her night than you are.
"You alright?" you ask her. She nods frantically.
"Was that your boyfriend?" she asks, the words tumbling out of her like she has to ask you or she'll combust.
"Uh, yes," you say. Bit weird, but alright.
"He's so handsome," she says. Her tone is the one that girls use in the bathroom at the club when they compliment each other, like she's so happy for you and wants to share in your good fortune.
You smile. "He is," you agree.
"And the way he looks at you!" She sighs like she's reading from a romance novel. What is she on about? He was beside you for mere minutes.
"He's got a bit of a stare."
The girl shakes her head, a few pieces of her bangs falling in her face. "No, I mean yes, but you guys were just standing here and I looked over and it was like he was..." She waves her hand in the air, her beer sloshing dangerously close to the edges of her glass. "He was orbiting around you, or something. The air was crackling, I swear."
You really should ask what she's having so you can get a glass too, whatever will make you feel her enthusiasm.
She puts her hand on your arm. "It's just so nice," she says. "To see love like that."
Her words take you by surprise. No one has ever articulated your relationship like that, so matter of fact. "Thank you," you tell her genuinely.
She beams at you and then seems to catch sight of her friends, giving your arm a squeeze before darting off into the crowd.
"Alright then," you mutter. "Wow." The bartender finally takes your order and you mull over this kind girl's words as you wait. You've always thought that you and Sirius were well suited. Both of you are quite private, guarded in front of people you don't know but endlessly loyal to those you do. He has always made you feel like a priority even when you've fought. Very early on you realized that he was an all-in kind of guy -- he laid his feelings out and promised you that if you felt the same he'd give you everything he could. And he has, even though you don't need much. His hand on your back, his voice in your ear when you wake, his smile across the room. Just being next to him has always been enough. You've just never known how to articulate it, how this kind of love is everything you've wanted for yourself.
You manage not to spill your drinks as you try to find Sirius. He's gotten a table in the corner that will easily fit your friends once they arrive, but for now you slide into the seat next to him.
He beams at you, a toothy grin that makes him look younger, and puts his hand on your knee under the table. "Thank you, darling," he says.
You lean into his side. "Good table." He takes a sip of his beer and nods his agreement. "A girl at the bar said the strangest thing to me," you blurt out. You don't know how you're going to explain this to him but you want to tell him. You always want to tell him everything.
"Oh?" He's got a bit of a foam mustache but he wipes it before you can.
"She said I had a handsome boyfriend."
Sirius scoffs. "You do." You roll your eyes.
"But she also said that --" you use air quotes -- "it was nice to see a love like ours."
His face goes very soft, almost like the way he looks first thing in the morning when you wake to find him watching you. "Very poetic," he murmurs.
"I don't totally know what she means," you admit. "But it was a nice thing to say. I think she might have been a bit drunk."
"Oh, I know what she means," he says. You raise your eyebrows, telling him to go on. Sirius blinks a few times, scratches the back of his neck. You know him well enough to know that he's nervous, which is a bit rare. He leads with confidence, oozes with it, but he's told you many times one of the things that he never gets tired of is how you can crack that exterior.
"It's like when we're in the same room and everything shifts," he says. "Like tonight. I stepped off the train and knew you were near, you know?"
Oh. "I --yeah," you say softly. You do know. It's like you and Sirius orbit each other, like being near him changes the makeup of the air in a room. Your heart beats in time with his and your very atoms settle when he's near. If you were good with words, if you were a little better at expressing yourself, you'd say that you two are made of the same stuff. Your life before him was great, sure, and by no means were you waiting for him for it to start. But now that he's here, next to you, it's like everything has snapped into focus. It just makes sense.
"I can't believe she noticed, though," he says. His tone is more teasing than sincere now, so you let your own musings fade for now. "I mean, I've barely even touched you! I took your coat! We could have been on a first date!"
"You never touch me that much," you remind him. It's not a scold, it's just how it is. You've never needed to touch him that much. Just his gaze feels like his hands are on you, sometimes. You can always tell when he's looking at you from across the room. Remus once said he was convinced you two could communicate telepathically. You find yourself looking at a doorway moments before Sirius walks through it. He digs out a tissue before you've even felt the tickle in your nose. You can sense each other's distress over the breeze like a bloodhound. It's a bit weird, actually. But you don't know how else to be.
"I can fix that." He winks and slings his arm around your shoulders.
"Don't be annoying." He smacks a kiss to your temple but releases you. You stay close to him, pressed together from shoulder knee. Sirius presses his lips to the shell of your ear and you shiver.
"I love our love, too," he says. What a sap.
thank you for reading <3 reblog, send feedback, general masterlist here!
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greatstormcat · 5 months
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Run, Rabbit
König x f!reader
TW: MDNI 18+, darkfic, death, blood, non/con, dub/con, oral f!receiving, p in v, kidnap, bondage, if you read this do not complain because you’ve been warned and you are an adult who made an informed decision
Not doing my usual taglist as this is a darkfic but @neoarchipelago asked for a specific shout for this one
Based on an anonymous ask, so thank you for sending it in 🖤🖤🌙
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It was late afternoon as you sat in the passenger seat of your rental car, your boyfriend driving the two of you to your holiday cottage for a long awaited week of relaxation. The two of you had bantered about who was getting into the hot tub first that night, giggling about making out under the stars. Now you o watched as the beautiful forest passed by the car windows, a fairytale setting with no one around for miles to disturb you. That is until a figures stands in the narrow road, waving you down to a stop.
Three armed soldiers had stepped out from behind an armoured truck at the side of the road and flagged you down, so naturally, your boyfriend pulled over. As you watch, one of them moves towards the driver’s side, the other two hanging back by the truck, one of them being the biggest man you’ve ever seen. His face is hidden under some kind of hood, but his eyes are locked on yours as he stands there.
Questions are asked in German, which you don’t understand but your boyfriend answers smoothly, a hand on your leg to ease your nerves as the armed men move around your car. A tension settles over you, the way the men look at you through the window is… unsettling.
The soldier by the door shrugs at last and steps back slightly, his hand coming to rest on his belt as he puts distance between himself and the driver's door. Time slows down for you as you watch him draw the gun from his thigh holster, and take aim at your boyfriend before firing. The sound is overwhelming, making you throw your hands up protectively before you knew what was happening.
Red paints the inside of the car, and your boyfriend slumps over against your shoulder. After a second of ringing ears and confusion, you scream. You scramble from the car, falling to hands and knees, scraping your palms on the rough ground as you skitter on the loose stone. Finally your trainers find grip and you lurch forward, arms flailing for balance to the sound of the soldiers laughter as you sprint towards the trees.
“Oh no… come back!” You hear them taunting you amidst their merriment, and your heart thumps in your ears.
Don’t look back, don’t look back, you tell yourself as you plunge in between the oak and sycamore trees before you. A voice calls out behind you, a terrible singsong tone to it.
“Lauf Kaninchen, Lauf Kaninchen!”
You keep going until your lungs give out and you have to stop, or risk passing out on the forest floor leaving yourself completely vulnerable. Leaning against a tree you look around, the light fading from the sky already and you are sudden hit with just how fucked you really are. It's going to get dark soon and you have three madmen hunting you. A voice calls from your right, and without hesitating you sprint away from it, its far too close for comfort, pushing through bushes and branches that reach out and tear at your clothes.
Suddenly a tall, dark shape steps from behind a tree to your left, a weapon raised and your turn to your right, a startled cry caught in your throat as you blindly run through the undergrowth.
Time and again you see the same man, the tall, hooded soldier appear to one side or the other, as though he is stalking you, tracking you. Eventually your legs give out and you stumble into a small clearing. A gnarled tree on one side of the clearing has roots that lift up, making small hollows underneath, and you crawl into one.
There’s hardly any light left in the sky, and the air is damp and cold, making you shiver as you crawl into the roots of the tree, bugs and cobwebs catching at your skin.. If you can hide here all night, out of sight without freezing to death, you can find help in the morning, you tell yourself. You sit, cowering in the dark, dank space. Heavy footsteps approach, obvious and meant to torment as they stop before your hiding space. Holding your breath, you watch as the man crouches down, craning his neck to peer inside.
“Don’t be frightened,” he coos in a harsh, German accent. It’s the same soldier with the hood, your stomach turns over at the sight of his eyes through the hood covering his face. They’re like chips of ice, cold and hard. “Come now, come here.” His tone is soft, like he is trying to get an errant kitten to come closer to him, totally at odds with his actions so far.
You push your shoulder blades harder into the dirt behind you, kicking with your feet as he grabs at your ankles. The big bastard manages to catch hold of one flailing limb, and you hear his triumphant chuckle as he throws his body weight backwards, hauling you out of the hole.
With a pathetic wail you try to grab anything you can to stop yourself being dragged through the leaf litter and soil, damp clods sticking to your hair and clothes.
He rolls as soon as you are free of the roots of the tree and pins you beneath his massive weight. The sudden feel of a warm body against your chilled self is jarring, a terrible mix of wanting to be warm but not wanting him to touch you. On instinct you move, trying to wriggle from beneath his crushing weight, but it backfires and he ends up getting his heavy thighs between your legs.
The giant grinds against you, an unmistakable hardness rubbing against your crotch, and you try not to dwell on it. His breath becomes more harsh now he is getting closer to what he wants.
“See, it’s not so bad is it?” He tells you, gripping your jaw with one gloved hand to force you to meet his eyes as he presses himself against your clit. Tiny spasms shoot through your pelvis everytime he moves, and your face gives it away, making him chuckle at your predicament.
“Ah… that’s it, lovely little thing,” you can hear the grin in his voice. “That’s it, you keep feeling that. It's good, ja? I’m going to make you feel so much better soon enough.”
He keeps the movement of his hips going, your body reacting to the stimulation to your clit, heat pooling in your pussy against your will until your face heats with the sensation of moisture in your underwear. Without warning he gets up, hauling you up by your collar with a startled cry, and drags you roughly along with him. You're confused by where he is taking you until you see there is a small cabin a few meters away from you at the opposite edge of the clearing, its windows glowing in the darkness. He had been herding you in this direction on purpose you realise, that's why he didn’t make a grab for you when he could have.
As you are bundled towards the door his radio beeps, making you startle, and he answers the voice at the other end.
“I have her,” he says, pride clear in his tone. “Ditch their car and come by in the morning with the truck. I’m going to take my time, vielleicht behalte ich dieses sogar.”
The cabin is tiny, a single room with walls lined with stacks of crates in a dark, military looking green. A small black wood burner is the sole light and heat for the room, and to your horror you see the shuttered windows have metal bars over them. It smells of wood smoke and dirt. The sound of the door shutting and a bar being drawn across it makes you turn, just in time to see the hooded soldier snap a padlock onto the securing bar.
“Now, Schatz, you’re mine until the morning,” he says, shrugging out of his heavy vest and letting it fall to the ground with a solid thud. He takes a step closer, boots crunching against the dirty wooden floor, looking you over as he tilts his head to one side. “I’m König, just so you know what name you’ll be screaming.”
He takes off his helmet but not the hood, and puts it on the nearest stack of crates, walking slowly forward again, still stalking you. When the wall bumps the back of your head you discover you’d been walking backwards without noticing.
“We’re going to have fun together,” he says softly in that disturbing singsong tone again, planting his hands either side of your head and leaning closer to you.
You flinch when he grabs you, pulling you away from the wall by the front of your t-shirt, ripping and tearing at the fabric as you fight against him. It’s like fighting a bear, he is too big and strong to stop. Soon you are pinned to the floor on your front, naked and terrified, as he straddles the backs of your thighs, a length of paracord in his hands.
He lashes your forearms together behind your back so they crossover at the small of your back, landing a hard smack on your rump once he is done and getting off the backs of your legs.
“There, you can’t get into too much trouble like that,” he sighs as though he is proud of a job well done. König roughly grabs your hips, pulling them up so you rest your knees on the hard boards and pushes your thighs apart. You are trapped in that position, face on the ground and pussy completely exposed to him, slick glistening from his earlier grinding.
“Hervorragend…” he mutters from behind you, his tone one of awe, like he were admiring a painting or sculpture rather than a bound and frightened captive. His tongue runs over your clit and through your folds towards your backside.
“No!” you cry out and try to shuffle forward, away from him, but he grabs your thighs and holds you in place as he flicks his tongue over your clit again and again. König uses his thumbs to spread you open for him, tongue dipping into your cunt and lapping at the quickly gathering juices, your body betraying you as he assaults you with his tongue.
“Verdammt köstlich,” he groans before pushing his tongue as far into your pussy as possible, your muscles shaking with the urge to get away. You feel rough stubble against your skin. The hot muscle of his tongue dips and slides expertly in and out of your depths, circling your clit and teasing at your sensitive flesh over and over. The more you fight to get away, the more your muscles tighten, and the quicker the orgasm you don’t want builds inside you. He grips your thighs in his hands, feeling you tremble as he works you mercilessly.
You come with tears stinging your eyes and a burning throat, drool and tears staining the dirty wooden floorboard under your cheek. As you cry out from the release your captor moans and laps greedily at your pussy, making languid passes with the flat of his tongue, drinking in everything he can. You feel so exposed, violated, trapped, and you sob as you catch your breath.
“Now you’re ready, I don’t want to break my new toy,” he huffs, flipping you over onto your back and pulling your hips into his lap, your thighs open around his waist. Your arms slip across the floor under your back, thankfully protected by the rope binding your forearms. König has removed his shirt at some point, revealing a heavily muscled torso, scars scattered across his skin, but his hood is still in place obscuring his face. Your mind wanders back to the times you’ve ogled models or actors online, and he would fit in fine with them, you muse in a haze.
He releases his cock from his combat trousers, palming the worryingly long and heavy length a few times, spreading the viscous liquid from his tip around. Without another word he rubs the swollen tip up and down your pussy, making you whimper at the feeling, despairing at your lack of escape and waiting for the inevitable pain of this monster fucking you. Your legs kick weakly, trying to get a purchase on him to push away, but he bats them down without effort, pulling them around his waist again.
“Relax, Liebling,” he whispers, and pushes the tip in with agonising care, as though he were a lover mounting you for the first time. His eyes are locked on the head of his cock, watching as it slowly invades you, deeper and deeper, his breath coming in shaky snatches showing his excitement. The stretch is a deep burn as he splits you open, muddling with the aftershocks of your orgasm and letting him bully his way inside.
“I keep this for special occasions like this,” he chuckles, producing a tiny lipstick vibrator from one of the pockets of his combat trousers. He presses it to your clit and turns it on, your hips bucking at the sudden flood of sensation and forcing his cock in the rest of the way. You both groan as he hilts himself in you, and without waiting he drags his hips back, rubbing your drenched walls with his length before sliding back in.
“You’re going to love being on my cock,” he grunts, pausing between each thrust as he speaks. “You’re going to beg for it every day.”
The wet noises of your pussy sucking at his cock fill the cabin, the whine of the vibrator doing nothing to hide it. He leans forward, the fabric of the hood draping over your skin as his spine curls forward, his pace picking up slightly as you barely begin to adjust. You hope against hope König won’t last long, that he’ll have his fun and finish with you quickly, especially as that fucking vibrator teases your clit and quells the edge of pain from his size.
Your gasps and whines slowly alter, descending into moans and whimpers as your traitorous body tenses, another orgasm twisting tightly in you lower stomach. He feels you tightening, wriggling to try and pull yourself off his length and stop the pressure from building.
“Come on, show me how good it feels,” he snarls, snapping his hips sharply against you, driving his cock into the most sensitive spot inside you. His one hand grips your shoulder, fingers digging into your neck to help drive him into you, the other tilts and moves the small toy. He chases the spots that make you clench the hardest, that bring the moans you cannot hold back, seeking to make you destroy yourself. The tension builds, to the point of pain nearly, until it snaps and you come again, harder than before and scream.
“Fuck, yes!” Your captor roars with triumph. The vibrator is thrown away, bouncing into the shadows of the cabin, before König grips both of your shoulders and hauls you upright into his lap, his cock still hard and buried in your twitching, aching cunt. You’re exhausted, limp in his grip, and your head falls against his shoulder, your skin damp with sweat as your face presses against his skin.
“Ah, rest a moment,” he whispers, holding you tightly to his chest. “We have many more hours to go yet….” He starts grinding into you again and you choke out a sob. You’re not getting out of here, he hasn’t even come yet.
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iwishf1wasreal · 2 months
F1 Driver NSFW Profile: ✷ Lewis Hamilton ✷
smut ✷ 18+ readers only
I. Flirt. He’s a shy sort of suave. He wants to come off cool and laid back. Thank God he never has to worry if he’s dressed well. Lewis is all about eye contact, making sure to look over the frame of whatever sunglasses he’s wearing so he can hold your gaze. It’ll be hard for him to look away; maybe he’ll keep your eyes for as long as he can by looking back or walking backward. He’ll flash his million-dollar smile at you; make sure you know he’s noticed you too. If there are cameras around, he’s pretty much going to stand 40 feet away from you, but if it’s amongst the trusted inner circle or just the two of you, he is stuck to you like glue. When you first meet, he’s flirty in a relaxed sense; it won’t come across as him being particularly interested, just friendly. He takes his time sussing you out and getting a feel for you. But once he’s ready to make his intentions known, he’s laying on the charm. Making you laugh, taking any excuse to brush against you. II. Propositioning.   Warm hands caressing down your back, spending a generous amount of time on your ass before smoothing down your calves. He’ll peck kisses anywhere he can reach, his endless brown eyes meeting yours as his lips roam your body. Lewis wants to seduce and be seduced. He likes kissing–[loves] kissing. Has a hard time having sex [without] kissing. He wants your tongue hot and heavy in his mouth. Lewis likes to tease too. If the mood strikes and you start to put the moves on him, he'll play dumb. Straight up pretends not to notice, wait and see how far you’ll go before you push him down onto the sofa and straddle him.
III. Libido. It’s relatively high, but he’s also creeping up to his forties. Don’t get me wrong, he has no trouble getting (or maintaining) an erection, but it takes him a bit longer to get him up and ready…especially if it’s a night after drinking. So, he doesn’t mind a bit of soft play, whether it's your mouth or the soft glide of your hand. He’s not too picky. He feels so much closer to his partner during and after sex. Lewis feels like there’s no other connection in the world like it and would probably even be down to try sex magic if you were into that kind of thing. 
IV. Turn-Ons: tame & nasty. Tame: Expensive clothes. When you hold him close to whisper in his ear. Laughing with your head thrown back. A nice fitting pair of trousers. Pretty, fast cars. Private beaches and cabanas. Outdoor showers. Spoiling you. Facetime calls to show him what you’re wearing. Getting along with his mum and step-mum. Having inside jokes with his brother. Fitting right into a game of footy with his nieces and nephews. Musicality in any way, shape, or form. Shy silliness that he gets to draw out of you. Diamonds on bare skin.  Nasty: When he fucks you so good you can’t even get out a moan, and it looks like  you’re having a sexy exorcism. Pulling your panties to the side instead of just pulling them off. Lowkey always wants to get caught; fucks you with the windows of your cabana wide open, or herds you into the single stall. Tender love and care to his balls. When you tell him that his dick is the best you’ve ever had. Receiving unsolicited your nudes. Mutual masturbation. Lingerie sets with lace bras and satin panties. The way your ass kinda makes a heart-shape in certain positions of doggy. Titties in his mouth. Topless beaches with wandering hands. V. Self-stimulation. Ideally, he would be able to Facetime you, and you could figure out a solution together. He'll use a video if the timezone doesn’t permit that, and he’s not desperate enough to wake you or disturb you at work. He can still appreciate porn, but if he wants to finish, he’d prefer to do it to you. VI. Foreplay. He almost pays too much attention to foreplay. It’s like he’s in some kind of competition with himself to see how wet he can make you before he finally slips inside. As he’s come into adulthood, he’s realised how powerful the act of cunnilingus is. He has his own version of getting drunk off your sex, usually in the form of semi-incoherent philosophical babbles of how we’re all connected and how beautiful your pussy is.
VII. Rhythm. He likes to keep it fresh but prefers deep, unhurried sex. Taking your time getting to know each other and savouring the feeling of the two of you together. He’s not afraid to moan or let his nastiest thoughts roll off his tongue. Most often he’ll be asking how it feels, for you to be louder. He likes egging you on. VIII. How He Likes It He’s a classic man. Doggy has a special place in his heart. He likes plenty of other positions, too, of course. But there’s just something about getting to watch your ass shake as he disappears inside you. You bent over, wet and moaning and rutting back against him. Rarely do you get to feel like you have the upper hand on him–he’s got lightning fast reflexes, strength and confidence that often make you feel like he’s not even real. Except in the bedroom and he has your front pressed into the bed and you start to work to throw your hips back to meet his thrusts. He nearly busts right then and there every time. 
IX. Location, location, location. A hopeless romantic, ideally, he’d have rose petals all over the floor and candles littering the entire place. But that’s not always feasible, though he still tells you it’s what you deserve. And though he’d deny it, ducking his head to hide the burning on his cheeks but the hot tub seems to hold a special place in his heart. To the point where his buddies will point and giggle at it the second you’re aboard a yacht for the week or they notice it on the balcony through the curtains. Somehow, they always seem to be one on your holidays or hotel rooms. And you both do you best to use it to the best of your abilities.  X. Kinky. He’s open minded and easy to approach. He likes experimenting when he feels safe and he feels safest with you. Depending on the mood, he can be gently encouraging, complimenting and worshipping you into bliss. Or, he can be a little more demanding, a little less lenient and a little more mean. He’s good at playing. He likes playing…as long as you seem like you are too. Any fantasy you feel like trying, he’s all ears. Rarely will he outright deny you–about most things–especially sex.
XI. Bedroom aids/Toys He’s not stupid, obviously you use toys whilst he’s away or busy. He doesn’t mind adding them in with the both of you either. It really only took one time for him to watch your eyes roll back in your head after just two minutes on the second to highest setting. Lately, his latest exploration in the bedroom has involved plugs. Nothing gets his heart pumping blood to his crotch quite like when you bend over and reveal you’ve decided to surprise him with one. Something about the shimmer of something in your ass while he sheeths himself deep inside you feels like ecstasy. 
XII. Cum. He can go for a while. He’s old enough where he doesn't need to lay back and think of England. He would prefer to finish after you though with the ferocity of your sex life, it’s quite literally always a competition to get others to cum first. Ideally, he’d finish inside of you but obviously sometimes that’s not always fisable. Though, more than enough times have you two snuck off for a quickie and you’re left uncomfortably wet in your panties after.
XIII. Pleasure reciprocation. Lewis loves to go down on you. Likes hearing all your moans and whines and any other noise he can get you to make. When his focus is on you and getting you to cum, he turns into an assertive yet gentle figure. He has plans for you, he’d like for you to follow them. But he’s not above giving into your desperation or gently teasing you for how worked up you get. He can teeter more towards mean when he feels like it though rarely can keep it up. By the time you’ve finished, he’s melted back into his true self. Making sure you’re not too far gone or nothing got too out of hand. Despite it all though, he makes you feel like he’s hungry for you. Like just the site of you or your body could drive him wild enough to cloud all his thoughts.
XIV. Bonus.
“I wanna show you something,” Lewis tells you, head down with his eyes focused on his phone. You approach him in the living room but don't make it to him before the TV on the wall above him blinks on. It shows the generic home display before it goes black again. But it's only for a moment. Then, a grainy, night vision video starts to play. 
It takes you a moment to realise what is. It’s not until you hear the video playback what sounds like Lewis’ laugh. On screen, now  in clear view of the camera, you dragged Lewis to one of the outdoor sofas. Suddenly, you recognize everything in the video.
It from the boat trip you took a few weeks ago, traipsing around Greece with some friends before Lewis had to get back in race mode for the foreseeable future. It was late, all your friends had gone to bed and the crew had been tipped heavily to give you some privacy on deck.
You’re standing there watching yourself, watching your mouth meet his and moan in pleasure. In person, you don’t realise he’s even standing behind you until a gentle hand on your middle startles you out of your gaze.  
“You remember that?” he asks softly, with a small nod towards the TV. You nod, letting out a distracted ‘mmhmm’ as you keep your eyes on the screen. His other hand meets your other side, palms softly caressing against the t-shirt you wore. 
Back on the boat, you had already pulled Lewis free from the confines of his joggers. You were on the floor, on your knees. Even with the state of the art speakers Lewis had installed, you can’t make out what he’s saying to you on video. Just the soft rasp of his voice as he eggs you on.
“How did you get this?” you ask, your throat dry. You had taken him into your mouth on the boat, Lewis throwing his head back in pleasure on screen. It was nice to see him–actually see what he looked like while you gave him head. Up close was one thing, but watching the effect you had on him has your insides somersaulting.
“I told you I’d have them get rid of the footage.” 
Neither of you were stupid. You both knew something as risky as this would require some damage control but Lewis promised you he’d take care of it.
“Yes, but how do you have it?” you gulp after a particularly loud moan vibrates off the screen. 
Lewis doesn’t answer you, just laughs softly as he moves to start placing kisses on your neck. His hands move from your waist, roaming over your arms, then your shoulders. The roughness of his skin against the softness of your skin feels euphoric. But he stops the motion all too soon, one his hands clasping over each of your wrists. In front of you, your past self is already mounting your boyfriend, his hands eager to expose your breasts from the bikini you were wearing. 
Loud, lewd sounds fill the room, echoing off the TV and bathing the both of you in a symphony of your own moans. You can feel Lewis’ breath against your neck, his hands still holding your wrists. You watch as his hand slipped over your core, pads of his fingers finding the perfect spot to send you over the edge. The sight of it makes you hotter, your skin starting to feel clammy and stomach somersaulting. Instinctively, you lean further back into Lewis, trying to instinctually rut yourself against him for some kind of relief. 
But he’s not taking any of it. Just tightens his grip on your wrists and moves so you can’t roll your hips back against him. 
The sounds on the TV get loud. You can hear the sound of your bodies meeting amongst the huffs and moans. It doesn’t matter how much you beg, how pathetically you mewl at Lewis to let you do something. He doesn’t care. Doesn’t even really let you look at him. At best you can get is the cocky smirk and devious gleam in his eyes before he’s gathering both your wrists in one hand and fixing your gaze ahead by your chin. 
Your heart feels like its beating out of your chest. Your skin is sticking to your clothes, working up a sweat from how hot you feel underneath your clothes. Lewis makes you watch the whole thing like that. Forced to watch both orgasms he gave you. Forced to listen to the defeated sigh of satisfaction Lewis gives as you pulled yourself off of him. Forced to watch the glistening trail of yourselves that even the shitty security camera could pick up sliding down your leg.
You don’t even have to move to tell how wet you are once the TV finally turns off. Looking (and feeling) like you’re in a trance, Lewis chuckles proudly and presses a kiss to your hair. 
“Now, go upstairs. Take all your clothes off. And wait for me.” He says, pressing one more kiss to your temple. He pulls away just a touch so he can look you in the eyes. “But do not touch yourself.” He taps his pointer finger to the tip of your nose and pats your ass as your single to get moving. 
You do as you're told and head upstairs. Meanwhile, Lewis gets working on some drinks for the pair of you. He only gets as far as pulling his mock-Tequilas from the cabinet before he hears what at first sounds like your phone going off. But the buzzing he hears through the upstairs floor doesn’t stop. He freezes in place to listen. The buzzing keeps going, far longer than any ringtone would. 
As soon as he realises what you’re doing, he drops what he’s doing and makes a break for the stairs. You can hear him calling your name through the bedroom door as he takes them to at a time to get to you.
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myconniebaby · 9 months
Love You More
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Warnings: None really! Kissing, mentions of sex, being intimate, a tiny bit of swearing and talking dirty
Summary: You and Conrad go for a drive, enjoying each others company when you come to the realization that you have to have him right now and can't wait any longer...
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Sitting in the car waiting for my boyfriend, Conrad, to finish pumping gas and I can't help but stare at him through the window. It's dusk, starting to get windy and I can see a storm bubbling on the horizon. It's one of those summer pop-up storms that comes out of no where and will most likely disappear as quickly as it comes. He looks so handsome, his hair perfectly tossled and his cheeks a rosey shade of pink. Sometimes I can't believe he's actually my boyfriend. He catches me staring at him and gives me a smile that makes my heart skip a beat. I smile back and he mouths "love you" to me and gives me a quick wink. I can feel my cheeks heat up as I shyly look away from his gaze. I hear the pump cut off and look up just as he opens his car door to get back inside.
"Miss me," he asks me with a joking tone and a smile.
"Always," I breathe out and answer him as he buckles up and puts the car in drive. He immediately reaches for my hand and laces our fingers together, pulling our clasped hands to his lips for a loving kiss. My cheeks get a flushed pink tint over this tiny gesture and he notices right away and smiles again.
"Love you," he says to me quietly.
"Love you more," I say leaning towards him and snuggling up as close to him as I can get in the car.
We're still holding hands and just enjoying being in each others company and drive around aimlessly for about an hour. When he finally takes a turn down my street my stomach drops a little. I don't want to leave him. I don't want to be apart from him for a single second, let alone minute or hour. I'm craving him in more of a way than I've ever craved being with another person in my entire life. The thought of being alone without him makes me want to weep. I love him so much it actually hurts. Almost as much as the thought of being without him. Instantly I realize that this doesn't need to end here tonight, not if we don't want it to. I gather my thoughts a moment and then clear my throat.
"Con...," I say as he pulls into my driveway. I unbuckle my seatbelt and turn my body towards him, his hand still in mine. He kisses my hand once again before letting go so he can put the car in park and turn off the engine.
"Y/n...," he mimicks me and puts his hand under my chin. He looks into my eyes and holds my gaze. I can't believe I'm staring into the eyes of the most gorgeous man in all of cousins. My boyfriend. My Conrad. Looking into his beautiful eyes and watching him, watch me makes my heart beat so fast, I feel like I can't breathe. He runs his hand through his hair and his bangs fall and frame his face. The way they gently swoops inward, drawing attention to his soft and loving eyes, makes me instantly smile. He smiles back and gives his head a shake, knowing how sexy I think he looks after he tossles his hair. I catch him glancing towards my mouth and then back up to my eyes and he sensuously licks his lips. My eyes go directly to his mouth and stare at those luscious lips of his. Red, full, pouty and begging to be kissed.
"Con...," I say again in a breathy and needy voice. He leans in and rests his forehead gently against mine, out lips dangerously close but not touching. I can feel his breath against my skin and we are both starting to breathe a little heavier even though nothing is really happening between us yet.
"Hmmm...," he manages to answer me. His eyes are closed and I close mine too, trying to control my nervousness and get ready to take this next step. I'm ready. More than ready and I know he is too. We have been waiting for so long. Waiting for the timing to be just right and this is it. It won't be either of our first times but in a sense it kind of will be. For me at least. I've never felt like this about anyone before. I've never been so in love, so over the top, head over heels, crazy for someone and I think it's going to make sex feel like a completely new and exciting experience with him. My boyfriend. My Conrad. I can't help but let a huge grin spread across my face at the thought. He must have been able to feel my smile because he pulls away gives me a slightly confused grin.
"Ok y/n, what's up? What are you thinking about that's got you smiling like that," he asks me.
"You," I state, knowingly.
"Me?," he says, dragging out the "e". "What about me...," he asks leaning in for a kiss.
His lips feel like heaven against mine. They're so smooth and so soft. They envelope my own and I can feel him sucking on my bottom lip, silently begging for me to open them. I revel in the way his lips feel against mine for another minute or so before I grant him access. As soon as I part my lips his tongue slowly melds with mine. He kisses me so passionately I feel like I could cum any moment with just his kiss. I can feel his love throughout my entire body and it's set me on fire. He is breathing life into me with every motion and every touch. I let out a throaty moan and I can feel him smirk into me. He pulls away and rests his head against mine again.
"What are you thinking about now," he asks me, brushing the hair off my cheek and pushing it behind my ear. His hand is cupping my face and his forehead is still pressed against mine and I let out a deep and happy sigh. I pull away and look right back into those beautiful eyes and smile.
"I want you," I say to him with every ounce of courage I can muster.
"I want you too, baby," Conrad says to me, putting his lips on my neck. I can feel him start to suck lightly and I almost get lost in it but force myself to focus.
"Come inside with me Con," I say. "Spend the night with me. Please."
The look on his face tells me he's trying not to get too excited yet as he asks me what I mean.
"Like SPEND the night, spend the night or just hang out? Either one is fine with me y/n, you know that. I'm just not sure what you're asking. No pressure."
I smiled sweetly at him and batted my eyes a few times. "Oh, sorry! Let me be more clear." I quickly got onto my knees and climbed onto his lap so I could straddle him. He pushed the seat back and I plopped high to to his lap, clinging to his body. I ran my hands through his hair and draped my arms around his neck and leaned in to kiss him with everything I had in me. His body beneath me started to twitch a little and I could start to feel him getting hard. I lightly grinded over his cock, teasing him until I could start to feel him grinding up in his seat too. I stopped kissing him and let out bodies mash against each other a minute loving the feeling of us almost together. He let out a low and haggard moan and the sound made me instantly wet.
"Fuck me, Con," I whisper. "Take me inside, rip my clothes off and make me scream your name."
He lets out an elated "fuuuuckkkkk" and looks me up and down. "You sure?," he asks me, seriously.
"I've never been more sure of anything," I answer him, matching his serious tone. I start to climb back over to the passenger seat and he helps me swing back over to my side of the car. I start to pick up my purse off the floor and my phone and next think I know, he's out the door and sprinting over to my side. He takes all my stuff in one hand and reaches for me with the other, helping me out if the car.
"Love you," I say to him as he leads me to my door.
"Love you more," he says squeezing my hand, leading us through the door way.
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🩵 Thank you so much for reading 🩵
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kisskawa · 1 year
— in love and war cw alcohol, intoxication, reader has bad friends and a loving ex
oikawa’s already frowning when he pulls up next to you, hazard lights highlighting your face in blinking orange. the apples of your cheeks seem softer in this light, bunching together and causing your eyes to curve into happy crescents as his name tumbles easily from your lips.
“why are you by yourself?” oikawa demands as he nears you, outstretched hand meeting yours.
“‘m not,” you grin at the contact, letting yourself tiptoe closer to oikawa until you’re leaning against his chest. “my friends are over there,” you point up the road where oikawa can only just make out a gaggle of people, “see?”
a hand sits on your shoulder, heavy and grounding and serious. you look awfully pleased under its warmth. “why aren’t they with you?”
you look up at oikawa with a thoughtful hum, genuinely trying to remember as your brows furrow. “didn’t want to be with them,” you exhale, shrugging. your friends have never been as kind as they should be, you know oikawa doesn’t like them. you lighten up again, “’sides, was waiting for you.”
it feels like a punch to the stomach when oikawa shakes his head at you. and suddenly aching, you let him tug you back to his car and settle you in, having precariously parked in all his concern.
the drive back is quiet, nothing more than the mindless rattling of a late night radio host and the gentle purr of the engine. oikawa can feel you staring at him, trying to gage whether or not he’s mad at you.
the passing streetlights make your head swirl, a little dizzier than out in the street where fresh air filled your lungs. but you’re not alone now, and the leather seats of oikawa’s car are worn and familiar. your fingers run across the thick stitches and you use them as markers to count the flickers of orange that dance across oikawa’s face one by one. they make him look handsome, drawing long shadows across his sharp features and warming his eyes.
by the time oikawa’s pulled in, you’ve fallen asleep, chin tucked into your chest with your last thought being the driver beside you. it could’ve been worse, oikawa muses, you could’ve been sick.
he allows himself a moment. a sliver of peace to watch the way your chest rises and falls, air punctuated only by soft exhales. you really did look pretty, routine of dressing up for a night out long since perfected. oikawa can’t forget the way you’d shone when you’d caught sight of him. he leaves the car before the thought can stick any longer.
he’s only away for a split second, rounding the bonnet to get to you. the door opens and suddenly he’s surrounding you, leaning close to pull at the seatbelt, fresh linen and vanilla. 
oikawa freezes when your fingers curl around his wrist. “i miss you,” you murmur. his heart stutters painfully.
you half think you’ve imagined the mumbled confession, oikawa continuing to work at the seatbelt until you’re free and easing yourself into his arms. you stumble a little as you get out the car, it’s ok, oikawa’s got you.
“let’s go inside first,” he finally responds, voice taut.
oikawa’s flat is just as you remember, down to every last detail. the framed picture of his high school volleyball club that greets you at the door, and the blue umbrella that he never remembers to take by the shoe rack. the slightly wonky kitchen cupboard door that houses mismatched mugs collected over the years, and the blanket you’d made together on the arm of the sofa, his fabric intertwined with yours. knowing it all like the back of your hand, you walk a familiar path to his room.
“i miss you,” you repeat, firmer this time as you perch on the end of his bed, trying hard not to get overwhelmed by the comfort of his sheets. it’s so much stronger here, fresh linen, vanilla and the faintest touch of the ocean air.
oikawa shuts his eyes, “you’re drunk.”
“i’m not,” it’s true, you’d sobered up quickly on the ride back, “i had a few drinks but i’m not drunk. i mean what i said, i swear i wouldn’t lie to you.” you wouldn’t be this coherent drunk. and under the effects of alcohol, you’d never approach such a serious topic as you and tooru like this. you both know that.
“i know you wouldn’t, but you’ve still drank, you wouldn’t be here if you hadn’t. and i can’t listen to you say you miss me when i can’t tell you how i feel in return, knowing your head’s all hazy and your judgement’s wrong.”
your fingers wind in oikawa’s sheets. “you don’t have to believe me right now, i’ll tell you in the morning and every day after if that’s what it takes. but you can tell me,” you urge, “you can tell me anything.”
the floodgates open.
“you can’t keep doing this. you can’t keep calling me and asking me to pick you up, because you know i will, you know i care,” oikawa’s voice is low, defeated, as it expels the truth, “it’s not fair.”
the wobble in his words makes your heart hurt and you rub at your chest, hoping the pressure will ease some of the pain. it doesn’t. instead, it comes out in your response, more unfair than anything, “i only ever call you, i only ever want you. and it’s the same reason why you still care.”
a call of your name shuts you up, sternness stopping you in your tracks. oikawa’s never once said your name like this, always honeyed and warm and fond. the ache swells.
you crawl into bed, pulling the covers up tight to your neck and trying to hide the glassiness in your eyes. you wouldn’t cry, you couldn’t cry. oikawa was right, it wasn’t fair. because you had broken things off, you hadn’t been able to deal with the drowning comfort of oikawa’s love, and yet, you were the one calling him when you needed someone to rely on. each and every time. “’m sorry,” you whisper, the thickness in your voice comes through anyway.
“i know,” oikawa sighs, tucking in next to you, one hand around your waist and the other running through your hair, the position you’ve always liked, “i’m sorry too.”
when oikawa wakes in the morning, the glass he left on the bedside table is empty and a single painkiller has been punched out of the foil packet. the bed too is cold, a collection of wrinkled sheets and pooling blankets. your presence in the room is barely there, only evident by a trail of absences.
oikawa curls up, bed suddenly too big, too lonely, as he tugs the duvet up and over his head. he lies there for a long time, a lump as he reprimands himself. it was true, what he said last night - this wasn’t fair, he couldn’t keep doing this routine. and yet, he couldn’t do anything but care for you, its like he was programmed to. you can’t keep waiting forever, his brain commands and the twinge in his heart pulls his knees closer to his chest.
“oikawa?” the gentle call of his name forces him out from his mind and underneath the covers. his head pokes out from the duvet, brown hair messy and eyes bleary. you notice the downturn of his lips first at the sound of his surname on your tongue. it seems clunky, awkward.
your stomach churns and your hands grip cruelly at the cup inbetween your hands. it’s coffee, half milk with two heaps of sugar and caramel syrup. not the way you like it at all. you hold it out and oikawa’s kind not to mention the tiny tremble of your arms. “if you’ll let me, i owe you something,” you pause, “i miss you, tooru.”
tooru beams. not forever at all.
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cheegu3 · 6 months
𝐄𝐧𝐡𝐲𝐩𝐞𝐧 - 𝐬𝐢𝐥𝐤 𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐞𝐭𝐬 (𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐠𝐥𝐨𝐫𝐲)
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note; as per request a non-canon, alternative ending for enha the glory series where y/n falls for them; this has quite a big focus on smut rather than cutesy romantic stuff bc some wanted it even tho I suck at writing smut lol, I promise there are still some sweet moments tho, but this is meant to show her warming up to them, which in her case would start with attraction !!
warnings; yandere themes, unhealthy relationships, '' stockholm-syndrome '', sex (18+) - masturbation, horny jake & sex w heeseung (sub reader, dom hee), dirty thoughts, no protection, swearing
wc; 4.8k
You woke up right when you arrived at the country house. Initially, you had no idea they were moving you to a new place, or that they had listened to your wishes to live in the countryside at all.
They had just pushed you into the car and said you'd see when you got there.
Your eyes were glued to the window and the changing scenery for the first hour of the ride. Skyscrapers disappeared and the houses became fewer and fewer until all you could see was just nature.
After some time, everything became a lot blurrier. Without fighting it, you let yourself relax and succumb to a much-needed sleep.
When your eyes fluttered open again the car wasn't moving anymore. You sat up straight. The boys smiled when they saw your reaction; a beaming smile with sparkling eyes appeared on your face as you took in the view outside.
Flowerfields stretched everywhere you looked and the house you had stopped in front of was a beautiful old, French-style mansion. It only had a small rural road leading up to it with no other neighbors, and behind it was a huge forest.
'' Do you like it? '' Sunghoon asked.
'' I- '' you let out a shaky breath, overwhelmed with emotion, '' Yes, I love it. ''
The others turned their heads when they heard your sentimental voice. It was the first time they had seen you this happy in weeks. For a long time, the light in your eyes had disappeared, and they were scared it'd never come back.
Sunoo slipped his hand into yours and tugged you towards the house. He led you inside and showed you around briefly. As expected based on how much money they had, it was spacious and decorated to the taste of someone with riches.
It had a large kitchen watching over the living room, a pool table room, a swimming pool in the backyard which had all kinds of beautiful flowers around it; and the top floor had ten impressive bedrooms, accompanied by seven bathrooms.
Once you had finished being in awe during the tour of the house, Sunoo finally let go of your hand. You hadn't even realized the thoughts you'd normally have at a time like this - he's holding me to stop me from running away, he sees me only as his property.
Were you warming up to them? Your face twisted in disgust, drawing his attention immediately.
'' What's wrong? ''
'' Oh, sorry. I was just daydreaming. ''
'' Was it something bad? ''
'' I don't...know, '' you earnestly said, with a hint of somberness.
Sunoo looked like he wanted to say something else. His eyebrows knit together in a mix of concern and curiosity, maybe even suspiciousness. But he shrugged it off, his signature smile that made his eyes gleam appearing on his face again.
'' Have you picked a room yet? ''
You gasped like a little child, '' I can pick any of them? ''
He threw his head back and laughed loudly. Just then Jake and Ni-ki entered the room you were in too. It was the last bedroom at the very end of a long hall, so you supposed they'd been on a tour too.
'' Did we interrupt something? '' Ni-ki teased.
'' No, '' Sunoo mumbled, his cheeks heating up. '' Have you already picked a room? ''
Jake was the one who answered, '' Yeah, the two rooms right in the middle. I had to fight Ni-ki to get the room facing the backyard though. ''
Ni-ki rolled his eyes with a slightly annoyed smirk on his face. The two of them walked further into the room and paced around, seemingly evaluating it to see what they had missed out on. You turned to Sunoo while they were busy.
'' I think I might take some time to decide which room I want. Maybe I can give you an answer after we eat? ''
He nodded, '' Of course. You don't have to feel stressed. ''
'' I'd prefer it if you slept in my room. I like sharing beds with pretty girls. ''
You sighed and turned around, fully expecting him to laugh and say he was joking; you heard from the voice that it was Jake. When turning around, however, you were met with eyes that had a dark look in them, and only a small shadow of a smile playing on his lips.
Ni-ki broke the tense silence that had followed after you turned around and got into a weird staring battle with Jake. Shivers ran down your spine at the look he was giving you - like he wanted to put you on the bed and fuck you then and there in front of the others.
You released a shaky breath and Ni-ki said, '' I'm hungry now just because you mentioned food. ''
He then almost ran out of the room, hurrying to get downstairs first as if someone was going to steal the food away from him. Sunoo followed close behind. Jake was the last to leave, he looked you up and down just as he passed by; even turning his head around to get one last look, giving you the feeling that he waited to see if you'd say something.
The silence when they had all left, felt deafening. You just stood there, completely speechless. Sitting down on the bed you scoffed and ruffled your hair.
'' What the fuck am I doing? '' you whispered to yourself in disbelief.
In the distance, a faint noise started becoming louder. You stood up and slowly went over to the window where it was coming from. Automatically you grinned at the scene below you.
Heeseung, Sunghoon, Jay, and Jungwon were all playing catch with an American football. They were taking it very seriously, trying to block and trip each other while wearing huge childish smiles on their flushed faces.
Then and there you decided that that would be your room. You felt grateful at the thought of having the privilege to see them like this. It was rare that they showed you that side, only recently had they started to do so.
You shook your head and sarcastically ticked your tongue, almost in the manner of a disappointed mom. While you heard them continue playing around, you went to the kitchen next where you and Ni-ki prepared the food.
The whole time, he was very careful and gentle. You hadn't spent much time with him and you could tell he was unsure of how close you were comfortable with him being to you. Slowly, he'd shuffle closer when trying to reach for something while his eyes read your face cautiously.
'' Ni-ki, it's fine, '' you eventually said.
He had hesitated several times now to grab a spoon that lay directly in front of you on the countertop. You picked it up and gave it to him.
'' Did I make you mad? ''
Your head whipped around and seeing that his face had dropped and he shifted his weight uncomfortably you were caught off guard. He had never shown this much vulnerability before, usually, you knew him as the carefree, rebellious one who you often wondered if he even liked you at all.
'' No, I promise. I just don't get why you're so careful around me, I'm not a child. ''
He paused, '' Do you not remember? ''
'' Remember what? ''
You turned back around again and moved the pot to the table, not looking at him before directing your attention back to stirring.
'' You used to flinch all the time, '' he murmured, a hint of sadness and hurt in his voice, '' Even if we just moved things around you, you flinched like we had hurt you. ''
Your movements came to a halt. The spoon you were stirring with almost disappeared under the surface as you got completely floored by what he was saying.
Of course, you remembered it, but it felt like ages ago. It was around the time they stopped having you tied to the bed in the bunker. From there, you gradually got more privileges; no one watching you all the time, the door wasn't locked and you could roam around in the bunker.
You were so scared, all the time. Constantly your body and mind were in survival mode. Could anyone really blame you?
'' Do you not remember what you did to me? You did actually hurt me.'' you bit down the sourness that came from the memories of the past.
It felt more comfortable to not talk about it. They were a lot kinder now and the more time that passed, the more you felt like living in the past and acting upon it was pointless.
Ni-ki looked like you had struck him across the face even though you hadn't even finished your sentence. The past was uncomfortable and painful for them too.
He walked up to you and avoided your eyes, instead just taking the pot from the stove and placing the food on the table. Jay came in and immediately sensed something was wrong.
He raised his eyebrow and laughed awkwardly at the atmosphere then propped himself down at the table and watched you both in silence. Since he joined you, the others were probably on their way so you hurried to smooth things over.
'' I'm sorry, I didn't mean to say that. It kind of just came out...wrong. ''
Ni-ki looked more angry than hurt now that there was someone else in the room. But he shrugged it off, trying to look nonchalant.
'' I'm almost done. You can go out if you want to, I think you'll like the garden. ''
Jay followed after you and when you turned around to ask him if he was following you, you decided against it upon seeing the slight sheepish grin on his face. He was trying to look as casual as possible like he just happened to go back to the guys at the same time as you were.
The group had moved to the backside of the house where it was impossible to see from your bedroom window. Here, there were a few sunbeds scattered around a stone patio and the pool was below. Many flowerbeds framed it, their beautiful colors drawing you in. It seemed like it had a barbecue in the corner as well which captured the attention of Jake and Sunghoon.
When you got closer, you heard the pair bicker over who was going to use the barbecue first. However, it seemed that Jay had somehow won the argument in the end despite not saying a word, since as soon as they saw him they gave up and promised the first go to him.
You sat down in one of the sunbeds furthest away, trying not to draw any attention to yourself. Observant Jungwon immediately noticed. He didn't have a reaction but Sunghoon who turned and went to sit in his seat started when he saw you.
He recovered quickly, '' I didn't expect to see you here. ''
'' Neither did I, '' you half-jokingly said and half-surprised like he was since you'd never willingly spent time with them.
Usually, at a time like this you would've hidden in your room if they let you, or you would've wandered off somewhere where they could see you; anything to get away from them but also occupy your bored mind at the same time.
His teasing smile turned genuine for a split second before the corners of his mouth dropped with the fading smile, sparks of adornment filled his eyes that were watching you. He thought of the same thing that you did, and he had to clear his throat and look away before he got too emotional over your warmer attitude towards them.
Saving him from your questioning gaze, Sunoo's loud voice cut through the silence, '' The food is ready! ''.
You were one of the last ones to get inside and you noticed they all had similar reactions to Sunghoon when they finally noticed you as they passed by.
Jungwon and Jay sat next to you and Jake was sitting directly opposite.
'' Thank you for the food, '' they all started mumbling overlapping.
You snorted when all seven of them fought over who would get the food first. The ones who managed to grab the spoons first - Ni-ki and Heeseung, loaded heaps of rice and meat on to their plates, which earned them complaining groans from the rest of the group.
'' Stop acting like animals, there's enough for everyone, '' Jungwon rolled his eyes.
Graciously he loaded up a plate for you after everyone was done. He pushed it in front of you when he sat down and avoided your eyes. Your smile still didn't go unnoticed by his gaze, he secretly watched you and hoped you'd appreciate it.
'' Thank you. ''
He hummed, trying to sound indifferent like his heart wasn't beating so hard he had trouble hearing the others' voices.
Everyone seemed to be really satisfied with the food, the initial chatter died down pretty quickly when all eight of you got busy with enjoying eating.
When you had finished eating, you watched the others with amusement. They almost seemed to be in love with the fried chicken they were stuffing their faces with. Your eyes went from Heeseung to Jake who was sitting right across from you.
Your lips parted. He was staring right back, that same intense look in his clouded eyes again. A strange feeling started forming in between your legs; a feeling that makes many women blush in embarrassment, and men smirk victoriously.
The heat traveled up to your cheeks, the color spreading very quickly. As expected, Jake had caught on and the corners of his lip tugged upwards.
Jay stood up and delivered a drunken speech which went muffled to your and Jake's ears. The glances exchanged felt potent and addictive, if either of you dared look away, what would happen? And if you didn't - would your secrets of desire be known to everyone in the room?
You shuddered at the thought. But nevertheless, your eyes remained locked with his, unable to tear away. The tension that formed between you could've been cut with a knife, and quite fittingly so, it was interrupted by Jungwon raising a knife into the air dramatically.
'' Be quiet, '' he sternly said.
His usual authoritative tone would've made the boys listen, but the empty beer cans around him and the slightly slurred speech he had, told the others that he was drunk too; so they only snickered at him and copied him teasingly.
Your eyes slipped back onto Jake again and your breath hitched. His eyes never seemed to have left you, not even for a moment to glance at Jungwon. A playful glint had entered his darkened eyes as if daring you to do something.
You swallowed thickly and tugged on Jay's shirt, '' I feel a bit tired. I think I'm going to take a nap. ''
Jay murmured something inaudible. You stood up and managed to slip away without them making a big deal out of it. The door to your room was shut tight as you leaned back on the bed.
All you could think about no matter how much you tried to think of something else, was Jake's sensual eyes. Suddenly you started thinking about how defined his body had looked lately since he had started working out and the feeling between your legs returned.
You groaned frustratedly, blushing like you were a teenager full of hormones again.
You were brought back to reality when sounds other than your own breathiness filled your ears. Chairs scraped and plates were carried away. You got up and walked down to start helping the guys clear off the table. No matter how much you disliked them in the past, you had manners, having been raised to always help clean up after yourself.
'' It's okay, you've helped too much already. Get some sleep while we make dessert, '' Jungwon said, stopping you from helping by catching your wrist that was trying to reach for the dishing gloves.
You opened your mouth and were about to argue back, but he had a blank look on his face, his eyes radiating that domineering vibe he exuded.
With a sigh you defeatedly gave up and ascended to your chosen bedroom again instead. You threw yourself on the bed. With no intention of sleeping, you laid on your back and stared aimlessly at the ceiling until a thought popped into your head quite suddenly.
Like a slave to your desires, the feelings from before came back in full force. You turned your head and looked down the hall, eyes naturally drawn to the door that led to Jake's room.
The boredom of having to wait with nothing to do and no need to sleep made you carefully get out of bed and tiptoe in the direction of the door.
It stood slightly ajar. Maybe you shouldn't have, but you pushed it open. Something drew you to the room, Jake's bedroom. You must've wanted to see him, hoping that something more would spark from a simple exchange of words.
But it was empty. Instead of turning on your heel and going back to your room, you stayed, feet glued to the floor. A strange sense of impulsivity pulsed through your veins, making you do something that would've shocked yourself just a week ago, and make your parents ashamed.
You looked at the bed, the thing you left for him was hidden but if he walked to the other side he'd easily see it. Biting down on your underlip, you stood in the doorway second-guessing what you had done.
But before you could run in and take it back, you heard footsteps. Someone was coming up the stairs. You ran back to your room and left a crack open when closing the door.
You were out of breath and had to put a hand over your mouth to not make any noise as you watched the stairs. It was Heeseung. You saw the signature beanie he often wore and immediately relief washed over you.
A shaky deep breath was released and you leaned back against the wall, thanking whatever angels existed for having saved you. Once Heeseung was in his room, you'd run back and take it.
You watched the clock on your phone and when three minutes had passed you got up again and started to make your way over. The door was closed, you couldn't remember if you left it that way or not.
You pressed down on the handle without hesitation and gave it a small nudge. It creaked as it slowly opened up, revealing more and more of the inside.
Had Jake come up already? No, that was impossible. You hadn't heard any footsteps after Heeseung.
On the bed, you saw someone else. Your eyes widened and you took a step back, letting out a weird sound while covering your face. A voice spoke; the sultry tone dripping with lust made the hairs on your body stand up.
'' Do you not like what you see? ''
Your mouth was clammed shut. Shuddered breaths left you and your heartbeat sped up. The scene that you had witnessed had made your body turn warm, heat spread slowly all throughout your body, from your chest to your reddened cheeks.
'' Were you- '' he drawled and then paused, clearly toying with you because he was enjoying this, '' expecting someone else? ''
You heard the springs on the bed creak and saw him come into view again as he stood up. In both anticipation and fear, you watched him approach you and when he stopped, you couldn't help but notice the height difference that made the situation feel even more like you were being caged in.
'' Heeseung? '' you mumbled.
He hummed, watching you through dark and hooded eyes. You were unsure of what he'd do next.
'' What are you- what are you doing? ''
'' Didn't you see? ''
He nonchalantly waved his closed fist right in front of your eyes. In it, he was grasping something. You gasped - it was exactly what you had imagined.
When you walked in, it looked like he was touching himself while throwing his head back. He was holding something in his hand then too, but you didn't want to make the assumption. Now it had been confirmed, it was your underwear.
'' Was this meant for Jake? ''
You licked your lips nervously and avoided his eyes. A low chuckle came from him as he enjoyed how shy you became when confronted with your lewd acts.
His hand came up to stroke your rosy cheek which only deepened the color even more. '' Was it? ''
You only managed to nod. The hands that were hiding behind your back were shaking and your eyes kept flicking between different objects to avoid looking at him.
'' Y/n, look at me, '' he demanded in a low voice that sent shivers down your spine.
Your head snapped up and your immediate obedience made him look at you with amusement mixed with impressiveness. You had learned quite quickly to listen to them well, Heeseung was always satisfied to see that.
'' Lie down on the bed. ''
Swallowing thickly, you did as you were told and tried to calm your nerves. Heeseung went to close the door, and you jumped up from the bed when you heard a clicking sound; the familiar sound of the door being locked.
He approached the bed and you were pushed down by your shoulders as he climbed over you. His large hands started roaming your body, looking for any type of reaction.
It wasn't said out loud, but he had always wanted to be the one to fuck you first. He was practically beaming on the inside imagining their faces when he'd tell them.
When his fingers brushed across your inner thigh you inhaled sharply, earning a smirk from him. You watched, heating up with every moment you spent just a few inches from his face, how his hands traveled up your thigh again and went under your skirt.
An uncontrollable moan immediately slipped out. Since you didn't have any underwear on he had full access to your body now. The movements paused and your body was screaming for him to continue touching you.
Opening your eyes you saw that he was looking down at you from above with a mischievous glint in his eyes. Upon getting your attention he chuckled, '' You're already this wet? ''
You shrieked and tried to roll over to hide your face in embarrassment but he pushed you back without much effort, giving him room to put his hands down your skirt again.
His lips met yours and the initial quite sweet kiss quickly turned hot, messy, and filled with all the desire and pent-up energy the two of you had accumulated with all the teasing and rejection for the past week.
Jake hadn't been the only one you were playing unspoken mind games with.
You remembered while his tongue explored the inside of your mouth, how despite the bullying you'd always thought they were hot. It was a shame they treated you the way they did after you rejected Heeseung, because you likely would've given in to him sooner or later and dated them anyway.
You moaned softly and spread your legs more when his movement became slower. He noticed and sneered at you, keeping the contact the whole time while unbuttoning his pants and pulling his shirt over his head.
The clothes were thrown aside as he positioned himself in between your legs. It was embarrassing to admit, but your whole body ached and squirmed with anticipation.
Without warning, Heeseung pushed in, causing your back to arch off of the soft mattress underneath. Groans of pleasure escaped past both of your mouths.
'' You okay? '' he asked softly, voice filled with so much tenderness that you were caught off guard.
Wide-eyed you stared up at him, nodding. He smiled sweetly and started moving; even more pleasure filled your body.
Your breathing started aligning, soon the whole room filled with pants and moans that you tried to suppress. He kept moving in a steady motion, despite the sweat beads that had formed on his forehead and his shaky breaths as he was getting closer.
'' I'm- '' you couldn't even finish the sentence, like a wave it washed over you and made you let out a strained cry. Heeseung's hands that were at either side of your head dug into the sheets and he bit his lips, just barely holding back a moan as he came inside of you.
He fell down next to you and both of you stared at the ceiling, trying to catch your breaths after what you had just done hit you like a brick.
You sat up straight, '' Oh my god, '' you mumbled to yourself.
You climbed out and suddenly were in a hurry to leave. Why had you done that? You felt humiliated, even more so at the thought of Heeseung telling the others. It would surely alter their perception of you and make them expect different things from you now.
Heeseung watched you, the corner of his mouth quirking upwards into a cocky smirk. His eyes roamed over your naked body, feeling very lucky he had seen you like that and made you make such beautiful sounds.
Then his gaze softened as he noticed how your face had fallen, it likened the look of concern and sweetness he had given you before. So your hands that had bunched up the clothes, getting ready to run out of the room ultimately fell to your sides when your eyes met.
'' I won't tell the others if you don't want me to. ''
You went over without saying a word and laid down on the side, back turned to him. A few seconds had passed until he understood. A chuckle came from him before you heard him shuffling, and felt his warm skin press against yours.
For a while, you stayed like that on the bed. In the safety of his arms, you fell asleep, and when Heeseung noticed that, he could finally relax and let his heavy eyelids droop at last too.
When you woke up again, Heeseung was gone. You sighed and hid your face in your hands. Of course, he was just like any other guy - what had you expected?
You forced yourself to get out of bed and walked down with heavy steps to the kitchen. It took a few moments for you to take in what you were seeing and when you did, you gasped loudly. A lone Sunghoon sat at the table, eyes widening when he saw you.
'' You weren't supposed to see this yet! '' he said in a high-pitched voice.
The room had been turned into something completely different. Scharlangs hung from the ceiling, with letters spelling out Happy Birthday. Balloons filled the floor and festive cups and plates stood on the table that he was sitting at.
'' I- '' you felt completely taken back, never in a million years would you have expected them to do this for you, '' wow. ''
'' It's not super fancy or anything just, '' he shrugged and avoided looking at you.
You could sense some embarrassment or maybe even shame. Was he insecure that they hadn't done something extravagant? You took his hand and gave him a reassuring smile.
'' This is more than enough, '' you whispered, coming over to sit next to him.
The softness of your voice made him relax. He returned your smile and squeezed the hand that you'd reached out to him. The others came stumbling in just then, all looking childishly excited.
Ni-ki was holding a birthday cake in his hands. You laughed earnestly when you saw it. The cake had uneven bits of frosting smeared all around it, and on top a wonky text in thinner icing that read - happy birthday y/n !
The youngest approached the table and put down the cake very carefully. Jay stepped forward and lit the candles while the others all took a seat.
You watched them, every single one of them, singing their hearts out with big cheesy grins on their faces. Their eyes which were observing you too, held so much love in them.
Your attention drifted to the cute homemade cake that had been put on the table in front of you. That's when the tears started to glim your eyesight and everything turned blurry.
The hot tears slid down your rosy cheeks and you sniffled, remembering how no one had done this for you before. So many birthdays spent alone; your dad forgetting it, your mom pushing it aside or you walking around in school with no one having a clue.
It wasn't a big thing really, but you had always wished that someone would care about your birthday. The absence of it made the day feel even more important than if people remembered, but they never did - not until now.
You realized, with some guilt that the seven boys in front of you loved you very deeply. Maybe more than anyone ever would.
When they stood up to wipe your tears away, you looked up at them with eyes that mirrored the emotions theirs held.
For the first time, you felt at home.
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cherryxblossxms · 9 months
I saw your reblog that says your ask box is open, so I wanted to request/ask for a small fic with officer!Toji? Like you had been pushing his buttons for the last three days and he finally gets fed up and handcuffs you to the bed and uses you like a rag doll 🤤🥺🫶🏼 thanks in advance love!
Officer!Toji x reader
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: ̗̀➛ A/N: hello hello! oof Toji using restraints is a very yummy idea. I don't usually take fic requests but I liked this idea, and I always enjoy some rough Toji! There's a song that makes me think of Toji which is "Villain" by Bella Poarch, so that's a bit of inspo for this! Sorry this took a bit to answer!
: ̗̀➛ Warnings: afab reader, not really an established relationship; FWB??? Enemies to lovers??? Idk, very brief mention of oral (m receiving), no protection with backshot, rough sex, doggy style, use of handcuffs, edging, spit as lube, spanking, a lil manhandling, degradation (slut, whore, princess as an insult lol), mean Toji with some sweetness at the end
: ̗̀➛ Word count: 1628
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You always knew just how to push his buttons, and Toji hated you for it. Or at least, he could have hated you for it, if your pussy wasn't so damn addictive.
Toji wouldn't consider himself any particularly special or hardworking kind of cop. He did his job, he earned his paycheck, and went home. Most days, shifts were boring, with giving a ticket being the most exciting thing happening all day. If he was lucky, he got to tackle a thief to the ground. However, the excitement level changed when he met you, and like some kind of twisted fate, he seemed to be running into you more and more lately.
The first time he'd run into you, you were speeding down the street in a classic bright red Mustang, catching his radar in more ways than one. When he'd caught up to you in his car with the lights flashing, shiny badge on his chest and his scariest face on, he expected the usual sob story to try to get out of a ticket, maybe some crocodile tears and honeyed words to butter him up. But the minute you two made eye contact, some electric shock going through your bodies simultaneously, suddenly it didn't matter anymore.
Of course, the way you took his cock down your throat shortly afterwards may have helped, as well.
After that, it was almost comical albeit suspicious, the number of times you two would "meet up" after that. It was as if you knew his schedule and his route, but he wasn't complaining. Of course, his job was on the line, fucking someone that was essentially a perp, and he'd be fucked if anyone caught you two in the act. But with a cunt as sweet as yours, he was happy to take that risk.
Sometimes he'd take you in the back of his police car, or against the wall in an alley, fucking out his frustrations with you and unloading them into your cunt. But today he decided he wanted a little more privacy, taking you back to his apartment for the first time to make sure you would get the full lesson from him.
Now he had you face down and ass up, handcuffs tight around your wrists and connected to his bed frame as his hips slammed into yours. You'd been really pushing his buttons lately, simple things like jaywalking right in front of his car, stealing merchandise in clear view of him, to speeding by in your damned Mustang again. Once or twice, with little things, he was willing to look the other way. But as you kept pushing his buttons, something in him finally snapped, and he was going to teach you not to play with fire— the hard way.
"Fucking filthy little slut," he grunted out, the loud sound of skin slapping against skin filling the air. "Think you can just do whatever you want, huh? Think you can get away with anything?"
Your face was shoved into his pillow, the only thing muffling your moans and cries of pleasure. His words simply drifted over your head, too lost in the pleasure to pay attention anymore. He always filled you up so well, thick cock with an equally thick mushroom head reaching deep inside, and it never failed to draw out noises you'd never made before meeting him. And now in this position, you could feel him bump up against a particularly sensitive spot, leaving your mouth in a constant "O" as he pounded you without mercy.
You could feel your orgasm start to creep up on you, a roaring fire growing in your belly and ready to consume you whole. That rubber band of tension was ready to snap and Toji could tell, too, by the way your pussy was hugging and tightening on his cock, begging for his seed and for release. Unfortunately for you, Toji was still trying to teach you a lesson, and just as he knew that pleasurable wave was going to crash over, he pulled out, making you cry out in distress from the sudden empty feeling.
Your hole clenched around nothing, your whole groin aching for relief and begging for the stimulation to come back. But Toji simply pulled your asscheeks apart to get a better view, a dark chuckle rumbling in his throat as he started at your core unashamedly.
"T-Toji, fuck," you couldn't help but pant out, trying your best to turn your head in his direction.
"What's wrong, princess, angry that you didn't get to cum?" he responded, taunting you. Not that he could say much, either. His dick was aching, wanting to unload in you already. His hands came up to rub around your hips, squeezing you, waiting for your response.
"Of course I am. Just let me cum already, please," you begged, trying to wiggle your hips at him.
Toji hummed, seeming to think about your words. You tried to wait patiently as he did this, feeling one of his hands leave your body, but the loud smack that resounded caught you off guard, followed quickly by a sharp, stinging pain from your asscheek where he'd just spanked you. It drew out a loud cry from your mouth before you could stop it, and Toji just chuckled in response.
"Hmph. I don't think you deserve to cum yet." His hand rubbed over where he spanked, a soothing motion in contradiction with his words. "You've been acting like a little whore around me for weeks now, doing dumb shit to get my attention. Imagine if one of the other officers caught you, I don't think they'd be nearly as.. lenient as I've been. If you wanna cum, you gotta beg a little more first."
His hand came down on your asscheek again, and you tried to stifle your cry, body still jolting in response.
"Please, Toji, I want to cum," you said against the pillow, tugging weakly on your handcuffs. Your core ached for release, and the spanking was only sending tingles straight to your clit, making it all worse.
"I can't hear you, sweetie, what was that?"
Another slap to your ass, this time a little harder for emphasis. Your asscheek stung, and your whole body was hot, pleasure and shame fighting hard against each other. You hated begging, and Toji knew this. But damn your body, it just wanted to get off already. Your shame could wait til later. Swallowing down your reservations, you moved your head to speak more clearly, glancing back over your shoulder for emphasis.
"Please, Toji, make me cum. I promise I'll behave, just please, don't stop this time."
A smug look crossed his face, and he huffed out a laugh.
"That's what I thought."
Toji spread your cheeks again, spitting down on your cunt. The sensation made you shiver as it quickly cooled, but before you could respond, he angled his hips before sliding back into you to the hilt. The depth he reached made you jolt, but Toji's hands were a vice on your hips as he pulled back, nearly popping out before thrusting back in and setting a harsh pace.
The sounds of his thighs slapping against yours filled the air, and his heavy balls matched the motion against your aching clit, drawing out curses from your lips. It wasn't long before that roaring fire was in your belly once more, ready to overtake you, and with the way Toji was rutting desperately against you, you weren't the only one.
The head of his cock started to rub up against a particularly sensitive spot, and combined with the barrage on your clit, it was enough to push you over the edge finally, and your body twitched hard in your lover's grasp.
"Oh fuck—!" You cried out, before moaning loudly, body shaking as your orgasm completely overtook you.
Toji cursed as he felt your cunt clamp down on him, trying to milk him desperately, and it almost worked. He continued thrusting a little longer, drawing out your pleasure to the edge of overstimulation, before having to quickly pull out. Not even a second later, he was cumming across your ass, deep grunts coming from his throat with each throb of his cock. It was copious, dripping down your cheeks and across your cunt.
Your knees trembled from the hard orgasm, struggling to hold yourself up, but thankfully Toji moved up to unlock your handcuffs, helping you settle down on your stomach finally. He used his shirt to quick wipe you down of his fluids before falling back onto the bed beside you, closing his eyes.
Silence filled the air, and as the lust faded away and was replaced by fatigue, the rational part of your brain began to wake up again. You'd never been in his apartment before, and now you weren't sure what to do next. You'd definitely been breaking the law, and while you could fuck your way out of trouble before, you'd also been in easy-to-escape places. But before you could make any sort of plan with your fatigue-addled brain, Toji's muscular arm came around your waist, pulling you in close.
You had a moment of panic, but although he was strong, you could feel the movement was simply cradling you rather than trapping.
"Stop thinking and go to sleep. I won't do anything."
Toji's eyes were still closed, but you could hear the sincerity in his tone. Against your better judgment, something in you said to trust him. And anyway, with the way he'd just fucked your brains out, you weren't sure you could make much of a quick escape right now regardless. Finally settling down beside him in the warmth of his body, that would be something to think about later.
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Wow it's been a minute since I've written Toji smut but I hope you enjoyed! As always, comments and reblogs are appreciated!
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queensimp69 · 3 months
Killer Love (Slasher headcanons x reader)
How Y'all met/their first reaction to you
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Billy Loomis   -Movie: Ghost face
The two of you actually met through Stu, at first the two of you were just casual around each other but deep down Billy had this feeling about you he couldn’t get out of his head…It was almost addicting. Soon in his free time he’ll watch you from afar, staring at you with hearts in his eyes. He was going to get you one way or another. He would leave small gifts at your door, flowers, some jewelry, stuffed animals, Anything to please you.
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Stu Matcher  -Movie: Ghost face
The two of you met on the first day of school. You have just moved to Woodsboro and Stu was your trusted buddy to show you around school and town! The both of you both had the same humor so you both became close despite Billy’s disapproval (He’s Jelly) It barely been a month and Stu was head over heels for you and was willing to do Anything to make you his permanently. Like Billy he brought you gifts 24/7, anything you wanted or wished for was bought just for you and only you.
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Mark Hoffman  -Movie: Saw
You were driving home in your boyfriend's car late one night, everything was going fine but there was a strange car following you. Getting a little uncomfortable you drove to the Police station and sheepishly went inside, hoping you could just hide out there for a while. Mark, being the one of the only cops in the station, asked why you were there, as you explained he looked at the car you drove and realized it was the same car of Jigsaw's latest victim. He gave you a cup of water and went to call off Amanda, telling her about how it was the wrong person and to go to your boyfriend’s apartment. But there was just something about you that made him feel…Warm. He needed to know more of you…No not more… All of you. He put cameras in your house and would watch you for Hours.
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Bo Sinclair  -Movie: House of wax
You and your “Friends” were on a road trip, it was meant to be peaceful and fun but as you took a sip of your bottle of water you started to feel light headed… A few hours later you woke up on the side of a road, your clothes were ripped and you were covered with bruises. Sitting up you looked around to see yourself at a gas station, it seemed empty. Suddenly you heard someone yell at you, asking you why on earth you were laying on the ground of their gas station. Looking around you looked at the man, he was a dirty blonde and pretty dirty, as if he was working on a car, roughly 6 '2 and nicely fit. He gave you a helping hand before waiting for you to explain WHY you were at his gas station just laying on the ground. You still dazed and explained your situation, as you talked you saw how his face changed from disgust at your “Friends” to pity. Feeling kind he offered a place to stay for a while and in return you helped around, but in the back of his mind he knew that he was never going to let you Leave as he fully set on claiming you as his… Permanently.
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Vincent Sinclair  -Movie: House of wax
(Same situation as Bo But instead on bo liking you he just pity’s you)
As Bo leads you to an empty bedroom He mentions how sometimes his brother would come around and stay in the bedroom next to yours. A few days passed of you staying with Bo but something was odd…You never saw Bo’s brother’s, mainly the one who slept in the room next to yours… You asked Bo about it but he just brushed you off saying it was normal but offered to bring you to him. It was a brief meeting but for Vincent it was forever, He just couldn’t just take his eyes off you! You were the perfect art piece, He would watch you for hours, taking notes and drawing you 24/7 until he ran out of paper.
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Lester Sinclair  -Movie: House of wax
(Same situation as Bo But instead on bo liking you he just pity’s you)
As Bo showed you around, the two of you encountered the youngest brother of the Sinclair’s. Quickly Lester got amused and offered to take you off Bo’s hands and drive you around as he was bored. As the two of you drove around, y'all made light conversation, happily talking and cracking jokes but before long Lester realized he had to get back to work on the road :(, feeling a little confected he decided to take you with him as a make up road trip for you! (This one is sweet and not crazy XD)
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Brahms heelshire -Movie: The boy
It was pretty simple, you had just moved and needed a place to stay for the time being until you had saved enough money for a house of your own. The many kind people of the town told you to live in the old manor and fix it up and in return they will bring food and stuff as thanks. For the first day you saw a list of rules, thinking nothing of it you followed them as you went along you day, the rules weren’t hard or anything so it wasn’t much of a problem but…You wouldn’t help but constantly feeling eyes on you…As if Somebody was watching you through the walls. (Ya’ll don’t really meet until later on during first impressions 😅)
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Thomas Hewitt -Movie: Texas chainsaw massacre
After a few years of saving money you finally were able to move! It took a few months to get a company to do it but they made your home in the middle of state Texas and in front of a pretty white house, After a few days a nice lady knocked on your door with a pie in hand, the two of you talked as you ate the pie together, she talked about a guy named Thomas. After she left around 7pm you finally got really to bed, never realizing the Man who was watching you through the window…Although you didn’t know Thomas or who he looked like, Thomas knew you and adored how you looked in your cute little pajamas.
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Michael Myers  -Movie: Halloween
You had just moved right next to the Myer’s house, you didn’t know much about it cause whenever you asked people they never gave a straight answer…Odd. But you didn’t have time to poke any further as it was almost halloween! You happily got your new house all decorated and stocked up on a lot of candy days in advance. Then the day finally came. Filled with joy you happily passed out candy and small toys until you had one piece left. Looking around you saw a tall man in a blue jumpsuit and a white mask standing in front of the Myer’s house, you slightly questioned his costume choice but didn’t think too much of it as you waved him over. He took a few minutes to come over but when he did you happily gave him the last piece of candy saying how lucky he is before saying good night and going back inside. Later that night as you slept you never knew about that same man Standing in the corner of your room watching you as he fell deeper in love with this “Kind” person.
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The end! Please tell me if you want more and have a wonderful, horny day :D
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