#five somethings prompts
cheeriecherry · 2 years
ooh hmm can we get a reader that just likes to bite? not like a kink but just idly… monch on the bookmark man it means we love him
The first time it happens, neither of you really know what to say about it. Viktor is sitting on the small couch in his apartment, and you’re laying horizontal with your cheek on his thigh: you don’t know why the urge strikes you so suddenly, or why you feel so compelled to follow through with action. Nevertheless, you do - you tilt your head downwards by a fraction, and dig your teeth into the meat of his leg. You don’t bite him hard - not enough to leave marks and certainly not enough to damage the fabric of his trousers - but it’s with enough force that he startles slightly, and looks down at you with wide eyes.
“Did you just bite me?” he asks, his tone somewhere between incredulous and astounded. You peek up at him from your spot on his lap to give him a mischievous smirk, and then go back to resting comfortably. He’s puzzled, that much is clear, but neither of you speak of it after that.
The second time you bite him is a couple days later. He’s making good on his promise to finally cook dinner for you - something you’d been asking him to try for months - and you’re helping. His definition of what you’re doing might be more along the lines of hindering, but you’re keeping him company while he works, and for that he cannot fault you. Even when you come up behind him and wrap your arms around his waist, he’s not particularly fussed about your distractions: until he feels the dull pressure of your teeth into his shoulder. It’s a little more shocking than the first time you did it, if only because his shirt is thinner than his trousers, and he can more easily feel the sharp edges press against his skin.
“You- again!” he complains, trying to turn around in your grasp to better accuse you. You, however, have a grip like an octopus, making turning impossible for him. You stay like that for several moments, even as one of the pots on the stove starts getting close to boiling over. “Why do you keep biting me?” he asks, suspicious and a little judgmental. You shrug, and place a kiss on the area you previously attacked. “You make me happy, that’s all,” you explain, as if he should simply understand what that means.  It isn’t until much later - months down the line - when it finally hits him. You’re being yourself - sitting comfortably while he works in the lab, quietly bantering with Jayce - when the urge suddenly strikes him. You’re cute, and a sweetheart, and he loves you…and he finally gets it. He doesn’t know where the desire comes from, especially in such a non-intimate setting, but it’s there. And when he bites you later that day, you simply laugh, kiss his cheek, and tell him, “I knew you’d get it eventually.”
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cheeriecherrymain · 2 years
Prompt: Reader who likes to bite to show affection?
The first time it happens, neither of you really know what to say about it. Viktor is sitting on the small couch in his apartment, and you’re laying horizontal with your cheek on his thigh: you don’t know why the urge strikes you so suddenly, or why you feel so compelled to follow through with action. Nevertheless, you do - you tilt your head downwards by a fraction, and dig your teeth into the meat of his leg. You don’t bite him hard - not enough to leave marks and certainly not enough to damage the fabric of his trousers - but it’s with enough force that he startles slightly, and looks down at you with wide eyes.
“Did you just bite me?” he asks, his tone somewhere between incredulous and astounded. You peek up at him from your spot on his lap to give him a mischievous smirk, and then go back to resting comfortably. He’s puzzled, that much is clear, but neither of you speak of it after that.
The second time you bite him is a couple days later. He’s making good on his promise to finally cook dinner for you - something you’d been asking him to try for months - and you’re helping. His definition of what you’re doing might be more along the lines of hindering, but you’re keeping him company while he works, and for that he cannot fault you. Even when you come up behind him and wrap your arms around his waist, he’s not particularly fussed about your distractions: until he feels the dull pressure of your teeth into his shoulder. It’s a little more shocking than the first time you did it, if only because his shirt is thinner than his trousers, and he can more easily feel the sharp edges press against his skin.
“You- again!” he complains, trying to turn around in your grasp to better accuse you. You, however, have a grip like an octopus, making turning impossible for him. You stay like that for several moments, even as one of the pots on the stove starts getting close to boiling over. “Why do you keep biting me?” he asks, suspicious and a little judgmental. You shrug, and place a kiss on the area you previously attacked. “You make me happy, that’s all,” you explain, as if he should simply understand what that means. It isn’t until much later - months down the line - when it finally hits him. You’re being yourself - sitting comfortably while he works in the lab, quietly bantering with Jayce - when the urge suddenly strikes him. You’re cute, and a sweetheart, and he loves you…and he finally gets it. He doesn’t know where the desire comes from, especially in such a non-intimate setting, but it’s there. And when he bites you later that day, you simply laugh, kiss his cheek, and tell him, “I knew you’d get it eventually.”
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puppetmaster13u · 6 months
Prompt 121
There’s several de-aged Danny prompts, but what about de-aged Jazz. Most agree she’s very liminal after all, so who's to say ghost things won’t affect her too? 
So imagine with me, Jazz gets hit with something, and she is now child; maybe even baby. Danny panics, flees with his emergency bag alongside the other three in Team Phantom. So now they’re four teens with a very small child on the run. Four teens and a small child who have run into several heroes. 
Heroes who are all very concerned. 
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viarayy01-blog · 1 month
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i’m kinda late rn but here’s my contribution to vanweek 2024!
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jenniferstolzer · 1 year
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Goin' Incognito....
This is a painted version of a sketch I did long ago. Yes, I'm still on my FNAF kick. It's gonna last until Ruin... and HW2... and let's be real, the movie is gonna just recement it permanently.
Version that hasn't been post productioned to death under the cut
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johnslittlespoon · 1 month
I'm nervousss, new to tumblr and this is my first interaction on here :{
I just love your writing sm btw and your characterization has taken over canon for me! dogcoded bucky for president okokk so im thinking from the "smut phrase/action prompt" list, buckbucky went out drinking, bucky and curt got rowdy and there was a fight, tensions are high gale's patience is wearing thin. soo drunk bucky got hurt and is trying to come to terms with his masochism. gale is patching him up and bucky is losing his mind. bucky is just staring slack mouthed as gale kinda reprimands and manhandles him around without asking. gale notices him going quiet and decides to tease him sorta as punishment. "spread your legs baby, thats it.. wider." and bucky is just gone with the pain, praise and humiliation. ok i have to go study but i hope you like the ask!
prompts | omg hello and welcome!! no need to be nervous i promiseeee, we're all equally deranged pals here >:) i'm so glad you made this your first interaction bc i LOVE this prompt/idea aaaasjdkg and thank u sm?! <333 dog coded bucky is everything to me :')) this got pretty long so i didn't set up much context past what you already wrote, but i hope this is what you had in mind! x
John’s head spins as Gale eases him onto the edge of his bed, body aching in protest. He decides, as he often does when the aftermath of his actions catches up to him, that the extra glass of whiskey and the previously–exciting fighting words had not been worth it.
“Head hurts,” he grumbles, and Gale glances down at him as moves to stand between his knees with a medkit, looking wholly unimpressed.
“I wonder why,” he says dryly, firmly pushing John’s hand away when he bats at Gale’s in an attempt to delay the inevitable sting of antiseptic. 
“Don’t need that.” John tries to pull away instead, but Gale’s hand finds the back of his head and pushes him forward with an exasperated sigh, and it’s clear he’s at his limit with his antics.
John likes caring, soft Gale, but this Gale? The one that snaps at him and pulls him around and takes control? It does something to him. And he’s sure it has something to do with his masochistic tendencies and his inclination to self–sabotage, but regardless of the reason, it has him squirming under Gale’s hands, further irritating him.
“Bucky–” Gale shakes his head and grabs his jaw, leaning in closer as he dabs at where the bridge of his nose had been split open by a mean right hook. He can’t help the way his face scrunches up at the sting, digging his fingers into Gale’s forearm but not daring to push him away.
“Fuck,” he hisses. It hurts in a really, really good way.
“Stay still,” Gale murmurs, gripping his jaw tighter, and a quiet whine climbs up John’s throat, feeling the dabs of the cotton pause for just a moment before Gale continues on.
The bruising ache, the firm hand on his face, the close proximity, and Gale’s flat commands are making his skin itch, heat rising to the surface as his mouth goes a little dry. He instinctively closes his legs around Gale’s sides to stop him from getting close enough when he goes to observe the deeper split above his brow, and Gale pulls back, levelling him with an irritated stare.
“John,” he says sternly, and he can’t help the way his face flushes, lips parting as he stares back. The corner of Gale’s mouth twitches, and something shifts in his expression, and John flinches when his hands find his knees, squeezing firmly.
“Something wrong?” The tone of Gale’s voice is different, a veiled challenge behind flat words, and John can only shake his head.
“No?” Gale tilts his head, letting his palms slowly creep up past his knees, holding John’s gaze. He can feel his pants growing tighter around his front, and it’s getting hard to keep his eyelids from drooping as he stares up.
Gale nods to himself, sliding his hands to the insides of his thighs, applying a little pressure.
“Why don’t you spread your legs for me then, baby?” He murmurs, and John’s cock twitches in his pants, the tips of his ears burning. He parts his legs easily when Gale slides his hands further up, pliant under his touch, gaze jumping from Gale’s lips to his hands and back up to his eyes.
“That’s it, good job,” Gale purrs mockingly, shuffling closer, the tone of his voice steely despite his praise. His fingertips brush against the crook where John’s thighs meet his hips, and a breathy noise escapes his lips, and Gale smiles dangerously, leaning down close enough that their lips almost touch when he speaks again.
“Wider, doll.”
John complies, breath catching in his throat when Gale closes the distance between them, the press of his body against his front as he reaches for the gauze enough to have his hips twitching forward involuntarily.
“That all it takes, John?” Gale asks as he leans in, getting to work cleaning away the dried blood above his brow. John barely flinches, too busy swallowing down an embarrassing groan, eyes locked onto Gale’s face.
“A simple instruction and you’re this worked up, hm?” The drag of the gauze stings, but John’s hands are on Gale’s hips and Gale hasn’t told him off and he doesn’t want to move and jeopardize that.
“Be good and stay still for me, and I’ll see what I can do about that,” Gale presses his thigh down to punctuate his bribe, and John’s mouth goes slack, a moan rumbling low in his chest. He’s certain Gale can feel how hard he is just from a few teasing comments, and his face is hot with embarrassment, yet he still can’t stop himself from rocking his hips forward into Gale’s thigh, whining when the friction drags just right.
“Makin’ such sweet sounds with that pretty mouth of yours,” Gale hums, smoothing out a bandage over his brow. “Maybe we can put it to use, too, if you behave.”
John thinks Gale may very well be the reason he goes insane one day, and he wouldn’t have it any other way.
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shywhumpauthor · 11 months
Ahah fun idea here, tie your Whumpee to a fence post or something indirect sunlight. Make sure it’s a really hot, bright day outside. Cut away their shirt, make sure they’re tied to the fence face-first so their back gets the worst of the burns.
Bring them inside when the sun starts to set, then have your Whumper whip them with a belt.
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startanewdream · 10 months
A while ago you wrote older jily telling Sirius about their 2nd and very unexpected pregnancy. As it was on fool day Sirius didn't believe them.
Could you write a sequel with Sirius understanding it's not a joke? (If you think that a caustic remus should be a witness of this all, i wouldn't mind😁😘)
For you, Zin , hope you enjoy this pure *chaos* down here❤️ (first part)
With a flick of his wand, James sends all the dishes to the sink. "I'll take care of them in the morning," he promises.
Lily nods lazily; she stands up, moving to the liquor cabinet. James beats her to it, waving her to sit again. She almost laughs; hopefully, in a few days, his overprotective care will subdue.
In front of her, Tonks—well, Lupin, technically, but Lily still sees her as Tonks—winks at her.
"This one was the same," she says, nudging her husband. "Usually made a mess because he didn't want me to do anything."
"You were nine-months long, it didn't seem natural that you could move at all."
"I couldn't be more clumsy than I usually am—I nearly broke your front vase, Lily, sorry."
James chuckles. "It was a gift from Sirius, we wouldn't mind."
The man in question lifts his eyebrows. "You said you had loved it."
"No, what I said is that I could see you loved going for shopping in IKEA."
"I'm man of good taste."
"I find that hard to believe—how is the refurbishment of Grimmauld's Place?"
"That place improved a lot since I took down my dear mother's portrait."
"You mean since we took it down—two hours worthy of charms and I didn't get offered any beverage—"
"Speaking of," Lily begins, deciding that interrupting them is the best course; it's late after all. "Weren't you going to offer our guests a last drink?"
James flushes. "I don't think Sirius can be considered a guest anymore. He's part of the furniture by now."
"The nicest furniture," Sirius agrees, unashamed, accepting the glass with liquor that James offers him. He tastes the drink, then looks at James finishes serving Remus and Tonks, before closing the liquor bottle. "You forgot yours."
"Oh, I'm not drinking. Solidarity and all." He winks at Lily, who blows him a kiss in answer.
"Not drinking? Lily needs her sleeping juice."
"I do not," Lily says dignifiedly. "And I should drink in my current state."
Sirius rolls his eyes. "Are you two still keeping that joke?"
"What joke?" Tonks asks, curious.
Lily sighs. "Dear Padfoot is under the impression I'm not really pregnant."
"You cannot be pregnant," declares Sirius, as if it's obvious. Tonks snorts.
"Well, for the things I've unfortunately witnessed between them, I'd say she can be pregnant, no question."
"Yeah." James holds the back of his neck, his cheeks red. "Sorry about that, we thought we had locked the door—"
Remus laughs heartily. "That's how you know you are part of the family," he assures Tonks. "It's a tradition to catch them...ah... making babies, I guess."
"To be fair, it only happened twice," Lily notes.
"People catching you two or the babies?"
Lily nods gravely. "If I had a child for every time someone caught us, we could have our own Quidditch team by now."
"Your own Potter's Playground," sniggers Sirius. Then he throws a reproachful glance at Remus and Tonks. "Since when are you two into this prank?"
Remus smiles innocently. "Since James promised me I would be godfather—mind you, I had to wait twenty years—"
"I am the godfather!"
"You can be Uncle Padfoot now," Remus suggests, the corners of his mouth twitching.
"No one ever called me uncle—James! I'm okay with your fake pregnancy, but fake uncle is too far."
"Sirius," Lily insists. "It's not fake. I'm three months pregnant now."
Sirius blinks; twice. "You cannot be," he says reasonably. "I would have noticed it."
"Is it?"
"I'm an Auror."
"A lousy one," Tonks teases. "Let's see—there's that glowing aura, James hasn't let her hold anything heavier than a fork, Lily didn't drink wine the whole dinner—"
"And," Remus adds, "there's the fact that she told us. To use your Auror terms, she confessed her crime."
"Repeatedly," James whispers; Sirius ignores him. He kneels suddenly as if the weight of his body is too much, and he stares at James and Lily with awe.
"Pregnant—you two are really...?" They nod. "There is another Potter coming?" Another nod. Sirius' eyes widen. "Good Godric, I can't believe, I... I am going to be a godfather again!"
"Not now," Lily whispers to her husband, patting Sirius' head; he is actually crying. "We have six months to get him used to the idea."
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accidental-spice · 2 months
I'm going to stab my laptop to death with an actual knife
On a related note, does anyone know how to fix a very specific problem where I can't access my downloaded files on Tumblr or EZGif???
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soupdweller · 8 months
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day 12: full moon :')
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springlock-suits · 8 months
Fnaf-tober | Day 5: It was just a glitch!
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run rabbit, run rabbit, run, run, run
Fnaf-tober by miiilowo
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cheeriecherry · 2 years
Arcane Masterlist!
Viktor x Reader
The Lonely (ongoing) Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6 / Part 7 / Part 8 / Part 9 (coming soon!)
Five Paragraph Prompts/Fics
Viktor Realizing He’s In Love
Yours And Viktor’s First Kiss
Dancing In The Kitchen
Your Favourite Play
Viktor Comfort
Viktor With A Cat
Taking A Bath Together
Musician Viktor
Viktor Getting Another Cat
Librarian!Reader And Viktor
Viktor Braiding Your Hair
Giving Viktor Affection
Your Honeymoon With Viktor
Viktor Visiting Your Bakery
You Try To Learn Viktor’s Native Language
Viktor Touching You For Any Reason
You Try To Hide Your Tattoos
Viktor Finding Your Sketchbook
Jealous Viktor
You’re An Outsider, Like Him
You’re An Incredibly Affectionate Drunk
You’re Childhood Friends With King!Viktor
Shitty Roommate Viktor - Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6
Praising Viktor
Viktor Forgetting You, His Childhood Friend - Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 (coming soon)
You Like To Bite (Affectionately)
Old Wounds Resurface (Kind Of)
NSFW Section
Breeding Kink
Viktor Getting Caught
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cheeriecherrymain · 2 years
Prompt: Viktor giving the sweetest aftercare?
18+ under the cut - not explicit, but suggestive/sexual themes - read at your own discretion
Your entire body is shaking, nerves lit up like stars and sending waves of warmth from head to toe. It isn’t often that Viktor spoils you like this - he is, of course, always a generous lover - but rarely is he able to take several hours to focus solely on you: touching you, kissing you, whispering sweet words and sweeter promises right into your ear. Promises of pleasure, of comfort and closeness, promises to make you forget yourself and all that ails you. It’s easy to give in to his desires, with how easily they align to your own.
Once the tingling warmth within you begins to fade, though, your other senses awaken. You begin to hear the world outside your room again, and feel the scratch of soft restraints at your wrists. You can’t see anything yet, which you’re grateful for; you’re not sure you could handle the sudden onslaught of feelings, sounds and sights.
“Easy, my love,” Viktor is quiet as he reappears at your side, the bed dipping as he takes a seat. He presses a kiss to your bare shoulder, and lets his fingertips wander down your arms; until he reaches your wrists and deftly unties the silk ribbons he’d decorated you with. Once you’re free, you slouch back against him and whine until he wraps his arms around you.
Vaguely, you feel him beginning to prod at the blindfold he had you in, but you quickly reach up to stop him. He’s only confused for a second, and ends up laying another gentle kiss to your cheek. “Still overwhelmed, dear?” he asks, pulling you closer so he can better ease the aches out of your body. His touch wanders down your sides, almost ticklish, and across your thighs; thumbs digging into your lower back and over your hips, rubbing small circles into the various knots you’ve accumulated over the week.
You hum in contentment, even as he runs a warm cloth over your most sensitive areas and momentarily chills you, his presence is soothing and steady. “Would you like some more?” he asks, tapping at the blindfold still shielding your eyes, “Or is the light just bothersome?” You quietly tell him that no, you’re fully spent and satisfied, but you’d prefer to rest a little more how you are now. And Viktor, ever the loving boyfriend, does as you wish - gets comfortable on the bed and pulls you down with him, brushing your hair out of your face to pepper you in kisses. “Whatever you want,” he says to you, barely loud enough to hear, “I would give you whatever you asked me for. Always.”
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erikahenningsen · 5 months
11 for rejanis bc I loved your holiday fic from ages ago
11. “Don’t you dare throw that snowba-, goddammit!”
No matter how old Janis gets, she never outgrows the rush of giddy excitement when she wakes to an alert that they have a snow day.
The first thing she does is go to the window. There's something so peaceful about everything—the yard, the trees, the cars, the roads—covered in unblemished white snow.
The second thing she does is check the group chat, where she knows Damian has invited them over to build snowmen and snow forts and, most importantly, to have a snowball fight.
That never gets old, either.
Which is how Janis finds herself hiding behind a tree, her fingers practically numb in her soaked mittens but having too much fun to care.
She sees movement out of the corner of her eye and sees it's Regina, crouching behind one of the forts. (Fort may be a bit generous—it's mostly a pile of snow loosely shaped into a wall.) And Janis really can't resist that.
Regina lets out a yelp when the first snowball hits her back, whipping around, one hand reached behind her to dig the snow out of the hood of her jacket. When she sees it's Janis her eyes narrow.
"What are you doing?" Regina hisses. "We're on the same team."
She looks so irritated that Janis has to bite her lip to keep from laughing. There's something so gratifying about pushing Regina's buttons—being so used to everyone doting on her, Regina has no tolerance for even the smallest of inconveniences.
"My bad," Janis says. "My hand slipped." She slowly moves her arm, holding the second snowball, from behind her back.
Regina's eyes zero in on the snowball. "Don't you dare throw that snowba—"
Janis throws it, the snowball hitting Regina just under the chin.
Before Janis can blink, Regina lunges at her, knocking her into the snow, which cushions her fall.
"Regina, what the fu—oof."
The cold of the snow starts to seep into Janis's jeans and the back of her neck where her jacket isn't covering her skin.
"Not so funny now, huh?" Regina says, smirking.
After a moment, Janis realizes that Regina is on top of her, one of her knees between Janis's, one hand braced in the snow and one holding the front of Janis's coat.
The smirk slides off Regina's face and they stare at each other, their faces inches apart, their breath meeting and fogging the air between them.
Janis swears she sees Regina's gaze drop to her lips, just for a second, and Janis has the crazy thought that if Regina kissed her, she would kiss her back. She isn't sure if she's imagining it, but it feels like their lips are moving impossibly closer.
"Keeping each other warm, I see. Love the team spirit."
They both startle at the sound of Damian's voice, and Regina moves off of Janis so quickly she nearly trips over her own feet, muttering a halfhearted sorry. Janis immediately misses the warmth and weight of her body.
Regina is looking anywhere but at Janis or Damian, and Janis's isn't sure if the red painting her cheeks is from the cold or if she's blushing.
I'll kill you, Janis mouths to Damian, and he just laughs.
Until a snowball nails him in the face.
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hahskeleton · 3 days
Hey guys! I’m pleased to announce that I will now be taking drabble requests in my free time!
Due to a lot of stuff, and I’m traveling for softball recently and don’t have too much time to draw digitally, but I do have my phone with me so I can type drabbles on the road trips!
If you have a request please send them in the ask box!
No NSFW please! (kissing and stuff is fine)
You may only send two requests per month
Please be at least a little descriptive!
Don’t hate towards the drabble if you don’t like what I’ve written
I will write:
fnaf (any game)
fnaf movie
sun x eclipse
dca x y/n
hurt/no comfort
any of my AUs (if you request something for them)
I will not write:
ships I’m not comfortable with (you’ll know if I’m comfortable with it if I write it or turn it down)
other’s aus (unless you’re my moot and I know enough about the au)
Be prepared that I might turn one (or many) of the drabbles into an au because my brain would like the idea enough :)
Have fun!! :D
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Text: Some places have selkies, we have Serpents. They’re dangerous sure, but the Asp family is different. Those that come to town hunting them don’t know how much we owe them.
Asp tag
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