#fleur's mini comic
sunnydaleherald · 5 months
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Friday, January 19
Drusilla lowers the stake and takes the few steps over to Buffy. DRUSILLA: Happy Birthday, Buffy.
~~Surprise~~ Happy Birthday today to Buffy Anne Summers, who turns 43!
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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Home Again by apachefirecat (PG-13)
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Advanced Epidemiology by Derbil_McDillet (Riley/Sam Finn, Community xover, T)
Experimental Procedures by MadeInGold (Spike/Walsh, E)
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The Wonder of the Curse part 4 by Illyrian (unrated)
A to Z Drabbles - A week: untitled by NotASlayer (Anya, unrated)
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mini fic for 1x05 Never Kill a Boy on the First Date by caricature-of-fic (Buffy, Willow, G)
mini fic #2 for 1x05 Never Kill a Boy on the First Date by caricature-of-fic (Angel G)
[you rested your forehead against Rupert's...] by iobsessoverfictionalmen (Giles/reader, Wonder Woman xover, unrated)
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Play that Song Again by EllieRose101 (Buffy/Spike, PG)
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Hello? by Dusty (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
[Chaptered Fiction]
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Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Shadowed Suspicion Ch. 409 by madimpossibledreamer (Jojo's Bizarre Adventure xover, T)
Forgiveness - Ch. 17 by slaymesoftly (unrated)
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A Waxy Gent Chuckled Over My Fab Jazzy Quips - Ch. 1-19 by violettathepiratequeen (Buffy/Spike, G)
A tale of lost souls - Ch. 2-3 by Bl4ckHunter (Faith, Angel, ensemble, Arrow xover, T) COMPLETE!
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Something Borrowed - Ch. 1 by Geliot99 (Buffy/Spike, R)
Constellations - Ch. 2 by Maxineeden (Buffy/Spike, Adult Only)
Rebehold the Stars (Love from the Other Side of the Apocalypse) - Ch. 4 by Asokatanos (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
Pack My Box with Five Dozen Liquor Jugs - CH. 19 by honeygirl51885 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Forgiveness Doesn't Come Easy - Ch. 17 by slaymesoftly (Buffy/Spike, R)
Goodbye to Everything That I Knew - Ch. 17 by fortes775 (Buffy/Spike, R)
Destiny or Choices Made? - Ch. 43 by charmed4lifekaren (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
The Neighbor's Point of View - Ch. 78 by the_big_bad (Buffy/Spike, PG)
In The Dark With You - Ch. 27 by Geliot99 (Buffy/Spike, R)
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Valhalla Can Wait - Ch. 3 by TraceColburn (OCs, FR18)
Dawn Rising by Luna (Buffy, LOTR xover, FR15)
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Clean Slate - Ch. 5 by hulettwyo (Buffy/Spike, Adult Only)
Pack My Box with Five Dozen Liquor Jugs - Ch. 19 by honeygirl51885 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
It's Easy Time, Until It's Not - Ch. 12 by hulettwyo (Buffy/Spike, G)
Forgiveness Doesn't Come Easy - Ch. 17 by Slaymesoftly (Buffy/Spike, R)
The Grapevine - Ch. 13 by ClowniestLivEver (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Manip: Made an edit for Buffy's birthday! by MX101 (Buffy, worksafe)
Craft: Hi! I made a Buffy patch :) by TheVilliriated936 (worksafe)
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Artwork: more Buffy rewatch doodles :) by strawberri-draws (Buffy, Spike, Willow, Xander, worksafe)
Artwork: I got to the ‘will you be slaying’ bit that I’ve only seen as a meme by onairwithnobody (worksafe)
Artwork: uhh redraw of that one comic panel. you know the one. by genericaces (Buffy/Angel/Spike, NSFW)
Gifset: JULIE BENZ as DARLA --Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1997-2003) --Angel the Series (1999-2004) by whatisyourchildhoodtrauma (Darla, worksafe)
Gifset: season seven ↦ xander & willow by starryeyesxx (Xander, Willow, worksafe)
Gifset: season seven ↦ buffy & giles by starryeyesxx (Buffy, Giles, worksafe)
Gifset: Why exactly can't we damage this Polka thing's arms? by allsonargent (Buffy, ensemble, worksafe)
Fanvid: Wesley&Lilah | My Tears Ricochet by mercer-queen (Wesley/Lilah)
Fanvid: You and me, baby ain’t nothing but mammals by isevery0nehereverystoned (Buffy/Spike)
Fanvid: Everyone: He can't get in trouble if we don't involve him. Xander: Challenge accepted! by paranormallyshiny (Xander)
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Manip: Les Fleurs by all choseny (Buffy/Spike, worksafe)
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Manip: Les Fleurs by all choseny (Buffy/Spike, G)
[Reviews & Recaps]
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BTVS Rewatch Chronicles: Season 1 by QualifiedApathetic
Best seasons ranked worst to best , according to IMDb by GraxelDeBaudre
I've just rewatched season 7 and it's the first time I've really enjoyed it by xboxg4mer
Angel Top 5 Favorite Episodes by Khalesssi_Slayer1
[Recs & In Search Of]
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ISO: anon seeks BTVS roleplay, like the post via prpfs
February Fangfest Fic Rec: A-Hunting We Will Go by brutti_ma_buoni
[Fandom Discussions]
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there should have been more play on Buffy and Spike both dyeing their hair by amandamonroe
how the Big Bads [some] are straight-up loving individuals... by shanie-the-komania-toyaddict and peppermintquartz
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Why didn't Buffy stake Spike in 'Beneath You'? updated by NoShip
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Wesley and Fred- Too Manipulative? by Priceless
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In honor of Buffy's birthday, what's your favorite Buffy Birthday episode? by katywell
BtVS Characters: Where are they now? by 702Things
Angel & Co never re-ensouled Harmony... Did they just assume it wouldn't make a difference? by alrtight
About Chosen and the comics by debujandobirds
Dog Breeds I think Giles would have by CoffeeMilkLvr
This Hunchback of Notre Dame discussion in Crush (s5 e14) is definitely Spike coded right? by Suspicious-Thing5215
For the ladies: what does the show Buffy have to say about womenhood? by Upbeat_Orchid8451
Magick and drugs by mistajc
POLL: What is your favorite genre in BTVS? by hthbellhop76
Why can slayers see the future at all? by Tsole96
Mirrors [symbolism and parallels] by Girlthatbreathes
Why did it take me 26 years to realize Dr. Gregory was a virgin? by Daddygeek84
WTF just happened in this Angel season 3 episode? [Angel's actions esp towards Wesley] by Eagles56
Does anyone remember Merl? [ATS] by Simple-Ceasar
Gangsta's Paradise [cringiest ATS moments] by ReallyGlycon
[Articles, Interviews, and Other News]
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Video: "In honor of Buffy’s birthday, here’s what James Marsters thinks Spike would get for Buffy..." by slayer dreams via dontkillspike
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kraken-draws · 1 year
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dumb meme comic. russ the weasel mink is the ship's doctor in the one piece mini campaign. he belongs to fleur!
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thanatasia · 3 years
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Maybe 2 more pages and this sketch comic is finished! I laugh at how sketchy the first few pages are compared to this one. May Thra be with me when I finally get back into making full comics again.
What do you think Tore said here?
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deepsixfanfic · 6 years
₪ = Convidando eles para um jantar . Alex e Fleur (Porque eu shippo e quero fazer o povo shippar haha).
Alex x Fleur ₪ = Convidando eles para um jantar
— Ei, sua irmã e o Crane estão namorado? — Rick perguntou quando entrou no laboratório recém descongelado e Alex.
— Que merda de pergunta é essa?! — ele se virou em sua cadeira, sua reação chamando a atenção de Logan e Fleur, que estavam na outra mesa arrumando as novas flechas dela.
— Eles estão passando muito tempo juntos, cheios de “toques acidentais”. Passei por eles agora e aposto cinquenta pratas que vão se pegar antes do fim da tarde — o moreno riu e vendo olhar furioso que Alex lançava na direção dele.
— Ele está zoando com a sua cara — Fleur apontou. — Sua irmã não está na base agora, saiu hoje cedo para resolver algo com investidores da LexCorp.
— Me pegou nessa, garota — Rick riu pulando em uma cadeira vazia e deslizando com ela até o Luthor. — Ficou com ciúmes da irmãzinha, riquinho?
— Não se esqueça pra quem trabalho, idiota — Alex chutou a cadeira dele para longe, o fazendo girar até quase chegar a porta.
— Você está! Agora só nos resta descobrir se é porque você é um irmão super protetor, o que eu duvido, ou se é porque sua irmã está tendo mais ação do que você!
— Eu juro por Deus, Mars, vou te envenenar enquanto dorme! — ele vociferou, seu tom ameaçador.
— Qual é, Alexinho? Zeus disse que você nunca mais pegou ninguém depois que levou um belo fora da Batgirl. Pelo menos sabemos que você tem bom gosto — Rick deu uma gargalhada. — Coitadinho, deve ter medo de ser rejeitado de novo.  
— Não fui rejeitado, para de falar merda.
— Foi o que eu ouvi também, — Fleur comentou, agora olhando na direção do loiro. — Na minha opinião, acho que deveria mesmo ficar inseguro, já que tem zero experiência decente com o sexo oposto.
— Ah, sim, porque você já deve ter saído com muitos caras na sua vida — Alex ironizou, irritado por ela ter ficado do lado do semideus.
— De fato, já saí — as palavras dela foram tão simples, como se fosse óbvio que ela tinha uma vida social fora da equipe.
Rick soltou uma risada, achando que era brincadeira, enquanto Alex e Logan se voltaram para a francesa e a encararam com semblantes surpresos.
— O quê…? Quem sairia com você? — Logan percebeu que aquilo havia saído errado e correu para se corrigir. — Quero dizer, você é tão misteriosa e fria, isso geralmente afasta pessoas normais.
— Quando estou entediada faço um trouxa me levar para sair. Muitos caras me convidam porque me acham bonita, ou sei lá. Se ele me entreter por tempo suficiente, saio com ele de novo. Se não, ou se eles tentam alguma gracinha, eu quebro os dedos deles — Fleur cruzou os braços, observando atentamente a expressão do Luthor. — E pela minha experiência, você é um desastre com mulheres.
— Ha! Ela te pegou nessa! — Rick berrou.
— Por que nunca nos disse que tinha um namorado? — Logan perguntou, a ideia sendo ainda mais estranha agora que ele havia dito em voz alta.
— Primeiro, porque não tenho um namorado. Os caras com quem saí eram fracos, não aguentavam minha personalidade e nem mereciam minha atenção. Segundo, porque não é da conta de vocês. Não somos amigos e eu odeio cada minuto que sou obrigada a aturá-los.
— Ok, beleza… — o Snart resolveu voltar a se concentrar em seu trabalho depois do fora.
— Obrigado por expressar sua opinião sobre minha vida amorosa, Arqueira, mas não me lembro de ter te perguntado nada — Alex a encarava como se tivesse acabado de lançar um desafio para a morena. E ela o aceitou de bom grado.
— Que bom que faço o que quero, e nenhum homem me diz quando posso ou não expressar minha opinião. E não testa a minha paciência, porque já matei caras mais inteligentes e mais ricos do que você  — ela rebateu e, dessa vez, não foi só Rick que gargalhou. Alex deu uma leve risada com a resposta e balançou a cabeça.
— Cara, para agora que você ainda tem um pouco de dignidade! — Rick mal conseguiu falar, tentando recuperar o fôlego.
— Ok, chega desse papo, preciso trabalhar. Fleur, pega o Rick e o Logan e vão fazer algo de útil — ele mandou, se levantando e olhando para a morena.
— Manda outra pessoa pra ser babá desses dementes, estou de folga hoje.
— Tudo bem, então te pego às sete — ele deu de ombros e voltou a arrumar alguns papéis em sua mesa.
Fleur levou alguns segundos pra entender o que Alex havia dito, e quanto entendeu, franziu o cenho.
— Me pegar para o quê?
— Jantar. Só nós dois, — ele sorriu de canto. — Assim posso provar que não sou um desastre com mulheres, e que você está errada.
Rick era lento demais para perceber que o Luthor havia acabado de chamar Fleur para um encontro e apenas encarou os dois, confuso. Logan, no entanto, já havia voltado a mexer nas flechas e tentava não prestar atenção na conversa.
A francesa não demonstrou a surpresa que sentiu ao ouvir as palavras dele, nunca considerou sair com seu chefe e nem conversar com ele mais do que o necessário. Mas pensou que algo interessante pudesse acontecer se ela aceitasse.
— Às oito, e não me deixe esperando — ela estendeu a mão para Logan sem desviar os olhos do loiro. Depois que Snart lhe entregou suas flechas ela deixou o laboratório sem dizer mais uma palavra.
— Cara, você sabe que se ela não gostar do encontro, vai quebrar seus dedos, certo? — Logan sussurrou, ainda que ela não estivesse mais na sala. Alex apenas deu uma risada e respondeu, com tranquilidade e confiança:
— Vale a pena o risco.
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oak23 · 5 years
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Double Trouble's two faces. I fully admit i didnt glue the faces together evenly so there's symmetry issues but I'm happy how it looks lol. I decided to give the "evil" side a skull symbol instead of the fleur de lis thingy cuz one of the mini comics with DT had her evil helmet have one lol. https://www.instagram.com/p/B4MT0XpJS65/?igshid=1uzte9hj5k4ws
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lucasseliott · 5 years
I was tagged by @jebentnietalleen and @lepetitepeach to post 9 photos that represent me. 🥰 🥰
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Imma explain each picture cause it'll be fun! (All pictures are my own btw)
1 - just a shit tonne of twenty one pilots tickets, cause of course!
2 - sushi from my fave sushi place in london: sticks n sushi 😍
3 - robert and aaron from emmerdale, of course, took this picture when i went to the emmerdale studio tour!
4 - my mini hedgehog and raccoon lights from ikea, pretty obvious why this is on here tbh...
5 - me (in the middle with the avocado skateboard) and my buddy (on the right of the picture) after one of our skateboarding lessons in clapham common.
6 - picture from a plane to somewhere, that at this precise moment i cant remember 😂
7 - harrods in london! an iconic place, had to add it cause its the best and i love it and its british af 👌
8 - my newest pair of converse, the pride pair of golf le fleurs, literally my fave shoes of all time
9 - my latest book haul, p small, from when i was at london comic con, but also includes a load of books in the background from my overflowing bookcase 😂
I literally have no idea who has been tagged or not so im going to tag: @saphy-supernova, @mickey-milkovich, @lifeisevak, @chelou-mecs-in-love and @srodvlv (soz if you guys have already been tagged 😅)
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Charlie’s Big Secret
Read on AO3
A/N: This is not new, and you may see my writing has changed a bit since I wrote this, but I wanted to share because I do wonder about adding to this storyline sometimes.
Summary: Charlie is home for the summer, and he had brought a friend with him.
Sunday 7thAug 05
The Burrow was its usual bustling hub of Weasley activity as it was every first Sunday of the month. Of course it was not going to be all that long until they were celebrating again for her birthday on the 11th. Harry was outside with the children, supervising a game made up by them (mainly Teddy) that involved kicking a ball as far as they could and then asking Harry to summon it back. Kicky ball was Little Freddie’s favourite game at the moment and nobody else seemed to mind either. Even Louis was there cling to his father’s trouser leg for balance as he attempted a kick. Ginny was watching from the kitchen window as she supervised the potatoes, listening to her sisters’ gossip and chatter.
                 “Oh, you need another place setting Audrey dear. Charlie said he would be arriving today.” Her mother informed them like this was not big news. Nobody had heard from their elusive brother in weeks, which was not unheard of but a little unusual, as he normally wrote to say he would not be able to contact them for a while. Ginny had shared her concerns with Harry and, of course, he had offered to look into it for her but she had declined his offer, knowing Charlie he was probably nursing a sick baby dragon and would get in touch again when he could. Audrey didn’t respond apart from summoning another place setting.
                 “Did he say why he’s not been writing?” She asked her mother, all other conversation had stopped, waiting on the matriarch’s words.
                 “He said he had some important news to share but he wanted to tell us in person. Said he might be staying for a bit longer this time.” This set tongues wagging again, wondering what this news could be. Ginny thought of her quiet brother and wondered. She had always found it easy to speak to Charlie; sometimes it was easier to put her worries into a letter. He usually confided in her too, so when Angelina and Fleur started to talk about a potential fiancé turning up with him Ginny was not so sure. There had been a girl he had written to her about, but she had broken his heart, and she hoped if he had found someone else he would be just as happy to tell her.
                 Hermione and Ron arrived by the floo then. Ron hovering over his wife a concerned look on his face. She was looking a little green and before Ginny could summon the biscuit tin her mother was already handing her a ginger newt. She took the biscuit gratefully and nibbled it delicately as she sat down swatting Ron’s hands away.
                 “Oh for goodness sake Ronald I’m fine, stop fussing.” Ron looked around the room and saw how outnumbered he was, and decided to go help with the children outside.
                 “Still not shaking the morning sickness then?” Asked Angelina, her four-month-old daughter Roxanne was sleeping in her arms despite all the noise around.
                 “For the most part it’s gone,” Hermione replied. “But using the floo makes me really bad, and of course I can’t apparate. I would drive but it is a bit far to do in a day, and Ron won’t let me drive for more than an hour a day.” She huffed slightly as she took a bigger bite of her biscuit. Only four months into her pregnancy there were no visible signs yet apart from the glow of pregnancy that made her look even more beautiful that she normally did. The floo flared again, followed by the deep voice of Charlie. Molly rushed into the living room but stopped short in the doorway as if she had run into an invisible wall. Ginny couldn’t see her face but knew by her stance something had shocked her. Oh, bothering hell He’s not lost an arm or something has he? She wondered as she joined her mother. But there was Charlie standing in the middle of the room looking completely whole and healthy, Ginny immediately saw what had stopped their mother in her tracks. For standing at Charlie’s side holding his hand was a small boy, probably not much older than Three-year-old Dominique.
                 “It’s alright mate, don’t be shy.” He was speaking softly to the boy, who was looking around the room with very big blue eyes. “This is your Grandma Molly.” Charlie looked at his mother’s face with a mix of pride and fear. “Grandma Molly, this is my son Motshan.” Molly fell to her knees and opened her arms to the boy; he did not hesitate but threw himself into them. Ginny looked on, her mouth agape, Fleur and Audrey pressed in beside her. “Can we please try not to crowd him?” Charlie pleaded softly; Ginny noticed the little boy was crying, clinging to his grandmother. “He’s been through an awful lot.” He knelt down on the floor beside them looking overwhelmed and stroking his sons back awkwardly.
                 “I’ll get dad then you can have some privacy,” Ginny said then motioned for the others to go back to the kitchen. Hermione and Angelina looked on expectantly as they came back. Ginny carried on outside knowing that the other two would catch them up.
                 “Mama” James yelled at her as she came out he ran towards her and jumped with the complete confidence that she would catch him, which of course she did. He began to tell her what he had been doing in very rapid and barely understandable speech. “Iwaskikinabaal. Anitwent sooooofaaaar.” She hugged her son and listened to his ramblings while she searched for her father. Harry came over to her his expression changing from warm to curious at her distracted look.
                 “I saw you kicking the ball sweetheart, you did really well. Where is Grandpa Arthur?” She asked both of them. “Because Uncle Charlie is here and needs to have a chat with him and Grandma Molly.” She said it all in a light tone, to James who beamed back at her.
                 “Inna shed! Inna shed!” He pointed. She kissed his cheek fondly then handed him over to Harry. He looked at her, the question clearly on his face.
                 “Thank you. I’ll explain in a minute.” She promised her husband. Arthur was exactly where James had said, and he looked up as she entered.
           “Charlie is here and he wants to talk to you and mum.” She hesitated a moment wondering if it would be better to tell him before he walked in. “Dad?” He looked expectantly at her noticing the tone of her voice. “Charlie has brought his son with him and that’s all I know.” Her father’s eyes widened in shock, but he didn’t question her further just moved passed her and into the house. Ever astute Harry came over to her as she closed the shed door behind her, his eyes full of questions. She looked over his shoulder at her other brother still happily entertaining the children.
                 “Charlie has arrived with a toddler, says he is his son.” Harry’s brows rose in surprise, “I don’t know the rest he’s never written to me about him. He called him Motshan. The mother must be that girl he wrote to me about, the Romany who broke his heart.” Harry nodded looking speculative.
                 “Wow, there is a mini Charlie in there.” He mused looking into the burrow. “Everyone over here.” He shouted in his Auror voice. Her brothers looked around curiously, noticing the two of them together they smiled knowingly.
                 “Have you knocked my sister up again Potter?” George asked mischievously. Ginny glared at him in response wondering if he would ever grow up.
                 “No you idiot, Charlie is here, but before you see him you’ve got to know he’s brought someone with him.” They all looked highly amused by this and went to walk in and see who they all assumed was a girl. “It’s a small boy and Charlie says he is his.” That stopped them in their tracks. “Mum and dad are talking to them. I’m sure we will get our chance.” Then she shouted in a similar voice to the one Harry had just used. “Everyone inside and get washed up before dinner.” The tone of her final words so like their mother they didn’t argue, didn’t ask her any questions just went and got the children cleaned up and sitting around the table ready to eat.
                 Fleur, who had taken over the kitchen duties, started making up some plates before placing the rest in the middle of the table. She didn’t speak as she calmly levitated the dinners and took them into the front room. Ginny was surprised to see that Charlie followed her back out. Everyone of course, greeted him warmly. It was always a comical sight to see her stocky and strong brother mobbed by his tiny nieces and nephews. He smiled down at baby Roxanne, still sleeping soundly in Angelina’s arms, stroking a fuzzy cheek. Ginny noticed the look he gave the baby was more melancholy than he had seen on her brother before. Ginny made sure she gave him an extra tight squeeze when she hugged him knowing that he needed a bit more reassurance.
                 The air was thick with unasked questions, but nobody wanted to speak about it in front of the children. Teddy who was always more sensitive to the moods of his elders kept glancing at his godfather between taking large bites of his dinner. Harry smiled back at his godson every time he looked up at him, but Ginny knew he was distracted by his unstoppable curiosity. Freddie and James who were completely oblivious to the mood of the room badgered their uncle for stories about his dragons, he obliged happily, telling them about a particularly fierce Horntail.
                 When Arthur came out the front room carrying the empty plates, just about everyone was finished eating. Without any hesitation, he ushered all his grandchildren into the sunroom with promises of music and cake. He placed a hand on Charlie’s shoulder as he walked past him giving it a squeeze. With a tray of cupcakes in hand, he joined his grandchildren closing the door. The second batch of cupcakes was placed at the centre of the table along with a giant pot of tea. When everyone was settled with steaming cups in hand all eyes fell on their elusive brother. Before they could start to question him the front room door opened and a blue-eyed red haired boy shuffled out followed by Molly. He looked so much like Charlie; the same square jaw and softly curling red hair, and freckles, even his build, although still small he had the look that he would one day have his father’s broad shoulders. He was dressed in blue shorts, colourful patterned shirt, and leather sandals. His visible knees and legs bore the marks of a boy who liked to climb and explore. His eyes were huge as he looked at the group of adults before him. One of his hands was tangled in the skirt of Molly’s robes, and she was stroking the boy’s head soothingly.
                 “Would you like to meet your cousins Motshan?” Molly asked him gently, he looked a little unsure but nodded. “These are your aunts and uncles. These people are all your family.” She led him through stopping at Charlie’s chair; the boy looked up at him a small shy smile crept onto his face.
                 “Papa?” He asked in a very small voice.
                 “It’s ok, you go have fun with your cousins. I’ll see you in a minute ok?” The little boy nodded and moved on. When the door was opened to the sunroom, the sounds of children laughing and playing filled the air. Ginny knew that some children would be intimidated by such a sound but not Motshan it seemed as he ran to join in. “I think he’s going to be just fine,” Molly said to her second son before leaving them to question him.
                 Charlie looked a little more relaxed now as he turned to face his siblings and their partners. “So?” He said with a slight smile. “What do you want to know?”
                 Everyone spoke at once but it was Bill’s voice that carried over the rest.
                 “How long have you known about him?” Bill asked first, he had always been the closest to Charlie, but it was obvious he hadn’t known about this either, his tone sounded a little put out.
                 “Since March. His mother tried to deny he was mine.” He shook his head, a bitter tone in his voice. “His grandparents were the ones who contacted me when their caravan came back to the village near the sanctuary. They were getting very worried about his mother.”
                 “How old is he?” Ginny asked next, her voice gentle compared to Bill.
                 “He just turned three on the second.” Harry shifted slightly in his seat, showing his slight discomfort with what he was about to ask.
                 “What happened between you and his mother?” It was a question they all, wanted to know the answer to. Charlie took a long drink of his tea Ginny could see by his slight look at the cup he was wishing it were something stronger, he took a moment before he spoke.
                 “The first time I met her was about five years ago now. Their caravan would visit regularly to purchase various Dragon items in exchange for really good healing salves, but that was the first time I noticed her with them. I felt an instant connection with her, she loved to sketch and we would talk about all sorts of things.” He fished in his back pocket and pulled out what Ginny thought was a photograph, but when she had her turn to look at it she saw it as a hand-drawn portrait of a very beautiful woman with long curling black hair and dark blue eyes. She stared back at Ginny with an air of disinterest. “They would only stay for a week at the most then move on. But they started coming back a lot more frequently when we started seeing each other.” His smiled sadly into his cup. “I knew pretty early on that I was in love with her, but I could never find the right way to say it. When I finally did tell her, something changed, and she drew back from me, told me it wasn’t right, that I couldn’t be with her anymore.” Fleur who was sat beside him pulled him into a hug, but he only let her hold him for a brief moment. “I was a little angry with her the last time we saw each other, she told me it would never work. I was a little drunk, I don’t remember much apart from waking up in her bed. I spoke to her parents the night before. I asked them to explain what she meant, why she refused to accept my love for her, but they wouldn’t tell me anything. That was the last I saw of them until March this year, and that was nearly four years ago. That’s when they decided to explain it to me, for the sake of Motshan.” He looked around at them frustration clear on his face. “I didn’t exactly have permission to take him. His grandparents urged me to but his mother didn’t know.” Hermione took a sharp intake of breath, placing her hands on her belly. Ginny caught Percy’s eye and stopped him from speaking with a sharp glare. They knew their brother; he wouldn’t have done it without good reason. “She is not very maternal, but that is not the problem. She is convinced she carries a curse upon her soul, although according to her parents nothing has ever manifested itself. Unfortunately for Motshan, she was also convinced it had been passed on to him.” He closed his eyes and shuddered running his hands through his hair. “I don’t think they told me the worst of it, but I know she tried to purify his blood by trying to drain it from him. They managed to stop her in time.”
Ginny could not imagine the horrors this small boy has had to endure, by his own mother. Desperately she sought her husband’s eye, she knew he was hurting inside, his face was a blank mask of controlled anger, she took his hand and held it tightly, and he returned the pressure and rubbed his thumb over the back of her hand. Around her, all the couples seemed to be doing the same thing. “I couldn’t leave him there any longer. I arranged an emergency port key and brought him here.” He looked pleadingly around the room. “I want to do this right. I will argue my case in front of whomever I need to. Unfortunately due to the fact he was born with the caravan; I don’t even know what country he was born in, and even if his birth is registered. I haven’t lived in Britain for so long I’m not even sure what rights I have in this country.”
                 “We will get this sorted out Charlie,” Hermione told him firmly, and Percy nodded his head in agreement, already taking out his communication device to message his office. Hermione too had gone to grab hers muttering about a letter of intent, and transparency. Harry moved to sit beside Charlie and gripped his shoulder firmly. It was as if the action of those few broke the spell on the others and everyone started talking again, reassuring Charlie. Angelina and Fleur went into the sunroom to meet their new nephew properly. The noises from the room were a lot more subdued now and seven-year-old Teddy wandered out. He came over to stand by her taking her hand.
                 “Is everyone napping?” She asked him gently he nodded and shrugged.
                 “Not Victoire or Freddie. Grandpa Arthur is reading a story.” His hair turned to black as he looked at Harry. “Is everything ok? New cousins are normally babies?” She smiled at his insight.
                 “Yes, everything is fine honey, it’s a little difficult to explain but Uncle Charlie didn’t know about him until a few months ago.” Ginny knew this could slide into dangerous territory, but she had always promised herself to be truthful to her children, and she had always considered Teddy to be her adopted son. Teddy nodded accepting her explanation and going back into the sunroom. Harry and Charlie were talking quietly to each other; she could not make out what they were saying over the din of everyone else. Bill, Ron and George were conversing in a corner eyes murderous. Her own anger over the boy’s mother was bubbling under the surface, but she knew that getting angry and lashing out was not going to help improve matters. She marched over to them eyes flashing.  
                 “You three better not be planning to do anything drastic.” She glared up at them, her head didn’t reach past Ron and Bill’s shoulders but they still shied back slightly. “We don’t want any reasons for this not to go in Charlie’s favour.” Three innocent faces stared down at her.
                 “We were only discussing organising a small party for the boy, as he has just had a birthday. Perhaps combine it with yours?” Bill replied looking as innocent as it was possible to be. “That boy deserves to know the family he is part of.” And the dark look crossed his face again. Now she understood, their anger was because the poor boy had been denied the fun his uncles could give him, denied a regular upbringing. She backed down a bit after that.
                 It was not until the following evening sitting round the Burrow kitchen table. Hermione, Percy, and Harry sat with Charlie to discuss with him what they had managed to discover. Ginny had just come back down the stairs after putting James to bed in her old room, and checking on the soundly sleeping form of her nephew. James was spending the night as Ginny was due back to training in the morning, and Ginny thought it would help Motshan settle in better if he had a friend to play with. Her mother had not yet returned from taking Teddy home with an overly large parcel of food, and her father was tinkering in his shed.
                 Although she could not help in any way with Charlie’s case she joined them at the table sitting beside Charlie and taking his hand. He squeezed it and gave her a small grateful smile. Hermione resumed talking when his attention returned to the matter at hand.
                 “As I was saying, despite the fact you have been living and working in Romania for the past few years. You never changed your account from Gringotts and you never applied to be a citizen of Romania. So in the eyes of the ministry you are still a British wizard, who just so happens to be working abroad.” Charlie looked very pleased at her words, he breathed out a huge sigh of relief. Percy continued when Hermione stopped.
                 “Unfortunately so far we have not been able to uncover any records of Motshan’s birth. I have requested a meeting with my counterpart in Romania and hopefully he will be able to set things in motion properly. Did the grandparents give you any information?” Charlie shrugged then shook his head.
                 “A little. They were close to the border with Hungary when he was born but I don’t think he was ever officially registered. But the trace would have found him wouldn’t it?”
                 “That is what we are hoping.” Hermione replied reassuringly. “Has he displayed any sign of being magical?” Charlie nodded.
                 “His Grandfather said he fell out of a tree and his magic saved him.”
                 “Oh that’s good that means the trace should have found him. Harry has some contacts in that part of the continent. Did you manage to get anywhere with them?” She asked next, he leaned back in his chair, as he spoke not sounding overly hopeful.
                 “I spoke to my contact in Hungary, they have no record of a magical baby being born with that name, on that day. He is going to speak to his counterpart in Romania and get back to me. Also I spoke to the head at Drumstrang. They are also looking at their records of children born that year; of course it would make it easier if we knew his surname. Would he be registered as Weasley, or would he be given his mother’s surname?” His question was not directed at anyone in particular, but of course Hermione had the answer.  
                 “I looked into this and children born out of wedlock are always given the mother’s surname unless they are registered using a different one. I would believe that Motshan’s mother would not have tried to change this so we can work under the reasonable assumption he is registered with his mother’s surname. Which is?” She asked looking at Charlie
                 “Dinicu” He replied
                 “Well that should not be too hard to find.” She said brightly writing it down, Harry did the same. “This will all be sorted before you know it Charlie, we will make sure of it.” Ginny wanted to share in Hermione’s confidence; she had such faith in the law. Her own opinion was a little more cynical after years of hearing Harry talk about his cases and how difficult it could be sometimes to ensure justice was served.
                 “There is only one small issue that might come up and I wanted to tell you about it now so we can figure out if it is going to cause any problems.” Percy said in a very quiet voice not wanting to dilute the positivity in the room but knowing this had to be said. They all looked expectantly at him waiting for him to continue. “Your continued employment.”
                 “What about it?” Charlie asked defensively.
                 “Well the Wizengamot will insist that you are financially capable of providing for the child, and have a steady income. In order to maintain this you will most likely have to continue to work full time.”
                 “I have been worried about that.” He said honestly.
                 “If it comes to finances don’t worry about it.” Ginny told him firmly, Harry nodded his agreement. Percy shifted in his seat a little uncomfortable with the situation.
                 “I think it is more the fact they would want you to be in a steady employment, you have no shortage of family support. Audrey and I will help in any way we can.” Everyone else at the table voiced their agreement, offering to help.
                 “I know, and I really appreciate you all doing this for me, for us. Mum is not really sure what to do right now. She is angry with me about how irresponsible I have been, but doesn’t want to shout in front of Mosh so she just gives me glares.” He shook his head and tapped a random pattern on the table, his nervous twitch. “The reserve is not a safe place for a child of any age, especially not a curious three year old. I have a friend who works at the reserve in Scotland I am hoping there might be a position for me there. I love you for offering Ginny but I could not take your money, I have enough of my own to not need to work for a few years if it comes to that.”
                 “You would be miserable Charlie. You love your work, even with Motshan to keep you busy I think you would not be the same for you.” Ginny told him gently.
                 “I have to work, but I also have to look after my son. He can’t live with me where I currently work and I can’t stop working. What am I going to do?”
                 “He will live here with us.” Molly said decisively from the door, nobody had heard her come in; she was still wearing her thick cloak. “He will be safe and he will be loved.” Her eyes sparkled with fierce determination. It was the look she always had when she was being protective for her family, the look she had when she had seen Bellatrix’s curse missing Ginny by a hair. “You will go tell that ministry he is not going back. He is a Weasley.” She nodded her head once to indicate the finality of her statement.
                 “Well I think we can all agree with that.” Said Hermione standing up slowly. “I better get home before Ron starts to worry.”
                 “We can take you home.” Said Harry “We brought the car as James doesn’t like the floo.”
                 “Thanks you two,” She said gratefully sounding very tired. She made her way over to Charlie and gave him a reassuring hug. “I will have all the paperwork ready for you tomorrow. Can you come by my office and we can get it all started officially.”
                 “And after that you can bring Mosh and James over to Holyhead and watch us all train.” Ginny added so he had something to look forward too.
                 “Okay.” He agreed
                 “We have to show our newest nephew he is part of a strong Quidditch family history.”
                 “Gin, he is only three.” Harry added with a smirk. “Are you sure you want James there? You know he can’t resist the chance to fly.”
                 “Don’t worry I have it all planned out.”
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boy-porridge-vent · 4 years
check list
copy+paste of my hopeless romantic list 
Now that I have a partner, I wanna cross over everything on my list that we do :)
It’s long distance so there’s not much we can do right now, but overtime I hope to have everything crossed off
promise rings!!!
watching true crime documentaries
buying succulents and house plants
hold my partner as we fall asleep
spend a summer together
listening to Joji, BoyPablo, Cuco, Clairo, Tyler the Creator, Kali Uchis, Rex Orange County, etc. together
show each other our music playlists & get into each others’ music styles
bake brownies together
binging documentaries late at night together
gentle eye-contact
take polaroids of me smooching their cheek during a sunset
skateboard around town
making friendship bracelets
make a little world of our own (make the characters, design the planet, make every cute and pastel)
binge anime series/movies together
shop at the mall together once a month or so
cry with each other when we need it
go thrifting at Goodwill for turtlenecks, belts, and berets
paint together
watch Adventure Time all the way through
bowling dates
letting me play with/braid/style their hair
play minecraft together
be there for each other to vent & talk when things are hard
buy jean jackets to decorate with pins & iron-on patches
watch Evangelion
try on clothes at the mall
hold all their shopping bags & items when we’re at the mall so they can have their hands free to buy more
hold hands
be proud to call each other partners
have gentle kiss secessions while we listen to music as background noise
go to a park
doodle Animal Crossing characters in my sketchbooks
share our favorite shirts
draw fake tattoos on each other
soft smiles
dyeing our hair together
saying “I love you”
watch old Cartoon Network shows together
ride bikes around town
take polaroids of each other being silly
look at bugs we find under rocks
take walks on calm spring days, warm summer evenings, cool fall afternoons, and chilly but soothing winter days
re-decorate our rooms together
get prom pics together
them snuggled & sitting between my legs as we both play video games together
make gelatin gummy candies together
build little snowmen together
bake chocolate chip cookies
eat soft gummy candy & chocolate
make hot cocoa for them when it’s cold & nasty outside
being there in the crowd to support them during their band/choir/sports/theater performances
filling up a scrapbook with memories & little relics (pressed flowers, polaroid pics, drawings, notes)
let them wear my sweaters & jackets anytime they want
Rewatch all of One Piece
Buy & cover our bookbags with all kinds of enamel pins & patches
go to a sunflower field
lengthy drives to the middle of nowhere just to talk, look at the sunset, maybe stop and get out to take pics in a field
press & collect flowers/leaves
go on ice-skating dates
soft forehead kisses
me getting up early to make them breakfast in bed
snuggles under the blanket
shop for cool shoes together
add to our online wishlists together & endlessly wish we could buy everything we have saved
buy Golf and Golf le Fleur clothing together
look at memes on yt or insta together while snuggling and laughing in each other’s arms
get different haircuts together
get a piercing together
visit cute cafe/ice cream shops
start a mini vegetable garden together
go to the movies
carve pumpkins together
lay side by side at 3 am and just talk about deep stuff until we cuddle up to each other and fall asleep
make a dinner together & enjoy every bite while watching a movie
befriend local stray cats
grow tiny pumpkins
sit outside & look up at the stars
give each other’s succulents names
talk about space, the universe, and all it’s mysteries
build a koi pond together
trip to Japan together
Go to a convention together (Comic-Con, etc.)
let me paint their nails & they do my make up whenever they want
share aesthetic styles
make cute tiktoks/videos together
have Thanksgiving together & make the food together
learn/play instruments together
fly out to visit him in Iceland!
Fly him here for my bday!
Started: 12-26-2019
List completed on: 
0 notes
openspacebaltimore · 7 years
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Open Space is pleased to present the Eighth Annual Publications and Multiples FairIt’s no joke!
Saturday, April 1 from 12 – 6pm Sunday, April 2 from 12 – 6pm at the Baltimore Design School
Stop by the fair for a program outlining all of the on- and off-site programming this weekend!
The Publications and Multiples Fair is an annual exposition of contemporary artist books, prints, publications, sculptures, jewelry, textiles, and works produced in multiple. This event has grown tremendously, from having 15 vendors in its first year to having 150 in its seventh year. Taking up one weekend in the spring, PMF acts as a beacon for artists across the country. People traveling from both coasts come together to sell the wares they have produced throughout the year and stay for the connections made with makers they may have never met before. In more recent years have we curated additional on-site programming throughout the weekend that includes panel discussions on contemporary identity issues, poetry readings, musical performances, motivational speeches, and artist talks.
Formed in 2009, Open Space is a DIY artist-run gallery and collective located in Baltimore, Maryland.
Vendors: 0202FF 0Zone 200 Nam Nam A. Jarrell Hayes ACRES Adam Amram and Gabriella Grill Adult Punk Alex Ebstein, Jessie & Katey Alexandra Bravar, Angela Heaps and Caeli Carr-Potter Alexandra DeStefano Amy Scovil, Allen Hiu Anime Ceramix Ann Xu Anna K Crooks Anna Silina Anna Strain Art Vandelay Aurora Engle-Pratt Baltimore Print Studios Baltimore Youth Arts BDS kids Beast Beast Grrl Collective Bellfugees Ben McNutt / Wrestling Bernard Stiegler Better Lovers Blind Arch Brad Ziegler Bred Press Brooks & Rosebud Brown and Proud Press Carmen Johns Carolyn Conn & Grace Davis Castle Printshop Celeste Fichter Chaimi Food Studio Charlotte Anne Laurance Cherub Christina Haines Christopher Adams Christopher Mahonski Claire Felonis + Spencer Shope Clr’D CLUBHOUSE and Leyla Rzayeva Cryptogram Ctl+P Dana Bechert Ceramics Dog Pasta Dominique Hellgeth Dylan Thadani Presents Eclectic Collective EGOHEADS Ehse Records Eleanor Farley Elena Johnston Ella Clayton Elle Johnson Endless Editions Flannery Cashill Freda Mohr Friends of Friends Friends Records Fume Room Press Fuse Works Gaby Velez GenderFail Press General Matters Get Lost Press Girl Group Gloomy of PlayGurlClubb Gratuitous Type Handwork Quilts Heart & Soil Hey Thanks! Herbal Co. High Tide HYRSTERIA ZINE Illogical Comics Ink Press Productions InterMedia + Digital Arts of UMBC Jack Reese / Weakly Comics Jason Roy JEDICOM JESSICA’S WORLD OF FLOWERS Joe Maccarone Josh Dean Julie & Jane Kali Stull + Noel Freibert Kat Kennedy Kate Haberer & Will Ryerson Katherine Gottsegen KB pots Kodi Fabricant and Maggie Fitz Kyle Tata, Kristin Tata, Tyler Davis, and John Zimmerman Laila Milevski Lane Harlan Lesser Gonzalez Alvarez Lily Herman Liz Langa Ceramics Local 1 Youth Press Lorre-Mill Lucia Maher-Tatar, Audrey Gair Lunar Insurrection M Reisenwitz M.uckotter \ charles.S Make Studio MAKE Ü SMILE Mara Hyman Matt Carignan Matthew Scott Gualco Melody Often Miata Upshaw MICA Design League Mikael Flores-Amper Mishka Colombo Morgan Vessel Mother Mother MRDN Mt. Home Arts + Matthew Van Asselt Munu Editions Natalia C. Arias Natalie Geagraphic NewAM++ NICKNACKS Nothing Left to Learn Nowhere Zone Object Of Olivia Gibb Open Works P.O. Box PaperBase Paul Shortt & Christopher Kardambikis Pellinore Press PHKKED Pioneer Works Press Press Project Dispatch Publication Studio Hudson Rachel Hayden Rachel Rymont RAW MEAT Collective Red Emma’s Bookstore Coffeehouse Revolving Family Distribution Rob Brulinski Rock Pile Western Ruby Waldo s P L e e N C o F F i N Saint Lucy Books Sarah Juanita Sassafras Sea Farm City severed books Sexmagick Press Shelby Rosabal and Jasmine Cindy Shreyas R Krishnan Shy Pup Small Editions Soberscove Press Soft Blonde Soft City Printing Soumya Dhulekar & Nicole Rodrigues Spencer Compton Stephen Grebinski Stephen Hendee Studio-HH & Kevin Lowenthall SYBIL PRESS TABLOID Press Ten09 Terrault Gallery the Bettys The Coalition Zine The Contemporary The Joint Youth Movement The New Canon Project The Unofficial Press Thousand Island/Emily Burtner Total Pansy Toy Story 5 travis hallenbeck TXTbooks Ultraviolet Light Under + Over Vivien and Abbie Wise Wei Xie Hann White Lighter Whitney Simpkins Whittled Wizards & HandsandCurls Will Laren William Chapman and Lauren Barbour Women in Sound Woven Autonomo Zimmerman Woodworks
Saturday: Madeline Campbell of Women in Sound: 1-2pm A complement to Women in Sound zine, this talk is an introduction to the impact of women and queer people on electronic music and recorded sound. It will discuss the equipment and creative processes employed to produce unheard sounds and pioneer a genre. No prior knowledge of electronic music necessary to enjoy this program!
Pecha Kucha Series on “SciFi Optimism”: 2:30-3:30pm Pecha Kuchas are back! This year six presenters will explore the idea of “scifi optimism” and how it relates to their life and work. Featuring Claire Mirocha, Alexis Skinner, Lunar Insurrection, Umiko Niwa, Jen Kirby and Vincent Seadler.
ACRE TV screening: 4:00-5:00pm ACRE TV co-director Andrew Mausert-Mooney will present selections from the archives and speak to the Chicago-based project’s four year history. ACRE TV is an artist-made livestreaming tele-vision network (found online at ACRE.org) that features live and canned video, performances, durational works, and experimental broadcasts. ACRE TV was born out of the collaborative spirit of ACRE(Artists’ Cooperative Residency and Exhibitions) based in Chicago and Steuben, Wisconsin.
Nam Nam 200 5:00-6:00pm The world premier screening of video work by Marcelline, Travis Levasseur and Corey Hughes.
Sunday: Zoe Ligon in conversation with Stefani Levin about Female Ejaculation: 1-2pm Zoe Ligon artist and founder of Spectrum Boutique in Detroit will talk to local sex therapist Stefani Levin about female ejaculation.
LES FLEURS DU MAL: Readings on Erotic Decadence and Decay 2:30-4:00pm LES FLEURS DU MAL is a performance of poetry, sound, and provocative imagery inspired by Post-Baudelairean erotic decadence and decay. This show features 14 Poets, a large scale painting as backdrop by Viveca Licata, and intermission sounds by QUNA. Featuring readings by Max Guy, Grace Davis, Anna K. Crooks, Adam Marans, Lane Harlan, Lexie Mountain, Adam Beaver, Maya Martinez, Lindsay Raspi, Saida Agostini, Lily Herman, Jasmine Pullen-Schmidt and Janea Kelly. The show is curated by Lane Harlan exclusively for PMF.
Reading by Jason Harris and Olu Butterfly: Selections of Speculative Fiction: 4:00-5:00pm
Nam Nam 200 5:00-6:00pm Screening of video work by Marcelline, Travis Levasseur and Corey Hughes.
Satruday Beast Grrl Zine, 3:00-4:00pm Beast Grrl Zine will be running a mini-zine workshop– all materials provided! Come out to listen to tunes and chop up magazines with us. Beast Grrl Zine is a youth-run feminist organization, promoting youth empowerment, feminist education, and activism.
Sunday Intro to “Dungeons and Dragons” 1:00-3:30pm –local novelist and game maker Justin Sirois will give a 2 hour introduction to tabletop role playing and the basic system The Black Hack.
HAIR CLUB (with Kelly Lloyd) 4:00-5:00pm Hair Club would like to invite participants to use a variety of materials to construct their own merkin, or pubic wig. Merkins were originally worn by sex workers, but are now used as decorative items by people of all genders, and for “modesty” purposes by actors. During this event, while constructing our merkins with a variety of materials including sequins, fringe, felt, faux-fur, yarn, ribbon and glitter paper, we will engage participants in a discussion around body hair, specifically pubic hair, looking at the vilification of women’s body hair and the portrayal of pubic hair in pop culture. This workshop will explore a humorous DIY strategy to processing culture’s dictates about where hair should and should not be, while Kate Bush plays in the background. Co-founded by Suzanne Gold, Kelly Lloyd, and Michal Lynn Shumate, HAIR CLUB is an interdisciplinary, research-based art collective whose work is centered around the multivalent topic of HAIR.
Formed in 2009, Open Space is a DIY artist-run gallery and collective located in Baltimore, Maryland.
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harry potter ask box meme
harry: do you consider yourself brave? I have to be.
hermione: what is your favourite book? Oh, gods... There are so many of them. A small sampling: ~ The New Teen Titans, and Raven miniseries comics. ~ Bruiser, by Neal Shusterman ~ The Winter Oak, by James A. Hetley
ron: are you scared of spiders? Not at all. I do like them, a lot... (I grew up with tarantulas and a father who taught that all animals deserve to live and contribute. And the wild spiders around here are gentle.)
voldemort: what 3 items would you chose to be your horcruxes? You're joking. I don't need that kind of soul-splitting DRAMA in my life! but if ever it were needed, it'd be a book, a black quill, and a river stone.
dumbledore: do you have many secrets? ...more than I can count.
sirius: if you became an animagus, which animal would you choose? Manifestation of my soulforms, most likely. (Do they have to be species known to this earth? Certainly a corvid, most likely some species of raven.)
remus: if you faced a boggart, which form would it take? .......a distorted mirror.
draco: be honest, do you worry about social status? Only among friends and family.
ginny: who would you let read your diary? n o b o d y (more for concern for their OWN well-being. it's a dark and genuinely terrifying consuming place there, all too delicately balanced. Magpie, Eri, Kara, Teri, Suzannah: in descending order from most likely to least. apologies, but most often I'm chronicling things far beyond A Cute Boy I Saw At School Today.)
neville: are you passionate about any social causes? Many of them! (Equal rights movements and unnecessary war protesting especially.)
luna: do other people tend to think of you as strange? Very.
fred: have you ever played a prank on someone? Once or twice. (Usually as revenge. And usually as revenge for doing something like stealing my book or making me eat wasabi. There are some things you just Don't Mess Around With.)
george: is humour important when considering a significant other? ...uhhhhhhh Not to me? But it depends on whose significant other it will be.
bellatrix: are you easily manipulated by confident or powerful people? N o. thank all the gods.
hagrid: if you could have any creature as a pet (regardless of the law), which would you choose? A raven!~ (call my predictable but yes I'd love an intelligent independent large distance-keeping corvid, preferably one that is either being rehabilitated or was hand-raised responsibly.)
umbridge: are you passive aggressive? My aggressions are few and far between, but far too strong to be passive.
viktor: are you athletic? ...Sort of? Extremely coordinated with great balance and reflexes, as well as endurance [when my health isn't failing me] and a little bit with pure exertion, but hardly at all when it comes to sustaining muscular strength.
fleur: is physical appearance important to you? Only as important as it takes to feel comfortable. (Generally: Dark colors, not overly Attractive [of Unwanted Attention], simple, plain, elegant.)
tonks: if you could change your hair to any unnatural colour without damage, cost or regrowth, which colour would you choose? If it HAD to be unnatural, I would definitely choose that dark, subtle violet-purple from the last dye.
kreacher: would you protect your friends' and family's secrets at all costs? At ABSOLUTELY all costs.
mad-eye: are you trusting of other people? No. Not without good, solid reason.
lockhart: do you ever elaborate on personal stories to improve your image? I don't lie. And I certainly don't care about my image.
dobby: what is your favourite item of clothing in your wardrobe at the moment? Right now? I'm not really sure...... probably my black silk arm warmers...? Or my cloak. And if those somehow only count as "accessories", then probably my light, soft black shirt with the "angel wings", little sashes of fabric that fall over my shoulders and down to just past my elbow. Like mini-shawls? Ahh, I never know how to explain it. But I feel amazing to wear.
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thanatasia · 3 years
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Remember when I said the next (this) post would be the finale? Well, the next part will be the last part lol
Right now I have a commission I need to work on and since my job exhausts me during the week I want to put all the energy I have after work in my commission piece. Because of that I wanted to post these pages up so we can all see that moment we were all waiting for (I’m kinda dissatisfied with the slap, partially because I totally didn’t space everything out nicely). I also did these sketch comics as sets of three and didn’t want to break it lol
The flower in the third panel of the first page is suppose to be a Red Dahlia (or a Thra equivalent) because Red Dahlias symbolize betrayal and dishonesty.
It took me FOREVER to come up with the dialogue for these pages and the last three on the way sometime soon. Don’t get me started on writing, that’s partially why this comic is being stretched and extra 3 pages. I can’t help it!
We also get a bit into Fleur’s feelings on dealing with the bullying she and Cha’l endured. We’ll see the last bit of Fleur’s dialogue in a future comic because what she says here is something very important to her and we gotta see the contrast in the other scenario.
Thank you to everyone who is really interested in this story I wanted to tell, and for your patience (I miss working remote. I wasn’t so exhausted after clocking out lol)
Until next time for part 5, the finale!
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comiccrusaders · 7 years
Diamond Comic Distributors has been named the exclusive worldwide distributor for comic book publisher Chapterhouse Comics. The agreement includes distribution rights to comic book specialty stores as well as the book market through its sister company, Diamond Book Distributors.
“Diamond is excited to continue our partnership with Chapterhouse,” said Diamond Vice President of Purchasing, Tim Lenaghan. “With the recent relaunch of Captain Canuck and a strong showing at this year’s Free Comic Book Day, we look forward to working with the entire Chapterhouse team on reaching new audiences around the world.”
“Diamond has helped us grow from a fledgling company to the largest publisher of comics and graphic novels in Canada,” said Chapterhouse Comics Publisher, Fadi Hakim. “We’re honoured to be invited to join their thriving book division and can’t wait to get started!”
Founded in Toronto, Ontario in 2015, Chapterhouse Comics has built on a legacy of more than 75 years of Canadian comics. As the home of the iconic Canadian superhero Captain Canuck, Chapterhouse also publishes inspiring and inventive creator-owned titles such as Die Kitty Die, Spirit Leaves, Queen Street¸ and The Fourth Planet. Chapterhouse recently participated in Free Comic Book Day 2017 with the launch of Captain Canuck: Year One, a mini-series that marks the Chapterhouse debut of Jay Baruchel, the writer, actor and director behind Goon: Last of the Enforcers.
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In the May PREVIEWS catalog, retailers and fans can pre-order Chapterhouse Comics’ most recent titles: Captain Canuck #3 by Kalman Andrasofsky and Leonard Kirk, the continuation of Captain Canuck’s relaunch; Die Kitty Die! Hollywood or Bust! Summer Special by Fernando Ruiz and Dan Parent, following the adventures of Kitty and her friends solving the mystery of magically delicious tacos; and Agents of P.A.C.T. Volume 1: Fleurs de Conflit by Kalman Andrasofszky, Blake Northcott, Federica Manfredi, and Caroline Nolasco, which sees the government’s paranormal investigation team defend Canada in Captain Canuck’s absence.
Customers and fans looking to pre-order Chapterhouse Comics titles should contact their local retailer, or find a comic shop near them at www.comicshoplocator.com.
Current retailers interested in ordering Chapterhouse Comics titles are encourage to contact their Diamond account representative, while new retailers interested in purchasing Chapterhouse Comics titles are encouraged to contact Diamond’s New Accounts Department at [email protected] or via phone at 443-318-8001.
Diamond Announces Distribution Deal with Chapterhouse Comics Diamond Comic Distributors has been named the exclusive worldwide distributor for comic book publisher Chapterhouse Comics. The agreement includes distribution rights to comic book specialty stores as well as the book market through its sister company, Diamond Book Distributors.
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theblotsays · 7 years
NYCC 2017 Exclusive Marvel Contest of Champions Minimates by Diamond Select Toys
Marvel Contest of Champions, Kabam’s hit mobile and online game, will be making a big splash at New York Comic Con 2017! Along with offering tournament style gameplay on the show floor and awarding daily prizes, the Marvel Contest of Champions team will be giving away free swag, like these New York Comic Con 2017 Exclusive Marvel Contest of Champions Minimates by Diamond Select Toys! You see, two original characters from the game, Guillotine and Civil Warrior, have been transformed into New York Comic Con 2017 Exclusive Marvel Contest of Champions Minimates. The French-Algerian vigilante Guillotine comes with her sword, La Fleur du Mal, which thirsts to punish the guilty, while the mysterious Civil Warrior, believed to be an alternate reality Captain America, comes with his repulsor-tech shield. Each Marvel Minimates mini figure stands 2” tall, features 14 points of articulation and comes with character-specific accessories. One blind bagged Minimate figure will be given away to each visitor of the Marvel Contest of Champions NYCC booth #1466 each day. http://dlvr.it/Ps7Qj6
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comicboxmagazine · 7 years
Reprenant un personnage créé dans le début des années 70 par Sheldon Mayer et Tony DeZuniga, Neil Gaiman et Dave McKean sortent en 1988 chez DC Comics (1989 chez Zenda pour la France), une mini-série très remarquée, Black Orchid. Si l’album publié peu de temps après aurait pu faire date comme initiateur d’un sous-genre nouveau, force est de constater qu’il demeure à ce jour une singularité.
Son originalité, le chroniqueur Mikal Gilmore la pointait fort bien du doigt dans une préface qu’on peut lire notamment dans l’édition française de 2002 chez Reporter. Véritable surprise générique (ou entorse au genre), la super-héroïne mourait dès le début du récit et, plus atypique encore, le nouveau personnage principal qu’elle engendrait résolvait la violence de l’intrigue par la douceur. Gilmore avait raison, cette résolution dramatique aurait pu agrandir le genre super-héroïque ou même créer un nouveau genre. Hélas, les albums qu’il appelait de ses vœux pour creuser cette voie nouvelle ne virent pas le jour. L’analyse de Mikal Gilmore est pertinente et il ne sera pas question ici de la compléter ni de l’approfondir ; elle se suffit à elle-même ! Pas d’étude détaillée de la dramaturgie de Neil Gaiman non plus. Pas plus qu’un essai minutieux sur le graphisme de McKean (dont l’art, du reste, si nous considérons l’ensemble de son œuvre, est pour le moins protéiforme, se plaçant tout à tour sous des influences expressionnistes, surréalistes, symbolistes, etc.). Nous tenterons seulement de dégager ce que cet album étrange et unique diffuse en termes de vision du monde.
Qui suis-je ?
Une problématique va débuter le récit, le traverser et même le terminer : l’identité. Sans résumer l’histoire, sans évoquer le récit ni présenter les personnages, puisons dans les dialogues et les récitatifs. « Et je sais ce qui me manque. Une identité. La mienne. » (Black Orchid). « Tu es… Heu… Tu étais… Vous étiez… Non, je veux dire… » (Philip Sylvian à Black Orchid). « Des statues de femmes… Sous forme de plantes ? » (Carl Thorne). « Nous ne savons pas ce que nous sommes mon ange » (Black Orchid à Suzy). « Qui je suis-je n’en suis pas sûre. C’est ce que je cherche à savoir » (Black Orchid à Batman). « J’ai des bribes de mémoire d’une morte. Je ne suis même pas humaine. Même pas animale. » (Black Orchid). « Le marais chuchote en moi. Je sais qu’il est en moi. (…) Il se glisse dans mon âme comme un poisson argenté. » (Black Orchid à propos de Swamp Thing). Et puis, en toute fin, sur la dernière planche : « Je vis dans la couleur des feuilles. » Observons à présent le dessin de McKean. Si pour la clarté de l’intrigue il use de cernés dans nombre de cases (composant ici ou là des images expressionnistes), il va réserver le plus fort de son travail à des grands hors-cases (parfois des pleines pages) dans lesquels il se place résolument sous une aile impressionniste. Et là, les cernés disparaissent ! Personnages et décors fusionnent. Les couleurs s’interpénètrent. Les frontières des éléments du cadre se font poreuses. La lumière lie les lianes aux chevelures, les hanches aux arbres, les feuillages aux bras. Jamais Alec Holland/Swamp Thing – créature sans contours précis se fondant et se confondant avec les branches, les feuilles, les fleurs et l’eau verte croupissante -, n’avait fait corps à ce point ultime avec le marais. Ainsi, chez Gaiman et McKean, les identités s’effritent, les objets perdent leurs contours, les choses s’emplissent d’autres choses, comme une vague qui, disparaissant, vient enfler la vague sui suit.
Candidats au changement
Si la question de l’identité se pose ainsi tout du long, c’est que, de plus, tout est métamorphose. Les choses et les êtres changent. Leurs rapports se modifient. Voyons encore les mots de Gaiman. « Et le monde se confond, se démonte, se dissout. » (Black Orchid).  « Quelqu’un brûlait. Quelqu’un est parti. Je l’ai senti. » (Black Orchid). « Tu étais… Ah zut ! Elle était très mignonne. » (Philip Sylvian). Alors que Black Orchid appelait Suzy sa petite sœur, celle-ci demande : « Je peux t’appeler maman ? » Et Black Orchid de répondre : «  Heu… Oui. J’aimerais bien. » Et encore : « Elle a tant changé en quelques heures. Au début elle semblait plus adulte, plus mûre… Sa mémoire était plus aiguisée que la mienne. Maintenant, c’est une enfant. » (Black Orchid à propos de Suzy). « Nous sommes ensemble dans un monde nouveau. » (Black Orchid à propos de Swamp Thing). « Je crois avoir rêvé de cette vallée… Quand j’étais une autre… Il y a longtemps. » (Black Orchid). « Nos sœurs poussent bien. Elles mettront des années à devenir des personnes. » (Black Orchid à Suzy). La métamorphose se joue également sous les pinceaux de McKean et ce sans lien direct avec l’intrigue. Car il l’utilise principalement comme transition visuelle entre deux scènes (le plus souvent selon un rythme ternaire). Nous verrons ainsi des barreaux de prison se changer en tiges de bambous, de même que les flammes d’un immeuble deviendront une bière ambrée dans un verre en gros plan. Plus loin des touches de couleurs primaires figurant un coup de feu évolueront en motifs décoratifs d’un poisson en très gros plan dans un aquarium. Ailleurs un disque vinyle se fera objectif d’appareil photo. Et la dernière case, elle, verra les deux héroïnes se noyer graphiquement dans le soleil. En un mot, avec les créateurs Gaiman et McKean, rien ne se crée mais tout se transforme.
Soyons Zen ?
Les mots et l’intrigue de Gaiman d’une part, les peintures et l’art séquentiel de McKean d’autre part, diffusent finalement la même vision du monde. La plume de Neal et le pinceau de Dave sont les deux yeux d’un même visage. Ils voient, peignent et dépeignent un univers où les identités se délitent et où tout n’est que métamorphose. Il n’est pas si courant que le scénario et le dessin « pensent », à travers leurs motifs propres, une même philosophie. En l’occurrence une philosophie du processus et non de l’être. Un monde où les choses ne sont pas définies, fixées, cernées, mais se fondent au contraire les unes dans les autres dans un environnement en perpétuel mouvement. Autant de notions qui nous renvoient aux caractéristiques fondamentales de la branche japonaise du bouddhisme : le Zen. Alan Watts, l’un des fondateurs de la contre-culture américaine, et qui a écrit parmi les meilleurs essais sur le sujet, disait lui-même « … quiconque tente d’écrire sur le Zen rencontrera des difficultés inhabituelles, car il ne peut jamais expliquer, il ne peut qu’indiquer » ( L’esprit du Zen, Editions Dangles). Alors, pour mieux saisir cette philosophie, plutôt que de se plonger dans nombre d’ouvrages théoriques, peut-être vaudrait-il mieux lire et relire, encore et encore, le Black Orchid de Neil Gaiman et Dave McKean, album qui, s’il n’y fait jamais allusion, est pour autant imprégné d’encre Zen de la première à la dernière page. Du premier mot à la dernière couleur.
[Bernard Dato]
Imaginarium: Black Orchid, une fleur dans un jardin Zen Reprenant un personnage créé dans le début des années 70 par Sheldon Mayer et Tony DeZuniga, Neil Gaiman et Dave McKean sortent en 1988 chez DC Comics (1989 chez Zenda pour la France), une mini-série très remarquée, Black Orchid
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loribos · 7 years
New Post has been published on Toronto Events, Activities and Entertainment
New Post has been published on http://www.torontonicity.com/2017/04/06/figures-restaurant-avenue-road-review/
Figures Restaurant Opens on Avenue Road: REVIEW
Walking into the vestibule entrance of the new Figures Restaurant at 137 Avenue Road, it looked like I had arrived at a comic book store that would be the envy of Sheldon Cooper, but where was the entrance to the restaurant? The hostess revealed that the door to this new Toronto resto-lounge is hidden in the cartoon-covered wall of the vestibule to present a speak-easy vibe. It’s worth spending a few minutes at the front to admire the classic Marvel comic books and Batman figurine collectibles that are showcased.
Entrance at Figures Restaurant leads to a secret door to the restaurant.
Figures Restaurant is housed in a Yorkville restaurant space that has seen several changes in the past year, with the most recent incarnation being Coco Lezzone. With foot traffic from local Yorkville hotels, Figures is bound to attract celebrities and Toronto’s foodie elites to taste its extraordinary cuisine.
As we walked in, we were led upstairs to a long, narrow, dark room that featured elegant banquettes and tables and a bar along one side. Covering the walls and ceiling are murals of famous action figures to stare you down while you eat and drink.
Interior of Figures Restaurant in Toronto
Banquette at Figures Restaurant
The creative menu features tapas style small plates – and, a word to the wise – plan on ordering three plates per person if you are coming for dinner so you don’t leave hungry.
At the recommendation of our server, my dining partner opted for the Maleficent cocktail, $19, a concoction of double still rye, Bruichladdich The Classic Laddie Single Malt Scotch Whiskey, pineapple and lime juices, sage and bitters. She described it as “an enticing blend of flavours with some sweet, not spicy and a little kick.” The drink was served lit on fire for added drama.
Maleficent Cocktail, $19, at Figures Restaurant
Owners Nader and Patrick Marzouk obviously have a love of comic book heroes and action figures and have shared their passion as the theme of Figures. Don’t make the mistake of thinking that the whimsical theme translates into casual cooking; this is fine dining at its best with Executive Chef Ron Stratton showcasing his talent in innovative dishes such as Beet Chevre Truffle, Cherrystone Clam Fava Bean and Octopus Escabeche.
Fennel Kalamata and Saffron, $18, at Figures Restaurant
We started with Fennel Kalamata and Saffron, $18. The fennel was cooked to perfection, releasing its licorice-tasting essence, with still a bit of crunch. The Kalamata olives provided a satisfying saltiness to the fennel’s sweetness.
Our second plate was the Fairytale Eggplant Sesame Chickpea, $12. The eggplant was really tender and we wondered whether it had been braised to achieve this effect. The sesame elevated the taste of the eggplant with its nutty flavour, while the chickpeas provided an interesting contrast in textures.
Coho Salmon Sunchoke, Dandelion, $24, at Figures Restaurant
Our third plate to share was the Coho Salmon Sunchoke, Dandelion, $24. This was one of my favourite dishes: the salmon was so tender – it just fell off the knife – while the artichoke puree provided a smooth, earthy mouthfeel.
Octopus Escabeche Black Garlic, $20, at Figures Restaurant
Next up was the Octopus Escabeche Black Garlic, $20. The octopus is cooked and served cold so that you can taste its full flavour. Both my dining partner and I agreed that the texture was not fishy at all and somewhat similar to chicken. The Black Garlic sauce was delicious for drenching these scrumptious molluscs.
I still had trouble connecting the comic book theme with a fine dining establishment. As if intuiting my puzzlement, Nader and Patrick explained to us that walking into a comic book themed restaurant made you feel relaxed. And in order to appreciate good cuisine (or anything quite frankly), you need to feel relaxed. And that is the missing link that made me understand the connection.
Oxtail Plantain, Red Stripe, $18, at Figures Restaurant
Oxtail Plantain, Red Stripe, $18, was our fifth plate. I wasn’t enamoured with the plantain pancake, finding it too doughy and bland, but the oxtail was rich and lean, with flavour that was enhanced by the lager…delicious!
A5 Kobe Beef Maitake XO Sauce, $70, at Figures Restaurant on Avenue Road
The A5 Kobe Beef Maitake XO Sauce, $70, is a gustatory sensation. Figures uses Kobe Beef sourced from the Hyogo Prefecture in Japan. In other words, unlike many restaurants, Figures is serving authentic Kobe Beef. The beef was melt-in-your-mouth tender with a rich flavour enhanced by the dried-seafood XO Sauce. It is cooked in a vertical position so the top is medium rare while the bottom has a crispy base. The Maitake mushrooms, which grow in clustered leafs, added an earthy taste to the dish. This is a must-have dish at Figures. With Spider-Man hovering above us on the ceiling, I was concerned that he might use his web-shooters to steal our delicious Kobe Beef.
Spider-Man adorns the ceiling at Figures Restaurant
Beignet Nutella Blood Orange, $14, at Figures Restaurant
For dessert, we ordered the Beignet Nutella, Blood Orange, $14. These crispy pastries were good, particularly the hazelnut flavoured one; however, we couldn’t get beyond calling them “good, fresh donuts.”
Mexican Chocolate Fleur de Sel, 22 Carat Gold, $18, at Figures Restaurant
Our second dessert plate was the Mexican Chocolate ($18), which was a hollow round egg of dark chocolate that enclosed a soft brownie sprinkled with 22 Carat Gold. This gives new meaning to the word “rich dessert.” Tucked beside the soft brownie were two mini action heroes. Was I supposed to eat them? The dark chocolate was delectable: rich, semi-sweet and fine.
The resto’s background music was lounge-style and at an appropriate level to allow for conversation for most of our meal. At 9:30 p.m., the DJ signaled that it was time to shift gears and the volume was definitely louder as he spun one of my favourites from the David Bowie songbook,“Fame.”
DJ spins tunes at Figures Restaurant
We thorough enjoyed the fine dining at Figures Restaurant. Drop by for dinner or late night bites: You will be in for a holistic sensory experience.
Star Wars wall decor at Figures Restaurant
Figures Restaurant is located at 137 Avenue Road (just south of Davenport Road), Toronto, 416-900-1022. Hours are Tuesday to Saturday from 5:30 p.m. to 2 a.m.
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thanatasia · 3 years
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The sketchy comic continues! As we can see, the only backgrounds I care to draw are forest ones lol
We see the mystery girl at the end of the last post I made (she may get a redesign head shape-wise, she looks too similar to Fleur. But maybe Tore has a face type? Idk) How will Fleur respond in the next post?
There’s more I want to say but I’ll save it for the last bit because it will all make a bit more sense.
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