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grassbreads · 11 months
I’d love to know about Yulma and how important it is to representation in shounen manga
This has been sitting in my askbox for a couple months (because I am incapable of punctuality), but anon sent this to me back when I was talking about Yulma over on my vnc blog. For those unaware, Yulma refers to Yu Kanda and Alma Karma from the manga D.Gray-man.
So the thing is, to be honest, I don't know if you can say Yulma is/was important for representation. They don't tend to get brought up as an example of representation (except by diehard d.gray-man fans like me, lol) in shonen, and their whole thing is complicated enough that I feel like the queerness of it all flies over a lot of people's heads.
However! They're very important to me personally, and I do think it's kind of remarkable their story came out in like 2010. Because even though their queerness gets overlooked a lot, it's like. really there no matter how you interpret it.
The short version of their very complicated story is that Kanda and Alma are a couple who were resurrected into new bodies. Alma was a woman when they were originally together in their past lives, but is physically male in the present. Kanda is still very much in love with them by the end of their story, which, depending on the reading, makes Kanda very bi and/or Alma very trans.
This sound like something you want details on? If so, let's talk about how D.Gray-man's fan favorite edgy badass toughguy character briefly became the star of his very own heart-wrenching tragic queer romance.
Here's a brief crash course in Yu Kanda and Dgm for the uninitiated:
D.Gray-man is a manga about a group of exorcists (in the loosest and most anime sense of the term) in the 1890s fighting a holy war against mechanical demons powered by the souls of the dead. There are two things you need to understand about this plot for me to explain Yulma:
The Black Order, the secret branch of the church that exorcists work for, has a long history of committing horrific human experiments to further the war effort.
Due to complications of world building, only a tiny number of people can become exorcists, and tracking down new ones is extremely difficult.
Yu Kanda is one of the exorcists, and though not the actual main character (that's the lad in my icon), he's a very important secondary character. Arguably he's the most important secobdary character, since he's the main guy's biggest foil and the first character to play deuteragonist in a major story arc. He's also a huge fan favorite. The character popularity polls that Jump used to do always had him and the mc going back and forth over who won #1 most popular.
Kanda was also a classic edgy toughguy character. His first two scenes are him almost murdering the main guy because he thinks he's an intruder, then complaining about people grieving for their friend too loudly. He never smiles. He argues with the righteous mc about wasting time/energy protecting civilians. He threatens (and delivers) violence on anyone that annoys him. He looks like this:
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TLDR; Kanda was an adored-by-fans mean badass archetype in a 2000s shonen manga. Not generally the guy you peg for starring in a piece of queer romantic storytelling.
And for the entirety of the original anime adaptation's 103 episode run, for the first 188ish chapters of the manga, you do not learn a single thing about his early life. You learn he joined the Black Order very young, and you meet the mentor that took him in at that point, but although there are little hints, a couple cryptic mentions of him searching for a certain person, his early origins remain a complete black box.
Then came the Alma Karma arc.
This is the point where I start getting into spoilers.
To make a very long story short, the Alma Karma arc reveals that Kanda is one of the Black Order's human experiments. The Order ran a secret project 9ish years before the start of the series in which they essentially tried to re-use dying exorcists (since finding new ones is so hard). They took the bodies of dying or recently deceased exorcists and harvested their brains, implanting those brains into new magically grown child bodies.
Key to this project—the second exorcist project—is that these newly grown second exorcists were not supposed to remember anything from their previous lives. Kanda, however, recovered a few hazy memories from his past self. Most importantly, he can recall an unclear image of the woman that his past self was in love with. This memory gradually becomes Kanda's reason to live. He wants desperately to find and meet that person.
Now, aside from Kanda, there was one other successfully revived second exorcist. This was a boy named Alma Karma.
Over the course of their brief shared childhood, Kanda and Alma become extremely close. However, due to a series of horrible events that I'll spare you the details of, Alma is eventually driven to murder-suicide. He wants himself and Kanda to die together to spite the Order, and Kanda almost lets him do it.
The one thing that keeps Kanda from letting Alma kill him, the thing that drives him instead to kill Alma, his most beloved and only friend, is that he can't bear to die without finding that woman again.
Have you figured out the twist yet?
9 years later, in the present, Kanda discovers that he didn't actually quite kill Alma. The Order kept Alma secretly half-alive in order to do more dubious experiments. And, more importantly, when they meet again, Kanda discovers the truth. The woman that he's been searching for his whole life, the woman he's in love with, the woman he tried to kill Alma in order to find, was also killed and made into a second exorcist. And her brain was placed into the body of Alma Karma.
After quite a lot more violence and tragedy, Kanda and Alma end their story arc by running away together on their deathbeds. Alma dies, for real this time, in Kanda's arms, and his last words are to tell Kanda he loves him. These words are presented as something Kanda hears from both the boy and woman versions of Alma's soul.
So! At the end of a very long and complicated story, one thing holds true: Kanda and Alma are in love. As passed down from their past selves, they are specifically in romantic love. They were a couple. And to speak as a fan, the sheer absolute devotion to how Kanda's love for Alma is presented is seriously intense and moving.
Now, given the absolute hell that is Alma's life, gender identity is frankly the last thing they have time to worry about, so it's hard to say how the whole "literally a woman's brain in a male body" thing might have settled for them if given time to think about it. But that is inherently a pretty trans narrative. And given the whole Alma gender situation, there's simply no reading of their whole situation where neither of them is queer.
If you take present day Alma as a guy, which is more or less how he's presented in canon (though again, who knows how he would've felt about that male body in different circumstances), then congratulations! You've got mlm in your shonen manga. They were straight in a different life, but now one of them's a dude, and they are still deeply in love with each other. They've even got not one but two "let's forget it all and run away together" scenes, just as every mlm couple seems to have.
On the other hand, if you go with the angle that Alma's still a woman based on her mind/soul, even in her new body, then Kanda may not be canonically queer, but Alma is inarguably trans. Again, literally a woman's brain in a male body. It may not be how most people end up trans, but that doesn't change the facts of her situation.
You see what I mean about how they're undeniably queer, but also kind of easy to miss? There's so much other insane shit going on in their story that Alma's whole gender situation can get passed over. Plus, you can look online to this day and find people arguing that Kanda's not "technically" explicitly in love with the present day male version of Alma, since he doesn't 100% unambiguously say as much. I love reading comprehension.
Also! As a possible extra reason for why people don't talk about them much, the official English translation of the manga translated Alma's final "I love you" very differently. There's always a lot of nuance and argument when it comes to translating "大好き" into English, but given the full context of their relationship and the scene it's in, Viz's handling really sets off the censorship bells in my head.
Here's the different versions (Japanese then fan then official), if you want to compare:
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Nothing more classically queer than censorship by way of questionable translation 🙃.
At the end of the day, Kanda and Alma are in kind of a strange middle ground. They're each in love with the other one, but the whole second exorcist brain transfer situation makes it complicated enough that people argue their feelings aren't explicitly romantic (and thus not gay) in the present. Alma is literally a woman's brain implanted in a male body, but we don't have time to dwell on the gender complications of all that because of the hell that is the rest of their life. They're canon but not canon—queer people whose stories don't have space for them to be queer.
However, given that all this messy, tragic ambiguity was published in a fairly popular shonen manga back in 2010, it still feels kind of remarkable to me. Alma is somewhat an antagonist (it's complicated), and he dies at the end of his arc, but once again, Kanda was/is the fan favorite! And when he re-enters the main story after Alma's death, he's more important than he's ever been, and his history with Alma continues to be a huge part of his character.
Katsura Hoshino took the much-beloved edgy toughguy character from her long-running shonen series and, after keeping his origins secret for such a long time, confirmed that his whole life has revolved around love this entire time. Almost every facet of his character can be traced back to his love for his lost best friend or his yearning for his past life's missing partner. And then she reveals that the best friend and the partner are one and the same.
You can go back and forth about the degree to which they work as representation, but in any case, I think their story is something people ought to know about. It's romantic and it's heart-wrenching and it's fucking wild, especially given the context in which it was published (a Shonen Jump spinoff in 2010). I never see anyone besides the few remaining hardcore dgm fans talk about them, and I think that's a shame.
So anyway, that's tale of one of the most insanity-inducing romances I've ever seen put to paper. I love queer people.
Here's some choice pages if you want to cry with me (the last two are a sequence):
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mazzystar24 · 14 days
I’m so curious about the ages of the people who follow my blog because like what is my core audience here? Am I so insufferably Gen Z I scared some of y’all away?
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museenkuss · 6 months
hiiii angel I have a question ♡
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bizarrelittlemew · 10 months
the funniest thing about having a cool car is that middle-aged men will just come up and talk to you in parking lots but in a way where you feel completely safe. the most i have ever felt perceived as an equal human by strange men interacting with me unprompted. they are blinded by the car and i am no longer "woman" i am just "owner of this cool shiny car which i must compliment"
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tis-fairy-time · 4 months
I hope ppl realize that artists don't stay teenagers forever…. What I mean by this is, it amuses me that some people become horrified that the adult artists they follow draw suggestive art.
Humans mature yk… like, I’m almost nineteen years old and entering real adulthood. I don’t cringe when this topic comes up bc it's like…??? Not that big of a deal to me now. I think so long as an artist is aware of the age demographic of their audience and posts responsibly, yeah, that’s pretty normal.
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butchviking · 11 months
How can a woman be a feminist and also comfortable with her "gender role"???? Bad poll OP
baffled by this. feminists are of course not happy w their gender role that is why they are fighting 2 change/abolish that role. did u know not every woman in the world is a feminist tho 🤔 and it's not bad to ask other women abt their experiences even if theyre not feminists 🤔 and it could actually b good for consciousness-raising for ppl to see just how many ppl/women out there are ALSO not happy w their gender role even if they aren't feminists 🤔
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yzafre · 2 months
Purging another TMNT 12 thought from my head, but: the fact that Journey to the Center of Mikey's Mind was immediately preceded by Riddle of the Ancient Aeons was probably the peak.... the second-highest peak of my insanity over the fact that 2012 wasn't interested in being a heavily character-based narrative because oh my god. Oh my god.
If there weren't seeds there for that to be the most fascinating pair of Raph & Mikey episodes ever. Like some of the lines they dropped meant they could have set it up to be an intense meeting of two diametrically opposed methods of dealing with anger, with both having Very Valid Points, but ignoring how their perspectives are also being used to mask how some of their other flaws are actually motivating their implementation of those points in their lives.
And they could have learned things about themselves. And about each other. And it could have brought them closer or left lingering tension to be resolved later or. Or.
But that wasn't the type of story they were looking to tell here, and I know that, and that's fine, but now I just have all these Thoughts and Ideas on how it could have played out, or better yet been built up to over the season/series, and they're all trapped in my head, and I should be writing my fic for that other fandom but I'm stuck on that and these stupid turtles are taking over my brain.
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penny-anna · 1 year
i think i enjoyed that but i also wish i'd read a more detailed summary going in bcos the. twist?? idk if twist is the right word but. it completely blindsided me and i had to pause the movie to have Hysterics about it.
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deathtothecandle · 7 months
My partner is an indie/folk/country/pop singer/songwriter and she’s trying to find a good name to use as an artist. I’m linking one of her original songs under the readmore, but you don’t need to listen to it—just be aware she has kind of a Lizzy McAlpine, Maggie Rogers, Adam Melchor vibe. If you’d be willing to take her name survey, we’d love to know what you think—the opinions of the good folks down at tumblr dot com are very meaningful to us.
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cedarbranch · 4 months
and to think that yall dont even know what im cookin in my google docs.......
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areyoudoingthis · 9 months
I think the reason I don't really enjoy the ofmd fandom is that most people are actually convinced that they have the correct interpretation of the show and everyone else is wrong. and it's not just the rabid izzy fans, it's most people in every camp. the fun thing about the everyone's opinions are incorrect except mine take on fandom is that it's not true, and it stops being fun when you truly believe it
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britneyshakespeare · 2 years
the scambots are getting weirder
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wander-wren · 1 year
do i need to start biting people who just comment to point out continuity errors in d2d bc i will. bc it’s several people now. i’m sorry that not every little detail in my 150k+ 2-years-in-the-making warrior cats fanfic isn’t 100% perfect, okay
like i wouldn’t be mad (i might be slightly miffed) if these commenters maybe said anything else once in a while
also, this is warrior cats, the series with so many errors every single book and most major characters have their OWN mistakes page on the wiki. i think i’m doing okay
i didn’t want to make this post bc god, i don’t want to yell at people or anything, but it’s just a little bit harder to find motivation to write when you know someone’s going to come out and nitpick
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marstheworld · 1 year
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jakeperalta · 2 years
every day I open instagram and see another five people I know have been to an ed sheeran or harry styles concert the night before it's never ending
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handsomehucow · 2 years
Hiii friendly reminder that this blog is run by a gay man, so if you’re not comfortable with that or you’re going to disrespect that fact, unfollow me 🧡
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