#from the trailers he seemed like he has pretty much the same personality lol
So I just watched the first episode of Trigun and in an attempt (failing) to not endlessly talk about it to everyone i meet I’m dumping thoughts here lol
First off... it wasn’t bad. I will admit a part of me is a little disappointed in this just because if the show does get worse then it hurts more but it also means that it could get better.
I’m not happy with how they decided to speed up the plot. It took what 10+episodes to even mention Knives and they bust him out in the first episode? Imo in the original the fact that he wasn’t mentioned, the fact that he wasn’t a main focus antagonist was nice. It let the viewers get to know the characters outside of the main plot and let you get a feel for them. I also think it helped cement Trigun as a funky space western, Stampede feels like its a show set in space with a little bit of western thrown in. Granted this might change in the future.
I actually didn’t mind the animation as much as I thought I would. Most 3D anime’s that I’ve tried have looked incredibly clunky and weird but Stampede didn’t do bad, it still had its clunky looks but even 2D has those lol
I will say mostly out of spite I don’t think I can or will ever appreciate Roberto de Niro’s character. Milly is an important part of the story and I’m very curious to see how they are going to handle Wolfwoods story without her in it. And! I don’t see why they couldn’t have put her in? Even if they kept then as reporters having both the girls would have been great and wouldn’t really change the story they’ve got going so far.
Speaking of the insurance girls I am personally 70/30 on liking what they did with Meryl’s character. I liked her in the original, she was kinda a bitch and very confident in herself, she would be the one to take charge of situations and had clearly been in some dangerous situations before and I liked that.
In Stampede they toned a lot of her down. She feels younger, is younger and I don’t really like that, and she is written to be naive and most of that feels like it was done so they had someone closer to the audience that things could be explained to so everyone could understand but that was also why I liked the team of Meryl and Milly. Neither of them knew everything so they did need things explained to them from time to time and that felt natural because (spoiler) humans have only been on Gunsmoke for 150ish years? That isn’t a whole lotta time to set things up so everyone has information readily available.
But they did still keep how confident she is in herself and how she doesn’t really beat around the bush with things which I did appreciate.
I also think that they did a decent job on Vash as a character, he has almost the same vibes to me as OG Vash. I.E he’s still kinda a dumbass in the first couple episodes and trying to hide who he is.
I will also say based on the first episode the 3D animation is going to make for some cool fight scenes which I am excited for.
I hope they do go back and explain more about what happened on the Seeds ship and why Knives crashed them because I would LOVE to see that part of the manga’s story line animated. It is one of my favorite parts in the manga.
I think overall I’m not blown away but I will admit that might be slightly because the original and the manga are in my top 5 favorites and that makes me a bit biased. I’m gonna watch at least the second episode and see how they go from there but I cautiously like it and I think it has potential to be really good.
I sincerely hope that one day someone writes a fic where Milly takes the place of Roberto in some way because he is the only thing that I truly dislike about the show so far. I kinda feel like they wanted to introduce a Wolfwood esk character before introducing Wolfwood but either way he kinda sucks rn
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bookishdaze · 2 months
My too long theory post about Mae as Reverse Caesar? This is multiple theories, really...
My theories on Mae's origins have ranged from her just being a lone smart girl among feral humans, to her coming from an underground civilization living in a bunker (My personal favorite. I like Fallout, lol).
Here's one that came to mind recently. It's not my main theory for her, (I still think she's just from some colony of smart humans) but it's my most "creative" and "crazy" one, but if people are allowed their crazy astronaut theories, THEN I'M ALLOWED THIS ONE 🤪
I'm gonna be calling her Mae/Nova for this.
Feel free to poke holes in this theory by the way, hehe.
This theory came to me after watching the new trailer, where we hear her being called "Nova," and we also get a shot of her riding on horseback with Raka. It reminded me a lot of Nova from War riding with Maurice.
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So I thought, 'Huh, we're getting another blonde girl named Nova riding on horseback with an orangutan in the exact same way. It almost looks like the characters and plot for KOTPOTA could be a reworked version of what a plot could look like for a direct War sequel following a grown up Cornelius with Nova and Maurice and ohhhhhh-'
*puts on tinfoil hat* So my weird train of thought led me to this wacky theory: Mae/Nova is a human that was taken in by Raka as a child, and he has been raising and taking care of her. Just like Maurice did for Nova. She's kinda like Tarzan.
At first I had thought Raka met Mae/Nova because she was separated from her human colony and he was helping her get back home before they ran into Noa.
I also thought that maybe they come from a place where humans and apes already coexist, and I honestly still think either of these is the case tbh, but this part of a recent article made me think otherwise.
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The "rabbit-in-headlights" bit makes me doubt she comes from a place where there are intelligent humans. (It's still possible she could be. I'll get to that later). To me this sounds like she's smarter, but still has some "animal" behaviors.
As for why Raka took her in, it can totally just be coincidence that we have another friendly orangutan who adopted a young girl.
Or maybe it became some sort of, ehh, tradition? Him wearing a necklace with Caesar's symbol and talking about how apes and humans used to live side by side makes him sound like a religious person. Maybe somewhere along the line, it became custom for those who follow his faith to "adopt a Nova" to raise and take care of, like Maurice did.
There is a difference, though. Raka could have been taking care of Mae/Nova, but he still sees her as an...well, an animal. A very smart animal that he feels a responsibility towards. I know him viewing her as an animal sounds pretty harsh, but keep in mind that humans have regressed to be like animals at this point.
And there's also this scene where he just....tosses her some food. It's no different from the way humans toss a friendly animal some food, really.
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"But why does she seem frightened by the apes at the fireplace if she's been raised by Raka?"
I think she's scared of Noa here.
Orangutans are actually solitary creatures (I googled, lol), so it's very possible that it's just been her and Raka, and any newcomer makes her nervous.
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Ok ok ok, so he's a guy who has taken in an animal that shows signs of intelligence and has taken it upon himself to nurture and care for this animal because his personal beliefs tell him that in doing so, he could potentially make the world a better place.
Like Will did with Caesar.
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"So she's reverse Caesar." Yeah. That's pretty much what I've been trying to get at with all my rambling. Yay, parallels!
And we know Will cared for Caesar, but he always saw him as an animal. A very smart animal, but an animal nonetheless. He had him on a leash, and as much as he didn't want to, he still took him to the primate shelter. It wasn't Will being cruel, he just treated Caesar the way any human would have treated an animal, no matter how close they are.
Of course, like Caesar, Mae/Nova is gonna go through some changes. She's a young girl growing into adulthood. She'll have "needs and wants," as this article states.
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Those needs and wants could be many things. To be regarded as equal. No longer wanting to feel inferior. And if she truly is some lone smart girl among a world of feral humans, she's also gonna feel really really lonely. (Think about it. If she does not come from a colony of smart humans and she truly is the only one, that's tragic. I'd be depressed, man).
So she'll also want friendship and companionship. To have a friend or anyone she can relate with. She'll most likely find this with Noa, since the article says, "...there are far more parallels and commonalities between the two of them than they might have originally imagined."
Okay, one question came to mind when coming up with this theory.
Why is she smarter than other humans? I got a few theories.
Theory 1. She could still be someone who grew up in a colony of intelligent humans, whether it be a colony in an underground bunker or anywhere else. It doesn't matter. But something terrible may have happened, like her colony was killed off, or she was separated from them as a little girl. Then Raka found her and took her in. Like Tarzan!
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Theory 2. This one and the third one won't be as satisfying to fans, I assume. But maybe Raka noticed a lone child that was smarter than most, and he decided to take her in and help her intelligence grow.
Theory 3. She started off as an unintelligent feral girl, but being raised by an ape allowed her to slowly gain her intelligence back. I actually like this one. For starters, it's similar to the Planet of the Apes novel from 1963, where one of the astronauts became feral and unintelligent because of spending too much time in a cage with feral humans at a zoo, and Nova actually gained the ability to speak and became intelligent after spending a year or two in space with Ulysse, the protagonist.
Theory 4. She's like Megamind where she was launched into space from an alien planet as a baby while her homeworld burned all around her and she crash landed onto Earth. THERE'S YOUR ASTRONAUT THEORY.
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I'm kidding. That was a joke. I know April Fool's was two days ago.
As for her name, we've gotten three so far. Mae, Nova, and Echo. I like to think of her name as a sort of symbol or indicator of her character growth, where I assume she'll gain the ability to speak at the end, or will have grown into herself as a person.
She'll start off as Nova. A common generic name given to all humans, given to her by Raka.
Then Echo. A more unique name given to her by Noa, but still not her own.
Then, finally, Mae. Her true unique name that she was either born with, or she picks out for herself.
Aaaaand I think that's it. I'm done. I know that was long, but I wanted to gather all of my thoughts and theories on Mae/Nova somewhere before I watch the movie in a month. Whatever her story is, I cannot wait to see it unfold. Now it's time for me to SLEEP.
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smolbean-17 · 5 months
Part 1 (Episodes 1-3)
I never made any theories for Season 2, but quite a few of my theories from Season 1 were really close to what actually happened, so I figured I’d give my shot at theorizing Season 3.
I can’t really guess how exactly these plot points will land and in which episode, but I think these things will happen in the first 3 episodes, in no particular order. We’re getting all 3 eps in one night so they’re going to be establishing quite a bit.
Ep1 - Confined
This is the episode where we will see Omega and Crosshair confined at Mt. Tantiss together. Omega has her Season 2 hair, and seems more optimistic than she does later on in the trailer.
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At this point I don’t think Omega is treated as a prisoner. I think she’s restricted of course, but it seems to me from the trailer that she’s serving as more of an assistant to Nala Se with limited freedom. Hemlock promised her she’d be treated well, and I feel like he was telling the truth. And maybe Omega has chosen to behave herself (for now) and has made a plan of luring them into a false sense of security so she can find a way out.
And then she sees Crosshair up and alert and not being tortured (and being escorted to another part of the facility? More cloning experiments?) and she decides to escape with him somehow.
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Crosshair is disheartened and incredibly sad, maybe because he found out about Tech and perhaps believes his other brothers were captured/killed. Who knows. Someone either screwed with his emotional state before this shot, or maybe he’s just drained from his captivity. But I think it’s the former.
It will show more of the inner workings of what’s going on at Mt. Tantiss, but it won’t reveal too much. I think it will mostly establish what Omega is doing there.
Ep2 - Paths Unknown
As for the boys, we will see that there’s been a passage of time. How much time, I’m not sure. But probably a few months. That’s when we hear Hunter say the famous “Omega’s been waiting for us a long time. I’m not making her wait another day.” (pretty sure that’s all one quote that’s been sliced up)
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It’ll establish that Echo has left again with Rex, probably to liberate more clones and look for hints about where Omega is along the way. Hunter and Wrecker are alone. They set up base on Pabu, recruiting help from Phee who is more than willing to help. But they never stay there long, and they run themselves ragged trying to find Omega and not getting any closer. Both Hunter and Wrecker are more angry and determined than we’ve ever seen them.
Ep3 - Shadows of Tantiss
Meanwhile, Omega finally hatches her plan to escape…
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Things obviously don’t go according to plan, and she doesn’t get too far before she’s stopped. Just in case, they inject her with a tracking implant…
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and she gets imprisoned.
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It looks like this little cage situation is the same as this one from the leaked trailer:
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Omega’s hair situation is really the only thing throwing me off lol.
So she meets Crosshair again. She tries to get through to him and show him that she hasn’t lost hope. He argues and Omega gets through to him in the way only she can. She finally gets him to agree to an escape.
The episode could end with Hunter and Wrecker getting a call from Rex and Echo that they finally have info on Omega, thus leading into Ep4, A Different Approach (which would make since if you consider they have new information).
So these first 3 episodes will be jam packed with information, and maybe not a ton of action, but will be establishing episodes to move the story along.
Another thing I noticed from the leaked trailer…
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Are we getting a flashback(s)? That looks like Hunter’s old armor paint job, and that backpack and helmet to the left is very distinct and only belongs to one person…
I would seriously love to see Clone Wars era Bad Batch again. Maybe flashbacks are interspersed throughout the season for extra exposition/character development/emotional damage. Maybe the first episode opens on a flashback!
Let me know what you think! Part 2 coming soon!
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4
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theslowesthnery · 20 days
random DLC story trailer thoughts
honestly happy we're getting more of marika and how the golden order came to be, especially since the origins seem to be pretty Fucked Up. the more fucked up marika is, the better, please just let her have done massively fucked up things without any "oh well it was for the greater good" handwringing, i would genuinely love that
i'm sorry but i can't take messmer seriously, he looks so fucking stupid to me. everything he wears from his helmet to his greaves look like they're too big for him, he looks like a kid playing dress-up
(also i'm sorry but i'm already fed up with seeing him everywhere)
marika crushing an omen/crucible-related civilization, locking everything that remains in a hidden realm? no wonder she wants omen gone and hidden, they're a reminder of what she did (and also proof that she can't just lock them away and be done with it, more will always be born - even through her own body)
reaching a bit, but i do wonder if hewg is originally from the "shadow realm" - it would explain why he fears marika so much, having perhaps witnessed what she did
my theory/prediction is that radagon did not exist yet back at the time shown in the story trailer, that marika was cursed by the giant wickermen (or whoever were controlling them) after she used them to crush the omen/crucible civilization and then abandoned them and imprisoned them in the shadow realm, and she then separated the cursed part of her self into a separate body, which became radagon
if the person in black, surrounded by flames, is the gloam-eyed queen like a lot of people theorize, it would explain why she went on her godslaying spree. i always theorized that the GEQ was marika's sister, an empyrean who also could've become a god, and i wonder now if marika destroying the city shown in the trailer was her crushing the competition
i similarly predicted (based on absolutely nothing) back when the gameplay trailer released that the old man seen in it (in the painting, and with the rune/sword through him) was marika's father, so maybe the city that is being destroyed by messmer and marika's forces is her former home that she's destroying so that they can't rise against her in the future
the official subtitles for the line "a purge without Grace or honor" has grace written with a capital G, and the japanese subtitles use the same word as for the erdtree/golden order's grace, and i think that's interesting. in the end marika herself was the most Graceless of them all?
miyazaki said that the name of the dlc (shadow of the erdtree) has another meaning besides referring to the literal shadow tree, and some people theorize it means that the empyreans' shadows will have something to with it, but i personally don't think so - i think it just refers to the hidden "dark side" of the golden order
i hope one of the miquella followers is rhico (or some version of him), just because it'd be nice that the character wasn't just completely tossed away
edit: oh yeah completely forgot, considering how the entire shadow realm seem to be very strongly connected to marika and her past, i'm very curious to see how the very carian-esque area and NPC will tie in to that
edit 2: considering that both fire and snake are seen as blasphemous by the golden order now, i think either messmer betrayed marika (unlikely, considering how he talks of her in the gameplay trailer), or she just fears his power and therefore made everything related to him a blasphemy after using him to win her victories
i don't know, i've just seen people go absolutely bonkers with the theorizing and trying to connect anything and everything not only in the trailers and screenshots but also in the base game to messmer and miquella and the shadow realm no matter how much they need to reach, and i just. find that really exhausting, so i don't want to do that
i can't remember if i had any other thoughts lol
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prttydolls · 2 years
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in her shadows — eddie munson
eddie munson x cunningham!fem!reader ✧.*
synopsis : reader has enough of being in chrissy’s shadow
warning(s) : being in chrissy’s shadow, rejection, being a rebound.
char note : chrissy is 19, reader is 18, eddie is 20 !!, also mean!chrissy, dark haired!reader hehe (lets pretend she took it from her dad lol)
amora’s note : aaa!! @imabee-oralizard are u proud of me for finishing this in a day ✊🏻 || im checking who ever likes, so u might get a dm from me if you have “18+ only”
important note : if ever, you have 18+ only or mdni please leave, the door is right here old woman 👉🏻🚪
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chrissy, chrissy, chrissy.
your parents always compared you to your older sister, who was a year older than you. they're always saying “oh y/n, why cant you be like chrissy” or showing off her stupid achievements.
god why cant they fucking shut up .
you were the same as chrissy ; pretty, popular, a cheerleader, straight A’s everything! you were like a mini chrissy if you thought about it. your parents just didnt want a second child.
you were exhausted, secretly being an outcast.
speaking of outcasts, your only escape was your bestfriend, eddie munson. he hadn't known that you and chrissy were polar opposites behind closed doors.
eddie and chrissy were friends too, she didn't like him as much but she tolerated him. eddie? oh boy, he liked her so much.
he had a crush on her, typical.
you saw how she leaded him on, making him think she liked him back. whenever you confronted her, she just laughs and says “thats what girls do to their guy bestfriends, surely you dont know what its like.”
you just hated her for everything! you were smarter than her, yet your overshadowed by her! it isnt fucking fair!
it isnt fair.
not fair.
not fucking fair.
・゚: *✧・゚:*
next few days, you noticed how eddie stopped coming over.
you thought of asking chrissy, because she was the last person he talked to before leaving home. you hesitated to knocked, but did anyways .
“’kay, hold on jason— what? what do you want twerp?” she greeted, obviously on a call with jason carver and she seemed annoyed. “what did you say to eddie?!” you whisper shouted.
she looked confused. “what?”
you sigh in frustration, “i fucking said- what did you say to eddie?!” you repeated, abit louder than earlier
chrissy rolled her eyes, “he confessed to me, and i rejected him ‘kay? i don't like him back. he's just a friend to me.”
you scoffed, “just a friend?! you both acted like you were dating! you leaded him on you witch!”
she rolled her eyes once more, “for the love of god, its what girls do to their boy best friends. they act like couples, I didn't expect eddie to like me.” you just stared at her in anger.
you didn't wanna say anything and just left her there standing.
you needed to see eddie.
・゚: *✧・゚:*
you drove into eddie’s trailer and knocked loudly, “Eddie?!” you called out.
it only took a few loud knocks, for the door to open. you saw the brunette with red-ish eyes, and tears brimming around his eye. he looked so sad.
“eddie..” you sighed sadly.
he stared at your dark (hair color) hair sadly. “hey, y/n..” you invited yourself in and pushed eddie aside.
“eds, did chris reject you?” you asked hesitantly, he looked at you and nodded slowly.
you let out a “awh”, and hugged him.
you comforted him that night, you stayed just to comfort him, and him alone.
・゚: *✧・゚:*
months passed, you and eddie were close now. like super close.
you definitely had a crush on him, but you knew something was up. he still wasn't over chrissy. even though she had rejected him, he couldn't stop swooning over her.
you knew he didn't like you, he probably would if chrissy didn't exist. but he would never like you, other than just being his friend.
he still has strong feelings for her, you can sense that.
you felt like you were just a nobody to eddie, just his stupid friend that has a older sister everybody wants to be.
“y/n?” eddie’s voice spoke up, making you snap out of your thoughts.
“sorry- i zoned out.. what's up?” you replied nervously. eddie bit his lip and fondled woth his rings, “i- i wanna ask you something” he sighs
you raised your eyebrow, signalling for him to go on and he took a deep breath. “i- i like you, alot y/n/n.” he confessed.
your mouth went wide open, was he fucking serious?!
you chuckled bitterly, “ah, so this is the part where i date you and you make chrissy jealous and she wants you back hm?”
eddie was taken aback, “what do you mean?”.
“please don't act dumb, i know you became friends with me just to get closer with chris, and you did! but uh oh, she rejected you! whoopsie, now your using me to make you feel better. why? because im always the second fucking choice.” you laughed.
“please, no one wants to talk to me for me. they only talk to me to get closer with the queen of hawkins high. you really think im dumb like that huh? well im not munson!”
“what- no y/n? why'd you think like tha-” eddie tried talking but you already had tears and you quickly stood up and got your stuff.
“fuck you munson.”
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spielcave · 6 months
God of War Valhalla DLC (Aka, 'Kratos and Mimir go on a bro trip that ends up being Therapy')
Just wanted to start by saying thank whatever is out there for Santa Monica Studios, for their phenomenal work into giving Kratos some much needed development and exploring his complexity. I'll explore this game in subsequent posts and maybe any suggestions you're welcome to shoot my way.
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Spoilers ahead!
I think it's a testament to how beloved the Norse games have been through the amount of cheering the second Kratos came on the screen during the reveal trailer for Valhalla, Mimir in tow. After rewatching the "Raising Kratos" Documentary on YT, I know the team at Santa Monica Studios really feel the love from their fans. If they intend to make a game about Kratos going to another mythology, I really hope Mimir is with him. It's clear they've gotten very close between 2018 and Ragnarök with how at ease and personal they get, especially since I'm pretty sure if Kratos left him with Freya, she's likely to 'misplace' him in the Lake of Nine. I found the different difficulty settings interesting when you first chose Valhalla at the main menu. I started on the 3rd (the very middle) and am currently working my up when I feel it's getting to hard. Right now I'm at the one right before "Show Me Mastery" (the names escape me lol). I'm not expert at Rogue-Likes, but the consensus I seem to see is that the gameplay of God of War really lends itself well to the style of game. And what a genius way to utilize what was previously, I felt, an underused character, Tyr! Even when you free him in Niflheim, I feel I was waiting for him to do more outside the post-story interactions you get to get glimpses to his character (and potentially hint and later games). Him being Kratos' therapist is really demonstrates how similar they both are, how strong Tyr is, and what we can hopefully see Kratos grow into moving forward. As someone who recently started therapy around the same time as this DLC came out, I couldn't help but feel connected to Kratos myself. Especially Mimir. I, too, have been trying to improve from someone I wasn't proud of and as a result I'm too hard on myself sometimes. It limits me from achieving personal acceptance, like I don't deserve the good things in my life. What this game puts Kratos (and myself by proxy) through, is how to accept his actions, his mistakes. To acknowledge who we were and to not let it stop us from embracing the chances to do better. Now, you don't have to have killed entire pantheons, your family, and plunge a society into destruction with mountains of innocent lives at your feet... but I think we can agree that kind of message resonates. The scene where he sees his younger self in that throne just HITS. Kratos admonishes his past self for doing such awful things and being such an awful person... but also accepting him/himself to be more complex than that, he always has been. In a way, it sticks it to the people who said (prior to the 2018 game) that God of War is just about over the top violence, blood, tits, gore, more blood is missing the forest for the trees. They're big trees, sure, but not the whole forest. There was always more to Kratos that violence and the hack and slash genre, dude is a massive greek tragedy. And in Norse, he's putting Hero's Journeys like he was born for it.
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The side conversations with Mimir hit me the hardest, grappling with your own self esteem when you feel you aren't enough for our loved ones, hearing about he and Sigrun first met, how utter in love he was with her throughout the last two games and here. It strikes a familiar cord... which is why I'm so glad he was able to let go so she can find herself in the end and the support he has from Kratos. We talk about all the time how the wise and loving decision is usually to let go (as it is!), but I think it must be said how hard it can be. It's the right choice, ultimately, but damn if isn't difficult to actually get there. I think my take away has been more of an affirmation that letting go is what I need to do, and the way to help ease the transition is to make sure I have a support system and learn to love time with myself in order to value my own merits, even if I have shortcomings. "Does she not deserve the smartest man alive?" CHILLS On a less serious note, it's good to see Freya out and about! Finding her freedom and stepping up as a leader for the 9 realms. It's good to see that post story, she does care about the both of them. Maybe they parted ways for a bit as Freya takes a more public role in organizing her council, but their journeys (which we can assume all side objectives you can do with her are canon) brought more than a professional connection. Like,
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(sorry for shit quality) Totally gives off "Wife found Husband doing something reckless/stupid" vibes. And I'll admit, I am like... 85% if not 90% on the Kraya/Freytos/Warflower train. Baldur's death really does weigh on my mind when I think about Freya and Kratos as a pairing. And I do also like the idea of them being good friends as time goes on. Not to mention Kratos likely still holds Faye close and Freya's last marriage was fuckin bonkers. But I still do like to see these grieving parents, comrades at arms, finding a home in each other, a connection that makes each one feel safe, real, and loved. Not without bumps in the road, but they'd make an awesome power couple. And the shameless smut, but it goes without saying. Oh and whatever reaction it would get from Atreus would be hilarious.
In the end, this DLC really leaves me wanting more, theorizing where the story goes from here. I see a lot of people throwing out ideas on what mythologies they go to next, who's our next playable character. I feel it's still gonna be Kratos, but I also feel it has to make sense to his story. He's become very developed in this DLC, when you have a character who becomes so developed, there is little room/reason to really keep telling their story, at least in a way that can translate to an action pact video game epic. The only thing I can think of for Kratos, is we get to see him follow through with his development. And that, my friends, is another post. Until then! I hope enjoyed my ramblings!
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hay1ock · 10 months
So it’s been pretty much a week now and having rewatched the first episode of Only Friends a couple of times, and before the next episode drops Saturday I wanted to ramble and put down some thoughts I can look back on about how much I love this show so far. (I know it’s only been 1 episode but fuck it.)
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Firstly, I want to compliment the aesthetics of the show. The styling of sets and the characters are striking. Lighting, soundtrack, the colouring of the scenes. I’m no film student or anything, but for me it’s a good looking show. And I love the vibes. It has an edge beyond that of the BL tag in my mind. It’s got those QAF and Skins vibes as well as other shows about young adults we had here in the UK that I watched growing up, and I love it.
The sex stuff (+mature/toxic behaviour). I’m aware there are various opinions and comparisons. Too little, too much. This show vs that show/movie. There’s space for all kinds of shows/stories. You want fluffy sure, second turn on the right. Want trauma inducing and everybody dies, keep heading straight at the crossroads. You have the right to not watch and let others enjoy what they enjoy. Regardless of gender/sexuality humans are flawed. They screw up their own lives and other peoples, and they fuck (except those who don’t). Personally, I consume anything that’s entertaining and god damn Only Friends is entertaining.
Anyway, personally, I thought the sex fit in nicely to the story. And I say story because I’m not really one to just want to watch or read about people shagging for the sake of it. Actually, I once submitted a story to a publisher and (feeling like Up’s character in Lovely Writer here) they wanted me to up the heat and add more sex. For me, I need a purpose, even if the sex is the purpose. For example Boston in this episode. Fucking was the reason. It was part of his character. The scene was for his gratification not the viewers. I loved it being all rushed and frantic and there being only one goal - to come. And mixing it with Nick wanking and them climaxing at the same time. Genius scene to be honest. And to follow that up later with them actually getting together and the classic fade to black. We know what’s gonna go down - Nick’s hand down Boston’s pants that’s what 😃
Then we have Top and Mew, a very different scene - slower, more intimate. These characters have very different intentions. Top chasing the goal of Mew’s virginity. To succeed he needs to go steady, lull Mew in by making him feel good. And then Mew who’s maybe pushing his limits as to what he’s comfortable with. As a once virgin myself, I can’t argue with him wanting a little attention, some kisses, and some chest groping lol. But in the end, he cant go all the way, at least not with a one night stand, so the scene shifts. Top maybe pushes it, but I’m glad he ended up being a decent guy (at least in this moment) and accepted Mew wasn’t ready.
So characters.
No point in me hiding it but I’m here because of Khaotung, Neo and First. Khao has had my heart since 2gether. Neo got added to that list after TonhonChonlatee (sorry Tonhon but Na was where it was at lol) and then the trinity was completed with The Eclipse with First. So, high on my Eclipse feels I’m hit with the Only Friends trailer and it was an immediate ‘sign me up’. Since then, Mark did get my interest, loved him in MSP and MLC, and I’ve also got to know Book and Force more since A Boss and a Babe (sorry if any Enchante lovers see this - at the time I only watched ep 1 and it didn’t grab me so have yet to finish it - maybe one day lol).
The fact Khaotung is playing him is a big bonus but have to say RAY is currently my favourite character. I have a soft spot for the characters who seem to be dealing with baggage and I would assume binge drinking, and considering himself ‘unimportant’ are likely signs (along with other bits seen from the trailer). He seems like a dickhead but is actually a squishy baby who needs love and protection (mainly from himself). At least my take so far. I am worried about him and his lack of self preservation, he’s lucky Sand was a stand up guy because handing your phone, car and yourself over to a stranger is a terrible idea. He was passed out and defenceless and if Sand was looking to take advantage in some way, he could have been in real trouble. (Thinks about the sobbing scene in the trailer) I hope nothing bad has or will happen to him if he’s in such a drunken state again. It’s sad he would have just accepted Sand and him had had sex because Sand was hot.
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Moving on to SAND. Though a bit aggressive in a ‘I’m so done with everybody’ kind of way, he seems to be a decent guy who just wanted to take a piss in peace lol. We didn’t get too much of him. He gave me mature and big bro vibes and was rubbing Ray’s back when he was retching over the loo - wonder if he’s done that for anyone else in his life? He was a bit standoffish to start (rightly so at some points) but seemed to soften up a bit when Ray was genuinely apologising and saying thanks to him. Also, the slight look/hesitation when Ray asked him if he knew him in the bathrooms. Does he? Even if from a distance? Can’t wait to see where these two go from here.
Next. BOSTON. Well, he certainly likes to get his end away. I don’t dislike him (yet). Screwing around doesn’t make you a bad person. Chasing after red wristbands might make you a little bit of a dick, but I’m generally less against the ‘third party’ and more judging the one who has a partner who is doing the cheating (though here it was more an open, we enjoy a threesome relationship he was getting entangled in). Anyway, I enjoyed Boston and his facial expressions, and his ‘hunting’. Will reevaluate when he starts breaking hearts.
And first in line to get his heart broken, NICK. Not sure our boy will be getting employee of the month snooping through customer phones and jerking off to their half naked selfies lol. He seems a nice enough guy, and as with all the characters it was a decent intro to him. I enjoyed the tension between him and Boston. He recognised him from uni it seems so maybe had his eye on him and finally got a chance to interact, which they certainly did. The preview already showed him getting attached so I’m ready for him to be heartbroken 💔
MEW. A seemingly precious baby who just wants to read his books and save his virginity for something more meaningful than a one night stand. Haven’t much to say about him at the moment as taking him at face value for now. But interested to see how he gets to the point of yeeting Boston into the pool in the trailer lol.
TOP. *narrows eyes* I have no idea if I trust him. He clearly had one mission at the start, but then based on his and Mew’s conversation over ice cream, and how it seems others only view him as the top of the top, a prize to hook up with, I did feel like he was genuinely surprised and intrigued by Mew stopping the hookup before sex. In his scene with Boston, he also said he wanted to date Mew, but because he found him interesting. I don’t know if it’s still a bit of a challenge to him to get Mew to date him because it’d be fun, so whether his goal is still to try and get laid and then he’d dump Mew and move on… We’ll see I guess *side eyes trailer*
(NAM?)CHEUM. Not too much of her but she fits in well as the fourth member on the main friend group. Would be interesting to see how they know each other and for how long. Guess we’ll have to wait and see if she gets a storyline of her own or if, as she had a red wristband on, it’ll be happy lesbian shenanigans now and again to contrast everyone else’s drama and her being there observing her friends self destruct.
Thinky thoughts going into the next episodes.
1. Please tell me the guy Yo is with in the intro is called Lo.
2. I’m wondering if Papang is playing Nick’s boss. Can’t remember the trailer scene setting well other than a laptop in front of them. Maybe he catches Nick and Boston on the cctv.
3. Top & Boston scene in the trailer. Could it be a flashback? Didn’t feel like a flashback but who knows. Assuming it’s not, I wonder what gets Top to a point where he can’t wait for Mew anymore and bangs Boston? Did they have a fight? Were they ‘on a break’? Did Mew pick Ray or something else over him? (I’ve seen the outfit analysing lol)
4. I’m gonna repeat here that I’m worried Ray will get himself in some real trouble getting blackout drunk. He has his arm in a sling in one scene in the trailer so there could be an accident or a fight. But he’s also a sobbing mess and Mew comforting him and well… I hope he stays safe.
5. Interested to see who and how Title’s character will tie into what’s going on. Pilot trailer implied he’s a friend/worked at the bar with Sand.
6. Nick already got them heart eyes. Poor boy’s gonna suffer. But props for the bold move of sending Boston that photo.
7. Oh yeah, Drake! I’d gone with it maybe being Papang out of the cast we knew about from the trailer. Well done to the people who were like ‘that’s Drake’ lol. I had joked about hoping they just brought in a whole bunch of the gmmtv boys to play one night stands or drunken kisses on the dance floor so I’m one for one for boys and episode so far lol.
8. Mew hiding behind and pushing Cheum towards a vomiting Ray in the first scenes was everything lol.
9. Ray’s outfits 😍
10. They did pretty well covering up The 1975’s poster in Sand’s apartment as had to go see when I saw someone point it out (I can’t imagine trying to edit around moving, talking characters)
11. I feel sad that Ray cared more about his belongings than himself.
12. Sand’s ‘I am so done’ face. Especially when Top ‘borrowed’ his mic.
13. And about that. Public propositions like that are a hell no from me. I’d hate to be cornered like that. I mean it’s okay if you’re going to say yes I suppose. But what if it’s not a yes? Like what do you do in front of everyone. Say no and look like the asshole?
14. Top washed his hands after going to the bathroom. Top tier indeed.
15. That intro sequence going from one character to the next - very cool. Also the days of the week montage.
16. Dear Ray, please don’t throw up again. *lowers volume a little bit* 🤢
17. Props to the friends wanting to turn the theory business plan of a hostel into the real thing. I think I’d be Boston in the group and just be dragged along and agree to whatever lol.
18. That intro is definitely a non-skip. Everybody be looking damn fine!
19. Watching everyone’s expression regarding Ray, Mew and Top. Boston knows Ray likes Mew and damn if he doesn’t seem to enjoy poking at him. Also at one point I started to wonder if there was anything else beyond jealousy between Ray and Top. Probably just Ray having had some drinks so reacting in no way subtly lol. And then Mew’s expressions when Ray leaves both times. Does he know? Is he just concerned his friend is storming off and drinking? Hmm.
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20. Let Ray and Boston kiss you cowards lol
Bring on episode 2.
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darklight-owl · 6 months
I'm finally free from The Horrors so I'll take the time to write all my impressions from the new trailer. Tldr:
This is gonna be a long post I've been thinking about that trailer all day
Like. Fr. The Vision pretty much cleared any doubt in my mind I had about this game. It's made with so much love and passion and just oozes charm and creativity just like Layton games we know and love. Also Steam Bison might be my favorite town yet. You're telling me these mfs have mechanical animals for HOUSES? THAT'S. SO. COOL.
SPEAKING OF STEAM BISON WE HAVE MORE LORE ON IT. It's a relatively new town created by some inventor person called Eggmuffin (who I will get into later because I am really excited to talk about Eggmuffin.)
The music is SOOOO NICE. Is it just me or is there more guitar and brass than in other games? (I'm not good at telling brass instruments apart... is that a trumpet?) I like the combo a lot, it's very lonely but soothing :3
The gameplay largely looks the same (which I'm kinda grateful for, if it aint broke don't fix it lol) except the cute little "in party" sprites seem to have been replaced by the characters standing in the foreground. I don't mind the change, it works well with the switch's single screen. Also it lends way to some really quality memes.
Also there's puzzles in the overworld now!! WHICH IS SOMETHING I'VE WANTED IN LAYTON SINCE THE START🥳
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Clearly this is a decision made solely to appeal to ME. Which is understandable since I am the lead writer for this game. Sorry for keeping it a secret so long, my boss wanted to announce my involvement in the Vision but decided against it last minute since I keep leaking stuff on Discord.
Ok enough memeing LET'S TALK EGGMUFFIN. They haven't been shown yet only mentioned by name. While the subtitles refer to them with he/him pronouns it might be a translation thing since from what little japanese I know everyone referred to them with gender neutrality. I'M REALLY HOPING SHE ISN'T A DUDE. (I use whatever pronouns i feel like for Eggmuffin she is a blank slate rn) it would be SO cool to have some enby or woman representation!!! Also you can BET YOUR ASS I'M DRAWING THEM SHE'S SHOWING UP IN THE VILLAIN FLORA AU
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Anyway I'm gonna go draw Eggmuffin as a milf now. See ya.
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mygeekcorner · 1 year
eight shows to get to know me. allegedly.
Tagged by @silversoulstardust
Babe what does this even mean??? What do you mean “get to know me”?? Shows that are the reason that I am the way I am?? That make people watch them and then go “yeah this explains so much about you”? Blorbos I project too hard on?? The vibes? The core memories??? The quoteability?? Which ones make me scream out loud the most?? What does it all mean?? You already follow my blog, you know which shows I'm obsessed with, but what shows do even give insight into anything besides what I like in stories??
But uh yeah. My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic. Easy pick. Whatever reasoning you want from the potential meanings of this tag game up there, it has it. The first three seasons are so good! Though I did drop it when Twlight became an alicorn, that just felt too much toy-selling show to me personally, same with equestria girls. But like I grew up watching old school MLP (G1), and I adored it. Then I reach 20 and suddenly FiM (G4 for those keeping track) comes out and it is such a gigantic blast from the past and damn if I didn't get hooves over head from the start. I was obsessed. I was one of the “mods are asleep, post ponies” people. And the way they fucking based Pinkie Pie on me? Like right down to the Pinkamena rock farm backstory? Scary stuff right there I’m tellinng you. 
But 7 other shows to pick?
Monarch of the Glen is an old show, and I will admit that I haven’t Really watched it since I was in school but it has stayed in the back of my mind since I was like 10 so. I never cared for the main couple, as characters they are fine but even back then it felt like a “oh yeah, here’s two pretty people from opposite genders (and social status) and so we have to make them get together” which was Not what the show was about To Me! But just all the other interpersonal relationships? The parents romantic relationship? Top notch.  The struggle of trying to please your parents but still doing your own thing? Trying to find out what that thing is? It does never get old. Also I had the biggest crush on Duncan and that does tell you so much about my type still lol
Galavant released the trailer and at first glance everyone already knew it was a very Me show. I’m not sure what it says about me, but it fits me very well. With the sense of humour, disney references, bursting into unprompted song, wanting to dress like a ren fair character, horseback riding, daring sword fights. A prince in disguise! I mean what. I don’t project on anyone super hard, but I do vibe like crazy to the whole thing, and the soundtrack is a banger that never truly leaves my brain.
Scrubs might just look like the silly little doctor comedy show, and it is! But it also has SO MUCH heart and I just love the lessons it comes with. Again, it’s been a hot minute since I watched it so I won’t vouch for how well the humour has aged, but that was never the point of the show either. The point of the show was watching people care about each other in all different kinds of relationships and so many of the more heartfelt exchanges still live in my soul even now. Like that time JD went to the “evil lab guy” everyone was scared of because he didn’t want his patient to have what the results said they did and the lab guy asked “do you Think I made a mistake or do you Hope I did?” and JD just said “I’m kinda hoping you did” and the whole scene softened and lab guy did the test again. I don’t know, that scene has lived rent-free in my mind for like 20 years whenever I hope things aren’t as bad as they seem, hoping that some higher power lab guy will take pity on me and say they mixed some tests up.
Malcolm in the middle is again just that silly chaotic show from when we were kids - sibling edition - but again it just has so much heart and I don’t know. Watching it again as an adult, yes sure, it has aged, but the big bits stay the same. How the parents Chose each other every day. How the kids might beat each other up with bricks but wouldn’t hesitate to turn to arson if anybody else tried to do the same to their brothers? Yes, it means a lot and even though I might not have “learned” as much from it as Scrubs, it still resonates with me about how growing up felt.
Until We Meet Again because at my heart I am a hopeless romantic who wants to believe in soulmates. It’s a pretty recent show in general, and I only watched it a year ago, but it felt like it understood me more than I understood it, so it is on this list anyway. But I will always hope that if someone meant enough to you and you meant enough to them you Will find your way back to each other, in this life or the next. Not saying this show didn’t absolutely destroy me, I spent 3 hours just crying and shaking after the first episode, and I think I spent a majority of the show being a dehydrated little blob, but it was so worth it. To watch both timelines fall in love and choose each other? To watch the modern timeline have friends and be happy among more than just each other? Everything I could have asked for. 12/10. For real.
Not sure what Goblin has to say about me. We’re all depressed and deserve a good cry and a hug? I guess it means that there is always hope for things to get better, in some way. Even if it doesn’t come about as you thought it would, or when you hoped. But there is always someone out there who cares about you, whether or not you know they do.
I can’t believe I almost forgot about Black Books! Fran is me and I will turn into Fran if bf ever does leave me rip. For real. I even used to have a marriage pact with a friend who was just like Bernard that stated if we both reach our 40s and are single we can be drunk and miserable together. So many of these moments get referenced on a daily basis in our home, everything from how “on no accounts must they know the real you!” to the Cleaner. Yes, if you watch this show it will explain so much about me. (Please don’t do that)
Okay, yeah. This only took like 4 days to complete lmao. Might have taken it a bit more serious than intended, but the theme of the game is just to wide and I didn’t only want “these are the shows I’m currently obsessing over” cause yall already follow me and know which ones those are.
Anyway to pass this on - and feel free to not take it as deadly serious as I did unless you are so inclined - I am now tagging @krippe90 @jacquelinesrumbottle @hobbitsus @imaginarydragonling @tbiris @ablazenqueen @topcatnikki @7nessasaryevils @wanderingwistfulness @happygomadhatter @nevergonnafallfor @genderfluid-faerie-bf and anybody else who might want to play
Edit: added links to the shows~~
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gillianthecat · 1 year
Thoughts on A Boss and A Babe episode 1:
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(I wish that whole scene had been like this.)
Are we about to find out if the Boss is also a Babe, or if it's the intern that's the Babe. Perhaps it's clearer in the Thai title? Anyway, until I learn their names I will be calling the intern the Babe.
These contrasting parallel morning montages are fairly common way of introducing characters, but for some reason I'm finding this one hilarious. I think it was the boss's robe drop that got me.
I was not excepting to enjoy this show because the trailer made it seem very much Not My Thing. And it's not. Yet somehow I am enjoying it anyways (at least so far, 7 minutes in. At first I was like, oh vey, the Babe (Cher? I think?) is overacting all over the place, doing that all that stuff with his mouth to try and make him seem young and dumb (like Rain did, sorry LITA fans but it annoyed me there don't be mad) but, like, it's so over the top and ridiculous that it might work? And honestly I think I love every permutation of enemies-to-lover at least a little bit, so it's got that going for it.
Ah, Laem, the babe-intern's name is Laem. I guess Cher was how they translated an endearment?
Or maybe his name is Cher too? I'm sure I'll figure it out eventually.
Boss is surprisingly plausible as a boss, given that he looks 24 at the absolute oldest. But honestly more like 20. I would not be surprised if the intern actor is older than the boss actor.
Characters bullshitting nonsense about video games is marginally less irritating than them bullshitting nonsense about advertising campaigns, I guess.
Lol, I was not expecting my confusion over Intern-Babe-Sarun-Cher-Laem's name to be cleared up so soon. And so thoroughly!
This gets my "the sexual harassment is weird and mysterious enough not to bother me" pass. At least so far. I was not expecting to see echos of The Director Buys Me Dinner (which I still haven't finished) here, but here they are.
Oh yes, I did know about this ASMR thing from the trailer, but I had completely blanked on it.
I think I might end up actually liking this show?! Laem has already endeared himself to me. And his complete disregard for authority or social rules has rid me of my worry of the boss-intern relationship feeling icky. And I do like Mike as Jack—the only thing I recall seeing him in was Theory of Love, but I thought he was quite good in it (and v. pretty).
Oy vey. GMMTV seems to like to pretend the characters are in bed together when they're miles apart talking on the phone. It confused me in My School President (which I also still haven't finished) and I don't like it here either. I guess I really like the intimacy of a phone call. (Kabe Koji used it so effectively!) Especially since it's all about Laem's voice! It's not so much that I hate the idea of showing things that aren't actually happening, I just like phone call scenes so much. I love seeing them hearing but not seeing each other and watching the vulnerability of their actions and reactions as they're alone in a room. In pretending they're in the same room all that magic gets lost and becomes ordinary. Alas.
I love how Laem is such a known storyteller and exaggerator that no one believes what he's saying about his interactions with the Boss, even they're completely true. It's a nice way to keep their relationship feeling intimate and private, without making it a secret.
And yay for ADHD rep! I mean, I don't know if it's intentional, but those are certainly the vibes I'm getting from Laem.
I've figured out what his names are, but what are we as a fandom calling him? He seems to want to be called Laem, so that's what I've been using, although I personally prefer Cher.
I laughed out loud at the Jack pinching Aoi by mistake. Sad to see the employees all terrified of their boss, but also hilarious. (Also a part of me is tempted to do a deep dive into depictions of The Office and Work Life in QL. But I will not do that. Partly because it's a major project, partly because I haven't actually seen that many (GAP is yet another show I haven't finished) and partly I feel like I would need to watch more non-QL Thai, Korean and Japanese shows to have context. So that's a lot of things I shouldn't be doing because I need to focus on schoolwork instead.)
I do like the use of sound effects! GMMTV seems to have figured it out. Like in MSP, they fit the slapstick comedy feel of the show, and they're well chosen and timed.
Ok, I had already seen a post about Yacht showing up, but a still gave a little startled yet excited jump when he did. Yacht!!! ily :-* (And yes, Between Us is another show that I haven't finished yet.)
omg I think I may love them? I was not expecting this at all. This little standoff over the coffee with whipped cream feels surprisingly nuanced somehow? I was not expecting nuance. Hmm, why do you always give into Cher, Gun?
And we end with a crash-into-you, and soulful staring into each other's eyes. *heart eyes* *big smile*
Well. I'm not sure I will manage to keep watching this, just because I'm not sure that I will manage to keep watching anything. But I am hooked. And delighted.
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mliter · 8 days
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Persona 3 Reload.
This is a remake of the 2006 classic. I played it way back then... But don't remember much. I don't think i played it right too.
Did you know? This was revealed accidentally through an altus moment. Somebody on the social team accidentally posted the trailer on instagram early. That verbal lashing was probably inhumane.
You're back in the shoes of Persona 3's iconic protagonist, navigating a refreshed world harboring a dark secret. Almost everything's the same, but some things are different, and some things are new.
For one, the voice cast. The main stars of the show have returned, with new voices. A lot of people with ties to the original game weren't too happy with these choices (i dont think theyd be happy with any lol) but i really like them. Aleks Le, Alejandro Saab, Allegra Clark and Zeno Robinson stuck out to me the most. My god did Zeno put on a GENERATIONAL performance as Junpei. He breathed new life into the character. I can't imagine anyone else voicing him now.
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I recognize Allegra Clark from three houses. She did a good job as Mitsuru. Alejando Saab's take on Akihiko was not what most were expecting. With the time i've spent with the character, i think it's perfect. Aleks is on a special run right now. he killed it as Makoto.
Still on the topic of voice actors, many of the original voice cast actually are still involved in this project. They've returned to voice some of the adult characters.
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This is a really cool show of respect to the first voice cast imo. There's something a bit poetic about this. But i can't really put it into words properly. Someone better at this kind of thing could do so.
This is a remake. And by god it's a good example of one. Everything's been remade from the ground up to today's standards. The UI is AMAZING. It consistently impressed me up until the final act. Atlus has convinced me that good UI is an art, and they have all the masters in their studio. The environments, the character portraits, the music, the everything. The PS2 version looks cute in comparison.
Something that seems to be lost in production is the more somber and relaxed color schemes that the environments had in some of the overworlds. A lot of people didn't like this, but i did. The brighter color schemes used in the school really helped to sell that seaside setting that the school is located in far better than the original. Have you ever been to a (good looking) sea? They did a good job conveying the look.
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No longer limited by technology, the environments are far more lively. People that don't really get in your way litter the school hallways, Paulownia Mall is packed and the stations are full with activity.
Battles got a huge overhaul, with a banger new battle theme. Alongside party members getting fundamental changes, the entire cast got brand new battle uniforms. I guess going through all of what they were going through in just their school uniforms seemed a bit too much. All of them were designed to their strengths and personality. (Why give junpei a jacket if he's just gonna tie it around his waist...?) They're really good. And it's a solid upgrade that puts them in league with the phantom thieves's looks with me.
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to boot, a new ability came with these uniforms. Theurgy. In game, it's explained as a special cartridge that the gang can load into their evokers when ready. They're pretty much fusion spells. Everyone gets one, and they all have their own animations that play when used. Persona 5's baton pass also makes a return, now known as "shifting". I made some great plays off of it.
The story's the same, told through a new look, new console and new voices. It's just as good now as it was back then. The message still remains. I'm glad this was on game pass. I had fun going back to Tatsumi Port Island, seeing these faces again. My favorite bit of the game was the november school trip.
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internetmisfitsworld · 10 months
So the reveal trailer just dropped. Got some thoughts running in my mind and here's a few of them:
So, the rumors are true. Julian Kostov is Makarov. And I'm not sure how to feel about it.
Am I happy they still (yes people. he has always been attractive. go look up his concept art) choose to make him hot? Of course. Grateful even. I pretty much swore if they pull a Shepherd makeover on him, I'll lose it. However, am I happy with how he looks? Not really. Was hoping they cast someone that, while not necessarily have to look the exact the same as OG Makarov, at least have the same vibe. (Idk how to describe it but yeah I hope it makes sense lmao)
Idk what age Activision intends to make him (mid 30s? early 40s?), but that man looks late 20s 😭 . I'm not saying he looks.. what's the word? boyish? but yeah something similar I guess.
I know Activision must've noticed the hype of making villains hot, and I agree with that thought but why they made him "pretty boy" looks?
For me, Makarov have the appearance of "unconventionally attractive". He have that sort of rugged face with scars all over, dead predatory bicolor eyes. Basically, dude actually looks kinda old and you can get the hint that he was a veteran. Unless Actvision really do intends on making the new him younger and have a different past, well okay then. Also, I know the lighting wasn't that good in that prison, but it seems like he no longer had heterochromia. Welp.
Speaking of veteran, I'm curious if they choose to keep his past the same as before. Was he in the army? Was he ex-Spetsnaz Captain? Same reason for being discharge? Same place of birth? Well, I guess we'll have to see in the next trailer. Or when the game comes out. I swear if they turn him into some kind of Non-Action Big Bad...
No sign of Yuri. Wonders who will play him. Will he looks the same as before? (you know what? forget i ask that.)
Even more funny twist if they decides to just forget about Yuri (don't you dare Activision).
Soo his tattoos. I don't wanna comment anything about it since I don't have enough and proper knowledge of Russian prison tattoos, how it works and stuff. So, I'll just leave that alone. It does looks good though. But funny enough, someone at tiktok said he lowkey looks Jared Leto Joker. Even the hairstyle. Ofc, not the colors though. And now, I can't unsee it either.
However, I do appreciate how obviously intimidating his presence affects the other prisoners. Just a shame about his face though.
On a positive note, I'm excited to see how the event will unfold. From the trailer, there seems to a few glimpse of missions, some of those looks like No Russian even?
Another one of my "in denial thoughts" is, what if the whole prison thing was flashback Makarov? And in the present time, someone else plays him? (yeah yeah i know. i'll stop ✋️)
To conclude, I hope at the very least in this new version Makarov, they give him what the OG Makarov lacks. Proper characterizations, motives and in-depth personality. More than just "hohoho evil russian wants to take over europe".
And no, I'm not asking Activision to gives justification of his actions. Yes, he's evil. Yes, he's a murderous maniac. No justification for that dude lol. I just ask at least give us a peek of his past life. Who he was and who he could've been.
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mockguffin · 1 year
Who are your favorite Tekken characters? Could be for any reasons 😄
*cracks knuckles*
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i cropped the ones below the third row bc the ones listed here are the most relevant to me.
putting them under read more because longass texts—
Josie - THE Fav, THE Best Girl, THE embodiment of Wasted Potential. She's my main girl, my main in battles. An emotional optimist who can pack a punch is such a rare combo imo. I really wanna see her drip and story arc in T8, I NEED to see whether or not does she still have that cheerful spirit or if she lost it all because of the world's ongoing war. Please. I need to see my girl back.
Bryan - my most recent addition to the list. I'm not lying when I say I've been sleeping on his man until he stuck that tongue out at the very moment I watched his trailer. 😃 I already consumed all his voice clips and dialogues to get more bread crumbs of his character beyond maniacal laughter. His pessimistic yet logical side keeps me hooked so much. I need to know more about his life. I don't main him because I'll only get distracted.
Alisa - Classic T6 Fav. Sweet personality who isn't afraid to go full-on berserk mode while still looking cute and princessy as hell. 😂 Also my main.
Bruce - didn't mind him until his fans became obnoxious over his replacement in T7 smh (but I'm pretty sure they're the same people who love his OG replacement aka Bryan so I think it's annoying idk). But when I played him in TTT2 during my T7 Fresh From Release Era, I actually enjoyed it lol all thanks to his and Josie's similarities. After that, I dug through what he's like and he became an instant fav.
Lei & Lili - Classic Favs. T5:DR was my first ever Tekken game so I got to main these two and eventually end up loving their characters, designs, and playing around with their movesets. They're so fun :D
Miguel - black sheep of the family but he still seems family-oriented and very caring if you get into his good side. Thing is, he's hella scary and brutal, but that's why his character is dynamic enough for me to like him. Kinda main him sometimes.
Steve - Bri'sh boxer with a heart of gold LOL I can see him being a keeper. I would love to be friends with this guy. Not interested in using him for battles, he's my dad's main so he handle him lmao.
Yoshimitsu - he's a Man Of Honor, is masked 24/7, AND shows absolutely no skin iirc. While the wiki says he's a human with a cybernetic arm, it's kind of an easy bait for me if my man has all those traits I mentioned combined. Hard to master tho huhu
I think I would've added King and Armor King bc I can get a lil' thirsty but I'm too lazy.
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hootenanie · 1 year
tagged by charlotte @charlottan to spell my url in song titles! tyyyyy my friend
H-hung up on a dream by the zombies. this is maybe my favorite zombies song. beautiful barque pop instruments. beautiful harmonies. beautiful homoerotism. what more can be said? it's the zombies, I've only ever met one person who didn't love them and she was later exposed for abusing her boyfriend.
O-oh death by kaleidoscope I really like this folk song! it feels so much like a fake traditional ballad someone would make up to put in their bad horror movie trailer lmao, so I'm glad it's real. the kaleidoscope version is... fine. kaleidoscope in general is kind of just fine, but I'm including their version because of how much I like their album art and because I don't wanna go through the trouble of finding a better version rn. sorry
O-one of our submarines by thomas dolby. Thomas Dolby is pretty hit or miss for me, but when he hits he really hits. I love his atmospheric synth songs, and I love how they're equally suggestive of a bleak after-the-end future and an analogue world wartime past. this is I think one of his best songs special thanks to @psygull for introducing me
T-train song by the pentangle. this is from basket of light, which is one of my favorite vinyls I own! it always cheers me up, it's so warm and friendly sounding, quite a bit of uk folk from that period is. I don't really have any special thoughts on the pentangle, only that they where very good, remarkably technically skilled, and I'm glad John Renbourn and Bert Jansch went on to release collaborative albums together after the group broke up. you know, it's nice when people seem to be friends
E- è tornato sabata, hai chiuso un'altra volta! by marcello giombini. I love themes with lyrics that explain the premise of the movie SO much. every film should have one. and this one is so good, it's really catchy, it's sung in English which is good because that's the only language I can understand, it explains who our protagonist is ("sabata, fastest gun in the west. nine-fingered man, four barrel dillinger, he's the only invincible man in the country side") what the stakes are ("if you want money, if you wanna get rich, you gotta be a son of a...") it's got a goofy singer whose elongating vouls like crazy. again: every movie should have this
N-(the) night has a thousand eyes by gary lewis & the playboys. I've got a weakspot for early 60s bubblegum pop, and for unintentionally unnerving stuff from the same era, which you can probably tell from the title this also is lol. I also think this album is just really solid. this isn't one of the best songs on it, but it's one I listen to more than most. anyway, I reccomond it, or at very least opening track This Diamond Ring to fans of the Beatles' early work
A- america by allen gingsberg. not a song? fuck you it's on spotify. that's where the songs live. america I feel sentential about the wobblies
N-no love lost by tucker zimmerman. I found tucker zimmerman by chance while looking for something else, and I'm really glad I did. he's got a gentle voice and a simple & emotionally open lyrical style I find really nice. this album, songpoet, in particular is a real gem of a find and I'd say more about it if I wasn't getting really tired
actually y'know what I'm so tired I'm just gonna list the last two without commentary
I-I'll follow the sun by the beatles.
Eastern Spell by t. rex.
tagging @chymical @itsonofthem @psygull @lindaloring @chaumas-deactivated20230115 @bluecheer @lew-basnight @bill-blake-fans-anonymous
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faroreswinds · 2 years
Ok, so we actually got some info that I didn’t know existed. 
Also, I was right, just based on the trailer alone, lol
I was wrong about the spelling though. Fearine is actually Philene.
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This is Bucheron (official English name TBC!). He is a royal castle knight of the Kingom of Philene. A polite, tolerant, and kind-hearted young man who was born with a good physique.
His starting class is Axe Fighter. A mighty warrior who wield axes to fell foes. While he’s certainly not lacking in strength, his defense leaves a lot to be desired.
It appears the knight is quite fond of fishing!
Apparently, this armored, strong man has bad defense? Ok....
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This is Etie. She is a royal castle knight of the Kingdom of Philene. A noble lady and a paragon of elegance. She’s always full of positivity, and she’s quite the active woman. She diligently trains her body every day.
Etie’s base class is Archer. A light unit who fights with a bow, which allows her to hit enemies from a distance.
Somehow, she is an archer, but has no serious armor on and her stomach is vulnerable. She trains her body but has no muscles what-so-ever. 
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So I’m not a fan of her bio, but I actually am not mad at her design. It’s cute, she actually has her legs covered too as a bonus. It’s just a shame it doesn’t make any sense for a warrior. 
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Chloé is a royal castle knight of the Kingdom of Philene. She’s described as a gentle person, who is quite fond of her liege, Princess Céline. She’s also fond of fairy tales and beautiful sceneries, and she’s always looking for combinations that would make a perfect picture.
Dumb armor strikes again. But compared to some other ladies in the cast, I’m not too mad at the design. There are some seriously bad ones. I don’t like it but it’s not absolutely terrible. 
I was right about her nationality though.
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Same with this guy, I was right about her nationality. 
Louis is a royal castle knight of the Kingdom of Philene. The armor he wears is quite massive. He’s described as a gentle person who always takes care of his companions and loves to see them get along.
Louis’s base class is Armored Lance — a heavily armored unit that uses lances in battle. His defense is high, but magic is his big weakness.
It looks like Louis likes to quietly watch his companions from afar, which seems to puzzle Alear…
Again, another design I’m not too mad at. 
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Céline is the first princess of the Kingdom of Philene, and Alfred’s little sister. She’s described as a gentle person, full of innocence, as well as a philanthropist always striving to end conflicts in a peaceful manner. That being said, she is more than willing to take up arms in order to protect peace.
Whoa, I called her nationality, her station, and her relation with the blonde boy. If only it wasn’t so fucking obvious. 
Too bad she probably doesn’t have proper armor to fight in. :/
Just like Alfred, Céline’s base class is Noble. She can use both magic and swords to dispatch enemies.
I also was right about her nation being the “nice one”:
Céline is the princess of the peaceful Kingdom of Philene, and is beloved by her people.
I don’t really like her design. It’s pretty stupid. 
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Ok, this design isn’t the bed but.... I don’t know, I’m personally a sucker for blonde princes. Sue me. 
Alfred is First Prince of the Kingdom of Phyrene (official English name TBC!). He’s a refreshing young man who fights alongside the Divine Dragon. He’s a kind, hardworking, and happy-go-lucky person who also happens to love flowers!
Man, I called everything about him like his sister. So easy. 
Alfred’s base class is Noble. As a heir of the royal family, he rides horses and wields the spear with unparalleled skills.
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Looks like the rings have different looks. That’s cool. And Celica and Sigurd actually look ok in this style! Much better than the actual cast of this game. 
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Nope. Dumb ass designs. Hate it.
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rooftop--runner · 2 years
Since some time has passed and since I actually have time to make this post, I’m just gonna list some of the thoughts I’ve had as I went through the game so far because I have way to many thoughts. Then I’ll probably just post as I go along with the game after this.
Spoilers for Sonic Frontiers under the cut for the majority of the first island (since that’s how far I’ve gotten). I’ll be rambling a LOT:
Just from opening up the game the main menu looks so pretty…
Sonic’s voice is way deeper, which I’m not used to, but I think the voice acting as a whole so far from every character sounds better than it has so I I don’t mind the deeper voice at all
In the first cutscene of the open zone they’re actually showing little mannerisms and fidgeting that Sonic does and I’m LOVING the attention to the little details
The writing and dialogue already seems better than it has been
They mapped the homing attack to its own button and not just the jump button, which makes sense because of the combat system, but it’s just weird because I’m not used to it. NOT BAD just interesting (I think it’s the first time they did that since unleashed)
I feel like Sonic is a lot easier to control then usual in terms of play forming, and the double jump is actually USEFUL for once (idk if anyone else feels that way, I just don’t like the double jump of most of the games, I prefer the little boost forward in the air)
I really like that they let you practice certain moves and combos in the loading screens. It’s a nice little touch!
I seriously can’t stop myself from exploring every square inch of the map
They were not lying when they said the full boost is FAST
I honestly thought I would end up thinking the combat is boring but I’m having fun with it! (I’m just not the type of person that likes fighting games and stuff like that)
I love the fact that there’s a day and night cycle, and the sunrise and sunset looks so PRETTY, especially when it reflects off the water OUGH. I when it’s nighttime you can hear the crickets and bugs and stuff in the background I love stuff like that
Of course the day and night cycle means there’s ANOTHER Sonic game where Sonic doesn’t sleep (except for when he literally gets KNOCKED OUT by the titan, oof)
Speaking of the titan I just like the way they made you try to fight it (unsuccessfully) for the first time. I thought that part was pretty cool (and surprisingly cinematic)
OH so the corruption thing in Sonic’s arm comes from when he freed Amy from that capsule! So he’s essentially going to be hurting himself more and more in order to free his friends :( (even though he said he felt like he got a little boost from it, which could lead to a new super form?)
The koco that Amy’s helping is non-binary??
Why do the kocos have bombs?? Why did two of them just die??? (even Sonic and Amy were disturbed by that)
Although I do think there is something weird going on with the kocos, it is pretty cute how they gather around you while your in the options or after you die
OBSESSED with the dance Sonic does after the getting the chaos emeralds from the kocos
I saw the screenshot being passed around but after seeing it for myself I can’t believe Sonic and Sage really are the same height lol
I like the added detail of the nighttime only puzzles (it kind of reminds me of unleashed)
After watching the cutscene of Sonic and Amy talking about the chaos emeralds I think the chaos emeralds were absolutely made by the ancients
They brought back those quick time event launcher things from unleashed!
I like Big’s voice in this game! Also was not expecting the pretty much lofi music when you go fishing??
The fact that they put so much effort into the fishing is amazing to me. And the supper intense closeup shot of Sonic they always showed in the trailers was just for when you catch a fish???
Overall, loving this game so far, way more than I thought I would initially
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