#fuck the media
triple-tree-ranch · 10 months
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I think this whole Palestine thing was a huge wake up call for so many people around the world. we no longer glorify fake celebrities who turned a blind eye to genocide, we're no longer consuming whatever the media provides, we're no longer obsessed with fascist bloodthirsty brands, we no longer believe the mainstream media, and we're no longer intimidated by police or threats of losing our jobs or degrees. we're no longer believing in the false narratives we've been fed about Palestinians and Arab people, we're no longer separable. I've seen Jewish people leading protests for Palestine, I've seen black people, Asians, native Americans, Arabs, and white Christians, Buddhists, Sikhs and atheists marching together as one, I've seen Muslims defending queers during the protests, I've seen nothing but love and support... yet some people out there trying to convince you that students protesting is some sort of terrorism sympathy and violent riots. I've seen people picking up history books and educating themselves, I've seen the youth reading about Palestine, I've seen people from all parts of the world, from different religions, ethnicities, and sexual orientation and gender identities, all sitting together in camps sharing food and songs, I've seen things that white supremacists spent too long trying to prevent and I'm very proud of every single one you. Let's keep it up
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ainti-pretty · 7 months
as someone who witnessed the dc protest, i did not see a single antisemitic thing occur there. while im sure some people could have been, the event outright condemned antisemitism and there were many jews present, including me.
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fandomsistheanswer1 · 2 months
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tamlindair · 6 months
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Even while reporting actual torture, BBC is attempting propaganda. Disgusting.
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cyarskaren1999-blog · 8 months
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Fuck Noah Schnapp ,Fuck Jamie Lee Curtis Fuck Justin Bieber Fuck Mark Hamill Fuck Amy Schumer Fuck Gal Gadot, fuck zionists, fuck The media who caters to white supremacy and fascism and them being trash as always,and fuck all those influencers
who were posting about how scared they were to leave their fancy rich house while a little child was murdered in his own house!
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90363462 · 1 month
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The other piece of this is that WM murderers get treated better in the media than Black victims. They will make the W murderer the “fun loving dad” while they called George Floyd everything but a child of God. It’s so fucking racist fuck the media!!!
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queerism1969 · 1 year
There is an epidemic of transgender violence. Especially women of color getting attacked and murdered.
Now is not the time to talk positively. Giving into anger is the only sane response right now.
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That Time Mat Went Batshit- Desi Edition! (Part 2/???)
Remember when I promised I would rant about the lack of rep for desi kids? Well, in my journalism class, we were told to write an opinion piece and oh BOY do I have some opinions.
Anywhosies. I hope I made y'all proud.
Growing up, seeing people who looked like me in the media was like seeing a unicorn: it’s impossible.
               And it was the same for any Indian kid up until…. 2018, when we got the first of five installments of the Aru Shah series.
               In fact, if you look on Goodreads, under the “Top Five Indian Character Books,” all five books will be from… Roshani Chokshi’s Aru Shah Quintet.
               Now, it’s not a secret that this is harmful to kids- not only of Indian descent but everyone else too! Western media consistently portrays South Asian characters with harmful stereotypes with caricature-like personalities that haven’t been updated since the 50’s- and in 2023? It looks a little basic.
               Now, I’ve talked a lot about books, and while they’re important, they’re not the biggest piece of media people consume.
That would be tv shows.
               The MCU’s Ms. Marvel and Netflix’s Never Have I Ever are the only two American tv shows made for a younger audience with South Asian main characters.
               “But Mat, why can’t people just until they’re older and then watch all the American tv shows with Indian characters?”
               Because by the time people are 30 and can afford a Netflix subscription, the harmful stereotypes will have already set it, and then South Asian people will only exist as the nerdy, ‘sure, I can hack into this complicated database in under 30 seconds for you,’ people.
               And the fact of the matter is- hacking takes a really long time! And Indians are chronic over-achievers! They will break under this stress.
Jokes aside, though, representation is so important, and one piece of media that makes a little kid feel seen can change a whole life. Media corporations and publishing companies must do better for this next generation of kids coming up, because generational unimportance and trauma will follow them if they cannot see themselves on pages and on the screen.
Do better, American media- for the future.
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cyarskj1899 · 8 months
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Fuck Noah Schnapp ,Fuck Jamie Lee Curtis Fuck Justin Bieber Fuck Mark Hamill Fuck Amy Schumer Fuck Gal Gadot, fuck zionists, fuck The media who caters to white supremacy and fascism and them being trash as always,and fuck all those influencers
who were posting about how scared they were to leave their fancy rich house while a little child was murdered in his own house!
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don't you ever wonder why America and Israel, just "happen" to find out about "terrorist" groups in places that are rich in oil and natural resources? why is it that it's always when a "terrorist" attack "happens" somewhere in the world, it's always convenient for these two so they get to invade somewhere or distract people from their own scandals?
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soulless-bex · 1 year
to make up for the lack of representation the media has given us, i will be claiming bruno madrigal as aroace.
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achromecoveredclone · 5 months
fuck the economist, the press, all of them.
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capitalism and genocide denial is such cancer. this is outrageous.
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tamlindair · 6 months
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So when it’s Israelis it’s children but when it’s Palestinians it’s people aged 18 and younger.
When it’s Israelis it’s hostages but when it’s Palestinians it’s prisoners.
Every single person who’s doing this bs is complicit to the crimes committed by Israel.
I have no words to describe how enraged I am.
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cyarskaren1999-blog · 8 months
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Fuck Noah Schnapp ,Fuck Jamie Lee Curtis Fuck Justin Bieber Fuck Mark Hamill Fuck Amy Schumer Fuck Gal Gadot, fuck zionists, fuck The media who caters to white supremacy and fascism and them being trash as always,and fuck all those influencers
who were posting about how scared they were to leave their fancy rich house while a little child was murdered in his own house!
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cyarsk52-20 · 1 year
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Corrected Headline: "Old white racist fuck so utterly terrified of black people attempted to murder to a young man for absolutely no rational reason whatsoever."
Still blocked
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