#futuristic four au
pjunicornart · 4 months
The Lazy Four
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I should preface this by saying that I actually don't really partake in the Futuristic Four shenanigans, but I thought this would be a fun exercise.
"Lazy Days" is a Meet the Robinsons AU I created. It's essentially an AU where the family are really cozy and chill. I thought, hey, what if the I put the Futuristic Four in the Lazy Days context? So, here they are. Note that I'm probably not gonna much else with these guys (besides Wilbur because he's part of the OG AU), because it just doesn't interest me. BUT you can, if ya want.
Brief Overviews of Each Wilbur - The bookworm. He's read every book in his family's library at least four times. He gave up gelling his hair back a while ago. Violet - The skater girl. Usually seen eating snacks on the curbside. She's a goth too, so... bonus points! Hiro - The baker. Helps out in his aunt's shop. In case you couldn't tell, his favorite flavor of ice cream is Neapolitan. Glitter addict. Penny - The pop star. Can be a bit of an airhead sometimes, but she's got a heart of gold.
Inspos Wilbur -> Nightowl by Igna Violet -> Caffeinated Horses by Tadpole Hiro -> Cosmos Love by Lexie Penny -> Sparkle by BlackIceMusic - Yes, I am aware these are all songs from the Brony community. What of it?
Ask box is open if you wanna know more about Lazy Days in general (as in, Meet the Robinsons only), or about these guys. Just note that this isn't exactly my fandom so bear with me.
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tiktokattic · 2 months
Hey guys I know it’s been a while since I posted. But I decide to make two versions of the au😁
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The dynamics between all the characters especially Hiro,violet,penny, and Wilbur.(and Miguel and Riley) would be a lot of fun to see. Especially when it comes to the angel battles.
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razbotz · 2 months
have this meme i found with capcut templates that i found funny as u read lol
im gonna rewatch all of stranger things right here right now because i was thinking about a futuristic four au with them but i need need NEED more characters other than wilbur robinson, violet parr, penny forrester, and hiro hamada. i was thinking other characters i see with them like tip tucci, riley anderson, maybe vanellope von schweetz, and miguel rivera.
i know i really wanna do season 1 and 2 respectively if i ever get around to writing it. idk about season 3 or 4... ill come back and update as the seasons pass
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cryptid-moone · 1 year
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Haha designs (and I redid their super suits I'm sorry I took away penny's green suit it wasn't the vibe 😭)
Also finally character info stuff!!
Wilbur: so basically he hasn't changed too much from the movie and video game, he thinks things though a bit more (not by much tho lmaooo)
since he's a bit older the teenager crisis kicks in and I say he has imposter syndrome low key cuz he's teaming up with literal superhero's and his dad is basically Tony stark and in his mind he can't match up or make a name for himself without being tied to his dad and he feels like he doesn't like- measure up to the other three so we get a character arc 😈
Penny: she's still doing spy work but as a civilian she's still a celebrity as it's been like a year since she quit the show. She's still a bit shaken up by the events of the movie and has trouble opening up to the others, it gets better tho.
Small thing about the powers she gets in the au, she has empathy powers (can basically feel others emotions and vice versa) and on some level can communicate with animals. She gets a hold on her powers way easier than Wilbur.
Hiro: does hero work after the movie (never seen the show) he's still very sore about Tadashi's death (reasonably so) and is very snippy. He is super closed off the with others and that's kinda how he and Violet grow close 👀
Violet: a lot more open after both movies, still a hit stand offish though, she and Wilbur clash A LOT, like enemies type shit. At some point they're gonna have a really bad argument and someone's issues are gonna get aired tf out and they'll reach a understanding or find common ground and become friendly to each-other. Not now tho lol
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midnight-raven · 6 months
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Futuristic Four ft Riley & Miguel as Sinner Demons
Idea inspired by Anon. Original ask here -> post
The Underworld; a dark and chaotic realm ruled by Xibalba, where the souls of those whom have sinned in their previous lives are sent to spend the rest of eternity.
Follow the lives of six demons as they try to live the rest of their eternal afterlife to the fullest.
(Closing off the rest of the post because of mentions of dark topics. Proceed with caution.)
⚠️ TW: Mentions of Death, Suicide, Slight Torture, and Mentioned Substance Abuse⚠️
If not a fan, please do not read ahead.
Thank you.
Age: 18
Alias: Kage
Species: Cybernetic Kabuki Demon
Cause of Death: Building Explosion
Hiro and his brother, Tadashi, were researchers in a lab that mysteriously caught fire. Hiro had made a deal with Xibalba, to spare his brother's life, even if the deal condemned his own soul.
Afterwards, Hiro was reincarnated as a demon in Hell. At first, he worked as a Bot Fighter for Yama in the Greed Ring, until Hiro decided to start an assassination business, to investigate those whose deaths were unnatural and unsolved.
Age: 18
Alias: Dark Wings
Species: Harpy Demon
Cause of Death: Bullet to the Heart
Violet was a young super who was declared an enemy after she deflected a bullet with her shields and accidentally struck an innocent bystander. Shunned by her family, Violet lived a life on the run from the NSA, until she was finally cornered.
Reincarnated in the Wrath Ring as a Harpy Demon, Violets’ power grew with her rage, as she continued her path as a Vigilante of Justice. Vowing to never be hurt again, and to work alone.
Age: 17
Alias: Surge
Species: Electricity Demon
Cause of Death: Electrical Surge
Wilbur always knew he could never live up to his fathers golden legacy, which led him to reckless actions with dire consequences. This created a rift between him and his Dad, that could’ve been repaired in time… but it was too late.
In the Greed Ring, Wilbur was captured and used as a living battery for an underworld casino, and spent decades being drained of his powers towards the brink of death. Until he was saved by a vigilante known as ‘Dark Wings.’
Age: 17
Alias: Renegade
Species: Camera Demon
Cause of Death: Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
In her previous life, Penny was a popular actress, featured in many movies and gossip magazines. But beyond the spotlight, Penny was cracking under the pressure of her stardom and demanding agent. Until the day she took her own life.
Reincarnated as a demon with a camera lens for her right eye, Penny became a freelance photographer, to expose people's true colors. As well as making her first friend; her protective and loyal hellhound; Bolt.
Age: 17
Alias: Little Miss Sunshine
Species: Clown Demon
Cause of Death: Struck By A Car
Her parents would describe Riley as a ‘happy girl’ but everything changed after they moved. Riley became cynical, a shadow of her former self. And then one day, everything hit the fan.
Reborn in the seven rings, Riley became a special clown performer, with the help of her impish friends; Anger, Fear, Disgust, Sadness, and Joy.
Age: 18
Alias: De La Cruzcito
Species: Skeleton Demon
Cause of Death: Smoke Inhalation
Kicked out by his family at 15, Miguel tried to make his dream of becoming a musician true, but living on his own, Miguel had to take on certain jobs to survive. After a long day, Miguel fell into a deep sleep, not realizing a room nearby had caught fire. He woke up dead.
In his afterlife, Miguel got the opportunity of working with famous musician; Ernesto De La Cruz, who took the young boy on as his protégé. And as long as Miguel does everything Ernesto ask, he can live out his dream. And never have to return to his former life again. It’s worth it, right?
(Thinking about making a separate post for each characters to further explain their lives, afterlives and the sins they committed. Even maybe some Fanart for how I picture them.)
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supernovasilence · 4 months
The Song Stuck In My Head
Late, but I'm determined to keep going with Futuristic Four Week. Prompt 2 was Role Swap, so please take this offering of time traveler!Hiro, actor!Wilbur, superhero!Penny, and scientist!Violet. I just want to get this posted so this is rushed and wildly unedited; I might clean it up before posting to ao3.
Summary: Something is wrong with the timeline. Gen/friendship, drama, mention of injuries but nothing super graphic.
Hiro’s hands shook, but he gulped in a deep breath and forced them steady. He couldn’t afford to spill any fuel.
He only had enough for one jump left as it was. If he ran out mid-travel…
Well, one way or another, he wasn’t redoing this.
He finished loading in the fuel, triple-checked that he had everything packed, quadruple-checked he had the right coordinates punched in, and drew in another deep breath.
A photo beamed at him from the dashboard: an old-fashioned polaroid, faded and crumpled now, the faces of the four kids in it starting to blur. The energy from repeated jumps was corroding the film. Sometimes it felt like it was doing the same to Hiro’s memory.
He pushed activate.
Wilbur grinned into the light bursting across his face. He waved, paused for another storm of flashes, and kept weaving through the crowd. Flash—flash—flash; it seemed to take forever for him to reach the sanctuary of a bathroom.
Thankfully, it was empty. Wilbur exhaled hard and leaned on the sink. Looking up, he saw his reflection staring back at him. He was still grinning widely.
He shook his head like a dog shaking off water, grin dissolving somewhere along the way.
“Come on, Wilbur, keep it together,” he told himself.
He didn’t know why he felt so off tonight; premieres were easy. No acting to do except act like a cool, handsome TV star, and that Wilbur Robinson didn’t have to fake. Smile and wave and make sure to be seen by all the cameras, and don’t say anything rude to anyone. Easy peasy.
He was just…tired of events right now. He’d just come off a flurry of interviews to promote the new season, and now had bunch of premiers to attend (movies from the same studio they wanted to drum up publicity for), and after that they were jumping right back into filming for next season—Wilbur couldn’t remember the last time he’d been home.
One of his family members was always with him during shoots, of course, and he called the rest regularly, but it wasn’t the same. And just hanging out at the mall or park or chargeball court with friends seemed like a dream anymore.
For a moment, it really did seem like a dream. The mirror in front of him shimmered, and instead of pretentious tile, he saw funkily patterned carpet and neon lighting. A retro-style arcade, a Japanese boy with a robot hoodie leaning against a pinball machine, the redheaded girl playing scolding him not to make it tilt, mouth moving silently across the glass while the boy laughed just as silently, and the black-haired girl walking up to them with bags of gummy frogs and popcorn turned and looked back at—
Wilbur was standing in a glitzy bathroom staring at his own reflection. He felt dizzy for a moment, and then he had a headache, but by the time he rubbed at his temples, it had already gone.
“What the—”
He tapped the mirror. A second later he looked frantically around, but luckily the bathroom was still empty.
“Okay, I think that’s enough soda for one night. There’s no way I actually…”
Actually saw…he’d seen something right? He couldn’t remember what he’d thought was so strange about the mirror now.
Shrugging, Wilbur splashed some water on his face, checked his hair was perfect (it was, of course), and went back to rejoin the paparazzi party.
Penny climbed in her window and closed it as quietly as she could. It was harder than usual; her shoulder throbbed angrily. Peeling off her supersuit, she saw a nasty purple-black splotch across her upper arm.
She groaned—quietly; her mom did not need to know Penny was sneaking out to fight supervillains—and dug around for the first aid kit she kept under her bed. Crouching down and stretching out her arm didn’t play nicely with her tired body, and she teetered. A wave of vertigo swept her.
She fell, and while she fell her hands rubbed antiseptic into a cut on a girl’s arm, serious scarlet-and-black supersuit tied about her waist to reveal a cheery bubblegum pink tank top and a circus of bruises across her skin.
“Ow,” yelped one of the boys beside her, the one in the purple armor, as the one with hair like a black cockatoo’s crest tried to pull the armor off without jostling the other’s sprained wrist.
“This is exactly why you need our help,” complained the crested boy. “If you let us fight with you, you wouldn’t come home all banged up.”
“You don’t have any powers.” The armored boy shook his head. “It isn’t safe.”
“Neither do you!”
“I have genius intelligence and high-tech armor.”
“So why can’t you make us armor?” Penny asked.
“Do you really want to go through this every day?” the girl said, gesturing at her scraped up arm, as sarcastic as she was kind. “You two should—”
And then Penny slammed onto her bedroom floor, breathless and stinging with rugburn.
She just lay there, her shoulder aching and her eyes watering, but a moment later she realized her mom might have heard the thump and come to check on her. She grabbed the first aid kit and jumped under the covers with it.
When fifteen minutes had passed with no sign of her mom, Penny decided she was safe, and climbed out of bed again.
It took a bit of willpower; her bed was soft and she just wanted to go to sleep. She wasted no time changing fully out of her costume and into pajamas. Something flicked inside her head as she opened the first aid kit, pressed against the inside of her skull as she scrubbed dirt from her skinned palms and raw knuckles.
Crime-fighting would be so much easier in a team, she thought—and then was struck by how familiar the question was, like she’d asked it a dozen times before. Whatever it was pressed harder against Penny’s thoughts.
She almost had enough energy let to be curious about it. But the feeling came with a sense of vertigo, and she’d already fallen enough tonight. She shook her head, and was surprised to find her eyes wet; they shouldn’t still be stinging from her fall. She wiped them and pulled out ointment for her aching shoulder. A thought tried very hard to get into her head as she rubbed the ointment into her arm, but it wouldn’t come clear, and she was too tired to chase it. Maybe it wasn’t a thought at all, only exhaustion.
Shoving the first aid kit back under the bed, Penny climbed back under the covers. This time, she didn’t fight her weariness.
Violet rubbed her eyes, then looked at her worksheet again. The numbers refused to come clear. She glared at them.
“Oh, sure,” she mocked her past self. “I’ll just do a quick little investigation into the weird readings, even though Mr. Harrington told me it was just the sensors glitching. How long could it take? It’s not like being a teenager in college is hard enough.”
She sank back in her seat and sighed in frustration.
The thing was, the sensors were getting weird readings. And these weren’t the local weather station’s thermometer and windsock. These were state of the art pieces of equipment from a college science department—and a pretty good college, too; Violet’s scholarship afforded her that. Atmospheric pressure, gravitational shifts, a dozen other things that shouldn’t all be interconnected but were, somehow, in some pattern Violet could not figure out: they all said something was strange about the world.
Violet was pretty sure they said something was wrong.
But she couldn’t prove it, and if she didn’t do her actual homework, she was going to flunk right out of her scholarship. Shoving her hair angrily back from her face, she turned to grab her calculus notebook.
The cover shifted as she reached for it. It shook again, and again, harder each time, and then it flew open. The pages flipped past at high speed and the papers she had shoved inside it went flying. Violet shrieked and grabbed for them, but the whole room was suddenly filled with papers and empty chip bags and clothes and everything else light enough to be swept up by the wind buffeting the walls. Violet leapt for the window only to slam into cold glass; it was already closed. She whirled and stared at the room, clinging to the windowsill.
There was a flash of light—a deafening silence that left her ears ringing. And then everything was still. Lying on the floor in the middle of the room, where the chaos had been worst, was a small, metal object.
Violet walked over cautiously, waiting any moment for the laws of physics to go haywire again. They didn’t. She crouched down and peered at the object. It looked a little like a cellphone, and a lot like a prop from an old sci-fi TV show, assuming that prop had spent the last few decades being dropped and tossed in basements and dug out by kids who repaired it with duct tape and aluminum foil so they could use it to play space invaders. The cracked screen was blank and dark.
“You better not be giving off radiation,” Violet muttered, and picked it up.
The screen flickered to life.
“…ome in…nny? Wilbur? Anyo…Guys, if you’re there, please come in.”
Violet yelped and almost dropped the whatever-it-was (a communicator, apparently).
“Hello?” The crackly, compressed voice came again. “Is someone there? Hold on—”
The static covering the screen jerked, wavered into a different pattern of static, jerked again, and cleared enough for Violet to see a boy her own age looking out. He had either ash or a bruise smudged over his cheek, and around him Violet saw glimpses of tangled wires and control panels askew in their settings in…what? A machine? A lab? Wavering, distorted images moved nauseatingly on a glass panel behind the boy’s head.
He looked up from whatever buttons he was worrying over and at the screen with a rather desperate expression. His entire face lit up.
“Violet?” He laughed in disbelief, then whooped, pumping his fist in the air and directly into the glass overhead; it must be a dome, because the entire thing bonged ominously. He flinched away, looking fearfully at it, but nothing happened. He shook his hand. “Ow… Violet, are you okay?”
“Who are you, and how do you know my name?”
He stared, and then his frantic look came back.
“No, no, you have to know me. It wasn’t supposed to be this long—you should still remember—”
“Remember what? Who are you?”
The boy looked at her, and for a moment she thought he might cry. She was left breathless at how much it hurt. Something inside her sat up and whispered inaudibly along as the boy said:
“Hiro. I’m Hiro Hamada. I’m your friend.”
“I’ve never met you before.”
“But you should have; don’t you get it?” Violet just stared at him. He shoved his hands into his hair. “We’re best friends—us and Wilbur and Penny. But something happened, and now everything’s wrong.”
He stopped to draw in a breath. This was Violet’s chance to tell him whatever he was mixed up sounded dangerous, and if he kept stalking her, she was going to call the police. And then turn off the communicator. But he looked so upset, and the communicator had appeared in her room in the middle of indoor storm. And something was wrong. She knew it was.
Hiro was the first person who’d believed her.
She sat on her bed and tightened her grip on the communicator.
“What do you mean, ‘wrong’?” she asked.
“I don’t know exactly.” Hiro gestured in frustration. “I think the timeline got changed. I just keep getting weird readings on everything, but I don’t know what they mean! I think maybe time travel’s not actually my field, so I don’t really know what I’m doing. Except I don’t know how I know that, and—”
“What’s the tensile strength of steel?” Violet blurted.
“Uh—” Hiro blinked at her. “It’s, it’s not a constant. It depends on the grade of the steel and thickness of your material.You want to consider yield strength and elongation percentage, too, so depending on what you’re building…”
He trailed off, then drew in an uneven breath. He looked at Violet with wide eyes. She looked back with a hammering heart.
“Let’s not go off in a spiral,” she said, snarky tone rather shaky.
“How did you know to do that?” Hiro asked.
Violet shook her head.
“I don’t know.”
They stared at each other for a moment, and then she watched determination spark in Hiro’s eyes.
“Something’s wrong with the timeline, and now I have to put it right. We have to put it right.”
“Who’s we?” Violet asked, even though part of her felt she already knew, lost names on the tip of her tongue…
“You and me, Wilbur, and Penny. I—” Hiro suddenly looked sheepish. “I don’t really know who they are, or you. But the anomalies all center around the four of us, so either we did something in the original timeline, or someone else was messing with time travel and we’re involved. Does that makes sense?”
“None of this makes sense.” Violet’s head was spinning. “How do you even fix a broken timeline?”
“I think we can if we put things back the way they were. There are rules about time travel—key events? I’m kinda guessing here. I was hoping you’d know.”
“I don’t know.” Violet hesitated. “Maybe one of the others does.”
“You see what I’m dealing with?” Hiro cried. “I know things, but I don’t know how I know. I definitely think one of you knows more about time travel than I do. I was trying to fix things, but I messed up. The last jump stranded me…whenever this is, and now I don’t have enough fuel to get out. I barely managed to get the comm out.” He looked around at the swirling colors. “I think I’m between whenevers, actually.”
Violet realized the wavering scenes weren’t on the glass, but behind it. A shiver of horror went down her back.
“Is there anything you can do?”
Hiro looked back at her, and the fear in his face softened away again. He grinned at her.
“I have a plan. But I need your help—Wilbur and Penny, too, if we can find them.”
Violet hesitated again. This was insane. And if it wasn’t insane it was wildly dangerous, not just to her but potentially to the entire world—the entire time-space continuum. But she liked Hiro’s grin. She felt like she could take on the world with that grin at her side. Maybe the four of them had, in the old timeline.
“I’m going to be grounded for a decade if we destroy the universe, you know,” she said. “What do you need me to do?”
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winterxisxcomingx · 2 years
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Violet Parr and Camilo Madrigal manips ♥
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isuckatwritingsobenice · 11 months
𝐅𝐮𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜 𝐅𝐨𝐮𝐫
Chapter two: The let down
masterlist // disney nav // tag list form
notes: Modern AU-ish! They're all around 15-16 in this fic, This is not an X Reader fic!! Likes & Reblogs are appreciated !
chapter 1
chapter 3
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"What flowers does Violet like?" Hiro asked as he began to look at flowers. Penny was smelling the carnations while Wilbur was taking pictures of the calla lilies.
"She likes-"
"Petunia Black Velvets." Wilbur said, pulling a blue rose out of a bunch. Penny and Hiro stared at him for a moment, before looking back to the flowers.
"What do those look like?" Hiro asked, before Penny shrugged.
"I don't know. I've never heard her mention those before." Penny said, before turning to Wilbur. " How did you know she liked those?" Penny asked, and Hiro couldn't deny the curiosity growing in him too.
"Well, she mentioned it while we were at the park that one time. She saw the fake Petunias in front of the water fountain. She said she liked them but the black ones were her favorite." Wilbur said, writing something on his phone.
"That was like, months ago. How do you remember that?" Penny asked with a laugh, before Wilbur shrugged.
"I don't know. Violet doesn't talk much, so when she does I sort of just remember it all." Wilbur said, and Hiro stood quiet. Unfortunately, the store didn't have any Black Petunias, so they went with the next best thing, according to Wilbur. Black Roses.
"Are you sure she's going to like this?" Hiro asked as they stepped out of the flower shop. It was around six o'clock now, and Violet was already at the movies.
"Are we giving her these when she gets out?" Penny asked, and Hiro nodded.
"Yup! Then I tell her how I feel and Brick goes away forever." Hiro said with a smile. Penny laughed and Wilbur chuckled, the three walking down the street to head towards the movies.
"Violet got there at five thirty, so the movie should be done by seven." Penny said, and Hiro nodded.
"Alright, we have an hour to kill. What are we gonna do?" Wilbur asked, before Penny pointed to the arcade up ahead.
"We can go to the arcade." Penny said, and Hiro nodded. The three walked down the block, making small talk and trying to figure out which games they wanted to play first. Penny left her bike outside, and tucked the flowers Hiro had gotten Vi into the basket at the front, wrapping it around basket.
"How many coins are we getting?" Wilbur asked before Hiro pointed to the five hundred pack.
"That's like, fifteen dollars." Penny said, before Hiro shook his head, moving them so he could stand in front of the machine. He slipped a dollar in before tapping the buttons a few times. Then, a second later, five hundred coins were put out from the machine.
"Easy." Hiro said with a grin, Penny moving her shirt out so they could put the coins in the dip of her shirt, as a makeshift holder.
" We seriously need to start bringing a bag here. My shirts are gonna stretch from all these coins." Penny said, and Wilbur laughed, grabbing a handful of coins. Penny felt her face heat up, before looking away before he could notice.
"Where are we going first?" Hiro asked, before Wilbur pointed to the large pack man game.
"We need to do that." Wilbur said, before they all began to walk over. A whole hour of games, who could ask for more?
"Dash have you seen my charger?" Violet asked, walking into the living room. There sat Helen, Bob and Dash. Jack- Jack was busy watching TV.
"No, ask dad." Dash said with an eye roll.
"Dash be nice please." Helen said with an aggravated sigh.
"I'll be nice when you guys tell her." Dash said, and Violet stopped.
"Tell me what?" She asked, picking up Jack-Jack to give him a hug. She lightly rocked him as she played with whatever toy it was he had.
" Violet, you're brother... feels he's ready to go solo." Helen said. Violet stood quiet, still rocking Jack-Jack back and forth.
"So, does that mean I'm going solo too?" Violet asked, before Bob shook his head.
"That's the thing, your mother and I, don't think you're ready yet." Bob said. Violet put Jack-Jack down,
"Why wouldn't I be ready? Why is he supposed to be ready before me?" Violet asked, now getting upset.
"Honey just hear us out. You're just not, confident enough. We don't want you to get hurt that's all." Helen explained.
"That's not fair." Violet said, not getting more agitated. "Is that why that woman was here? To talk about Dash?" Violet asked. Helen looked confused.
"What woman? No woman came for Dash." Helen said. Quietly, the two turned to Bob, who looked down at the floor.
"Uh oh." Dash said, before running to get Jack-Jack, and then running out of the living room.
"You cheated on mom?" Violet asked, and Helen's fists tightened.
"Cheat is a strong word."  Bob said, standing.
"So that's it? You're just not going to say anything?" Helen asked, and Violet stood quiet. She picked up her sweater off of the couch, before walking out, leaving her parents to argue. She was ready to just go out, her phone battery be damned.
The walk to the movies was short, and thankfully she didn't wear to high of boots. The chilly weather of the fall was welcoming and she mentally thanked herself for layering two sweaters. She pushed the doors open to the lobby of the theatre, and quickly found that long red hair. Except, he wasn't the only one. Next to Brick, was Blossom, who was his ex girlfriend. Why she was here, Violet wasn't sure. But, to be safe she hid around a corner and texted Brick.
Vi: Hey, I'm here.
In a few seconds, Brick texted back.
Brick: Oh alright, i'll meet you.
Violet felt nervous, and uneasy. Like something was wrong. But she chalked it up to the mishap with her parents a few moments ago. Stepping out from her small hiding spot, she saw Brick looking around. When his eyes landed on her, she smiled and waved and she would have felt better if his smile didn't hold so much pity.
"Listen Violet I-" Brick started, and Violet waved her hands.
"Brick it's fine. I get it. Trust me." Violet said, already knowing. She wasn't the one he wanted to see, and it was fine, because she felt the same. But that didnt mean it still didn't hurt.
"Are you sure? Boom got stood up by his girl again, so if you want you can go with him, as friends y'know." Brick said sympathetically. Violet shook her head with a smile still, even though she felt like she wanted to cry.
"I'm just gonna meet up with my friends, they're nearby so it'll be fine. But I hope you guys have a good movie." Violet said, before Brick smiled. Out of her peripheral, Violet could see Blossom walking over.
"Hi, I'm Blossom." She said, extending her hand to shake Violets. Violet smiled and shook her hand. They were soft.
"Hi, Violet. You're very pretty, I love your hair." Violet said, and Blossom smiled lightly running her fingers through it. The two look good together, Violet thought.
"Oh thank you so much, but yours is, wow." She said, her eyes widening. " It's so long and shiny, I wish mine was like that." She said laughing, and Violet nodded laughing as well.
"Your hair suits you, trust me yours is fine." Violet said, before Brick turned around to see Butch tapping his phone, reminding him of the time. "I should let you guys go. Enjoy your movie." Violet said, and Blossom smiled sadly at her, before hugging her.
"Take care of yourself please. You seem like a sweet girl, and any guy would be so lucky to have you." Blossom said in her ear, squeezing her. Violet hugged her bag, unintentionally squeezing her too.
"Thank you, I hope you two are happy, you guys deserve it y'know." Violet said, and the two pulled away with soft smiles. Brick felt his nerves ease watching Violet walk out of the movies.
Violet felt like she had been walking for hours. She didn't want to go home, she knew all she would hear would be fighting, and arguing and Jack-Jack crying. She didn't want that right now. So, she walked and walked, until she reached the boardwalk. She sat on the cement, which was a few feet above the sand, enough for her to dangle her feet.
She pulled her phone out, scrolling to Penny's contact before calling her. Ringing, ringing and more ringing. No answer. She called Hiro, no answer. She sighed and scrolled to the last person she had hope for. Wilbur. She called, and it rang. Ringing and ringing and ringing. Until he answered.
"Hello?" He asked, and Violet sighed.
"H-hey. Are you busy?" She asked, and she heard shuffling on the other end.
"Not really. Just watching Pennys bike real quick. Why?" Wilbur asked, before Violet looked out to the ocean ahead of her.
" Do you think we could meet up? A lot happened." Violet said sadly, before Wilbur let out a 'hm'
"You're lucky I'm a man with enough time on his hands. I'll be there in two minutes. Where are you?" Wilbur asked, and Violet heard more shuffling on his end.
"By the boardwalk, near the sand."Violet said, before Wilbur chuckled.
"You're not far. I'll be there quick, promise." He said, and Violet smiled and said 'mhm' before hanging up. She sat for a bit, waiting, and just letting her thoughts run.
She wasn't sure how to feel. She knew she didn't like Brick. But she did feel some hurt knowing she had been, basically a rebound. But, she had been hearing Penny drop hints about Hiro liking her, which she also wasn't sure how to feel about. Then, then there was Wilbur.
She definitely didn't like him. Not one bit. They made fun of each other most of the time. She'd comment about his hair, how weird it sat in his head and how odd it was it stood so perfect during the day. She'd talk about how much he wouldn't stop talking about space and the stars and how he loved science so much. She'd get annoyed when he would tease her for liking english class so much because quote " who willingly likes english class?"
Violet didn't like a lot of things about him. So she could never understand why she always let herself down around him. She would talk, he would listen. She would ramble and go on a rant about whatever it was she did, and he'd agree, if he felt he needed too. Just to get it all out of her, sometimes he'd challenge her.
Violet could think of a million reasons why she couldn't like Wilbur Robinson. But the more she thought about why she couldn't, the more she realized, she did.
"Hey Vi." Man of the hour.
"Hey." She said quietly, hiding behind her hair. Her nerves were all over the place. Wilbur rested the bike on the wall, before jumping up and swinging his legs over, scooting over just enough to sit next to her.
"So, how'd the movies go? It's like, six forty five, why are you here?" Wilbur asked, before Violet just looked down.
"I got there and Brick was with his ex girlfriend Blossom. She's really pretty, like, really really pretty. I kinda knew he wasn't really liking me." Violet said, before Wilbur nodded in understanding.
"I feel like there's more." He said quietly, trying to see her face better.
"Kind of. But you cant tell anyone." She said, shifting to face him. Wilbur stared at her for a second, before fixing her hair behind her ear.
"I promise I won't tell anyone." He said smiling, before she laughed.
"Okay, well." She started, before taking a deep breath. " You know how, I'm a super and all." She said, and he nodded. " Dash wants to go solo." Violet said, and Wilbur's eyes went wide.
"Is he allowed to do that?" He asked, before frowning. " I don't know how this super stuff works." He said, and Violet laughed.
"He can, but I didn't think he'd want to go solo so, young. But, I had asked my parents months ago if I could go solo, and they said no because they didn't think I was ready." Violet explained, and Wilbur nodded following along.
"Did they say yes to Dash?" Wilbur asked, and Violet nodded.
"Yeah, they did. So I asked my mom if the woman that had came to our house the other day was there for him, and she said no. So when we looked at my dad, he just said didn't say anything and Dash took Jack-Jack and left." Violet explained quickly, now feeling everything all over again.
"My mom got upset and they basically got into an argument over him cheating on my mom again, and they started to argue and I was just so over it." Violet explained quickly, getting up to pace around. Still, Wilbur listened.
"So, I left because I didn't want to be around that and I just thought getting the night over with would be better. But then I get to the movies and see Brick with Blossom, and I didn't really like him that much but still, it hurt y'know seeing him with another girl when he was technically my date. Then he told me he was sorry and she came over and introduced herself. I hate that I cant even be mad because she was so nice and said I was so pretty but compared to her like am I really?" Violet rambled, and Wilbur sat quietly listening intently.
"Then I walked and left them and just kind of ended up here but I needed someone to talk too because everything is too much. I called Penny but she didn't answer and then I called Hiro and he didn't answer, and thank whatever force sent you because you are helping so much right now." Violet said, finally taking in a breath of air. Wilbur sighed and hopped off the wall, walking over to Violet.
"Vi, a lot is going on right now. You need a minute." He said, placing his hands on her shoulders. She nodded and focused on her breathing, her head pounding with how much she had spoken with such little air.
" Y-yeah, I guess you're right. I just, i don't even know." She said with a sigh.
"Is there anything else?" He asked, before Violet nodded.
" Sorry, I talk a lot, but sort of. Pennys been weird lately, she keeps talking about Hero a lot, I thought at first she liked him, but now she keeps comparing him to me and I'm not sure if she's trying to I guess replace me or tell me something but it's really confusing me." Violet said, before Wilbur laughed.
"Violet seriously you can't tell?" Wilbur asked and Violet shook her head.
"No, tell what?" She asked, and Wilbur sighed.
"Vi, Hiro likes you." Wilbur said. Violets eyes went wide, and she stood back.
"... Are you serious?" She asked, and Wilbur nodded, moving back to lean against the wall.
"Yep! He got you those flowers." Wilbur said, pointing to the flowers on Pennys bike. " He didn't know which ones you liked though, and I told him you liked the Black Velvet Petunias, but they didn't have those so I said the Black Roses were the next best option. I told the florist to throw in Salvia, since I know you like purple." Wilbur said, moving over to Pennys bike to untie to bouquet from the basket. Violet stood quietly as he handed them to her.
If only it was the right guy handing her these. Maybe then she would've been happier.
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shdo-xplosion · 1 year
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It was nothing but wishful thinking, a naive hope, for how could such an advanced species want anything to do with your inferior race?
You had one purpose in their eyes: to be studied. If they could learn to dominate one human, they can dominate the rest.
WARNINGS: dark content! horror sci-fi AU, futuristic setting, monsterfucking, non-con oviposition, human incubators, slow burn enemies to lovers, eventual consensual sexual encounters, mild body horror (no in-depth description), reader has female parts with they/them pronouns (not often used)
NOTES: first longer fic! this has been on my mind since starting this account. i’m a big fan of aliens and eggs (heehee). i know this won’t fit everyone’s interests, but hopefully it will find an audience. banner manga cap edited and colored by moi (ෆ ͒•∘̬• ͒)◞
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INTRO ☼ begin transmission
PART ONE ☼ stock
PART TWO ☼ clinical
PART THREE ☼ deeper still
PART FOUR ☼ torn apart
PART FIVE ☼ starlit betrayal
PART SIX ☼ personal methods
PART SEVEN ☼ unbinding
PART EIGHT ☼ mindbreak
PART NINE ☼ off the walls
PART TEN ☼ saving grace
OUTRO ☼ end transmission
✧ parts may be added or discarded depending on the flow of the story as i’m writing it
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2023 ©️shdo-xplosion. please do not plagiarize or repost my work to any other platforms.
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violetsees · 11 months
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A Brief Introduction of the Four Horsemen Generals:
Where do I start with this stupid AU?
It's the Four Horsemen of The Apocalypse but they are generals, ruling four separate powerful countries. It's an AU of Gravity Falls, The Lorax, Villainous, and Superjail!
General War - Black Hat: Bloodthirsty and power hungry, he is the most powerful. He is rude and demanding. He is also very aware and breaks the fourth wall often. His country, Warthorn, is very Victorian, showing Black Hat's like of the 19th century. He sees himself as a king, fueling his narcissistic self. War likes to keep "trophies" from his enemies, whether it be their head, prized possession or person. War finds every single one of the generals and his own forces annoying.
General Conquest - Bill Cipher: His country, MetroChroma, is very futuristic. His country strives to create "happiness." He sees the other generals as pawns, and is secretly working on a plan to overthrow the others to take control of their countries.
General Death - Warden: General Death is still childish and friendly. Death is in love with Famine but he doesn't feel the same way but Death can't take no as an answer so Famine just has to "live" with it now. Eternum, his country, is unpredictable and changes looks often.
General Famine - The Once-ler: His country's, Witherhollow, citizens live in cottages surrounded by dead forests. He is selfish. He is surrounded by riches and delicious food. Although he wishes he could still hear the birds singing and the sound of rushing water at times, profits cloud his vision. He doesn't regret it, though, as it's the most fun he's had in his immortal years.
General Famine is the only human in power. The rest, besides Death's human appearance, are monsters. They have existed since the beginning of time.
Curious? Uh... Ask! Just know, I'm not familiar with Bill Cipher as I have never watched Gravity Falls so he may not be characterized well... I'm basing him on research I've done lol
[Banner art made by me]
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thebroccolination · 20 days
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Thanks to @itsmylifekay and @dimplesandfierceeyes for the tags!
How many works do you have on AO3?
204 👀
Aaand Until We Meet Again is the fandom I've written for most with almost half of those.
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What’s your total AO3 word count?
1,036,647 words. \:D/ Which is wild because I write so many short things that I never think of myself as having written that much, but t'would seem writing little amounts in consistent bursts builds up to a lot over time.
What fandom(s) do you write for?
Mainly Thai BL right now, and pretty much the same three pairings in circulation. Sometimes I'll write for a shiny new series, but I consistently come back to WinTeam (Until We Meet Again/Between Us), KongArt (SOTUS), and KawiPi (Be My Favorite).
I've also written for some anime series (Boku no Hero Academia, Yuri on Ice, etc.), Chinese danmei (Guardian, MDZS, etc.), Jpop RPF, and a ton of other fandoms that preceded my Kiranokira account on AO3 (est. 2017).
What are your top five fics by kudos?
These aren't necessarily my best, I just posted them at a good time for a lot of eyes to fall on them.
If It's You | Yuri!!! on Ice | Yuuri/Viktor | Explicit | 16k words — Viktor and Yuuri pose for a sexy magazine.
An Event of Somewhat Clandestine Chaos | Módào Zǔshī | Lan Wangji/Wei Wuxian, Jiang Yanli/Jin Zixuan, Jin Ling/Lan Sizhui | Teen | 3.6k words — Jiang Yanli's son elopes with another boy.
Who Am I to You? | Until We Meet Again | Win/Team | Teen | 2k words — Team wakes up from minor surgery with a foggy memory and can't believe his luck when he finds out who he's dating.
Win the Friendly, Win the Deadly | Until We Meet Again | Win/Team | Teen | 2.3k words — Win's reputation of cool composure ends when someone messes with Team at a swim meet.
Home Again | Not Me | Sean/White, Black/Gram, Dan/Yok | Teen | 2k words — Another way Black's return could have happened.
More below (including gorgeous WinTeam fanart I commissioned and a YouTube podcast I guested on recently)!
Do you respond to comments?
Yes! I try to do it as often as I can, but sometimes I get distracted, and then I feel terrible about responding late. Believe me, though, I read every one about four seconds after you send it and then spend between five minutes to five years in absolute bliss. I've actually started making a scrapbook of the comments that made me happy for emotionally rainy days.
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Sooo, this isn't something on my AO3 account, but I once wrote a fic about a guy who died and he was making his rounds to visit all his friends (who couldn't see him). I couldn't end it completely miserably though, so I killed his boyfriend to reunite them! \o/
What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I genuinely have no idea. Despite the horror show I just mentioned, the overwhelming majority of my fics have very happy endings. <3 I'M NICE TO MY CHARACTERS (eventually), DON'T BELIEVE THE RUMORS.
Do you get hate on fics?
Not that I can remember!
Do you write smut?
I sure do! In fact—
What’s your craziest crossover?
What excellent timing for this question. :D
MUSE | Until We Meet Again, SOTUS, Kiss the Series, My Engineer, Theory of Love, Ingredients, etc. | Win/Team, Kongphob/Arthit, Pete/Kao, Sun/Mork, Ram/King, etc. | Explicit | 143k words — Sex worker AU in a parallel futuristic universe where sex work is a decriminalized thing.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I sure have. More than once. Reposted to Wattpad. Was not jazzed.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
I have! Every time it happens I'm so excited to hear about the process. Most recently, @linlinlong translated MUSE into Russian and was lovely enough to explain multiple points where the languages clashed and where Russian actually benefited a moment better than English!
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I have! @itsmylifekay has become my multifandom co-writer, as we've co-written WinTeam (1) (2), KongArt, and are soon to start writing a sequel to her incredible Witcher AU KawiPi fic together. :D Our writing styles mesh really well, and we keep each other going off enthusiasm and a similar love for tormenting characters who don't deserve it. <3
All time favorite ship?
WinTeam. It's not even a contest. WinTeam WinTeam WinTeam. <3
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[gorgeous commissioned art by @questionartbox for my WinTeam fic "i see your face every time" where Team flies to London in secret to bring Win home. <3]
What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I truly don't want to answer this because I think I could genuinely finish any of them in the right circumstances. I recently started working again on a fic in my drafts that I started back in 2021 and hadn't touched for three years, so y'know. All of them have potential to be finished!
What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue, humor, coming up with inventive metaphors/imagery. The third thing was a conscious thing I started doing at some point to keep myself interested in what I was writing. Every time I used a common metaphor/simile/comparison, I felt myself getting bored, so I tried to make things up that were just offbeat enough that they still made sense, and then I realized some of them were working better with the character's voice and the story and situation, etc.
What are your writing weaknesses?
Describing settings. I have that aphantasia thing where I can't really envision things. It takes a real effort to see things in my head, and even then, it's not a clear picture. Like if you take the classic "what do you see when you imagine an apple" question, some people see a tree filled with apples in an orchard. I see a red, vague shape of an apple on a black background. So any time I write, my default is emotion and the abstract. It takes a lot of effort to also build a set in the writing.
Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
It can be used effectively, and I use it myself when there's no proper English equivalent and it adds to the story. Like, in my first two or three Thai BL fics, I didn't use any foreign language words, but the more I understood the social hierarchy in Thailand and how much of an influence suffixes have in WinTeam's relationship, I started using them.
Which fandom was the first you wrote in?
Animorphs. \:D/ (Followed by CATS the Musical.)
What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
Right now, I think it might be my KongArt fic "Life in Abundance",
Summary: Kongphob's mother has an agenda, and Kongphob can't dissuade her from it. Enter Kongphob's husband.
“She wants a grandchild,” Kongphob says gently. “She has four,” Arthit says. It’s a struggle to sound stern when Kongphob knows the pressure he likes and where he holds the most stress. “She wants a grandchild from me,” Kongphob clarifies. “Right, of course. You’re her favorite.”
With Gatekeeping Kawi as a very close second.
Both fics are about couples navigating their relationships with their parents. The KongArt one is about them trying to gently break it to Kongphob's mother that they don't want children, and the KawiPi one is Pisaeng literally gatekeeping Kawi from his estranged mother to protect him.
One of my favorite things about writing established relationships are all the issues you can explore that have nothing to do with infidelity or jealousy, and parents are a biiig part of that. The other thing is that I have a good relationship with my mother, and a very, very bad relationship with my father, so I have an extra interest in exploring various healthy and unhealthy parental relationships.
Aaaand that's it! This was fun! \:D/
Oh! And I was also a guest on Lovecast's podcast about fanfiction's role in fandom recently, if you'd like to hear me talk very fast and loud about why I love this stuff as much as I do. :')
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pjunicornart · 2 months
Lazy Days Wilro
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They're reading Wilbur's favorite book, "Funhouse." It's about a group of circus kids who escape and have to navigate mental health and insanity.
To the one asking for Wilro... I see you. :}
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tiktokattic · 1 year
A panty and stocking au I thought would be cool.
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razbotz · 26 days
making a silly "as vines" video of the futuristic four (+ others ;)), and i got to this vine and thought of them. au by @pjunicornart
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cryptid-moone · 2 months
E-8 Au Stuff P1
Au ranting time for @g4v1nsgun ✨✨✨ (sorry i took a a while)
Also credits to @guardianofzing for one of the images i use here and credits to however else made the others cuz idk
So everyone knows both of these groups right, rotbtd and the futuristic four
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Yeah we all know them
To my complete surprise there is little to no content with all eight of them, which is crazy cuz this being a crossover fandom i assumed people would go nuts for a team up
So i decided to do it myself, and i introduce them as: The Elite Eight (ft a mediocre edit)
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The team dynamics would work the same way they would as in their regular settings, i.e.:
Hiccup and Penny are the voices of reason, Merida and Wilbur are the thrill seekers etc etc
Only difference is now that the group is basically 4 freshmen and 4 juniors we have the classic Mentor and Student dynamic
As for the world building, to sum it up rq. It’s a modern/futuristic with magic universe combining brave, tangled/tts, bh6, bolt, mtr, the incredibles(1-2) and elements of rotg and httyd (specifically race to the edge)
Things like dragons, wisps, and magic all exist, but in a percy jackson type fashion. Only specific people can see these things ykwim
The movies are all canon (not rotg, for reasons to be elaborated on later) but with a modern twist, to be explained below:
How To Train Your Dragon - 3 years pre-canon
Meet The Robinsons, Bolt - 2 years pre-canon
Big Hero Six - 1 year pre-canon
Brave, Tangled, Rise Of The Guardians - in the story
As for ROTG, the whole “guardians of childhood” thing isn’t in this au because i couldn’t make it work. So for a modern retelling of that, tldr Jack is basically a teen in the foster system with major amnesia. The guardians are as they were but they’re not “guardians”, more like Jacks new foster family that also happen to be a bunch of magical creatures and myths.
The guardians and their house are basically a fusion of professor xaviors mansion/school for mutants(X-Men), the house in The Grimm Sisters, the treehouse in The Last Kids On Earth and the camp in Percy Jackson.
As for the superhero aspect, Violet and Hiro are gonna get the Peter Parker treatment. They’re hiding things from everyone else, which is crazy because everyone in the group is hiding something and i think that’s super funny
That’s it for part one! Part two will be up later on at some point
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midnight-raven · 6 months
AU IDEA: The Futuristic Four, including Riley and Miguel, as Sinner Demons from Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss.
Hiro Hamada
Species: Cybernetic Kabuki Demon.
Age: 18.
Died: 2014.
Violet Parr
Species: Harpy Demon.
Age: 18.
Died: 2004.
Wilbur Robinson
Species: Electricity Demon.
Age: 17.
Died: 1997.
Penny Forrester
Species: Camera Demon.
Age: 17.
Died: 1988.
Riley Andersen
Species: Clown Demon.
Age: 17.
Died: 1975.
Miguel Rivera
Soecies: Skeleton Demon.
Age: 17.
Died: 1967.
Anon, I could hug you 😁 Helluva Boss and Hazbin Hotel are my latest obsessions and I am so excited to make an AU out of it, I already have so many ideas!
Also, everyone’s demon look sounds so amazing and I hope to make some art for them.
While I try to figure out their deaths and crimes against humanity, here are some ideas I have for this AU.
Let’s call it The Sinners Six… I’ll workshop that.
Hazbin AU: The Sinners Six are guests at Rapunzel's Happy Hotel; A rehabilitation center that offers sinner demons a chance for redemption.
Helluva AU: Newly dead Hiro starts an assassination business with his fellow demons to take out targets in the living world.
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