#game delay
askagamedev · 22 days
about the Hades 2 shadowdrop. I've seen a lot of people talking about how that impacts indies launching in the same window and how that invalidates months/years of preparation on their part. isn't there anything an indie impacted by something like this could do? isn't possible to just delay the launch a few weeks/months?
Of course a studio can delay the launch, but a launch delay will have its own set of consequences. Remember, no game launches in a vacuum. Timing is the key factor.
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The most obvious consequence goes back to the adage "Time is money". The developers working on the game need to pay rent and buy food. The studio needs to pay those developers during that time to keep them employed. Those costs don't go away when the game's launch is delayed - they will still accumulate. If the studio doesn't have the money they need to keep the lights on during that delay, it won't be able to make payroll for its employees or pay its bills/debt. In such a situation, a delay is impossible - the company will die without money from the game sales.
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The second consequence is about the state of the gaming world over time. Imagine that we delay our game to dodge Hades 2. What happens after Hades 2? Will we need to dodge another big release? Will we need to dodge another competitor in our specific game genre? Will the market still be good for our game? Will the platform still be good? Remember, Facebook was a major gaming platform for years and then it wasn't. Imagine spending two years and millions of dollars to develop a major Facebook game only to have the platform die out from under you before launch. Things always change over time.
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These two consequences feed into each other - every day we delay, more things change and new problems arise. Every day we delay, costs build up that we need to pay for somehow. Every day we delay release, our income on the game remains zero. At some point, the game will need to launch or the company will assuredly die.
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hardcoregamer · 2 years
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God of War Ragnarok Reportedly Launching November 2022
 Following God of War Ragnarok’s absense at last week’s State of Play and yesterday’s Summer Games Fest, many began to worry that it too would slip to next year. However, it appears that the game will release this year, and we won’t have to wait much longer to see it.
Check it!
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bryan360 · 8 months
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Just a slight delay news while I was out for today’s program.
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I feel like the aftg fandom has just swung hard from one mischaracterization of Neil to another.
Yes, Neil is not an innocent little soft-boy like a lot of fans made him out to be pre-TSC, but he isn't some cold, calculated badass either.
He took out a hit on Grayson over Thai food. He doodles fox paws in his notebooks and hates vegetables. He insults FBI agents' parking jobs and he spent a bus ride staring over the back of his seat making heart eyes at his boyfriend. He manipulated the agents while eating takeout in the interrogation room. He canonically internally panics and overthinks the entire time he's attempting to manipulate anyone. He uses people's family trauma to manipulate them. He misses his mom.
Neil Abram Josten is a multifaceted character
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lilybug-02 · 5 months
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You’re making a lot of promises there Chara…
Part 24 || First || Previous || Next
—Full Series—
I enjoyed doing this little Flashback scene. We’ll be back to our regularly scheduled freakout session soon. Having monochrome color is very nice.
Here is a gif of Chara spilling their water because YES. And I spent way too long on it :)
Wow technology is so cool.
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Whenever I see fanarts of AFTG I think the artist are crazy talented but at the same time they are always dressed so fashionably cool, my boys are losers they don't have that sense of style sorry.
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too-many-paper-cranes · 4 months
fun fact: in the room before the second hornet fight, the game doesn't unload her sprite after she runs off screen, so she just keeps running in the direction she left out of bounds, forever!
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linipik · 1 year
[PART 6]
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silksongeveryday · 9 months
Drawing Hornet everyday until Silksong comes out - Day 211
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So uh….that news about Unity…
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shitpostingkats · 6 months
Ghost Trick asked the very brave question of “If a kitty and a puppy loved with all their hearts, would everything turn out alright?” and I think that’s beautiful.
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xulips · 11 months
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aktyweek, day 6; feelings
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tennessoui · 13 days
“Kiaree is pregnant,” Obi-Wan says, as if Anakin is supposed to care about this woman and her baby. “If her name is drawn from the victor‘s pool, I will take her place.” “Like hell you will,” Anakin snarls. “There are other victors.”
“Magdeline is old,” Obi-Wan’s eyes cut away, fall to the space between their hands. Good, Anakin thinks viciously, he should find it hard to look at him. “She should not have to go back to Coruscant. Not ever again in her lifetime. If her name is drawn—” “Then you will let it be!” Anakin rounds the corners of the counter, unthinkingly fast. He clasps his hand around Obi-Wan’s shoulder, squeezing the fine fabric that Coruscant has dressed him in tightly. “Why would you volunteer for them, Obi-Wan? They have never volunteered for you.”
“The actions of others do not control my own, Anakin,” Obi-Wan snaps, pushing him away, freeing himself from his grasp. “I will volunteer to serve as master and mentor, as I am the most suitable to be victor—” Anakin grinds his teeth together, pushing himself back into Obi-Wan’s space, pinning him against the counter. “You would do that to me?” he asks, low, voice a dark growl in his throat. Obi-Wan has styled his hair carefully, slicked it back and trimmed his beard. Anakin touches the lines of his beard, ghosts over the glossy locks before shoving his fingers into it, messing up the tidy strands. “You would take yourself away from me, for months more?”
“The Games will last no more than a fortnight,” Obi-Wan murmurs, keeping his back straight, unwilling to melt into Anakin’s touch. “I will be back on Stewjoni soil before the leaves turn gold.”
“You will be parsecs away from me until the spring,” Anakin replies, and he gentles his hold, smooths over the mess of Obi-Wan’s bangs and slots himself up against him. Not fighting, not pushing. Pressing, coaxing. “Your body will be here, but your mind will not. Do not pretend as if you do not know what I am talking about.”
Obi-Wan’s mouth falls open, a flash of red as he wets his bottom lip and looks away. Of course he knows what Anakin means. The years that he must go to Coruscant, the years that he is made master of two children who are destined to die bloody and screaming, those years haunt him in his eyes. It is the price he pays as a victor—it is not just his Games that haunts him. It is every Game he has ever been made to watch, to participate in even from the sidelines.
And he may be willing to pay that price so that his other victors may live without it, but Anakin will not allow the same.
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corfidbizna · 1 month
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KHIII Chapter 34 (Eng): https://www.mediafire.com/file/chzljkfluz4zcey/KH3_Ch34.zip/file Chapter List
Sora's missed a few memos.
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Quake Killers
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rascalgaytor · 7 months
completed my pmd eos playthrough alongside some friends this pretty much sums up how it was
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grmpgm · 2 months
probably my favorite nsp interview rn is the one where dan is just OBVIOUSLY and EGREGIOUSLY high
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