dimples17 · 2 years
Arman got Isabel to turn all the way on her father. He deserves it but damn. He orchestrated that joint and got Thony running shit on the outside. He sacrificed himself to save Thony (and keep that loot). Check Fiona out, putting in that work. She’s been a down ass chick! Nadia is super tight! She really won’t use Thony’s name, just “the cleaning lady” now. We’ll see who works for who (or is it whom). I can’t see Arman cutting Thony out of his life, ever. And just wait until he finds out about Luca and that poor excuse of a man, father, and husband. Luca still needs medical care and treatment from a doctor, his mama! What the hell is that bastard he calls, Daddy, gonna do, if anything happens en route? Marco is beyond petty, acting like a child. I can see him saying Thony did the same when she left Manila. But her rationale was totally different… He can’t get past the envy of Arman, and he hasn’t seen them eye-fucking each other, doesn’t know they’ve been smooching, building, bonding, caring, caressing, falling, and also, basically working to keep his son alive. At least Marco seems to be reacting from a place of hurt, devastation, sadness, anger and lashing out- though he lost Thony a long time ago and it’s still fuckery. Does he still have any money? Maybe they can yoke his ass up at the airport. That character is really unlikable. And Garrett will continue with his bullshit; keeping his job reinforces the behaviors. Russo is a shitty boss. I’m glad Arman went rogue; see how it feels, don’t like it, do ya?!? Arman said he can do the time, he’ll eat that time! As long as Thony visits on the regular. Did somebody call her a ho? Hos be winning…
So when Season 2 is announced, part of the season, it’ll be a full season, will be about Thony reuniting with Luca; and of course her beginnings running the mob. And I’m here for it, all of it!!!
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xsarsour · 4 years
Closed Starter for @garrettmiller​ 
Samir was well on his way to drinking his fourth glass of cranberry juice when he spotted Garrett in the crowd. “Garrett!” He called pointing at him, feeling a sudden surge of confidence from all the non-alcoholic drinks he’d had. “My man!” It was all good, it was cool. It was a party. His time to shine. He quickly swiveled around with his drink in hand, stalking after him. Maybe he could get Garrett to dance. That’d be fun.
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rivalsofnycupdates · 4 years
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“For there to be betrayal, there would have to have been trust first.”
■ ABOUT. ■
name: Garrett “Tubbs” Miller age: forty-five occupation: quantum of devils president & owner of moonlight nightclub gender: cis-male pronouns: he/him sexuality: heterosexual
Garrett grew up in a small town in Oaklahoma with two very Catholic parents. They would make him go to church every Sunday and he hated every second of it. Like any other teenager, he started to drink, stay out past curfew and sneak out of the house. When he tried marijuana for the first time, he immediately loved the feeling of being high and wouldn’t let an opportunity pass him to get a little high from weed or any other substance. His parent would threaten to send him to the military, to rehab or boarding school. He always thought they were empty threads until one day he came home to his bags packed and a stranger awaiting his arrival. While at a gas station halfway to a rehab facility, he ran away and got on a bus for New York City and didn’t turn back. He learned to live on his own, get the drugs he needed, all while living on the streets. During this time, he’d met Joshua Krongold someone who mirrored his personality. Hot headed, stubborn and a complete piece of shit. After hanging out with Josh enough, he’d chose to be a prospect for the Royals of Purgatory where he thought he’d be loyal to for the rest of his life. 
After twenty years of being with the Royals his income surely increased, though so did his drug addiction. Just like when he was a teenager, he was able to keep it mostly under control, though his love for the high, came along with the vision of adding another market to the gangs' income. Garret believed that if the Royals invested as much time and effort into selling drugs like they do guns. Their income would most likely triple. He’d been suggesting drugs as another source of income for years. After a while he got tired of asking, he knew some of the Royals members we’re also interested in a drug income so he secretly started to do so on his own. He was successful for almost a straight year, although one risky move ended it all at once.
One night he’d planned a drug swap with a gang who was also purchasing  guns from the Royals. Half of the members who were chosen to make the trade was aware of the under the table sale that would happen. Tubbs himself was the getaway driver and he was a little nervous that his under the table drug business would be found out during this trade. When he heard the police sirens, he waited for what felt like eternity before driving off and leaving the brothers behind. That same night he was packing a bag since he knew it was all over for him. Though his friend and President to the club found him first and did what any president would do. Beat the living shit out of him, and replace his club tattoo with third degree burns he’ll have for the rest of his life. It was safe to say, he’d been banned from the Royals of Purgatory and ordered to leave New York, which is exactly what he’d intended to do. 
Garret spend six months in New York state prison, before being transferred to Texas where he continued his 5 year sentence. During these six years, he’d become loyal and valuable to the Quantum of Devils members who were incarcerated. When he got out, he was welcomed and patched into the Quantum of Devils, within three years of that, he’d become president. Since then, he’s never felt more powerful, and unstoppable. He has people who follow every order, without hesitation due to the pure fear he’s instilled in all Devils members if they don’t comply. His reputation of killing, kidnapping, murdering the innocent, threatened family memebrs, all checked out. 
When Garret first carried out his plan of taking over the Texas club, he’d imagined the president would pass him the club since he had become the vice president. Though his plan didn’t end as smoothly as he predicted. He knew he needed to make changes when the president of the club had mentioned his age, and his intent to leave the club for his daughters to run. Garret needed to take things into his own hands. When they made the move to New York with a second charter, Tubbs and some of his trusted members led the president of the Texas gang out into the city, into Royals territory and shot him in the head without any hesitation. They told the rest of the gang that, they spotted Royals members drive away after they heard the gunshot. 
Garret doesn’t believe in creating a family dynamic when it comes to running a business or a club. He knows first hand that there isn’t anyone you can trust other than yourself. This lesson hit home on the night he’d intended on leaving New York, the cops suddenly showed up and arrested him for gun trafficking. Garret didn’t think Joshua Krongold would ever snitch to the cops, he thought the 3rd degree burn would have been enough. Little did he know, it was his own family, the mother of his children who made the call. 
Since landing in New York he’s been working very hard at building a clientele base while preparing a new club as a front for his drug dealings. He knows that he’s going to step on some toes but he didn’t care, in fact, he wanted to make his presence known amongst his enemies. Which was exactly why he planted drugs in the Royals pub and put in an anonymous tip to the police. Within the hour, the bar was raided and was shut down for business. Tubbs was happy to be standing nearby when the arrest of two members was made, and it brought him so much joy to think of the shit storm he’d just started. Most people would think he was careless hurting the club, his ex-love Jenna and his son Malcolm were apart of. Though despite his hard exterior, he carries a love for his family that no one could ever break. 
■ Joshua Krongold: Josh used to be one of his best friends, although as Carson Woods came into the picture he felt had been replaced, and he hated both of them for that.
■ Jenna Alcott: Before leaving the Royals Jenna and he had a very steamy relationship. Their ups and down had lead them to have two children, whom they continuously fought over. The pair weren’t right for each other in any way, though they couldn’t stay away from each other either. He was incredibly protective of her, and would often fight anyone who went near her. Though his throat would often go hoarse when they caught themselves sin another screaming match. 
■ Mia Miller: When he returned to New York, one of the first things he wanted to do was reach out to his daughter. His one child who has actually responded to the few emails. Throughout her upbringing, he had always believed in Mia’s dreams. More so than her mother, he would say. 
■ Elisabeth Duncan > Vice President
■ Dallas King > Sargent of Arms
■ Nari Kim > Devils Apprentice
■ Angelina Como > Previous President’s Daughter
■ Malcolm Alcott > Son who currently hates him. 
Garrett Miller is a TAKEN character and is portrayed by John Bernthal who’s FC IS SEMI NEGOTIABLE.
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darlingvaisheikah · 5 years
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Well, I was working on a #picture that I was jokingly referring to in my head as "into the busterverse", but not only am I not really feeling it, but apparently there's already a full #comic series that explored the concept, with a better name XD So here's the super early super #rough #sketches of #Janine and #Egon . I was going to have movie #PeterVenkman #pattytolan and probably #garrettmiller from #Extremeghostbusters but anyway.... #art #myart #drawing #doodle #sketch #traditionalart #pencil #Ghostbusters #scrap (at Tempe Properties Group) https://www.instagram.com/p/B200fBoDqha/?igshid=q94grzw4aq14
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elisabethduncan · 4 years
☏ + spencer
voicemail: You know, if this was an emergency I’d be fucked. It’s not. Except that I ran out of popsicles. Which is kind of an emergency actually, so you better have popsicles next time I see you, or you’re a dead man Wilson.
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preservationboardco · 7 years
@thesoftparadehasnowbegun is headed to the next @zumiezbestfootforward in Seattle! Congrats GM!!checkout the clips @berrics of his win in BR. #garrettmiller #skateboarding #skate
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joshuasroyal · 4 years
Once upon a time, Garrett was a person who he would call his friend. His brother, even. They had seen eye to eye on so many things in the past, and shared so many memories with one another, it was a shame that things ended the way they did.
They had shared little to no words since then. And now as they both reign over the city, they were overdue for some kind of run in.
The mere sight of the other man made his blood begin to boil. They’d been going back and forth for a while now, calling hits and just doing anything to piss the other off. And with recent events—having his son in mind—Joshua couldn’t help but feel beyond pissed. There was nothing more he wanted to do than walk over there and bring old lefty and righty out of retirement. Maybe having grown and matured YEAH RIGHT kept him from doing this, but a fist fight wouldn’t solve any problems.
Eyes dark, jaw clenched, and nostrils flared… he stares vacantly over at his old friend. The lone look said more than a thousand words could.
“Hey dumb-ass. Long time, no see.”
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martinezivanna · 4 years
Garrett had gotten her in hot water with Miguel but if she’d taken something from her fight with the male it was that she shouldn’t get involved in his work. Therefore, she found the male and decided that she wasn’t going to mention the other man. “I didn’t know you’d be here this late.” the woman told him as she pressed her hip against the door frame. “I’m kind of avoiding going back home. I was hoping if to have a last drink from the bar. Do I have your permission?”
“You could even join me.”
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fosterrichman · 4 years
Outside of Moonlight with @garrettmiller​.
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        Approaching Moonlight’s atmosphere from a deal he recently completed, Foster neared the front door before his eyes landed on Garrett. It had been too long since he caught up with his president and after previous events, it had to happen. “Hey, Garrett,” A grin was planted on his lips as he made his way to his side. “A successful deal always makes me thirsty. What are you doing here?”
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miss-nina-walker · 4 years
Nina didn’t really talk to Garrett often, since most of her Devil’s conversations happened through Sweet Kiss. Still, she knew that she needed to start thinking of  more than porn as a long lasting gig. She simultaneously loved and hated her job, but she did want to throw her name out there to be helpful in other ways. The Devils had been hit hard and she wanted to be useful. She didn’t have a lot of typical skills for a gang, but she knew she had other strengths. If she was going to make her anxieties and stress about everything in her mind leave, she had to put herself out there. She had to make some strides to get herself out of the prospect hole too. Nina walked over and offered a smile as she saw the President. Even the most intimidating of figures she approached with genuine kindness and a smile. “ Garrett? Hey, ” Nina began as she tapped on the door  to one of the office at Moonlight. “ I hope I’m not interrupting anything?”
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quinndavis · 4 years
Stopping just outside of the building, Quinn caught sight of Garrett and made her approach towards him. “Hey boss,” She says, keeping her tone composed as she stilled her movements across from him. “--everything good?” 
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dimples17 · 2 years
Once again it’s on…
We spoke this into existence!
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dilanosman · 4 years
Peering at the male she recognized as the leader of the Devils, the brunette picked up a glass of beer and headed in his direction. Except her eyes never landed directly on him and rather on the side of his head until she full on walked directly into him. “Fuck,” Dilan gasped as she stepped back and peered down at the spilled beer. “Please tell me I didn’t get any beer on you.” The brunette quipped, grasping at some napkins on the table nearby and came back to pat the front of his shirt despite not seeing a wet spot. “I’m a total walking disaster. Please let me buy you a drink, I insist.”
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isaacthedevil · 4 years
Of all the things that Isaac did, this was probably his favorite. Most people probably thought this was tedious work, but anytime he got to spend with Garrett, was always worth it to him. He idolized the man. He was like a father to him, more than his own father had ever been when he was alive. Isaac would do anything for him.
So when he asked him earlier in the week to do a run with him on a Saturday morning, he didn’t even hesitate. He pulled up in front Garretts place at 6am and walked up to the door, knocking quietly. He wasn’t sure where they were going or what exactly they were doing, but he knew he was prepared for anything.
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alicia-lopez · 4 years
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It was early in the morning when Alicia rolled up to the clubhouse, the scattering of beer bottles and several sleeping bodies that littered the property alerted her to the party that had been held the evening prior. The woman loved a party as much as the next, but in the wake of the festival and with work looming she’d opted for a quiet night in watching movies with Samuel. As she made her way inside the clubhouse it was a short walk down the hall to reach Garrett’s office. Knocking twice the brunette allowed herself entry, as she moved to set a up of coffee down before him. “Figured you could do with this.” She mused moving to sit in one of the adjacent chairs as she took a long sip of her own. @garrettmiller​
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preservationboardco · 7 years
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@thesoftparadehasnowbegun got photo in the new @antigravitymag - photo: @seanalexrose #garrettmiller #preservation #skateboarding #skate #parisite #neworleansskateboarding (at Parisite Skate Park)
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