#gaz is a gamer
snootlestheangel · 7 months
Hear Me Out
Guys, just, hear me out: YouTubers/Streamers AU for COD. There was a series of posts on @cod-dump 's blog about what games are banned for the boys and I've just been thinking about this but with Ghost, Gaz, Soap, and Alex where one of them is the actual streamer/gamer dude and the others just almost always play with him (maybe Roach if we went on the path that he's not actually mute, just kinda hates talking)
Retired or discharged for whatever reasons, the 141 are actually kinda happy to be living semi-normal lives. Maybe they're not all entirely civilian now, maybe Price has a position that doesn't require him to be on the field but he's still teaching/being a Captain.
But he's constantly telling the boys to find things to do to keep themselves happy. Especially Gaz and Soap, cause the military is kind of all they know, they've never had to be civilians really as adults.
Ghost is transitioning fine, and he's been a huge help for Soap, but Gaz is still kinda struggling. Eventually something happens and Alex is part of his life, but it's still not really what Gaz needs to feel "normal".
So Soap and Alex convince Gaz to start streaming/recording videos of their gaming sessions. It's a slow start, and Gaz is getting frustrated.
Until one time they play something silly but incredibly rage-inducing. It's a trending game because it's designed to pit you against your friends but is still silly nonetheless. There's one clip in particular that starts trending and becomes the reason Gaz's channel starts to take off.
The clip? Gaz yelling at Soap for something and Soap immediately just cursing him out in straight Scots only for Alex, an American, to scream into his mic as loud as humanly possible "WHAT THE FUCK IS A KILOMETER?!?!" after having been dead silent for the last 2 minutes. Why did he scream this? Not because of Soap's Scots, but because he had secretly just won the round after having lost the entire time they'd been playing.
People eat that shit up! Suddenly everyone's like "damn there's this hella attractive dude that records gameplay with his friends and they're all really funny." Everyone falls in love with Gaz's appearance first, but then they actually hear him and his friends interact and it's just trading insults and stupid jokes, acting like there's no one watching and they're suddenly kids again.
It eventually comes out that Gaz and his friends are all veterans, and despite the air around military not being the best, there's no denying that caring for veterans is a must. People slowly start to support Gaz's channel/streams, and before he knows it, he's actually got quite the following. His whole thing is about "wanting to do something to distract himself and others from the shitty aspects of life with a few laughs and some good games"
Eventually they convince Ghost to start gaming with them. It makes Gaz's popularity grow because now there's this really deep accent in the mix that's completely clueless as to what he's doing like 90% of the time (I just have this gut feeling that '22 Ghost is so fucking awful at video games) that they refer to simply as "Ghost". Suddenly, the chaos Gaz and his friends are known for increases tenfold. Ghost is flirting with all of them, Soap is arguing with him over literal couple things that come with living together, and there's a new element of really dark humor that wasn't there before (there was dark humor, just not this dark)
They're playing The Backrooms one time. They're not even in the game yet, just in the lobby. Gaz is laughing at Alex's tag for the game "MYLEG!" which is a reference to that one fish in Spongebob always yelling "my leg!" after an incident. Gaz is laughing too hard to actually explain to his viewers that, yes, Alex is an amputee. Soap starts making fun of him, as usual, and that's when it happens.
Alex: "I'll take my leg off and hit you with it, Soap, I swear to god." Soap: "I forgot you were already missing one for a second there and got real concerned." Alex: "No, Soap, I planned on removing my other leg. The one that's still attached, yeah. Just like a lil *pop noise*, ya know?" Gaz: *wheezing so hard he almost throws up*
Then they're playing this silly monster/cryptid hunter game called "A Day Out" and there's skeletons every now and then on the map. Gaz walks up to one and just starts freaking out, saying Ghost's name over and over.
Ghost, freaked out: What?? Gaz, pointing at the skeleton: Look, it's you! *cackling* Ghost, after a concerning long pause: *quietly* Nah, I'm not gonna say that Alex: SAY IT COWARD Ghost: No, that's my brother *Gaz making the most horrified face as he tries not to laugh* *Alex and Soap are losing their shit* Gaz: NAH THAT'S NOT OKAY
That clip posts and the internet looses it. I see this being the actual first video Ghost is in, so for this to be the first thing the viewers get of him, it's safe to say he's a hit. It's also never explained that Ghost does have a deceased brother, so there's just an acceptance of Ghost's skeleton brother.
There's several times where they've all gotten together and played silly games like Mario Kart when there's a bunch of them. There's the sober one and there's the drunk one, where there's so many different languages being hurled as curses at each other, Gaz gives up on captioning ANY of it.
OOOOooooooooohhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!! WHAT IF! Roach becomes his editor once he gets popular enough so he can spend more time playing games, solo ones when the others are working.
For a while, everyone's going crazy wanting to see what the others all look like, and sometimes (cause we're assuming the world they live in now during all this is a lot better), they're joined by Rudy or Alejandro, or both in one rare instance. Sometimes, for old times's sake, during the drunk gaming sessions, they'll call Laswell only for her to scold them. There are times they'll bully Roach who always, as the editor, changes their words from the insults to compliments. Or he definitely trolls Gaz a lot with some of the editing, and it's all around just a good time. Hence why everyone wants to know what they look like.
Then it's around the holidays after about 2 and a half years of Gaz's channel being as popular as it is. He posts a single picture on his socials with a group of people and the caption: "Love seeing the boys over the holidays."
It's such a nice photo; Alex with an arm wrapped around Gaz's shoulders, Soap and Ghost on his other side with Roach between Soap and Gaz.
And the internet has once again gone crazy. Why? Cause not only are these dudes fucking hilarious, but they're hot and taken.
Except, as they all end up teasing him about, Roach is very much still single XD
I have been watching too much YouTube lately, can y'all tell?? Haha anyways back to my hole I shall crawl
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perpetual-fng · 3 months
gaz being ✨quirky✨
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neoanedotheart · 6 months
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She's trying to play dark souls 😒 leave her alone Dib!!
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mirukokosana · 8 months
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✰ Game Addict
✩ Context ☆ Gamer girlfriend to your military boyfriend ♡ Not giving your boyfriend a well-deserved attention when he is asking for it.
☾︎ John Price, Kyle "Gaz" Garrick, John "Soap" Mactavish, Simon "Ghost" Riley, König, Phillip Graves ☽︎
Notes: Don't be mad at me for not putting Alejandro and Rodolfo, I just can't think of an idea for them.
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John Price
It doesn't really upset him, if anything, he is amused by how focused you are with it. You can't even hear him calling out for you, because of the headseat obviously.
Though, when you are too focused on playing until you don't move from your seat and just keep your eyes on the screen, he might have to stop you.
"Hey, love." He taps your shoulder and then removes your headset, making you snap out from your focus as you are no longer hearing the sounds of your game.
Finally you are looking up at him and raise an eyebrow at him as a way asking of what he wants. He shakes his head and then knocked your head two times, "That's enough for today." He says.
Of course you will give an excuse to play just a bit longer and promise that you will stop playing after you finish a quest or something like that. You mean it or not, he isn't going to let you.
Eventually, you have to stop playing and do whatever he asks you to do. He has done many things while letting you play your game, so doing a favour or two will be counted as paying him back.
When you are done, he will have you near him and praise you for doing as he requested. "Now that's much better, good job."
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Kyle "Gaz" Garrick
Seeing you playing your game instead of paying attention to him, upsets him. Well, he isn't that upset but he doesn't like it.
He feels like you are a kid that needs to be watched over their gaming time and makes sure you don't overplay.
"Hey, enough of that." He says while giving your shoulder a pat as a way to get your attention. Stopping your fingers motions, you turn your head towards him only to see his face that is almost looking like he is sulking.
Receiving a sigh from you, he watches as you quit the game you are currently playing and then take off your headset. He tries to hide his smirk when he saw you doing this.
Once you are off from your game or any gadgets, he brings himself closer to you and hug you from behind. You swear you hear him snickering from behind your neck.
"You really need to control your gaming time." He says which you just shrug it off and give him the attention he has been asking from the morning.
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John "Soap" Mactavish
Not receiving any reply from you as he was talking you makes him sigh. There goes his girlfriend, giving her attention to the screen instead of him.
He gives up to make you stop with you stop playing and decide to watch you playing.
Feeling a certain presence nearby, you stop moving your fingers and in one swift movement, your head is turned to him making him jumps back a little.
"What?" you asked him, he chuckles and then nodding his head to your gadget, telling you that he is watching you playing, "I see..." was all you said to him before going back to your game.
Before you know it, his own attention has been stolen by the game as well, watching you playing with your own play style.
When you stop playing, you stretch your body and a yawn escapes your throat. He who had been too focused on your gameplay a few seconds ago has snapped back to reality as well.
He suddenly wraps him arms around your waist from behind and lifts you up a bit, earning a yelp from you and that make him laugh.
"Now that you are done with your game, time to spend your extra time with me!" He said before putting you back down to the floor and kisses your cheek.
In the end, he just want to be with you.
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Simon "Ghost" Riley
He is sighing on your room doorway when he saw you still playing your game. He had let you be for hours now and you are still not finished.
He has enough and just approaches you, taking your headset or earbuds off as soon as you are no longer out of his touch. His action is so sudden that it makes you flinch as if you just received a jumpscared from a horror game.
"Simon!" You immediately turn your head to look at him only to receive an almost harsh look on his face. You are about to be mad at him, but you change your mind immediately.
You receive a lecture from him after that but in the end, he is still your boyfriend who wants your attention, even if it means to scold you.
Why am I making him a mother...
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Yes, he entered your room to talk to you and looking for some affection from you, but he also doesn't want to disturb your focus on your game.
He is silently watching you playing your game, not noticing his presence at all.
You want to know where is he looking at? You. He likes seeing your serious and focused face for some reason.
When you clicked your tongue after something happened in the game that gets into your nerves, he knows that it is a sign where you stop playing and turned off your devices. Which what you exactly did.
Finally, you notice him, but that make you shriek in surprised. Your boyfriend is literally taller than you and with that body size, he could easily reminds you of a boss character in a game you've played.
He is startled by your sudden shrieking but recovers quickly, walking over to you and then simply pat your head to calm yourself down from getting surprised.
"You stop playing a bit earlier than usual." He said, you shrug and then speak, "My mood is suddenly gone." you simply reply with a huff. He smiles at your little behaviour.
"Now, how about you spend your leisure time with me instead?" he asked as he picked you so easily, earning a quiet "Woah." from you as another noises of yours that you make when he lifts you up.
He is happy, because he gets your attention without having to do anything to stop you from playing.
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Phillip Graves
"Hey, doll." he calls out for you, tapping your shoulder as well. That of course gets your attention to look at him, he smiles when you did and then takes off your headseat/earphones. "Enough playtime." He said.
You simply roll your eyes and then take your hands off from any of your devices, giving him an annoyed look. You clearly want to play more, but his needs comes first.
It is useless to argue with him to ask for a little more time to play, he was the one who bought you all the games that you have been wanting for a long time and he makes sure you remember that.
"I know, you want to play more." He starts and then give you headpat before adding, "But, remember. I bought you these games and I hope for extra of my girlfriend's attention." he said with a smirk.
"You can't keep using that as an excuse to make me stop playing." you said with a pout and arms cross over your chest. He laughs and then gives you a small kiss on your cheek. "We'll see." he replied.
With that, he manages to get your extra attention for today, but he is obviously certain that he can keep you from playing your game tomorrow. Just have to see.
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pricescigar · 1 year
Kyle "Gaz" Garrick
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duckapus · 1 year
Dumb Danny Phantom/Invader Zim idea:
Dani ends up in whatever city IZ takes place in and decides to go to school Because Why Not, and she and Gaz develop crushes on each other. Unfortunately, Gaz immediately figures out that Dani is part ghost and assumes that these Weird New Feelings are the result of a curse that she has to cure by getting rid of Dani, because she is not nearly as different from Dib and their Dad as she likes to think she is.
Meanwhile Dani is dealing with the realization that she has the same taste in girls as Danny...and is also dealing with the teasing from the rest of Team Phantom when they find out about it.
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maebyshifting · 10 months
now why gaz and price kinda…
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homocidal-invader · 2 years
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stop being emo play video games
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zombiesstimtoo · 1 year
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snootlestheangel · 7 months
More of the YouTuber AU random bits
Just thinking of this thing as I'm working on the drabbles
There's compilation videos of all the times Gaz kinda blushes/smiles softly when Alex calls him a pet name. There's compilations literally titled "Alex for SIMP President" and it's just all the times he's being Alex and in love with Gaz. The Among Us video fuels these like gasoline lol
There's "Soap Being Scottish" compilations.
There's "Times They Forgot Alex is an Amputee" compilations
There's compilations of Gaz's side eyes to his camera every time one of them says something really wild/insults him directly
Once he and Alex move in together there's compilations of "Times Alex Interrupted Gaz's Stream Just For CuddlesTM" and it's all the times where Alex just walks into Gaz's office and sits on his lap
There's "Times Gaz Had Beef With A Weird Russian Dude" compilations, but they're just every time anyone, especially Gaz, brings up his misfortunes with helicopters, especially when Nik is the pilot.
There's Ghost compilations that always comment on his dark humor/edgy humor; there's compilations on all the times he's referenced 'death' in his life (like how in some games his tag is "LegallyDead")
From @eaveplzzz 's tags during a reblog of the OG post, there's so many theory videos on what happened to Alex's leg; why do they always say "Classic Soap" or "Soap NO" when he has a bomb/sets off an explosion; Who Is Ghost? theory videos are a big hit, especially the ones about if he's actually "legally dead" or not; the theories about what happened between Gaz and Nik
Gaz eventually being convinced to do vlogs.
His first one is "Moving In Together" and it's literally just a cute/funny video taken from highlights of his stream where he and Alex unpack a bunch of boxes while answering questions from his chat. (the compilation videos go hard after this stream/video goes live) *there's one question during this where someone asks Alex if he's missing his leg because he sold it to help Gaz's career and he just beams at the joke while Gaz screams into his hands*
This stream/video was so popular Alex suggests they make an entire channel dedicated to doing streams like that again/playing games just the two of them/a day in the life type super duper cute shit *there's one clip where they start slow-dancing cause they're listening to a playlist put together by the chat and a slow song comes up. There's so many music video-esque compilations where there's a love song/dedicated-to-this-one-person-for-the-rest-of-my-life songs play to a bunch of their cute moments with the slow dancing in the kitchen being the refrain*
He does eventually post a vlog style video but it's just random bits of things he recorded while at a big gathering over the Christmas holidays with everyone. There's a few ways viewers piece together who is who: Soap because he's the only Scot, and they're always yelling his name in some fashion, Dylan (Gaz's friend) is also easily picked out, Nik once again due to his accent, and eventually everyone catches on with Price *comments go crazy spamming the time signature Price first appears with "Daddy??"*
What surprises everyone the most is when Ghost finally makes an on-camera appearance. It's a brief video, where he's smiling at Soap and Gaz doing something silly. It's just Simon in that moment: no mask, no black around the eyes, his hair is recently cut and styled, and he's happy
*bout to make it sad for a second y'all*
There's a stream once where Gaz makes it clear everything he makes during it go to a Veteran's Help program. It's before the holidays, a very vulnerable time for all veterans, and it's just a quiet stream where he plays a relaxing game and answer questions from chat. He talks about Task Force 141 (briefly and in as little detail as possible), he talks about the helicopter incidents, how he met all the guys he plays with, he talks about he and Soap getting up to no good together, he talks about some of the struggles he had adjusting to civilian life since he didn't know anything else, how much of a help his friends and Alex had been.
It's later revealed the reason he did the stream is for Simon. Because even though it's been years since the incident with his family, it's still something that can hurt badly to this day. How he and Soap were shopping for gifts for Soap's several nieces and nephews. How there was a little toy plane that made the exact same sound Simon's nephew's once did. They even looked the same. How a little blonde boy begged his mum for it. The child looked so familiar it broke one of Simon's barriers.
PTSD isn't curable, it doesn't just disappear over time. There's ways to trigger really bad episodes, and this was just one of those times. It was hard for everyone to see Ghost have such a big setback, but for Gaz? The way they all found ways to help Ghost during it. The way he and the rest of the team, their friends and loved ones, helped reach out to pull Simon back onto his feet. And Gaz wanted other veterans to have that support, especially during the holidays.
He and the 141 (Price, Soap, and Ghost) eventually start doing charity streams just for veterans and the many existing resources for them. They're always wacky, sometimes they're gaming, sometimes they're all in-person doing a fake game show with some of their friends. There's one where they all travel to Mexico to host one with their Las Almas friends to benefit North American veterans' benefits charities.
I don't know, I'm just having so many thoughts about this AU I might just write an entire GazAlex fic based on their lives involving Gaz becoming a big creator.
There's so many thoughts about this AU HOLY SHIT
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diibsister · 2 years
just saying it’s kind of barely talked about that gaz has interests other than video games. for example - her incredible intelligence and ease with using technology. she built her own security system that feeds on human flesh and was able to easily manipulate irken tech (hacking into zims house and working his escape pod, fixing tak’s ship in minutes). i try to include this in my portrayal bc honestly i think it’s important.
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neoanedotheart · 6 months
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CASUAL GAZ!!! Finally just decided to pick my shadows instead of just using an overlay bc I finally get to chill, still just a little lazy on some other parts tho...
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cottencandy23 · 10 months
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Gamer tag is CottenCandy23 on PlayStation5
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gazthedemigod · 1 year
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konigsblog · 6 hours
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riding könig for the first time (inexperienced!reader)
somnophilia with pervert!könig
taking kidnapper!könig for the first time
size difference with petite!reader and könig
“just the tip, könig.” with loser!könig
loser!könig who loses control (breeding kink)
being groped by kidnapper!könig (hole inspection)
forced breeding with pervert!könig
hope inspection with older boyfriend!könig
virginity loss with könig (virgin!reader)
letting virgin!könig use your body (virginity loss)
raped and recorded by könig
entertainment for kidnapper!könig (non-con)
raped in public by rapist!könig
incel!könig making porn for his online girlfriend
punishments with brat!reader and simon riley (brat taming)
relaxing simon riley with your pussy
‘obedience’ with simon riley
stepbrother!simon riley and his best friends
humping your stepfather's bulge
car sex with stepbro!simon riley
rough dom!simon riley and his fuck doll
being manhandled by your stepbrother
raped by kidnapper!simon
being filled by simon riley (breeding kink)
hole inspection with simon riley
cock worship with older boyfriend!simon
rough dom!simon x brat!reader (brat taming)
punishments with stepfather!simon
having your attitude fixed by your lieutenant
semi-clothed sex with pervert!simon
raped for intel by lieutenant!simon
pervert!soap x milf!reader (morning sex)
“just the tip, i promise.” with stepbro!soap
your needy stepbro attempting to distract you
rough dom!stepbro!soap punishing you
playful!stepbro!soap and his virgin stepsister virginity loss
stepbro!soap eating you out
cuddling fucking with stepbro!soap
drunken sex with loser!soap
“fuck, don’t stop, bonnie...” handjobs with soap
being fingered by stepbro!soap
mutual masturbation with soap
stepson!soap with stepmom!reader
taking control over pervert!gaz
sucking off gamer!gaz
fingered by pervert!gaz
standing up sex with gym bro!gaz
riding gaz in your new lingerie
recording with pornstar!gaz
becoming a cock drunk slag for gaz
lazy, sloppy sex with gaz
being eaten out by john price (1)
being eaten out by john price (2)
morning sex with older boyfriend!price
spit play with older boyfriend!price
morning sex with sugar daddy!price
being eaten out by sugar daddy!price
manhandled by price
making out with price
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I'm not even close to kidding anymore; I think drawing iz stuff is helping me draw more loosely and avoid getting burned out. I had so much fun drawing Gaz!! It was wild "designing" a character after the challenge that was zim. Features wise, she takes after dib/dad, so I was basically just playing dress up with her. And you know what? She can have a little outfit variation, as a treat. (The big skull earrings are clashing and creating all sorts of tangents with her face framing hair thingies, but OH WELL!!!)
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