coldgoldlazarus · 24 days
One of the arguments about any sort of long-running media franchises/series, that almost always instantly raises my guard and calls into suspicion anything else the person making that argument has to say, is "the older stuff was better and everything after X point has been worthless dogshit with no redeeming value."
It's not like this is an alien perspective to me, either. I've been there, I get it. Where My Little Pony is concerned, I think I will always be at least a little bit of a seasonwunner, despite my best efforts. But this is a mindset that must be actively fought back against, and even if I can't really bring myself to watch the last few seasons, I recognize it's not that the show got worse, it just had different priorities there than what appealed to me about it originally.
And sure, sometimes stuff does just objectively shit the bed after a certain point. But honestly, I think that happens most when a series stops trying to explore new ideas, and falls back on shallow pandering fanservice about the earlier beloved entries. Looking at you, Rise Of Skywalker.
So point is, I do get where the mindset comes from, but it's still an extremely toxic impulse that I think needs to be confronted and dismantled with maturity and perspective. And talking with people who have failed to do that, and don't seem remotely interested in trying, is my personal hell.
But probably the most baffling instances of this mindset are when someone is like "everything before this point was good and everything after this point is bad!!!" but the actual argument makes no sense. Everything you say you hate didn't start after this arbitrary point, it started with the ones you uphold as the best in the series. If instance Y and Z are apparently utterly dogshit writing, why are you giving it a pass with instances W and X? It isn't even the repetition or differences in execution that seems to be the problem, it's just that it was good because it was before this arbitrary cutoff point, but bad because it was after it! (One especially galling example of this hypocricy was where the cutoff point between the 'last good' entry and 'first bad' one was between two releases... that came out simultaneously. Make it make sense.) Or else just pretending that this thing you dislike started later than it did and outright ignoring its presence in those earlier entries.
Like yeah, you are entitled to your feelings, at the end of the day; like I said, I get it to some extent at least. But if you're going to try to argue your feelings as some sort of objective fact about the quality of the series, at least put together a coherent and internally consistent argument. Or else, really reexamine if the reasons you're giving are the actual reasons, and it's not just nostalgia talking. Maybe the older entries don't hold up to your particular sensibilities as much as you think. Or maybe, you're refusing to give the newer ones a fair shake and reading them in bad faith.
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pleuvoire · 4 months
kamen rider fan who thinks kamen rider hasn't been good since fujioka broke his leg
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spookywriters · 1 month
Feeling the pokemon bug about to bite me again and man. I kinda forgot that one of the main reasons I love it as much as I do because you really can just throw an oc in there and have a lot of fun with it. I feel like it'd be throwing myself a real softball to start THERE and progress to giant monsters/alien robots AFTER haha.
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gloombeaches · 3 months
ngl all the "cankle" complaints about the tv show's style or things that are being done differently for g3's continuity is giving off serious "trukk not munky" vibes
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bbgatile · 10 months
Hey what would you recommend to start off with for someone who's looking to get into transformers
oh god thats tough. well to be honest i think the best place to start is at the beginning. the g1 show is a great place to get to know the evergreen characters and its campy and lighthearted tone is quite enjoyable if you dont mind a slower pace (keep in mind though that at times it is.. for sure a product of the american 80s). and then the 1986 movie is absolutely wonderful with stellar animation. theres a reason why its still beloved to this day
i know beast wars is also one of the most highly regarded tf shows though i havent watched it for myself yet (might get to start soon though, a friend agreed to watch it with me ^_^) and i've also heard tf victory is very good too
tf animated wasnt really for me and i didnt make it past the first season, but it might be for you! lots of people like it so im sure theres something there (unlike tf prime which i can tell you right now just because its popular doesnt mean its good)
as for comics, you might be better off asking someone else. compared to others i havent actually read that many comics, and where i started (mtmte) was admittedly a horrible place to start. i may be deeply attached to some aspects of it but that comic is a dumpster fire. though i do think "all hail megatron" is a great comic you dont need too much context for and takes a lot of inspiration from g1.
sorry this is all over the place but i hope it gives you some idea of where to go?
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altraviolet · 4 months
Hey hey! Just wanted to clarify on that ask from before. I know it seems like a wild concept that people won’t accept Lazerbeak as a drone when there are wilder concepts in your fic XD. However, from my knowledge, a lot of tfp fans watched the multiple videos on yt about Lazerbeak where the person talked about how minicons in the cybertronian society are often overlooked and are thought of as “lesser than” the bigger bots simply because of their appearance. This sentiment struck me and many others because I hated the idea of Lazerbeak being called a “drone” simply because he didn’t act or look like the bigger bots. The minicon racism (if I may call it that) is quite common in the tfp universe and ppl who watched tfp and rid, getting used to being defensive over minicons, might have also felt that it was wrong for Lazerbeak to be a drone. Yk at least that’s what I think is happening based on personal experience. Idk if maybe someone has already explained it but whelp…I might also be overthinking it tbh :3
NEVERTHELESS! I feel like I need to point out that I’m actually super glad that you didn’t know some aspects of the tfp lore because TEG remains the most unique (in the best possibly way) interpretation of Soundwave and the tfp universe that I have ever read. Honestly I absolutely love the idea with the 1st tentacle and how alien Soundwave’s cybertron is in comparison to the “normal cybertron” that tfp fans are used to. I know from experience that knowledge of context might hold back creative thinking and yk context is good but diversions form it can likewise result in something as legendary as your fic:))
Anyways sorry for the long string of text again ⁽ˊ꒳ˋ⁾
yeah no worries, I know about that video. I found out about it after people kept telling me Laserbeak was sentient. I watched it and thought, "yeah... but Rachet does call Laserbeak a drone." which is entirely what I had based my headcanon on. Ratchet's statement preceded that video by, idk, 10 years, possibly?? and in the absence of any other context, I was following what canon literally stated, heh
it just makes me laugh that people's brains reject the drone idea so strongly, as we've already discussed xD I'm not mad or anything when people bring it up =)
and thank you again for the kind words! woo woo 1st tentacle >D
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elfdragon12 · 7 months
Something something MTMTE fans go back to that series if you "miss it" so much something.
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neomedievalistbr · 10 months
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its joewari da.
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lord-squiggletits · 1 year
The main thing about IDW OP that I'm on my hands and knees begging people to understand is to actually treat him like a fucking character and give him the nuanced understanding that this fandom gives to other characters just fine. Like, I s2g the reason no one even talks about IDW OP is because at the first sign of him making mistakes or having a flawed worldview (you know, like a REAL PERSON and not a cartoon caricature) they instantly bail and go "zomg worst Optimus ever".
Like please for fuck's sake IDW1 is a story steeped in realism and moral grayness can you stop for ONE SECOND and realize that IDW OP being a little bit of an asshole or making big mistakes doesn't instantly make him the worst character ever and maybe take the time to actually read his story? B/c half the shit people say about IDW OP makes it obvious that they've only read MTMTE and LL (badly, might I add) and it annoys the shit out of me
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unmakxr · 1 year
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The fuck
Is this
Guys do his other heads talk
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valaglarios · 10 months
ive been watching a lot of shiny hunting videos and somehow i dont think i ever knew that chain fishing in gen 6 pkmn games allows you up to a 1 in 100 chance of getting a shiny. immediately went and played alpha sapphire for the first time in eons so i could chain for a shiny barboach, because shiny whiscash is one of my FAVORITE shinies. i mean look at this thing, compared to normal whiscash
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imagine my DISAPPOINTMENT upon seeing how washed out whiscash looks in gen 6.
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you can barely tell the shiny's a shiny!!!!!!!! this is such a fucking injustice to my beautiful moustachioed catfish!!!!!!
anyway now i have a shiny whiscash named Dillip and i love him, despite it all
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blackgoliath · 2 years
i hate those “old fandom was SO MUCH BETTER” posts lol like a) it’s not that fucking deep. it is really not and b) just say you hate teenagers 
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halenhusky309 · 5 months
Y'all are making it so hard to voice my dislike toward the TF designs from Skybound comic due to my personal preference without sounding like a twat.
It's okay that you like IDW TF designs way more (I felt so spoiled reading the idw comics), but calling the general arts in Skybound comic ugly is so unserious.
You can say transformers in Skybound not appealing to you (that's my general feeling, f*ck, I even call them G1 plagiarism in term of designs when I'm unserious as f) but calling those ugly? Okay, agree to disagree and calm your tits down
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bright-noa · 1 year
Honestly thinking about it though, I have genwunner tendencies towards a lot of the things I'm into (except, ironically enough, pokemon, where I find it hard to go back to the pre-Abilities and Physical/Special split games). I wonder what that says about me
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frostiebots · 2 years
You know, one reason I like Tumblr over Twitter for Fandom stuff... people just do not hyperfixate nearly as much on the birdapp and I desire the company of more excessively obsessed nerds lmao
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chaifootsteps · 6 months
Were you into Digimon or Pokemon ever? Do you have any opinions on those franchises?
Both! I was more of a Pokemon kid (and remain a certified old poot geewunner to this day) but I have fond memories of coming home from school and watching Digimon and wondering what Patamon was going to digivolve to.
The only Pokemon games I refused to buy were Sword and Shield, but I caved when Violet came along. Here's a baby photo of my boy, Bridget.
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