#gener neutral fic
it-happened-one-fic · 5 months
Relentless - Cyno
Author Notes: I'm breaking the rules a bit and posting today instead of tomorrow, but Christmas and college are going to have me far to busy to even have a prayer of posting then, so here we are. Writing for Cyno is always a bit of an adventure because I'm not very good and coming with puns and Cyno-style jokes, which makes writing him a little difficult. Nonetheless, I'm pretty happy with this fic, though it is a wee bit more descriptive than some of my other stuff. I blame the fact I listed to "The Lightning Strike (What If This Storm Ends?)" by Snow Patrol while writing this. It definitely affected the way this fic came together. As per usual, reader is gender-neutral. I hope you enjoy!
Type: Gender-neutral reader/ reader is or was a student (Akademiya)/ fluff/ romance/ Cyno simping for his partner a little
Word count: 709
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You were relentless, just like a matra. Which was, perhaps, an odd thought coming from Cyno. But that was how he’d seen you for quite some time now. You’d tracked down his heart in a way not unlike how he would search out criminals who fled to the desert. But while he took them like captives back to Akademiya, you took no captives. No, when you had caught his heart, you’d been uncompromising. You’d taken it over in its totality. And so, in that sense, you were relentless, like lightning. That too was possibly an amusing way for Cyno, an electro vision holder, to view you. But it was nonetheless true. It had been a rainy day in Sumeru City, which wasn’t really odd considering how close the city was to the rainforest. Cyno had been walking to the Akademiya to double-check a report before going out to do his work as per usual. Nothing out of the ordinary or anything special. But then he’d seen you. A common sight in and of itself considering you were a student at the Akademiya. To this day, Cyno did not know what had made him stop and look towards you. Because while he had already known you, he hadn’t known you well at that time. Rather, you were just another student, relentlessly going about your work even in the rain. But something akin to fate had caused the General Mahamatra to pause. Or maybe he’d chosen, for reasons unknown even to him, to look your way. But that was when it had happened. Lightning striking close to the city, lighting up the otherwise dreary sky and backlighting you with the full force of nature’s fury. You’d looked up in that moment, making eye contact with Cyno as you seemed to glow with a perfect halo, backlit by nature’s own glory, in front of him. A simple image that seemed like something that, in all his years, he’d never seen before. It stirred something impossibly deep within him. And when the peeling thunder crashed through the sky, Cyno realized this was a moment he’d never recover from. Because what if, when the storm cleared, he no longer saw you as you were in that instant ever again? Somehow, it was a thought he couldn’t bear. Not then, and not now. The very idea of that moment becoming a distant echo of a memory had chafed him in a way that had reminded Cyno of desert sand in his clothes. It was unbearable. So he’d found himself walking towards you, meeting you in the middle of a raised platform that formed part of the path up to the Akademiya, just as lightning struck once more. Almost like nature was signaling that something impossibly life-changing had just happened in that instant. And that, for Cyno at the very least, there was no going back after that moment. And it was that very moment that had led to now. The present, with you laying beside him still wrapped in blankets with a pillow under your head as you continued to doze even as a storm raged right outside your shared window. He let out an exhale, and you stirred, almost as if you sensed his gaze. Your eyes fluttered open and met his, a smile curving across your face as you sat up right as lightning struck. Backlighting you just as it had on that day that seemed so long ago. And even now, despite the fears he’d held that day, you were still as radiant. Making it wholly impossible to look away from you as you struck, just like lightning. Seizing his heart in your relentless grip with the mere flash of a smile before quietly saying his name in a way that was somehow punctuated by the crashing thunder that seemed to shake the world itself. Deafening, in a way that was replicated by how your voice could deafen his ears to all other voices. Cyno felt a smile creep onto his face as he realized that this was a feeling that wouldn’t fade. Instead, you would continue to overwhelm him with feelings of love so intense that they rivaled nature’s greatest show of power. And he wouldn’t have it any other way.
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bolithesenate · 6 months
you know what there isn't enough of?
aggressively social jedi
you think mandos are bad with all the adoption? well too bad, your cousin gred looks real padawan shaped. no it doesn't have to do anything with the fact that gred is having a hard time and cannot legally leave the planet under his own name because of student debt. also it is padawan gred now and he has been a valued member of the jedi order since years. no mister border control guy, you didn't not see him when the jedi delegation landed because he wasn't there, you didn't see him because he is shy.
or that nice little cafe that's been having a hard time paying rent because of a property tax increase? well sure would be strange if there was a sudden increase of patrons with all the same religious background.
not to speak of the children. you can't afford to pay tuition for a regular school? well, here's a full on praxeum ship that doubles as a mobile academy and there's always space for more students and never enough helping hands. no this offer doesn't come with hooks, apart from that these nice EduCorps people would sure like to have a look at the custom modifications on that land speeder of yours because by all known laws of physics that should have exploded long ago and they have already founded a new field of research over it
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presiding · 1 year
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hope i'm still allowed to make these but yeah new chapter of the contract up for my fellow high chaos corvo enthusiasts
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fluffnari · 1 year
Tell me we weren't just friends
Characters: Xiao | Tighnari Angst | Comfort | NSFW Minors DNI Kinda lame, sorry
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When did love form in this little routine that you and Xiao do was it a mystery to you both? Neither one will confess, one out of fear that the other truly believe you could do better.
But what was better than being pressed against the mattress, Xiao's body over you. Sharing his heat, his breath, giving you his body that no one else but you has got to experience in this way.
You never wanted this to end.
His breath stutters upon exhaling as you squeeze him with your impending release. Xiao pressed his forehead against yours, hand trailing up your bare sides, following the length of your arm until connecting with your hand.
Something deep in his chest choked him up, forcing Xiao to close his eyes, latching his lips with yours in a heated kiss. This was all you wanted, to be satisfied for the night. An agreement he willingly did just to be so close to you.
He didn't want it to end.
He wanted it to end.
It was too much, yet not enough. Xiao loved every second of this with you, couldn't even think of ever being with someone else in such an intimate way. But he wanted more. And he didn't believe he was worthy of more.
The grip on your hand and waist tightens to a bruising hold, his rhythm faltering as he lets out a high moan. Xiao looks at you, hand freeing yours to gently hold your face.
Please, give him more than this.
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A high-pitched whine leaves you as he bottoms out. Your arms shake, struggling to keep yourself up with the rhythm he sets. There was something about the way Tighnari sounds doing such an act. So breathy, small whimpers in between needy groans.
He never held back from you.
The sound can be heard from outside, but neither of you cared. Enjoying the feeling of one another just like any other time Tighnari let his frustrations out on you. Thinking back on it now, you should have stopped it before your heart could get involved.
But it was too late, even as he pulls you up so that your back is flushed against his chest. One hand wrapped lightly around your throat and the other trailed down to your overstimulated clit. Tighnari couldn't stop the growl that left him as you reached back and gripped the hair near his ears.
He wanted to bite. Mark you as his for the rest of your lives. But without proper talk or consent, he doesn't.
There was supposed to be simple. No feelings were involved. He sure messed that up. His grip on your throat tightens a little as you climax, Tighnari not stopping.
After this, he was done being friends.
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podcastenthusiast · 2 years
A fic featuring: ace Geralt, some trauma, discussion of consent, and a whole lot of love.
Touch is difficult for Geralt. Desire, too; witchers are made to want nothing except to serve their purpose. He wants even less, yet somehow more than he should.
He's been known to spend months, even years, on the Path with only Roach for company. Never touching anyone beyond the brush of hands as coins are exchanged. He will go to brothels occasionally--let the whores trace his scars, cataloging each one like it's evidence of something, asking for the story behind it. He satisfies their curiosity and fucks them, too, because he knows how this transaction works, what is expected. He gives them whatever they want, and takes what pleasure he's supposed to. It's too much and it's over too soon.
Sometimes he leaves the brothel feeling lighter, almost like a person. Other times he is empty, bereft of that warmth, and unsure why he can't feel the way others do.
Geralt has theories. He keeps them to himself. Doesn't even tell Roach.
One theory goes like this: witchers are rendered sterile by the mutations, and Geralt was given an extra dose. Maybe that stripped away his sexual desire as well as his capacity to procreate. Or maybe it's still in there somewhere, buried deep along with a majority of his emotions and the kid he once was.
Maybe it has nothing to do with being a witcher at all. His brothers don't seem to share the same experience.
And Jaskier isn't at all like him; he loves fiercely and loudly. Jumps into bed with practically anyone who's willing. He will meet a barmaid and perform a ballad he wrote about her all in the same evening.
So it shouldn't be a surprise that Jaskier's soft heart has room in it for Geralt, too, but it is. It's also a surprise when the bard stays, like no one ever has before.
They share a bed now, as they have many times, but it's different as lovers. At first Geralt assumes Jaskier simply wants sex, and is fine with giving him what he needs.
But the bard loves to please others. Jaskier asks what he wants, and Geralt replies, "Nothing."
Truer than it's ever been, in this context.
"Everyone wants something. Even you."
I just want you to stay. He can't say it. He is a creature defined by what he lacks--desires, fears, feelings, humanity. He has little to offer Jaskier or Yennefer or anyone else, just danger or a quick fuck. It isn't enough. He has no business asking for anything. He was made to be useful.
"That's all right. We'll figure it out together. For now let's take things slow, yeah?"
"Been twenty years."
"And I wouldn't trade them for all the wine in Toussaint. But this--" He kisses Geralt's neck. "--is new."
"I just want you to be comfortable, dear witcher."
"Why wouldn't I be?"
It's too quick. Defensive. Like parrying before your opponent even draws their sword.
"Well...I know you feel things differently." Fuck. Fuck! He knows. "Heightened senses and all that. I imagine it could make certain things...a bit intense."
He doesn't know. He can't.
"I'll be fine."
"And if we do have sex, I want it to be good for you. Because...honestly, Geralt, you deserve pleasant things, more than you know. You always say you don't want anything."
"I don't."
"And that scares me to death, darling." Jaskier's voice is low, suddenly breaking. "There's no shortage of awful people out there who will at best take that as an invitation not to care, or at worst to hurt you."
The wolf inside him snarls. He's not weak. Witchers might be harmed in battle, never in bed. But he takes a breath and tries to hear what Jaskier is really saying. He owes him an attempt at decent communication.
"Jaskier," he says. "You'd never hurt me."
"Not intentionally, no, which is why I need you to talk to me. Tell me if I ever do something you don't like, even if you've liked it in the past, and I'll stop."
Jaskier's calloused fingers idly trace a scar below his collarbone. He won't ask about its origin because he doesn't need to; he was there. Geralt's muscles grow tense even so.
"Stop," he snaps before he can think better of it. Jaskier stops immediately. His hands withdraw from the witcher's skin, and Geralt knows he just fucked up everything. He couldn't bear even that and now his bard is never going to touch him again and so few are unafraid, fewer still truly know him--
"Thank you," Jaskier says. He doesn't sound angry or upset. He sounds almost proud. "Can I ask-- Are you feeling overwhelmed emotionally, or was it the touching? And don't you dare give me that tired 'witchers don't have feelings' line right now."
"Touch," Geralt manages although, if he were honest, it's both.
There are times he can't stand to be touched at all, Jaskier has seen that-- after a hunt, when the lingering effects of his potions make the world feel impossibly sharp. But there are other times. There are safe people and places and Jaskier never looks at him like he's a curiosity, an inhuman thing, but Geralt's body doesn't always know that.
"You don't want to be touched right now?"
Geralt shakes his head. Then shrugs. Nods.
"I really need some words here, love."
"It's. The scars."
"Oh. Gods, I'm sorry. Do they hurt?"
Scars trouble him the least of his old wounds. They itch, sometimes, but they don't hurt in the way, for example, his knee aches when it's going to rain. Scars are an absence of pain. Of anything. Sometimes a reminder.
"No. Just numb." He takes a breath. Averts his eyes and counts the stitches on the blanket. "Most people I'm with... it's all they see. Like to touch the scars. I can't feel it. They ask questions; I tell them or I don't. Over either way."
They leave, he means. Or he leaves first. That fucking mountain. He's run out of words. His throat feels tight.
When he looks up again, Jaskier's eyes brim with tears.
"You are so much more than that to me, dear heart."
"I know," Geralt says, and finds that, quite unexpectedly, he believes it.
"Is-- Would a hug be okay? Honest answer only."
Geralt nods, and the bard pulls him in close.
"You know," says Jaskier after a while. He never could let silence remain unfilled. Geralt is grateful. "There are artists who mend pottery by carefully filling the cracks with gold. It's beautiful."
"Sounds excessive. Just make another bowl."
"It adds to the complexity, the beauty of the whole. I'm trying to say that's how I see you."
"As broken pottery to fix?"
"Gods, no. As someone who's survived so much, and is very dear to me. But your scars, your lovely eyes and your hair, all of it-- They're not everything you are, nor is witchering, despite what ignorant fools or careless bed partners may think."
But Jaskier has mended something. His reputation, for a start. His wounds on numerous occasions. And... more than that, besides, he thinks.
When Geralt finally does tell Jaskier the truth about his desires, or lack thereof, he'll think about that and form a new theory. Maybe he isn't a broken thing after all, and even if he is, maybe that can be okay.
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villainanders · 1 year
completely tangential but why is pregnancy/kidfic in general such a turn off for so many people? is it like a being squicked out by pregnancy thing or do you find it boring or is it not wanting to deal with someone’s kid oc
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hopecomesbacktolife · 9 months
hey, just. friendly reminder that fanfiction is morally neutral.
yes, that includes smutty fics. yes, that includes self-insert fics. yes, that includes the fics you consider Problematic TM and the fics you don’t think are Smart or New. in fact that’s kind of why I’m writing this post.
I know we all love to talk about Themes And Narratives, but—and please listen to me very carefully here—you are not earning Good Place Points for only reading the kinds of fan fiction you feel are Smart or Only Focuses On The Important Things Like Themes.
fan fiction is morally neutral.
what I mean is this: no one is harming you, themselves, or anyone, by writing a fic about two characters having sex. (are you uncomfortable with the fact that I typed the word “sex”? hi, this post is about you. people have sex. and they write and talk about it. it’s seriously fine.)
no one is being harmed by self insert fics, by smutty fics, by anything not exclusively Smart TM about the fandom or analytically adding to it.
(and that’s not to say these two types of fics, that any type of fic, can’t have those elements— some of my favorite fic authors, my mutuals, my tumblr friends, write fic in these genres, and they also explore Themes and Emotions and analyze character traits and histories and write brilliant plots and incredible character arcs and yknow what, it’s amazing! it’s fantastic to examine what makes two characters react a certain way to x situation while also having them fuck nasty about it!) (and yes, I did just type ‘fuck nasty about it’ and I promise, that’s fine, too.)
what I’m saying, though, is that it doesn’t NEED that to, I dunno, somehow validate it into existing. it just Is. it just Exists. it doesn’t need an aspect you Approve Of TM in order to earn the right to be shared, to be written, to be published and commended and interacted with and read. it just. Is.
and I think a lot of especially younger, or newer, tumblr users especially get uncomfortable with that, and they unintentionally veer right (..ha) into self-censoring, puritanical behavior which is exactly what every person trying to ban books and generally kill art, wants. (and we’re not even going to examine in depth here, beyond mentioning it, the fact that policing, censuring, and banning art has historically and still today is being used to silence marginalized voices, so, I ask you to keep that in mind as you think on this, too, please.)
what I’m trying to say is this—if you personally don’t enjoy smut, don’t enjoy self insert fics, don’t enjoy a certain genre, that’s great, you do you! but, you must, must understand that this is not a moral stance. You are not objecting to a problematic practice, exploited workers, consent issues, labor crises… none of that applies, because no one in these stories is a real person. a story written about two Star Trek characters kissing on the bridge of the Enterprise is just that, a story. there is no actor for whose rights to fight, no wages to dispute fairness of, no ethical ramifications of scenes to discuss. these are Fictional People in Fictional Situations.
fan fiction is morally neutral.
and the moment you try to make yourself feel Better TM, More Correct TM, or—one of the ones I encounter the most—Smarter TM, by saying oh, I don’t read that kind of fic, I read the good kind, with thought in it—
you’re not only causing harm, you’re actively employing art censoring behavior. is that something that you want to do? I hope not. I certainly don’t.
next time you see a fic or a genre you don’t Approve Of TM, please remember the easiest way of exhibiting that— simply scrolling by or blocking a tag! If you’re on ao3, their system is incredible for niche content searches, and blocking a tag even here on tumblr will (most of the time) work.
I just., there’s so many better options out there for you than to… act like this. I believe you, we, all of us, can be better than this.
fanfiction. is. morally. neutral.
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the-halfling-prince · 7 months
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Had this vision in my head, had to draw it. Idk what the context is but here's another teen Zephyr drawing but this time one of my ocs is there too
#I imagine this would be like if the 'we have to dress formal to sneak into this fancy event for a mission' trope was fantasy viking-ified#(yes I know rtte sorta already did that in last auction hero leave me alone)#my posts#my art#Zephyr doesn't know how to sit it dresses. Gay MF doesn't know how to sit outside of dresses. Girl can't sit.#RJ (the OC) is the definition of 'cleans up well'#I did mess up on RJ's hair I put her bangs in the wrong side but y'all wouldn't know that so idk why I'm saying it#Zephyr doesn't clean up well she doesn't even know what that means. She dragged that skirt through the mud.#Putting zeph in all green felt like a betrayal to my color system I accidentally put in place for the main five.#Zephyr's red. Nuffink is blue. Spike is green Eric is orange and RJ is purple. (Madder is yellow but she's sorta a later addition#to the team. Also Hatchet and Spade are neutrals)#Hmm out of all of these characters I've only drawn Hatchet and Spade's dragon. That hideous zippleback I drew a while ago you know#Anyway I'm done rambling#Have a nice night#dragon riders second generation#<btw that's the tag I'm using for all of my teen zephyr and her friends stuff so if it's annoying then there's the tag to block#And if you want more. Well. There's the tag to search on my blog. I've put everything there.#Ugh I hate how embarrassed I get everytime I talk about these guys. 'oh it's so cringe-' bitch shut up#I'll look at other people's httyd OCs and go 'oooh cool I love that' but then the second I go to post mine I'm like 'ugh cringe-'#Cringe culture is dead post the damn drawing write the damn fic.#Honestly at this point I treat Zephyr like an OC. Dreamworks lost their rights to her she's mine now /hj#Like I used the personality Dreamworks gave her as like a baseline and then made her (and Nuffink) better#And I gave them friends.
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i think i just need to accept that high past is not a caspian positive fic and thats okay
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heartpascal · 1 year
Hi, I love your writing so much and just saw your most recent post with the polls. I'm wondering, do you think you'd ever make a father figure!joel fic where the reader is gender neutral?
Because as much as I love all the teen daughter fics everyone is doing, I can't help but crave for a gn!teen reader. Like, the idea of joel calling the reader little one instead of babygirl warms my heart so much as a non-binary person, I love it
It's so rare to see it though :')
hi my love!!! i absolutely would. well, im trying, anyway!!! i believe as of rn three of the fics in the polls are gender neutral: tommy + seraphite reader (though i know this isn’t joel but STILL), joel coming to terms with being a dad AND asshole joel fic are all gender neutral as far as i can see!!!
i am pretty used to writing f!readers though, so if when these are published you spot anything that isn’t neutral please do let me know!!! i have written a non-binary character before, but that was in an actual like… fic, not x reader one shots and it has been a while!!! but i am going to try and do more in future as well <3
also LITTLE ONE IS SO :’) little known fact about me but i used to be a wattpad writer and had a found family fic with a marvel character and he called my oc little one :’) SO LITTLE ONE IS ABSOLUTELY A GO!!! and ofc the same old kid and kiddo!!!!!
i know im not answering many asks at the moment but this one i think is important for everybody to see!!! and i think if it was me as a reader looking for something neutral, i’d want to know it’s coming too :’) ALL of those fics are going to be written!!! so its just a question of when they come out really <3
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narnianselfships · 1 year
Me when I fall in love with yet another character from a fandom where the only people writing x reader fics are cishet women:
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pastafossa · 1 year
its easy for people to say you’re being dramatic when its not THEIR work being plagiarized.
your frustrations are 100% valid and im sorry you’re having to go through this again. if this is the only method that works, then do what you need to do in order to protect your work.
Ty, anon. I'm definitely frustrated with the whole thing and it's exhausting. And like, on the one hand I get it. This might seem like a 'whoa' escalation, and why can't you let this go/talk privately/go easier? And that's what I did the first few times it happened to me. I tried letting it go, only for more and more to be taken the longer it was ignored. I tried asking privately, repeatedly for the work to be taken down or even just for my elements to be removed from the larger story, before going to Wattpad and AO3 when I was ignored or waved off. Hell, I tried that with the Impasta/Big Plagiarist - I was literally sending (ignored) messages in an attempt to get it resolved between us before I finally posted about it and everyone pushing got it taken down. Only for her to come back maybe a month later and do it again, rinse repeat. And now this, what, a month after that? Even if this last one's not the Big Plagiarist, this is really bad timing.
I've tried gentle and reasonable and quiet and private and begging and gotten nowhere. I've got literal notes in the A/N of TRT telling people it's not ok to do this. I've talked to other fic writers who've been plagiarized like this and they've had similar results, to the point that some have just taken down their work or taken very long hiatuses when it kept happening (I'm not taking down TRT, don't worry, cause I love it; this is just more about the absolute frustration and hopelessness some fic authors feel when this happens). People just keep doing it even though they know it's wrong, and I just don't know any other way to make this stop than applying public pressure.
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ficmachine · 2 years
I see your requests for Apex Legends are open… May I request a oneshot or headcanon with Octane basically just carrying male reader around ?? Preferably over his shoulder ??
Sometimes people forget just how strong Octane can be especially with how thin his arms look - he's just built thin like that – but those people also forget that he is, first and foremost, a professional athlete. He's much stronger than he looks so it's no surprise that he can just walk up to you and yoink you up and throw you over his shoulder.
Fortunately or not him picking you up and carrying you around like that is something that happens pretty damn often, and unless he interrupts something important you don't mind too much.
Where you working on something with a deadline? Or perhaps talking to someone about something or other? Welp, you're not any more! You're getting carried away, probably to spend time with Octavio - be it to play video games together, to cuddle, or to do both. He is, after all, a big sucker for any and all kinds of physical contact with you even if its just leaning against you.
There were a few times he demanded that you carried him – which you did! - but time and time again he promptly decided that no, he's not having fun. You're so slow with him in your arms after all. Waaay too slow for him. He doesn't like that at all and he'd much more just carry you around instead. That way you can actually get to places at a “somewhat acceptable pace” (read: gay speedwalking)
He's given you piggybacks a few times as well, which is all nice and dandy until that bastard starts running down the hill without giving you a heads up.
Honestly? It can be a lot of fun AND being carried means you don't have to walk to places yourself, but for the love of everything he NEEDS to stop randomly throwing you over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes while you're in the middle of eating or making food.
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pastelchad · 1 year
I've always loved the theory that Nowaki and Takano are half siblings
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bumblingbabooshka · 4 months
Any spare Star Trek (or general) fanfic writing tips? :)
Hmm...you would have to be more specific I think?? Nothing's coming to mind!
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androcola · 6 months
i still remeber when someone vagued me on a monke.es confession account saying that i was romanticizing abuse(Several of my followers and moots then came out and were like That Simply Isnt True) and i think that really changed the way i talk about my headcanons
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