#get 14 to put her out istg
expectiations · 6 months
"the Doctor has been running their whole life"
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Magnus Protocol Thoughts So Far (by episode)
1. Alice and Teddy obviously quite close
2. Reference to app — Colin outright angry at someone
3. Alice created them???
4. Alice spoken about Sam a lot
6. Lena on about importance of organisation
7. Never getting out of here Colin?
8. Gwen vs Lena go go go
9. Alice accusing Gwen of nepotism
10. Pub name is Steward
12. Response one to one? Hm? Old response department??
13. Colin what do you know about Freddy!?
14. Norris = Martin's voice – strangely human
15. Figure in cemetery = stranger and/or flesh?
16. Email from H? Who is H? Suspicious.
17. Gwen likes her job? Hates it?
18. Enemies to lovers Gwen and Alice go go go
19. Gwen vs Lena again go go go
20. Get her ass Gwen go get that job girlboss
21. What does climbing the ladder entail Lena? Hm?
22. Camera zooming noises!!!
23. Colin does not sound pleased about the app
24. Colin and Alice clearly close
25. Colin speaks German and is vegetarian funsies
28. Mag Institute in Manchester?
30. Burnt down 20 years ago hmmmm
32. Brutal pipe murder stains?
33. Camera not working? Distorted?
34. Got doxed hm interesting interesting
35. Yes. Yes they should. Keep canaries above ground please.
36. EYES
37. Aw Gwen checking on Sam
38. Chester = Jon's voice saying GET THE FUCK OUT
39. What do you know about the institute Sam?
40. Hah! Gwendolyn
41. Hmmm Alice talking about having victims...
42. Colin talking to the fucking computers who are you trying to find
1. Gwen why do you know all this shit
2. Hm how long have you been there Gwen?
3. Obsession with perfectionism
4. What the fuck do you mean Lena is firing people!?
5. Why isn't Gwen respected? Hm? Nepotism reference again?
6. Alice's brother in a band?? Dredgerman?
7. Sam why are you so curious hm!?
9. Ink5soul definitely going to come back, love them for that
1. A dot jmj error? Hm? Colin thinks it's sentient?
2. Alice and Colin buddies love that
3. Colin doesn't like central IT hm I wonder why
4. Why is he so against giving the computer a personality?
5. Colin is so fucking Scottish istg
6. Dr. Samuel Webber has a grief counsellor
7. 13 Marigold Drive (Webber's address), 12 Castle Hill Avenue (Gerald Andrews), Madie Webber is deceased
8. More paranoia nice
9. Community watch you say?
10. Hmmm corruption vibes...
11. I feel like the garden might come back later like Ink5oul
1. Sam what are you looking into hm!?
3. Why were other people looking into it?
4. Alice what do you know about the Magnus Institute!? WHAT IS STARKWALL!? MASSACRE? PRIVATE MILITARY SHIT!? WHAT
5. Why is Gwen so against naming the voices too? She knows something I'm sure of it
6. Augustus hmmm who are you
7. Go old man go, go murder your teacher slay
10. Evil violin man in the woods he will return again
11. The face of fortune? Is Fortune a new entity or something?
12. Player and instrument roles are blurred hmmmm
13. Hmmm murdering students HOW
14. Violin = ye old Grifter's Bone
15. Violin more like violence (aka mass murder)
16. Ooh yay more eye gore FUN
17. I wonder what the nephew did with the violin
19. Gwen and Alice's vibes I eat that shit up
1. What the fuck is wrong with you Colin (affectionate)
4. Sam what have we said about fucking around and finding out. Just gonna fill it out anyway ffs goddammit
5. Lonely you say? Interesting.
7. Why are all the posts deleted?
8. Voyeur? Hm. Ha. Eyes.
9. 2009? The same year you started your horror blog?
10. Oh they just found your address did they? Not raising any suspicions?
12. Adding "getting babadooked" to my vocabulary now
13. My guy is just insulting the cinema alright pal
14. Oh haha unintelligible hmmm. No.
17. Stop it with the fucking "unintelligible"
20. Fuck off who is there watching you. I'll put money on the fact that it's Lena or smth
21. Oh, definitely not him posting that last message
22. More Alice and Luke, giving some real Tim vibes now. Living jn FEAR
23. Gwen stop lurking and being secretive
24. You're right Alice, something is very wrong.
1. Aww sleepy Sam
2. Why are you warning him against the coffee Alice?
4. Ah yes. The true enemy is the sun. Of course.
5. Sam is a cat confirmed (mlem)
7. Haha eating people. Fun. Christmas party episode?
8. Gwen is not pleased by the new hire, who is shocked
9. I've decided that Gwen = Jon, Alice = Tim, Sam = Martin
10. Fuck me I hate needles so much they freak me out god (haha phobias being played on now)
11. Needles is such a funky little guy he is trying his best and is so calm and chilled
12. Creepy creepy creepy
14. Oh you grew up there? Are we gonna get some lore?
15. Ah. You are the reason it is unsafe.
17. Definitely feeding on something. Hahahaha. Stop.
19. Poor Needles no fear for you to eat :(
20. Needles is going to fuck me up
21. "You're clearly not well" STOP
22. This man has fear maths
23. Ha. Cuddles. No.
24. I feel very unwell
25. "Maybe they'll kill again" ALICE PLEASE STOP
27. Ha. Lena the big bird.
30. Why do you know what's in the interviews Alice? Why do you know it changed?
31. Nightmares?
32. Gwen is so fucking mean I love her
33. "Four weirdos in a basement reading scary stories" my my isn't that familiar
34. Celia = Sasha
35. Hm yeah sure you won't get attached Alice
36. Food as a love language Sam
38. Sam with a crush on Celia funsies
39. Tall Alice confirmed
1. Celia why are you asking so many questions about the voices?
3. Big sister Alice
6. This one is reading a lot like the old statements
7. No name? Hm? A...stranger?
8. Another stranger? Interesting.
9. Weird fucking donations. OK.
10. Ha! Teeth.
11. Are these the kids from Dr. Elliott's class?
12. Haha. No keys. That's not disturbing at all.
13. All for a good cause? I think the fuck not.
15. Okay. Stop. Freaking out with this claustrophobia.
16. Gunshots? Excuse me?
17. Very very much like the old statements. Celia, want to tell us something?
26. Okay so she killed him in self defence.
28. Ah. Of course. It's all for the job.
29. Oh, Gwen. Don't get involved. Please don't.
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liquorisce · 1 year
What are some of your favorite fics? It doesn't have to be aot or something you've written
omg tysm for this question I love talking about my fav fics ESP BC SO MANY OF THEM ARE NON AOT 🙈🙈 I had to go to my ffn favs for this hihi
so this is list is home to the fics that I have truly idolised, read repeatedly and tried to emulate in some way or another in my own writing journey:
1. Heartbeat by letmeannoyyoutoday. U must have heard me screaming about this fic before. It is god tier, the angstiest, the most painful Sasusaku you can imagine. There isn’t even smut in it but still I’m rendered a sobbing mess everytime I read this story. And I read it every fortnight or so, I swear. canonverse. sasusaku get married.
2. The most dangerous things by Childoftheashes. Man this fic is the tastiest thing in the ichihime fandom istg. Ichigo is unapologetically horny and bossy and slutty and I love everything about it. Orihime is absolutely clueless and drives him up a wall and it’s literally completely smut! This author is one of my smut senseis. I also really love "chasing paper tigers like dreams" by her.
3. Sometimes I think the stupidest things by starsinew. Ok I’m sorry for putting this here bc this user doesn’t have this fic up anymore (I managed to find the epub and thank fuck for that) but I had to talk about it bc this fic changed me on a fundamental level. I fell in love with it so much, even to this day I look back at it with an education lens as to how to write smut. God tier. I hope this author is well and living their best life.
4. Friends with Benefits by confused panda bear. Syaosaku, card captor Sakura. Again a story that doesn’t exist anymore online but I still remember some of the dialogues bc they were so iconic. Definitely a primer on smut writing for me. I invite you to check out their other stories tho they’re literally the harugou mother, birthing the most insane crackship in the free! fandom and getting everyone else drunk on it thanks to their god tier writing.
5. Clarity by randomteenager — angsty but silly gruvia. i love it so much.
6. Seeking Ginny by Casca. Harry/Ginny fic with heavy emphasis on Ginny's personal growth.
7. How to Coexist by Spoilerarlert and also washed up and rundown, I haven't finished it yet but fuck its amazing so far. Both are modern AU stories, one in NYC and the other in Chicago. I can't recommend this author enough, they have a very original and compelling style of writing.
8. Little Beast by herblacktights. This is my fav modern au, high school eremika. If you haven't heard me raving me about this fic already then ur obviously new here. ITS AWESOME! go read it now
9. Dog by Ackermom. floch x eren at it's unhealthiest best. canonverse. This author is one my favs actually, I devour ALL of her work, no exception. I also really enjoyed her reibert fics.
10. Icarus & I by bluinary. Armin-centric. Modern AU. I read this many years ago but I think of it often. I loved Armin's journey in this fic.
11. Three Days by Lotos-Eater. Canonverse. An angsty smutty Shikatema fic where Shikamaru thinks he's lost her.
12. For everything there is a season by SouthSideStory. If y'all are sasusaku stans then you know SouthSideStory already. She's phenomenal. This one is angsty sequel which delves into Sakura's feelings post miscarriage. I highly recommend the prequel as well.
13. Fool for you by Hand of Destiny. Syaosaku. Card Captor Sakura. Syaoran is a business mogul from a very traditional Chinese family. Sakura is an innocent girl who decides to try giving the escort profession a go. God tier, I swear. It also has a sequel!
14. lost girl & found boy. eremika. lost girls-verse. mikasa wants to know how babies are made, etc. cw: teen pregnancy.
15. all you want by senlinyu. i just binged this yesterday. holy shit. it's the big daddy of m/f omegaverse fics, I swear. dramione. canonverse + omegaverse. really really good!!!
ty for the question <3
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enemymarkus · 2 years
Made by : EnemyMarkus
warnings?: little bit of swearing, crazy driving but mainly fluff
Summary: Gareth and his little sister (name) have made up nicknames for eachother but there’s one that (name) never forget. Kinda like headcanons alwell
Characters?: gareth, (name), Hollie (oc), amanda (oc)
pairing: gareth x reader ( Platonic with a capital P)
Gareth is 16-17, (name) is 14-15
3rd pov
I do not give permission for people to steal my work or translate it without my consent! 
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It was no secret that gareth had a favourite sister out of his 3 sisters, (name) was gareth's favourite because they had so much in common and because they were around the same age. When (name) was born gareth swore to protect his sister from bullies when they were growing up, Of course he cared about Hollie (younger sister) and amanda (older sister) but something was special about (name). He adored the smile on her face whenever he came to pick him up in his car after school or when they were going to a diner and they have milkshakes all other their face, laughing about stuff they were talking about.
When gareth got into high school he started to get bullied for being weird or not doing the popular kids homework even though he didn’t do homework himself, and of course again he vowed that when you get into high school that you would have a better experience because he’s that type of brother. 
When (name) did get into highschool gareth was always with her, and when he joined hellfire and became friends with eddie they bother said that they would never let you experience the same experience as they did, But what (name didn’t tell her brothers (+eddie) that she was getting bullied because she hanged out with the “freaks” and she started to get called that whenever she walked past some people in the hallway. Eventually gareth and eddie find out and threaten the shit out of everybody that said freak to you.
“if you EVER say that to her again istg i will not hesitate to fuck your life up”
“lay a hand on her and i will fucking hunt you down”
You had a nickname for everybody Eddie’s was Eds gareth’s was Thumper (from bambi because (name) made him watch it with her) But gareth didn’t have a nickname for you, he only had a shorter version of your name and that’s it, but he wanted to give you a special nickname. Like how you gave him a special nickname, so he started testing some nicknames.
Cupcake? no that was to cheesy babydoll? Hell no it's not the 60s, as he was thinking while walking with you near lovers lake there was a beautiful butterfly flying around. He saw it “dance” it the sky with it’s orange and yellow body, as he was looking at it it came down and landed on (names) nose the wings fluttering open and close that’s when gareth had the perfect nickname for (name) it was
As he said that in his head it matched up with (name) so perfectly. She would dance in the backyard kina like how the butterfly was “dancing” in the sky, the way her hair would flick up as she jumped just like the butterfly’s wings fluttering in and out. 
As they were walking back to gareth’s van (i know this man has a van instead of a car ) (name) was talking about how she wanted to be on the cheerleading team and wanting to be like chrissy cunningham but gareth always told (name) that she is better being herself then chrissy. That was almost 3 years ago when gareth started calling (name) butterfly and hasn’t said her real name in years just like she did with his nickname.
Thumper and butterfly
I'm sorry that this is long and my billy hargrove x reader fic is going to be coming out on the 13th of july so watch out for that fic, i hope you guys liked this oneshot/ headcanons and i’m sorry for not being active that much. People have been stealing my work and i’ve been trying to stop that so for now on i’m going to be putting my username on all my fics now, i will allow reblogs but not stealing. 
i hope you guys are having a wonderful day/night/afternoon and i will see you on the 13th <3
if you want to request something please comment on one of my post or text me on my instagram or on here please !
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ginnsbaker · 11 months
The conversation between reader and mom was an interesting perspective. I imagine for reader loving someone so much and feeling like your mom someone so important to you doesn’t like them is such a terrible weight. However I understand the mom’s perspective as no one wants to ever see their child hurt. A relationship as intense as the one between reader and wanda obviously has potential to leave reader hurt. The more spark in a relationship the more it can burn, its about risk vs reward is risking getting hurt worth it? I’ll touch on this again later.
The gift Yelena got for reader. Wow. You have this emotional flashback with Wanda and then this in the present with Yelena. For me if I was reader I wouldn’t like the gift, and that’s all because of what the original one means. Yelena says its “pretty worn out” which it would be if it was the one from when reader did it with their dad. But I don’t know I just felt icky about it because if I was reader that one would have to stay up no matter how worn out it got. It does make me wonder if yelena knows the story behind it because if she did she wouldn’t have tried to replace it right? Its another thing that just shows the gap between the two of them and how they don’t know each other like they think they do. Another thing thats weird to me is that if I was yelena and saw an old jigsaw hanging up I would ask about it so its a little weird to me how she doesn’t know which is why I wonder if reader has told her and she’s just forgot.
I like these parallels between wanda and yelena because it kinda sets it up like a competition and I can imagine two sides of readers mind at war but in both flashbacks and parallels i think wanda has yelena beat.
Reader and Wanda. Question to oblivious reader does the fact you actively looked for wanda to wish a happy birthday on Facebook not make you think hm maybe im in the wrong relationship? What about the fact you felt comfort just by seeing her under the lamppost? No? So god damn oblivious istg. The fact that reader seemed unhappy that wanda was happy that reader’s relationship with yelena was “thriving” its so clear god please realise it like a quick meal with your ex wife was the highlight of your day that should be a sign hell a sign with big flashing lights and arrows 😂
Yelena was definitely not happy when reader came back and reader was too busy being happy about their time with wanda to notice. I think she definitely knows who readers been with how she knows im not sure maybe vision or maybe its just a feeling but i think she’s starting to realise that she truly can’t compete. It sucks for her because she clearly did put effort in for the birthday and yeah the hour or so reader was gone seems to have been better than all that so i do feel bad for her.
Im gonna send one more ask if thats okay which is gonna be about the speech and both relationships and love
The more spark in a relationship the more it can burn - Oh, I love how you phrased this.
Yelena - I think she didn't mean to. They haven't been together too long and R only got that puzzle back when she was married to Wanda and it never came up in their previous relationship (pre-UK, yelena left before R went to college). And she just thought, hey, R loves puzzles, maybe we can do a puzzle together! and instead of looking for one, she thinks, why not a brand new, shiny puzzle similar to the one we have in the bedroom?
I think, personally, we can't help but compare our current relationship with past ones even though we know it's pointless lol. it's just human nature.
Reader is more of...in denial, than oblivious. She cried to her mom about Wanda remember? And mom said "because you love yelena too?" like, i want to be happy, but i'd rather not hurt someone else for my happiness.
It was gut feeling for Yelena. Journalist's instinct even. Yelena is smarter than any of us think lol. We'll see just how smart and resourceful she is in Chapter 14. Yelena will keep holding on, until we leave her no choice.
Go ahead send one more!
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nurizyume · 1 year
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I posted 80 times in 2022
36 posts created (45%)
44 posts reblogged (55%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 77 of my posts in 2022
Only 4% of my posts had no tags
#reblog - 26 posts
#nurizyumeart - 23 posts
#undertale au - 21 posts
#undertale - 14 posts
#arwaa - 13 posts
#thebreaker - 10 posts
#bunbuntalk - 9 posts
#frisk - 7 posts
#gaster - 7 posts
#frisk oc - 6 posts
Longest Tag: 58 characters
#you scared of the creators who only wish to be comfortable
My Top Posts in 2022:
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A wonderful gift for a wonderful friend @xfr3eax featuring her aus (Frolic) @magustale and (Chara) @magusverse. Show her more love uwu/
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the best grandma ever
91 notes - Posted August 5, 2022
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Day 2: Day Out
Another happy day with two men spend their time after a mission or not. Isn’t Frolic being a romantic man here uwu
-No this is not canon. The creator allows us to ship whoever we want but it will never be canon and so i will bully them-
Maguverse belongs to @magusverse/ @xfr3eax
Entry for @fransweek
106 notes - Posted February 9, 2022
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Thank you for supporting me, Lily! I cant thank you enough for the donation qwq/ istg this tumblr made me put this post as draft for weeks
Shamanfell! Frisk and Sans belongs to @littlestlilies/ @shamanfell-au
133 notes - Posted February 3, 2022
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For personal reason, I’m very much need money for my basic needs. I do have parents support my life but I want to get money and not giving any more burden on them. I got a job but I don’t think it is sufficient to please my family. Therefore, I will open ko-fi art until I found another time to open commission. 
Here’s the link.
Reblog is very much appreciated!
136 notes - Posted March 23, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Day 1: Hand-Holding
My fransweek this year will be illustrations this time uwu. We must appreciate all underrated aus
god I miss this au very much
FaithTale au belongs to @faithtaleau/ Vivi and @momoishy
390 notes - Posted February 8, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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kithtaehyung · 2 years
Was gonna do this in order of how offended I am but it’s really hard to choose…so this is just in order of how I saw them 😐
1) Him tracing ily on her skin 😭 why did my brain immediately think of him doing this before he has built up the courage to say it out loud, like he can’t say it out loud yet but he’s bursting at the seams so he just- ✋🏽😭
2) I was expecting the 3tan yoongi violence but this cannot be tolerated 😐😐😐😐😐 #1 post I’m mad about as of rn. This Tae is illegal 😭😭😭😭 (spoiler alert: it gets worse 😭)
3) Lmao no but Ryensuela for the Nicholasname 😂☠️ (I am still partial to when I see people call you Ryen Kith Taehyung in all caps, it makes me giggle every time). Didn’t have a particular post to tag for this, just know I thoroughly enjoyed seeing people try to lengthen your name 😂 nicknames are my fave.
4) Sad I missed this ask game but the ones asked were so good 😂😭 (wish there were more sneaky 3tan bro and jk ones but it was still a good mix 👀)
5) I’m sorry wut is this 😐 this is going pretty high on the list. You teasing a Netflix and chill 3tan drabble and bros identity? 🤨
6) I- 😐😐😐😐 your audacity has reached a peak once again 😭 PEAK I SAY agahsdklggl
7) 😳😳😳 this should be illegal. How dare you throw this out into the world.
8) Nope 🙅🏽‍♀️ Absolutely not. Nopenopenopenope. Nope 😐. If I refuse to acknowledge it did this really happen??? 🫢🫢🫢 I-
9) AND I DIDNT THINK IT COULD GET WORSE THEN IT DID 😭😭😭 RYEN! Explain yourself 😐😭 *aggressively shakes tree* agshdkdlgg
10) 👁👄👁 GET BACK HERE 😭 you and your damn tags IM AT MY WITS END ISTG
11) Not the Wendy’s 😂☠️☠️☠️ I’m sorry…but this is just SO funny to me. After the horny hours too. The timing is UNREAL 😈 not so much fun when you’re not the one being the menace is it (Also having the live in those screenshots is taking me out, his face in them is perfect 😂😂😂☠️)
12) IM SORRY WHAT!!!?????? I missed a whole ass huge spoiler 😳😳😳 (I’ve said it a million times but I’ll say it again, your tags I- asgdjjfkg YOU WANNA FIGHT OR??? What do you mean is it!??? You literally said “highly requested FULL basketball scene coming up” DONT PLAY COY NOW 😭)
13) Okay yeah…I…I have…a lot of…feelings…about this 🙂🙂🙂. This is fine. Everything is…fine 🙂 (AGAIN THE TAGS WE’RE GONNA THROW HANDS)
14) 😐☹️☹️☹️ this was uncalled for, unprovoked and just RUDE
15) ☠️ I’m not even sure I have anything more to say than just 😩😩😩😩
16) Ryen…😐 This…this takes #1…the teaser!!??! Agshhsjfkflg 😐 don’t talk to me….DONT EVEN LOOK AT ME 😭🥴 (wait help I just saw the estimated help date nooooo, you can’t do this to me I’m ✨unprepared✨. THIS IS WHAT YOU MEANT WHEN YOU SAID SOMETHING I HAVENT GOTTEN TO YET. Never been more thankful for a delay in release dates, if I came back to a full ass YOONJIN fic dropped I would have yeeted my phone off a balcony)
17) 😐😐😐😐 uncalled for and unprovoked pt 2 ☹️
18) Last peak of audacity reached…the way you tagged this 🍊🍊🍊…SEE…this is how I knew. Just knew it smh 😐. When I saw you were conveniently releasing 3tan9 visuals on jk’s bday 😒
And on that last note…guys…I’ve been saying this but 3tan jk is gonna be at the release party duh!!!! For how long and what interactions we get 👀 only Ryen knows but IM READY 😈
And this has been ‘what you missed in practically 2 weeks on this godforsaken blog’…hope this puts things in perspective 😐. It was a rollercoaster of emotions let me tell you, 10/10 do not recommend going through it in a short time span…it’s…✨a lot✨ 🥴😂 and you’ve created monsters. We’re all menaces™ 😂
Let’s hope tumblr doesn’t randomly eat this ask bc I lowkey don’t wanna hyperlink everything again 😂🤧
OH MY GOD MIKAYLA LMFAOOOO okay… yeah…. We… don’t have any excuses for what the fck you missed🥴
I was gonna respond to all of these when I realized that it’s much more hilarious to just make a scholarly blanket statement and say “If you’re gonna skip, just know you have a lot of make up work to come back to.”💀💀💀
But seriously, we missed you so much! Definitely would’ve been more screaming involved (and faster justice for Friends!!!) All the tags screaming I am CACKLINGGGG HAHAHAH you know to read the tags!! Always read the tags!! Yoonjin piece is still in the works but I’ve realized that I wanna make it perfect so🤪 Stay fcking tuned.
The theory you have is super interesting so we’ll see what happens in the next parts👀👀
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rottingsparrow · 2 years
Part 2 (redo) of Reading Lore Olympus
I am doing a test to see if more people see this if I only review ten episodes at a time. It makes sense, I wouldn’t wanna read that much either. So here’s episodes 11-20, I’ll be posting 21-30 shortly after. Here’s part one again
Ep 11
Touch count total: 7 lmao
Cat. kitty cat
Artemis jumps to conclusions so fast
Did artemis’ bangs grow
Ope and its short again
It would be different it it wasnt noticeable but like the style changes too
Why does artemis not have scissors
How is her hair perfect after a slice
It looks like she is pulling her skin when she is taking her clothes off
Is she wearing a bra?? Bc if she isnt her boobs shouldnt be sitting like that
Oh she is now
“Demeter is such a helicopter mom” i mean yeah but also i dont think the mortal realm has.. Yknow internet
Eros is pink now idk if i preferred him as a light purple
Maybe like a mixture thats cool
Ep 12
Artemis like true form looks cool but so normal yknow
“No wings i just vacuumed” quick rachel how do wings work
I do like the cut out in the back of the shirt for the wings
Artemis feels like the mom that is like “put on pants ur uncle is coming over” like huh?? Persephone is just not wearing pants
Youre just soooo pretty persephone omg
Eros and persephones colors accidentally get so close ugh
“I dont” look at her face its so. Yeah
Is yoga for sex or
Is he holding a necklace i thought he was pulling tears and i was so confused when i originally read this
Ep 13
Did aphrodite get darker
She definitely did esp in the panel where she says “psyche”
I know they are family of love but i do worry about the possible emotional incest that could occur honestly. I dont think it happens but it gets close
Ok so he passes the underworld so it goes olympus- underworld- mortal realm or am i dumb
The pig is so cute
How did she not realize her veil thingy fell off
Was her family abusive in the og story or was this just so eros would fall even more for her
When did he get the bow and quiver dont just say magic
Ep 14
The little switches in time got me confused the first time i read it
Oh boy he got an apartment
If i were psyche i would be scared deadass
“The ugliest creature youve ever seen” ok thats cool its fun
Ep 15
Listen. How the hell did she adapt to this bc if i went to a diff realm and all of a sudden there was like. Indoor plumbing i would panic the hell out of my mind
Like shes even wearing modern clothes
“I'm certainly not the pig” hehe i like the pig
Why does he not hang out with her when he isnt busy like
Hookup count is 2 now
Ok ok this may be stupid but what if he just made her go by a diff name
Also your mother needs therapy
I would want to leave too
“Do you trust me?” thats kinda guilt tripping ngl
“Maybe i could have visitors” no they literally are from a different time now
Like i get the “i cant tell her no” but just explain the modern vs ancient world but maybe she could go visit them idk
Ep 16
Why are they not confused i feel like they are ignoring this whole thing rachel created
No her sisters have a point why did he not give her a name not even his real one
Dont hold the blade there is a handle girl
“How could you not trust me?” i wouldnt either gotta be honest
Eros is so melodramatic istg
Artemis and persephone are not having it and like mood
Artemis is lighter now
Yknow if she kept a color palette with just base colors and then did lighting it would work better but maybe im a lil lost
“Hey i got a phone” put ur name queen
Q&A 1
I wasnt gonna put anything for this but “i focus on details and seek out references for anatomy” girlie do you wanna. Start doing that again
Ep 17
Why is he just crying he can leave
“Woe is me” shut up Persephone
No it would suck to be sworn to maidenhood without her permission but also i dont think she understands what unrequited love is
“No one will ever love me like that” they might yall just cant do things
“And thats ok” is it??
“Little tart” good nickname tbh
Her eyes went blue but that will never happen again
Dont throw her list away eros
Emergency contacts you just got a phone??
“Im paying for everything so i get to pick” stfu eros
We will never see her wear this again
Do we ever see her wear the same outfit i cant remember
“Was he just humoring me” i mean hes also prolly busy
I know everyone says it but i hate that apollo is purple
Ep 18
Stop thinking of persephone like that its so weird hades
“As if she would want me to have her number” its not a business card made for you man
How do kings get banned genuinely like this is so wild rachel please show me the societal norm and class systems here
Haha so funny zeus is harassing someone -_-
What job would he give her honestly
How does the economy work you cant say that resell on gems is shit and not explain
Hades wow forcing them to accept a check youre so cool
This is locker room talk and i quite literally hate it
Ep 19
If hades doesnt want to discuss his sex life he is valid i wouldnt want to especially not to family
“Ok i can be a little bossy” this is a surprise tool thatll help up later
They are being good brothers here tho
Ew not the locker room talk again
Like even if she was his age or whatever its literally so gross
Ep 20
Lil kore is so cute
I like their interactions
She has a point its disgusting
However, i hate, like loathe, the miscommunication plot device. Answer hades Hera so i dont have to deal with this
Also zeus shut up you dont speak for hades
Hera should know that she is getting angry at Zeus and then misdirecting her anger its so annoying
“Im well aware im a fool” can you guys just talk please
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wrennotrobin · 1 year
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I posted 359 times in 2022
That's 349 more posts than 2021!
86 posts created (24%)
273 posts reblogged (76%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 227 of my posts in 2022
Only 37% of my posts had no tags
#harry styles - 47 posts
#louis tomlinson - 39 posts
#one direction - 29 posts
#fanfic - 18 posts
#lt world tour - 16 posts
#ltwt 2022 - 14 posts
#larry stylinson - 14 posts
#fine line - 14 posts
#louis and harry - 13 posts
#down the line - 10 posts
Longest Tag: 123 characters
#because i have such a specialized night routine that i get ready for bed at the same time so i can take it at the same time
My Top Posts in 2022:
*puts clown nose on*
alright i'm ready to analyze louis' outfit choices and harry's symbolism
*paints on makeup*
oh? harry's walking though a facade with no walls and doors? louis' merch is all walls and doors?
*finds wig* *places it on head*
who- who is that in the back of the theater?
*wiggles into costume*
got it got. louis' wearing a shirt with the word house on it the same day harry's house is announced?
*fiddles with horn*
sooooooo the day louis is confirmed to be in europe the first door opens?
*starts clown car*
get in losers we're going clowning.
BONUS ROUND: if each door represents a song, then the last one will open on april 1st *clown music plays*
24 notes - Posted March 24, 2022
- amren is a thunderbird. or asteri. or something like that.
^^^^if not those, then she and the viper queen are like sisters?
-i think it would kill sarah to not give every single one of her main characters a mate. like wtf. i thought they were supposed to be rare and all.
- ruhn. daemati. >>> lidia. also daemati
- istg if the valg end up in this shit again, or asteri are valg kings, (fire kills them) ms. sjm better bring my girl aelin back to french fry their asses.
- okay ill add more as i continue to freak out over the next week and a half.
109 notes - Posted March 6, 2022
Down the Line by sunflouwerhabit
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Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson | General Audiences | 280k
“I hate all of you.” Louis’ cheeks flush. “You better watch yourself or Wootton is gonna release an article claiming all of our woes are a direct result of a serious Mario Kart addiction. He’s already got an insider ready to tell him Niall prances around the clubhouse pretending to be Yoshi.” Some of the boys chuckle, but Louis’ heart nearly stops when a honk sounds from second base. Everyone turns in that direction and Harry fucking Styles slaps a hand over his own mouth, as if trying to muffle the fact that he’s a motherfucking Siren. Louis stares. He wasn’t… it really wasn’t that funny? He couldn’t possibly be laughing at Louis, right? He…
“Sorry,” Styles gasps. His shoulders shake as those dimples, which have had blogs and articles and entire columns dedicated to them, bloom. “Sorry…"
Louis hates him. Louis hates him. Louis hates him.
OR: Star shortstop Louis Tomlinson only finds solace between the white-chalk lines of a baseball diamond, until Harry Styles- the absolute bane of his existence and (probably) the worst pitcher in Major League Baseball- becomes an overnight sensation in the city Louis calls home.
MLB + enemies to lovers + karaoke + MARVEL + OT5
133 notes - Posted March 18, 2022
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See the full post
282 notes - Posted March 30, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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these pictures are married.
309 notes - Posted May 2, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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sonknuxadow · 3 years
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ive seen a few sonic age charts and masterposts over the years but most of them either had some kind of inaccuracy or used uncredited fanart so i decided to make my own. its not very good but idk i tried
i didnt include Every Sonic Character Ever but i included as many as i could think of, also all of this information comes from official character profiles and game manuals and stuff like that. hope this can be helpful
(also theres even more notes in the tags (mostly regarding shadow and mighty as well as a few characters that i didnt put on the chart) because i didnt want this post to be a mile long and there was some stuff i just couldnt fit on there)
522 notes · View notes
angelfic · 2 years
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pairing: tasm!peter parker x reader
summary: it's the hottest day of the year, your air conditioning is broken, and all you and your roommate slash best friend slash crush have are a box of cherry flavored popsicles and months of pent up sexual frustration each other
warnings: smut. smut smut smut smut lots of smut and, oh yeah, smut! praise kink, (mild) dom!peter, fingering, (brief) dry humping, ice play? popsicle play? also swearing, no use of a condom because mc is on the pill but use protection y'all. best friends 2 lovers, college roommate au
author’s note: inspired very much so by the sudden increase in weather :) my first time writing smut btw so apologies if it's bad, let me know what u think and happy reading angels! ♡
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“Oh, you have got to be shitting me,” you practically yell in the middle of the freezer aisle, wincing when you spot the concerned face of a mother covering the ears of her toddler.
The apologetic look you offer her quickly turns sour when you notice the mother-daughter duo is the reason for your outburst. The reason you’re about to tear off the door to the grocery store freezer and snap it in two like a graham cracker.
They took the last box of lemonade popsicles.
You fight an internal debate, the dehydration from today being the record-breaking hottest day of the year almost swaying your decision not to snatch the box right out of the toddler’s hands, before reluctantly picking up the cherry flavored ones.
Oh well, you think, at least your roommate Peter gets his favorite flavor. It's a little hard to look on the bright side however, when your jeans are sticking to you from perspiration, clinging on like a second skin. Those, and the ill-chosen long sleeve shirt, are the reason you practically run to the self-service checkout counter in a hurry to get home.
You're just about to scan the box of popsicles when your phone dings with a notification.
spiderboy [14:44] bad news
you [14:46] pls don't tell me it has anything to do with our ac
spiderboy [14:46] ...
spiderboy [14:46] ok i won't tell u
you [14:46] parker
spiderboy [14:47] yeah our ac is broken
spiderboy [14:47] can't get a repair guy in til tomorrow
spiderboy [14:47] also we're out of ice
you [14:48] FFS.
you [14:48] i'll get some ice but istg if theres only one bag and that snotty little toddler has it i'm throwing hands
spiderboy [14:48] sorry WHAT.
Grumbling to yourself the whole way, you grab some ice from the thankfully abundant collection in the freezer and get out of there in record time. The ride home is so suffocating that once you get home to your shared apartment you barely spare Peter a glance, tossing him the bag of ice and popsicles.
"Hey," you mutter, having to look away from the sight of him in his black tank top, showcasing his arms. The image of his biceps flexing as he catches the frozen products with his eyes closed - spider-senses obviously - just spurs you to walk even faster to your room.
"Where are you running off to?" he asks, frowning slightly as he gets up to put the stuff in the freezer before they melt in your ac-less apartment. "Come hang out, I'm bored."
Fanning yourself, you laugh at his childish tone. "I need to change out of these clothes. They're like a prison. I only wore them 'cause they made my ass look good this morning."
You see him take a peek at your ass as soon as you say this and you roll your eyes before shutting your bedroom door.
"That they do!" he yells through the door and you slap a hand to your mouth to stop the snorting laughter from being let out, knowing he'll hear the unattractive noise with his heightened senses.
It's times like this, you think as you strip down to only your panties (no way in hell are you wearing a bra in this weather), that you're grateful to be in the know about Peter's biggest secret. Having been his best friend since the early years of middle school, it was only expected he confided in you as soon as he was bitten.
Now you're both in college, he's still Spider-Man and you're still the ordinary human best friend that's hopelessly in love with him.
Yeah, that one may have been a recent revelation, but what can you do! You've always had a little crush on him, but having lived with him for the first two years of college, not only are you even more aware of how insanely attractive he's gotten, but due to his increase in one-night stands since school, you're also aware of your... feelings. Particularly jealousy.
The flirty nature of your friendship definitely does not help matters.
You ponder the fact you've both had dates and flings and the like since high school, strongly alluding to the idea you and Peter will never be a thing, with a sour face as you throw on the least amount of clothing you possibly can - fuck double standards! If men can parade around shirtless in the streets, then you can wear the same tank top and shorts you've had since high school damn it!
Emerging from your room feeling only slightly less like a melted stick of butter, you immediately catch Peter's eye and he chokes on the chilled water he was previously chugging down.
You furrow your brows as he gives you a once over so slowly that you almost regret the outfit choice. And then you remember it's the 21st century.
"Don't give me that look!" you scoff, pointing an accusing finger at him. "If you can wear a tank top without a bra then so can I!"
He swallows and clears his throat, asking you hoarsely, "You're not wearing a bra?"
You raise a brow and fold your arms.
"Is that an issue?"
He splutters and his gaze dips down to your chest for a split second. "No!" he yelps, looking away to stare determinedly at the TV screen. "And stop making me sound like a misogynist, you know I'm all for freeing the nips and all that."
You laugh at the very true statement as you walk over to the freezer, bending over to forage around for the cherry popsicles. Your mouth twitches as you hold back a smile when he goes silent.
"I can feel your eyes on my ass, Peter."
"Wh- I was not looking at your ass!" he insists, and when you turn around to throw him an accusing look - and one of his favorite cherry popsicles - you see that he's scowling. "I wasn't. I was just noticing your shorts."
"And my ass, but whatever," you sing-song under your breath. "What about my shorts?"
Collapsing on the couch right next to Peter, you prop your feet onto the coffee table, facing your roommate to prompt his answer. "Nothing, I just... Aren't they the same ones you would wear 4 years ago in gym class?"
"Precisely, my web-headed friend." Grinning at Peter's growing scowl at the nickname, you unwrap your popsicle, tasting the lip-numbing treat while he does the same. "God, I've been sleeping on these. They may just be as good as the lemonade."
"I think you mean better," says Peter, pointing the bright red stick of ice at you. Sticking your tongue out in response, you snatch his water bottle and it's your turn to scowl when he chuckles. "Your tongue is bright red."
"It's the latest look."
You lean back, pressing the water bottle to your neck and moaning at the cold, frosty relief. The plastic soon becomes warm from the heat of your skin, so you eventually just unscrew the lid and pour tiny amounts of water directly onto your skin.
"Oh my God, that feels so good." Peter shifts in his seat and you glance at him to see his jaw gone slack as he stares the water bottle like it's offending him. You feel heat crawling up your neck and it definitely is not due to the heatwave. "Stop looking at me like that!"
"I literally feel like I'm watching a porno and I don't know if I would rather be the water bottle or you."
His words make your stomach jolt, but you hide it with a scoff, chucking the water bottle at him. Peter may have been bitten by that radioactive spider years ago, but his ability to catch things without even looking still bugs you to this day - pun intended. "Since the other way around is physically impossible, unless your powers allow you to transform into inanimate objects, you can be me."
Shrugging, Peter finishes off his own popsicle and you shudder at the way he bites the ice so quickly. Your own popsicle is still completely intact.
Speaking of your own popsicle, you decide to bring your focus back to that and pointedly ignore his own moans of ecstasy at the chilled water dripping down his neck.
If the heatwave doesn't kill you, this definitely will.
Since the sensitivity of your teeth won't allow you to bite, the artificial red of the popsicle that's bright enough to rival the red of Peter's Spider-Man suit starts dripping down your hand. Too preoccupied with licking the melted juice before it ruins your couch, you barely register the pause in Peter's own ministrations with the water, instead his eyes focusing on the way your tongue pokes out to catch the sticky liquid.
You lick a long stripe up the popsicle and hear a faint groan coming from your best friend. Ceasing your own movements, you try not to blush.
One thing you've noticed in the last few months is that Peter hasn't had a single girl over. Not that you're complaining, but it's surprising since he once confided in you that not only were his senses heightened, but... other things too. Thus, you can't blame him for probably being turned on by you right now.
He never had the same girl over twice, though. You selfishly did not mind this at all. Not that it would make a difference, you think, shaking your head to rid yourself of any ideas and focusing on your slightly disappointing popsicle.
Sighing, you glare at the stick. "This was good for like two minutes, but I'm still hot."
Running his eyes over your body like he did when you first stepped out of your room, Peter cocks his head. "You wanna try something?"
"What?" you ask, narrowing your eyes in suspicion.
He rolls his eyes at your dramatics, plucking your popsicle out of your hand. "Trust me?"
"Well, you are my friendly neighborhood Spider-Man," you point out, pretending think about it.
"Exactly, now shut up and close your eyes."
Doing as he says, you wait in anticipation.
After a good five seconds, you're about to open your eyes and ask Peter what's taking so long when you suddenly feel the icy cold wetness of what you assume is your cherry popsicle, running across the top of your chest.
Gasping at the cool sensation, you don't even have time to properly react before Peter licks the liquid off your chest.
You can't hold back the shudder that contradicts the normal bodily reaction you should be having in the middle of a heatwave, partly due to the fact your best friend just licked you, and partly due to the fact his tongue is surprisingly cold - presumably from the popsicle.
"Oh," you gasp, eyes flying open when the popsicle travels to your neck. Despite knowing what's coming next, you sharply suck in a breath of air, your hand automatically threading into Peter's hair as he laps up the red juice, taking longer this time to bite and suck at a particular spot on your neck. He chuckles when you whimper for a second time, his warm breath scorching your skin. "I-I don't think this skin-to-skin contact is particularly effective. Especially when you run like a radiator even in winter."
"Want me to stop?" Peter mutters, his hand coming up to play with the waistband of your shorts and your brain starts fogging up. That doesn't stop you answering him though.
"Don't you dare," you practically growl and you can feel Peter's smirk against your neck. He pulls away and ignores your noises of protest, but instead of moving away completely, he runs the popsicle across your jaw and up to the side of your mouth.
Painfully slow, Peter licks the trail of liquid from the bottom of your jaw and stops right next to your lips, so close that you can feel his eyelashes tickling your cheekbone. "Peter, please," you moan, breathily, your hand sliding down his neck to grip at his bicep.
"Fuck," he groans under his breath and sits back in his seat, but not without pulling you up and over onto his lap, flush against his chest as he throws the popsicle onto the coffee table. Your lack of bra makes you even more sensitive and it doesn't help that you can feel how hard he is through your shorts.
Your whimper is immediately swallowed by his lips as he seals your mouth with his own, kissing you with enough intensity to literally set you on fire - as if the heatwave wasn't enough.
Peter tugs you closer as he kisses you until you're seated right on top of his clothed erection and then the worst happens. He grips at your hips and pushes his own upwards, making you gasp and he takes this as an opportunity to slip his tongue into your mouth.
Continuing his assault on your lower lip as he nibbles and sucks until you're certain it's swollen, you grow more and more frustrated when he's stopped moving. You pull away for breath, feeling lightheaded.
"Why did you stop?" you whisper, still gripping the tops of his shoulders.
Grinning like a kid in a candy store, Peter slides his hands up your legs and annoyingly stops at the top of your inner thighs. "I want you to beg again."
You scoff. "Like hell am I going to beg ag- Holy shit," you whimper, falling forward when he rolls his hips again, just once before stopping. "Okay, please, Peter, please."
"Good girl," he mutters, looking up at you lazily through his eyelashes, but with an intense stare that looks like he wants to eat you. You moan at the nickname and his eyes light up at unlocking this new information before attaching his hands back to your hips and pressing your core against him yet again, until your legs feel like jelly.
"Uh-uh," Peter clicks his tongue, lifting you off of him before you can finish and laying you down on the couch. His hand slides under your tank top and up until it rests just below your breast. "You're not getting off that easily after parading around in those tiny, tiny clothes."
"Oh my God," you groan, arching up into his hand, embarrassingly turned on by him despite no proper physical contact. He leans over you and continues nibbling and sucking on your bottom lip, his tongue swiping over the swollen area every few seconds. "Peter, please."
"Please, what?" he teasingly asks, swiping his thumb across the underside of your breast, but keeping his hand there. "Use your words, princess."
Feeling like you're about to explode, or beat the shit out of your roommate, you tug on his hair in frustration making him groan and chuckle at the same time. The fucker knows exactly what he's doing to you. "Please... touch me already."
"Yes, ma'am." Peter presses his lips to yours again and moves his hand upwards, grabbing a fistful of your breast. You try to stifle your moan but it's impossible when he pinches your hardening nipple, rolling it between his thumb and forefinger. "Shirt, off. Now."
He tugs impatiently at the material and it's your turn to laugh at the scowl on his face. You pull the tank top up and over your head in one swoop and Peter doesn't hold back his groan, a tortured expression on his face. "Fuck, you're beautiful."
"Stop," you laugh nervously, shy all of a sudden as you try and hide your warming face.
"No, I mean it," he deadpans. The expression on his face is as serious as can be and he places his hands on either side of your face to make you look at him. "Forget giant lizards, you're the thing that's finally going to kill me."
"As much as I enjoy being compared to giant lizards, please pick up where we left off."
Peter doesn't need to be told twice. However, before he touches you he grabs the almost completely melted popsicle from the coffee table and grins mischievously as he takes a bite of the iced stick of juice. Throwing it back onto the table, Peter leans forward with the red block of ice between his teeth and runs it around your nipple.
"Shit," you gasp as the ice melts almost instantly, leaving only his tongue swirling around the hardened bud instead. At the same time, his hand moves down and fiddles with the waistband of your shorts. "Off, please, take them off."
Taking your direct commands as a sure sign, Peter tugs your shorts down, taking your panties with them. He swallows roughly and looks up at you, pupils blown wide. "You're so fucking pretty. I mean it when I say your pussy is going to be the death of me."
Growing more and more frustrated by Peters fingers wandering around your inner thighs, but not actually touching where you want him to, you frown at him. "You're a whole lot of talk, Parker. When are you actually going to- Oh, fuck."
"What was that?" Peter asks, his lips brushing against your ear as he finally runs a finger up and down your slit, your arousal making it easy. Your breathing gets quicker and when he slips a finger past your folds and you find your hips moving upwards trying to make his movements go faster. "No words, princess?"
Peter inserts a second finger, allowing you to adjust before adding a third and starting to pick up the pace as your moans and whimpers continue to escape you. His fingers get faster and faster, the palm of his hand in exactly the right spot against your clit which makes your eyes prick with tears as you continue to arch into him. "Such a good girl... You gonna cum for me, baby?"
His words spur your climax to approach even quicker and Peter can feel it coming when you start to tighten around his fingers so he speeds up his movements. The feeling that tugs at you in your lower stomach quickly escalates until it snaps, pushing you over the edge and you let out a cry of ecstasy.
It takes you a minute to calm down and you would believe Peter if he told you that you blacked out for a second. "That was- You were- Fuck. I need you now."
Peter curses lowly at your words as you tug off his tank top, revealing his built torso that you've helped him stich up and disinfect a countless number of times. You fumble at his grey sweatpants, trying to pull them down along with his boxers, but his hand stops you right at the waistband. "Wait, wait. Are you sure you wanna do this?"
If it weren't for the fact that you could see how painfully hard he was through his sweatpants, you would think he didn't want you. Trying not to smile at how sweet your best friend is, you quirk a brow. "I'm definitely sure. Are... are you sure?"
"Are you kidding?" he deadpans. "I've literally wanted to fuck you since puberty hit. And I've wanted to kiss you everyday of our lives since we were 11. Like, romantically."
"You- What?" you choke out the the words, shocked at the sudden confession and unable to hold back the smile this time. "Are you serious?"
"We could continue to discuss my embarrassingly obvious crush on you. Or, you could let me show you by finally letting me fuck your brains out before I literally explode."
"I vote option two, please."
"Smart girl," Peter grins, pressing one more searing kiss to your lips and nipping at your bottom lip before tugging off his sweatpants.
And shit, if he isn't the biggest you've ever had.
"You're going to break me," you moan, one hand gripping Peter's bicep and the other flat against his chest. If it wasn't for his super fast healing, you definitely would be leaving scratches. He smirks as he presses the tip of his cock at your entrance, coating himself in your arousal to ready you.
"That's the plan," he says, determined. And before you can say anything else he enters you, slowly filling you up. The short, breathless gasps that leave you combined with how tight you are causes Peter to groan and grip the side of the couch. You barely register the seat cushion ripping from his super strength, instead focusing on the way he starts moving inside you. "Jesus- fuck, you feel amazing."
His constant praise and his now powerful thrusts make literal tears form in your eyes, your arousal coming back even faster than before. You clamp a hand over your mouth to stop your screams, but Peter doesn't allow this and he removes it, leaning over to bury his face in your neck. "I wanna hear every sound coming out of that pretty little mouth of yours as I'm fucking you."
He emphasizes this statement with a particularly powerful thrust, bringing his hand up to circle your clit with his thumb and you can't help letting out a scream, the tears escaping your eyes as you start to babble nonsensical words. "Don't stop, please, please, please."
"Never," he assures you, panting as he continues thrusting into you faster, deeper and harder, your climax building at the same time as Peter's. "Shit, baby, you're gonna make me cum."
"Me too," you whimper, gripping his back to pull him impossibly closer to you as you let go, having to bite his shoulder to stifle your scream. "Peter, oh my God."
"Let go for me, princess," he murmurs, lips moving against your neck as you finish, his own thrusts starting to slow down and he shudders against you, the only sounds being both of you breathing heavily.
You stay like that for a moment, until Peter's body heat smothers you and you're wishing it was the middle of winter so you wouldn't feel relief when he gets up to shrug his sweatpants on. You watch him do so, unable to move and the sight of you makes him grin like an idiot. You roll your eyes, knowing exactly what he's thinking; he just gave you the best sex of your life, the little shit.
He leaves your clothes and his own vest discarded on the couch, lifting you up in his arms bridal style with ease and carrying you into his room. Once he sets you on the bed, he collapses down next to you.
"So, you've had an embarrassing crush on me since we were 11, let's talk about that," you say, using every ounce of strength within you not to burst out laughing.
Peter scowls, but his expression doesn't match the way his thumb is rubbing circles in the side of your hip where his hand rests. "I was thinking we could talk about the praise kink you so obviously displayed."
"Shut up," you scoff, but there's no malice in your tone because he's completely right. "If it makes you feel better, I've loved you for the same amount of time."
"I bet I loved you first," he protests softly, kissing your shoulder.
Great, now you're back to feeling like a melted stick of butter.
"Hm, I'll take that bet. What does the winner get?"
"The winner gets to take his girlfriend swinging across the city," he smirks, knowing he's got you there when you gasp in excitement. Peter is way too protective over you when it comes to his Spider-Man life and swinging across the city is a very rare occurrence.
"I lose, you loved me first, now take me swinging!"
"Yeah, let's wait til you can walk again first."
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© angelfic 2022.
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hotdadsdrawing · 3 years
My Unpopular/Opinions about Miraculous LB
Yes I'm Categorizing this leave me alone,
-Ladrien, is only good in fanfictions, cannon Ladrien would be LB using her superhero status to date the guy she likes knowing that he doesn't romantically like the girl under the mask
-MariChat, one, the stans are so toxic and two, MariChat should just be a platonic ship and would be horrible in cannon. MariChat works out 100x better when they're just best buds who do best bud things together.
-Adrienette, Adrienette has been really unsettling for the past 2 seasons, Mari is being super creepy obsessed.
-Ladynoir, I fully agree with the cannon that they shouldn't date in mask before they defeat Hawkmoth, it could lead to a lot of danger to both parties and a lot of emotional damage.
-Adrigami, Adrigami is toxic. All Kagami wants is some TLC but Adrien is so in love with LadyBug that he barley notices her and makes her feel shitty, I'm glad they broke up.
PLOT: There is literally no plot progression for any ships so far, Adrienette got the reverse umbrella scene yeah yeah but besides that no one has showed interest in anyone yet (besides Chat obviously). I understand that it's complicated cause of masks and identity but it's been FOUR SEASONS, mf jim and pam were dating by the fourth season.
-Marinette, love her to death but the way she spies on Adrien and constantly stalks him is disgusting and cringey. It's so invasive and if I were Adrien she'd already have a restraining order.
-Tikki, sometimes I feel like she's putting more stress on Marinette. I understand that sometimes everyone needs to hear the hard truth but Mari is 14 years old she does not need a little red god telling her about every mistake she's made.
-Alya, I feel like she's still got that vlogger and reporter mindset when it comes to identities. The fact that she's taking selfies and telling Nino stuff behind Mari's back. She'll get better as the season progresses but it's making me real stressed out rn.
-Adrien, this mf has got to get another personality that isn't "simp for ladybug" and "cause world destruction", I get that it's probably a good distraction from his trauma but he needs to get a hobby istg, maybe collect rocks or smth.
-Nino, perfect character rn.
-Just because Chloe is a disliked character doesn't mean you have to like her, she's a racist, backstabbing, untrustworthy person and her mommy issues don't justify that.
-Zoe is better.
AKUMA VICTIMS: Bro the costumes for so many victims are so bad. Bright colors does not equal good costume.
The names are bad too, "malediktator" nah cause what was that
"befana" is just hag in Italian and it connects to Christmas folk lore, wtf does that have to do with old candies.
No complaints for season four but the filler episodes are horrible.
-The pig miraculous is so corny. "The Power of Kindness" NAH
-When the Butterfly miraculous isn't being used for evil it'd be kinda useless
-Max uses the horse miraculous so well and they need to use him more often
-Aspik. Just Aspik.
-Mylene is great for the mouse, the costume is VILE though.
-The Snake miraculous' accessory is completely useless for any type of climbing or jumping that the rest of the hero's do. This also applies to the turtle, pig, horse and peacock.
-Monkey miraculous is extremely useless to any enemy that has WORKING LEGS, they can just walk away from the very small toy banana.
-I know Ladybug has her magic compact but where does Chat keep all his stuff, how does he just pull out the magic camembert that can transform them. Does he have magical cat pockets?
-Lila looks amazing in the fox miraculous, I'm sorry someone had to say it, she rocks it so hard and the character design on that costume is too good for a bad person.
-Zoe looks 10x better in the bee miraculous than Chloe, the mask on Chloe makes her face look all wonky and Zoe's transformation is so much cooler.
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raewritez · 3 years
hey babe, what are your ATLA opinions? like ships, characters, etc. i love your writing!
ok deep breath
my favorites ships include kataang, zukka, sukka, iroh x spirituality, ozai x prison, mailee, maiko, and azula x therapy
personally i don’t really ship zutara mainly because when i was watching ATLA it never occurred to me that there was any chemistry between katara and zuko
HOWEVER i do LOVE them as a brotp and i think their friendship is wonderfully complex and meaningful
kataang is so pure and lovely and friends to lovers is my achilles heel
i never really thought of zukka as a possibility but now that i’ve seen it i am obsessed. zuko is an awkward bby and sokka is a dork and their dynamic would be so great
i love suki and i think her and sokka are amazing together. what a power couple
my top 5 favorite characters (although i love all the characters dearly) are probably aang, zuko, toph, azula, and katara (pretty basic i know)
it’s killing me not to put sokka in there
ily sokka
i think aang is criminally underrated and a lot of the time i see him boxed up into a shallow character without a lot of depth or development
aang literally goes through SO MUCH and he’s only 12!! he’s seen so much pain and darkness and has the weight of the world on his back
not only that but he carries the guilt from the airbender genocide
aang stays true to his airbender heritage throughout the series, including in the finale in which he chooses to act not out of violence, but out of peace (I CANNOT EXPRESS MY LOVE FOR THAT SCENE ADGJFHSHSJ)
zuko is my fav for many reasons, the most obvious being his iconic redemption arc
i think the way his character is handled is so beautiful, the way his past is revealed in inklings and you gain so much sympathy for him, his relationship with iroh, his time in Ba Sing Se (also his long hair), his betrayal and his eventual friendship with the Gaang its just AHHHHH
he is arguably the most complex character in the show and his story is so glorious
toph mainly bc she’s a badass
i love her so much
i also love her message of “i know who i am” and truly not caring what other people think of her and actively shaping her destiny
everyone would’ve died without her lol
we are introduced to her as this maniacal “perfect child” princess
total badass “me who’s still mulling it over”
but deep down she’s nothing more than a child left desperate for her parents affection, pitted against her brother from a young age with an innate need to be the best
her downfall is so amazingly profound, she crumbles as the people around her leave her just like her mother did, and mai even leaves her for zuko
she’s only 14, literally a child and all she wants in her last moments of sanity is her mom
her story also parallels katara’s
what a badass bitch
EVERYONE would’ve died without her
such amazing development in terms of her character and her water bending
i truly don’t understand why people don’t like her bc she’s “annoying”, like she is a human being and was written to have flaws. no character is likable all the time but for some reason katara’s mistakes are used to define her character
the ending fight scene between her and azula is one of my favorite things ever, i get chills EVERYTIME
her relationship with sokka is everything
her experience with zuko and the friendship that blossoms is also so amazing
yeah she does hold a grudge against him for a while but i probably would too tbh
he was a stupid boi
this was long and probably very uninteresting but i had fun writing it, thanks so much anon
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jennrypan · 4 years
I..despise fics that make Adrien the bad guy and its usually.. described as he become clingy??? Sorry the kid whos barely shown any real affection from his home life, and anyone else, finds someone he cares about and holds on to them?? Like...people constantly bitch and whine about how marinette has it sooo bad, when she has two loving parents, great talent, supportive friends [even though, salters like to..forget that] the only thing stressful is school and being ladybug which is understandable and Lila but..Lila is..just there.
Adrien on the other hand, gets neglected by his dad, his mom disappeared, his mother figure is only his dads assistant and cant get too close to him, and shes been shown to rat him out if given the chance, and his other adult figure doesnt really speak, he also gets forced to work a modeling job and he has to do all this extra shit and miss out on hanging with his friends cuz if he doesnt do this crap his dad takes him outta school, also.. HE HAS TO DEAL WITH LILA TOO, MARINETTE ISNT THE ONLY ONE.
Adrien made a deal with the bitch, just so marinette could be left alone!
He tried to speak up for Marinette but got cut off by their dumbass principal ! Also..yeah Adrien takes his flirting and joking too far but Marinette isnt perfect either, shes stalked him a few times, sabotaged Kagami, even stolen Adriens phone and cant even form two sentences around the guy and wonders why he doesnt like her back/ know she likes him. Also...this isnt relevant to my post but it is.
ALYA DESERVES BETTER. She says one(1) thing and shes suddenly seen as violent, a bully a terrible friend.. SHES ONLY KNOWN MARINETTE FOR MAYBE A YEAR NOW??? And considering, how marinette behaves its kinda understandable why she’d think that cuz what she knows is Lila is just some new student, and she seems nice, and oh she was around Adrien, Marinette has a crazy crush on Adrien and shes done some weird shit in the name of her crush ! Yes Alya shouldn’t just dismiss her friend but that doesnt make her a terrible bully, you people are just so..I dont even know. Y’all just weird.
Just Adrien and Alya constantly get the short end of the stick and Marinettes put on this pedal as if shes some uwu soft princess who can do no wrong when theyre all like 14 and they make mistakes also..
Believing some girls lies in middle school..wouldnt affect their futures?? At all?? They’re not stupid.. and Luka absolutely would be more on his sisters side than some girl he doesnt even know that long. THATS HIS SISTER. If you know anything about siblings, siblings are ride or die ..if theyre good siblings obviously. So Luka obviously wouldnt allow his sister to be fucked over my Lila and Juleka would believe her brother! Just- that whole class deserves so much love istg.
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You Can Run... (S2, E11)
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My time-stamped thoughts for this episode are below. As always I reference Malcolm’s mental health. A lot. So if that’s going to be a trigger for you, don’t keep reading.
0:03 - Baby!Malcolm and baby!Ainsley playing together is so cute. <3 
0:05 - Malcolm is playing with Batman (the hero) and Ainsley is playing with the Joker (the villain). But Ainsley wants to play with Batman. Coincidence? Foreshadowing? I’m torn. 
0:20 - ....I can’t tell if this is regular “kid fake crying to get sibling in trouble”, “bad fake crying because kid actors are still just kids who are learning”,  or “Ainsley is a psychopath and she’s never been able to cry properly fake crying”.
0:50 - “I’d much rather stay at home with my favourite guy.” UgH. Excuse me while I cry myself to sleep. No wonder Malcolm has so many Daddy issues. This broke my heart. Malcolm clearly idolized Martin. Martin was his hero. :( 
1:35 - “Where are you? Talk to me.” This hurts because it makes sense. Malcolm’s one constant in life was his father’s voice. For better or for worse. It reminds me of anxiety disorders/depression. Part of you doesn’t want to heal. You don’t know what to do without the pain and fear. You don’t know who you’d be. The unknown is scarier than the pain and misery. That’s Malcolm right now. He knows Martin is bad for his mental health but he’s afraid to lose Martin because without Martin’s voice Malcolm has no idea who he is. 
1:55 - I can’t decide if I love or hate Ruiz. She’s really combative? Like Malcolm didn’t say “You’re here to take over” aggressively. At all. I respect the hell out of her for being a total badass and good at her job....but she’s also kind of verbally aggressive? And pretending she doesn’t know Martin is Malcolm’s father? Like - I know she was probably trying to break the ice but it was really unprofessional and kind of a dick move? IDK something about Ruiz just kind of rubs me the wrong way (no this isn’t sexism. I’m a woman working in a male-dominated field. I respect the hell out of career-driven women. This is purely just something about her personality that bothers me.)
2:41 - Oh yeah. Gil did not like the joke about Ruiz not knowing The Surgeon = Malcolm’s father. Look at Gil. He’s annoyed but he’s also worried af about what that little comment did to his already mentally fragile profiler. 
3:22 - Just how many times has Malcolm played that voicemail since the end of 2x10? It looks like Gil’s already heard it. Dani’s probably heard it. How many times did Malcolm listen to it - desperately searching for clues? This is not good for Malcolm’s mental health. He needs a hug - not to listen to his manipulative serial killer father on repeat (although, that’s kind of the show isn’t it?). Also, where’s the “we’re the same” part of the message? Did Malcolm delete the end of the message? Maybe so he doesn’t become a suspect? 
3:32 - Look at how utterly furious and concerned Gil is. Guys. Guys. Papa!Gil is BACK. <3 <3 <3 <3 Oh how I’ve missed him. Seriously though, Gil looks absolutely livid (at Martin) because he can see how upset Malcolm is and he knows it’s all Martin’s fault. Plus the concerned looks he keeps shooting at Malcolm? <3 My heart <3 
3:39 - “Of course not.” LIAR. I truly believe this episode is an excellent example of a character “knowing something as fact in their heads but feels the opposite way in their hearts”. Malcolm is still a little boy desperate for his father’s love. Problem is, Malcolm is also a highly educated adult man who knows that his father is incapable of truly caring about him. 
3:55 - Gil watching Malcolm’s hand shake. <3 I have no words. Gil looks so concerned. We’re getting so close to a full Malcolm breakdown and I’m here for it. If we get a full on intervention and/or hospital scene I will be the happiest person alive. 
4:15 - A couple of things 1) look at how Capshaw is glancing around the room when Gil, Malcolm, and Jessica are talking about how Daryl tried to kill Jessica. Capshaw is showing equal amounts of disdain, envy, and guilt. 2) Gil making a joke just to make Jessica and Malcolm smile is the cutest thing I’ve ever seen. Gil is single handedly, emotionally, holding these two together and it’s the content I’ve been desperate for. 
4:42 - <3 <3 My heart is melting. <3 Gil’s little smile when he looks at the picture of baby!Malcolm and baby!Ainsley. Look me in the eyes and tell me Gil isn’t their dad. I’ll fight you. 
4:50 - “All the kooks will come out. I know the drill.” Poor Jessica. She’s really been through a lot of crap. :( 
4:55 - Did Gil shoot Capshaw that suspicious look because he was about to show blatant physical affection to Jessica or because he suspects Capshaw knows something about Martin? Maybe both?
5:00 - Sooooo Gil and Jessica just flirt openly in front of Malcolm now? ....Look at Malcolm’s reaction to their little moment. That boy has heart eyes. <3 Forget Brightwell - Gillica is the ship I will die on. 
5:50 - I promise you. Jessica’s eye roll+huff when Malcolm says he’s going to stay with Capshaw for a minutes is defensive. She’s knows that Malcolm is trying to get information that will help recapture Martin. But right now? She just wants a hug from her son. She wants to keep him in her sight; where she knows he’s safe. 
6:12 - soooooo Capshaw is definitely a psychopath and she’s 100% acting in this scene. Look at her. She’s angry but she’s trying to act calm. She’s trying to justify everything she did but it never quite connects. She’s just a little bit....something. Vacant? Insincere? Malcolm seems to believe her though...because she told him exactly what she knew he would sympathize and empathize with...the next two episodes are going to be incredible. 
7:00 - Damn. Malcolm looks so destroyed in this scene. He looks scared, sad, angry. This boy is riding an emotional elevator that only goes down. I’m just waiting for it to hit the ground. 
7:14 - This is fake. Capshaw’s “crying” here? How completely put together she seems? Fake. She’s trying to act distraught and guilt-ridden but she just seems too put together and angry to make it believable. 
7:25 - How much do you want to bet that Capshaw is either 1) after Martin because one of her family members was killed by the Surgeon, 2) some sort of already established serial killer/psychopath who thinks killing the Surgeon will make her a serial killer legend?
7:30 - Malcolm being kind is everything. <3 Ugh. This little cinnamon roll is such a sweetheart. <3 
8:12 - I’m on Malcolm’s side. Ainsley can’t think about work? Bullshit. Ainsley is somehow in on this whole thing. Istg.
8:21 - “Dad is out there and I don’t know. I’m just not okay.” ....this whole exchange between Ainsley and Malcolm felt forced? Like Ainsley is really off here. It seems out of character that Ainsley would admit that she’s not okay so calmly. She’s too passionate (generally speaking) to just be this calm right now. 
8:24 - Ainsley is way too calm for the daughter of an escaped serial killer. Malcolm looks utterly terrified. Ainsley just looks....indifferent. Sure, maybe she’s processing things different or she’s in some state of shock but I find it unlikely. 
8:41 - Awwww. Looks like Gil let a Whitly near his car. <3
8:51 - Awwwww...Malcolm literally jumping into the ambulance is adorable. <3
9:00 - “So it’s official. The Surgeon’s killing again.” THE LOOK. The look that JT, Dani, and Gil exchange everything to me. It’s concern. For Malcolm. For what they know this is doing to him. It’s fear. For what may happen next. 
9:19 - “Dude.” Some people think JT is being a dick to Malcolm here. I disagree. Sure, it’s not what Malcolm wanted (or needed) to hear. BUT the way I interpreted that ‘dude’: JT is concerned about Malcolm. JT knows that Malcolm is having a hard time right now and JT is worried that Malcolm is reverting back to ‘scared little boy who doesn’t want to believe his dad is a killer’ instead of his usual ‘profiler-mode’. I don’t think JT is upset with Malcolm. I think this is JT acting like Malcolm’s big brother. 
9:26 - “I’m not saying I believe it. But I’m sure he believes it.” Gil isn’t buying that. Look at his face. Gil knows Malcolm is struggling to separate his complex feelings about Martin ‘Dad’ Whitly and Matrin ‘the Surgeon’ Whitly.
9:33 - Again. The phrasing here may have been a little blunt but I think this is JT trying to remind Malcolm that his dad is a monster who doesn’t love him. It’s not a pleasant thing but it is a reminder that Malcolm needed to continue working the case effectively. 
9:38 - JT and Dani exchanging looks of concern when Malcolm raises his voice (and again when Gil sends them to canvas the area for missing cars) <3 WHERE IS MY INTERVENTION?!!? <3
10:01 - “You think I’ve lost it.” :( This breaks my heart. It’s not enough that Malcolm has been on a downward mental health spiral this whole season. Now, Martin escapes and Malcolm is so fragile that he can’t tell the difference between concern and disapproval. He genuinely can’t see that Gil, Dani, and JT are concerned about him. He’s interpreting their concern as distrust and disapproval. :( 
10:30 - .....where’s Gil’s car? Did he leave it with Dani and JT? 
10:45 - “He lived here with my mother before I was born.” Excuse me? What? My brain is short circuiting. I want more details. I find this information utterly fascinating. Were Jessica’s parents alive? Is it a Milton family home or did Jessica and/or Martin buy it themselves?
10:51 - “If my father was a serial killer I may have fortified my house a little better.” .....no. This felt wrong. I don’t like that Gil said this. Why would Malcolm fortify the house more? Martin was literally chained to a wall. PLUS Gil’s been to Malcolm’s place before. If Gil (the cop) was concerned about safety he would’ve said something to Malcolm about it before now. 
11:44 - I want to punch that US Marshall in the face. Don’t you dare suggest that Malcolm should’ve seen this coming or that he has anything to do with Martin’s escape. I also love this interaction. It really shows the story of Malcolm’s life: his colleagues don’t trust him because of who his father is. Malcolm’s skill is never enough for the cops/FBI/law enforcement to trust him because Martin is a serial killer. Shouldn’t it count for something that Malcolm is the one who turned Martin over to the cops AS A 10 YEAR OLD? ALSO - WTF did Malcolm have ammo for his antique weapons??!?!?
11:54 - Look at Dani and JT. They look ashamed and concerned. Almost as if they just realized that they’re the only ones in the precinct (other than Gil) who have ever given Malcolm a chance. 
12:02 - The hand tremor <3 Damn. Someone hug him. He is so close to a full mental breakdown. I can’t wait. 
12:17 - “I’m not fine.” I. Am. So. Proud. Our broken boy just told the truth about his mental state. Look at Dani. She’s shocked and she’s more concerned than ever. Malcolm admitting he’s not fine means he’s really really not fine. This is bad. Malcolm is going to lose it soon. 
12:35 - “You were in control” I understand why that would be comforting for Malcolm. HOWEVER, when it’s said like that Malcolm probably draws the parallel between himself and Martin (the manipulative control freak). :(
12:55 - Malcolm expressing his self doubt is shattering. He’s being so vulnerable with Dani right now and I don’t even care about the Brightwell ship at the moment - I’m just proud of him for opening up to someone. 
13:03 - “Usually his voice is in my head all the time” Yes. Because even though Martin was chained to a wall, he was still in control. The constant phone calls. The verbal chess games. The traumatic memories. Malcolm has never been able to escape Martin. Ever. Now 2/3 of his regular Martin exposures have disappeared and Malcolm doesn’t know how do go about daily life without the constant harassment. 
13:40 - There’s no way Jessica was actually in enough pain to ask for a painkillers. Jess overheard Malcolm and Capshaw talking and she came to ask Capshaw about it. 
14:14 - “I feel like I’m in Hell’s waiting room.” “Been there for 23 years.” Ouch. Capshaw is lying through her teeth but Jessica? Jessica is being sincere. My heart breaks for her. Also - the fact that every time we’ve seen Jessica bond with another woman (Eve, Capshaw, Birdie) that woman is a manipulative woman trying to use Jessica’s connection to Martin for her own personal gain is very upsetting. I petition for Jessica to bond with Tally and/or Dani. 
14:40 - Look at Capshaw’s face when Jessica mentions Martin’s open casket. She’s hopeful. Like she just found a potential partner in crime. Or at least she just found another reason to justify what she’s about to do to Martin. 
15:15 - I can’t anymore. It’s been driving me CRAZY that Dani’s curls are extremely different sizes in almost every other scene this episode. Sometimes the curls are reasonably tight and a little frizzy, Then in scenes like this one her curls are big, loose, and clean. Her hair is gorgeous both ways but the inconsistency is really bothering me. 
15:52 - Americans - help me out. Is this a thing? Do your bowling alleys serve alcohol? Specifically wine? My Canadian ass is curious (our bowling alleys serve pop and bottled water. And maybe fruit juice). 
15:52 - Look at how cautious Malcolm is as he approaches the boy. He’s afraid. Afraid that he’ll see evidence that the Surgeon is killing again. 
16:45 - Who did Pete steal those clothes from? It wasn’t the EMTs.....did he raid Malcolm’s closet?!?!?!
17:15 - Pete was 10 when he found a quasi-sanctuary from his abusive father. So was Malcolm (in the sense that Martin was arrested and physically removed from the home). 
17:40 - I love this about Malcolm. Pete helped Martin escape. Pete is a killer. But Malcolm is standing there talking to Pete like they’re friends. Malcolm genuinely empathizes with Pete’s childhood. It’s messed up but it’s also beautiful. Malcolm truly has a good heart. 
18:00 - And now Malcolm is scared. He’s just remembered that Pete is a serial killer and he’s in danger.
18:15 - Look, Pete’s a bad guy. But his childhood? Damn. That sucks. :( 
18:33 - “Tell me where Martin’s headed.” Not “The Surgeon”, not “Dr. Whitly”, not “my father”. “Martin”. Because Malcolm doesn’t know “Martin”. He’s met his father/dad - the man who loved him and cared for him during the first 10 years of his life. He’s met “The Surgeon” - the man who chloroformed him, manipulated him, and emotionally abused him his entire life. He’s met “Dr. Whitly” - the man who tried to teach him about the human body as a child and the man who gives him valuable medical insight on cases. But Malcolm’s never met this side of Martin Whitly and he doesn’t know what to expect. So he’s calling him “Martin”.
18:56 - Malcolm, you moron. Pete can see that you’re already suffering.
19:07 - I’ll be honest. I was kind of shocked that they killed off Pet like this. I knew Christian Brole was a guest star so obvious something would happen to write his character off the show but....this was intense. 
19:16 - “Bright I saw it too.” Thank you, Dani. Calm this boy down. He’s about 10 seconds away from being arrested for being a moron at a crime scene. 
19:30 - “It is my job to find my father.” This runs deep. Malcolm isn’t just talking about how it’s his job to profile where Martin might be. This is Malcolm admitting that he’s been subconsciously looking for his father for 23 years. He’s just a little boy who keeps visiting a serial killer in prison because he hopes that one day he’ll find the father that loved him (or at least acted like it). :( Someone hug this boy. <3
19:44 - I found how Malcolm pushes Dani off of him interesting. He’s clearly furious. He clearly is not in the mood to be touched but as soon as Dani starts manhandling him he sort of calms down? He’s not calm but he gains better control of himself. He listens to Dani when she guides him away from Ruiz, (he’s not perfect by any means) but he walks away and you can see his body language relax slightly. 
20:11 - I kind of feel bad for JT. Gil and Jessica have blatantly flirted in front of him twice now (2x5 and now). That’s got to be awkward for him. hahaha
20:14 - “Where is Ainsley?” Good question Gil. Malcolm (who is on the verge of a panic attack) is working himself ragged to find Martin. Jessica is terrified and going through old photos to see if she can find anything that might give a clue to Martin’s whereabouts. But Ainsley? Not only is she calm - she’s not reporting on the prison break. She’s not actively trying to find Martin and she’s not terrified. Why? I honestly think (hope) she’s working with Capshaw. 
20:20 - That look Gil shoots JT. Yep. Gil definitely suspects that Ainsley’s involved. I’m pretty sure Gil has pieced together what happened to Endicott and now he suspects Ainsley. 
20:30 - hahahaha the way that JT stares at Gil as Gil leaves the room. hahahaha. He’s like: “This is awkward. I don’t want to babysit your rich girlfriend (and the Mom of the most annoyingly endearing profilers in existence). I am uncomfortable and I hate that you’re leaving me here alone.”
21:05 - I LOVE THIS SCENE. EVERYTHING ABOUT IT.  I love how Dani is slouching in Gil’s chair like she owns it. I love that Malcolm is sitting on the couch like a scolded child. I love that they’re talking about Gil’s birthday. 
21:32 - “I’m already drafting an apology letter.” “That’s not enough.” SAY IT LOUDER DANI. This. FINALLY we get someone calling Malcolm on his passive suicidality. Yes, Malcolm is driven and obsessed with the case (any case). But he also risks his life needlessly to solve them. As though he thinks he’s not worthy of saving. As though he believes he deserves to suffer for what he did to The Surgeon and for what The Surgeon did to his victims. Malcolm is passionate and dedicated to his job. But he doesn’t care about his life enough to protect it. That’s passive suicidality in my books.
21:43 - “For a killer who has done nothing but make your life a living hell.....he’s not worth it.” THIS. Malcolm doesn’t hear this enough. People always suspect him of being like Martin. People rarely take the time to realize that Malcolm was just a little boy who was traumatized by the things he found out about Martin. Strangers judge and treat Malcolm like a criminal just because his father is a publicly bad person. It’s been happening for so long that Malcolm believes he’s a bad person who isn’t worthy of happiness. 
21:52 - Poor Malcolm. His little face. :( He looks so sad, angry, and scared all at the same time. This is another case of “the logical part of my brain knows I’m acting irrationally but I can’t stop it because the emotions are too big and strong and everything hurts.”
22:05 - “I’m sorry.” MALCOLM WHY THE HELL ARE YOU APOLOGIZING TO DANI?!? Because you yelled at Ruiz and now Dani’s worried about you? Dude. You’re having a mental health crisis and a really really bad day. You don’t need to apologize right now. Dani doesn’t want your apology. She wants you to take care of yourself. 
22:25 - “Jury’s still out.” Ouch. 
22:32 - Oh look. Another old person with a landline. hahahahha
23:11 - JT being a sweetheart to Jessica. <3 I love this man. This is so cute. I feel like this is the first time JT’s truly seen Jessica as a full human with a personality as opposed to Malcolm’s rich mother and Gil’s love interest.
23:18 - “I get a call like that once a week.” OH HELL NO. 
23:30 - I love the fact that Jessica and JT are bonding over the fact that they’re both being harassed and judged for something outside of their control. 
24:04 - “I don’t know. Why did you pretend no one was on the phone earlier?” I love this line. Jess didn’t tell for the same reason JT didn’t. They’re independent, strong people. They don’t want bother other people with their problems. They’re embarrassed that this is happening to them and on some level they probably think (wrongfully) that they deserve it. 
24:46 - Oh look. All of Malcolm’s worst nightmares are coming true on the same day. The look of pure terror on his face. <3 
25:20 - I want more Gil + Ainsley scenes. I find them fascinating. Ainsley looks like she resents Gil (probably because he spent so much time with Malcolm instead of her in the 90s+00s). Gil looks remorseful, sad, concerned, and fatherly. Like, even though he didn’t spend a lot of time with Ainsley - he still loves her. Because he loves Jessica and Malcolm so he loves Ainsley by extension. 
25:30 - “People always suspect him” THIS. Ainsley is trying to manipulate Gil into believing she’s innocent by drawing parallels between her actions and Malcolm’s. What Ainsley doesn’t seem to realize (and why Gil is so cold when he says “People always suspect him”) is that Gil watched Malcolm grow up. He watched the cops question him in 98′ because they thought he was a suspect. He watched Malcolm grow up as people bullied him and locked him in closets because he’s the son of a murderer. Malcolm was fired from the FBI for being the Surgeon’s son (and punching a sheriff). Ainsley though? She forwarded her career by televising Malcolm’s mental health issues and proudly announcing that she’s the daughter of a killer. She still has a job. People still treat her with respect. Malcolm wasn’t granted that luxury. Gil knows it. He watched as Ainsley used Martin as a tool for success while Malcolm struggled under the weight of Martin’s crimes and abuse. 
25:34 - “Ouch”. Malcolm’s not offended. Look at the little smile he sends toward Dani. <3
25:36 - Ainsley is furious. That’s the look she had in her eyes when she confronted Malcolm about the pig’s blood incident. She has no remorse. She’s pissed that her brother is overshadowing her.
25:49 - “We didn’t plan a prison break.” Who’s the ‘we’. Her and Malcolm? Or Ainsley and Martin? Or all three? Or Capshaw and Ainsley? ....this 3/4 of those options are definitely true. But one of them might be a lie. I think Ainsley was purposely vague to make it harder to Malcolm, Gil, and Dani to tell if she’s lying. 
26:17 - Ainsley isn’t scared, stressed, or anxious when she picks up the phone. She seems annoyed but hopeful. I find that interesting. 
26:46 - That smile. Ainsley loved talking to her dad. As a girl who grew up without a father - I feel for her. BUT GIRL - he’s a killer and this is not healthy. 
27:08 - Malcolm suspects Ainsley. And he’s scared. Bring me my popcorn. I’m here for the show. 
27:18 - This must be killing Ainsley. The fact that she knows Malcolm, Gil, and Jessica are a quasi-family unit. It’s probably making her feel more left out than usual. 
27:30 - “Maybe I should’ve done more for her when she was growing up.” :( My heart is shattering. This isn’t Gil’s fault but damn, does this hurt. 
27:40 - “No matter what we did, all roads led to Martin.” More confirmation that Jessica and Gil co-parented Malcolm. <3 This is amazing. I’m so happy. 
27:53 - Really Jess? You’re turned on by the fact that Gil has a secret plan while your daughter is being questioned about helping a murderer escape prison?!?! It’s adorable (especially how Gil starts flirting back with her) but also - not the time. 
28:14 - This is why I think Ainsley is somehow involved with Capshaw and/or is a budding serial killer. She’s so cheery. She’s being questioned by the police because they suspect her of committing a crime. Even an innocent person would be a little anxious or defensive. She’s just....numb but also cheery at the same time? Something’s not right here. 
28:19 - “This room is under surveillance at all times.” ....but is it under audio surveillance? Is this interrogation going to become a bigger part of the plot later in the season? Because Ainsley verbally questions if she’s like Martin.
29:17 - As much as I hate Martin, I agree with his analysis of Ainsley. She’s high on charm, low on compassion and empathy. She doesn’t have normal reactions to traumatic events. She never appears scared or sad. We’ve only ever really seen Ainsley happy, determined, or angry. 
29:20 - ....I fully believe Ainsley is fake crying to manipulate Malcolm during the interrogation.
31:25 - “Do you think I’m the reason he broke out?” Ugh. Ainsley is so starved for parental attention and it’s heartbreaking.....maybe that’s how this killer was made.
32:00 - Gil doesn’t think Ainsley’s a credible source of information. Let’s all just sit on that information for a bit. 
32:19 - “It’s not him I’m worried about.” <3 <3 <3 <3 Papa!Gil <3 I’ve missed you. <3 <3
32:34 - YO Gil, Malcolm. Have you two knuckleheads really never watched Criminal Minds?!?! This dude is showing textbook “I’m a hostage” behaviour. 
33:19 - Gil calling Malcolm his ‘partner’ is so precious. <3
34:50 - Sooooo 400K is a LOT of money. Did Martin use Milton family money for his murder agenda?!? Did Jessica never notice that much cash missing from their accounts?!? Where did all this money come from?! 
35:32 - Ahhhh lovely. Martin had a fake Canadian passport. 
35:46 - Excuse me while I cry myself to sleep because Martin put Malcolm’s batman toy in his murder escape bag. It’s so twisted and yet, sweet? 
35:50 - “What’s that?” <3 My heart has shattered. Look at the unshed tears in Malcolm’s eyes. Listen to how soft Gil’s voice is. Look at Malcolm’s sad little heartbroken, hopeful smile and Gil’s heartbroken look of concern. <3 I adore this exchange so so so so much. This is the Papa!Gil content I’ve been hungry for. 
37:38. -”Bright, she said no.” ....and Gil doesn’t want him going in there either. It’s not safe for anyone. But especially not for Malcolm in his current mental state. 
38:25 - “Don’t ever imply Bright doesn’t want to save lives.” YES TELL HER GIL. YES. I’m living my best life. The Papa!Gil fans were FED this episode. <3
38:51 - “They’re going to kill him.” I love this because I get it. My dad was abusive. I don’t like him and I don’t respect him. I think he’s a shitty human being. But I still love him. A part of me always will. Malcolm’s relationship with Martin is a little more complicated but it boils down to the same thing - no matter what a part of you will always love your parents. You might hate that part of yourself. You might try to suppress it. But it’s always there. Whether you like it or not. The idea that Martin will be killed? That’s terrifying for Malcolm because a dead Martin Whitly means he’ll never ‘earn’ his father’s love. It means his chance of finding the father who loved him pre-age 10 is gone forever. And that’s terrifying. Malcolm will grieve what he lost but he won’t grieve Martin as a human being - just who Martin could’ve been for Malcolm. 
39:22 - Gil chasing Malcolm <3 I’m in love. 
39:55 - Again, where the hell did Hector get these clothes? He sure as hell didn’t steal that plaid shirt from Malcolm’s place or the EMTs. 
40:10 - Hector is my favourite killer. I love him and I don’t know why. 
40:50 - This sequence is haunting. Watching Gil, Jessica, and Malcolm terrified and concerned in isolating shots. <3 *Chef’s kiss*. AND THE FACT THAT JT is still with Jessica?!?! <3 Glorious. I’m here for it. 
41:35 - I don’t like the way Capshaw looked at Malcolm when she said, “He’s your father.”.....it was appraising. Almost like she’s considering killing Malcolm to snub the whole Whitly family of potential killers. 
42:17 - That line about karma......holy shit. Capshaw is evil #confirmed. Malcolm is a moron for not spotting it right this second. 
42:55 - I have so many questions. 1) how did Capshaw get Martin in the car without anyone noticing? Like, why didn’t the security cameras catch it? 2) ....how much air circulation is in a car trunk? 3) How long has Capshaw been planning this? 4) is it really Martin in the car? Or someone else? ....maybe she had a goon kidnap Martin and take him to a secondary location after he left Claremont grounds? 5) Did Capshaw ever have a romantic interest in Martin? Was it ALL show?
AHHHHH this episode was amazing and I can’t wait for Tuesday. Thanks for hanging out. <3 
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staysuki · 3 years
squid game episode 6 reactions:
1) things are getting intense whew. that scene where the traitors were hung in the hallways, the bright pastel colours all around as they were in the air and the players all looking up at them, and also no.101’s hope dying in his eyes. idk there was smth so beautiful in that scene. the colors, the representation, idk, it just got to me. such good visual imagery.
2) old man peed himself, i still can’t read him but damn am i super suspicious. maybe i just have trust issues idk. i’m not good at among us. gihun to the rescue, best man or smth idk. istg if he turns out to be the winner because he’s a good samaritan idk what to think anymore
3) mr. hwang, first rule of snooping: don’t dawdle 😭 and also ignore when phones ring
4) i forgot that the front man spoke english, it threw me off again 😭
5) pairs of two: my guess on the pairs would probably be ali x sangwoo, gihun x no.001, and then no.67 x no.240
6) mr. hwang really tried to call 911 😭😭😭😭
7) ok all my guesses were right, i called it, great pairs huh but idk i think that one were easy predictions. i did not think no.212 would “die” (we didn’t see it, it didn’t happen, she’ll probably come back as an antagonist idk). it’s a common cinematography trope that if we don’t get a confirmed kill then that probably means smth.
8) the set design once again is top notch, i wonder what they’re gonna do. marbles 👀 i used to have a lot as a kid too, never knew how to play with it tho. i vaguely remember putting one in my mouth idk.
9) uh oh. i knew this was coming one way or another. there’s just NO WAY this wasn’t gonna happen. ok, predictions: sangwoo and ali would probably be competitive but in the end, the other would let the other win (i think ali would die, or idk, they’d rather both die together, i also see sangwoo dying instead but it’s a thin margin), obviously no.67 will win, she’s a girl with a purpose and honestly i don’t remember no.240’s name, did they disclose her name? if not, she’s def gonna die. gihun will win, old man will let him win. so either the main trio will live OR there will be some sort of hail mary where they find a loophole in the game and survive.
10) i like this game though. so far, everything has been “physically strenuous” to an extent (yes, even the dalgona one). there was bound to be psychological game soon or smth intelligence-centric.
11) counter offer: if it were me, i’d offer to play a bunch of mini games or just rock paper scissor it all throughout idk.
12) i love no.240’s energy so much. kinda sad she’s gonna die. def just make up your own game 😤
13) no.001 gonna come in clutch with a revelation, i’m sure of it.
14) istg if sangwoo cons ali 😤😤😤😤
16) the masked workers really have infinite patience huh
17) oh no sangwoo snappedt ;(((((
18) tragic backstory time, they really went all out with these. i love it. immigration is such a touchy subject, i’m so sad for no.67
19) old man really went all or nothing huh
20) these two gals awww, they’re so cute. “once we get out of here— oh.” so sad. sangwoo and ali too, i knew something emotional was gonna happen 😭💔
21) no.001 is so good at this game as expected. master boomer gamer. i love this part sm.
22) no.101 and no.278 are so funny idc
23) big brain sangwoo??? idk, he’s so sussy rn. i don’t trust people that get caught up in their emotions. ali still my best man.
24) so we see backstory on why no.240 hates the religious guy sm. makes sense.
25) HE LET GIHUN REPLAY. OMG. I’m really doubting this man’s dementia idk, it seems like he knows what he’s doing 100%
26) sangwoo 😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐
27) i dont like how 101 and 278’s game turned out ://// but that’s how the world works ig.
28) sangwoo and gihun conning their way to victory huh. this makes me feel miserable :(
29) jiyeong and saebyeok 💔💔💔
30) 240 is gonna fudge it and let saebyeok win
31) 240 HAS A BIG HEART 😭😭😭😭 i knew it. ok this is the part that made me cry. also ali’s death. *sigh* i have such a bad experience with episode 6s, even some of the anime i’ve watched have really sad death scenes in the sixth episode. what’s up with that. so sad though, jiyeong’s death scene, but we didn’t learn her name till the last second so that was bound to come. still mad about ali tho
32) im so confused how this’ll turn out with no.001 and no.456. BUT OMG I KNEW NO.001 WASNT REALLY FORGETTING IT
33) again, props to the set design 😭💔 i say thru tears
34) oh il-nam, i don’t think he’s dead. maybe ali’s not dead too idk, we didn’t see the kill count so it doesn’t count.
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