#getting togheter
truly-morgan · 9 months
[3ZUN wants JC but forgot an important detail]
3ZunCheng | Mo Dao Zu Shi Modern AU 09-01-2022
couple #3zun wants Jiang Cheng, but they somehow mess up along the way before getting there, making poor a-cheng feel like "of course, he is taken 😔 he wouldn't like me".
Lan Xichen is the first one to take an interest in Jiang Cheng after seeing him tag along when wwx comes to hang out (or by lqr words: bother) lwj.
He just easily falls for the smart young man. There is just something about him that he really loves.
So of course he tries approaching the young man. And it goes pretty good too! Sure Jiang Cheng was a bit unsure at first why someone like Lan Xichen would ever be interested in HIM, but he slowly warms up.
Soon they even hang out just for themselves, not just because he tags along with wwx and happens to be here. Jiang Cheng is just so happy that someone seems to like him back (because of course he had a crush on him, have you seen him!?).
He also gets to meet with Jin Guangyao and Nie Mingjue.
They both wondered what Lan Xichen kept talking about when he mentioned that cute boy he met. Nie Mingjue knew he was friends with his didi, but that was it. Maybe a story here and there coming from nhs.
but it doesn't take long to understand what lxc means, jc is pretty cute, especially when you praise him and he ends up all flustered because he enjoys the praise.
The two friends were also slowly also falling for jc's charms, wanting him to themselves too.
They would have been happy with lxc getting a new boyfriend for himself, but now they actually also wanted a piece of the little cute jc. if the young man would like it, they are happy to also love him.
And like this, everything was going so well in Jiang Cheng's opinion.
He made new friends who take good care of him, He is becoming a bit more confident now that he has people who don't always pin him against wwx and his crush seems to also be interested in him!
He even thought that he should try and tell lxc about his feeling!
But then his hopes of that got crushed.
They were going to watch a movie and had decided to first grab lunch in a cafe next to the cinema. He was early but assumed he could just get them a table. But he wasn't even in when he saw through the window lxc and jgy kissing at a table, looking as though they had been there for a little while already and having a date.
He wasn't sure what to do, not feeling comfortable at the idea of interrupting whatever moment they were having right now.
He was about to back out, only to bump into someone as he was turning around. He jumped a bit, apologising, only to hear a familiar voice calling out to him. Of course, he had bumped into nmj when he tried to flee.
"Are you alright?" he asked, frowning a bit worried because of jc's reaction. "Yeah, yes, I was just unsure this was the right place" jc lied with a slightly forced smile. There went his chance to run away.
He followed nmj inside, happy to see lxc and jgy were not all over each other again, sitting down with them. The afternoon ended up being a bit awkward for him, trying to still have fun. It was not their fault that he was the one who misunderstood lxc intentions.
at the movie he took a seat next to nmj on the side, making sure to leave lxc and jgy on the other side of nmj.
he couldn't stay with them afterwards though, feeling like he needed to just be alone to tend to his broken heart.
and from there little jc felt more distant from lxc, finding reasons not to be able to hang out if everyone was here, needing some time to just throw aside his feelings ("I get it, jgy is pretty and smart, I wonder bother him with my feelings").
"I don't get it! It feels like a-cheng has been avoiding me lately?! but I don't think I did anything wrong, everything was going smoothly, I was even going to confess to him!" lxc said, laying on nmj's bed.
"Maybe something happened, when did it all start?"
"Three weeks ago? When we went to the movie I think".
jgy hummed, trying to think of what could it be.
"Well, he did look a bit troubled before going to eat" nmj mentioned when he thought about it, "He looked about to leave when I got there.
it was as if he had seen something bad, but he said he was just unsure about the place".
jgy frowned a bit, before remembering what lxc and he had been doing. They had decided to have a little date to themselves just before going, being more openly touchy than usual.
"He saw us kissing," jgy said, turning to nmj, "Why did you never tell us jc had acted weird before joining us?! We thought he had come with you, not gotten there early".
nmj looked unsure, he hadn't thought something like this had happened, he hadn't known those two had decided to go full-on PDA when they knew jc was supposed to join them.
"Don't look at me like this, why hasn't either of you told him about us then? Would have cleared any possible misunderstanding"
With this, they decided it was probably better to tell Jiang Cheng about it. Maybe he wouldn't want to join them, or even just give them a chance to lxc, but it was better to try than see him sad because of a misunderstanding.
But little a-cheng is so hard to contact these days!! He kept being busy or awkwardly finding reason when they see each other. He still couldn't really face Lxc with his feelings knowing he is together with jgy 😔 He wants to be happy for them when they hang out, not feel like crying. He wants to be a good friend!
So 3zun needs to resort to trickery to get him to talk to them! And who's better to do so than Nie Huaisang who of course would *never* trick him, right?
And so he went for dinner with nhs to this new place he wanted to try, only to be abandoned by nhs the moment they got the private room where 3zun already was.
He wanted to go, but nhs made sure he couldn't get out ("I better get a good reward for this dage!").
He had no choice but to accept to sit down, looking nervous and awkward. Not to help none of the older men were saying anything either.
"Look, I think we need to make something clear" jgy finally started as he saw no one was talking. This had jc immediately shrink in his seat, feeling like he knew where it was going.
"There's no need to worry, I get it, I got my feelings all up, but I won't push it on anyone and I am really happy to know you have someone great with you" jc started, not feeling like having that kind of conversation.
"I-I just need a little bit of time to forget it all, it was my mistake, I won't-"
"You got it all wrong!" lxc quickly said, not wanting to see him blame himself again for something he didn't do.
"But... I saw you two kissing" jc said, looking puzzled, how could he get it wrong?
"It's true that I am dating xichen-ge" jgy said, only for jc to sink in his seat again, looking confused as to what they were saying, "But I also do date ming-ge" he added.
This only had jc looking even more confused and surprised, looking at the man sitting next to him.
He had nothing against this, if they were happy that was fine!! But how was it that he got it all wrong? That he was missing nmj in his equation? now this only meant lxc had two great boyfriends he couldn't even compare with.
"lxc is head over heels for you" nmj mentioned as lxc nodded, "He also wants to date you" he then added, making it clear that lxc was still very much interested in him /right now/.
"Is this true?" jc asked when he turned back to lxc, the man giving him a smile.
"Of course, I wouldn't lie to you about this, I really wanted to date you," he said.
"At first we were happy that xichen-ge found someone new to love," jgy said, "But then me and ming-ge also ended up falling for your cute little face and your charms and wanted to start dating you"
"But we understand if you only want to date lxc" nmj mentioned, "you clearly were flirting with him, not us".
This was quite a lot for jc to take in. Not only was the guy he loved also in love with him, but he also had two other great dudes (who were also boyfriends with his crush) loving him?!? how had he attracted the attention of so many successful young men?!?
He thought about it for a moment and got a bit flustered at the idea of being loved by these three people. Could he really?
"You don't need to give us an answer right now," lxc said with a smile, "You can think about it more if you need to".
"It's also okay if you decided to only choice lxc, or no one if this doesn't suit you either" jgy added. they didn't want to make it seems like he would be forced to date them if he didn't want to.
They had dinner all together, jc being curious about how all of this was working for them. it was pretty interesting to listen to, also gave him an idea of how it worked.
By the end of the night, he had already thought about it, grabbing lxc hands as they were getting out of the restaurant. He felt like if he didn't say it right now he wouldn't later and would only doubt himself and his choice.
"I-I would like to try it out with you three... if you do want me around," he said, looking nervous.
He was taken aback when he felt strong arms hug him, looking up at a smiling lxc. "Of course, we would love to," he said.
jc couldn't help but look towards jgy and nmj once lxc let go of him, seeing jgy come for a hug too, much more gentle than lxc had been. "We already said it, we also fell for how cute you are," jgy said, before also being surprised when another pair of strong arms came to hug them both at the same time. "We will make sure to love you so much you won't want to go away anymore and you won't have any more doubt about us" nmj assured him.
jc couldn't help but feel warm at the attention and how confident they sounded in this.
Maybe he was also good enough to have such great and wonderful boyfriends too.
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c-kiddo · 1 month
(because of drawing her for npc requests) but i think clarabelle is autistic (liek cad to meeee) but has quite a lot more support needs and probably wouldnt be able to take care of herself but anyway . number 1 thing to her is hugs from her parents or cad . and cad isn't super strong but their family is giantkin so he's strong enough to carry her around and hug her at least while she's smaller and a teenager. thats maybe her fave thing ever . or bugs
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aksbe · 2 years
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Truly the way the dominos fall for her huh
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murderbabpy · 1 year
L: you’ve come to respect me, right?
Soichiro: sure.
L: (about to tell him he mated Light last night and is going to be his new son-in-law) well, get ready to stop
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edmione · 11 months
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The fact that this is the only way we know he is alive. Anyway, this is precious, Mr. Chapman.
And can we talk about Ruby?? She looks as if she just came out of the golden years. This women- I swear-
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haternextdoor · 5 months
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i love silly jesters so much. -Azzie
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we haven't been really active on any of our socials AAAA
school has been tough!
we have many ideas we plan to bring in the future tho dw >;3
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lemonfreshlysqueezed · 8 months
Mew saying ‘Perhaps the one I should love is you’ to Ray was so manipulative. He could have just not mentioned that.
All this does is pull Ray back in on Mews side. And Mew knows he has something going on with Sand.
Sorry Mew but stop ruining the good things Ray has got going on. He’s already too good at doing that for himself, thank you.
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ronancer4evr · 1 year
My Ronance rambling
They are so fhdgsgjf and bcuz i love them i made a lil tribute or whatever
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Rambling part:
why are they getting so flustered over being "officially friends" ?? Like thats the gayest thing someone could say. More like officially gfs haha
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The way Nancy stares at Robin. Like its actually just full on STARING with heart eyes i am not making it up
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Parralel between them holding hands, scared in the dark like Lumax🤨🤨 sus. or holding hands like jopper in s3. Or like byler in s2. So yeah holding hands = true love
They always team up togheter
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Nancy has a poster of the lead singer of Blondie. AND SHE LOOKS EXACTLY LIKE ROBIN!! She also had a poster of Ted Cruise who kinda looks like Steve. She calls it old. However, she still listens to Blondie😘
There was a moment in Rebel Robin where Rob mistook Nancy for Tammy. Robin had a crush on Tammy. Nancy and Tammy look similar. Robin has a repressed crush on Nancy real??
All of Nancy love interests started with some kind of friend convo... (Nancy telling her mom Steve is just a friend, saying Johnathan and her are just friends to that lady in the police station AND the officially friends thing with Robin)
Nance had this whole arc of people not listening to her. Then Robin came around and did EXACTLY that. Talked about misogyny, remember all of her music artists from her tapes, etc.
Random theory I just came up with part:
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I find this frame very interesting. It first caught my eye with the whole "when blue meets yellow in the west" thing- but i think it could signify how Nancy moved on from Steve to Robin. Thats why steve is on the left (like left behind) and where moving forward with Robin
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Another example of moving on from Steve to Robin
Also blue and yellow being used but not in the west way
Duffers usually use the scenery for many things so you can't call me delusional
Last words:
Natalia and Maya ship them like crazy on interviews. Every chance they get. Absolutly love them <33
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etwlemons · 3 months
Huh...maybe I'm just stupid but I think a guest tried approaching me...damn I didn't know I could pull man in their 30s like that
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piiinkfreak · 1 year
Does a ship ever fill you with so much rage you write a whole essay on why they should NOT be together?
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truly-morgan · 10 months
[Gym training, oblivious JC]
MingCheng | Mo Dao Zu Shi Modern AU 07-06-2021
[#mingcheng modern, gym]
I know a common hc for jc is him going to the gym and loving it, but hear me out: JC who doesn't like going to the gym. He doesn't mind training (after all, he trains often with the swimming team of his college), doesn't mind a run from time to time to let so stream out. But Gym? Nope.
But he is somewhat forced to go, with how insistent his mother can get about it “You must stay fit, or do you want to be like your father? Out of shape at 4x y/o?”. Not to help, swimming is /one/ of the things jc is better than wwx at and she wants it to stay like this, so she said he should train more for this reason.
So jc does get a subscription to a gym near his college (“It's owned by my family, I can get you a better price” said nhs with a large smile). And so jc goes to the gym, but really he cannot get to like it. Getting all sweaty around other people getting all sweaty isn't really his thing (and you will never catch him using any of the machines without washing his place first).
He's also too self-conscious about other people's opinions and he feels like everyone is looking at him and judging him if he does something wrong or if he doesn't do enough set or if he doesn't look as fit as others or if h-
jc has no problem training in the pool, once he's in the water he can easily forget about everyone and everything around him. He doesn't see others, doesn't hear them, doesn't see them look at him. He's also not very good at making a workout schedule that works correctly (but he also doesn't exactly take it 100% seriously so...).
Yzy got angry when she went with him once and saw how unorganised he was in his training (“How can you be so unorganised when you are the contrary for school and swimming?”). He even nearly got himself hurt (but he was distracted by her scolding).
So yzy makes sure jc has one of the best personal trainers the gym has, which is actually the eldest son of the owner, nie mingjue. Jc is a bit intimidated by nmj because the man looks a bit fierce and strong enough that he could snap him in half like a twig if he even fucks up something in his training. Jc couldn't be considered skinny or small & has his share of muscle, but compared to nmj he looks small.
He is a bit surprised by how patient nmj actually is despite his looks, explaining the training sheet & schedule and why the exercise he suggests could help his swimming. He shows him own the use each workout machine he would need to use since he never had anyone explain it to him (jc also realise he had been using some of them wrong, he's lucky to not have hurt himself!).
Slowly jc gets more comfortable around nmj and also a bit more comfortable at the gym (nmj did suggest coming early or late since there are fewer people at these hours). He likes how the man will make sure he does the exercise right before letting him alone, how he praises him when he attains all his objectives, how he cheers him up a bit if he doesn't, how he also encourages him when he does his sets so he can finish them.
These praises make him blush and he thanks his pale skin for flushing a bit when training, so it can hide his blushing. Jc quickly grows a crush on the man and he tries to ignore it, nmj is only trying to do his job after all. But he finds they have nice chemistry and so he tries to flirt discreetly (which is not as discreet as he thinks it is, nor are his staring at nmj train somewhere else in the gym. Maybe he shouldn't listen too much to wwx advice).
Nmj does flirt back, but it often flies right over jc's head as he thinks he's simply joking with him. He does suspect sometimes that it is flirting, but then manages to convince him otherwise (“nmj must have better taste than this, he's simply being nice to me).
But on the other side, nmj /does/ like him and would like to flirt more openly, but jc doesn't always seem receptive to his flirting. (“I don't think flirting with a client is a good idea” admit lxc, “He must be really dense if he doesn't understand your obvious attempt at flirting” comment jgy). Nmj knows he cannot go too far, toeing the line of what is and isn't professional.
When their contract finally comes to an end they have already grown a bit closer, as they often talked a bit more than needed and often went on subjects that were sometimes more personal. Jc is a bit sad when nmj mentions he might not need his help anymore since he can keep it up like this way to keep the good shape he has right now (really he just wants to cut the professional/client relationship).
Jc is sure this means he won't be able to see nmj as much as he does.
“Would you like to go out for diner tonight?” he hears nmj ask.
“What?” jc asks after a moment, stunned by the question.
“I am asking you on a date,” nmj says more clearly, smiling when he sees jc blush (he can nearly hear in jgy voice, “I told you he was dense, you must be direct”)
of course, jc accepts and not long after they start dating. Jc still goes to the gym with nmj, but this time it isn't for a personal trainer, but to join his boyfriend in his training.
Finally, maybe going to the gym isn't /that/ bad.
(does it show I know fuck all about personal trainers and gyms jabfjb)
also, I just want to imagine the “first-time” nmj present jc to his two friends:
jgy: wait... aren't you the brother of jzx wife? Nmj: you know him?!? lxc: jc? Nmj: you too!? Lxc: he's the brother of lz's boyfriend nmj: !!!
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main-stonesandpeaches · 10 months
Genuinely want to start posting again and do more art stuff in the fandom, it's just been such a stressful and tiring time most of this part of summer, i'm all over the place with what to do
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Some thoughts and theories about To My Star S2
I never wrote anything here cause I'm lazy and I think no one is going to read it but I don't have friends and I need to get this out of my chest....
First of all, this season is not what I was expecting, I thought we were going to get some drama but they were going to be together, we were going to see them be fluffy and cute. I basically thought we were going to get 90% fluff and 10% drama... but oh god... I was wrong. Hwang Da Seul is a genius, a mastermind, and is one of the greatest directors of this time, at least on BL... The depth of this season, the character's past, their traumas, their fears, and (I really hope) their growth. We are getting everything we couldn't get in the first season cause of the time. I really believe that although we are suffering a lot right now is all going to be worth it, so much worth it. The angst is killing me but I really believe is worth it so they can be better for each other.
and now some of my theories... I think Jiwoo's girlfriend is here to help him get over all his traumas and the little girl is to help Seojun and his fear of abandonment, we are not getting the same cliche as all Bls do, they are going to learn and grow and be stronger so their relationship can last forever. I think Jiwoo's parents let him into some debt or something bad and he doesn't want to drag Seojun and his future, that's why he run, that's why he would rather break his heart (and his own in the process) and not involve him.
I really hope that this second part of the series we see Jiwoo realize his mistakes, that Sung Yoon is going to help him to open his eyes and to fight for Seojoon, because is obvious to everyone how much they both love each other. I hope Jiwoo chase after Seojoon (and suffers a little in the process).
Anyways... I think To My Star 2 is the best Bl, is at the same level as other high-production romance k-dramas.
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chronicbrainfarts · 1 year
Draw Tim chubby cowards. We left Twinkifation in 2015
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fragilityisavirtue · 1 year
Non so dove vada la mia strada, ma cammino meglio quando la mia mano stringe la tua.
A.De Musset
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