#ghost agere
sodoshame · 8 months
please please PLEASE write something with regressed!phantom being seen by dew for the first time. maybe it’s during the time that dew is mean to phantom because he took aethers place? something like that
thanks shadow! always love ur fics
Hello sweet anon! Sorry this took so long, I’m working my way through requests :) I hope this is what you are after!
Requests are still open if anyone wants anything, I’ll get to it when I can :)
Regressed!Phantom & Dewdrop.
A/N: SFW like all my agere fics of course! Dew is a little mean at first but he gets nicer I swear. I also wrote this really fast on my phone so I apologise in advance!
Dewdrop was the only one up this late; the rumbling of the tour bus wasn’t lulling him to sleep like it usually did, so he gave up on trying to sleep and got out of his bunk to go and sit on the couch in the main area of the bus.
The ghoul had been sitting on the couch for almost an hour now, watching the TV at a low volume so it didn’t disturb anyone else. Upon hearing the door to the bunk area click open, Dew looked over, trying to make out who the figure in the doorway was. He squinted slightly, trying to adjust his eyes to the dark. The figure stepped forwards, the light from the TV illuminating him.
“Phantom? What do you want?” Dewdrop asked, his tone unnecessarily harsh. The young ghoul squeaked out a response, too quiet to hear.
“Fuck’s sake, speak up would you!?” Dew snapped, clenching his jaw.
Phantom stepped forwards again, allowing Dew to see him properly. The quintessence ghoul had the spade of his tail in his mouth, gently suckling on it. His hair was sticking up all over the place and he had tear tracks on his cheeks. He’d been crying.
Dewdrop sighs irritably, not quite yet realising the state of the poor ghoul.
“Speak, would you? Or go bother someone else.” Dew mutters, turning his attention back to the TV. He hears a little whimper from Phantom; he groans and looks back at him.
“Satanas, what is wrong with you?!” Dew snaps again.
That does it. Phantom bursts into tears.
“I- I had b-bad dream. Swissy i-is sleeping.” Phantom manages to stutter out between his sobs. His vocabulary is limited and his voice is muffled around his tail that is still in his mouth.
Immediately, Dew’s eyes widen. He hadn’t realised the state that the younger ghoul was in; Phantom was regressed and Dew had just yelled at him, making him burst into tears. The older ghoul sighs, standing up from the couch.
“Fuck- I mean shit- damn it! Okay, alright… Phantom?” Dew mumbles as he slowly approaches Phantom. The young ghoul backs away slightly, still sobbing.
“Hey, come on. I’m not gonna hurt you, quint.” Dew says, his voice softening. He holds his arms out to Phantom, offering him to come closer.
As Phantom toddled over to Dew, the fire ghoul realised just how little Phantom was; he was wobbly on his feet, sucking on the spade of his tail like a pacifier. Even the way he’s crying. He was regressed much younger than Dew had seen any of the other ghouls be.
“Oh, you’re really little right now, aren’t you?” Dew coos softly. Once Phantom is close enough, Dewdrop wraps him in a gentle hug and softly rubs his back.
Phantom says nothing, but allows himself to be wrapped in Dew’s arms. His crying has calmed down a little, but there are still tears running down his cheeks and his breathing is shaky.
“I’m sorry, little quint. I didn’t mean to shout at you, I didn’t realise that you’re-”
Dewdrop pauses and sighs.
“I shouldn’t have shouted at you, end of.” He mumbles.
The fire ghoul leads Phantom to the couch, getting him to sit down. Dew wraps his arms around the young ghoul, pulling him to his chest.
Phantom lets out a little whimper as he cries, burying his face into Dew’s shoulder.
“Shh, shh, shh. Don’t cry, honey. You’re okay. You’re safe.” He brings his hand up to run his fingers through Phantom’s messy hair, keeping one arm wrapped around him. The young ghoul brings his tail back to his mouth, suckling on it once again; Dew frowns as he watches him.
“Hey, quint, don’t do that please. It’s not good for your your tail, you’ll end up hurting it.” Dew says softly, trying to pull the tail out of the quintessence ghouls mouth. Phantom whines and looks up at Dew with big watery eyes. Dewdrop sighs, then fumbles about in his back pocket.
“Can you try this for me? It’s Mountain’s, but I’m sure he won’t mind you borrowing it.” He says, pulling a pacifier from his pocket and offering it to the young ghoul.
Phantom lets his tail drop out of his mouth and cautiously leans his face closer to the pacifier. Dew gently pushes it against his lips, encouraging him to take it. Phantom does, taking it into his mouth hesitantly. After a few minutes, he looks up at the older ghoul, grinning around the pacifier.
“You like the paci, bug?” Dew questions, stroking his fingers through Phantom’s hair. Phantom nods, softly sucking on the pacifier as he looks up at Dew.
“Maybe we’ll have to get you your own, huh? That sounds like a good idea?”
Phantom nods excitedly and starts shuffling around on couch, eventually planting himself on Dew’s lap. He curls up against him and nuzzles his face into the fire ghoul’s chest. Dewdrop watches him with a raised eyebrow and lets out a slight chuckle as Phantom settles himself in his lap.
“Oh, just gettin’ comfy, hm?” Dew coos softly, wrapping his arms back around Phantom’s body.
The quintessence ghoul hums quietly in response, already closing his eyes. He mumbles something into Dew’s chest.
“T’ank you, Dewy.”
Dewdrop all but feels his heart melt; he places a soft kiss to the top of Phantom’s head and cradles him to his chest.
“You’re welcome, baby bug.” Dew mumbles into Phantom’s hair.
Maybe he should give the new quintessence ghoul more of a chance. Maybe he shouldn’t take his anger about Aether on Phantom.
From that night on, Dewdrop vowed to himself that he wouldn’t ever hurt the young ghoul again; nor would he let anyone else.
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8-rae-rae-8 · 5 months
Some Agere!Ghost HCs
•The master at pouting to get what he wants. No one can deny those pouty brown eyes.
•He's a messy eater, but will try to fight if it gets pointed out.
More under the cut
•he'll wear diapers at night, because there have been some nights where his nightmares scared him too bad he couldn't make it to the bathroom in time. (It took the whole team to coax him into the shower because he kept trying to run)
•He always cleans up his toys, especially his coloring stuff. They always get arranged in colored order.
•CHICKEN NUGGIES ONLY FOR LUNCH. Dinner and breakfast can be different but he will ONLY eat chicken nuggets for lunch. (they gave him a sandwich once and he cried)
•Price's bedroom is his safe space.
•Usually, because of their schedules, Gaz takes care of him at night. Price takes care of him in the morning, and Soap's time overlaps with Price and lunchtime.
•He has a few bug toys. A small roach stuffed animal, he feels sentimental towards it but he has no idea why.
•BATH TOYS. He likes to color on the shower walls
•Dispises the hair dryer
•Only will use purple, brown or black and white pacifiers
Feel free to add on sfw only 🖤
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"The Monster's Gone"
Rain ghoul & Papa Copia age regression fic
Note: I was listening to a song and this fic wrote itself after appearing in my head. This is also my first fic posted here so if you're mean, I'll cry (maybe). Feel free to send requests! I can't guarantee I'll write it though
Plot: Rain has a nightmare and wakes up little, just terrified. Thankfully, Copia finds him. SFW Age Regression, kinks DNI
Warnings: Mentions of blood, depictions of drowning (nightmare), crying, just generally not having a good time. There is comfort though!
*Air bubbles up from his mouth as he claws through the water. His fins feel useless despite being submerged in his own element. He tries to breathe, only to feel as if his gills have been taped- or maybe stapled shut.*
*His neck* **burns** *with the ache to breathe from his gills, his chest following shortly after. Why can't he breathe? Why is he not able to traverse the water to the surface?*
*When Rain looks down, he realizes why. Wrapped around one ankle is a weighted chain, dragging him deeper and deeper. To where? Why is this familiar? The bassist's heart sinks as the familiar reef grows darker.* **The Pit.**
*He lets out a gutteral cry, knowing he's just wasting more precious oxygen, but he can't help it. More bubbles flood from his mouth and he can't tell if the salt he tastes is from his tears or the water. Maybe both.*
Rain wakes up with an aching gasp, gills greedily opening to suck in more air. He chokes from how fast he breathes it all in, taking a minute to painstakingly slow down the desperate gulps into manageable breaths.
"'was a dream. M okay." He mumbles, looking around his room to reinforce the idea in his mind. However, his brain has a different idea as it takes in the ocean themed room, finding a dark corner of his room the perfect place to force the thought of "There's a monster here to drag you to the pit."
Logically, Rain is a smart man. He knows monsters don't exist. Hell, he's the closest thing to a monster, being a ghoul and all. But the simple thought has his mind slipping frantically into a panic. A child-like yelp of fear leaving him before he bites hard on his hand to muffle the sounds, lest the monster hears.
His muffled cries weren't silent enough though, as the frontman of the band was walking through the halls when he hears it. Unmistakably, sobbing coming from the bassist's room.
Despite his close relationship with the pack, he still gets nervous with emotional situations. What if he messes up and is hated by his ghouls forever? Before he can contemplate his next actions, he's opening the door to Rain's room, face growing softer at the trembling form of the water ghoul.
Copia doesn't miss the way they tense, blood dribbling down from where they're biting themselves to stay quiet, eyes squeezed tightly shut.
He slowly walks closer to the crying ghoul, sitting on the bed carefully. His face fills with sorrow at pitiful cry that Rain lets out as he tries to gently remove the ghoul's fangs from their hand.
"Ah ah, no biting little one." He chides gently. The sad little whine in response lets him know that his guess of Rain being regressed right now was correct.
All too carefully, he 'tsks' quietly as he gently pries the sharp teeth out of the delicate skin that the ghoul had pierced. "Hey, hey now, no need for tears little one. Can you tell me what's happening in your little brain?"
The bassist lets out a sob, instantly curling up into his Papa while cradling his hand to his chest. He didn't realize how much it hurt until now. "H-huwrts! A- a- an da mmonsers an- n- drownnin!" He hiccups out, fumbling over his words as tears pour down his face.
Copia tries to keep his face neutral, hand coming up to card through the water ghoul's hair, the other going to rub his back gently. "Shh.. shh.. it's okay, guppy. I've got you." His brain was turning wheels and cogs as he tried to put the pieces of information together.
"You.. had a bad dream, Rainstorm?" He asked gently, not missing the detail of the regressor's legs trembling with what he knows is a shooting pain. "M.. Mhm." Rain sniffles out, a sob threatening them again.
Copia hums as he contemplates his decision. "Good job, Rainy! Being such a brave boy! Can I know how old my good baby is?" The water ghoul trills at the praise, fins twitching with happiness. He shyly puts up four fingers, chirping with glee as Copia scratches under his chin.
"Four, eh? What a big ghoul you are! So brave to fight those scary nightmares all by yourself! But it's okay, I'm here now. Papa's got you." His voice is light but genuine, moving the curled up ghoul onto his lap as he moves them to be comfortable in the center of the bed.
"Rest now, little one." He says gently, noticing the little ghoul's eyes fluttering shut with exhaustion from crying.
"Close your eyes... Have no fear... The monster's gone. He's on the run. And your daddy is here..."
"*Beautiful boy....*"
Copia presses a soft kiss to Rain's forehead, right where his hairline is. Gently running his hand through the now sleeping water ghoul's hair. "Rest up, guppy. Papa's got you."
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littlerainyghoul · 6 months
some tiny/regressed dew!? 🫶🏻🫶🏻
Of course <333
I added some caregiver Aether too, if you don't mind :>>
When It Rains It Pours
Summary: A bad thunderstorm wakes Dewdrop in the middle of the night, and finds Aether half asleep on the couch in the ghoul common room.
Words: 600
Pairings: Regressed Dewdrop and Caregiver Aether
CW: mentions of a thunderstorm
Dewdrop rose with his heart pounding, a sickening cold chill seeping down his spine  as the roaring thunder echoed loudly in his room. The sound of laborous rain pounded on his bedroom window. He tried to breathe, to calm himself but any efforts proved to be futile, as the storm barked ferociously, like a lion hunting its prey.
He stepped outside his bedroom, and tiptoed himself into the ghouls common room, where he was met with Aether, who was sprawled on the couch, deep in the transcendence between sleep and wakefulness. Dew turned on a soft light, careful to not startle the ghoul on the couch.
His hands shaky, he held onto his pajamas, as he anxiously pranced on the spot, wiggling his knees and flapping his elbows. He hesitated for a moment, before softly speaking
Aether roused awake, concern raging in his eyes, as they fell upon the ghoul standing anxiously in front of him. He sighed, as he gestured for Dew to join him on the couch, seemingly notice the change.
"Are you...feeling small right now, Dew?" Aether asked, and a quick nod was all it took to confirm.
"I'm...scared, Aeae, can...I stay with you for a bit?"
"Hey, little droplet" Aether whispered, his voice flourishing with softness and comfort "you can stay here all you want"
"It's just a storm. We're safe here. You can be as small as you need to be right now."
He started to draw circles with his quintessence on Dew's palm, as he felt Dew relax slightly with his touch.
"Yeah, of course, droplet" Aether lies down on the couch, as he lets Dewdrop rest his head against him, letting him listen to his heartbeat and the way his chest moved up and down.  Dewdrop, finding comfort in the cadence, closed his eyes, letting the sounds of the storm outside blend with the soothing presence beside him.
Aether gently stroked Dew's hair, his fingers moving in a rhythmic pattern, a gesture that attempted to calm the anxious ghoul down. The fire continued to dance, casting shadows that painted a serene tableau in the common room.
As Dewdrop rested, he still raised his head with every flash of light that filled the room, only to be gently guided back to Aether's chest as he had words whispered into his ear "breathe, little one, breathe, we'll weather any storm together, droplet."
"Aethy?" Dewdrop voiced himself, as he grabbed Aether's shirt
"Thankies, Aethy, I love you"
"I love you too, darling" was Aether's response.
"Can you...tuck me in bed? I want...sleepy"
"Yes of course, darling" Aether's voice carried a delicate tone. He gently took Dew's hand and guided him to his room, he  lightly laid him on his bed. He covered the little ghoul with his favourite blankies, and planted a kiss on his forehead. The storm still rumbled on, but he felt a lot safer with the quintessence ghoul around him.
"...paci" Dew mewed, as he snuggled warm in the blankets.
"You want your dummy, firefly?"
Aether nodded, smiling gently. "Alright, let me grab it for you." He fetched Dewdrop's pacifier and handed it to him, his eyes glimmered as he noticed Dew gingerly flap  his hands with delight.
"Sleep well, little one."
Dewdrop nodded, his eyes heavy with drowsiness. "G'night, Aethy."
As Aether left the room, he glanced back one more time, ensuring Dew was settled. The storm continued its symphony outside, but within those walls, a quiet warmth enveloped the room.
Aether sighed, and turned around. He crawled into the bedsheets, snuggling Dew against his chest, as Dewdrop filled the room with light purring, which transitioned into an eloquent snore. Aether held Dewdrop close, their silhouettes faintly visible in the soft glow of the room.
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crowberry62 · 10 months
i apologize if you dont want any questions right now as your request are closed, so please please please do not feel any pressure responding to this-
long disclaimer over, i was wondering if you know any other accounts that make ghost agere content?
ive been struggling to find anything, but i am kinda not great with the tagging system here. if you know of any i would greatly appreciate if you shared, thank you!! <333
Questions are fine even when request are closed:)
I haven’t seen any other accounts that make ghost age regression content. If any one has them they can put it in the comments and hopefully that will help.
Have a good day<3
-brother corvid
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autizmoeddiemunson · 2 years
Little ghoul
Little Aether babysitter Dewdrop
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Aether was sprawled across his bed, the dormitory a mess. He had a new fang coming in. Typically, ghouls had new fangs come in every few decades to accommodate for any damaged or dulled teeth, but, little aether had one of his teeth knocked out. Dewdrop didn’t mean to injure the guitarist but ghouls, being naturally curious & feisty creatures, tripped while exploring the other ghoul on stage, sending the guitar head straight into the ghoul’s teeth. Aether whined and tossed around in bed, his gums were killing him! He was chewing on everything he could get his hands on, learning the hard way that his fingers weren’t tough enough to not be punctured by his remaining teeth. Pillows, shirt collars, even one of his grucifixes had been chewed apart. The Cardinal, to the sister Imperator’s fury, had even attempted to use whiskey to calm the devil’s aching gums.
His fingers were bleeding once again, he didn’t mind the flavor but it hurt his fingers. He flicked his tail around angrily, almost cat-like, when an idea popped into his little horned head. He hesitantly inspected his leathery tail, running his fingers over its triangular tip. He tentatively took the tail into his mouth, curiously investigating the firm, flat body part in his mouth. For the first time since the fang had begun growing, he was calm. Aether’s soothing was interrupted by a knock on the dormitory door. “Aether? Are you ready for mass?” It was Dewdrop. He had been able to cover for his duties in the archives & in the upkeep of the cathedral but attending mass was required of all ghouls.
Little Aether didn’t even hear the knocking over the bliss of finally having calmed gums. Dewdrop cooed as he opened the door, walking over and petting the creature’s head, earning a purr in response. “Come on, Aeth. It’s time for mass.” Aether, in a mix of pain and the comfort of his tail, wasn’t quite feeling up to sitting through another sermon. He flopped into the larger ghoul’s lap, whining softly. “Do I have a kit in my lap?” Dew asked, playing with Aether’s hair. The kit shyly nodded, not wanting to take his tail out. Dewdrop didn’t typically care for the kit, whether that be literal or mental, but he would still happily care for a ghoul in need.
He got the little kit dressed and walked him to the nave, deciding to sit in the back pews with him. He had coaxed the tail out of his mouth but then couldn’t get him to sit still. “I know it’s uncomfortable but there’s only 10 minutes left! Just sit still for a bit and then you can chew.” Dew whispered. Aether whined quietly, still earning a glare from the being in the pew in front of them.
The little demon managed to sit mostly quietly & somewhat still for the rest of the service. “I’m pretty sure the den is empty. You want me to see if the den mother will let you play in there for a bit?” Dew offered quietly as they left. Aether nodded, fidgeting with his tail.
On their way, Copia placed a hand on Dew’s shoulder. “Cardinal!” Dew exclaimed, perhaps a bit too loudly. “I noticed a certain ghoul was fidgeting quite a bit during the sermon. Is all well?” He asked, looking at the frustrated ghouls. “A certain oversized kit is still teething from his run-in with my guitar.” Dew said, gesturing to the little guitarist.
A look of fake, but lighthearted, surprise spread across the cardinal’s face. “Oh? Is there a little ghoul amongst us?” He asked, feigning curiosity as he tussled the little ghoul’s hair. Aether purred and hugged the man, accidentally poking him with his horns. He pulled away and smiled before placing his tail back into his mouth. “Thank you, little one.” Copia said before having a boring but quick conversation with the mentally older ghoul.
Dewdrop was interrupted by a tug on his belt. He looked down to find the outstretched claws of a ghoul attempting to climb onto him. He scooped the little creature up, bouncing him lightly as he finished the conversation. “I’ll see you tomorrow night!” He excitedly said.
Aether happily sat in the fire ghoul’s arms, playing with his shirt, until he was so rudely interrupted by Dew shifting him. He was now looking at the cardinal; he quickly hid his face in the other ghoul’s neck, suddenly feeling shy.
Dewdrop nudged him to get his attention. “Can you say goodbye to Copia, sweetie?” The little demon quickly peeked out, receiving a little wave & warm smile on the man’s face. He shyly smiled, tail still in his mouth, and waved back before returning to his hiding place. The man chuckled as he walked off to speak with other clergymen.
After a conversation with the den mother, the ghouls were given permission to use the den. Aether happily played as he chomped his tail, Dew watching him from a rocking chair in the corner. The little ghoul tugged his caretaker’s pant leg and held up a story book. The carer pulled the ghoulie into his lap and cracked open the book. “Once upon a time…”
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s3cr3tjuic3 · 8 months
if you like or have questions or have headcanons or requests about a character ive written about, please send me an ask about them!!!!
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riddle-palace · 9 months
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Copia ft. my agere sona bc he is literallyyyyyyy my dad..
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How you cope..
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Pairings: Caregiver!Captain John Price + Caregiver!Simon 'Ghost' Riley + Caregiver!John 'Soap' McTavish + Caregiver!Kyle 'Gaz' Garrick.
Summary: The team finds out you're a Regressor. Heck. You find out you're a Regressor. You had never known there was a name for it...
Warnings: Subtle hint that Ghost regresses (Soap as a CG), Regressor!Gaz mentioned, they're in a helicopter for this one so honoury Nikolai mention :D, Not really knowing what regression is, slipping after a mission, nicknames (Soldier, little one, kiddo, sweetheart), Ghost calls Soap Johnny.
(Gender Neutral Reader)
A/N - I do fully intend to write a part 2 to this!!!
NOT Proofread
The military was an interesting place, with this came different coping mechanisms be it working out till you drop or something else it was easy to dismiss what you'd see as long as the individual was coping.
As the Captain of the taskforce Price was acutely aware of how his team coped. (Mainly so he could help if needed and in some other cases so he knew that his family team were actually coping and not just ignoring their issues. Simon trained. He trained until he couldn't anymore which was when Soap would step in and comfort him. A lot of Soaps coping came from being able to comfort Simon, he thrived at being able to help his friends. And Gaz, well Gaz regressed and Price looked after him as his Caregiver.
That was probably why after a particularly hard mission on the helicopter ride back Price instantly noticed something was wrong. You had been awufully reserved, normally you'd be chatting with the team but that wasn't the case today. Originally everyone brushed it off as you just being tired, it wasn't unbelievable. The mission had been difficult, exhausting.
After a while of your had clumsily lolling to the side, bumping the wall of the hellicopter Price decides to speak up.
"Are you feeling okay Soldier..?"
"Fine Cap'tin..." You mumbled.
That had got everyone's attention. Even when tired you never slurred your words like that. It's then that it hits Price. You were regressing. Well actually more like you were regressed. He was used to this in his team, it was a coping mechanism that he had learnt briefly about before joining the military however upon Gaz struggling Price had learnt more so he would be able to help.
Price's tone turned fatherly (as though he didn't permanently sound like a dad)
"Are you feeling small..?"
You normally always shut down when you felt like this, it was easier to just sleep it off. Although you were well aware that it didn't really work.. You shrug wordlessly.
The others had been watching this interaction take place. Soap moved from where he had been sitting with Ghost, kneeling down infront of you. There was a gentle smile plastered on his face.
"Well what do we 'ave here? Jus' a wee little one?"
"Think that might be the case Johnny" Ghost replies, his voice somewhat softer than usual, although if you had been an outsider watching you'd never have noticed the slight change in tone.
Price got up and headed to the front of the helicopter, quickly conversing with Nikolai. When he came back he addressed everyone letting them know that it wouldn't be too much longer before you'd all be back at base.
It was now Gaz's turn to speak.
"Has this happened to you before kiddo?"
You nod but don't speak.
"Okayyy, do you have any items back at base?"
You give a confused head tilt, confused on what he meant by items"
"..things like plushies, paci's, colouring books.. things like that?"
This time you gently shake your head. Ghost sighs, he understands that...
Price then speaks up again.
"Well then we'll just have to change that, now won't we Sweetheart?"
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plusie · 8 months
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moths-wonderland · 7 months
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Ghost agere outfit board👻☁️🤍
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sodoshame · 10 months
A/N: I can’t get age-regressed ghouls out of my brain, so here you go! I don’t know if this is any good and my brain is kind of a mess. Please send in requests for anything to do with the ghouls, I need something to focus on. Enjoy :)
Regressed!Phantom + CG!Swiss.
Swiss was sat on the couch, minding his own business as he flipped through a book he had been reading. His attention was suddenly flipped to the ghoul now stood in front of him, tapping his knee.
“Swissy?” A small voice speaks.
Phantom was stood in front of the larger ghoul, his hair a mess and one of his hands clutching a blanket. Swiss tilted his head at him, immediately recognising the look on the younger ghouls face.
“Oh hey there, sweetheart. Are you okay?” Swiss asked, his voice quiet and kind.
Phantom nodded, staring at the ground as he nervously chewed on his bottom lip.
“Are you sure, bug?” Swiss repeated, sitting up slightly to reach his hand out to Phantom, gently hooking his finger under the smaller ghouls chin.
“I had… had bad dream, Swissy.” Phantom mumbled, looking at Swiss with slightly watery eyes.
The multi-ghoul frowned, looking at Phantom.
“Oh dear, little one. Did you get scared?” Swiss asked with a gentle voice as he slowly stood to his feet.
“Y-yeah… I was big when I went to sleep, but woke up scared and little.” Phantom stuttered out, looking up at him as a tear rolls down his cheek.
“Oh, sweetheart. Do you want me to help you get back to sleep, hm?” Swiss asked, gently wiping Phantom’s tear away with his thumb.
“Pwease, Swissy.” Phantom pleaded, moving to outstretch his arms, his hands making grabby motions at Swiss.
The taller ghoul chuckled, not hesitating to pick him up. He wrapped one arm around Phantoms back, the other one supporting him under his thighs.
“Your room, Swissy. Mine is scary.” Phantom whispered quietly as he wrapped his arms around Swiss’ neck, snuggling against him.
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8-rae-rae-8 · 5 months
Agere little!ghost and caregiver!Gaz
Because I think it would be incredibly sweet
Sure, Price and Soap can be soft. But neither of them could flawlessly execute the soft tone Ghost needed sometimes.
Little!Ghost likes Gaz to be with him at bedtime. More often than not, the two would end up fallen asleep together, with a half read book in Gaz's lap
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littlerainyghoul · 7 months
Sfw side blog for Ghost (the band) and regressed ghoul fics :]
Safe space <333
Main blog -> @rainycavedew
Main writing blog -> @ghoulelegy
Disclaimer: I am over the age of 18. These blogs above are largely 18+ (please keep in mind that there might be things not appropriate for littles)
Sfw age regression here - not a kink.
Only safe for work stuff will be posted here :]]
Please don't send gross nsfw asks here :)
Requests are open <3 but keep in mind they might take a while!
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shymeow · 8 months
𝐈𝐭'𝐬 𝐨𝐤𝐚𝐲, 𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐞 . . .
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𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: Simon 'Ghost' Riley x fem ! lil ! reader
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 (?): Mentions of military missions and soldiers but not really specific, female pronouns used, nicknames used (dada, daddy, sweetie, baby), baby talk, babying (?). I think it's just pure sweetness, if I missed anything warn me !
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: Simon helped you, his beloved sweetheart, to regress safely after a hard mission in Russia that you faced alone.
Obs. English is not my first language, so I apologize for the grammatical errors!
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After the hard mission you faced alone in Russia, you were finally back to the base reporting your mission to Captain Price, him listening to every single detail that you said, listening to how you defeated every soldier that tried to attack you and that you had found the object and the victim inside of a cave in the middle of a mountain away from everyone and everything. After your reporting, Price said that you could now go to your room and rest, and you immediately felt so... Tiny. You ran to Simon's room messily, almost spanking the door when it finally made it's way close to your hands. Simon angrily opened the door, thinking it was one of the new recruits or even Soap trying to annoy him, but it was you, his precious little princess that he loves so much.
"Sweetie... You're trembling. C'mere baby, daddy's got you." Simon lifted you in his arms, wrapping your legs around his waist so you could snuggle against him. He closed the door, walking to his closet and getting your favorite pacifier and onesie (or another clothe you're comfy with!) so you could change clothes and get comfortable in the bed as soon as possible. "Let's change your clothes, okay sweetie? Then you can hug Daddy in bed as much as you want."
You didn't dare to say a word. You couldn't. Even if you wanted, the words just didn't made sense in your little head... So you just let Simon change you into your onesie, getting rid of the military clothes that felt so uncomfortable in your tiny soft body. "All nice and fresh now sweetie, now we can have your bottle, would you like that?" You happily clapped your tiny hands, giving him a soft smile that melted his heart.
Simon wrapped your legs in his waist again, walking to the microwave in the corner of the room that he bought just for you, since you stay more in his room than in your own (Price almost doesn't know that you have your own room), he got the milk in the fri go bar, putting it inside the bottle with a spoon of chocolate, mixing it and putting in the microwave. 30 seconds after, your bottle was ready, nice and warm just for you, as Simon leaded both of you to the bed, he had already put the bottle in your mouth, letting you suck the nipple softly while he rocked you in his arms softly.
"You're okay sweetie, dada's here. Shh, shh..." He continued rocking you softly, until your bottle was finished and you were very sleepy, rubbing your eyes softly. "Oh no baby, don't rub your little eyes. It can hurt remember? We don't want your little eyes hurt, do we?" You shaked your head. "That's it, we don't want these soft eyes hurt." Simon kissed your forehead, laying down in the bed with you, caressing your soft hair so you could sleep better. "It's okay, sweetie..."
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autizmoeddiemunson · 2 years
Should i write ghost agere content?
I desire little ghouls
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