gothkrislemcheslut · 3 months
people from bands as pillow pets
pete wentz:
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trent reznor:
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joe trohman:
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william beckett:
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gidget gein:
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mikey way:
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billie joe armstrong:
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ryan ross:
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marilyn manson:
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hayley williams:
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just-a-carrot · 3 months
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working on gidget's route. ahhh... i'm very close now...🥺
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specterofyou · 10 months
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*Throws this at Carrot and runs away*
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letsmcfreackingloseit · 6 months
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First of all thank you @lec743 and @ga-bees, you guys are so sweet! ( TwT) and secondly I'm sending you both a slice of cheesecake for noticing the hearts around Eclipse' last speech bubbles!
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It made me smile so much that you guys noticed that, so I hope both of you have a wonderful weekend!!
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meowtime · 11 months
Hey, Gidgy! Whatcha doing? Playing!
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talesofpassingtime · 4 months
So take my advice and don’t play with your dummy. I can’t tell you how important that is. Leave it alone. Not just if you want to be an athlete, and there’s few things that’s finer, but even if you got other ambitions, that’s the first way to go wrong. So hands off; it’ll make your brains fuzzy. And don’t play gidgy with your little girl friends. It don’t do you or them any good. Take it from me, I’m giving it to you straight because I don’t believe in shady stuff and hanky-panky.
— Saul Bellow, The Adventures Of Augie March
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mrsedwards38 · 3 years
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@kinge38 & I are trying to figure what #Gidgy is doing here. I swear, she seriously sleeps in the most awkward positions. Lol #WeirdLittleThing #SheCuteTho #FurBaby #WeLoveHer (at Moreno Valley, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CVKKeLKrZ9yVO29AYicOFk5pgc9adA0ecPCegA0/?utm_medium=tumblr
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totallytrucked · 3 years
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yeah god I love ernst in that scene all ernsts they are so mad akskskked amazing ty
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aprilcotx · 3 years
I've been thinking about this for like 8 hrs now... hwat did kristin chenowith mean when she said this why did gidgy put it on his story what is going on
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i remember seeing this and just staring at it for a good couple minutes then just moving on because i just cannot make sense of it
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yourfavewon13tonys · 3 years
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gidgy (gideon glick) won 13 Tonys!
requested by @totallytrucked
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gothkrislemcheslut · 4 months
band members as g3 my little ponies
pete wentz: sunshimmer
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twiggy ramirez: minty
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gabe saporta: rainbowberry
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daisy berkowitz: dainty daisy
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gidget gein: scootaloo
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gerard way: blushie
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will wood: jade garden
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frank iero: october dreams
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ray toro: peachie keen
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okay love you bye
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just-a-carrot · 2 months
I was gonna ask what each of the LIs like most about Iggy, but then I started daydreaming too much about the topic. So, I'm just gonna give you my headcanons, and you can decide how accurate they are. They do veer a bit into the psychoanalysis side, so beware.
[General OW spoiler warning!]
Personality: I think he likes how kind and sincere Iggy is. It's obvious that Genzou hates being vulnerable. He always wants to be "in charge" and "on top" of things so as not to be seen as weak. However, Iggy is one of, if not the only person he ever opens up to, and it's easy to see why. Iggy is very non-judgemental. He always has people's best interest in mind and is never malicious (well, except Arc 3...). The only times he ever judges people is out of concern, like when Bucks first ran away in Arc 1 or when he meets Gidget in Wonderland. Also, Iggy doesn't mind being vulnerable around Genzou at all, in fact, he's one of the first people he goes to when things go awry. And I think that helps Genzou feel safer with him as well. If Iggy trusts him with all his wrongs and anxieties, then why shouldn't he do the same? It's also really interesting how a big part of their relationship, from Iggy's perspective, is him feeling safe with Genzou. But I don't think he realizes how safe he makes Genzou feel.
Appearance: I think Genzou likes Iggy's hands. I don't really know why. Maybe it's the fact that hand-holding is a gesture associated with safety. It's seen as a way to keep someone close to you, to always know they're right there near you and keep them from wandering off. And to me that fits really well with the whole theme of their relationship... He also likes his butt too, I guess.
Personality: I think he likes how easygoing and understanding Iggy is. Obviously, Orlam has spent a good majority of his life being controlled by others, having to follow somebody else's rules, which is a big part of his wish and character arc as a whole. However, the first person to show him that he doesn't have to submit, that he can make his own rules was Iggy. Even if he still went along with the bullying at times, he was the most sympathetic and understanding towards Orlam. And that follows up into the present. Iggy doesn't expect anything of Orlam, he doesn't try to control him or force him to follow any rules. And he does the same for Iggy. They've got a sort of mutual understanding where both of them just kind of do whatever they want, following their own rules, and not really caring of the other person's wants don't exactly match up with their own. They don't even have to label their relationship as anything, they're just "two people who care about each other". Besides that, however, it's pretty obvious how Orlam likes teasing Iggy. Which I think has to do with a combination of Iggy's more demure nature, but also what I mentioned earlier. His social awkwardness and general cluelessness make him an easy target, but he's also not the type to take the teasing too seriously or make a big deal out of it.
Appearance: I think Orlam likes Iggy's hair. He's always described to be touching it and playing with it, which I find cute. Maybe it's because it feels intimate and tactile without being sexual. I also wanna say he likes his neck, considering... well, I'm sure you can figure out why.
Personality: I think Gidget would like Iggy's passion and humor. Underneath all his anxious and self-deprecating tendencies, Iggy can be very enthusiastic and witty. He has or had plenty of interests which he cared a lot about, and he can be very exuberant about them if in the right company. And I feel like Gidget would really enjoy that. It highlights how they have the most in common out of the friend group. They share a lot of interests and have plenty of inside jokes, which shows how close they are. Most of the time they spent together as kids was in the computer lab, bonding over a shared interest, and even in adulthood there's a lot of things that they find mutual interest in. It feels like they can talk about anything to each other and never find it boring. But I also feel like there's another side to this. Envy. Iggy, for the most part, was able to express his interests freely, something that Gidget couldn't. And I feel like as much as they like this about Iggy genuinely, there's still a small part of them that likes it because they also wish they could be like that. In fact, that's kind of something I realized about Gidget's character. They imitated Iggy not just because they wanted to get closer to him, but also because they wanted to be more like him. Iggy's clearly a boy—but he's not hyper masculine, maybe even somewhat androgynous, so it feels like to Gidget used him as a sort of role model for their own appearance and interests. In their mind, the closer they got to being like Iggy, the more they could be perceived in a similar manner gender wise. In other words—gender envy.
Appearance: I think Gidget likes his face, more specifically his eyes. Those are the things that let them most easily see Iggy's emotions. They can see how his eyes light up when he accomplishes something or hears good news, or how they droop when he's about to say something witty or make a reference, or the way they squint when he's hyperfocused on work or a game. It also helps them know when Iggy's uncomfortable or sad so they can chime in and help, even if Iggy himself doesn't wanna admit anything's wrong. I think Gidget would also like his body? Not in a sexual way, of course, I think they'd just find his skinny stature kinda cute. And again, some gender envy may or may not be at play too...
I also just wanna say, it's really impressive how you managed to make all the LIs so unique and likeable in their own ways! Usually, I have a clear favorite when it comes to these things, but this is one of those cases where I don't. Genzou is my favorite in terms of who to ship with Iggy, but I like Orlam the most as a character, and I really enjoy Gidget's routes. They also all play off of each other really well, even when Iggy's not in the picture. They're all incredibly well-written and I commend you for that!
i love these... 🥺
these all feel incredibly accurate??? i really loved reading them, like, seeing how other people interpret the dynamics and how much of my own intentions (or unintentions??? lol) come across in how people read and experience the different relationships and dynamics between the characters. lakjdflasd i love reading analyses like these so much HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
"I think Genzou likes Iggy's hands." -> sob i agree... maybe it's also partly because their hands are so so different from each other, which i think is a wonderful reflection of how they themselves are so different from each other, but still can intertwine so perfectly... owowo... 🥺 i feel like it's a thing i revisit even in a lot of my silly self-indulgent art a lot without realizing it, too LOL and from both sides. i really like drawing iggy with his face in genzou's palm for instance 💦
"I think Orlam likes Iggy's hair." -> I DO SEEM TO WRITE THAT A LOT DON'T I???? i'm only just thinking about it now and realizing it comes up often with these two... 🤣 I like how you mentioned them both just feeling like they can do their own thing without worrying about the other as I feel like that really does form such a crux when it comes to their dynamic. Because they are so different and enjoy such different things, but yet they still act as each other's anchor at the end of the day, a place to come back to.
"In other words—gender envy." -> I NEVER THOUGHT ABOUT THIS BEFORE BUT IT MAKES SO MUCH SENSE???? my gosh... that feels so accurate 🤣 why do i only ever notice stuff like this when others point it out??? this is why i love analyses so much LKDFJASD other people are so much better at noticing and identifying stuff like this... sob. i really love this idea though and think it works really well. also the stuff about them honestly being the most similar of the options, particularly in their interests and their weird inside jokes and all that. i like that about their dynamic
"They're all incredibly well-written and I commend you for that!" -> WEEP THAT'S VERY KIND 😭💕 i'm really happy to hear that, especially as it's one of the things i really wanted to make sure was there in the different options. i really wanted all of the dynamics to be very different while still all feeling like both worthy and realistic options for how the story could end, in a way
THANK YOU FOR THIS THIS WAS SUCH A DELIGHT TO READ???? i am not being hyperbolic in saying that reading analyses really touches my heart and stirs my brain. i just absolutely love hearing how other people interpret the chars or events in the games or the relationships lakjfas
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 i am trying to collect as many sa cast photos as i can (i mean, who isn’t?), so feel free to drop any random ones in my inbox...please. i would like to frighten my family with photos such as gidgy’s denim sunhat.
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lizzardtown · 3 years
The guy who plays Bernie has an undeniable gidgy quality to him...
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meowtime · 2 years
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Gabby (left) and Gidgy (right) had all the big eyes for me 😻
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talesofpassingtime · 4 months
So take my advice and don’t play with your dummy. I can’t tell you how important that is. Leave it alone. Not just if you want to be an athlete, and there’s few things that’s finer, but even if you got other ambitions, that’s the first way to go wrong. So hands off; it’ll make your brains fuzzy. And don’t play gidgy with your little girl friends. It don’t do you or them any good. Take it from me, I’m giving it to you straight because I don’t believe in shady stuff and hanky-panky.
— Saul Bellow, The Adventures Of Augie March
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