#gina cowell
More about 3x01: Although Beckett "punishes" Castle for the hurt he did to her by leaving with Gina and the consequent summer of silence, do you think that, on some level, she knew that she was also partly to blame for what happened at the end of 2x24?
Well, yeah. Espo tells her in 2x24 that Castle's leaving because he isn't gonna stick around and watch her date someone else. She kind of blows that off and doesn't really say anything in response, but it gets her thinking enough that she acts on what she was already feeling -- that as nice as Demming is, he's just not what she wants. And you see it in her face when he asks about Demming in 3x01. She doesn't want to tell him they broke up. She basically broke up with the guy because he wasn't who she wanted, she's been single for months by this point; the hurt in her eyes isn't because she misses Demming. It's because she's embarrassed to admit it, because she thinks it makes her vulnerable because Castle might figure out she's got feelings for him when he's dating someone else, and because she feels that she drove him away by not being honest with herself and with him about how she felt. I don't think she set out to hurt him at all. She just connected with this guy and got swept off her feet. Just like I don't think Castle meant to hurt her with Gina. He was just lonely and sad and jumped in with both feet. But do they both know they're in part to blame for the sticky situation? Absolutely.
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abs0luteb4stard · 1 month
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twopoppies · 2 months
You make some really good points here, especially about stepping away a bit and trying to just enjoy them as musicians. I’ve tried it with some success, but it’s not easy. I do honestly love both of their music and listen to it daily. Beyond that, it’s good to back off a bit for me.
I think for me something that has really become clear this last year, is that many fans feel entitled to what I would call Chapter 118 of the Harry/Louis WIP, and the reality is it’s just not coming. Now I love reading Larry fan fiction as much as the next person, but looking at it that way is so unfair to them. They have real lives and relationships and it’s not a story that needs to be tied up with a happily ever after. Lots of Larries - especially Twitter Larries - seem to use every interview or use of a primary color as a new chapter. I’ve never been a believer in the “mastermind” theory. And you are so right when you say the good vs evil is not really clear anymore. Yes, Syco and Cowell committed a lot of abuses, but those guys walked out of there with around $50M and tons of doors opened for them that wouldn’t have been possible without 1D , so the lines are blurred.
I think it’s pretty clear from Harry’s “corner of the internet ….it’s not real” interview to Louis latest, they don’t want our help in this - whatever “this” is anymore. It’s not underdogs vs overlords and I don’t like taking away Harry’s and Louis’s agency at this point.
It’s funny, because in 2016 if someone had said this is where you will be 8 years later I would have laughed in their face. But this is where we are and finding ways to deal with it and realizing we may never have more then we have today can be hard. Who knows what will happen in the future. Tomorrow the whole thing could blow wide open and lots of questions will get answered, but I just don’t think so and I’m ok with that. Sort of…. lol!
Anyway, thanks for the nice, calm commentary. I still enjoy reading it all!
Oh, I totally feel you on waiting for chapter 118. So many people treat their lives like an unfinished fic or a game to win. It’s super unhealthy for fans and I can’t imagine it feels good for Harry and Louis. And I very much agree that where we once were helpful, we may now be a hindrance at times. Saying that, I think it’s important to acknowledge that we’re not fucking making things up out of thin air and Harry/Louis/their teams often use Larry and larries for their benefit.
That makes it difficult to feel that they’re being completely honest when they say they don’t want a focus put on Larry.
Regardless, I’m tired of playing this game. I’d prefer to just chill in my own little circle and talk about Larry with my friends and go to concerts and have fun. But I don’t enjoy being treated like shit when it’s convenient and then sent flowers when I’m needed again, you know?
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Fic prompt: before Caskett decide they only need each other at the wedding, Kate notices Castle has all of her exes listed, along with Alex Conrad, Colin Hunt and Eric Vaughn 😂
The wedding list.
Curiosity got the better of her.
He had left his laptop unattended, open on the kitchen counter with his drafted guest list on the screen - what was she supposed to do?
Her eyes drifted down the list of names, all of which she had expected to see. His family - although limited - had topped the list, followed by a note to confirm that Kate’s list covered their precinct family.
She smiled at that thought.
Continuing down the list she saw the name she thinks she was subconsciously searching for: Gina Cowell. She had prepared herself for this. They had a wonderful working relationship (now that they had gotten past any lingering maybe we didn’t try hard enough thoughts) and if he was planning on inviting the rest of his writing cortège, why shouldn’t he invite Gina too?
With the confirmation that she needed, she was ready to stop her snooping expedition but as she turned away her eye caught on a familiar name.
She narrowed her eyes and focussed about mid-way down Castle’s list where - yes, she had seen that right! - he had listed Will Sorensen as a ‘must have’ guest.
The name directly below was unexpected, too.
Joshua Davidson.
Her jaw dropped. He wasn’t serious, was he?
She continued to read name after name: Tom Demming, Alex Conrad, Eric Vaughn…
“What are you doing?”
Her eyes snapped to the man standing at the bottom of the staircase.
“Colin Hunt? Are you for real, Castle?”
All she got in response was a wicked smirk and a shrug.
“How the hell did you even know about Thatcher Williams?”
“Oh, you mean your high school beau that you moved in with right after graduation? Your dad surrendered that little tidbit when we went to that baseball game.”
She shook her head. “I should have known that you offering to take my dad to a baseball game could only mean one thing,” she said while trying to hide her smile. “May I as why you want to invite my high school boyfriend to our wedding? Why you want to invite any of these people?”
“Why does the champion grab his trophy and wave it around in the air for all to see?”
She folded her arms across her torso and gave him a moment to reconsider what he had just said.
“Okay, that didn’t sound right,” he said as he began to backpedal.
“Ya think?”
“I’m just saying, out of all these perfectly acceptable men that you could have ended up with, you picked me.”
“And I wanna rub it in their faces a lil bit.” He accentuated the sentiment by holding up his hand, his thumb and forefinger a mere inch apart.
She rolled her eyes and bit her lip, trying to hide the smirk. “Not gonna happen, Castle.”
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zot3-flopped · 7 months
https://alarrytale.tumblr.com/post/734412810831953920/i-find-them-both-so-ridiculous-right-now-im A bit more and alarrytale will turn into portait! First portrait blamed both H&L because they weren't acting like larries want them to act, then portrait unlarried and turned into a hater. Since Marte already said she isn't buying any of their stuff or going to their concerts, probably she will blame them both and hate them both unlike Sea who is still a larrie as she believes the larry theory and chose Louis or Gina who chose Harry.
Marte is deeply entrenched in more than one fandom conspiracy theory and I don't see any signs of her doubting her beliefs. She genuinely thinks Shawn Mendes, Simon Cowell and Taylor Swift are gay and bearding. She hates Harry and Louis for not coming out and for 'stunting', reasons related to Larry.
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forensicated · 6 months
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Smiffina Episodes - Episode 372
After a bit of a gap where nothing important happened, only Lance being killed by a pair of gay serial killers (!) we are back again. Oh, and Will arrived last episode and was blah from the start.
Gina's after some criminals who have long evaded being locked up as part of a two day sting that she's really enjoying. She won't tell them what the second part is as it's a surprise. "What sort of surprise?" Reg asks. "A surprise surprise!" Gina rolls her eyes.
One of them Gina has history with as he escaped to Spain for life in Costa Del Crime, even sending her a postcard 'Weather's here, wish you were lovely'.
At the end of the day, Gina lets them in on what's going to happen. The big fish have been invited to be part of a television show with a difference. All members of the television show team are actually going to be members of Sun Hill Police. They're being tempted by big prizes, easy wins... "and when they sign on the dotted line-" "we nick 'em!"
And the name of the television show?
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Cop The Lot!
They're playing on the greed of the criminals in the hope that they'll arrive as they've been told they're guarenteed a cash prize just by appearing. Thankfully it doesn't take long until they start to arrive, able to lock up several in just one afternoon.
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"Simon Cowell, eat your heart out!"
Amber almost ruins it though with the largest criminal they're after - one Gina has wanted for ages - but thankfully Will is able to chase him down with Sam and arrest him anyway.
Back at the station, Gina rollocks Amber in her office. Not only did she almost ruin an operation that was months in the making, she's not been revising for her exams that she's due to take at the end of her probation. "You do bad, you make me look bad - and I don't like looking bad!" Gina hisses.
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pollylynn · 3 years
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Title: Street Cred WC: 1000  Episode: Habeas Corpse (7 x 19)
He loves that she is human. It is a huge relief to him when evidence surfaces that she is human, because every minute of his life—his patented Richard Castle swagger notwithstanding—he is well aware that she is entirely out of his league. So the occasional chink in the armor, the now-and-then glimpses of her vulnerabilities are welcome. The fact that she is human helps him sleep better at night. It helps him sleep better most nights . . .
He also loves that she confided her fears to his mother. Of course, one might consider his loving that to be a simple continuation of the fact that he loves it when evidence crops up that demonstrates that she is human and therefore fallible. Because if confiding in Martha Rodgers is evidence of anything it’s fallibility. 
But that’s not really it. He genuinely loves that she confides in his mother. He genuinely loves that she gets up at the crack of dawn to pace the kitchen and help Alexis cram for a midterm. He loves the way she siphons off any anxiety his daughter might have and just . . . absorbs it. Loving the fact that she confides in his mother is a continuation of that. 
Peace settles on him in a way he’s never felt before when he sees how tightly knit the three of them have become. Even though they gang up on him mercilessly, even though the loft will never again be his domain—the balance of power has shifted far too heavily in their direction for that—he is contented in a way he never thought he could be to see the way they all mutually lean on one another and lift each other up. He sleeps easier for that, too. Most nights he sleeps easier . . . 
This does not seem to be most nights, which is strange. He’s tired out in all kinds of wonderful ways. Not just from the shower—although definitely quite a bit from the shower—but from dancing with her. His mother turns out to have ripened into not just the exacting professional he’s always know, but also an inspiring and patient teacher. She had put the two of them through their paces, and he’s sore and weary with the wonder of twirling his mostly-to-perfect-to-be-human wife in his arms. 
He’s tired out, but sleep remains elusive. 
He thinks it might be jealousy at first. His mind might be working through the fact that he absolutely loves her closeness with his mother and Alexis, but isn’t he a little jealous, too? Hasn’t he traditionally been inclined to self-sabotage with his insistence on drawing a hard line between his family and his relationships? He lies there in the dark a while with that one. He thinks of Gina and helium balloons. He thinks about Meredith’s disastrous sojourn in the way, way too crowded loft a few years ago and his wrongheaded defenses of her behavior, all predicated on the family–not family hard line. He shifts his body to shake the ideas loose in his mind, then stiffens as she stirs in response to his restlessness. 
She eases herself closer to him, deep in the grasp of the easy sleep he ought to be enjoying. Slivers of light through the blinds catch the curve of her cheek and he sees contentment. He sees happiness. Thoughts of jealousy break into a million tiny pieces and dissolve. He’s not jealous that she had slipped out of bed early to ease his daughter’s mind. He’s not jealous that she confided in his mother.
But he might be sad about the latter. He might have some guilt, because she should have been able to confide in him. Or, backing the situation way up, she should never have had to confide in him, because he should never have let the spirit of competition take him over, body and soul. He should have asked, he should have picked up on her anxiety well before the all-too-human, very un-Beckett paranoia spiral out in the woods.  He should not have needed to overhear her confiding in his mother. 
That, it seems, is the answer to why he is not sleeping easy tonight—why he’s not sleeping at all. His old friend guilt is the answer. He body shifts again, half deliberately, half with the intention of extracting himself so he can go brood somewhere without disturbing her any more than he already has. He draws his chin sharply inward in an attempt to peer down his nose to gauge her position, to formulate a plan for the least disruptive sequence of movements that will still get him out of the bed. 
But she’s blinking up at him, so much for that. Her brows are drawn together in a scowl and she’s trying to blink away the heaviness of sleep. 
“You’re all sharp,” she mumbles. “Elbows and knees.” 
“Sorry,” he whispers. He runs his fingers through her hair as he tries to sooth her back to sleep. “I’ll be blunt.” 
She snorts and hits out blindly at him with a half-hearted fist. “You being dumb?” 
“Dumb? Me?” He pretends it’s the most shocking thing he’s ever heard, but she hits out at him again. 
“You being dumb, ‘cause I was dumb.” Her fist lands this time, ones on his hip, once on his ribs. “Shoulda told you.” 
“Why didn’t you?” The question slips out before he can stop it. He didn’t mean to make her answer for his failings. He really didn’t. He opens his mouth to form some kind of apology, but she rolls sleepily right over him. 
“Cool kid,” she scoffs as though it’s the most self-evident thing in the world. “Gotta be cool in front of the boy you like.” Her fist knocks against his sternum. “Gotta.” 
“Gotta,” he echoes, absolutely awed. She is hardly even human, hardly an earthly creature. He is the boy she likes, and he’s absolutely awed.
A/N: The lack of morphousness here is deeply embedded in Esposito’s hat. Also, the two of them doing their routine in the shower at the end still makes me so ding-dang happy after all these years, despite the fact that everyone in the cast clearly had a terrible cold when filming these episodes. 
images via homeofthenutty
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bravevulnerability · 6 years
A fic prompt: Beckett gets to know Castle while he's married with Gina. (I always really liked her and imagined how their relationship would turn out if that was the case. Castle and Gina would have a pretty good relationship, with Castle getting kinda conflicted if that makes sense?)
She drops the manuscript on his desk with a loud slap. It has his fingers startling over the keys of his laptop, his attention snapping out of the story and up to his publisher. 
“I see the writer’s block has passed,” Gina states, something that would usually thrill her, but she looks far from happy about the progress. Instead, she nods to the pile. “Here’s my notes.”
Rick’s brow furrows as he glances to the papers, what he now assumes must be the printed pages of the chapters he just finished. He turned them into her two nights ago, feeling so accomplished for beating his deadline. 
“I thought you preferred emailing them back to me,” he murmurs, the confusion spreading. Why does she look so mad at him?
“I thought this batch deserved handwritten care,” Gina sneers and Rick closes his laptop.
“Gina, what’s going on? I thought you’d be happy that I’m ahead of schedule for once,” he points out, feeling her irritation growing, seeping through his senses. “Do you not like the direction it took? Or was there something else that I didn’t-”
“Why don’t you look at my critiques,” she cuts him off, her eyes darting insistently down at the pages. 
Rick huffs and grabs the papers, begins flipping through them, his fingers slowing as his eyes register over the words. Not hers. No, there’s not a single red-penned mark on the crisp, white sheets.
These words are all his.
“Where did you get this?” he whispers, his grip tightening, wrinkling the pages. “Did you go through my laptop?”
“Yes, I did,” Gina confirms without hesitation or shame. “I knew you’d never cheat on me, not after that first wife of yours. But you and that cop…”
“We are just friends,” he growls, returning the papers face down to his desk. 
“You do not write about a friend like that,” Gina hisses, digging her manicured, pink nail into the back of a page. “God, Richard, it’s so obvious. This character, this Nikki Heat, is her and you write about her like she’s the eighth wonder of the world.”
His jaw tightens, but he can’t exactly deny that now, can he? Especially when Gina knows his writing better than anyone else. 
“Are you in love with her?” she asks, the question leaving her lips like it’s nothing, like it’s the most ordinary question in the world.
Did you do the dishes? Have you finished the chapter yet? Are you in love with the cop you’ve been shadowing for six months?
The cop with the dead mother and the elusive smile that’s been making fleeting but frequent appearances for him. The rookie who is so hardened by grief but has slowly began to soften through late night talks over decaf coffee and lunch dates at Remy’s, a handful of dinners with his daughter. The woman who enraptured him with her gorgeous eyes the moment they met while she was working a stint in Vice.
He was doomed from that very second, wasn’t he?
But Kate has always known that he’s married and he never let himself forget. As Gina herself pointed out, he’s been cheated on before and he would never show anyone else the same betrayal. Gina is a good wife, a good publisher, a good surrogate mother to Alexis whenever he stopped trying to keep his daughter all too himself. It’s something he’s trying hard to work on, a flaw within himself that Gina continues to point out, that he’s doing his best to fix. Always working on something for her.
Relationships are work, he’s always known that and he’s always been willing to put in whatever effort necessary. But shouldn’t some parts be effortless? Wasn’t loving someone also supposed to be easy too? He’s never been able to feel that in his last three and a half years with Gina. And god, he’s tried, has been trying for so long, but it’s as if they’re a puzzle with a piece missing. 
So why is it so easy to feel it with Kate Beckett?
“Richard,” she prompts, crossing her arms with impatience. 
“I - I don’t know,” he confesses, even though he does. He didn’t mean to, tried so very hard not to, but his heart leapt into Kate’s hands months ago, willed her to hold onto it. 
Even though she doesn’t want it, or just won’t admit to wanting it. Her eyes flicker to his wedding band every time he thinks she starts to let herself. 
“It was an accident. We’re just friends, never been more. Not even close,” he swears, not that it helps. Doesn’t change the fact that he has feelings for someone other than the woman he’s married to.  
He meets Gina’s cold glare, but he can read her well enough to see that she does believe that. And, apparently, she found nothing on his computer that caused her to think otherwise. Nothing, except thousands of words about a smart, savvy detective whom he seems to describe with an affection that’s all too telling. 
“But it’s over now anyway. She doesn’t want me shadowing her anymore.”
Gina’s brow arches. “Why?”
Because, apparently, everyone figures out how he feels before he himself is even clear on it, he wants to say. But also-
“There was a case last week with a suspect who pulled a gun and - and it just got too risky,” he recalls, remembering the horror on her face as she stared up at him from the ground, scanning his body for the bullet he almost took for her. “Scared her.”
It was more than a risky gunfight, though. It was the hours that followed. It was standing in an alley just outside the crime scene with her eyes too bright and a rasp lacing through her words. 
“There’s something I need you to do.”
He took a step closer to her, ready for whatever she asked of him. “Name it.”
“I need you to go home,” she murmured, shoving her hands into her pockets and lowering he gaze to the dirty concrete. “And stay home.”
“Forget it,” he answered without hesitation. “Beckett, I’m fine. We’re both fine, the bullet-”
“Was too close,” she finished for him, her eyes rising to meet his with a hard glare. “Castle, you’re - you matter to me.” His heart skipped. He went from an annoying tagalong to mattering and he hated how much it mattered to him, how much she mattered. “Which is why I can’t keep letting you put yourself in danger. You’ve already done enough research for a hundred books-”
“It’s not about the books,” he argued, watching the elegant line of her throat work through a swallow that disappeared beneath that damn NYPD turtleneck that he too often pictured nudging out of the way with his nose, devouring the skin beneath with his mouth. “Not anymore.”
“Then why do you keep coming back, Rick?” She knew exactly what she was asking, knew the consequences of an honest answer. But he still lifted a tentative hand to her cheek, stroked his thumb to the slash of her cheekbone, surprised that she let him. It was his first time touching her like this; it was the last. 
“You know why.”
Kate’s eyes fluttered shut and she curled her fingers around the wrist at her jaw. He held his breath as she rested her cheek in the embrace of his palm before squeezing his wrist and stepping away from him, her eyes already mourning.
“Goodbye, Castle.”
He hasn’t seen her since and he hasn’t been so miserable in a long time. 
“Explains the constant moping,” Gina mumbles, brushing back a stray strand of hair with a flick of her wrist, trying so hard to be indifferent. To hide how much he’s probably hurt her. 
“Gina,” he sighs, pushing back from his desk to stand. “Regardless of it all, I’m sorry. I’m truly sorry. As soon as I felt… compromised, I should have stopped going to the precinct, I should have-”
“Are you in love with me?”
His heart stumbles at the question, sinks. 
“I - of course I love you,” he murmurs, but his wife shakes her head. 
“They’re two different things, Richard.” Her eyes fall to his desk. “But you already know that.”
His mouth feels dry, tongue too thick in his mouth.
“I know you love me,” she continues, chest rising and falling with a deep breath, steeling herself. “But we never quite fit, did we?”
He notices her shift into past tense, knows it’s purposeful.
“I - we could try counseling,” he suggests, even as the rock in his stomach weighs heavier at the idea.
“I’d rather we quit trying to fool ourselves. Our marriage has been nice, convenient, but we both know it’s been over. Even before your precious Nikki Heat came into the picture,” she mutters, but he lets her have it, lets her hit him with the strike of bitterness. He deserves it. “I’m going to stay with my sister. We can talk to Alexis about all of this a little later. Together. You owe me that much,” she adds with a narrowed look before casting it back down to the papers on his desk. “In the meantime, be sure to sift through those pages.”
We’ll talk to Alexis together. 
Shit, he’s not ready to tell his daughter, to let her down again.
Castle opens his mouth to respond, but Gina is already turning her back on him, striding out of the room with her head held too high. He watches her go, heart in his throat and guilt drenching his insides. 
Rick glances down to the stack of pages, lifting them once more to scan through the pile of black and white sheets until he reaches the end, the slim addition of papers that have a different feel to them, can’t be his writing. No, he withdraws the files, these definitely aren’t pages from his laptop’s word documents. 
They’re divorce papers. 
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dukereviewsxtra · 4 years
Duke's Monsterween: Scoob
Hello, I'm Andrew Leduc And Welcome To Duke Reviews Xtra Where We're Continuing Duke's Monsterween By Talking About The Final Scooby Doo Movie On This Year's Monsterween, Scoob...
No Synopsis Today, Let's Dive On Into Scoob..
The Film Starts With A Flashback That Answers Questions That Most Us Have Had For Decades Like How Did Scooby And Shaggy Meet And Become Friends?, How Did Scooby And Shaggy Meet Fred, Velma And Daphne? And How Was Mystery Inc Formed?...
Before Cutting Back To Now Where They're Grown Ups The Gang Attempts To Turn Mystery Inc Into A Business By Getting A Benefactor In The Form Of Simon Cowell...
Really? Of All The People You Had To Have Cameo In This Movie? You Had To Have Simon Cowell? I Mean Having One Of The Shark Tank Guys Would Have Made More Sense Than Having Simon In This Movie...
Anyway, Simon Basically Says He Loves Everything About Them Except For Shaggy And Scooby Who He Believes To Be The Gang's Weakest Links And Are..
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Not Liking What Simon Is Saying Despite Fred (Played By Troy Bolton)
You Can Try To Outrun High School Musical, Zac But You'll Never Escape It!...
Velma (Played By Jane The Virgin) And Daphne (Played By Cosette? Sophie? I Don't Know What I See Amanda Seyfried As Anymore!) Defending Them, Shaggy (Played By Will Forte And Not Matthew Lillard)
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And Scooby (Played By One Of The Men Of 1,000 Voices, Frank Welker) Leave Saying That They Know When They're Not Welcome...
They Go To A Nearby Bowling Alley To Let Off Some Steam While Bowling But When The Bowling Balls And Pins Turn Into Robots But They're Soon Saved By Their Childhood Heroes, The Blue Falcon (Played By Marky Mark Of The Funky Bunch) Who Is The Son Of The Son Of The Original Blue Falcon Who Has Retired
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And Dynomutt (Played By Deep Wang) Who Is Having A Hard Time With His Partner's Replacement. Meeting Their Pilot, Dee Dee (Played By Kiersey Clemons)...
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Not That Dee Dee, Focus!
Anyway, She Tells The 2 That The Robots Were Sent By A Supervillain Named Dick Dastardly (Played By Lucius Malfoy And Not Paul Winchell)...
And Yes, I Know I That Winchell Passed A Few Years Ago, It's Just Hard To See Another Actor Voice A Character That He Voiced Because He Was Such A Legend...
Hell, Despite How Good He Is I Still Have A Hard Time With Jim Cumming Voicing Tigger As Let's Face It He Was Tigger
Anyway, They Believe That Dastardly Is Out To Kill Them For Some Unbeknownst Reason And They Want Their Help To Stop Dastardly From Collecting The Skulls That Will Open The Door To The Underworld...
Shaggy Refuses At First But With Scooby In, Shaggy Decides To Follow...
With The Bowling Attendant Telling Fred, Velma And Daphne What Happened, She Gives Them One Of The Destroyed Robots To Analyze And When They Do They Discover A Mustache Hair Which Leads Them To Dastardly ...
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Who Is Revealed To Have The First Skull Already...
But As They Drive To Him, The Robot Reactivates And Relays It's Location To Dastardly, Who It Turns Out Was Only After Scooby Who When All The Heads Are Put Together Can Open The Door To The Underworld...
Meanwhile, Shaggy And Scooby Help Dee Dee Discover The Location Of The Second Skull In The Gobi Desert But Blue Falcon Decides To Take The Advice Of One Of His Twitter Followers And Goes To Romania...
Back In The Mystery Machine, Velma Does An Information Search On Dastardly's Work And Discovers That Scooby Is The Last Descendant Of Alexander The Great's Dog, Peritas As The Blue Falcon, Dynomutt And Shaggy And Scooby Arrive In Romania Only To Discover That...
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Set By Dastardly...
Who Already Has The Second Freaking Skull From The Gobi Desert?!?
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Anyway, After Telling Shaggy That It's Scooby He's After, Dastardly Chases Scooby To The House Of Mirrors Where He Tries To Sway Scooby To His Side
But After Scooby's Pronouncement Of His Name Pisses Dastardly Off And One Minor Scene, Scooby And The Others Escape On The Blue Falcon's Ship As Dastardly Crashes In A Bumper Cart...
Telling The Others About What Dastardly Said, The Team Starts Paying More Attention To Scooby Which Leads To Shaggy Getting A Little Jealous Of Scooby Being More Important Than Him...
Blue Falcon Tries To Help Shaggy But This Leads Shaggy To Try And Help Falcon By Saying That He Understands The Pressure He's Under As His Father Left Big Shoes For Him To Fill But Unfortunately Falcon Doesn't Really Know What To Say To That And Leaves...Wow!...You Could Have Had A Moment There But Instead You Blew It By Having Silence, You Freaking Morons!
Back In The Mystery Machine, The Gang Start To Miss Shaggy And Scooby Only To Be Stopped By A Police Officer Who Is Actually Dick Dastardly In Disguise..
Taking Fred, Velma And Daphne Captive, They Manage To Escape Their Cell With The Help Of A Robot Whose Head Dastardly Replaced With A Mini Vac When He Believed Him To Be A Suck Up...
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Searching Dastardly's Ship They Watch As Dastardly Discovers The Location Of The Final Skull Head
Before They Go Into A Room To Use A Communication Device To Tell Dee Dee About Dastardly, The Location Of The Final Skull And To Oh, I Don't Know Save Them?!? ...
But While In Said Room, They Discover Dastardly's Reason For Doing All This And It Has To Do With...
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Turns Out That They Found A Backdoor To The Underworld And Attempted To Get The Treasure Of The Underworld But When Muttley Went In, He Didn't Come Out Stating That It Was A One Way Trip Because He Wasn't The Chosen One..
As Dastardly Sends The 3 Friends Back To Their Cell, Team Falcon Arrives At The Location Of The 3rd Skull, Messick Mountain (Named After Scooby's Original Voice Actor, Don Messick) Which They Enter To Discover A Mesozoic Island, Where The Skull Is Really At...
Once They Land, Shaggy's Jealousy Comes To A Head, Saying That He Wasn't Okay With Him Taking Off His Collar, Despite Giving Him The Nod For Him To Do So!
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This Leads Shaggy To Give Scooby An Ultimatum, Stay With Him On Board The Ship Or Going With Team Falcon, Ending Their Friendship...
So, He Decides To Go With Team Falcon Because He Feels That It's The Right Thing To Do...
Going Through The Woods Looking For The Skull, They End Up Meeting A Native Named Captain Caveman Played By...(Sighs) Tracy Morgan...
Yeah, I Don't Know If He Was The Best Choice To Play This Character...
Don't Get Me Wrong, I Like Tracy Morgan On SNL And The Few Episodes Of 30 Rock I Saw But I Just Don't Think That His Type Of Comedy Would Work Well For This Character...
Anyway, They Tell Captain Caveman What They're Looking For So, He Take Them To The Skull While Shaggy Somehow Reunites With Fred Who Wants Shaggy To Take Him To Scooby Because He's In Danger From Dastardly...
I Think You Know Where This Is Going, Everyone Say It With Me!...
Fred Is Dastardly!
Yep, The Real Fred Is Still On-Board Dastardly's Ship And He Made A Costume Of Him So He Could Not Only Get The Final Skull But Scooby Too..
However, On The Bright Side He Gives Them Fred, Velma And Daphne Back In Return...
While Also Destroying Team Falcon's Jet In The Process...
As Team Falcon And Mystery Inc Fight About Who's Fault This Is, Shaggy Eventually Gets Everyone To Come Together And Use Whatever Parts They Can Scalvage To Get The Mystery Machine To Fly To Athens...
But When They Arrive, It's Too Late, Dastardly Has Opened The Portal And All Hell Has Been Unleashed Along With Cerberus Himself...
As Team Falcon And Mystery Inc Deal With Cerberus, Dastardly Gets Muttley From Hell And Makes A Run For It , Falcon And Dynomutt Work Out Their Differences And Fred And Velma Discover That The Only Way To Close The Portal Is For Master To Be On One Side And Dog To Be The Other...
Meaning That In Order For It To Close, Shaggy Has To Be In The Underworld And Scooby Has To Be On The Outside...
It's Honestly A Sad Scene, I Literally Almost Cried At It...
I Said...Almost...
Because Once It Happens And Everything Is Another Portal Appears With Shaggy Getting Kicked Out Of Hell...
I Guess Mephisto Didn't Care For Shaggy And Scooby's Friendship As Much As He Cared For Spider-Man And Mary Jane's Marriage...
Anyway, Dastardly And Muttley Are Arrested By Their Own Robots Who Are Now On The Side Of Good, And Mystery Inc Finally Open Their Business Without Simon Cowell,,.
This Film Is Pretty Good, It May Not Be As Memorable As The Live Action Scooby Movies But It Is Pretty Funny And It Does Have Some Good Moments, So For That I Say See It...
Next Week We Start Our Halloween Look At Disney, So Till Then, This Is Duke, Signing Off...
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zacefronews · 4 years
SCOOB! Bloopers
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vintagewarhol · 4 years
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zacharyhollywood · 4 years
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twopoppies · 2 months
Hiya Gina!
So, I'm writing a fic (and you know that writing is mostly just staring at a blank cursor, rereading, googling random things for context and actually very less writing than intended)
I found something I couldn't Google. So I have to come up with a few antagonists in the story, and I wanted to them to be maybe some of the most hated people in the Harry/Larry Fandom. Totally something you can't Google. Please help me out with a list! If you can't and you've still read this, thank you.
Love your account and your presence!
Huh… most hated.
I suppose everyone will have a slightly different take on this, but I’d say most people hate anyone from Modest!Management, Simon Cowell, Dan Wootton, Simon Jones, Ben Winston, many of the beards but Olivia is probably the one that was most universally hated although back in the day I would have said Swiftie and Eleanor, Briana Jungwirth, Cousin Ashley, Tami and Brett Clark, Rob Stringer, James Corden (funny how he was once so loved in this fandom).
Some people don’t like Nick Grimshaw, and he’s occasionally the bad guy in fics. But just as many write him as Harry’s friend or as a romantic partner for H or L. A lot of people hate Ellen Degeneres and Jimmy Kimmel for the way they treated the boys on their talk shows. And then there’s the crowd who hates Jeff and Irving Azoff.
That’s all I can think of at the moment. But I hope that helps! 💙
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sillykhan-blog · 3 years
America’s Got Talent: Jane Marczewski “Nightbirdie” She’s Okay.
America’s Got Talent: Jane Marczewski “Nightbirdie” She’s Okay.
As you may know, the results are in America’s  Got Talent, they had a great show last night, and I was watching. Everyone was fantastic. Except for one, it was Sethward peacock to the rising phoenix, and it was entertaining to watch. He was sent flying home. While Gina Brillon, the comedian, was saved and Caine Stars went home too.  Jane Marczewski – Nightbirdiw Simon Cowell Golden Buzzer acts…
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spiderdreamer-blog · 3 years
SCOOB! (2020)
William Hanna and Joseph Barbera have a strange animation legacy when one thinks about it. On the one hand, roughly 75% of their output was cheaply animated dreck, designed to chase trends and fill airtime for advertisers. On the other hand, that remaining 25% has genuinely held on in the popular consciousness: Tom and Jerry, The Flintstones, Jonny Quest, Yogi Bear, Huckleberry Hound, Top Cat. And of course, Scooby-Doo, their biggest TV hit ever...that they proceeded to run into the ground with both endless incarnations and re-incarnations of the teen mystery format. Yet the damn thing has endured against all odds. It's still airing on TV, for one, and has an incredibly successful 23-years-and-running DTV film series. At its best, it's comfort food: a familiar formula that you know and love, but well-executed in its professionalism and still pleasantly surprising on occasion. At its worst, it's craven and opportunistic; there's a reason The Scrappy is an all-too-familiar and instantly identifiable trope. So we come to SCOOB!, the first theatrically released film in the franchise's history, a flashy CGI extravaganza that aims to launch a Hanna-Barbera Cinematic Universe. How does it stack up?
After a charming opening sequence of events reminiscent of A Pup Named Scooby-Doo where the members of Mystery Inc. meet as children, the film picks up in the present day as the group prepares to go professional with the aid of investor Simon Cowell (a very strange cameo even by this franchise's usual standards of celebrity drop-ins). But there's a snag: while he thinks Fred (Zac Efron), Daphne (Amanda Seyfried), and Velma (Gina Rodriguez) have what it takes, he's derisive of Shaggy (Will Forte) and Scooby (Frank Welker). They leave in a huff, drowning their ennui in food and bowling, but are soon attacked by robots. These turn out to be the minions of Dick Dastardly (Jason Isaacs), who wants to capture Scooby in order to unlock the Gates to the Underworld. The pair are rescued by Dee Dee Skyes (Kiersey Clemons), Blue Falcon (Mark Wahlberg), and Dynomutt (Ken Jeong). Thus the chase is on as they try to stop Dastardly's plan while the rest of Mystery Inc., feeling guilty, attempt to find their friends.
The prospect of a massive crossover party for various Hanna-Barbera properties is actually not as unique as it initially appears. The characters were rubbing shoulders and dropping in on each other as early as 1970s series like Wacky Races or Laff-A-Lympics, and as recently as series like "Mystery Incorporated" or "Jellystone". And there have been a smattering of others over the years: TV specials like The Jetsons Meet The Flinstones or Yogi Bear and the Magical Flight of the Spruce Goose (Yogi's actually been the MC for a lot of them, come to think of it), the surprisingly good Tom and Jerry/Jonny Quest DTV Spy Quest (if nothing else, a fair sight better than the strange halfway-adaptations of properties like The Wizard of Oz or Willy Wonka the pair keep finding themselves in), or the truly excellent comic series Future Quest.
SCOOB! taking this route does lead to some genuine pleasures, particularly Dick Dastardly's depiction. Everything about him is first-rate. Isaacs gives a snarling, hammy, yet occasionally poignant performance, the intimidating design and snappy animation is the best in the film apart from Scooby and Dynomutt's, and there's some fun self-awareness about his supervillainy, like a great gag where he narrates a flashback that is decidedly at odds with said narration. In terms of the other HB drop-ins, while superhero-as-overexcited-manchild is a tad played out as a gag for my tastes, Wahlberg commits to the bit as well as Falcon's insecurities about measuring up to his father, and Jeong has a good snarky sidekick energy going on, with Clemons as the level-headed leader type. There's even a cameo from Captain Caveman (Tracy Morgan, casting that works better than I initially expected) on an island with Jonny Quest-style pterodactyls. If anything, this kind of smorgsabord of deep cut nerd references that guys like me who grew up on endless Cartoon Network reruns mark out for is what the film should've leaned into more. There's not really a mystery to speak of beyond Dastardly's actual motivation, which does provide the best twist in the film, and there's little sense of any kind of gothic kid-horror atmosphere after the opening; even Cerberus' villainy at the climax feels more like a kaiju battle. I suspect the sequel will lean into this more if images in the closing credits are any indicator.
Indeed, it's Mystery Inc. themselves that feel a little strange in terms of their depiction and presence, and not just because of the controversial recastings (notably, it's one of the only times Welker has not also played Fred, a role he has held onto since the series began in 1969). I have several thoughts on this, but the short version is that I think level of fame shouldn't matter as long as you're right for the role, and this franchise is no stranger to celeb appearances and recastings, but this DOES feel like a marketing move. Of the group, Shaggy and Scooby fare the best since the script is primarily focused on their dilemma of feeling inadequate. While Forte is not as good as Matthew Lillard's current performance, he makes a clear effort to replicate the character's voice and attitude accurately and has good comic timing to boot. Welker, of course, is an old hand at this, the longest-running Scooby actor since the late Don Messick, and perfectly navigates the requirements of a goofy cartoon voice having to be sincere as well as funny.
Fred, Daphne, and Velma are a little more...mixed. Part of this is the script, which separates the group for far longer than it needs to even given the central conflict. I can't help but wonder if it might have landed better had Mystery Inc. wrestled with this potential schism as a team compared to the seemingly more-put-together Falcon Force. In practice, it often leaves the other three as feeling like afterthoughts. On the vocal front, Efron is good casting for original generation clean-cut himbo Fred on paper, and he's clearly putting in more effort than his voice performance in The Lorax (perennial "fuck that movie"), but something doesn't quite gel in the end. Between him, the design, and the writing, he's too straightforwardly jocky when the ideal energy is "student council president and/or youth pastor who is more than a little obsessive and has WAY too much free time". Seyfried fares a little better as Daphne, sweet and spunky in equal measure, but I can't say I liked Rodriguez's take on Velma at all. Part of that can be blamed on the writing, which weirdly makes her the techie of the group rather than the history nerd most of the time. But her tones are too low and deadpan for a character who, yes, can be snarky, but is as bright and eager to solve mysteries and catch monsters as the rest of these idiots.
Visually, the movie is on point, with Reel FX (The Book of Life) offering a bright, 'toony look, though I quibble with the designs of Fred, Daphne, and Velma being "prettier" and more doll-like than Shaggy or Scooby; there's a slight disconnect in the 2D animated version, sure, but not usually this stark. I got a kick out of the production design too, with touches like Dastardly's ship being based on his Wacky Races vehicle or some fun cameos in an arcade. Director Tony Cervone, a longtime Warner Bros. fixture/Scooby vet, keeps things clear even when they're frenetic and has a sure hand on the comedy beats. Really, there's nothing anything WRONG with it in terms of pure construction.
But perhaps that's part of the problem. The film is simultaneously too safe and too ambitious in equal measure, hemming things into a generic family film script structure while bursting at the margins with "look at this cool thing!". As a result, it lacks the genuine grandeur of series like "Mystery Incorporated", a sense of growing up that films like Zombie Island possessed, or the freewheeling creativity of crossovers like the truly excellent Batman: The Brave and the Bold movie (it probably didn't help this film by comparison that I watched that immediately beforehand). In the end, I liked enough of it that I'll watch the sequel, which hopefully might have a better control on its various tones and characterizations.
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pollylynn · 3 years
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Title: Semipermeable WC: 900 Episode: Limelight (6 x 13)
The theme of the day is relationships—functional and dysfunctional, brand new and well past their due date, fragile and inescapable, for good or for ill. 
She teases him about Gina, about the Page 6 thing more because she doesn’t quite know how to approach him about it than because she actually wants to torture him. Of course a little torture keeps the blood pumping, but honestly, he keeps her out of all that, and she gets it. She enjoys the fact that as much as he’s prone to reflexively run his mouth about all the supermodels he’s bungee jumped off the Chrysler building with, he has taken the hard lessons of Meredith’s last visit to heart. 
He respects the fact that just because he’s obliged to deal with Gina, she should not be. And she appreciates the sensitivity, but it’s not necessary. She and Gina are fine. They are rated for perfectly innocuous small talk, and at this point, she’s interested in what it’s like for him. She imagines it has to be a strain from time to time navigating those waters, and he can talk to her about it. She wants him to know that she is—she can be—his go-to person for everything, up to and including Gina. But she doesn’t quite know how to approach him about it, so she teases. 
It’s not the most productive strategy. It’s not just Gina that he’s not talking to her about—or rather, it’s more than Gina that he’s not talking to anyone about. He has closed the blast doors on the whole issue of Pi, too. It’s another lesson taken to heart, and she should probably praise him for it. He has learned restraint on the topic of Pi and he might actually deserve more than just praise—he might deserve a frozen peanut butter kong or something for that, except he seems to have learned it a little too well. 
She has to pick her jaw up from the breakfast bar when he lets slip that he didn’t volunteer for recommendation duty, Alexis asked. She actually asked, and that is fodder for some fairly juicy conversation right there, because it means his daughter is desperate. She is emerging from the Costa Rican brain sickness and has realized that Pi has literally nothing and no one to recommend him. She expects him to weigh in on that. She’s sure that any minute, he’ll be following around, nipping at her heels, demanding to know if this means what he thinks it means and the end of the Age of Pi is in sight. 
She’s actually longing for that. She’s longing for the jackassery and finely honed side swipes that dominated his conversational repertoire for months, not because she condones him interfering, and not because she thinks that open hostility toward his daughter’s boyfriend is a recipe for anything but acrimony and distance between them. 
But at least when he was ragging on Pi, he was talking to her about Pi in words beyond this unfamiliar, low-key grumbling, and she’s half-tempted to bust that can of worms right open again. In the privacy of her own mind, she’s crafting scenarios where she casually “reassures” him about the fact that at least Alexis isn’t living the cliché like Mandy Sutton and making out with her tattoo artist for the paparazzi. 
But it seems like it might very much be time to cease and desist when it comes to teasing as strategy. Because the Pi think seems to be s like the Gina thing. He seems, meekly, to not be talking to anyone about it. And maybe that’s okay. Maybe it’s a prerogative he’s suddenly exercising to not hash and rehash the gory details of these relationships he doesn’t have any real power to shake himself loose from. 
She relates. One awkward, blood pressure–raising conversation with her dad about Aunt Theresa, who is suddenly Our Lady of Facebook, and she definitely empathizes with the instinct to shut one’s mouth and fantasize about WitSec.
But she thinks it might be something more. She’s worried, if she’s honest with herself, that it might be him . . . reading into the boundary she’s put in place about the engagement. She thinks back to his rote repetition of her reasoning for keeping it quiet. She faces the fact that his agreement to it doesn’t roll trippingly off the tongue. She wonders if he thinks he—or at least his public persona—is a burden to her somehow. 
It’s one hell of a sobering thought, and it comes to her while she watches Mandy Sutton stumble through what passes for relationships in her young, messed up life. She sees the contingent nature the love, such as it is, that the young woman receives from her Mother/Manager. She sees the way maintaining the persona—drawing stark lines between the Mandy she gets to be with any given person in her life—has taken its toll. 
She looks at him, the man she loves so wholeheartedly, whom she doesn’t—mostly—want to torture, and maybe he won’t talk to her about Gina or about Pi. Maybe his silence has less to do with her than she’s afraid it does. But just in case, there’s a boundary it’s silly to keep on guarding.
So she stops guarding. She picks up the phone and calls Page 6. 
A/N: There should be 100% morphousness allowing Castle to see the looming end of Pi, and yet. . . .
images via kissthemgoodbye
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