#gkm ocs
grailknightmonty · 2 months
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make a mercy out of me.
workin on some funky lore with @canofambersoup on Mianite RPG ;]c Also thumbnail for one of my vods, feel free to check out! :D
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kiwibirdlafayette · 10 months
Aitheaca: About Flash’s clothes, are they reflective? Is it made to look like gold (with gold embellishments) or is his jacket like actually gold (assuming it’s something similar to gold leaf but for fabric and lightweight)?
If his clothes are reflective, I think combat with him could be really fun, because he just causes blindness on the battlefield on sunny days. It’d also be fun with someone on the crew didn’t realize who they were talking to upon first meeting him because looking directly at him is hard. So, they don’t know the danger they’re in until it’s too late.
Also! What’s crew dynamic looking like? I saw you mentioned Spark was on the crew a while back, but just to confirm, who’s officially on the crew?
Out of all the Aitheaca designs, who’s your favorite?
Thank you so much for the questions!! I appreciate it a ton, it means an absolute lot that you're interested in my sillies :D
With Flash's jacket, hell yeah! I wasn't specifically going for a reflective surface, but I did want his jacket to appear as if it was weaved out of fibered gold (that Im assumin would be like gold leaf in texture), that is yes lightweight man's gotta be able to move fast... like a flash of light haHA-
When light reflects off it in certain ways it could absolutely be used like a flashbang to blind enemies during battle, I'm imagining AND YESSS the crew would have zero idea, like in the plot I have in my head so far, Tom, Sonja and Spark are the first ones to encounter Flash, they just see a shape of a man in the sunbeam ahead, too bright to tell who exactly it was. Initially they think it could be Jordan, but its actually Flash, who was tipped off to their location based on Tom's Mecha-Dianite quintessence (that still puts off a pretty strong signature despite the cloaking sigils Wag had given him). Like you mentioned, he's really hard to look at, because while he's standing in the sun he's not creating a shadow, he's reflecting it. And its in this time they don't notice him pull out his weapons and BANG
Mer and co. end up having to come in to come in to help them out-because they don't exactly have experience fighting someone who is wearing basically a mirror for a jacket in direct sunlight- wearing wearing some kine specialized obsidian sunglasses because yknow this is isn't their first rodeo with this yellow dipshit (Merina's not as affected as Will and Cass but she's gonna wear em anyway for the bit)
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I think of the designs, probably either Merina, Cass and Ianite are my favorite! Ia because I just had a lot of fun designing her armor and coming up with a darker color palette costume design that wasn't just dark purple, and working with different armor styles to get the specific celestial warlord look I wanted her to have :D Cass was just a fun design to do overall because his aesthetics have been something I dont get to work with much, a very patchwork vintage kind of thing, which is supposed to be a callback to Inter Amorem et Timorem , a short screenplay I wrote for school where- aside from it being a Tom reference- he was named Cassell because his emotions were spoken through cassette tapes C: But Merina's design might just be my favorite, I am a sucker for nautical designs and trying to figure out what a coraldragon hybrid might look like compared to a typical merling was a ton of fun :D Also trying to work in the color palettes of the Watchers was how I landed on the blueish purple scheme, because initially she was going to be teal and orange to call back a little to Sonja across the multiverse
(I promise I also love William equally but too much of his design was me making jokes about Joel/Pix/Bdubs)
And the crew! Currently as I have it, the peeps that end up in Aitheaca are Jordan, Tom, Capsize, Sonja, Martha, Spark (Tucker I was thinking about including, but I'm not sure how to work him back in, but basically they would find him in a different SMP prior to this; where the reconciliation between him and Sonja starts) Its very interesting to have 3 different Sparklez variants in the same timeline, surely nothing could go wrong /hj, but the dynamic can best be defined as "a group of people who desperately just need to figure their shit out because damn they have not really had a proper chance to rest and feel safe doing so"
While Tom and Jordan had their reconciliation arc during Isles (source: just trust me m8), Capsize, while having gotten a hang on being undead is carrying a lot of resentment and unresolved issues she's not sure about because she can't clearly remember the entirety of (specifically towards Jordan) and Sonja kind of holding a little resentment towards Tom, but more importantly her decision to choose to stay Mianite's champion despite her post-S2 not being sure and owning that choice. no longer even after Tucker he drifts away (and then how that comes into play when Tucker rejoins them, basically the stuff I allude to in the mini animatic) its essentially Embersduo and Zombiecaptains but they have trouble getting along, not because they're sick of each other, but more like damn We all Went Through a Ton of Shit and we're not good at talking about it or working through it together,but goddammit we're still gonna try to get along. That being said I do think they have moments where they can be their silly shenanigan selves :D
Martha's her own ballgame, in the sense that she's very endgoal oriented in trying to problem solve, and her reaction to Aitheaca!Ianite is very drastic as well, it just must be really weird to see a basically evil version of your mother. She and Sonj aren't great friends, but her and Capsize have caught on pretty well, and she doesn't mind Jordan (Tom's iffy, but at least they can connect over being new gods in a way) Spark's just along for the ride, he was supposed to get back home to help out Dia, Mot and the Wizards but the portal fucked up lowkey :] He's not exactly overjoyed to be parading about the multiverse but he's fine with Martha, Sonj and Capsize so he mostly hangs around them. It'll be interesting that's for sure, but this is the main chunk of the post-series stuff I want to do so yeeeee
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grailknightmonty · 10 months
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strange dreams, the feeling of being unknown
(an in-character lore piece for the Mianite RPG)
It's been a month since I've been like truly awake. Aurelia can't explain it, and neither can I. It’s like I’m not here at all, or that I’m not strong enough to exist on the same plane as everyone else. But it's not weakness, nor is it some kind of exhaustion.
It’s just a weight unlike anything I’ve felt before. Jumping in and out of reality mentally, but thank god, not physically.
I’ve returned somewhat to being a hermit, being away from everyone else as much as I can. I don’t really understand what’s keeping me away, but maybe I don’t want to know.
The other guardians can't know what’s been going on. If the legion finds out, I don’t imagine Dianite will be very forgiving with how I’ve become. I mean- I don’t know if they miss me. I don’t want my friends to worry, so I’ve told Aurelia to not tell anyone.
When she went to Nibiru, I just told her to say that I was getting some rest, working on things when I got the chance.
And I don’t think I want them to know.
The thing is, I haven’t dreamed like this in a long time.
But they always start the same.
I’m back home on Astrakhiens. A quiet hum develops through the reeds, lacugrove trees and lilypads, accompanied by a ripple that runs across the surface of the lake. I’m drawn to the reflection of the ender nebula on the water’s surface more than I remember being before, the acquiescent oranges and violet hues dancing across my field of vision, interrupted only by luminescent particles which shine with the same sparkle as the stars in the sky.
Sunflowers my mom had planted the last time she visited me prior to the final stages of the portal experiments still grow in that small patch. The only breed that can grow in End, she had told me, the only breed that could survive the cold of the Void without the sun which had gave it its name.
My old house stands as it always has, a certain surface-of-the-sea like glisten to the smaragdant roof tiles above walls of flavolite, vines from lost time crawling down the corners, tucked kindly away between tree bark. As I turn my head to peer through the lilac stained glass though, the figure inside isn’t me.
The person standing in my house, tinkering with my things isn’t me.
His hair resembles the void as if it were set ablaze, wisps of violet and orange flame flickering off his body with every movement. He’s draped in robes of cerulean, gold and white, engraved with a foreign runic language. The claws on his feet dig deep into the moss on the flooring I never made an attempt to repair. While I cannot see myself, or am sure if I’m even there, I can feel the glass heating up as he approaches the windows.
The closer I get, the less familiar I feel to myself, and I see a face, not my face, appear like a mirage in between gold plated framing.
I don’t remember enough to describe what looked back at me.
What’s more interesting is how the foliage behind me changes as well.
This time, I’m back in the overworld in a flattened limestone cove overlooking the sea on a set of smooth stone stairs. Behind me sits a lighthouse made of copper and maroon wood, at its base sitting a humble stone and spruce home with red windows. A soft sea breeze blows, a subtle clicking awakening the lights throughout the building. Something about this particular structure does not feel inviting. I occasionally can spot a fox and turtle wandering about the red carpet inside, but the doors are never unlocked, despite there being no indication of redstone that would keep it closed.
Most times instead, I am inclined to follow the pathway around the intentionally crafted coastline, adorned with glowing copper ore, which leads me into a winding river laden ravine, cliffsides climbing high into the sky. The farther down this ravine I walk, the more reminiscent of home it starts to feel.
At some point, I reach a house buried deep into the side of the mountain, adorned by peculiar stone walls, and green bamboo tile roofs. It appears desolate, as if no one has lived in it for years. The animal pen to just to the right is inhabited by only two chickens, who for reasons I can’t explain seem spry as ever, as if they were just born.
I have no idea who this home belonged to, but I am always inclined to step inside, only to be met by an open floor, full of dusty chests and half crafted tools, enchantments and redstone scattered about the ground left unfinished- as if their owner had left in a hurry, and without finding a resolution that i think they maybe have had desired. Laments of a time long gone are inscribed into the walls broken by what appears to be unsystematic explosions, creating craters without specific intent.
Within moments of exploring the interiors, dusting off surfaces, the walls of the house seem to close in on me, slowly gaining in rapidity and I am forced to burst through stained and mossy oak doors which had once been rusted copper only moments before.
Stumbling into the woods with empty hands.
I am met by what appears to be overgrown farmland. Unlike the place before, there is not a single animal to be found. What might have been a pool before with a diving board hundreds of meters into the sky is the only thing that looks even remotely normal- the water clear as it can be, a small assortment of tropical fish making its home amongst the rough edged coral and cobblestone at its floor. Above me, runs a network of haphazardly placed dirt and stone bridges connecting three main buildings I think; all together forming the shape of a lightning bolt if someone looked at it from the sky.
The first few times I had this dream, I used to think the thick overgrowth that I find myself sinking into, as if gravity suddenly took a stronger hold of me was comprised of grass, flowers, the kind of thing that grows if you leave your lawn unkempt for long enough.
But it was this past night that I realized it was sunflowers. Stems, leaves, shoots and flowers both fully blossomed and dead petals littering the ground beneath my feet.
Nothing but sunflowers.
It’s then when I look up towards the sky, expecting storm clouds stretching towards the horizon to be the cause of a sudden onset darkness that had blocked the sky, the only light now coming from a lava feature across from the main house, netherrack spilling out of the crackled obsidian portal that sat at its center adorned by just the slightest bit of nether foliage.
Instead I am met by the soft glow of stars, the gentle hum of the void and the enigmatic glow of a forming ender nebula coming over the edge of the world.
The ground beneath me shifts into something like a cerulean ocean set on fire, glowing with abstract patterns of aqua and cyan, my footsteps leaving ripples across it. The water itself is shallow, I don’t sink, I don’t swim, I just simply stand on its surface.
I feel inclined to keep going, as I walk across a barren nothing for what feels like hours. Eventually, a face appears in the sky- A pair of pearlescent eyes, surrounded by a multicolor iridescent nebula, ever shifting. A symbol not unlike to the one on that appeared on the back of my shirt manifests above her head between curls, and one by one purple eyes appear across their cheeks.
Never once has the face spoken to me, but always waits till I get close, offers his hand-
And I wake up again.
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kiwibirdlafayette · 1 year
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still got artblock but have some random merina (factually the best character in aitheaca) (jordans never seen a watcher before and he has no idea what to make of it when he first encounters a coral-merling surrounded by eyes)
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grailknightmonty · 1 year
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mianite rpg is has been really fun actually. i set out to make a stupid little mysterious shy boyo and hes turned into a fruity little dianite simp complete with his own crackship thats slowly becoming canon and a whole secret plotline involving the collapse of the multiverse (shh! thats a surprise tool we'll need later)
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