omegai · 29 days
[pt: glaios]
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Glaios : a term for alphas who are, exclusively or not, attracted to omegas and betas.
[pt: glaios]
based on gladiolus | symbol link
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remake of aetaen to be flower based (link)
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kittywritesfic · 1 year
Chapter 5 (or 6 if you count the prologue) is up!
Ignis POV
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beastpurrs · 24 days
Welcome to the den.
I'm a nameless big genderqueer butch (who's also a guy), pronoun apathetic but tends to use he/him and an adult, there may be mature content (tagged after dark for nsfw).
This is a misceverse orientated blog, but there may be some overlap with alterhumanity.
Alterhuman blog - @beastqueer
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[Alpha] - [Glaios] - [Werewolf Alpha] - [Shifter Alpha]
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Some scents: [Alpha Smoke] - [Ocean] - [Chocolate]
Further info below (myself & identification)
I'm new to the community although no stranger to omegaverse itself.
I'm questioning, but as is I identify as an alpha, albeit a more relaxed one. I'm still comfortable being aggressive to assert myself when warranted but feel little need or desire to be so otherwise (more bite than bark you could say). I prefer to be more laid back and rooted in simple mutuality. You get what you give, roughly.
My identities tend to be complex and multifaceted so I expect my identification here to complicate and deepen over time, especially as I experience it in different contexts while I settle into and explore what the community has to offer.
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Subvocals: [Growl] - [Purr]
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spiribia · 1 year
aperture science meshi be like glaios
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archonssun · 4 years
We’ll Walk Tall Masterlist
Prompto Argentum POV
Noctis Lucis Caelum POV
Ignis Scientia POV
Gladiolus Amicitia POV
Reader POV
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loyalrite replied to your post
i’m gonna nut on all of the street signs in tenebrae too
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oceansandblades · 3 years
Oh just a lil write-up about the spell flavors of my dnd spellcasters, nothin to special :)
(If other people wanna do this, I welcome it!)
Icarus "Prometheus" Glaio: Heatless green fire, dim light with no sparks or smoke, attracts moths. It quietly screams and pops like fireworks and smells like cinnamon, basil, mint, and other herbs. Healing sends chilling tingles down the spine while offence spells burn with a cold fury like frostbite. Both effects dig down to the bone. Dead raised have closed eyes, weep green glowing tears, and stagger like poorly operated puppets. If blood is used in the spell, it will also turn green and burn away when the spell is done. Most of the spells aren't as potent as they used to be and the energy used in casting them burns in the scars made by magic.
Ratarck Vrow: Infernal circular ruins carved into the air in bright, almost white, turquoise. After cast, they fall apart slowly into powdery sleet and disappear with soft hisses. Otherwise, completely silent. Smells like pine, fresh wood, and salt or possibly the overpowering smell of alcohol if the caster has been drinking. Spell induced pain is felt primarily like a knife to the stomach or in the limbs, leaving throbbing fingers. They are efficient and quick, made for one-handed use and the ruins will cause migraines if tried to be read.
LaCogni of Ursa Beta: The purple star-filled globs split off from its cloak and/or halo and seem to birth spells in loud bright pops like supernovas. They sound like loud snare drum taps, complete with a slight reverb, and smell only faintly of ozone and exotic spices. Healing might cause heartburn or headaches while damage spells help with hiccups and back pain. Damage spells also feel as though the afflicted is burning and being watched from the inside and cloud vision with starry skies. They feel ancient and the affected forget how bad the pain was right after it leaves.
Swamp Assassin: Spells are… wet. Casting is accompanied by thick water droplets and a few water lily petals. They make soft croaking or chirping noises and smell like apples, rain, and mud. Spells can have a suffocating effect, blocking air for a few seconds and making feet feel heavy or sunken. All spells, not just damage spells, leave large, semi sensitive bruises that don't go away for several days. Caster coughs up lily petals and gets homesick. Spells feel oppressing and might make the affected think twice about sticking around as they start to think they might never leave if they do. 
Reese DeYote: Popping bubble-like arches of cobalt lighting and static that sizzle along both parties skin and burn body hair. They sound like a very high flute and are not accompanied by thunder, only a slight whiff of the sea and burning sugar. Spells passed through The Conduit will leave the whole body numb for a few seconds while spells at normal power will just numb the toes. Conduit spells also have the chance of producing a cloud that solidifies as spun sugar. Feels eating sweets: nice in moderation but deadly sickening if used too much. It can also be guessed that the wielder has a "sweet tooth."
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winemum-ignis · 7 years
Notes: A short drabble based on, unfortunately, very true events that occured due to free wine on holiday. I currently regret every decision i have made in the last 24 hours ಸ‿ಸ
990 Words. (AO3)
If you were to ask the pair, neither would probably be able to tell you how many drinks they had had at that point. Of course that was the point when it was often suggested to perhaps stop drinking. Contrary to what one may have assumed though they weren’t yet drunk. They weren’t sober, by any means, but they still danced on that fine line between ‘tipsy’ and ‘utterly sloshed’. They had been wise enough to pace themselves at least spreading their drinks over a few hours; they’d rocked up early to the hotel since they had spent the last several nights in the tent and were all in dire need of some home comforts.
They had begun with all four of the boys sat at the bar but now Gladio and Ignis were the last men standing. Or sitting if we were to be pedantic. The younger two had long since peeled off to get their rest in and as he knocked back the last dregs of wine in the glass, Gladio suggested that perhaps it was time for them to do the same.
As was so often the case, neither of the pair realised quite how merry they were until they found themselves vertical for the first time in what felt like an age. Once they were stood Ignis, much like Gladio had, promptly finished the last of the burgundy in his glass with a slight tilt of his head. It was as he went to step that it truly kicked in; the alcohol combined with having been seated for an excessively long period had a hand reached out to clutch a muscular shoulder for a few moments as green eyes glared down at his shoes.
“Everything okay there, Iggy?” The older man placed a hand atop that which had settled on his shoulder, looking to the brunette out of curiousity as an alcohol induced lopsided smile settled on his features.
“I believe my foot momentarily decided it didn’t want to be a foot anymore.” The glare that had been directed at his own limb broke as Ignis looked to Gladio who broke out into a hearty chuckle. Fortunately his foot had decided to start functioning as it was supposed to and the pair were soon heading back to their room to finally get some sleep, not without the occasional stumble or walking into the odd inanimate object on the way which of course elicited a statement of apology or confusion as to why a table was there in the first place when they so clearly trying to walk there. The audacity.
Having taken slightly longer than if they weren’t currently three shades to the wind, the boys finally made it to their room for the evening and eventually managed to get inside after a nearly heated debate as to how they were supposed to get the key in the hole. Needless to say this caused them both to dissolve into laughter as they stepped over the threshold. While Gladio diverted to the bathroom, Ignis took it upon himself to become considerably more acquainted with the bed in the centre of the room, ‘elegantly’ dropping himself face first onto the soft mattress as limbs rag-dolled.
Gladiolus heard the long drawn out ‘oh no’ through the bathroom door, but was still confused when he walked out the bathroom to see the brunette still face down and dressed, clearly not having moved since he had first face planted the bed. Taking a seat next to his corpsed body, the tall male leant back on one arm, the other extending so he could so caringly poke the side of Ignis to try and get him to move, obviously thinking he was just reacting appropriately for the volume of wine they had both drunk.
A long groan was muffled by the covers that Ignis’ face was buried into, soon forming words as he was reluctant to move afraid of what he might find. “I think I broke my glasses…” Finally he worked up the courage, pushing himself up enough to look down where, as he had anticipated, his glasses lay on the bed with one arm snapped off and lying limp next to the frames.
The same groan came out yet again but before he buried his head back into the covers, Gladio plucked the glasses in two pieces from where his head threatened to land again, unable to contain the roar of laughter as he proceeded to see if there was any way to repair them on the fly. “You’ve got your spare pair with you, right?” The question caused Ignis to finally roll over onto his back hands rising to rub over his eyes and up through his hair; exasperated by the sheer stupidity of his actions.
The question didn’t reassure him about the other males ability to fix them then and there, but then again it wasn’t like he needed them to sleep. “In the glove box of the Regalia.” Letting his arms drop down to his chest, fawn coloured hair now had been pushed from its once styled appearance, several strands tumbling down and decorating his forehead as intoxicated green eyes closed. He could fall asleep right there and then even though he was still fully suited and booted. “At least I won’t need them until we head off anyways.” It meant that he would probably get very confused looks from Noctis and Prompto at breakfast but he would deal with that when the time came. He wasn’t overly keen on divulging the true story of what happened, but as he turned his head to look at Gladio who had placed the glasses on the bedside table he realised he could just blame the muscular man who was now lying in a very similar position to himself, trying to put off the the thralls of inebriated sleep. It was believable and at least would save him the embarrassment.
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zacklover24 · 6 years
Lights of Eos chapter 13
Summary: It had been six months since the defeat of Organization XIII. And things have been quite, Sora has taken up training with his mentor Angel, as riku trains with the king. But rumors have spread of the possible return of the organization in worlds that have been thought lost to time. Yen Sid has requested that the king, riku and sora and angel go and stop the organization.
Ratings: T
Pairings: Ignis and OC, Noctis/Prompto/Gladio, Sora and Riku down the road
Tagging: @aquacura, @nykamito, @nemo-ne-impune-lacessit, @ffxv-ocs-unite, @nykamito, @rikusqueenofhearts, @moonraccoon-exe, @insomniacapples, @dr3aming-of-stars, @bluechocobo
Angel was sitting down outside the the training area star gazing. It had been a long day of training and now it was night time. Angel was enjoying her time with Auron it just she missed her home.
“I thought I would find you here.” Auron says sitting down next to the girl.
“Hi Auron.” Angel greets not taking her eyes  off of the sky there were so many stars. “Do you think one of those stars is my homeworld?” Auron let a hump,
“Possibly each star is a world some new some old some forgotten. Some of those worlds are so far from here that we may never visit them.”  Angel blinked once then twice staring at her mentor.
“That was somber.” She whispers staring at the sky, “If you could would you go home?”
“If I could I would. My home might not be there any more. What about you?”
Angel gave him a smile, “I would. I would! I want to go and see my dad and brother again. My little brother is a chocobo. He loves them.”
“You miss them.” Auron softly tells her, he watched as angel pulled her knees up to her chest, “There's someone else isn't there?”
“Yea my best friend iggy.”
Angel woke to a slight ache in the back of her head  and to the smell of coffee. Angel took note that she was lying in a bed, and she was in a trailer of some kind. With a small hiss she sat up,
“Welcome back my dear.” Ignis calm and collected voice greets. The advisor was sitting down at the the sole table nursing a cup of coffee.
“Hi Ignis.” She greets wincing, there was a lot to be desired of Sora healing magic it seemed, “Do we have any pain killers?” Ignis nodded yes and handed her two pills and a water bottle, “So where are we?” As popped the pills and drank the water.
“Back outside the store, noctis collected the royal arm some time after you passed out. Sora was quick to use cure on you.” Ignis explains.
“That does explain the ache in the back of my head. He’s good with magic but his healing magic leaves a lot to be desired.” She mutters, “Where is the kid now?”
“Training with Gladio and the others.”
“Huh.” Angel smirks, so if the kid was fighting Gladio it would give him a chance to work on his guarding. Would be fun to watch.
“What hun?”
“Just that sora is going to beat him down hard. That boy is tougher than he looks trust me.” Angel tells him with a smile, “I’ve seen taken on gods, genies, monsters, a bag of bugs, and so much more. What has your boy done?” Ignis gave a look of disbelief.
“I do not believe you.” He states in a matter of fact voice.
“Naturally, but he has. I was there. He’s got what it takes.” Her voice soft as if thinking about something. “He’s got a good heart.”
“I know he does.” Ignis tells her, “As does his teacher. Those now I see why he didn’t want me to see the scar.” Wait what? Angel eye went wide as tried to locate a clear surface, she was missing her sunglasses and her eyepatch, her scars were on view for the whole world to see.
“The fuck.” She yells looking around for her eyepatch and sunglasses, “Why did you take them off?” She hisses spotting both items on the table.
“We needed to make sure you were alright, I’m sorry.” Angel took in a deep breath. No need to get over worked it was an accident after all. She sure he would give them back if she asked.
“It’s fine no harm meant. And no I don’t want to talk about how I got the scars.” She tells him putting on the items and leaving. Ignis grabbed her wrist,
“If your willing to share I would like to hear the full story?” He softly offers.
“Why?” She asks trying to tug her hand free.
“It pains you doesn't it? Sora said you hate those scars.”
“Sometimes.” She whispers, “It happened two years ago. I was sent off to a world called Baron, I thought it would be easy but it wasn't. I was trying to keep the queen save when a shadows came up and attacked me.
It surprised me, i didn't have much time to counter the claws. The queen was saved but yea i can't see. Happy?” She asks her voice low and hints of warning.
“Yes, thank you.”
“Welcome now don't tell anyone.” She warns leaving.
It didn’t take her long to find the others. Noctis, Cor, and Prompto were sitting off to the side, while Sora and Gladio were sparring in front of them.
Sora was on the defense keeping his keyblade the guard position, as Gladio struck blow after blow with his greatsword. The poor boy was being pushed down into the ground.
“Sora he’s big and slow!” Angel yells catching sora attention, Angel had settled herself next to cor,  “Your small and fast remember what you learned in the timeless river, and pride lands you can out dash him and quick run.”
“Oh right.” Sora smiled as he used his might to knock back gladio. The shield stumbled back for a moment as, he charged right back at sora. Sora dashed and spun of his heel out of the royal shield, he hit gladio from behind, Gladio was stunned but was quick to recover. Gladio switched from sword to shield blocking the boy’s attacks, he watched and waited. He waited for an opening and when he found one he switched weapons. The knock back from the sword sent sora flying but he was quick to recover.
“Sora dear heart use your magic!” Angel yells. Sora made an O face as he casted lighting, Glaio was stunned giving sora able time to charge in and get in a few good swings before gladio came back to his sense. Sora side stepped each one of Gladio attacks, with each swing he tried to find his opening, even using his magic to make one. After a few seconds sora found his opening and quickly landed a hit, Gladio switched once more from sword to shield again. The hit didn’t do much as sora was sent flying once more by gladio shield, sora landed on the ground with a moan.
“Nice try kid.” Gladio says, “Next time listen to your teacher.” Sora gave him a thumbs up.
“Well he lasted for awhile, he stamina.” Angel mutters. They needed to work on the boys strength it seemed.
“But not strength.” Cor comments.
“I’ve seen this kid take on things that would turn your hair gray and white.” Angel tells him, “Sora were going to have work on your healing magic again.”
“Yes, Angel.” He moans, “I think I’m going to lay here for awhile if anyone needs me.” The adults all shared a laugh.
“Hey Ang want to spar?” Noctis asks with a playful smile.
“Sure let’s see if you can keep up.”
End of line
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scribblindown · 7 years
Gladio cheats on his S/O | Part 3
Updated: August 3rd
Yeah, remember that ask when I said I had real life obligations? Nevermind that now, please catch me as I fall in Gladio hell guys: @little-mini-me-world, @sweetchocobae, @thirsty-angst-lord, @chocobruh-art, @mistressoli, @blossattic, @roses-and-oceans, @phaedra-worldswalkinghell, @schmelscorner, @leafshining, @moriarticacid @animelover724, @loveurselfbeyoubaby, @phoenix-manga
Intro: Here
Part One: Here
Part Two: Here
Part Three: You are here
The original gif belongs to @fieryfantasy.
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In an instant, Nyx was up and standing in front of you, pushing you behind him and shielding you from the Amicitia. Gladio’s eyes narrowed at Nyx’s protective stance over you, and he felt his blood boil. That little green monster of jealousy was making itself known again. Drautos stepped into the room next and instantly stopped at the tense atmosphere. He signed and shook his head, and left the room, leaving you alone with two fuming men. 
“Ulric, leave us,” Gladio commanded, but Nyx wouldn’t back down from that. The Glaive opened his mouth to quickly snap back, but then you turned your head and spoke softly. 
“Nyx...Please.” Nyx turned around and gave you an expression of disbelief, but this was something that you wouldn’t back down on. You gestured your head to the door, a silent way of telling him to get out. He huffed, but listened to you and turned to leave, but not before giving Gladio a glare that could kill. Once Nyx’s footsteps became a mere whisper, you sent a death glare to Gladio, and turned to leave as well. 
“Hey,” he said, his eyes softening and voice growing gentle. “Where are you going? We need to talk.” 
“Not interested,” you said through gritted teeth, trying to move forward, but you were stopped by his outstretched arm. You sighed through your nose in exasperation. 
“Then just listen,” he said, trying to keep his patience, but you can tell that he was getting frustrated with you. Seeing you so comfortably with Nyx had lit a fire within him, and he felt helpless all the same. He looked at you, tired, sweaty, with dark bags under your reddened eyes. They wee still puffy from your crying session earlier, but worst of all, you looked lifeless. 
You held your emotions in, but Gladio knew better. You eyes held anger, rage, and disappointment. Why couldn’t you yell at him, scream at him, hit him just like every other female had done? Why did you have to look at him with such emotion in your eyes that made him feel like he wasn’t enough for you? 
Considering what he did, maybe he was. 
You slowly dared to look up and look him in the eye. When you finally did, a pang in your chest appeared, and you felt your strong facade slowly slip like sand. Gladio was a broken man. You held yourself back from reaching a hand up to gently stroke the deep bags under his eyes, to the tear troughs that became more pronounced during the week that you were gone. His skin was paler, and his hair was unkempt, tied lazily into a small ponytail. He looked tired, he looked like he had gained ten years in the week that you were gone. 
Gladio’s eyes softened at the sight of you, aware of your inner conflict. He slowly raised a hand to gently stroke your hair, but you flinched and turned away. 
“Don’t...Gladiolus...” you whispered. You gulped. “You said you wanted to talk, so talk.” You hated yourself for having such a shaky voice. Gladio’s hand dropped and he huffed. 
“Come on, [Name], that was a mistake, you know it was.” His voice was hoarse. “I’m sorry,” he said next. 
Oh, Gladio, what a bad boy...Don’t you know that it’s going to take a little more than sorry?  
“I was out of line, alright?” he said, sounding more hurried when you turned your head away from him and refused any eye contact. “I know it’s my fault, and I have no excuses, but I promise that this won’t happen again.” Silence. 
“Aren’t you going to say something?” he finally asked, his voice returning back to normal after taking so much. He was being pushed to the edge, you knew it. 
You controlled your breathing and let out a shudder. “You’re pathetic, Gladiolus...” you eventually said. “Is that the best you can do...?” Was he really here to just give you a prewritten script that was on the back of some cheesy Hallmark card? 
His anger spiked up from your answer. He furrowed his eyebrows at you. “What else do you want me to do then? You know I love you...! I can’t lose you!” You hated the way he used this tone on you. Suddenly your eyes burned again, and you didn’t look so fine on the outside anymore. “What will it take for us to be together again?!” he said as you looked away. “You know I’ll do anything—!” 
“You idiot! Don’t say anything if you aren’t sincere!” you roared. This was too much for you, seeing him here again, seeing how he was worn down after that week of your disappearance. You didn’t want to let him in again, you didn’t want him to come in and take control of your emotions and feelings again only to play it like a piano once more. In a flash of sudden hatred and anger at the Shield, your fist flew and you landed a hard punch on Gladio’s cheek. In that fit of strength, you had knocked him off his feet and he landed harshly on his bottom. You were too busy hissing in pain that you felt in your fist. You clutched it close to your chest after shaking it off. It looked like you underestimated your strength. When you realized what you had done, you gasped. 
“Gladio—!” You reached out to help him, but then stopped when you remembered that you should still be mad at him. You pulled your hand back in guilt, and hot tears started to slip down your face. Soft sobs escaped your lips when he got over his shock and stood up again. He held an unreadable expression on his face, and you were almost worried that he was going to hate you for real this time. Instead, what he said wasn’t what you were expecting in any universe. 
“Punch me,” he said, face serious. 
“What?” you asked, astonished. Did you give him a concussion or something? 
“Punch me!” he said again, louder this time. He stepped closer and you instantly stepped back. 
“What? No! Gladio—” you stopped, confused. “I’m not going to hit you again!” For ever step he took forward, you stepped back until you were cornered. 
“Do it!” he demanded. “Slap me! Hit me! Yell at me! Whatever it takes for you to forgive me again!” His voice started to tremble, and you hated how genuine he sounded. His heartache was obvious in his words. You wanted to fall back into his arms again. Here he was, giving you a sight that you never thought that you would see. Gladiolus Amicitia begging for you. 
“No, Gladio, that’s crazy!” you repeated again. 
“Come back to me!” he said, “Because there’s no one else in this world that can love you as much as I do—!”   
You broke at that. 
“Glaio, you’re too cruel!” you finally yelled at him. You saw that demoralized face of his and you finally cracked. “If you love me so much, why did you betray me?!” you asked between sobs, hot tears streaming down your face. “Why did you leave me behind?!” Gladio saw your expression, and hated himself then and there. He did the only thing he knew to do, and tugged on your arm and pulled you forward. You slammed into his chest and buried your face in his shirt, weeping until there was a wet patch in the fabric. He wrapped his arms around you and gently stroked your hair. 
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” he whispered. “Whatever it takes...I’ll do anything you want...Don’t leave me alone anymore, [Name]...Please don’t leave me,” he begged quietly. 
Your response was muffled in his chest, and Gladio held you like this until you visibly calmed down. Even long after your tears dried, he continued to have a hold around you, until the pain in the air finally dispersed. 
The weight on your shoulders was lifted and Gladio held you at arm’s length. His expression softened when he looked at your face. He slowly tucked a strand of hair behind your ear and rubbed his thumb over your tear-stained cheek until the sticky, dry tears rubbed off. 
He pulled you in for another hug, and this time you wrapped your arms around him again. 
“[Name]...” he said, whispering in your ear, his voice raspy. “Please tell me...You’ll forgive me...” 
Your eyes lowered and you tightened your grip on the back of his shirt. 
“Of course...” you eventually whispered. You felt him pause and stiffen when you said that. “...I love you...” 
Gladio’s hug around you only tightened. “My little princess...finally came back home...” He placed a kiss on the top of your head. 
“I love you so much.” 
16th of May 
Distant fire crackled listlessly from beyond the empty city. To think that just moments ago, skyscrapers used to stand here, cars parked, winding overpasses and metro lines used to cross each other like straw upon wicker baskets It was hard to believe that they stood tall, only to be reduced to nothing more than rubbish around you. 
A small circle around you was clear, but beyond two meters, that was it. Waves of Magitek troopers laid broken around you, crumpled on top of the sea of broken towers, cement, and metal. This was the Fall of Insomnia. 
With a heavy sigh, you threw your last sword out to the sea and fell to your knees right after. Your chest heaved and fell, with more bruises and wounds covering your body than actual unblemished skin, you were numb. 
The earpiece suddenly buzzed in your ear. 
“Hello? Can anyone out there hear me? If so report in,” Cor the Immortal said over the telecom. 
With sluggish movements, you pressed the button on it. “Here...” You had to pause to even your heavy breathing again. “Sir.” 
Cor let out an exhale that sounded like a sigh of relief. “Good, you’re the only one. Name and location?” 
“It’s [Name] from the Kingsglaive...Sir...and...I’m the...only one?” A small sound escaped your throat that resembled a soft cry of pain. If you were the only one that meant everyone from the Kingsglaive was either unresponsive, or dead. Your heart dropped to your stomach and in a sudden reminder, your wounds all pulsed. A cry of pain made you drop on all fours, panting and heaving as the metallic taste of blood coated your mouth. You eased yourself on the ground and stared up at the setting sun. Painted with the richest of oranges and ambers, the touch of blue and white clouds streaked the sky.
“[Surname]?!” he yelled the moment you cried out. “State your location, and help will be on the way.” 
“I don’t think I’ll make it...” Salty tears started to mix with the taste of blood. Your voice was broken as you whimpered out this truth. “There were so many of those bastards...” Your breathing started to slow. 
“[Suname], state your location,” he repeated once more, ignoring your last comment. 
“I’m so tired...” you whispered, feeling your eyelids droop. They became heavier with every blink. “Do me a favor, Marshal, and tell Gladiolus that I love him...” 
“Don’t close your eyes!” he ordered. “Do me a favor and focus on his name. Keep yourself awake.” His footsteps started to grow in volume against the silence of the streets. “How do you spell it?” 
“G, L, A, D, I, O, L, U, S...A, M, I, C, I, T, I, A...”  you spoke lowly, slowly counting off the letters of his name. 
“Save your energy, and just think about it for me,” his steely voice said. After a pause, the footsteps continued. “I’ve found your location, now just hold on.” 
“I need to say this...or else I won’t be able to say it later...Please tell Gladio I love him...” you said, gulping in dry air. Despite being covered by your warm blood, the tips of your fingers and toes started to feel so cold. 
“His name, [Surname], his name!” Cor’s voice started to get more hurried, his composure breaking. His footsteps started to quicken. 
You let out another slow breath and you inclined your head just barely enough for it to pass as a nod. You finally let your eyes flutter closed and you focused on him. From his messy hair, to the brush of his long eyelashes, and the scruff on his chiseled jaw. You remembered the feathers of his tattoo, and the tensing of his muscles whenever you brushed your fingers against his bare skin. 
You started to count off the seconds. 
For some reason, even as Gladio sat in a hotel room in Gladin Quay playing King’s Knight surrounded by the men he’d grown to love as brothers, the Shield wondered why he felt so alone. 
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Au where everything is the same except the lil fire on top of glaio's head speaks and is really sassy like calicifer from Howl's moving castle
' aND ALL YOUR FOOD SHALL B U RN'"Why do you do this."'I SHALL SCREAM TO LET THEM KNOW OF MY PRESENCE!!!!'"I am literally right under you, stop that."[ FLAME SCREECHING LOUDLY ]
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beastpurrs · 23 days
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[Alpha] - [Glaios] - [Werewolf Alpha]
[Lair-maker] - [Mariean] - [Shifter Alpha]
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tachibaena · 7 years
noctis GO
OKMy NOTP for them: noctis/ardyn. NOT TODAY SATANMy BROTP for them: is it cheating to say the entire chocobro squad????? Do i have to say like one because I don't think I can do that My OTP for them: my mind says noctluna but my heart says promptis and sometimes you gotta follow your heart ya knowMy second choice pairing for them: noctluna! not perfectly written but I'm weak so there it isMy fluffy pairing for them: glaio/noct but in a more brotherly kinda way??My angsty pairing for them: ignoct My poly ship for them: noct/luna/prompto imagine the shenanigansMy weirdest pairing for them: none
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angelic-guardienne · 7 years
Inspired by a comment that @ghostocelot made on one of my asks.
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The first time you called him "Glaio,” he didn’t really think too much on it. You missed a sound -- it happens. Sometimes people speak too fast and they leave out sounds. It happens. The others didn’t say anything, either -- well, Ignis had given you a strange look, but remained silent beyond that.
The second time you called him “Glaio,” he gave you a questioning look. You were unfazed by it, continuing the rest of your sentence without falter. He let it slide, but kept it in the back of his mind so he could ask you about it later.
The third time you called him “Glaio,” he did ask you about it. You dodged the question and steamrolled over his attempts to circle back around to the subject. After several more fruitless tries, he gave up with a sigh. 
The fourth time you called him “Glaio,” he’d had enough.
“Why do you keep calling me that?” he asked you, his hand around your bicep and his eyes boring into yours, preventing you from escaping the subject.
Still, you tried. “Calling you what?” you replied, tilting your head to the side and fixing him with an innocent look.
“Glaio,” he said, exasperated, “You’ve been calling me that all day. It’s starting to bug me.”
“Ohhh.” You hummed, smiling at him. “You haven’t given me the D yet, so it only seemed fair.”
“I haven’t--oh.” Realization dawned on him in that moment. He stared down at you, watching your expression go from innocent to mischievous and a smirk pull at your lips. He laughed, wrapping his other arm around your waist and pulling you close. He leaned down, his lips ghosting over yours. “Well... I can fix that.”
You grinned at him. “I was hoping you’d say that, Glaio.”
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