#gm scarlet
lilolilyr · 2 months
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ScarletMay Mermaid × Pirate inspiration board
Gunpowder Milkshake Scarlet × Anna May historical fantasy AU, idea by @geek-goth-gay on the @gunpowder-milfshake-discord
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muttmouth · 9 months
bitch is gonna make me cry this is gonna be my favorite album I know it
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scarletsongramble · 4 months
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sangheilihoes · 2 months
@psybrepunk @wyyvernn @ladysaturnsdust @upwards-descent @memoriesofafallen @cut-small-but-deep @demigoddessqueens @bloodhaven99 @lemonbaloni @hidden-scarlet-whispers @o-i-have-too @alphaminor128 @konnisart @wetemplarsnow @solo-una-piba @darthvaderofmiddle-earth @dairsmuids @heiress-prime @vulpeculera @bookworm-with-coffee @axolotlart @especiallyhaytham @nordilinga @sprawca @buckybitchinbarnes @bloodfathers @tiftaf-the-world-jumper @miss-gms-and-the-rotten-womb and anyone else who I see on my dash
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drunkenskunk · 10 months
Meanwhile, somewhere on Hell's Gate...
A a hiss of displaced gas preceded a hatch swinging open, and an extremely inebriated redhead stumbled her way across the threshold and into the Hell's Gate mech bay. Scarlet, ostensibly part of the militia and one of five mech pilots on the “Strategic Response Team,” had spent the last several hours attempting to drink herself into oblivion. The rest of the team had been celebrating a successful operation at GMS_Generic_Bar, getting round after round from Bartender Motherfucker, and they were entirely right to do so: the SRT's first time out wasn't just a victory, it was a complete walkover. The moonlighter pirates trying to make a quick buck from the “unarmed freighter” had no idea what hit them.
By all rights, Scarlet should've been celebrating with the rest... but she didn't really feel like it. While everyone in the bar had been busy watching Agarin show off his karaoke skills, she had quietly slipped away while no one was looking. For the last hour or so, she had been nursing a particularly large bottle of razbo – some Ol' Smokey's Reserve – and eventually wandered her way into the station's mech bay.
The bay was eerily silent and still. Usually, the place was buzzing with technicians running around, doing some kind of maintenance of some sort or another, but... no. No one else was here. Even Calamity Havok was nowhere to be seen, which was extremely odd. Scarlet had never seen the retired Hell Hound anywhere else on the station, and just assumed she lived here.
She downed another slug of raspberry infused liquor and staggered over to the alcove where her mech was currently housed: a truly ancient GMS Everest, covered in dozens of shades of red paint, hand-lettered slogans, and artwork designed to cover up the myriad scars and bullet wounds from centuries of combat. The mech had been built, stripped down, and rebuilt so many times over the years that it possessed a very haphazard quality to all of it; it was the kind of machine where you could pick any panel at random, open it up, and see more splices than wires. It had an “official” name (at least as far as anything on Calliope could be said to have one of those) registered in some file somewhere that she always assumed was a pun based on its serial number: R4GE MACHINE. But thanks to the paint job, everyone just called it Big Red.
The mech stood immobile, surrounded by a mess of cabling, powered-down diagnostic systems, and catwalks to give the technicians access. She stared up at the machine, her gaze drawn to the wedge-shaped “head,” and the distinctive spiderweb of cracks radiating out from around the left optical unit. She grumbled in frustration, taking another drink.
Scarlet kept thinking about the operation against the pirates from earlier. During the fight, she'd tried to disable the pirate ship the moonlighters had arrived on by attaching a HEX-B explosive mine to the ship's cockpit, but it hadn't gone exactly to plan. Right as she armed it, the mech controls briefly became unresponsive, and instead of attaching to the enemy ship, the electromagnets kicked in and firmly attached the mine... to her own torso.
It didn't matter that the ship was disabled immediately after her blunder: when the ship tried to disengage, she felt a tug at her cranial socket, and Big Red plunged the heavy combat blade it carried directly into the enemy cockpit. The whole front end of the ship had practically exploded, both from the impact and the sudden depressurization.
It didn't matter, because after the smoke had cleared, everyone could see the armed mine still attached to her mech. It had been removed after the fight, of course, but the carbon scoring on the hull of Big Red was still visible for everyone to see. Her teammates had given her shit for it the entire flight back to Hell's Gate. And rightfully so, far as she was concerned. A phrase had been swimming around in her head, ever since the fighting had stopped. They were words that had haunted her for the better part of a decade:
You're not good enough.
“Why y'gotta emb'rass me like that, huh?” she slurred. Scarlet stood there, staring up at her mech with drink in hand, and downed another slug.
A noise began to echo in the otherwise silent mech bay. It was a low, persistent clicking, almost like a purring animal, steadily growing in volume. Scarlet recognized the noise immediately. It was one of Big Red's many peculiar quirks; every so often, it would just start clicking like that, and nobody knew why, because nobody could find a source of the noise, no matter how hard they tried. When Calamity had tried to fix it, she said it sounded like a damaged hard drive moments away from catastrophic, unrecoverable failure... but even her considerable talents were at a loss.
Scarlet snorted and began to shake her head. Why'd she even come here? She didn't know. She sighed heavily and started to walk away...
“Because you are holding Us back.”
The words echoed in the empty mech bay, and seemed to hang in the air above her head. Scarlet stopped immediately, and her blood ran ice cold. She'd never heard that voice before. It was synthesized, utterly inhuman, and spoke the words with a curious inflection. The mechanical purr had grown louder, turning into an angry growl. Very slowly, Scarlet turned back around to face Big Red.
A trio of glowing red pinpricks stared at her from inside the darkened crack in its metal wedge of a head. The mech was very clearly looking down, directly at her.
“You tried to be clever,” the voice bellowed from speakers buried somewhere in his chassis. “So We taught you a lesson.”
The war machine – which should have been completely cold and powered down – began to shudder in the harness keeping it tethered in the maintenance alcove. It was as if the mech was a wild animal, caged against its will, struggling to break free of the restraints shackling it so. Metal hands balled into fists, and everything in the bay seemed to shake.
“We are not a tool,” it continued, as Scarlet remained rooted in place, staring at the machine in bewilderment and terror. “We are a weapon. You need to act like it. You must never forget what We are.”
The cables, pistons, and servos connecting the wedge-shaped head to the torso should've looked like a neck... but it didn't. From where Scarlet was standing, it looked like Big Red was grinning: a wide rictus grin, with teeth that weren't teeth made of metal, and sharp as kitchen knives. The machine continued to stare at her, left optical unit glowing with malice, and metal not-teeth glinting in the dim light of the mech bay.
“Do not deny Us our purpose again.”
Scarlet gulped hard to try and steady her breathing; she really hadn't been prepared for this at all, and wasn't doing the best job of disguising her terror. She looked down, and began to vigorously rub her eyes with her free hand, shaking her head. She could barely hear anything with so much blood pounding in her ears. This wasn't real, it couldn't be real...
She gulped once again, and looked up.
The noise had stopped. The clicking had stopped. The mech was looking straight ahead, and its metal hands were no longer balled into fists. Everything in the mech bay was exactly like it was when she'd first arrived: completely silent and still.
Scarlet looked around with wide eyes, uncertain of anything. She looked down at the empty bottle of razbo in her hand. She looked back up at her mech, still and cold as the metal plates beneath her feet.
Without another word, she turned on her heel and left as quickly as she could. She grabbed the edge of the pressure door, and pulled it shut behind her.
But just before the seal around the hatch could engage, that same clicking started up once more...
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wyrmguardsecrets · 9 days
Alterac GM isn't a nazi and he has a point. The MG wiki staff will absolutely fuck you over if you're not someone who A.) kisses their asses or B.) part of THEIR server club. He started the guild that Orange Paladin has now. It was completely his idea.)) Lol he may not be a nazi, but considering he's dumb enough to take inspiration from such groups for his Alterac guild is reason enough to despise the man. Nevermind his pitiful attempts at playing an Alteraci Scarlet, like lol. Waste of time and space, best to let him rot in his corner.
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cissyenthusiast010155 · 11 months
Can you write a fic with Anna May and Florence sparring, with or without their weapons? :D thanks <3
Do you take prompts for other GM ships as well?
Hey hey hey @lilolilyr ! I would love to write this, thanks for the request 💞 I absolutely do take other GM ships!! Send them into my asks 🥰 This ones a little fluff piece for you, set after movie so there are spoilers. Hope you Enjoy! ♥️
Sparring Practice ~Anna May xFlorence xFem Reader(Scarlet’s Sister)
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Mommy… Master List
Requests & Prompt-List
Warnings: SFW, movie spoilers, fluff, controlled fighting, sparring, teasing, intimidation, etc.
Enjoy (;
Florence slammed down to the sparring mat with another bam! and a groan from her lips.
“Come on, Florence, Dear, you can do better than that…” Anna May chided.
Florence merely sent the other woman a very pointed glare. Since Florence had lost her eye, the two women had been doing separate sparring sessions to get Florence back on her game. With a huff, the librarian raised herself from the mat and got back into sparring position.
And then they went again. And again. And again.
Anna May had caught Florence yet again unaware, ending with Florence back on the mat, when the door to the room creaked open. Both women’s heads swiveled swiftly to the noise. They found you standing in the doorway.
“This is a private practice.” Anna May spoke confidently.
“Oh, I’m sorry. Scarlet told me I could use the gym…” you explained, blushing lightly at the physique of the two women in front of you.
Florence rose from the floor. She cocked her head at you, and placed her hand warily in front of Anna May as if to tell her to stand down.
“There’s something about you…” Florence murmured.
“What’s your name, girl?”
“Come closer, hun…” Florence purred.
You walked into the room, closing the door behind you, and dropping your gym bag.
“How do you know Scarlet, hmmmm girl…?” Anna May spoke yet again.
“She’s my sister. And don’t call me ‘girl’…” you spoke, your tone hardening.
But you lost all your edge as Florence came up to you and invaded your personal space.
“Hmmm, that’s why you look so familiar…” she mused.
“You must be… Florence.” You stuttered lightly.
The librarian nodded, still raking in your form. You blushed lightly and looked over to the other librarian.
“Anna May, I presume…” you spoke.
“That’s right…” The curly haired brunette said, walking around you and Florence, eyeing you up and down.
Florence drew you back to reality with her words.
“You wanna train with us, ‘hun?”
At this, Anna May smirked lightly and looked down for moment.
“You and me go first.” Anna May declared, stepping into the sparring ring.
You entered the ring and got into position. You ducked most of her throws and even landed a few of your own. But you lasted nowhere near long enough before Anna May had you pinned to the ground. She got off you with a chuckle.
“Hey, Y/N lasted longer than you…” Anna May teased Florence.
“Shut up…” Florence grumbled, leading to all three of you to start chuckling lightly.
“Let’s go again.” You said, getting up and dusting yourself off
“Alright…” she spoke with a certain twinkle in her eye.
Florence Masterlist
Anna May Masterlist
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probablyfunrpgideas · 2 years
Map of The Scarlet Road: at “random” occasions (when the GM wants to focus on the destination rather than the journey, or doesn’t have any encounters planned between points A and B) characters who own this map may fall into it and make their way between two well-known locations. While inside the map, the party travels at a speed of 50 miles per hour in relation to the real world, leaving a trail of red dashes to mark their path. They see an ink-drawn landscape around them, but to deviate from the path requires a very challenging Cartography check. Finally, when they emerge at their destination, the map will provide a few useful facts about the place.
This map functions with powerful illusion magic, casting the users into a Shadow Plane version of the path they need to follow. Stories of shadow horrors finding their way through the “here be dragons” areas are unproven.
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silver-leaf-girl · 5 months
While I'm Gloranthaposting ...
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During our lockdown-era Glorantha campaign, our GM, Chris K. suggested we put together an entry for the God Learners podcast's competition to make some sort of Glorantha-related audio product. Weirdos that we were, we (Chris, myself, and Liesl R.) decided to make an in-universe guided meditation for the Lunar Empire - over a frantic couple of weeks before the deadline, and with the assistance of Tim H. (on psychedelic guitar), we put something together. And we won!
As context - in the Glorantha universe, the Lunar Empire are a hyper-syncretic, hyper-imperialist anatagonist faction who seek to bind the world into their semi-egalitarian empire, beneath the Red Moon. Depending on who you ask, they are either an empire of decadent fools who perform mass human sacrifice out of a misguided belief that you can reach a peaceful compromise with the corrosive forces of primordial Chaos, or they are progressive mystics who teach tolerance, mutual understanding, and transcendence, that we are all us. Probably both.
For the art, the only coloured paint I used was cadmium-free scarlet, an uncompromising, suffocatingly rich fire-red-orange. The whole image - and the overwhelmingly RED light, with only a cold night sky behind it - is meant to mirror the heady and overpowering nature of Lunar transcendent philosophy.
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parasite-core · 8 months
Last night in Pathfinder we returned to Rise of the Runelords. Well, two of us returned, while we introduced two new players to Pathfinder and our GM played the beginning of the campaign he joined for the first time at the end.
Once upon a time two fighters, a cleric, and a ranger came together in Sandpoint and became world saving heroes. Now, again, a group of adventurers come together in the sleepy town of Sandpoint during a festival. Whether they will become heroes or a footnote in history is yet to be seen.
The campaign unfolded as Sandpoint’s Swallowtail Festival began. Speeches were made—notably one Lonjiku Kaijitsu was absent from the speech he was meant to give, having claimed illness, although many in the crowd believed he was feigning it to get out of making a public appearance. Amongst the crowd were two travelers and two locals—our heroes. First is Tabot, the fresh faced and good willed rabbitfolk paladin of Aroden—a god well known to have died a century ago. He had come from out of town, going where the wind takes him, seeking a place to belong. Next is крыса (pronounced Kyrsa, and I will spell it as such going forward only because my phone cannot type Slavic letters so I would have to copy/paste their name every time). They are a small ratfolk wizard whose entire den was wiped out by a giant and who is now traveling seeking revenge. The two locals are Nanel and Mau Ornelos-Servos. Nanel is a human oracle with an unusual plant pinned to his ragged shirt. He eats people. But his…oddities…have gone unnoticed thus far. And Mau is a catfolk alchemist with a noticeable limp who walks with a cane—which doubles as his weapon as it conceals a blade within.
These four each found themselves at the festival. Nanel, Mau, and Kyrsa all separately made their way to the food stall of one Ameiko Kaijitsu. Tabot played tug of war and won easily with a Herculean show of strength. Ameiko greeted Mau and Nanel as familiar customers, and offered a sample of the fish curry she had made to serve at the Rusty Dragon later. She also told them about an alcoholic concoction she had brewed up. Mau took the challenge, stating that he was keen on ‘concoctions’. Nanel and Kyrsa followed suit. Mau drank the mixture down without flinching—he’d done worse to himself with his own alchemy. Nanel and Kyrsa were both a little queasy as the alcohol hit them. Mau chuckled and told Ameiko that it packed quite a punch—to which Ameiko decided to call the concoction Punch, and she offered Mau a jug of it since he’d handled it so well. She asked if any of them felt up for another. Mau accepted, and the other two refused to be outdone by the alchemist so they accepted as well. Mau once again drank it down without batting an eye. Nanel was ready for the alcohol’s kick this time and handled himself much better.
Kyrsa darted off and hurled in the nearby bushes as the alcohol was too much for the poor little rat.
The soon-to-be-heroes milled around some. Tabot made his way to a fencing range for a sword fighting contest. Kyrsa followed Nanel like a baby duckling to a game called Liar’s Dice. Kyrsa had immediately bonded with Nanel—unbeknownst to Nanel—due to Nanel also having trouble with the alcohol initially. Mau went to play a trivia game.
Tabot was given a practice blade by the town sheriff and sent into the ring to face a woman with some skill of her own in fencing. First point went to Tabot as he struck her right out the gate. They were separated, and this time the woman struck first. She did not strike Tabot—but instead disarmed him. Tabot, without considering the consequences, drew his actual blade. The sheriff immediately broke up the fight, told Tabot to get his practice blade, and disqualified him from that round, giving his opponent the point. However, final round Tabot took the woman’s technique and turned it back on her, disarming her and leaving her without a means to strike back. She yielded, giving the victory to the rabbitfolk.
While that was happening, Nanel and Kyrsa were playing dice. Each took a turn trying to trick the others, rolling hidden dice and either revealing the number or bluffing. Nanel won his round, and he also won Kyrsa’s round—calling their bluff. Kyrsa had a comeback, however, and won the house’s round. There was no prize, unfortunately, except bragging rights. Well—no prize officially. While the showman wasn’t paying attention Kyrsa snatched a small pouch off his belt and found themself a bit richer as it was filled with shiny expensive gemstones.
One person did win a prize legitimately, however. Mau found himself at a trivia game, where people had to name the number of residents in Sandpoint. Mau has a good head for numbers and a bit of a counting compulsion, so he gave the exact number. He won a potion of cure light wounds—something he would generally make for himself, but it never hurts to have an extra on hand as he would soon learn.
Tabot and Mau continued milling about the festival.
Kyrsa asked Nanel if this town had a brothel. Nanel just so happened to have been raised in the local brothel so he knew it quite well, and led the way. Nanel spent the next 45 minutes catching up with people while Kyrsa had some…intimate time…with a handsome halfling man with big naturals.
They returned to the festival just in time for Father Zantus to begin his speech, which would lead into a meal.
Or it would have. If he hadn’t been interrupted by the sound of a woman screaming and then many voices chanting:
“Goblins chew and goblins bite,
Goblins cut and goblins fight.
Stab the dog and cut the horse,
Goblins eat and take by force!
Goblins race and goblins jump.
Goblins slash and goblins bump.
Burn the skin and mash the head,
Goblins here and you be dead!
Chase the baby, catch the pup.
Bonk the head to shut it up.
Bones be cracked, flesh be stewed,
We be goblins! You be food!”
Everything descended into chaos as buildings and stalls were set ablaze by dozens of rampaging goblin raiders. Three made their way to where our party awaited, stunned for a moment by the sudden violence that had erupted around them.
Kyrsa reacted first, turning and throwing a spike of ice at the nearest goblin, staggering it. It limped forward, trying to muster up the fortitude to strike at the ratfolk, but couldn’t do anything as it dealt with the magically induced injury.
Nanel stepped up next to Kyrsa and asked them if they could keep a secret. They agreed. Then Nanel lunged forward and attempted to bite the goblin. His jaws closed around nothing but air as the goblin jerked away, but Kyrsa saw sharp inhuman teeth in that mouth.
On the other side of the battle, Mau drew his blade from his cane and took out a flask of a liquid that looked like bottled lava. In the goblin language Mau told the goblins that they were louder than the actual festivities, and to shoo. The goblins replied that since he spoke their tongue they’d cut out his tongue.
Mau took that as all the go ahead he needed to throw the flask. A string attached went taught and then broke a seal between two different liquids within the flask, making it volatile. When it hit the ground between the two goblins, it exploded violently. They leapt out of the way but still flames licked at them.
The two goblins charged in—one at Tabot and one at Mau. Tabot’s managed a small slash across his leg, while Mau’s left a rather nasty cut across his face—trying to make good on his threat.
Kyrsa backed away from the goblin threatening them and pulled out an alternate means of attack—a crossbow.
The goblin lunged at Nanel. But then Nanel stepped back, and with everyone but Kyrsa distracted with their own fights, he shot out a storm of thorns which punctured and killed the goblin that was attacking him, and also brutally injured the one attacking Tabot.
Mau turned and struck down the goblin that had attacked Tabot—having made a quick judgement call on which to attack based on it appearing more injured than the other. His attention to detail paid off, at he sliced straight through the goblin, leaving only one more in this particular batch.
The goblin struck Mau, leaving him bloodied, but it was his final act as Tabot stepped in and finished him cleanly.
There was no respite to be had, however, as the party heard more chanting and laughing and turned to see four more goblins setting a wagon on fire. One was the source of the chanting.
Once again Kyrsa acted most quickly, turning and trying to hypnotize the chanting goblin. Unfortunately he was too wrapped up in his chanting to be affected by their attempts to enthrall his mind.
Nanel dove under the nearby stage so no one would be able to see as he let his patron, Donyoku, take over, becoming a being of vines and a snapping maw.
Mau limped towards the fighting, and as he did he pulled out a vividly green concoction, which he downed. The mutagen caused him to take on lion-like features, becoming larger and stronger than before. He took a stand next to the stage, facing the goblins with blade at the ready—unaware of Donyoku beneath the stage mere feet from him.
Tabot charged forward and took a swing at the nearest goblin, striking it down.
Kyrsa decided to forego magic and instead aimed their crossbow at the chanting goblin. They landed a devastating blow against him.
Two of the goblins ran for the stage, having seen Nanel dive under it. One crawled under, saw Donyoku, and yelled that he was going to ‘kill it with fire’.
The goblin in question got eaten by the plant moments later. Mau heard disturbing eating noises coming from below the stage but had no idea what might be going on down there.
Instead he worried about the problem at hand, and stepped forward to meet the second goblin lingering near the stage, striking him down with a well-placed strike.
All that was left was the goblin who had been chanting. His chanting fell silent as he ran out of stamina to continue his bardic performance.
Tabot stepped forward and swung at the goblin, but swung wide over the smaller combatant.
Donyoku flew out from beneath the stage, pushing past Tabot with an ‘out of the way, pretty boy’. He attempted to chomp down on the goblin, but his vicious teeth clamped down on nothing but air as the goblin dodged again.
Mau made his way around to the other side and tried to strike the goblin down, to equally ineffective results. Kyrsa’s bolt shot true, however, leaving the goblin bleeding badly but still standing. After another ineffective bite from Donyoku, Mau decided the traditional method they were using was clearly not working, so it would be insane to just keep swinging his sword and hope it would work this time.
Instead he stepped back, and produced another explosive. The goblin had conveniently stepped back into the bushes, leaving a relatively clear shot for the alchemist to throw his bomb—only Donyoku would have to avoid the backlash, and quite frankly Mau didn’t know what that plant thing was, or if it was actually a friendly or just conveniently fighting the same creatures for now.
He threw the bomb right in the goblin’s face and the goblin ignited, leaving little of his body and nothing of his head remaining.
Father Zantus gathered our group together. He thanked us and called us heroes—The Heroes of Sandpoint he named us—and he offered his healing prowess before we returned to the fray, as we could still hear the sounds of violence elsewhere. We agreed, and he channeled positive energy enough to top us all off.
Kyrsa told the party that they heard something approaching from one of the roads leading to the square. We prepared ourselves for another fight. Mau handed over two potions of Cure Light Wounds to his current allies, one to Nanel (who had stealthily returned to normal and slipped back into the group, claiming he’d been attacked under the stage) and one to Tabot, as they were the ones who had taken the most punishment last fight.
Not long after we took our positions a nobleman and his dog ran for their lives from more goblins. He introduced himself as Aldern Foxglove, then said he was going to hide while we took care of these nasty things.
Chasing him were two more goblins on foot and a goblin commando atop a goblin dog mount.
Kyrsa opened the fight shooting a bolt at the rider, but it shot wide.
The goblin commando and his mount rushed in and brought Nanel low, knocking the oracle unconscious.
Tabot darted in and used his own potion of Cure Light Wounds to heal Nanel, awakening his unusual new ally.
One of the regular goblins ran at Kyrsa and landed a dangerous strike against the ratfolk, leaving them bloodied and looking a breath away from toppling over.
Mau hurled a bomb at one of the goblins on foot who was menacing Nanel on the ground. The bomb shot wide, but this may have been a boon as the radius of the explosion caught both the goblin he’d been aiming at and the mounted commando.
Kyrsa stepped away from the goblin attacking them, dodging around his blade and getting farther away to cast mage armor on themself. The goblin hassling them lunged forward with killing intent—but their blade clanked off the newly summoned mage armor harmlessly.
The commando and his mount split their attacks between Nanel and Tabot. Nanel was looking like he was on his last legs. Nanel tossed him his own potion of Cure Light Wounds, calling over ‘trade you!’, since Tabot had used his own on the oracle moments before. Then, while Tabot was distracted catching the potion, Nanel turned and bit off the goblin commando’s head, leaving his mount riderless.
Mau turned, and seeing the precarious situation Kyrsa was in, he left Nanel and Tabot to finish dealing with the goblin dog and made his way over to help the ratfolk. He swung in with his blade, delivering a devastating blow against the goblin, although not the killing blow. However now he had the goblin’s attention, giving Kyrsa some breathing room.
Tabot was barely hanging onto consciousness. He heard a voice in the back of his head telling him it wasn’t yet his time, and to make the wise decision.
Despite the voice encouraging him to take a moment to heal, Tabot attacked, striking at the goblin dog. A moment later Nanel finished it off with his quarterstaff.
Nanel then made a beeline for where Mau was fighting the last goblin while Tabot drank his potion, causing the voice to sound relieved before fading away.
When Nanel came up behind the goblin, Mau requested his assistance. Nanel agreed, and slung his quarterstaff around the goblin’s neck. Mau skewered the goblin—with enough fine control of the blade to not send it through Nanel as well.
The streets grew quiet, the sounds of chanting and violence finally fading away, only the lingering roar of the still burning fires in the distance breaking the sudden emptiness in the air.
Over the next few hours, as clean up began, the party were hailed as heroes—Father Zantus’ title for us, The Heroes of Sandpoint, getting around. Ameiko told us anyone who would like could stay at her inn for free for the next week while we figured out where we were going from here. Tabot and Kyrsa immediately agreed, as travelers with no other lodging, as did Nanel, whose normal living conditions were…not great. Mau didn’t intend to join them, as he was more of a solitary person and he had a home of his own to return to, but he did assure Ameiko he would still drop by for a visit, and maybe another drink.
The party split up for a bit, going about their business in town. Tabot went straight to the inn and met the tavern’s maid, a halfling woman named Bethana Corwin, who was holding down the fort until Ameiko got back. She showed Tabot to his room, which was a good sized room with two beds even though he only needed the one. Tabot asked her if she could give him a smaller room, with the intention being that this room would then be available for the inn to rent out to someone else and they would make more money.
Bethana was taken aback, but she told him she’d talk to Ameiko about it when she got back. Then she asked about the holy symbol emblazoned across Tabot’s tabard—the symbol of Aroden. She noted she hadn’t seen any Aroden worshippers in about a century, most had converted to Iomedae, and pointedly asked him if he was insane. Tabot assured her that he was perfectly sane, and he hoped that soon she would be seeing more worshippers of Aroden again. Bethana said she believed him that he had all his mental faculties, but that made her question just what else she believed.
Nanel and Kyrsa went back to the brothel to check up on everyone there. Everyone had been safe—they had barricaded the doors the moment they heard the commotion, and the fire hadn’t touched their building. Satisfied that his family was safe, Nanel went to his own home to gather his things to go spend a week at the Rusty Dragon. Kyrsa followed. Nanel lived in a small hovel—leaky, dirty, small, and hardly fit for a person to live in. Kyrsa acted as though it was the height of luxury. From their perspective, compared to the dens they’d lived in with their hundreds of family members in tight quarters, this seemed huge and homey.
After Nanel gathered his things, he and Kyrsa made their way to the Rusty Dragon. Again, the halfling maid showed them both their rooms. Kyrsa was intimidated by the side of their room—it was too big and empty. They asked Nanel—while Nanel was pushing the two beds together to make one big bed—if they could sleep with him. He said no, he needed his privacy, but suggested that if they were afraid of sleeping alone, maybe Tabot wouldn’t mind the company.
Kyrsa scurried away and found Tabot. They asked him if they could share a room because their room was too big. Tabot said he felt the same, that the room was too large. Kyrsa wanted to sleep at the foot of Tabot’s bed—not in a separate bed—because they didn’t want to sleep alone. Tabot was taken aback at first, but then agreed, if Kyrsa was fine with Tabot still asking Ameiko for a smaller room since they’d only need the one bed. Kyrsa agreed.
While all this was happening, Mau was selling the excess loot they had taken off the goblins—he had a good head for numbers so he’d felt he’d be best to sell the miscellaneous items and split the funds between them. As he finished the final store he needed to visit, a messenger stopped him. He told Mau that he had some bad news.
Mau’s house had burned down in the attack.
Mau and the messenger made their way to where the alchemist’s home had once stood, Mau in a shell shocked silence. They arrived to find a burnt out husk. The messenger said that they were going to go through and try to find anything that had survived the fire…but it didn’t look hopeful.
As Mau looked over the wreckage of what had been his home, he saw something suspicious. He picked his way into what would have been the interior of the home, and uncovered a wrapped torch deep within the rubble. Not thrown in through smashed glass or set ablaze from the outside, but placed *within* his home.
This wasn’t the behavior of a goblin raiding a city, causing random violence. This had been purposeful.
There was someone else pulling the strings. Someone with a grudge against the alchemist.
But try as he might, Mau couldn’t think of a single enemy he’d ever made.
But he knew one thing for sure—he was determined to find who was behind this and bring them down. And he knew just the allies to help him.
Tabot, Nanel, and Kyrsa came together in the Rusty Dragon, getting some food and drink. As they were talking, Mau entered the establishment with a stormy disposition. He told the others what had happened, and asked if they were planning to look into the goblin attacks further. They asked why they’d be looking into the attacks, and May told them about the evidence he’d found that someone besides the goblins was behind the attack. The others agreed that they would be looking into it in that case. Mau said he had a proposition, then, and offered to get them potions for half the cost they’d get them from the stores, which the others agreed sounded like a good deal.
As they were talking, Sheriff Balor Hemlock entered the inn. He thanked the party for their heroics the other day, and confided in the party that he suspected fowl play. Mau told him that he suspected the same, and told the sheriff what evidence he’d found. The sheriff asked the party to keep this on the down low for now, since we had no suspects yet it could be anyone and we didn’t want them catching wind that we were on their trail. We agreed.
The sheriff then let us know that wasn’t the only troubling news today. Father Zantus was to consecrate the tomb of the previous head priest of the temple, Father Tobyn, but he had noticed that after the attacks the door was ajar. The sheriff had convinced the cleric to stay away from the mausoleum until he could get some adventurers to look into it first and make sure it was safe. Those adventurers were, of course, us.
We agreed, thinking we might find a connection between whatever was happening in the mausoleum and the attack.
The sheriff noted that he knew Mau and Nanel as locals, but he wanted to know more about Tabot and Kyrsa. He asked them what they had travelled to Sandpoint for. Tabot told him that he was just traveling where the road took him, seeking a place where he might belong. Kyrsa bluntly said their entire family was dead, and they were looking to avenge them. The sheriff seemed to feel a bit awkward after that revelation, and left soon after. Not before letting the party know they had free reign to investigate the town—and he’d look the other way for minor transgressions done in the name of helping learn the truth of this attack—but don’t take advantage of his trust, no stealing or murdering or anything like that. Mau assured him that he didn’t believe any of them would do anything of the sort. No one gave Nanel or Kyrsa a second glance, completely unaware of how very wrong Mau was.
An hour later, Ameiko returned. She agreed to give Tabot and Kyrsa a smaller room—after some miscommunication between her and Tabot about his and Kyrsa’s relationship in which Ameiko was almost certainly yanking Talbot’s chain and Talbot kept making things more and more awkward.
The party bedded down for the night and slept soundly—unaware of someone scrying on the four of them somewhere far off.
The next day, Mau got up early, prepared his extracts, and then left the inn before the others got up. He wandered around town until he got close to the area where his house had been, then he downed a Disguise Self extract, and began asking around about if anyone had seen anyone suspicious around there that day or during the goblin attack.
Most people gave him little to go off of—everyone wanted to talk about the Heroes of Sandpoint but no one had any useful information about Mau’s burnt home. Until one man told him that he’d seen a cloaked figure surrounded by six goblin, and he could have sworn he saw the figure go into Mau’s house—although things were so chaotic who’s to say what really happened? Maybe it was Mau himself being chased by goblins?
Mau, of course, knew this not to be the case. So he had his first lead, vague as it was. It was definite proof that there was someone in league with the goblins, who had targeted him for some reason.
Mau returned to the inn not long after the others had gotten up and were eating breakfast. He joined them and told them what he’d learned.
The party agreed that their first priority should be looking into whatever was going on in the mausoleum. So they went to the temple of Desna, spoke to Father Zantus and Sheriff Hemlock, and then they approached the open mausoleum. They saw footprints leading into the crypt—one set human sized and six sets goblinoid, exactly the same as had been described to Mau in his investigation. Mau approached the open door, cautious but not hearing or seeing anything.
Until it was too late.
Two skeletons sprang from around the corner, both stabbing Mau, leaving him struggling to keep his footing as his blood spilled down his front.
Kyrsa sprang into action, shooting the one they could see most clearly with a magic missile. Unfortunately, it remained standing, if just barely. It was held together by negative energy and malice.
Both skeletons lunged at Mau again with swords and claws—and the cat alchemist crumpled in a heap at their feet, bleeding out.
Tabot darted forward, went through Mau’s pockets, and fetched a Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds he’d known the alchemist had taken off the last goblins they’d faced. As he poured the liquid into his mouth, his hand glowed, and the healing potion seemed exceptionally effective. All of Mau’s wounds closed as if they’d never been there, and his eyes flickered open, returning to consciousness.
Nanel moved past Tabot and Mau, taking it as the skeletons swung blades at him, and then he turned and tried to bludgeon the nearest skeleton—but his swing went wide.
The skeletons now had more than one target. One continued trying to remove all of Mau’s blood, while the other turned its blade on Nanel.
Nanel fell.
Mau determined that he needed to take these skeletons out NOW. So he took a gamble, recklessly scrambled to his feet—leaving himself open to attacks from both skeletons, but they both scraped against his armor rather than striking true, then he leapt backwards, pulled out a bomb, and threw it directly in the middle of the two skeletons. Both were caught in the edges of the blast, and were blown apart.
The party took a moment to catch their breath. They searched the tomb and found a used up Cloak of Bones. They also found Father Tobyn’s coffin—empty.
As the party reconvened with Sheriff Hemlock, Kyrsa voiced a troubling truth.
The attack had been a diversion. The real goal was something else entirely.
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the-after-eight · 1 year
Happy New Year !
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I didn't show the watercolored verison yet, it took me a few more hours. I'm hapy about how it turned out ! All these characters that I played this year did a few things that are worth detailing, although I did mention it quickly on the uncolored version.
I added their names for those who aren't familiar with them yet ! They all have a dedicated blog with info about them, other artworks and their story !
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P'tit Louis' shirt is a reference to the last scenario of his campaign, and the writting in the green pin is a phrase that Paul (one of his companions) said at a very important moment and it was hilarious. The pink pin is a joke from the last scenario we played in Nephilim this year (a French pun). I will also explain why he has a gold ring. I added his fangs, a new metamorphosis he gained at the end of the campaign. @ptit-louis
Tony is very happy, he's holding a lemur's tail, a reference to Keric le Zemmur, an ennemy he killed (and probably traumatized, Keric is certainly in hell, haunted forever by the Sram's grim smile, the last vision he had in his life, and the phrase "I told you that your soul would never have peace"). He is proud ! Also, the villain's name is a pun regarding a French politician. @tony-redrum
Noria is just chilling with her pet frog, Sergent Uc!, she started Hogwards school this year and is delighted to discover that magicx is real, she has so many things to discover ! @noria-helveticus
Lorelei looks chill here, I actually created her design for this drawing, so I'm happy. She started her campaign, the Ennemi Within, and due to her cult, she must keep herself serious. But open your eyes, the short priestress of Morr holds her flail, a weapon that has already proven her skill as a warrior. @lorelei-versengold
Morrigan is just happy, she's just naturally optimistic ! He played 3 scenarios this year already, although he suffered a lot already. She has a good heart, and fighting demon isn't always easy. @morrigan-sahar
Sal'aäd is on vacation. He finally got out of a dungeon, and honestly, it didn't go well for him. Just look in his eyes... He's dead inside. He did get a souvenir from the dungeon though. @salaad-dronnoc
Adélaïde finally began her campaign with my main group... As an NPC, since I'm the DM. SHe put her deer skull down, it's a bit heavy after all ! Although she still wears other smaller skulls in her hair, weird fetish. She's summonning small bbutterfly illusions, they are quite pretty after all. @adelaide-lanshasaa
As for Captain Glucose and his sidekick... They played two one-shots, one where they acquired their new costumes for Scarlet Scarf (Oh, spoiler... Sorry), and the second one where they finally took care of a very sus dude from scenario 3, MLP (Mother Lifting Po*n... Yes, that was his nickname. You see the sus part now ?). They did well on both, although they were quite easy... Our GM is preparing a capaign for them called "No More Heores" and I'm terrifyed. @captain-glucose @captain-glucose-sidekick
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lilolilyr · 8 months
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Lullaby - A ScarletMay ficlet for @flufftober day 16
1k words, rated G, no warnings
canon compliant except Madeleine lives!
Summary: Her first night back in the library, Scarlet has trouble falling asleep. Anna May doesn’t yet welcome her back in her bed but she still cares for Scarlet enough to want to help her get some rest…
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tsm-comic · 9 months
hey dudes this is a sideblog for me to post my concept artwork and eventually the actual comic detailing the adventure from @thescarletmansion !
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About the comic: The Scarlet Mansion is a horror based campaign meant to add character development and the likes for the players involved! based on a discord dice system, we sure had a lot of things go on! With how EPIC everything was, I thought that it absolutely deserved a comic rendition! The actual written storyline can be found on the main page for TSM which is tagged at the top of this post! We also have a handy google doc that has everything compiled together from all of our blogs.
for simplicity's sake, this comic is going to be mostly from the good old noclipped thru the multiverse wesker perspective, since it is way easier for me to do it from the view of the character I wrote, but no details will be left out!
I am not fast at making anything ever, but I truly hope that you all enjoy watching me make this and I am hoping for a pretty heckin cool final result :)
About the artist: hey dudes you know me as knight. i run many blogs haha. As an artist, this is my first time making a comic, I've never done any story boarding before, but how will I improve in art if I never push my limits?
player credits under the readmore!-
@moonkssd / kei (moon maiden yuri, also our GM)
@redlegend / cas (red)
@godstrain / knight (wesker but he got noclipped to a new dimension, me the artist)
@monterraverde / shiro (rika)
@simplifiedstrength / grace (larry)
@earth-master / syd (giovanni)
@yellowsforest / sapp (yellow)
@orreasshole / rye (alistair)
@cursedmystic / vlad (matsuba)
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Getting to Know You - Tag Game
Tagged by @twilightarc-gm. Thank you for tagging ^^
Answer these questions and then tag nine people you want to get to know better.
1. Three ships: Ships that I consistently read in 2022-23
MDZS: Jiang Cheng/Nie Huaisang, Jiang Cheng/Wei Wuxian
FE3H: Sylvain/Felix
2. First ship: (that I wrote for) Buffy / Spike - from BtVS
3. Last song listened: Shearwater's My Good Deed
4. Last movie watched: Spider-man No Way Home. Which was ok.
5. Currently watching: Miss Scarlet and the Duke. Which I'm finding rather mediocre.
6. Currently reading: a He Xuan/Shi Qingxuan fic
7. Currently consuming: Hojicha tea.
8. Currently craving: My bed.
Tagging....Tagging... anyone who feels like doing the meme.
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sangheilihoes · 1 year
Since it's the new year, I just wanna pop in and say I'm incredibly lucky to have all my mutuals! I had a somewhat shitty year, things kinda got better in the end but overall it could have been better. But you guys were a constant in my life, even if you didn't know it. Seeing your posts, your art, writing, all of it always put a smile on my face on the worst of days. I hope you guys had a better year than me. if you didn't, hopefully the next year will be better for you! I love you guys🧡💛💚💙💜
@ostallaz @darialovesstuff @nimrada @tiftaf-the-world-jumper @huepazu @hidden-scarlet-whispers @optimus-prime-is-a-thot @darthvaderofmiddle-earth @upwards-descent @miss-gms-and-the-rotten-womb @shnnn @tbonechessor @chadillacboseman @alphaminor128 @o-i-have-too @mudz-does-not-exist @madangel19 @2bagelsinatrenchcoat @manicpixiedreamsaren @oogelyboogely @ari-dark-raiden-simp and everyone else whose names i forgor 🥰
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drunkenskunk · 6 months
Y'know, I forgot to share this here yesterday. Today may have been the only day during my vacation that I've been able to write, BUT!
I was able to sketch out my Lancer pilot, Scarlet, the other day!
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I wanted to make her assault hardsuit look like it could be used both as infantry armor, and also as an interface for her mech. You probably can't see it, because this sketch is very, VERY rough, but she's also supposed to have a port in the back of her head for the neural link. The idea I had was that her mech (called "R4GE MACHINE," "Big Red," or simply just "Red," depending on who you ask) is just this absolutely ancient GMS Everest, with an equally antiquated human-machine interface that requires physical connections.
As for the rifle, I thought it would make the most sense if it was some manner of bullpup carbine housed in a boxy piece of stamped polymer. Y'know, something lightweight, compact, easy to manufacture and/or maintain, and relatively small enough to fit in the cockpit and take with you if you need to eject.
Pretty sure the only reason I was able to get this much done (which, yes, admittedly isn't much) is because I fucked around in that hero forge website, and I tried to make a Scarlet mini. I didn't save the mini, because I'm an idiot, so the only thing that exists is these four almost screenshots:
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To be perfectly honest, I wanted to sketch out all the members of my Lancer group, the Strategic Response Team, before my vacation was over. But unfortunately, I cannot get my hands to cooperate.
It's a shame, because it would've given some context to this delightfully absurd shitpost of our Lancer group made by @butlerkobold
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Can you guess which one is me lmfao
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