#gunpowder milkshake x reader
buckysmith · 1 year
Heyy, I’m pretty down mentally due to shool,Stress And Pressure,
I wanted to ask if you could write a König/Ghost/VALERIA x Fem!Reader where the reader gets a mental breakdown and they try somehow to comfort her ? Ps I love your writings of all I’ve read till now especially the Valeria ones hahaha<3
Heyo little reader, I hope I did like you wished for… and I hope you know you’re not alone so if you ever need someone to speak too, just dm me :)
I hope u don’t mind me adding soap… somehow I read that you wanted him too ^^‘
- he's not good with feelings- no, hes terrible
- he knows that you have these mental breakdowns from time to time and he knows you need him when you have them
- but again hes not good with feelings, but at least he try's his best
- watch him awkwardly move you onto his lap, wrapping his arms around you and petting your head like your a dog
- he’s not really warm, his body temperature is almost freezing, the only thing that helps you a bit is his scent
- he always smells like gunpowder, a rainy day, fresh mint and something you can’t describe, but it smells good
- he's stiff as fuck, but again he try's his best
- at First he wouldn’t say a word, just not knowing if you need words or if it makes everything even worse
- after a while he tells you to breath in and out, and that everything will be okay again
- he mumbles that you’re so strong, that he knows that you will get over it and how proud he is to have such a strong girl in his arms
- he gives you kisses on your forehead, mumbling against your hair how much he loves you
- he may sound a bit harsh while doing it cause he’s just not used to speak softly, but he wants to best for you and you know that
- he asks you if you want to go to McDonald’s or Wendy’s, if you want a milkshake or if you need a tea
- it hurts him to see you like that, cause he wants you to be happy… he wants to see your beautiful smilie not your teary eyes- not if their filled with tears of sadness
- he’s not leaving you before you tell him that it’s okay for him to leave you
- even tho, he still worried about you, especially when he’s not home not able to help you when you have something like that again
- he buys you a sweet little pet, to help you while he’s away…
- He relates to you the best
- he knows this feeling better than anyone else
- he notice the change in your mood instantly
- he grabs your hand, move you onto his lap and wrapping a blanket and his arms around you
- he burries a hand in your hair, gently pressing your face against his chest/neck so that you can hold onto him
- his arms are warm, almost hot and his scent is welcoming and loving, he smells like forest, honey and herbs, it helps you too calm down too
- he tells you what a strong girl you are, that he knows that you don’t believe him but that everything will work out and that no matter what, he’s there for you, not leaving you
- he gives you kisses all over your face, placing big ones on your forehead
- he’s not letting you go till he knows you’re okay, or at least better than you were before
- he asks you if there’s anything you want, if you want your comfort food, or if you want a hot bath/shower to calm your nerves, or if you want to watch a movie with him while cuddling
- he’s a lot into praises and especially in these moments
- he’s with you, and he’s your biggest supporter
- and when he’s on mission, he brings you to his parents to Austria
- his family already sees you as their own, and they know how to deal with you when you’re not feeling well
- his parents are now you’re parents too, they love you just like their own
- she’s a bit different
- she doesn’t really understand why you have them, but she tries her best to have your back
- she notice when you’re not feeling well and she will ask you about it
- she asks you if you want to cuddle or if there’s anything she can do for you
- if you’re not responding to her she just sits beside you, wrapping an arm around you and gently pressing you against her
- she knows sometimes you don’t want to talk and she doesn’t pressure you to do it
- if you’re in bed she lays besides you, pressing you against her chest so that you can burry your head in her chest
- she smells like roses, vanilla and mint, it may sounds strange but it gives you comfort… it gives you the feeling of safety and it help you
- she mumbles sweet nothings into your ear, telling you that everything will be okay and that it’s okay to have those feelings
- she often ask herself if it wouldn’t be better for you to just stay with her, to live with her in her strange life but she knows you just can’t.
- these are all her thoughts while she listen to your whimper, to your sobs, hating it that she just can’t change it
- she wants to hear your laugh, to see you smile, to see you happy
- to see your swollen face with red puffy eyes breaks her heart, even tho she wouldn’t tell you that… she doesn’t want you to know that
- she’s scared that you might think it’s your fault, when it’s not
- it’s rare that she’s not home, but when she isn’t, she brings you to her momma
- her momma loves you dearly and if you’re not feeling well she’s there for you too, just like a mother
- he hates to see you cry
- especially if he can’t do anything against it
- he’s a physical man, he’s the first one to just wrap his arms around you, caring you to your shared bed/couch kissing your forehead and telling you that everything will be okay
- he gently strokes your back, through your hair, mumbling how much he loves you and how strong you are
- he stays with you till you tell him that it’s okay
- his smell helps you too, his own body odor together with sandlewood, oranges and mint helps you to calm down
- you know he’s here, you know you’re in his arm and you know you’re safe
- he sometimes just listen to your whimper, trying to soothes you while you clench onto him
- he cooks for you after you calmed down
- he would never tell you that he’s worried about you, to scared you might think it’s your fault, your failure as his girlfriend
- he just tells you that whenever you’re feeling like that, that it’s okay to go to his parents house, so that you’re not alone
- his parents are kind hearted people and they will help you if you ever need them
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lesbianlotties · 1 year
1, 3, 12, 13, 15, 19, 23, 25, 27! If that’s not too many! Or just answer what ones you want to!
1. favorite fic you wrote this year
like. technically i already answered but i'll take it as an opportunity to mention another face. my Ronance x The Conjuring AU! although I was burning, you're the only light my beloved
3. favorite line/scene you wrote this year
i just remembered so many beloved scenes ghsjdfhgjdf the fight in the rain where nancy throws robin her ring she kept for weeks after robin broke a guy's nose with it for nancy in make my menace into someone you'd adore. or robin and nancy welcoming max into their home with a bat and a gun in If it's bringing me down lmao
12. favorite character to write about this year
Robin. Robin. Robin Buckley my beloved!!! and a little shout out to Wednesday Addams <3
13. favorite writing song/artist/album of this year
i hope i'm not completely misunderstanding this and it really is about music i listen to while writing... anyway!! i'd say pretty much 90% of my fics these years were written while listening to Maya Hawke/Lucy Dacus/Florence and the machine/Mitski as if the titles weren't enough to guess hgjdfhgjf
15. something you learned this year
I LEARNED SO MUCH 😭 i can't say just one thing. hm. i learned.... well, i knew but i make myself remember that writing fanfic is not a waste of time and as long as i enjoy it it's definitely worth it!! and i definitely enjoy it. i learned to stop overthinking about the number of comments and instead picturing every kudos as a person standing in a room and wow that really helps!!! i learned that a. posting something anonymously is fun but also b. being bold and posting something publicly is also fun. i learned that i should start keeping bookmarks 😭 i learned that having a beta reader can be so so helpful and also fun!!
19. any new fics to start next year
I WILL WRITE THE MERMAID BAR AU I WILL!!!! and also a very very special super secret projecy that i unfortunately i have to finish writing completely before posting it but i WILL DO IT
23. fics you wanted to write but didn’t
hmm surprisingly i can't think of anything for ronance. but!!! the Yellowjackets x The Wilds crossover of my dreams... it could still happen!! what else... oh i wanted to write something for Gunpowder Milkshake and I had such a clear idea for it and then i didn't write it 😔 and!!! i still think about my Fear Street x Squid Game AU because that would've been my best fic ever and yet 😭
25. a fic you read this year you would recommend everyone read
what if i said... YOURS dancing in the moonlight
i really want to share more but i have awful memory and i dont even keep bookmarks because i'm a mess i'm sorry 😭
27. favorite fanfic author of the year
okay we're back to bad memory and no bookmarks but i remember cityseeker deeply affecting me so there goes another shout out!!!
fanfic end of the year asks
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demigoddessqueens · 3 years
Gunpowder Milkshake ❤️ HC’s
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Update on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/33593413
Where to begin? It's one thing to be Sam's friend and fellow assassin. It’s another to be sucked into her world even further and meeting the Sisterhood of the Assassin's. Well, you're not exactly complaining, especially if you've caught the eyes of the skilled assassins themselves.
All are skilled in their own unique way. You know they are more than capable at what they do, and even that extends towards feelings for you. Bright, interesting, and exciting individuals with a whirlwind of a life to offer. All four women live almost entirely in their own moment, and are committed to going above and beyond.
Given that all four are different in their own way, Scarlet can be very a intense and exciting individual. She may seem a bit aloof and "hard to get", but she is also a very sensual and earthy individual.
She does take her commitments seriously, but are open to the occasional "wiggle room" (kinda like that opening scene). She's not likely to be "touchy-feely" and overly affirming with her affections, but she is general extremely capable and intelligent individuals who wants to try her best with you, and always want to move in a positive direction.
Scarlett is very forthcoming in her relationship(s), and will likely address any problem in order to prevent it from developing any further. Though she's not good with her words, this is her own way of saying "I care about you, us."
As we all know (and seen), Scarlet does tend to be fairly independent and often needs time to herself. It may be frustrating at first, but at least she extend the same kindness to you and the others, though you all may not enjoy it completely.
Madeleine is an hones-to-God sweetheart that you know you can 1000% trust. Her kindness forms a a type of joy that she finds in taking care of her loved ones, and to be there for emotional and practical support whenever it’s needed (especially with a good book to curl up and read to cheer you up).
Home is where the heart is for Madeleine and she'll strive with such dedication to create the harmony and beauty they wish to see in the world.
Anna May is a whole new other story. She values honesty and is so straightforward most of the time. She makes it known about who she is, what she likes and what she's seeking out with you from the start. As long as you're confident in that (Anna May already is ;D ), then you two's relationship knows no bound that many wish they had in theirs.
And Florence is the type who can be practical and self-sufficient for you all, who focuses on addressing everything in a healthy, calm way.
She tends to be very straightforward with you, which means if anything is wrong, she'll make it known. Straightforward like Anna May a bit, Florence also highly values the dependability, consistency, honesty and sensibility that your relationship brings.
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On the run.
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Natasha: Get in here.
Y/n: Are you sure? They are practically on our tails and you want us hide here?
Natasha: Not hide. Disguise. Go find something to change. 2 minutes!
After 2 minutes...
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Natasha: Are you serious right now?
Y/n: What?
Natasha: You couldn't find any other colors?
Y/n: You said we'll be in disguise! I wore blue before!
Natasha: But that is NEON ORANGE!!
Y/n: I look cool in it.
Natasha: WE'RE ON THE RUN!
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Gunpowder Milkshake Fandom Primer
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This is an old post - you can find the updated primer here!
As the fandom is still small but growing, we on the @gunpowder-milfshake-discord thought that we would create a primer with information for new fans, so we can all use the same tags to easily share our creations and find all the fic, art, other content as well as like-minded fans we are looking for!
Tumblr Tagging
As tumblr doesn't have default shipname suggestions like on ao3 to group all works to one pairing together, it can be annoying having to search different versions of name/name, name x name, etc., variants of a ship to find all content for it, especially with poly ships with several characters.
To circumvent that, there are shipnames that can be used by everyone to group the content together in a single tag - we encourage everyone to tag your content with these shipnames, so it will really work and of course so your works will be seen! You can of course still tag other shipnames in addition to these, but this way all posts will be in one search tag.
Floreleine: Florence x Madeleine
ScarletMay: Scarlet x Anna May
Librarywives: Florence/Madeleine/Anna May
Killercule: F x M x S x AM
Please take note that none of the shipnames have empty spaces in-between! If you spell a tag differently, the post won't show up in the shipname tag.
Also let us know if any shipnames are missing! This is a femslash-centric blog and we might not have heard about any M/M or F/M ones, but we will add all information to this post.
Character tags
As the characters don't have last names, the abbreviation 'GM' for Gunpowder Milkshake can be put in front of each name tag:
GM Anna May
GM Emily
GM Florence
GM Madeleine
GM Nathan
GM Sam
GM Scarlet
GM Virgil
The capital letters aren't important for the tags, but please take note of the empty spaces! Without them, posts would end up in separate tags.
Ao3 tags
'Madeleine (Gunpowder Milkshake) lives' for all post-canon works with Madeleine
'[Name] Gunpowder Milkshake' for the characters
'[Name]/[Name] (Gunpowder Milkshake)' for the relationships - please use the tags Ao3 suggests to you once you start typing!
Please only use ship- and character-tags if they are a significant part of the story, not if they are only a side-pairing/very minor character! People search for the characters and ships they want to read about after all, and would be disappointed if a tag is spammed by stories in which they barely feature.
If you want to warn your readers that a minor ship or character is featured in the story, you can use the 'minor character(s)' additional tag / the 'minor or background relationship(s)' ship tag and explain in the author's note which minor characters/ships are meant, that way you will not screw with anyone's search results.
Blogs and people in the fandom
If you want to follow more people in the fandom or find fanfiction to read, there is a list of creators below the cut so it can stay updated!
@girlgoneangsty - gif manips, videos
@my-gaydar-is-on-point - manips
@floreleine - photo edits, manips
@cleocatart - art
@rosalie-starfall - gifsets
@whatsasophie - gifsets
@lenasheadeys - gifsets
@maygrant - gifsets
@mazikeev - gifsets
@whatsasophie writes behind-the-scenes meta
@lonely-night shares headcanons
Fic writers on ao3:
Floreleine: Marzi, lilolilyrae, thefallenmutineer, songbook, swenfoxx, nomisunrider, deathbyzelda, sapphicish
ScarletMay: swenfoxx, ALC_punk
More F/F: Marzi, death_by_cake, theblindtorpedo, Cloud_Lightning, reinadefuego
M/M: theblindtorpedo
Gen: ba_lailah
@thelibrarianwithanaxe rps as Madeleine
@justamixofmemes2 started a muse dictionary post of the fandom
Apart from our femslash discord server, there is also the general Diner Discord!
More blogger in the fandom:
@gunpowdermilfshake @audreyimpossible @gunpowder-milkshake @geek-goth-gay @jellybean-o-o @thundergrace @itsavonell @gunpowdermilkshakes @skiesfullofsong
And of course all discord news will be on @gunpowder-milfshake-discord with your mods @floreleine @sarah-fiers @verbumproxen!
Let us know if you don't want to be tagged in this anymore, or if someone is missing from the list/you want to be added with your tumblr handle and/or ao3 url! This primer will be updated regularly to make it easy for new fans to enter the fandom.
Request to join the discord here!
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katymacsupernatural · 5 years
A Friendly Face in the Dark
Dean Winchester x Reader
1260 Words
Fall drabble request by @maddiepants. 
Requested Dean, Haunted House and Fluff. This was fun to write!!! 
Summary: In a new town, you head to the local haunted house with some new friends. When they desert you, you find a friendly face. 
Warnings: None
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You could smell the fake smoke from where you stood, almost a half-block away from the entrance. It teased your nostrils of the fun things to come. The freaky things that would no doubt give you nightmares for the next night or so.
Your new friends, Trinity and Maci chattered away excitedly in front of you as you huddled deeper into your sweatshirt. It was a cool October night, much cooler than you had expected, and you found yourself wishing for your heavier coat.
“Cool night, huh?” A deep male voice spoke up from behind you. Turning around, you found yourself gazing at one of the most handsome men you had ever seen. Spiky sand blonde hair that framed a strong, angular face. Plump lips were parted slightly as his green eyes twinkled down at you.
“Lot colder than I expected,” you answered, tucking your hair behind your ear. It was stressful enough finding new friends in this town, but you weren’t sure you were quite ready for a budding romance as well. Even though this handsome man could definitely change your opinion. “But I’m used to it.”
“Used to it?” He asked, stepping a little closer to you as your two friends moved forward. In their lively conversation, they had almost forgotten about you, which you were glad about. You weren’t sure you were ready to see their reaction to this man. “Does that mean you’re not from here?”
“Nope,” you popped the word, getting a glimpse of his rough and worn leather jacket, ripped jeans and scuffed boots. His look just screamed bad boy, another warning for you to leave this conversation and him far behind. But you couldn’t help but be interested by this man. “I’m from Montana.”
“It can definitely get a lot colder up there,” he agreed, his shoulder brushing against yours, smelling like musk, leather, and...gunpowder? “I was up that way four months ago.”
“You travel a lot?” You asked him, realizing that your friends were slowly leaving you behind. Making you wonder if they were even the type of people you would want to be friends with.
He shrugged before a group of unruly teenage boys pushed past him. His body slammed against yours, his arm reaching out to steady you before you fell down. “Sorry about that,” he mumbled, his eyes narrowing as he stared at the boys. “And yeah, my job makes me travel a lot. But you. What made you move down here?”
“College,” You answered before you were at the entrance. Maci and Trinity had finally remembered you were with them, their eyes wide when they noticed the man standing at your side. You reached into your pocket for your cash, but he shook his hand. “It’s the least I could do after almost knocking you over.”
“You didn’t. It was those dumb ass kids,” you remarked, but he still handed the twenty over, flashing a megawatt smile your way.
It was another line inside, but this time the fake smoke was stronger. The building echoed the screams of its victim’s. The walls were painted black, lights barely flickering over the top. You winced as the chainsaw roared to life. You weren’t afraid of anything per say, but you hated the chainsaw run that always seemed to happen in these places. “So, you’ve never told me your name,” he hinted once both of you were inside.
“Y/N. You haven’t told me your name either,” you teased, unzipping your sweatshirt to tuck your cell phone in the secret pocket inside. It showed him a glimpse of your faded and distressed AC/DC shirt.
“Names Dean. And I love that shirt,” he exclaimed but you were quickly interrupted by the gothic dressed worker.
“We have groups of four. Stay with your group, and be prepared for the fright of your life!” She exclaimed, trying to be spooky, coming off more as tired and done with the job. It was quickly decided that you, your friends and Dean would be a group. Maci and Trinity went first, leaving you once again with Dean, but you didn’t mind at all.
“If you get scared, just reach out for my hand,�� he leaned over to whisper. “Stuff like this? It’s nothing to me.”
“Then why are you here?” You asked him, but you couldn’t help the shiver of excitement that went through your system. This man was infatuating.
“My little brother is here. On a date. I wanted to make sure things went okay,” he whispered as you went through the first room. People were chained to beds, thrashing about dramatically. They were covered in blood, and the closest one reached out for you. You jumped back slightly, right against Dean’s waiting arm.
“A haunted house for a date? I think your brother is either completely crazy, or smart for bringing her here,” you chuckled as the haunted orphanage was left behind. Now you were in a field, cornrows on one side, a cemetery on the other. You heard a wolf howling in the distance. Trinity and Macy were far ahead, and you knew that after tonight you would probably lose their phone number.
“Who cares about him,” he answered, but you could tell he cared about his brother. It was just in the way he talked about him. “I hope it works for me,” he finished under his breath.
“You’re on a date?” You asked, squealing as a werewolf jumped out from behind a headstone, his claws inches away from your face.
“Not exactly,” Dean answered, his body stiff as he put himself in front of you. The werewolf went back behind the headstone, and you continued on. “But there is the girl that I met, and she seems pretty special.”
You were grateful for the darkness of the next hallway, otherwise, he would have noticed the blush on your cheeks. “Dean, I…,” you started, but Maci and Trinity came running towards you, screaming frantically. You quickly noticed a hidden door off to the side, but you had no chance to move before they pushed you to the side as a man with a chainsaw came barreling down the hallway.
The chainsaw man ran past you, hot after both girls while Dean crouched down to check on you. “Are you okay?”
You shook your head, wincing as you tried to put pressure on your ankle. “I think I twisted my ankle.”
Without thought, Dean helped you up, carrying you in his arms, down the hallway where your ex-friends had just gone. Pushing through the gauze, he stepped out of the main show, to where the workers moved around. You held onto his shoulders as he carried you outside, setting you down on the bench outside.
“I’m sorry you had to leave the haunted house,” you apologized as he knelt down in front of you. Screams could still be heard behind you as Dean gently checked over your ankle.
“I get to see scarier stuff than that almost daily,” he muttered. “But I don’t think you should be walking on this ankle. Let me text Sammy, and then I’ll drive you home.”
“You don’t have to,” you insisted, even though you liked the attention. “I don’t want to pull you away.”
“Nonsense,” he assured you. “And on the way, we can stop for a milkshake. Maybe even listen to some AC/DC. I think you like them?”
“That sounds better than any stupid haunted house,” you agreed, realizing this evening had turned out so much better than you ever imaged it would.
Dean/Jensen Tags: @acortez82 @acreativelydifferentlove @adoptdontshoppets @a-girl-who-loves-disney @akshi8278  @bebravekeeponfighting  @brindz30 @cap-just-said-language @colette2537   @deansgirl215   @its-not-a-tulpa @jerkbitchidjitassbutt @just-another-winchester @karouwinchester @keikoraventeller  @krys198478 @librarygeekery @misspygmypie @mlovesstories @mrsambroserollinsacklesmgk  @mrspeacem1nusone @nothinbuttrouble2 @ria132love @ruprecht0420     @sortaathief @superseejay721517 @squirrelnotsam @team-free-will-you-idjiot @thing-you-do-with-that-thing @torn-and-frayed @tricksterdean @wonderfulworldofwinchester @woodworthti666
Forever Tags: @aditimukul @alexwinchester23 @algud @amanda-teaches @andreaaalove   @artisticpoet @atc74 @be-amaziing @camelotandastronauts @caswinchester2000 @chelsea072498  @closetspngirl   @docharleythegeekqueen @emoryhemsworth @ericaprice2008  @esoltis280   @gh0stgurl @goldenolaf25 @growningupgeek  @heyitscam99 @hobby27 @horsegirly99 @internationalmusicteacher @iwriteaboutdean  @jayankles @jensen-gal @just-another-busyfangirl @karlee-fay-my-wayward-son @lifelovelaughangell123 @li-ssu @linki-locks11 @littleblue5mcdork  @lowlyapprentice   @maui137 @mogaruke @monkeymcpoopoo @musiclovinchic93  @nanie5   @percussiongirl2017 @plaid-lover-bay25   @roonyxx @ronja-uebrick @roxyspearing @samanthaharper2018 @samanddeanmyheroes @sandlee44 @shamelesslydean @simonsbluee @sillesworldofwriting @sgarrett49 @spnbaby-67 @spn-dean-and-sam-winchester @spnwoman   @superbadassnatural @thatcrazybookwormgeek   @thewinchesterchronicles @vvinch3st3r @wecantgiggleitsafandom @whimsicalrobots @winchester-writes @zombiewerewolfqueen
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cissyenthusiast010155 · 5 months
I would to you what you do with the print…
“Everybody has a type…”
I absolutely adore your fics!
My Type ~Anna May xFem Madeleine’sNiece!Reader ~Holiday Bingo
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Summary— Reader spends New Years with her Aunt Madeleine’s friends at the library. It leads to a surprise with Anna May… Anon Response— Hey heyyy anon!! I think you’re talking about this post and Anna May’s verbiage… The world can never truly have enough Anna May/Angela Bassett content. Enjoy! ♥️♥️
Previous Day <—found here!
Holiday Bingo <—Here!!
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Mommy… Master List
Requests & Prompt-List
Prompt- New Year’s
Prompt- “Everybody has a type…”
Warnings: age gap (all legal), kissing, light teasing, flustering, light pet names, new years kiss, etc.
Enjoy (;
The library was aglow with the nights festivities. It was new years, and the three librarians were hosting the New Year’s Eve party. Madeleine had decked out the entire library with festive decorations.
You were Madeleine’s niece. There was a good amount of people at the party, but not too much to be overwhelming. Madeleine, Florence, and Anna May were of course all in attendance. Scarlet, her daughter, and her daughter were there as well, along with a few other close friends and relatives of the librarians.
Aunt Madeleine had been trying to push you out of your introvert shell as of late. You were hesitant at first, but you quickly came around when you realized how attractive her female counterpart librarians were.
With your mother having been absent throughout practically your entire childhood, you couldn’t help the mommy issues which magnetized you to any older woman. You didn’t mind Florence or Scarlet, they were both easy on the eyes.
But the moment you walked into the party and shook hands with Anna May, you belonged to that woman. She just didn’t know it yet… or did she…?
Madeleine had recently brought out drinks, handing you some champagne and encouraging you in a whisper to socialize. You were quite sure that she meant Sam, Scarlet’s daughter who was close to you in age, but you didn’t hold much interest in her.
Instead you gravitated towards Florence, who was leaning against a bookshelf and drinking something that looked to be much stronger than champagne. She nodded in your direction, acknowledging you as you walked up to her.
“Hi…” you nervously breathed out.
Pretty, older women always gave you butterflies and nerves…
“Hello…” Florence hummed, “Y/N right? Your Madeleine’s niece…?”
You nodded, taking a sip of your champagne to drink away the nerves.
“Mhmmm yeah” you said softly, “and you work here with Aunt Madeleine…?”
“I do.” Florence noted with a hum, taking a sip of her own drink, “Madeleine tells me you have an interest in our craft. She teaching you?”
“Yeah, she’s teaching me”
“I heard you’re a natural…” another woman’s voice butted in, Anna May.
She had come up behind you without you noticing. It made you shiver and almost yelp in surprise. But you quickly swallowed your desperate little whimper.
“Anna May— hi…” you choked out.
Anna May had a drink of her own that she sipped as she looked at you amused. Florence then interrupted your solid four second stare, by realizing and mentioning the time.
“15 minutes till midnight…!” The librarian dressed in mostly green yelled, letting the whole party know.
Florence then left you with Anna May, probably to refill her glass. Anna May twirled her glass in her hands as her eyes rested back on your frame once more. Her gaze racked up and down the figure.
“You’re about Sam’s age, hmmm girl…?”
You gulped and felt the urge to blush, but you suppressed it.
“Mhmmm, yea…” you nodded with a breathy answer.
Your breathing was all out of whack.
“Not your type..?” Anna May asked with a chuckle.
You shook your head.
“No, I don’t have one”
“Oh sweet girl…” Anna May cooed, coming up closer, next to you, so that she was against the same bookshelf you were, and close enough to your where you could feel her breath on your neck, “Everybody has a type…”
Your breath hitched and now you definitely blushed. Hard.
And you were sure that Anna May noticed, as a chuckle erupted from her throat and a smirk made its way upon her face.
“10 minutes…!!” Florence announced.
“I can’t believe it’s gonna be a new year… time seems to have… warped by…” you breathed out, trying desperately to change the topic.
Anna May recognized your deflection, but went along with it anyway.
“Yes…” she sighed out, “You going to kiss anyone at midnight?”
Her words came out blunt and so matter of fact. Yet your reaction,as you sipped some champagne to try and cover your blush, was to choke and almost spit out the liquid. You wheezed and tried to remember to take deep breaths.
Once you’d regained your composure somewhat, you looked back to Anna May. She was standing there, watching you, and waiting expectantly for your answer. You couldn’t help but catch the grin on her face, almost like she was proud of the reaction that she had pulled from you.
“I— wasn’t planning on it…” you stammered.
“Hmmmm I was…” Anna May said nonchalantly, but obviously hanging on her sentence to draw your interest, “but I thought you’d kiss Sam…”
“I— No! I mean, she’s nice and all but…” you stammered desperately, at a loss for words on how to explain to this woman that you had no interest for Sam and all the interest in the world for her.
Luckily for you, Anna May already understood that, she was merely teasing you…
“Five minutes till…!!” Florence announced.
You gulped and meet Anna Mays gaze once more.
“But…?” She suggestively said, prompting you to finish your unsaid statement.
“She’s…” you mumbled something incoherently.
Anna May drew closer to you,
“Use your words, sweet girl…” she breathed down your neck.
“She’s not you…” you breathed out in a whisper.
Anna May burned bright at your confession, very satisfied with your admission. She turned to you, grabbing your chin, her gaze connecting with yours.
The party began to count down from 10.
Her eyes sparkled so brilliantly.
Her brows creased, making that thoughtful expression she always wore.
Her cheeks burned with a flush red.
Her lips were plump and partially open.
She licked her lips, her glistening tongue coming out and swiping her upper then lower lip.
Your eyes jumped back up to her eyes, they were dark, swirling orbs. Her pupils enlarged and ripe.
The hand on your chin, caressed your face and pulled you closer to the woman.
“Is this alright, sweet girl…?” Anna May whispered.
“Mhmmmm… yessss—” you breathed out.
Her lips were on yours. God it felt so heavenly. What you had imagined and better. Her lips were soft and plump. Her kisses were dominant and direct.
You happily let Anna May take the lead. Her lips and tongue guided you through the kiss.
But it seemed that as quickly as it had started, it ended just as fast. She pulled away and you couldn’t help the light whimper that escaped your throat.
Luckily, no one in the room caught it, except Anna May. And she could help the Cheshire Cat like grin on her face.
Next Bingo Fic <—Here!!
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Anna May Masterlist
Holiday Bingo 2023 Masterlist
Let Me Know If You Want To Be on My Holiday Bingo Tag List!! 🤍✨
Tag List: @storiesofsvu @aemilia19 @willowshadenox @vexed-jade @lunala-rose23 @sapphixwriter @principal-weems09 @tryingmybest233333
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cissyenthusiast010155 · 8 months
Blood Kink with Anna May ~Kinktober 2023
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Happy October 24th!!! On the daily docket is a Blood Kink hehe… And our character is another from Gunpowder Milkshake, Anna May. Enjoy!! 💙🎃
Previous Day <—found here!
Kinktober 2023 <—Here!!
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Mommy… Master List
Requests & Prompt-List
Warnings: NSFW, 18+!!, smut, blood kink, scissoring, pussy grinding, scratching, blood, swearing, more implied future smut, etc.
Enjoy (;
Your nails dug into Anna May’s bare back as your cunt ground against hers. The sounds of sex echoed through the room, your legs being interlocked together as you scissored each other to high heaven.
As you both crashed into your first highs of the night, your nails dug into the woman’s skin even further. When you finally pulled apart a bit, after catching your breaths, you saw that your fingers were red with her blood.
“Oh Shit Anna May I’m so sorry that must have hurt fuck I—!!” You rambled into an apology.
But Anna May merely looked at you with wide and dark eyes. She suddenly popped two of your bloody fingers into her mouth and sucked them, moaning at the taste of her own blood. She removed your now clean digits and took the rest in her mouth, a couple at a time, effectively cleaning them and moaning after every one.
You watched wide eyed and mouth agape as Anna May did this.
“Don’t be” the brunette hummed.
“I… what…?” You stammered.
“Don’t be sorry” she repeated herself, “I think it’s hot…”
“Me drawing blood…?” You repeated in shock.
The woman smirked and nodded.
“Scratch harder” She instructed you.
Your mouth went dry. You nodded.
“Ok” you choked out.
So you went another round. And you scratched harder. And you made her bleed…
And the Anna May had you clean it up with your hands, only for her to lick your hands all clean with her tongue and hot mouth. The sight made your mind go all fuzzy. You didn’t think you’d seen anything as attractive as that woman licking blood from your hands.
You made yourself a mental note to start being on the lookout of new ways to make Anna May bleed…
Next Day <—Discipline Kink!!
Anna May Masterlist
Kinktober 2023 Masterlist
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cissyenthusiast010155 · 11 months
Anna May Masterlist
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Mommy… Master List
Approach at your own risk... smut = * extra smutty=**
One Shots
What makes a bunny? ~all Librarians**
The Librarians of Gunpowder Milkshake Once Said… ~Anna May edition
Sparring Practice ~Anna May xFlorence xReader
The Arrangement ~Dom!Florence xSub!Anna May*
Blood Kink with Anna May*
Foot Fetish with Anna May
My Type ~Anna May xFem Madeleine’sNiece!Reader ~Holiday Bingo
Oh and I take Requests, so hit me up with your ideas 😉 Requests & Prompt-List
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cissyenthusiast010155 · 11 months
Can you write a fic with Anna May and Florence sparring, with or without their weapons? :D thanks <3
Do you take prompts for other GM ships as well?
Hey hey hey @lilolilyr ! I would love to write this, thanks for the request 💞 I absolutely do take other GM ships!! Send them into my asks 🥰 This ones a little fluff piece for you, set after movie so there are spoilers. Hope you Enjoy! ♥️
Sparring Practice ~Anna May xFlorence xFem Reader(Scarlet’s Sister)
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Mommy… Master List
Requests & Prompt-List
Warnings: SFW, movie spoilers, fluff, controlled fighting, sparring, teasing, intimidation, etc.
Enjoy (;
Florence slammed down to the sparring mat with another bam! and a groan from her lips.
“Come on, Florence, Dear, you can do better than that…” Anna May chided.
Florence merely sent the other woman a very pointed glare. Since Florence had lost her eye, the two women had been doing separate sparring sessions to get Florence back on her game. With a huff, the librarian raised herself from the mat and got back into sparring position.
And then they went again. And again. And again.
Anna May had caught Florence yet again unaware, ending with Florence back on the mat, when the door to the room creaked open. Both women’s heads swiveled swiftly to the noise. They found you standing in the doorway.
“This is a private practice.” Anna May spoke confidently.
“Oh, I’m sorry. Scarlet told me I could use the gym…” you explained, blushing lightly at the physique of the two women in front of you.
Florence rose from the floor. She cocked her head at you, and placed her hand warily in front of Anna May as if to tell her to stand down.
“There’s something about you…” Florence murmured.
“What’s your name, girl?”
“Come closer, hun…” Florence purred.
You walked into the room, closing the door behind you, and dropping your gym bag.
“How do you know Scarlet, hmmmm girl…?” Anna May spoke yet again.
“She’s my sister. And don’t call me ‘girl’…” you spoke, your tone hardening.
But you lost all your edge as Florence came up to you and invaded your personal space.
“Hmmm, that’s why you look so familiar…” she mused.
“You must be… Florence.” You stuttered lightly.
The librarian nodded, still raking in your form. You blushed lightly and looked over to the other librarian.
“Anna May, I presume…” you spoke.
“That’s right…” The curly haired brunette said, walking around you and Florence, eyeing you up and down.
Florence drew you back to reality with her words.
“You wanna train with us, ‘hun?”
At this, Anna May smirked lightly and looked down for moment.
“You and me go first.” Anna May declared, stepping into the sparring ring.
You entered the ring and got into position. You ducked most of her throws and even landed a few of your own. But you lasted nowhere near long enough before Anna May had you pinned to the ground. She got off you with a chuckle.
“Hey, Y/N lasted longer than you…” Anna May teased Florence.
“Shut up…” Florence grumbled, leading to all three of you to start chuckling lightly.
“Let’s go again.” You said, getting up and dusting yourself off
“Alright…” she spoke with a certain twinkle in her eye.
Florence Masterlist
Anna May Masterlist
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cissyenthusiast010155 · 11 months
Florence Masterlist
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Mommy… Master List
Approach at your own risk... smut = * extra smutty=**
One Shots
What makes a bunny? ~all Librarians**
The Librarians of Gunpowder Milkshake Once Said… ~Florence edition
Sparring Practice ~Anna May xFlorence xReader
The Arrangement ~Dom!Florence xSub!Anna May*
Impact Play Kink with Florence*
Oh and I take Requests, so hit me up with your ideas 😉 Requests & Prompt-List
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cissyenthusiast010155 · 11 months
Madeleine Masterlist
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Mommy… Master List
Approach at your own risk... smut = * extra smutty=**
One Shots
What makes a bunny? ~all Librarians**
The Librarians of Gunpowder Milkshake Once Said… ~Madeleine edition
Oh and I take Requests, so hit me up with your ideas 😉 Requests & Prompt-List
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cissyenthusiast010155 · 11 months
Anna May x Florence with Florence as the domme, so Anna May can let go and not have to be the boss like during the day
Hiiiiii anon!! I love the idea! So I wrote a little imagine for it 🥰 I think that Anna May could totally use the break… Anyways, thanks for interacting!! Hope you have a lovely day, anon ♥️
The Arrangement ~Dom!Florence xSub!Anna May
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Mommy… Master List
Requests & Prompt-List
Warnings: NSFW, smut, Dom/Sub relations, oral (Florence strap-on receiving), teasing, implied praise kink, kissing, PDA, Ma’am/Sir kink, etc.
Enjoy (;
Anna May and Florence were organizing and putting away books, one of their final tasks as the day waned into the night. Suddenly, Anna May bumped her knee on the library ladder.
“Fudge…!!” The curly haired brunette exclaimed in pain through gritted teeth.
“Did you know the best painkiller is actually an orgasm?” Florence hummed in response, not quite paying attention.
Anna May looked at Florence mouth agape. Florence’s eyes finally fluttered to the librarian.
“Just saying…” she hummed.
“I… yes…” Anna May stuttered.
The other librarians eyes widened. Her gaze met Anna May’s.
“Yes. I… I don’t want to be in charge.” The curly haired brunette admitted.
Florence hummed in response. Within seconds, Florence had Anna May pinned to one of the bookshelves. Her lips grazing the other woman’s. The curly haired brunette closed the gap, smashing her lips into Florence’s. Both women moaned lightly into each other’s lips.
“Your room…?” Florence hummed into the woman’s lips.
“Yes please yes…” she breathlessly pled.
Anna May had to admit, she really liked the new arrangement that she has with Florence…
During the day, she was in charge, she ran the library. Then at night, the curly haired brunette let go of the reigns of control, and Florence picked them up. At night, Anna May did the other woman’s bidding. Happily. This little system worked well. Very well…
“You’re going to do whatever I want you to do, okay hun?” Florence purred, towering naked over the other woman’s naked frame.
Anna May gulped and nodded.
“Yes Ma’am…” she choked out.
Anna May’s eyes widened as she stared up at Florence from where she was kneeling.
“Don’t make me repeat myself, cute girl…” the woman warily purred.
The curly haired brunette nodded and began to take the librarians plastic dick into her mouth. She licked up and down her member, before taking her in fully. Florence placed her hand on Anna May’s head and pushed her down further, making her gag and whine.
“Shut up and take it like a good girl…” Florence lightly growled, only making the curly haired woman even wetter.
Florence Masterlist
Anna May Masterlist
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cissyenthusiast010155 · 11 months
Gunpowder Milkshake Fandom Masterlist
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This is my Gunpowder Milkshake Fandom Masterlist ✨ which includes all the Gunpowder Milkshake characters and ships I’ve written for! Check out my post with all my request details— Requests & Prompt-List! My main navigation post—
Mommy… Master List
Approach at your own risk... smut = * extra smutty=**
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Anna May Masterlist
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Florence Masterlist
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Madeleine Masterlist
Thanks for sticking around 🤍✨🫰🏻 Leave a comment, reblog a post, message me—I want to hear your thoughts!!
© Do not copy, repost, or modify any of my works.
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Mommy... Master List
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Welcome to my main, navigation post!! Requests are closed… So check out my Requests & Prompt-List post with all the details!
I will do my best to answer all appropriate requests and asks!! I prioritize by order of submission, so the older a request or ask is, the higher of a priority it is.
Want to see what I’m currently working on fic wise? Check out my WiP List!! I try to keep this updated with the fics I’m writing and plan to write! —My Work In Progress (WIP) List.
Come check out my side blog where I have a lot of my gay, mental health, and other random thoughts and musings!!— @cissy-side-thoughts
Please take a look at my Sex, Masturbation, Kink, & BDSM Resources if you’re looking for 18+ resources and topics.
Blog Updates:
March Blog Update ~Latest!
Fic/Post Recommendations:
Sapphic w/w Recs List right here (;
Amazing Anxiety Bullet Commentary!!
Current Thoughts:
Vacation Struggles
What are the crossed out prompts?
Ship name: Alrissa!!!
My Blog Name Meaning
Aftercare Ramble
Holiday Struggles
If your a writer who wants to collab, please message me; I’d love to work with all you amazing Fic writers out there 😉
We’re in construction here so don’t mind me hehe…
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Jk JK, this blog is not PG!!
Approach at your own risk... smut = * extra smutty=**
© Do not copy, repost, or modify any of my works.
—> Harry Potter Fandom Masterlist
—> Marvel (MCU) Fandom Masterlist Part 1. Infinity Saga
—> Marvel (MCU) Fandom Masterlist Part 2. Multiverse Saga
—> Criminal Minds Fandom Masterlist
—> Wednesday (Netflix) Fandom Masterlist
—> Star Wars Fandom Masterlist
—> The School for Good and Evil Fandom Masterlist
—> The Sandman Fandom Masterlist
—> Sherlock (bbc) Fandom Masterlist
—> Gunpowder Milkshake Fandom Masterlist
—> Top of the Lake Fandom Masterlist
—> Game of Thrones (GoT) Fandom Masterlist
—> Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children Fandom Masterlist
—> Peaky Blinders Fandom Masterlist
—> Fast and Furious Saga Fandom Masterlist
—> Abbott Elementary Fandom Masterlist
—> Resident Evil Fandom Masterlist
—> Once Upon A Time Fandom Masterlist
—> Killing Eve Fandom Masterlist
—> Anatomy of a Scandal Fandom Masterlist
—> Kinktober 2023 Masterlist
—> Fetish November Masterlist
—> Holiday Bingo 2023 Masterlist
Ava Coleman
When Shots Align ~Mommy!Ava*
Aaron Hotchner
It’s All Coming Down ~Broken!Aaron Hotchner xFem Reader
The Gilded Age
Bertha Russell
Bertha Russell Appearance Appreciation
Our Little Secret ~Fem!Servant!Reader*
Agnes van Rhijn
I’m Here, My Love ~Motherly!Soft!Agnes Van Rhijn xFem Younger(30s)!ClosetedLesbian!Reader
Sylvia Chamberlain
Trusting Mommy ~SugarMommy!Sylvia Chamberlain xFem Younger!SugarBaby!Virgin!Reader
I’ve Got You ~Plutonic!Godmother!Sylvia Chamberlain xFem Goddaughter!Reader
Dead Poets Society
Anderperry NSFW Headcanons*
Knarlie Headcanons
Athena Grant
Madam Secretary
Nadine Tolliver Masterlist
Elizabeth McCord Masterlist
Henry McCord
Long Night Reunions ~Nadine x Elizabeth x Henry*
Coming Home for You ~Nadine x Elizabeth x Henry*
Jade West
Knives Out
Claire Debella
Baby It’s Cold Outside ~Claire Debella xFem Younger(20s)!CampaignAssistant!Reader ~Holiday Bingo
Sinking My Claws Into You ~Dark!Claire Debella xFem Younger!Wealthy!Reader
The Old Guard
Andromache the Scythian/Andy
The Jurassic Saga
Ellie Sattler
I Need You, Alan ~Ellie Sattler x Alan Grant (Grantler)
Alan Grant
I Need You, Alan ~Ellie Sattler x Alan Grant (Grantler)
Claire Dearing
Ocean’s 8
Lou Miller
Debbi Ocean
Don’t Look Up
Brie Evantee
Janie Orlean
Law & Order: SVU
Olivia Benson Masterlist
Alexandra ‘Alex’ Cabot Masterlist
Casey Novak Masterlist
Elizabeth Donnelly Masterlist
Rita Calhoun Masterlist
Amanda Rollins
She’s Been to Hell And Back ~S13!Alex Cabot xFem Wife!Reader(feat. Casey, Rita, Liz, Liv, & Amanda)[MATURE]
Rafael Barba
Taking Care of My Girl ~Dom!Rafael Barba xFem Sub!Girlfriend!Reader
My Guardian Angel ~Broken!Rita Calhoun xFem Younger!Investigator!Reader (Liz Donnelly x Alex Cabot) feat. Rafael Barba & Olivia Benson
Baroness Van Hellman
Only Murders in the Building
Jan Bellows
The Good Wife/The Good Fight
Diane Lockhart
Doors Closing
Flux Gourmet
Jan Stevens
The Beekeeper
Jessica Danforth
Stranger Things
Joyce Byers
Doctor Who
Amy Pond
River Song
Elizabeth Keane
In Her Time of Need
House of Cards
Heather Dunbar
Frederick Chilton
Cassandra Walker
Joan Watson
That’s all for now, ciao ciao lovelies! 💞💞
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An updated Fandom Primer
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As the fandom is still small but growing, we on the @gunpowder-milfshake-discord thought that we would create a primer with information for new fans, so we can all use the same tags to easily share our creations and find all the fic, art and other content as well as like-minded fans we are looking for!
Tumblr Tagging
Because tumblr doesn't have default shipname suggestions like on ao3 to group all works of one pairing together, it can be annoying, having to search different versions of name/name, name x name, etc. of a ship to find all content for it, especially with poly ships with several characters.
To circumvent that, there are shipnames that can be used by everyone to group the content together in a single tag - we encourage everyone to tag your content with these shipnames, so it will really work and of course so your works will be seen! You can still tag other shipnames in addition to these, but this way all posts will be in one search tag.
Florence x Madeleine
Scarlet x Anna May
Florence x Madeleine x Anna May
Florence x Madeleine x Anna May x Scarlet
Please take note that none of the shipnames have empty spaces! If you spell a tag differently, the post won't show up in the shipname tag.
Also let us know if any shipnames are missing! This is a femslash-centric blog and we might not have heard about any M/M or F/M ones, but we will add all information to this post.
Please use readmores on fanfiction or other long posts on tumblr so as not to spam!
Character Tags
As the characters don't have last names, the abbreviation 'GM' for Gunpowder Milkshake can be put in front of each name tag, for example GM Sam.
The capital letters aren't important for the tags, but please take note of the empty spaces! Without them, posts would end up in separate tags.
Ao3 Tagging
'Madeleine (Gunpowder Milkshake) lives' for all canon-divergence works where Madeleine survives and post-canon works with her
'Child Sam (Gunpowder Milkshake)' for early pre-canon fics with Samantha
'Vampire Madeleine (Gunpowder Milkshake)' for both fics where Madeleine survives getting shot due to vampirism and other fanfics with her as a Vampire, whether the setting is otherwise canon or fantasy
'[Name] Gunpowder Milkshake' for the characters and '[Name]/[Name] (Gunpowder Milkshake)' for the relationships - use the tags Ao3 suggests to you once you start typing!
Please only use ship- and character-tags if they are a significant part of the story, not if they are only a side-pairing/very minor character! People search for the characters and ships they want to read about after all, and would be disappointed if a tag is spammed by stories in which they barely feature.
If you want to warn your readers that a minor ship or character is featured in the story, you can use the 'minor character(s)' additional tag / the 'minor or background relationship(s)' ship tag and explain in the author's note which minor characters/ships are meant, that way you will not screw with anyone's search results.
People, Groups and Fan Events
The Discord had a headcanon event with textchat games and voicechats from the 9th to the 17th of October, a gift exchange from the 1st of December and ending in January, and at the moment several events for the 1 year GM anniversary, including a fanwork award and movie watchalongs - you can still join the server and sign up!
If you want to follow more people in the fandom or find fanfiction to read, there is a list of creators below the cut so it can stay updated!
Art: @halcyon1796 @hereforamediocretimenotalongtime
Gifs: @girlgoneangsty @kat-bishop @maygrant @mazikeev @michaun @poisons-ivy @rosalie-starfall @whatsasophie @larlies
Manips: @floreleine @girlgoneangsty @my-gaydar-is-on-point @rosalie-starfall
Icons/headers/stills: @p-orfia @thesevenwondersofawitch
Writers on tumblr:
Meta: @whatsasophie @lonely-night
Fanfic: @floreleine @guardian-of-the-earth
Fic writers on ao3:
Floreleine: Marzi, lilolilyrae, thefallenmutineer, songbook, swenfoxx, nomisunrider, ilovefandom, deathbyzelda, sapphicish, piximera, theonlydan
ScarletMay: swenfoxx, ALC_punk
More F/F: Marzi, death_by_cake, theblindtorpedo, Cloud_Lightning, reinadefuego, lilolilyrae, QueenOfTheAmazons, kataangfanficer
M/M: theblindtorpedo
Gen: ba_lailah
@thelibrarianwithanaxe rps as Madeleine
@justamixofmemes2 started a muse dictionary post of the fandom
Apart from our femslash discord server, there is also the general Diner Discord!
More blogger in the fandom:
@audreyimpossible @change-the-rules @coramills @cosmoremix @fishcustardandclintbarton @geek-goth-gay @gunpowder-milkshake @gunpowdermilfshake @gunpowdermilkshakes @i-lovefandom @infiniteplaylist @itsavonell @jellybean-o-o @lanalikesnobanana @lebrockbear @pegscavalry @sarahsupastar @skiesfullofsong @songbookff @thundergrace @transdeanwinchesterr @ussjellyfish @youre-where-i-wanna-go
And of course all discord news will be on @gunpowder-milfshake-discord with your mods @floreleine @verbumproxen @sarah-fiers!
Let us know if you don't want to be tagged in this anymore, or if someone is missing from the list/you want to be added with your tumblr handle and/or ao3 url! This primer will be updated regularly to make it easy for new fans to enter the fandom.
Request to join the discord here!
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