#polyamourous headcanons
aphroditelovesu · 6 months
Yandere Henry VIII/Anne Boleyn Headcanons (Poly!Romantic)
❝ 👑 — lady l: I thought about this a while ago and it was saved in my drafts, but I only decided to write it now. I hope you like it and forgive me for any mistakes! ❤️❤️
❝tw: cheating, polyamorous relationship, obsessive and possessive behavior, mention of fights and jealousy.
❝ 👑pairing: yandere!henry viii x female!reader, yandere!anne boleyn x female!reader.
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Anne was not blind to her husband's prying eyes on you. She felt angry, jealous and wanted to get rid of you as quickly as possible. But when Henry strictly forbade (threatened) her from doing something against you, she was shocked and smart enough not to act against his orders.
That being said, she started researching more about you. She was intrigued, it wasn't uncommon for Henry to keep mistresses and although she was hurt by this, there was nothing she could do. She hated it, but she was powerless against the King's power.
However, it was only after meeting you, after talking to you, that she finally understood why Henry was so interested in you. You had a unique grace, an aura that attracted her and made her comfortable. Before she knew it, Anne found herself longing for your company more which left her confused. Who in their right mind would fall in love with their husband's mistress?
It didn't matter anymore, not when Anne found herself falling more and more in love with you and soon began to feel jealous of her husband with you. It was unfair that he could have you and not her. She deserved you more than him.
Henry, on the other hand, was over the moon. He quickly took you as his official mistress and no longer bothered trying to hide his affair with you, the love he felt for you. His desires for you were public knowledge and he was more than happy.
He knew this wouldn't please his wife, but he didn't care. Not when he had you in his arms, being loved and adored by him. You were so perfect, so sweet and so beautiful. You were made for him. Completely his.
Anne watched her husband interact with you with jealousy and longing, she wanted to hold you. She could no longer continue like this, being ignored. So she decided to act. During one night when her husband was visiting her, Anne decided to talk to him. Tell him how she feels about you. That she was attracted to you. Henry didn't know what to say.
He was stunned and silent, just watching his wife as if she were crazy. But Anne kept talking, wanting to make sure he understood. Henry remained strangely quiet and after a few minutes, a sparkle appeared in his eyes.
Henry would never accept sharing you with anyone, but he found the idea of ​​sharing you with his wife strangely exciting. It wasn't ideal, but he saw nothing more pleasurable and lovely than having his mistress and his wife together.
They are both extremely possessive of you. They are jealous of each other with you, but they are more jealous of you around other people. You are theirs and Henry will use his power as King to deal with anyone who threatens his relationship with you. Anne had also used her influences to her advantage.
You are endlessly spoiled and adored. Servants are instructed to fulfill your every whim and desire. There is no doubt about who really holds all the power over them. Your relationship with Henry is public knowledge, but with Anne is kept private.
But that doesn't mean she stays away from you because she doesn't. Anne does her best to be by your side during the day, the touches and looks are discreet and shared only between you. Henry also participates, but he has no shame and actually kisses and touches you in public. He is the King, after all.
There is still a lot of jealousy and fighting over you between these two, fights that only became bigger after Anne's pregnancy. She wanted you with her all the time and so did Henry. You are the only person who can calm them down, usually sweet words and subtle touches do the trick.
You will be dragged into this never-ending tumultuous marriage, the fights that always turned into making love on the carpet in your rooms at the end of the night would always continue. Would the gifts, power and love you received be enough for you to endure this turbulent relationship with your King and Queen?
You forgot your worries when you were together with your lovers, in the privacy and tranquility of your chambers. Clothes on the floor and heavy breathing. In the end, you would always give in to them. You were as much theirs as they were yours.
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witchthewriter · 3 months
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Poly141! | Mission Pixie Dust
Okay so... I was making up scenarios in my head as I was falling asleep last night and I made myself cry ... so I obviously had to share...
Poly141; the four men are your husbands and all deployed at the same time, leaving you home with your three kids at the beginning of the school holidays.
This turned out longer than I thought it would but I just had to write it out. I love Poly141 AND them being dads :')
Da = Johnny
Papa = John P.
Dad= Simon
Daddy = Kyle
School holidays had just started, and your three pups were buzzing as soon as they came home. Bags were thrown on the floor, school shoes unlaced and scattered around the shoe stand. They knew the rules, but first day of school holidays meant they were allowed to get a little wild.
Your oldest, Paesha, had just turned eight and her father was obvious. Thick curls, dark skin and warm brown eyes made it plain to see. But all your husbands loved her the same. In fact, she had a special bond with her Da (Johnny).
Malachai, your second, could have been any of the three other men's. Light brown hair, fair complection, and utterly/overly protective of his sisters. He had been born a year after Pae.
And your youngest, Felicity (known as Flick), had started her first year in big school. She was known for having exceptional blue eyes.
None of your husbands wanted a DNA test, they thought it useless because everyone treats the children with the same love, compassion and warmth.
Throwing your keys on the counter (Paesha picked them up and placed them on the hook). You rubbed the bridge of your nose and tried to quell the longing in your soul. You didn't know if it was worse when the kids were gone or with you. Being completely alone let the terrible thoughts attack but you didn't want your kids to miss out on having their fathers'.
Calming the oncoming tears, you turned around and asked, "who wants pizza for dinner?"
"YES!" Yelled Mal, a fist punched in the air. Paesha nodded her head enthusiastically while Flick did a little happy dance.
Paesha halted and squinted at you, "Not homemade right?"
After dinner arrived, the four of you sat on the large dark green couch. Your two ex-military dogs, Moth and Teddy, sat on either end of the lounge.
Turning onto the streaming service, you found the exact movie you were looking for. The 2003 version of Peter Pan.
With the lights off (except for the kitchen, the kids were still scared of too much darkness), you watched as one of your cats jumped into Pae's lap. Barnaby started purring instantly. His fluffy white tail settled around his body.
The seven of you settled in. Your four human babies snuggled up to their mama, smiles already on their faces.
When the movie had finished, your kids still wouldn't go to bed.
"Oh wait, I know why it isn't working - we don't have the pixie dust!" Flick pulled on your sleeve with a huge gap-toothed smile.
You had been watching as they jumped around the room. Lights flicked on, bodies flinging from one couch to another.
"I know! But ... we don't have any in the house..." You grumbled.
Paesha was staring dreamily at Peter Pan, a cheek resting against her face. "Where do we get some?" Her head turned slightly to look at you, her eyes nearly heart-shaped.
"Ugh-" god trying to keep childlike wonder alive was bloody difficult. Like a sign from the Universe, your phone started to ring.
All three kids ran over to it, knowing exactly who was calling at this time of night. Swiping the screen, four familiar faces popped up.
"Da! Papa! Dad! Daddy!" Smiling through the screen, the men had been just as eager to see their kids as their kids were to see them.
"Hello little munchkins, ya been good for mum?" Simon greeted first. His mask was off and no black could be found around his eyes. He never showed that side to the children.
"We're going to fly!" Flick chirped, her arms outstretched and running around.
"You're - what?" Price said with a slightly panicked face.
"But we need pixie dust," Malachai explained. Shaking his head like this was obvious information.
"I introduced them to the ... live action Peter Pan," you explained and a smile of regret grew on your tired face.
"Oh honey," Kyle replied, understanding the situation. He was the first of the men to.
"But we don't have any and we have to go buy more!" Pae said while leaning against you.
"Eh, pixie dust ...?" you heard Johnny mumble in the background.
"Oh! I have an idea!" You said with a faked expression, "why don't the Dada's get us the pixie dust!"
The chorus of cheers was heard throughout the house. Alerting the the tired Moth and Teddy.
Kyle shook his head. And Price's nose flared. Mum: 1 - Dads: 0.
"We'll bring back the goddamns finest," Simon said. You couldn't help but let out a small laugh.
"See! You heard Dad! Now get your butts' upstairs and in bed."
"Yes ma'am!" They said in unison (a nickname they'd heard their father's use one too many times.)
Once the kids were upstairs, your face dropped.
"I miss you guys," you whispered into the phone. The tears welling and spilling down your cheeks.
"We miss you too," John said, his words strangled with his feelings.
It was always hard to hang up.
It hurt.
But tonight's farewell felt like the hardest. You could just imagine how the scenario would've played out if their father's were there with them. With you.
'Can't always get what we want,' you thought bitterly.
"Not long now," Kyle said. You stared at his eyes and then his lips. God how much you wanted to kiss him.
"You better make sure you bring back some fucking pixie dust or there'll be a riot."
"Aye, Laswell definitely knows someone-" Johnny replied, giving you a wink. "Miss you gorgeous." He always tried to uplift the mood. And it nearly always worked.
You fought out of your misery, knowing the four soldiers couldn't bear to see you upset. And as they said their goodbyes, you said so in return.
"We love you, our precious wife. We'll all be together soon."
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yandereunsolved · 1 month
When you have the time, yandere chain reaction to reader wanting to help by making dishes from our world for them? Like pizza, breaded chicken, spaghetti, lasagna, grilled cheese sandwiches,ect. Dishes you don't see in hyrule ya know? Maybe they first got to cook for them when wild is too exhausted or sick to cook? Actually, I don't think they know how to make boiled eggs or popcorn. Be funny if reader invented popcorn for hyrule. Hope you have a great week
Okay, I love this. You too, anon! 𖹭 ( part 2 )
cw: a mention of them possibly crossing your boundaries (at the end)
We'll set the mood by saying The Chain has had an absolutely exhaustive day. They've had to fight off multiple monsters of varying varieties, and to top off the sundae of shit, you have the rotten cherry of all of you being pushed into another portal. You're soaked in things you don't even want to imagine; all of your yanderes are neglecting their health and trying to take care of you; and you are hangry. You end up snapping at them and then getting gaslit for about twenty minutes. 
That's when they learned about the wonderful world of ✨ human cuisine ✨ —peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, meat pies, puff puff, zapiekanka, etc...
You were on the edge of your seat, and Wild was exhausted, so you told them that if they left you alone for an hour, you'd cook for them. After a bit of convincing the more worried and overbearing yanderes, you finally got more than five feet away from them. That's when you cooked a dish from your homeland.
Let me tell you, you just fell into a deeper hole than you already were. They are already dependent on you for love, affection, and attention. Now, they want you to always cook meals for them. They are all trying to get the recipes for your favorite meals out of you so they can win your favor. Naturally, Wild has them outmatched in this sense, and none of them are happy about it.
Wild gets all of your attention when it comes to cooking things. You get to share recipes and learn from each other. Sometimes Sage is able to join since he has more refined cooking abilities, except his Zonai arm always acts up because it reacts to his suppressed yandere tendencies towards you. It's a weird quirk his arm has gotten into. He still isn't sure why. Everyone else in The Chain always tries to undermine Wild's cooking skills when you aren't around. 
It backfires when Wild gets to be the one to cuddle up to you, and he manipulates you by telling you how the others hate him. They hate him because he is different. They hate him because he has you. They hate him because he is everything they are not. It just all seems so vulnerable and raw. Why would you not believe him? Do you not trust him? Do you not love him?
Over all, they are fascinated, and it only feeds into their worship of you. They are enamored by the foods you have brought them. Any of them practically drops dead when you make one of your native snacks for just one of them. Oh my, you made it just for him? No one else. You must really love only that Link! Fierce is even willing to use his deity magic to get ingredients from your world for you. 
How did Fierce do this?
Does this mean he is able to get you home?
No, uh—his power is limited because of the mask. Something, something, a convincing lie to get you to stay and not question him. He is a deity, after all. He knows better than you.
They may crave your food, but there is one thing they long for more—you. How long will you be able to deprive them of your body before they take what is rightfully theirs?
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sweetchildcloud · 2 months
Polyamorous headcannon with Geto and Gojo ✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧
contain s#lf h#rm,sex (not explit) hope you like this ^•ﻌ•^ฅ♡
@kiwicopia @muzansslxt @candy69gurl
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(i choose this two pics c'ause it represent they're personality in the reletionship)
i totally didn't create this for my thirtsy needy b#tch a*s
Geto and Satoru are in a closeted poly relationship with you. You three are a team not only in work, but in life as well. When you are with them they never want to let you go even in your apartment. Even when you are sleeping the two are always making out or cuddling next to you.
Satoru and Geto often have cooking contests to see who can cook the better dish. It’s all in good taste though as they always share the dish they make with you. Geto takes great pride in his cooking, while Satoru is more so passionate about it. Both are great cooks nonetheless. Both are very protective of you, and you’re the one with final say in who wins and who loses. They won't get too overcompetitive because they can’t risk you being angry with them or losing you.
The three of you are out grocery shopping. Geto and Satoru usually have disagreements on what to get and what not to get, they’re like night and day. Geto is more reserved and is fine with eating any old food whereas Satoru really puts effort into his cooking and wants to take his time buying the freshest ingredients for the meal he is planning to make. You on the other hand are in the middle and keep everything from becoming too heated between the two. Satoru is also more flirty and playful with you than Geto is.
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Geto and Satoru are constantly trying to win you over with affection. They’ll sneak off with you to find a quiet corner away from others and kiss you fiercely while hugging you close to them. The two are always competing to see who can make you the most flustered by their gestures of affection. If you decide to take a break from the shopping and sit down to rest, they’ll both try to sit as close to your as possible. Satoru is more affectionate out in public whereas Geto tends to dial it down in public.
You, Geto and Satoru are just hanging out in the living room, the two are busy playing video games to which you couldn’t care less. Geto is a bit of a sore loser and so Satoru purposefully loses to him so Geto can have the satisfaction of beating his friend. As a prize Geto asks for a kiss from you, and Satoru can’t help but pout because Geto beat him to showing affection towards you this time.
Satoru and Geto have gotten comfortable with being openly affectionate around you. The two of them will make out in front of you whether you’re in your apartment or theirs, or out and about. Satoru is also very clingy and has a habit of latching onto you whenever you are within his reach. Geto also wants to get a chance to show his affection to you and will do so through hugs and kisses, both are very clingy and like you to cling to them as well. Satoru loves calling you “baby” and will call you that often.
When you’re feeling down or like you just want a day to relax, the two of them are always willing to cuddle you and let you lay your head down on their lap. Satoru, being the more affectionate of the two, is always looking for a chance to hug and cuddle you, whereas Geto is more reserved and less of a cuddly type he will still happily hold you in his arms. The two of them always make sure to pamper you and show their affection towards you whenever you need it, and they never hesitate to give you comfort.
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Geto gets extremely protective if someone dares to intentionally hurt you in any way. He would most likely fight them and give them a black eye or a busted lip. Satoru is more likely to confront the person verbally rather than physically he would either chew them out or give them a scathing look that’s enough to shame them. Both are protective of you but in different ways, Geto physically and Satoru verbally. However both wouldn’t hesitate to jump at the chance to protect you from any kind of harm regardless of the method.
Geto is very protective of you and does not react fondly whenever someone hurts you. He would get very angry and hostile towards the individual who’s hurting you and threaten them to stay away from you. Satoru is the same but slightly more reserved than Geto. When the two are around and someone hurts you they would try to both comfort and console you. They would stay by your side until they see you smile again or see you happy. They would also get a bit jealous of whoever is hurting you, thinking that they are taking you away from them.
Geto and Satoru are constantly bickering about something small, it doesn’t take much to set them off. While they are always at constant verbal war over petty things, when it comes to actual important issues that could possibly hurt you their petty rivalries immediately take a backseat. They never let the petty arguments affect the way they feel about you and always make sure you don’t get involved in the arguments. They both are equally worried about your safety and wellbeing, and they would never let a petty argument get in the way of you being happy and healthy.
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Geto and Satoru are not afraid to show their passion or affection in the bedroom. They are both equal in their desire for you and love exploring your body and trying out new things. They both can get quite possessive of you. They have both agreed that sharing you three has been one of the best things to happen to them. Geto and Satoru may have fights and be completely opposite of one another. But when it comes to you, all pettiness is out of the window.
As the three of you are hanging out, things inevitably lead to the bedroom. Geto and Satoru start making out while they are pushing you to the bed. The two are extremely eager, and are pushing each other away to get to you first. Once Geto and Satoru finally manage to get[you in the bed, things get even more heated as they each try to make you flustered. They’re both flirting with you and using their words to try and seduce you. Geto and Satoru are both equally eager and both want to be the one to give you more pleasure in bed. While they are both equally eager, they do have a bit of a competitive streak in them still. Each one wants to please you more than the other.
Geto and Satoru’s competitive streak in the bedroom doesn’t just apply to who can please you better. Geto and Satoru are both very fit due to their training, but they still like to challenge each other’s strength. Both will be equally determined to pin the other down to the bed and be the dominant one during the session, but they won't get too rough unless you want them to. The two love using their bodies to prove their dominance while making sure to do it in a way that pleases you.
If you ask the two to switch, they will without hesitation. They aren’t too proud to switch positions if you ask them to. Despite their competitive streak, they respect your wishes as well as your boundaries. Neither will cross a boundary unless you have given them permission beforehand. Geto and Satoru are both passionate and determined in the bedroom, but they aren’t too prideful to admit when they’re at a loss, and they always try to please you. They make the best of your love making sessions, and they always have a good time with you.
When you’re feeling down or like you just want a day to relax, the two of them are always willing to cuddle you and let you lay your head down on their lap. Satoru, being the more affectionate of the two, is always looking for a chance to hug and cuddle you, whereas Geto is more reserved and less of a cuddly type he will still happily hold you in his arms. The two of them always make sure to pamper you and show their affection towards you whenever you need it, and they never hesitate to give you comfort. Despite the differences in how they are after sex, both of them are equally affectionate towards you. As Satoru showers, Geto will stay by your side cuddling you after the intense session you three just had. Satoru will get out of the shower and join you two in bed with a smug playfully teasing expression on his face teasing Geto for being clingy in front of you. Satoru is a bit more playful after the session than Geto is, which you find amusing as you’re cuddled between the two.
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Satoru and Geto are always keeping an eye on your mental state. They always pay attention to when you get anxious or if you’re feeling down. They don’t pester you with incessant questions asking if you’re okay because they don’t want to annoy you with such, however they do occasionally check in on your feelings by giving hugs, kisses and letting you relax while they’re next to you. You never have to fake a smile or pretend to be happy around them, the two always know when you’re not okay.
When you feel sad and are having a hard time coping, Satoru is the one who would cook you a comforting meal and give you a long warm hug. Geto on the other hand, is the one who wants to comfort you by simply laying down next to you and holding you as you vent to him about what is causing you to be so sad. They want to take the burden off of your shoulders and take your mind off of whatever is bothering you with comfort.
As you’re feeling down and are close to tears, the two of them are both trying to comfort you in their own ways. Geto wraps his arms around you and pulls you close to him while gently rubbing your back in a soothing manner. Satoru walks up to you and stands behind you before wrapping his arms over your shoulders and kissing the back of your neck. He holds you as tight as he can and speaks softly to you. Both of them are trying their best to distract you from the source of your sadness, so you can have a calm mind.
When you’re feeling overwhelmed or depressed and have self harmed, Geto and Satoru would immediately check in on you. They’re aware of your past and understand that self harm is something you do to cope with your emotions. Instead of getting concerned and pestering you with questions about why you self harm and if you’re okay, the two sit next to you to comfort you and let you calm down. Satoru rubs and holds your hand to soothe you. Geto just sits by you calmly letting you lean and cuddle into his chest.
The two are highly attentive and notice that while you may not want to speak about why you have self harmed, they both know that it is something you do. Neither really presses the issue or pries at you for more information. Instead, they both choose to let you lean and cuddle with them while doing small things to comfort you. Neither of them are going to get mad at you or yell at you for self harming, instead they both try to be as supportive as possible. Geto might also take you over to a store and buy you your favorite candies as a little treat.
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nobody-nexus · 1 month
(I am kicked out of the club)
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chaosundcoffee · 5 months
Imagine this.
You, Billy, and Stu were just playing one of Billy's games. They caught you, had you tied up on Stu's bed, and they had left you in there bc you were being a brat. You're upset bc they left you, so you decided to pull a little prank. You open the window, knock off the plant Stu had sitting on the ledge so it looks like you fell and they would hear the noise, then you hide under the bed. When Billy hears the thud, he comes rushing in. When he doesn't see you, and he sees the window open, he panics. He runs downstairs to Stu to tell him you ran away. They run out the door frantically looking for you. You creep downstairs and sit on the couch. After an hour passed, you started to feel bad, and after two, you had fell asleep. You don't know how long it had been when they finally got back. They walk in, defeated looking and sad, and then they see you on the couch. Relief washes over them, but anger soon follows. Billy rushes over to you and jerks your sleeping form off the couch. He starts yelling, and his grip on your arm starts to hurt. When he sees the tears pricking your eyes, he squeezes you against his chest. "If you ever leave, I'll slit your throat." His voice wavered as the threat fell against your hair. You mumble muffled apologies into his shoulder. Eventually, he lets you go, and Stu pulls you into his arms. He peppers your face with kisses while he tells you how worried you made him and how glad he is that you're here. The three of you sit on the couch, you in the middle cuddled into Stus side and Billy beside you. Billy sat with his arms crossed over his shoulders and that angry pout on his face. Feeling guilty, you shift to sit in his lap facing him. You ask what's wrong, and he just looks you in the eyes. He looks so sad, so upset. He's just a baby girl. He mumbles. "I thought you left." You start peppering his face with gentle kisses. You say things like "I would never leave you." I'm staying here, forever" You trail down to his neck, whispering sweet nothings in reassurance. You come back and kiss him on the lips repeating "I love you" like a mantra. Just. "I love you" peck "I love you" peck "I love you so fucking much" peck "you're mine" peck "all mine" peck "I'm yours" peck "all yours" peck "I love you so much Billy Loomis" You pull back to stare into his eyes with so much love and adoration. It's so sweet. He looks at you with a little smile and pulls you against his chest. And burys his face in your neck. And just.
Anyway, this popped into my head, and I just had to share. He's such a baby girl. He's so sweet. So traumatized. I love him and Stu so much. I just want to squish their faces in my hands and give them all the love in the world. And the attention. All the attention.
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sashiavi · 1 year
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𝙼𝙳𝙽𝙸 - 𝙸 𝙳𝚘 𝙽𝚘𝚝 𝙲𝚘𝚗𝚜𝚎𝚗𝚝 𝚃𝚘 𝙼𝚒𝚗𝚘𝚛𝚜 𝙸𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚆𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝙼𝚎 𝙾𝚛 𝙼𝚢 𝙿𝚊𝚐𝚎 - 𝚃𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚔 𝚈𝚘𝚞 𝙵𝚘𝚛 𝚄𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚐.
♡𝙲𝚘𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚗𝚝 𝙳𝚎𝚜𝚌𝚛𝚒𝚙𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗♡
Intimate Headcannons With Alhaitham, Kaveh and You ♡
𝙿𝚊𝚒𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚐: 𝙰𝚕𝚑𝚊𝚒𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚖 𝚡 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛 𝚡 𝙺𝚊𝚟𝚎𝚑 (𝙿𝚘𝚕𝚢/𝚃𝚑𝚛𝚘𝚞𝚙𝚕𝚎)
𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛 𝙸𝚗𝚏𝚘: 𝚁𝚎𝚏𝚏𝚎𝚛𝚎𝚍 𝚝𝚘 𝚊𝚜 "𝙶𝚒𝚛𝚕" | 𝙶𝚎𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚎𝚍 𝙿𝚎𝚝 𝙽𝚊𝚖𝚎𝚜 𝚒.𝚎 "𝚂𝚠𝚎𝚎𝚝 𝙶𝚒𝚛𝚕" | 𝙰𝙵𝙰𝙱 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛 |
𝚆𝚊𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜: | 18+ | Smut | 𝙳𝚘𝚖/𝚂𝚞𝚋 𝚃𝚑𝚎𝚖𝚎𝚜 | 𝚃𝚑𝚛𝚎𝚎𝚜𝚘𝚖𝚎 | 𝚄𝚜𝚎 𝚘𝚏 𝙿𝚞𝚜𝚜𝚢, 𝙲𝚞𝚗𝚗𝚢 & 𝙲𝚞𝚗𝚝 𝚊𝚜 𝙳𝚎𝚜𝚌𝚛𝚒𝚙𝚝𝚒𝚟𝚎 𝚆𝚘𝚛𝚍𝚜 | 𝙳𝚒𝚛𝚝𝚢 𝚃𝚊𝚕𝚔 | 𝙳𝚎𝚛𝚘𝚐𝚊𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚢 𝙽𝚊𝚖𝚎-𝚌𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚐 |
𝙻𝚎𝚝 𝚖𝚎 𝚔𝚗𝚘𝚠 𝚒𝚏 𝙸 𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝚖𝚒𝚜𝚜𝚎𝚍 𝚊𝚗𝚢 ♡
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Haikaveh Poly NSFW Headcannons Ahead!
(I love them so much *sob*)
• Between the two, there is often a "Good Cop, Bad Cop" Dynamic within the bedroom.
• Alhaitham taking charge, bullying both you and Kaveh, using dirty talk and derogatory pet names. Hes very direct and blunt with you, his presence thick with domination.
"On your knees, you're nothing but a little cockslut aren't you."
• Kaveh is a lot softer, when referring to you at least, he has a tendency to act bratty towards Alhaitham, calling him names and pushing his buttons. With you, he uses soft petnames and is always spilling the sweetest praises.
"Such a pretty girl.. So good to me, doing such a great job."
• In regard to dynamics, Alhaitham embodies the role of a Top, he is far more dominant and assure than Kaveh in the bedroom.
• Kaveh is a Switch - Power Bottom and sometimes a Service Top depending on who is getting his attention ♡
• Kaveh getting Alhaitham's "sloppy seconds" - Not that he minds at all, he may voice his displeasure and whine but in reality he can't wait to eat his cum out of your pussy. Kaveh's finger tips dig into your pretty thighs and he dives in, suckling and licking up everything. He's drunk on the taste of both you and Alhaitham on his tongue. Kaveh babbles and whines into your cunt, slick dribbling down his chin with no shame as he laps up every last drop. Alhaitham situates himself beside the two of you, caressing and teasing your bodies, voicing dirty thoughts and rare praises to the both of you.
• I cannot think of another word for this but- "Sandwich."
- You, laid on your back upon the plush and expensive bed spread, legs hooked over Kaveh's hips. He drags the head of his pretty cock up and down your pussy, catching your clit sending an electric buzz straight down to your toes. He kisses your forehead softly and slowly, slowly pushes into your soft cunny. Kaveh quivers for a moment, tipping his head back as his eyes roll into his skull, your pussy was so warm and soft. Alhaitham rests his hands over Kaveh's plump cheeks, spreading them, he licks a broad strip over Kaveh's hole, causing the blonde to shudder and nuzzle into your neck.
• Both Kaveh and Alhaitham are capable of being soft and doting if the situation comes up. Alhaitham using his broad structure to his advantage, having you lay over him, pelvises connected as he slowly thrusts up into your sweet pussy, kissing your sweetest spots with his cock. Whispering soft, but direct praises into the crook of your neck, kissing and mouthing over your skin.
"You're doing a good job... So good for us.."
He'll whisper to you while caressing a tired and spent Kaveh next to the both of you. Alhaithem pets his hair and pinches him softly and Kaveh nuzzles into him, as he gives you a sleepy brush of his fingers upon your cheek.
• There is so, so much more but I feel like I'm getting too greedy ~v~
I adore them ♡
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𝚃𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚔 𝚈𝚘𝚞 𝙵𝚘𝚛 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚐!
𝚃𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚒𝚜 𝚖𝚢 𝚏𝚒𝚛𝚜𝚝 𝚙𝚒𝚎𝚌𝚎 𝚘𝚏 𝚏𝚊𝚗𝚏𝚒𝚌𝚒𝚘𝚗 𝚒𝚗 𝚊 𝚕𝚘𝚗𝚐, 𝚕𝚘𝚗𝚐 𝚝𝚒𝚖𝚎 ^^"
𝙵𝚎𝚎𝚍𝚋𝚊𝚌𝚔 𝚒𝚜 𝚊𝚕𝚠𝚊𝚢𝚜 𝚊𝚙𝚙𝚛𝚎𝚌𝚒𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚍 ♡
𝙿𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚜𝚎 𝙳𝚘 𝙽𝚘𝚝 𝚁𝚎-𝚄𝚙𝚕𝚘𝚊𝚍 𝚆𝚒𝚝𝚑𝚘𝚞𝚝 𝙿𝚎𝚛𝚖𝚒𝚜𝚜𝚒𝚘𝚗!
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sardonic-the-writer · 2 years
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—Just some short headcanons about Charles Erik and you being sweet on each other
—word count: 500 words
—a/n: tagging @purplehyacinthx
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•Charles would never ever read your mind without permission
•Unless of course it's in bed (he finds it quite humorous to project images of Erik and his point of veiw of you as they both fell apart over you, you not far behind)
•That being said, he is your safe place. Your rock. And vice versa
•Wears black and white three peice suits a lot since he knows you and Erik likes it. Plus they make him feel more professional and fancy. Fitting of the title proffessor
•Carries a pocket watch that Erik made for him with all three of your initials carved into it where ever he goes. Makes a point to show it off when anyone asks him about if
•When Charles and Erik get into little fights or heated disagreements—the ones that don't end in hate fucking—you're always there to give them a hug from behind soothingly
•Along side Charles small habits hes maxe more prominant, Erik picked up tinkering with little toys around the first month mark of your relationship as his own quirk
•He had found it pointless, a waste of his godly powers, but once seeing how happy you had gotten when he offhandedly presented you with a tiny tin figure of you and him it was all over
•Hence where the treasured pocket watch was born
•They both genuinely love each other and you. Nothing in the world would ever change that
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silkythewriter · 2 years
hi this is devil/dice anon again!! I was wondering if I could get hcs for a reader who just smothers the two with affection totally out of the blue one day, just for fun :] again can be seperate/poly/both!! no stress if you don’t feel like it, I hope you’re havin a good day <3
🍡Devil and dice getting smothered with affection by the reader!🍡
Summary: Devil and dice getting smothered with affection by the reader!
Small warning!: sorry for any spelling/ grammar mistakes and if their OOC!
Small note!: Hello anon! Thank you for requesting again! <3 i hope you like this one as much as the other one!
Daily song suggestion:
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✨🎲King dice💜✨
I feel like he would freeze up before slowly getting used to it, once he does he absolutely adores it!
Sometimes on hard days he absolutely loves when you do this it makes his day a bit more barely and to be honest if he had a choice I feel like he would love to spend hours cuddling you!. But sadly being the devils help man is a very busy job but trust me when he gets back he’ll make up for it <3.
As I said he loves playing around and flustering you in public but In situations like this I feel like he’s the flustered one
If you guys are alone and have no where to be he would gladly allow you to kiss his face as much as you want! Sometimes though he does have to wipe it off due to having to go off in public. But when that happens he usually just sneaks back to you and gets another one 💀
The only reason he doesn’t like showing physical affection in public is because it can be easily disturbed also he doesn’t like when others he doesn’t know get into his personal life and start asking to many questions so please don’t take it personally! ):
He would shower you with affection back just a little bit more tame, like holding hands and kissing! But when it come to cuddling you have to take a bit of charge cause he doesn’t wanna accidentally make you uncomfortable
Sometimes when you do give him affection out of the blue he would tease you for it but in a joking manner, sometimes you cant tell if he’s flustered depending on what you did like say you held his hand he is most definitely flustered but can hide it quickly and easily. But on the other hand if you were to kiss him on the face or hug him out of no where he has trouble hiding his blushing mess of a face
He definitely doesn’t let you do it near the devil or cup brothers because he for sure knows he won’t hear the end of it from either one of them. As much as he loves you he hates when people ( other then you) tease him. But sometimes he does hold your hand or kiss you when no one’s looking <3
He’s a gentleman so he would definitely kiss the back of your hand as a thanks or just give a lot of his attention to you!
❤️‍🔥The devil❤️‍🔥
I feel like he does the same to you so he doesn’t mind much!
He actually really loves it when you do but he would definitely brag to his henchmen and any other demon near him!
Like I said previously he would definitely wrap his tail around you and probably pull you closer to him so he can give back some affection as well!
He’s very affectionate so I feel like he would do this often and unlike king dice he doesn’t really care where cause no one would dare tease him about it! I mean who would? He’s the devil
Whatever demon or person that interrupts you and him cuddling or really anything else is instantly getting burned or scared off, sometimes you have to calm him down or else they might end up in hell even though they aren’t supposed to- ( ̄ー ̄ 💧)
You definitely have to give him random affection when he’s in rage cause the only thing keeping the city and forest safe from the raging fires of hell is you which mug man and cuphead is very thankful for having you around when they piss him off💀
Is OBSESSED with you petting his fur or untangling it while cuddling like he’ll just sit there for hours as you do so purring. And the only thing that can probably make him move is you asking or the two cup brothers being annoying but other then that it’s basically impossible-
Sometimes king dice or the devils henchmen get confused when he’s going ballistic and immediately calms down when you inter the room like dude can be setting fires and shouting but when he sees you in the room he’s just like “ oh hello dear!” It’s honestly a bit scary-
He’s a big drama queen when you guys have to stop and have to do something especially when you tell him you got to go to meet up with a friend or something he gets really whiny and dramatic 💀
💜King dice + the devil❤️‍🔥
Oh boy good luck if one of them isn’t enough imagine both of them-
They both would do it together and everything they even map out when your about to give the affection randomly- its like a 6th sense- they usually do this so they can do it before you and absolutely fluster the hell out of you
I feel like you and the devil do the same but king dice is in your potion like not knowing you two are going to. But sometimes he can tells somethings up and try’s figuring out but the devil is very good at lying ( I feel ) so he’ll hide both of your tracks with ease
They both like sandwiching you between them while you guys cuddle! They love it especially sense they find it adorable
Sense dice doesn’t really show PDA the devil would make up for the lack of it! ( if you like it of course!) he doesn’t shy away from flirting with you or out right kissing you in front of anyone, sense no one would say anything nor intrude. But sense people know King dice is also apart of the relationship I feel like King dice would start showing more of it sense people would be less likely to bother him and you
I feel like their competitive ( as said in my last HC I did about them!) so who ever wins more of your affection wins, but of course this all ends up in a tie due to you mostly giving them the same amount of affection, also you mostly give affection to both of them at the same time so they didn’t really plan that out 💀
Sometimes cuphead and mugman accidentally interrupt you guys spending time with eachother like E.X: you, king dice, and the devil are just minding your business going shopping, Eating, etc. Until cuphead bumps into the devil and they both start to argue ( about anything really 💀) while mug man looks a dice with a nervous smile. King dice starts arguing with him too and it all turns into a small fight honestly, you have to pull both of them away while they spit small insults at the cup brothers while glaring at them. Honestly after that they both just drag you to bed to relax after the heated argument
Sometimes when you give both of them kisses,hugs, and other things out of the blue they both have mixed reactions, like the devil will go full head on flirting with you and doing the same thing while king dice is just a blushing mess as he gives you a quick kiss back 💀
Overall these two are absolute idiots in love for you ( and each other ofc) but they can be a handful but somehow you manage ( to others surprise 💀)
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Oc incorrect quotes #11
Cassidy: so, did everyone learn their lesson?
Michelle: nope
Alexis: mm no
vivian: what was the lesson again?
Kiross: we had a lesson..?
Daichio could be heard laughing hysterically in the background, y/n looking exasperated next to him
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aphroditelovesu · 20 days
Yandere poly Nico and will from Percy Jackson please 🙏🏼 I love your work 🥰
❝ 💀 — lady l: It's almost 4am and I haven't slept yet, but I needed to write this before I forget lol. I got a little carried away, but I hope you like it and forgive me for any mistakes! 🤎🖤
❝tw: toxic relationships, polyamourous, manipulation, obsessive and possessive behavior, forced relationship (?).
❝☀️pairing: yandere!nico di angelo/yandere!will solace x male!reader.
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Nico and Will were quite satisfied with their current relationship. They matched, they had common interests and future plans to be realized. That said, they weren't thinking about adding a third demigod to their relationship or being obsessed with you in general. You shared many of the same interests as them and had a personality that complemented the couple's dynamic. It was as if you were made by the gods themselves to complete them.
Nico thoroughly enjoyed your company and he felt comfortable around you, something he felt with few people. You made him laugh, feel happy and understood and di Angelo found himself wanting more and more that feeling you brought in him. A feeling of belonging to something, that he belonged to you.
Will, on the other hand, was a little more skeptical at first. That didn't mean he didn't like you, he was just more cautious. As he got closer to you, mainly because of his boyfriend, Solace understood what Nico saw in you. You had something that attracted people to you, that attracted them to you.
In conversations about different topics, both Nico and Will found themselves mentioning you more and more. You were a constant presence in their lives, and your company was always pleasant and welcome. It was then that they began to consider the possibility of including you in their relationship in a more intimate and meaningful way.
Nico and Will wouldn't force you into a relationship with them. If they can't have you romantically, that's okay, they have other ways of keeping you with them. As long as you were theirs, they would be fine with it.
For Nico and Will, it was important that this new phase of their relationship was based on respect, consent and mutual love. They believed you could bring a new dimension to their relationship, enriching their lives in ways they had never imagined. They were eager to see how this new configuration could further strengthen the bonds between them.
And when you said yes, when you accepted them, it was the happiest moment of both of their lives. You were finally theirs to love, to own, and to adore.
The relationship with them is quite dynamic and comfortable, you suppose. They respected you and respected your limits and choices, although they would always give you their opinions. You have a lot of freedom, you can hang out with your friends and go on missions, although Nico doesn't particularly like it, he knows he can't lock you away. or can he?
Nico is the clingiest of the three of you and it shows when he loves to snuggle next to you or just stay by your side, even if in silence. He likes to steal t-shirts from you, as a mild form of marking you as his, and also because he likes them.
In addition to being clingy, Nico is also quite overprotective and as a result, he can become possessive. He just wants you to be safe, why is this so hard? Nico has already lost someone he loved, he won't lose you too. It doesn't matter if you know how to fight, he won't allow it.
Will is already more subtle in his displays of affection, but that doesn't make him any less clingy. He likes to hold your hand, sing hymns, and appreciate your beauty when no one is watching. You can expect many poems written by him, all of them describing how much he loves you.
Solace is more jealous and possessive than Nico, although he doesn't show it as much. His normally warm and gentle gaze will harden, his mouth will form a thin line, and his grip on you will tighten. He doesn't like to show his jealous moments, but he can't help the hatred that arises within him when someone gets too close to you.
They both make a wonderful duo and they knew how to manipulate you if they so choose. Nico is the most emotional manipulator, he will make you feel guilty when you are being stubborn. Will is already the cruelest manipulator, he knows how to make you feel bad about yourself and he will use that to his advantage to keep you with them.
They adore you, love you, albeit in their twisted way. They will spoil you and adore you from head to toe, all you have to do is be good to them and listen to them. You won't be allowed to go on missions without them by your side, nor will you be allowed to make friends that they don't approve of. Your life should revolve around them.
You don't want to get on their bad side. Nico is the son of Hades, he has his own means of taking whoever he wants from you, whoever he thinks is interfering in your relationship. And Will knows very well how to manipulate people to keep them away from you. And they are not against killing to keep with them.
You are theirs the moment they met you but you officially became theirs when you agreed to enter into their relationship. A relationship you can never end. Nico and Will will take good care of you, however, don't worry.
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witchthewriter · 2 years
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𝐁𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐧 𝐚 𝐩𝐨𝐥𝐲 𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐖𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐚 ����𝐧𝐝 𝐍𝐚𝐭 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞
⤷ gender neutral, ambiguous race, and any size reader. Requests are open, thank you for reading!  
a/n: okay now this actually is my ALL TIME FAVOURITE post that I’ve ever done ... I was literally kicking my feet and giggling while writing this ...
Wanda is such a sweet partner. She has so much love and she just needs a person to give her love to. What better idea than to have two people to love?
Nat felt hesitant at first. But got more comfortable with the idea when she saw you and Wanda interacting. 
You have Mummy issues? They’re healed. They’re gone.
Wanda is the type of person to call you out of the blue, even when you’re at work.   “I just wanted to hear your voice!”
Whereas if Nat called you out of the blue, you’d start to panic
The amount of support and encouragement in this relationship is out of this world. 
Whenever you have a bad day, there is always someone ready to make it better
You guys have favourite tv shows and movies that someone will put on randomly, even if no one is watching it. All three of you agree that it’s for comfort; background noise is a must in the household. These are: → Gavin & Stacey: a british tv show that Nat originally thought was ridiculous but now you all do the accents → Modern Family: Wanda LOVES this show, she likes the family dynamics and that they’re always there for one another → Peaky Blinders: This is Nat’s favourite, she loves Tommy Shelby. There are certain aspects of the show that she can connect with → Vikings: all three of you like this show! Especially Lagertha; all of you have a crush on her.  → Elf: yes, Wanda knows it’s a Christmas movie, but when she first saw it, she couldn’t stop. So Nat had to put a ban on it unless it’s near Christmas (which Wanda said was November 1st) → Mamma Mia: All three of you know the words to EVERY ABBA song. Once Yelena slept over and you had the movie playing and she became OBSESSED.  → Every single Harry Potter movie: Wanda sees herself as a Hufflepuff (is actually a Slytherin), Nat knows and accepts she’s a Slytherin → Practical Magic: comes on during the start of Autumn/Fall and stays playing until the 1st of November
Wanda is an amazing cook, especially when it comes to baking. She usually makes a different sweet at the beginning of the week. 
You literally don’t have to lock your house up because you’re protected by the two most formidable women on the planet 
Nat’s love language is acts of service and secretly words of affirmation. She absolutely DIES whenever you say “I’m proud of you” or “You did a great job!”
And Nat is always the one to fix tires, lightbulbs and get rid of spiders
You might think that Nat would be against living in a cottage, but she absolutely adores it. It was your idea, and Wanda fell in love with it
There are many pets in your household, Nat felt like they were liabilities at first. She wasn’t used to a breathing thing continuously dependent on her
Wanda was a tad unsure as well, but she folded almost instantly 
Your pets are:  Trix: the newest addition to the family, she’s a little black kitten who is absolute chaos. She runs up and down the hallways, doing those weird little cat stances. It makes all three of you laugh. Malachi (nicknamed Mal): An Irish wolfhound who had been at the pound for years and was about to be put down Alf: grumpy ol’ fluffy cat who likes to sleep in the sun all day every day. funnily enough, his favourite human is Nat. 
Alf bit Sam Wilson when he came to visit and he was so offended because usually animals LOVE him. 
There are so many panic buttons around the house in case it becomes a target 
Yes, you guys have your own rooms. But they’re basically where you keep your belongings. 
Nat works a lot at night, so it’s usually you and Wanda at home by yourselves. When it’s bedtime, you sleep together
Nat’s pet names for you are: ‘sweetheart’, ‘darling’, ‘honey’
Wanda’s pet name for you is: ‘moja ljubav’ meaning ‘my love’. It’s in Serbian which is the official language in Sokovia, where she grew up.
Wanda hums a lot, it’s usually a lullaby from her childhood. It calms her down, especially when she’s worked up
Nat and Wanda like to slow dance in the kitchen. Wanda’s head gently leaning on Nat’s chest, their arms wound tightly around each other. The pots and pans on the stove completely forgotten. 
Yelena visits often! She loves Wanda’s cooking, talking with you, and getting to see her big sister. You always beg her to sleep over, and most of the time, she does!
Wanda’s love language is physical touch and quality time. She loves when you kiss her face; peppering small kisses over her nose, cheeks, chin, and forehead.
When Sam comes to visit, he usually brings Bucky and although he starts off as moody, he soon comes to love staying over. He and Nat have a lot in common and chat about their pasts. 
Wanda does your and Nat’s nails. She begs Nat to let her do pink but never wins 
As a joke you bought everyone matching pajamas, and although it was very funny, you all wear them unironically
Wanda uses her powers for a lot of things, and you absolutely love it. It’s so handy! If something breaks, Wanda can fix it, if you’re out and guys are harassing you, she has the ability to LITERALLY CONTROL THEIR MINDS. 
Nat is the least likely to hold grudges, then you, then Wanda...
You’ve all decided that you want to travel the world together. Nat may not appear as excited as you and Wanda (she’s already traveled the world, but that was for missions.)
Wanda wants to go to Disneyland. Can you imagine Nat and Wanda with the mickey ears on?!
Theme Song: 
Gimme All Your Love by Alabama Shakes
Relationship Tropes: 
  ✧ Moon (Nat) x Sun (You) x Eclipse (Wanda)
  ✧ Tragic Past x Ray of Light (this goes for everyone)
  ✧ The Impulsive (Wanda) x The Hyperactive (You) x The Unheeded Voice of Reason (Nat)
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yandereunsolved · 2 months
Imagine the reader being Yan! Poly Chains deity. You were only a demi-god(dess), the child of the golden goddess Farore. You were hid away within space and time in a temple of your own so that no evil would touch the offspring of one of the golden three. Only—Ganondorf's forces invaded a place hidden by all, and you were forced to flee. You ended up finding The Chain, and they were all absolutely enamored.
Sky surely isn't that obsessed. He only pledges his undying loyalty to you. He has already killed a god once. He will kill another if it will keep you safe. He'd kill the golden goddesses if they tried to take you from the safety of his arms.
Time isn't absolutely possessive of you or anything. He just doesn't want you to leave them. Ever. If your mother or her sisters wanted you somewhere else, then wouldn't they have led you somewhere else? They are all the heroes chosen by the goddesses! That is practically a seal of approval on their part. You are basically already married to him. He already controls everything you do and everyone you talk to. Oh? A ring on your finger. It's just something for protection. It's a mortal custom from his world. You wouldn't dare refuse it, would you?
Legend isn't enamored by your very presence. No, not at all. Can't you see how snarky and rude he acts around you? He always pushes you away and doesn't allow you to touch anything. He's the Link who is most likely to lead you to Hyrule first if even so much as a scratch shows up on you. It's not like Hyrule and Legend have teamed up against the other Links to win your hand. No, not at all. He just wants to pawn you off on someone else. He's got more important things to do. Like enchanting more things to give to you so he can show the others that you are claimed by him.
Hyrule is just curious about you. It's not like he spends every waking moment watching over your figure and fantasizing about you. It's not like he makes sure that you are always healed first. It's not like he reluctantly teamed up with Legend or anything. You find him bathing in the same river as you. Coincidence. Sorry. He just couldn't stay away for too long.
Twilight isn't your personal guard dog at all. He just likes being near you. That isn't a crime! Perhaps he manipulates you a little into always letting him cuddle up to you as Wolfie. Perhaps he is always willing to glare at every other member of The Chain so they stay away from you. He's just a touchy guy, okay? He always has his hands on you. He's always carrying you. It's just a quirk of his. It totally isn't a deeply ingrained obsession he has about you being his mate. The only one he'll back down to is Time, reluctantly.
The Colors just like you—Four does as well. He isn't going to do the 'he totally doesn't like you thing'. His strategy is to be honest with you. He isn't manipulating you! He's just showing you how much better he is than anybody else in The Chain. He splits constantly just because the others are so eager to see you and be with you. He just wants to make you armor and weapons and always keep you in his arms. Is that too much to ask?
Wind just wants you to take him seriously. He's surprised when you do. You're a fan of him? You watched his journey? Wait, you have the ability to do that with your super cool and awesome powers!? Is aged up here and most definitely kind of dorky when it comes to you. He's the most relaxed and socially inept when it comes to the others. Most of his gaslighting, manipulation, and other yandere tendencies are subconscious. He doesn't even realize he is doing anything wrong until one of the others confronts him. It isn't like they are any better about it.
Wars doesn't just flirt with anyone, only with you. He always hopes that The Chain won't end up starting an inter-dimensional war over you. He understands what it's like to have someone madly in love with you that you don't have feelings for. He's the most self-aware of The Chain, hands down. He takes a more traditionally romantic approach. While he may be hesitant to manipulate you because he wants your feelings to be genuine, he has no problem manipulating the other Links. He has no problem with threatening to not help them during battle just so he can get some more time with you.
Wild is the most self-sacrificing. He is also the most self-depreciating. If you have read my headcanons yk yk. He is almost entirely non-verbal. He's only spoken once since you met him. He takes the 'actions speak louder than words' approach. He is willing to fall at your feet and make you depend on his attention. That's one of his dreams, making you just as obsessed with him as he is with you. Another is teaching you Hylian sign.
Bonus: Ravio, Cal, & Sage
Ravio is the most intrigued and illusive. All of the Links can agree that they will try to scare him away from you. That's why he'll randomly pop in and out of your daily life. The two seconds of peace you get a day are interrupted by him. You are prone to being overstimulated since you went from zero contact to an entire group of yanderes. Ravio offers you relaxation, and he even speaks in a quiet voice with you. He gifts you relaxation and sleeping potions. He gives you a bunch of jewels and things he has found. He sees you as a treasure that needs to be protected by him. You are priceless, truly one of kind. Is it so bad that he wants you for himself?
Cal is completely non-verbal. You haven't ever heard him speak. He sees Twilight, Wild, and Sage as his main competitors. Twilight, because he is also your silent protector. Cal is always near you in a protective manner, and he is unable to verbalize his feelings for you. It always allows Twilight to sweep you up off of your feet. Both Wild and Sage are more experienced versions of him. Wild clings to your attention, and at least he was spoken once. Sage is verbal and is able to loudly berate Cal without anyone stepping in. Cal just takes it. It's what he's been taught. At least one good thing comes of this—you, sweet heavenly you. He may be your physical protector, but you are his spiritual protector. You always make sure the others stay off him. Wild is always extremely jealous of this and acts like a wounded animal to get your attention back on him.
Sage is the most apprehensive and combative toward you. The goddesses failed him. Why should he fall madly in love with you like the others? It isn't like he is secretly yearning for you or something. Whatever. He is always willing to try and 'put you in your place'. Yet, you always understand him. You are always there to heal his wounds and give him a shoulder to cry on. You become the one deity that he can believe in. He's willing to maybe absolutely and unabashedly be head over heels in love with you. You like his arm? It's now his favorite part of his body. The rest of The Chain is already plotting how to remove his arm, so you will no longer praise it. Four's hands are already itching towards his tools, and The Colors are screaming to murder him at the top of their lungs.
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iswateredible · 10 months
Modern Goth/Punk
Vigcup+Dagcup AU Headcanons
- Viggo dresses as a victorian goth, Dagur dresses like an industrial goth/rave goer, the gang is a general mix of y2k/punks
- Hiccup & the gang are animal rights activists, they organize rallies and events, make zines, try and spread awareness and take solace in the community when they get burnt out
- They share two adjacent apartments in the city nd they're becoming a borderline animal rescue station (Toothless the cat is luckily friendly with most other kinds of animals and doesn't eat anyone)
- Heather is emo asf and Dagur loves nothing more than taking her out to concerts and festivals to see her favorite bands and see her face light up, always staying by her side to make sure she stays safe
- Viggo and Dagur are both dating Hiccup, in a mostly harmonious polyamorous relationship. They frequently invite each other over and join the gang in their efforts & shenanigans
- you cannot convince me that Viggo isn't a DnD nerd. he would 100% host campaigns and/or enthuse with Hiccup and Fishlegs about it, they're in charge of boardgame nights
- Dagur, Astrid and Heather hitting the gym together. Dagur will attempt to beat up anyone who so much as glances at them with ill will-
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namelessedospuntosp · 3 months
What would GTA SA be like if we could take woozie and Claude out on a date?
I'm well bored, so I wrote how I think dating woozie and Claude would be in GTA sa if rockstar hadn't been afraid to make cj bi/pan/omnisexual.
First let's go with my beautiful king woozie.
After completing ALL the woozie quests, you will be able to make him your (secret?) boyfriend in the "fours dragons" in his office or a more secluded place. After that, he will be idle from 22:00 to 0:00 (I imagine being a casino owner won't give you much free time, so be quick to ask him out on a date.) you can meet him at his house somewhat far from his casino. (It would be a bit silly to live in your casino knowing that a mobster wants to kill you because you stole money from him in his casino with your boyfriend and he knows where you work. Lol)
Requirements: None, at the end of the day, he is blind and wouldn't care much what kind of body cj has, but he would be curious to touch it (Not sexual way) and find imperfections or scars. (I feel he likes scars because of their origin, he finds it boring if an object or a body is all smooth and has no shape or an imperfection).
Food: He will go to any restaurant, bar no matter if it's far from home. Except junk food restaurants, he hates the strong smell of that place (he gets pretty dizzy when he smells something strong) and the taste of the food there. (I can imagine trying to throw a plastic bottle towards CJ's head but misses and hits another guy who was eating his burger in peace. Xddd)
Places to dance: Oh baby, this won't be like all the dancing you did with the other girls. You'll have to beat the woozie out of a dance competition, whoever has the most dance points wins. (Accidentally woozie will get the girls' attention and when the competition is over, you'll have to rescue him from them). Rides: I remember hearing woozie's dialogues asking Carl to increase the speed. So yes, he is going to ask you to go more but faster, he is going to have a lot of fun. (Another tough challenge, try not to crash or he will call you blind.) but there will be times when woozie is going to ask you if he can drive, if he says yes, you will have to guide him, what directions to go and when to stop or follow the car. If you don't respond or don't respond in time, woozie will crash, first he will ask you if you are ok, then he will scold you and tell you to be more attentive.
He doesn't care if you take him far away or close to his home, as he won't notice. Moments that can happen during the date: Remember when Salvatore threatened Carl about killing him, his family and friends? Well, I highly doubt that threat was null and void knowing that he had Claude kill people (if I'm not mistaken) who were indebted to him. So he will send the assassin to kill you and woozie. If you choose to attack, this may affect negatively, as it will cause woozie to become more stressed.(He already has a lot of stress with his casino.). So it's best to get away from them as quickly as possible, before woozie gets screaming mad and shoots you. If this keeps happening too many times, the two of you will have to let each other see each other for a while for the safety of both of you, but you're not going to stop getting calls from woozie.
Hot coffe: Mmm... if I tell you he's asexual? (Rockstar confirmed it to me. 🤑) Or well, at least he's on the asexual spectrum. You have a better chance of him inviting you to play video games, very rarely is he going to ask you if he wants to have coffee. (10% chance you have that he does, there should be an achievement for that.) but you're not going to hear woozie's moans, if not Carl's. (Just because he's blind, doesn't mean he'll leave all the work to cj.) Prizes: 40% He will give you another car much faster than the one we got in the mission "Wu Zi mu". 60% you can now gather woozie members, he can help you to conquer neighborhoods in the saints or assassinate Salvatore's guys. (Same as Grove Street members, only with better aim,
more useful and they are not a nuisance in battle). 80% Hot coffer. 100% a Mountain Cloud Boys suit, with this suit you have high chances that woozie members will agree to go with you, bets will be easier to win and if you fail, you won't be in debt and you won't get those annoying calls. The only negative is that Salvatore's men will identify you easier and will try to kill you.
Ways to break up with him: Woozie's relationship at zero percentage: although woozie looks like a nice guy and peaceful, he is not patient and does not like to waste his time if he sees that his relationship there is no good communication or if he is treated badly. He will end up with Carl sadly, but not the friendship, so the gifts and benefits will stay there. Kill woozie: I don't know who will be very cruel to kill him knowing what woozie did for Carl, but if someone is able to do that, he will lose everything he got with him and now you already have two mobs wanting to kill you.
Claude speed
is at the place where Carl first meets woozie and Claude. Most likely looking at the state of his car or observing people's attitudes. He will be free from 12:00 to 15:00 at his house in san fierro. ("But Nameless, you can't go to san fierro yet, you must do the mission of-" shhhh... cj went there by the power of headcanons). Maybe I will ooc with him, because I imagine a young Claude speed very contrary than the speed of now, the only thing that doesn't change is that he is mute and full of traumas. Requirements: Ability to drive cars at 70% or max and stamina 50% or more. Food: He likes to eat everything and doesn't get fat and no matter how much food he swallows. (Currently he barely eats.) And he's not a big fan of bars but he's not going to refuse to drink it. (Later he got used to alcoholic drink, but he still doesn't like the taste and they don't drink too much because of a bad memory.) but his favorite choice will be Burger Shot. Places to dance: He doesn't really mind what place you go to (does this guy have an opinion and tastes of his own?). He's not a very good dancer, but he'll have a lot of fun if you dance worse than him. Lol
Things that will ensure that the date is a success: The fastest way to make the date go well is to play pranks on each other or drive at high speed, regardless of whether it's a ride or not. Problems that can happen on the date: CATALINA Oh shit... can you imagine how Catalina would react if she knew her boyfriend and her ex were together? She will do everything she can to hunt him down or find another man to make them both jealous. Walks: Oh man... not for nothing his last name is speed (I know rockstar said maybe that's not his last name, but he also let us create headcanons about him.) instead of a ride, he's going to challenge you a race, the one who wins can do anything or make her boyfriend a challenge. Hot coffee: He's not going to invite you for a coffee, speed is going to make eyes at you to conquer you and go straight to his dirty game. 👀 And if you ask me, Claude barely moans. That way you're going to hear Carl's moans more and very rarely hear someone else's moan. Ways to end it: Three ways this time.
Canonical: everyone already knows it, Claude Speed leaves with Catalina for Liberty city and is never heard from again. Bad boyfriend: not dating him and lying to him with "see you soon." knowing that Claude stayed with Catalina for many years (if we recall ALL the things Catalina did to cj, it must have been hell being with her for 10 years and cause you can't empathize or be cold as a defense for fear someone else will hurt you.) He may not say anything, but pretty disappointed in you, think he is not important to you and maybe he thinks this is normal between couple and the percentage will go down, but he can still date him no matter if he is 0% processes with him. Kill him: eh... the good thing is that you prevented Catalina from ruining Claude's life(? Rewards: 30% he'll lend you his key to use his car that he won in a race with woozie (Headcanon or not?). 50% hot coffe. 100% Claude will give you his clothes, having that on will increase 40% the speed of all cars but the car resistance and the bullet resistance of other enemies depends a lot on the advance of the speed ratio, if it is good or at the maximum, the cars will be much more resistant and very rarely the other enemy gangs will follow you, but if it is low or empty, they will be very easy to destroy and the enemies will shoot you no matter if you arrive green or ask what gang you are.
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cabinofimagines · 2 years
Percabeth’s ABCs
Look I made Percy’s bday fic angst (again?) and I know Danny told me she might write sth fluffy but I will do this one too so y’all can have some fluff before the suffering
Pairing: Poly!Percabeth x reader, Percy Jackson x reader x Annabeth Chase Request: Hi!!! If requests are still open, would you mind writing a Percabeth x Reader alphabet? If not, could you please do general headcanons for them?Thank you and I’m so glad to see you’re back!!! 😁🥳 Warnings: None Word count: 2.1k
- Asnyox
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Activities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
After spending a lot of time in your relationship either A. trying to stop the world from ending or B. trying to stop one another from accidentally dying and C. trying to have a ‘normal’ live outside of the general demigod struggle, your free time is spend mostly just doing what you would do when you’re alone, but then in each others company. The three of you studying together for exams, Annabeth stressing about her designs, Percy really just trying to graduate. None of this is without teasing each other every so often, or just leaning one another, but if anything spending free time together is where you try to be the most normal. 
Beauty - What do they admire in their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
Both Percy and Annabeth prioritize willpower and determination over looks. However, Percy does love to compliment everything about either of you, he called Annabeth an angel before knowing her and he does love every molecule of your body. After all this though, both of them do desire you to be a good person above all else. They fell for each other after years of spending time together so if anything who you are is the most important when being in a relationship with Percy and Annabeth.
Comfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
They ground you with touch. Holding hands is what brings comfort to each of them, it reminds them that you are here with them and in turn they both hope to remind you that they are with you. Percy’s comfort mostly stops are cuddles and such, but Annabeth’s goes further into the area of advice. She will help solve whatever is causing you discomfort, but she cannot help herself so this advice might sometimes come unsolicited.
Dreams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
For now your dreams are not going further than entering college in New Rome. Percy sometimes thinks about a possible family, but he would not want his children to ever have to go through anything he went through. Annabeth does not take the relationship in mind when making dreams of her future- she is stubborn, but she knows you and Percy will be by her side no matter where she goes. And you will be.
Equal - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
Percy likes to be a romantic once in a while, but he also enjoys going with the flow. It really depends on his mood, on the opposite Annabeth likes to take lead and be in control. It brings her calm to know things have been prepared properly so even if you tend to be more dominant, you need to be prepared for her sharing the position with you. 
Fight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
Meaningless bicker is something that often takes place, but it should not bother anyone in the relationship. However, if there is an actual fight happening within the relationship it really does depend as to why. Reckless behaviour is the most common one and forgiveness comes fast, but if you genuinely hurt either feelings in this you will need to fight more for forgiveness, but there will be space to listen.
Gratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
Both Percy and Annabeth notice easily when you do things for them and are very grateful for it. If you bring Annabeth a snack during her studies? She makes sure to thank you and give you a quick kiss. You help Percy get through his homework? Same treatment there. 
Honesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
It is hard - Percy and Annabeth have both gone through a lot, and neither are ready to face these things just yet. Neither would intentionally keep secrets from their lovers, but they are both stubborn. Percy is convinced that he should face his trauma alone and will only come to you with victories, Annabeth tends to hide it when she is having a hard time, but neither holds more secrets than those from you. They also do expect you to be honest towards them - at least with what you’re comfortable with. 
Inspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
Each has their flaws. Annabeth is a perfectionist, and she is learning slowly through you and Percy that she does not have to be, at least not all the time. Percy thinks he still has to carry the world sometimes, and he does not, and he knows but he needs reminders. They each want to be the best person for you and they just need to learn to also be themselves while doing so.
Jealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
Trust is a major component in this relationship. Annabeth and Percy are secure in the relationship and would not be jealous over anything, they know you love them and they love you. However, they do have this thing that if someone was shamelessly flirting with you while they are right there they will make sure together that this person knows you are taken.
Kiss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
Percy’s kisses are a bit clumsy, but always full of love and need for reassurance. Annabeth’s kisses are more coordinated, and always feel fresh. The first kiss between you all was when Percy suggested just trying to smooch all three faces together, which resulted in three people with a headache on the ground. Annabeth only joined in because you and Percy teased her until she did so.
Love Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
It was most likely Percy who got you all together. He realized quickly how he felt, and he thought it was unfair to himself to not tell each party involved. Annabeth had a hard time wrapping her head around it- she had been robbed of love for a while, but she did agree when you suggested that you could try to date all three together. From there on, the relationship blossomed.
Memory - What’s their favourite memory together?
The non-quest road trip you guys did with Grover after you all graduated. It was one of the first times you went away from everything you knew, because you chose to and in those car filled nights with laughter, friendship and love you found that change could be nice. Everything could be normal for you.
Nicknames - What do they call their s/o?
Well, we got the obvious “Seaweed brain” and “Wise girl”, and for you they chose something which also was related to a quirk you had when you were longer. These might seem teasing, but you all know that there is only love in those words.
On Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
Annabeth mostly hangs around you or Percy when in love, and tries to help you whereever she can. Do mind - she does not seem overeager to help you, but will affectionately call you by your nickname as she helps out.  Percy doesn’t think that he behaves differently - but everyone at camp sees the love eyes he gives you and Annabeth every minute of the day. 
PDA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
There are two sides of a spectrum here- Annabeth is not huge on PDA, although she does show her love when confronted with jealousy. Percy however does anything and everything to show you and Annabeth off- he likes to have you close and unintentionally always tends to end up holding one or both of you. 
Quirk - Some random ability they have that’s beneficial in a relationship.
Neither Percy or Annabeth mind having to help you, or other people out. Percy often sees it as time spent with friends, as Annabeth sees it as an act of love. This ends up with a lot of campers owning them (and you as an extension) favours, which you are free to cash in when needed. 
Romance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
Outside of dates which go from cliché to the most creative thing you have ever seen, neither Percy or Annabeth are super romantic in the traditional sense. They tend to rather just, act upon their desires instead and do spur of the moment gifts or something. Percy does appreciate a romantic scene though, in contrast to Annabeth who does not really care.
Support - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
When you tell Annabeth what you want to achieve, she will come up with a game plan- and if you tell her you don’t want help she will still come up with a plan, but not tell you about it until you actually would need help. She trusts you, but she can’t help herself. Percy is the best cheerleader - he cheers you on whatever you are trying to do, although he knows he often can’t actually help you achieve your goals! He tries though, and that’s what matters.
Thrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice up your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
Neither Percy or Annabeth need any more thrill than what they get in daily life. Percy needs a routine and someone to hold him to it for him to be productive, and Annabeth simply enjoys having a set schedule. If you want to spice the relationship up, you would need to tell them and together you would think of something, because surprises are simply not necessary. 
Understanding - How well do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
Percy is great at reading people and he knows everything about you, Annabeth is just the same. They unconsciously both consume as much knowledge about each other and you as they get presented, which results in both of them knowing you as the back of their hands.  
Value - How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?
For all three of you, this relationship is it. There is no second guessing or plans of a future without the three of you. Sure, marriage might not be possible but you simply do not care. Life it too short and too dangerous to prioritize anything over your relationship. They both would rather go down together than see any of you die.
Wild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
Percy loves to randomly name cute date ideas out of nowhere, and within the week Annabeth has the date planned out. Both are eager to spend as much time as possible with you and each other, so together they always try to put in as many dates as possible.
XOXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
Both Percy and Annabeth love being close to any of their significant others. Annabeth tends to just, lay down next to you when you’re in private, whereas Percy is more demanding that you seek him out. Sometimes you will just come home and worm yourself between the two, for ultimate cuddle times.
Yearning - How will they cope when they’re missing their partner?
They would seek the other partner out- if you are gone Percy and Annabeth will find solace in one another, each distracting themselves with the eyes of the other. If you and Annabeth are gone and Percy misses you, he will spend some time just remembering good moments you had. If you and Percy are gone Annabeth will most likely concentrate on her work in order to keep her head on her shoulders.
Zeal - are they willing to go to great lengths for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
Yes - they would both do anything for this relationship. Percy has little control in how much love he outs, so he goes all out every time it is needed. Annabeth does not care whether she has to get in trouble for you or not, she loves you and Percy and thinks you both deserve the world.
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