#anna may the librarian
So I just found the original script of Gunpowder Milkshake and the fact that Scarlet and Anna May were so explicitly gay in it but it was all cut makes me so sad/angry.
I do understand why in the final version Anna May didn't forgive Scarlet so quickly. I think in that short amount of time it makes more sense for her to stay bitter a bit longer as she did in the movie but lord WE COULD'VE HAD A NECK KISS
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I really hope we will still get that sequel and this last scene will be part of it. We deserve explicit ScarletMay 🥺 we deserve to see them kiss
Link to full script here
Image IDs under the cut
[Image ID 1: SCARLET: There’s a pretty good chance they’ll shoot me on sight.
EVA: I’m willing to take that chance.
SCARLET: I’m serious.
EVA: Ma, they’re your oldest friends. More than that, in some cases.
SCARLET: (heartbroken) I don’t think we’re friends anymore.]
[Image ID 2: Anna May, rifle in hand, is about to climb in the passenger seat. Scarlet walks over to her. Anna May looks away.
SCARLET: I have to go help her.
ANNA MAY: And you need my permission?
SCARLET: I can’t bail on her again.
ANNA MAY: Why? You’ve gotten pretty good at it.
SCARLET: I thought I was doing the right thing. For her.
Anna May lets out a breath, letting go of fifteen years of anger. She turns to Scarlet.
ANNA MAY: You were doing the right thing.
SCARLET: (surprised) What?
ANNA MAY: I mean look at this place. That’s no way to raise a kid.
Scarlet is overwhelmed. There are so many things she wants to tell Anna May.
SCARLET: I missed you.
ANNA MAY: (in a good way) Oh, fudge you.
SCARLET: Fudge you.
Anna May takes Scarlet’s hand.
ANNA MAY: Just meet us at the diner. Come back in one piece, OK? Both of you.
Scarlet nods and lets go of Anna May’s hand. She takes one last look at Emily and turns away.
Anna May pulls an ornate wooden box from the van. She hands it to Scarlet.
ANNA MAY (CONT’D): I kept the girls ready for you.
Scarlet opens the box. Inside it sit TWO BEAUTIFUL IDENTICAL HANDGUNS. White, etched with floral engravings. A gorgeous song starts playing. DAUGHTER’s YOUTH. It’s the only thing we hear as -
[Image ID 3: INT. THE CABIN’S LIVING ROOM - MORNING WE FOLLOW Eva as she walks downstairs. She peeks into the living room and sees:
Anna May sits at a table, reading a book. Scarlet walks out of the kitchen. One hand in a splint, the other holding a cup of coffee. She walks over to Anna May and hugs her from behind. They move together to music coming from a nearby radio. Scarlet kisses Anna May’s neck.
EVA: Will you two get a room?
The two women laugh.
SCARLET: Oh, please. You’ve seen worse.
FLORENCE (O.S.): God knows I have.]
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Killercule Halloween for @floreleine !!
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Halloween prompt 5/?
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bobfloydsbabe · 5 months
drinking hot cocoa in small cafés with eccentric professor bob?
- @bradshawsbaby 💕
Darling, this is such a good one for these two! Saying I got carried away would be an understatement because this turned out to be almost 600 words. Apparently, I can't control myself. I hope you like it!
winter vibes prompts open for: eccentric professor bob, librarian bob, mob boss bob, and rhett abbott
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From the table, she watches Dr. Floyd order from the barista with an easy smile. It’s rare she gets the see the professor let his guard down, but watching the scene in front of her makes her wish he would do it more.
She’s not sure where they stand. They spend more time arguing than doing actual work, and more often than not, she wants to claw his eyes out or rip out her own hair. He’s grumpy and unbearably stubborn, but she can’t help but want his approval.
He thanks the barista and walks back to their table, holding two steaming mugs in his large hands. She spends more time thinking about those hands than she should. It’s becoming a problem.
“Here,” he says and places the mug in front of her. The scent of chocolate and cinnamon fills her nostrils, and for the first time all day, the corners of her mouth turn up.
“Thank you.” Lifting the mug to her lips, she sips and lets the chocolaty deliciousness warm her from the inside out. She hums in appreciation. “That may be the best hot chocolate I’ve ever had.”
He lets out a breathy chuckle. “Yeah,” he agrees. “Anna knows what she’s doing.”
They sit in silence for a while, sipping their drinks and watching the first flakes of snow fall outside. It’s peaceful, a whole hour from the hustle and bustle of campus.
She looks at the professor, shocked that he used her first name. It sounds foreign on his lips, but good. She could get used to it.
He pushes his half-empty mug to the side and leans his forearms on the table, eyes locked on hers. “Are you alright?”
Instantly, tears start prickling behind her eyes, and she looks down so he won’t see. She’d hoped he wouldn’t ask. She doesn’t want to cry in front of him, doesn’t want him to see her at her lowest.
The lie he won’t believe comes easily. “I’m fine.”
“You’re not fine.”
She raises her eyes again. “I think I know if I’m fine or not.”
He glares at her, daring her to argue again. There’s a part of her wants to, simply because it’s what they do, but then he reaches for her hand and gives it a quick squeeze. “You don’t have to tell me,” he says, voice deep and gravelly with the slightest accent she still can’t place.
“It’s stupid,” she mumbles, brushing away the traitorous tear that dared fall.
“Hey,” he whispers, placing his index finger under her chin, forcing her to meet his gaze. “I didn’t take you to my favorite spot outside the city for nothing. Whatever it is, it’s not stupid.”
She stares at him. He’s so different from the person she’s gotten to know over the last couple of months. The man sitting in front of her is warm and caring. He offers gentle touches and shows her a place he usually keeps to himself. He keeps a lot of things to himself, and no matter how hard she tries, she can’t seem to chip away at that hard exterior. He’s offering her a piece of himself.
His thumb brushes over the knuckles of the hand he’s holding, and a shiver runs down her spine at the feeling. His eyes are bright and crystal blue, and they’ve been haunting her dreams for weeks. The idea of kissing him is on her mind a lot these days, too.
Imogen takes a deep, shuddering breath. “It’s a long story.”
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duckprintspress · 11 months
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Happy last Thursday of July! We’re celebrating with three new short story releases!
Title: Entanglement Series: Sunrise Over the Black Forest Author: Lyn Weaver
m/m, established relationship of convenience, mutual pining, aren’t roadtrip invitations always platonic clearly there’s no feels here
Two years into their not-relationship, Sevan disappears for a week, only to appear at Kel’s church with a simple invitation: for Kel to accompany Sevan on a two-week trip to the edge of the Black Forest to observe the forest expanding its borders.
How does a cursed forest become larger?
When the trees get up and relocate, of course…
Title: Little Witch’s Apothecary Series: May of the Mountain Author: J. D. Harlock
studio ghibli meets fandom vibes, modern with magic, love potion shenanigans
Desperate for money to pay off her debts, May opens a small apothecary stand in Jdiedet. It’d be far more enjoyable work if the clientele didn’t constantly break into her manga reading time…but she supposes she’ll cook up a love potion for the local librarian. If she has to. If only to ensure the library continues getting new volumes for her to read.
Title: Awkward and Oblivious Author: R. L. Houck
f/f, modern, fluffy, bonding over a sick pet
When the trucker Alex finds a sick puppy abandoned by the side of the road, she races to get the poor dog to a veterinarian that can help. Several appointments later, the now-adopted Mako is on the mend and Alex has a favorite vet office.
Now, if only Alex could figure out how to get the oblivious Dr. Anna to respond to her awkward attempts to ask her on a date…
Get these charming stories, and many more, by visiting the Duck Prints Press store now!
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annachum · 6 months
What I think several of the Disney Princesses' lifestyles may be like in a Modern AU :
. Snow White - Basically is an overworked maid at a cruel rich woman's mansion, then quits and becomes a baker at a fine patisserie....and then leads a socialite/cultural patron lifestyle after she marries Florian ( who is an air force captain in a Modern AU )
. Cinderella : Similar case with Snow White btw except she went from being An overworked maid to a socialite/art patron after she and Kit ( who is a wealthy investigative lawyer in a Modern AU ) got married
. Aurora : Was a florist at a fancy botany shop before leading a socialite/ladies newsletter runner lifestyle after she and Prince Philip ( who is a naval captain in a Modern AU )
. Ariel : Becomes a marine biologist
. Belle : Becomes a librarian in a grand Museum
. Jasmine : Basically is an heiress/model/socialite in Saudi Arabia. Her dad basically owns a huge artifacts business, and her Indian mom is a leading diplomat from India in the Riyadh International Embassy. And then Aladdin is a young upstarting musical artist in Saudi Arabia when they first met in person. Cue both of them being amongst celebrity couples in Saudi Arabia, where Jasmine eventually has her own jewelry/cosmetics line.
. Moana : Becomes a marine biologist who is also an advocate for indigenous rights
. Pocahontas : Becomes a naturalist in wildlife reserve park and an advocate for indigenous rights
. Tiana : Similarly with in Princess and the Frog and also becoming a BLM advocate
. Malina : Goes from being a secretary in Kuzco's Enterprise to becoming acting co CEO ( similarly with Pepper Potts' arc here )
. Elsa : Becomes a diplomat for Norway in UN, and also a cultural patron
. Anna : Becomes an art gallery exhibitionist and curator in Norway
. Rapunzel : Becomes an art curator and teacher in an art museum
. La Esmeralda : Becomes a famous folk dancer and an advocate for anti Romani sentiments
. Megara : Becomes a diplomatic agent in Athens
. Maid Marian : A social journalist before opting for a socialite/ladies newsletter runner lifestyle after she and Robin Hood gets married while Robin Hood becomes a govt agent ( similar case with Jacqueline Bouvier btw )
. Kida : Becomes a naval captain and an advocate for indigenous rights
. Merida : Becomes a zoologist and a HeforShe advocate
. Mulan : Becomes a diplomatic agent and a HeforShe advocate
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kristanna-days · 10 months
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Kristanna School Days
Master Post
Day 1: Teacher's Lounge
What Doesn't Kill Me (Makes Me Want You More): Chapter 1 (AO3 | Tmblr) @syzygy_mellifluous (@thecassadilla)
Prompt: Sexy Librarian
Anna can't seem to stop running into the rude stranger from the computer lab - and soon enough, she finds herself running from her feelings for him.
The principal time is now...: Chapters 1 & 2: "When time stands still part I + II" (AO3 | Tmblr) @annaofthenorthernlights
Prompt: Principal/Assistant Principal
When Kristoff returns to Arendelle Boarding School after an absence of almost ten years, he's nervous about seeing his old childhood friend Anna again… And the young foreign exchange teacher Belle is fascinated by her landsman Adam, who happens to be a literature professor and is just as passionate about reading and discussing books… But can she be more than just a book-worm friend?
Day 2: International
The principal time is now...: Chapter 3: "Deep breaths and coffee" (AO3 | Tmblr) @annaofthenorthernlights
Prompt: Holidays
Elsa is about to take a step that´s been overdue… Anna and Kristoff tease over breakfast while Belle and Adam are about to explore more than just the beautiful sides of Germany…
Day 3: Academics
I Latte You A Lot (AO3 | Tmblr) @justfrozenthings
Prompt: Favorite Subject
Kristoff didn't know what he expected in college, but it certainly didn't include falling for a beautiful redhead in his biology class. Now, working with her on a group project there may be a chance for their relationship to grow past friendship. There's just one problem...Hans Westergaard.
Day 4: Physical Education
Kristanna School Days Day 4: Sex Ed (AO3 | Tmblr) @biblioscribler (@99goosebumps)
Prompt: Sex Ed
Anna helps Kristoff review anatomy for his biology test with some hands on demonstrations
Hey, Little Girl (AO3 | Tmblr) @annas-hair-donut (@loonysama)
Prompts: Drivers Ed and School Dance
Loner Kristoff gets hired by cheerleader Anna’s parents to teach her how to drive because they’ve lost all patience with her. She isn’t what he expects, though, and when he realizes the feelings he’s been harboring for years are reciprocated, he lets down his guard. Then one thing leads to another... and the hugest mistake of their lives.
The principal time is now...: Chapter 5: "Good spirits of love" (AO3 | Tmblr) @annaofthenorthernlights
Prompt: School Dance
All things come to an end… or a new start? While Belle needs to travel to Paris due to a family emergency, Adam makes an interesting discovery…
Alternate: Extra-Curricular
The principal time is now...: Chapter 4: "What if then was now?" (AO3 | Tmblr) @annaofthenorthernlights
Prompt: Field Trips
Elsa is about to take a step that´s been overdue… Anna and Kristoff tease over breakfast while Belle and Adam are about to explore more than just the beautiful sides of Germany…
View the collection @ AO3
Thank you to all the writers for creating such wonderful fics for this collection! And thank you to the readers who've been reading the Kristanna School Days fics! I hope everyone had fun with this Kristanna lead-in to the school year, whether you're a student, have a child who's a student, or want to reimagine your glory days.
Keep your eyes peeled for the annual Yuletide gift exchange! I'll start posting info next month.
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Xena vs. Anna May
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Remember: don't vote on "who would win in a fight", but on "who, when given a task that fits her skillset and talents, would do that task better: more comprehensively, faster, with more pizzazz, with less collateral, etc."
Endorsements! "What is she good at?"
Xena, Xena Warrior Princess: She has many skills. Fighting, healing (she invented cpr and field medicine and triage, etc), tracking, she has various spiritual powers, she can beat up literal gods, she gave birth to the messiah (which isn't precisely something she was competent at but it's worth mentioning), she's the queen of strategy and also she can embroider.
Anna May, Gunpowder Milkshake: Leader of the 'librarians' (who deal with guns more than books), Anna May is a badass fighter and leader.
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love-bokumono-fics · 5 months
Fresh Crops! December 18 - December 31, 2023
That last of 2023's newest fics and chapter updates for Harvest Moon and Story of Seasons on AO3!
Her Voice Within - by syavwits; Complete, 7/7, 15k
Rating: Not Rated; Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings; Category: F/M Fandoms: Back To Nature Relationship: Claire the Farmer/Gray; Characters: Claire the Farmer, Pete the Farmer, Gray, Rick, Kai, Cliff, Doctor | Trent, Mary the Librarian | Marie, Karen, Popuri, Ann the Innkeeper | Ran, Elli | Elly, Manna, Duke, Doug | Dudley, Old Ellen, May | Mei, Stu | Yu, Zack, Won | Huang, Anna, Basil the Writer, Saibara, Harris, Gotz | Gotts, Kano, Louis the Entomologist | Chuu, Greg, Barley | Mugi, Aja | Adge Additional Tags: Friends to Lovers, Romantic Soulmates, Soul-Searching, Mystery, Mute Protagonist, Found Family Summary: It's not that Claire can't talk, she sometimes speaks yes, but only when she really put all her energies to do it. Then there's Gray, the stoic guy with the famous resting b*tch face, he doesn't want anything to do with anyone, everyone, even the new girl although she's… cute. While Pete tries to save his farm, he also confides in Claire and asks her help to search for his unknown childhood friend, his first love, who apparently is one of the girls in Mineral town?!? Will Claire manage to find Pete's long-lost Best friend? Will Claire find what she truly desires in her second chance at life?
Cooking Lessons Part II - by blushroomx; Complete, 1/1, 3.5k
Rating: Not Rated; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply; Category: F/F Fandom: A Wonderful Life Relationship: Flora / Vesta; Characters: Flora, Vesta Additional Tags: Fluff and Angst Summary: The sequel to "Cooking Lessons", Flora's POV.
Restraint - by MidnightArrow; Complete, 1/1, 4k
Rating: General Audiences; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply; Category: F/M Fandoms: A Wonderful Life, DS Cute Relationship: Celia| Cecilia / Marlin | Matthew / Pony; Characters: Marlin | Matthew, Celia | Cecilia Additional Tags: Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Tragic Romance Summary: Cecilia studied the area where his fingers met her wrist. The farmer's face flashed through her mind. She thought of the long afternoons they spent analyzing Matthew's stray touches and unexpected smiles, the farmer gushing over his every move. She thought of Matthew beaming at the end of the aisle on his wedding day. She thought that she couldn't love Matthew if he went any further.
We're Friends - by dicelady20; Complete, 1/1, <1k
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply; Category: F/M Fandoms: Friends of Mineral Town, Kill la Kill Characters: Matoi Ryuuko, Gray Additional Tags: POV Third Person, Double Drabble, One Shot, Friendship, Gray, ryuuko Summary: This drabble is an aftermath of an incident, where Gray (Harvest Moon) saves Ryuko (Kill la Kill). Now she returns the favor and drags him to a closed mini-mart.
Rainbow Curry - by Anonymous; Complete, 1/1, 2k
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply; Category: Multi Fandoms: Grand Bazaar Characters: Hansel, Gretel, Daisy, Ivan, Freya Summary: Oliver sold Anita's peculiar grass collection, and now she's upset because she needed them for the rainbow curry she always prepares during the holidays. Oliver ventures into the city with Daisy and Ivan to find new ones for her.
Sex for Christmas - by Daryls_Favourite; Complete, 1/1, 1.5k
Rating: Mature; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply; Category: F/M Fandoms: A Wonderful Life Relationship: Daryl /reader; Characters: Daryl, Reader Additional Tags: Sex, Fucking, Oral Sex, its just a mature one shot x reader, Unprotected Sex Summary: It’s Christmas time in the valley, and this more demanding reader-chan is gonna get what she wants
Out of Reach - by MidnightArrow; WIP, 5/11, 2.6k
Rating: General Audiences; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply Fandoms: Sunshine Islands, Island of Happiness Relationships: Chelsea/Vaughn | Waltz, Sabrina | Sefiina/Vaughn | Valts, Chelsea/Mark, Mark/Sabrina | Sefiina; Characters: Vaughn | Waltz, Chelsea, Mark, Sabrina Additional Tags: Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Slow Romance, Friends to Lovers Summary: "What's it like to be in love?" Chelsea and Vaughn share a bittersweet moment in the meadow that slowly unravels their friendship. Will something new take its place?
Live a little, love a lot - by IslandsOfAvalon; Complete, 1/1, 7.5k
Rating: General Audiences; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply; Categories: F/M, Gen Fandoms: Trio of Towns Relationship: Female Farmer/Wayne; Characters: Wayne, Female Farmer, Original Female Character(s), Ludus, Ethan, Yuzuki, Lisette, Siluka, Stephanie Additional Tags: Stephanie doesn't speak but I mention her enough that she counts, and a good few others who're mentioned but don't speak!, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alternate Universe - Rodeo, That's right folks this is a Rodeo AU, I call it "the Trio Rodeo", Fluff, Country & Western, Rodeo Competitions, Cowboys & Cowgirls, Alternate Universe - Western, Horses, Horse Racing, I spent so long doing research for this please let it pay off, I sneaked in a little bit of Lisette x Ludus because I'm soft, Dancing, Love at First Sight, because he is and I will repeat a dork, Not Beta Read, no beta we die like my crops the second the season changes, I spent way too many hours listening to country music while writing this Summary: There used to be magic in their world, once upon a time, and it’s widely accepted that magic is still very much present even if humans no longer have the ability to use it. Wayne blames magic on the way Hinata falls off his horse, boldly wrestles a steer to the ground as fast as he can manage while the animal struggles valiantly against his hold, and somehow makes it away completely unscathed.
Twice Shy - by JillOfAllTrades__x; WIP, 1/2, 6.7k
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply; Category: F/M Fandoms: A Wonderful Life Relationships: Molly/Matthew, Mark/Cecilia mentioned; Characters: Muffy | Molly, Marlin | Matthew Additional Tags: Unrequited Love, Hurt/Comfort, Heartbreak, Drunken Confessions, Christmas Party Summary: Last Winter Forgotten Valley bore witness to Mark and Cecilia’s nuptials, leaving two residents reeling from the ceremony. A year later, Rock’s impulsive Secret Santa holiday party gifts them the potential for closure.
Home For The Holidays - by TheBeckster; Complete, 1/1, 2k
Rating: General Audiences; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply; Category: Gen Fandom: Grand Bazaar Character: Lloyd Additional Tags: Ranch Story Secret Santa 2023, cozy vibes, coming home, home is where people love you Summary: After a long time away from Zephyr Town, Lloyd returns just before Starry Night.
deja vu - by FountainOfDreams, pinkfrogsndaylilies; WIP, 2/?, 3.4k
Rating: General Audiences; Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings; Category: F/M Fandoms: Animal Parade, Tree of Tranquility Relationships: Angela the Farmer & Kevin the Farmer, Candace/Kevin the Farmer, Angela the Farmer/Chase, Everyone & Everyone; Characters: Angela the Farmer, Kevin the Farmer, Hamilton, Gill, Chase, Candace, Wizard Gale, Witch Vivi, Harvest Goddess Additional Tags: Slow Burn, Cross-Posted on Wattpad, Sibling Bonding, Past Lives, Alternate Universe, Crossover, kind of, Evil Plans, replaying the games and felt motivated to repost this, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Tags Are Hard, Slow To Update, Older Sister Angela the Farmer, Brother-Sister Relationships, Chatty Cain, being revamped as we speak Summary: Siblings Angela and Kevin move to Castanet, a faraway island in the middle of nowhere, to start their new lives on a farm. Their days passed peacefully, everything the same as the last; wake up, water the plants, care for the animals, give Chase his marmalade, visit the town, repeat. It was all very...familiar. One day, a strange small fairy showed up in their kitchen in the middle of the night looking anxious, and scared? Something wasn't right about this town, and Angela and Kevin now feel obliged to get to the bottom of it.
The Princess and the Carpenter - by SymphonicFantasia; Complete, 50/50, 7.5k
Rating: General Audiences; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply; Category: F/M Fandoms: Magical Melody, Save the Homeland, Hero of Leaf Valley Relationship: Dia/Kurt | Hayato; Characters: Dia, Kurt Summary: They weren't so different from one another although others may not think so. Just because she was a "princess" didn't mean that the carpenter didn't belong with her. It just took a bit of chiseling to see who they really were deep down. And even then, they would only show those halves to one another.
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Oh my god SO MANY! Where do I even start!! Here is a quick and short rundown of some of my favorite womens history facts:
Women in the military during ww1 and ww2 is one of my favorite subjects. Let's talk about that for a second:
Women served in every branch of the U.S. military throughout both world war 1 and world war 2
Did you know women served in the US Army and as such were stationed in every front of the war during WWII?
Female switchboard operators served in the trenches of France during ww1.
The most feared bombers in ww2 were Russian women flying wooden planes and physically throwing the bombs out
Women were the ones to help break enemy codes
Women helped planned D-Day
Russian snipers were fierce badasses.
We have computers thanks to women. Ada Lovelace, Grace Hopper, Hedy Lamar, etc.
DNA's double helix form was discovered by a woman. Rosalind Franklin.
Women got us to space by performing complex mathematical calculations by hand during launches.
Science Fiction was started by a woman. Mary Shelley.
One of the most fearsome pirates ever was a woman. Ching Shih. She was undefeated and was one of the few pirates who retired.
Hypatia was the last last librarian of the Library of Alexandria and is said to be the first female mathematician
The first female historian was Anna Comnena of the Byzantine empire
Sybil Ludington was a 16 year old girl who joined the famous "Midnight Riders" and rode from Putnam County, New York to Danbury, Connecticut to warn of advancing British troops.
Hatshepsut is the the fifth pharaoh of the Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt. She was the second historically confirmed female pharaoh, after Sobekneferu
Deborah Sampson was a woman who served in the army during the American Revolution. She disguised herself as a man and served admirably
We wouldn't have airplanes without Katherine Wright who made sure her brothers had everything they needed. She ran their family shop, booked speaking engagements for them, was basically their marketing director and made sure these two idiots didn't die from starvation.
Agent 355 was a female spy in the Culper Ring during the American Revolution.
Virne “Jackie” Mitchell, a pitcher, was the first woman in professional baseball. During an exhibition game, she struck out both Babe Ruth and Lou Gehrig.
The first novel. As in the very first novel. Written by a woman. Murasaki Shikibu who wrote the Tale of Genji in 1000 AD
The earliest recorded female physician was Merit Ptah, a doctor in ancient Egypt who lived around 2700 B.C. Many historians believe she may be the first woman recorded by name in the history of all of the sciences, making her achievement all the more impressive
Victoria Woodhull ran for president in 1872.
Julie d’Aubigny was a French bisexual opera-singing sword fighter from 17th-century France. A total badass.
Valentina Tereshkova was the first woman to go in space.
Stephanie Kwolek was an American chemist who invented Kevlar
Lyudmila Pavlichenko is the most successful female sniper in human history. Initially barred entry into the Red Army to due to her sex, Lyudmila would go on to rack up 309 confirmed kills in WWII. Her terrifying skills as a sniper and impressive kill count earned her the nickname “Lady Death” from her German enemies.
Nancy Wake who killed an SS Officer with her bare hands
Khutulun was the great-great-granddaughter of legendary conqueror Genghis Khan. Taught the inner workings of military life by her father, Khutulun became a skilled and powerful warrior. For her marriage, she proposed a challenge: any man that could best her in a wrestling match would have the honor of taking her hand in marriage. If they lost, they would have to give her a horse.
Boudicca was a queen of the Iceni tribe of Celtic Britons, who led an uprising against the conquering forces of the Roman Empire in AD 60 or 61.
Honestly I can go on forever. There are so many amazing and interesting women in history and I can't learn enough about them. This is only a very small list and a condensed version of their stories. I highly recommend looking into each of them more.
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cissyenthusiast010155 · 8 months
Blood Kink with Anna May ~Kinktober 2023
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Happy October 24th!!! On the daily docket is a Blood Kink hehe… And our character is another from Gunpowder Milkshake, Anna May. Enjoy!! 💙🎃
Previous Day <—found here!
Kinktober 2023 <—Here!!
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Mommy… Master List
Requests & Prompt-List
Warnings: NSFW, 18+!!, smut, blood kink, scissoring, pussy grinding, scratching, blood, swearing, more implied future smut, etc.
Enjoy (;
Your nails dug into Anna May’s bare back as your cunt ground against hers. The sounds of sex echoed through the room, your legs being interlocked together as you scissored each other to high heaven.
As you both crashed into your first highs of the night, your nails dug into the woman’s skin even further. When you finally pulled apart a bit, after catching your breaths, you saw that your fingers were red with her blood.
“Oh Shit Anna May I’m so sorry that must have hurt fuck I—!!” You rambled into an apology.
But Anna May merely looked at you with wide and dark eyes. She suddenly popped two of your bloody fingers into her mouth and sucked them, moaning at the taste of her own blood. She removed your now clean digits and took the rest in her mouth, a couple at a time, effectively cleaning them and moaning after every one.
You watched wide eyed and mouth agape as Anna May did this.
“Don’t be” the brunette hummed.
“I… what…?” You stammered.
“Don’t be sorry” she repeated herself, “I think it’s hot…”
“Me drawing blood…?” You repeated in shock.
The woman smirked and nodded.
“Scratch harder” She instructed you.
Your mouth went dry. You nodded.
“Ok” you choked out.
So you went another round. And you scratched harder. And you made her bleed…
And the Anna May had you clean it up with your hands, only for her to lick your hands all clean with her tongue and hot mouth. The sight made your mind go all fuzzy. You didn’t think you’d seen anything as attractive as that woman licking blood from your hands.
You made yourself a mental note to start being on the lookout of new ways to make Anna May bleed…
Next Day <—Discipline Kink!!
Anna May Masterlist
Kinktober 2023 Masterlist
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cljordan-imperium · 9 months
The Blorbo and WIP fae have visited me *cries in author* and I have a few new ones. I'll also let you know what is due to post when below.
Main WIP...30ish subwips. The Four Horsemen rule Hell and it's chaos. They have war on multiple fronts, are about to get wrapped up in inter-realm diplomacy, and not all of it is started yet. - NEW CHAPTER TOMORROW
Also main blog where I get a lot of asks and occasionally reblog on accident.
@bendingthelaws - An intern for the Illinois State's Attorney for Cook County has been kidnapped and is being returned to him in small pieces. His brother is the attorney on file for the chief suspect. Soon they may be on the same side and need to bend a few laws till they almost break. - NEW CHAPTER TOMORROW
@bombsbodyguardsbroken - Tomb Raider meets Indiana Jones meets The Librarians with some Voodoo and a side of paranormal. - currently neck deep in reworking.
Back to the 20's - Anna from The Imperium Chronicles visits Rose Solomons (OC of @raincoffeeandfandoms) taking Jasper along with her. What mischief will they get up to? NEW CHAPTER SAT
@magical-mistakes-vm - Mahala Codona returns to her ancestral home after the death of her mother. A series of bad choices crosses her path with that of Master Warlock Vollrath Nachtnebel. A normally closed off male, this interaction begins a new path for him. But mistakes of the past and present will put them both in dangers from hunters, other Covens, and maybe one within Vollrath’s own. Not to mention training a new witch can have some pretty explosive consequences. NEW CHAPTER TOMORROW OR SAT
@devil-in-the-details-ay - What happens when Lucifer assigns his only, and very headstrong, daughter to be the Lord of Death's new personal intern? Chaos. (Not tied to Imperium) NEW CHAPTER POSTED TODAY
@the-andromeda-effect - Caliban Andros was sent to kidnap Riona Kalavati from her kidnappers and assassinate her in a way that still made the look to blame. Her husband, Mircea only made one mistake, he lied to Caliban, and that is something you just don't do. Now Caliban has Riona AND Mircea's money, but which one of them is going to die has changed, as have a few other things. NEW CHAPTER SAT OR SUN - only blog setup
@princess-of-thieves-id - On the eve of her supposed wedding to Prince Diyan Noar of Coaltmor, Princess Inara Renisa of Tribaldi slips the guard of her room, makes it to the closest ship and boards the first vessel preparing to leave port she can. She does not realize she has been tailed by Arik Codras who was sent by the Prince's family to ensure she showed up. He too ends up on the ship. It is not till underway that they discover they have stowed away with pirates. The Captain may not be quite who he seems though and that could add a whole other layer to the issue when discovered. NEW CHAPTER SUN OR MON - only blog has been created
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verumfm · 3 months
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is that … KSHITIJ ACHARI, GWENDOLYN COTHI JONES, CHALIDA ‘FERN’ JIRAYUNGYURN, GIRISHA TYAGI, SAVINA MASOE, KIRANA ‘KAI’ MALAIWONG, BAEK HARU, RYU JI-HOON, ASTORIA WYNNE-JONES, NAKANO KIMIKO, ARTURO VALIENTE, PROSPERO ESKANDER, & SALIM NOVAK returning home after a journey? the town of cynefin welcomes you. please be sure to review our local laws before you settle in.
the following faceclaims & positions are now taken: arjun rampal, yaya dacosta, mookda narinrak, aditi rao hydari, davika hoorne, zorzo natharuetai, go minsi, ji changwook, laufey lín bing jónsdóttir, anna sawai, pedro pascal, tamino amir, emilio sakraya, & the professors of beginner metallurgy (etc.), weaponry theory (etc.), & death of the superego (etc.), head librarian, lab assistant (1/4), security staff (1/3), rare magic (2/5), familiars (2/5), & muses 4, 5, 6, 11.
( arjun rampal , cis man , he/him ) — amongst the faces lining the staff portrait wall, you recognize KSHITIJ ACHARI, the forty-two year old professor. having spent seven years as a member of the verum staff, students say that they’re reminiscent of catching the edge of your cloak from the corner of your eye and wondering if you’re truly alone ; the heavy weight of a thick wine coating your throat ; the sound of journal papers crinkling while struggling to hold a leather-bound journal close ; dark nights where the sound of thunder is welcome companion ; silence so harsh it squishes your eardums painfully. their patient and meticulous temperament brings color to these halls, but be warned, you may also find them to be strict and blunt. regardless, hopefully they’ll remain when it’s time for verum to open its doors again. ╱ pal, 28, any, gmt+5:30.
( yaya dacosta , nonbinary , they/she ) — amongst the faces lining the staff portrait wall, you recognize GWENDOLYN COTHI JONES, the thirty-nine year old head librarian. having spent seventeen years as a member of the verum staff, students say that they’re reminiscent of dark-roast coffee leaving behind an imprint on the corner-edge of an ancient tome ; eyes crinkling over the ledge of gilded spectacles, one eyebrow raised in greeting ; the vanilla & musk, dense scent of a beeswax candle left too long on the hearth. their logical and knowledgeable temperament brings color to these halls, but be warned, you may also find them to be strict and irritable. regardless, hopefully they’ll remain when it’s time for verum to open its doors again. ╱ nikki, 30, they/them, est.
( mookda narinrak , nonbinary , they/them ) — one day the sea will sing of CHALIDA ‘FERN’ JIRAYUNGYURN, the twenty-eight year old healer from the town of cynefin. there will be verses about oleander unfurling in the palms of their hands, only to burn & rot black at the edges ; the whispers of a creature against the dangling, heirloom earring passed down from their family as a symbol of fortune ; the bitter & thickened taste of herbs in tea scalding the throat in the hums of their hymn, about a person who is trained in the magic of khemia. the land will know them as someone attentive and empathetic, but perhaps, you’ll hear the old crones hiss that they are secretive and particular. only the shadows of the ocean floor will bear witness to the truth. ╱ nikki, 30, they/them, est.
( aditi rao hydari , cis woman , she/her ) — one day the sea will sing of GIRISHA TYAGI, the thirty-two year old apothecary from the town of cynefin. there will be verses about the wet chill of morning mist clinging to the lining of your dress ; toes sinking into mud until it squishes so deep under your nail beds that it never leaves ; the reflection of bloodshot eyes caught in water-stained glass vials ; the press of soft hair resting on the nape of your neck ; the burn of heavy earrings dragging your tender earlobes in the hums of their hymn, about a person who is (informally) trained in the magic of khemia. the land will know them as someone vibrant and optimistic, but perhaps, you’ll hear the old crones hiss that they are nosy and deceptive. only the shadows of the ocean floor will bear witness to the truth. ╱ pal, 28, any, gmt+5:30.
( davika hoorne , cis woman , she/her ) — amongst the faces lining the staff portrait wall, you recognize SAVINA MASOE, the thirty-one year old lab assistant within the school. having spent two years as a member of the verum staff, students say that they’re reminiscent of white light passed through a glass prism, a fractured reflection in the looking glass, blooming plants in a thriving greenhouse, a dream forever just beyond reach, and eyes so bright they see right through you. their perceptive and inquisitive temperament brings color to these halls, but be warned, you may also find them to be competitive and single-minded. regardless, hopefully they’ll remain when it’s time for verum to open its doors again. ╱ liza, 28, she/her, aest.
( zorzo natharuetai, cis woman, she/her ) — amongst the faces lining the staff portrait wall, you recognize KIRANA ‘KAI’ MALAIWONG , the thirty-two year old security staff within the school. having spent one month as a member of the verum staff, students say that they’re reminiscent of a hand reaching into the monster’s open jaw, no mercy shown for a moment’s weakness  /  the first light of dawn, the world didn’t end yet  /  the echo of a blade striking, phantom grip making knuckles turn white. their devoted and diligent temperament brings color to these halls, but be warned, you may also find them to be tactless and wary. regardless, hopefully they’ll remain when it’s time for verum to open its doors again. / gen, 29, she/her, est.
( go minsi, nonbinary, she/they ) — one day the sea will sing of BAEK HARU, the twenty-nine year old trader from the town of cynefin. there will be verses about blood staining your lips, your own flesh stuck in your teeth  /  the low hum of a long - lost melody, forgotten for a reason, yet nested familiarly within a mind  /  a dance with the devil, a feast with the hells. in the hums of their hymn, about a person who is trained in the magic of khemia. the land will know them as someone charismatic and eloquent, but perhaps, you’ll hear the old crones hiss that they are vindictive and rapacious. only the shadows of the ocean floor will bear witness to the truth. ╱ gen, 29, she/her, est. 
( ji changwook , cis man , he/him ) — amongst the faces lining the staff portrait wall, you recognize RYU JI-HOON, the thirty-six year old professor within the school. having spent three years as a member of the verum staff, students say that they’re reminiscent of abandoned projects of broken wood collecting dust in a spare closet, something between a smirk and a smile highlighting soft features, the coarse and warm smell of pine and oak, quiet and steady waves washing across a midnight shore, and calloused hands with a gentle touch. their charming and easygoing temperament brings color to these halls, but be warned, you may also find them to be secretive and vain. regardless, hopefully they’ll remain when it’s time for verum to open its doors again. ╱ jasmine, 22, she/her, est.
( laufey lín bing jónsdóttir , cis woman , she/her ) — one day the sea will sing of ASTORIA WYNNE-JONES, the twenty-four year old librarian from the town of cynefin. there will be verses about a newborn fawn caught alone in the hollow underbelly of the woods, a thousand faces — none of which you can place, a rose more thorn than petal, and an intolerable tenderness… a girl known by everyone and no one in the hums of their hymn, about a person who is untrained in the magic of khemia. the land will know them as someone allocentric and magnanimous, but perhaps, you’ll hear the old crones hiss that they are casuistic and vitriolic. only the shadows of the ocean floor will bear witness to the truth. ╱ steph, 29, she/her, est.
( anna sawai , cis-woman , she/her ) — one day the sea will sing of NAKANO KIMIKO, the thirty-one year old writer from the town of cynefin. there will be verses about a message scrawled and shoved into a bottle — tossed out to sea and left to wash up along the shore, the empty space left by a page torn right from the binding of a book, ink spilled and smudged on a worn sheet of paper, and a ribcage filled with flowers… but they are all dead — dead… dead in the hums of their hymn, about a person who is trained in the magic of khemia. the land will know them as someone adaptable and sagacious, but perhaps, you’ll hear the old crones hiss that they are insoluble and acerbic. only the shadows of the ocean floor will bear witness to the truth. ╱ steph, 29, she/her, est.
( pedro pascal , cis man , he/him ) — amongst the faces lining the staff portrait wall, you recognize ARTURO VALIENTE, the forty-eight year old professor within the school. having spent one year as a member of the verum staff, students say that they’re reminiscent of battered chainmail laid to rest alongside a life's purpose, blood-rimmed canines as you grin & bear an unimaginable pain, a stoic strength reminiscent of trees as old as time itself, a piercing gaze as you wrack your brain for an answer that simply won't come, and a cavernous divide between your students — half of them sycophantic, half irreverent. their dogged and venerable temperament brings color to these halls, but be warned, you may also find them to be unforgiving and brutal. regardless, hopefully they’ll remain when it’s time for verum to open its doors again. ╱ c, 23, they/she, pst. 
( tamino amir , cis man , he/him ) — the halls of verum academy is home to PROSPERO ESKANDER, the twenty-four year old student of decomposition. listen to the whispers that follow them through the door of the death of the superego classroom, the ones about a morbid fascination with entropy & its inevitability, the steady rhythm of pacing footsteps as piano hands thumb through the pages of a centuries-old book, the imperceptible twitch of an eyebrow upon noticing a fatal flaw, and the rustling of inky feathers just before a crow takes flight, a charm that comes so naturally that you can't help but be unnerved. once they graduate, their legacy will be one that is ingenious and courtly in nature, but the records will not mention that they are known to be acerbic and duplicitous, too. they are, after all, the future of verum. ╱ c, 23, they/she, pst.
( emilio sakraya , cis man , he/him ) — one day the sea will sing of SALIM NOVAK, the twenty-seven year old soldier from the town of cynefin. there will be verses about sparks created by the clashing of swords, the hand that catches you right before you fall, a white eye that swirls with memories of pain and destruction — a scar acts as a remnant of a battle lost, and whispered mantras that combat despair in the hums of their hymn, about a person who is untrained in the magic of khemia. the land will know them as someone valiant and determined, but perhaps, you’ll hear the old crones hiss that they are self-destructive and impulsive. only the shadows of the ocean floor will bear witness to the truth. ╱ j, 26, she/they, est.
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merrock · 1 year
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event: Volunteer Week
location: around Merrcok
ic timeline: April 24 - 28
ooc timeline: April 22 - 30
Merrock's a town known for giving back… which is why we're spending an entire week doing just that! We have some suggestions for places that you can spend time volunteering, but you're not completely limited to these if you have some ideas of things around town that you would like to do yourself!
cityview park -- spend some time cleaning around the historic park in downtown Merrock.
hospital center -- dedicate your time to doing whatever it is that the staff might need your help with.
merrock railway -- do some clean up along our very own rail system in town, keeping it sparkly and new. ish.
aquatic conservatory -- help the conservatory staff out with feeding and looking after the many wonderful sea creatures.
the lighthouse -- spend some time volunteering to help clean up the area surrounding the lighthouse.
the marina -- help boat owners with tours and cleaning up around the docks.
the swimming beach -- every beach is always in need of a little bit of cleaning!
aster playground -- that playground equipment might need some work, get repairs done, clean up the flower beds!
community center -- there are always a million things to do at the center to help out.
memorial library -- help our team of librarians with whatever they need.
new haven daycare -- visit the youngest kids and volunteer to help with their needs!
ruff around park -- do a little tidying and cleaning up and play with puppies!
school district -- help out with various tasks that need done around the elementary, middle or high school.
animal sanctuary -- help our workers with the animals that need them the most.
harmony ranch -- spend time embracing your inner cowboy… or cleaning out some stalls!
lake malory -- keeping our lake clean and pristine is a big goal for this year… go ahead and help out!
paradise gardens -- help take care of the many, many plants in our own botanical garden, and learn something along the way.
state park -- there's always something to do around the state park to help out!
And! If you hop under the cut right now, you will find the pair-offs that you're looking for. A thread must be started sometime during the duration of the event with your partner. Check it out.
A thread must be started between April 22nd and April 28th of some character combination planting a tree, anywhere in Merrock! The thread does not need to be completed during that time frame -- you can continue writing it after the event has ended, but we do ask that you guys please not just drop the thread, or only do one or two replies before giving up. Plant your tree! If a player plays multiple characters, you are welcome to choose any pairing, but try to make it unique (in other words, if you've written before, avoid that pairing).
If you are assigned to someone who is inactive, or does not reply to you within a couple of days, please reach out to the admin team. We'll work with you!
Steph (Katherine, Thalia) & Nani (Diana)
Grace (Rosalie) & Myr (Amanda)
Mags (Cassidy) & Nikki (Ember)
Chayya (Marlow) & Anna (Sylvia, Reyna, Jayla, Alec, Wes, Cori, Cathy, Espie)
Frankie (Deacon, Ravi) & Erin (Lara, Mandy, Bryan, Jamie, Vince, Mekelah, Joella, Alice)
Jen (Tommy) & Nessa (Mateo, Zoey, Chloe, Yesenia, Libby, Xander, Jennifer)
Maria (Vitus) & Bri (Cordelia, Eliza, Fallon, Spencer, Emeline, Marquis, Vivienne, Ramsey)
MOD NOTE: as you may notice, admin Katie and admin Lindsey are not on the list. The reason for this is that we know things happen: players need to take a hiatus, someone goes inactive, emergencies crop up, life happens sometimes! We are on stand-by to step in and replace anyone who can not participate. With both of us playing eight characters, there's a very good chance we have not written with you in one way or another, and we are happy to step up and help! But we will also be doing plot/thread calls and/or open starters, so we will be just as involved as you, promise! xx
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archivyrep · 1 year
The go-to archivist depiction
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Example of someone who cross describes as a go-to depiction of an archivist; this is Archie in Regular Show
Samantha Cross, an archivist who reviews examples of archives in popular culture, has argued that the "go-to depiction of an archivist" is often middle-aged, White, male, and likely cisgender. She also described Zootopia as feeding into "the stereotype of records and archives being distant," and the almost useless archivist in Voltron: Legendary Defender. One of the best examples of what she describes as the "go-to depiction" of an archivist is Archie in Regular Show, but there are others as well, which align and buck this depiction.
Reprinted from my Wading Through the Cultural Stacks WordPress blog. Originally published on May 13, 2022.
If he can be considered an archivist, there is the Librarian in an episode of She-Ra: Princess of Power. He oversees the Library in the Valley of the Lost, and is said to be a hermit. He is an elderly man with White hair and is White. He also manages what is known as the Inner Library, which has books "in a language not used in a thousand years." It is, arguably, a bit archivy. He is not the only White archivist I've written about on this blog. One of the oft-mentioned on here is Jocasta Nu, an elderly White woman, who runs the Jedi Archives. Another example I sometimes forget is the White female archivist who is manipulated by Anna to change a birth record in My Dictator Boyfriend. [1]
Some fan fics seem to feed into the idea that archivists are White people. These fics show archivists as stereotypical with grey hair, for instance. Others showcase archivists of color, including those which I've written myself, even making Bow's dads archivists, even though they are historians in the original series, She-Ra and the Princesses of Power. This is a bit of an oddity, however. As, others example of a White archivist are the records clerks shown briefly in an episode of 180 Angel, Abigail Chase in the National Treasure franchise, and a reference librarian in Can You Ever Forgive Me?. Additionally, it could also be argued that Theoda and Pothina in Cleopatra in Space are archivists, or at least information professionals of some kind as they work in a museum of the show's protagonist.
Apart from Hermes Conrad, a bureaucrat who you could argue is an archivist I suppose, there's the Japanese man, Ura, in Pale Cocoon, a green Gem named Peridot in Steven Universe. The latter two could be either be said to be archivists, each in their own way, or engaging in some archivist tasks. In any case, Peridot's voice actor is Shelby Rabara, a Filipino-American actress and dancer. More directly than any of these examples is the Black male record clerk, Clark, in Joker (played by Brian Tyree Henry), who tries to help Arthur Fleck get his hands on records of his mother. However, he is determined to stick to the rules, leading Fleck to literally steal the records from him to avoid the red tape.
There are two characters other than Hermes, Ura, Peridot, or the unnamed record clerk which can undoubtedly be described as archivists: Arizal in Recorded by Arizal and Grandpa Park in Stretch Armstrong. Neither seems to have professional training (Arizal may be on the path to such training), but both engage in actions which make them archivists in one way or another. There's a solo archivist in Ultraman Taiga, a presidential archivist named Briony in Leif & Thorn, and a 26-year-old archivist named Cortez Velasquez in Heirs of the Veil, the blue-skinned sisters (and archivists) in Lore Olympus, and Rae, an aspiring archivist in Always Human.
There are many other examples and characters who engage in archivist duties like arrangement, description, preservation, appraisal, reference, collaboration, outreach, administrative tasks, and selection, so in that sense, this is only scratching the surface. That is in part because the number of posts on this blog are minimal, not even reaching 100 posts at present, so I don't have many other examples to use for this post. But, if I decide to pursue this in the future, I may come back to this post and build on it again.
© 2022 Burkely Hermann. All rights reserved.
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dearestdaffodils · 1 year
Season 2, episode 3: Prayers
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A/N: I, of course, do not own anything from or related to Outer Banks. Scenes, events, and dialogue are taken from the show; I am not trying to take credit for the work that the writers for this show did. Some scenes may be left out if I cannot find a way to work the reader in as a character.
Warnings (for the whole series): violence (as it is in the show), swearing, mentions of abuse, underage drinking and smoking, drug use
“Can’t believe we’re actually back here.” I whisper to Kie, keeping my eyes focused on the paper in front of me. “After everything that happened, we should be out there trying to catch Ward.” 
Kie shakes her head. “We just need to keep up appearances. We’ll regroup after school.” 
The classroom door opens, pulling our attention from the test in front of us. “Mr. Sunn, can I borrow Pope for a minute?” The man in the doorway asks, holding a small envelope in his hand. 
“We’re in the middle of a test.” Mr. Sunn whispers. 
“I’m from the Vanderhorst Foundation.” The man says.
Kie and I pause, slowly turning to look at Pope as he looks up from his paper. 
“Mr. Heyward, it's for you.” Mr. Sunn looks at Pope. 
“Thank you.” The man nods to Mr. Sunn before directing his attention to Pope. “Good to see you, Pope.” 
The door slams behind Pope as he rushes back into the room, gripping the envelope in his hand. 
“Okay, what was that?” Kie whispers. 
Pope silently holds up the envelope, showing it to us. 
“Is that the wheat symbol?” I whisper. 
“Yeah.” Pope nods. 
“What the f—“ JJ starts, pausing when Mr. Sunn looks up. “Fu… fu… fudge?” He stutters.
“Is this a game of tag?” JJ frowns, hurrying after Pope. 
“I don’t know.” I sigh, pulling Kie along. 
“Am I gonna have to beat you with your protractor? What’s going on?” JJ huffs, wincing when the librarian shushes him. 
“Seriously, Pope, you are driving me insane.” Kie whispers. 
“Okay, so that guy was from the scholarship committee.” Pope starts, sitting down in front of one of the computers. “Take a look at this.” He holds out the envelope, letting JJ take it from him. “Read it.” 
“Out loud.” I whisper, looking at JJ. 
JJ pauses, looking around at us. “I can’t read cursive.” 
I sigh, taking it from him. “Dear Mr. Heyward, I am reaching out because I have material evidence that can exonerate John B. Routledge. It is of vital importance that you come and meet with me in person at my offices at 27 King Street, Charleston at 8:00 p.m. sharp tonight. Please come alone. Regards, C. Limbrey.” 
“Charleston?” JJ frowns. 
“It’s like an eight-hour drive plus the ferry.” Pope murmurs. “How will we get there tonight?” 
“We’d have to leave right now.” JJ whispers. 
“I have a free period.” Kie whispers. 
“‘Material evidence’? What does that even mean, ‘material evidence’?” JJ shakes his head. 
“It means he can clear John B.” I hand the letter back to Pope. 
“Oh, shit, then we’re going to Charleston.” JJ says loudly. 
“I gotta tell my mom.” Kie sighs. “Look, if we get it this time, we are not giving it to Shoupe.” 
“Yeah. No duh.” JJ nods. 
Pope frowns, looking between the letter and the computer. 
“What?” I whisper. 
“I don’t know. I think whoever this Limbrey person is…” Pope points to the computer. “They might be related to the captain of the Royal Merchant.” 
“Baby, no, you can’t go to Charleston on a school night.” Kie’s mom sighs, looking at her. 
“But this is my chance to finally clear John B’s name!” Kie frowns. “This is my chance to bring Y/N’s brother back!” She glances at me. 
“Baby—“ Anna starts. 
“What does it mean now to clear John B’s name?” Her dad frowns. “And you.” He points at me. “This is a family discussion, you don’t need to be here.” 
“Mike…” Anna frowns. 
“He’s gone!” Mike shouts. “You have to accept it.” 
“Stop it!” Anna gets up, moving over to Kie. “Listen to me. I understand that what you’re going through right now is incredibly difficult.”
“Do you?” Kie frowns. 
“Baby, I do.” Anna sighs. “All we’re trying to say is that we’re worried cause you’re spending all of your time with Y/N and these boys.” 
“God, mom. They’re not just some people I found on the street!” Kie huffs. 
“I know that, Kiara. I’m not saying—“ Anna frowns. 
“They’re my best friends!” Kie sniffles. “Since kindergarten! My only friends!” 
“I understand that, but you are not a little girl anymore!” Anna shouts. 
“I’m a Pogue, mom. Sorry!” Kie huffs, starting to walk off. 
“No. Actually, you’re not, Kiara, cause you live on Figure Eight!” Anna hurries after her. “Don’t walk away when I’m talking to you!” 
“Mrs. Carrera, we just want to-“ I start, stepping back when Anna rounds on me. 
“Get off my property!” She shouts. “My daughter will have nothing to do with you anymore!” 
“I’m still one of them!” Kie shouts. “You’re so worried about me being a Pogue because you got pregnant with a Pogue, and then you had me. It was a tragedy!”
“Kiara, seriously! This isn’t fair!” Anna shouts. “Stop it! Do not walk away when I’m talking to you! Turn and look at me right now! I am so sick of this shit! Every single time that you get in trouble, you try and stir up the pot between us, and I am not having it anymore! I’m gonna tell her.”
“Tell me what?” Kie frowns. 
I hurry back to the truck, leaning against the side. 
“They’re taking it really well.” JJ watches. 
“Mm-hmm. Totally.” I mutter. 
“How’d you get this rig?” JJ asks Pope. “I know your old man didn’t let you have it.” 
“I undid the intake valves on the carburetor. Made it start pinging.” Pope murmurs. 
“And now you’re just gonna take it to your cousin Jeff’s house.” JJ nods. “Just gonna get it fixed. Crash overnight. I think I’m rubbing off on you, Pope. Lying to your old man, stealing his truck. Kinda sounds familiar.” 
“I’d say we have about 18 hours before he absolutely loses his shit.” Pope sighs. “So as long as we get it back before then, I think we’re good.” 
“Boarding school?” Kie shouts, rushing down the steps.
“It’s just an option.” Anna sighs. “It could broaden your horizons, baby, get you out of OBX.” 
“I’m not going to boarding school.” Kie huffs. 
“It would give you structure!” Mike calls. 
“They’re not my people!” Kie huffs, hurrying to the truck. 
JJ hops out, opening the door for Kie and I to get in. “It’s good to see y’all, Mr. And Mrs. Carrera.” 
“Hi, uh, ma’am, sir. I… I promise to have her back at a reasonable hour and safe.” Pope leans out the window, waving to Kie’s parents. 
“What are you doing?” Kie frowns at him. 
“Kiara, listen to me.” Anna sighs. “You wanna go, then you can go. But if you don’t come back at the proper time, then don’t come back at all!” 
“She’s bluffin’.” JJ murmurs. “Y’all have a good day.” He waves, getting in the truck. 
“This shit would be so much easier without parents.” Kie sighs. 
I frown, looking at her. “Trust me, it's not.” 
“My parents are so paranoid of me being a Pogue, like it's the worst thing that could ever happen.” Kie huffs. 
“Hey, I hear they got good weed at boarding school, though.” JJ leans against the cab of the truck, holding me close. 
“I’m not going to boarding school.” Kie snaps. “They’re gonna have to kidnap me, tie me up, and throw me in a van.” 
“Hey, Kie, have you tried to hit John B back on that number yet?” Pope asks.
“Like, twenty million times.” She sighs. 
“Some random lady at a hotel keeps answering whenever I try.” I murmur. 
“Well, until we hear from them again, we gotta try and clear his name.” Pope sighs. “Right now, this letter’s our best bet.” 
“Right.” JJ nods. “Stay on task. That’s why I love ya, Pope.” 
“Guys, I’ve read this thing like a thousand times. It makes no sense.” I sigh. “I mean, the Limbreys own, like, half of Charleston. What do the Kook kings of Charleston know about a murder on Kildare Island?” 
“Why you specifically?” JJ asks. “That’s the other creepy thing.” 
“I was thinking the same thing.” Pope sighs. “I think it's because—“ 
Before he can finish his sentence, the engine rattles and smoke starts to pour out from the hood. 
“Oh, come on!” He frowns. 
“What’s that?” Kie frowns. “Pull over. That’s a lot of smoke, even for your dad’s truck.” 
I sigh, leaning against the bed of the truck as JJ and Pope argue with the mechanic. I glance at Kie, analyzing the odd look on her face. “Hey.” I tap the bed of the truck to get her attention. “You okay?” 
“My mom is so worried that I’m gonna be a Pogue that she’s willing to send me to boarding school.” She sighs. 
“Well…” I look at her. “I guess that’s what you get for hanging out with the wrong crowd, Kie.” 
“I’m not gonna go.” Kie whispers. “It’s too late anyway. I already am who I am.” 
“Ain’t all that bad.” I shrug. “Just look at those guys over there.” I point towards Pope and JJ. “They’d do anything for us. That’s a Pogue if I’ve ever seen one.” 
“Have you and Pope talked at all since… you know?” I whisper to Kie, sitting in the bed of the truck with JJ fast asleep in my lap. 
She shakes her head. “Not about what happened between us. I think he wants something to happen more than I do.” 
I nod, carefully slipping the flask out of JJ’s limp hands, tucking it into my bag. “Would you want something to really happen between the two of you?” 
Kie shrugs, sighing. “I don’t even know. I love Pope, but I don’t know if it's a sibling kind of love or more.” 
I yawn, moving to lay down next to JJ. “Maybe take some time to sleep on it? See if anything changes in the days to come.” 
She smiles, nodding and carefully leaning over to press a kiss to Pope’s cheek before laying down to sleep. 
“Wonder where John B and Sarah are right now.” JJ stares out the window, watching the water. 
“I’m sure they’re trying just as hard to get back to us as we are to get them back.” I whisper, squeezing his hand.
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downtondays · 2 years
New fanfiction !
Teachers, Chapter 1
After his divorce, John Bates is happy to start a peaceful new life as a librarian at Downton Abbey High School. Turns out he will gets more than that when he meets English teacher, Anna May Smith.
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