#go wild!
stil-lindigo · 3 months
You're wonderful, thank you for donating profits from your art and comics to people who need it, do you still have to cover print costs for physical copies? Is pdf better?
I’ve decided to cover the remaining production costs myself, so from now on 100% of that product’s price will be donated! PDF is better if you can only spare that amount, but more will be donated if u choose a physical copy :)
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rpsourcedmemes · 1 year
Send 🎥 for a random scene of my muse’s life
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I wanted to do a doodle with most of the people i'm following that I adore their writing/art!
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If you can't see the writing, then I'll tag whos on there!
Into-the-pit sun: me
Cyberpunk eclipse/moon: @8um8ble8ee
Small ahh moon: @maudiemoods
Rlgl au moon: @betweenblackberrybranches
Fairy sun: @ayyy-imma-ninja
Biting the hand that bleeds(?) Sun: @xitsensunmoon
Beloved's sun: @cometedskies
Mermay sun: @paper-lilypie
Vampire sun: @miwachan2
Solar lunacy sun: @bamsara
Luna/tic(<- tic :) ): @spaciebabie
I wont be able to finish this doodle anytime soon! But I hope y'all enjoy!
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justm3h · 11 months
I love Coop !
Do you have a full pic of him? If it’s ok i like to draw him interacting with my Emmet. or Ingo .
Yep! I actually did a quick character sheet back in the day.
Have fun!
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thepenguisalive7 · 7 months
Quick question. Are you okay with people using your designs (drawing the characters the same way ect)?
Yeah of course, I’d love to see it! What character will you be doing?
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serenescribe · 10 months
Three sentence meme!
Epel has a nightmare and Vil comforts him
[✐meme] three sentence fic meme [✐] ficlet frenzy
"Have you been awake all night?" Vil asks incredulously as he walks into Pomefiore's kitchen, halting in his steps at the sight of one exhausted Epel Felmier, leaning against a table with heavy bags weighing down his eyes. Pomefiore has a curfew in place, and as the housewarden, Vil knows it is his responsibility to make sure they all adhere to it — including Epel.
But when Epel doesn't react to his words, merely glancing over at him before returning to stare at the table, Vil... softens. He'd expected a snippy remark, or a reluctant apology, not complete silence — is there something else going on?
While it is true that it is his responsibility to make sure those under his dorm adhere to his rules... it is also his responsibility to take care of them where necessary.
Sliding into the chair next to the boy, Vil presses an elbow into the table, resting a hand against his cheek as he faces Epel. "Epel," he begins, voice gentle, "is there perhaps something bothering you? Why have you stayed up overnight?"
"...'m had a nightmare." Epel ducks his head as he murmurs, as if embarrassed by his words.
"What about?"
The boy sucks in a breath. "...STYX. The Phantoms. Idia's overblot. I know we've all gotten out fine, and that you 'n everyone else could take care of yourselves, but..." A shaky laugh. "I'unno," Epel mutters, raising his head though still averting his gaze, "it didn't really feel all that daunting while we were there, but when you're busy dreaming about you 'n Rook dyin', it... kinda don't make you wanna go back to sleep, huh?"
He reaches out to rest a hand over Epel's, causing the boy to glance over at him.
"I understand," Vil says softly — he has been haunted by these nightmares as well, jolting awake more than once with horrific dreams of Epel and Rook dying fresh in his mind, so really, who is he to fault Epel for staying up over it?
He can always lecture the boy over the importance of a good night's rest later and send him on his way with some concealer. For now, though...
"Would you like a cup of tea, Epel?"
"...That'd be nice. Thank you, Vil."
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if-mirrormine · 2 years
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what you can expect to find in this update:
rewrites to the prologue and chapter one
more character customisation
family angst & fluff ft. callie and nora
ro angst & fluff ft. grayson
gralex (the cat)!!
kennedy, albeit very briefly
finally, i’ve made the bold decision to move the demo over to twine and i’m hoping this won’t deter anyone from reading it.
play the demo here!
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Hi, sorry if I'm being slow, I've been really worn down by irl stuff, so I can't do much
But I decided to have everyone have fun with Baby Barnaby!
Drawing prompt: How would your character(s) would take care of him if Solver asked them to babysit him while he has to work?
You can always reblog this with your answer or tag the blog this way I'll see it!
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orecana · 4 months
Need requests
okay so i don't know what to write soooooo......
You guys have the opportunities to request me what to write here in this post.
Keep in mind i will only accept male readers or gender neutral readers and with kpop males i'm familiar with or other stuffs that i'm familiar with.
Let me see what you guys cook up in there XD
Once again thank you to everyone who reads and supports my fic have a good day!
OH! and go easy on the kinks if it's a smut, i won't write it if it's too extreme.
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sadclowncentral · 2 years
can u list ur fav Wikipedia articles?
i have 48 wikipedia articles open as we speak, so you can imagine that this was a hard choice to make. in my opinion, the real joy of wikipedia is getting lost in the blue links, the rabid thrill of opening articles in new tabs as you get lost in a topic you didn't even know existed until two hours ago. so, instead of individual articles, here are my top five wikipedia articles when it comes to rabbit hole potential:
Night Sky
List of common misconceptions
Optical Phenomena
Fermi Paradox
have fun and go wild!
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my-dontstarve-draw · 1 year
Requests are open!
Ello everyone! I dont wanna jump the gun, but aside from being very busy these days, I miss drawing dont starve content!
Hit me up with a request to draw any characters (and skins), or maybe little interactions too!
I don't think I can do comic based ones. So far the only 3 requests left are like comics and I know I will take ages because I tend to give it my all! (I actually think that I cant do them with just how busy I am)-
But hey, I will finish them whenever I can! >:)
- just expect it to take a while ahem!
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logan-exe · 7 months
HEY!! @callmedoodlekid! Thank you for going through my Sanders Sides edit tag and liking it! I hope you enjoy your stay.
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sketch-wolf · 1 year
wanna make it VERY clear that right now the spam bot blog problem is so severe that I'm currently blocking AND reporting (as spam/bot) all new followers that have: a photo of a person as an icon, less than two lines blog description, and 0 posts.
so for any people who wanna follow me who are a real person, but just so happen to match these three conditions: I'm sorry but you're indistinguishable from this website's current pest at a glance, so if you don't wanna get blocked and reported by accident please consider doing something to your blog to look human.
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ericaportfolio · 5 months
Big dare to American Arcadia fans to draw their versions of Kovacs still alive after the events in the game. You guys can even use my oc and the frozen Walton head idea as long as you credit me if you need ideas. GO!
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deathfavor · 2 months
lyric starter call | @revengesworn ( emma as requested !) song: nunchuck- saint phnx
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" I don't need anyone else; I'm doing fine all by myself. " His eyes fall shut as he exhales, not turning around to face her. " Need silence for my health. "
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