#god look how inconsistent my 'art style' is
mblue-art · 2 years
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boyf bestfr boy, friend,,
related to this post ig///
u dont have to look at this part !! lsdkglfd
it gets p indulgent n kinda,, personal?? iguess? not pushing anyone away if you still want to scroll thru here its mostly ramblethoughts of my simping journey or whatever the heck i turned this whole thing into
hhhhgh here's two doodles i made inbetween the two posts,, maaannnnn,,,
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aaaa aa a aa
(iam just putting these here for when future!me looks back on all these posts and go "haha oh wow i used to,, i used to only,, platonically like him when i think about 'me' me interacting w him,, thats,, oh,, huh that was something")
[took me THREE (3) MONTHS (from when i made that doodle on the left)......... and some light nudging and nice & lovely hc/scenarios from friends... to finally wake up one day and realize "oh. oh holy shit? i. i dont feel weird abt this anymore? fr fr? wait shit i-" cue me sitting up in bed and staring at a wall for a long while as thoughts pour in]
(S. SO YEAH. lust sans. 💘💜💙)
(sona lore is theyre still besties but now theyre dating too woooo/////////)
(LN is still a thing- my skelesona (indigo) shipped with a lust (lavender)- theyre SO in love ur honor,, im just kinda flustered abt this new development lmaoaoaoaoaoao it shouldnt be that srs yk i just think its fun and interesting seeing how i feel abt certain characters and try to make something out of that stuff yk;;)
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wereh0gz · 8 months
The problem with having a whole fictional world in your head is that no one else will make art that makes you go insane for it and you're too tired and unmotivated to do it yourself
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wrendo · 8 months
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bumbleblurr · 2 years
ok Actually here's some more that I wasn't going to share but changed my mind on-
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powdermelonkeg · 3 months
Theory that solves(?) "founding of Hyrule" timeline inconsistencies:
Origin of Hyrule no. 1: Skyward Sword. Zelda, Link, and the Skylians settle the surface world at the game's conclusion. Notably, their dress looks nothing like the Zonai era.
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Origin of Hyrule no. 2: Tears of the Kingdom. Rauru and Sonia are the king and queen who founded Hyrule. Notably, Zonai mechanisms and architecture greatly resemble the pre-Skyward-Sword-era Lanayru mining tech and symbolism, though Skyward Sword's art direction is more cartoony than TotK, so that has to be taken into account.
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That's where it gets cyclical. If TotK's forgotten era came first, then:
Zonai influence should be ALL OVER Skyloft
The Gerudo should not exist, because they're (implied to be) descended from Groose, a Skylian; at the very least, there should have been a whole Gerudo culture in the Sky
Where did the Secret Stones go?
We should have seen Zeldra flying around in the sky, let alone Dinraal, Farosh, and Naydra
But if Skyward Sword came before all things Zonai, then:
The Lanayru Mining Facility (assuming it to be Zonai in origin) should not exist
Hyrule should have already been founded by Rauru's time
Of the two, Skyward Sword being first on the wild surface makes more sense. But if that's the case, there are even more questions:
Where did the Secret Stones come from? Are we to believe that Hylia gave them to the Zonai, since the Golden Trio have already left the Triforce and departed?
What about the Zonai themselves? They supposedly descended from the heavens. Were they just up so high that the Skylians couldn't find them? Did Hylia cleave the ground twice? Did they spontaneously appear up there like mice in grain bins?
Why is there a whole Temple of Time with bells that Rauru, one of two of the LAST of his species, woke up and went to sleep to? In fact, why is there an entire kingdom's worth of structures already built before the Sky Reckoning?
My solution:
The Zonai did exist pre-Skyward Sword, and did descend down from the sky ages ago. They built the Lanayru Mining Facility, utilizing the power of Timeshift Stones in their work. This is not Rauru and Mineru's era.
The Zonai are among the people that stay behind to fight Demise alongside Hylia, while the Skylians were sent up to Skyloft. The people of the Surface are entrusted with the Secret Stones as weapons against Demise, with the caveat that they keep them hidden. That's why they're called Secret Stones despite being well-known to Ganondorf in TotK, it was PARAMOUNT that Demise not know he could get any stronger.
The war ends. Just about every civilization is obliterated by it. The Zonai retreat as far from Demise's seal as they can to lick their wounds. They take the sages' Secret Stones with them, so as to not be caught unawares and lose them to Demise when he eventually reemerges.
Skyward Sword.
The evil is defeated, the Skylians come down to the Surface. That's the signal that it's safe to return now. Shortly after the Skylians officially start to settle, the Zonai, who know how things work, help them build a proper civilization.
Time passes. The Surface is officially a bunch of scattered clans with varying degrees of territory. People are content, though nothing is particularly efficient. The Skylians take on Zonai fashion and building styles as generations pass. The Zonai themselves dwindle.
Rauru, married to the leader of the Hylians, looks to unite the scattered clans under one banner in the name of prosperity and shared resources, idolizing the pre-Skyward era where the gods walked the land. He and Sonia officially name the place Hyrule, and any clan that signs treaty with them is considered within its borders. Mineru, meanwhile, has made her first construct models based on the Lanayru Mine Robots of old, which add to the appeal of joining Hyrule as its subkingdom territories.
Tears of the Kingdom, Zelda's first 12 memories.
Between the Master Sword going back in time and Zeldra's ascent, Zelda and Mineru get to work with as many constructs as possible to protect the Sky Isles they plan to send upwards. They need a TON of Zonaite, and recycling is a priority, leading to the gachapon machines.
Zelda knows enough about her kingdom that she knows where the land is particularly rich is where the people of her time settled, and Zonaite is shown to enrich soil greatly. This is why all the old Zonaite mines are underneath the towns in modern Hyrule, despite changing geography through other eras, and Tarrey Town's new-ness.
Zelda ascends.
The secretive Sheikah clan, having seen the Blood Moon's rise when the Demon King took power, realize that Demise isn't, in fact, all gone. They decide this means that their job serving Hylia isn't truly done, and return to help the fledgling kingdom as best they can. They bring the knowledge of the Master Sword of Skyward Sword days with them.
Ganondorf first shakes the seal he's under without form, leading to the first Calamity and the initial rise of Calamity Ganon. This is 10k years before BotW. This is also the first documented use of the Master Sword to seal the Demon King away, recorded in the tapestry.
The Sheikah are forced to abandon their technology. The Yiga/Sheikah split happens.
Literally all the rest of Hyrulean History happens after this.
Breath of the Wild.
Tears of the Kingdom.
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milkymoon-ramblings · 2 months
Hazbin Hotel, and a list of criticisms
Hi! You can call me M, and I recently watched Hazbin Hotel. I used to be a fan of vivziepop, but I'm not anymore, after learning that she's transphobic and having Helluva Boss leave a bad taste in my mouth. Here is all of the strange areas I noticed, free of anything I've seen already. This is only hidden under a keep reading because I think this'll be a long post and I don't wanna waste space.
The show is way too fast-paced for its own good. The show was on episode 6 of 8 and STILL introducing new characters. I swear the show doesn't know how to pace itself.
Why have Adam be the main representative of heaven? I know that Eve was technically the first person to sin, but Adam sinned as well, and I highly doubt he'd be put into such a position of power after dying.
Why have Lucifer's character design be the way it is? If he's so old and a fallen angel, why not have that represented anywhere? God he looks like a middle schooler but with a horrendous colour palette.
Despite being named after the hotel, it barely serves more than a backdrop. There are no new guests other than Pentious, and there's no reason to have it around at the point of episode 8
Episode 8, after the fight with the angels. They fix the hotel, and say they'll get new guests. The main cast still has no idea how to redeem sinners other than what Adam said in court in episode 6. Why continue on this idea without even knowing if redemption is a possibility? Charlie hates the idea of instilling false hope into people, yet she still advertises the hotel as a way out, without any knowledge of how to leave.
There's barely any interesting representation in a supposedly queer show. When Angel Dust is on-screen, he's essentially the promiscuous gay guy stereotype. When Vaggie and Charlie act like a couple, it feels wrong. Alastor is supposedly aroace, but the only mention is a barely-characterized cannibal he supposedly goes way back with calling him an "ace in the hole", which means next to nothing.
Alastor isn't scary. Not one bit. He's said to be scary, but nobody in the main cast is afraid of him. Sure, Charlie is higher in power than him, and she doesn't seem afraid, but there is NOTHING showing that anyone is even slightly bothered by his threats, other than Husk, and he's revealed to be OWNED by him. Angel Dust even flirts with him in episode one. EPISODE ONE. The only slightly scary line from him is "This face was meant for radio", and even then it's undermined by how it's treated.
Pentious means nothing to the show, and I'm fairly certain means nothing to the cast. His only characterization is that he's a coward, and he's an inventor. Then he's fridged. Not even kidding. He dies to get a big reaction out of another character.
Charlie is strange. Despite being a princess of hell, she acts like she's never seen bloodshed before. She acts like a naive child until she starts swearing, and even then it sounds wrong with her characterization.
We never learn, in-show, how anyone died. We're assumed to know almost everyone.
New characters are introduced constantly, and most of them are treated like we already know them. It's like Spiderman: No Way Home, where they show off new characters, but the story acts like we're supposed to point at them like "OH, IT'S THE GUY FROM THE THING!".
Genuinely had this thought out loud, "If your character is named Cherri Bomb, why have her as a normal sinner?" Like, I know it could be a nickname. I don't care. It makes no sense to have her just be someone normal. She's like, the only character shown to use explosives. Why not have her use it as a main power.
Why is the art style inconsistent with noses? Charlie, Vaggie, Alastor, and Mimzy have noses, as well as others, I'm not sure, but others don't.
On the topic of designs, there's so much clutter, and they all use basically the same colour of red, except for Angel Dust, who I suppose is Vivzie's special little boy. They're all so sharp and uninteresting, there's barely any variation.
Mimzy's introduction is a nothing burger, and is barely anything more than an opportunity to make Alastor look more powerful. She adds nothing to the story, and does nothing other than attract supposedly dangerous people to the Hotel.
I've said it before, but so many storylines are rushed. The episode about heaven could easily have been, like, an entire season's worth of content. It could have been slower, introducing us to the general feel of heaven before slowly showing the cracks, like how nobody really knows how they got here, or how angels don't know much about Hell or the exterminations.
How do the exterminators not know that they can get hurt or that they can die? And if they don't, how come Lute knew that she could remove Vaggie's wings and harm her?
Vaggie says that she didn't know angels could be hurt before finding out about the dead angel. The writing must've been so out of wack, because SHE'S SUPPOSED TO BE AN EXTERMINATOR. An exterminator that was WOUNDED in order to not come back. What in the nine circles of hell.
So much is assumed that the viewer already knows. I used to be a fan of Helluva Boss, so I know probably a lot more than the casual viewer, but if I were to go in blind to this show, I would know absolutely nothing.
This show feels more like Vivienne's character showcase than a story set in Hell. Barely anyone associated with common Christian theology knowledge is part of the story, and even then it's written so incorrectly.
I'll admit, I am slightly biased, as I've read through the vivziepop critical tags, but there's so many small holes in the story.
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nebulousmedic · 6 months
Hihi! Love your art! I'm quite curious though. If there a specific reason why you draw sniper the way you do? For instance you have more darker skin, is that perhaps to make him look Maori? Either way I freaking love the way you draw him! (sorry if this offends you any way)
I'm not Maori or even remotely dark skin (I hate the sun), I have nothing to be offended about lmao
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About his skin color: I just imagine that he... Spends time in the sun, but I'm too lazy to draw the tan lines or I just think that they don't fit the drawing, so I leave them out unless I'm going for a more realistic style
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His eyes: the most striking feature of his design, I think. Besides from me thinking that heterochromia is really cool, I find it would make quite a bit of sense, like why always hide your eyes (even indoors, god) from other people? it's my headcanon that he kind of got bullied for it on his childhood, and when he was gifted a pair of shades he not only found himself looking very cool, but he also found that people didn't really notice his condition, so he just decided that he'd wear them pretty much all the time. He uses his shades to hide that he's high as well but, yknow
Facial hair: not much to see here, really. giving him a couple longer hairs on his upper lip and chin just kinda makes him look more rugged and feral
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Hair: Come on, how could I not give him a mullet? in the game and the comics he already has a sort of.... mullet-y thing going on, so I just like to make it way longer, it makes him appear even more rugged and feral in my opinion. I will usually vary the length depending on what I feel like drawing, no particular reason for that specifically
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Clothing: I want to make him look like a cowboy most of the time, but his comfortable and very casual attire is more dad-esque, I think? I want all the outdoor vibes, honestly. The hat and the shades are always a must, but you may notice that I tend to depict him with a fang pendant, I just headcanon that it's a trophy he kept from a particularly arduous hunt
As for his body, I like to make him sort of... Sharp-looking? To make him stand out from the other mercs a little more. He's tall, and a little gangly, but not skinny, he has muscle and a little fat on him. I also like to make him the hairiest out of all the mercs, because he deserves it
Color palette: I really like giving him a very warm and cozy sort of color palette, it just kinda fits with his vibe, I guess? certainly fits with the "cowboy" theme that he has going on
I want to note that my style for him specifically is inconsistent at times because I just cannot make up my mind on how to draw his facial features, but the one thing that I do keep is his nose and his ears, long and sort of triangular
Overall I think I just kinda took the canon Sniper and exaggerated him even more? Cowboy-ified him, maybe? Anyway, yeah, that's it that's why I draw him the way I do
I have changed how I draw some of the mercs since I made this but these are my pseudo references for them, if you're curious.
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sraksha · 1 year
I've said this before, but i struggle with inconsistency, and it was only last year when i started to figure out how to draw humans. So i thought it'd be fun to compile my fave drawings of the LU boys faces, as i feel that is the biggest thing i struggle with.
Let's begin!
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THIS IS PERFECTION. It's from an angst piece, but this is the best man face i have ever drawn. I have mainly drawn girls, and like, boys are easy enough to draw, but i struggle so bad with more masculine men. But this, to me, is just so so good. Honestly i really like how i drew Time in this one. With the shading and highlights he just looks so good.
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This is from the same angst piece and i really like this one. Twi is one of the oldest Links, but in my eyes he still has a bit of a boyish look to him. There were other drawings that looked similar enough, and that im happy with, but this one still speaks to me the most.
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Whenever i draw Wars, this is the one i pull up as reference, and i say to myself "This is what you're aiming for. Please, for the love of god, try to do this again." Idk, i just REALLY like this one. And he is very pretty, even with his hair a bit messed up.
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Ah, Wild from the Links in dresses series. Overall, probably one of my fave drawings lol. In this one his chin is smaller than i usually try to draw it, but come one, he is gorgeous. And he knows it.
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To my shock, i haven't drawn Sky that many times to have a lot of variety. He is mostly calm and/or happy in my drawings. But i like this one. Plus he is talking about Sun!
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Hyrule is another one i don't have too many drawings of, but this is just so cute. Little fae on a mischievous mood. I just like it so much. With Hyrule, his hair is what i struggle with the most. It's pretty easy to sketch, but i ALWAYS have problems lining it?? I don't get it. But in this one it turned out good.
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This is a one-off that i've never been able to draw again. He somehow looks more mature in this?? Idk i just really REALLY like this one. My precious wet rag covered in glitter is processing so hard.
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This is in my more relaxed, not-so-fleshed-out style. It's just really cute. The shock! The disbelief! Adorable!
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WIMDY. This just feels pretty on brand for him, being a toon Link and all. This is actually the first time i drew Wind! He's adorable and i love it.
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This is from my learing curve, and first time drawing Ravio. Im not too happy with the hair, but i really like how his face turner out. He just looks so soft and happy.
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Shadow just has cat vibes imo. Line art and eyeliner on point. I just vibe with this whole drawing. Gosh i need to draw Shadow more often.
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multifandomeweirdo · 5 months
Psyche from Lore Olympus
I just needed to rant about her whole character in Lore Olympus. I am a non-black person of color, so this is my opinions of her through the lens of my experiences and knowledge.
This is how she first appears:
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This is after Aphrodite turns her into a nymph:
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This is her after her human form was restored:
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Her while becoming a goddess:
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And this is her after becoming a goddess:
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Her design:
Some people complain about her design. I agree that her design is inconsistent. She had straight hair, even as a nymph, until over 100 episodes in. I personally don't mind the change in character design. I'll just headcanon that Psyche straightened her hair or styled it specifically in the earlier episodes, and wore her natural hair in the later episodes.
I see a lot of people criticizing her design saying rather racist things, such as "she looks ugly now and that her earlier design was much better." They also say things like "She's forced diversity. Why do we have to bring diversity into this?" I think the art quality as a whole has declined, so yes, Psyche looks worse, but all the characters do. Specifically calling out Psyche feels more like racist beauty standards than a criticism of the art decline. Also, phrases such as "forced diversity" are just silly. Andromeda, a figure from Greek myths, was the princess of Aethiopia, which was supposed to be somewhere below Egypt. She was described by Ovid as dark-skinned, though she has been white-washed by Western artists (that's why she is now portrayed as white). So yes, there was some (not a lot) diversity in Ancient Greek myths, and anyway, it's a modern retelling! In this modern age, with more awareness of race and issues surrounding it, I don't think it's a bad thing to have a more diverse cast of characters.
I don't think that Rachel Smythe originally intended for Psyche to be black, and it was a lazy choice to change her so late. Additionally, she remains the only black character. However, I'm glad that she met the bare minimum of including diversity, as many authors and artists, even today, don't do this.
I think her design is cute overall, though I wish there was more effort put into Psyche's hair. I do like that they kept her brown skin when making her a goddess, instead of giving her an unnatural skin color. My main gripe is that in the myths she had butterfly wings, not these weird purple feathery things. Even the pearlescent wings during her transition to a goddess were better. But the butterflies belong to Persephone in Rachel Smythe's retelling, so Psyche can't have what was one of her symbols.
Now for the criticisms:
I saw this on @genericpuff's page, but the trope of a white man (Eros) "saving" (kidnapping) a woman of color (Psyche) from her horrible arranged marriage is harmful. Again, I don't think Rachel Smythe included this part intending for Psyche to be black, but that doesn't change the fact that this trope has had very harmful implications and effects throughout history.
Then, Eros leaves her when she, tricked by her sisters into trying to kill him, realizes that he is a god. Aphrodite turns her into a nymph and uses her as a test for Eros.
In the original myths, she completed difficult tasks given to her by Aphrodite to prove her "worth" as Eros' wife. We could talk about how she got help for these tasks, but still. The point is that she chose to go through all that for love.
In Lore Olympus, she is merely a test for Eros to pass. Which has some implications, especially since she is a woman of color.
There's also the harmful trope of a woman of color being turned into a nonhuman. Add on the detail that in the Lore Olympus world, nymphs are lower class. Again, implications.
The gods and goddesses in Lore Olympus look down on nymphs while simultaneously fetishizing them. We see Hera be racist to MInthe and no one stands up for her. We see Hades, who has a flower nymph fetish, dating Minthe but not criticizing his family for their bigoted treatment of his own girlfriend.
I'm seeing some similarities to how people of color are treated. And Psyche, a woman of color, is turned into a nymph by Aphrodite, a goddess. Add on how Aphrodite did all this because she felt threatened by Psyche. In real life, we see how people of color suffer when white people feel threatened by them. So... implications.
I don't think Rachel Smythe had any harmful intent when making Psyche's character. In fact, I think she probably felt that it might bring joy to some readers to see a black woman represented in Lore Olympus. However, she accidentally wrote Psyche into these tropes that have very real, very harmful implications for actual people of color. She could have used Psyche's suffering at the hands of Aphrodite and the treatment of nymphs as a way to speak on societal issues such as racism. However, she didn't. Hera, a canonical racist, is portrayed as a "good guy" and Hades is rewarded for his fetish with a goddess who looks exactly like a flower nymph but isn't one (similar to how white men fetishize women of color but will only date a white woman. And these white women specifically try to look like the race the man fetishizes, the the point where you could call it black-fishing or Asian-baiting or any other similar term). I don't think she meant to write it like this, but she did. It could be a reflection of her own internal biases, or maybe not.
Either way, this is exactly why research before including a non-white or otherwise marginalized character is so important, especially if you have not experienced that kind of marginalization. Even if your intentions are good, you can write harmful things. Being aware of such tropes and stereotypes can help you avoid them, or if necessary, use them to comment on larger issues. Rachel Smythe did not do that, and now we have a world where the racists are the good guys, rewarded with power and worship, and the oppressed, POC-coded, lower-class characters are punished unless they agree completely with the racist good guys (like the "one of the good ones" racial stereotype where a POC is the "exception" out of a "bad race" because they such up to the white main characters). Meanwhile, the only black character is "rewarded" with godhood, not for completing difficult tasks for love, but rather for doing a god's bidding.
I could be reaching. I could be biased because of my own experiences as a (non-black) person of color. However, I think my experiences are what allow me to recognize harmful things in writing.
So anyway, do your research if you want to include a minority character in your writing. Personally, I'd suggest checking out the @writingwithcolor blog. It's a great resource with lots of information.
Thanks for reading if you managed to survive this long rant.
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i'm a casual reader of lore olympus. i enjoy it passively for what it is and check tumblr after updates just to ruminate on it a bit or catch the thoughts of other fans. i have no intention of talking about lore olympus at length or even really using this blog because, honestly? lore olympus is not that serious. it's a soap opera inspired by greek myths with a pseudo modern aesthetic. it's campy, cookie cutter, and sure as fuck not the place i would go to to get a fresh or faithful take on the persephone/hades myth. i mean it's a webtoon for fuck's sake. a cursory look at the art style and marketing will tell you all you need to know about how deep this story's going to be.
And yet. the tags on this godforsaken website are absolutely overrun with anti lo / lo critical hot takes expressing the oh-so-novel idea that lo isn't very good, to which i say... no shit? the art's inconsistent/disproportionate. writing is often mid. characterization is... ok, i'll show my hand here. I think a lot of people's problems with the characters themselves is just a fundamental disagreement on interpretation, because the greek gods are by and large colossal assholes and can be twisted to be as saintly or sinister as you want them to be. that particular point is just a subjective "noooo my greek god/goddess blorbo was done so dirty" without taking anything else (such as creative decisions) into consideration. but i digress.
my ultimate point here is the pseudo intellectuals getting worked up over a webtoon soap opera are fucking annoying. greek mythology has been adapted TO DEATH because it is the most well known mythology in human history. if you don't enjoy lo there is nothing wrong with that. after all, as i already said, it's not that good - it's the equivalent of trash tv. so why the everloving fuck are so many people so pressed and dedicated to criticizing lo? literally just go find a different adaptation. lo is hardly a cultural juggernaut forever tainting the high-brow sophistication of greek mythology (lmao) and your constant need to fill the tags with criticism is more indicative of how emotionally invested you are in this comic than the actual quality of the comic itself. i swear to god almost all these posts i see average under a 100 notes. lo barely has a fandom presence on tumblr. the fuck are you all doing.
anyway *steps off my soapbox*
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beevean · 2 months
I'm so damn tired of the 'Sonic is inconsistent' line, oh my fecking god. Now, people on Twitter are trying to claim that Sonic's art direction is 'inconsistent', even though the only two times I can count on style inconsistency is... Sonic 06, where the designers literally started with the idea of 'what if Sonic was REAL???' without thinking of how that would look, and Sonic Frontiers, where everything but the main characters looked like they came out of Garry's mod or were Evangelion Rejects. Every other game didn't stray too far from the more cartoony nature of Sonic's original design, with bright worlds and fascinating structures. Yes, I count Shadow in this because despite the '2edgy4u' designs of some of the stages, you can still feel some of those levels can be part of Sonic's world without much issue due to their weird geometry and wacky cartoon drops and rises all throughout. I cannot say the same for 'pop in' Starfall Islands, where if you removed everything related to Sonic, it'd look like something you find on a Windows start up screen, or Sonic 06, which took everything cartoony about Sonic and the rest of the world and made it all look like something you'd find in Final Fantasy at the time.
The tweet that spawned this... complained about the worm of Green Hills in Forces because it's taken from Lost World and so it breaks the lore...? I don't even know man.
And it specified "from Lost World". But even still, not really? Lost World looked very cartoony and bright, but it felt like a variation of Sonic's core surrealism, a bit like Heroes - sure you can say the locations were uninspired, but that's a different thing. And Forces was perfectly fine, you can't say a thing about that game's general aesthetic (I still think the square trees in City were neat lol, and Metropolis looks great). Frontiers is the game that feels like Sonic was transported into another franchise.
I don't know what to say, this is a complete non-issue to me. Sonic is a generally cartoony series that has swung from alien surrealism to stylized realism. Frontiers is the one outlier to me. I can even turn a blind eye to '06, which location-wise is pretty decent and IMO only held back by the bland unfinished graphics. (the humans are another story lol)
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puddleorganism · 3 months
Oh god I think I just realized why ai generated images work. It’s our own weird ass monkey brains being uses against us.
Like, we all already know the brain fills in the gaps in your perception automatically. Especially with sight. I think when you look at ai generated images your brain automatically does that - it smooths over the imperfections. Especially with photos, because they look real at first glance. The textures, the lighting, it just looks like a real photo so you don’t notice even glaring imperfections. Your brain is literally designed to fill in the gaps. To make it make sense.
Like, for instance, me and my friends were roasting some ai generated image scams (which you should do because it’s honestly good practice for learning how to see those imperfections), and I didn’t even notice the scale was wildly off until a friend pointed it out - for 15 minutes. I was looking at the image for 15 minutes and didn’t notice the focus of the image was completely out of scale with the background.
Anyway. If you want to learn to recognize the hallmarks of ai images (specifically the ones mimicking photos, ai generated art is different) I recommend looking real hard at some. Here are some thing I’ve noticed to be common, though*:
The decor of rooms tend to all be the same sort of style. I don’t know how to describe interior decorating but it’s all like. Mostly white, boxy furniture, lots of houseplants. Kind of like… rustic modern I think?? This could probably change if you put in specific prompts for the background though
Speaking of houseplants, those seem to be hard to do. The leaves tend to just kinda form a blob, and can be odd shapes. I’ve also seen them kind of bleed into the image? Like there was just a fuzzy smudge of green by the plant.
Repeating patterns seem to be tricky for ai. Things like tiles, keyboards, feathers, and sometimes bricks. They look mostly fine at a glance but if you zoom in they’re so janky
Similarly, flooring can be inconsistent. Like, the lines of floorboards can go behind something, and be a different pattern on the other side.
Framed pictures look indistinct or are just a solid block of color
Lighting! Sometimes it makes sense, but sometimes shadows just go a random direction regardless of light sources (eg. shadows are cast to the right, but there is a bright window behind the thing casting the shadow, so they should be moving forward). Also, I don’t think ai can do multiple light sources? Like, in real life you know that thing that shadows do where they duplicate if there’s multiple lights in a room? I’ve yet to see that.
Animals, especially mammals (ESPECIALLY cats) seem to be easy to make a good approximation of, but often aren’t anatomically accurate. Unfortunately, you need to know what they look like beforehand, and with so many ai images out there now looking it up is probably going to be hard. For example, birds species have pretty defined shapes for their wings and tail feathers, and if you know what those are it’s glaringly obvious when ai gets them wrong. I recommend looking at zoos’ social media, Wikipedia, other scientific articles, and older books (photo books, encyclopedias) if you want good references now.
It seems to usually do extremely smooth, but somewhat contrasted lighting. Which means bright light source, and often darker, defined shadows. (But not too dark? For some reason it has more contrast than usual, but not a whole lot)
Scale and perspective are often inconsistent. For instance with scale, a human might be too small compared to the background. With perspective it can be floorboards at a different angle to the wall, or like a cabinet could be flat against a wall when it looks like you should be able to see the top.
*note: these are my personal observations/patterns I’ve noticed, they’re not like a set rule book on what ai can and cannot do. They’re also liable to change, as ai is advancing very quickly.
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diorgirl444 · 19 days
hiiii, i just stumbled upon your blog and i would LOVE a matchup (i tried doing them once on my page and i realised i suck at it lmao, so i admire that u can write them so nicely )
as for who - id love to be paired with someone from hp universe, any era<3
anywayyyy, im really bad at talking about myself but ill try my best
im an intj, my sun sign is aquarius, 5’6”, im a girl and i go by she/her, im bisexual but id rather be paired with a guy (if you choose a girl its fine as well)
i have blue eyes, short wavy/curly hair, currently dyed red, im pale as fuck (im literally allergic to the sun), curvy and i have lots of tattoos. my style is very inconsistent, i dress comfy but at the same time kinda goth-ish, alternative? i wear black 99% of the time, lots of silver jewellery, i have my nose pierced too:p i also wear glasses
i am very creative, i paint and draw most of the time. occasionally i write fanfics but then i have long breaks because i get burned out really easily. im lazy, which is not so good, but at the same time i mostly get things done. i am a huge animal lover, i have 2 cats and 3 dogs. im an introvert but when im with my closest friends my extravert side comes out. im a huge people pleaser, sometimes its not good for me but i cant help it. my love language is physical touch and acts of service.
i love art, art galleries, old cemeteries, greek mythology, the sky and sunflowers. i also adore the forest and just nature in general. im obsessed with pretty little shiny rocks.
i hate people who have a problem with minorities and are just nasty beings towards others and animals. i also hate spiders and insects of any kind, thats why i will never set my foot in australia.
oh and i also dont like kids. i dont have this “gift” or whatever. i dont know how to talk to them, how to act around them and how to play with them.
as for my aesthetic? i have no idea, but id go for dark academia/gothic vibes.
if you need to know anything else just dm me! xx and thank you in advance, have a lovely night/day! <33
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your perfect matchup is 𝐣𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬 𝐩𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫 💌
𝐢 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐣𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐚 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡 𝐦𝐚𝐝𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐧 <3
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𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐢 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝟐 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐦𝐞𝐞𝐭 <3
the first time james sees you he’s completely speechless. you’re chatting with marlene about something in class, absentmindedly playing with your hair and he’s just gulping like a fish. because where have you been all his life? truly the universe has been so cruel in keeping you from him!
but he’s suddenly shy. james has had plenty of luck with girls. he’s a flirt by nature. he knows all the right things to say, the ways to sweep them off their feet. that is before he saw you… he’s now well and truly tongue tied. he’s literally like lying in bed at night planning what he wants to say to you next time he sees you. spoiler alert he just gets scared and watches you from across the great hall like this 🧍
but finally he pulls himself together and approaches you the next time he sees you. you’re sat in the back of the library on a window seat reading through a book you found which explains how the greek gods were actually early forms of wizards and witches, very interesting stuff you know? you don’t even notice him lingering over you till he sort of awkwardly coughs and asks “would you recommend it? the - the book i mean would you recommend it?” he asks and he can feel heat creeping up his neck as you nod and smile up at him. “tell me about it!” he practically spits out in the next second. he’s so embarrassing i love him
you agree because he’s cute and everyone’s always talking about what a nice boy james potter is to you. of course you don’t know that they only do that you because they see the way james looks at you but hey what you don’t know can’t hurt you? so you move along on your seat and james shuffles in beside you. the first thing you notice is how he smells like cinnamon, oranges and something slightly earthy that is just so james. the next thing you notice is the way his knee and his shoulder press against yours on the small window seat. it’s warm and intimate and you feel flustered as you start to explain the greek myths to him. he watches you as you speak, watches the way your lashes brush your cheek, watches the way your lips move as you talk.
it’s nice to just be listened to for a change so this becomes your pattern. you see a side to james in these afternoon reading sessions that very few people are privy too. the normally loud and cocky potter is gentle and polite. happy to just sit and watch you devotedly. he makes it so natural too so you forget that you’re introverted, you tell him what your favourite things, things that make you angry, your hopes, your dreams everything. and in that time you start to fall for him. you can’t help it he’s so easy to love. you try to hide this new discovery but its hard to go from telling james everything to keeping such a huge secret from him and so he notices the absence. he doesn’t know what it is but he knows you’re keeping something and so he’s hurt if he’s honest.
so you avoid him. you can’t face the sad puppy look on his face it cuts you up and so you pretend you don’t see him waiting for you in the library, pretend you don’t hear the tapping on your door, or the notes stuffed in your pocket. because hopefully he’ll get bored move on and you’ll get over him. but james potter is determined and so enamoured by you that he’ll try one last time. and so he hides a book in your room. the book is his diary with the pages from all his time with you bookmarked. in it are lists of your favourite things, tiny sketches of you, details on how he feels about you and he ends it with “vicky darling i don’t know what i did but please know i’m eternally sorry. you’ve made a mess of me, i’d do anything to just see you again. don’t you know i love you? if you feel the same meet me at our window seat. if i don’t see you there i will accept that you truly don’t feel the same and i will leave you be. yours forever, james” you find yourself wiping tears as you read it realising how silly you’ve been.
and so with haste you race to the window seat in the library and when you see him there all anxious and shy your heart aches. “ you’ve made a mess of me too james” you say softly as you sit beside him and his face lights up. “can i make it better?” he asks huskily and you nod. his hands cup your face as he leans in and kisses you. he tastes like maple syrup, he smells like spices and he feels like home. it’s perfect and as he walks you back to your dorm with a promise of a date in hogsmede and a soft kiss to your forehead you feel giddy as you lay down under the covers that night because james potter loves you and you love him.
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𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐢 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐛𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 <3
golden retriever bf! + black cat gf! golden retriever bf! + black cat gf! golden retriever bf! + black cat gf! okay but seriously you two are the epitome of this trope. not because you’re mean but because james is so extroverted and you’re not so much i think it matches the two do you perfectly.
he makes you go watch his quidditch games. 😭 im sorry they’re probably so boring so like you sit with marlene and dorcas to try and make it more palatable but it is probably still so dull. if it makes it any better he does loads of fancy tricks on his broom so that you think he’s cool though it does come off a bit pathetic. don’t worry though because at the end he’ll ride his broom over to you and kiss you while standing on it.
your reading thing doesn’t stop it’s just that now when you read to him he’ll have his arm around your waist and his free hand will trace hearts on the small sliver of skin that peaks out there between your uniform skirt and shirt. he doesn’t actually disturb you though because he finds it so relaxing to hear your voice. if you want to stop him and kiss him though he’s not gonna complain.
he loves visiting cemeteries with you. you offhandedly mentioned once how you were gonna visit one, you didn’t invite him though because you were worried he’d think it was weird. but then he sort of shyly asks “can i come too?” and you laugh and nod. the two of you pack a picnic and spend the whole day exploring the graveyard with each other in quite intimacy. your hands constantly intertwined as you walk, pausing to pay your respect and the long-forgotten names of the people who laid there and occasionally saying hello to the few ghosts that lingered there. you came across one pair which were an old couple who said you reminded them of theirselves when they were your age which makes the tips of james’s ear turn red.
he brings you any nice rocks he finds. sirius gives him the weirdest look when the marauders are sneaking around at night and james bends down to pick a stone up that he thinks you’d like but james just grins and shrugs his shoulders saying “my girl likes them. what can you do?” the marauders smile at that. they’ve never seen james look so lovesick - it’s very sweet.
you two have matching necklaces. i don’t know why but i just feel this in my core. you found them at an antique shop and yours is a silver moon james is gold sun. because of it when the two of you are together everyone calls the pair of you “solar eclipse” 😭 even did it once when she was telling your friend group off. she was like “where’s solar eclipse?” sirius absolutely pissed himself laughing about that.
james gets rid of spiders for you but not before teasing you a bit. that’s just the kinda of guy he is i’m sorry. he’ll get them gone though for you don’t you worry but only if you promise to kiss him as a thank you after.
he writes you love letters weekly. you smile on mondays when his owl flies and drops a cream coloured envelope down on your desk written in james’s scrawling hand. in the letter he incloses what his favourite memories of you he has of the past week be that an outfit he thought was really pretty, a song he heard that made him think of you, or a leaf that he pressed from a forest walk that the two of you went on. he adores you so much it’s unbelievable.
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𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐢 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩 𝐚𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐜 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐛𝐞 <3
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hope you like it! xoxo, flo <3
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justarandomlambblog · 1 month
Hello and welcome to my Cult of the Lamb blog! The title of this blog might change, but you can call me Justa.
Don't be afraid to send me asks or dms! I don't bite and I love rambling about stories, AUs, situations(hips) and What-Ifs.
I don't have a schedule- I don't update or upload on a schedule and I can’t even promise regularly. I have a full time job and go to school part time, and in August will be in school full time and working part time, so what I do is in my free time. That being said, if you do message me, be patient please- I'm usually either at work or at school.
You can find me on AO3 under JustaWrites! I write pretty much just as much as I draw. Please don't mind the inconsistency in my art, I'm still trying to settle into an art style and figure out how to draw these mfers in a way that I'm happy with. I haven't drawn in YEARS and I was a traditional realism landscape artist when I did, so this is a learning curve for me. I am also still figuring out names for the Lamb and Yellow Cat so you'll see their names change between AUs as I look for names I like.
Now, I am not a One Story Gal. I get an idea and I play with it, which even tho I have been involved in Cult of the Lamb for like... less than a month, means I have a lot of AUs already. They're mostly canon-divergent or twisted in some way, but I build a lot on worldbuilding and culture.
Something to know for basically all canon-divergent/adjacent fics: Narinder's region, through the doorways behind the Gateway, is called Sleeping Hollow. It is blocked off from the rest of the world and has been isolated for a thousand years, so it has remained untouched by the Bishops' devolving madness.
Now for the part this post is for; the AUs.
Death's Beck and Call: The Lamb never killed Narinder, meaning Narinder did not lose his status as god of Death; instead, Lamb became a god of gods, the god of Life, when they chose to spare Narinder. Unfortunately, this also means Shamura's prophecy... was never completed. Five became four became three became two became one... and one still remains. The Lamb drags Narinder along on a journey to "reverse the prophecy"- to turn one into five again. This fic contains: Canon typical violence and death, OCs, Narilamb and Leshycat The Lamb: Their name is Azri and they use they/them pronouns Yellow Cat: Their name is Tati and they use they/them pronouns -
Dreams of Absolution: Modern-ish AU mixing modern day culture with a more traditional religious culture found in-game. Narinder is a single dad to Aym and Baal, coparenting with Forneus, and Lamb is new in town, Aym and Baal's new teacher. Lamb is smitten with the cute barista at Mystic Coffee House, and Narinder is just trying to avoid his estranged family. This fic contains: Past violence and death, (fictional) religion, family drama, Narilamb and Leshycat, dad!Narinder, past Narinder/Forneus (Narineus? Forinder?), not-evil Bishops The Lamb: Simply goes by Lamb, their real name is unknown. They/Them Yellow Cat: Their name is Tati, they/them. Art: Narilamb, Single Dad Narinder, Lamb is Lost, Tati and Leshy, Narinder and Lamb -
Second Chances [name will change when I think of something better]: In which Narinder wakes up after dying to find himself in the After again, and thinking it's Purgatory, just gives up. Then Aym and Baal arrive, and he decides- Purgatory or not, he'll play the game differently this time. Revenge didn't work and he will never be free, but... this time, these kits will be his children, not his guardians. Now, Vessels are not for wreaking havoc and seeking vengeance on his siblings, but for providing the twins with the mortal luxuries that he cannot. But... how, exactly, did time rewind itself? Well, the Lamb and the Bishops might have answers.... Or: Turns out in a world that relies on gods, killing them all is a bad idea. This story contains: this is a lighthearted AU, mostly, with mild angst, dad!Narinder, Bishops as a family, trying to undo damage, etc. There is definitely a pre-relationship Narilamb angle here, but it is not a core part of the story. Lamb: They are mostly just called Lamb, they/them Art: The First Vessel -
Song of the Eternal: In which fallen gods will eventually hear a song beckoning them to the Eternal Land. Narinder and Leshy hear the song and know they have to leave, something they're torn about as their family is only still recovering. This fic includes: It's a heavy story, including themes of loss and regret, and what it means to find peace. Feelings-realized-too-late, Leshycat, onesided/requited-too-late Narilamb Lamb: Just called Lamb, they/them Yellow Cat: Called Mer, they/them Art: A Hard Conversation (wip) -
Memories like a Photograph Faded: After saving the Bishops, Narinder is given to the Lamb... only, Narinder does not remember the last several thousand years. This fic contains: Amnesia, existentialism (to an extent), family bonding, hints of Narilamb and implied Leshycat Lamb: Just called Lamb, they/them Yellow Cat: Called Mer, they/them -
Unnamed: In which no one realizes Narinder is immortal, so Lamb offers him a golden skull which he rejects, expressing a desire to live as mortals do- have a family and grow old and die, all the things he could never do before. The Bishops protest this, as they've only just started healing, but ultimately let it be. Unfortunately for Narinder, he will never live this life. This story contains: Narinder/OC, Narinder offspring, pining Lamb, Leshycat, Bishops family, family bonding, angst Lamb: Just called Lamb, they/them Yellow Cat: Unnamed thus far, they/them -
Reincarnation AU: Modern-ish, post-canon, not-spared Narinder and properly-put-to-rest Bishops. Lamb has been the god of Death for 2,000 years now, and their cult has grown into a full blown society stretching throughout the entirety of what was once the Old Faith's Lands. The Bishops' true names and faces have been forgotten, lost to ancient history as nothing more than the monsters the Blessed Lamb had defeated... yet the world may have forgotten, but the universe never will. Lamb took their eyes off of the After long enough for the Bishops' souls to reincarnate, and now Lamb is trying to keep an eye on the family as they just live their lives, always ready for the shoe to drop. This story contains: Eventual NariLamb (is it breaking vows if it's the god the priest worships?), LeshyCat, and maybe Heket will get a girlfriend she deserves it, Bishops family (less angst more fluff), magic, reincarnation tropes/issues (memories of past lives/past lives carrying over into the present, accepting that Narinder and his family are and are not the Bishops all at the same time, do crimes in your past life carry over into your new one? etcetc), cultural worldbuilding and religious themes, technically a role reversal in that Lamb is now the ancient god and Narinder is now the mortal who is more than he seems The Lamb is simply called Lamb, they/them Yellow Cat's name is undecided, them/them Art: A New Crusade, Meeting the Family?, the reason Priest!Narinder doesn't recognize the Lamb...., The Lamb (previous drawing colorized)
Okay for now this is all I have time for, I will add to this and make it better later when I don't need to go to work <3
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marasschino · 10 months
hi! I noticed that aigis looks taller than minato in your drawings. might I ask about your height headcanons regarding SEES + Ryoji pretty please 🙏🙏 love all your doodles btw! akechi looks stunning in your art style. you have such a good feel for using expressions & colours to set a mood (sorry for my wacky english, good god)
oh anon I am so sorry it took me forever to get to this. I forgot this was in my inbox 😭 BUT YES I can give you my height headcanons.
Putting this under a cut bc I used hikaku sitatter to compare my headcanon heights months ago + my reasoning
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so I'll start out with the ones that didn't change from their canon heights: Yukari, Akihiko, Ken (he is a child and also I couldn't fit him on the chart. it was max 10 people unfortunately), and Koromaru (dog). For Yukari and Akihiko I feel like their canon heights suit them in my very biased opinion.
For Junpei: He just gives tall guy that just had a growth spurt and doesn't know what to do with the extra like 6cm he's acquired. so I went with his height that is canon for P4AU (177cm) instead of his P3 canon height (170.5cm).
For Mitsuru: Her canon height is actually 166cm, but I refuse to believe that. She's still shorter then the guys (excluding Minato) but she is their height by proxy because she always wears heels and boots. It adds to her aura I think.
For Aegis: she is physically a battle robot, built to fight supernatural beings born from the heart. and also her hooves. I actually always thought she was taller than average instead of 163cm just because she was a robot (I've played more P3P then P3fes so I always imagined her to be tall). She was built to be a protector and a tank. There is a lot of juxtaposition in her being a tall robot made of metal and her soft human heart underneath that. Also she needs to be taller than Kotone AND Minato. It's a requirement.
For Fuuka: she is canonically 150cm. I think I made her 154cm because I felt bad that she was so much shorter then everyone... she is still the shortest (not including Ken) but its a smaller gap.
For Shinjiro: his canon height is 177cm. I don't know why I made him 178cm. maybe because I felt he deserved to be at least 1cm taller than Junpei. But you can come to your own conclusions for this.
For Kotone: I never imagined her as being super tall but at least taller than Fuuka and Yukari. And she is a short menace but not a 160cm short menace to me. She stole 5cm from Minato as comeuppance. Also I think it's funny when Minato and Kotone are the same height. not because of the twin headcanon but just because
For Minato: Kotone stole 5cm. and he needs to be shorter than Aegis or its Incorrect. Also considering how inconsistent P3 character heights are displayed (looking at you P3DAN) I kind of default to the way Sogabe draws Minato. Tiny.
And for special-est boy Ryoji: as far as I know I have never found a canon height for Ryoji (which is fine) and I often go off vibes for character heights anyway + I used screenshots from the P3 movies just to get a general idea of Ryoji's possible height. which is probably about 180cm to Minato's canon 170cm (for the movies). I thought it was funny if I kept Ryoji the same (approximate) height despite making Minato shorter. Also there's something endearing about Ryoji being ridiculously tall AND taller than the rest of SEES. godspeed to him. he has probably knocked his head on plenty of doorframes in the span of two months.
And that's all!!! again sorry for taking so long to get to this anon I love getting asks like this but the executive disfunction sometimes makes me forget that people actually send me asks. I'll do better next time o7
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theysangastheyslew · 1 year
I want to share more suffering with you, homie haha *crying*
What do you think of the episode? Especially 132 part ofc!
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Hi friend! :'))))))))) Ooooooh honey that gif is such a mood XD I’ve been trying to collect my thoughts and this is the best I can do atm. Sorry it’s kind of wordy but here we go 🥲
Ok! So ever-present pacing issues aside, the overarching story made for a solid episode and the animation was incredible. Hell, even the things I disliked objectively looked well-done out of context. Overall, that was no small feat to pull off, especially in such harsh working conditions. I truly do want to acknowledge that.
But in regards to 132, you guys already put into words how I feel better than I could. I may not have anything new to add, but I’ll say what I liked first and then put my issues under a cut.
As someone who actually really likes Yams’ art style, I loved that they consistently kept Hange’s face accurate to the manga. It was really inconsistent throughout the final season and they struggled to not make it too short a lot of times. Hange was always still stunning of course but the difference always stuck out to me. Here everyone was drawn well, but you can tell she got some extra attention.
The way they inched Levi closer to where Hange was sitting while talking with Yelena. Insignificant yeah but consistent with their past behavior. Also I’m glad they tweaked the position of his bandages so it looked less like they were painfully tugging upwards on his nose.
The pained expressions of the kids and Hange watching Levi struggle to even hold his gear
The “unrequited love” exchange. It had most of the softness and emotion from the manga even though the weight of that line will never be realized in non-written form. The camera lingered on each frame in a way that conveyed the sentiment. This is what got my hopes up that they would stay truer to the source material with DYH.
I'm so glad they left in Hange's lines to Flochroach about not giving up. Helps show—once again—that they wanted to live
The choked way Levi said “Devote your heart” + Hange’s widened eye and soft gasp at his words. Though not tearing up like in the manga, the shot still looked lovely for the half second it lasted. He doesn't pause halfway through saying it though so this one I'm still wrestling with.
Of course, the last stand. Onscreen, Hange took out at least 16 colossals (including the ones we see trip and get trampled) and definitely more offscreen (when they cut away to show other characters) and for the last few, did it while in the most pain a human body can feel. 7/10 for combat, my ass. Idk about y’all but I can’t stop hearing Romi Park’s screams in my head. I knew it would be nauseating and brutal but dear God. At the same time I cannot put into words how proud I am of them. That's my commander 💜
Ok “like” is definitely not the right word for this but I had wondered when I first read 132 how Hange’s gas tank was so well-insulated that it didn’t ignite, and.. well I got my answer.
I’m thankful that they didn’t show a glimpse of Hange’s bloody, crushed remains the way you see in the og panel. That at least felt respectful to me. This is wishful thinking I know but the defined charred outline makes me choose hope they fell more off to the side from where the titans were walking so at least there was maybe still a body left to recover someday.
The afterlife scene, the kids all sobbing their hearts out, Levi holding his own hand in the aftermath trying to process what just happened, and Onyankopon confirming the plane’s significance all really were appropriately gut-wrenching.
I really recommend taking a little break between The Rumbling and Sinners. It definitely makes the shift in emotion less jarring and less
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When I did that with my rewatch it helped with the flow of things.
Ok, now twist me up and call me a pretzel bc here there be some salt :|
I’ll try to leave out my og issues with the manga chapter itself (like how painfully obvious it was all just to make Armin commander and how unnecessary Hange dying was IN THE FIRST PLACE and IF it had to happen at all how it could have been done at the final boss skelepalooza showdown, etc.) and just focus on the episode.
Goes without saying but it bears repeating: pacing. 75% of my issues with the execution of DYH would be gone if they just slowed down a bit. Just let the weight of it sink in a little. That this moment —all shreds of shipping aside— is the end of the line for these two heroes who have been supporting each other for ten years while bearing the weight of the world on their shoulders. But Mappa completely reversed the timing of the sequence of events. In the manga we had a longer, more intimate farewell followed by a last stand that was so short even when you knew it was coming it left you reeling from how fast it was from start to finish. Whereas here they hurried it along to get to the “main event”. Hell, it flows better in gif sets than it does in the actual show.
To me, it felt like Hange’s demeanor didn’t really change from talking with the kids to speaking with Levi, making their false bravado seem like less of a front. I know their tone was meant to sound like they were keeping up appearances, but with how often Hange just gets reduced solely to being a titan freak the way they had Romi say the lines made it sound like actual excitement, especially with the way they drew Hange's facial expressions (more on that next)
Hange’s little smirk after the salute. I kinda get what they were trying to do here but to me it came off as very flippant and dismissive of Levi’s choice of words, especially since they all but got rid of their lips trembling and eye beginning to well up with tears. I wish we’d gotten the big fake smile and laugh because that would have shown better that Hange was overcompensating by trying to put their brave face back on after starting to lose their composure. Their fear is obvious in the manga but it just simply didn’t come through as well throughout this entire exchange.
Sooo Hange almost tears up when Pieck said their words inspired her yet minutes later when their Best Friend tries to say goodbye there’s nowhere near that kind of reaction? Sure, Jan
Levi’s face. Ok look. It’s not a lack of emotion on his part that bothers me. It’s that it’s an entirely different one to begin with. He looks bummed at first yes, but then that changes to what I’m guessing is supposed to be determination which comes off as anger or annoyance (kinda like what changed with his scene with Armin on the stairs). They removed what made this parting different from previous ones, which was the sense of open vulnerability and the dawning realization that now he’s going to have to let Hans go too. See it's not like they were in the middle of the battle just yet. This situation came on suddenly and unexpectedly; it wasn't "supposed" to happen. One second they were on track and the next Hange is being torn away by fate. And yes, the highlights play a part in that transition. Anyone who draws eyes knows the importance of placement and intensity and the major impact they have over the final expression. And when drawing a comic you certainly don’t take up valuable page space with three panels focusing on the hope draining out of someone’s eyes if it wasn’t supposed to be the focus. I mean for fuck's sake, even the Final Season!Nendoroid Levi got it right. Plus, if they could make a point of getting Eren's eyes right during the raid on Liberio they could have gotten it here.
When the camera cuts to the kids watching the titans fall the angle doesn’t let you see that Levi can’t bring himself to watch for more than just a second
NOT MAPPA’s FAULT but since I’m being whiny right now I’m going to add that while ACWNR is a mixed bag to begin with, WIT’s adaptation not including Levihan’s introduction saddens me bc Levi asking Hange to keep watching loses a bit of extra oomph.
Really it just comes down to the fact that there was nothing wrong with the original page. It wasn’t overdone or dragged out by any means but considering many other scenes got shot-for-shot depictions I don’t think we were asking for anything outrageous by wanting a faithful adaptation. The couple frames we got that were almost perfect were so freakin fast you barely had time to process them before it cut away.
I wanted to like it, I really did. Especially since MAPPA did so many things so incredibly well as a whole. My expectations weren’t high, and I did want to give it the benefit of the doubt. But when it came to DYH, it felt both watered down and disjointed, like a completely different scene.
But so it goes. At the end of the day, Hange still dies a horrifying death for plot convenience, and Levi is left behind to suffer once again. It was always going to hurt and I was never going to be ready for it, no matter how it was done.
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