#gojo satoru x reader friends to lovers
just-jordie-things · 10 months
[part thirteen] to build a home - gojo satoru
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word count: 5.6k warnings: !!manga spoilers!! swearing, jjk-verse style fighting series summary: when (y/n) (y/l/n) catches wind that the notorious sorcerer killer, toji fushiguro, has children, she makes it her personal mission to find them. the catch being she couldn't tell a soul about them- the risk of the zen'in clan learning about them was too great. keeping the secret isn't the hard part, it's lying to her friends, shoko ieiri, geto suguru, and of course gojo satoru, that she struggles with. especially when satoru has suddenly become so keen on keeping an eye on her lately.
series masterlist
[part thirteen] : “Melt My Soul” ___
How long after a traumatic incident does your body begin to process it? A minute? A day? Or was it the very moment the incident took place?
Does the soul know that this event was going to change the body forever? Or is it the body that processes the trauma the quickest, in order to protect the soul from the impending pain and grief?
It feels as though someone had drilled into (y/n’s) bones, and filled them with metal.  Quick hardening, heavy, toxic metal.  It keeps her trapped in place, stuck.
So stuck, she glances down to study the concrete of the sidewalk, just to see if there was a curse there keeping her put, or cement being poured over her feet.
But no, there was nothing holding her in place.  It was simply her own mind, processing the scene before her too slowly for any of her other bodily functions to operate.
She’s standing outside of a KFC, of all places, close to Shoko’s side, and just barely hiding behind Satoru.  She doesn’t exactly mean to be hiding, but again, she can’t bring herself to move.  Her hands are curled into fists so tight that they’re shaking- or was that just me? She wondered, and hoped at least no one could notice.
Shoko did.  She hadn’t taken her eyes off of (y/n’s) trembling hands since she’d arrived.
Neither of them had said a word, but even if they weren’t frozen in shock, there wouldn’t have been a chance to.  Satoru hadn’t offered even a moment for someone to cut in with their own piece of mind.
“What’re you getting at!?” He snarled loudly, not caring about the non-curse users passing by, just trying to go about their days.
(y/n’s) eyes landed on a particular disgruntled couple, who hastened their steps upon seeing the public display.  How she wished to be them, at this moment.  What a luxury, to find this scene annoying, maybe mildly entertaining.
To think the world as she knew it was crashing down around her, burning up into a crisp.  If only she could walk away and roll her eyes.
“If I could be you…” Suguru speaks and it sounds rehearsed, calculated, as if he’d had this conversation before.  “Wouldn’t my impossible ideal become possible?”
“You can’t be serious” Satoru’s voice finally drops in volume, and (y/n’s) eyes dart from one friend to the other.
She stares at Satoru hard, trying to read him, trying to figure out what was going through his mind.  It’s useless, because she already knows.  She already knows exactly what he’s thinking, because she’s thinking the same thing.
Satoru’s hand curls into a fist, and when (y/n) notices it, she relaxes her own hands, which suddenly feel sore from how long she’s kept them tensed.  Her palms feel raw as the cool breeze hits them.
For the first time since she’d arrived, she opens her mouth.
“Don’t do this, Suguru,”
All eyes are on her now as she steps forward.  Her entire body is aching, maybe from the intense workout she’d done before warping here, maybe from the way the heartbreak is killing her soul.
But then again, what was one more heartbreak?
“Just- just come back, okay? Come back home and we can- we can talk this out”
Satoru and Shoko stare at her, surprised by the offer, wondering if she meant it, that she’d forgive him for his heinous crimes against non-sorcerers, against his own family.
What they don’t know is she’s speaking without thinking.  The words that fall from her take a piece of her heart with them, making them sound like the most sincere thing she’s ever spoken, but truthfully, she just doesn’t want to accept that this is who Geto Suguru was now.  She wanted to give him a chance to prove it all wrong.  She wanted to give them all a chance to forget the last few months and go back to normal.
Suguru chuckles, shaking his head and plastering on a smile.
“Ever the hypocrite, (y/n),” He says, tucking his hands into his pockets.
Her posture stiffens, and her features harden too.  Forgiveness was only Plan A.  Her fingers twitch at her sides, and she fights the urge to curl them back into fists.
“Your exhaustion becomes you,” Suguru continues, with a smile on his face that doesn’t reach his eyes, which are pointed at her with a venom (y/n) can recognize even from the distance she’s at.  “I see you’ve made your choice”
It’s a comment that doesn’t make sense to the others, but (y/n) knows fully well what Suguru was getting at.  Her teeth grit together.
“Don’t you speak to me about choices!”
On it’s own angered accord, her arm shoots over her shoulder, fingers wrapping firmly around the hilt of one of her swords.  Before she can unsheath it, Satoru’s hand is around her wrist, halting her.
Her head whips towards him so fast she hears a joint pop in her neck, but she’s not bothered by the unsettling crack, consumed enough by her rage to glare at him, silently demanding to know why he was stopping her.  Satoru doesn’t say a word, but when he slowly releases his hold on her, she doesn’t try to draw her weapon again.  The fire in her eyes doesn’t die as he holds her glare.
Suguru laughs to himself, shrugging his shoulders.
“I suppose this is goodbye, to all of you”
Satoru and (y/n) look back over to him, neither of them knowing what to say.  Shoko is wilting behind them both, not having said a word since Satoru and (y/n) had shown up.
Suguru raises his hand, giving what appeared to be a friendly wave.  It feels like a finishing blow.  With that, he turns around, and walks away.  He doesn’t run, he doesn’t summon one of the many curses he could have used to carry him away at high speed.  He simply strolls away.
Satoru raises his arm, and (y/n) watches with baited breath as he positions his middle and forefinger to his palm, tucked there by his thumb, and keeps it aimed directly at Suguru.
It’s only for a few seconds, but with her breath caught in her throat, it felt like ages.
Did she want him to do it? Her heart pounded in her chest, getting quicker with every beat.  Did she want to stop him, just as he had stopped her? Did she want to beg him not to kill him?
The question hits her, and her breath is finally released, a heavy, shaky exhale that makes her entire body deflate.  
Did she want Suguru to die?
Satoru lowers his arm, although his eyes are still trained on the spot his best friend once stood.  He was gone now, lost in the crowd of people.  Leaving the three of them to stand together, staring at that spot, at a loss for words.
What was there to say? Their best friend had defected, he wasn’t the person they knew, he was a murderer.
(y/n’s) the first to move, although it’s staggered, she takes a step back, putting distance between herself and the others.  Satoru and Shoko look at her with worry, and Shoko even reaches out a hand, as though to help stabilize her.  (y/n) takes another step backwards.
“(y/n/n)...” The girl whispers, but (y/n) can’t even meet her eyes.  Her own eyes are glazed over, locked in a fixed position on the ground.
I can’t dwell on this, she thinks to herself rationally.  Her heart begs her to let go, to sit down, to breathe, but she ignores it.  I need to move on.  I need to focus on Megumi and Tsumiki.  I can’t let this distract me.
“(y/n), slow down,” Shoko’s voice is closer to her now, and (y/n) barely registers how her hands set on her shoulders with a feather-light weight.  “Breathe”
She doesn’t notice her breathing has gone ragged, uneven.  She’s panicking.  This is a panic attack.
Move on, she wills herself to get over the incident like it wasn’t her present situation.  Think about the kids, and move on, she tries anyway, because she has to.
The funny thing about trauma was that you couldn’t bend it to your will.  It hits her now that her chest is heaving, her mouth is dropped open as she gasps for air.
Shoko’s trying to get her to focus, something about matching her breathing, and looking at her, but (y/n’s) vision was blurry, and she couldn’t hear a thing over her pounding heart and her own thoughts.
You only have two days left to prepare, she reminds herself.  In two days, the Zen’in Clan is going to come for Megumi, she repeats it like a mantra, a toxic coping mechanism to combat the panic threatening her body.  
She had no time for things like panic and fear.
If you don’t get it together, you’ll lose them.  And if you lose them, what will you have left? You’ve pushed everything away to protect them, you put your life on pause, and you’re about to risk what’s left of it by challenging one of the most prominent families in Jujutsu Society.
Finally, her head snaps up, wide eyes meeting Shoko’s, who flinches upon the contact, and then she turns to Satoru, who was now also standing before her.  (y/n) doesn’t say anything as she looks between them both, and neither do they, at first, but their concern is evident.
“Are you alright?” Satoru asks, leaning in closer as he speaks.  She holds his eye contact, but it doesn’t look to him like she’s processing a word he’s saying.  “(y/n),” He says her name, catching a flicker of recognition in her eyes.  “Can you breathe?”
You don’t have time for panic, the voice in her head reminds her ruthlessly.  You don’t have time for any of this.
She looks back to Shoko, whose tears are spilling onto her cheeks, after too long of holding back her emotions.  Her lip quivers, and her hands tighten on (y/n’s) shoulders, gripping the fabric of her uniform shirt.
You need to leave, the voice commands, and she doesn’t give it a second thought.
She draws her hand upwards, not noticing the violent tremble of her entire arm, she brings her middle and pointer finger to her forehead, closing the rest of her hand.  Satoru recognizes this motion instantly, and jumps forward to rip her hand away from her head.
Using Hexing Eye so recklessly couldn’t be good for her right now.  She hadn’t perfected it, hadn’t learned to use it as a means for teleportation, and without a hex in place, she was bound to lose consciousness as soon as she warped.
(y/n’s) faster, throwing herself backwards just as she closes her eyes and focuses her mind on her dorm room.
“Don’t-!” She barely hears Satoru’s voice before she’s warped away.  It’s distant, almost an echo, almost dream-like.
Her body lands hard on the floor of her room before she even has the time to open her eyes again.  With a groan of pain, she tries stretching her already aching limbs.
I guess that’s why you don’t teleport while mid-fall, she thinks bitterly, pushing herself off the floor on a shaky arm.  Her legs aren’t any better, wobbling like jello as she half-drags herself onto her bed.
She’s going to be bombarded by Satoru and Shoko later, for this defiant act, she knows.  And even as her strength is giving out and her vision is blurring in focus, she thinks it was what she had to do.
She tries to plan on what she’s going to do tomorrow when she sees the Fushiguro kids, but she loses consciousness just as their faces flicker in her mind.
Using Hexing Eye without a hex on the place she was warping to still wasn’t a viable form of transportation.
A tear slips down her cheek as she passes out, still in her uniform, mind still swarming with half-baked strategy plans, and fear.
Despite finally getting a few hours of sleep after two days, it wasn’t a night of rest. ___
When (y/n) picks up the Fushiguro kids from school the following afternoon, they can see her weariness right away.  Even though she smiles, and excitedly asks about how their last couple days had been, they can see through it all.
The bags under her eyes are dark and heavy, and she’s moving slower, almost stumbling over her own feet.  Tsumiki and Megumi share a look of concern, neither of them knowing how to approach the subject.  As involved as (y/n) was in their lives, she hadn’t been very open about her own life outside of them.
Tsumiki takes her hand as they walk home together.  She knew she wouldn’t be strong enough to catch her if she fell, but she hoped that it was enough to bring her some sense of comfort.
Megumi tangles his fingers together, picking at his skin nervously.  He’s reminded of the day in the park, when he’d seen her talking to a supposed friend from her school.  He remembers how she’d looked when she’d told him that a fellow peer of hers had passed away.
She has that same look in her eye now, he notices.
(y/n) feels him staring at her, and when she looks down at him, she gives him a smile.
It looks genuine enough, but he knows it isn’t.  It doesn’t reach her eyes.
Once they get back to the Fushiguro house, (y/n) is quick to whip them up an afternoon snack while they get started on their homework.  Tsumiki and Megumi get right to work, quietly focused on their assignments.
(y/n) sets down the plate of snacks between them, quietly praising them for working so hard.
As she takes a seat next to Tsumiki, Megumi notices the way her body seems to slump into the chair, as though melting into it.  He quickly lowers his gaze back to his homework, but the sight troubles him.
She looked like she was going to drop and pass out any moment.
He tries not to worry about it, because she might not be a real grown up, but she was older than he was, and she was always put together like a real grown up.  Megumi knew that he looked up to her like a grown up, and grown ups didn’t look like this.
He didn’t know what he was looking at, really.
Both kids finish up their homework quickly, and are quick to gather on the sofa to watch tv and relax for the evening.
(y/n’s) slower, still sat at the kitchen table while they dove into their program.  She was still mulling over her options, trying to figure out if it was wrong to hide the letter from them, or if it would be more wrong to tell them about such an adult matter.
Which wasn’t fair, she cursed herself, hanging her head in her hands.  She wasn’t an adult either, she shouldn’t have to deal with all of these decisions either.
Despite her better judgment, she decides to put it off for just a little longer.
She gets up from her seat, and slowly makes her way over to the living room sofa, plopping herself in the space between both kids.
“So, what are we watching? Catch me up” She tells them with a smile, and Tsumiki happily fills her in on the drama in her favorite characters’ lives.
(y/n) tries to sink back into that familiar, domestic feeling she’d grown accustomed to when she’d first joined their lives.  That sense of normalcy that she’d tethered herself to.  But even as she engages with Tsumiki, asks her silly questions about the show, she can’t help but fear this may very well be the last normal night she spends with them.  Tomorrow was Friday, so she wouldn’t see them, and the next day… well, the next day she’d have to face the Zen’in Clan.
Before her mind can derail further, (y/n) feels eyes burning in the back of her head, and she turns to see Megumi staring up at her, completely turned away from the tv.
His expression is neutral, but his eyes are hard as he holds his stare on her.  She almost feels uncomfortable, but she covers it with a small chuckle and a quirked brow.
“Somethin’ wrong, Megumi?” She asks.
His eyes shift to his sister, who gives a small shake of her head, warning him not to say anything about (y/n’s) troubling demeanor.  Megumi sighs, and sinks back into the couch, focused on the tv again.
“No” he mumbles back to her.
He’s not a good liar, but he’s eight, so (y/n) lets it go.  He seems to relax as he watches the show, anyway, so she figured whatever it was, couldn’t be too big of a deal.
The rest of the night continues in the same way.  Until eventually she’s bringing them both upstairs to put them to bed, just like she always does on nights she spends with them.  Except tonight, Tsumiki hugs her for a little longer than usual, and Megumi lingers in front of his bed, unwilling to get it.
“Megumi,” (y/n) calls softly from his doorway.  “Are you alright?”
He turns around to face her, revealing the book in his hands.  Charlotte’s Web.
He hesitates before speaking.
“I’m not tired…” He says, but his voice sounds slow and sleepy.  “Will you read to me for a bit?”
(y/n) smiles, nodding her head back at him.
“Yeah,” She agrees, not thinking twice about the time, or how she should be getting back to Jujutsu Tech soon.  “Yeah, of course”
“Can we go back to the couch?” He asks.
(y/n) wants to ask why she can’t read to him while he’s tucked into bed like she usually did, but she quickly assumes he’s just being a kid that wants to fight sleep, so she nods her head.
“Sure” She agrees with a smile, and steps out of the doorway so he could lead the way down the stairs.
Megumi climbs onto the couch with his book in one hand, his other hand reaching for the ratty old throw blanket on the cushion beside him.  (y/n) takes a seat beside him, taking the book and flipping to the page that he’d last marked.
“How many times have you read this now, anyways?” She asks.
Megumi ducks his head shyly, shrugging his shoulders.
“I dunno,” He admits.  “It’s my favorite”
She smiles as she looks back at the page before her.
“It’s becoming my favorite too” She says, before she starts at the top, and begins reciting the story she’s told him many times before.
She gets through about a chapter and a half, with Megumi curled up in his blanket beside her, his eyes following along as she reads.  He’d had most of the story memorized by now, it really was his favorite, but he couldn’t get enough of it.
“Hey, (y/n)?”
His voice is quiet when he cuts her off mid sentence, but (y/n) stops speaking instantly, turning to give him her attention.
“What is it?” She hums, her finger holding her place in the book.
“Tsumiki said it was rude to ask,” He began, his eyes focused on his lap.  “Are you okay?”
(y/n’s) brow furrows in concern, but Megumi doesn’t look up, too busy playing with his fingers.
“It’s not rude…” She says slowly, trying to find the right thing to say.  “And I’m okay”
It’s not very convincing.
Megumi looks up at her, blinking his wide eyes as he stares at her in disbelief.
“You don’t look okay,” He says, and it’s blunt, but it’s the truth, and he doesn’t know how else to make her be truthful with him, too.  “You look tired.  And sick”
(y/n) chuckles at how intuitive he is.
“I appreciate the concern, honey,” She says, trying to play it off.  “But don’t worry about it, I’m just fine”
“Did you have another mission?” He asks.
(y/n) winces, shaking her head.
“No, not exactly,” She says honestly.  “I’ve just been… busy… that’s all”
Megumi frowns, not caring for the bullshit answer.  It wasn’t like her to lie like most adults did, when they thought they were being smart and misdirecting.  (y/n) almost laughs at how such a young boy can tell when she’s beating around the bush.
“Megumi, you don’t need to worry about me-”
“But you worry about us all the time,” He mumbles defeatedly.  “And you don’t look very good so… so we’re worried about you,”
He blinks, and (y/n) swears she even sees tears in his eyes.  Fretting over him, she closes the book, and brings one leg onto the couch so she could face him properly.
“Can you just tell me the truth?” He asks quietly.
(y/n) sighs, but nods her head.  When he asks her so sincerely, she can’t bear to lie to him again.
“Of course,” She says, because if he’s telling her it’s what he needs, then it must be the right thing to do.  “Megumi…” She starts, but the words fail her as soon as she tries.
How does she explain her situation to an eight year old?
“I… I had a friend.  A close friend,” She begins.  
Megumi’s eyes widened.
“A boyfriend?”
“No,” (y/n) scoffs, pushing his shoulder gently.  “I’m too busy raising kids, I don’t have time for a boyfriend.  But this was my best friend.  And he… well he recently left the school”
“The one from the park?” Megumi tilts his head.
(y/n) frowns, before turning her face away to quickly hide the sadness of the whole situation she’d been trying to bury.  It appeared she had quite a friends that weren’t around anymore, for whatever their reason.  Megumi also frowns at this.
“No… no this is a different friend,” (y/n) says quietly.  “Do you remember when I told you about the sorcerers who… who don’t want to follow the rules?”
“That they defect?” Megumi asks.
If it didn’t break her heart, (y/n) would praise him for his sharp memory.
“That’s right,” She murmurs.  “Well… that’s what’s happened to my friend,” She tells him.  “He didn’t want to follow the rules anymore, so… he left”
“Oh…” Megumi looks back down at his lap.  “Did he die?” He asks quietly.
“No, no he didn’t die,” (y/n) said.
She lays her palm between his shoulder blades, rubbing his back comfortingly.  Even as she censors some of the truth from him, she feels like her words are still putting a weight on his shoulders.
“I’ve been sad because he left,” She tells him.  “I probably won’t ever see him again”
I hope I don’t see him again, she thinks.
“That’s worse,” Megumi says sadly.  “I’d rather know that they’re gone forever for a reason”
(y/n) feels her heart leap into her throat, and she can’t help but wonder if he’s thinking about his dad.  She’s surprised a child so young could understand how she feels.  It hurts her more, knowing he’s experienced this same heartache.
“I think I’d have to agree,” (y/n) hums, raising her hand to mess up his hair.  Megumi looks up at her with a frown.  “It’s not easy being a Jujutsu Sorcerer,” She tells him.  “I never said it was easy, never thought it’d be easy…”
Megumi pulls her hand out of his hair before she could mess it up further, before he fixes the messy locks himself.
(y/n) looks at him, and swallows the lump in her throat that makes her want to cry.  If only he were older and she could explain all of this to him.
“But listen, Megumi,” She leans forward, and hopes he can take her seriously, even for just a minute.  “You don’t have to worry about me, okay? I’ll be just fine,” She gives him a smile.  “I’m sorry I made you worry, but you don’t have to worry that little head of yours about me anymore, alright?”
Megumi isn’t sure if he should believe her, but she ruffles his hair again with a laugh just to mess with him, and when he swats her hand away she only laughs more, so he thinks she’s okay, for now.
“You know you don’t have to raise us, right?” He asks.
(y/n’s) eyes widen at him, stunned to silence.
“It’s okay, if… if you have to go.  You have a lot to do, don’t you?” Megumi drops his head again.  “We would understand.  We would be okay”
Her heart breaks, and before thinking, she reaches out and wraps her arms around him, hugging him tightly.
“Megumi, I’ve told you before,” She has to focus on keeping her voice even.  “I’m sticking around whether you want me to or not”
His hands cling to the back of her shirt.
“There’s nothing that would make me leave you guys.  I knew what I was getting into when I met you both.  I knew what I was getting into when I started looking for you.  And I’m still not going anywhere”
She rubs his back and keeps hugging him until he pulls away.  Her focus remains on him, and she frowns when she sees tears on his face.  Her fingers gently reach out to brush them away.
“I know you won’t just leave” Megumi sniffles.
(y/n) takes his little hands, smiling at him fondly.
“I won’t ever leave,” She whispers.  “I’ve put a lot of trouble into watching out for you two.  You’re important to me.  And I’m going to make sure you guys can have everything you want”
Megumi musters up a small smile.
“Okay,” He mumbles, pulling his hands away to wipe the rest of the wetness off of his face.  “Can you read a little more?”
(y/n) smiles warmly, and nods her head.
“Of course,” She says, picking the book up again, flipping through the pages to find the spot she lost.  
Megumi gathers himself up in the blanket once more, and when she finally finds their place and begins reading again, he leans against her arm.  He might have an eight year old’s willpower to stay up late, but the tiredness had finally caught up to him.
It didn’t take long before he fell asleep against her.  (y/n) stayed still for a while, marking her place in the book and setting it aside while she sat quietly with the sleeping boy.
She petted his head gently, untangling the knots in his hair with careful fingers, and making his body relax more as he drifted deeper into his slumber.  Even long after he’d fallen asleep there, she remained by his side.
I hope you believe me, Megumi, she thinks as she lays her own head against the back of the couch cushion, suddenly finding the old thing the most comfortable place she’s ever rested.  And I hope you forgive me.
She drifts off to sleep with her hand on his head, and hopeful thoughts that she can do right by him. ___
With a jolt, (y/n’s) body is thrown forward in bed, tears streaming down her face and her hand outstretched, reaching for an imaginary figure, one that had been suffering before her in her dreams, but now was nowhere to be seen.
Panting to catch her breath, she tries to tell herself it was just that, a dream.  Well, a nightmare.  It was over now.
“(y/n)?” A tired, raspy voice rang out, before a warm hand smoothed over her shoulder.  “You alright, sweetheart?”
“Satoru,” She breathes out his name as she turns to face him, a relief spreading through her chest upon seeing him there.  “You’re here”
Her breathing steadies as she looks at him, his sleepy eyes and disheveled hair a sign that he’d actually been sleeping comfortably.  She was surprised, considering he’d spent most of his nights in her room to dote on her, to ensure she was the one that slept well.  Since Yu’s death, she’d been plagued with nightmares, the reminder that even jujutsu sorcerers face their mortality had been brutal.
“Well ‘course I am,” Satoru mumbles, giving her a small smile.  “Where else would I be?”
She’s not sure why, but when she’d first laid eyes on him, his presence had shocked her before it had relaxed her.  Her brows furrow as she wonders why that is, but she quickly brushes it off and lets herself relax.
The nightmare was over.  She was here now, and so was he.
With languid movements, Satoru props himself up on his elbows, his eyes flickering over her curiously.
“You wanna talk about it?” He asks, pulling his hand from her shoulder to rub the tiredness out of his eyes.  “Your nightmare?”
(y/n) pulls her knees to her chest, keeping her arms wrapped around them so she could comfortably rest her chin there.  The longer she was awake, the more the horrors of her dream seemed to fade away, until it was just a few flashes of images that barely made sense.
“I think I’ll be alright,” She replies, laying her cheek against her folded arms so she could look over at him.  “Satoru,” She hums his name softly.  “Thank you, for staying with me,”
He gave her a look, displaying his confusion with her sudden sentiment.
“I don’t think I ever thanked you,” She says.  “And I should have, a long time ago.  So, thank you.  For everything”
Satoru sits up, mimicking her position as he rests his arms on his legs, staring at her with an intensity behind his cerulean eyes that only she seemed to be able to take on directly.
“You want to thank me…” He says slowly, before his brows furrow.  “When all of this… has been your doing?”
The chill that shoots down her spine seems to spread over her heart.  The relaxation that had settled into her bones now replaced with freezing cold fear.  (y/n) lifts her head up, unblinking as she stared at him.
“What?” She mumbles, her voice barely audible.
“You couldn’t track down Toji, and I almost died” Satoru spits out.
“No…” (y/n) shook her head in a small but trembling motion.  “No, I… I followed him for days I- I did everything I could to-”
“Tch,” Satoru scoffs, the disgust evident in his face now as he glares at her.  “And then you don’t even have the guts to fess up,” He mutters.  “You sneak around and lie and cheat.  What makes you think it will be any different?”
As he snarls at her he shoots forward, and she flinches, hard enough she had to steady herself so she didn’t tumble out of her bed.
“You think that you can protect them? You?”
She’s still shaking her head, unable to find her voice, or any words to defend herself.  Where was this coming from? Why was he doing this?
“You can barely operate your own cursed technique, you have the ability of a first year, and you’re spineless, (y/n).  It’s pathetic that you consider yourself a jujutsu sorcerer”
“‘I- I’m doing everything I-” She tries to speak, but it’s useless.  Her breath had gone ragged and the panic inside of her was bubbling up too much for her to focus on speaking.
Satoru leans closer, and even though they’re both sitting, he towers over her as his glare hardens.  She’s never seen him so filled with hate, and the fact that it’s directed at her makes her heart drop to her stomach.
“Your ‘everything’ isn’t good enough,” His voice is a low growl.
Tears burn in her eyes.
“How can you be the only one that doesn’t see that?” He laughs bitterly.  “How are you the only one left that can’t see how weak you are?”
“I- I’m sorry-”
“Even your apologies mean nothing!” He yells now, and she squeezes her eyes shut so she doesn’t have to look at him any more.  “You’re destined to fail, you’re weak, just like the rest of them.  You can barely protect yourself, you think you can protect Megumi? Tsumiki?”
“I have to try!” She wails, but it’s drowned out by his vicious laughter.
“And when you fail, their blood will be on your hands!” He’s practically roaring over her.
She’s cowering, sobbing into her hands as she desperately attempts to wipe the tears from her face, but it’s no use.  They won’t stop.  Satoru scoffs at the sight, disgusted by what she’d been reduced to.
“Face it,” He mutters.  “You could have stopped Toji, and you failed.  You could have stopped Suguru, and you failed.  Now you think you can take on the Zen’in Clan?” He scoffs and shakes his head.  “You’ll die in vain” ___
“Stop it!”
(y/n) shot outwards, her strained voice leaving her throat in a pained cry, but as the blur in her vision clears away, and she gains her bearings, she realizes she’d just awoken.
A dream? She thought distantly, looking around herself, finding she was still in the Fushiguro’s living room.
That’s right… I fell asleep here… reading…
But she finds that Megumi is no longer sleeping at her side, and the blanket he’d had was now thrown over her lap.  He must have woken up and gone back to his room.  The realization that he’d given her the blanket to keep her warm brings her a moment of peace.  Picking up the ratty material that was barely enough to keep her legs covered, (y/n) begins to calm down.
Her breathing calms, and she closes her eyes to focus on bringing herself back to the present.  It was all just a cruel dream.
However it’s not as easy when she’s alone, she realizes.  There was a time, although short, where when the nightmares would rob her of her sleep, there was always a comforting presence right there, ready to lull her back to sleep with a warm embrace.
And sometimes he’d read to me, she recalls.
Although the plaguing images of her nightmare had worn away from her mind now, she still feels a wetness pool in her eyes.
She missed him.  Dearly so.
A tear drops to her cheek against her will, and soon she was quietly weeping into her hands.
Deciding to lay back on the couch, she gives in to staying the rest of the night at the Fushiguro house.  She’d never stayed the entire night, but she was long past curfew now, and she was in no position to walk or warp back to Jujutsu Tech.  She carefully pulls the small blanket over herself as she settles into the cushions.  Her tears wet the place where she lays her head.
If she survived this, she’d have to thank him, for all the nights he stayed by her side, she recalls the short period of warmth that her dream had brought her.  She hopes she can drift back into it’s sweetness.  And then she’ll have to get on her knees and apologize for the rest of her life.
She knows she won’t earn Satoru’s forgiveness.
If I survive. ___
(a/n): wow that kfc breakup do be hurtin but it hurts so goood.  reblog to dry ur tears <3 taglist: @whats-humanity-lol @malinq-ashida @mor-pheus@bekahtaylorgriggs@pookiea@megumimind@thealchemical@pearlstiare@niallerhere@96jnie @purpleguk @peqch-pie@yukinemaroop@makis-girl@sadtoru​ @kamikokii​ @nerdiel-has-no-braincells​ @googlesheetshoe​ @vzleria​
xoxo ~ jordie
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teamatsumu · 6 months
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you are part of me. (gojo satoru x reader)
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summary: when gojo satoru loves, he is loud about it. and he doesn’t care if you don’t love him back.
word count: 3604
warnings: fem!reader, friends to lovers, very mild angst, swearing, gojo being gojo, canon compliant storyline
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Gojo Satoru enters your life at 16 years old.
His presence suffocates the room, his cursed energy is something not best ignored. Quiet, yet noticeable. Like something that’s bubbling just under the surface. It’s almost as if a very dangerous animal has been reigned in, held back on a leash. That’s how his cursed energy feels to you. You, who is a mere novice. New to the world of curses and sorcery, landing in Jujutsu Tech after everything near and dear to you was ripped from you by this world.
He intimidates you.
He is loud, lean, but very tall. He demands attention when he walks into a room. He is jovial, a little aloof (you're not sure if it’s on purpose), big goofy grin and round, almost comical sunglasses. His hair is so bright, and his eyes are so blue, it’s almost blinding to look at him.
He is everything that you are not.
He is a year older, and your classmate Haibara can never stop talking about him and Geto. Nanami does not enjoy being around them, but he holds them in regard because they are his seniors. Shoko might be the only one he truly respects, and that almost makes you fear her. You make up your mind to try and stay as invisible as possible around them. You do not enjoy the spotlight.
Unfortunately, Gojo thrives in the spotlight, and he has a knack for pulling other people into it with him.
“Oh hello. Fresh meat?” He is grinning down at you, eyes barely visible behind the dark, circular lenses. “And aren’t you cute. You better toughen up sweetcheeks, or the big bad curses are gonna eat you up.”
You don’t know what exactly he means. You’re too caught up in the fact that he called you cute. It makes you heat up under the collar of your brand new jujutsu uniform. And his intense stare makes you fidget.
You do not like it.
You just frown at him and turn away, taking advantage of the fact that Nanami was leaving the room and going along with him. You don’t notice how he stares at the back of your head as you leave, but Geto sure does. The raven haired boy lets out a pained sigh before leaning back on the creaky classroom chair.
“Here we go.”
Gojo hums questioningly, glancing at his best friend once you have left the room.
“You’re going to fixate on her now. And you’re going to be an insufferable prick about it.”
Gojo doesn’t deny it. He merely settles into a chair of his own, feeling the corners of his lips twitch.
Life at Jujutsu Tech isn’t as bad as you expected.
Your room is spacious enough to hold all your belongings. It has a nice view of the gardens, and is warm enough that you sleep comfortably through the nights. Your classmates are easy to get along with. Haibara loves carrying the conversation, and while Nanami isn’t as energetic, he shares a lot of your interests so you love talking to him.
The deep, sorrowful ache in your chest is slowly subsiding. Very slowly. Oftentimes, you remember your old life. You remember the smiles on your parents’ faces, and you shed tears in the late hours of the night. But they are gone. And you are here. You can’t do anything about it.
And then there’s Gojo Satoru.
For someone who is apparently the ‘strongest’, part of a major jujutsu clan and heir to the infamous Six Eyes, you would think he would be a busy person. But somehow, he finds a way to always be lazing around the campus, and unfortunately, he loves engaging you in conversation.
“Fresh meat!” He hasn’t stopped calling you that. He hasn’t even learned your name. Or introduced himself. Of course, you already know who he is. But it would be the polite thing to do, wouldn’t it?
You would soon learn that Gojo Satoru has no manners, and no amount of scolding could teach him any.
“Heard you took down a fourth grade all by yourself. Congratulations!”
You eye him with a scowl, while all he does is grin back at you.
“You’re mocking me, senpai.”
Gojo places a hand on his chest, gasping so loud it was comical, acting shocked at your accusation.
“I would never!”
You sigh deeply, a regular habit you have developed since the boy had decided to shadow you, continuing to make your way back to your room as he trails behind you. While a fourth grade may not be a big deal to someone like Gojo, it is to you, who has never interacted with, let alone fought a curse.
You open your room door, stepping in and looking back to stare at your senior as he smiles down at you. You wait for him to say something cheeky like he usually does, about how you should invite him in so you can hang out, or his usual ‘let me take you out to dinner’, which he loves tossing around whenever he sees an opening.
“I’m real proud of ya, sweetcheeks.” He says instead, and his voice is softer, having lost the sharp edge that it usually carries.
There it is again, the heat under your collar. The little knot in your throat.
You close your room door in his face.
“He likes you.”
“He doesn’t. He just likes to annoy me.”
“That’s his way of spending time with you.”
“I’d rather he leave me alone, then.”
“That’s an impossible ask.”
The chocolate icing on your brownie melts in your mouth as you chew on it, giving a disdainful look to Utahime who is apparently hell bent on proving this nonexistent crush Gojo seems to have on you. You don’t believe her. Mostly because you don’t think Gojo is capable of liking you, of all people. You also doubt his ability to genuinely give a shit about anyone that isn’t his closest friends. You’re just some underclassman that he thinks is fun to pester every now and then.
(‘Every now and then’ in this context means ‘every possible second of every day’.)
Utahime takes a big gulp on her coffee, and you have to wonder why the hot liquid doesn’t burn her throat as it goes down. Your phone pings again, for the seventh time in the last half hour, and Utahime stares pointedly at the unsaved number on your screen. You swipe the phone off the table quickly and flip the switch to ‘silent mode’.
“You haven’t saved his number? Ouch. He’s not gonna like that.”
You roll your eyes and glare at the screen of your phone. How long has he been texting you with random crap?
“I don’t give a shit what he likes.”
“You will. When he whines about it and never lets it go for the rest of your life.”
You sigh defeatedly and give your friend pleading eyes. “Can we please talk about something else? I see and hear Gojo enough during the day. I don’t need to talk about him with you too.”
When your friend agrees, you are blessed with a wonderful, Gojo-free afternoon of chatting, shopping and excessive eating. You’re still buzzing as you climb up the steps to Jujutsu Tech at sundown, rummaging through the tote bag where you had dropped all your little purchases. Just small knick knacks that made you happy to look at.
“Did ya get me anything?”
You yelp and jump, nearly falling off the step behind you but catching yourself before you can faceplant on the concrete. Gojo lets out an annoying cackle at your reaction, making you glare up at him.
“What is wrong with you?! I could’ve gotten seriously injured!”
He scoffs, walking the few steps between you two, hands buried in his pants pockets. “Like I would let that happen. You gotta trust me more, sweetcheeks.”
You ignore the now familiar way your ears and neck heat up, choosing to walk past him and continue your way up the steps.
“So? Got me anything?”
You groan internally, knowing he wouldn’t leave this alone. If you say no, he will complain about how he isn’t important enough in your life to warrant a little gift. If you then say he isn’t, that will result in even worse (and louder) whining, and you don’t have the energy to deal with that right now. You scramble through the bag slung over your shoulder, pulling out a cute carrot shaped pen with a smiley face on it. You had gotten two pens, one carrot shaped and one that looked like corn. You just thought they were insanely cute. It’s okay. You can afford to lose one.
Gojo eyes the pen when you hand it to him. “Why did ya get me this?”
He clearly knows you just pulled a random object out. He just wants to see what you will say.
“It’s…. tall and thin. You’re tall and thin.” You deadpan.
Gojo snorts, seeing through your very obvious lie. “You love me so much, don’t you?”
You stop in your tracks, watching Gojo’s back as he keeps walking, unaffected by your shocked gaze.
“See ya tomorrow!” He calls, twiddling the pen around his fingers as he disappears near the landing of the stairs.
Your heart races at his words. You feel angry and frustrated. But you’re not sure at whom.
When it’s Shoko’s birthday, you are forced to be around Gojo all day.
It’s a harrowing experience, one that can only be withstood by god’s toughest soldier, and god thinks that is you, apparently, because as per his usual habits, Gojo doesn’t leave you alone.
“Oh, this is nothing.” Geto comments, sipping on some fruity punch that you are almost sure contains alcohol. Both of you watch as Gojo tries to tie a conical party hat on Nanami’s head, while the boy in question puts up a valiant fight to try and keep his upperclassman at bay.
“He once had a crush on the daughter of some prominent gang leader in Tokyo. Almost landed himself in jail with the kind of stunts he pulled.”
You blink at him, watching as he brushes some strands of black hair off his face. “Seriously?”
He nods, smirking at your shocked silence, watching the gears in your head turn. “Don’t worry, he won’t do that to you.”
You worry your bottom lip between your teeth. “What makes you sure of that?”
Geto shrugs, watching the way Gojo’s eyes flit to you every now and then. You fail to notice it, too caught up in making up scenarios in your head where Gojo does something potentially illegal and lands both of you in serious trouble.
“You’re different.” Is his simple reply. It does nothing but confuse you more.
Later in the night, Shoko forces you to down an alcoholic drink. You sputter on the horrific taste of it, trying to get out from under her hold as she laughs at your reaction. Haibara enjoys your misery just as much, while Nanami’s face is blank. You are sure he is trying to erase tonight from his memory entirely.
The night is cold, but your hands are warm and your head is buzzing with happiness. Your cheeks hurt from the constant smiling and laughing. Every now and then, your eyes would meet brilliant blue ones. You are so cheerful that you even giggle when Gojo makes some lame pun at Geto’s expense. So cheerful, in fact, that you don’t protest when he decides he wants to walk you to your room.
You hum the song you had sung karaoke to, walking without so much as a thought in your head. Gojo is munching on a mini chocolate bar, one hand in his pocket. For once, he is silent.
When you stop at your door, you turn to look at him, trying to search his eyes. You find nothing, and you feel the sudden urge to know more about him. Geto’s words roam through your head.
“Senpai,” You whisper. “Why am I different?”
He smiles then, not his usual toothy grin, but softer, kinder. It makes him look even younger than he is. Somehow, it seems he knows exactly what you mean.
“Because I’m in love with ya, sweetcheeks.”
He leaves it at that. And you don’t ask any follow up questions.
Gojo’s love is loud.
He never says the word after that one night. But he never exactly negates his declaration. He continues to be around you as much as possible. He loves pinching at your cheeks until they sting, loves draping an arm over your shoulder and laying a sloppy kiss on it when he can get away with it. He is much taller and stronger than you, so pushing him away does nothing except spur him on even more. You realize that he is naturally a very touchy-feely person, so you dismiss his affection as just him being annoying as hell. Both of you settle into a strange dynamic, one where he teases you endlessly and you try not to appear affected by it.
It’s unconventional but it works. You will even go as far as saying that he is your friend.
When you refer to him as such, he stares at you mouth agape, before letting out a big whoop and crushing you into a hug. You protest his grip and try to free yourself, failing as usual. Deep in your chest, your heart stutters at his proximity.
Gojo Satoru doesn’t have a single subtle bone in his body.
He introduces you as his girlfriend to curses, claiming it doesn’t matter because they are all stupid and can’t understand him anyway, so he can say what he wants. Besides, he’s gonna kill them mere minutes later. You don’t even know where to begin to fight his logic on that, so you just facepalm and let him do it, provided he doesn’t say it in front of actual people.
“You say it like being my girlfriend would be so bad.”
“It would be the worst thing known to mankind. I would kill myself actually.”
That earns you a very strong pinch on the cheek, one that has you yelping and pushing him away. It leaves behind a red mark that makes you hold back a smile every time you see it in the mirror.
Sometimes you wonder how easy it is for him to talk to you like this. He seems to not have an ounce of fear of rejection, no matter how many times you have told him that you aren’t interested. Like he is confident that it simply isn’t true. He makes it seem effortless, to attach himself to you and declare that you’re his ‘favorite’ person and one day he would be your favorite person too.
You try to ignore how accurate you think that is. And how close he is to actually becoming your favorite person. You can’t possibly let him find that out. He would become even more unbearably smug than he already is.
And so you continue to bask in this…. strange limbo. You warm yourself in the glaringly bright light of Gojo Satoru. And you secretly pray that it never goes away.
When Geto defects, you almost lose him.
You find him on the steps of Jujutsu High, staring out at god knows what, completely silent. In your years of knowing him, you had never seen him sit in one place for so long. He doesn’t even budge when you sit next to him. You don’t say a word. And neither does he.
The wind moves gently through his silver locks. The blue in his eyes has dulled and darkened. You sit on those steps for hours.
Something changes between you two after that evening. Somehow, Gojo is more…. human to you now. You see him struggle to come to terms with what has happened, to truly realise the unfair responsibility that he bears on his shoulders as the strongest sorcerer in the Jujutsu world. You sees how that changes him, how it dims him, and how he matures in that time.
Yet Gojo is still Gojo. Even years later, he continues to love you loudly and proudly. He is still constantly attached at the hip to you, even more so in your adult years now that you live off campus. He is somehow always at your place, even after you take away his emergency key because he never uses it for emergencies. There is a ‘Gojo drawer’ in your storage closet, huge bathroom slippers and an extra toothbrush. His preferred brand of shampoo and conditioner are housing in your cabinet, spares that he keeps for when he crashes in your guest bedroom.
(Let’s be honest. It’s less of a guest bedroom and more so Gojo’s room at this point).
You commute to work together in the mornings, which you think is funny since Gojo can just teleport wherever he wants. He says it’s because he wants to spend more time with you.
Oh yeah, he still constantly says he is in love with you.
Years and years after his first declaration, Gojo has still not budged. At this point you are so used to it that it doesn’t bother you anymore. Like it’s second nature. Like Gojo is meant to love you. Like there was never any doubt about it. Your mutual friends have accepted it too by now. No one bats an eye when Gojo whines about missing you. Or when he waltzes into your on-campus office claiming “two hours is enough time for us to be apart”.
You don’t know when exactly it settles over you. How important Gojo is to you. How you can’t go a day without him. How you get pissy and irritable when he goes on missions overseas that take weeks at a time. The transition is so smooth that sometimes you think you were always meant to love Gojo, just like he was always meant to love you.
‘Senpai’ becomes ‘Gojo-san’. Which becomes Satoru’.
It never occurred to you that Gojo was still, technically, a friend. You were with him so often, bickering and snickering, cuddling and lounging around. He was a part of you, like you were a part of him.
Then you hear words that shock you to your very core.
“In my eyes, you two are already married.”
Never in a million years would you have expected Ijichi to say those words. Everyone else is one thing. But fucking Ijichi?
You stare at the back of his head when he says them, the silence in the car deafening. You know Ijichi well enough to be certain he isn’t saying these words falsely, even if he means them lightheartedly. If this is what Ijichi truly thinks, then….. Is it what things are actually like?
It takes only a few minutes of reflection for you to realise that he isn’t far off. Gojo is so deeply ingrained in every nook and cranny of your life that it is beyond irreversible now. There is no way to untangle your lives. He is part of you, just as you are part of him.
It’s almost as if the universe is nodding in confirmation when you open the door to your apartment and find Gojo sprawled on the couch, flipping through TV channels. He is wearing sweatpants and a black T-shirt that looks unfairly good on him, especially since he clearly isn’t trying at all.
He stands up and you notice on the coffee table before him that he has laid out a myriad of snacks, both savory and sweet to cater for your varying taste buds. You spot at least three of your preferred treats in them. Your heart beat slows down, settles. Like you are at peace again. You feel a warmth under your collar. One that you haven’t felt since you were a wee teenager just stepping onto the Jujutsu High campus. You eye the back of Gojo’s head.
“Hey.” He calls, barely glancing back at you, eyeing his treasured snack collection as if contemplating which one he should start with. “Some shitty American reality show is on. You wanna make fun of ‘em together?”
He turns to look at you when you don’t respond, raising an eyebrow. Brilliant blue eyes bore into you.
“You okay?”
You walk closer to him, still silent, until he is mere inches from you, craning your head up to look at him. The background noise from the TV gets tuned out.
“What would you do if I kissed you right now?”
Gojo blinks. “I’d kiss you back.”
Your breath hitches. The knot in your throat tightens. No hesitation. No shock. Not so much as a stir. It’s like you’re asking him what to make for dinner.
“Okay.” You whisper. And then you’re leaning up, pressing your lips to his.
His hand reaches up to cup the back of your neck. The other stabilizes you at the waist. His lips are soft and smooth, almost dainty, slowly picking up intensity as he presses closer to you. Your heart is racing a mile a minute, and as you press closer to him, you feel that his is just the same, the only indication that he is affected by you just as you are by him.
When your lips part, you don’t open your eyes. Your foreheads touch and you let yourself feel, truly feel, the effects of his touch on you.
“I love you.”
Gojo’s smile is soft. His touch is tender. Comforting. Familiar. “I know.”
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gojotojis · 5 days
The Party pt.1
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Part 2 Part 3
summary: you’re in love with your bestfriend but he’s pining after someone else and you’re too delusional to let him go.
pairing: college student! fem reader x college student! Sukuna
content MDNI: pining, angst, unrequited love, bestfriends, bestfriends brother, asshole sukuna, sexual conversations, drugs, alcohol, orgasm from kissing, frenemies to loversish?
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A frown mars your face as you watch him talk to her. A lump forms in your throat and your heart clenches. You hardly know her but it’s clear she likes him, she’s leggy and blonde with this sexy dominating presence.
It’s not like he talks to you about the girls he’s into, it’s never come up and you’ve always been grateful for that but seeing what you guess to be his type, in person feels painful. You’re the complete opposite of her, and it’s clear with the way he looks at her.
He turns around and points at you which makes your face heat up as Yuki smiles and waves at you. You awkwardly wave back before turning away. You watch a large muscular tattooed arm grab a fench fry from your tray and swat at it. You look up to see Sukuna grinning as he gorges on your fry before he grabs another one.
“Just take it all, I’ve lost my appetite,” you say shoving the tray toward him as you cross your arms and turn your cheeks, pouting.
You hear the scraping of a chair against the cafeteria floor as he takes the seat beside you. You sigh frustratedly hoping he’ll asks what’s wrong. He doesn’t so you sigh again more loud and exaggerated.
He still doesn’t answer but you hear him eating your fries so you huff and turn your body to face him. Only Sukuna knows the crush you have on his brother because one night you all got so drunk, you began to climb into Choso’s bed with no panties.
Luckily Sukuna was sober and tossed you over his shoulder, handing you your panties, not without teasing of course and had you sleep in the guest room. You were mortified but liquor does that to you.
“Just spit it out brat,” he says, his head resting on his fist as he stares at you with a bored expression.
“What does Yuki have that I don’t?” you ask genuinely. You’ve been friends with Choso since middle school and he’s never once looked at you as more than a friend. You always envisioned you’d lose your virginity’s to eachother, he’s the only other Virgin you know and you deluded yourself into thinking it’s fate.
“Giant tits, and a fat ass,” Sukuna answers bluntly which has you frowning. If it were anyone else, those words would hurt but Sukuna bullied you since you were kids. He bullied everyone and still does, there’s not a single person you can think of that he likes aside from his brothers which he’ll deny.
“A sense of fashion too, you dress like Adam Sandler,” he says looking at your sweatshirt and leaning over to see your baggy sweatpants. You have a sense of fashion, you just don’t bother dressing up.
Classes are so fucking early that you throw on the comfiest outfit and head to school. Your only friend is Choso, and you guess Sukuna though he occasionally hangs out with you two.
And yeah you could dress sexy but what’s the point, you don’t want to hear Sukuna call you a man with tits and you feared if you started dressing differently, you’d attract male attention that wasn’t Choso’s. A real man will like you no matter what you wear.
“I quite like Adam’s style,” you say and he scoffs, shoving another fry into his mouth.
“Trust me, we know. Do you even know what a thong looks like?” He asks, you have the urge to pull the band of your sweats down and show him the one you’re wearing but you don’t.
“I do but I’m sure you’ve seen more than me,” you say, an insult that reads like a compliment as it hits his ears and he smirks.
Sukunas fucked his way through half the school, you’ve had girls come up to you and give you their phone numbers because he forgot to get it from them. He didn’t forget anything and you know that, it’s scary how opposite he is from his brothers. Like the one bad apple off the bunch.
“There’s still a pair I haven’t seen, more like granny panties but a win is a win,” he shrugs and your cheeks burn red. You can’t stand his crude behavior, and you hate the way it makes you squirm.
“You’re the most disgusting creature I’ve ever had the displeasure of meeting,” you say, grabbing your water bottle. You wrap your lips around it and drink, watching as Kiko Yukimura approaches your table.
Her fingers wave at Sukuna, completely ignoring you as you watch her sit on the edge of the table beside him. He leans back and spread his legs as her nails run up his bicep.
His large hand splays across her hip as she speaks.
“I’m having a party tonight at eight, you should definitely come. Yukis already inviting Choso, they’ll be free weed and booze,” she says as he slides his hand down the band of her skirt.
You watch the way she squeezes her legs as he pulls at something. You see him tug the thin red strap up before letting it slap against her skin.
‘Thong’ he mouths to you and you glare in mortification.
“Pussy too?” He asks, his hand running up her exposed thigh. You turn away, more interested with the dent in your water bottle but you don’t miss the ‘yes’ she whispers.
He pats her ass when she jumps up and starts walking away. Sukuna grabs your water and starts drinking from it, you make a mental note to throw it out.
“Wonder if Choso’s gonna invite you,” Sukuna says teasingly as he leans back, arms folded behind his head. His biceps flex, as he stares at you.
“Doesn’t matter, I don’t want to go,” you say and he hums to himself.
“Not surprised, good for you though. Heard tonight’s the night Choso’s finally gonna get his dick wet. Probably best you stay inside for that,” he says and your eyes widen. You’re to haunted at the idea of Choso having sex with Yuki to even care about the vulgar language Sukuna spews.
“Hey guys,” you hear Choso from behind you and it startles you. Sukuna barks out a laugh while Choso simply smiles.
“Yuki invited me to Kikos party, free weed sounds good,” Choso says and his brother grins. “Free pussy too,”.
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Your fingers tremble as you stand at the front door of the Yukimura residence. You decided on a black mini skirt and floral black corset that holds your tits tight.
You already dread what Sukuna will say but this is a last ditch effort to get your man. You shiver when you feel the breeze hit your pussy, a reminder that you opted for no panties tonight. If Choso’s getting pussy, it’s yours.
Your shaky fingers press the doorbell to the giant house and Kiko immediately opens it. Her eyes widen at the sight of you, hair curled down to your waist and black liner lines your eyes from top to bottom, a sharp wing eye at your creases.
“You look sexy” she says pulling you inside, your thigh high boots rub against eachother as you awkwardly rub your exposed arms. The music is loud and the house is clouded in smoke and green led lights flashing. Choso offered to pick you up but you didn’t think you could handle his reaction if he saw you walking out of your house like this.
Several people fill the home, it’s not so bad to the point where you can’t move but it is slightly crowded and the party officially started thirty minutes ago.
You lace your fingers together and force your legs to move forward. Unsure of where you’re going until you spot several people in the backyard by the pool. You recognize the long black hair as you slide the door open and step out.
Your hearts loud in your ears as you hear them laughing, Choso has his lips wrapped around a bong and Yuki sits beside him. She’s dressed in black leather pants and a white tank top, she hardly puts effort into her look and yet still looks so sexy.
“y/n! You look hot!” Yuki says, the first one to notice you. Choso turns and starts choking on smoke as Yuki stands up and pulls you into a hug. You’re much shorter than her so you have to turn your head so you’re not suffocated by her tits.
She quickly pulls back and guides you toward the group which consists of Kento Nanami, Satoru Gojo, Suguru Geto, Utahime, Shoko, Choso and you spot the pink head of hair sitting infront of you, his back to you. You wave awkwardly as you step in the center of everyone.
Your backs to Sukuna, dreading the laugh you know he’s going to choke out. Everyone waves back, Gojo and Geto look dumbstruck and it makes your cheeks turn red. You feel confident enough to turn and face Sukuna, his expressions unreadable as his eyes take you in.
“Is this Adam Sandler enough for you?” you ask but he doesn’t answer, for once he doesn’t have some disgusting or vile comeback and you feel satisfied but also self conscious. You take the only empty seat which unfortunately is beside him.
You watch his hand flex and clench around the beer in his hand. Your eyes drift up and see his jaw tighten. You wonder what’s his problem but you look forward to see Choso staring at you. Your crossed legs squeeze tight, waiting for him to compliment you but it doesn’t come. You want to frown but don’t bother, he probably just doesn’t want to hurt Yukis feelings.
You watch everyone pass the bong around. You smoked weed once and nearly choked to death so you opted for edibles. You attempted to hit Choso’s bong once and hated the experience.
“Want a hit?” Geto questions, holding the bong out for you and you shake your head.
“She doesn’t know how to wrap her lips around it,” Sukuna speaks up for the first time tonight and you tap your nails against your thigh to stop yourself from smacking the blunt he’s holding. Geto coughs awkwardly before passing the bong to Utahime.
“I’m bored,” Shoko announces, a cigarette between her lips.
“Never have I ever or truth or dare?” Gojo questions, wiggling his eyebrows. Both games sound dreadful to you.
“What are we twelve?” Nanami asks and you hold back a laugh at his tone. Your eyes find Choso and Yuki whispering to eachother and his hand grips hers.
“Truth or dare,” you say, answering Gojo and he claps.
“Don’t listen to her, she’s never played a game beyond hide and seek,” Sukuna says, puffing out a ring of smoke. You pinch his arm and he hisses, you smile at him innocently as Gojo attempts to get everyone’s attention.
“Never have I ever, I need a drink” Shoko says and Utahime agrees. The group decides on that and Geto runs inside to get cups and a bottle of Svedka. He comes back and starts pouring into cups before handing them out.
“I’ll start,” Utahime offers.
“Never have I ever failed a test,” she says making Sukuna groan. “She’s about as boring as you” he says looking to you before he takes a sip of his drink, your cup remains untouched.
“Never have I ever fucked a virgin,” Shoko says and everyone’s cup go up but yours, Choso, Utahime and Nanami’s. You’re not sure why your heart stops for a second at the sight of Yuki taking a sip but you shake the thought away.
You look expectantly to Sukuna, now his turn and he grins at you which makes you nervous. “Never have I ever wanted to fuck my bestfriend” he says and you tense. You don’t dare touch your cup, there’s no proof but you watch several other others take a sip, excluding Choso.
“Drink up, cheater,” sukuna whispers in your ear. He’s mean, he’s always mean but tonight he’s different like he’s targeting you and you can’t understand why.
It’s your turn now and you quickly try to think of something that’ll feel like a slap to the face for him, “Never have I ever been jealous of my own brother,” you say, eyes staring into his red ones.
He takes a sip without breaking eye contact, the game continues and you still haven’t taken a sip. Your stomach tightens when it makes its way back to Sukuna, and you know he’s thought of something nasty, just for you.
“Never have I ever lost my virginity,” he says and your face reddens. Everyone knowing you’re a virgin isn’t the worst thing in the world but he nods his head at something infront of you and you turn. Choso takes a sip and your throat tightens. You look back at Sukuna with anger, and watery eyes. Why’s he being so fucking cruel.
“Never have I ever been so fucking miserable with my own life that I take it out on others to the point where nobody can stand to be around me. To the point where I have to fuck anything with a pulse to feel something,” you say, eyes glaring at him.
Everyone just stares awkwardly between you two as he takes a sip. He looks so unbothered, and it pisses you off.
“Think I’m gonna go inside,” Nanami says scratching the back of his neck before he walks off and a chorus of ‘me too’s’ go off. Choso’s stares between you and Sukuna but you simply shake your head as Yuki pulls him into the house leaving you and Sukuna alone.
You take Choso’s seat and grab the bottle of svedka on the table. Unscrew the lid and take several sips, your face scrunches and your throat tightens at the burn but you don’t care.
“What did I do to you?” you asks as he tosses what’s left of his blunt on the ground and crushes it.
“You really gonna fucking cry over a guy that doesn’t want shit to do with you? I did you a favor, stop being a crybaby” he says irritated. Your nails dig into the skin of your thigh.
“I fucking hate you,” you say and he shrugs.
“The feelings mutual, I fucking despise you,” he says and your eyes water. Tears roll down your cheeks as your lips wobble, you never cry especially not infront of him but he’s so fucking mean it breaks something in you.
“Stop, don’t do that,” he says, like the sight of you crying bothers the hell out of him.
You stare down at your lap as your shoulders shake and tears spill against your thighs. You sniffle as your cries turn into sobs. You don’t just cry because of his words but because you’re not good enough, you’re never good enough. You’d been deluding yourself that Choso actually liked you.
You flinch when you feel hands grasp your face, you feel thumbs swipe at the tears gliding down your cheeks. He tilts your head up and sighs.
“Crying over someone that doesn’t want you, won’t make them want you more,” he says, kneeling in infront of you. His face looks almost pained. His thumb glides across your bottom lip, maybe harmless but it creates heat between your legs.
You feel guilty and confused at the way your body reacts and he slowly sinks his thumb into your mouth. Your belly tightens, and you almost lick his thumb but he tugs your lip down, showing your teeth and you can’t help but furrow your brows.
Your eyes widen when he leans forward, his hands uncross your legs and spread your thighs apart before his large body nestles between them. His face is inches from yours, your hair falls around you both like a curtain and he does the strangest thing.
His nose brushes against your hair and he inhales. Your breathing heavies and your chest tightens but you don’t stop him, you just watch. His fingers graze your cheek and your skin burns under his touch. You’re confused as to what’s going on, you’ve never seen Sukuna this gentle in his life.
Your eyes close the closer he leans into you until his lips touch yours. You’ve never kissed anyone before and you’re not sure how you feel about Sukuna being the first. You feel curious and can’t help when your tongue touches his lips, licking them and he groans, the sound going straight to your pussy.
He licks you back but you don’t open your mouth, so he pinches your arm making you gasp and his mouth devours yours. You’re scared you’re not a good kisser but you push the thought aside as you try to mimic his movements.
Your arms wrap around his neck, the feeling in your belly making you push your hips against his abdomen. His large hands grip your waist as he tastes you. Is kissing suppose to feel like this? You moan when he sucks your tongue into his mouth and you cry out feeling your body tremble against him. You shake and he pulls away.
“Fuck,” he breathes. You just orgasmed.
You feel so embarrassed, that you’re quickly up and walking into the house. You pray nobody saw that as you quickly set up an Uber to come get you, you actually want to die.
You’re striding out of the house, mortified, confused and ashamed. Your Uber arrives within five minutes and you’re on your way home, your fingers graze your swollen lips. What the fuck just happened?
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part 2 part 3
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gojoshooter · 7 months
Hi bestie. I was at a party and saw this shit. Can you write a scenario/hc where gojo's crush uses his glasses as a reflective surface/mirror to put on her lipstick. Just curious how you think this would play out but this is somewhat so cute to me.
annon im snatching your brain 🏃 this is hella cute
Fifty Shades Of Friendship
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an. both seem to like shades—you, on his eyes and him, on your lips
It's a chilly November night, and you're sitting by the bar counters in a little end-year party by your best friend and beloved classmate of Jujutsu High. The charming party host— no other than Gojo Satoru sits beside you on one of the stools and waves towards the under classmen messing around on the dance floor. It's not too late when his eyes land on your smudged petal pink lips, probably caused by the Martini you sipped with it's brim.
He snorts, sitting up his slacked back from the counter and pointing at your lip. “Look at that y/n, who did you make out with this time?” It's some sort of default setting of his phsycology to make remarks on his crush bestfriend, that is, you, like some damned antibody.
Raising your eyebrows, your fingertips reach for your lip by instinct. “Mm?” he rests his cheek on his knuckles, giving a soft smile “Yes your lips. Who was it, Nanami?” and he receives an eyer roll “Haibara. I knew it” “Martini, ’toru”
Then you're looking around the club, trying to find a quick reflecting surface... none. Hmm, you think, as you take out a wipe along with your rosy-coral lipstick. You're still looking around, when your eyes slide to Gojo's loud chortle watching his dorky juniors. An adorable laugh, and then, oh— there it is, makshift mirror.
Holding his cheeks by your fingers, your turn the white head and watch as a tiny tiny gasp slips out of your bosom buddy “’toru, can you look here for a second?” he binks, nodding unconsciously as his vision drops lower towards your lip that you jut out so adorably. He might just put his on yours.
Phew, if it wasn't for the club's lights, Gojo's red face would've been exposed. Dragging your bar stool, you slip closer to his shades and begin fixing your makeup. He watches your soft lips through the translucent black glasses, occasionally travelling to your puppy shaped eyes.
His cheeks almost match the colour of your lipstick by the time you're done and when your attention finally penetrates the surface of his glasses, you can almost make out his glacier eyes looking back at your softer browns... oh. Butterflies, butterflies in stomach.
Your leaning back straightens comically fast. Coming out of trance, Gojo blinks and looks away rubbing his warm neck. “Woah- woah...” oh gosh, and his pitch comes out way higher than it originally is? Did that little moment effect him someway? You tuck a strand of hair behind, wondering.
“Pretty, y/n... I like it” you smile lightly at his comment, taking your drink back from the counter. And just for the virtue of conformation, you reply softly “You like it ’toru?” a small lick on the corner of your lip, while you try to conceal your uncontrollable smile. Best friends to lovers doesn't sound like a bad trope afterall... “Would you not like to ruin it again?”
There it is—got him, not even the club lights can hide cheeks that red.
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masterlist !!
ps. shy gojo >>>> also like and rbs are appreciated<333
tags. @anubisisthebomb @dianagracesworld @stellagrangerreads12 @momochina-sama @xxkay15xx @ruins-posts @4sat0ruu @therealjustpeachesback
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haykawas · 6 months
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summary : You've always been good at hiding your feelings for your best friend, but when Satoru finally manages to land a date with the girl of his dreams, something seems to shift inside you. But don't worry, you have another best friend there who's more than willing to care for you.
word count : ~ 11K for all routes that are out, ~ 2.8K for this part. tags : best friend!to lovers, modern AU, best friends gojo & geto, fluff, angst, eventual smut, drama, love confessions, multiple choices standalone.
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It is known that blue is your favorite color.
Blue like the sea. Like the sky on a particularly hot day. Blue like the feathers of a magnificent peacock, and the flesh of a ripe blueberry.
His eyes are blue. They’re this piercing, icy blue you can’t seem to get away from wherever you are. – It is a coincidence that they are your favorite shade of blue, too.
You don’t know when you started liking the color blue with so much passion, and you think maybe you always have. Yet you don’t do anything about it, you don’t go out of your way to profess your love for it. You don’t seek it out and won’t admit it’s the only color that’ll ever make you feel the way you do when you look at it.
It’s okay. There are many other shades to love. It’s just disheartening that it seems to be the only one that suits you so well.
And it is this same shade of blue that is sparkling in Satoru’s eyes, screaming ‘victory’ as he comes back to your table in a confident stride. The wide grin that is stretching his pink lips is triumphant, and you know what this means.
He actually did it.
He slams the piece of paper on the table, leaning at your level to rub it in your face, his sunglasses threatening to fall off his nose. – He always looks so cute when they do that, his nose slightly scrunching to keep them from doing so.
“Ha! You owe me ten bucks.”
You roll your eyes at him, clicking your tongue in annoyance. “I’m sure she took pity on you. That, or it’s a fake number.”
You hope it is, but you would be a fool to believe that. Just a look at your best friend would be enough to understand the fact that he could get anything he would ever want. Like he loved saying, his face card never declined. – To your dismay.
“Oh I knew you’d say that, so I called the number just in case. And guess what?”
“Ugh, Satoru? That’s fucking insane.” You cringe without waiting for him to finish what he has to say.
His eyes widen comically, pointing at you with accusation. “It’s not!”
Suguru also grimaces,  “It is. Creep.”
You grin and silently mouth back the word to your white-haired friend, mocking him.
Satoru rolls his eyes, already exasperated with the both of you, “Whatever you say. While you nerds are gonna be drowning in your video games, I’ll actually be getting some action tonight.” He winks, emphasizing the word action and you feign a gag. And you don’t have to try too hard for it to come out as genuine.
Suguru chimes in, sighing, “Just don’t come crying to us when she ghosts you, man. Again.”
You hum, your chin propped up on your hand, “He sure knows how to pick ‘em, hm, Suguru?”
“She’s different, guys, come on!” He whines.
“Weren’t the three other girls before different too?“
“I believe they were!“ You say, feigning the act of pushing imaginary glasses up your nose. Suguru chuckles, and you grin at him.
“Well, y’know…” He trails off, sighing in defeat because he knows he’s been cornered. “I just really don’t wanna screw this one up.”
You raise an eyebrow, a forced smile on your lips. “We’re just fucking with you, ‘Toru.” You smirk, “But don’t worry, we’ll keep the ice cream ready just in case you come back with your tail between your legs.”
He groans, “I swear you two are perfect for each other. Always teaming up on me like that! What have I done to deserve two mean best friends?”
Suguru looks at you in amusement, and you instantly meet his eyes with a cheeky grin of your own. 
“Two pretty best friends.”
At this meaningful exchange, Satoru groans, throwing his hands in the air.
“See? My point exactly!”
You can’t help but let your lips curve into a half-smile at his antics, and you don’t notice how your eyes seem to shine so much brighter when they are laid on your best friend, but Suguru does. He knows you by heart, having spent so many days and so many nights by your side. 
At the time, you and Satoru came into a package deal as much as Satoru and him did. Naturally, after spending so many years by your side, he understands the mechanics of your brain. Sometimes, such as now, he even senses something’s wrong before you even do.
Right now, he knows that your heart aches. That it must be clenching painfully in your chest, that you must be punishing yourself for not feeling happy for your best friend when he’s been meaning to ask this girl out for weeks now. But how could you, when the mere thought of him touching and tasting someone else’s skin makes you feel like you can’t breathe? Like always, Suguru can’t help but want to protect you.
So he calls your name, and when you turn to him, he leans in to whisper in your ear, “Hey, you really okay with this?”
You try to muster a grin, though it doesn’t quite reach your eyes, and like always he sees right through you. “Me? Why wouldn’t I be okay? ‘m just worried he’ll get his hopes up for nothing, that’s all.”
He lifts a brow not quite buying your act, but he doesn’t say a thing, and you’re thankful for that.
“What do you say we give him a taste of his own medicine then?”
You arch a brow in confusion, and he waves a hand before explaining himself. 
“Remember when you used to date this Nanami guy and Satoru constantly crashed your dates with phone calls and weird texts?”
“And when he actually showed up out of nowhere at the theater and shoved himself between us! I swear I was gonna rip him to shreds.”
“You gave him the silent treatment for a week after that, I thought I was gonna go crazy with his constant blabbering.” He groans, his almond eyes slightly crinkling as he reminisces your high school days.
You scoff, amused, “He always had some lame excuses, too. Nanami ended up breaking up with me 'cause he thought I was cheating on him with that fucker.” 
“So what do you think? Up for a little fun?” He says as he looks at you with mirth in his eyes, waiting for you to catch on. When you do, you can’t help but gasp at the implications of his words.
“Are you serious?”
He grins cheekily, “Let’s go to the same place he’s taking his date, but in disguise.”
“That does sound fun…” Suguru looks at you with anticipation. “But it’s very childish.”
“And he might see us.”
“That’s a possibility.”
“He’ll be pissed, too…”
“Oh, he will.” He smirks and you can’t help but mirror his expression.
“I’m in.”
“Hey! What are you two whispering about?”
“Hm? Just girl talk, you wouldn’t get it.” You answer, and you hear Suguru snicker in the back. You also can’t help the cheeky grin forming on your lips when you notice Satoru’s expression, but you don’t give him time to argue. “Hey, where did you say your date was, again?”
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That’s how you find yourself standing before the restaurant. You can’t help but scoff at the sight.
“Papa’s, seriously? It’s like he’s begging to get dumped!”
Your eyes shift to Suguru, and you burst out laughing at the sight. “You look absolutely ridiculous.” You say with a grin, and he mirrors your expression with a raised brow.
“Oh, and you don’t?”
Your eyes meet and you try to hold it in, – you’re smiling so wide it hurts your cheeks. Suguru turns his neck and averts his eyes so he doesn’t laugh, but you can see the grin stretching his lips.
“The mustache is killing me, man, I’m gonna blow our cover!” You laugh, “Take it off.”
“And ruin the vibe I went for?” He shakes his head, “Just say you want to sabotage me.”
“I do! You look way too hot in this, our cover will be blown immediately!” You tease.
He arches a brow, a hint of amusement gleaming in his eyes, “Do I now?”
“Uh uh,” You nod, “I’m this close to calling off the operation just so I can rock your world.” He lets out a deep laugh, hiding his mouth with the back of his hand as his eyes crinkle in amusement.
You return his smile.
What should have been a depressing evening turned into one of the funniest nights of your life. You would try your best to keep yourself from laughing while Suguru would act all serious, without a hint of a smile. He plays his part so well that he makes it even harder for you to keep up your facade. Your laughter echoes through the streets as you try hard not to attract attention, failing spectacularly when you happen to catch a glimpse of Suguru’s costume, –  especially his top hat. 
He has to be the only person in the world who’d think of dressing up as freaking Abraham Lincoln to spy on someone.
After this night, the bond between you two grows even stronger. Late-night conversations become the norm, and you’ve grown used to hanging out without Satoru.
It’s also due to the fact that Satoru would always find himself too busy to spend time with you, for some reason. He also misses on movie nights, and Satoru usually never misses movie nights.
You suspect it has to be because he’s seeing that girl from the Café.
You don’t want to think about it. Nor do you want to think about the distance that is growing between you. Yet you can’t deny that you miss him.
You miss him terribly, because he’s always been the only constant in your life and now it seems like he isn’t anymore. You’ve always shared everything with him, and him with you, so having him act so cold towards you feels strange. It feels like a knife in your heart.
You exhale, your finger hovering over the send button as you contemplate whether to send the message. Even if you don’t think you’ve done anything wrong, you refuse to let miscommunication come between the two of you.
you SATORU . you still coming tonight???:p
No. Too casual.
you wyd tonight? still on 4 movie night?;)
Ugh, too horny.
you Are you coming tonight or are you still avoiding us?
Hell no. Too truthful.
you you coming tonight?
Sent. As soon as you hit the send button, you throw your phone on the couch and bury it under a mountain of pillows. You sigh, feeling slightly stupid for freaking out over such a simple text.
But you never fight with Satoru, this is something you just don't do.
You’re so lost in your own embarrassment that you don’t see the screen of your phone light up, displaying Satoru’s contact name in bold letters.
satoru yeah i'll be there
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The scent of sugar fills the kitchen, and you’re lost in thought as you watch the bag of dried corn turn into sweet treats under the microwave’s heat. You sigh for what feels like the hundredth time tonight, and Suguru groans at the sound.
“My mom used to say sighs brought out the devil.” He lifts a brow. “At this rate I’ll have to incense the whole house when you leave.”
“Your mom’s way too superstitious, and you know that.” You roll your eyes. “But if the devil’s real I hope he takes you first. You’re a pain in my ass.”
He hums with a small smile, “Seems like you’re in a mood to me.”
“Classy. And a bit sexist.”
“You know what else’s classy? Not burning up the only bag of popcorn we have.” He throws with a smirk as he leaves the kitchen.
You curse at him under your breath and make quick work to retrieve what can be saved. When you’re done, you meet him on the sofa, and find him already sprawled out.
He scoots over to make room for you, and you let yourself fall on the cushions, propping your legs on his thighs. You place the bowl between the two of you, and there’s silence before you hear Suguru snort.
“I tried, okay? It was all burnt!”
“You’re so not talented at this.” He bites his lip to avoid laughing, while his gaze keeps flickering from the bowl to your eyes.
“Stop looking at it!” You move the bowl out of his sight, “You won’t have any if you keep making fun of me.” You threaten, and Suguru retreats, his hands raised in mock surrender.
“Alright, alright! Give it back and sit down, the movie’s starting.” 
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“I wish someone loved me like this.” 
You don’t realize you’ve said this out loud until you feel Suguru’s burning gaze on you. You don’t know if it’s because you’ve suddenly blurted out a lame, depressing confession, or because he thinks you’re crazy for saying it when you’re watching Shrek.
“I’m sure there is.”
You scoff, “Yeah, right.”
You turn your gaze back to the TV, but you can’t ignore the look he’s giving you. You try to ignore it, but he doesn’t let it go. And you know he has something to say. Something you won’t like.
“What?” You finally blurt out, appraising him with narrowed eyes.
“When are you going to tell him?”
“Tell who?”
“Don’t play dumb.” He gives you a blank stare, unimpressed by your act. “Everyone and their mother knows you have it bad for Satoru.”
“Suguru…” You groan.
“Go on, tell me I’m wrong.”
Your mouth opens to try and muster up a lie, but you can’t come up with anything. You can’t lie about this, and he knows it.
He smiles, “See? You can’t even deny it.”
“He has a girlfriend.”
“Oh, did he tell you? Or did you just pull this one out of your ass?”
You roll your eyes, pushing him away. He chuckles, enjoying the sheer embarrassment displayed on your face. 
“You know he didn’t. But come on! You and I both know he never misses movie night, and he’s been bailing on us for weeks now.” You frown, “What kind of best friend does that?”
Suguru hums. “Yeah, sure. A best friend.”
You look at him with arched brows. He’s testing your limits, and while you’re used to this side of him, you’re not in the mood to play. At this point, you’ve both drowned out the sound of the TV, you glaring at him for forcing you to face the truth, and him just waiting for you to come to terms with your own feelings.
You let out a humorless laugh, throwing your hands in the air, “You know what?” 
“Yes, I’m in love with Satoru! So what? Do you expect me to run to his house and confess my undying love for him before it’s ‘too late’?” You exclaim, and you’re too engrossed in your speech to notice Suguru’s panicked expression as he looks over your shoulder, or his hand gestures signaling you to cut the conversation short.
You don’t realise you’re no longer alone until the sound of movement startles you. You turn around with a jump, and what you see makes your blood run cold. Satoru is standing in the doorway, his presence having gone unnoticed until then. You can see the shock on his face, a mixture of surprise and confusion.
You’re paralyzed. 
You feel like the sick butt of a joke. And if the fact that your childhood best friend heard you profess your love for him wasn't enough to make you wish you were dead, it’s the look on his face that crushes you the most.
His eyes search for yours in hope you’ll explain yourself, and it makes you want to disappear from the surface of the Earth.
You never wanted him to know. You never wanted him to look at you like this. Like… he pitied you.
Suguru extends an arm to hold you back, but he’s a few seconds too late. You can’t bear this, so much that you don’t let anyone say a single word before you flee the apartment, ducking under Satoru’s arm without sparing him a glance.
You absolutely won’t stand there and listen to him apologize for not feeling the same way you do.
You refuse to feel your best friends’ sorry glances on you as they comfort you. You know it’s cowardly, that you should just stayed and talked about the elephant in the room, or just lied your way out of it.
You didn't, though. You fled, and the shame is eating you alive, but you couldn't stay there.
Not today. Your dignity won’t let you.
Yet, it seems like fate has other plans for you, because you hear quick, familiar,  footsteps hurrying towards you.
And you know it’s him. 
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Him? What do you mean by him? Help a poor writer out!
Suguru Geto, who else?
Of course it's Gojo Satoru.
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hello hello, welcome to my standalone first choose your own adventure!! there are three routes to this story (one has two possible branches), two are already out, one is coming soon! i absolutely loved working on this, although this took lots of time. i hope you enjoy it!
rbs are much appreciated <3
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ponderingmoonlight · 2 months
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Chapter 2: Reluctant Allies
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Pairing: Gojo x fem! reader
Warnings: language, domestic violence, thank y'all for sharing your experience with me, it helped me so much understanding childhood trauma and made me transform it into this fic <3
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„I heard about your failures, (y/n).”
Your mouth reacts faster than your mind.
“Maybe I’d do better if you get me away from that ass school”, you mutter more to yourself than your father.
A brutal slap sends you straight back to reality and your heart into your throat. Fuck, you’re not talking to Gojo Satoru here, your time at Jujutsu High didn’t do you any favour apparently. The man in front of you wearing that dark blue kimono is none other than your father. Or better said, the man who is responsible for your lousy existence on this planet.
Being a father is a wide stretch for that monster.
“Watch how you talk to me, (y/n). I sent you to Jujutsu High in order to become better than that Gojo brat, so that you bring honor to the Zenin clan. But all you accomplished this far is a grade 2”, he hisses through gritted teeth.
The stinging smell of sake sticks to his presence like glue and makes your guts turn almost instantly. When will this madness finally stop? What on earth are you supposed to do when Gojo Satoru is the honoured one? You studied the way he fights over and over, tried to gain as much information as possible regarding his abilities. But still…
“The only way to get better than him is to kill him”, you press out.
“Maybe you’re simply not strong enough, (y/n). I told you right from the start you can’t surpass me, even though you’re older than me-”
“I’m your twin sister, you fucking fool”, you spit at the other man who emerges from the shadows like the frightful little monster he is.
Since the day you were born, you held a strong dislike for Naoya and how he was worshipped in contrast to the way they treated you. The genius, the youngest, the most promising of Nabito’s children who left you standing in the rain, who forced you into Jujutsu High. If there’s a reason apart from the fact that you are a Zenin for your miserable life, it’s him.
Him, who’s now standing in front of you like a statue with a shit-eating grin plastered on his usual so cold features.
“And still, you are the weakest out of this whole clan. I could wipe you from the surface of earth without even blinking, so watch how you talk to me, brat.”
You know all too well that his words aren’t true. No, you trained your ass off these last months, surpassed your classmates by miles. The teachers at Jujutsu High told you over and over how special you are, that you are stronger than any jujutsu sorcerer these last decades. If it wasn’t for him…
Fucking Gojo Satoru. If they wouldn’t constantly compare you to him, they’d begin to see how well you do, that you are just as capable as Naoya is. But instead, they forced a task on you you’ll never be able to achieve. How on earth are you supposed to be better than the honoured one? You clench your hands into fists so tight that blood spills and lift yourself off the ground, cheek hurting like hell. No, no matter how unimaginable the task is, you have to do it, you have to prove them wrong. Even if it means that you need to beat him, even if it means you are forced to spend even more time with that douchebag.
You will beat Gojo Satoru, no matter what it costs. 
“Just watch me surpass you then, Naoya.”
“I can’t wait to see you try, loser.”
-back at Jujutsu High-
“Wait a minute, what the fuck is he doing here?”
All you wanted to do was going to the training field and running your heart out when Masamichi Yaga stopped you mid-way. Your heart is still pounding roughly against your ribcage in sheer anger, cheek hurting like hell from the well-timed slap your father gave you earlier this day. And now there’s him, Gojo Satoru, sitting on a chair with his long legs stretched out onto the table in front of him and Geto rolling his eyes.
Well, seeing that dumb smirk on that idiot’s face definitely makes you wish to be back at the Zenin’s estate though.
“Would you sit down before causing a scene, (y/n)?”, your teacher mutters while squeezing the bridge of his nose in sheer annoyance.
You snort to yourself while crossing the room, carefully avoiding those devilish blue orbs like a plague on the way to the free seat next to Geto. To be honest, you never allowed yourself a feeling similar to affection when it came to your comrades. No matter how many times Yu brought you sweets, no matter how often Geto trained with you. The second a spark of feelings other than disinterest and anger ascends, you do anything in your power to trample it to death. No, in your world, there is no place for stupid things like that.
Not even Geto’s charming smile can change this.
“I’m sat. Now tell me why that douchebag is breathing the same air as me.”
“Douchebag? I hope you’re not talking about me, disgusting (y/n).”
Gojo’s sing-sang voice stings in your ear, annoys you straight to your already troubled core. God, how are you supposed to avoid him when you get forced together by that cursed school every single time? You have already seen him twice this week, way too much for even a month.
“Why can’t you just shut up once, Gojo scum?”
“You calling me a scum when your family is out there murdering? Look at your pathetic self, (y/n). Your cheek wasn’t bruised when I saw you yesterday. What happened, huh? Daddy must have been pretty upset with your dumbass as it seems. I know you went on a little family trip this morning, looks like it was definitely worth it. Send your father my kindest regards.”
Something inside you snaps. Before Geto is able to get a hold of your trembling body, you get off your chair and yank Gojo’s puny figure towards the ground, eyes locked with his dirty gaze. Oh, that asshole knows exactly what buttons he has to press in order to send you over the edge, he knows exactly that your family will always be your weak spot.
And Gojo Satoru definitely has no problem with using that knowledge to destroy you from the inside out.
“Do you really think you can hurt me with your words? Don’t you think I’m used to hearing stuff like this after years of living with that family?”, you suddenly press out.
For a split second, Satoru’s eyes widen in surprise. That look on your face, it reminds him of the day when he met you, when you heard your nanny’s voice shouting after you. A spark of…
Pain. Despair. Anger.
 It wasn’t a secret to anyone how badly members of the Zenin clan were treated by their own family. Fuck, after all he always witnessed those fresh bruises decorating your body when you came back from a trip home. How many times Geto told him to not talk about your family, to not stress you any further when you returned from your family. It was in his nature to make fun of you. You’re a Zenin, right? The worst enemy of the Gojo clan, right?
But for the first time since his childhood, a gleam of sorrow sparks up his usual so cold heart when it comes to you. He really feels…sorry.
Until your eyes get as cold as before. Until his mind snaps back to reality with a shake of his head, back into the word where you pin him against the ground, ready to beat the shit out of him.
“Cry about it.”
The words escape his lips automatically, trained on mocking you at any given opportunity since he was a child.
Without saying another word, you lift yourself off the ground and press him down with your foot one last time before Geto finally gets a hold of you and drags you backwards. Oh, you are so used to his cruel words that they don’t even hurt you anymore. No, instead a numb feeling takes over your chest, drags the wave of emotions that ran over you away. You rip your gaze away from him and return to your seat, wordlessly staring at the teacher in front of you.
“So, what’s the point of this pity party?”, you question.
“I have a mission for you.”
“A mission for me?”, you repeat in sheer disbelief.
Oh, this feeling crawling up your spine makes your guts turn. Normally, getting called in like this and being assigned with an important mission is the best that can happen. After all, a lot of these missions lead to you ranking up to a grade 2. But being in the same room as him…
Your eyes drift over Gojo ever so slightly, catching the way he already stares at you with wiggling eyebrows.
“A mission for all of you”, the man standing in front of you clarifies.
Fuck. You don’t even care about the way he explains the mission, how Geto scolds Gojo for not listening and making dumb jokes. No, all you can do is stare at him in sheer horror. Him, the honoured one sitting only one seat away from you. All this time you were forced into going on missions with others, but luckily it was never him. Somehow you always managed to stay with Yu or Geto. Fuck, why not Nanami? You were supposed to stay away from him, to get better than him. But instead you’ll have to work with him by your side? Him, Gojo Satoru?
“Ain’t no way I’m going with that white ferret by my side.”
You’re already jumping out of your seat, ready to leave the room without looking back. Fuck that mission, fuck the potential of getting better. Nothing is worth spending one or even more days together with that douchebag.
“Even if it means getting ranked as grade 1 if you’re successful?”
Wait…what? Your ears perk up, eyes darting towards the tall man standing in front of you with his arms crossed over his chest. Is he serious about that? Getting ranked as a grade 1 would surely benefit you in your goal, especially since Naoya and your father are special grade 1 sorcerers… You’ve been here for a few weeks, already ranked up to a grade 2. It would bring honor to your family if you achieved getting ranked up just below the special grade so rapidly.
And this would mean you’re finally gaining a tiny bit of freedom, a tiny bit of the appreciation you fucking deserve.
“Come on, (y/n). I will keep an eye on him. We’ll get it done together.”
There it is again, the oh so charismatic smile of the black-haired man next to you. Is this really worth it? Your mind wanders back and forth, head almost exploding underneath the pressure. If you decline an important mission like this, your father will beat the shit out of you. But on the other hand, he’ll punish you as well as soon as he finds out that you purposely spend time with Gojo Satoru. Still…
Your nails dig into your thighs, head lowered. This is the best chance you get in order to become a special grade and beat that douchebag sooner or later.
“Only under one condition.”
All pairs of eyes are set on you as thick silence hangs in the room. You raise your head again proudly, the deadly gleam in your eyes making even Gojo stop in his tracks.
“What is it?”
“Don’t you dare to talk to me, let alone get in my way, Gojo scum”, you hiss through gritted teeth.
“Oh dear Zenin brat”, the white-haired boy sighs, casually lying back in his chair.
“Don’t you dare to cry for my help, then.”
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Tags: @whereismysane @risuola @colouringfrogssittinginleaves @livmarauder @sapphireandange @madaqueue @chilichopsticks @sugurulefttesticle @boba-is-a-soup @jennapancake @kentocalls @mrshlf @byakuya61085
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gojossocks · 3 months
Gossips and Convenience Stores | Series Masterlist
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Pairing: Gojo x Reader
Status: on-going
Summary: the story of how you single handedly managed to disrupt the equilibrium that is Gojo Satoru’s life.
Themes: hurt/comfort, fluff, smut, angst
Content: enemies to lovers, slow burn, mutual pining, arranged marriage, exes to lovers, first love
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I. Prologue
II. New Romantics
You represent everything that Gojo despises in the Jujutsu World yet you've completely enamored him.
III. You Are In Love (March 22)
Navigating the blurred lines between reality and obligation, you found yourself entangled in an arranged marriage with your best friend. Was it all for show or are you really falling in love with him?
IV. Say Don't Go (March 29)
V. I'm Still at the Restaurant
VI. This Love
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main masterlist
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therealmrsgojo · 4 months
I'd lie
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pairing: gojo satoru x reader
summary: throughout your entire existence, gojo satoru has been a constant companion, providing comfort and a sense of belonging. as the days turned into years, you discovered yourself succumbing to an intense affection for him, as if it were the most natural thing in the world. warnings: sfw, fluff, plot-heavy, canon divergence. mentions of injuries, spoilers if you haven't read jjk s2 (gojo's past arc) inspired by i'd lie song. word count: 10.6k "I'm holding every breath for you."
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7th of December, 2000.
"(Y/N)?" Your father's soft knock interrupted your reading. You tore your gaze from the book and carefully placed it on your desk.
You opened the door and looked up at him. "Yes? I was reading, and I was told I'd resume my training in the afternoon."
Your father dismissed your statement as he crouched and placed his hands firmly on your shoulders, face devoid of emotion. "Tonight, we have been invited by the Gojo clan for dinner," he announced. "Their heir, Satoru, who is around your age, will celebrate his birthday today. It's an important occasion, and I expect you to behave properly. Remember the lessons you learned about their clan from your advisor?"
You nodded politely to your father. "Yes."
Despite never meeting your mother in person, you felt her love through the tangible items she left behind for you. As you grew up, you cherished the handmade clothes and plush toys she crafted while carrying you in her womb, knowing that each stitch symbolized her love for you. You could feel her excitement and anticipation for the life she hoped to share in her letters about her dreams for your future together.
These mementos became treasured possessions for both you and your father, providing comfort and connection to the mother who was taken from you too soon.
You are the sole heir of the (L/N) clan, who have been practicing the elusive and powerful Reverse Curse Technique for generations, dating back to the ancient Heian Era; a rare and unique technique that only a select few sorcerers have ever been able to master fully.
As an only child, you are treated with the utmost care, like a precious and delicate flower that could wilt at any moment. Forbidden from leaving the confines of your estate, your education is conducted by a private advisor who visits you within the walls of your home.
Your father, consumed by the grief of losing your mother, has shut out the outside world and left you in the care of the servants. But, having finally overcome his sorrow, he is focused entirely on your training. He speaks in riddles and mysteries, hinting at your potential and the significant responsibilities that come with mastering the Reverse Curse Technique, even though you are still young and inexperienced.
Although you didn't fully understand it, you were grateful that he never replaced your mother.
According to gossip, your mother and the current head wife of the Gojo family were inseparable friends before the latter's untimely demise. Their bond was so strong that people often joked that they might have conspired to conceive simultaneously. However, you only saw her once when you were younger, stealthily peering from behind a pillar.
The memory of her tear-streaked face as she lamented to your father about his prolonged absence from society is etched in your mind. Her beauty was as striking as your mother's, and you couldn't help feeling a twinge of sadness when your father dismissed her.
You feel your servant's gentle hands carefully gathering your hair as she expertly pins it up in preparation for the long-awaited dinner with the Gojo clan. A small smile graces your lips as you realize this is your first time leaving the estate. You can't help but wonder what the night has in store for you - if you'll be able to make new friends and if they'll like you enough to hug you.
As your servant announces that she has put the finishing touches on your hair, you take a deep breath, eagerly anticipating the exciting and unknown adventure ahead.
"It's done," she says, and you know that you're ready for whatever the night may bring.
"Thank you," you replied.
An hour passes, and you and your father walk toward the entrance of the grand estate ahead of you. Seeing the estate's towering gates and intricately designed walls leaves you in awe, but you feel timid as you realize you haven't had many interactions with people other than your loyal servants.
You keep your head down, avoiding the gaze of some people standing at the gate, and clench your fingers tightly. You try to take slow, deep breaths to calm yourself down, but your heart beats faster with each passing second.
As you continued walking, lost in thought, a familiar-faced woman with a serene smile and eyes that shone like glassy beads stood just after the gates approached you. Her voice was gentle and soothing as she said, "My dear, (Y/N)?"
She immediately walked towards you with open arms and embraced you tightly. "I'm so happy you and your father came," she added, her voice reflecting the happiness and sorrow in her heart. "Your mother was my dearest best friend; you can call me Suzuki," she said, her eyes glistening with tears of fond memories.
You hummed and couldn't help but notice the warmth that emanated from her. It wasn't just her physical warmth but the comforting scent that enveloped you. The fragrance was familiar yet unique, making you wonder if your mother had ever exuded this aura. Something that you wouldn't ever know.
Whatever it was, you found yourself drawn to her, feeling a sense of calmness in her presence. Your previous overwhelming nervousness slowly dissipated from your body, and you could feel your eyes moisten - as if you were finally experiencing the long-awaited embrace of a loving mother, the one you had yearned for all your life upon hearing descriptions from your servants.
The feeling was so comforting that made you close your eyes and take a deep breath, savoring the moment of pure bliss.
You glanced at your father, standing nearby, only to see his eyes fixed on his feet. Sensing your sadness, your father suggested that you all go inside, noting that the temperature was dropping rapidly.
The woman's arms gently unfolded as she stared lovingly at you, "Please, come with me, my dear. Allow me to introduce you to my son." She gestured towards a young man you finally noticed, standing under the estate's central porch, having him fully witness your interaction with his mother.
You could tell that his mother, Suzuki, was proud to introduce her son to you. As she made the introduction, his eyes were fixated on yours, curiosity evident. Suzuki spoke in a welcoming tone, "This is Satoru. I've told him about you and your mother. I hope you can become friends."
"Nice to meet you, (Y/N)," Satoru's expression was one of eager anticipation as he waited for you to respond. You could sense he was genuinely interested. You felt a sense of sincerity in his words.
You responded, hoping to mirror his welcoming tone, "It's nice to meet you, too."
Still gazing into his eyes, you can't help but be entirely captivated by their intense shade of blue. It was as if you were staring into the depths of the ocean or the vast expanse of the sky. The color was so vivid and striking that it almost felt like some irresistible force was pulling you in.
You can't look away, and as you continued to stare, hearing his mother order the servants to start preparing the supper, you felt a sense of power emanating from him — the six eyes.
You suddenly heard your father's voice calling out your name, snapping you back to reality. You quickly went to the grand dining hall, where an opulent feast awaited you. The table was covered with various mouth-watering dishes, each more extravagant than the last. You feel a sense of awe at the sheer amount of food laid out before you.
It was clear that no expense had been spared in preparing this feast, and you can't wait to indulge in the delicious dishes that awaited you.
The only people present were Satoru's parents, you, your father, and the attending servants. It was a small gathering, especially considering the Gojo clan's reputation for throwing lavish parties. You couldn't help but wonder why the birthday celebration of the next head of the clan would be so simple.
Noticing your curious gaze, Suzuki spoke up. "Birthday dinners are a deeply personal and intimate affair for us," she explained. "Traditionally, we only invite our closest family members to these gatherings. It allows us to truly focus on celebrating our loved one's life and accomplishments without any distractions."
It was clear that they valued quality over quantity when it came to their family gatherings, and you admired their dedication to keeping their traditions alive - making you realize that this was more meaningful than any extravagant party could ever be.
Everyone started to settle into their seats around the beautifully decorated table, your father's voice rang out with gratitude and appreciation. "Thank you for inviting us," he said, his words carrying a weight of respect.
You were just about to slide the seat next to your father into a more comfortable position when you heard Satoru's voice calling out to you. "Sit beside me?" Turning your head to see him gesturing towards the empty seat beside him, a tiny smile across his face.
You looked towards your father and saw him nod his head in approval.
As you made your way towards Satoru, you noticed how the light from the window cast a warm glow on his features, highlighting the contours of his face and the softness of his skin. You sat beside him, feeling a sense of comfort and familiarity as you settled.
The plates of aromatic food started being passed around the table, and small talk between your father and the current head of the Gojo clan grew more animated - Satoru turned his attention to you. He leaned in closer, his voice lowered to a gentle whisper, "Are you okay? What do you want to eat?"
It was apparent from how the boy spoke that he deeply understood your situation. It seemed like his mother had informed him about most of the details; evidently, as he looked around the table, gathering some delicious food to fill your plate as if he had been doing it for years.
You were touched by his kindness and felt a warm glow of gratitude spread through you. His actions and gentle inquiry made you think you can finally have a friend.
"(Y/N)?" Satoru called out your name with a hint of concern in his voice. His face was marked with worry, and his eyebrows were furrowed in a frown as he noticed that you were staring at him.
In an unguarded moment, you spoke your thoughts out loud to him, "You have your father's eyes." The words slipped out accidentally, catching you off guard. You felt a sudden rush of embarrassment flood you, causing your eyes to widen in surprise. You quickly realized what you had just said and clamped your hand across your lips, hoping to somehow undo the slip of the tongue.
"Eh?" Satoru was taken aback, their face displaying a clear expression of surprise as they let out a small gasp. However, this was quickly followed by laughter that grew louder by the second.
His hands went straight to his stomach as if trying to contain the mirth, but their efforts were in vain as he continued laughing uncontrollably. Amidst the laughter, he managed to utter a barely coherent "W-h-what?" as he doubled over, his laughter showing no signs of abating anytime soon.
"I apologize. Happy birthday?" you said to him, not expecting your words to make him laugh more. You then noticed that he was repeatedly stomping, and you could see tears streaming down his cheeks.
Not being able to resist the infectious sound of his laughter anymore, soon, you found yourself laughing with him.
Gojo Satoru and (L/N)(Y/N)'s laugh was heard outside the dining room. The two children - aged eleven and soon to be the heads of their respective clans - sat together, laughing without any care.
People around them stopped what they were doing and looked towards the source of the laughter, wondering what could be so amusing, seeing their faces were red and tears streaming down their cheeks.
Despite the curious stares, laughter filled the air and echoed through the room. The questions they asked were barely audible. It was as if the two of you were in your own universe, oblivious to everything else.
The joy you both shared was infectious, and for a moment, it felt like nothing else mattered.
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14th of February 2004
You stood outside your estate, waiting for your best friend, Gojo Satoru, to arrive, when you heard his voice calling out to you, "Hey, doll!" You turned around to see him walking towards you, his signature wide smile lighting up his face.
Standing beside you, your father welcomed him warmly as he entered the gates. Satoru was a frequent visitor to your estate, and you always enjoyed his company.
"Satoru." He looked as dashing as ever, with his striking features and confident demeanor. Your father dismissed both of you to start the day, letting you know you could call him anytime.
Walking side by side, you could feel his infectious energy filling the air, and you can't help but feel grateful for his friendship and the joy he brought into your life ever since he met you.
During your early meal with your father, he suddenly asked, "Is Gojo Satoru courting you?" Shocked by the question, you almost choked on your water. You quickly composed yourself and responded, "What? No. He's just my friend."
Your father continued to stare at you, and after a few moments, he spoke again, "I've noticed the fondness he displays towards you. It's obvious, and I am a man myself. He visits our estate countless times and would rather spend time with you than attend gatherings and meetings with his own father. It's no surprise that rumors have started to spread about your relationship with the holder of the six eyes."
Annoyed, you replied, "Don't call him that. He has a name." You were ready to stand up and leave the conversation, but your father chuckled and added, "Well, it seems like he's not the only one enamored, after all."
You continued towards the gardens where you usually hang out with your friend; you saw that your friend was sporting a massive grin. You felt suspicious since you knew that look of his all too well.
"Why are you smiling like an idiot?" you asked him, trying to mask your amusement. You felt he was up to something but wanted to hear it from him. "Did something happen? Don't tell me you're planning one of your pranks again?" you added as you approached him.
"Oh, no! God no, doll face," he exclaimed, removing his glasses, "Not when I promised to you the last time. Wouldn't want to receive your powerful smacks in my head again."
He quickly bent down and sat on the picnic cloth splayed across the lush green grass, dismissing your glare. "But you can't stop me from calling you doll~"
You let out a defeated sigh and uttered a single word, "Stop." you sat down and noticed his eyes immediately drawn to the basket of sweets near him. You could see a broad smile growing on his face as he assessed it filled with an assortment of treats, cookies, and chocolates each one carefully made with your own hands.
Satoru enthusiastically expressed his admiration as he eagerly proceeded to unwrap one.
"You really are the most amazing person in the world," he exclaimed dramatically, his eyes sparkling with delight. Without wasting any time, he took a bite of the treat, savoring the delicious flavor with a look of sheer pleasure on his face. "This is the only thing I'll ever fall in love with," he added, munching and running his fingers through his hair.
hope not. hope you're wrong.
You reached out for one of the freshly baked cookies, and you marveled at the breathtaking view of the garden. It was a sight that you had grown accustomed to, yet it never failed to take your breath away.
Your gaze drifted towards the dandelions swaying in the gentle breeze, and you smiled at the memory of planting them with your best friend. You recalled how he had complained every other minute, but you both had laughed and enjoyed each other's company nonetheless. 
Satoru reached for another sweet from the basket. "I am thrilled that we are going to attend Jujutsu High together next year," he exclaimed excitedly. "Finally, we can be classmates!"
You playfully teased him, saying, "After all that begging you did to my father to let me enroll, I can't even look at you anymore." You laughed as you saw his shoulders slump in response.
"It's not begging, (Y/N)! It's convincing!" Satoru retorted, pinching your cheeks and ruffling your hair. You giggled as you playfully slapped his hands away from your hair.
"Sounds the same to me," He pouted in response.
"You know, doll. I have decided to follow your advice from last week," he continued, his eyes still fixed on you. He started admiring how the wind softly moved your hair; his eyes widened slightly at how red your cheeks were from his pinching.
"Satoru?" You felt your cheeks grow warm as you realized how closely he was silently looking at you. For a moment, you were lost in his gaze, mesmerized by the different colors you could count in his eyes.
Snapping out of his trance, he cleared his throat, and a slight twinge of red appeared on his cheeks as he avoided your gaze. "I plan to buy guitars for the both of us so we can start learning, as you suggested," he said, still feeling shy.
For a second, Satoru forgot about the sweets and instead focused on the loud thump of his heart, how his hands trembled slightly, admiring the beauty of the person beside him.
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1st of December, 2005
You leaned your head against the cool glass of the car window, closed your eyes, and let out a deep sigh. The engine's hum and the car's soft vibrations, as it moved along the road, were soothing and almost lulling you into a peaceful slumber. However, your reverie was interrupted by the persistent buzzing in your pocket. It was your phone, which had already buzzed for the 19th time from your best friend.
Sitting beside you, Shoko noticed your expression and asked, "It's Satoru again?" She chuckled as she knew that Satoru tended to be clingy to you.
"Seems like he can't keep his eyes off you, huh?" In the passenger seat, Suguru joined in the laughter and commented that he, too, was familiar with Satoru's attachment to you and found it amusing.
You recounted the events from the previous day, "I suppose I am to blame for the whole situation. When he asked me where I intended to go without him this weekend, I knew he would be able to tell if I lied. That's why I ended up avoiding him and his questions altogether." As you spoke, your phone buzzed once again, interrupting the conversation.
Shoko put her arm around you and pinched your left cheek playfully as she spoke, "Well, we can't have him tagging along with us when we plan to buy him gifts for his upcoming day, can we?" You couldn't help but smile at her teasing, knowing she was right.
Then, Suguru interrupted your conversation, saying, "We're here, ladies." As he spoke, the car pulled up in front of the mall where the three of you had planned to go shopping.
The hours spent with your friends seem to have flown by in a blur; you all had a wonderful time browsing through countless stores, chatting and laughing along the way.
After searching for a perfect gift, you finally found a soft, green-colored scarf adorned with intricate details. The green shade of the scarf is just the right hue that your friend likes but rarely talks about. The embroidery on the scarf is meticulously crafted and adds a touch of elegance to the overall design.
You can't resist the thought of Satoru wearing it, and a blush spread across your cheeks as you imagined how handsome he would look in it. The scarf was indeed a work of art, and you're excited to see the look of delight on Satoru's face when he received it.
You find yourself sitting comfortably in the back of the car, feeling relaxed after finishing your lunch just a few minutes ago. Your two friends are still outside, indulging in a smoking break before joining you. With nothing much to do, you reach for your phone and check the last message Satoru sent you an hour ago.
Satoru Hey, can you please tell me where you are at the moment? I'll fetch you. I won't ask for any more details if you want. I'm feeling soooooo bored right now; it feels like there is nothing left to do without you. Suguru and Shoko left the campus, too. Please answer and hang out with me, doll. :(
You laughed at his silliness, typing a quick reply.
I'm on my way and will be there shortly. I can almost see you making a pouty face right now.
Satoru I. am. not. pouting! :P
Your two friends got into the car; Shoko offered to keep the gift you had brought for Satoru safe until the right moment. "Since he hangs out a lot in your room, he might accidentally stumble upon it," she added with a smile. You gratefully handed the gift over to her,
"Thank you, Shoko." You replied, chuckling and handing her the paper bag.
"No need to thank me; just remember what you promised me about teaching me more about your technique." She said as she accepted the bag.
"Are you sure we're not lost sisters or something? I swear you learn too fast. You're too talented," You teased, hearing Suguru's laughter in front of the car.
"It's because I have a great teacher." She winked at you, pulling out her phone to check it.
Suguru was reminded about when they tried learning the Reverse Curse Technique from you. He couldn't help but envy Shoko, who could pick it up quickly, especially since she was learning it directly from an (L/N). The two males were not so lucky and struggled with the technique.
After that, whenever Satoru saw Shoko practicing with you, he would get visibly upset and complain that it wasn't fair. In fact, he even ignored Shoko for a whole month at first, giving her the cold shoulder and grumping every time she was around you. It was clear that Satoru was jealous and frustrated, and Suguru chuckled at his own thoughts.
Anyone in the same room where you and Satoru interact can easily perceive the depth of your affection towards each other. Onlookers would be unable to deny the palpable energy and connection between you two.
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1st of March, 2006.
You softly chuckled as you watched the scene unfold before you. Shoko is sprinting after Satoru, holding the stolen lighter in his hand and waving it teasingly at her. You can hear the girl's colorful curses as she tries to catch up with him, but it's almost impossible.
Finally, she gives up and flops beside you, still panting from the chase, watching as Suguru takes over in chasing Satoru.
You glance at her and smile sympathetically, knowing how frustrating it can be to try and catch Satoru when he's in one of his playful moods. "He does like to argue, doesn't he?" Shoko comments, looking at you with a hint of amusement.
You nod, still watching Satoru as he runs around in circles, winking and waving back at you theatrically. "It's just his way of showing affection, really. He likes to tease and goof around with the people he cares about." You can't help but grin at the sight of your best friend, feeling a warm sense of fondness wash over you.
As you continue to watch Satoru, you find yourself getting lost in his presence. You noticed how his white hair shimmers with every move he makes. His laughter is like music to your ears, and you're completely entranced by him. You liked seeing him happy. Your chest tightens with a fluttering sensation, blushing as you look away.
Unbeknownst to you, Shoko has been watching you the whole time, a sly smirk playing on her lips as she observes your reactions to Satoru. She can tell you're smitten with him, and she can't help but feel amused by it. To her, you look like a child who's been given a treat after a long day.
"Do you love him?" It was Shoko who had asked, and you could feel your heart racing, making you freeze, and you tried to come up with a response that wouldn't give away your true feelings.
You took a deep breath and replied, "Of course I do. He's my friend. I love all of you." You hoped your answer would satisfy her curiosity, but she wasn't done yet.
"You know what I mean, right?" she continued, "It's just the two of us here; no need to be shy about it. Won't tell anyone."
You could feel your cheeks turning red as you realized what she was getting at. You didn't want to admit it, but you couldn't deny your feelings for Satoru to yourself. You tried to ignore them, to push them down and pretend that they didn't exist, afraid that it would destroy your friendship, but they were always there, simmering beneath the surface.
You felt a sense of panic when you saw Satoru and Suguru approaching from across the field. You didn't want them to overhear anything, and you knew that Shoko wouldn't give up until she had her answer.
Finally, you spoke, your voice barely above a whisper. "I don't love him like that."
The bitterness of your words is so intense that it feels like you are tasting poison.
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2nd of April, 2006.
As you held the phone to your ear, you heard Gojo Satoru's voice on the other end, "I miss you, doll." You laughed softly and responded, "It's only been three days since I last saw you, Satoru."
There was a brief pause before Satoru spoke again, his breaths audible on the other end of the line. You started to feel a little worried as he remained silent for a while.
Although your father had allowed you to enroll at the school, it was under the condition that you wouldn't participate in any dangerous missions and would help out as a support during your time there.
"Are you okay?" you asked, aware of his challenges on his current mission with the Star Plasma Vessel. Your best friend had been keeping you updated on the situation, and you had just learned that their day had been extended in Okinawa.
"I'm fine; I just miss you a lot. I think this is the longest we've been apart since we started at Jujutsu High," Satoru replied, shuffling noises audible in the background.
You couldn't help but worry about his well-being. "Have you even rested? When was the last time you slept, Satoru?"
"I'll sleep when I get back, I promise. And don't worry, Suguru is here with me, so everything's fine. I'll see you tomorrow when we get back early in the morning, doll."
You signed, knowing Satoru was persistent and wouldn't listen to you. "I did some appointments with Yaga earlier so I'm going to bed now. I might be still sleeping at that time, so just knock on my door, Okay?"
"Okay. Can we not end the call?" Satoru pleaded, and you felt your heart flutter a little at his words.
"Sure," you tiredly replied, smiling as you put the phone on speaker and closing your eyes as you drifted off to sleep.
"Goodnight, (Y/N)," Satoru said, a smile audible in his voice as he heard your soft breaths indicating that you had already fallen asleep. He can't wait to be reunited with you, having brought you some native sweets and souvenirs from the island.
You were sound asleep when suddenly, you were jolted awake by a powerful tremor that shook the ground beneath you. You immediately sensed the presence of intense and menacing curse energy emanating from somewhere nearby.
Without wasting any time, you tossed aside your covers, swung your legs over the side of the bed, and hurriedly made your way to your closet.
You rummaged through your clothes, quickly grabbing your pants and sweatshirt. You changed out of your nightwear, and within a minute, you stood at your door, pulling it open.
You saw Shoko, still half-asleep and groggy, peeking out to see what was going on. "What's happening, (Y/N)? Wait for me, I'll get dressed," she murmured, rubbing her eyes.
But you were already in a hurry and didn't want to waste any time. "I'll go ahead; you can follow me after," you hollered over your shoulder as you dashed out of the room, ignoring her calls.
You ran as fast as you could, feeling your heart pounding in your chest. You knew that Satoru and Suguru were supposed to return from their mission at this time, and the thought made you even more anxious.
As you sprinted across the school grounds, you could sense the presence of more and more energy curses. You felt your heart rate increase, and your breathing became more labored. And then, when you finally arrived at the school gates, you saw the destruction that lay in front of you.
It was a terrifying sight, and your nerves were on edge. You ran even faster toward the source of the disturbance, and as you got closer, you caught a glimpse of a white-haired man lying on the ground, covered in blood. Your heart skipped a beat, and you felt your breath stop.
Gojo Satoru.
As you arrived at the scene, your eyes widened in shock and disbelief at what you saw. His body was covered in his own blood. Your heart started pounding harder in your chest, and you felt a lump in your throat.
Tears welled up in your eyes and started dropping down your cheeks as you struggled to take deep, shaky breaths.
You knew you had to stay composed and take control of the situation, but your mind was racing, and your hands trembled. You whispered to yourself, "Okay. Okay. Calm down. I- I can- I can do this." You repeated these words like a mantra, trying to steady your nerves and focus.
You attempted to gather your curse energy on your hands, a technique you had practiced for countless hours since childhood; you began to take notice of the true extent of the damage on his body, a vital and ugly stab on his neck, and it follows going down on his chest, covered in more blood, your palms felt warm and tingly as you focused your energy, but the sudden realization caused your breaths to become more rapid, shaky, and uncontrollable.
This was not a time to make any mistakes.
Your body shook with sobs as you tried to focus your mind, knowing that timing was crucial to the success of your technique. The air around you was tense, and you could feel your heart pounding.
Desperately, you reached out to the person lying before you, your breaths coming in shallow gasps. "Please," you whispered, your voice raw with emotion. "Please don't leave me too."
As you spoke, you could feel the cursed energy building in your hands, and you closed your eyes, willing the cursed energy to flow through you. With trembling fingers, you placed your hands on their neck and chest, feeling the warmth of their skin under your touch.
Taking a deep breath, you began to perform the Reverse Curse Technique. Your mind raced, your body stiffening as the red light enveloped his body.
The minutes ticked by, each second feeling like an eternity as you fought to save the life of the person you held most dear. Sweat dripped down your forehead, your muscles straining to maintain the curse energy. But you refused to give up. You refused to lose them.
And finally, after what felt like an eternity, you felt the curse energy dissipate, leaving your body drained and exhausted. But as you opened your eyes, you saw him take deep, shuddering, fast breaths, his eyes flickering open.
You suddenly shouted, "Satoru!" as you watched his body start to heal before your eyes, and you felt a sense of relief wash over you as you knew you were successful.
Your hands remained on his neck and chest as you gained eye contact. He recognized you immediately.
"(Y/N)," he uttered, his voice hoarse from the recent events. He lifted his right hand to cup your cheek and wipe the tears away. "I'm okay now, thank you, doll," he said with a small smile, staring at you with gratitude.
You were pulled into his chest when he sat, his arms circling around you gently, and you felt him bury his face in your hair and breathe in. You could feel his heartbeat against your chest, and after a few moments, he spoke again.
"I need to go to Amanai and Suguru. Someone infiltrated, and it's dangerous," he said, his voice full of concern. He placed a small kiss on the top of your head. You nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation.
"Okay. I'll wait here," you replied, giving him a reassuring, shaky smile. You watched as he stood up and felt a pang of worry as he gave you one last look, nodding before leaving.
You spent hours sitting anxiously on the edge of your bed, hands tightly clasped on your knees. The minutes dragged on like hours, and suddenly, there was a knock on your bedroom door, and your heart leaped with anticipation. You jumped from the bed and quickly made your way, eager to see who was on the other side.
As you opened the door, your eyes widened with surprise to see Satoru standing before you. He was still dressed in the same clothes as before, blood on the clothes, and it was evident as soon he was done he went straight to your room.
His eyes were downcast as he stood before you, his lips pursed in a thin line.
You invited him in with a soft, gentle voice, closing the door behind him. You placed your hands on his shoulders to get him to look up at you. "What happened?" you asked, your voice soft and caring.
Satoru's breaths were shaky and unstable as he reached out to grab your hands. When he finally looked up at you, you could see his eyes were glossy with unshed tears. "She's gone. I failed," he said, his voice choked with emotion.
You knew how much Riko Amanai grew to Satoru and Suguru in a short period. You remembered when Satoru told you they would offer to release her from assimilation, as they had empathized with her situation. He had been so confident that you would love her and get along with each other.
"I'm sorry," you said, pulling him into a comforting hug and resting your head on his shoulders.
Satoru buried his face in your neck, letting out a shaky breath as he finally let the tears flow. Even as a child, he had been the goofy and confident boy who never took anything seriously.
He was always expected to never cry, having the potential of being the strongest sorcerer alive. And yet, there he was, seeking solace in your embrace as he grew weak in your arms.
You felt his arms encircle your waist, gripping your back tightly as he steadied himself with your support. He mumbled your name and an apology, his voice still choked with emotion.
Gojo Satoru had never let anyone see him cry; it was a weakness in the eyes of others. But tonight, he finally found solace with your gentle, loving, and reassuring presence, letting his emotions flow freely without any care, as if you were his safe haven; the only beacon of light he could rely on.
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6th of July, 2007.
The year flew by, and news about your actions spread like wildfire throughout the sorcery world.
It was not long before it was widely known that you, (L/N)(Y/N), the next head of your clan, brought back the legendary Gojo Satoru to life.
Suzuki, Satoru's mother, decided to visit you and express her gratitude in person. She arrived at your school grounds with teary eyes and a heart full of appreciation for what you had done.
Your father was thrilled upon hearing this news and was boastful about your accomplishment.
Then, the passing of Yu Haibara, a dear junior of yours at Jujutsu High, had left a lasting impact on your life. The memory of his sweet smile and kind nature had kept you up at night, making your days at the school more uneasy than ever before.
Amidst the grief and turmoil, something unexpected occurred that would change your life forever. Your close friend, Geto Suguru, had defected.
"Like hell he did!" Satoru erupted in anger, shouting at the mention of Suguru's alleged actions.
The principal, Yaga, visibly stressed, struggled to explain the situation to the two of you. "Satoru, I don't understand what's going on, either," he said, trying to soothe the problem.
As you reached out to try and hold onto Satoru's bleeding and trembling hands, tears streamed down your face. It was clear that both of you were in disbelief at the accusations against Suguru, and the panic in Satoru's breath only added to the tense atmosphere.
It had been several days since you last had a moment to catch your breath. You had been keeping yourself busy with intensive practice sessions with Shoko.
When Satoru was not away on solo missions, he spent his time with you and Shoko, and you felt a sense of fear and anxiety from him that you might slip away from his grasp, just like his other friend did.
During one of the days you were away with your own agenda, he told you about his last talk with Suguru.
Suguru had shared his ideals with Satoru, explaining what he wanted the world to become. The world to be free of non-sorcerers.
The guilt of finally hearing the reasons for his deflection weighs heavily on your chest. You wonder if there was something you could have done differently to prevent this from happening.
The pain of seeing someone you care about so much become unrecognizable is almost too much to bear.
As you sat beside Satoru, your head leaning on his shoulder, both of you gazed across the field that had once been a haunting reminder of the tragedy that had befallen your school.
The once-bustling space, where you and your classmates used to spend your afternoons, now lay empty and silent, as if frozen in time.
Breaking the silence, you said, "I have talked with my father." Your voice was soft, barely a whisper. "He's scared after what happened to him, and he wants me to drop out of school." You paused for a moment, avoiding the mention of Suguru's name, knowing it would only make you both sad.
Satoru shifted his gaze toward you, jaw tightening, and you could sense nervousness in his demeanor. "What did you say?" he asked, his voice betraying a hint of uncertainty.
You sat up straight, meeting his eyes, "I will finish my studies here," you replied, "I am an adult now, and I assured him that I have you." You smiled reassuringly at Satoru, sensing his unease beginning to dissipate. His shoulders relaxed, and he gave you a small smile.
"Thank you, doll."
"For what?"
He gently tucked a few strands of hair behind your ear as his gaze lingered on you, a small smile on his lips. "For always being with me," he began, his voice slightly shaky, "I feel like I can't ever live without you. These days, It's as if I'm holding my breath for you." He cupped your cheeks with his hands, his eyes searching yours for any sign of hesitation as he continued speaking.
"If something goes wrong, tell me immediately, okay? I don't care if it's in the middle of the night, if I'm away, or even if I'm sleeping. Just tell me, and we'll work it out together, I promise." he said, his fingers gently tracing the contours of your face, and you could see his lips quivering slightly.
Overwhelmed by his words, you wrapped your arms around his shoulders and kissed him gently. It was a brief, chaste peck, and you pulled away immediately, unsure of how he would react.
As you peeked at him, you realized that he was flustered, his eyes wide with surprise, and his cheeks and ears tinged with red. You had caught him off guard, but you could see the undeniable adoration in his eyes as he stared at you.
"I love you," his voice barely above a whisper, hands now caressing your hair.
"I love you too, Satoru," you replied, promising yourself that you won't ever lie again, that you loved him.
You felt your heart race as he pulled you in for a tender, slow kiss. He savored every moment, memorizing the feel of your lips, the sweetness of your taste, and the scent he had always found so intoxicating.
He can't stop smiling, can't stop smiling as he feels you kiss him back.
Gojo Satoru's voice carried a firm conviction as he exclaimed, "No. A hundred percent no. I can say that with certainty." Megumi Fushiguro, who had been standing in front of him, took a step back, fear etched on his face.
He shifted his gaze from Satoru to you, seeking confirmation in your eyes. Seeing his distress, you nodded your head in reassurance, reflecting your concern for him. You noticed him clutching his backpack tightly as if seeking comfort from it.
Your boyfriend, Satoru, confided in you about the last wishes of Toji Fushiguro, Megumi's father. Toji had wanted his son to be saved from the clutches of the notorious zenin clan, known for their ruthless ways.
Knowing how dangerous the situation was, you had convinced Satoru to take action and do something about it.
Satoru laughed heartily, his eyes lighting up with joy as he spoke. "Okay! Leave the rest to us then," he said, his voice confident and warm. With a gentle hand, he affectionately ruffled the kid's hair, a big smile on his face.
"But I might need you to push yourself a bit, though. So do your best. Get stronger. Strong enough to keep up with us."
As he stood up, Satoru turned to you, his eyes bright and playful. He gave you a quick wink before grabbing your hands and pulling you up with him. "We'll take care of things first, then we'll come back, Megumi," you reassured the child with a sweet smile, pinching his cheek lightly. You noticed the blush on his face, making you chuckle softly.
You and Satoru began to walk away, he removed his hands from yours, instead placing them on your shoulders. The two of you walked side by side, your steps in perfect sync with each other. You turned your head sideways and saw his soft smile, his skin almost golden as the warm sun shone around him.
"Let's go home, (Y/N)," Satoru said, his voice soft and gentle, giving a quick peck on your forehead.
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2nd of January, 2013
As you slowly stirred from your slumber, you felt the warmth of another person's breath tickling your ears. You realized there was an arm wrapped tightly around your waist and a broad chest pressed up against your back.
You felt a pair of large hands, with long, nimble fingers, begin to dance playfully around your bare stomach, sending shivers down your spine. Feeling the safety and comfort, you find yourself relaxing into the moment's warmth.
"You awake, doll?" a groggy voice asked; you feel a light pressure on the back of your neck as he begins to pepper it with delicate butterfly kisses, making you chuckle.
The room was filled with a hazy ambiance, as if the remnants of sleep lingered in the air. The sun had just risen, casting its early morning rays inside the room, revealing the intricate details of the surroundings.
As you turned your body, your eyes met with a familiar face. A smile spread across his face as he looked at you, and you couldn't help but smile back. "Toru,"
You extended your hand and gently cupped his cheek, feeling the warmth of his skin beneath your fingers.
He turned his head slightly to gently kiss your warm palms. His eyes never left yours, blue eyes looking at you as if you were his whole world, filled with love and adoration, and nothing else mattered but the two of you at that moment.
The silence was broken only by the sound of slow kisses made with each other and slow, measured steps as one person moved towards another.
Bare skin to skin, the intensity of their gaze was such that it seemed as if they were trying to communicate a thousand things with just one look. Each step taken, each breath drawn, was infused with a raw emotion that was impossible to ignore.
Even though no words were being spoken, it was a defining moment; it was clear that actions truly did speak louder than words.
An hour had passed, and you found yourself talking with Satoru as you recounted some recent events that had transpired with your former classmate, who had now become your colleague Shoko. You laughed as you shared some of the amusing and interesting incidents that had occurred between you and Shoko at work.
You and Satoru recently received a well-deserved holiday break from your daily routines in the Jujutsu community.
He chuckles softly; he reaches down to gently shift your head to rest against his chest. His arms wrap around your shoulders, holding you close. The soft blanket that you both share is adjusted to ensure that you are both comfortable and snug, cocooned in a cozy embrace.
You playfully pinched the cheek of the man holding you and said, "I think we should head out now before your Mom thinks I've stolen you truly." you smiled, "I'm getting pretty hungry too," you added, hoping to entice him to move along with you.
Satoru responded to the request with a slight nod, "Alright, but can you give me a second? I'll dress first. I need to go to the bathroom." he removes himself to his bed you two share.
"Okay." You replied, admiring his bare back muscles flexed as he picked up his new clothes and made his way towards the bathroom.
You slowly lifted yourself from the bed, and the cozy sheets clung to your skin. You grabbed your phone from the nightstand, hoping to pass some time. As you scrolled through your notifications, you heard the sound of the bathroom door opening.
You were surprised at how quickly Toru had finished in there. You turn your head in their direction, "That was fast, Toru-"
He approached you with a small box in his hand. Suddenly, he dropped down on one knee, and with trembling hands, he opened the box, revealing a magnificent diamond ring brighter than any jewelry he had ever given you as a present.
The sparkle of the diamond was so intense that it caught your eye and made you gasp in amazement.
You were so taken aback that you dropped your phone, and it clattered to the ground. Your eyes widened with shock, and your hands instinctively flew to your mouth as you gazed into his eyes, trying to make sense of what was happening.
"Some people might choose to do this with a fancy dinner, or on a yacht under the fireworks, or even on the highest building in the world with all the people they know," he began, his voice quivering with nervousness. "And I can do that too. I'll do that for you, too," he laughed softly,
"But, doll, (Y/N)," he paused, taking a deep breath. " I've chosen this place, right here, because waking up with you every morning is the best thing I have ever experienced in my entire life. The way you smile at me every morning and make me feel loved and wanted is a feeling unlike any other." His voice trailed off as he looked deeply into your eyes.
"And I want to do that every day with you," he continued, his voice gaining strength. "I want to be a constant in your life, partner, friend, and your lover. I want to wake up next to you every morning, until my last breath, as your husband." Tears welled up in his eyes as he uttered the next words.
"Will you marry me?" the words left his lips, and your heart raced with disbelief and joy.
Overwhelmed by emotions, you couldn't hold back the tears as you replied with a breathless "Yes." You launched into his arms, feeling his warm embrace and hearing his comforting words as he slipped the ring on your finger.
You looked at the ring, it sparkled in the light; the moment was perfect, and you could hardly believe it was real.
Satoru's kisses on your face made your heart swell with happiness. You knew you had found your soulmate, and were ready to spend the rest of your life with him.
"I love you so much doll," Satoru whispered, his eyes never leaving your face as you stared at the ring.
"I love you too, Satoru," you replied, your tears still flowing freely. "This is the most magnificent thing I have ever seen."
As you both stepped out of the room, fully freshened up and dressed, you held hands and walked towards the dining room. The aroma of freshly cooked food wafted through the air, making your stomach rumble.
Entering the room, Satoru's mom was the first to notice the beautiful ring on your finger. She let out a joyful squeal, her hands flying to her chest as her eyes widened in delight. She rushed over to you, enveloping you tightly and congratulating you on finally becoming her daughter. She expressed her happiness and even mentioned that your mom must be beaming with pride in heaven.
Satoru's father was more subdued in his reaction but no less welcoming. He calmly congratulated you, shook your hand, and welcomed you to the family.
The atmosphere was filled with warmth, joy, and love as everyone settled in for a delicious meal together.
The day had been filled with joy and laughter with the Gojo clan. You had spent the entire day with them, chatting, eating, and having fun. But now it was time to say goodbye, albeit temporarily, as you were to join your father for dinner at your own estate.
Satoru's parents bid you farewell, expressing their happiness again for your engagement to their son.
"Ready?" Satoru asked, making sure you were comfortable and adjusting your safety car belt, ensuring it was latched correctly.
"Yes. Kind of nervous though, with our engagement news and all to my father." You tried to lighten the mood by adding a joke and glanced at Satoru, sitting beside you in the driver's seat, looking calm and composed.
"Sweetheart, I'm the one who should be nervous," he replied, laughing, and started driving, his hands on your thighs, holding you and keeping you close,
You reached out to hold his hand, intertwining your fingers together, enjoying the quiet peace and the warmth of each other's presence as the journey to your estate started.
During the dinner with your father, you were utterly taken aback by his calm demeanor. It was as if he already knew what was coming and was prepared for it.
At first, you found it hard to believe that Satoru had already asked your father for permission, but as the evening progressed, everything began to make sense. How your father reacted to Satoru's presence and how he conversed with him made it clear that he was happy with the match.
It was a heartwarming moment for you to see your father happy.
Your father brought up an important topic that had been on his mind for a while. "When you both had children, one should still be appointed as the heir of our clan," he stated, his voice firm and resolute.
You nodded in agreement but added, "Let's cross the bridge once we get there. We're not even married yet, Father."
As the meal progressed, you noticed Satoru stealing glances at you, a small smile on his lips. His eyes were warm and tender, and you can't help but feel your heart flutter.
The dinner ended peacefully, with your father giving you a kiss on your cheeks and patting Satoru's shoulder before retiring to his quarters, bidding you both goodnight. As you were about to walk to your room, you noticed Satoru was not behind you.
You stepped back and saw him gazing at the big portrait of your mother, lost in thought.
"She's a complete replica of you. I can see why you're so beautiful and why your father has cherished you so much," he stated, his voice soft and full of admiration. "Do you think she'll approve of me?" he said, reaching to hold your hand and feel the ring on your finger.
You smiled warmly, feeling a surge of love and affection for him. "I think she'll love you," you uttered emotionally, your heart swelling with joy.
Satoru cupped your cheeks, pressing his lips on your forehead as he whispered, "She does not need to worry. I'll love you, care for you, and protect you with my life."
Going back to your room, your night was spent tenderly, with sweet words lingering in the air between you and Satoru.
The moonlight bore witness as you made love with each other, lost in your own world of passion and intimacy.
Early in the morning, Shoko was sitting at her desk when you walked in to give her the exciting news. She jumped up in surprise and snatched your hand to see your ring. "What?" she exclaimed in surprise, her eyes widening in disbelief. "Oh my god, (Y/N)!"
With a nervous look on your face, you took a deep breath and said, "I also wanted to ask if you would be okay with being my maid of honor once the wedding date is set." You bit your lower lip apprehensively, fearing she might reject your request. You knew that Shoko was the best person to ask for this important role in your wedding.
"Of course I will," Shoko replied quickly, smiling warmly at you. "I knew this would happen sooner or later, but I'm still in shock. It feels like it was just yesterday when we were all classmates, and I can still remember teasing you about your feelings back then." She laughed, pulling you into a tight embrace.
You reciprocated the hug, feeling grateful to have such a supportive friend. You joked, "I lied back then because I was still afraid, but now I think I'm much braver than before."
The two of you marveled at the expensive-looking engagement ring, with Shoko estimating its cost and joking that Satoru could buy thousands if you wanted to.
The news of your engagement quickly spread throughout the sorcery community, replacing your previous reputation as the woman who brought Gojo Satoru back to life; You were now known as the most powerful woman, the head of the (L/N) clan, and the next female head of the Gojo clan - soon to be Gojo Satoru's wife.
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15th of August, 2018
You find yourself in the kitchen, humming softly to the music playing in the background. The aroma of the spices and herbs fills the air as you chop the vegetables for tonight's dinner.
A small smile adorns your lips as you hear the servants of your home offer to do the chopping instead. "No, thank you. I find myself enjoying these lately," you politely decline.
The servants bow to you in return, watching in admiration, their eyes fixed on the elegant and glowing woman in front of them, the head wife of the Gojo clan.
As you continue your tasks, your phone rings, breaking your concentration. You wipe your hands on the tablecloth and answer the phone.
"How's my pretty wife doing, hm?" Satoru's voice greets you from the other end of the line.
"I'm doing well," you reply, looking back at the pot and stirring its contents. "I'm cooking our favorite dish. It's almost done, honey."
"Shouldn't you be resting?" Satoru's voice inquires with concern. "You just got off from work. If you're going to do the cooking instead of letting the helpers do it, why don't you quit your job for now and just wait for me every day with your pretty little face?"
"That's not going to happen, Gojo Satoru," your tone was stern and resolute. You continued by confessing, "I hate doing nothing. Simple things like cooking make me happy." He could hear the passion in your voice as you spoke about your newfound love for cooking.
On the other end of the line, he sighed deeply, realizing he couldn't argue with you. He knew that you were a determined and independent person and that it was hard to change once you set your mind on something.
Imagining your pouty lips, pleading eyes, and even a soft, simple "please" from you would make his knees buckle in defeat. He, the strongest sorcerer, was no match for you.
"And also, I wanted to give you a heads up that Megumi will be joining us for dinner tonight," he said, pausing a moment before adding, "Oh, and a new student of mine, too, if that's alright with you."
"Of course it's okay," you replied with a smile, "I appreciate you telling me beforehand so I can prepare. Do you remember the last time you brought Maki, Panda, Yuuta, and Megumi all at once? I was caught off guard and unprepared."
"I remember. Especially how you didn't kiss me for a whole day afterward because you were so upset." Satoru laughed, adding, "We'll be there soon. Love you ~ "
As the call ended, you turned to one of the servants standing nearby, ready to assist you at a moment's notice.
"Hana, please prepare some guest rooms for tonight," you said, trying to keep the excitement out of your voice. "We might need them later for our visitors. Thank you." You patted her shoulder, seeing her nod, before she turned around to follow your orders.
After your engagement, the wedding came soon after, taking place a few months later. You and Satoru had decided to have a simple ceremony with only the most important people in your lives present. You wanted to honor the traditions of the Gojo clan that had fascinated you since you first met Satoru.
Following your honeymoon, you were named the new head wife of the Gojo clan. Satoru's parents had decided to move out, passing on the responsibility of running the family estate to you and your husband. This was a significant moment for you both, as it was a tradition that had been passed down through generations.
The other servants had kindly taken care of wrapping up your cooking and set the table for dinner. You stood in the kitchen, washing your hands; you couldn't help but feel satisfied with your small accomplishment.
Lost in thought, you suddenly felt a pair of soft hands tenderly caressing your stomach, a body pressing up against your back, and nose slowly breathing in the scent of your neck. The unexpected touch sends a shiver down your spine, but you quickly recognize the familiar touch of your husband.
As you turned around, you saw your husband's warm smile that lit up his face. He quickly bent down to one knee and nuzzled his face into your stomach, murmuring, "I missed the both of you." You laughed at his affectionate gesture as you lovingly caressed his hair in response.
"I'm not sure they can hear you yet, love," you conveyed with a gentle smile. "I'm just barely two months pregnant, 'Toru."
Your husband looked up at you with a pout on his face, making you giggle like a teenager. He then stood up, took your face in his hands, and pressed soft kisses to your forehead, nose, and lips. The warmth of his embrace and his scent enveloped you completely.
He then turned to you and said, "Hi, my wife," looking at your face with a loving gaze, as if he was seeing you for the hundredth time but still couldn't get enough of you.
You both heard voices from the dining room, and your husband took your hand, pulling you and leading you toward the two students you had been expecting.
As you entered the room, a pink-haired boy with a curious look on his face muttered, "Wow, it's so big here, Fushiguro," his eyes scanned the delicate features around the room in amazement.
"(Y/N)-san," Megumi noticed you first and walked towards you with a small smile. You embraced him, feeling happy to see him doing well, patting his back and giving him a quick peck on the cheek before letting go. "How are you, Megumi?" you asked him.
"I'm doing well, thank you, for all that food you sent to the dorms, too," he replied, his cheeks turning slightly red at your affection.
As you stood there, your husband caressed your hair and introduced you to the other student. "Yuji, this is my wife (Y/N)," he said, turning towards the boy staring at you in awe, his mouth slightly apart.
"Itadori Yuji, nice to meet you," he said, bowing profoundly and complimenting you on your beauty that made you and your husband laugh.
"Nice to meet you too, Yuji. Let's go eat now, shall we?" you said softly, patting his shoulders as you led him to one of the dinner chairs.
The dinner was filled with laughter and stories as you all caught up with each other. You felt happy to see Megumi and Yuji bonding so well, as they were a perfect mix. You also learned about Nobara, another student you wanted to meet soon. As supper ended, every one commended your cooking, and you suggested that the two students stay for the night, offering rooms that were ready for them. They agreed happily.
As you both retired to your quarters, your husband's face was pressed up against your stomach, his hands caressing your hips as he mumbled sweet nothings to your unborn child.
You ran your fingers through his hair, smiling at the sight of the strongest sorcerer alive baby-talking to your pregnant stomach.
"I love you, (Y/N)," your husband said, his voice filled with love and affection.
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Note: Aaaaaaand, I'm done with my first ever fic! Writing this had been my comfort. Crying when I realized reader will be 3-4 months pregnant during the Shibuya incident (I might write about it too wink wink)
Thank you, I'm planning to upload a new fic next week.
Love, Aurora.
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gojhoes · 5 months
Cold Ass Hands
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A snippet from my Gojo x reader enemies to lovers slowburn fic on AO3! Somewhat canon-compliant, I'm just here for the tension and drama. - context: Reader(you) is Nanami’s twin sister, a jujutsu sorcerer who has been practicing reverse cursed technique. Gojo gets injured (fic is somewhat canon-compliant) and asks you to heal him. - wc: 3.8k
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November 2011
[…] you decided to do what you normally did when you had a free moment; bother Shoko.
You were disappointed to find that she wasn’t in her office when you’d reached the basement, which was odd. You hardly ever saw her above ground. In fact, it seemed that you were completely alone down there, until-
“Nanamiiiis,” Gojo called out. “I need your help with something.”
You started at the sudden timbre of his voice. How did he even know it was you? The primary explanation that came to mind was that he was fucking with you. Gojo didn’t need help, ever. But you had never been one to leave well enough alone. Fueled by a tickle of intrigue, you found yourself taking off down the hall until you found him.
You walked into one of the many small rooms in the school’s infirmary to see Gojo perched on a tissue-papered exam table. He held a blood-soaked cloth to his bare chest, just above his heart. The sight of his shirtless torso sent your pulse jumping and your face aflame with the blush you’d never seemed to grow out of. You couldn’t help but stare. The broad nature of his shoulders was more marked without a shirt to cover them. You drank in the slight curve of his waist, glimpsing the dark waistband of his briefs just barely peeking out above his pants.
And then he glanced up at you, bright blue eyes completely exposed and boring into your own.
Fuck, he could be intense when he wanted to be.
“Come here,” he said, curling the index finger of his free hand. “Don’t be shy.”
Normally, a comment like that would’ve earned him one of your signature scowls, but you were too busy trying to stop the melodramatic pounding in your chest. An attempt was made to tear your eyes away from his body. There was now absolutely zero doubt in your mind that he’d grown into his stature since you’d left Tokyo two years ago. He’d always been handsome, a fact that used to be overshadowed by your blatant dislike of his person. But it was in a different way now that he was older and had become a young man. You felt yourself swallow upon directing you gaze to the delicate curve of his clavicle. As for the rest of him… well, they didn’t call him “the strongest” for nothing.
You gathered every drop of courage you could muster and forced yourself to calmly stride over to him. It was likely that he could sense your anxiety and even more so that he was aware of what he was doing. But you were determined to hold your ground, even if your instincts were screaming at you to run out of the room until you were up into the mountains that surrounded the school.
Never before had you seen Gojo injured. As far as you knew, it was impossible given the Infinity that prevented anything to come in contact with him. Questions plagued your mind: what had happened? What or who was powerful enough to break through his shield? And most importantly, what did he need you for?
You stopped about three foot to his left, not wanting to close the space any further. There was a lot of blood saturating the cloth in his hand and even more smeared on his alabaster skin. Had you not known better, the delicate appearance of his complexion would’ve given the impression of vulnerability. But you could always feel the hum of his power and the intensity of his cursed energy. Where you had a well of it, Gojo held oceans. Nothing about him was weak, or delicate.
“How has your reversed technique training been going?” He asked, cocking his head to the side.
You were taken aback, completely surprised by the inquiry. Given past interactions regarding your venture with reversal technique, you were under the impression that he couldn’t give less of a shit about it. You also hadn’t yet ruled out the possibility that he was toying with you, so you kept your guard up.
“It- um,” you stammered. “Fine. Why?”
That wasn’t necessarily true, but you figured the less he knew the better. In truth, your successes had been far and few. The first year spent in New York City, you’d studied reversed technique almost exclusively. But, just as Shoko had told you several years before, your success had been limited to shallow wounds. Even then, you could count on one hand the number of times it had worked since you’d embarked on that quest.
“Show me,” Gojo instructed with uncharacteristic gentleness.
You sent him an incredulous glance. Were you hearing him right, or was his lack of clothing hindering your cognitive function?
“Y-you want me to..?”
He nodded, already reaching out for your hand to place it on the cloth he held. You pulled back quickly, as though you’d touched an open flame.
Gojo raised his free hand in question, clearly stunned and annoyed by your flinching. “What?”
“Um, I need gloves!” You exclaimed. “Are you out of your mind?”
“What?” He repeated. “I don’t have anything.”
You let out a sharp sigh through your nose. “It’s literally basic medical practice, you nasty bitch.”
There was a small sink attached to the wall on the other side of the room. You took your time washing and drying your hands, trying to relax despite your growing anxiety. Boxes of gloves sat in wall-mounted holders that just so happened to be on the other side of where Gojo was situated. The head of the exam table was flush against the wall, which gave you about a foot of room to squeeze through to get to them. You maneuvered around his long legs, waiting for him to move so you could reach past without touching him, but he remained planted in the same spot.
“Um, I just gotta..” You trailed off, trying to ignore the sweat that was beginning to gather on your palms despite just having dried them.
He said nothing, only watching you with intent and likely enjoying how flustered you were clearly becoming. You raised up on the tips of your toes to reach for a set of blue nitrile gloves, hauntingly aware of how the hem of your shirt lifted when you did so. You also felt your hip brush against his leg and had to stop yourself from jolting out of your skin right there.
To your embarrassment, tugging the gloves on proved to be slightly difficult due to the clamminess of your hands. Each second that passed was painstakingly long beneath Gojo’s scrutiny, but you eventually managed to get them on and retook your position on the other side of him.
He dropped the hand holding the makeshift gauze as you took it from his grasp. You carefully pulled the blood-soaked fabric away from his skin to reveal the shredded flesh underneath. Your heart lurched at the sight of it, sending a small wave of nausea through your head. The smell of his blood filled your nose, mixed with something darker, something foul. A memory tickled at the back of your mind, until it surfaced with full-fledged alarm.
“Poison.” You blurted out.
Gojo hummed in confirmation. “It shouldn’t have happened, but it did.”
His voice held no ounce of shame, stating it as a matter of fact, but he also gave no indication that was going to elaborate. How long had he been like this? Didn’t it hurt? Why didn’t he just heal it himself? You had so many questions lately, and despite your endless patience, it appeared that none of them were ever going to receive an answer.
You discarded the ruined cloth onto a small metal table by the bed. You drenched a clean pad of sterile gauze in antiseptic to scrub the blood from his chest. He was watching you closely as you worked, giving no indication that you might’ve been hurting him. You tried to be as gentle as you could until most of his skin was clean.
You paused. What would he say if it didn’t work? A small part of you weighed more heavily than the dominant logical one. One that pleaded with you to stop, because you were going to disappoint him and embarrass yourself. You didn’t want to disappoint him. You so desperately wanted Gojo’s approval, but the roots of your self-doubt were even more inviolable.
“Gojo, I don’t know if I- “
You swallowed. The gash on Gojo’s chest was deep, oozing fresh blood and the black fluid of poison. It was a wound that he easily could’ve healed himself, but he was looking to you expectantly and with unbridled trust. It was more severe a wound than any you’d attempted to mend before. There was no guarantee that you’d even be able to do it, given that the only times you’d practiced were on your own body.
You were so afraid to fail, but even more so to hesitate in front of Gojo, especially when he gazed up at you with such certainty. You laid your palms flat against the space just below either of his collarbones and closed your eyes.
His skin was warm beneath your touch. The necessary proximity made it so the outside of your thigh pressed against his. Even through the layers of clothing, the contact sent a shiver through your whole being. Had you ever been this close to him before? Under the domineering metallic scent of his blood was something softer and clean, reminiscent of his apartment you’d been in just weeks ago. You resisted the urge to breathe it in.
He let out a sharp hiss between his teeth and you flinched backward, afraid that you might have hurt him.
“You have some cold ass hands,” He whined.
“Oh my g- shut up.”
You focused on the feeling of his pain. It became a tangible thing, a red, stabbing mass you could see in your mind’s eye. The blood was leaking from your chest, the cut was just above your heart. Picture the energy, gold and blue dust spilling from an endless cup. Pour it out. Breathe, pour, pain, erase. His pain became yours as you absorbed it, and you shifted your focus to crushing it beneath a figurative fist.
It was different from the times you’d tried to heal yourself. You wanted to take his pain away, to make it disappear and never let it happen again. It was downright emotional at that point. Your cursed energy flared all around you, building as you absorbed more of the hot, stabbing sensation from his body. Tears welled up in your eyes, but you kept them shut as tight as you could. You heard him suck in a breath and his muscles went rigid under your touch.
At first, nothing changed. You were hyperaware of Gojo’s sticky blood covering your glove-clad fingers, thick and tangy. Your teeth grinded together from how tightly you were clenching your jaw. Breathe. Erase. You convinced yourself that the gash was a curse you wanted to exorcise. Absorb it, pour, pain, crush it-
And then the pain vanished. The tension in his body subsided, replaced by the warmth of release and a rush of excitement. You gasped and your eyes flew open to glimpse Gojo’s face just a few inches from yours. Blue eyes filling your vision, as brilliant and free as the sky, uncovered, and full of energy.
“I’ll be damned,” He breathed.
You glanced down at your blood-slicked fingers. Some remained on him, but the gash no longer looked at you angry and agape. Instead, it appeared as a thin, white scar, barely visible against his pale complexion. You smiled, wide and toothy, as a rush of euphoria tingled throughout your whole body. You wiped at the tears that had escaped when you opened your eyes, but you felt invincible.
Gojo was so close to you. Your hands still laid on his chest, his warmth wrapping around you like a safety blanket. Somehow, your leg had hooked itself between his thighs, suddenly all too aware of the intimacy of the situation. Had you moved forward just an inch, your leg would’ve been pressing into his groin. Blood roared in your ears. Could he feel how fast your heart was beating? Under your palm, his own was slow and steady. Unbreakable.
“Better?” You asked, suddenly breathless.
And then his half-lidded eyes darted downward from yours to your lips, sending a horde of butterflies afloat within your stomach. Don’t look at me like that, you wanted to say. You stood frozen, too afraid to lean in, but not wanting to pull away even more. You felt like you had been set on fire. Surely, he wasn’t trying to do what you thought he was. But you were so close to him, and the feeling was so intoxicating, and the way he looked at you was so alluring.
Then you remembered the night of Halloween, when he’d traced a long, teasing finger along your skin. Remembered the fire that burned within you just from his touch. You glanced down at his parted lips, pink and wet with his saliva. You pictured yourself tasting him, wondering what it might feel like if you just leaned forward and stopped being a coward-
“How did it go?”
Shoko’s voice rang throughout the room, piercing your ears and sending your soul out of your body.
You jumped away from Gojo, crashing into the metal table you’d set just a foot away. The supplies went flying, clattering loudly onto the floor as you tried to maintain both your balance and your composure. You felt an urge to bolt out of the room as fast as you possibly could, suddenly feeling ashamed.
And then that half-lidded expression was gone, just as if you’d imagined it. He stretched his long legs and rose to his full height, still bare-chested and pale under the fluorescent lighting. You didn’t dare look at him now, not after he’d looked so deeply into your soul with such allure.
“All better now,” Gojo chirped, giving no sign that he’d felt even slightly affected in the way that you did.
Shoko smiled at you approvingly. You just hoped she didn’t notice the rapid rise and fall of your chest as you struggled to catch your breath. Although she hadn’t been in the room, it appeared that she’d known about the healing session. She always knew so much of your personal happenings without you telling her. It was still a mystery you’d yet to solve.
“I’m assuming this was your idea?” You queried.
The two of them exchanged glances, which was enough of an answer in itself. Gojo was conveniently busy with responding to a text on his phone, avoiding your inquisitive expression. It wouldn’t be the first time they’d gone behind your back to pull strings.
“I thought you might want to practice,” Shoko confessed. “Though I wasn’t ever expecting it to be on him.”
Well, that made two of you.
“Yeah, to be honest, I didn’t believe that you could do it.” Gojo added unnecessarily, looking up from his phone.
You decided then that those few seconds of longing had been a figment of your imagination.
You glared at him. “Has it ever occurred to you that you can keep those comments to yourself?”
“Sure, but it’s so worth seeing the look on your face when I don’t.”
You sighed, suddenly realizing how exhausted you were. That euphoric feeling had diminished completely, and you could tell just how much of your energy it had taken to heal him. But you’d done it!
“What’s the prognosis, Doctor?” Gojo asked.
Shoko turned to you, her posture straightening and her manner turning business-like.
“What did you feel?” She asked vaguely.
Both of them were staring at you expectantly. You suddenly felt small and all too aware of the disconnect between your skill level and theirs. Gojo’s proximity had distracted you and truthfully, you didn’t have much of an answer.
“Um… I can’t really explain it, but the poison felt evil somehow. It smelled like shit, and it kinda looked like motor oil.”
Your answer sounded stupid to you once you’d said it out loud, but Shoko nodded thoughtfully, diminishing your anxiety by a measure.
“Since we’re seeing it again, we’ve got a problem.” She spoke.
You agreed. It had taken weeks to recover from your own encounter with the poison. You’d been able to tap into only a fraction of your cursed energy after, slowly returning to its peak with an exorbitant amount of rehabilitative training. It had been a difficult and painful endeavor. Gojo likely wouldn’t have much of a problem, given the caliber of his strength, but it was still alarming, nonetheless. And what if one of the students got hit with it?
It was different for you. You still weighed in as a Grade 2 with no indication that you’d be promoted anytime soon, where Gojo was the strongest sorcerer in four-hundred years. Jealousy wasn’t the right word to describe what you were feeling. Disconnected, perhaps, knowing that you would never be able to understand exactly what he experienced or felt.
God. Since when did you care about how Gojo felt? Your head had begun to pound with the beginnings of a headache.
“I’m going to start researching the poison,” Shoko announced. “I suggest that you-”
The shrill tone of a phone ringing interrupted her mid-sentence. The sound sent a stabbing pain through your skull, but you held in your complaints judging from the look on her face.
Shoko pulled her phone from the pocket on her white jacket, sighing. Her dark eyes slipped shut as she cursed under breath.
“I leave for five minutes...” She muttered, before stepping out of the room and answering the call.
You truly felt bad for her at times. She was the hardest worker that you knew of, and it seemed that the load of it was endless.
Gojo was scrubbing the small amount of remaining blood from his chest. You glanced down at the floor, remembering the mess you’d made after Shoko had startled you. You reached down to clean up the spilled supplies, first discarding any contaminated materials before peeling off your gloves.
An awkward silence had settled over the room. Your mind was still reeling from the brief intimacy and the intense emotion that had come over you. Gojo being half-naked wasn’t helping either, and you were finding it difficult to maintain your composure.
“How do you feel?” You asked, mainly out of obligation, but partly to relieve the ever-increasing tension in the too-small room.
Gojo shrugged, lifting his arms over his head to stretch casually. You quickly averted your eyes, silently wishing he would put on a shirt because it was fucking distracting, and you were tired of blushing like a teenaged girl. If you’d voiced that thought, though, you knew you would be falling right into a trap.
“Never better, Nanamis,” He replied, insistent upon using the annoying nickname he’d given you during your first year.
His hair had fallen into his face again. What would he do if you just went over there and brushed it-
Stop, you told yourself. Stop stop stop stop stop.
“I’m surprised it worked, too,” you admitted. “I haven’t ever tried on anyone else.”
“Maybe you just needed the right motivation,” Gojo mused, winking playfully.
You rolled your eyes, and though you’d never admit it, you had an inkling that he might be right. But the question remained, and you had to know, because rarely did Gojo do anything without a reason.
So, you asked. “Why did you want me to do it?”
“I was curious.” He offered curtly.
“As you so often are with me.”
He chuckled at your quick remark. You weren’t satisfied, sensing that he wasn’t quite telling the truth, so you pressed on.
“You could’ve asked Shoko,” you stated. “Or done it yourself.”
“I knew if she was in here, you wouldn’t have agreed,” He answered with a shrug. “Maybe we wanted to do you a favor, yeah?”
You narrowed your eyes at him only slightly menacingly to demonstrate your persisting suspicion. Gojo had always doubted you in the past, and up until recently, he never did you any favors. It just didn’t make sense.
He scoffed at your expression. “Always so ungrateful.”
And with that, you felt resigned to let it go. Besides, it’s not like you were unacquainted with disappointment. The exhaustion was really starting to hit you, too. Almost all of your cursed energy had been sapped and the unexpected emotionality had been a feat in itself. You wondered if Gojo had felt it, too. That is, if he felt anything at all.
You took it upon yourself to turn the room over to save Shoko the trouble. Gojo still remained, leaning casually back against the counter on his palms, watching your every movement.
“You know, Gojo,” you said without looking at him. “You could always offer to help.”
“Uh huh.”
You paused, holding the crumpled tissue paper mid-air over the trash can to send him a disappointed glare. Despite the decrease of hostility and dislike in your relationship, you still found him irritating.
“You just gonna stand there, then?”
“Do you want me to leave?”
You sighed, defeated, and went back to cleaning. He stood straight from his spot against the counter and tossed the pink-stained gauze into the trash. In your periphery, you saw him walk toward the hall, stopping short just before he crossed the threshold.
You perked up at the mention of your name, glancing over at him by the doorway. “Hm?”
He looked down at you with that half-lidded expression he’d given you earlier when you’d found yourself nearly sitting on his thigh. In a low voice that sparked a stirring in the pit of your stomach, he said, “I’m really tired of hearing my surname come out of your mouth.”
What the fuck.
You blinked at him once, then again, as you processed the chill that slithered down your spine at his words. Why did he have to say it like that, so… debonair? To your chagrin, you could feel sweat beginning to gather on your hands once again. You had to physically gather every bit of determination to will yourself not to glance down below his face.
“Okay,” you said weakly, unsure of how else to respond.
He hummed, seemingly pleased with your reaction. And then any trace of that sensuality evaporated with a cheeky grin. He gave an exaggerated wave, letting himself out of the exam room and leaving you feeling confused and somehow frustrated.
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idyllicdrop · 9 months
fridays - second touch. | child! fushiguro megumi / child! nanami’s sister! reader
- content - y/n and megumi have become quite familiar with each other. gojo makes a discovery, and nanami is in denial. (~1.6k wc)
- cw - gojo; the tooth fairy/inaccurate culture; slightly ooc teen nanami?; megumi gets a bit overwhelmed; not proofread.
- 2/6 - previous - full series (in progress) -
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“too slow!”
with a hard thud, the strongest jujutsu sorcerer once again tripped over a child that stood at not even half his height. gojo could only point and let out a nasally laugh at the fallen young fushiguro,
“shut it,” megumi dejectedly mumbled, quickly moving to get up off the ground, “you said i was improving last time”
“hmm…” the mentor’s voice went an octave lower as he continued, “and i used that exact same maneuver last time.”
megumi did not dare to say a word now. it seemed like gojo was genuinely scolding him - a first since they’ve started training. the young boy almost wanted to get angry since gojo’s most recent disappearances played part in this delay, just almost. megumi figured it was actually good to know gojo was getting serious instead of-
“you’re distracted~”
that sing-songy tone made megumi lose all hope; it was the last thing he wanted to hear right now. it seemed gojo actually isn’t taking things seriously. rather, he was planning to do something truly irritating to his mentee’s livelihood.
- -
“gojo-san left again?! that’s the third time this month!”
you stared in disbelief at megumi, who just arrived to your brother’s desk and opened up a familiar red notebook,
“it’s like this every month.”
megumi seemed to pay you no mind in favor of focusing on his homework. in reality, he couldn’t stand to say more words than necessary to you. otherwise, that ‘panic’ feeling from 4 weeks ago comes back, which he would rather avoid. especially in front of nanami, someone who megumi respected and was silently filling out paperwork across from you two.
“really?! when do you ever have time to train then?”
“he’s normally more free on saturdays.”
“oh! i seee…” your genuine curiosity was something he could easily entertain. the questions you posed were mostly direct enough to give a quick answer.
“are you sure you’re okay with going alll the way to saitama by yourself today?”
your concerned expression, and memories from a week ago caused megumi’s face heat up now: memories of you being awfully persistent about joining him on his almost hour long journey home, which while nanami disapproved of for your safety, megumi also declined because he’s ‘done it many times before.’ the odds were up against you, and ultimately you settled with walking him to the torii gates of jujutsu tech and ‘no further’ - a request he personally made.
“i-i’m sure.”
“but fushiguro-san, doesn’t the train at least get boring??”
the palms of megumi’s hands began to perspirate, and he realized he may have been too active in the conversation today. he was sure that if he attempted to reply to your question, his words would trip and stumble. while the young boy was mentally deciding if he should take that risk, the worst voice of all called out from behind,
“megumi-chan~ time to get to work!”
you gasped, stood up, and sped walked out of megumi’s field of view to greet the face you were long due of seeing,
standing right before the strongest jujutsu sorcerer of the modern era, your head cranked up as you pointed to your mouth,
“i lost another tooth!”
“ooo, well remind the tooth fairy to pay her dues!”
“that’s what i’m doing right now.”
nanami and gojo stiffened as the latter awkwardly continued,
“oh- uh… megumi!” the targeted young boy finally tilted his head in his mentor’s direction, “you need to be at the north field in 5 or i’ll tell y/n about your biggest secret!”
gojo’s deflection skills worked like a charm. you stood there dazed, thinking about whatever megumi's secret could be, which allowed nanami and gojo to not confront the fact that you found out the 'tooth fairy' was just gojo. another thing that crossed your mind was the cruelty of gojo for putting megumi on the spot like that.
megumi, who was now swiftly walking out the office area, kept his head turned down. his messy black hair over his face was purposefully obscured from the visible spectrum, but a certain six-eyes user could see beyond that.
“bye fushiguro-san!” you called out to your friend, not particularly expecting a response. as soon as he seemed out of earshot, you pouted at gojo and accused, “that was mean.”
“oh c’mon, aren’t you curious?”
“nope! if fushiguro-san has secrets he wants to keep, then there’s no reason for me to know if he doesn’t want me to!”
gojo let out an exaggerated sigh as he crouched down, quickly pulled something out of his pocket, and then discretely extended a crisp note out to you before whispering,
“just go get yourself some treats before nanami notices.”
you giggled, purposefully breaking the intended secrecy of the exchange. before nanami could say anything, you sped walk away, knowing your favorite vending machine was just outside the building. from a distance, you called out, “you are forgiven now, gojo-san!”
“gojo-san, i already told you not to give her sweets,” leaning back in his desk chair, nanami stared up at the ceiling while pinching the bridge of his nose and saying, “it’s not healthy for a child.”
“well if you’re so concerned about her than you should be interested in little megumi’s secret!”
“no i should not.” nanami immediately recognized gojo’s redirection tactics and tried to go straight back to the topic at hand, “please just do not give her-“
“megumi-chan’s got a crush on your sister~”
this time, gojo was successful. visible confusion filled nanami's expression right after. the blonde teenage paused for a moment to consider gojo's statement, before he then tiredly responded,
“they’re kids, gojo-san.”
“and one’s in love~”
“fushiguro is eight.”
gojo clicked his tongue and placed a hand on his hip before quipping back,
“you can’t tell me you haven’t noticed the signs!” gojo's other hand was now dramatically placed on his heart as he continued, “little megumi is always willing to talk to her. do you have any idea how hard it is to get him to talk to me??”
nanami sighed before noting, “that is not exactly an exclusive experience when it comes to you.”
“not to mention, he gets all red like a tomato around her!”
that nanami didn’t know how to reason away when gojo initially acknowledged it. he’s no doubt noticed, but also just never thought much of it...
“fushiguro doesn’t seem to have many friends…” nanami's new train of thought allowed him to regain composure, “especially of his own age. y/n is the only one around and they just started being friends. it makes sense if he gets nervous sometimes.”
with a cheeky smile, gojo turned around and started heading out, “i’m now 6 minutes late to training because of you! also, don’t get mad at me when the love birds start sneaking around behind your back!”
with renewed reassurance in his own stance, nanami easily brushed off gojo’s claims, and went back to paperwork.
- -
next friday, gojo satoru was called away, again.
“no homework today.”
you forcefully shut the red notebook before megumi could even fully open it. as he stood in momentary shock, you continued,
“gojo-san told me you haven’t seen the whole campus yet, so today i’m gonna show you around!”
that’s how the two of you ended up sitting by a koi pond, alone. most of the tour had been dead silent on megumi’s part. besides pointing out the names of different buildings, you talked nonstop about memories you’ve had around campus with other jujutsu sorcerers, students, and staff. you have had far more interactions with them in all of your brief and few visits over the years, compared to megumi's constant and prolonged ones these last couple of months. the dichotomy was telling of your different personalities.
the almost two hour walk around campus ended at your favorite spot: a koi pond. it was rather secluded and brought utmost peace. you ceased to speak for a few minutes when you arrived, simply enjoying the scent of fresh water and clean bamboo stalks. save for a buzzing bug here and a small splash from one of the fish there, a comfortable silence held the two of you now resting on a bench-shaped rock.
“i love it here.”
your interruption gave megumi awareness of the situation. you two were alone, quiet, and that felt comfortable to him, for a few fleeting moments. but then, that one panicked feeling was now slowly creeping - a contrast to its usually violent arrival. you continued in a soft tone,
“nii-san said this is the most beautiful place on campus.”
beautiful. something about that one word caught megumi’s attention. especially as he had the courage to now look at your tranquil expression, noticing your pupils constantly shifting as they tracked a koi swimming down below. all of a sudden, a conspicuous smile stretched across your face before you blurted out,
“y’know you can say something if you want, right?”
little fushiguro megumi immediately felt a lump lodged in his throat as he froze and stammered,
“um, i…”
the two of you were unknowing that a pair of teenage boys were now approaching your direction. one with a permanently plastered grin and the other with furrowed and tight eyebrows. the latter asked,
“was there even a point in asking me to help you find them if you already knew where they were?”
gojo only playfully hummed in approval as the two rounded the last corner to their destination. from the beginning of the small path leading to the pond, they could see the two children they were looking for. the two were sitting side by side, separated by only a couple inches of empty space.
one was stuck gazing at the other, mouth slightly dropped open, and the young boy spoke just loud enough for the girl beside him to hear,
“i-i like it here too.”
the teens observed that after megumi’s mouth finished moving, y/n’s posture perked up and she turned her head towards him. in the process, she noticed the audience out of the corner of her eye, and made a point to lean in, hand resting in the space between them, finger tips slightly grazing his before she whispered,
“i like being here with you, fushiguro-san.”
- - -
- the tooth fairy cw was mostly bc i didn’t think to look up if japan even has a tooth fairy child’s myth until after i already wrote the scene (and i love said scene very much). anyways, apparently they do not. whoops, my bad.
- also, in my mind, y/n uses gojo-san not to specifically respect gojo, but to mimic nanami :)
- also this is the last of them as little kids! megumi’s ‘troublemaker’ teen era is next.
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- taglist - @hisheadismountfuji (feel free to ask to be added!)
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7077070707 · 10 months
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best friend
feat — gojo satoru
contents & warnings — not proofread because im fucking lazy, mutual pining, friends to lovers, suggestive content, gojo being a dork as per usual
a/n — guys i’m sorry for writing ANOTHER gojo fic but he’s just so fun to write. this is slowly turning into a gojo blog (i hate him). ALSO, im actually a dc girl so i’m with my pookie on this one,,, but like at the same time i might prefer starwars… it’s hard out here, they’re both so peak. um!!! as you can tell i’m oddly passionate about all this comic and movie shit from my stupid rambling so im just gonna stop!!!
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you and your best friend satoru trek indoors, both sweaty and fatigued from the blazing summer heat. you’re still finishing off the popsicle that gojo generously bought for you from the convenience store, for the whopping price of ¥180 (a true gentleman, he is). he claimed to be donating to charity, with you being a charity case – so in response you simply kicked him in the back of his knees which resulted him folding like a foldable chair. 
gojo was mindlessly chewing on the remains of his popsicle – that being the stick – and shoves his hands into his pockets. you were both passionately arguing over which franchise was better, and it was quickly becoming more and more heated. 
“dc is soo much better than marvel! what are you talking about?” he whines, pulling his hands out of his pockets and positioning them in a questioning, exasperated manner for the sake of exaggeration and his strong opinion. 
“no! no! no! marvel is cooler, and the movies are top tier. are dc movies as successful as marvel movies? no, i don’t think so.” you defend yourself, pointing an accusatory finger at gojo with some swagger. 
“well yeah, marvel movies are generally better but we’re talking about EVERYTHING, and everyone knows dc comics are superior. ‘cause, you know, the storylines are deeper and over all more interesting. and have you seen some of the art? arkham asylum’s art is insane! ALSO, CAN WE TALK ABOUT HOW ICONIC BATMAN IS?” 
“i could say the same about spiderman. and iron man–” 
he cuts you off, “okay then, joker too!” 
“shut up! alright, fine… one point to marvel for movies, and one point to dc for comics.” you announce, albeit begrudgingly. 
“hold on, y/n.” leaning forward and wagging his finger stupidly, “there’s still more to it! what about games? or merch? lego adaptations? or even cartoons! maybe we could even add star wars to the mi–” 
“enough! it’s too hot for this, satoru! we can settle this later, and maybe even bring suguru as well, to defend his case for star wars.” 
a flash of disappointment shines upon his face at the mention of suguru, but maybe you were just seeing things. could it be that he was possibly saddened at the thought of his close friend being here? but why? maybe it’s because he wants to be alone with yo– 
‘no, shut up y/n!’ you think to yourself, ‘that’s obviously not the case…’ a small, sad after thought. you blame it on the lingering crush you had on your bestfriend and inwardly sigh. 
after the disappointed face that you claimed to notice, he flashes you a dopey grin and leans back. “alright, fine! you’re on! and damn, it is getting hot. i mean, even hotter. hotter than it was before, like previously–” he stops, “am i.. am i rambling?” 
“well, no. i mean, er– yes, yes you are. but it’s–” you giggle, “it’s cool, satoru. don’t sweat it!” your chest suddenly fills with a warmth, a different kind of warmth to the one the surface of your skin was feeling. 
he recovers and starts, “well, anyway…” he then abruptly takes his shirt off and throws it over his shoulder, his chiselled torso being revealed to you which raises heat to your face.
inside, you're panicking, ‘ohmygod.. what is happening? why is he stripping? huuuh..?’ 
he retrieves a wet rag and drags it across his body, creating wet droplets on his skin which was way more erotic than it should’ve been. the cool rag relieves him of the uncomfortable heat and he groans lowly, tilting his head up.
at the sound, you flush an even deeper red and panic even more, ‘oh my god! why? why is he so casual about this? i mean, how would he feel if i were to suddenly strip and wash myself with a wet towel? and make erotic noises as well! or am i making this an even bigger deal than it is? curse me and my brain…’ 
you stare shamefully at him, averting your eyes every now and then as an attempt to protect your wavering dignity. 
he catches your eye, and a shit eating grin presents itself on his face, “y/n? you alriiight? why is your face so red?” he teases, elongating his words and taking the piss out of you. 
you position yourself into a fighting stance, and retort defensively, “what? my face isn’t red! what are you talking about?” 
“why are you getting so riled up then? i’m only pulling your tail, ya know! unless you're actually flustered?” he quipped, inching closer to you. 
“go to hell gojo!” 
“why are you so flustered anyway?” he inquired, as if he wasn’t displaying his god-like body in front of you like a piece of exquisite art, “wait!” he lets out an exaggerated gasp, raising his hand to his mouth and you prepare yourself for the ‘shocking’ revelation his stupid little head cooked up, “you’re staring at my body! heeeey!” 
you grind your teeth, about to swing your fist at him. 
“i mean, i don’t blame you. girls are crazy over me.” he boasts, making you feel even more idiotic, “but hey, i’m crazy over you too!” you halt your actions and pause. 
“wait… what?” you croak out.
“you best believe it, pretty!” 
“you… you like me?” stunned by this unexpected declaration, “you like me, too?”
the boy smiles fondly at you, “of course. i just didn’t know how to confess… so i simply decided to do it on a whim, ya know – when my heart felt the fullest and all that cheesy crap.” 
“awww. gojo, you like me! that’s so cute!” 
his face gains an adorable pink flush, uncharacteristically flustered from your comment, and he sputters out, “wait what? why are the tables turning? when did the tables turn? how are the tables turning?!” 
giggling behind your hands, you assured him good naturedly, “well, just so you know. i like you too.” 
deadpanning at you, “i figured.” 
giggling once more, you twirl towards him and place a sweet kiss on the cheek of your now ex-best friend.
satoru smiles at the contact, but a burning question arrises, “so wait, does this mean we’re boyfriend and girlfriend now?”
you ponder for a moment, scrunching your face — gojo copying your expression, “err yeah, i think so! is that how it works?”
“how about i take you out on a date, pretty?” he suggests, finger gunning at you and flashing his signature goofy grin.
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just-jordie-things · 10 months
[part eleven] to build a home - gojo satoru
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word count: 7.4k warnings: !!manga spoilers!! swearing, jjk-verse style fighting series summary: when (y/n) (y/l/n) catches wind that the notorious sorcerer killer, toji fushiguro, has children, she makes it her personal mission to find them. the catch being she couldn't tell a soul about them- the risk of the zen'in clan learning about them was too great. keeping the secret isn't the hard part, it's lying to her friends, shoko ieiri, geto suguru, and of course gojo satoru, that she struggles with. especially when satoru has suddenly become so keen on keeping an eye on her lately.
series masterlist
[part eleven] : “Brazil” ___
(y/n) woke up to six texts the next morning, which was a lot, but not as many as she was expecting after a huge fight with one of her supposed best friends.  A part of her wanted to shut her phone off and keep it that way for the day, knowing that today was going to be stressful enough without the technology keeping anyone updated every second of every day.  The thought was brief, knowing she couldn’t actually ignore the world.  But she could daydream about it.
Three texts from Shoko, two from Tsumiki, and one from Suguru.
Deciding to open the messages from Tsumiki first, she opened the photo attachment.  This proved to be the right first choice, seeing the bunny shaped pancakes that Tsumiki made for herself and Megumi that morning.  She saved the photo to her phone right away.
[tsumiki]: megumi said they’re almost better than yours!
(y/n) smiled at the message, and typed back a quick reply.
[(y/n)]: looks cuter than mine :)
(y/n) got out of bed and finally got to work on her morning routine, partially to distract her from the other messages, and partially to give herself some time to figure out how to respond to them.
It was the right thing, pushing Satoru away, even though she had to be cruel to do so.  To his heart, and hers.  If she didn’t, he would only make it harder for her to keep her secret, and if he got involved… (y/n) could barely stand to think about it.  The Zen’ins were a force to be reckoned with, Shoko’s words came to mind often.  And Satoru had already had a run-in with them, even if it was just Toji.
‘Just Toji’ had done a lot of damage, she recalled the night in the kitchen those few months ago, the scar on Satoru’s throat would be burned in her memory for life.  Even if it was gone now, it almost killed him.  He almost killed him.
So despite her broken heart, and despite the way her entire body ached when she thought about what she’d said to him yesterday, (y/n) had to keep Satoru out of this.
If she played her cards right, she could protect everyone.  Tsumiki, Megumi, and Satoru.  She could keep them all safe and under her protection, she just needed a little more time to figure out just the right steps to take to do so.  If they could all be patient for a little while longer…
Once she was cleaned up and dressed in her neat uniform, (y/n) finally opened the messages from Shoko.
[shoko<3]: are you okay? satoru said you guys had a fight [shoko<3]: he didn’t tell us any details, but he seemed pretty upset. [shoko<3]: it’s not like you guys to fight like that. i just want to make sure you’re ok
(y/n) huffed.  She didn’t want to push Shoko away like she had to with Satoru, and she didn’t think she’d have to.  Her and Suguru had always given her more space than the Six Eyes user, but given the circumstances, she supposed it made sense for Shoko to reach out like this.  Satoru was her friend too.
Although it was odd that he hadn’t jumped at the opportunity to tell them the nasty details of what she’d said to him.
[(y/n)]: just a fight. no big deal.
She winces as she sends the message, knowing it wasn’t going to ease Shoko’s worry in the slightest.  It was barely scraps of what really happened.
[(y/n)]: i’m sorry i worried you, but i’m ok.  see you in class, i got a new assignment to tell you about :)
It was redirection at it’s finest, and surely Shoko would see right through it, but (y/n) hoped it was enough for now to downplay the situation and keep Shoko from having any interest in it.
All this time, and she’d still barely learned how to tell a convincing lie.
With that, she opened the last message.
[suguru]: let’s meet before class.
She paused longer on his single, context-less text than she had with Shoko’s.  Surely he wanted to give her an earful on how she’d treated his best friend, and surely it was going to be just as cruel, if not worse.  But when Suguru wanted information about something, he wasn’t as easy to distract as Shoko was.  He wasn’t going to accept a cigarette as a peace offering and pretend it never happened.  He was bound to be upset.
If Yaga wouldn’t have her ass for it, she’d skip classes altogether and avoid all three of them.  She could use the extra training time before she left tomorrow, or maybe she could check in again with the Fushiguro kids.  Anything would be better than facing any one of them.
She decides Suguru is the lesser of three evils.
[(y/n)]: alright.  coffee in the kitchen? ten min?
Her fingers tremble against the side of her leg as she walks through the halls, hoping not to run into anyone as she beelines for the small kitchen off the common room.  Today’s an odd day that she’s grateful there aren’t many jujutsu sorcerers in the world, and much less at this school.
She’s there five minutes after she’d texted Suguru, and to her surprise, he’s already there too.
“You and I have always been the punctual ones,” He muses when she enters.  He turns away from her to pour a cup of coffee.  “I’ve always appreciated that about you”
“I appreciate that about you, too” (y/n) replies, and even though it’s the truth, she sounds disingenuous.  Even her honest moments started to sound like shitty lies these days.
She hadn’t braced herself for what was to come, but even if she’d tried, no amount of time would have been enough.  This was the part where Suguru tells her everything she already knew- that she was a terrible person, and a terrible friend.  Her fingers tap against her leg without any rhythm.  Just fast.
“I wanted to ask you something,” Suguru says, casting a glance over his shoulder at her as he finishes off the warm drink with cream and sugar.  “You can sit if you want, might be a few minutes”
“I don’t mind standing.  I’m a bit on edge, I’m sure you understand” She tells him honestly.  Suguru nods.
“I do.  I have to admit, I’ve been feeling the same way lately.  Just… off,”
It’s quiet between them for a minute, until he turns to face her, handing her the cup of coffee he’d finished.
“Two creams, two sugars” He tells her with a smile.
(y/n) can’t help a small smile back as she takes it, thanking him quietly.  It was thoughtful of him to remember exactly how she took her coffee, but as nice as the gesture was, the bitter feeling of regret echoes in her chest.
“We can get straight to the point, Suguru,” She sighs, dropping her gaze to the steaming cup in her hands.  “I’m sure you’re… upset”
He doesn’t say anything right away, and the few seconds of thoughtful silence gives her a chance to double down on her metaphorical emotional walls, so hopefully when he lays into her, she won’t cry.
“Do you think it’s a good thing that we protect non-curse users no matter what?”
Her head snaps up, completely taken aback by the question.  Not due to it’s nature, she simply wasn’t expecting a deep look into morals first thing this morning.  Not after what she’d done.
But maybe somehow the two things were connected.  (y/n) proceeded with caution.
“I suppose, yes,” She answers.  “They can’t protect themselves the way we can protect them, right?”
“Right…” Suguru seems to agree, but his eyes glaze over and he seems to go elsewhere, like maybe he didn’t believe completely in her words.  “Even though not all humans are good?”
(y/n) raises a brow as she takes a tentative sip of her coffee.
“We’re humans” She says, like it’s a reminder, like it’s something one could forget about oneself.  That they’re human.
“I didn’t mean it like that,” Suguru chuckles, shaking his head.  “But… you know what I mean”
She didn’t.
“You think non-curse users are that much different from us?” (y/n) asks, trying to understand where he was going with this.
“You don’t?” He asks, his head tilting to the side ever so slightly.
Sure, non-curse users lived different lives than those in the Jujutsu Society.  But (y/n) always thought of it as the purest form of ignorant bliss- as they didn’t even know the horrors they were shielded from.  It was actually one of the many reasons she wanted to take the vow to protect them.
She didn't answer his question, but she didn’t have to.  Suguru picked up on just exactly what she was thinking.
“Don’t you think it’s odd?” He asks a different question instead.
(y/n’s) face twists into a confused expression.  How was this leading into her fight with Satoru? This… was about her fight with Satoru, right?
“Think what’s odd?”
“That they’re the cause of the very thing we’re going to dedicate our lives to killing,”
Suddenly, (y/n’s) body feels stiff.  Her hands are clamped tightly around the handle and round edge of her mug, and her feet feel glued in place.  Her eyes feel glued, too, watching his every move and expression, trying to figure out what was going on, or what the hell he was talking about.
Killing, the word rings in her head like it’s explicit, and he just said it so casually.  Briefly, she recalls Megumi using it to describe exorcizing a curse, before she corrected him of the proper terminology.
However Suguru wasn’t an eight year old child who was new to this world.  He was well aware of the proper vocabulary.  He’d chosen to refer to it as killing with purpose.
“And they have no idea…” Suguru continues, but he trails off again.  (y/n) wonders what’s going on his mind that he’s so lost in.
“Suguru,” (y/n) speaks softly, and she tries to keep that tone as she continues.  “I don’t think I’m following you” A short laugh escapes her, but it’s quiet, and nervous.
“Ah, I’m not making sense,” He chuckles, raising a hand to the back of his neck.  “I guess what I really mean to ask is… do you think it’s always worth it?”
Well, that question did nothing to clear up the confusion.
(y/n’s) silence was enough of a tell to Suguru that she didn’t understand where he was coming from, and she wasn’t going to.  This deflates him, but she’d never know it, as his little smile and curious eyes didn’t falter for a second.
“Well,” (y/n) sighs, trying to think of the right thing to say.  
She wasn’t sure where he was coming from, but he seemed… lost.  Like he’d been questioning himself and his path as a jujutsu sorcerer a little too harshly.  She could understand that, at least.
“I know sometimes making the world a better place is… slow work… but for me, it’s my passion,” She shrugs her shoulders lightly.  “And when I start to doubt myself, I just remember who I’m doing it for”
Suguru nods, but something tells (y/n) that it wasn’t the answer he was looking for.
“I see,” He says, and lets out a soft sigh.  “And do you keep that mindset when we’ve just protected a trafficking ring from curses?”
(y/n) blinks, and fights a shiver from swimming down her spine.  Where was this coming from? Why was he being like this?
“You remember that day we were sent to retrieve Riko Amanai?” He asks her.
“Yes…” She answers, the cruel memories of that failed mission flooding her mind as soon as she heard the girl’s name.
This conversation made her uneasy enough, but now her stomach was churning and her knuckles were turning white around her mug of forgotten coffee.  She wanted an out, but every word Suguru spoke seemed to keep her frozen in place.
“All of our efforts that day, to protect her, and to make sure no one else got hurt-”
“Why are you bringing this up, Suguru?” (y/n) cut him off.  She didn’t need him to relive everything that happened that day- she did that on her own almost every day.  “You’re really going to rewrite your moral code over one bad mission?”
For the first time during this talk, his face sours.  (y/n) knows she should apologize for snapping at him, but she doesn’t.  Instead, she gives him a piece of her mind.  
“You work me up into thinking you’re upset about what happened with Satoru, and then waste my time by telling me you want to- what, rethink the entirety of your life’s choices?” She scoffs at him, and sets her mostly-full mug of coffee down on the counter, a little more forcefully than she needed to.
Suguru’s face is blank now, and he’s harder to read, but she’s done with this guessing game where she keeps losing.
“If you want out Sugu, I won’t stop you,” She tells him, staring him dead in the eyes without the fear or hesitation like she had before.  He notices this.  “I certainly didn’t stop Nanami.  Your life is your own to control, so stop acting like you were forced into doing something you didn’t want to,”
His eyes narrow at her choice of words, but she ignores it.
“That said, if you left now, it would only prove to be a waste of your talents.  You’re one of the strongest men in the whole world, no force on earth could take you on.  So if you leave, you’re only proving that the world was wrong”
That peaked his interest, and now he was back at his word games.
“That so?” He hums, amused by the thought.
“You’d be proving the world was wrong about you.  And that despite your abilities, you’re not strong enough to handle them,” (y/n’s) voice softens, remembering this was her friend, and despite everything, he was her friend.  “I care about you Suguru, so… if you’re done with this…”
Something in her expression changes, and Sguru can see that her irritation had worn off, melted into something softer.  She looks defeated, almost, but forces a small smile anyways.
She’d changed.  Just like him.  Sometime between the Star Plasma Vessel incident and right now, something had morphed her, aged her, made her look tired.  He could see it in her eyes, and the waver in her half-baked smile.  It was all there before him, begging him to ask her what she’d been up to these last few months.  He understood Satoru’s curiosity now, when he saw her up close.  (y/n) was a different person now.  And this certainly wasn’t because of some romantic affair.
“I won’t stop you” She sighs, finishing her thought.
Curious now, Suguru tilts his head at her.
“I told you once I wasn’t going to interrogate you about what you’ve been up to in town…” He starts, and instantly (y/n’s) stomach is churning again.  “But now I see that whatever it is, it’s changed you, hasn’t it?”
The way he smirks has her blood boiling.  The protective nature that Megumi and Tsumiki had brought out of her had her fingers curling against her palms in tight fists, which didn’t go unnoticed by Suguru.  He eyes her defensive stance with intrigue, before meeting her eyes again.
“There’s not a force on earth that could drill it out of you, is there?” He asks, and her lack of response is answer enough.  He clicks his tongue.  “Interesting”
“You’re right Suguru,” (y/n) admits in a mutter.  The soft, worried tone she’d held for him earlier long gone, now that a part of her felt as though her kids were threatened.  “I have changed”
Her eyes are piercing now, only furthering Suguru’s amusement.  
Whatever this stupid secret is, it must be a good one, he thinks to himself, suddenly wishing that Satoru had the guts to force the damn information out of her.  Surely he was the only one of them who could, but of course his feelings had gotten in the way and the weak part of his heart only resulted in him getting exiled from the girl’s life.  Suguru didn’t care about exile, and if he was honest, he didn’t care about this secret either.  His interest lied in the hold it had on her.
Looking at her now, with her hands balled into fists, her posture rigid, and her eyes piercing into his with a venom he’d never seen before, much less directed at him, he knew it must be worth something to her.  Something big.
“As have I,” He finally tells her, a small smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.
(y/n) looks him up and down, noticing even his aura felt different.
Bad different.
“This secret of yours…” He trails off, narrowing his eyes slightly.  “Is it worth your life?”
Her defensive stance falters, for a brief second, but Suguru doesn’t give her the chance to actually respond to his question.  He didn’t need her response.  She’d made it perfectly clear the lengths she’d go to keep her covert life just that- and while he was a little curious just how much further she could be pushed before she snaps, he leaves.
Suguru doesn’t say a word as he brushes past her, he doesn’t even look at her.  Just walks away with a smug smile, and an aura around him that was strangely… eerie.
(y/n) stayed planted in her spot in the kitchen for a few minutes longer, her mind swarming with paranoia.
Was this all because he was upset about what happened with Satoru?  
Were the mind games meant to throw her off, and throw herself down a rabbit hole?
Or had he actually figured her out? Was he aware of Megumi and Tsumiki? But that couldn’t make sense… he would have had to follow her, and she would have noticed his presence if he had, right?
No, none of that could be it, he was barely making any sense, he must have been prodding at something else completely.
With a sigh, (y/n) shoved her hand through her hair, as if it would provide any relief to her overworked and throbbing brain.  The mental torture Suguru had managed to put her through in the last ten minutes was worse than any curse she’d ever taken on- even that one Special Grade with the tentacle arms who nearly ripped her leg clean off.
He’d never spoken to her like that before.  He’d never acted like that before.  It was completely out of character and it had her completely overthinking about everything that had happened in the last few months.
But she didn’t have time to overthink.  She had to get to class and act like everything was normal, tell Shoko about the assignment she was leaving for- which was tomorrow- and keep up the act that no one needed to be suspicious of her because there was nothing to be suspicious about.
When she finally left the kitchen and hastened her pace to get to class on time, (y/n’s) heart was pounding in her ears so hard, she was sure she was going to get a headache.
She wasn’t sure how much longer she could keep all of this up.
But if it could only be a little longer… ___
Suguru hadn’t gone to class.  Yaga had briefly mentioned something about a last minute assignment that the elders had sent him on, and (y/n) wondered if that had to do with his sudden urgency to talk with her.  She wasn’t sure how long he’d be gone, but with her weekend being taken over by her own assignment in Brazil, they likely wouldn’t have crossed paths otherwise.
Propping her head in her hand as she paid half of her attention to Yaga’s lesson, (y/n) wished he’d just gone on the mission and skipped their conversation altogether.
She’d stopped her notetaking a few minutes ago, her mind wandering off to a million other things that seemed more worth her time.
For starters, how quickly she needed to get through her assignment tomorrow so that she could rush back to Tokyo.  Even with the cursed tool that she’d given Megumi, she didn’t want to be out of the country for longer than she needed to.  A lot could happen over one weekend.  One weekend is all it took for her to get into this mess to begin with.
She scribbles something in her notebook when Yaga’s eyes land on her, feigning interest in his lesson.  What was he talking about? Special grades? A history lesson on early jujustu society?
Peeking over to Shoko on her right, she noticed that she’d managed to take her notes diligently, as usual.  Surely she’d let (y/n) borrow them to brush up on later.
On her left, Satoru did not seem to have the same work ethic as Shoko, but that wasn’t anything out of the ordinary.  She knew that he did his work when he needed to, and he knew the material like the back of his hand, but (y/n) wasn’t sure she’d ever seen him take notes.  He tended to just steal hers whenever he pleased.  
Although he probably wouldn’t be asking for them anytime soon.
He didn’t look any different than usual, his expression bored even hidden behind his sunglasses.  She wasn’t sure how she expected him to look, wasn’t sure if he’d show up to class disheveled, tired, maybe even send her a mean look.  But he looked normal.  And besides not speaking or looking at her, he was acting normal too.
Somehow that felt worse.
(y/n) had her things collected and was out of her seat as soon as class was done for the day.  She was out the door even before Yaga.  Rushing out wasn’t exactly necessary, seeing as she and Shoko were going to meet up for lunch, but the quicker she could be out of a space shared with Satoru, the better.
Besides, a few extra minutes to collect her thoughts was much needed.  Although she didn’t have much time, as Shoko was jogging up to the table just a minute after (y/n) had sat down.
“Alright, you better start explaining yourself,” The short haired brunette said through quiet pants.  “Because Satoru won’t say shit- and you just booked it out of there! What the hell?”
(y/n) hoped that her expression remained neutral, even though she was internally cringing.
“It’s complicated, can we just not talk about it?” She sighed.
“No!” Shoko nearly screeched as she plopped onto the bench across from her.  “No we can’t just not talk about it! That’s crazy!”
(y/n) frowned, but Shoko didn’t seem to mind the uncomfortable tension settling between them, because she continued her rant.
“We don’t just fight and not talk to each other, (y/n).  We’re best friends.  All of us”
“No, you’re my best friend and you come with a matching set that follows you around” (y/n) mumbled.  And now they follow me around too, she thinks bitterly.
“That’s not fair or true,” Shoko rolls her eyes.  “You love them both, too,” She says like it’s a reminder.  “And I know Satoru gets under your skin… but… that’s just what he does, and I know this can’t be about that because you’ve let him get under your skin for three years now.  So fess up already.  What.  Happened?”
(y/n) stared at her, pleading with her eyes that she could just drop it.  She didn’t have a good enough explanation, and she didn’t want to lie to Shoko anymore than she already has.
She really should have thought this through when she cut things off with Satoru.
“Is it… romantic tension?” Shoko asked slowly.
“What!? No!” (y/n’s) voice betrayed her as it raised and cracked, making her sound completely unbelievable.
“Oh really?” Shoko raised a brow.  “Because you know that I know that he’s been sleeping with you since Haibara passed”
There’s a pang in her chest upon hearing his name.  A harsh reminder that no matter how much time would pass, his name, his memory, would forever be surrounded by a haunting cloud of pain.  That was grief, she supposed.  Nonetheless, (y/n) mustered up the will to roll her eyes at Shoko’s insinuation.
“Sleeping sleeping,” She mutters.  “That’s it.  Nothing funny”
“Yeah right,” Shoko scoffed.  “You’ve had funny business between you since day one.  If you didn’t go through some weird non-couple couple fight, why the hell was Satoru in a pissy mood saying you were done with him?”
Now she was toggling the line between mildly annoyed and genuinely pissed off.  The ongoing assumption that Shoko had once made as a joke was no romance between her and Satoru.  And now, there was nothing left between them at all.  It was becoming too much.  Her mistakes were getting on top of her like an overdose, filling her to the brim with melancholy, and anger.
“Because we’re not friends anymore, I guess!” (y/n) exclaimed, throwing her hands up.  “I’m sorry it’s not that juicy, okay? He was just getting too irritating and nosey, and I needed some freaking space, is that so awful?”
“No, but it’s a fucking lie,” Shoko shook her head.  Her words weren’t as malicious as they sounded, but she knew she needed to start calling out bullshit when she smelled it.  And (y/n’s) bullshit was starting to pile up so high that Shoko could barely make out what was real anymore.
(y/n) huffed, crossing her arms over her chest.
“I don’t want to fight before I go away on an assignment,” She sighed, dropping her defensive stance and leaning over the table towards her friend.  “Please, can we not fight about this?”
Shoko frowned, mirroring (y/n’s) position, and reaching for her hands.  She squeezed them gently, and she doesn’t let them go.
“I’m worried about you, (y/n/n),” She admits, quietly, like she was afraid to be vulnerable with her.  “You have to admit you’ve been acting strange, you’ve been missing from campus, like, all the time, you barely answer your phone or even give us any answers when you’re back.  I’m not trying to be nosey, really, but…” She trails off for a minute, chewing on her bottom lip.  “This isn’t like you.  And Satoru… I’ve never seen him hurt like that.  You guys treat each other better than that”
(y/n’s) throat began to sting with the familiar burn of tears, and she prays she thinks of something fast before she has to shut Shoko out the same way she did to Satoru.
“Shoko,” She mumbles, sniffling.  “I can’t explain it, okay?”
Shoko’s shoulders slump, defeated.  But she keeps a hold of (y/n’s) hands.
“I’m sorry.  I really am.  I know it’s not fair but… but you have to trust me, please”
“Are you in trouble?” Shoko asks in a whisper, even though there was no one around them to eavesdrop.  “Does this have to do with the Zen’ins?” She adds in an even quieter voice.
The way (y/n) stiffens and her eyes widen tell Shoko she’d guessed correctly.  Her own eyes blew wide with shock, the fear that had been nagging at the back of her mind finally proving to be true.
“It’s nothing, Shoko, seriously, I’m begging you to leave it and not worry about it-”
“Not worry about it?” She hissed back at her.  “How could I not worry about it? So what is it then, you’re seeing someone? Is that it?”
(y/n) doesn’t say anything, her brain is processing all of this too slowly to figure out what the smartest lie was to go with.  If she agreed that she was dating a Zen’in, surely Shoko would go back to Satoru and Suguru with that information- and their reactions would be less than pleasant but…
What was her other option? Tell her that she was actually harboring a member of the Zen’in Clan and his sister? The children of the famed Sorcerer Killer? The very man that almost killed Satoru? Was she supposed to confess that it was practically the opposite of what she’d been thinking?
That her backup plan if all of this went south was executing the head of the clan and anyone else who tried to harm the Fushiguro children?
(y/n) pulled her hands out of Shoko’s, rubbing them down her face and taking a deep breath.  Think.  There must be a better option.  You’ve made it this far, so think!
“Shoko… you have to promise not to tell-”
“Oh my fucking spirits,” Shoko mimicked (y/n’s) position, covering her face in her hands and shaking her head.  Don’t tell me that it’s fucking true”
(y/n) doesn’t say anything, she didn’t know what to say, but it seemed she was out of time to come up with a better lie than a secret affair with a Zen’in.  
Which left a pretty nasty taste in her mouth.
Shoko gasped, one of her hands falling over her open mouth, completely floored by this information.
Sure, when (y/n) first started sneaking off, she thought maybe she was hooking up with someone, flirting with a cute guy at a cafe or a bookstore, and she would have been totally fine with a secret like that.  It would have been cute, and fun.
“I want to throw up” Shoko grumbles.
“Okay, that’s a little-”
“If you say it’s overdramatic, I don’t want to hear it.  I mean- I mean… seriously? Who is it anyways? Wait- no, don’t tell me, I don’t even want to know because then Satoru is gonna ask and he’s… oh my god, that’s what happened isn’t it?”
She hadn’t even blinked yet.  The pit in (y/n’s) stomach continued to grow, and Shoko’s shock only worsened.
In a small movement, (y/n) nodded her head.
Shoko’s silent for a minute, before she shuffles into her pocket for her cigarettes and a lighter.  She remained silent and staring off at nothing as she sparked up and took an exaggeratedly long drag.  (y/n) eyed the cigarette longingly, and Shoko passed it over after flicking the ash.
“He was pissed, huh?” She asks.
(y/n) nods again.
“Yeah… yeah he was pissed,” She says, avoiding the parts that were actually lies.  After taking her puff, she continues.  “And I… I didn’t handle it well.  I think I… I know I really hurt him, Shoko”
“You did,” Shoko sighs, recalling the way a hollow eyed Satoru had joined her for lunch yesterday.  “I just… why didn’t you tell us sooner? Maybe we.. maybe we could have talked more..?” She’s making weak suggestions, knowing there was nothing to be done of it now.
(y/n) shrugs limply, taking another drag before passing the cigarette back.
“You hate me?” She asks quietly.
Shoko gives a wobbly smile, shaking her head.
“I could never hate you, (y/n/n)” She sighs heavily.
(y/n) mirrors her weak smile.
“Thanks, Shoko,”
The short haired girl nodded back at her.
“I’m really sorry” She adds as an afterthought, but it’s genuine.
She knows she’ll continue to feel sorry for a long time.  Maybe even forever.  The guilt on her shoulders had become so heavy she slouched in her seat.  It spread through her whole body, making her sick to her stomach, her knees weak, and she’d even noticed her hands trembling.
Shoko didn’t deserve this.  She thought she was getting closure, she thought she was finally understanding what (y/n) had been up to.  Even if she was unsettled by the so-called confession, it was something.  And it was still just a lie.
“I know” Shoko replies softly, stumping out the dead cigarette.
When she gets up and leaves, (y/n) watches her pull out and light up another one on her walk back to her dorm.
(y/n) hung her head in her hands in her lonesome, fighting the urge to break down into tears.  She wished that she could tell them all to hold on for just a little while longer.
Just a little longer, she scoffs to herself, her throat burning.  How much longer was just a little longer going to be?
And on top of it all- now she had another lie to maintain.  It was pitiful, but at least Shoko was so disgusted in her that she didn’t ask anymore questions. ___
(y/n) really should have cleared her mind better before going to Brazil.  Taking on major assignments while in a negative headspace wasn’t safe, and it was one of the first things you’re taught when you enroll in Jujutsu High.
(y/n’s) headspace had become a toxic wasteland.
All of her time before she actually arrived in Manaus was spent in her head, diving deeper and deeper into the pits of despair.  She knew she wasn’t doing herself any favors, but once it had started, she couldn’t distract herself from it.
Normally she would turn to her friends to distract her from a bad bout of anxiety.  A smoke break and a walk with Shoko, a movie night with Suguru, a trip to the candy shop with Satoru, any of those things right now could have easily relaxed her nerves and brought her out of her tormented mind.  This realization only worsened her mood.
She overthought every terrible lie she’d told her friends while on the ride to the airport.  While waiting at the gate, she worried about Megumi and Tsumiki being alone while she is not reachable by phone when on the plane.  And the flight was the worst of all.  Even with connecting flights it took up her entire day.  That gave her twenty-four hours to assume the worst was happening.  No in-flight movie, no music, no book could distract her mind and give her even a minute of peace.
But when was the last time she felt any peace, anyways.
When she finally did land in Brazil and got settled in the hotel she’d been set up at- which was probably the nicest hotel she’d ever been sent to on an overseas mission, compliments of Yaga taking pity on her, surely- she couldn’t settle in.
She’d been told to get rest after her day of travel, brush up on the notes of the Grade Two she’d be on the hunt for, but to leave that hunt until the next day.  Yaga had told her clearly the morning she left that her rest was a requirement, and not to jump into the assignment on little to no sleep after an extremely long day.
Of course, as soon as she’d dropped her bag onto the queen sized bed, she realized there was no way she could get a wink of sleep with her sour mood.  She’d certainly lie awake in bed all night, letting it worsen until her entire body ached.
Her eyes landed on the harness that held her swords.  They sat in their sheaths, perfectly cleaned and sharpened from the day before, waiting to slay something.  She’d barely touched them since the Star Plasma Vessel incident, and with all the despair inside her, she knew that a quick rage on a Grade Two would be cathartic.
Cracking a smile, she grabbed the harness and snapped it on before taking off out of the hotel room, eager for the hunt and the release of pent up distress.
Maybe I’ll have to thank Yaga after all, she thought to herself as she took to the streets of Manaus.  Maybe this assignment would be exactly what I need. ___
By the time (y/n) returns to her hotel, she’d decided against thanking her teacher.  It wouldn’t be a priority when she gets home.
She’d exorcized the Grade Two Curse, and while it hadn’t been an impossible task, it had been greatly difficult, and with her standing as a Grade One Sorcerer, it was humiliating to realize how far she’d fallen behind in her training.  But after putting up a good fight, it finally showed it’s weakness and (y/n) dove for it instantly, slicing it’s head clean off with large swings of both of her blades.
She’s still straining to catch her breath even now as she washes the blood from her arms, before stripping off her ruined uniform.  She’d have to change before she headed out again.
Now that the assignment was over, she couldn’t stand to delay her return to Tokyo even one minute longer.  She was set on washing up, packing what little things she had, and heading straight back to the airport.
Her booked flight wasn’t for two more days, as Yaga had given her extra time to travel and explore.  But she was already far ahead of schedule, and she found no excitement in spending time in another country when there were people back home waiting for her.
If I’m able to get on a flight tonight, I’ll make it home by this time tomorrow, she thought to herself, scrolling through the options on her phone, ignoring the hefty prices under each one.  A last minute flight wasn’t ideal, but she’d trade in the ticket she had and save what she could.
Now that her distraction of an assignment was done, her sickeningly anxious thoughts were starting to slip into her mind again.
She made great haste in getting herself to the airport, contacting the manager on duty for her assignment to let them know she was wrapped up, and would be on the first flight to Tokyo. ___
By the time (y/n) gets back to Tokyo, it had been three days.
But while she hadn’t slept longer than a few minutes here and there on the excruciatingly long flights, when she landed back home it was a straight shot for her to go to the Fushiguro house.  She couldn’t possibly make a pitstop to the school to drop her things off- or even take a shower.
It was late into the evening, around the time she would normally put the kids to bed, but she had a feeling they’d be awake, seeing as it wasn’t a day she’d normally visit them.  And to her delight, as she approached the house, she could see the flickering of a tv through the living room window.
When she knocks on the door, she sees two heads spin around over the back of the sofa through the window, at first cautious, but then excited as both kids leapt off their seats to greet her.
Tsumiki throws her arms around (y/n) as soon as the door opens, and the older girl drops to her knees to hug her properly.  Maybe she squeezes a little tighter than she normally would.
Megumi bashfully hangs behind his sister, but the wide smile on his face tells (y/n) he was just as happy about her return as she was.  She ruffles up his hair just because she can, and tells them both how happy she is to be back.
“Was it awesome?” Tsumiki asks.
“Did you exorcize the curse?” Megumi talks over her.
“Head up to bed and I’ll tell you all about it” (y/n) orders, and neither of them seem bothered as they turn off the tv and scramble up the stairs to get ready for bed.
(y/n) lets herself take a moment to sigh and revel in the utter relief to see them both okay.  She’d been convincing herself they must have been fine, since Megumi never used his emergency Cursed Tool, and none of the texts she received from Tsumiki were out of the ordinary.  But nothing would satisfy her nerves until she could see them in person, and assess for herself that they hadn’t been in any harm.
When she ascends the stairs, they’re already waiting for her, with their teeth brushed and their pajamas on.  She grins ear to ear.
“If only you were this good for me all the time,” She teases.  “Maybe I should take assignments more often, huh?”
“We’re always good” Megumi rolls his eyes.
He’s still smiling.
“I suppose that’s true,” (y/n) muses.  “And guess what good kids get?”
“Candy?” Tsumiki asks hopefully.
(y/n) laughs as she reaches into her pocket, pulling out the two small items she’d managed to snag from a shop at the airport.
“Better!” She exclaims, handing a gift to each one of them.  “Gifts!”
Tsumiki squeals as she eyes the pretty bow she’d received.  A large, puffy pink accessory, complete with lace edges and shiny pearls at it’s center.
And when Megumi is handed his gift, a small keychain of a fluffy black dog with starry, anime-like eyes, his mouth makes an ‘o’ and his eyes light up with recognition.
“Just like my Divine Dog” He says as his mouth stretches back into a smile.
“That was the idea,” (y/n) chuckles.  “Sorry they’re small, I didn’t have a lot of shopping time”
“I love it!” Tsumiki grins, holding her accessory to her chest with adoration.
“Thank you” Megumi’s voice is softer as he clutches his own gift carefully.
“You’re very welcome,” (y/n) replies.  “Now you guys head off to bed, because I want to get home to go to bed.  I’ll tell you all about my trip when I come by tomorrow afternoon” She lets out a tired sigh, and the Fushiguro kids follow the instruction.
She bids Tsumiki goodnight first, shutting her door after the girl crawled into her sheets.  When she turns to Megumi’s room, he’s still wide awake, sitting upright on the side of his bed.  He’s still holding his keychain in his lap, admiring it with bright eyes.
“You ready for bed?” (y/n) asks him, leaning against his door frame.
He looks up at her, blinking, before stating the obvious.
“You look tired”
(y/n) chuckles, almost bitterly.  Tired was an understatement.
“A flight from here to Brazil takes an entire day, you know” She tells him, walking into his room.
Megumi crawls into bed and under the covers, giving her the seat on the edge of his bed.  She plops into it with a huff, the simple action of sitting providing a ridiculous amount of relief to her overworked body.
“A whole day?” Megumi repeats in awe.
“Sure does,” (y/n) sighs.  “And on top of that, swords are pretty heavy, and I’m out there alone trying to exorcize this huge curse!”
His eyes light up with excitement, wanting to hear more about her mission.  But (y/n) tucks him in as she always does before she leaves him for the night, and he knows she’s not going to tell him more tonight.
“Don’t worry, I’ll tell you everything you want to know about it tomorrow” She says with a smile, knowing he was on the edge of his seat.
“Fine,” Megumi huffs, and then quietly adds, “Can we get pizza?”
(y/n) laughs, but nods her head in agreement.
“Pizza sounds perfect,” She says, earning a smile from the boy.  She hesitates before leaving just yet, wanting to relish a little more in seeing him perfectly unharmed.
He had no idea how much she worried about him when she was away.  The feeling must be reaching what a mother feels for her own children, an overwhelming need to protect them, no matter what it costs.
Suguru’s menacing words rang in her mind.
This secret of yours, is it worth your life?
After telling Megumi goodnight and wishing him sweet dreams, she’d finally come up with an answer for him.
And if I had the chance to do it again, I would.
Tiptoeing down the stairs, (y/n) did a quick lap of the house, making sure there were no chores in desperate need of her attention before she left for the night.  Even though her bones begged her to rest, she wanted to make sure everything was in order after a few days of being absent.  To her pleasure, the house seemed perfectly clean and tidy.
She’d have to treat Tsumiki to more than just a bow, she mused to herself, heading for the pile of mail on the kitchen table.  All she’d do tonight was sort through the junk and the bills, which she’d worry about paying tomorrow.
After tossing the unnecessary mail in the trash and sliding the water bill into the drawer for important papers, that left only one envelope.  It was blank on the front, which puzzled her, wondering how it had gotten mixed into the rest of the lot.  Or how it had even been mailed in the first place  Turning it over curiously, her heart dropped at the only marking on the whole envelope.
A wax seal she recognized instantly.
Her blood ran cold, and her fingers went rigid in their hold on the letter.
The unmistakable seal of the Zen’in Clan.
a/n: long chapter of sadness hahahahaha i don’t remember how to sleep.
taglist: @whats-humanity-lol @malinq-ashida @mor-pheus@bekahtaylorgriggs@pookiea@megumimind@thealchemical@pearlstiare@niallerhere@96jnie @purpleguk @peqch-pie@yukinemaroop@makis-girl @sadtoru​ @kamikokii​ @nerdiel-has-no-braincells​ @googlesheetshoe​ @vzleria @hilzup @cole-silas @iam-mia9 @stxrrielle @ezrahour
xoxo ~ jordie 
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lees-chaotic-brain · 2 months
this is for your event 🗣️🗣️
here me out.. gojo fic abt the song tell your girlfriend by lay banks. something like having a crush on gojo and he likes reader too but reader and gojo are with other people. idc who readers boyfriend is🫣
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WC: 1.7k
CW: alcohol consumption (all characters of age), swearing, cheating (see above ask for details), female pronouns (reader referred to as girlfriend), not beta read AT ALL, reader is a bit of a crybaby lol
Note: thanks for sending an ask in emi!!! also, this song is fire i was literally jamming the entire time i was writing. also, sorry if you wanted this to be more true to the vibe of the song. i kind of interpreted it my own way and rolled with it lmao
listen to this while reading
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You loved your boyfriend, right? You had only been dating four months, but you wouldn’t have dated someone if you didn’t have feelings for him. Sure, he could be a little aloof, and a little rude, but he had his moments when he was sweet and caring. So why did you find yourself thinking of someone else?
During the day when the sun was out and you were thinking rationally you could convince yourself that you truly cared for him, but at night under the low lighting of the bar all bets were off. When you were a few shots past tipsy and your thinking was slowed, why did another face keep coming to mind.? 
Initially, I wouldn't do this
Hennessy pourin' and shit gettin' fluid
And you never intended to cheat. And you definitely never intended to fall for your best friend who was also dating someone else. But when you spent time with him, or when he shot a flirtatious wink from across the room he ignited a swarm of butterflies in your stomach. A swarm of butterflies that went into hibernation when you were around your boyfriend.
You knew it was wrong, that you shouldn’t feel the way you did, but with the heavy beat of the bass coursing through you and cognac warming your insides your traitorous heart finally decided what it was Gojo Satoru made you feel. Desire. And…love. Oh shit, that wasn’t good.
Suddenly feeling a bit ill, you waved your concerned friend off and staggered outside to get some fresh air. Taking deep gulps of fresh air, you stepped into an alley to get some privacy so you could collect your thoughts. You wrap your arms around yourself in an attempt to ward off the chill of the night seeping through the thin fabric of your clothes.
As you stand there shivering, your thoughts are interrupted by a warm jacket being wrapped around your shoulders. Spinning around, you find yourself face to face with the one person you absolutely did not want to see at the moment. Confronted by the appearance of your best friend, you can’t help but start crying. It’s stupid, you know, but as soon as you lay eyes on him the shock of your realization wears off and your emotions kick in.
“Oh my god, hey, are you okay?” He panics, grabbing your shoulders and peering into your face concerned. “Why are you crying? What’s wrong??”
His care only serves to make you cry harder. Why? Why did he have to be like this? Couldn’t he just be a bad friend and ignore you? It would be so much easier that way. Unsure what to do, he pulls you into a hug, patting you on the back.
“Hey. It’s okay. I got you. Can you tell me what’s wrong?” You can't take it anymore. You both are dating other people, and you are definitely finding too much comfort in his arms. Pushing him away, you avert your gaze.
“You, okay? You’re my problem. Can you just leave me alone please?”
His brow furrows. “What do you mean ‘me?’ Did I do something? Also, I’m not leaving you outside by yourself at this time of night. Please, can’t you just talk to me? Whatever I did I-”
“I just realized I’m in love with you, okay?!” Your voice rings out in the stillness of the alley, and you clap your hands over your mouth, horrified. “Wait, I-”
You’re cut off by him gently taking your face in his hands and slotting his lips against yours. The kiss is soft and sweet; filled with years of longing and suppressed feelings pouring from each of you. It feels like home. It feels like love. It feels right, but you know it isn’t. Pushing him back, you stare at him wide-eyed, your chest rising and falling with rapid breaths.
“What…what was that?”
We was just friends, but then came in Cupid
The tension was buildin', we had to pursue it
“I like you too.” He blurts in lieu of answering your question. Then he pauses and corrects himself. “Actually I’m in love with you. I have been for a while. I just didn’t think you felt the same.”
Unsure of what to do or say, you just start laughing, because the two of you were idiots. You were best friends who supposedly knew everything about each other. Except for the fact that you were each in love with the other, apparently. Oh my god you were in love with your best friend and he was in love with you. Your laughter became tinged with hysteria as you remembered that you had a boyfriend and he had a girlfriend. 
Tears filled your waterline. “Oh my god Toru what are we doing? I have a boyfriend!! And you have a girlfriend! We can’t be doing this…”
“Why not?” He gently cups your face in his palms and brushes your tears away with his thumbs. “Break up with your boyfriend. Be with me. My girlfriend isn’t a problem. She’s known about my feelings for you from the start. She’s in love with someone else too and we’ve just been using each other as a distraction. There’s nothing in our way.”
Standing in that alley with his vivid blue eyes on yours, you couldn’t help but believe him. What if he was right. What if the two of you really were meant to be?”
What it's been with us this whole time
Taking a deep breath, you step back, and out of his reach. If you were going to think about this rationally, you couldn’t be so close to him. You push your hair back out of your eyes and tilt your head back. He watches you from where he is, knowing that you need space to sort out your emotions and thoughts. After a few minutes you turn back to him.
“Alright. The first thing I’m going to do is break up with my boyfriend and apologize. After that, I’m not sure. I don’t want to make you any promises, because I’m not really sure of anything. The only thing I know is that I won’t be able to live with myself if I don't break up with him, because he doesn’t deserve to be hurt or deceived. Okay?”
“That’s fine.” Satoru says simply, looking at you with so much affection it hurts. “I’ve waited for you so long, a little while longer isn’t going to do me any harm.”
Your eyes soften. “Thanks. Now, I’m going to head back in, okay?” He steps aside, allowing you to pass. Heading back into the party, you feel nauseous, but you head up to your boyfriend.
Because if you ever want to be with Satoru, your relationship can’t start with deception.
'Cause I don't wanna live a lie, lie, lie
An hour and one extremely difficult conversation later found you sitting on a park bench with your head in your hands crying. Surprisingly, your now ex-boyfriend had been very understanding and kind about it. While he was clearly hurt and holding back tears, he had told you that he just wanted you to be happy, and that he was okay with it.
After reassuring you that he wasn’t angry, he hugged you one last time, wished you well, and walked away. Unable to stop crying, you were overwhelmed by a sense of relief, but at the same time guilt. So you had told your boyfriend. What now?
Should tell my boyfriend what I been doin'
The weeks after your breakup were tough. You told Satoru you needed time to yourself, because even though you logically knew that you shouldn’t feel bad, you couldn’t help but feel an overwhelming sense of guilt. You felt like if you started dating him now, it would be unfair to your ex, and that you should at least wait a little while.
You also discussed the matter of his girlfriend, and decided that it was okay for him to remain with her until you were ready, as the two of them were friends and he was helping her make her crush jealous. You didn’t mind him helping her, especially since you were making him wait and overcomplicating things.
You told Gojo as much, and decided that for the time being the two of you would remain friends until you were ready. You just needed a little time to figure yourself out. But you knew that you wanted to be with him. Just not right that second.
Took a break, had to focus on some me time
We can keep it low-key for the meantime
A couple months passed, and you went on with your life. Everything was normal, and you tried to push your thought of Satoru away, preferring to procrastinate on talking to him as long as possible. 
Until one night, when you were cleaning your room and found a box of photos from your high school days with him. Going through them, you felt a sense of nostalgia, and affection. And suddenly you missed him. You missed him so bad it hurt. You needed him by your side, and you needed him as more than a friend.
Hit by this revelation, you sat there for a moment, stunned, before leaping up and grabbing your car keys. Driving well above the speed limit, you rushed to his house and banged on his door. Was it sometime after midnight? Yes. Did you really care? No.
You heard his groggy voice say something about waiting one moment, then the door swung open. And there he stood, right in front of you in all his sleepy glory. But as soon as his eyes landed on you they widened and all traces of sleep disappeared from them.
“[Y/N]! What are you doing here? It’s-” You interrupt him, tears already pouring down your face as you beam up at him.
“I love you. I’m ready to be your girlfriend now.”
Go tell your girlfriend that I'm your girlfriend (oh, oh)
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idlestxrs · 9 months
Alone in winter | Geto Suguru x gn!reader
Summary: After Geto's spiral into madness, Gojo began to grow more cold towards you every passing hour. Your once happy trio is beginning to feel more and more like...just yourself. That is until one snowy evening, a familiar face lights a fire in your heart you never realized you had before. Genre: friends to lovers, angst to mild fluff Notes: Inspired by (G)I-DLE's song "Hann (Alone in winter)"
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"Satoru?" You looked up at him as he stared off into the night, sitting on the balcony of the apartment you both shared. He simply turned to look at you, not making a sound. "I'm glad you're still here with me." You spoke softly to him. The only sounds that could be heard were that of the cold wind of the winter blowing softly in the night. He nodded his head at your comment and went back to spacing out. Ever since Suguru had gone off the deep end, nothing had been the same. Especially not with Satoru Gojo. He mentally blamed you for not being able to save Geto from himself, however deep inside Gojo knew you he was more guilty than you ever would be. He had been the one to lash out at Geto after getting frustrated with him. You'd always pull Geto aside to comfort him when his mind became troubled and actually listened to him, as opposed to Gojo's one track mind of trying to get him back on track to becoming the strongest sorcerers in history. Gojo wanted to say you enabled Geto's thoughts by consoling him when they'd get bad, but in reality Gojo was just bitter he hadn't been as good of a friend to him before he eventually spiraled the same way you had. Now he was pushing you away too. He'd rather forget about Geto all together and carry on, and you were a constant reminder of the missing piece of what used to be a perfect trio. Three best friends, all broken in one way or another by a world that failed them all. The colder Gojo got, the closer you felt like wanting to run away too in hopes of finding Geto. If you did find him, would he kill you? You really didn't care. Everything around you felt like it was crumbling into into pieces. Gojo was going to lose you too if he didn't get his act together, but you never had the nerve to say anything to him. His coldness only made it harder to speak with him, someone you use to be able to tell anything. "I mean it Satoru. I'm really happy we still have each other." You repeated yourself hoping for more of a response, but he still continued to ignore you. You got up from your seat next to him and went inside. You stormed into your room and grabbed your phone before grabbing some shoes and a jacket to go outside. Sure it was late at night, and cold, but you didn't really care anymore. Staring at the stars while walking, you noticed how some twinkled brighter than others. It reminded you of yourself. You used to be one of those brighter stars, but you knew your light was beginning to fade. The cold metal bench Gojo, Geto and yourself used to sit on seemed to taunt you as you sat down on it, reminding you even more of why you were hurting so much. The bone chilling feeling didn't only come from the temperature, but from the memories that were flooding back so rapidly. Good and bad. A doleful feeling washed over you and you thought back to the day you remembered all too well. The day you witnessed Geto break. You brought your knees up to your chest and wrapped your arms around your legs, resting your head on them as you sat on the bench and cried. The wind whistled as snow began to fall from the ground. You didn't care if it was cold outside. You were used to it. Closing your eyes, you pictured a time when you were happier in your head as the chilling wind blew your hair around. Suddenly, footsteps began to approach the bench and you felt that someone had sat down next to you. As you opened your eyes, you almost couldn't believe them. Did you just fall too far into a daydream or what?
"Long time no see, Y/N." The man spoke. His voice was a bit raspy from the cold, but his dark eyes and long black hair were unmistakable. "Is it really you?" A desperate tone echoed through your words. "Would I be sitting next to you so closely if it wasn't?" Geto chuckled. His voice sounded like pure honey. You stood up off the bench and he did the same. He pulled you into a hug. "What are you doing out here all alone?" He lowered his voice. He was still on the run after all and he would never risk getting you put in harms way. Ever since he left Jujutsu society a year ago and became who he was now, he never showed up much. There were times you swore you saw him in public, but this was the first time actually seeing him. You cried into his arms. Everything had been so hard without him. You hated him for what he'd done, but it was merely a hate for his actions. You could never hate him. As you both pulled away from the hug, Geto sat back down on the bench and gave you a warm, inviting smile. You laid down on the bench so that your head was in his lap. He looked down at you and you looked up at him, both smiling at each other. After talking to each other for hours about life on the bench, catching up with one another, he noticed the feint light of the sun. "Want me to walk you home?" He offered. He knew the dangers that would follow if he was spotted, but he didn't care. He'd die for you if he had to. Overtime he realized the feelings he had for you too, yet neither of you had mentioned them yet. "No." You spoke with a smile on your face. "You can take me anywhere, just not home." Your words threw him for a loop. "What exactly do you mean, Y/N?" He thought he knew what you meant, but he had to make sure he wasn't assuming things. "I want to go with you." You said bluntly. Selfishly he wanted to tell you to come along, but he knew for your safety it wasn't a good idea. "As much as I'd love that, you can't. The higher-ups will start hunting you down if they catch wind you ran off with me. I can't let you put yourself in harms way for me." He hugged you tightly and a tear fell down his cheek. He didn't want to let you go, but he had to. "I don't care. I can protect myself, and you. Just like I know you can protect yourself, and me." He heard the determination in your voice. It sounded to him like you had already made this decision a long time ago. You were just waiting to find him again. "But what about Satoru?" He posed another question he thought would challenge you. Instead, it pushed a button he had no idea was there. "I don't care about him anymore. I tried to be there for him but he ignored me. He doesn't care about me either. Trust me. I did my best, but it wasn't enough for him. Ever." You snapped. Geto looked shocked, but ultimately, tried to be understanding. "Well. There's no talking you out of this, huh?" He chuckled. "Then come on. Let's get going before the sun comes up." He placed a kiss on your cheek and gave you another quick hug before leading the way. He was looking forward to living with you.
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diluclover300 · 3 months
Just One Week (8)
Gojo Satoru x Female Reader
also on my ao3: diluclover300
I H8 U
My Kinda Fun
{S] Awake
Eggs and Rice
Wait, but I'm broke
Couple's Discount
Waffles + Cream
CHAPTER 8: Waffles + Cream ....
There are a million questions you want to ask that large back in front of you, the person who hasn't said as much as a word ever since you left that store.
"Where did you, no, how did you pay for all of that?" Being the most obvious one out of them all. 
"Why did you lie to me?" Being the one that generously weighs itself onto the back of your mind. 
"Where are we going?" Being the most relevant.
"You bastard! Help me out here!" Being more of a plead as the sun shines onto those shopping bags you barely manage to hold. Then, as if to torture you further, your skin absorbs the merciless heat, eyes squinting against the sky. 
"Why did you come here?" Being the one Gojo has already answered at the very beginning of your ill-fated encounter.
And last but not least...
"Why didn't you stop me?"
That's the one you really don't want to ask, let alone acknowledge as you follow behind his trail. Those occasional whistles he lets out are faint, each pitch gliding along the equally faint spring breeze. Perhaps it's not that you're afraid of asking. 
You fear his answer. 
You rotate your wrists as you walk down the sidewalk, warming the numbness lying in your arms. The fibers of each bag handle rub and scratch against the hair of your arms, overwhelming when paired with the blinding sunlight. As they do, you lift and tilt one arm after another, regaining your balance when the burdensome weight of the clothes shift back and forth along your anchor-like limbs. 
You're more than sure that Gojo hears. That he hears the flapping, the small ripples of each paper bag - your obvious struggle. You are also positive that he has no plans in relieving that suffering, but you can't blame him either.
You'd wish such a fate on your worst enemy too. 
There's an urge to speak, an urge to ask, however. You can't fight off your gut feeling, the responsibility to initiate conversation.  You look up at him, watching as he takes a left, fully expecting you to follow. And you do, not bothering to put up a fight. 
Quiet was nice, quiet was peaceful. There was comfort in silence, security in it's presence. You agree with that statement, and you strive for it... under normal circumstances. 
Gojo Satoru was not your normal. Gojo Satoru was a nuisance, never once was he peaceful. Gojo Satoru, his presence, was one of danger, not security.
So ask. And you do. 
You ask a question of relevance. 
"Where are we going?" You quicken in your steps, trying your very best to catch up with his abnormal pace. 
In that question lies a hint of regret as it sits in the air, ignored. That gets you to reflect on each and every event leading up to this moment, most notably your tears. Those beads, unpleasant as they fell, heavy as they sat on your skin. What a mistake you made, a grave, terrible mistake of showing Gojo Satoru your sacred tears, to bare your hidden agonies. 
You vow to never shed a single pearl, to not let a single droplet of your suffering escape. Not in front of him. 
"Hey," You say, the sound of rustling paper bags accompanying your voice. "Gojo." 
Satoru can't help but think, his mind on a rampage with no set finish line, at least, not visible to himself. It's one hell of a marathon. 
There are a million thoughts, a million tracks he must run across, past, and through to keep his sanity. Quite a difficult choice to make, and he's normally not a picky guy. 
He'll run through all of them as fast as he can, with all his might, until his legs give up on him. 
Alright. He gazes upon each track, preparing himself for the hardships ahead. Each track is painted in the same shade of...
On pure instinct, his feet propel him to begin his jog, sucking in a hefty breath as he does. 
This track, he can already tell that it's a tough one to navigate, the soles of his shoes imprinting onto the strange, thin paint. What is left of the track beneath him as he takes another stride is a pile of powdered pigment, full of irregularities and chips. 
The track is as unfamiliar, as alienating as your distraught-ness left him. His steps slow as yours did, recalling the freeze of your figure admits the bustling crowd of people. The tremble of your eyes, how your eyebrows tightened against one another, fingers fisting themselves with such unwavering intensity. 
Satoru takes in a shaky breath, one that could be mistaken for a gasp. The bend of his knees that his palms reside on remind him of your limpness. How he held your lifeless wrist in the heart of his hand. How your skin stuck to his. How your fingers mindlessly grazed, how they grasped his. 
He sprints, the sweat piling onto his forehead then downwards. The least of his concerns as you consume him whole. 
Was it right? 
Was it okay for him to treasure something so tender? 
His heels sink into this lengthy, unpredictable track, biting back the burn in his calves. 
Five years. He tried to ignore it, tried to defy the laws of time. 
You are not as you left him.
Gojo feels his heart pound along to the beating of his muscles. Those eyes, those foreign looks, those pitiful expression were his fault only. He was to blame. 
He wonders if this was how you felt. Suffocated. If the walls of your ribcage and lungs collapsed against each other at that very moment. If he too could share an ounce of that pain. If he could ever gain the right to lift up that veil of misery you wear. 
Though, he supposes that the brick, the pain that hits him, that has hit him hours ago was his share of what was yours. Pain. 
Satoru wants to decipher you more than himself. If you were the last thing he could understand then, he'd...
He'd do it. He'd give it his all because he has never seen you like this. 
Another stride as he pushes forward. 
A definite gasp. 
Just when he wants to give up, just when his legs stutter on this turbulent track, the finish line flashes before his eyes. 
Gojo Satoru will admit it as he cannot deny the truth any longer. 
Forward he moves. Run, he does. As long as his legs can muster. 
You are unrecognizable.  There are parts of you, familiar parts that have turned unfamiliar. There are sides of you which have never seen the light of his days. 
The black-and-white checkered strip of tape rips at his waist. 
You have changed. 
He doesn't allow himself a break, determined as he travels, panting through each light jog he takes to the second track. A testament to his efforts. 
Neither does it take him another second before his feet and legs glide and cut through the air, breaths steady as he paces himself. 
Ah, he examines the deep shade of paint below him, one that absorbs his shadow. This track is easy. Shamefully easy. 
Now this was something he didn't put much thought into, something that just came to him naturally. Satoru doesn't shy away, nor does he fight with his own body as he runs. It is that effortless. 
As much as you have changed, as much as you've become unrecognizable, you still are as beautiful as you left him. Even more than he recalls. Time has aged you like the finest of wines. So exceptional that his heart pitters and patters with his flesh, creating a symphony only you could orchestrate. And this doesn't stem from his unruly pace, no, not at all. 
Satoru hasn't discovered this until recently, but he feels lucky. The selfish kind, the kind filled with shame as he thanks the heavens for the loneliness that seems to follow you around. A loneliness so adamant that even the most ordinary of occurrences are ones of pure intimacy. A loneliness which unknowingly, subconsciously binds you to him, and him to you. A loneliness which keeps him on his toes. 
Oh, he hopes and prays he's one of the few, no, the only pair of eyes set on the movie that is your existence. The entirety of it, for as long as it lasts, from the beginning to the very end. This odd wish of his, this secret of his, he has no idea where it stems from. 
Not even those thick spurts of air filling his lungs could imitate it. Neither could they begin to satiate him as the image of you has. ]
Even as his legs pulsate, even as his skin bleeds the extremity of his efforts, painting his skin in such a disturbing, thick film...
You cut through them, these troublesome sensations. 
Gojo blinks against the orange sun as he sprints, and all he sees is you. You, who is seared in the black of his eyelids and vision. 
No matter how he looks at it, no matter how much he tries to paint himself as a fool in denial, no matter how much he knows he shouldn't - he does. 
Satoru thinks it, he thinks, ponders, and finally settles on the thought he shouldn't. You, the girl who hates him as much as the heavens detest hell, you are everything he has ever wanted. 
At first, he had to pinch himself. To check if it wasn't a dream, if the thick of his lens wasn't seeing the way that fabric sat, the way it flattered every inch of you. Slightly cinched at the waist, flowy and flowery in the skirt, breath-taking as it complimented the gold that is your skin. 
To think it had been five years. Time has served you well. 
If he were to go on, then he'd go on for centuries, he couldn't possibly-
Satoru trips. He tumbles on his shoelace. 
He couldn't possibly forget those tears. How they stained you, how they peeked through the curtains, your eyelashes. How thick that stare was, a hostile force. One he couldn't stop. 
With a short sigh, he fumbles with his shoes, knees bruised as he looks up to the new, undefined track before him.
Those tides that can't be ridden or surfed, hostile as they splash against the sand. Waves he has never witnessed, crests and troughs that are unfathomable. 
With a firm wipe of his forehead, he tackles the ground before him, aiming to leap above the cracks. 
He will get over this, even if it kills him, even if his body refuses to cooperate. Gojo Satoru was the strongest, he tells himself. He is Gojo Satoru himself, with the strength of the heavens above. Incomparable. Unshaken. Undefeated. 
His hands leave the ground before him, the arch of his foot launching him forward. Nice. He can do this. He will do this, no matter what stands in his way. 
No matter what, he will not falter. He will not crack as the ground beneath him does. Gojo Satoru will not... he will not...!
Why. Why did you cry?
He screams, an earth-shattering sound that disappears in the large stadium surrounding him. 
Who? Who was it? 
He falls, one foot shattering after another. Gojo Satoru has failed, his fingers grasping at the dust below him, nostrils inhaling the particles as his cheeks scrape against the rock hard floor. Purple and blue, the strongest is. 
Weak, the strongest has become. Weak as he lies on the floor, body sprawled out as his thighs cut against the cracks of this track. The track he cannot run, the track he cannot figure out. A maze in disguise. 
Those tears. Their cause. Your pain. Your agony. Your loneliness. 
"Hey." You watch as he pauses in his steps, unresponsive. "Gojo."
He doesn't know. He can't know. You won't let him know a single thing. These mysteries will remain mysteries, and there's no way in hell he'll get to play detective either. 
"Hello?" You wave a hand across his face, peering into his sunglasses. Was he daydreaming? "Hello-" 
You. You who is in front of him, the person who is mirrored, reflected onto his pupils. You, who he has sought out for months. You, who has crossed his mind without fail. Every. Single. Night. 
Who were you? Did he know you? Did you know him? 
"What?" It's a response, cold-hearted in it's nature. As if he calls out to himself as he glances at you, then at the buildings around him. Tall as they stand, thick as they sit. 
Uh-oh. This was not where he planned on going, he only planned to wander off until he could figure it out, until he ran through his obstacles. Until he could put together this puzzle, unscrambled as it lies in his mind. But his surprise turns into one of acceptance because he can't piece it together, because this is where his thoughts lead him. To a destination that is unplanned, the destination that is fate. 
He guesses this is what happens when he can't think straight. He ends up in the middle of Osaka, answerless, just as confused as you are. 
"Where are we going? We've been walking for fifteen..." You sneakily take a look at that brand-new watch of his, with a thick leather strap and gold accents. What a useless way to show off, you personally think, and you would've said something about if he wasn't threatening you with those Six Eyes every five minutes. 
"... fifteen minutes, that's how long we've been walking and..."
It seems he has also lost track of time along with his awareness as his thoughts formed tracks of their own. All because of you. Someone he does not know as well as he thought. 
Satoru watches as you huff out your complaints, how you shoot him daggers with those eyes, squinting at him and then the sun before your lips continue to hack at his ears. 
"- and I'm hungry, you didn't even offer to help me. You just kept walking, and -" 
He knew this. How refreshing that tone is, that annoyance of yours, a good friend of his. The way your arms almost flail around to further express your frustration. The way your face molds itself to fit and depict your emotions. You keep going, on and on. 
Okay. You're hungry with an roaring appetite. Satoru fumbles with his wallet, hand shoved deep inside his pocket as he does. You can't see it, or maybe you haven't noticed it. Yet. He awaits the question. 
"- Ugh, these bags. They're heavy." You lift your arm up, a frown that he swears is a pout makes it's way onto your face.
Satoru searches around, and he finds it. The solution to his problem - you. 
"Are you even listening to me-"
"Wanna eat waffles?" 
"What? Are you just going to ignore-"
First of all, you had no idea you were apparently invisible to that monster. You were so clearly ignored, every word you spit out, each sentence nothing but a senseless source of noise to him. 
And second of all, 
"A table for two, please."
You never said yes to eating waffles! 
"Of course. Right this way, sir."
The café is as weird as weird gets, each seat painted with waffle cones, the walls decorated with fried chicken and ice-cream stickers, and a small waffle-figure with googly eyes in the middle of each table. It's plain weird. 
Reluctantly, you sit in the spot across from him, the only other spot available. Then you're trapped, a menu pushed towards your direction as soon as you're sat. 
"Feel free to look over the menu while I get your waters. Excuse me." 
You nod at the waiter, arms unwinding themselves when the shopping bags slip off your wrists and then onto the floor. What a relief, you've never felt anything like it. 
"How cute. Y/N, look at the little characters."
Nonetheless, your euphoria is short-lived once Gojo's presence dawns on you from across the table. The hums he lets out are haunting, nightmare-ish as he fumbles with the menu, pushing down his glasses. 
"Wow, this fried chicken dude looks like you. Just look at those eyes, they're so big and angry... it looks just like you." He turns his menu over, pointing at the stupid drawing. 
It's ugly with the thickly-drawn eyebrows, hard to look at with the amount of crumbs on it. You're offended. 
"Whatever." You grumble, pushing the menu back down onto the table. He chuckles. 
This was anything but relaxing, the only normal thing in this place being the music on the speakers. 
The menu doesn't intrigue you with the amount of waffle and fried chicken characters on printed on, and neither does the sound of waffles for lunch entice you. You'll pass, silently reaching for your phone. 
Soon enough, you scroll through your social media feed, deciding this would be a decent, and a rather socially accepted (normal) way of shutting down conversation. 
Well, you thought it was. He doesn't have any of it. 
"You done looking at the menu? Already?" You're fast, more decisive than he's expected. 
"I'm not getting anything." Nevermind. You don't even look up from that screen, bunched up in your own bubble as the screen illuminates your face.  
A bubble so thin that he is tempted to pop it. And he would, but he refrains, looking from you to the menu below him. 
"Okay. Have it your way." 
You're a problem he has to continue solving. 
You sip on the water placed in front of you, mumbling a small thank you to the waiter. The ice clatters against the rim of tall, then the straw as you swallow. God, you're parched, lips squeezing the life out that clear plastic straw as you drink and scroll down the bottomless pit that is social media. 
Right now, you're forced to listen to Gojo's chirpy voice as he orders, forced to see his smile from the corner of your eyes. 
"Can I please get..." 
He must love the sound of his own voice, you think, internally groaning as his order strings on and on. The cadence of his smiley, cheeky, and choke-able voice talks and talks for ages. Your thumb presses onto your phone without much thought, eyes sucked into a video of someone's white cat dancing along to music you can't hear. 
It's been well over three minutes now, and you're astonished. Were you imagining it, or was he listing off the whole menu at this point? What a crazy-
"The chocolate croffle with extra sprinkles, and then, uh, was it the cheesy, no, the pizza waffle - yes, that one." 
What a crazy combination. 
Your stomach coos, a sound only you hear when your organs both fail and torment you. 
That chocolate croffle, oh, you could only imagine it's taste, how the chocolate would melt against your tongue. Defeated, you pathetically swallow down your own spit, fingers prodding at your forehead once you take another scroll at your phone. Your eyes bore into the random video of a cat rolling around on the floor. 
"Also, I wanted the brownie waffle, the one that comes with an ice cream scoop, and the, um... what was it? The one that came with fried chicken, right? The Korean one, god. I just can't remember the name." Gojo rambles, pointing at the menu. 
You anticipate the answer, the suggestion sounding delectable. 
"The waffles that come with our Korean fried chicken?" 
You unconsciously lick your lips, back hunched over, stuffing your face into your phone. 
"Yes, that one. Thank you." You hear him slightly laugh his words out, catching how he rubs his neck. "That'll be all." 
You frown as your stomach twists in on itself, fidgeting with your phone like a kid in a grocery store. 
"Alright, I'll get that right out for you, sir." 
You're hungry, growls growing louder with each plate clattered onto the table. 
It's an assortment, an array of colors and waffles. From sweet, savory, and salty, to a mix of flavors as your phone begins to serve as a shield instead of a form of entertainment. You want nothing more than to chuck it out the window and dig into the food you flat out refused to order. 
"Sweet." Gojo flashes a smile at the waiter, and you swear she's giggling like a schoolgirl. "Thank you."
Oh, her face is getting red. For him? For that man? 
"Of course." Oh, you don't know whether to hurl at the sight or laugh, so you seal your lips shut, stomaching the scene that unfolds. Those pale cheeks look like strawberries, and his dorky grin only grows wider and friendlier. 
Were you third-wheeling right now? Seriously? 
You want to crawl underneath the table, but before you even get the chance to, she walks off with such cheer in her steps that you'd think she had almost got his number or something. Gross. 
Either way, you're thankful that his smiles clears up otherwise your favorite song would be tainted with the memory of some waiter kicking it off with your arch nemesis- 
"Tie me up so I can't escape, Hold me tight and shake me up, so that I can't come to my senses-" 
You sit up straighter, your phone discarded at the song, and if you were a dog, your ears would be perking up at the sound. 
"Kiss me on the lips, so I can't breathe."
It's no mistake. That is the new XXX song playing on full-blast. Your eyes dart from the waffles, from a Gojo Satoru that stares right back at you, then at your phone on the table. 
"I'll swallow you deep now, the whiskey that is you."
You cough, patting your chest at the lyrics. 
"Peaches and cream, sweeter than sweet-" 
Your mouth waters and you swallow. A thick sound, one that you can't control. 
Ah, this was going to be awkward. Your favorite song, and your favorite band from high-school was going to be tainted by the memory of this - hungrily staring at Gojo's food. 
"You're too sweet, you taste so-" 
"Isn't this that one boyband you like?"
You look up from the food in front of you, then at him, who patiently awaits your answer. 
"Y...yeah." You confirm his suspicions, diverting your attention to the half-empty glass of water that sits next to you, sipping away. 
Satoru slowly nods, not paying much mind to the lyrics. It sounded familiar, like the music that came out of your earbuds yesterday. Those falsettos and that catchy tropical house beat is what he mostly remembers, other than being caught off-guard, by well, you. 
"Okay, it's time then." He declares, and you'd rather not question it, keeping to yourself as he pulls out his phone. 
You do not care what it is, and you certainly will not-
"Come on," He taunts, holding his phone up with both hands. "Pose for the camera." 
Your curiosity gets the best of you as you make direct eye contact with the camera pointing directly at you. 
What the hell?
"No." You cross your arms, bringing your hand out to the phone as he uses his fingers to pinch and zoom at his screen. "I'm not taking a-" 
"What about a selfie, hm? Does that sound good?" You can sense him point the camera up high before you actually look into it, seeing his and your face in the screen. 
You make a face, lips curling down as your eyes tighten up. 
"Oh, come on." He pleads, and then you notice that peace sign with not two, but three fingers. "Please-" 
It sticks out like a sore thumb, it takes you back to your high-school days. When Satoru always posed like that for class pictures, how it spread around like wildfire. The selfie pose of the century. 
How nostalgic. 
"You still do that?" You don't mean to, but it comes out before you can think it through. 
"Huh?" You've given him an opening, he realizes as he turns to face you, camera lowered. "Whaddya mean?" 
You roll your eyes, wishing you had kept your mouth shut. 
"That." You repeat as if it'll make an idiot like him understand any better. "I'm talking about that." 
He's so close. Satoru is so close, he's about to win his prize by acting a fool. There's no doubt about it. 
"I don't know what you're talking about."
"You don't?" You can't believe it. Not for a single second. 
"Nope. No clue." 
You sigh when he looks at you dumbly. 
"Oh my god-" You become frustrated, eyes directing at the sign he holds up. "This, it's that-"
You give up, imitating how he holds out his thumb along with those two fingers. 
"Like this-" 
You can't even process it, that's how quick he is when he brings out his camera, fingers hovering over the shutter button. 
"Gotcha." He snickers, stuffing his phone into his pocket. "You fell for it." 
You blink. 
"You- Gojo, you can't just-" 
"Too bad because I just did." Satoru shrugs, leaning in to take a bite out of that sweet little chocolate croffle with extra sprinkles. The plate you were feasting on with your own two eyes. It's ruined. 
He tears it apart with his teeth, chewing the waffle of your dreams and swallowing it down with a swig of water. 
"Delete it." You snap out of your trance, blinking as you're forced to choose between each conflict- your stomach and that damn selfie. "I mean it-"
Your stomach growls like a lion's roar. 
"Just eat." He says in-between bites, burying his grin underneath a face full of food. 
"I'm not-" Another growl, one so ferocious, one that rips through the music. How humiliating it is when you bask in your own embarrassment, your bodily reactions giving you away. 
"Are you gonna eat?" He places his waffle down, patting his face with a napkin before putting it aside. You sit there stubbornly, as still as a stone, miserable and hungry as your eyes glue themselves to the floor. 
That's fine. Satoru knows how to solve you, his special problem. 
"Should I feed you?" 
You don't budge as your eyes move. You won't fall for it, not this time. He thinks he's so smart and witty, but really he's not. Not in the slightest, and you'll prove it. 
"Aw, look at you. Open wide." He coos, pulling the brownie waffle off the plate next to him. This will be fun. 
You'll prove it. You will not be swayed. You will not do as he says.
"Here comes the airplane. Say 'Ah'.." He reaches over, voice dripping with honey as his eyes warm behind those sunglasses of his.
Like hell you would. 
"Come on."
Great. You're stuck in the middle of this terrible role-play scenario, frowning when he presses the waffle at your lips, arms tightly crossed. People are staring, you're well aware. 
"Why are you feeding-" 
Good grief. 
Your words are muffled when he pushes the thing in your mouth, hooking it against your teeth. You hold and bite onto the waffle, ripping a piece off with your teeth because you feel obligated to not let the delicious thing go to waste. 
"Oh? Good job." You shrink in your seat when he coos, muttering curses to yourself when you see him bring a spoonful of ice-cream to your lips. He's surprised that you play along, eating so well when he proposes to feed you. 
"Open wide." 
Fine, you lose when you don't talk back. You lose when your lips wrap around that damn spoon, the ice-cream thick as it pools against your tongue, pulling away once you've swallowed. 
"Yeah, just like that. Good." Satoru feels full just watching you eat, more than satisfied when you chew your food good and swallow equally as well. He's never done anything this fun before. 
This unexpected taste, the explosion of flavors against your tongue as the sugar-high rushes to your head. You don't just like it, you love it, skin melting when the hint of vanilla ice-cream ghosts around your tongue. 
You don't have the time to feel embarrassed or offended when you reach for the spoon in his hand. Satoru lets you have it, not wanting to put up a fight. You're eating and that's the only thing that he cares about. 
"I can do it myself, thanks." You grab the bowl of ice-cream, shoving another spoon down your throat. 
"You eat well." He responds, resting his cheek on his palm as he observes you. "It's a good thing."
Damn it. Your skin burns even when the cold of the ice-cream hits your teeth. You hate it, you'd do anything for it to go away. At the very least, the endorphins rush to your brain and you feel okay for a bit, eating away. 
"I know." You subconsciously begin to shrivel up at his stare, scooping another spoon of ice cream. Gojo doesn't take a single bite, eyeing you down as if his goal was to set you on fire. 
Way to make you feel guilty. 
"You're not eating?" You're inclined to ask, already halfway through that ridiculously sweet brownie waffle. 
"What? Are you worried about me?" Satoru scoots forward, tone mocking. "I'm flattered-"
"You have a sweet tooth. I'm not worried about you." You swallow, stirring around the ice in your glass with a teeth-marked straw. 
It takes a moment, one of silence, when you begin to mull over your words. Gojo grins from ear to ear, his glasses loosening as it slides down his nose bridge. 
"You remember that? For real?" Great. Now he thinks you care, he's beaming. 
Oh, you regret it because you've admitted to remembering, feeling small in your seat. 
"You do. I'm glad." Satoru concludes, turning to catch the waiter's attention. 
You don't say a thing. 
You were right. Gojo Satoru has a sweet tooth, and a large one at that when the waiter brings not one, but two cans of whipped cream to your table upon special request. 
"Thanks." You watch as they exchange another cheesy, gooey interaction. Another, "Of course." before she shyly nods and walks away. You wonder if he's doing it on purpose or if he's just completely oblivious. 
It's the latter, isn't it? 
Maybe this was your doing, your fault as Gojo clicks open the can of whipped cream, oozing the white fluff in his mouth. The sight is unappetizing, and you let him know. 
"You're gross." You mutter, grabbing the other can to spray on a plain waffle.
"What're you doing? I already opened one." 
You watch in horror as he sprays the same can he's put against his lips on your food, the can in your hand slamming onto the table. 
"What?" He gulps down a glop of cream, licking the corners of his lips clean. "Something wrong?" 
You give him a soulless stare, looking down to the now contaminated waffle then at him. 
"You're the worst." 
"Huh?" He points at himself in disbelief. "Me? What did I do?" 
He's right. What did he do? He's been nothing but generous, nothing but kind. He even put cream on your waffles for you.
You disagree, tracing your memories back to those burdensome questions that tickle the tip of your tongue. The most obvious one of them all is the prisoner you release from the jail of your mind. 
"Don't act dumb, you literally tricked me into thinking that I would have to pay for your clothes-"
"Our clothes." He corrects, stacking up all the empty plates around him into a tower before his eyes land on the waffle he so lovingly garnished. "Finish your food."
You were not going to let him ignore you. Not again, you promise yourself as you scarf down the rest of your food, face full of cream as you talk. 
"How did you pay? You tricked me into thinking-"
Satoru yanks you by the chin, causing you to let out a strange noise, one that is muffled when he presses a napkin under, over, and across your lips. 
It burns when the sweat of his fingertips caress against your jaw. It disgusting when your skin blends with his.
It hurts.
"I didn't trick you. It just felt nice to have someone... uh, how should I put it?" You try to pull away, but his fingers don't let you go, looking at him when the blue of his eyes flicker against his glasses. 
"I wanted to show off." He swipes a firm press against your nose before his grasp loosens, laughing as you get up from your seat. "You know, I'm rich. Super-"
"Then pay the bill." You grab your phone, slinging each bag right back onto your arms. "I'm leaving."
"I already did." He gets up to follow you. You turn away.
You can't even look at him, biting the flesh of your mouth as you make your exit. 
Huh. Strange. 
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haykawas · 6 months
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this is one of the possible endings to a story! lost yourself? begin here!
Sweet and soft, was it? Coming right up! – wc : ~ 700.
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He asks what you want, yet you don’t need to say a thing. He knows you just want to be held, to feel his touch soothe you and his heartbeat against yours.
Just like that, he pulls you flush against him in a bear-crushing hug, breathing in your scent. He strokes the length of your spine and kisses your forehead, before descending to plant a feathery kiss on your shoulder, – and you can definitely feel him smile against your skin.
“Are you always gonna be this clingy?” You tease, lightly shoving him in an attempt to free yourself from his embrace. “I should just leave you here…” You say, and it’s all an act. You don’t even try to escape his hold, not when you’ve never felt so comfortable in your life. 
Being like this with him feels so real.
It’s precious. It’s different. It’s a breath of fresh air.
Love is swelling your heart like it never has before and you don’t know if you’re fit for this.
“I just want to stay like this for a moment.” He says, and the softness of his voice makes you melt. “Please?” He bats his eyelashes at you, and you can’t help but roll your eyes, hiding your smile in his chest.
“Ha! Are you laughing? Did I make you laugh?” Satoru exclaims, and he tries to get you to look at him with a finger under your chin, to no avail. “You’re so in love with me it’s insane.”
“What?” Your head snaps up, “Says you!”
He laughs, “Yeah? And what if I am?”
You’re caught off guard, not expecting this answer, and your cheeks warm up under his scrutinizing gaze. 
“Oh.” You avert your eyes, and wet your lips before answering. “Sorry, there’s already someone I like.”
“And do I know him?” He teases with a grin, enjoying the fact he’s making you all flustered a little too much.
“He’s my best friend.”
“Oh?” His smile grows, “Tell me more.”
“He has long black hair, you might have seen him around. Quite the catch, actually.”
His smile falters and his mouth drops in surprise.
“Oh, now you’ve done it.”
Satoru lunges forward, trapping you between his body and the bed as he starts tickling your sides in a frenzy.
“Ahhh! Sa–Satoru! Please, sto–, stop!” You squeal between breathless giggles, trying to wriggle away from his hands. But he’s strong, and you can’t even move a muscle of him away from you. His fingers dance along your sides, tickling mercilessly, and your jaw starts to hurt from how much you’re laughing.
“I’ll stop if you admit you love me.”
“Okay, fine!” You exclaim, breathless, “Maybe I like you. Just a bit.”
Your eyes widen when you see his hands come closer to your sides once again, and you quickly yell, “Alright, alright! I’m in love with you!”
Satoru’s eyes crinkle, before a wide grin splits across his face, “Really? Well, guess what? I happen to be head over heels with my best friend, too. Lucky you.”
“Suguru will be pleased to hear tha–” You joke, but he cuts you off with a roll of his eyes and the press of his lips against yours.
It’s a passionate, yet tender kiss. Soft and sweet, so much you have to refrain from melting against him. He’s showing you everything through this kiss, promising you all of him and more if you’ll accept him. You feel the sincerity in every gentle press of his lips, every lingering touch of his fingers. Your chest tightens with emotion.
You want to tell him everything. Rip open your chest to show him your heart, the depths of your affection. Express your undying devotion towards this man you love so deeply your heart hurts.
You want to scream. You want to tell him that yes, you’ll have him, now and forever.
And maybe one day, you’ll get to say it to him in a more meaningful place.
Satoru smiles knowingly into the kiss. You don’t have to say anything at all for him to read you like an open book. After all, best friends know best.
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You've reached your happily ever after, congratulations! So, was he everything you hoped for? Or.. maybe not? You can always go back to him if you have regrets...
rbs are much appreciated <3
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