#gokudera khr
rebornologist · 4 months
I was wondering if u could write some headcanons of gokudera (khr) with a chronically ill s/o (struggling with exhaustion, migraines and joint/bone pains)?
Absolutely understandable though if you don't feel comfortable writing this though.
Regardless I wish you a day as wonderful as your writing! :)
Hii anon! Thank you for this idea, I love talking about Gokudera.. I honestly don't know too much about these chronic illness symptoms, aside from my experience with some friends.. so these are not super specific, but here are my thoughts!
♡ Hayato Gokudera & a chronically ill s/o ✧
no warnings this time, yippee!
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Gokudera is our post-trauma stress-induced stomachache girlie, so he understands just a bit how hard it is to be hugely impacted by something that you cannot really control, but he’s fairly supportive of your management efforts and coping mechanisms.
He took a minute to be more mindful of his volume when his partner has a migraine, because he can be pretty loud, especially when he’s too excited about seeing them to check his volume. After he gets the hang of being quieter around his partner when they’re having migraines, he begins to expand that to anyone or anything else in the area. It’s a bit much.
He’s the type of person to enjoy lounging around with his s/o’s head in his lap, and him just silently reading a good book (his favourite creature feature of the time) until his partner feels a bit better. As he grew older, he learned to value quality time more as he got busier with more serious work stuff.
Physical touch is a big enough love language for him that he would be willing to help them massage whatever they need him to for comfort or easing the pain, though joint pain can be difficult to handle. His hands are calloused and rough, but he has a dedicated pocket where he quickly and quietly slips all his rings into, before stretching out his fingers and offering to apply pressure where it's needed.
He always offers help verbally or asks for his s/o’s confirmation before doing anything, even if it’s a routine thing that they do together, and even checking in to make sure that what he’s doing is helping at all. Some people would say that he should know what to do without asking, but he wants to be sure that it’s what they need in the moment, and he also.. just enjoys the exchange.
There are times when he may see his partner as too ailed by their chronic pain and might even be a little overbearing. How much is too much? It’s your call, but he’s probably gone there. Communication is key with Hayato, he’s prone to overthinking and shutting down if he feels that he’s done something wrong. It’s because he’s so full of love and care for the people that he’s dedicated himself to. It might weigh on him more than they'd like, because he just wants so badly for them to live comfortably.
He would feed his s/o better than he fed himself, probably. He’s only a little into the Eastern medicine thing but believes that there has to be some remedies to manage the symptoms and is fairly keen to try out more hollistic approaches. He feels all warm and fuzzy whenever his partner shares that they’re feeling generally better lately and will vehemently stick with whatever had the greatest positive effect, which can be a bit of overkill.
He'll go on walks with his s/o if it helps with their joint pain, and will make sure that they have the most peaceful and unbothered stroll, even if it means he has to mean mug everyone else that walks by. Enjoy the scary dog privilege :) If his partner does the thing where they lie on their back and elevate their legs, sometimes he'll walk in when they're doing it and use it as an opportunity to plant a few little kisses on their face. He will absolutely join if they requested, also. He's also not completely pain free as he ages and yknow.. puts his body through the wringer more, especially in his back, so it helps him too!
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I love him, I think he would be the bitch wrapping his fingers in salonpas after he develops bomb-constructing induced RSI. He's too young to smell like an old man with his cigarettes and ointments... anyway, I'll stop projecting. many many love, ghostiee ♡♡
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lemorgo · 5 months
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i don't care what year it is
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mochidoodle · 7 months
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I gave high school Hibari a haircut and now he’s a delinquent heartthrob 💕 🐥 🏫
(We never saw the gang go to high school so I made them brand new uniforms, too)
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kos-tyan · 10 months
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pepsiprophecy · 6 months
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zombu7 · 5 months
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my childhood... gokutsuna
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what-the-fuck-khr · 17 days
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all photos came from listings on Mercari Japan, but here are the main Vongola Tenth’s selfie cards!
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gojuo · 9 months
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hopeswriting · 1 year
tsuna and gokudera’s dynamic is “no one’s ever found me worth standing by my side no matter what to the very end” and “no one’s ever found me worth accepting me just the way i am, and as i am now in spite of my many flaws and shortcomings”
tsuna and yamamoto’s dynamic is “everyone always makes me pay the price for every single one of my mistake, no matter how little and insignificant” and “everyone always expects me to be perfect at being who they want me to be, and i’m afraid they’ll find me worthless if i mess up even once”
tsuna and lambo’s dynamic is “no one ever cares that i’m just a child” and “everyone always punishes and rejects me for acting like the child i am”
tsuna and ryohei’s dynamic is “no one’s ever found me worth taking under their wing, looking after, paving the way for me and making sure it’s safe for me to follow after them” and “as the one who needs to be relied on, as the protector, the example, the older one, no one’s ever looked after me and took care of me on the same grounds as i do for them”
tsuna and hibari’s dynamic is “i’ve never had anything to put my faith in, knowing that it wouldn’t so much as shake and would never fail me even in the face of the end of the world” and “i’ve never had to learn that even my strength can fail me, but there can be strength in weakness too, in letting others help me make up for that weakness, and i can grow even stronger for it”
tsuna and mukuro’s dynamic is “no one’s ever thought me worth allowing me my childhood and made me grow up too soon” and “no one ever cared that i was never allowed to be a child, and i’ll never stand for that fate to be allowed to go on unpunished any longer”
tsuna and chrome’s dynamic is “i’ve always been less than what people want me to be, have always been not enough to meet their expectations of me” and “i’ve always been so worthless in everyone’s eyes, no one’s ever expected anything of me”
(tsuna and reborn’s dynamic is “no one’s ever put faith in what i can become, in what i can be right now, and in me in spite of my many flaws and shortcomings” and “i’m never going to let anyone inside my heart ever again, and no one will bother trying to get inside anyway being the way i am now”)
do you get it?
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stormsthatrage · 10 months
Tsuna is kind. Tsuna is compassionate. Tsuna, unlike many bosses, does not see himself as more than simply because of his station.
The only people who are capable of bringing out the entitled, spoiled, possessive Mafia Prince - the tiny piece of Tsuna's heart that is a stereotypically behaved Vongolian Sky - are his closest family. And even then, they can only manage it in very specific circumstances.
Allow me to clarify:
Imagine Tsuna, in a café filled with rubble and smoke, looking down at Hayato's fallen form. He stares at the blood seeping out from Hayato's chest - the chest that was torn open when Hayato jumped in front of a bullet meant for Tsuna.
(The assassin's corpse is cooling on the other side of the room, dead too late at the edge of Takeshi's blade.)
Tsuna keeps his eyes locked on Hayato. Hayato, who lies limp and motionless, no matter how much sun flame Ryouhei pumps in to him.
It feels like a dream. It feels fake. He feels detached from it all, like he's watching the world from far above and emotions can only reach him after traveling through a mile of cotton.
"Move," he tells his sun, his dying will flaring in the midst of his strange numbness.
His sun yanks his hands back, as instantaneously as if he were following a reflex instead of words.
Tsuna surveys the scene for another second, still through that mile of cotton, and then decides, "No. No, I refuse."
And, after all, does he not have a right to? He, the holder of the Vongola Sky Ring, the Guard of the Vertical Axis, the Sky of Skies. Is it not his birthright to seize hold of, to command, the threads of time?
He reaches out, burning, and undoes it.
An orange glow erupts around the two of them - his Hayato, and the assassin.
And then there is the assassin, alive again, aiming at a spot Tsuna is no longer at.
And there is Hayato, alive again, throwing himself to protect where Tsuna once stood.
Tsuna already has an arm raised, and sends a blast of power at the assassin. The assassin crumples. And then Tsuna is turning around, spinning towards Hayato, and he feels, within him, a hot, violent rage swell up. How dare he. How dare he.
He stalks over to his Right Hand, hands shaking with anger, and he spits, "You."
His Right Hand looks at him, all wide-eyed and taken off guard. As if he's not a fucking thief.
Tsuna snarls up at him, right up in his space, "Sit."
His Right Hand's knees fold. He just barely manages to catch himself against the table directly behind him, and it's not so much sitting as propping himself up, but Tsuna doesn't fucking care.
Tsuna's fists clench, and he stares directly into those green, green eyes. "You," he seethes, "took an oath, Gokudera Hayato." He feels himself burning, dying will an inferno on his skin. "You swore yourself to me, yes? Your life is mine. You do not have the right to take it from me."
His Right Hand, his storm, his Hayato, says nothing, eyes wide and face pale and lips parted ever so slightly in shock.
Tsuna feels incandescent with rage. "You dare-"
And then he finds himself losing the words, swaying in place as exhaustion slams down across him.
The last thing he feels is Hayato's arms coming up around him, warm and alive and oh so gentle, and the last thing he hears is Takeshi, saying - absolutely delighted, Tsuna knows that tone - "Oh, he is going to be so embarrassed when he wakes up."
And then darkness.
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brightsips · 4 months
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The official exhibition visual featuring a total of 53 characters drawn by Akira Amano!
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rebornologist · 2 years
Hi there, I stumbled upon your blog n absolutely adore your writing✨
I wanted to ask if you could write some headcanons about gokudera with a shy but physically affectionate s/o?
Either way I hope you are having a great day n are taking care of urself ✨
♡ Gokudera w/ a Shy S/O ✧
warnings: established relationship, physical affection as a love language!! lil kisses and cuddles
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He’s the definition of “excuse me, they asked for NO PICKLES,” as he is literally shaking the poor customer service worker by their uniform collar with murder in his eyes, but he starts to tone it down when he realizes that they are not completely comfortable with him having outbursts like that since it attracts way too much attention
Y’all already know it took forever for him to catch on and actually wrap his head around being more lowkey. Despite being the brooding loner type, he can be so frickin’ loud and obnoxious without even realizing it! Both you and Tsuna had to sit him down separately and together to explain a plan of action for dialing down his highly emotional responses for literally everyone’s sake
Gokudera is interesting because he’s very obviously shameless about it when he absolutely loves someone, but is a little embarrassed about saying it directly to you with his whole chest because he cares very deeply about your validation (though he shouldn’t!! He’s worth everything in the world but he definitely doesn’t fully know it) and is like.. But what if I fuck it up?? and that makes him stutter and go completely silent and just turn red and shy away from your gaze because damn he cares so deeply for you!!
That is where his s/o’s love language being physical affection comes in strong; He’s learned over the course of your relationship that he’s easily his s/o’s favourite person to be physically affectionate with, if not one of the few people that they are actually comfortable being close to! He loves always being able to sling an arm around their shoulder or walk with them hand in hand. They do tend to avoid eye contact with strangers and especially if they’re feeling shy with the pda, but don't you worry!
Gokudera will gladly throw down with anything or anyone, anywhere and anytime for you, so he often protectively walks in front of you and puts himself between you and anyone else. On the good side of things, it’s nice to know that you won’t be interacting with strangers, but he can be prone to speaking for you sometimes when meeting other friends, which is a habit you’re slowly coaxing him away from. That often comes in the form of squeezing his hand or arm to get his attention and signal that you’re in the mood to speak for yourself, this time.
Speaking of hand holding, you find the most peace in feeling the calloused pads of his fingers smooth over the back of your hand, and the coolness of his rings that he often lets you fiddle with as a way to calm your nerves. He finds it so cute that he averts his gaze and tries to still the hammering of his heart (it never works, you will look up at him with your doe eyes and your lips will just slightly flatten into a smile, You 1 Gokudera 0 lolol). He often gets his reassurance from you in the form of little squeezes to his bicep or innocently rubbing up and down his thigh if y'all are sitting next to each other.
In your alone time, you are a different beast, and he doesn't stand a chance. While you may get slightly flustered by him picking you up and squeezing you tight when y'all first meet for the day, once you settle down in his room for some study time, he's all yours. You type away at your laptop with your legs up on his lap, and he scribbles away in his notebook while fiddling with the anklet he gifted you for an anniversary. When you aren't feeling particularly chatty but feel like giving him some lovin, you'll turn to face him or quietly plop yourself on his lap.
His eyes go wide, and he leans back to look you in the eyes. "Wh..what's up?" He'd ask, almost hesitantly. You greet him with a sleepy smile, unconsciously batting your eyelashes as you blink. The noise that leaves you is indescribable as you throw your arms around his neck and bury your nose in his hair. His reaction is nothing if not adorable, a small exclamation of surprise as his face flushes red, before he gently holds your face in his hands and presses a soft kiss to your lips. That grants you permission to squeal happily and pepper his face with smooches, humming and running your hands through his hair and over his shoulders, your little darling. His whole ass soul is yours, bro <3
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twas a little longer than just headcanons, but you know this is a common occurrence for a guy who is bad with expressing himself and a partner that would rather use touch to show their love hehe xx
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skyflames · 1 month
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To be the nucleus that attacks relentlessly, never resting. The tempestuous storm!
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ner0w0w0 · 4 months
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A quick Gokudera line art but i have no idea what palete to give him 😭😭
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gaysgrave · 3 months
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Tsuna and his Guardians
Edited to add Chrome ✨
Chrome hadn't been here because I drew the others in September and at that time I had not met Chrome, but now she is here!
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jounouchis · 3 months
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khr op/ed 1+2
back in 2020 I was going some redraws from the reborn openings and endings.... this is as far as I got but I should again some day lmao
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