#khr scenarios
rebornologist · 2 years
Hi there, I stumbled upon your blog n absolutely adore your writing✨
I wanted to ask if you could write some headcanons about gokudera with a shy but physically affectionate s/o?
Either way I hope you are having a great day n are taking care of urself ✨
♡ Gokudera w/ a Shy S/O ✧
warnings: established relationship, physical affection as a love language!! lil kisses and cuddles
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He’s the definition of “excuse me, they asked for NO PICKLES,” as he is literally shaking the poor customer service worker by their uniform collar with murder in his eyes, but he starts to tone it down when he realizes that they are not completely comfortable with him having outbursts like that since it attracts way too much attention
Y’all already know it took forever for him to catch on and actually wrap his head around being more lowkey. Despite being the brooding loner type, he can be so frickin’ loud and obnoxious without even realizing it! Both you and Tsuna had to sit him down separately and together to explain a plan of action for dialing down his highly emotional responses for literally everyone’s sake
Gokudera is interesting because he’s very obviously shameless about it when he absolutely loves someone, but is a little embarrassed about saying it directly to you with his whole chest because he cares very deeply about your validation (though he shouldn’t!! He’s worth everything in the world but he definitely doesn’t fully know it) and is like.. But what if I fuck it up?? and that makes him stutter and go completely silent and just turn red and shy away from your gaze because damn he cares so deeply for you!!
That is where his s/o’s love language being physical affection comes in strong; He’s learned over the course of your relationship that he’s easily his s/o’s favourite person to be physically affectionate with, if not one of the few people that they are actually comfortable being close to! He loves always being able to sling an arm around their shoulder or walk with them hand in hand. They do tend to avoid eye contact with strangers and especially if they’re feeling shy with the pda, but don't you worry!
Gokudera will gladly throw down with anything or anyone, anywhere and anytime for you, so he often protectively walks in front of you and puts himself between you and anyone else. On the good side of things, it’s nice to know that you won’t be interacting with strangers, but he can be prone to speaking for you sometimes when meeting other friends, which is a habit you’re slowly coaxing him away from. That often comes in the form of squeezing his hand or arm to get his attention and signal that you’re in the mood to speak for yourself, this time.
Speaking of hand holding, you find the most peace in feeling the calloused pads of his fingers smooth over the back of your hand, and the coolness of his rings that he often lets you fiddle with as a way to calm your nerves. He finds it so cute that he averts his gaze and tries to still the hammering of his heart (it never works, you will look up at him with your doe eyes and your lips will just slightly flatten into a smile, You 1 Gokudera 0 lolol). He often gets his reassurance from you in the form of little squeezes to his bicep or innocently rubbing up and down his thigh if y'all are sitting next to each other.
In your alone time, you are a different beast, and he doesn't stand a chance. While you may get slightly flustered by him picking you up and squeezing you tight when y'all first meet for the day, once you settle down in his room for some study time, he's all yours. You type away at your laptop with your legs up on his lap, and he scribbles away in his notebook while fiddling with the anklet he gifted you for an anniversary. When you aren't feeling particularly chatty but feel like giving him some lovin, you'll turn to face him or quietly plop yourself on his lap.
His eyes go wide, and he leans back to look you in the eyes. "Wh..what's up?" He'd ask, almost hesitantly. You greet him with a sleepy smile, unconsciously batting your eyelashes as you blink. The noise that leaves you is indescribable as you throw your arms around his neck and bury your nose in his hair. His reaction is nothing if not adorable, a small exclamation of surprise as his face flushes red, before he gently holds your face in his hands and presses a soft kiss to your lips. That grants you permission to squeal happily and pepper his face with smooches, humming and running your hands through his hair and over his shoulders, your little darling. His whole ass soul is yours, bro <3
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twas a little longer than just headcanons, but you know this is a common occurrence for a guy who is bad with expressing himself and a partner that would rather use touch to show their love hehe xx
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reborn-imagines-redux · 2 months
Uhh...hey! Could I request a scenario for Byakuran proposing to his so?
this man could do something that would go tacky so easily  
he like’s his themes, he likes them big, he likes them over the top at times
when you think about him proposing, you’re always a little nervous because he doesn’t do things by half measures 
however, the man is also a genius
(and has been to many different realities, seen many different things and seen your reactions to them)
(this is significantly more helpful than his genius tbh)
he also deeply cares about you if he’s going to propose to you
he wants you to like it so he sits down and figures out what it is that you would like with the right mix of his own personal flair
at the time it feels like it was in fact planned out, but still natural in the surroundings
that is not entirely a lie
he did just make sure that there were several contingencies in case something went wrong so that you wouldn’t even notice
well you may have been okay with something small that didn’t work out perfectly, but in one of those “we’ll laugh about it later” ways, Byakuran is not
the entire Gesso family is not aware that he’s going to propose, but his core group, Kikyo, Daisy, Zakuro, Bluebell, etc. are aware
some have been relied upon more than others
some of them are just tasked with very specific tasks and are not to do anything else regarding the proceedings
now, well the proposal itself is very tasteful the rest of the Gesso mansion is not
there is a room full of gifts for you, plenty of flowers and potentially a cake that has a ring baked in there somewhere
was Zakuro acting on Byakuran’s orders - Kikyo will never know
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einsatzzz · 16 days
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Hibari/Kana art I commissioned from @azaracyy a while ago! (my first skeb commission even!)🥰🥰 Kana's hair is different here because quite some time has passed since they met (some stuff happened in-between lol) and they also get along a little bit more (they still fight tho...🗿). Cyl and I talked about how bothered Hibari would be especially if the sun is shining straight to her eyeballs while she sleeps like that lmao
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minkufu · 5 months
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Himeko and Kouhime Hariyama~ <3
I just think if Bel gets a girl disguise then so should Siel :)
It felt too easy to default Siel to a pretty, popular, mean girl type, so for now I decided to give his look a more sporty athletic vibe. An aggressively competitive bastard ready to show up his twin and provoke him into blowing his cover.
I changed Himeko's look a bit because her bangs were a travesty and I hate those shitty little rat-tail mullets khr slaps onto characters. They look so bad and it felt so out of place with her hairstyle I forgot she even had it.
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harumiura · 8 months
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ryohei: ive never seen hibari with a woman -> he must be gay -> i should take him out & get him involved with the community :D
hibari: i hate crowds -> i hate community -> i hate ryohei -> i need to hurt someone
(whether or not hibari is actually gay, i leave it up to the viewer to decide which way is funnier)
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frog-with-no-therapy · 3 months
Just had a dream where tsuna was supposed to marry this big spirit?? And it was Giotto ?? And reborn helped tsuna prepare by wearing a white wedding dress but with some red splashed here and there (I think blood) and anyway long story short tsuna kept trying to run away in some really funny way
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ciaossu-imagines · 1 year
Hello, hello, my lovelies! Since I've gotten zero bites for asks for my other non-KHR/K fandoms, I'm going to host a little special event before my box reopens (after I finish writing fic and have posts done for all my fandoms) and I have another big event! So, this is how it's going to work!
I have exactly 42 fandoms, if I'm counting right. Below you'll find all 42 fandoms listed. Under those fandoms, you'll find a list of 42 AU's. I'll accept 1 request per fandom and one request per AU. For example, if someone requests KHR and mermaids, for example, I'll cross out both KHR and Mermaids and neither the fandom nor the AU can be requested for anymore. It's first come, first serve and I'll do my best to keep the lists up-to-date with requests. This event will close when all prompts and fandoms are taken. You can just request a fandom or you can request a specific character or group of characters from the fandom and you can request a reader insert character as well. YOU CANNOT REQUEST SCENARIO OR HEADCANONS OR HOW EXACTLY THE PROMPT WILL BE WRITTEN OR INTERPRETED, UNLESS STATED. That will be left up to the admin and what ideas I have, honestly. Any questions, feel free to inbox me! Without further ado!
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hopeswriting · 11 months
concept: spiderverse arcobaleno
(vague spoilers if you haven't seen the movies!!)
LOVE it hello??? omg yesss. but also, what are we actually going for here? spiderverse au as in a crossover fusion with the arco all being spider-man from different universes? because design-wise alone i think it'd be fun to play with if nothing else! i just know reborn would still go for his suit, and i'm not saying there's no way to make it work and cool but what if we DIDNT make it work or cool because where's the fun otherwise. and it cracks me up to think about it because it's like, my dude. nO zerdtfhd. 😭😂😂
OR are we talking a spiderverse au within the khr universe where we tweak the arco curse to make it, like. to make the arcobaleno title a single concept/entity embodied by seven different people each in their own ways, instead of it referencing the seven strongest each in their respective field. if you get what i mean?? so like there'd be AN arcobaleno, but what the title entails would necessitate seven different people who'd be the same but in different ways to fully embody it. do you get it???
and what would the canon events be about then? well, being cursed would just have to be one of them, right? also walking on the path of the strongest/greatest and suffering losses along the way could be another one. and i feel like saying the sky arco would play miles' role here, as a treat. they deserve to flip fate/destiny off whenever they can. <3
oH WAIT what about colonnello as miles?? who's canonically the one who tries to interfere with the curse and--OHHHH okay, okay, consider this please. what if... trying to save a loved one from the curse/to interfere with the curse altogether and failing was another canon event of being an arco? and--hear me out--what if this particular canon event started with bermuda?
it makes sense, right??? especially if we say someone tried to save him from the curse, resulting in him being only half cursed like lal, which we could make as a reason why he survived long enough after kawahira removed the pacifier from him to become a vindice. and maybe he even ends up as a vindice because of the specificities of his half-curse.
talking about kawahira, i guess he'd be miguel in this scenario, right? but what if... he was peter b instead? OKAY HEAR ME OUT VAN. kawahira going out of his way to pick someone with enough potential to become an arco, to nurture them, mentor them, to make sure they do end up the strongest all so he can curse them with the certainty that at least this one will be strong enough to bear the curse........ you get it, right?? the ANGST, the BETRAYAL, the LOSS OF AGENCY AND FREE WILL, the BROKEN SENSE OF SELF!!!!!!
OH WAIT!!! if kawahira is either miguel or peter b, then.... what about making bermuda as either one of the two too? i mean, you know those vibes they had in the movie? 👀 do with that what you will because this is just for you to rotate in your mind. <3
oh i almost forgot, but i think we should just throw tsuna in the mix here. i actually first thought of him to play miles' role, and i know we're talking about the arco here and he isn't an honorary arco or anything (THEN AGAIN--), but his bond with reborn shapes reborn so much, i just like to have him there too when i can to keep reborn the same as we know him to be in canon. and like, it IS just as fun to think about a reborn who never met tsuna and was never influenced by him, but i love tsuna and their bond so he gets to be there too. <3
*GASPS* WAIT BECAUSE WHAT IF HAVING A TSUNA WAS ALSO A CANON EVENT?? and... Something happening to him i guess? like, remember my post about how all the arco have a teacher side to them? the manga basically already paired them up too! reborn/tsuna, skull/enma (the shimon), fon/i-pin, viper/chrome, verde/mukuro (the kokuyo gang) and... i'm sure we can come up with something for the rest easily enough!
and that's all i have off the top of my head i think? sorry for the excited spitballing haha, i'm just really vibing with this au!! so by all means DO tell more if you have more, i'm all ears! 👀👀👀
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petroltogo · 10 months
Hi! This is a bit out of nowhere but I wandered here from your AO3 account and wanted to let you know that I really love your KHR fic! The way you write the group dynamics is my favorite in general across all of them, but I'm especially in love the way you handle Lussuria and Belphegor in your Superhero verse. Whether I'm interested in the Varia depends entirely on who's writing them, and you hands down write my favorite Varia.
Hello and welcome to the madness!
Thank you so much for your lovely message. I love writing this series in particular (next to how way leads on to way and the this compass never pointed north series it’s probably my favorite atm) so it just makes my day when I hear someone else enjoys it too :)
And okay, I have a serious weakness for the Varia and adore writing them in this world, so I’m glad you like this take of them! It might take a while but I absolutely plan to add a few side-stories that will focus more on them. Lussuria definitely deserves his own fic, I just haven’t come up with the right plot for it yet. And Bel, Bel refuses to be left out of the main story, as can only be expected of the Prince.
As a fellow Varia-fan, do you know the fics by Umei_no_Mai? Because I love the deep-dive they take into Varia culture, the world-building is just *chef kiss*. I think my favorites are Obscured by Clouds for Timoteo’s well-deserved comeuppance and everything Varia, though The King is Dead (Long Live the King) is a close second. That one focuses less on the Varia though. Fair warning from someone who usually prefers Tsuna-centric fics: Tsuna is dead in the latter and plays almost no role in the former, but the in-depth exploration of those alternate scenarios more than makes up for it in my opinion.
If you have any fic recs, I‘d love to hear them!
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chaosisorderao3 · 7 months
👹if all of your fics were in a horror movie which one would die first?
I think my Renga (sk8 the infinity) fic "if we were dating" would be the first to go because reki and langa just would not handle the scenarios well they'd be too impulsive/dramatic and endanger themselves.
Hilariously I think "Dance of Lightning" (KHR fic) would be the last to die because two of the particular MCs (haru and chrome, murder gfs) would outhorror the horror
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ukigumos · 23 days
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UKIGUMOS - »❝浮雲❞«
So uh, cough cough, he's more or less out of the oven. My silly little KHR OC Yona Yona . . . TLDR he has the ability to copy/paste/duplicate any object as long as it's solid. Mist/Cloud attribute for very obvious reasons! He's responsible for the fake Vongola Rings. Also on the topic of fake rings- Does anybody remember how the fake Mare Rings were made? Either way, I think a canon divergent scenario where Byakuran grabs Yona for his duplication would be so tastefully dramatic. Yona could very well copy/paste Mare Rings. The accuracy of duplication depends on the amount of energy he uses (it costs a lot of mental energy to fully copy abilities) so the Fake Mare Rings being high graded normal rings kinda checks out. ALSO. I currently ship Yona with Xanxus bc I will never let go of the Lion x Bunny CEO title BUT... I know for a fact that if Byakuran found Yona, they would prolly dominate the entire world LMAO . . . Accidental crackships . . . My beloved
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rebornologist · 1 year
the lack of an "other" option is quite upsetting??? but thinking about jacket thievery... perhaps a shirt, maybe even a pair of pants if you fancy that.
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queenharumiura · 1 month
6996, 5986, 10069
[My KHR ship game] ||Accepting|| @astrxthesiai Reminder: This is me just talking in general, so in no way is RP portrayals or anything being considered her. All Neo in her head. Characterizations are based off what I think would be interesting set up for the ship.
Will also state that anything involving Mukuro may not be very good because I have a tendency to avoid him. So I apologize in advance if I have some things wrong.
Hate it | Am Neutral to it | Ship it | love it! |
[here] I truly cannot do a repeat. I'll DIE
Hate it | Am Neutral to it | Ship it | love it! |
So, some of us know how I feel about Mukuro. I may appreciate him as a character, I know that he adds a lot of value to the story, to the progression of certain character growths and the like—but I personally don’t vibe with him. I don’t like him. I can understand that he had a rough past, I can get that he’s nuanced, I can understand a lot of things, but ultimately, I view him as a bit of a risk. For his ideals, he is liable to doing things such as taking over bodies and not caring for the state that the body will end up in.
It isn’t to say that I don’t understand his motives, because they’re certainly understandable. He doesn’t want what happened to him to happen to others. I, unfortunately, am an emotional bean who is feels guilty very easily. I cannot use others in quite the way that he does. The moment he was shown to possess kids or possess injured people to use them against others- while totally understandable and a viable tactic- I just don’t like it. I don’t vibe with it. I just cannot get over it. MY CHILD FUUTA!!!!!! The emotional turmoil that child went through. I just… cannot condone the hurt that the child went through.
Then there is Birds who was very much willing to want to use Haru/Kyoko against the others and possibly ruin their lives. It matters not to me that it may not have been explicitly upon Mukuro’s orders or what. Inherently, the fact that he’s doing so, it makes it feel like he knows it’s okay to do so while under Mukuro’s wing. Perhaps the mentality of the necessary sacrifices for the greater good and it does rub me the wrong way (yes, I’m biased, and it may very well largely be because of Haru. SUE ME).
I’m well aware that people really like him, and that’s totally fine! Like I said before, as a character, I like him. He’s got a lot of nuance and dynamicism to his writing. He’s got a lot of depth to him in regards to his motives, machinations, his pitfalls, etc. That said, from an emotional and moral stance, he rubs me the wrong way and I don’t like him very much. I don’t hate him, no, but I will just stare at him from afar and squint. Would I defend him from any slander? Absolutely. I truly have my allegiance to the girls and to the kids. I hate Iemitsu and Cervello more than I do Mukuro for instance.
I absolutely understand the need to gather all the ‘guardians’ ie combatants together for the final sky battle. Totally get it. I see why the poison mechanic was used. I truly do understand why it was done—but EMOTIONALLY I’M STILL SEETHING!!!! LAMBO!!!! MY POOR CHILD!!!!! FK OFF YOU CHERRY HAIRED BITCH. <- How I like a character or dislike them truly is based off how petty I’m going to be.
Oh- I also forgot to mention. My favorite character, my very FIRST one was Lanchia. Do we now understand why I truly just cannot vibe with Mukuro? After what he did to Lanchia’s famiglia? How it left him with a lot of guilt and trauma? MY FAVORITE? NAHHHHHHH NAAAHHH!!!!
So yeah. That’s why I don’t like him. Don’t hate him, but also HISSSSS!
Before anyone gets scared—No, that doesn’t mean that I dislike Mukuro rp’ers. No, it doesn’t mean that I’d hate if a Mukuro rp’er wants to approach Haru and I. Neo enjoys all sorts of scenarios and relationship dynamics. I’m willing to try things if someone wants to try something. You want them to be friends? Sure. Frenemies? Sure.
Oh- another reason I remembered. I also muse Hibari as some of us already know. He, along with Yamamoto are tied for third place favorite KHR character BECAUSE HARU MIURA TAKES FIRST AND SECOND PLACE! THE LOVE OF MY LIFE TAKES TWO SLOTS, YOU OTHER CHARACTERS SIT DOWN AND BOW- just kidding.
I’m loyal to Hibari and he doesn’t like Mukuro so THEREFORE! I cannot like Mukuro. Mhm mhm. It’s only right, mhm mhm. I’m a loyal bean, mhm mhm. (Would I also throw  him into a room of Sakura blossoms to piss him off though? No comment. I’m only loyal to a point. I just love chaos)
ANYWAYS, to the main point.
There are aspects of Mukuro and Chrome that I do not like as a ship, and it comes down to the power dynamic imbalance that the two had. Especially in the beginning of the series where she can only survive based off his illusions and what he gets out of it is taking over her body so to speak to enact whatever he has to do. It is rather symbiotic, yes, but there is more power in the hands of Mukuro and her behavior shows it. Yes, he in essence saved her, but she didn’t really save him. He’s using her in exchange for her life. There is a feeling of how her life is his and that whatever he wants is fine by her. She is his to command because of the gratitude of giving her new life.
Her identity is not only her own but also his. There is more of an imbalance which makes me a bit uncomfortable at times. Yes, you may argue that he too has given up a lot and done a lot for her but one can also spin it that he puts up with certain things because of the overarching goal of what he ultimately wants—to get rid of the mafia. What better way than to get closer to the Vongola 10, let them drop their guard with the sweet Chrome and then swoop in once he sees a crack. This is a way that you could spin it. I’m not saying that IS how it is, but I’m shedding light on the fact that it COULD be a way of looking at it.
Depending on how you personally view him, some of their dynamic can take shape in a different way.
Now, I do personally think they are meant to be a duo. (Yes, after I said all that I think they are meant for each other lol) When you think about how the primo and tenth gen are very similar to one another but with differences, you can truly see something through Elena/Daemon and Chrome/Mukuro. Just like how Elena was the one who introduced Daemon to the Vongola and asked him to join the cause, Chrome is the one who basically dragged Mukuro into the Vongola due to HER association with them. She slowly assimilates with the Vongola and becomes friends with them, and by that association, Mukuro is associated with them as well for her sake.
This contradicts his desire to overthrow the mafia and rid of them in a sense, but also- it is a good way for him to also oversee what they are doing and get rid of the dirt that he doesn’t want to see. He both can make use of this while also in a small way going against his ideals and it’s for Chrome’s sake by large. I believe anime didn’t really go through this but the manga did. Mukuro remembers his other past lives, and he’s been through the torment of the various hellscapes. He’s seen more than the average person and went through more. Mentally and emotionally that had to be taxing and arduous for the soul.
Elena was Daemon’s light. She was his everything. She was the connection that connected him to the Vongola. When he lost her, a part of him snapped and he in a sense went rogue. He had no tether to keep him grounded. Chrome could’ve died, but Mukuro came in to save/help her. She is his tether. Unlike Daemon who failed to protect her, Mukuro was able to keep Chrome around. The first generation have had failures to some degree where the 10th generation resolve a lot of those failures. It’s almost like a tale of generational healing. The 10th generation are NOT the reincarnations of the primo generation, but they are similar. Eerily so, and that is to so the parallels between them and to show that new generations can pave the way and do things differently to heal from the past.
So you have Chrome and Mukuro sticking together, you have the Vongola and Shimon rekindling their friendship, the guardians not having to live with the fact that they failed to protect their boss and keep him around (cough TYL arc almost counts but doesn’t lol). Chrome, much like Elena was for Daemon, are a tether to keep their guys grounded, but to also help heal their pains through their more gentle nature. Almost like a reminder that the world may suck, but there are still good in the world. Nobles SUCK but some nobles like this daughter of a DUKE cares for all, including the common folk. There exist some nobles who TRULY embody the Noblesse Oblige.
In final arc where Chrome buts in to help strengthen Mukuro’s illusions he even thinks to himself that it’s amazing that someone else can understand his illusions so well and amplify them—he can feel his heart- healing? Chrome is that person that Elena was for Daemon. They both need each other for different things. Chrome eventually became able to make illusions for herself and to become self-sufficient. Sh can be the warrior who can fight alongside Mukuro. This contrasts how Elena likely wasn’t a fighter or did anything on the front lines. Chrome intends to be by Mukuro’s side and fight alongside him. She will not allow herself to just sit idly by. I feel Elena wished she could have done more by Daemon’s side. Take on some more of his burdens and Chrome embodies that regret and she solves it herself.
More towards the end of the series, when Chrome is able to sufficiently care for herself with her own power, that’s when their true symbiotic relationship shines through. There is less of a power imbalance between them. She becomes her own person- as we know that’s why she struggled for a while because she refused his illusions. She had seen him walking about in the flesh, and it was like he wasn’t a part of her anymore and she just couldn’t accept his illusions when she had no real use to him. That, is what shows the imbalance they had. We NEEDED that scene for Chrome to grow and come to terms with what she wanted.
No, she will not allow herself to be a bystander who will just allow herself to be taken care of. She wants to be helpful to Mukuro. She WANTS to be able to stand by him proudly. She WANTS to fight alongside him. This is such a poignant difference between the two generations. It’s so incredibly important to highlight where they differ and how this change shifts the dynamic between the two. Now, it’s more of respected equals. She’s able to be more proud of herself, and to assert what she wants. She is more open to actually being what she had always meant to be: herself. She doesn’t have to rely on someone else, she doesn’t have to associate her being, her IMPORTANCE to someone else. Now, she is truly Chrome Dokuro, and she has chosen for herself that she wants to be Mukuro’s warrior, his comrade.
This is an incredibly important and praiseworthy dynamic shift between the two and this is what makes the ship between them AFTER this point a more healthy one. I don’t have many ideas for cute things between them—and that’s largely due to the fact that I don’t think too much about Mukuro in general because I prefer to avoid him in my mental space. Sorry if any ideas that do come out aren’t very good. I am very hesitant about the knowledge and understanding I have of Mukuro. I don’t think I understand him that well due to the fact that I like to turn my eye away from him. I did try though!
I suppose a cute idea could come in the form of the box animal, where Chrome may like to dote on the owl and care for its feathers. I could perhaps see Mukuro finding it cute to see them bond, but also feel a bit left out because all her attention is on the owl and not himself. Watch him be like pluck the bird from her hands so he can take care of the feathers. Instead why don’t you help him with his hair? Look, brushing hair is epitome of domestic bliss. When someone else brushes my hair it gives me the brain tingles that ASMR is supposed to give you. BLISS. Don’t underestimate small bliss!!!
I just like the idea of Chrome learning how to make simple chocolate desserts from Kyoko/Haru for fun. She learned to make some for her friends but somehow a lot of them end up getting hogged by Mukuro. He likes chocolate for one, but they were also made by Chrome’s hand. He shan’t give them up to other people so easily. I personally am okay with lil greed moments like that. I find it both a lil funny and a lil cute. It would be very funny/cute to me if he got caught and he just tries to play it off like it’s no big deal. NAH BRO YOU GOT CAUGHT.
Sorry, that’s all my brain could think of for now. I have the next portion to go to so let’s move on.
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So I’m neutral to it while also somewhat hating it. Most of it comes down to who the characters are. The reason why I’m more neutral towards it…
That’s all. Moving on.
Just kidding! I’m tired, my fingers have already typed like what… 10k for these ship memes alone? I’ve been writing other stuff too. My poor fingers…
Anyways. I will also state that the reason why I’m very SQUINT about ships including Mukuro is that I see him and Chrome as a duo, a pair. If I see him with anyone else, I start shaking my screen like YOU FUCKER!!!!!! HOW DARE YOU, TO CHROME!!?!?!? I’LL SLAY YOU WHERE YOU STAND. YOU DARE GO ASTRAY FROM THE BEST LIL BEAN, CHROME?????? So yeah. (Yes, I’m biased)
See, here’s the thing, we know that Mukuro dislikes the mafia, and he doesn’t want what evils happened to him to happen to anyone else. Byakuran quite literally in essence mind broke Uni and she was a young lil girl. He has actively acted to kill people, to manipulate them, to use them, to discard people, etc. I can perhaps see him feeling impressed by the extents that Byakuran is willing to go to for his ideals, but ultimately his ideals are such that it goes against Mukuro’s creed.
He is also a reason why his Chrome had to suffer in the TYL arc, due to his evil machinations. Chrome had to be brought to the future and she did suffer some. It was a dangerous time for her. TYL Chrome was also injured if I recall correctly. It’s just a time of you put my Chrome in danger. I do not really see Mukuro being able to look past that.
Now, you can argue that for the sake of his ideals and wanting to manipulate Byakuran, you could do the plan on employing romance or seducing him to lead him in the direction that you want. I honestly can kind of see Mukuro doing so—but in that case, I don’t consider that a ship because it’s not in earnest?
Of course, we do know after TYL arc, Byakuran is different. He is more or less turned good by a factor of ‘well I can’t do any evil any more. I was stuck in limbo for a while until Uni saved me, I shall do what I can to make it up to her. Whether people trust that I intend good or not is up to them~’
One can argue that he’s good now, it’s okay! There is no difference in morals or motives! Still, as we’ve seen with some of the others, they can’t so easily put the ‘past’ aside. They went through a lot of traumatic shit because of Byakuran. He had showed them all just how ugly his motives were when he went ballistic after Uni sacrificed herself. How he literally almost killed Tsuna and all that. That is not an easy thing to look past, so it’s actually very impressive of Tsuna to be able to be willing to put his trust in him, and for Uni to want to bring him out to ask for aid. Both are very impressive individuals.
One can argue that through this change, it is a possibility and that perhaps Mukuro could want to cosey up to him for the benefits of whatever power Byakuran may possess in modern times. His influence, but I mean—he’s under surveillance. He doesn’t seem to really intend to do anything bad, so he wouldn’t be that much use as a pawn or anything like that. So I don’t see the whole seduce in the effort to use tactic.
I suppose you can kind of look at how they both have the tendency to tease others or lowkey mock them through sarcasm and consider that a fun banter between them. That is fun, I won’t lie, but that alone doesn’t constitute as a ship for me. I just personally don’t feel enough of a vibe between them to feel that they could be a ship that isn’t anymore more than a superficial thing.
I like the ship from an aesthetic stand point. Both are very beautiful and the sarcastic kind of banter between the two of them could be fun. It could also be interesting to see how they both continuously try to undermine each other for their ideals, which would again make for a fun dynamic, but that alone just—doesn’t work for me. I do feel there would always be a level of mistrust between them. The fact that you tried to kill me/you killed me kind of mentality would still remain. Mukuro’s ‘death’ wasn’t really a thing as we know, but it was believed for a time (not I. You can’t fool me, Amano!!!!). Byakuran DID die by the hands of the Vongola. That really isn’t easy to move past.
Yes, you can argue that Byakuran’s flighty attitude and his nonchalance may be a sign that he doesn’t really care for it, or doesn’t think much of it, but I disagree. If you pay attention to some of his wording choices in some scenes, he is very cognizant of the fact the future self had done wrong. He feels for the fact he did really fucked up stuff to people, especially Uni. He was willing to do whatever he had to for her sake. He wanted to do something for her and when asked if ‘can we trust you’? He could only really respond with the logical, that’s up to you to decide, because it really is up to them. He was VERY aware that there is 100% reason for them to doubt him. He accepted the fact for what it was and left the decision in the hands of Tsuna.
There is an underlying sense of guilt that he has for what he’d done, even if he may act the same carefree and playful kinda guy. In my mind and observation, it’s somewhat of a mask. I do think it would be easier for others to deal with him if he kept that upbeat kind of personality because that’s what they knew of him. Changing too drastically would be too much. Naturally, I do think it IS a part of his personality, and that is also hard to change. Still, I don’t think his lack of major change to personality shows that he wasn’t affected.
You can see it in some instances of his speech, his willingness to just sacrifice whatever to be of use, to almost prove himself as someone who isn’t that dictator from the future. He wants to solidify a new identity to himself. Given Mukuro’s past and his disdain for the evil corruption of some mafia… I don’t think he and Byakuran are a good match because it’s going to be a constant reminder of who he was.
What that Byakuran had done to Mukuro. It would be incredibly hard to work out a ship between the two and my gut is telling me that neither of them are the sort who would really want to exert such extensive energy to forge a relationship that is past a superficial one based off interests and motives.
However, one could argue that Mukuro could somehow see the modern day Byakuran for what he is, a victim of circumstance. He’s being doubted and disdained for something he literally didn’t do. He can never become that guy again, and yet he’s being treated with negativity and mistrust. The Byakuran of the past hadn’t really done anything (I don’t think he had done anything yet at that point in the timeline to be fair, hence me saying this), so it can feel unfair to him. There is maybe a SMAALLLL chance that Mukuro can see this and watch over Byakuran to see if he’s truly a different person.
Is he trying to do better by everyone? If so, maybe he can offer a small alliance of sorts and they can work together to act against the filth of the mafia. Mukuro gets what he wants and Byakuran gets to do a bit of paying back for the evils his future-self did. In a way, you could say that he’d be resolving some of the knots in his chest brought about from guilt. It can be nice, but then it sorta comes back to what I didn’t like about Chrome and Mukuro at first, that there would be a bit of a power imbalance inherently because one of them is still basically a ‘criminal’ but is trying to repay that by doing good and Mukuro is basically the one who is directing him to do so. For an alliance it would be more titled towards one party.
I don’t like such power imbalances personally, but some people may like it! If you like that, all the power to ya! This could be your cup of tea! I personally don’t really like it, but I can see the merit to it. I think it would be an incredibly fascinating idea for someone to write out. Some relationships in fiction and reality do have a power imbalance, but if you have enough trust in each other, you can make it work. It mostly is an issue if someone has hidden motivations, which, with Mukuro could be likely. That’s what I don’t like, but I think it could mayyyybe work out, but it would take a LOT of work.
Also, if they became a thing what are you going to do about Chrome, huh? You going to start neglecting her? HUH? I’m coming for your pineapple brand and will put you onto pizza.
I shall not think of cute ideas because I’m not really on board with the ship so I don’t really feel like thinking about cute things. Forgib.
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einsatzzz · 28 days
[khre rkgk] Boring Mundane Work
Some boring mundane work needs to be done in a certain winery at a certain overseas country.
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a sketch comic i drew just to get the wiggles out of my brain. this scenario references one of the uhhh interesting kills that you can do in hitman 3. the achievement is even called "pulp friction" lol. anyway, i just happened to imagine kana also doing that, because she can and she will if given the opportunity (if it kills them easily without much disadvantage to her then why not?). there are other interesting kills there that i wanna draw kana in but this will do for my braincells for now.
also im almost done with kana's character profile, then after that I'll probably be less active because I really need to prepare for an important exam on june.
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lixenn · 2 months
For the KHR Ask Game: 🌵 and 🎃 (thank you for making this ask!)
You're welcome!! It was super fun and honestly I want to make up even more silly scenarios but the nonsense generator is charging again, so who knows if I can do a part three, certainly not me!
As for the questions:
🎃Lucky you! The Vongola have invited you to their annual costume Halloween Ball! What's your outfit?
Now, I'm not really a suuuper stylish person and I've never cosplayed in my life BUT! I've always wanted to wear the Kingsglaive uniform from Final Fantasy 15 and I'll take the invitation as a sign from above to dip my toes into cosplay (even though I know shit all about sewing, wigs and makeup ... I'll convince Luss to help me with my outfit, I'll bet he would have a blast with it).
Here's the uniform worn by Nyx Ulric who I'll obssess over until the day I die:
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I just love everything about it! The boots, the coat, the weird purple thing that has no use whatsoever! It's all fantastic, also it comes with knives and a hood with a mask which is even more awesome!
Sorry for fangirling about totally different fangirling in a KHR ask btw, I couldn't help myself (also I'm a mess ^^')
🌵You would trust this character with your life but not your pet/house plant.
I don't have a pet, so houseplant it is!
As for the character in question: It's Gokudera.
Like he can kick ass and take names no problem. Plus he's very loyal once you have his trust, so he'd have my back, but let's be real this boy is three different disasters in a trenchcoat pretending to be a person. Like he could write an entire dissertation in a month but will constantly forget to feed himself in the meantime. Sleep is seen as optional in his book and he scoffs at the thought of taking a break. He doesn't have the ability to look after himself, so I doubt he'll manage to look after my plants (even if their super low maintenance).
Now don't get me wrong if Tsuna was the one asking Gokudera to care for his plants, he would attend to these plants' every need 24/7 (and neglect himself even more in the process). However I don't have the power of the Tenth(tm), so I guess my poor little babies will die a wilty death.
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goldenliartrash · 3 months
FOR THE FAKE FIC ASK GAME: Dungeons & Dragons, Conspiracy Theories, Flashbacks, Varia-centric. you know, for funsies <- had to use a random tag generator and chose the most intriguing results
omg this takes me back to when i was a tween and wrote khr oneshot requests sjdjhsdf okay let's go!
“Regardless of our internal strife, in times of Crisis, when we are attacked by scumbags from the outside… We, the Vongola, are always as one!” A Xanxus much older than himself had said to Tsuna, once upon a time, in a future that no longer exists.
And Tsuna had believed him.
Standing face-to-face with his scowling, dismissive, present-day counterpart, however, makes believing in the unbreakable bonds within the Vongola... slightly harder.
But it's no problem! A teambulding excercise is all that they need! Vongola style!
Or: Reborn convinces Tsuna to let Spanner try his new-and-upgraded virtual reality machine on both his friends and the Varia, "to build trust". Problem is, it's been a week already, but the Varia refuse to quit until they win.
(How are they going to "win" at teambuilding? I don't know, ask them.)
My reasoning behind each tag:
Dungeons & Dragons: Instead of a white void, Spanner will load them into your classic D&D scenario (towns, dungeons, NPCs...), so that's what they're playing, sort of? I imagine the idea would be to put those beasts into situations and see if the shared trauma makes them bond.
Conspiracy Theories: So you know the robot during the ring battles is a mosca, right? like the models Spanner makes in the future? that are said to have been developed by him?? so evidently 14-ish year old Spanner is working with the Varia??? Why is no one adressing this??? (I thought about this exactly once in 2014 and have taken it as fact ever since - you could call it a headcanon but I'm calling it a conspiracy).
Flash-backs: I am such a fan of begining my writing in medias res, particularly when I'm writing fanfiction, because the reader already knows everything they have to know so there's no need for exposition; so if I were to write this I imagine I'd start in the middle of a battle scene, and I'd use flash-backs or past sequences to provide context every so often.
Varia-centric: I love them. But also it works here because I'm obsessed with their lack of boundaries, the other gangs could never.
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