#gonna be staying up alllllllll night
swagging-back-to · 1 year
im at the point where i have nauseated anticipation. knowing it'll be here any minute now but also being like omg and then when it gets here my life is going to change
0 notes
selecia-garris · 10 months
a C.B fanfic (I was bored 🤷🏻‍♀️ so why not also this story doesn’t have a name so if you wanna help me name it comment some name ideas 🫶🏻)
Selecia’s pov
“Jade we should go to New York!!!” I say to my best friend jade, i met her when I moved out here we live in the same apartment complex and there’s a rumor there’s a celebrity staying here but no one has ever seen them, and I heard her talking about it one day I asked her about it and we kinda clicked.
J- why?
S- uh I just seen on sams story that him and Colby are in New York!!!
J- so you want to fly alllllllll the way to New York even though you’re afraid of heights to meet Sam and Colby?!
S- yes!!!!!
J- there is something wrong with you!
S- yea I know start packing
J- ughhhh
S- plus we can walk around Times Square it’s so fucking pretty, and I believe there’s a few musicals there right now, we could go to a broadway show, see jade and I also bonded because we’re theater kids, I was in theater in high school and so was she and when I told her that, that’s when she declared us best friends.
J- you’re so right?! Oh my god
Jade gets up and sprints to her apartment which is only like 2 doors down from me, now to come to thing of it I never see my neighbor or neighbors, what if oh my god?! Maybe we live next door to the mystery celebrity?!! ( what the fuck am gonna go all like Fucking fbi for some shit Lmfaooooo 😭, anyways back to the story)
Jade returns a few minutes later with her suitcase packed and passport in hand, i laugh watching her struggle with her suitcase.
J- this isn’t funny?!
S- yes it is *laughs*
J- I hate you
S- you love me *laughs* especially since I just paid for a private jet to take us to New York!!!!
J- what?! No way?!
S- yup and apparently there’s gonna be only one other person on the plane because they booked it first and it was the only one they had *laughs*
J- ouuu mystery personnnnn
S- yea *laughs* speaking of do you ever seen person next door to us or people I don’t know
J- no why, oh my god I know what your thinking and I like it
S- oh my god I’m so glad you get it *laughs*
J- but how would we figure it out *laughs*
S- I don’t know *laughs* but keep it down
J- right *laughs*
S- I can’t with you now help me finish packing, we leave soon
J- okay
She puts on music and she helps me finish packing and once we’re done, I change into something a little more comfortable and put my hair in a messy bun.
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J- you look so cuteee
S- thanks *smiles*
J- alright is the Uber here yet?
S- uh yes, he just arrived *smiles*
J- alright lets goooo New York City here we come
S- yesssss
J- I’m gonna be hungover, I’m gonna be hungover
S- I’m gonna drink a bunch of different drinks and I’m gonna hungover
Jade and I sing walk out of our apartment, we laugh and get on the elevator and it takes us to lobby and we walk outside and head to our Uber which take us to the private jet airport.
We get to the airport and walk over to the jet that’s when I notice a black suv parked off to the side behind us almost, the guys steps out and as soon as I see his face I drop to the ground and sob.
J- dude are you okay?
S- code mendes
J- what?! Where?!
Sh- right here *laughs*
J- holy shit she loves you
S- jeez thanks Jade *laughs*
J- I panicked *laughs*
S- yea me too *laughs*
Sh- it’s nice to meet you guys well I know jades name but I don’t know yours
S- it’s selecia
Sh- why does that sound familiar?!
S- you followed me on twitter the night when you’re gone came out
Sh- oh my god that’s where I remember you from, I love you so much
S- I should be saying that to you *sniffles*
Sh- why are you guys going to New York?
Shawn asks as we walk towards the plane
S- we’re tracking down our favorite YouTubers Sam and Colby they are somewhere in New York right now and we’re gonna find them
Sh- and what are you gonna tell them when you find them and they ask you why you’re in New York
J- girls trip duh
S- exactly
Sh- wow you guys are strange but I like it *laughs*
J- we get that a lot
Sh- do guys smoke?
S- like weed?
Sh- yea?
S- yea I do she does sometimes why?
Shawn doesn’t say anything he just pulls out s joint and shows it to me.
S- where did you get that?
Sh- I rolled it *laughs*
S- wow a joint rolled by Shawn mendes,that weed doesn’t know how lucky it is *laughs*
Sh- *laughs*
S- you don’t look like the type to smoke than I seen those paparazzi pictures on twitter and I was like huh he looks good as a stoner *laughs*
Sh- *laughs* I literally told everybody in a song, I should call my friends and go get higghhhhh
S- oh my god wow it was right there in front of us and we didn’t even see it *laughs* I’m kidding I know and I’m not that surprised but I’m a little surprised
Sh- *laughs* you’re hilarious I love you
S- awe thanks I love you too Shawn
We’re standing by the plane and waiting for the pilot to let us on, a few seconds later the doors over and steps come out and we get on and they put our luggage a wake except for our purses.
S- wow this jet is niceeee
Sh- yea it is
S- ouuu lookkkk it’s got champagne
J- oh yes thank you Jesus
We sit down and I pull one my favorite books at the moment, I just bought it it’s called girls like Girls by Hayley Kiyoko, I open to wear I left off and I start reading, halfway through my 3rd or 4th page I look up to see Shawn sitting in front of me.
S- hey what’s up, why are just sitting there
Sh- I like watching you read it’s fascinating
S- you’re weird, how is it fascinating?
Sh- I don’t know it just is *laughs*
S- whatever
I roll my eyes and go back to the book.
Sh- what are you reading?
S- girls like girls by Hayley Kiyoko
Sh- oh I have a copy of that book she sent it to me
S- that’s really cool have you read it yet?
Sh- no is it good?
S- yea this is like my 3rd or 4th time reading it.
Sh- wow that good huh
S- yea *laughs*
Sh- maybe I’ll have to read it then
S- maybe you should *laughs*
Sh- alright I will
S- okay
I advert my attention back to the book and pick up where I left off and continue reading.
S- okay can you please stop watching me read it’s so weird *laughs*
Sh- *laughs* but I like watching you read
S- it’s creeping me out dude
Sh- my bad *laughs*
S- it’s cool
He goes on his phone and he periodically looks up at me and back at his phone
S- you are such a smartass mendes
Sh- what?!
S- I know what you’re doing
Sh- and what is that exactly?
S- I asked you to stop staring at me reading so you go on your phone and periodically look up at me
Sh- I did no such think?!
S- we made eye contact
Sh- pffttt I don’t remember that
S- of course you don’t
J- you two fight like fucking children shut up I’m trying to take a nap
S- ouuuu you woke Jade up
Sh- it was you actually
S- nope it was you
J- it was both of you, and didn’t i tell y’all to shut up?
Sh- yea selecia shut up
S- i was quietly over here minding my own business reading and you came over here and bugged me
Sh- you are so aggravating
S- *laughs* Jade says that too
Sh- well I agree with Jade
J- ugghhhhh both of you separate from each other now
S- bye Shawn
Sh- why do I gotta move?
S- I was here first
Sh- fineeee
He gets up and moves and I go back to my book
J- thank you now I’m gonna take a nap now you two do not speak to each other at all
S- got it
Sh- fine, I’ll miss you bestie
S- oh my god Shawn *laughs* I’ll miss you too
He laughs but doesn’t say anything else and I continue you reading then once I’m done reading i look out the window and and listen to music.
The plane finally lands and we get off and we Uber to the hotel and once we get there I decide to walk to the gas station we passed on the way here and get us snacks and drinks, I put my headphones in and grab my wallet and I head out the door.
I’m walking to the store and listening to music and singing along, when I notice two guys and a girl heading in the direction as me but on the other side of the street, I recognize them instantly oh my god?! It’s Sam, Kat and Colby!!!!
They are all laughing and talking and when they are about to cross the road Colby runs across the road screaming “oh goodddddd dontttt hittttt meeeeeeee” and it causes me to laugh and I guess he heard me cause he turned his head and smiled
C- you seen that?
S- yea *laughs*
C- awh man i embarrassed myself in front of a pretty girl damn *laughs*
S- i thought it was funny, I even have a video i sent it my friend Jade, she’s so pissed she stayed at the hotel *laughs*
C- *laughs* why did she stay?
S- she didn’t want to walk and I didn’t want to pay for an Uber, I’m just walking to the gas station to get us drinks and snacks
C- did you guys just get here?
S- yea, we just checked into our hotel room *laughs* we’re having a nyc girls trip
C- hmmm some how I find that hard to believe
S- what’s that supposed to mean?
C- I can tell in your eyes that your not here for a girls trip
S- my eyes how?
C- it’s hard to explain but basically when you’re lying your pupils get bigger when your telling the truth they stay the same size.
S- wow you’re good, and you caught us we where to see we could find you guys and well mission accomplished for one of us *laughs*
C- I knew it *laughs*
S- shut up *laughs*
My phone starts ringing I look and it’s Jade.
S- hello?
J- where are you?
S- I’m at the gas station
J- okay what are you doing at the gas station smartass?
S- uh talking to Colby Brock
J- still?!
S- yea *laughs*
J- just make out and come home jeez
S- oh my god Jade you’re weird dude *laughs*
J- I know but hurry up I want my snacks bitch
S- alright im coming give me 5 minutes *laughs*
J- okay
S- 10 cause Shawn just walked in
J- ughhhh I hate men *laughs*
S- *laughs* bye
J- bye
I hang up and walk over to Shawn.
S- ayeeee mendes what’s up!?
Sh- your strange garris
S- I know *laughs* but that’s why you love me
Sh- is it though?
S- *laughs* what’s the reason then?
Sh- I don’t know *laughs*
S- exactly *laughs* what are you doing in ny anyway?
Sh- celebrity shit *laughs*
S- what the fuck is celebrity shit?! *laughs*
Sh- meetings and stuff *laugh*
S- then just say that Jesus *laughs*
C- hey I thought you left *laughs*
S- hey Colby, Colby this is Shawn mendes, Shawn mendes this colby Brock, don’t say a word mendes I swear to god I’ll stab you
Sh- ohhhh so this is the dude you came allllll the to New York to find?! He hot you go girl *laughs*
S- mendes you better fucking run I swear if you don’t you will die
Sh- shit bye Colby nice meeting you say nice things about at my funeral
He takes off and I run after him and I loose him in the crowd of people that and he’s fast as fuck wow Manz can run.
C- I’m guessing you lost him
S- Manz is fast as fuck dude?! Like wow
C- *laughs*
S- he runner he a track star *laughs*
C- *laughs* you think he’s gonna come back?
S- no he’s not that stupid *laughs*
C- you right *laughs*
I get Jade and I snacks and say bye to Colby and I watch as he meets back up with Sam and Kat and I walk back to the hotel.
S-every time I look at you,I’m lookin at a star it’s the way you light up the room just by being who you are I sing with Justin as I wait to cross the road, I can’t help but think of Colby when I hear that part, I smile at the thought and I look up and see Colby smiling at me, I wave and cross the road and I just know Colby’s checking me out. I eventually make it back to the hotel and head to our room I get there slide the card through the card slot and open the door.
J- it’s about time you got back
S- sorry dude *laughs*
J- so is Colby hotter in person
S- yes oh my god it’s like how’s it feel to be gods favorite sir *laughs*
J- right? *laughs*
S- anyways he’s super for fucking sweet dude oh my and his Fucking smile I melted
J- girl you like him!!!
S- girl I just met him!!!
J- so love at first sight *laughs*
S- true but still anyways I’m gonna go to bed I’m tried
J- or your gonna go text colbyyyyy or should I say Colbae *laughs*
S- oh my fucking god *laughs*
J- I knew, wyd beautiful, nothing much laying in bed
S- oh my lord I can’t even with you bro *laughs*
J- *laughs*
I lay down and go to twitter that’s when I see that I have a couple notifications and I check them. It’s an off guard photo of me and Colby tweeted it with the caption “it was a pleasure to meet you😌🥰” I smile and like it and quote tweet it and caption it “dude it was a fucking pleasure meeting you thank you so much for everything you do for me and the fandom we fucking love you, colby is so fucking sweet” I smile and post it and a few seconds later Colby likes my quote tweet and I smile, I exist twitter and I put my headphones in and listen to handwritten and go to sleep.
That’s so long for no reason 😭😂🤷🏻‍♀️ but anyways enjoy lmk if I should do a part 2!
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I am vividly reminded that as of the current timeline, around nearly years have passed since the unicron arc up until let's say the start of the Tarn and Fallen fiasko. This got much longer than expected, and i admit this isn't new information but a collection of previously established information organized into a timeline because uwu time periods. I will heavily rely on @ivycorp 's contributions, as I'm gonna be real they're the reason the TFP au exists, are very great at writing, and pretty much the coowner of this au.
(Technically, I wasn't going to include this, but Hazard arrived very shortly after the cosmic rust plague episode and a little bit after when Megatron woke up. This is because they are a fucking bloodhound when it comes to plagues and chemical weaponry.)
Orion was on the Nemesis in the Orion arc for, let's say three at minimum five maximum? months. [Remembering our forgotten games happens at some point in here, happens at some point around here, and I'm betting this becomes a whole hidden thing for a lot of the Orion arc— this will have consequences] About halfway through this the Elite triad arrives and there's a whole emotional thing once Optimus regains his memories and comes back.
Their little extra spicy dance lasted a While before Soundwave's revenge began, before that the Decepticons got more attached to earth culture, I would also say that lasted around six months enough for the 'cons to get used to Megatron's flustered and horny antics. So that places us at around eleven months max?
At the beginning of Optimus's emotional renaissance and increasingly awkward battles is when Dreadwing arrives and almost immediately fucks off into the woods. Soundwave bridges Arachnid into the Atlantic ocean to rust at the bottom of the sea, she survives on the Harbinger for a while, finds the Insecticons as she has a bridge key, and fucks off into the middle of Australia to set up the hive (which becomes very energon lucrative) Wheeljack arrived with Dreadwing, and stays around a little longer with Boyfriend Bulkhead than canon.
More towards the mid mark, Shockwave is revealed to be very alive and comes down on Earth. He drags a half baked Predaking with him, to nobody's knowledge just yet. [About when Colleagues with very enjoyable benefits is set] Juncee begins here with Sweet and Tenative Hope and it's so goddamn sweet. Pharma (and very quickly Tarn and the DJD) around the mid mark finds his way onto Earth on an escape pod actually. [This is when Rival Exes who at least pretend not to have feelings with each other happens uwu] He's very stern on Not leaving the base, and eventually everyone picks up the vibe that he's got unpleasant history with Tarn. Nobody questions this just yet, and we focus more on the Breakout, Megop, and continuing Ratchma antics. [Permanent honeymoon is placed in this section] This is around when the vehicon couple who had ran during season one and lived on the downed Eros get caught and offlined.
Closer to the end of the spicy battlefield dance arc, Everyone's starting to get very tired of the exponentially increasing Battlefield Megop. This is actually the first time the humans witness Megatron with a visor and when ge finally gets to pin Optimus— and then proceeds to get struck by lightning. They do not see Megs with a visor again for quite a while, because he's a stubborn asshole and forgets them more often then not. [And they were exes at war (oh my god they were exes at war!) Is placed here]. Exactly pretty much immediately after that are the events of [Megatron & his servo], which begins the glorious Soundwave's revenge arc!
[This is when I mention that Following the pull that bound us together (I will not let go) by far spans the most time, starting somewhat before Orion first heard of Megatronus alllllllll the way until the night after the fateful comm call that lead to the Soundwave's revenge arc lol]
The whole Tarn fanfiction ordeal likely started around when the guy first arrived and decided to turn in fics instead of reports. The domino effect of Soundwave and Starscream saying nothing of this for a while, KO and Breakdown learning through a loopy seeker and sharing unofficial information on the GC, Tarn turning in more fics, and eventually Star being allowed onto the GC and he comes bestowing an absolute archive of Megatarnma fics— of which Fowler immediately sees and that's hilarious. Quickly at the start of Soundwave's revenge arc, Megatron (who is distinctly not in the GC) has so many backlogged reports to do under Soundwave's supervision and this is when he learns of the fanfiction. Tarn, who is also not in the GC, spends quite a while longer completely ignorant of anyone knowing of his secret fantasy love triangle. [Detailed in the events of Tarn's imaginary love life - and the repercussions of his self-insert fanfiction] Let's be real this is another reason nobody on the Nemesis likes Tarn.
The Soundwave's revenge arc lasted a good four weeks. The Soundwave's revenge arc (calling it this is more if a misnomer by the end, as the revenge part fades quite a lot once they learn how much of a disaster Megatrons's internals are) is around when Miko started making a game of Houdiniing her way onto the Nemesis, naturally. Megatron is pretty much confined to the medbay for a nice while. At thr beginning of this Soundwave decides it's time to involve Swindle into this, and he arrives pretty soon as his one man ship The Hustle which is specifically customized his small stature and being fast arrives. [Quickly after this arrival I'm betting the events of Of holograms, galas, and unexpected guests happen] [This is also around when the powerpoint in Life on the Nemesis for the majority of its crew is shown, with the one vehicon that gets mentioned likely having been assigned to Hazard duty (mind the pun) in the mid to end spicy battlefield dance arc] Also among events is Dreadwing's rather gory death via the DJD, with bits of him being left across multiple countries.
At the three week mark Megatron gets his quarters back, and this only lasts three days. Then which Starscream half blows herself up live on stream thanks to Megatron's little problem distracting her. Megatron's newly returned private Quarters privileges get revoked, again. Rather quickly after this, Optimus's surprise visit happens. The toys get burned (by Primus not the toys!), the absolutely dope and iconic 2 v 1 fight occurs, annnd that ends in the charred remains of Orion and 'Tronus's collection are left on the battlefield. [As the events of When your nemesis is no longer coming to fight you in the field]
[ Megatron as a patient, or how Soundwave tries to not go insane with his leader’s unfortunate addiction to a certain Prime spans all the way from the start of Soundwave's revenge to the tail end of it]
But, eventually the autobots do learn, giving us another stretch of time as Silverlight's existence prompts a very important treaty and negotiations and "how much do you want me involved with childcare" conversations that need to happen. I'm gonna say this lasts a good three four months? Putting us at 18 to 19 months, around a year and three quarters. During quite an amount of this there's the whole extra protective Megatron stuff and the medics' antics to get checkups on both of them (... and hell, once they do that it's Optimus's turn) Tarn's starting to get super agitated and asks a lot of questions that nobody gives him a straight answer for, the rest of the DJD can kind of sense this and it blows up in everyone's face soon.
At some point, Megatron regains his quarters, and no more incidents seem to have occured or he was just quiet enough about it these times.
This is actually likely when the Grabbening occured, and honestly this is something I've been really itching to talk about more because it's a whole situation. I can see this being an ambush (that on the Decepticons' part is on accident, they did nOT know that there would be autobots out here) with Jazz and Elita, also naturally including Arcee and Bumblebee. It's the first time anyone besides Optimus has seen Megatron, and there's a serious initial fear of "oh FUCK, Megatron is not only here but we don't have Megatron aaaaand the kids and Fowler came with us frag frag frag—", at least until they notice how he isn't on his game. Like, time to start cracking half serious terrorcon and zombie jokes time. Hazard is also here, a rare sight on the battlefield, and absolutely terrorizes the hell out of the humans. The autobots immediately call for a groundbridge,, Soundwave tracks Megatron who's most definitely not supposed to be out of the medbay who the fuck let him outside for a flight, and sends out a bridge as well (don't worry this one isn't very close to the autobots' bridge, no shadowzone adventures for today). Everyone hears thunder, and as is Cybertronian policy to immediately GTFO and there's convenient bridges right there (Megatron, who's already certainly feeling like a terrorcon, actuallyis avoiding being struck by lightning! What an occurrence!). The catch being at least a few Decepticons having bluescreen moments and grabbing all four humans and booking it back to the Nemesis. Because naturally Knockout, Starscream, and Soundwave own the functioning processor components right now. There's a whole discussion about this the moment they get back, with so much arguing in Neocybex that the humans at this point have only vaguely learned some of. The humans are only on the ship for a good twelve hours because certainly the autobots are afraid as hell. Miko isn't because Miko is bold as hell, and at this point has somewhat desensitized Soundwave to her presence. Hazard drags Fowler to their lab with the intent to run experiments onto him and the kids are just kinda vaguely near the commanders. More terrorcon Megatron jokes ensue, because all he wants to do right now is make the most of his re reinstated quarters privileges. Fowler discovers the lost vehicon, (who i now dub Sidewinder because ykw ykw we've mentioned this guy enough that he deserves a two part name) which is a whole thing because he's gotten attached to them. Soundwave, who upon learning that Hazard has gotten the vehicons' favorite human and those guys are making a convincing case. Soundwave comes to the rescue for Fowler and Sidewinder, most certainly scruffs Hazard because of the rules violations he sees immediately upon entering the lab. The other vehicons actually nab both Sidewinder and Fowler, and it's a whole thing about rushing the mech to quarantine and frantically thanking both Soundwave and Fowler for rescuing him. Eventually, the autobots find their way onto the Nemesis and boy do the humans have a story to tell. This would also explain why in the sparkling fic Soundwave would've been pretty concerned about Megatron getting off the ship (btw he bribed Breakdown with string lights, the really good multicolored ones, and by pleading him to let him fly. Megan had no intention to give him the lights but Soundwave much exactly went in and got them for Breaky)
The surprise child is revealed after some missed appointments (likely merely a week). Around this point the neutral hired theraputic medic Rung arrives in the Chance, and upon the first visit he's pretty surprised at the emotional support sparkling. Also around this point, Tarn's presence is being slowly less and less tolerated on the Nemesis but let's be real that's also because of his one sided and slightly scary rivalry with the beep beep jeep, and the knowledge that he's most definitely still writing Megatarnma fics. At some point in what I'm now dubbing the beginning of the Oh Shit A Child arc, Swindle cut a deal with the Autobots with trading earth based luxury goods for Cybertronian luxury goods he has obtained. Surprisingly this does actually go fairly well for both parties, and neither betrays the other.
I'm betting the autobots didn't learn about the sparkling for hear this yet for another threeish months because wow they didn't want to deal with the awkwardness of telling them. I haven't quite decided how, exactly, but dear Primus it is juicy. At some point, Megatron is allowed back on the bridge and is a little less obsessively territorial with his sparkling. Which leads to so many cute interactions where he's holding Silverlight and mecha try to hide their gawking at a respectable distance. So 13-14 months? Tarn, at this point, is just... not allowed on the Nemesis. He's too dangerous and unpredictable to be around something so vulnerable and way important to their leader who already has notorious murderous leanings. Swindle is pretty relieved at this because i mean he definitely doesn't like being grabbed, and Knockout is glad because it means he doesn't have to treat another one of Tarn's stab wounds from said picking up.
Inevitably, Tarn learns of Silverlight and is very not happy that it threatens his fantasy. The Fallen sees this and thinks "okay finally we can get all of this moving a little faster" ... this may also be because I'm thinking thoughts about how Tarn's Voice has an impact on the Fallen even through the dimensional barrier. Sure, not Nearly as strong as it would be on a complete mortal, but it's somewhat an influence. He may be manipulating Tarn much easier than he did in canon with Steeljaw, but he cannot deny that this Tarn has more power than previously thought. The demigod is not used to being dare I say scared after millennia of being trapped. This is when Tarn's darkness in this au starts to really become apparent.
In this short time period in the first month or so after his discovery, Tarn's scorn is limited to quite a few savior fics fics involving Optimus and the sparkling. But eventually there is a public outburst where he sees Pharma for the first time in ages, and Pharma outright states that nobody loves Tarn, especially not Megatron nor himself, and that he honestly couldn't see why anyone could love Tarn. Which, might've been a shitty thing to say but this is when the events of Delphi get revealed so. Aaaand this is when Tarn, before openly threatens Megatron, Optimus, Pharma, Ratchet, and the sparkling (because let's be real Tarn has really and truly snapped at this point, and is willing to do just about anything to get what he wants.)
This will not end well for him.
So... that totals up (using the maximum ranges of the numbers i stated up above, naturally this will not be exact, and since this au is absolutely open to you guys' input as well, I'm fully willing to hear any of y'all's thoughts on the timeline and what you think should be changed to make more sense) bringing us to roughly a little over a year and a half 😁
Originally I was going to include all the way until the end of the Tarn and fallen fiasko, but it got so damn long i didn't have the energy to elaborate on that. But, for context, there's that, there's the events between it and the war over party, what happens beyond that and before the insecticons come up (which i imagine smack dab in the middle of that time period is the discovery about the true nature of the additive), the insecticon stuff, a lil gap between that, a relatively short ordeal with MECH and after that... afterward is pretty much the happy ending
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patrick-hockstutter · 4 years
If you decide to write bowers gang fan fiction again, could you do like a “bowers gang quarantine” basically what it be like being quarantined with them. I know it’s modern but like still
Y O we doin this right THE FUCK now. And I love the idea of doing this modern day! I actually got a modern Bowers Gang request ages ago that I always wanted to do but never got around to, so I’ll mix it in with this! (and maybe do it after this, who knows, quarantine got me feelin’ some type of way...)
This boy is so easily stressed out that he’s in constant need of a soothing activity to keep his mind busy
So you immediately introduce him to the world of face masks and bubble baths
And it’s like this boy has t r a n s f o r m e d
He’s constantly just GLOWING
But he still needs to keep his brain busy, face mask on and ready to go
Victor is an Animal Crossing baby right now
If he goes anywhere, his turquoise switch lite is always in hand
Everything going on has got him so stressed out, so he focuses 100% on his island (which is fucking beautiful at this point)
He then convinces you to get the game and a coral switch lite, and you also get to the point where you can’t put it down
The two of you can be found laying in bed all day visiting each other's islands, filling up your museums, and paying off your loans to Nook
(wearing face masks)
When he’s not playing Animal Crossing, he’s channeling all his energy into his doodles
With some encouragement from you, he starts streaming his art on Twitch and surprisingly gets a pretty good following
You love seeing all the support he’s getting on social media but you juuuuuuust can’t help yourself...
So you post a picture of him laying in bed, playing Animal Crossing with a bright green face mask on and his hair pushed back on Instagram
He’s embarrassed at first, but it eventually gets turned into a relatable meme and he honestly is quite proud of that
It can now be seen as a custom emote for his Twitch subscribers
(and as your phone lock screen)
Honestly couldn’t be happier to be on government mandated lockdown
(especially with you)
Belch is such a homebody so he is in complete bliss rn
The two of you spend most days snuggling, snacking, binging shows on Netflix and watching conspiracy theories on YouTube
Y’all watch so much tv at this point that you’ve actually moved the mattress into the living room and made it into a deluxe blanket fort
The two of you swore to start cooking more since you couldn’t go to restaurants anymore, but damn did Domino’s have some good ass coupons...
Long story short, you ordered pizzas more times than you’d care to admit
But whatever, self care, am I right???
Belch also used this time as an excuse to force you to learn about cars
He always said that if you were gonna drive one, you’d need to know how to fix it
You’d always figure out how to cute your way out of it, but not this time
There was n o  e s c a p e
He taught you to change your tires, headlights, oil, brake pads, check all your fluids, the air filter, E V E R Y T H I N G
By the time Belch was done with you, you were basically ready to open up your own auto shop
But then it was straight back to the blanket fort
And although Belch was straight vibin’ in quarantine, god did he miss driving
So he would take you on these nice midnight drives
Sure, he would blast music as loud as he could, but it was so relaxing to look at the stars and the occasional deer that passed by
Absolutely follows 0 of the rules at first
He’ll go to the grocery store if he damn well pleases whenever he damn well pleases
Even if he doesn’t need or want anything, the big ‘fuck you’ to government orders is enough for him
At first he just lounged around all day watching tv, but he finally started to get bored
So he started sneaking out of his house and into your bedroom despite the lockdown order
And as much as you wanted him with you, you refused to let him inside
You were a goody two shoes, what could you say? (but of course this is why Henry was drawn to you; he got off on tainting you any way he could)
So he persisted, but you could tell he was doing it mostly to be a jackass
Until one day he showed up looking like a lost puppy, so you caved
You were also a softie, what could you say?
Henry wouldn’t say it, but you knew the lockdown order had finally sunk in and he realized that he would have to be quarantined with his father
So you decided to be his safe haven (and his constant distraction)
You introduced him to your PS4 (he’d never had the luxury of having his own game system) and it opened up a whole new world for him
Games like Destiny and Red Dead Redemption really gave him an outlet and he especially loved that he could control what he did with his character in Red Dead
Which then led him to RPG games like Wolf Among Us and Until Dawn
The two of you would pull all nighters playing these games, constantly debating on which choice to make and how it would impact the story
And when you two weren’t playing games, the extra time quarantined together actually encouraged him to start opening up to you
So one minute the two of you might be swearing at a video game while the next you might be deep in conversation over a cozy cup of cocoa
You thought he was a nightmare before?
Well, I hope you’re prepared to handle him 24/7 for god knows how long
This boy is jumping off the fucking walls okay
And he can’t take it out on the Losers Club, so it has to come out somehow...
This motherfucker starts a prank channel on YouTube and decides that you are his target
Sometimes it’s as harmless as pretending he factory reset your iPhone
Sometimes it’s as infuriating as destroying your eyeshadow palettes and pressing sidewalk chalk into the pans
Sometimes it’s as terrifying as him chasing you around in a monster mask with a kitchen knife while you’re just trying to paint your damn nails
But no matter how pissed you get, he gives you that dumb stupid cute smirk you love to hate and kisses you, reminding you why you tolerate him in the first place
And as much as you think you can, you really can’t stay mad at him for long
Because when he isn’t devising more dubious schemes for internet views, he is alllllllll over you
Somehow being quarantined has amped up his testosterone an ungodly amount
And there’s only so much PornHub’s donated free subscriptions will take care of
But when all these fun and games finally come to a rest, Patrick is jumping off the walls in a completely different way
He has never had to be cooped up for so long, and his mental health disorders are really getting the best of him right now
It gets worse during the night, so you’ve started taking him out to stargaze to calm down
Afterwards, he finally starts to calm down and you actually get to spend some quality time with him
You’ve also found that puzzle games give him something to problem solve with rather than focus on his own labyrinth of a psyche
And in these moments the two of you can finally relax, listen to a creepy yet hilarious episode of Last Podcast On The Left, work on some sort of puzzle game, and enjoy some peace and fucking quiet for once
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pinktoesxx · 3 years
Ok, I gotta tell someone....so Tumblr it is. So I met this guy....
Works for the railroads and was only going to be here for 2 weeks....so I knew what it was gonna end up being. I was totally cool with it too cuz my main & his b*tch are off playing house so I needed an outlet.
WHEN I SAY THIS MAN IS THE SHIT, I f*cking mean it. It's crazy to say but I have never met someone that instantly there was a connection....not like him and I had. It felt like we knew eachother for YEARS. Shit was so effortless and easy. And overall fun. I've never gotten so deep with a person so fast, it was honestly shocking to meet a person like him. I mentioned on Wednesday that I had cramps and my period was going to start and the next day I had a rose and a chocolate bar outside my door..... boyyyyy that man knew.
AND THE SEX....OMFG. 😍😍😍😍 He matched alllllllll of my nasty in the best ways possible. The man knew how to work it. And those handsssssss omg I could write a book on how well he used his hands. Mf could go rounds and rounds without hesitation and I love that shit. Like show me how much you like his 😺.
All in all, best 2 week partner I've ever had. I've missed having a body sleep next to me and to simple lay with and talk the night away. Hes going back home....8 hours away....but we've both agreed to stay in touch and when he's back in town, he knows who's place will welcome him with open arms. 🥰
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Say You Won’t Let Go (Bucky’s POV)
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Summary: Bucky first met the reader a few months ago. Today they were celebrating Sam’s birthday party. From the first moment he met her, he knew she was meant to be his and he was meant to be hers. Based on the song Say You Won’t Let Go by James Arthur. (lyrics in italics)
Warnings: fluff, nothing but fluff, alllllllll fluff
I met you in the dark, you lit me up You made me feel as though I was enough.
I smiled at the way Y/N danced so freely with Natasha and Wanda. All three of them had been drinking all night. In fact we had all been drinking all night. Steve and I drinking Asgardian Beer, the only thing that was able to get us drunk. We were out tonight celebrating Sam’s birthday. The girls had pre-gamed before we got to the club. Y/N lit up the dark room with nothing but her smile. 
We probably got home at 5 o’clock the next morning, still drunk. We both stumbled into the small apartment she rented. Y/N immediately stumbled her way to the bathroom, throwing up the events from last night. I followed, holding her hair back as she emptied her stomach. Once she was finished she smiled lazily. Something that managed to make me instantly sober up. 
And you asked me to stay over I said, I already told ya I think that you should get some rest.
I helped Y/N into her room after cleaning her up and helped her change into one of the shirts that she had stolen from me. I wouldn’t say stolen though. I purposefully left it there one weekend. I helped her into the bed and lifted the covered around her before kissing her forehead.
“Buck,” She mumbled softly, grabbing my hand.
“I’ll be right back sweet pea. Just getting you a trash can, just in case.” I squeezed her hand before letting go. I grabbed a trash can then making my way into the kitchen, grabbing a bottle of gatorade and pain medicine. I made my way back into the bedroom seeing Y/N passed out with her cheek pushed up against the pillow, drool slightly rolling out of her mouth onto the pillow.
I knew I loved you then But you’d never know ‘Cause I played it cool when I was scared of letting go. I know I needed you  But I never showed But I wanna stay with you until we’re grey and old
I smiled setting the things I got her down before taking off my shirt and jeans. I laid down beside her, wrapping the metal arm gently around her waist. I knew I loved Y/N. She was my light. She made everything better. She was the one to break through the wall I had put up after HYDRA. She saw me as James Barnes the second she met me. She didn’t see the Winter Soldier like so many other people. I knew that second that she was the one for me. I kissed the back of her head before letting my eyes close and drifted off to sleep.
I woke up well before Y/N. I got out of bed and pulled the covers back over her, softly kissing her cheek. I walked into the two rooms down the hall, waking the two sleeping children so they could get ready for school. I went downstairs and started making breakfast for the morning and packed the kids lunch. While the kids ate their breakfast I brought up some breakfast for Y/N. I sat the breakfast on my side of the bed then sat down beside her, moving her hair out of her face.
“Y/N,” I said softly, gently waking her up, “Y/N baby I’ve got breakfast for you.” She stirred from her sleep before waking up, rubbing her eyes.
“Morning handsome,” She smiled sleepily and sat up in bed. I kissed her head softly and placed the breakfast try over her lap. 
“Morning sweet pea,” I returned the smiling, “How are our girls?” I asked, kissing her head softly.
“They kicked all night. I think they’re ready to get here. I know I am.” She laughed, placing a hand on her swollen belly that held our twin girls. She looked absolutely radiant. I smiled watching her eat her breakfast before kissing her head.
“I’m going to take the kids to school. You stay here in bed. I’ll clean up the kitchen when I get back.”
“Bucky, you’re so good to me. I love you.”
“I love you Y/N.” I smiled, heading down to the kids and loaded them into the car. As much as I loved my children, school drop off is the absolute worse. After that stressful event I made my way back home and followed the soft sounds of Y/N’s favorite song. I leaned against the bathroom door frame watching as she got ready for her day.
When you looked over your shoulder For a minute, I forget that I’m older I wanna dance with you right now
I walked up behind her and pulled her to my chest, slowly swaying our hips in time with the music. I let my hands run down her body and over her belly, smiling feeling one of the babies kick. She was perfect to me and I’ll never know how she decided to spend the rest of her life with me.
The super serum HYDRA injected me with took a toll on my body the older I got. 175 years old. 60 of those spent with the love of my life. Every two weeks I had to have tests run to see what is being affected with my aging. I laid in the hospital bed at the compound as a nurse started on the tests. Y/N holding my hand tightly, worry laced on her face. The nurse left the room and I cupped one of her cheeks in my hand, her head leaning into it.
“I’m gonna love you till My lungs give out I promise till death we park like in our vows … Just say you won’t let go.”
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apeachymama · 5 years
Sophia didn't nurse from 1pm to about 8pm, I think. We left home around 3pm and drove 3 ish hours to johns family. Had dinner with his brother and sister in law. Visited his mom. Nursed her for a few minutes and then she wanted to play. Let Sophia stay with her mamaw while we went to johns brothers house. John played d&d, I napped. We came back around 1am and she had just woken up, she played for a long time. Finally settled down to sleep at 4am ish. Let her drain my boobs.
She sat up and fucking puked. What I didn't think about is johns mom bought Sophia a new sippy cup with a straw. It looks like it's for a kid a little bit older but it had Minnie mouse on it so of course mamaw bought it. At home, Sophia doesn't walk around with her cups. She drinks at meals and sips in between when she brings me a drink or sees me drink. Mamaw let her carry that cup around and sip juice and water and freaking soda alllllllll night. I did see her drink more juice after we got back but it never occurred to me that she would be full. I feel so bad that I let her nurse. I'll just have to rock her to sleep tonight which means she's gonna cry and scream and wake all the neighbors. Fun times.
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shotgunsandstars · 7 years
Back for More 87
Red herring, it’s what’s for dinner
If you’re reading this here or over on AO3 a reblog to share would be super cool.
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The car still wasn’t in the driveway when Desmond got home. He texted his dad asking as he got off his bike. Where were they? As he did he saw Duncan had replied to him. ‘/Jaimie/ thinks you both look very cute together’.
Desmond snorted. ‘Sure she does.’
He unlocked the door, reading some more texts from Altair, so not paying attention at all, when he almost ran into someone. “Desmond!”
He jerked to a stop with a start. “Mom?” he asked, his heart hammering.
“Where have you been, young man?” Chloe demanded, hands on her hips.
“I went out for lunch with my friends,” he stammered.
“You didn’t leave a note. You didn’t text or call.”
“I did. I did! Uh—“ he opened his message with his mom on his phone. “See. I totally texted you.” Desmond could not handle when his mom went all super parent on him. His dad he could deal with because he knew what to expect from his dad. He was just a grumpy white dude. His half hispanic mother? Desmond hadn’t really known spanish as a kid but he sure knew when his mom had scolded Duncan or Dylan in Spanish so bad they’d literally turned inside out. She was a super nice lady ninty percent of the time unless she thought her sons were acting up or were in trouble. He’d also seen her go off on one of Duncan’s old principals when he’d gotten into a fight with some kid who’d called him a faggot.
She’d never had to yell at Desmond. Partially because he was her baby and partially because he was never got in trouble because he was so boring. He had no idea how to handle his mom when she got ‘protective Spanish mom’ on him but apparently, it was to make himself look as innocent as possible.
She narrowed her eyes a little and took his phone. “Did you get your father’s texts?”
“No,” Desmond shook his head quickly. “Last time I heard from dad was when I asked about having the sleepover.”
She looked over his phone and he peered over to make sure she wasn’t noticing his conversation with Altair. The texts had been fairly innocent but not all of them were. Instead, she just went to his conversation with William to check to make sure he wasn’t lying. Desmond licked his lips, waiting. “Okay,” she said and handed him his phone back. Then she hugged him and that was a bit unexpected. “I was so worried. You weren’t answering us.”
“Sorry. I was literally just here and then I went to lunch and came right back,” Desmond hugged her back. “I was wondering where you guys were too.”
“We went to the store.” She let him go. “Did you actually cook yourself breakfast this morning? I noticed some things were missing.”
“Uh- erm… my friend Altair likes to cook and insisted he make breakfast.”
Chloe’s eyes widened in surprise. “Really? Ha, you should get some pointers from him then.”
“Ah… yeah. Probably.”
“You’re home for the rest of the day?”
“Proooobably,” he said. Well there went going to hang out with Altair before work. “I have homework.”
“And your chores,” she reminded him sternly.
“Yeah. I didn’t forget,” he said. “Also me and my friends were going to go up to Sugarloaf tomorrow and do some fishing.”
“You won’t be bridge jumping, will you? You know I hate when you do that,” she said, voice full of concern.
“Desmond,” she said sternly.
“I mean Clay might. I won’t,” he said and at the moment meant it.
“Good. I’m glad you’re going to spend time with all your friends. Seems like you only spend time with Clay anymore. Are they still doing well?”
“Yeah,” Desmond said. He felt so awkward lying to his mom. And poor Clay. He’d used him as an excuse since he and Altair had started dating to stay out late or spend the night somewhere. Was a great excuse but there was a reason his friends had had an ‘intervention’.
“I’m gonna go work on my homework. I have an evil English essay to do,” he groaned.
“It isn’t due on Monday is it?” Chloe asked with a knowing look of disapproval.
“No. It’s due next Monday. I’m just making myself suffer two weekends writing it instead of one.”
That made his mom laugh a little. “Alright. Well, I’m glad you weren’t purposefully ignoring us.”
“No way. I always respond to texts.” That wasn’t even a lie. He did. At least if he could and wasn’t at work or school.
With that, he went to his room and sat on his bed. “Holy shit,” he said to himself. Why had that made him so nervous? Probably because he’d seen what his mom did to Duncan when he would fuck off for the day. Or maybe cause he knew he could have been in actual trouble for skipping school on Friday and that would have been grounds for disappointment and probably grounding. Not to mention he hated lying to his mom. His dad he could do but his mom? She was just so great he felt so bad when he lied to her.
He opened his conversation with Altair. ‘Don’t think I can come over before work. Sorry :,c’
‘After work?’
‘My parents thought I was ignoring them so I don’t wanna push my luck’ ‘I’m going fishing with friends tomorrow though!’
‘Wanna come?’
‘Fishing?’ ‘Where?’
‘Down at Sugarloaf’ ‘Lucy told me to invite you’
Altair didn’t respond right away. Desmond got up and went to his desk and opened his still shiny and new Macbook from Christmas to work on his essay and basically use it to cheat at math because he hated writing out the proofs for things when he could just do the problems. He’d start on the math first since that could be done rather quickly. He turned on some music as he worked and then his phone made Altair’s text tone.
‘Where are you going to fish?’
‘Off the bridge’
More silence. Maybe he was busy. Desmond went back to his math and had done half of the problems before Altair texted him again. ‘Wanna use my boat?’
Desmond cocked his head to the side. ‘What?’
‘I have a boat’
‘I know you have a boat’
‘Instead of bridge fishing we could just use my boat’ ‘If you wanted to’
Desmond immediately opened the big conversation he had with his friends. ‘Yoooooooooooo. Altair is offering a boat for the fishing tomorrow’
Clay replied, basically, instantly. ‘He’s got a boat?!?!!?!??!?!’
‘That’s super cool!’ Rebecca replied shortly after.
‘What do you think?’ Desmond asked them. ‘Boat instead of bridge?’
‘Fuck yeah!’
‘Hell yeah!’
‘So I have to drive all the way up to stock island? Uuuuuuuuhg’ Shaun finally chimed in.
‘Shaun fuck off we’re getting a /boat/‘ Clay said. ‘Rebecca tell your boyfriend to stop being a wet blanket’
The conversation was quiet for a little bit and then Lucy finally got around to reading it. ‘I’m cool with the boat idea.’
‘F I N E’ Shaun said.
‘Got him to agreeeeeee <3’ ‘thank me later’
‘Okay. I’ll tell him,’ Desmond told them.
‘Boat boat boat boat boat boat boat boat’
Desmond laughed and went back to his conversation with Altair even as he kept getting messages from the others as they talked about things. ‘Everyone thinks it’s really awesome you’re offering to let us use your boat’
‘Unless you don’t want to now?’
‘No. It’s fine.’ ‘It’s fine.’
‘You sure?’ ‘You don’t have to hang out with me and my friends if you don’t want to’
‘I do’
‘Okay. So long as you’re okay’
There was a long bit of no response and Desmond checked the other conversation. It was practically a wall of text of everyone deciding on what to do and talking about food and drinks and who was bringing a cooler and if they should bring snorkel gear. Desmond just muted the conversation so he could keep working on his math homework. He’d finished it and was working on the research for his essay when Altair texted him again.
‘You sure you don’t wanna come over today? I’m kinda nervous’
‘I’ll try and come by for a few minutes before work. How’s that?’ Desmond texted back with a bit of a smile. He certainly hadn’t been lying about Altair being awkward. He was basically agreeing to be out in the middle of the ocean with a bunch of people he didn’t really know.
Desmond did research and an hour before he had to do his chores so he’d be done with them before work. He took out the trash and cleaned his room and spot cleaned his bathroom. Then he took a shower and put on his work clothes so he could leave early. His mom had food for him before he left and he scarfed that down too before saying his shift was earlier than usual today and ducked out.
He rang the doorbell at Altair’s house and Altair let him in. “I can’t stay super long but I’m here,” he said as Altair closed the door behind him. “Your gramps home?”
“No. He’ll be home tomorrow though.”
“Oh good,” Desmond said and wrapped his arms around Altair’s neck. “You’re really nice letting me and my friends use your boat,” he said, smiling. “They’re all super excited about it.”
“Uh-huh! And plus side; I’m gonna be shirtless alllllllll day.” He laughed when Altair’s eyes got all glassy as he thought about it.
“Okay. I like this idea more,” Altair said.
“And they all get to be jealous cause my boyfriend is obviously the hottest one there,” he kissed Altair on the nose. “I mean it’s not even a competition.”
“Well that’s not true,” Altair said. Desmond rose his brows at him questioningly. “Cause I am gonna have the hottest boyfriend there.”
“I mean… I’m not going to argue that point,” Desmond said. He unwound his arms from around Altair’s neck and pulled out his phone. “But really, they’re all super excited.” He pulled Altair over to the living room to sit. “Freaking Lucy has been asking me how big it.”
“Thirty feet,” Altair said.
He typed that in to tell them. “And they’re all talking about food and drinks and who’s bringing what.”
“Uh-huh,” Desmond nodded.
“Wow. Your friends are way better at this than mine. Whenever my friends go out on a boat they never bring anything and only don’t get dehydrated cause I bring water with me.”
“Really guys?” he groaned when a few new texts came in.
“Clay said, ‘I didn’t know Altair had thirty feet.’ Rebecca said, ‘Well we know what Desmond likes at least’.”
“Your friends are weird,” Altair said.
“Yeah, they are,” Desmond sighed.
“They’re bringing food?”
“Yeah. From what I see mostly chips and snacks.”
“How long do they think this is going to be? And when are we going out?”
“Well it’s my boat. I kinda need to know, need to make sure I bring enough gas and water and all that.”
“I’ll ask them.” He did so and waited for them to argue it out. “Still feel nervous?”
“I’m always nervous.”
“That’s not nervous, that’s anxiety and totally different.”
“I don’t want it to be awkward, that’s all. I know what your friends think of me. Jock with too much money.”
“Which you are.”
“And they’re a bunch of nerds who play D&D-
“Which your friends also do,” Desmond pointed out.
“Yeah but my friends aren’t losers,” Altair said giving him a look.
“Mmmmm, fair enough,” Desmond agreed. His phone had been going the entire time. He looked down at it. “They’re thinking ten thirtyish to two or three depending on how far out we go. How’s that sound?”
Desmond told them it sounded good and his phone vibrated for a solid minute straight after that. “They’re really excited,” he told Altair with a chuckle.
“I can tell,” Altair said. “When do you have to go?”
“Mmm, ten minutes.”
“You literally spent all day with me yesterday. I think you can manage,” Desmond rolled his eyes a little. “And you’re gonna see me tomorrow too. I think you’re pretty set.”
“I guess,” Altair said morosely. “I just like seeing you all the time.”
“That’s pretty gay.”
“I’m literally. Your. Boyfriend,” Altair gave him a look and Desmond laughed.
Desmond gave Altair a vague play by play of the text conversation that was still going on and eventually Altair just pulled him into his lap to read over his shoulder. If nothing else Desmond was glad his friends were excited enough to not need his input in any way. All he had to do was show up. This only lasted so long before Desmond untangled himself from Altair saying he had to go to work. Altair walked him to the door and kissed him goodbye which was lovely. “You’re gonna spoil me,” Desmond said when they finished.
“Just how sweet and nice you are to me. I’m gonna be so spoiled.”
“Good,” Altair said and kissed him again. “You should be.”
Desmond had to drag himself away and got on his bike. He felt Altair watching him from the doorway. He looked back and waved, Altair waved back, before riding off and heading for work.
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namelesskitten22 · 4 years
Don’t even bother ne today I stayed up alllllllll night now... ‘>w> It’s 5:39am and I’m just gonna sleep now...in jammies all day... ‘>o>
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