#gradation jjk
shina913 · 2 years
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Watching clips of Dictionary of Useless Human Knowledge and not even over a minute in and I spot this movie poster at the main MC’s house 🥺🥺🥺 My Gradation heart 😭😭😭
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Weekly Jungkook Fanfic Recs:
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Some fine JK fics for your reading pleasure. Please show your appreciation to all the wonderful authors:) Muse: You were someone that held Jungkook's interest. Clad in satin dresses with a hummingbird tattoo on your skin, you occupied his thoughts, consuming him with a curiosity that toed the line into desire. And so the story goes: a photographer and his muse. https://satnin-darling.tumblr.com/post/655726465013481472/muse-m-one-shot-jeon-jungkook-88k
Bicker: It’s after the Permission to Dance On Stage online concert and it seems that your boyfriend, Jungkook, had left out a few details regarding the performance under the guise of a surprise. Ordinarily, you were surprised, floored in fact, but this doesn’t stop you from bickering over the details https://satnin-darling.tumblr.com/post/666056010064166912/bicker-m-one-shot-jeon-jungkook-37k
Coquet: On your brother's wedding, you dread travelling to see your family whom you have successfully avoided for over a year after moving across the country for work. In an effort to save face, you hire an escort to get them off your back and perhaps even make your ex, who happens to be the best man, jealous. https://shina913.tumblr.com/post/685450287470854144/coquet-series-jjk
Gradation: On your wedding day, your fiancé leaves you at the altar. While reeling from the embarrassment and heartbreak, your best friend, Jungkook, wants to do everything that he can to help you heal. https://shina913.tumblr.com/post/669257860034723840/gradation-series-masterlist
Permission: You get more than what you bargained for during your friend's bachelorette party weekend. https://shina913.tumblr.com/post/710216388356227072/permission-jjk
Burning Bright: There are no secrets in the drift, if Jungkook were to see the mess inside your head and heart, laid utterly bare, he'd turn away from you. Pacific Rim au. https://snackhobi.tumblr.com/post/631929853435854848/pairing-jungkook-x-reader-word-count-74k
Just A Little: “What are you doing,” he asks, lips slightly pouty still, like they’re betraying him. “Just kissing you a little…” he can feel your minty breath on him when you say this. https://www.tumblr.com/soft4gguk/688764281930547200/just-a-little-jjk-drabble
Little Bean: Nothing has been normal for Jungkook since he moved to Seoul to become a trainee as a boy, and yet noticing a beautiful girl in a coffee shop is the most normal thing a young man can do. Asking her out, super normal. Falling in love, totally normal. Everything about Sasha makes him feel normal and important, and yet nothing can ever be truly normal when your relationship has to be secret. https://archiveofourown.org/works/27237484/chapters/66536458
Flux: Tour has ended but life only moves faster as Jungkook prepares for another album and Sasha gets exciting new career opportunities she just can’t say no to. What seems so pure and strong on summer vacation struggles under the onslaught of external pressures, internal demons, and missed connections. How can they ever find stability together when both their lives are so full of churn? And if the currents do tear them apart, how will they find their way back to each other? https://archiveofourown.org/works/33049219/chapters/82034974
Welcome To The Underworld: In a dark little second-hand shop downtown, stuffed in an alleyway you only stumbled into because you were lost, you found a charming antique radio. When you turned it on, it began to play what would become your favorite radio show, “Welcome to the Underworld”
**“Good evening, hellions and harpies, this is your host, JK. For those who are new here, do your best to hold on to the scraps of your sanity and Welcome to the Underworld” ** https://archiveofourown.org/works/21759436
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melindafanfics · 4 years
Little Brother | JJK
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"Jungkook had always been an affectionate brother, used to be very close to me, giving me hugs or kisses whenever is possible. But, for some reason, I never got used to all the exaggerated displays of affection from my little brother, simply because, Jungkook, must of the times, was way too much!"
| “The Seven Clichés” Sequel 01/07 |
♥ pairing: younger!jungkook x noona!reader
♥ genre: Romance, Fluffy
♥ contains: the bigest spoiled and cutest little bro you could imagine, and be careful: that could be too much sugar and caramel for you to handle, and maybe a spicy chocolate too
♥ words: 2k
a/n: I didn’t really plan to publish this sequel here, but i’ll try anyways. This is the first one and... I hope you all enjoy, please, excuse my english and let me know any potential mistake. 
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The mattress was so soft, and the sheets that covered me so comfortable, that if it wasn't for the weight that had suddenly fallen on me, I probably wouldn't have gotten out of bed before noon on a Saturday morning.
I hear the rustle of the curtains opening and I felt the light beating directly against my eyes, that beinging uncomfortable enough to open them. I would be annoyed at anyone whose disturb my sleep at no matter what time of the morning was, if I hadn’t encountered a smile as lively as Jeongguk's as soon as my vision was no longer as just a blur. He was the one who woke me up pretty much every time I came to visit the city  on weekends, but, I would never get used to being awakened in this way, especially since Jeongguk was a very affectionate boy - and I, for some unfortunately reason, am not the type of person comfortable with as much demonstration of physical affection as Jeongguk usually offers me.
It must be something natural among siblings, I am aware of this, however, even though we are sibling, sometimes I felt something close to discomfort when gguk gave me caresses touches - holding my waist inadvertently, stroking his fingers over my neck, passing the back of his hands on my face, and, without mention the fact that I almost hyperventilates when he begins to distribute kisses. Not that I think this is necessarily bad, but, as my brother knows how inept I am about his habit, it's pretty obvious that his insistence on doing so it's to teaser me. Probably for that reason, he was pretty successful at wake me up, 'cause it was just a few things that make me more startled than a six feet tall muscle man scrambling over me.
" Don't even start with a 'more five minutes' story, 'cause you won't fool me again." He spoke with a smile on his face, showing that he wouldn't come off of me so easily. " You haven't come to visit us for weeks! Don't even think I'll set you free anytime soon... Even now, that we have all day just for us."
" Hm?" I concentrate on pushing the blankets aside and force my arms a little to push Jeongguk off the bed until he stands up. "And where are our parents going?"
" So ..." He spoke as he helped me fettle the bed as soon as I got up. "You spent so much time without giving notice of visit that Mom and Dad decided to schedule a trip to the capital, - that, by the way, they leave in an hour, but don't worry, I told them that I would stay at home to not leave you all alone, of course. "He said as he was taking one of my cheeks and squeezing it lightly, as if he was talking to a child, even though I was the oldest of us.
I took his hand away without bothering to complain, as I became more worried about made gguk, because of my sudden visit, to give up about the trip he would had with our parents.
"Sorry," I said as I folded one of the blankets on the bed, and knowing how much he enjoyed traveling, I was afraid he might be upset because of me.
"Oh, don't worry about it." He smacked my shoulder, beening mockery. "No big deal, and, how long have we had time just for us? Like, since you started college? And look, it's been more than two years since you graduated. "
I knew that kind of tone, Jeongguk might have a smile on his face, but I still could see how annoyed he was about any subject related to my leaving. Because when I moved, gguk was at the time the main creator of arguments against my leaving. I feel bad for remembering how hurt he seems to be when I had to say goodbye to him.
"Or, are you just pretending to get one more excuse to have one-a-one with me?" It would be best to flinch, before the conversation gets too melancholic, like every time Jeongguk starts talking about it. "Don't think I'll make easy for you just because you got some muscles, and don't even try to flatter me to let you win like the last time!" I threw some pillow toward his face and ran out of the room before he attacked. "Better I go say goodbye to our mother before she comes up here complaining about it." I turned my face in time to see a cushion being thrown against the side of the door.
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It was almost evening when we got to rest. The day could be resume as: helping our parents with the luggage, because, of course, that wouldn't be our mother if she didn't decide to pack more suitcases, with things that she said to be extremely necessary, right on time to go the trip. It had taken practically the whole morning for mother to be satisfied again, but it took a few more hours for us to get new tickets for them.
When we returned home, Jeongguk and I decided that in the afternoon we would go play a basketball game that I ended up inciting this morning. I won't admit it out loud, but, those muscles really helped gguk with the match this afternoon. If it weren't for his improvement in the play, I would say that it was his suggesting movements he did over me that made me distracted more often. I really don't remember him being that good since the last time we played. The time I was away was long enough that I didn't notice the gradation of his progress. Moreover, all his resourcefulness in the game had a tremendous result: result of having me almost dead of exhaustion at the end of the game.
When I get in the living room I just sprawled on the couch - in the most comfortable position I could find so far - and I don't plan to leave here until I can breathe normally again. And, as I checked how sweaty my bra was, I saw gguk coming out of the kitchen and coming toward the sofa, holding out a bottle of water.
"What did you think of the game this time?" He asked as he suspended my legs to sit on the corner of the couch, then lay them on his lap.
"This time you broke me up," I replied with a blowing smile after taking a sip of water. "I even think you'll have to carry me into the bedroom," I teased. "I haven't been practicing for a long time, so I'm just a frazzle right now, but next time, I won't make it that easy for you."
"What a bad loser." He spoke and then I noticed gguk running his hands lightly on my legs, I couldn't help but feeling my muscles a little tense in consequence, until I felt the subtle massage on them. "You always say that when you see I'm getting better than you."
"What?!" That’s nosense! This kid got very, very bold to me, and of course that was a big lie. I lift my back to reach him and tap his back for the provocation. "Don't even come with this, that’s such a lie! You’re talking like you're good at everything. "I saw him start laughing. "But it's seems you're very good to sweat like a damn dog, that's for real? I put my hand on you and got all wet. Go take a shower already, before you soak all that couch! Go! Come on! "I stand up a little my position and start to push him off the couch and without complaining he goes toward the stairs still in laughter." And look, be careful to not muddy the whole bathroom, I want to go soon after." I spoke louder so he can hear me from the stairs.
"Lord, what did I do to get a sister like that?!" I can hear him shouting back.
"You were very, very lucky! And don't even dare complain about me in my presence! "
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After a shower, which made me regret every minute I spent playing without proper warm-up, and a small snack - that Jeongguk did, of course, ‘cause I wasn't willing enough to get off that sofa so soon - I spent the rest of the night trying to watch telly, since there was nothing better to do that involved lying around without moving.
Jeongguk was watching a sport channel for I don't know how much long, because barely a half hour had passed and I was already dozing off - ‘cause I was so tired and the TV volume was so low and gguk just decided to stop talking for a minute, that I ended up relaxed enough to fall asleep.
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I woke feeling a tightness around my waist. I directed my eyes down and saw that I was wrapped in a blanket as I also realized that the extension of the sofa was extended and I was lying on it, by the silence I noticed that the television was already turned off, and when I finally look toward the grip I see Jeongguk's hands on my waist, lying right on my back.
"Did I wake you?" He whispered as he felt myself turning my face toward him. "Sorry, I was just fixing your position," he said, seeming to be a bit uneasy, squeezing a little more of one of his hands that was persistently just above my hip.
"How long have I been asleep?" The first thing I thought to speak, in a way to try to ignore the uncomfortable sensation that his hands caressing me caused.
"Since the first few minutes of the first hound of the game," he replied, snuggling closer to my back, one of his hands on my waist slipping almost imperceptibly in front of my belly. "Do you want to go to bed?" I felt his words blow close to my ear, in a tone of voice I didn't recognize, perhaps an odd concern.
"I don't wanna get up now," I whispered back. 'Cause there is no way I will climb all those steps that are on the way to my room. "I'll keep sleeping here Jeongguk," I replied slowly, barely opening my lips, feeling the inertia of sleepiness, and wasn't sure if I really answered audibly. The lethargy was so strong that ended up leaving me indifferent of the superficial impulses that I felt next to my hip, but perhaps, it was only the ventilation that came against the blanket.
"Then I'll stay, too." I could still hear his whisper far away, but I had no urge to reply, just shrugging for his answer, muttering some inaudible monosyllable.
In spite of being inert, for some reason my sleep didn't return quietly, as if something outside bothered me to rest, and at one point I still remember the sensation of rest, which should have been in a smooth warm, started to be in a sudden and unusual heat which I could not recognize. However when I woke up the next morning everything was quiet again.
The fan was still on, sending cool air against my face, Jeongguk was still asleep beside me, hugging me awkwardly, with his legs around mine, while his arms kept close to my hips in modest support.
I tried to pull away his hands, but felt them hold me tighter, and when I turned my face, I saw gguk smiling at me, the time I felt his feet scraped on my heel as he sagged. However, in the moment I would open my mouth to speak, I could see his face in reflex approach next to me again, until I felt him inhaled deeply the air as he put his face between the curve of my neck.
"I slept like an angel..." I heard him exclaim as he stood up and allowed me to lie more comfortably on the couch, but I couldn’t help but wonder how cold was where he lay in comparison to mine. "Do you want some coffee?" In a blink I saw him reassuring me again, and I wondered how he could get so close in such short time, actually, close enough that in a short stretch I could put a kiss on my forehead . A little affection. And I truly  don’t know if one day I’ll be able to adapt to all this affection that Jeongguk persists in attributing to me.
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shina913 · 1 year
I read Gradation over the last few days, and I have lots of thoughts. I really loved your JK. He was so kind and supportive and cared so much about her. You could really feel how much he loved her. As for OC, she was dead to me the moment she chose Derek, the man who left her at the alter, over JK. She just let him walk out of her life for the man who left her the altar. What??? It felt so out of character for her. The whole story she kept saying over and over and over again how much she loved having JK as a friend. And she made so much progress over the year getting over Derek, and then she chooses him over her best friend... I couldn't wrap my head around it. I was so heartbroken for him. And then she sees, once again, what kind of person Derek is, after both JK and Hobi told her to stay far away from him. It just felt so out of character for her to ignore two close friends to give a second chance to the man she spent a year needing therapy to get over.
When that happened I was hoping so hard that he wouldn't go to her and that he would stand his ground and let her be miserable over what she found out about Derek. I wanted her to experience some type of repercussion for choosing that lowlife scum over her best friend. But no, JK just comes crawling back to her, like a little puppy with his tail between his legs and all is forgotten. He had no pride or dignity to stand up for himself over the way she treated him. She barely had any apology or explanation for picking Derek over him. The way I see it, OC jumped from guy to guy, and when she couldn't have the guy she really wanted (Derek or Jin), she "settled" on JK. Almost like "Oh, well this guy says he loves me, so I'll just settle for him" type of a thinking. It seemed that JK was her 4th option, after options 1 through 3 failed. And JK was too good of a person to be a 4th option. There was very little mention after the Hawaii vacation about her having any feelings for JK. Nor was there any mention of her missing him when she threw him out of her life. She didn't seem upset at all. She just cast him out of her life like he didn't mean anything to her. So it was very difficult for me to accept that all of a sudden, like a flick of switch, she wanted to be with him and was in love with them. There wasn't enough buildup for me to see her fall in love with him. I think JK deserved better than the way she treated him. I wanted to see her fight for him to prove that she actually had feelings for him. I wanted to see her miss him and be sad over the fact that she went weeks without seeing or talking to him. I wanted her to show him that she valued him as a friend and a lover. And she didn't do any of those things.
Regardless of all those feelings, I really did want them to end up together. So while I'm happy they did, it left me with a very cold, empty happiness because of the abrupt way they wound up together. For me, there wasn't enough development from her from the time she threw him out to the time she decided she loved him. That threw me for a loop because there was so much development from her from the time she was left at the altar to the whole Derek re-do. I think if he didn't forgive her right away, and time was spent on re-building their friendship, and then slowly a romantic relationship, I would feel entirely different. I needed more time to watch them reconnect to each other the way they were connected in Hawaii, and unfortunately, they just didn't get back there for me. That made me sad because I loved them together so much in the beginning of the story, and then at the end she just slammed the door in my face and left me out in the cold.
Hi, thank you for this ask! I wanted to take my time to address this properly–and so sorry but this is LONG! In the end, I just want to make it clear that I’m not challenging your observations or takeaways. My aim is only to explain/rationalize my plot decisions.
Full disclosure, this was my first series and at the time, I was still trying to figure out character and plot development for my fan-fics. That said, you have some valid points here. 
OC is a flawed character and she’s been through an emotional rollercoaster since being left at the altar. JK has helped her out a lot during that stage in her life in addition to seeking therapy for herself to get through that. I wanted the healing process to be a whole journey for her. Some people who have or are going through any kind of treatment or intervention know that it doesn’t get fixed overnight. Even if you’ve taken the time and done the sessions, you’ll have days when you feel great and days when you fall back into your habits. No matter how many tools you are given by a professional or how much support you have from family and friends to manage or deal with those issues, you could still regress.
Healing is a nonlinear journey. There will be detours and roadblocks before you can get to your destination. The timeline is a bit wonky in the fic but from when OC was left at the altar up until Derek’s return–this all happened within a span of a year (roughly) and…it’s a lot for OC! That’s where I was coming from, as a writer, while plotting out her character.
For JK and OC’s relationship, I really wanted the main focus to be on their friendship and closeness while giving that underlying hint of a possible romance. In the beginning, OC is getting married and JK is her “man of honor.” There’s no sort of ulterior motive from JK–he really was just a supportive friend.
I also wanted to note that JK was actively dating at the time–even right before the wedding. In fact, shortly after the incident, he was ghosting a girl. But way before that, he had a long-term girlfriend whom he did long-distance with and even followed to a different country to see if things would work out (which they didn’t). Having laid that out, OC and JK really were just friends to begin with until a whole bunch of things happened, which became the catalyst for them to even consider going past the platonic stage.
That said, I would disagree with your comment that JK was OC’s “fourth option” because I tried to establish that neither of them was the other’s option, to begin with. You reference the Hawaii chapters. While that vacation was a revelation for JK, it wasn’t for OC. In hindsight, I probably should have also tagged this trope as idiots-to-lovers…but I digress!
For JK’s part, I made allusions in some flashbacks about him wanting to get together with OC back in college but then Derek swooped in. JK could have spoken up at that point because she just started dating the guy–she wasn’t marrying him. Instead, JK chose to continue being her friend without ever bringing it up. And he made that choice more than once in the story.
When Jin came along and expressed interest, JK could have cockblocked him and said that OC was seeing someone and continued on with the fuck-buddy setup. Instead, JK made the choice to give her number to Jin–leaving that door open for him. And when confronted by OC, instead of addressing it, he decided to be a baby about it and pushed his feelings aside.
I also wouldn’t characterize JK as somebody without fault. As you said, he basically didn’t stand up for himself while OC picked her ex over him–yes, that’s true. In addition to OC’s failure in her judgment, there was also some failure in communication on JK’s part. OC is not a mind-reader and at the time, she’s also irrational. Not an excuse for her decision but…does irrationality need to be rationalized?
And OC “jumping from guy to guy?” From my perspective, OC is dating. She and JK have a friendship and were having a sexual relationship but for all intents and purposes, she’s single and he’s single. No romantic commitments were made between them and they tried to establish that when they got back from their vacation. Sleep together now but if a potential relationship comes along–we stop. Of course, that “agreement” as we know, is not clear-cut.
My characterization of OC is that she’s a giver. She takes care of her friends and her family, but she’s also a people-pleaser. You’ll see hints of this throughout the story. Again, I’m not mentioning this to justify her actions and decisions but it’s to show that it was not out of character for her to try to get that closure with Derek. Was this an infuriating move on her part given the history? Yes. Was it out of character? I don’t think so.
And maybe I didn’t illustrate it well in writing but my intention was to deliberately have OC draw a line and maintain some distance with Derek even as he is trying to re-establish a relationship with her. To be clear, the relationship she was consenting to was not romantic or physical at this point in the story. But the fact was, she and Derek were together for several years, engaged to be married, and planning to build a life and future together. Yes, he hurt her but he was also familiar to her. She had no idea about what he did. Her ignorance should not be an excuse but it is.
Even people who break up attempt some form of friendship or an ounce of civility after that relationship ends (depending on how things ended, of course). It may not happen often but it happens in real life! And it’s that kind of reality that I wanted to add to the story. No matter how much work you’ve done on yourself, and how many boundaries you’ve set, you will still have moments of vulnerability and susceptibility. That’s what I wanted to channel for OC.
Regarding OC and JK getting together, I wanted JK to waver a little after he got that phone call from Hobi. But once he got the call from Derek, he immediately goes out to meet him. My original thought going into that plot decision was that JK wanted to see for himself what OC sees in this guy. 
When he realizes that this guy ain’t shit–it’s when JK finally decides for himself that he’s done stepping aside and wants to be the choice for OC. Did it have to take a broken engagement, a fuck-buddy situation, a rich boyfriend, and the ex-fiance returning for JK to realize that? FUCK YES! And did I want them to make up that quickly? Also yes! That’s how I wanted it to play out. I think at a certain point, after all of the suffering and angst that I put my characters through, you bet I wanted that instant gratification, plain and simple!
It’s part of the reason why I didn’t feel that it was necessary for OC and JK to rebuild their friendship and then have it slowly build into a romantic relationship. I would liken this to making repairs to a home: you know there’s some structural damage there but it’s not so severe that you have to tear down the whole foundation and rebuild from the ground up–you just need to reinforce it so it doesn’t fall apart. It’s my opinion that OC and JK did not have this “catastrophic” damage to their friendship so I didn’t think it was necessary to do another slow-burn–for JK to give OC a dose of her medicine. I didn’t want JK to be vengeful. Sure, he had flaws and she fucked up but he would not be vengeful toward her.
Now, I will say that in hindsight, my BIG regret is not beefing up OC’s realization that she’s in love with JK. I realize that I didn’t really give that moment that it needed in the narrative and it ended up getting buried in the flurry–so I agree with your observation. As I said, this was my first series and I was trying to wrap it up but the aha-moment felt a bit lacking, which muddied the ending for you. I appreciate you pointing that out and I’ll definitely make a note of that in the next series that I write!
If you’re still reading up to this point, THANK YOU! And I want to also say that the points that were mentioned here are risks that a fan-fic writer takes with a reader-insert story. I have to contend with what my fictional OC would do versus what you, as a reader-insert, would do if/when faced with a similar situation. And end-user perspectives and opinions are out of my control because I can’t tell you how to feel or what to think; I can only try to explain why I wrote the story as such. But this is also precisely why I invite feedback because although I have a certain writing style that’s my own, I don’t want to tell the same story each and every time.
I’m always looking into different ways to tell a story but if I don’t receive any feedback or challenges to my plot points, then I’ll just keep doing what I’m doing. So, thank you for reading the fic and giving me notes and commentary! I appreciate you!
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shina913 · 1 year
Hi there! Thanks so much for taking the time to write a super long response back to me. It took me quite a long time for me to be satisfied with how I wrote my ask. I wasn't sure how you were going to take what I wrote, and I was a little nervous hitting the ask button. I was worried that you would take it as me hating on your story, and that was not my intention at all. When I write a constructive critique, I always try to come from a place of good intentions, because I care about the characters. If I read something and I don't like it at all, I never leave a review or send an ask. I don't want to be mean to the author, who put so much time and energy into creating their story. I can't be mean. But when I send a constructive critique, I do it because I did like the story and the characters, but something in the story went wrong for me, and I was left disappointed. I always want to convey those sad feelings to the author, so that they know where the story went wrong for me. But when I do that, I like to give a lot of reasons why it went wrong for me, and how I feel about it. So that's where my comments came from. I felt a lot of emotions for your characters, which is a good thing, because I cared enough to tell you about my thoughts and feelings.
It's always nice for me to see the inner workings of an author and how they feel about their characters and why they wrote the story the way they did. So I really appreciate you taking the time to tell me your feelings about the story. Thank you for telling me that it was your first series. I had a first story too, and it's difficult to learn how to pace your plot and develop your characters. Your characters were great. They were definitely fully fleshed out. I understand her choice of picking Derek over JK. She was flawed and fell back into an old pattern. I appreciate you explaining your thoughts on that to me. I think the disconnect for me was how you got from one point (her picking Derek) to the next point (JK crawling back to her) to the last point (them dating and falling in love). It was a pacing issue for me. It was too rushed compared to how developed the story was prior to her picking Derek. If the last part of the story story was more developed and slower paced, I would never have felt that disconnect. I lost that emotional connection I felt to the characters, and that's what saddened me.
When you mention that the Hawaii vacation was a revelation for JK, but not OC, that supports what I was trying to say about the lack of describing OC having any feelings whatsoever for JK throughout the story. So here they are at the end of the story starting a relationship, with no mention of OC having any romantic feelings for him. That's what I needed to be more developed. I needed to see her feelings develop for him, and that was the part that was missing.
I do agree with what you say about JK having so many chances to tell OC how he felt. He kept wasting his chances. But I wonder if she would have accepted his feelings prior to the Hawaii vacation. If I had to take a guess, I would probably say no. I think she would have brushed him off and told him that he just confusing his friendship love with romantic love.
I did get the line that you were drawing between OC and Derek. It was clear to me that she wasn't interested in getting back together with him and that they were just talking. It was Derek that kept coming on too strong. What really bothered me was when she had no real apology or explanation for JK after finding out what a sleaze Derek really was. That was the precise moment of my disconnect. When he just crawled back to her and she didn't suffer any repercussions from throwing JK out. For a quick moment, she became the "villain" for lack of a better term, and I wanted to see her suffer for a quick moment. For sure JK would have forgiven her, but I didn't want it to be so quickly. Even if it took a few weeks in the story timelines, I would have been fine with that. But it happened in a split second.
What you mentioned about regretting not beefing up OC's realization that she loved him is the part that I was missing. They went from not talking, to dating, to being in love in 3.5 seconds! LOL But where was the development to get to all those aspects of their relationship. If more time was taken to show me she did actually fall in love with him, that would have changed my feelings greatly. She broke my emotional connection to her when she threw JK out, and her actions after that weren't enough to re-connect me to her. If I was able to re-connect to her, my feelings would have been different. Like you said, there was no aha-moment for me.
When I read x reader inserts, I never put myself into the OC's shoes. I always think of her as just an OC, not me. I've never once inserted myself into fanfiction, regardless of the fandom.
I thank you for the time you took to respond to my ask. Like I said, I'm sending you my thoughts because I cared so much about your characters.
On a side note, I read Coquet a few weeks ago, and it was amazing. I really loved it! I definitely regret not sending my comments in an ask about that one. I feel like all I did was leave you negative thoughts, and not enough positive ones. So I'm sorry for not leaving a nice ask about Coquet. I really do regret that. I could probably re-read the last couple of chapters and send in a nice ask. It's still pretty fresh in my head.
Aw, thank you!! As I said, when I invite feedback on my fics, I genuinely mean it! I want to engage and hear from different readers and have a conversation. I’m always happy to discuss character development and plots with anybody who is willing to listen. I’m not claiming to know everything there is to know about storytelling so I’m very open to learning how to write stories in a different and/or better way.
I rarely get asks as long as this. So when I do, I want to take my time and read through it. I also want to approach it with an open mind. To me, I see it as someone who is also taking the time to send me comments and feedback. Once I get to the end of the note, I want to match that same energy!
I also meant what I said earlier, that I appreciate you taking the time to give me notes and comments on Gradation. I often get tunnel vision when I write which is why I try to get my stuff beta-read. Even after publishing, I still want to know where I came up short and learn of other ways to improve my writing.
Even though these characters are fictional I’m also passionate about them so I hope I didn’t come off testy in my earlier response 😬 my goal was just to explain the rationale behind my characters’ decisions. I know it’s not that deep and shouldn’t be but in reality, I do have an attachment to my characters and I care about them. I’m also happy to hear that I have written them in a way that garnered a reaction from you and I appreciate that!
On that note–thanks for pointing out the pacing issue at the end of the story. I’m constantly working on that in my other fics. I do have the tendency to linger or ramble about some plot points and scenes only to completely forget about other aspects of my story. I try to re-read previous chapters so that I can at least connect them to subsequent scenes… but yeah, it’s hard for a multi-chapter fic! It’s a work in progress for me 😬
I also agree in some aspects that the JK and OC getting together felt rushed. I probably could have written another two chapters about how their friendship actually evolved into a romance–for all of the reasons you mentioned. It’s a completely valid critique!
And re: the no real apology from OC…yeah…that’s also valid. It’s interesting that you point out the emotional disconnect that you felt after that. At the time of publication, perhaps I was too dependent on the stability of their friendship and their overall history that I presumed it was good enough to “non-verbally” hint that everything was smoothed over and they just naturally fell in love! Or maybe JK was just too forgiving? Either way, I see your point as to why that didn’t quite work for you. That’s a note I’m taking for sure!!
I did feel that your criticism was constructive and thanks for clarifying and reiterating that further on this follow-up. I appreciate that! It’s one thing for a reader to say, “I didn’t like it,” then just drop the mic; while I’m sitting here going…uhmm…at least tell me why? 😅 Was there anything I could have done differently? In my day- job, I try my hardest to be solutions-focused. And that’s the type of conversation that I’m interested in having! The screaming is great, but I also welcome questions and suggestions.
You write fic, too? If so, can you link me to your works? I’d love to read more! Thank you for acknowledging the struggles of trying to build worlds, characters, and figuring out pacing. I feel like it comes so easy for other writers whereas I overthink things a lot. But no matter how much you try to plan or outline, there’s always something that you’ll forget. And until someone brings that up, I am clueless!
So again, thank you so much for taking the time. If you have notes on Coquet and have time to write them out, I’d love to hear about them as well!💜
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shina913 · 2 years
Agaghsjdkfkffnndbd SHINA WTF
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Literally me reading DADA!????! BITCH WUT! I swear…if this baby is more than a few months old!? Gagasjkskff I literally almost threw my phone in surprise! I audibly gasped (thankfully no one was around to witness it 😂☠️)
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The dramaaaaaa! Okay, now that that chapter is out of the way, LMK about what you thought of the whole thing 😂 I know it was a rollercoaster of emotions!
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shina913 · 2 years
I didn’t go to bed 😳 i read it…and the drabble after it 🤦🏽‍♀️😂
Also did you somehow manifest Lisa in Paris??? Like hello? Maybe it’s just the timing but all I can picture is Lisa at Paris seem with Tae. She even has blonde!!! I’m shook honestly
😂 Even though I'd love to take credit for it...I can't! Even the whole Namjoon going to Paris...That was...a very, very happy coincidence! But I just love when things work out that way IRL!
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shina913 · 2 years
Shina what have you done 😭 it’s almost 3 am and I can’t stop reading Gradation….I told myself I would only read the first part before I went to bed but now it’s many hours later and I just finished part 5 😩. I for real HAVE to sleep now I really don’t wanna but I had to glance at the warnings and author note for chapter 6 and 👀👀👀👀
Ugh the angst is really ramping up and I’m LOVING it…the Jin development is 👀, thought something like this was gonna happen but if I’m being honest I thought it was gonna be reversed. Idk yet if this will make me a 🤡 later on but I thought maybe the person coming from Paris to work on the project with Namjoon was/is gonna be Lisa and that’s where the angst would come from (lowkey still hoping it’s her so we get to see yn’s thoughts on seeing jaykay with someone since their arrangement 👀). But men pining over women is >>>>> so I’m not complaining 😂.
The kicker to all of this is that I literally only started reading gradation because I was going to read your Jin series (spins I think? Can’t recall the title now that I’m writing this) and as I started it it said it was based off the Jin in this series so I was like oh I’ll just read that one first (ALSO NGL I FORGOT ABOUT THIS UNTIL I JUST TYPED IT OUT NOW AND AGHHAJDJKF now I’m even more excited for that series bc I’m very much vibing with Jin already…I’m also ready for his cheesiness as I assume that warning for chapter six was about him lol). I’m such a sucker for bf2l I should have know better than to start this before bed 🤦🏽‍♀️ but I’m still gonna put some blame on you 😂😐. I HAVE THINGS TO DO TOMORROW SHINA WHYYYYY 😂
😂😂 Mikayla!!! You crack me up 😂😂😂😂
OMG...I'm having flashbacks to my pre-writing days when I'd be up til 4AM reading fics that I swore--I'd stop at X chapter and continue tomorrow...🥴 Famous last words!
I'm happy that you discovered Gradation! I was in the middle of responding to you but I had to pause because of work.
Also, you didn't need to read this before Scale (Jin-series). It's a very loose spinoff but there's not a ton of references to Gradation. I did make subtle inside jokes though but you'd have to really read it to find them.
Anyway, I hope you got your questions answered as you read through the rest of the chapters 😂 I'd love to know what you think about how everything went down!!
PS - I'm so sorry you stayed up late!! I hope you were functional today?
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shina913 · 2 years
finished gradation and dont know what to do with myself 🥲🥲🥲 seriously the best thing ive read in a while im so in love with them your writing made me smile laugh cry - everything! looking forward to reading your other works 🤍
OMG Thank you so much! Gradation is the first fic I’ve ever posted so I’m so happy that you loved it and thought it was good. All of those emotions you felt—I felt them, too when I was writing it. I’m so glad those all came across. Thank you again for reading and taking the time to send me a note 🥰
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shina913 · 2 years
I’m sorry a second chance???
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Me at that coffee shop 😒
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Yes I’m reading more now 😭 I’m addicted. I need Jaykay to shoot his shot fr and for them to be together for the rest of their lives and I need Derek to go dig a hole and bury himself in it 😒 like who does he think he is? Literally THE AUDACITY
Bahahah OMG! Look at you!! Are you going to be alright after this?
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shina913 · 2 years
Hi so i absolutely LOVE the Gradation couple and the way you wrote their story was just *chefs kiss 💋.
I was wondering if we could maybe see them encounter Derek again, as a united front and pregnant🤭
P.S. keep up the good work, I love your works🔥
Hi!!! Oh man...I miss my Gradation!couple 🥺 I think of them often... and I can't help but inject a bit of their vibe into my current JJK fic hahah! And I just love writing the maknae unit. There's so much chaos!
I currently don't have a plan for a Gradation drabble in the future...but never say never! 💜
Thank you soooo much for reading and sending me a note. 😘
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0 notes
shina913 · 2 years
Coquet, Part 4 | JJK
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Coquet, Part 4
\ kō-​ˈket Definition: noun. a man who indulges in flirtation.
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✫✫✫Coquet Masterlist✫✫✫
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Pairing: Escort!JJK x Fem-reader
Rating: M (🔞)
Genre: Fake-dating!AU; Strangers to lovers; fluff; angst; smut
Warnings: cussing; explicit sexual conversations; awkward family dynamic; some anxiety; alcohol consumption; A LOT of sexual tension; vulnerable confessions; very touchy-feely JK; JK in a bathhouse (go figure)
Word count: 5.5K+ words
Summary: On your brother's wedding, you dread traveling to see your family–whom you have successfully avoided for over a year after moving across the country for work. In an effort to save face, you hire an escort to get them off your back and perhaps even make your ex–who happens to be the best man–a little jealous.
A/N: Lots more edging here 😅 sorry!!! But a quick note to say that one of the scenes here was loosely inspired by a scene from “Insecure.” I miss that show so much and saw a marathon of it yesterday. Let me just say that it was the part when Lawrence and Nathan argued about which city had the best BBQ 🤣 Also…tiny callback to Gradation-JK (if you know, you know 😏).
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“I don’t understand why he needs to join us. He’s not even–”
“Haru,” Taehyung says calmly. “He’s my sister’s boyfriend. I’m trying to be a good host.”
Haru swipes at the sweat dripping down his neck as he clicks his teeth. The steam room was agitating him more than usual.
“You’re too nice for your own good, Taehyungie. We barely even know the guy. Have you seen him strutting around?” He asked annoyingly.
Taehyung laughs. “Bro–only you would notice something like that. Besides, what’s the big deal anyway? I thought you were seeing somebody?”
He scoffed. “Well, it didn’t really work out but that’s not the point. I’m just saying that I don’t trust the guy.”
“Just let it go,” Taehyung says while leaning against the wooden backrest. “If my sister trusts him, who am I to question that?” He then turns his head sideways to address his friend directly. “Give him the benefit of the doubt. I did the same…to you,” he said quietly before closing his eyes and turning his head away.
Haru shifted uncomfortably, suddenly feeling the room get hotter.
“Was it love at first sight? Or was it – oohhhhmygoodd right there…” Mindi moaned as the masseuse worked one of the knots behind her shoulder.
The massage felt good. It didn’t matter that your skin was raw from the body scrub. You wanted to desensitize it. Desensitize it from his touch…
You’re safe with me.
You felt calmer after whatever sort of hypnotism he did on you back in the room. But after that? Whatever anxiety that you felt earlier seems to have lodged onto him. 
He was pulling away–or at least, that’s what it felt like, after emerging from the bathroom in his sweats. You barely spoke on the shuttle ride to the bathhouse. You might add that whether he was dressed in oversized joggers or a three-piece suit, it didn’t matter. He still looked hot. It wasn’t fair, really.
The hand-holding when you walked through the facility felt mechanical–even the kiss ‘goodbye’ before you parted ways to go into your own exclusive areas seemed rehearsed. It was nothing compared to the brief makeout session at brunch, which felt ironically more natural even though you were showing off to Haru.
You didn’t know him that well and…maybe it was another layer to the whole ‘package.’ You had no idea. You didn’t know many escorts so had no point of comparison.
So far, everything he’s shown you felt real–even though you kept repeating in your head that it wasn’t. You were fully aware that this was all fake…all for show. You paid for this whole boyfriend experience. But some small part of you–one that you couldn’t brush aside–made you think that…maybe there was a chance that this could be real? He did tell you that he would always be honest with you.
“Honey, you need to relax–you’re so tense,” the masseuse remarks.
“S-sorry,” you mumbled, unaware that your muscles were contracting while you were in deep thought. You took a deep breath, trying to clear your head.
“You think he’s nervous about joining the boys tomorrow night?” Mindi wondered, pulling you back to reality. 
When Taehyung mentioned last night that he extended an invitation to Jungkook to his bachelor party, you were understandably concerned. He’d be alone in a room with your brother and his friends…especially Haru. And lord knows what would happen with strippers and alcohol involved.
“Jungkook is very self-assured,” you said nonchalantly. “Mmm,” you groaned as the masseuse kneaded into your tissues. “He can handle himself perfectly around the guys. I’m not worried.”
“He seems very confident,” Mindi says. “I like that. Makes him even sexier…ohhh yes, harder.”
You snorted. “Mindi…” The therapists started to giggle along.
“I mean–seriously, unnie–how does it feel to bang the hottest guy in the room?”
The giggling started to get louder. Thankfully, this spa had semi-private massage rooms and could only accommodate two appointments, simultaneously.
“It’s okay, unnie–Auntie Rose isn’t here. And I won’t tell!”
You couldn’t lie around Mindi. She was like your little sister. Just like her brother, these Park siblings could see right through you. It was a miracle that they haven’t called you out on this whole ruse with Jungkook yet. So you decide to play along and go with the closest ‘honest’ answer.
“A good girl never kisses and tells, Mindi,” you said with a soft laugh. “Now, if you don’t mind. I’m trying to relax here.”
As you closed your eyes, you wondered–how exactly would it feel to bang the hottest guy in the room?
“How did you get into the field?”
“You know what, I always saw myself as somebody who wanted to help people–that seems corny,” Jungkook chuckled.
“Not at all,” YN’s dad, Jae, says as he eyed him intently. “That sounds like an earnest goal…and here you are, achieving it.”
Jungkook nodded quietly. 
“But surely, it must be difficult to get some time off?” He wondered out loud.
“It is, if I’m going to be honest. But luckily, I’ve been given a bit of leeway at the hospital. I put in a lot of hard work, after all this time,” Jungkook explains to him.
“How do you find a balance? I’m sure your job takes time away from your personal life,” Jimin chimes in.
“It does. And for a while–I didn’t have a personal life to speak of,” Jungkook says with a lighthearted laugh. “At least, not until after I met YN.”
“I just felt this pull from her,” he says wistfully. “Before I knew it, I was shuffling my shift around at the hospital just so I could get out in time to be with her.”
YN’s dad smiles warmly then stops to narrow his eyes at him. “You’re not pulling my leg are you, son?”
Jimin tilted his chin down, eyeing Jungkook intently as well.
Jungkook chuckled but looked Jae straight in the eye. “Sir, with all due respect–I know that I just met you yesterday but I’m here, sitting in a warm pool with you…buck naked, I might add. I’ve got nothing to hide,” he says confidently, then leaning back against the tile, arms spread wide.
After a long pause, your dad lets out a guffaw while Jimin turns his face away, cracking up. “Good point,” he says in between laughs. “You’ll fit right into this family then!”
With that, he laughed along with them, feeling some sort of relief. Your family made him feel at ease. Maybe he didn’t need to hold back too much. He wanted all of his dates to be successful–he has yet to fail at that.
So he wanted this to be good and pull out all the stops…especially since this was going to be his last.
The men and women all returned to the resort in separate groups. You caught a later shuttle with Mindi and Jennie, texting Jungkook that you would just meet up back at the hotel.
As soon as you walk through the hotel lobby, Jennie excuses herself to check on Taehyung at the lounge. You waved her off and continued joking around with Mindi, laughing loudly.
“I don’t know–I just didn’t want to call him back. I thought I made it clear.”
“Mindi, if you didn’t want to see him again–why did you tell him he gave good head?”
She scoffed. “I just thought he needed some positive reinforcement–you know…kind of like a letter of recommendation. I was trying to be encouraging.”
You rolled your eyes. “If you just wanted a whole no-strings arrangement, then you should have told him that!”
Mindi made puppy-eyes at you. “Really, unnie? You won’t judge me?”
You smiled warmly at her. “Please…you and Jiminie have seen me at my worst. I’m in no position.”
Mindi smiles at you then suddenly envelops you into a hug. “I’m so happy you’re with Jungkook now,” she pulls away.
You laughed. “That’s great, Mindi…but I still won’t play ‘rate that dick’ with you!”
“Oh come on!” She whined. “It’s the best game ever! I even got Jennie to play along tomorrow–and you know how super uptight she can get.”
Before you could begrudgingly agree, you feel his arm snake around your waist from behind, pulling you towards him and turning you. You see his smiling face and big, round eyes, looking straight at you.
“Uh, hi,” you said, suddenly flustered. Earlier, he seemed distant. But now, it feels as if something’s shifted. You have the time to analyze it as his lips were already closing in on you.
As he pulled away, he smiled at you, leaving Mindi giggling like a schoolgirl before excusing herself. You told her you’d hook up with her later this evening to talk about what else to expect tomorrow.
“You look pretty…loose,” you remarked at him.
“As do you,” he says with a chuckle. “Did you have a nice, relaxing afternoon?”
You smiled at him. “I did. And you?” 
You both started to walk towards the elevators, keeping his hand on the small of your back. “Yeah. I hung out with your dad and Jimin for the most part.” 
Your eyebrows lifted nervously and your jaw slowly dropped. “Oh wow…and how did that go? W-what did you guys talk about?” 
“Not much. We were just shooting the breeze–they were trying to get to know me.”
That stopped you in your tracks in a slight panic. “What did you say?” It occurred to you that you didn’t really go in-depth about his backstory.
“Pretty much what we agreed on…with some embellishments of my own,” he says simply.
Your brows knitted further. “And? D-do you think they bought it? A-are they–”
“There you are, Jungkookie!” Your dad bellows as he walks out of the lounge. “Are you coming back to join us or what?”
He calls back over his shoulder. “I just wanted to make sure that YN got back okay.”
Just then, Jimin comes up from behind him. “We just cracked open the Johnnie Walker Blue, Jay-Kay,” he yells out.
Jungkook laughed. “Alright, alright. Just give me a few minutes. Save some for me!”
“You snooze, you lose,” Jimin says before turning on his heel to walk back, pulling your dad along with him to rejoin the guys. 
Jungkook turned to you and smiled. “Does that answer your question?” 
You laughed softly, feeling a bit more reassured.
“Would you mind if I hung out with them or would you rather I stayed with you and kept you company? Because I can, you know…if you want me to?” He looks at you with some sort of hope that you’d ask him to stay. But you thought it would be a good idea to capitalize on him getting in your dad, Jimin, and Taehyung’s good graces.
“I’ll be fine–you go and have fun. I think it would be a good strategy for them to get to know you a bit more, don’t you think?”
He nods and gives you a small smile. “Right. I just wanted to make sure you were okay with it.”
“More than okay! I might take a nap before Mindi and I grab dinner,” you said. The scrub, the massage, lounging around the bathhouse for hours–it would be nice to snooze for a bit and relish in all that relaxation.
“Okay. I’ll check in with you in about an hour, cool?”
“Sure,” you said with a smile. Before you continue towards the bank of elevators, he pulls you in closer once more and dips his head to kiss you again. He moved in fast. And truthfully, you saw that coming but didn’t turn away.
It was slow and leisurely. You let out a soft moan, which he took as his queue to slide his tongue in. 
All the chaotic thoughts, emotions, and energy that had been swirling inside you, suddenly became too much to contain. Your hand circled around his neck, while his hand cupped your jaw, pulling your mouth closer to his.
His tongue did slow, savoring licks that made you wonder what it would be like to feel him doing the same thing between your legs.
Shocked by your own thoughts, you pull away abruptly, gasping.
Your eyes flickered at him while the room spun. “What was that for?” You managed to choke out.
His gaze was clear and steady. “No reason. I just felt like it. I’ll see you later,” he smirked before turning to walk away from you.
You scan the lobby, wondering if he was just showing off to someone unbeknownst to you. But to your surprise, the coast was clear.
You were still on a high from Jungkook’s kiss while you walked back to your room. Seconds later, you run into your mom down the hallway.
“Darling! Did you just get back?” She asks cheerily.
“Yeah, I hung out with the girls a bit longer.” It was as if she had completely forgotten about the events this morning.
“Ah–looks like you did the scrub and oil massage. Your skin looks–I don’t know, more glowy this time!” She grins after a quick assessment of you.
“I did,” you said curtly. She always had something to say–about your skin, your hair, your job…your love life.
“Honey, I’m…I’m sorry about earlier. You know I was only trying to be lighthearted about it.”
You rolled your eyes. “Ma, there’s nothing lighthearted about what I went through,” you said bitterly.
She pursed her lips. “You know I love you, right,” she says, softening her expression as she reaches out to squeeze your arm gently.
“What do you mean ‘but?’” She knits her eyebrows in confusion.
“You tell me you love me but there’s always a ‘but.’”
She chuckles softly. “Darling girl, I know that our relationship hasn’t been great–but I hope you know that I’ve always wanted the best for you–despite what you think of me.”
“Sure, ma. Thanks,” you deadpanned.
She gives you a half-hug, which you also half-heartedly lean into. “Alright, well–I’m going to have tea with Dahlia. Would you like to join us?”
“Nah, I was going to take a nap,” you sighed as you tapped your keycard at the door sensor and entered your room.
“Alright. I’ll catch up with you later, okay?” She trailed off as you shut your door. And just like that, she’s burst your bubble again.
“I’m actually pretty excited about the seafood buffet this weekend–it was the one thing I asked Jennie for the reception,” Taehyung says proudly.
The guys were gathered around the lounge, drinks and conversation flowing right after dinner. Some were seated by the bar while some were seated by the small tables pushed closer together. A few of them partake in cigars. The level of testosterone in the room was so thick, you could taste it.
“Well…can’t blame you, Taehyungie. We have the best seafood offerings out here,” Haru says as he blows some smoke up at the ceiling.
Jungkook puckered his lips then twisted them wryly. “Mm–I don’t know. I prefer the seafood back home.”
Haru narrowed his eyes at him then scoffed. “There are plenty of good seafood spots out here–ones with Michelin stars.”
Taehyung jumps into the conversation. “No, no…that’s cool–talk your shit, Jay-Kay! The Pacific coast has amazing offerings. I know that when I go visit YN, I always have to have the cioppino out there. And the oysters? Man…” he sighs.
“Come on…the oysters out here are far more superior,” Haru snorts as he takes a swig of his drink.
“Really? I’ve actually tried them before and–they’re not that great, in my opinion,” Jungkook says dismissively.
Haru gets worked up from Jungkook’s comment. “You know, it’s funny you say that because YN used to enjoy them a lot when she used to live here,” he says smugly. “Ate them by the bucketful.”
Jungkook’s lips curve into a smile, keeping his eyes at Haru. “That was then. But… ever since she’s had the ones back home, she says she prefers those now because they taste sweeter. Unlike the ones out here,” he shrugs. “A bit salty.”
Jimin laughs out loud, squeezing Jungkook’s shoulder and clinking his glass against his as Haru’s jaws ticks.
You had missed each other earlier in the evening while you, Mindi, Jennie and the rest of her friends had dinner at a restaurant close by.
Hours later, he creeps back into your room. You were awoken by him switching on the bathroom light and the sound of the vent humming.
You stayed up a few minutes more, staring at the ceiling as the shower finally switched off.
When he stepped out, he was dressed in a pair of sweats and not much else. He walked towards the couch and began to fluff his pillow.
You sat up slightly. “Hey,” you called out softly so as not to startle him.
He turned to face you. “Did I wake you?”
You shook your head. “No. I just woke up randomly. I had trouble falling asleep. Figured it might have been the nap I took earlier.”
Or it could have been you thinking about his tongue in your mouth earlier. Nah…it couldn’t have been that.
“Did you have a good time with the guys?”
“Yeah,” he said with a grin. “Your dad and Taehyung are hilarious.”
You smiled. “I hope they didn’t get you too drunk.”
“Nah. They tried…but I know my way around it. They just think that I had a lot to drink.”
You nodded. As he was about to slide under his covers, you stopped him.
You tried to steady your heartbeat. “I think–maybe you should sleep on the bed.”
He cocked an eyebrow at you. Sharing a bed with a client wasn’t new to him. He just based it on comfort level. But if he was asked…
“Is that what you want?”
“I mean–I-I was just thinking, you know,” you stuttered, “It’s a big bed…and just in case somebody knocked and–it would seem suspicious if they saw sheets on the couch, don’t you think?”
Sure, YN. That’s what it is…
“Right, but are you comfortable with that?” Jungkook had to ask because he sensed apprehension from you.
“Yeah, I mean–I’m a side-sleeper anyway. A-and–I can put some pillows between us, you know?” You added quickly.
There was no way you could bear that much direct contact with him.
Jungkook bites the inside of his cheek, trying to stifle a smile–thankful it was dark enough in the bedroom. “Okay,” he says simply. He picks up the sheets and pillows from the couch. He deposits the sheets in the overhead shelf in the closet before rounding the corner towards the bed.
You watch him lift the covers on the other side and slide the pillow next to you, making a mini fort. The mattress dips as he sinks in, pulling the covers at his waist.
He turns his head towards you. “If you change your mind–”
“I won’t,” you say too quickly, swallowing hard. “All part of the deal, right?”
“Riiight,” he drags out his reply, his gaze never leaving yours.
You inhaled sharply. “Okay, well…good night,” you say tightly before sliding back down onto your pillow then turning your body to face the opposite direction.
“Good night, YN.” He murmurs.
The following morning, you woke up to breakfast–which Jungkook ordered via room service. It was most of your favorites, which he seemed to clearly take note of during brunch yesterday.
“Wow, you didn’t have to do this.”
“You got the coffee yesterday, I figured I’d return the favor,” he says, pulling out a chair for you.
“Part of the package?” You asked.
“I just wanted to do something nice for you,” he replies.
“Oh. Uhm…thank you,” you said as you took your seat. Geez, YN. Why are you such a bonehead?
“Besides…I figured we’d need all of the food and drink we can muster with what they have planned today.”
Yes–today was stag and hen day. Emphasis on ‘day’ as Mindi and Haru had both coordinated day-long events–mostly involving alcohol and other forms of debauchery for the bride and groom. They wanted to maximize that final farewell–or as Mindi says, two big middle fingers–to single life.
While you help yourself to some slices of bacon and eggs florentine, Jungkook’s phone rings. He excuses himself to take the call in the bathroom.
From a distance, you can vaguely hear him speaking in a clipped tone. But you didn’t want to eavesdrop so you continued on with your breakfast. 
It took about five minutes when he finally reemerged, sitting next to you and taking a huge gulp of his coffee, phone still clutched in one hand.
“Everything okay?” You asked.
“Mm-hm,” he says as he sets his cup down on the coaster, as he types furiously onto the screen.
“Another client?” You try to sound casual as you take a sip of your coffee.
He looks up from his phone, locks the screen then turns to you.
“No, actually. It’s, uh…personal.”
“Oh.” You shouldn’t sound disappointed. He had a personal life outside of this. He said it himself, he didn’t expect to be an escort his whole life. 
“I’m actually not taking clients anymore,” he says as he stows his phone away in his pocket, digging into his eggs.
“R-really?” You sounded too surprised there so you changed your tone to be a bit more nonchalant. “I mean, really?”
He chuckles. “Yeah. I told you, I’ve been out of the game. And…I intend on staying out of it—after this, that is.”
“So, about that…” This was your chance. You had asked him about this on your first night but he brushed it off by redirecting another question to you.
“You said before that your profile had been inactive. But why did you answer my DM?”
He pursed his lips. It looked like he wanted to fib his way through this but you wanted to corner him.
“Honesty, right?” You said, invoking his ‘rule.’
He smiled. “Touché, Ms. YLN.”
“The truth is anticlimactic and…pretty stupid, actually,” he began slowly.
“Try me.”
He inhaled through his teeth, stifling a laugh, then shrugged his shoulders. “I got a new phone and I set it up using a backup file. Somehow, that backup didn’t register the last changes that I made. So on my new phone, my app profile still came up as active. I didn’t think anything of it until I saw the email alerts–from you. I was set on deleting them but then I saw that you left a voice message.”
“What, did I sound too desperate or something?” You tried to laugh it off.
“I thought it was the opposite.”
Your smile slowly faded.
“You sounded…hopeful. It was refreshing for me, in a way–after not picking up any jobs for a while,” he shrugged, looking down at his plate.
“The majority of my clients hire me because they want to show off. But you?” He lifted his head and narrowed his eyes, as if trying to figure you out. “It sounded like you just needed,” he paused for a beat, then sighed, “‘Me’.”
You didn’t realize how loaded his last statement was. Yes, you needed him–for a purpose. Not to show off but to help keep yourself together and deflect some of the embarrassment and insecurities. A sort of shield, if you may.
“Cris, it’s been like, two weeks and he hasn’t responded. I think I should take this as a sign.”
“Girl, no! Don’t do that! You need to borderline harass him!”
“Fuck, are you crazy? I don’t want to sound desperate! I’m just going to have to face the music here–I’m just gonna go alone, grit my teeth while my mother embarrasses me and people give me their sad looks while Haru stands there unscathed.”
“Babe, maybe he’s just busy…” she tries to reason.
“No, no. This was a stupid idea. I shouldn’t have done this. There’s a ‘call’ option here so I’m just going to let him know that I’ve changed my mind and to forget the whole thing. No harm done!”
“Hi,” you said shakily. “I know, I sent you a couple of messages and I realize that you probably needed a longer lead time than three months. I…” you paused. “I’m going to level with you. I only hoped that I could bring somebody emotionally removed…somebody who–won’t feel sorry for me despite my sad situation. I just need somebody whom I can lean on and just straight-up tell me to get my head out of my ass.” Your voice started to crack but you realized that nobody was listening on the other end so you cleared your throat. 
“Anyway! I’m sorry to bother you with all that, over a recording–my god,” you said, mortified. “Uh, yeah so…y-you don’t have to get back to me. I just–wanted you to know that I’m…I’m good. Thank you for…considering. Uhm…bye.”
You cringed, vaguely remembering your rambling voicemail to him. You sounded pathetic. Maybe he did take some pity on you after all.
“Like I said, I wanted somebody who wouldn’t feel sorry for me,” you laughed uncomfortably.
“I didn’t feel sorry for you–not at all. I called you back because I felt that I could help you.”
“And I’m sure you needed the money,” you scoffed under your breath.
He tilted his head subtly. “Sometimes it’s not always about the money.”
You stared at each other intently. You haven’t had much experience with people who have been hired for ‘special companionship.’ If this was a norm for them or not–having some sort of connection with clients.
You thought it was all part of the deal–some physical and emotional support? Kind of like a shrink? They sure charge for time like shrinks do.
You were guarded–mainly because he was a stranger to you.
A stranger whom you’d shared kisses and intimate touches with. A stranger whom you just shared a bed with!
He’s gotten a preview of your insecurities and taken a glimpse of the reasons for them.
“Why did he break it off?”
Your brows lifted at the question about how things ended with Haru.  At the heart of it, Jungkook was still a complete stranger to you. You shifted in your seat a little but decided to answer him anyway. It didn’t feel like he was asking to be invasive. He wasn’t Cris or Mindi–whom you spent nights and some days on the phone, sobbing while asking ‘why,’ repeatedly.
He wasn’t privy to the heartbreak and confusion that ate you up for the better part of a year.
“I don’t know, really,” you began. And that was God's honest truth. “We were together for six years even though we’ve known each other since we were kids. We were engaged for close to two years and then, out of the blue, he says that he’s made a mistake and didn’t really see us having a future together.” You threw your hands up in defeat. “And…that was that.”
“Did he give you a reason why?” He asked.
“He gave me ‘a’ reason…which I didn’t really buy. Then again, I didn’t want to force him to stay. He seemed to have his mind made up. There’s nothing sadder than a woman begging a man to stay…” They were words your mother lived by.
“You’re sure he didn’t just knock some girl up or something deeper than that?” He looks at you pointedly.
You laughed. “I mean…I don’t know. That would be a really cruel joke if he did.”
He nodded. “It would. Not impossible though,” he points out.
“I guess.” You relented. “Sometimes, I think that even after all these years, maybe I didn’t really know him.”
He sighed before he asked his next question. “And you want him back?”
You shrugged. “Haru…he was my first love. He made me feel safe. He was familiar. I felt like I could really be myself around him.”
His eyebrows quirked. “Is that right?”
“Yeah, why?” You scrunch your face at his skepticism. 
“Because…if you ask me, I feel like you are anything but yourself around him.”
Now it was your turn to raise your brows at him. “Oh, so you’re saying that you know who I really am?”
“It’s not hard to guess. I see the way you interact with your brother and your cousins. You’re loud, inappropriate—“ He raised his eyebrow at you.
You give him an offended look.
Seeing your face, he chuckled. “But…you are also funny, sweet, and caring. I can see that you love with your whole heart. And the way you laugh—“ he stopped short.
During the brief interactions he’s seen between you and your brother and cousins, your laughs resonated from the depths of your belly. You didn’t hold back. But whenever Haru walked by or was in close proximity, he saw you shrink like a violet. It was as if you were a different person.
With Haru out of the picture, you were as genuine as you could be. As someone whose business thrived off of fake shit, Jungkook appreciated that about you…so much so that you intrigued him even further.
“And what about my laugh?” You ask him pointedly.
He returned your gaze, the corners of his mouth twitch a little. “Just as loud...but authentic,” he said softly.
You scoffed. “Oh, so you’re a laugh expert now?”
He shrugged his shoulders, trying to sound noncommittal. “You can tell a lot about a person just by the way they laugh. If they’re just being polite, mean-spirited…or just real.”
You regarded him intently. You didn’t realize how…introspective he could be.
“Plus, it’s part of my job to be observant. I need to be able to react quickly and smoothly without any prompting or obvious instructions from my clients. It helps sell the fantasy,” he adds.
Oddly, his explanation made a lot of sense to you. So you decide to turn the question onto him. “And what about you?”
“What about me?”
“Who is the real Jungkook? What is your true self? I mean…when you’re not fulfilling women’s fantasies.”
He laughed softly. “Nobody’s ever asked me that.” His head bowed and he got quiet for a bit. He chewed at his bottom lip and subtly fidgeted with his lip piercing.
You tilted your head to the side. “Well? Will you answer? Or is that going to cost me extra,” you tease him.
He lifted his head to look up at you. “I’ll answer that…for free,” he grinned.
You shifted where you sat and awaited his response.
He exhaled sharply. “Despite my chosen line of work, I’m a huge fan of honesty…in every aspect of my life.”
“Huh. Okay...” It felt a little anticlimactic but he was being vulnerable and you appreciated that.
He laughed. “I know it sounds boring, but it’s one thing I try to live by. Which was why I told you from the outset…that we need to be completely honest with each other.”
“Right. Before we lie to everyone else,” you said ruefully. 
He smiled. “The irony isn’t lost on me. But like I said, I’m entering into, for lack of a better term,” he gestures air quotes with his hands—“A ‘business partnership’ with you. There has to be some trust and integrity there. Otherwise, we can’t be successful at this.”
There he was, sounding professional again. The constant shifting in personas wasn’t lost on you. It’s been almost three days of this. One minute, he’d be sweet and he would sound so sincere–calming you down, getting you breakfast…or kissing you ‘just because he felt like it’. And then, at a drop of a hat, he would go into this whole spiel of his business practices.
You nodded–it was all you could do. Trust and integrity were hard to come by these days. And if someone—even one whose living is typically built on lies—uses it as some sort of guiding principle, that was good enough for you. At the end of the day, you felt that you trusted him.
“I agree. On all counts,” you smiled.
He smiled back, suddenly changing tact. “So—you ready to get this bachelorette party rolling or what?”
You laughed. “I don’t know. Are you cool tagging along with the guys during whatever craziness they have planned?”
“Are you undermining my skills?” He asks you pointedly.
That look he gave you lit a fire in the base of your belly, making your cheeks heat up. 
“Uh, no. Not at all,” you said simply, trying to calm your stomach down from doing somersaults. You purse your lips. “You know there’s going to be strippers there, right?” You said, trying to sound as if you didn’t care.
He cocked an eyebrow at you and lowered his voice. “Would you like to impose restrictions on me? Look but don’t touch?”
You coughed, trying to catch your breath. “N-no! Not at all! I mean…go have fun! It’s a party, after all!” You wave your hands around aimlessly, as if trying to shake off this tense energy.
He laughed. “It’s fine if you want to. And I assure you, I can and will conduct myself appropriately,” he smirked. “I’m loyal to one woman after all,” he says, taking your hand, holding it up to his lips to kiss it.
You wanted to believe that, really. And maybe–if you got enough liquid courage in you tonight, you could make a quick stop at the ATM. It would be a shame if all those condoms were to go to waste.
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Thank you for reading!
If you loved it and/or curious to learn more, please comment, reblog, or send me feedback! 📩. I love hearing from readers! If you didn't like it so much, I would still like to hear about it 💜
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Taglist: @internetjunkdrawer @deepseavibez @itdoesntmatterwhy @jiminisnotavirgin @taleasnewastime @jkkkkkay @bruisedscrewedandtattooed @artsxpe @shadowydreamerblizzard @yoontaethings @amylouisecullen @serendididy @mwitsmejk @hehurst23 @coffeemightkillme @mschievous247
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shina913 · 1 year
Your year, your words
Thank you @btscarnivalnet for encouraging this retrospective of 2022. It was a big writing year for me and I've met so many beautiful people through this site. I'm so happy to be sharing a space with so many humans who can build worlds and create visuals that I never even thought possible. Let's keep that energy into 2023 🎉
✦ How many works(fics, gfx, gifs) have you released this year?
24 fics (including spin-offs/one-offs)! I really set out to build my masterlist this year and I can’t believe how much I’ve written…I am losing my mind over it!
✦  Which ones took the longest to make?
I have a handful of ongoing fics but so far, Scions is taking me the longest to update. My chapters for that fic are long, super angsty, and very dramatic. It’s also an ensemble story so I try to make sure that I give each character their own moment. It’s a lot of balls (heh) to juggle!
✦  Which ones took the least amount of time to make?
I have several one-shot fics that I’ve written in either one sitting or within a day. The quickest fics that I’ve been able to write were:
Ristretto 1, KNJ
Revenant, MYG
Stubble, KNJ
Whirr, MYG
Satiated, JJK
In terms of series, Intersect took me the shortest amount of time to complete. I was just very inspired, I guess?
✦  Pick out some of the works you’re most proud of and tell us something about the creative process. (Be it idea, the actual work, how it started, whether it changed lanes between, etc) 
I love all of my stories but am proud of Scale and Coquet.
For Scale–I have a love-hate relationship with it because the plot had morphed into this really complex story since I first came up with it. It was just supposed to be a chaebol/CEO!Jin trope…and then my mind just went off the rails 🤣 There were so many technical details that I had to look up and work into the writing. It was exhausting and I really wanted to give up several times but I stuck with it and tried to simplify the ending. It was all very satisfying once I finished it!
I also picked Coquet because I took a movie that I’ve loved over the years and tried to rewrite a slightly different ending for the characters (because I had an issue with how it ended). There were definitely some (unavoidable) plot holes but I still love how it turned out in the end.
Another thing, these two particular fics are significant to me because during the planning process, there were plot points that I wanted to introduce into each of these stories but my loves, @internetjunkdrawer and @deepseavibez quickly shot them down and discouraged me from doing so. In hindsight…they were right 🤣 They’re pretty embarrassing now that I think about it and @internetjunkdrawer and I frequently laugh about them…especially my initial idea about what I had planned for Jennie’s backstory on Coquet 😬
If you’re curious, DM me and I’ll tell you!
✦  From January to December, has your work/methodology changed? How?
My methodology hasn’t changed much since I started to write. I get an idea or inspiration somewhere and I just write on my phone or my computer. More recently, I have lengthy conversations with my sis about my plot points especially when I get stuck on something. It’s helpful for me to talk it out!
The tone of my writing has changed, though because…medication😬 But seriously, throughout the year, I have gone through many highs and lows. I found that I don’t write as often in bed as I used to, that’s for sure. There were many chapters of Gradation and Scale that were written at 3AM…
Whenever I get an idea, I try to capture it right away or at least write it down on my phone. At some point, I’ve revisited some WIPs throughout the year and either transformed them into something completely different than I originally intended to (On Tilt) or repurposed portions and included them into my other fics (Flowerworks, Coquet).
✦  Pick a BTS song that was your biggest muse this year.
Butterfly is a constant favorite and Persona always gets me fired up.
✦  If your work could be depicted in three colors, what would you choose?
Black for some of the darker content that I’ve written; blue for inspiration, calm, and joy; and red for passion, love, and spice 😉
✦  Some words for the new creators who will enter this community in 2023.
Just write! I’ve seen non-writing moots (or they write but don’t publish) on my dash saying that they are inspired to write because of certain prompts that they’ve seen or heard recently but also scared that it might ‘suck.’ If you’re feeling inspired, just write it now and edit later. If the words are flowing, capitalize on it!
✦  Some words for yourself for the year 2023.
Let go of the things that you can't control and be kind to yourself! 🥺 
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shina913 · 3 years
Gradation, Part 3 | JJK
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Gradation, Part 3
gra·​da·​tion | \ grā-ˈdā-shən , grə- \
Definition: 1a: a series forming successive stages 1b: a step or place in an ordered scale 2: an advance by regular degrees 3: a gradual passing from one tint or shade to another
–Source: Merriam-Webster
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✮ ✮ ✮ Gradation Masterlist ✮ ✮ ✮
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Pairing: JJK x Fem!reader
Rating: M (🔞); NSFW
Genre: BF2L; slow burn; fluff; angst; smut
Word count: 9.7K+ words
Warnings: feelings of sadness and depression; anxiety; lots of crying; excessive cussing; some alcohol consumption; mentions of psychotherapy; lots of angst; OC is retriggered about her wedding; pining; a wild Jin appears!; oral (mutual); fingering; body worship; protected sex; bed-sharing; dirty talk; spooning
Summary: On your wedding day, your fiancé leaves you at the altar. While reeling from the embarrassment and heartbreak, your best friend, Jungkook, wants to do everything that he can to help you heal.
A/N: I was going to wait but...I was getting antsy as I'm simultaneously filling in the next few chapters so I thought, fuck it! Here she is and proceed with caution because she's a dirty one.
Time jump alert! On Part 2, OC hinted at her upcoming vacation…and now it’s here!
It was roughly beta'd so please excuse any errors or inaccuracies. This is an AU after all. As usual, any feedback is welcome. Enjoy!
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Two weeks later
“I’m confident that this strategy will work for your brand, Mr. Kim. We have a great team and we’ve done a lot of research on your target market so I have no doubt that it will not only expand your reach but also keep the current market engaged.”
Jungkook was in his element. His new client, venture capitalist, Kim Seokjin has hired Jungkook and his team of experts to rework the brand strategy for his new pet project.
“Hey, I was sold from the beginning,” Seokjin says, clearly pleased with the presentation. “Please thank your team for a phenomenal pitch.” He shakes Jungkook’s hand.
Seokjin was not your typical rich boy. Although he came from money, he didn’t flaunt it unless the situation called for it. He stuck with lowkey-looking basics. Today, he arrived at the meeting in a light gray suit that had a distinct red, white, and blue-striped armband accent and wore white sneakers. If you took a closer look, it was a bespoke Thom Browne ensemble, one of many that he owned--and his "sneakers" were Alexander McQueen low-tops.
“Listen, I’m hosting a party at my house next month. You should stop by and have a few drinks, maybe meet a few more of my friends, maybe network a bit.”
“Yeah, wow. I’d love to! Thanks, Mr. Kim.”
Sure, he flexed some but Jin was still relatively approachable and down-to-earth, despite his jaw-dropping net worth.
“Please, call me ‘Jin.’ Just call my assistant and they can send you the details. You can bring a date, too if you like.”
“Uh, great. Thanks, Jin.”
“Looking forward to seeing you there, Jungkook!” He gives him a pat on the shoulder and exits the conference room. “Amazing work,” he bellows over his shoulder as he makes his way towards the bank of elevators.
“Thank you,” he yells back as Jin rounded the corner.
Jungkook was excited and in the mood to celebrate. He just landed a nice, profitable contract and was sure to get a bonus at the end of the month. He suddenly gets a bright idea and starts to walk towards his boss’ office to clear it—even though he didn’t see a reason why he would get turned down. He couldn’t wait to get home to you to tell you about it.
“Surprise! I’m coming with you!”
“Huh? Where?” You look up from your bowl of takeout ramen that Jungkook brought from one of your favorite restaurants.
“To Hawaii! I just signed a fat contract and asked my boss for a week off and he gave it to me!” He says, then proceeds to stuff his mouth with ramen noodles.
“What?! O-okay, first of all, congratulations on the contract. And secondly, are you sure you want to come with me on this weird, Hawaiian ‘Eat, Pray, Love’ thing? I don’t want to bore you and clearly, you’re already seeing enough of it here. I just don’t want to drive you crazy on a whole other island.”
Your Hawaii trip was fast approaching—3 days to be exact before your flight and you haven’t packed anything. It was really unlike you since you try to keep yourself organized, as much as you could. But…lots of shit happened and your therapist advised you to give yourself time and leeway especially with your old routines.
“Ah, crazy-schmazy. I’m on a high right now and nothing can kill my vibe. Also, I just didn’t want you to be alone. And I’ve never been to Oahu, can you believe it?”
“Are you sure they’re cool with it at work? It seems like you’re scoring a lot of revenue for them.”
“They owe me vacation time anyway. And it’s one week. They need some time to miss me over there…and realize who’s pulling all the weight,” he says confidently with a wink.
“Uhh…okay! Great! What about your ticket?”
“Well, I was thinking that I can just pay you for that airline credit since you technically paid for two seats, right?”
“Ok, great! I’ll call tomorrow or ask my assistant to do it. Can you email me the details?
“Perfect. I’m actually looking forward to it. I think we’ll have a lot of fun!”
You couldn’t help but snort at the thought of going on your supposed surprise honeymoon with your best friend. However, it’s been a while since you went on vacation with Jungkook. The last time was at spring break during your junior year in college along with Jimin and Taehyung. It was one of the best vacations that you had right before you and Derek started dating. Irony aside, it was certainly better than spending a week in paradise alone. You couldn’t help but look forward to it.
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On Wednesday afternoon, you wrap up your day slightly early, clearing your desk of any pending work before you took off for the week. It was quite a feat and Yoongi was impressed with how efficient you were. You stopped by his office and gave him a quick rundown of any possible queries that might come up while you were out but that you had already lined up a backup person to address them. Still, you let him know that you were available for quick questions should the need arise.
He waved you off again and highly recommended that you turn off all of your email alerts and have a great time instead. You bid him good-bye and stopped by your desk one last time to turn on your “out-of-office” automatic responses and shut your computer down.
You walk out waving to a couple other colleagues that you pass on your way to the elevator. All of them wishing you well on your vacation.
You pull your phone out as you step into the elevator, shooting a quick text to Hobi that you had just left the office and were on your way to meet him. You managed to fit in a late-day condo tour before you had to rage-pack for your flight tomorrow morning.
You park your car across the street from the address and check in with the doorman to let him know that you had an appointment to see a unit. He promptly checks his list and sees your name written down and points you towards the elevators. You get off the 8th floor and see your brother standing by the entrance having a casual conversation with a woman dressed in a pantsuit. You assumed that she was the property’s broker.
“Hey, YN,” Hobi greets you with a smile as you walk over to give him a hug.
“Hi Hobi.”
“So, YN, this is Stella Byeon, the agent. Stella, this is my little sister, YN.”
“Lovely to meet you, YN,” she says as she shakes your hand.
“Thanks so much for agreeing to meet this afternoon,” you say appreciatively.
“Oh, Hoseok and I go way back. When he told me that his sister was looking for a place downtown, I had to ping him right away when this listing came my way. Shall we,” she waves her hand towards the entrance to facilitate the tour.
“Yes, please. After you,” Hobi says.
As soon as you enter the space, Stella starts to describe the general layout. The living room was relatively small but it had a nice, spacious kitchen with quartz countertops. You were already in love.
It was a two-bedroom, one bathroom, and had specific plumbing installed to accommodate your own personal washing machine and dryer. It was a huge plus for you as you weren’t sure about lugging around your laundry to another location. People can go ahead and call you a “princess” for all you care, but you’ve already had to do that during your college years and gave up on the dorm machines, opting to wait til the weekend to do laundry at your parents’ house.
The unit also had a small balcony overlooking the city. The street where the building was located was not a main street so you wouldn’t have to worry too much about noise. She continues on to say that the current owners wanted to move out of the city and back into the suburbs as their grandchildren multiplied and they wanted to have more of their extended family spend more time with them.
After her whole spiel, Stella excuses herself. “Alright, well, I’ll leave you two for a bit and give you a few minutes to think about it. And please, take your time. Feel free to roam around a bit more, okay?”
“Thanks, Stella,” Hobi calls out as she steps into the hallway. As soon as she’s out of earshot, he turns to you right away. “Well? What do you think, YN?”
“I mean... honestly, I love it,” you gush tentatively.
“I feel a ‘but’ coming.”
You snort and Hobi, realizing what he just said, pouts at your immaturity. “Geez, YN. How old are you, seven?”
Turning serious now, you say, “Sorry, sorry. It was right there. Anyway! I really do love it--but it is a few dollars outside of the limit that I set.”
“Agh, I know, I know. Sorry. I was really hoping for a bit of flexibility on their end and truth be told, Stella really came to bat for me here. This place isn’t even available publicly yet--not to put any pressure on you or anything. But...I totally understand your concern. Obviously, it’s your money. You do what you want with it. However, I know that I said Stella was my friend--I mean...there’s history there but I’m not afraid to play some hardball for you to make sure that you can walk away with a good deal.”
You sigh and consider this. You walked through the space and looked around once more. This place did tick all of your boxes and then some. When Derek purchased the home that you previously shared, you weren’t involved in the process so this whole thing is relatively new to you and Hobi didn’t want to bore anyone with the whole topic of real estate transactions but he was very helpful in answering all of your queries. You also felt bad if your brother had to leverage his personal relationship just to give you the upper hand.
You already started picturing the meals you would be cooking for your family when they came over; the weekend sleepovers with your friends; the type of sectional couch that you thought would fit perfectly within this space.
“You know what, I feel like I still have some good wiggle room in the budget so, fuck it. Let’s make an offer!”
“Are you sure, YN?”
“Seriously, bro? Now you’re asking me if I’m sure after your whole speech?”
He laughs, “No, no. I’m sorry--I guarantee you, this is going to be a great investment! And yes, you had a good amount of wiggle room for negotiation so, you’ll be good up to a certain point. And trust me, I’ll pull back if I feel like you’re on the losing end.”
“Okay, fine--go ahead and talk to your friend!”
“You won’t regret this, YN,” he gives you a kiss on the cheek.
He exits the front door to find Stella and they talk business while you stand in the middle of the room. It was completely empty and bare. It was a clean slate...just what you needed.
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Thursday morning was a blur. Jungkook got home late last night trying to wrap up the new campaign for Jin’s startup along with a proposal for the City Museum’s new exhibit. He did the best he could, delegating tasks for his team to finish. He barely got all of his packing done before passing out close to 3 in the morning.
Taehyung arrived promptly at 6AM to pick you both up and drop you off at the airport. A grumpy Jungkook did not see a reason why you needed a two hour leeway for a domestic flight. You always worried about giving yourself enough time to arrive at the airport and go through the security line. You assured him that he would thank you later.
Since the flight wasn’t sold out, the airline offered you both free upgrades to first class when you arrived at the counter. It certainly eased his sour mood, which improved even further after you bought him a proper breakfast with copious amounts of coffee by the time you got to your flight’s gate.
After a 5½- hour flight (a 5-hour nap for Jungkook) and a short drive later, you finally arrive at your hotel.
“Hi, I have a reservation under Jung YN,” you greet the front desk staff.
“Aloha! Yes, let me search that reservation for you,” she says as she types on her computer. “Perfect! Can I please have a form of identification and a credit card?”
“Thank you,” she says as she accepts your documents.
“Hi, uhm...Leilani,” Jungkook says as he reads off the staff’s nameplate while giving her that panty-busting smile.
You roll your eyes. You know that tone of voice--it means he’s about to work some magic and you’re not about to stand there and squirm while he does it. You excuse yourself to use the ladies’ room and ask Jungkook to take your card and driver’s license back whenever he was done with his business.
After a few minutes, you return as Jungkook meets you halfway, rolling your suitcases.
“I got us a free upgrade to a beachfront villa and a few drink vouchers for the luau on Saturday night,” he beams, clearly proud of himself while handing you your license and credit card back.
“What? How the heck did you manage that?”
“I just talked to her and asked if there were any upgrades available and she also happened to throw in a couple more freebies,” he shrugs his shoulders innocently.
“Mm-hm,” you roll your eyes and shake your head.
“Ah, YN...Stop being such a buzzkill,” he giggles while pinching your cheeks. “C’mon, I’m sure Tae and Chim are itching for a room tour!”
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The first two days on the island were spent mostly chilling at the beach or driving around to explore local eats. You weren’t on any particular schedule other than a couple of places that Jungkook looked up and wanted to try. He also booked some surfing lessons for the next few days. Yep, just another random hobby that he wanted to pick up and was guaranteed to be good at, for sure.
Your suite had a small, gated backyard that had a sitting area and a hammock--which was Jungkook’s favorite thing. Whenever you were back in the room, he either napped on it or just lounged on it while listening to the ocean.
Although you had a 2-bedroom suite, you had spent your first two evenings falling asleep on the couch. You talked late into the night, snacked on room service, drank, and talked some more until you fell asleep. It was just like old times, pre-Derek.
On Saturday morning, you spent some time at the spa, getting a massage and a facial. Your therapist rescheduled yesterday’s session to the following week on account of your vacation. She gave you the same advice that Yoongi did--unplug and enjoy the moment. You had brought your meds with you and she assured you that she was a phone call away in case of emergency.
You were back in the room, laying on the hammock with a book, finally taking advantage of the fact that Jungkook was not on it since he spent the morning in his first surfing lesson. You wanted to enjoy some quiet time before the luau. You’ve been to Hawaii a handful of times with your family and depending on the crowd, things usually got pretty lit so you wanted to pace yourself.
All of a sudden, you hear whooping coming from the beach. You look up from your book to see Jungkook walking back to your villa, surfboard in hand. You remember him leaving the room dressed in his board shorts with a rash guard on. Now, it seems he’s taken his top off at some point and making his way back to you dripping wet, his hair slicked back, and full sleeve on display.
“Oh man, that--was exhilarating!” He exclaims as he enters through the gate.
“Wow--glad you had a great time.”
“How was your massage?”
“Best thing ever,” you sigh.
“You’re in my spot, you know.”
“Sorry, I didn’t see your name on it. You snooze, you--ahh!” You scream as he starts shaking the excess water off his body on to you then runs off inside giggling.
By 5PM, you were getting ready for dinner. You had on a lightweight wrap maxi dress with a floral print, and strappy, heeled sandals. You wore your hair in a loose bun and finished off your look with a white plumeria tucked in your right ear.
Jungkook on the other hand, had on a red and white Hawaiian shirt with turtles and palm trees printed on it. He wore it unbuttoned over a white tank top, khakis, and red Converse sneakers. He kept his hair slicked back, that forehead exposed. He was going for a relaxed, island boy look.
You step out of the bathroom to check on him to make sure that you didn’t keep him waiting and that you had enough time to get to the courtyard where the hotel was hosting the luau.
You caught sight of him leaning against the couch scrolling through his phone. Damn, did he always look this good, you thought to yourself.
He sees you from his peripheral vision and gets a look at you. “Wow, you look nice!”
Your dress also had a deep neckline in the front and a thigh-high slit. A bit revealing for dinner but it was an impulse buy online and you got it the day before your flight, threw it in the wash quickly and it went straight into your suitcase so you were going to rock it, regardless.
“Thanks,” you mutter. “You don’t look too bad yourself.” He cocks his head to the side mouthing his thanks.
“You ready?”
“Yes, I am. Let’s go?” You pick up your purse by the strap as Jungkook walks over to the door and holds it open for you.
You arrive at dinner and are immediately served cocktails after you take your seats. The courtyard was beautifully decorated with flowers—some orchids and birds of paradise. Tiki torches adorned the surrounding area. Up front was a stage for a live band and other performers. In front of the stage was a dance floor, surrounded by several dining tables and chairs that were set up for hotel guests who had reservations.
Dinner was buffet-style and you tucked right in with some island favorites: macaroni salad, grilled mahi-mahi, beef teriyaki, and kalua pork among them.
It wasn’t long before you started dinner that fire dancers took the stage, followed by hula dancers and drummers which you both thoroughly enjoyed.
During a break on the live entertainment, Jungkook excused himself to grab you another cocktail at the bar. As he walks off, you check on your phone for any texts or calls. You sent Jimin a short video that you took of the fire dancers and got an Edvard Munch scream emoji in response. Just then, you glance back up towards the bar where Jungkook was and notice that he was having a conversation with a dark-haired woman.
This scene was not new to you. You’ve been out with Jungkook many times over the years and women naturally flock over to him. He just had that effect. The Jungkook you knew at home was a quirky, fluffy, bunny. But when he stepped out, he brought women to their knees.
You see the woman he’s talking to suddenly grab a pen and napkin and start scribbling on it. Once done, she hands it over to your friend, flutters her lashes, and flashes her biggest come-hither smile as she struts her way back to her table.
Damn, is she thirsty or what? You roll your eyes at the interaction as Jungkook walks back to your table, bringing two more mai tais.
“Hey…saw you got some digits at the bar,” you tease in a singsong voice.
“Oh, that? Yeah, it was kind of awkward,” he says dismissively.
“She looked pretty cute,” you say to him, off-handedly.
He knits his brows in confusion. “Since when did you start pimping me out?”
Defensively, you respond, “I’m not! I’m just saying that she’s cute, you’re on vacation…”
“Nah, c’mon, YN, you know I don’t operate like that.”
Although he looked the part, Jungkook did not sleep around. He casually dated and flirted openly and often but he’s taken very few women to bed. It seemed hard to believe but he was still very much a relationship guy and really particular about what he wanted.
“Yeah,” you concede. “Sorry, I just wanted you to have a good time.”
“Who says I’m not,” he asks quizzically while looking at you.
“I’m in paradise with good food, good music, and my best girl…I don’t need much more,” he shrugs his shoulders. It was then you see the napkin that he just received wrapped around his glass, phone number facing inward as the moisture from the ice already started condensing, making the ink run off.
You smile as he sipped on his drink. Before this trip, you were fully set on just enjoying the beach, going on a hike or two, and maybe going for a drive to enjoy some local eats. You had nothing concrete planned. You mainly just wanted to go with the flow--unplug and enjoy the moment, as Yoongi suggested. But now that you had company, you wanted to maximize the experience.
A local band begins to take the stage and introduces themselves. They start their set with an upbeat song.
The drums and guitar licks get your rhythm going. “Dance with me,” you motion him to follow you to the dance floor and he obliges.
You move your hips to the beat and feel him move behind you. Jungkook was a very good dancer and not to brag but you could hang with him. You moved naturally to the beat, rolling your hips into him. He returns the favor by doing the same and snakes his hand around your waist. Your arm reaches the back of his neck as you lean towards him, getting lost in the rhythm.
Three songs in, your hips continue to undulate at the beat. You turn around to face him and see him staring at you through hooded eyes, his hands now resting on your hips. The band decides to sing a cover of a song familiar to both of you.
'Cause I wanna know How deep we can go 'Cause I feel your energy warming I find inner peace when I'm Sunbathing Bathing in your waters Naked thoughts temptation Baby, come with me Ohh, sunbathing Breathless views and beaches Your body's a vacation I never wanna leave I never wanna leave
You notice him inching closer to you, and you don’t stop him. You were outdoors and a soft breeze was blowing, but you couldn’t tell the difference because it felt like dancing in the middle of a burning room with all the tension building up.
“What are you doing?” You ask innocently.
“Dancing with you,” he answers matter-of-factly, his fingers applying pressure on your hips.
“Why?“ He asks.
“Nothing,” you try to say nonchalantly. “Uhm, do you want to go for a short walk and head back to the room?” You offer, trying to break the tension.
“Okay. Feeling tired?”
A little flustered, maybe but sure, let’s go with ‘tired’. “Yeah, a little.”
Since you had already prepaid for dinner, all you had to do was walk off the courtyard and onto the beach to enjoy the scenery as the band wraps up its song.
'Cause I need your sunshine As soon as the sun sets Something 'bout you in that sundress What rhymes with sundress? I'm just-- Sunbathing
The sun had just set and the evening breeze was blowing, a welcome surprise after a mostly humid day. The feel of soft sand and ocean waves splashing on your bare feet was calming and surprisingly therapeutic. You and Jungkook held your footwear in your hands as you joked around and carried on a casual conversation--breaking down remnants of the tension that you built up on the dance floor.
As you neared the end of the beach, Jungkook pauses to pull his phone out. “Oh, hold on. I wanna take a video real quick and send it to the guys.”
“Okay. Just make sure you don’t drop it into the ocean because I won’t go after it,” you giggle.
As you look away from Jungkook and up towards the end of the beach, you spot a couple walking out from the resort and onto the sand, with a minister. They stand face to face by the rock formation and take each other’s hands. The minister starts his opening remarks that prompts the couple to exchange their vows. The groom wore a Ti leaf lei around his neck while his bride wore a flower crown lei. Both of them beaming with so much love and affection for each other.
Suddenly, you couldn’t help but picture yourself and Derek being in that exact same spot, exchanging your own vows. And yet here you were, on a trip meant for your honeymoon, without your intended husband. The thought crushes you. Although you tried your best to fight it, the urge to crawl back into that dark hole wins.
“I’m sorry, I don’t feel well all of a sudden,” you storm off back to your room, not caring whether Jungkook was right behind you or even heard you.
By the time he looks up from his phone, you were already entering through the beach access gate from your suite. He searches around for what may have caused you to run off and finds the couple exchanging vows from afar.
He sighs and jogs back to the room to check on you.
Not long after you get back to the room, Jungkook enters your suite to see you perched on the sofa, knees pulled up to your chest with your arms resting on them.
“Are you alright?” Jungkook takes a seat next to you.
“I’m--I’ll be fine,” you manage to say as you put your hands over your eyes and apply gentle pressure onto your eyelids. You were surprised that you didn’t completely crumble at the beach but you still were barely holding it together. “I’ll be okay, just leave me alone for a bit.”
But Jungkook wouldn’t let you crawl back into your shell. He gets up and sits on the coffee table, right in front of you and grasps your wrists genty, not intending on removing your hands from your face but mainly to let you hear his voice and make you feel his presence.
“The fuck I will. You know, YN—I’ve told you this over and over again but we didn’t become friends because either of us only wanted to see all of the happy or pretty sides of the other. We became friends because we wanted to be there for each other for—everything…especially when the other is lonely, scared, or feels like shit. I know that I’m not professionally trained. I don’t know what the best meditation method is but I know that I love you and me verbalizing that I hate seeing you sad or hurt does not mean that you need to hide it from me or keep shutting me out.”
Dang, that stung…because he’s right.
“I only say it because I only want to help—so badly—and it hurts me more that you won’t let me. Maybe I can’t take all of the pain away…but please, just let me try. Let me be your friend. Let me in.”
You slowly drop your hands, eyes bloodshot from tears that you were trying to hold in. “I’m just so tired of being this ticking time bomb. One moment, I’m good then the next, I’m all fucked up again. It just makes me want to run and hide all the time.”
“Right. And how’s that going for you?”
You take a deep, shaky breath. “Talking about what happened just opens up this deep well in me again that I had just learned to crawl my way out of. And I am so terrified—time and time again—that the well will get deeper and deeper, and that I’ll be left with nothing but a pinhole to look up at. If or when I get to that point, I’m scared that it would just kill my spirit completely and that I would just have to learn to live in that dark place…forever. I’m trying—trying really hard not to do that,” you sob.
“Then I will be here, each and every single time with a rope, a bucket, grappling hook…maybe even scale that well with you—whatever you need, to help get you back to the surface. I want you to get that in your head. You’ve done the same for me so many times. I am here and I am at your disposal,” he says reassuringly as he cups your face in his hands.
You stare at him for a minute. You weren’t sure if it was the proximity of his face, all of those cocktails that you had at dinner, the way your hips were grinding against each other while you danced...or the way you see him briefly lick his lips that compelled you to close the gap between you and lock your lips with his.
It took about a second for your brain to catch up with your body and as soon as it did, you jumped backwards onto the couch. His eyes were wide, mouth hung open, seemingly frozen in position as you stared at each other in shock.
“Oh my god…I didn’t mean--sorry,” you hastily get up from the couch and walk hurriedly to the bedroom. You had already crossed the threshold when you felt him tug at your wrist and turn you around towards him. He grabs you by the base of your neck and searches your face.
As you open your mouth to utter another apology, he shuts you up by crashing his lips onto yours.
Ironically, you were now suddenly frozen by the feel of his lips on yours. They were soft yet firm. Strangely familiar and tender. His tongue licked your lower lip and you opened up to him with a low moan and he slid right inside.
“Fuck!” He mutters as he pulls away this time. Both your chests heaving at the sudden burst of passion coursing through your bodies. Surely, this must be wrong? You were best friends! Best friends don’t do this!
He covers his mouth with his fist, pacing around the room while you decide to take a seat at the edge of the bed--neither of you trying to make eye contact.
You blink away your dazed expression. “What just happened,” you stupidly say.
He stops pacing and settles for leaning against the wall, right in front of you. You look up at him slowly, unsure. His eyes were on the floor, shaking his head. You chew at your bottom lip, waiting for him to respond. He pinches his lower lip with his thumb and forefinger and finally looks at you.
“You kissed me first!” His tone sounds accusatory.
You scoff at his response. “That was practically a peck! You stuck your tongue down my throat,” you counter with a frown.
“Shit,” as he squeezes his eyes shut and covers his face with his hands and groans. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to come off like an asshole.”
Realizing how childish this argument was, your face softens. “Listen, I’m sorry, too--for starting this. I was just feeling really raw and--my body got ahead of my brain--” you start babbling.
You knit your brows in confusion. “Uhm, I--I just saw this couple and--”
“No, why did you kiss me,” he cuts you off again.
“I just told you why. I was feeling vulnerable,” you sigh in exasperation.
He takes two strides towards you and sits next to you on the bed. He turns to you and looks you in the eye.
“You’re not answering my question. Why did you kiss me,” he repeats.
You start to get flustered. “Is my answer not to your satisfaction,” you ask defensively.
His expression doesn’t change...he doesn’t budge. “Why,” he asks softly. “And don’t lie.”
You let out a shaky breath as you try to form words in your brain. After a long pause, you look him straight in the eye. “Because I wanted to.”
He raises his eyebrows in surprise. He was not expecting that. Actually, he wasn’t sure what answer he was expecting...but it definitely wasn’t that. He puts his tongue to his cheek and looks back down at the floor.
“Why did you kiss me?”
“Because--” he looks back up at you, “I wanted to.”
“Are you fucking with me right now?” You ask, annoyed at him duplicating your answer.
He cocks his head to the side, keeping eye contact with you. “Nope,” he simply says. You stare at each other for a few seconds, mainly waiting for him to crack--but when he doesn’t, your face starts to heat up and you break contact first.
“Oh,” is all you manage to say.
“So...what should we do now?” He wonders aloud.
You stare back at him again, trying to think of a quick answer but couldn’t. The longer you stared at him, the more your desire started to build up into a fever pitch. Panting softly, you bite your lower lip to try and make a futile attempt at containing it.
Like a shark sensing blood in the water, he reaches over to free your lower lip from your teeth. “Careful. You’ll break the skin if you keep sinking your teeth in any deeper.”
The contact sends a shiver down your spine and you were unable to hold back any longer. You lean in to kiss him again. He kissed you back as if he could eat you alive.
Your arms draped across his shoulders and moved up his neck until your fingers were fisting at his raven hair. He tasted of citrus and pineapple--all traces from the cocktails you’ve been consuming for most of the evening.
With his hands resting on your cheek, he says, “YN, I don’t want you to think that I’m trying to--”
“You’re not,” you cut him off instantly. “I want this, if you do, too?” He gives you a nod.
“Then kiss me again,” you command him.
“You don’t have to ask me twice,” as he goes back in. You sighed as his tongue dipped inside, tasting you in long, slow licks. He kissed you with the right amount of aggression that turned you on to the point of no return.
He slowly lowers you to the bed, keeping your lips locked. He tilts your head to one side to brush the loose strands from your bun and plants soft kisses at the space where your jawline ends and the base of your earlobe begins.
You moan softly at the contact. Needing to feel more of him, you pull his shirt up from behind and rake your nails over his back. He lets out a hiss and continues to move further down your body. He plants kisses between your breasts until he reaches the knot holding your dress together at your waist.
“Can I?”
His question barely registers as you are pulled out of your reverie. “Hm?”
He holds up the knot as you sat up slightly so you could see. He was toying with the knot, ready to rip your dress open but awaited your consent instead.
Is this really happening?
“Yes,” you breathe out.
He smirks and undoes the knot, slowly peeling off the material on either side of you. He drank in your near-naked form--laced bra, and matching panties. He moves back up to kiss you again as his palm reaches over to knead your breast making them unbearably sensitive.
He pulls himself up to unfasten your bra from the front clasp and bends down to take a hardened nipple in his mouth. You cry out at the contact of his tongue circling and gently biting into it.
He moves further down, placing kisses down to your abdomen. You feel his fingers deftly pulling the waistband of your panties lower.
He proceeds to suck on your exposed hip bone. You gasp loudly, bucking your hips at the sensitive skin there as you feel a gush of moisture soak the gusset. You could have sworn that he made you orgasm just by doing that but he was only getting started.
As soon as he rids you of your underwear, he gets on his knees, and picks up your legs that were still hanging off the side of the bed and props them up on his shoulders.
Before he lowers his mouth, he says, “Tell me where it feels good,” as he wraps his plush lips around your cleft.
You all but lost your mind at contact while his tongue made slow, savoring licks to your slit.
“Ohh, right there,” as you circled your hips shamelessly at his mouth. Your hunger, building up with a promise of an orgasm as his tongue continued to flutter at your clit. Your fingers clawed at the sheets.
“Ah…Yeesss, I’m close!” You breathe out as he inserts two fingers in you, curling them and rubbing that bundle of nerves from your insides.
“I’ve got you,” he promised.
You bit back a scream as you tip closer to the edge, your muscles tensing as he pumped his fingers in and out of you while the tip of his tongue continued to decadently tease you. Your fingers now threaded with his hair, tugging at his strands as you continued to roll your hips against his mouth and fingers.
He finishes you off when he closes his lips on to your heat and sucks on the sensitive flesh.
You were done for. The scream you tried to hold back made its way out of your mouth as a deep, guttural groan, your body going rigid as you climaxed, yelling out his name mixed with expletives.
As you come down from your high, you feel him crawl back up next to you to give you a slow, deep kiss. His tongue and lips coated in your arousal, builds up a feeling of want within you. He pulls away and gazes at you as if he had just processed that he just ate you out and made you cum…hard.
“More,” the word tumbles out of your mouth before you could stop it. Did you really want to stop it?
Jungkook’s brows quirk up. Did he hear you right?
“I want more,” you answer, as if he telepathically asked you for clarification. You reach up and pull his neck towards you to kiss him again.
You feel his hands slide down your abdomen, his fingers brushing over your slicked heat once more.
You pull your lips away. “No, not that. I want you,” your hand moves to cup his straining erection, rubbing your palm against it.
“YN, w-we don’t have to—“
You move to sit yourself up then push him down flat on the mattress to straddle his thighs. You start unbuckling his belt and undoing the buttons on his pants.
Realizing what you’re doing he puts his hand on your wrist to stop you. “YN, you don’t have to do that. I just wanted to take care of you.”
“And now I want to take care of you. Will you let me? Please?”
Something about you sitting on top of him in all your glory throws all of his good senses out the window. He sits up to cup your cheek and gives you a short but deep kiss. As he pulls away, he gives you a nod and lays back on the mattress.
He raises his hip slightly to help slide his pants and boxers off. And what a sight to see…long, thick, veiny, a swollen tip with precum starting to ooze out of it. As you ogle at your best friend’s cock, he chews on his lip ring waiting for your next move.
You start by wrapping your lips around the tip, sucking the moisture from it. He gasps at the contact. Seizing the moment, you drag the flat of your tongue from the base and back up to the tip, barely giving him time to recover or let reality set in.
“Fuuuckk…” was all he managed to drag out as his eyes roll to the back of his head while you continue your oral assault on him.
You bob your head up and down his length, taking him deeper in your throat. “Oh my god…what are you doing,” he chokes out and sits up to watch you do work.
You hollow your cheeks and suck him in further. He feels himself tipping dangerously close to the edge and you see it too judging by how tight his balls were getting. In an instant, his eyes fly wide open. He sits up and holds himself back.
“YN, wait. I don’t want to cum in your—“
“I want to feel you, Kook,” you cut him off as you came up for air.
He stares at you blankly, his cock right in front of your face. “I want you to fuck me.”
Was it the alcohol? You weren’t that drunk. And neither was he. You were both caught up in the moment.
Jungkook’s body takes over and he switches your positions as you now lay on the bed. He gets up and slowly strips himself off shirt. You slowly raked your eyes up at his bare torso—which you’ve seen countless times. This time, it hits you differently and it just makes you want to devour more of him.
He then moves to kick the his pants off and walks then surprises you as he walks out of the bedroom and off towards the suite’s main entrance, out of sight.
You felt strange that he left you hanging but then you hear the closet door slide and some rustling in the distance. It’s not long until he returns and notice him ripping a small foil packet in his hand.
“You know, I had these in my bag for the longest time and I have no idea why I never took them out after my last trip...but it never crossed my mind that I’d use them on you,” he says with a smirk.
“Well...don’t keep me waiting any longer then.”
After he puts the condom on, he grabs you by the undersides of your knees and in one swift move, pulls you to the edge of the bed once more. He positions himself between your thighs and bends down to give you another kiss. At the same time, he slowly inserts two, then three fingers in you to stretch you out for him. Pumping in and out of you, making you even wetter for him.
“Please, I need you in me,” you plead with him.
He lines himself up at your entrance and eases in slowly, gauging your reaction as you adjust to his girth. Your jaw slack, eyes rolling to the back of your head, feeling his flesh brush your walls while he fills you to the brim.
“You alright?” You give him a nod and kiss to reassure him.
He starts to move his hips. Slowly pumping in and out of you. He lets out a hiss as he feels you clench around him.
“Yes! Yes!" You breathe out and start meeting his thrusts with your own. Gaining a bit more confidence, he increases his pace.
“Fuck! Yes, don’t stop,” You grab both your breasts and start kneading them to increase stimulation.
“Shit, YN—you’re gonna make me bust out quickly doing that,” as he watches you pleasure yourself.
He pulls out of you to switch positions. “Can you get on top?”
You give him a smirk as he gets into position against the headboard. You straddle his hips and hold onto him for leverage while you lower yourself onto his length. He gives your ass a little squeeze and a light slap which takes you by surprise.
He openly told you in the past that he was an ass man. You never thought he’d be grabbing yours while you bounced up and down his dick.
He grinds his hips into yours and you meet his thrusts by rolling your own into his. Feeling your climax building up again, you hold on to the headboard for leverage. He takes a nipple in his mouth and suckles on it while his hand pinches and kneads the other.
“Oh my god, Kook…what the fuck,” you said hoarsely as you rode your way closer into another orgasm. He peppers your sternum and your breasts with soft kisses, bringing you even closer to the brink. He looks up into your eyes, cups your jaw and your neck and pulls you in for a kiss.
You were done for. Your body bows as your second orgasm rips through you. Jungkook swallows every moan and whimper as you ride out your high.
He continues to thrust in and out of you, desperate for his own release. You whine from the feeling of overstimulation but continue to buck your hips onto him wanting to return the favor of the euphoria that he’s granted you.
With one final thrust and a deep groan, he spills his seed into the condom. Fingers digging into your hips and ass, his forehead leaning between your breasts as the final spurts of his climax shoot out of him.
You stay in that position in silence, for a moment. The last few minutes—however long that was—was a blur to you both. Breathing in and out, feeling each other’s heartbeat. The questions linger but they’ll have to wait until tomorrow.
Your alarm goes off at 5:30AM. Not that Jungkook wasn’t already awake before it went off but he still laid there for a bit and watched the rise and fall of your chest as you slept. It was another one of those uninterrupted nights for you. Hours before, you had both fallen asleep on the bed, holding each other.
As soon as he heard the alarm beeping and saw you stirring, he jumped right off the bed and rushed to the bathroom as you rolled over to turn your phone off. You set your alarm yesterday afternoon, for a preplanned hike to watch the sunrise with Jungkook.
You sat up on the bed for a few minutes, allowing yourself to fully adjust to the sunlight peeking through the drapes. You dangle your feet off the edge of the bed before getting up and noticing the aftermath of last night’s activities all over the floor. Your clothes scattered all around and a towel that he used to clean you up afterwards.
You were mid-yawn as your attention then turned towards Jungkook as he returned from the bathroom. He had slipped on a pair of sweats over his boxers--still no shirt on. His hand rubs the back of his neck.
“Uhm, are you still up for hiking?” He murmurs.
“Yeah,” you suddenly perk up. “Are you?”
“Y-yeah, I am. I just wasn’t sure if you were tired or...”
“No, I’m fine--unless--you are? Tired, that is,” you clarify.
“I’m good,” he mutters.
“Okay,” he repeats as he walks off into the second bedroom where he kept his suitcase. The bedroom that he claimed when you arrived and was supposed to sleep in.
“Right--I’ll go and get dressed then,” you mumble to yourself. Just as you reach into the dresser where you unpacked your clothes to retrieve a pair of leggings and a sports bra, you get a glimpse of yourself in the mirror. You had fallen asleep wearing Jungkook’s tank top and just your underwear from the night before.
Yes, you had sex. And God damn it, it was good!
Before last night, conversation flowed freely. However, beginning from the short drive from your hotel, to waiting for the national park gates to open at 6AM, and the first half mile ascent, talking was reduced to one-word answers and occasional mumbling from Jungkook.
You had reached the brink of your irritation at his sudden standoffish demeanor for most of the morning. You decide to tease him to hopefully break the ice. “Come on, Jungkook. Why are you dragging? I was kind of counting on you giving me a piggyback ride on the last leg.”
“Sorry…Look, can we stop for a bit, YN?” You had reached the final leg before reaching the peak, the metal stairs. You moved to one side of the railing to let other people through. It was good that you got there early enough. Otherwise, it would have been too crowded to stop in the middle of the trail.
“What is it?”
“Are we cool?”
Confused, you scrunch your face and cock your head slightly to look at him. With your brows still furrowed, you ask, “Wh-Why wouldn’t we be?”
Jungkook seems to be struggling with his words.
“I just…” he pauses for a beat. He puffs his cheeks out then exhales sharply. “I’m trying to find the right way to say this.” You realize that he wants a debrief of last night.
“Okay, listen. If you are wondering whether I regret any of the events that happened last night, I will tell you now that I do not. I wasn’t impaired when I said, ‘yes.’”
“That’s…true. You did. Multiple times, if memory serves.”
You laugh nervously, “Okay, now you’re embarrassing me here, a little,” you keep your voice down as other hikers pass you.
“No...Shit. I’m sorry, that was not my intention at all. I guess what I’m trying to say is…”
These awkward pauses are not like him at all. You’re both historically not shy about expressing your thoughts to each other even when it comes to the subject of sex. Then again, you’ve never slept with each other before this so this is completely uncharted territory.
“Did we cross a line or something,” he finally asks.
“I mean…I don’t…know…that I would say that,” you say as your thoughts stutter. “If you’re wondering whether what happened changes things between us, I personally think that it should not. You’re my best friend and you comforted me when I needed you.”
But for real though—how many people fuck their best friends to provide comfort?
“Sure, the method was a little unconventional…” you continue.
Jungkook swallows, yeah, no shit.
“Regardless, I just want to reiterate that I did give you my consent and I do not regret anything. And I would hope that you’re not feeling any regrets either. Is that why you’ve been so quiet?” you ask apprehensively.
“No. No, I don’t have any regrets,” he swiftly responds. Relief washes over you.
“Okay...I don’t think we should treat each other any differently because of what happened. I still love you and that will never change. And truthfully, after everything that we’ve been through, if that was something that you needed, I would have done the same for you, if I were unattached,” you added.
He raises an eyebrow at your last remark. “Somehow, I highly doubt that,” he scoffs.
“Okay, maybe not the same exact method but what I’m trying to say is that if there’s anything that this whole ordeal taught me, is that when it comes down to it, you find out who truly cares about you. What happened last night...was an understanding between us.”
“So do we pretend that nothing’s happened?”
“No, that’s not what I’m saying. What I’m trying to say is--” Well, what the fuck were you actually trying to say?
“We had sex last night. Can we be adults about it and still carry on with our friendship without having this awkward energy?”
“I guess I was thinking more along the lines of…whether this was just a one-time thing or--”
“Kook, maybe let’s not get ahead of ourselves. We didn’t plan on this happening. It just happened.”
He nods. “So nothing changes?”
“Do you want them to?”
He considers this for a second. “I don’t want things to change. You’ve been my longest friend. I just don’t want to lose you.”
You put your hand on his cheek. “You would never.”
He leans into the warmth of your palm and rests his own hand on yours.
“The only thing that would ruin this friendship would be an act of God.”
He eyes you intently. Then, seemingly content with your answer, he takes the hand cupping his cheek and kisses it. “I love you.”
“Ditto. Now, can we get back to our hike? This mountain won’t climb itself and we’re about to miss the best view ever.”
No, you didn’t want things to change and you wanted this to be nothing but an “isolated incident.” You hoped that reaching the summit would make you more clear-headed...clear-headed enough to believe all of the words that you just uttered.
When you reach the summit, you take in the breathtaking view of the clouds rolling into the valleys below. You and Jungkook sit side by side watching Mother Nature at her finest. You both take a few photos on your phone.
As you look up after taking a panoramic photo of the view, you turn your head to see Jungkook looking at you intently. He had such big, beautiful, expressive eyes. It was those same dark eyes that stared back at the pleasure coming from your eyes as you rode him into your second mind-blowing orgasm last night. The memory gives you that familiar tingle at the base of your stomach which you blink away, snapping you back into reality.
You give him a small smile hoping he didn’t suspect any dirty thoughts crossing your mind just now. He returns your smile, seemingly oblivious, and he puts his arm around you to pull you in close to his chest. You lean into that little nook under his arm…that nook was your prime spot for Netflix nights at his place when you started drifting off. Before you and Derek started getting serious, it was that nook that you soaked with your tears when a date had gone wrong or when you and Derek had a fight and couldn’t deal with his ass.
Jungkook and his nook were always there for you when you needed comfort and warmth. You take in his scent…subtle traces of his cologne from last night mixed with sweat from your hike. It would gross out a normal person but to you, it’s a heady mix that makes you dizzy with want. It was a feeling that you were trying very hard to suppress.
He leans down to place a chaste kiss on the crown of your head and lingers there to smell your hair. It’s a habit that he never really shook as you two grew up together. As you continue to marvel at the view, Jungkook silently prays that nothing changes between you two, even though at the back of his mind, he knew that you’ve already crossed that bridge.
“Jungkooook…” you dragged the “ooh” in his name as you moaned while his cock slid deeply into your wet heat.
After your hike, you grabbed some brunch then headed back to the room to shower. At least it started out that way. You were finishing up with your moisturizer as you notice Jungkook emerging from his shower. You watch his reflection on the mirror at the vanity located right outside the en suite bathroom. With just a towel wrapped around his waist and his hair still soaked with a few strands hanging over his forehead.
“So anything you want to do this afternoon? Tae keeps texting me about chocolate-covered macadamia nuts and cornflake cookies while Jimin is asking if we can bring a Dole whip back. I kept telling him that was impossible.”
As he rattles off your friends’ wish lists, you see some water dripping from his hair down to his bare chest. Suddenly, that tingle from the base of your stomach that you tried so hard to suppress during your hike has now built up into a ball of knots that you desperately need working out. This man will be the end of you.
“Fuck, YN…you’re so wet for me.” You and Jungkook are in a spooning position as he slowly thrusts in and out of you and plants soft kisses on the back of your neck.
Your walls clench around his cock at his naughty complement. You turn your head to look at him. His brows knitted and mouth slack from the pleasure he’s feeling as thrusts in and out you.
You can’t help but tilt your head slightly to kiss him. He catches your lips and with a groan, kisses you deeply. You moan into his mouth as his tongue massages yours. Then slowly, his tattooed hand reaches over the curve of your hip sliding down to your throbbing clit. His fingers heavily but slowly rubbing circles and lightly tugging at the nub repeatedly. You whine into his mouth as you teeter close to the edge of your climax once more.
You break your kiss just to say, “Fuuuuckk, Kook. Don’t stop, don’t stop...” you pant as you grabbed onto his thigh, digging your fingers into it.
“Yeah? Gonna cum all over my cock?” He says as he pulls out then abruptly thrusts back into you, hitting your g-spot and making your body tremble.
“Oohfuckkkhmmygod…” your words start to meld at the height of your pleasure.
“I need to hear you say it, baby.” You’re momentarily distracted with the pet name but yanked back into reality as he pulls his cock out again.
“Are you gonna cum all over my cock, huh?” He asks again as he thrusts once more into your pussy while continuing his assault on your clit.
“Yes, yes,” you snap. “I'm gonna cum all over your cock. Fuck!” It doesn’t take long until your orgasm explodes through you.
“Holy---fuck, YN,” he growled as his own release followed yours.
Welp. That didn’t take long.
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◤Previous | Part 3.5◥ | Main Fic Masterlist
Taglist: @deepseavibez; @bts-fic-recs-mess; @mwitsmejk; @jamlessstars; @xhazmania
445 notes · View notes
shina913 · 3 years
Gradation, Part 2 | JJK
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Gradation, Part 2 gra·​da·​tion | \ grā-ˈdā-shən , grə- \
Definition: 1a: a series forming successive stages 1b: a step or place in an ordered scale 2: an advance by regular degrees 3: a gradual passing from one tint or shade to another
--Source: Merriam-Webster
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✮ ✮ ✮ Gradation Masterlist ✮ ✮ ✮
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Pairing: JJK x Fem!reader
Rating: M (🔞); NSFW
Genre: BF2L; slow burn; fluff; angst; smut
Word count: 7.9K+ words
Warnings: wedding; marriage; long-term relationships; engagement; OC is left at the altar; feelings of sadness and depression; anxiety; lots of crying; excessive cussing; some alcohol consumption; mentions of psychotherapy; some light physical threats
Summary: On your wedding day, your fiancé leaves you at the altar. While reeling from the embarrassment and heartbreak, your best friend, Jungkook, wants to do everything that he can to help you heal.
A/N: Part 2 is a bit of a beast! I also added a couple new warnings for this chapter, just so you're aware so please proceed with caution. Just a note that Part 3 may not come as quickly as this because I'm still working out a bunch of details on the plot so I appreciate everyone's patience.
Another huge thank-you to my sister in angst, @deepseavibez for beta'ing this monster and my sister for the offline support.
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Six weeks post-wedding
Days seem to go by a little faster as you slip back into your old routine. Wake up, go to work, come home, shower, eat dinner (maybe), and make a futile attempt at sleep. It was not an easy feat but talking to a therapist has helped manage your current mental state.
Weeks prior, Hobi sent you a couple of contacts for a therapist—he wasn’t trying to push or pry but if you weren’t going to talk to your family, this was his way of offering you a lifeline without completely feeling like he was meddling in your life. You kept moving it to the back burner then because you weren’t sure how you felt about talking to a stranger about your problems.
After Derek practically vanished into thin air, you made a conscious decision to leave your family out of your grief. You hated being the center of attention or being fussed over. The wedding was an exception, and even then, you tried to run pre-wedding errands on your own—finding a bakery, a caterer, booking a florist. Your family was happy to oblige—they even cut the best deals for you.
When it all fell apart, they did just as much for you in those first 24 hours: cancelling venues, calling vendors, getting as much credit back to your account without making them feel cheated. Seriously, your family can run a small country all on their own.
They also kept nosey family and friends at bay. What happened? Where did he go? Did he cheat on her? Did he say why? Did she cheat on him? Maybe he owed people money? Where is YN now?
You hid. It was a coward’s way out but what else could you do? Even you, yourself didn’t know the answers to these questions. But you couldn’t hide from everyone--not from Jungkook. You couldn’t stop the nightmares or crippling panic attacks. The sleep paralysis was the worst. Waking up drenched in fear, unable to move, unable to speak. And yet he rushed to your side every single time, holding you, comforting you, wiping every tear away.
As much as Jungkook was vocal about not minding taking care of you, you took it upon yourself to try and gain some normalcy in your life. Derek is gone—never to be heard from or seen by you. Time to move the fuck on.
About two weeks post-wedding, on one of many sleepless nights, you decide to pad over to the kitchen. You reach up at the top of the fridge to retrieve a bottle of tequila that Jungkook kept. You take a shot glass out of the cupboard, finding the idea ironic since you could literally just down this whole bottle. The bottle was half-empty and it’s actually the third one that you secretly purchased but kept leaving it in the same spot, above the fridge but pushed all the way towards the back to hopefully not make it too obvious to your friend.
You pour yourself a shot, throw it back and swallow the clear, golden liquid. It goes down smooth and instantly warms your throat and your chest. You relish the feeling of it slowly thawing out your icy insides. You pour yourself another, and throw it back again, and again, and again. Five shots in, you lean your hands on to the kitchen counter for support and cock your neck to the side, stretching out the kink in your shoulder. Your head feels as if it’s a hundred pounds lighter now--and that’s just due to the alcohol buzzing through your veins, momentarily dulling all of the thoughts and fears that have been weighing you down in the last few weeks.
You decide to make your way back to your room but not before rinsing and drying the shot glass and returning the bottle to the top of the fridge--trying to keep up the ruse. You also make a mental note to go out and buy a new bottle of tequila after Jungkook leaves for work since you’ve all but consumed three quarters of it with all of the shots that you took.
As you take a couple of steps towards your room, you are stopped in your tracks when you overhear him mumbling in his room. You felt bad eavesdropping on a private conversation but you heard him speak your name so you stayed quiet and put your ear to closer to his door, careful not to stagger or fall over from the amount of alcohol that you just downed.
“No. I just…I don’t know what to do, eomma. She won’t let me in.” His voice starts to shake and you hear sniffling. Was he crying? “Of course, I’m doing what I can to help her but I know it’s just not enough. I want to put her back together but I don’t know how and I feel so useless. Everybody is so worried about her…and I’m slowly losing hope.”
You withdraw your ear as if Jungkook’s door magically heated up and singed your skin. You quickly head back into your room; very slowly and gently close the door. Ever since your friendship began, you and Jungkook were always in sync, had the same track mind. But you can’t deny that he was right--you have shut him out these last couple weeks. And not just him…you’ve shut out your parents, Hobi, Jimin, and Tae. All of the people who completed your person. You know that they all meant well, but what you were going through, what you were feeling--you couldn’t quite put it into words but you just knew that it was deep and dark...and you were fearful of it. Who would want to put somebody else through that?
The amount of tequila that you consumed should have knocked you out easily but it didn’t. You laid on your bed for the rest of the evening grappling with a big decision. At the first sign of daylight, you decided to take a lifeline--a lifeline that didn’t involve pulling your family into the shitstorm happening inside of you. You texted Hobi and asked him for those therapists’ numbers that he had been recommending to you. You called both numbers immediately and the second office that you called happened to have an available appointment the following day--which you took. Since then, you’ve been meeting regularly for an hour, twice a week.
On Mondays you went into the clinic but on Fridays, you did it remotely. You thought that she was good and it felt like you found somebody outside of your family who listened and came up with helpful coping mechanisms to center yourself again should the need arise.
And your boss, Min Yoongi, has been an absolute godsend. He told you in confidence that he has had his share of mental health struggles and learned to prioritize it as much as you did your physical health. When you mentioned seeing a therapist, he was fully supportive and pushed that you take one work from home day to attend these sessions.
Since these sessions could get heavy, you took your video appointments from home and worked it in as a flex day to help you decompress. You worked but didn’t take any other meetings or given pressing deadlines. You treated it as a self-care day of sorts.
Your therapist prescribed some medication that you took as needed to help calm your nerves and anxiety. More importantly, it helped you sleep at night. Lord knows you’ve seen how much your condition has taken a toll on your best friend, you were trying to ease up on him by getting yourself the help that you desperately needed.
After a few sessions, you felt confident enough to give Yoongi a call and stated that you’d be coming into the office the following week. You requested to ease back into your schedule and reassured him of your commitment to your position. You were trying to heal and you loved your job. It was something that you expressed to your therapist. It wouldn’t be considered a distraction since you were passionate about it and the fact that you needed to get a jumpstart on your income again was enough motivation.
You wanted to ease your family’s concerns so they wouldn’t keep worrying. Before all this happened, that was your job. You worried about everyone’s well-being. You spent all of your energy making sure that everybody was taken care of first and took whatever (if there was ever anything) left for yourself then went to bed at the end of the day. Therapy helped you in a huge way that you hadn’t imagined. All of the pent-up emotion and unfamiliar feelings were slowly getting peeled back.
Today, after your standing 3:30PM appointment, you shut your laptop and leaned your head back on the couch. It was another productive session and you felt that little by little, you were feeling more like yourself again.
Your thoughts are interrupted by Jungkook walking through the door. He’s unusually home early.
“Hi,” you greet him as he takes his shoes off.
“Hey…my mom made us some soup. She asked me to swing by her shop to pick it up. I figured it was your flex day today and you’d be home and thought you maybe wanted to have an early dinner?”
“I will never say no to your mom’s dumpling soup.”
Jungkook looks pleased. You started talking a bit more since you started therapy and were also slowly gaining your appetite back. He walks over to the kitchen to grab some bowls for you.
You see what he’s doing and immediately get up from the couch and rush over to the kitchen counter. “Hey, Kook—you don’t have to do that. I can serve myself, you know.” You grab the bowl from him and take a spoon and chopsticks out of the utensil drawer.
Jungkook seems offended. He has pretty much prepared your meals for the last month and a half now. Before you went back to work, you skipped meals all day and he practically had to spoon-feed you because it terrified him how much weight you lost in a span of a week.
“I know that but since I was already up anyway and it looked like you were having a nice, quiet break...”
“Jungkook! You don’t have to babysit me, you know. I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself, thank you.” You interject.
Sensing some tension rising, he tries to carefully diffuse it. “I know, bub. Just making sure you’re…”
“Okay? Sane? Not falling apart?” You snap at him.
“YN…I-I didn’t mean…” he stutters and tries to backtrack, feeling like he’s poked a sleeping bear.
Heat slowly rises to your head, your palms start to shake, and your breathing turns ragged. “How can I possibly be okay, Jungkook? I just got jilted at the altar by the man that I love…or--loved?!” You correct yourself. “No explanation, whatsoever! It’s like the last four years didn’t happen and I got tossed to the side like a piece of garbage!”
Tears start to sting your eyes. You tried to hold them in but that one drop betrays you and soon, the floodgates have been reopened and drops continue to flow freely.
“Fuck!” You scream in frustration. You bury your face into your hands and Jungkook immediately envelops you in his arms.
“Hey, hey. C’mere.”
It’s the first time you’ve broken down again after weeks of progress.
“Fuck, I’m sorry. I’m so sorry,” you whine.
“Agh…bub. It hurts me seeing you like this.” Talk to me, please, he silently pleads.
Your poor best friend. Bless him—he’s been doing all he can in his power to make you comfortable. He’s given you your space and respected your boundaries. Always offering an ear to listen, a shoulder to cry on. And boy, did you cry on that shoulder! Now you sound like an ungrateful bitch after that outburst.
You just wanted to show him that you can do something as simple as pouring soup for yourself. Hell, you’ve been back to work for two weeks now. You wanted to show him all of the progress that you made. You wanted to show him that you weren’t that shell of a person weeks ago.
However, at the drop of a hat, a seemingly innocent comment from Jungkook, you already felt those hours of progress you’ve made with your therapist start to unravel. Up until this moment, your therapist has been the only person who has been privy to everything you’ve been feeling. Your fears, your anxiety, your trauma.
“How could I be so stupid? Why hadn’t I read the signs?” You say pathetically into his chest.
“Do not dare go down that path. None of this is your fault!”
“I don’t understand. Did I overwhelm him? Should we just have gone to City Hall like we had originally planned? Should I have told him that having groomsmen was totally fine?”
“YN, stop it. Nobody saw this coming.”
“He picked vendors with me…caterers, flowers. I was totally fine with tulips or orchids but he said roses would look prettier and smell better. And the cake! He even chose the fucking cake flavor!” You ramble angrily.
It all feels so trivial but the fact that he was actively participating in the planning process was baffling to you. Surely, somebody who didn’t really want to be married didn’t want to take part in the wedding planning process? Hell, most grooms who actually get married don’t even get involved! Was it all just a smokescreen then?
“I don’t know…lemon and elderflower seemed really suspicious to me,” Jungkook’s poor attempt at a joke earns him a smack on his arm.
“Not helping,” you say, slightly annoyed.
“I kid, I kid.” You were in a more talkative mood today and he wanted to listen and keep the conversation going, being open to him again—even if it was about your pain.
“Oh, and get this. I just got a reminder about my honeymoon,” you say sardonically.
“What? I thought Hobi-hyung was able to cancel and get some form of credit or negotiate with your vendors? Was it too late to cancel the trip?”
“No, no. He took care of all that but this trip? I did this on my own,” you clarify. “It slipped my mind that I had even booked it. It was supposed to be a surprise. He’d been so busy with work that I had to go behind his back to beg his boss into giving him a week off two months after the wedding. Booked a nice suite in Oahu,” you finally deadpanned.
“Since I had prepaid for most of it, I couldn’t really cancel but they told me that I could reschedule. So--I moved it to the latest possible date that they were fine with. And that’s three weeks from now.”
“You’re still going? With whom?”
You throw your hands up and shrug your shoulders.
“Don’t tell me you’re going alone?!”
“Yeah, why not? Would be nice to get out of this hell-hole for a bit—no offense,” you place your hand on his. “I’m talking about my personal hell-hole.”
“None taken,” he shrugs.
“I also just started thinking about moving my things out of the house--my old house. Ugh...I don’t know if I can face him,” you rub your eyes, feeling a migraine brewing.
“Look, don’t even worry about it. The guys and I will take care of it, ok?” He rests his hands reassuringly on your shoulders.
“You have done so much already. I still have my keys anyway and I can text or leave him a message to make sure he’s not there...” you trail off.
“Then we will take those keys from you and go over there. We’d be happy to do something for you, honestly. You take good care of us all the time. Please, just let us do this for you, hm?”
You feel the tears coming again. “Thank you,” you whisper to him as you pull him into a hug.
“I’m just glad that you’re coming back to us. Little by little. I missed you so much, bub.”
You continued to whimper into his chest and you felt just as safe as you did after a nightmare or a panic attack. Back then, you avoided talking about it the next day. Maybe you were in denial for a while but it did feel much better letting Jungkook back in. He was no stranger to pain or loss after all.
He puts your head in his hands and gently pulls you off his chest. “Now, c’mon, enough tears! Let’s get you hydrated with this soup before it gets too cold!”
So you sat and tucked right in. It was the first time in a long time that you and your best friend talked. He was very animated and even got you to laugh a couple of times without feeling guilty about it. The dumpling soup was wonderful and comforting--just as the company was.
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“YN, why didn’t you tell me about this? I could have taken care of this for you. You know I have some pull with the airlines. I can still make some calls.” Hobi scolds you after you told him about your impending trip.
“Oppa… It’s fine, really. I need a vacation. Also… I feel like I’m imposing so much on Jungkook already by taking over his place. I need a change of scenery,” you explain.
“You know mom and dad have been hinting that you could stay there until you get a new place.”
“Ugh I know,” you groan. “I just don’t want to stress them out further by having them watch me fall apart. They already had to deal with uncles and aunties asking questions. Plus they’re old with fragile health…having to deal with my episodes would be a fast track to the grave for them.”
“They just want to take care of their baby. They’re worried about you…parents will always be parents. And they sure are tired of hearing from me and Jungkook. They want to go straight to the source.”
A pang of guilt hits you. “I know, I know. I just…” you try to figure out an excuse but you hear Jungkook’s voice in your head, reminding you that you didn’t have to keep dealing with this alone.
“I promise I’ll give them a call,” you finally agreed.
Hobi is relieved to hear this. “Please do that soon. You know dad hates texting—Especially since he’s like, the last person in the world to ever own a flip phone. But he tries very hard just to communicate with you.”
“Yes, I will, I promise. Listen, I gotta go. I love you. You’re my favorite brother!”
Hobi smiles warmly then rolls his eyes. “I’m your only brother. Kinda don’t have a choice there.”
“Doesn’t change things! You’re the best.”
“Uh huh. Love you too.” Hobi doesn’t point it out and waits until you hang up. He was glad that you called instead of texted that afternoon. You shared calls in the last month or so but you kept them brief and preferred texting lest you broke down from hearing his usual sunshine-y voice. He was not just happy to have a longer call with you but he missed your sibling banter, more than anything.
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Seven weeks post-wedding
You decided that it was time to take your things from your former home that you shared with Derek. Since that day, you hadn’t made any attempt to reach out to him nor did he to you. The deciding factor was Hobi’s intel from his network that Derek decided to put the house on the market.
With the exception of that one text from him, you have had no communication whatsoever. Your thumb shakily hovered over his name on your contacts list. Your cheeks and ears start to burn and you break into a cold sweat. You breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth.
Jungkook, sensing your trepidation, puts his hand over yours.
“Let me do it,” he gently offers.
You mouth a ‘thank you,’ to him.
He takes his phone, keys in the number from your contacts list, and hits the “call” button.
You can hear the line trilling on the other end amidst the deafening silence. Afraid that his voice might trigger a panic attack, you walk towards the kitchen and turn the exhaust fan on in an attempt to calm your nerves. You shake your palms, trying to rid them of the moisture that’s been pooling there.
“It’s Jungkook. When you get this…”
Hmm. Voicemail.
“...to grab YN’s things. She gave us the keys so, let us know when’s a good time. You can call or text me back on this number to coordinate. I hope to hear from you soon. ‘Preciate it.” After Jungkook hangs up, he looks at you and shrugs his shoulders.
‘I hope to hear from you soon,’ like a freaking marketing call.
“Thanks, Kook.” You mutter as he walks over to where you’re standing and switches off the vent.
“At least we’re trying to be polite and not just muscle our way in--because we can. Jimin may not look like much--”
“Do not let him hear you say that out loud,” you say humorlessly but Jungkook giggles anyway.
Suddenly, his phone buzzes twice alerting him of a text message. He turns to look at his notification screen.
He raises both brows as he identifies the sender. “Uh...it’s Derek,” he glances at you.
He responded that quickly?
“He said he’ll be home next weekend and we can come by then.”
“Okay...” you let the words sink in. Woosah…
“In no way did I hint at the possibility of you being there,” suddenly feeling the need to clarify.
“No, I know. I just think it’s weird how quickly he got back to you since nobody’s heard from him when I told everyone not to reach out.”
“Right. I had hoped that the bastard dropped dead or something after I saw him drive away.” Little did you know, Jungkook went behind your back to shoot a quick ‘Fuck you! I hope you burn in hell, asshole!’ text the night he arrived home from your parents’ house. You were in a state of shock but managed to tell your family to put all of their knives away for your sake.
“Jungkook, that’s not very nice,” you subtly scold him. Sure, you harbored resentment towards Derek but the comment was uncalled for.
“Sorry,” he immediately apologizes for being so brash. “Anyway, I’ll ask Jimin and Tae but I’m sure they’ll be down to go.” You nod as Jungkook is already dialing Jimin’s number.
Meanwhile, you wander off to your room to take one of your prescribed medications. You felt your mind and heart start to race again and needed to get yourself under control. You open your prescription bottle and set one small pill at the back of your tongue then wash it down with a sip from the water bottle that you kept by your nightstand. As the medicine made its way into your bloodstream, you thought: So he is somewhere out there…drawing breath. Nice of him to check on you after that shit he pulled. ‘I’m sorry. Don’t hate me.’ What the fuck was that supposed to mean?! Was that code for something?!
“Okay, YN…sshh,” you whisper to yourself as a means of stopping your thoughts from further escalating. You close your eyes, inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth. In…and out.
“YN? Are you alright,” Jungkook pokes his head in your room to check on you.
“M-hm,” you assure him. “I just felt another panic attack coming so I wanted to get it under control,” as you open your eyes back up.
“Aw, bub,” Jungkook’s face is full of concern. “Do you need anything?”
“No, thank you. I’ll be okay, I promise. My pill will kick in any minute.” A few weeks ago, you would have locked yourself in the room and hid under the covers just like you were hiding from the boogeyman. But you were slowly getting comfortable with opening yourself up to Jungkook again. Baby steps, you thought.
“Okay. Jimin and Tae said they’re happy to help pick up your things next weekend. Uhm…but they also asked if they could hang out today, if you’re up to it? I don’t want you to feel overwhelmed.”
“No. Please tell them to come. I miss them. I’ve been such a lump for the last couple of months and it’s the first time in a while where I feel good enough to actually smile and just have fun with the people that I love. I might even go see my parents tomorrow.” And you meant it. You wanted to capitalize on the guilt-free joy that you were starting to feel once more.
“That’s really great, YN. I’m happy that you’re happy.”
“I’m trying, Jungkook. I’m really trying,” you give him a rueful smile.
“So you want me to text them back?”
You purse your lips to think. “No, I’ll text them,” you were already typing up a group text to the soulmates.
[YN] 5:20 PM: You guys want some grilled scallops for dinner?
Their responses are instantaneous.
[Jimin] 5:21 PM: Whaaaa!! I’m in! 😋
[Tae] 5:21 PM: I’ll bring my appetite LOL
[Jimin] 5:23 PM: But for real, do you want us to bring something? Dessert? Maybe some red bean panna cotta?
[YN] 5:24: Uhh…Is water wet? 🙄
[Tae] 5:25: 😂😂 Welcome back, YN!
[Jimin] 5:25: 💜
[YN] 5:26: Bring 3! And you know I’m not sharing.
[Jimin] 5:27: Yes, boss 😅
Jungkook beams at the sight of you giggling at your phone. You look up at him and return his smile.
“Guess I’m going on a quick trip to the store,” you say.
“Cool! I’ll drive us. I needed some tequila anyway.”
Your eyes dart up to him and he gives you a knowing look. He was incredibly perceptive. You had replaced the bottle a couple weeks ago, but since seeing your therapist, you had finally quit sneaking out for a drink so as not to interfere with your medication.
You give him an apologetic look but he puts his arm around your shoulder instead and leans over to kiss your hair. “C’mon, go get your things. I’ll wait for you by the elevators.”
He called you out not to embarrass you but because he knew that it could turn into a problem. You sought out help before it escalated. You were grateful for it. He looked out for you just like you always looked out for him.
“Oh my god, I miss food comas from YN’s cooking,” Taehyung remarks as he leans back into his chair as he rubbed his belly and stared lovingly at the piles of empty shells next to each of you.
You went a little overboard with the scallop feast and decided to make it into a seafood boil instead. You bought scallops, clams, shrimp, and rock crab. Some sweet corn, potatoes, and smoked sausage rounded out the whole dish. The amount of butter and garlic that you used tonight would make cardiologists and vampires alike blush.
You had emptied the stock pot filled with the seafood boil onto Jungkook’s dining table which you lined with cling-wrap and parchment paper for easy cleanup. You also provided some lemon slices and bowls of the garlic-butter-seafood stock for dipping. Two rolls of paper towels sat closeby as well.
“I feel like I just made up all of the weight that I lost after living off Taehyungie’s cooking,” Jimin says as he wipes his mouth of any excess grease and promptly burps into the napkin.
“Rude,” Taehyung remarks.
Jungkook laughs as he rubs lemon on his fingertips. “I’m glad I didn’t need to call my mom or look up a Youtube video for this recipe. It’s so bomb whenever YN makes this.”
“Thanks, guys. It was amazing to share this with family again.”
Jimin gets up from his seat and gives you a hug from behind and rests his chin on your head. “I know that what you’re going through is really difficult and none of us can imagine what that’s like. But we want you to know that we’re here for you and we love you. Just call and we’ll rush over with hugs.”
You sigh, “You know…I really didn’t plan on crying over shrimp boil,” as tears start to pool in your eyes.
Taehyung gets up and gets in on the group hug action. “We’re here for whatever you need, YN.”
Happy tears fall on your cheeks. You look up through your drenched lashes at Jungkook. He looks back at you fondly. He lets the soulmates give you all the hugs they can. They haven’t been able to do it properly in a long time.
Dinner was followed by an intense Mario Kart battle. You knew the guys were letting you win because you were always shit at it. After about 8 rounds, you decided to call it a night before the screams got louder and Jungkook’s neighbors filed a noise complaint.
You went to bed that night feeling lighter. It was dark when you drifted off and when you woke, the sun was up. For the first time in over 2 months, you had a dreamless sleep.
“YN, can you please stop by my office before you break for lunch?” Your boss asks over the phone.
“Sure. Actually, I just sent another report off to the client. I have an extra few minutes so, would now be a good time,” you ask him.
“Oh, sure! I’ll see you then.”
“Great. I’ll be there in a sec,” you put the headset back on the cradle.
You save your file that’s in progress, close out of it then lock your computer before walking over to Min Yoongi’s office.
His was a corner office, located at the end of the same hallway where yours was. Given where his office was situated, he enjoyed two walls’ worth of floor-to-ceiling windows where he could enjoy views of the cityscape on one side and the bay on the other.
He had just finished reading a draft of your latest report. It was the first that you’d written since returning from your leave of absence. You figured that he wanted to give you some quality assurance notes so you brought a pad and pen with you.
His door was ajar, never completely shutting it unless he was on the phone or in private meetings. He strived to have an open-door policy around the office. If his staff needed to speak with him, he encouraged them to come by for a conversation.
You knock on his door to announce your arrival. He beckons you to come in. You push the door open further and he asks you to shut it as you step in.
“YN, please, have a seat.” He gets up from his chair and motions you over to his office’s sitting area, usually reserved for more informal meetings. His sitting area, next to his desk, consists of a set of three birch-colored modular sofas. Two single-seaters faced each other on opposite sides, and the longest, a three seater was placed in between. A rectangular redwood coffee table sat in the center.
Yoongi took his place on the single seater that faced away from his desk and extended his hand towards the sofa adjacent to him for you to take a seat. Your office didn’t dress too formally. Most of the male staff forgoed ties and nobody really wore blazers unless they had an in-person client meeting. Yoongi always came in a button-down, slacks, and a blazer that spent most of its time hanging on his coat rack. He did keep a couple of ties handy in his drawer in case he had to be called into a more formal meeting.
Today was a no-tie day and since he didn’t have any appointments, he had his sleeves rolled up to his elbows very casually, and had low-top Grenson sneakers on.
You wore a loose, gray shirt tucked into a pair of high-waisted green soft twill pants and slip-on shoes. You decided to pull your hair up in a bun and wore some cute, tassel earrings. You also put some light makeup on today. Not too much, but you filled your brows, had some mascara on, and a matte lip. You looked more relaxed and rested for a Monday after recently spending a fun weekend with your friends and family.
“So, I just read your first draft. Really nice job on it.”
“Thanks, Yoongi. I’m glad that I was able to push it out on time.”
“It would have been fine even if you turned it in a day or two late. This client has been dragging their feet a bit so I’d be hard-pressed to think they’d have comments back to us within the week.”
“I hear ya, but I’d rather we have something to say about them rather than the other way around.”
He laughs amusingly. “That’s true.” Suddenly his expression turns into a serious one.
“Anyway, that’s not really why I asked you in here. And I apologize if I’m just finally able to get myself out from underneath my own deadlines but—how are you?” He asked not out of personal curiosity but out of genuine concern.
Yoongi was the best director that any employee could ask for. He cared as deeply about his staff as much as the work that you did. He always credited your team’s effort even though he was mostly the client-facing representative. He fostered an environment where his staff had a safe space to communicate any concerns they may have professionally and even personally, if they wanted.
“I’m doing as well as I could be,” you honestly answer. Yoongi took you under his wing a month into your employment since you started working at the company three years ago. Even though his department only had a team of 10, he made sure to mentor all junior staff. He was a huge proponent of career and personal growth.
“Well, I’m glad to hear that. Progress is progress, right?”
“Yeah. I’m glad that I’m making some strides. Short ones but—I think I’m getting there. The sessions are helping.”
“Good, good. And your vacation is coming up, yeah?”
“Yeeaah,” you awkwardly respond. You felt bad asking for time off again after just returning from a leave of absence. You even offered to take your laptop with you to answer emails or take client calls. However, Yoongi waved all of that off.
“YN, if you’re feeling bad because of the timing, please don’t. We have enough people here to offset the work and your work already speaks for itself. Also, it’s good to just…unplug and enjoy the moment when you can. Don’t get sucked into the vortex of capitalism,” he laughs.
You laugh along with him. “I know…you tell us that all the time.”
Yoongi was the youngest director that the company had. His innovation and drive earned him that early career advancement. Everybody wanted to work with him but he chose to keep his team small. It was more manageable for him and he wanted to ensure quality work.
“Is it just you going on this trip?”
“Yes. Just me. I was hoping that the island sounds would be a good way to get me out of my head for a bit.”
“Well, it’s a damn good place to relax and unplug for sure.”
You smile at the thought as you look forward to your trip.
“I won’t hold you up any longer but I just wanted to say that we’re glad that you’re back and please, just let me know if you need to adjust your schedule again or anything else. We want to support everyone as much as we are able to.”
He was sitting at one of the pews when Hobi announced that there would be no wedding happening. He couldn’t imagine what you were going through but knew that you needed time. He sent you a text but also spoke to Hobi privately. Your company benefits included a leave of absence that still paid you a fraction of your salary for a short period of time. He offered to do the paperwork for you and send it to Human Resources but you declined and you signed and emailed them instead.
“Thanks, Yoongi. I really appreciate that on a professional and personal level.”
He gives an assuring nod. “Good. Now, go on lunch,” he says as he gets up from his seat, which compels you to do the same.
“I’ll email you a couple of minor comments on the draft. They’ll be sitting in your inbox when you get back.”
“Sounds good. I’ll be back in an hour then,” as you make your way to the door.
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It’s been a couple of days since the house that you lived in for a year was officially put up for sale.
In it, Derek Lee paced the living room. Maybe he should have gone to a cafe nearby or driven to the mall—just stayed out of the house while your friends gathered your belongings. They had your keys after all and he hadn’t changed the locks yet. He didn’t have to be there and he most definitely hoped to avoid Jungkook especially after their last encounter.
The doorbell ringing pulls him out of his thoughts as he goes to answer the door.
Standing at the front porch were your three best boys. As sweet and affectionate as they were on a regular basis, the current looks on their faces looked like they were ready to step on some people’s necks. And they meant business.
“Uh, hey. Come on in.”
They wordlessly entered your living room and stood in awkward silence. They have been to your house many times to hang out. They were familiar with the layout. But somehow, after you left, it felt like a completely strange place, especially seeing boxes of your things strewn about.
“Uhh…can I offer you anything to drink?”
Jungkook, with his jaw clenched, is looking everywhere else but at Derek.
Jimin breaks the awkwardness. “Thanks, man but this isn’t a social visit. We’re just here trying to help out YN.”
“Yeah, just point and tell us where her stuff is so we can be in and out.” Taehyung continues.
“Of course, of course. I uh…tried to box them up or put them in bags. There’s some in the kitchen, the living room, and the bedroom. The only thing I haven’t really packed up was the bathroom but everything else that’s boxed up is labeled.”
Jimin marches towards the kitchen while Taehyung heads over towards the downstairs bathroom first.
“Guess I’ll take the bedroom,” Jungkook mumbles to himself as he walks past Derek and upstairs to your room. Derek was incredibly nervous and mentally kicking himself for not waiting this out at a cafe instead.
As Jungkook crosses the threshold, he takes in the sight of your former personal space. The bed was haphazardly made, with one side looking less disturbed than the other. He moved closer and guessed that it was your side, judging by the box of tissues, a drinking glass sitting on a coaster, and a tube of lipbalm.
Beneath the lamp shade was a frame containing two photos. He picks it up and smiles as he stares at two of your most cherished memories. One photo was of your family, taken during a Disneyland trip years ago, in front of the castle. He guessed that you may have been about 12 here judging by your braces; Hoseok was about 15. The other was of you, Jungkook, Jimin, and Taehyung on your college graduation day. He remembers that Hobi took the photo and insisted on a jump shot. After what seemed like 10 attempts, none of you could ever get the timing right. The best shot that you printed out was of the four of you in the midst of a fit of giggles. Your head thrown back, mouth agape, Taehyung on your left was doubled over next to Jimin, with his signature crinkle in his eyes when something was really funny, his hand on Tae’s shoulder for support. And Jungkook, to your right, with both arms clutching his belly. What a time that was, when your whole unit was brought together by a campus carnival jail booth and a flock of wild turkeys.
Jungkook smiles fondly as he holds the frame in his hand. He keeps a similar photo at his desk at the office that his mom took but with the four of you stood in a more formal pose, showing off your diplomas. He takes the frame with him, ensuring that this would go into the “home” pile instead of storage. These used to be the last images that you looked at before you went to bed every night. He thought it would give you more comfort to see them again perched by your nightstand in your bedroom at his place.
He turns to look around the room more. Both closets were mostly emptied, save for a few men’s shirts, a jacket, and pants hanging on the rod. Boxes with your name written on it sat on the floor, next to it. He walks over, bends down to pick up the first two and as he turns to walk out of the room but pauses when he walks by the dresser and sees a photo of you next to the TV.
It was an old photo of you from college that Jungkook took for one of his photography classes. He turned out to really have a knack for it and decided to pick it up as a hobby. This photo was supposed to be a “beauty shot,” which made you cringe at the time but you wanted to help your friend out so you obliged. Derek asked for a copy right away.
The photo was in black and white print and although you had a barely-there smile on your lips, your eyes were the focal point of the image. They stared right back at Jungkook. You were young, happy, and carefree.
Putting the boxes down, he rips the top one open then takes the photo for himself. He didn’t see a reason why Derek needed to hang on to this any longer.
He continues to make his way down the stairs as Taehyung comes back from loading up a box into the truck. He offers to take the boxes from Jungkook and after handing them off, he heads back upstairs to retrieve more of your belongings.
As he walks back into the bedroom, he sees Derek inside, standing by the window staring outside. Jungkook clenches his jaw but is trying his best to ignore him and focus on taking more boxes to the truck as quickly as possible.
Derek turns as he hears another presence in the room. Against his better judgement, he decides to make more smalltalk with Jungkook.
“Uh… so… h-how is…YN?”
Jungkook is stopped in his tracks. At the sound of your name, he turns and gives Derek a look. And if looks could kill…
“Don’t you ever speak her name. You lost that privilege when you decided to do what you did.”
Derek puts his hands up defensively as Jungkook straightens his back. “Look, I get it. She’s your best friend and you’re being protective. I tried reaching out, believe me…I’m just genuinely concerned for her…”
Jungkook’s jaw drops then scoffs. “Wha…Now you’re concerned,” he says loudly then starts to clap his hands sarcastically. “Wow. Dude…you deserve an Academy Award for that! Could have fooled me!”
Jimin walks in after hearing the commotion.
“Jungkook,” as he carefully puts a hand on his shoulder and grips it.
“You want to know how she’s doing? Well, she’s broken! My best friend is broken. You broke her, asshole! How could you?? She didn’t deserve any of that!”
“I…I’m sorry.”
Jungkook saunters towards Derek. “Chim, you hear that? He’s fucking sorry! Well, that’s just great. That fixes everything. He’s sorry. Yeah….well, that’s all you’ll ever be,” he seethed as he stands by about a foot away from him.
“Hey man…cmon,” as Jimin tries to pull Jungkook back.
He inches closer to Derek’s face. “This fucking guy—“
Jimin finally steps in between both men before Jungkook does something he might regret.
“Hey, hey. This is not what we came here for, alright?”
Taehyung just misses all of the action as he reaches the bedroom and finds Derek cowering in the corner.
“Look, why don’t you wait in the car, cool off, and Taehyungie and I can finish up,” Jimin suggests and gently pushes Jungkook’s chest further away.
With a huff, Jungkook stalks out of the room and crosses Taehyung by the door.
Taehyung gives Derek a disapproving look. “You messed up big time, my dude,” as he shakes his head. “You’re lucky I didn’t bring any eggs today,” he scoffs as he bends down to pick up the box that Jungkook intended on taking.
“Was that the last of it?” Jungkook asks after loading the last box into the cab.
“Yeah…YN said that she was fine leaving the shower stuff since she can just repurchase. But she did repeatedly instruct me to make sure that I grabbed all of the makeup in the bathroom, especially the Surratt lash curler. It seemed like a life or death thing and I just didn’t want to find out what would happen if I didn’t get it,” Taehyung says.
“So did you get it?” Jimin asks.
“Of course! I’m not stupid. I follow instructions! Did you know how scary YN can get sometimes?”
“Yeah, that’s actually true,” Jimin shudders.
“Any parting words from that pathetic excuse for a human?” Jungkook asks. It was a rhetorical question.
“Nah. He just kept saying ‘sorry.’ It was really getting on my nerves.”
“I should have strangled him with my bare hands right then.”
“Now, now. Manslaughter never looks good on your LinkedIn profile.”
“I don’t know what YN saw in that guy.”
Taehyung sighs. “You know, they were together for four years. It seemed like it wasn’t all bad all the time.”
“How could he just toss her to the side like that? He asked her to marry him! He could have just been like, uh, I’m not the marrying type. Peace out! I just…I don’t understand. He embarrassed her in front of their family and friends.”
“People do lots of stupid things for different reasons.” Taehyung trails off. “I just hope that this helps close the chapter on this saga from hell.”
“I hope you’re right, Taehyungie,” Jimin says. “Now where to for lunch? I’m starving!”
“YN just texted saying that she made some samgyeopsal back at my place. She wanted to give us a nice meal after all of that hauling.”
The boys close up the truck and drop most of your things at your short-term storage rental facility, save for a few items that you specifically asked to bring over to the apartment. One of those boxes contained the photo that Jungkook took from Derek’s dresser and the frame from your nightstand.
It didn’t seem like much but he wanted to bring you a reminder of who you were and who would fight your battles when you couldn’t.
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◤Previous | Part 3◥ | Main Fic Masterlist
Taglist: @deepseavibez; @bts-fic-recs-mess; @mwitsmejk ; @jamlessstars
397 notes · View notes
shina913 · 2 years
Gradation, Part 5 | JJK
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Gradation, Part 5
gra·​da·​tion | \ grā-ˈdā-shən , grə- \
Definition: 1a: a series forming successive stages 1b: a step or place in an ordered scale 2: an advance by regular degrees 3: a gradual passing from one tint or shade to another –Source: Merriam-Webster
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✮ ✮ ✮ Gradation Masterlist ✮ ✮ ✮
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Pairing: JJK x reader
Genre: AU; mature content; Best friend!JJK; best friends to lovers; fluff; angst; slow burn; series
Word count: 8.2K words
Warnings: excessive cussing; phone sex; angst; pining; unrequited love; jealousy; passive-aggressive JK; some alcohol consumption; a wild Jin makes an appearance; fingering; (slightly) rough sex; hypersensitivity; dirty talk; cuddling; bed-sharing
Summary: On your wedding day, your fiancé leaves you at the altar. While reeling from the embarrassment and heartbreak, your best friend, Jungkook, wants to do everything that he can to help you heal.
A/N: Thank you for all the love you’ve shown for Gradation!
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“So what are you wearing?”
“Are you serious right now,” you laugh as you walk out of your hotel bathroom and lay in bed, getting under the covers.
“Fuck yeah, I am! I want to know,” he yelled while he was at home, on a video call with you.
You were away on a business trip and weren’t due back for another day. It’s been an agonizing two days considering you’ve spent most of your time, since returning from Hawaii, sneaking around your family and friends, fitting in your dick appointment when you could without getting caught. Since you and Jungkook didn’t live together anymore, trying to work around your own schedules and your family wanting to come over more often, it was not an easy feat.
One of your close calls was while you were giving Jungkook head in his kitchen and Jimin walked into the apartment unannounced because he still kept the spare keys with him since getting back from your vacation. He wanted to murder Jimin for giving him blue balls since he kept ranting about a Tinder date gone wrong til after midnight. When he finally passed out on the couch from having one too many, Jungkook promptly took the keys back.
“I’m in sleepwear,” you say dryly.
“Pfftt, okay. You’re no fun,” you see him walk back into his room.
“Ugghh, fine. I’m wearing a sleep shirt…of sorts.”
“Is it the silk one,” he looks away from his phone, resting it against his charging station by his nightstand.
“No, it’s one of your shirts that got mixed up in my laundry, actually.”
“Really, why?” he says, surprised.
“I guess I kind of wanted to feel close to you,” you admitted sheepishly.
“Is that so?” He remarks while getting under his covers.
“Mm-hm,” you hum.
“How close?” His voice lowered and became raspier as he slid his hands underneath his waistband, giving himself a squeeze.
“Like…when you kiss my lips, and my neck,” you sighed.
“Mm-hm. What else,” he starts stroking his length.
“I love feeling your hands all over me,” you purred.
“Are you touching yourself,” he asks through clenched teeth.
“Mm-hm,” you whisper, as you rub slow circles around your clit.
“Let me hear you say it,” he commands in a dangerously low and sexy tone.
“Yes, and I wish it was you touching me,” you pant, desperately.
“Yeah? What else do you wish?”
“I wish your head was between my thighs right now,” you said hoarsely.
“Mm…I love your thighs. I love when you spread them for me.”
“Ugh, yes. And your tongue…” you mewl.
“Hmm…you taste so sweet. I could eat you all day long.”
“Aah…I’m so wet for you right now,” as you dipped two of your fingers in.
“Show me?”
You hold your slicked fingers up to the camera briefly.
“Fuck. I want to be inside you…so much. You got me so hard, it hurts,” he groaned, flashing himself to you on his camera.
“God, I want suck your cock off right now,”
You bit your lower lip. “Yeah. Wrap my lips around you, lick the tip.”
“Fuck…yes. I love your mouth but I like it better when you make me cum while I’m deep inside you.”
“Yess, I love when you’re inside me.”
“I love when you ride me, seeing your face and how I make you feel good.”
“Yes…and you make me feel so gooood,” you drawl.
“You like it when I make you cum, baby?”
“Yes, I love it. I love when you make me cum so hard.”
“Fuuuck, YN…”
“I’m close, Kook,” you pant as you grind your hips into your touch, nearing your orgasm.
“I’m with you, baby. I’m with you,” as his hand pumped himself with brutal speed as he raced to his own climax.
“Aahhh…fu—,” you bury your face into the pillow, whining and writhing as your orgasm washes over you.
“Oh shiiit…,” he cries out as his own release spills out of him.
After a beat, he gets up to rinse his hands over the sink and groans. “Damn it, I swore I wouldn’t do this over Facetime anymore,” he chuckles while you giggle in response.
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Jungkook laughs then takes a sip of his beer as Namjoon tells him anecdotes about his most recent trip abroad.
The following day, he and Namjoon decided to grab some drinks after a follow-up meeting to the City Museum’s new exhibit launch, which was coming up in a few weeks.
“Yeah, so—you should come, if the opportunity presents itself.”
“I’ve already been. I, uh…went there to visit my former girlfriend once—long time ago.”
“Ah,” he nods apologetically.
“Yeeah,” he drags out. “But, other than the breakup, the pastries were great,” he says sarcastically and follows with a laugh, which in turn makes Namjoon chuckle.
“I would come back just for that,” he adds, which garners a heartier laugh from him.
As Namjoon catches his breath, he continues while sipping on his own drink. “Anyway, the collection is coming from our affiliate in Paris.”
“That’s pretty dope,” he says as he fusses with the moisture from his glass.
“Yeah. I spoke to one of their curators. She’s scheduled to come visit a few days before the official unveiling. She’s very knowledgeable about it, which is great and I think she might stick around the area for the duration of the exhibit.” He moves to pick up some peanuts from the bowl that they were munching off of.
“That’s cool. I think the whole collection looks really exciting. I know we’ve worked on a few of these together but this one was extra fun to work on.”
“I know, right,” he says in between chews. “I have a personal attachment with it and was really excited when the boss agreed to a limited-time exhibit,” he smiled proudly.
“So it’s a bit of a passion project for you, huh?”
“Everything’s a passion project for me. Why do you think someone my age would want to hang around a museum? It’s not because of the money. I just really love what I do. Call it sentimental,” he shrugs a shoulder.
“Nah, that is the very definition of passion. You love what you do and you don’t get tired of it.”
“Well, cheers to that,” as Namjoon holds his glass up to Jungkook’s to clink it.
Jungkook holds up his glass to tap it against Namjoon’s. “Hear, hear.”
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The following day, Jungkook answered your door and accepted the takeout bags from the food delivery service that you ordered about half an hour after you arrived from the airport.
You had just emerged from your shower, feeling refreshed after a long flight when you spotted him setting down the food and utensils in front of the TV.
After inhaling dinner, you proceeded to watch some TV show rerun marathon. You were both relaxed, your ankles rested on his lap as he rubbed your feet.
“Man, I used to love this show when it was on. I never get tired of watching it whenever they have reruns,” you say.
“Yeah, they don’t make ‘em like this anymore, that’s for sure,” he says.
He sighs, still rubbing your feet. “Anyway, this is kind of a weird segue but do you have any plans the weekend after next?”
“I don’t think so. Why?”
“Good. Because I got invited to a swanky party at The Hills and you’re coming with me.”
“Ooh…party up in Millionaire’s Row?” You sounded intrigued.
“Yeah. My client’s pretty cool. He extended the invitation and asked if I wanted to network or something. And I could bring a date!”
“Nice…what should I wear? Is it pretty uptight, kind of like a work function or is it supposed to be a fun, schmoozy-type party?”
“I mean, I’m technically working but the invite says it’s a cocktail party and there was no mention of ‘black tie’ on the dress code so, I guess whatever cocktail party outfit you have.”
“Hmm…okay. I might have to ask Tae to help me shop,” you wonder out loud.
“Shop? Didn’t we pick up a shit-ton of dresses from your old place? I remember loading at least two large totes in the truck that time,” he says incredulously.
You scoff. “I already sorted through those before I moved in and they were outfits that I wore to Derek’s events so I decided to get rid of most of them weeks ago. I just need a new vibe,” you say dismissively.
He didn’t pry any further and turned his attention back to the TV screen.
“I missed you,” you softly say out of nowhere.
���Really,” he squinted at you.
“Mm-hm,” you hum, returning his gaze while leaning your head against the couch cushion.
“Are you just saying that because I’m giving you a foot rub,” he responds after a beat.
You giggled as you withdrew your feet and sat upright. You pulled his arm up, cozied up to him then proceeded to wrap that same arm around you. He immediately gives your shoulder a squeeze.
“Well, I do like the foot rubs but I like you more.”
He chuckled lightly. “I missed you, too. Did you have a good trip?”
“Yeah. Lots of work ahead but good overall.”
He nuzzled on your head, smelling your hair. “That’s good.”
The rest of the evening was quiet and relaxed. Unlike most recent nights that you spent in your home, you didn’t have to get naked. You exchanged a few light kisses but none of them escalated any further as you both fell asleep in each other’s arms.
The next morning, Jungkook leaves right before sunrise to get changed for his work day since he didn’t expect to sleep at your place. He kissed you goodbye while you were half-asleep and slipped out quietly while you drifted back with an hour left before your weekday alarm goes off.
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“Why did you wait til the last second to shop, YN?” Taehyung asks.
You spent your lunch break with Taehyung trying to find the perfect outfit for Jungkook’s client’s party on Saturday—which is two days from now.
“Taehyungie, I still have two days so technically, not last-minute,” you argue while you change out of the fifth dress that you’ve tried on and were now reaching for dress number six.
“Yes but in girl-time, yesterday was last-minute and today might as well be the night of the party.”
You groan. “I know…time just got away from me. I’m not usually like this.”
Back when you were with Derek, you always had a running task list that kept you organized. Nowadays, you find yourself scrambling often. Taehyung understood that recent life events coupled with therapy have rattled your formerly typical routines.
“It’s fine, babe. I’m here to help,” as he addresses you on the other side of the dressing room while he sat on a sofa by the entrance.
You slip on the dress, knot it, and zip it up from behind. You turn slightly to check the back and turn to face the mirror again before stepping out to show him.
“Hmm…not too slutty, I hope,” you call out.
“I’ll be the judge of that,” he says as he scrolls through his phone. “As long as you don’t look like you're going to a work function. You know, no pantsuits or high shoulder pads. It should be something between classy and—“ he pauses as he looks up and you come into view.
“Sexy,” he finishes. “Wow, YN.”
You were wearing a black, curve-hugging, halter-style, mid-calf dress with a plunge neck and open back.
“What do you think of this thing in the front? Too desperate?” You ask as you motion right on your cleavage.
“Not at all. Kinda getting a semi from it,” he says while still looking at you.
“Fuck off! That was not what I was going for,” you panic as your hand instinctively flies to cover your exposed sternum.
He laughs. “Remind me again why we didn’t work out?”
“Because we just didn’t have that type of chemistry,” you respond, walking towards the larger full-length, tri fold mirror in the middle of the room, inspecting the dress from every angle
“Ah, you’re right.” Taehyung had asked you out during your freshman year in college. You had two electives together and went on one date but ultimately decided at the end of the night that there was no spark and that you were just two big dorks who were better off as friends. It was kismet that he hit it off with Jungkook and they eventually moved into off-campus housing by middle of sophomore year along with Jimin.
“I think this is it,” Taehyung points out.
“It’s a cocktail party…just canapés, no sit-down dinner. But it’s also somewhat of a work-thing for Jungkook,” you explain.
“I think it looks great,” he says, referring to the dress again.
“But you just said—“
He gives you a hearty laugh. “I’m just messing with you. You look pretty and the dress looks—“ he says as he purses his lips and holds his fingers up with his thumb and forefinger touching in the shape of a circle, making a ‘perfect’ gesture while he stands behind you, looking into the mirror.
“Thanks, Tae. I’ll go get changed and pay so we can head back. Sorry I took forever,” as you walked back into the dressing room.
“You’re welcome and it’s fine. You know how many times I’ve worked through my lunch? They’ll survive a few extra minutes.”
As you take one last look before changing back into your clothes, you wondered if Jungkook would like the dress as much as Tae did.
Wait, what?
It’s not like you had a certain private after-party in mind when you pulled this dress off the rack. You shook your last thoughts out of your head and continued to change.
“So…are we going to stop by to pick up some milk tea on the way,” Taehyung calls out.
“Yes, of course,” you respond as you step out of the dressing room with your final dress choice.
“Want me to get you a mochi waffle, too,” you followed up.
“Oh yeah! Can we get two, please?” He responded enthusiastically as he clapped in tiny.
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Saturday night, Jungkook pulls up to your place in a charcoal gray suit, a button down shirt with no tie, and a pair of Chelsea boots. It was formal enough but still looked pretty relaxed especially since he left the top two buttons undone.
He sends you a quick text saying that he’s on his way up to your door as he waits to step into an elevator cab. You respond saying that you left the door unlocked for him since you had just finished applying your makeup and all you needed to do was slip your dress and shoes on.
You had a pair of Tom Ford gold chain sandals that went with almost everything. It was one of the first things that you bought with your first month’s paycheck—quite the splurge, you thought after buckling the straps around your ankles–but worth every penny.
Just as you are stepping into your dress, you hear the front door click and Jungkook announcing his arrival.
“I’ll be right out! Sorry, I lost track of time,” you call out from your room while tying the halter straps in a ribbon around the back of your neck.
“We’re good, bub. I checked the drive times and we’ll still get there a bit early if we leave in 10,” he says as he leans on your kitchen counter while scrolling through his phone.
“Mind if I call for a car now or do you need a few more minutes?”
“Nah, go ahead. I’m just zipping up,” you say.
“‘Kay,” as he goes into his rideshare app to request for pickup. He figured that he would park at your place and leave his car there so you wouldn’t have to drive back since you’ll be drinking at the party.
“Alright, it’ll be here in five,” as he pockets his phone and looks up right as you walk out of your room holding your coat.
He freezes as he takes in your whole look.
“Hi,” you say as you saunter towards him.
“Uhh…wow,” he manages to breathe out.
“Is that a good or bad ‘wow’?” You wonder.
“It’s…good. Really…good,” he slowly responds. “You know, if you wanted to stay in, you could have said so,” he says in that low, sexy voice while he closed in on you, arm circling your waist.
“Jungkook…behave. Aren’t they expecting you at this party?” You try to keep your voice steady as you feel his breath on your ear.
“And there’s no back to this thing?” He blurts out.
“Yes, there is,” you roll your eyes. “It’s just…a little abbreviated, that’s all,” you rationalize.
“You are definitely trying to murder me,” he groans as you feel him brush his hard-on behind you.
You laugh, pulling away from him. “Jungkook, the car is coming soon!”
“I know something else that’s coming tonight, that’s for sure,” he teases.
“Come on, we have to head out or we’ll be late,” you giggled as you turned around to put your coat on and made your way out the door.
For a weekend, the drive to Jin’s house took about 30 minutes but that was relatively quick since the traffic was surprisingly light.
You arrive at an expansive driveway in front of a modernist-style mansion that sat on a triple-wide lot with views overlooking the city and the bay. The house is mostly made of stone, wood, stucco, glass, and concrete.
Jungkook checks with a staff member whom you assumed had the guest list pulled up on a tablet. They promptly waved you in after they confirmed ‘Jeon Jungkook and guest’s’ arrival.
The first thing that greets you is a massive, 19-foot doorway that leads into an open atrium.
There is a makeshift coat check area immediately to the right where you shed the one that you were wearing and hand it over to the attendant. Jungkook’s breath hitches as you turn back towards him while he gets another eye-full of your dress.
As you walk in further through the house’s foyer, he tries to put his arm around your waist but you gently shrug it off.
“No PDA, remember,” you whisper.
“Yes, but nobody really knows us here,” he breathed into your ear as his fingertips brushed your bare back and toyed with the ends of your dress’s halter strap that draped on it.
“Kook, please…keep your hands to yourself,” you beg, out of fear of losing your last bit of self-control and resort to slipping into an empty room in this giant mansion to fuck his brains out.
“Okay, okay,” he relents.
The massive living room area and foyer is split with a 30-foot long stone wall. Adding to the wow factor is a floating glass staircase and indoor reflecting pools below a massive operable skylight. Beneath it was the host, welcoming his guests.
“Jungkook-ssi! Welcome, welcome! So glad you could make it,” he greets you, meeting you both halfway and giving Jungkook a quick bro-hug.
“Ah, and you brought your beautiful girlfriend, I see,” as his attention turns towards you.
“Oh, we’re not—“ you both say.
“Seokjin-ssi, this is my best friend, Jung YN. YN, this is Kim Seokjin,” Jungkook says, introducing you to his client.
“Nice to meet you, Mr. Kim,” you stretch your hand out to shake his hand.
“Well, the pleasure is all mine,” instead of shaking your hand, he brings it up to his lips to kiss it.
It was a surprising but welcome gesture to you.
“And Mr. Kim is my father so please, call me Jin,” he smiles warmly at you.
You chuckled. “Okay—Jin. Thank you for having us. You have a beautiful home.”
“I can give you the grand tour later on, if you like. One of the decks out back has a great view of the city and the bay,” he says with a hint of flirtation.
“That sounds wonderful,” you smiled at the offer.
Jungkook is watching this whole exchange unfold as if he had turned completely translucent.
“Listen, please help yourself to drinks and finger foods. We’ve got some staff roaming around and of course, feel free to mingle–” he says directly to Jungkook.
“And I’ll come and find you at some point for that tour,” he directs at you. He then excuses himself, his eyes briefly lingering at you before he welcomes the rest of his guests.
You thought he was only being a good host but Jungkook had a different feeling.
You turn your attention back to your friend. “Alright…guess we should walk around to find a drink,” you suggest.
“Yeah…” he trails off, with a confused, suspicious look on his face as he watches Jin walk away.
An hour in, you are enjoying the party from the rooftop deck while Jungkook temporarily steps away to grab some more drinks from the mini-bar set up on one corner, a few feet from where you sat.
You were quietly basking in the warmth coming from the elaborate firepit when suddenly a voice called out to you.
“Hi–YN, right?”
You turn to see Jin stepping out of the sliding door and settling into the seat next to you.
“That’s right. Hi again, Jin,” you acknowledged him with a small smile and turned your body towards him.
“I know I already said this earlier but–wow–your house is amazing,” as you took in the clear night sky and twinkling city lights from your vantage point.
“Thank you. It took a lot of hard work and some very difficult decisions,” he laughed.
“I can imagine,” you nod along.
“Are you enjoying yourself?”
At the bar, Jungkook is waiting for the bartender to fill your drink orders. He happens to turn around and look towards the couch where he left you to find out that you were no longer alone. Although he couldn’t hear your conversation, he immediately clocked in that Jin was trying to flirt with you.
It wasn’t as if there was anything wrong with that. You were both adults, Jin seemed unattached, as far as he knew, and so were you. You throw your head back in laughter after Jin makes an inaudible joke.
“Hey, how much longer,” Jungkook impatiently taps his heel to the ground and asks the bartender, keeping his eyes on both you and Jin.
“Uh, sorry, bro. Doing my best here,” as he scrambled to fulfill a couple more cocktail orders before yours.
He sees Jin lean over to whisper something in your ear which elicits another laugh from you. It seemed like the conversation was going well until your time was cut short as one of his assistants interrupted to let him know that one of his business partners just arrived. Jin sighs and excuses himself once more, apologizes profusely and promises to find you again.
Just as Jin disappears inside, the bartender presents Jungkook with your drinks. He tosses a couple of small bills in the tip jar, grabs the glasses after murmuring a clipped ‘thanks’ then marches towards you.
“Here,” he hands you your drink a little aggressively as he slumps back on the couch.
Sensing some tension and seeing the sour look on his face you ask, “What’s crawled up your ass all of a sudden?”
“Nothing,” he curtly responds as he sips his drink, huffing angrily.
Brushing off his attitude, you remarked at how beautiful Jin’s property is and started guessing how much it might have cost him, including a few of his rich-bro friends hanging out collectively on one side of the deck.
“I bet those guys in that corner alone are worth billions of dollars,” as you sipped your own drink.
“Yeah, I guess,” he says noncommittally.
“Any of them single,” you asked, trying to catch his attention.
His head whips around at you. “Why? Are you, like, interested in them or something?”
You laughed. “Geez, lighten up, Jungkook! Just making conversation. Are you okay? Do you want to go home?”
He sighs, internally getting a grip and realizing that he was acting like a petulant child.
“Sorry, bub. Long day,” he sighs apologetically, trying to play off his unreasonable attitude.
This seems to placate you. “Okay. Let’s try to have a good time, huh? You want to mingle and add some more contacts to your rolodex? I’m very good at schmoozing,” you offer.
“Yeah, why not,” he says, getting up and offering you his hand to assist. “Let’s flex a little, huh?” He offers up his elbow while you smile and thread your wrist through it to walk around to meet more people.
You used to do this for Derek at his company functions all the time. Play a little dress-up, talk to the bosses, talk to their wives, do some networking.
Although you were naturally introverted, you were great at smalltalk and were frequently invited to off-site events with wives and girlfriends. These people weren’t always the best company to hang out with outside of a work setting but you were only doing it to bolster his position with the bosses.
Jungkook, on the other hand, was naturally charming and personable. He was also very confident. You were all but happy to play arm candy for the night, occasionally jumping into the conversation from time to time to support him.
You were in awe watching him in action. He talks about his work fairly often and he was passionate and excited about his projects. He was finally leading his own team this year and dealing with more clients directly. He’s come a long way and deserved every accolade and recognition that he received.
As the night progressed, he walked away with several valuable connections that he was bringing back to his office to schedule formal meetings with.
You return from the bathroom spotting Jin walking away from Jungkook after what looked like a short conversation.
“Ready to go? I’m kinda beat,” he asks expectantly, hands in his pants’ pockets.
“Yeah, I think we hit the sweet spot. I’m ready when you are.”
“Okay. I called for a car. Should be here in 10 minutes.”
After claiming your coat, you both walk out to the driveway waiting to get picked up.
As you sit in the back of the car on the way back to your home, he laces his fingers with yours and lifts it up to his lips to kiss the back of your hand and rests it on his thigh. You then leaned your head on his shoulder while you caught a glimpse of him staring out the window chewing at his bottom lip.
He seemed deep in thought so you didn’t ask any questions. For the duration of the ride, he held your hand in the same position, which you thought was a little odd but didn’t mind at all.
Soon as you enter through your door, Jungkook grabs you by the waist and kisses you deeply. You pull back and give him a strange look.
“Wow, what was that for,” you say breathlessly.
“Nothing. I just felt like it.”
You knit your brows in confusion. “Oh-kay…I—“
He cuts you off with another kiss. Even deeper and more passionate than the last one. His hand begins to travel down your spine caressing the bare skin made available by your dress.
His other hand begins to snake up your thigh and past the hem of your dress…higher and higher until his fingers find—
“Aah, Kook—”
“I just—wanted to thank you for coming out with me tonight,” he says.
“This is quite an unconventional way to show your gratitude,” you pant as his fingers rub the moistening flesh underneath your lace panties.
“I thought you looked really sexy in this dress,” he all but purrs as he plunges two fingers in.
“Mm…” you moaned in response. “Then you should have just led with that,” you caught his lips again and sucked on his tongue as he groaned into your mouth. He abruptly pulls away gasping for air.
“I need to be inside you…right now,” he breathes out and takes you by surprise by lifting you off the floor and carries you into your room.
Seemingly oblivious to his motivations tonight, his sudden aggression is not new to you as you’ve both taken liberties with each other after discussing your special arrangement weeks ago. Somehow, you just chalked it up to the alcohol and all of that back and forth teasing before you left for the party.
Earlier that night, as you drifted off in the back of the car ride, Jungkook thought back to Jin’s house as he waited for you while you were in the bathroom.
He approached Jungkook.
“Jungkook—your friend, YN. How well do you know her?”
“I’ve known her most of my life so, I’d like to think that I know her pretty well. Why do you ask,” he cocks his head, slightly suspicious of Jin’s intentions.
“I might be out of line here but do you know if she’s seeing anyone at the moment? I thought that we hit it off earlier and was hoping to get to know her more,” he asks him tentatively.
“Huh.” Jungkook carefully considers this as Jin awaits his response. Sure, you two had pre-arranged intimate relations but both of you agreed that it didn’t fall under the category of ‘seeing each other.’ Despite that, he’s not quite sure why he’s of two minds about this all of a sudden.
“I just—was hoping that I could get her number from you. I would ask her myself but my other investor buddies just arrived and I kind of have to entertain them first and I’m not sure how late you’re staying or—“ he rambles.
Before he knew it, Jungkook was pulling his phone out. “Yeah, sure,” he says, barely audible. “You want me to text it to you?” He hardly recognized his own voice while he searched for your contact card and sent it to Jin’s personal phone.
Jin busts out a wide grin. “Yes! Yes, of course,” as he excitedly pulls his own phone out of his pocket and sees Jungkook’s text message with your cell number on it.
“Thanks, man. I owe you one! And uh, if I don’t see you for the rest of the evening, drive safe and have a good night,” he bids as he gives Jungkook a brief handshake and a pat on the shoulder.
The moment Jin walked away was the same time that you had re-emerged from the bathroom and shortly after he asked if you were ready to head home.
He gave you three mind-numbing orgasms by the end of the night. He was unrelenting…unimaginably primal with every move, every touch, every kiss…determined to make you cum harder than you did the previous time.
“One more, YN. One more,” he coaxed while his thighs kept your legs spread wide from behind so he could sink deeper and deeper into you. Over and over he thrusted, unwavering.
“Fuck, Kook. I—I don’t think I can,” you cried with pleasure, your entire body shivering as his cock rubbed and tugged at hyperstimulated nerves, your moans muffled by the mattress.
In a short amount of time, he’s familiarized himself with every inch of your body. He knew the right angle to ride you, how slowly to rub or squeeze you in whatever spot you needed him to…he just instinctively knew every time he took you.
“Yes, you can, baby. One more…for me,” he pleaded, as if his own release depended on yours. He pulls you up slightly, flush against him as he takes your mouth to kiss you while reaching down to massage your clit. The pressure, building up like a gathering storm.
“Fuck yes,” you gasped, stretched tightly in anticipation as he filled you to the brink. The additional friction coupled with his cock stroking your core finally pushes you over the edge.
You came with a hoarse cry of his name as your body shook and relief exploded through you. This orgasm, seemingly lasting forever as Jungkook extends your pleasure, tirelessly thrusting until he reaches his own release.
Drenched in sweat, you both collapse onto the bed as he pulls you into a spooning position under the covers.
“Was I too rough,” he asks meekly.
You let out a soft chuckle as you fought your drowsiness from completely taking over.
“No, but it was…one for the books, that’s for sure.”
“Sorry, I just…don’t know what came over me,” he said as he kissed your bare shoulder.
You then turn your body to face him. “Hey…you don’t have to apologize. I consented to it,” you say as you brushed your finger softly over the small scar on his left cheek.
“I will tell you if it’s too much but I need you to do the same. We have to communicate, right?”
He gives you a nod and kisses the tip of your nose. You roll over and he nuzzles into the back of your neck once more as you drift off to sleep.
In the middle of the night, he wakes up to go to the bathroom but is briefly distracted when he hears your phone vibrate on your nightstand.
He knows that he shouldn’t but before he knew it, he rounds your bed and walks to where your phone rested and lightly tapped the screen. As soon as he gets a glimpse of the text message’s preview from the unregistered number, his heart sinks and he proceeds to the bathroom, as he intended.
When he returns to your bed, he moves in closer…his body pressed against yours as he wraps his arms around you tightly…possessively.
It was Sunday morning and you woke up to the smell of sizzling pork, which made you smile. Jungkook was making your favorite breakfast: pork belly rice bowl with kimchi and hard-cooked egg.
You roll over to check your phone for the time and see a text message from an unknown number. You realized that it was Jin and he texted you shortly after 2AM, assuming it was right after the party wrapped.
You hold off on responding knowing that Jin was Jungkook’s client. You weren’t sure if you were breaking some unspoken rule that he had so you proceeded with your morning routine first.
As you walk out of your room, you see Jungkook setting your bowls on the breakfast counter.
“Mm, it smells great in here. You’ve really outdone yourself, Jungkookie,” you smile as you take your seat.
He smiles warmly. “I was just up early so I decided to make you a good breakfast since we didn’t really get much to eat last night,” he says as he takes the seat next to you.
“Well…thank you for making my favorite,” you gush as you pick up your utensils to dig into your bowl. You hum in appreciation and do a little happy dance as you take your first bite, making him chuckle.
You swallowed your food. “So–,” you begin. “Guess who texted me in the middle of the night.”
He paused briefly as he was about to take his first bite.
“Hm,” was all he said as he pretended not to know.
But you knew. How else could he have gotten your number?
“When did you slip him my number,” you ask as you turn your head to glance at him.
“Oh–uh…while you were in the bathroom,” he responds nonchalantly, keeping his head down on his bowl.
“Oh…okay,” you say tentatively. “He asked and you just gave it to him?”
“Mm-hm,” he hums affirmatively.
Okay…so he won’t elaborate.
“Why? What did he say,” he asks, trying not to sound too curious.
“Uhm…he just introduced himself and that he hoped I didn’t mind that he asked you for my number and was sorry that he didn’t get a chance to say goodbye.”
“Hm,” he hums as he stuffed his mouth with another bite.
You pause, waiting to find out if he had any other comments other than a hum…but he didn’t so you take it as your queue to ask him another question.
“So…should I text him back?”
“That’s up to you. It’s not like I’m in control of your personal life or anything,” he says, still not looking up from his bowl.
“Right, but–I was just wondering if it was going to be awkward since he’s your client and you sort of work for him,” you try to reason.
He finally looks up to face you. “As far as I’m concerned, I have no control over what our clients do outside of whatever job was agreed upon. Our standard legal contracts don’t cover any personal activities that our clients decide to engage in unless they’re unethical practices that go against our core values.
That said, if you want to text him back, text him back. If you don’t want to, then don’t,” he shrugs his shoulders and looks back down, picking at his food.
You roll your eyes at his sarcastic, unnecessary legalese.
You finally cut to the chase. “Will this be weird for us?”
He sighs deeply and looks at you once more. “Bub, our arrangement is non-binding. Remember, we agreed that if or when we started seeing other people, we would stop, right,” he utters, hoping it sounded casual enough for you.
“Yes, but–this is one text. It’s not like he’s proposed anything or that I’m agreeing to any sort of personal activities.”
“Alright well, I guess we’ll see how it plays out.”
The air felt a little thicker than it did when you walked out of your room. You eye him carefully, considering your next move.
“Okay then,” you shrug as you pick up your phone to text Jin back.
Jungkook left your home an hour after breakfast and said he felt a little off. You asked if it had anything to do with Jin but he insisted that it was unrelated. He thought that maybe he ate some bad shrimp at the party and is now just feeling the effects.
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A week later and you had barely heard from him, still telling you that he might have come down with a bug and was trying to work from home simultaneously as he tied up some loose ends on several contracts. You offered to come by and bring him food or hang out with him but he refused, saying that he didn’t want you to catch whatever he had.
It left an odd feeling that you couldn’t shake especially after the last night that you shared. You missed him and it wasn’t just the sex. You’ve spent more time with Jungkook in the last few months than you ever had since Derek left. If you weren’t sleeping over at his place, he was at yours. You were so used to his presence that his weeklong absence has been eating away at you.
However, in the last week, your workload has also increased, having returned from your previous work trip. Your department had scored a new contract through Yoongi’s expert leadership. He also assigned you to lead the new project–something you haven’t done to full capacity until this particular contract. But he has given you plenty of guidance and encouragement throughout this whole process that you felt confident enough to tackle this new challenge, even working on a Saturday to try and get an early head start for Monday’s kick-off meeting.
Tonight was Sunday dinner at your family’s. Your parents were happy that you were able to join them again after skipping it for months.
You sat on the kitchen counter texting Jungkook, checking on him periodically while your mom fluttered around the kitchen checking on every dish. She calls out to your dad as he sits in the living room watching the game with Hobi.
“Honey, the roast is almost ready. Can you help me pull it out of the oven in 10 minutes?”
“Yes, sweetheart,” he responds.
“I’m sorry Jungkookie is not feeling well,” she says to you.
Jungkook and his mom had an open invitation to your Sunday dinners. More often than not, he always made it out unless he had an early Monday conference call or a looming deadline.
“Yeah…I don’t know. First, he said it must have been something he ate at the party last week and then it seems to have escalated this week into some sort of stomach bug.”
“Oh yes, how was that party last weekend?”
“It was fun. It was at some rich guy’s house at The Hills. Very beautiful view.”
“Which rich guy’s house at The Hills,” Hobi interjects as he walks into the kitchen, grabbing another beer bottle from the fridge.
“Kim Seokjin. He’s Jungkook’s client.”
“Woah,” Hobi gasps and his eyes bulge at the same time he pops the cap off and the air pressure hisses out of the bottle.
“That guy’s uber rich! A friend brokered that property,” he excitedly says.
He continued, “The house had already gone through extensive upgrades. It was basically gutted and rebuilt from the ground up. Now it’s all high-tech and environmentally sustainable. I cried tears of real estate joy when I heard that the sale was finalized. My friend was really struggling before that sale and I was so happy for him. I was very envious but still–very happy,” he rambles excitedly.
“How much did it sell for?” Your mom asked curiously as she spooned one of the dishes into a serving platter.
“Like…thirty-nine or forty mil?” As he takes a swig of his beer.
Your jaw drops at Hobi’s revelation and at the same time, three successive text alerts come through your phone.
“Who keeps texting you? I thought Jungkookie was sick?” Hobi asks, distracted by your phone’s buzzing.
You hesitate. “Uh…Kim…Seokjin,” you say quietly.
“You have a direct line to Kim Seokjin?” Hobi’s eyes all but pop out of their eye sockets.
Another text from Jin comes in. While Jungkook was out of commission, you’ve texted and exchanged phone calls with Jin on and off in the last couple of days.
Although work has been busy for you, Jin has been patiently trying to make conversation, even though he, himself, was busy with his own businesses. Today was the first day that you had a solid text conversation that began this morning.
“Why is he texting you?” He asks in a devilishly suspicious tone and narrowed eyes.
“I guess he just wants to be friends,” you say casually as you type your response and send it off.
He laughs loudly. “Duuude…” he lowers his voice as your dad comes over to help your mom get the roast out of the oven.
“I didn’t even know you got it like that,” he snickers as he pinches you on your side.
You flinch then smack him on the shoulder. “Shut up! It’s not even like that,” you whisper back looking back to make sure your parents didn’t hear.
He gives you a knowing look while you roll your eyes in return and shake your head.
“You’re so gross,” you mutter under your breath.
He continues to snicker as he walks away to check whether your mom needed help setting the table while you pour yourself another glass of wine.
A moment later, your phone starts ringing. You hop off the counter and head down to the hallway towards your old bedroom to answer the call. It was Jin.
“Uh, hey,” you answer your phone.
“Hi, YN. I hope I’m not interrupting anything.”
“I’m at my family’s house but you’re not interrupting anything. What’s up?”
“So listen…I hope I’m not being too forward here because I know we’ve only been texting occasionally this week. Anyway, I thought I’d just come out and say this…I would really love it if I could take you out to dinner this week.”
The request floors you. Yes, you had talked and made casual conversation–some bordering on flirty but you didn’t think he’d actually ask you out. He was rich–uber rich, according to Hobi, and could pretty much have any woman he wanted.
“I’ll work around any time, any place of your choosing,” he adds quickly.
“Wow, Jin…” You desperately tried to gather your thoughts.
“Full disclosure, I have been meaning to ask you since the party last week but–since then my schedule has been kind of packed and I didn’t want it to marinate for too long so I just decided to go for it. Nothing to lose, right?”
Says the man who pretty much has everything.
“Uhm…yes,” you agreed before you knew it.
“Really? Did I hear a yes,” he asks excitedly.
“Yes,” you breathed out. “I’m saying ‘yes’,” you repeated, smiling into the phone.
“Ah, I’m so relieved. I just thought that we were having a really nice conversation today so I decided to capitalize on it,” he says as he walks through a private airport hangar.
“Great, well–I should be free on Thursday evening. Does that work?” You asked after mentally running through your calendar.
“I’ll make it work,” he assures you, as he boards the jet. “Listen–I don’t want to keep you from your family any longer but could you do me a favor and text me what type of food you like? I can make arrangements then.”
You smiled warmly. “Okay, I will.”
“I look forward to it. Have a good night, YN.”
“Good night, Jin.” You ended the call. As you start to walk back to the kitchen, you see Hobi eyeing you from the end of the hallway, sniggering.
Jungkook was sitting home alone, staring blankly at whatever show he had streaming on his TV screen.
He was sulking and not quite sure why.
Why did he give him your number? But then again, why wouldn’t he? You were, for all intents and purposes, single and Jin was a potential suitor.
You both had discussed the possibility of this happening. In fact, he brought the topic up himself when you talked about setting ‘ground rules’.
Subconsciously, he didn’t really think this arrangement would last forever…did he? Otherwise, he wouldn’t have asked the question.
Jungkook repeated this mantra over and over throughout the course of the week. Yes, he thought that he had to avoid you to get his shit together before he faced you again. Besides, this thing (whatever it is) with Jin may not even pan out so, he needed to get over himself quickly and stop overthinking.
Just then, his phone beeps with an alert from his dating app.
Another match. Great.
He briefly views the profile. His finger hovers over the direct messaging button but changes his mind and swipes the notification away instead. He then promptly deletes the app altogether, instantly regretting activating it again to begin with.
Jungkook has a generally healthy dating life. Women constantly fell on his lap. It’s plain to see why. Not only was he disarmingly handsome but he was smart, passionate, and incredibly charming.
The thing is, Jungkook frequently got bored.
As much as Jungkook enjoyed beautiful women and sweeping them off their feet, he enjoyed the challenge. Not that Jungkook had to try hard to pick up women. You knew that women had no trouble finding their way to him but that was just it…everything came too easily. He needed some level of difficulty thrown at him.
His longest relationship lasted almost two years until she took a job in a different country.
You genuinely liked Lisa. She was a girl’s girl but there was a certain realness to her that you admired. Plus, she fit right in with your rowdy group. She was also ambitious—which was one of the things that made him fall for her. She kept him on his toes but you saw that she really cared for him and loved him. Jungkook was absolutely smitten. You were glad to see your friend happy.
When she moved away, they had tried long-distance. Jungkook was torn but determined to make it work at first but shortly realized that it was unsustainable so they ultimately decided to end things.
Not for lack of trying but Jungkook craved presence and affection. He flew there to go see her but things just were not the same. He went home dejected and felt like a failure.
Just then, he is pulled out of his thoughts when his text alert goes off. He glances at the screen to see that it’s from you.
[YN] 10:30PM: Headed home. Want me to swing by to bring you some roast?
Jungkook loved your mom’s Sunday dinner roasts and repeatedly tried to recreate it himself at home but it never quite tasted the same.
[JK] 10:32PM: No, TY. Tummy is still bothering me. I don’t want to waste it.
[YN] 10:35PM: I’m so sorry. Are you sure you’re okay? Want me to swing by the pharmacy to pick up some medicine for you?
He wanted you to. He wanted you to come by and take care of him. But something wrestled inside of him and even after a week of trying to let this feeling of uncertainty settle within him, he still wasn’t ready to face you just yet. So he broke one of your rules.
[JK] 10:36PM: I’ll be fine.
He lied.
[YN] 10:38PM: Oh ok. Rest up then. I’ll text when I get home. Love you!
“Ditto,” he utters to himself, sighing deeply as he tosses his phone to the side and turns his attention back to whatever he was watching.
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Taglist: @deepseavibez @bts-fic-recs-mess @mwitsmejk @jamlessstars @xhazmania @xiaoren001 @dianaxnyc
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