evilshadowskull27 · 11 months
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made some smile precure stamps :3
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reikarimaaa · 6 months
Hoi, im Reika. Welcome to my blog.! I write Gorillaz headcanons, and here’s my simple do and don’t list. (you may have also known me as Harami. I fell out from the community for quite some time (even fell out of tumblr!) and I’ve slowly but surely been more active.) enjoy.!
What I’m willing to write :
I do Y/N | S/O x Gorillaz characters. Will try my hardest to make them gender neutral as possible, I swear (unless specified gender in request). Also, for a heads up, I do not do Sebastian, Paula, or Hannibal (might change overtime, but don’t get your hopes up).
I also do Character x Character. I don’t really care much who you pair tbh. Though I will not write Noodle in this category as I am uncomfortable with pairing Noodle with the other band members and the others. (Eg. 2nu, NuRuss, NuDoc, ect.)
I do NSFW. I am improving my writing quality on this.
Angst, Platonic, and Smut I also do.
If you want your headcanon to be set on a specific phase, please don’t forget to add it into the request.
Gore... well why not. I don’t mind, I simply have no experience in writing gore. Just a heads up though, don’t let it discourage you from requesting.
Things that I’m absolutely not willing to write :
Anything Non-Con/LoliCon/Underage. The only exception is when talking/referencing it in a somewhat relatively SFW way.
NSFW/Smut/Angst/literally anything else that is too graphic.
//Small notes!//
Please wait a while if you request, as I do take some time off the blog sometimes, and I sincerely apologize if I forget to do yours in time.
I live in Indonesia, so different time zones and such. So understand that it might take a while for me to look at your request(s).
I have a sideblog. It's more or less empty, might post every once in a while. @reika-textww
I use different personal tags so here’s a rundown :
# harami’s headcanon humania; old headcanons that I wrote, requested or not. no longer going to be tagging new posts with these.
# harami’s hearth of arts and humania/ # harami’s art dump ; my old personal art tag, no longer in use.
# Reika’s writing ; my writing in general. will be tagging old things with these
RussDoc is canon.
//All of these may subject to change in the future.//
— Reika
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reikatsukihana · 6 months
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OC - Reika Tsukihana
This time of year I'm full of work, which is a very good thing... but it greatly reduces the time I have to play FFXIV and think/do about my own projects. I just want to finish the stories and drawings I have with my favorite elezen and I don't want to be away for so long again. Maybe for now I should dedicate myself to make some headcanons? At the moment I can't think of anything in particular, so I'm open to questions!
I also did some upgrades to my computer, preparing for the next expansion. Nothing too expensive, but at least I know it won't explode with the new graphics 🤭 So that's good!
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lavenderrosiefan · 1 year
Rainbow High Riders
Here's the blurb for Rainbow High Riders: When a new Sacred Sword-the Sword of Whirlwinds, Arashi-is discovered, Reika Shindai (Kamen Rider Sabela) and Ryoga Shindai (Kamen Rider Durandal) offer to search for it. They arrive at Rainbow High, the #1 visual arts school. They befriend Sunny Madison, an energetic computer animator; Poppy Rowan, a laidback music engineer; Skyler Bradshaw, a shy fashion designer; Ruby Anderson, an outgoing graphic designer; Violet Willow, Sunny's best friend and a glamorous influencer; Jade Hunter, a tomboyish makeup artist known for her dramatic looks; Bella Parker, a friendly and determined set designer; and Amaya Raine, a bold and mysterious fashion designer and actress. When a new threat arises, can they work together to protect Rainbow High?
Here's the list of main Riders:
Reika Shindai-Kamen Rider Sabela
Ryoga Shindai-Kamen Rider Durandal
Violet Willow-Kamen Rider Viola
Sunny Madison-Kamen Rider Sunshine
Poppy Rowan-Kamen Rider Monarch
Skyler Bradshaw-Kamen Rider Falcata
Ruby Anderson-Kamen Rider Ember
Jade Hunter-Kamen Rider Aranea
Bella Parker-Kamen Rider Cerasus
Amaya Raine-Kamen Rider Prism (transferred to Shadow High in Season 2)
River Kendall-Kamen Rider Nautlius
Georgia Bloom-Kamen Rider Nectarine
Elizabeth de Milcery (OC)-Kamen Rider Angelix
There are other Riders, sure, but for the sake of simplicity, I'm only putting the main Riders here.
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laboitediabolique · 1 year
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Advertisement for Comet Sentai Fruity Five 1/6 scale garage kits, 1985
This was a very obscure and short lived posable ball jointed garage kit series released by a company called Cosmos. Two versions of the kits where released; a standard type and deluxe versions of all six characters which sold for ¥9,800 each. In addition, a set of alternate heads was also marketed. A book was also released by Model Graphics in conjunction with the kits which included the backstory of the figures, manga including a photo story, specs on the equipment they use and pages and pages of other details.
The backstory of the figures is that they are high school sentai team who operate out of Saint Andrea Academy. The characters are as follows;
Strawberry 1, Ichiko Akai, who is the captain of the tennis club, class representative and leader of Comet Sentai Fruity Five.
Peach 2, Sakura Momoko, captain of the volleyball team and also a spoiled brat who gets angry if she doesn't get her way.
Lemon 3, Reika Tachibana, who is into electronics and computers and is the captain of the gymnastics club.
Blueberry 4, Aoi Aoki, a rather cold but considerate girl who the captain of the swimming club and likes motorcycles.
Melon 5, Midori Kinouchi, an active and energetic girl who acts before thinking and is the captain of the athletics club.
In addition, other characters are also profiled in the book; Doctor Ponch, the commander of the Fruity Five and the principal of Saint Andrea Academy. He is portrayed as very lecherous man. In addition there is a mascot character called Onion Rink, a transforming creature from the planet Arrienne who transforms into a humanoid fairy. The Fruity Five also have a spacecraft called Abogadick, which in the book has photos of a scratch built model which wasn't released as a garage kit as far as I can tell.
I find this to be a very interesting project which seems rather similar to Gall Force Star Front garage kit photo story series which ran in Hobby Japan through 1985 and into 1986. While that project was far more successful and spawned several anime films and OVAs, Comet Sentai Fruity Five didn't engage the garage kit fandom in the same way unfortunately.
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notfriendlyhougen · 2 months
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I'm not really digging how reika looks in the graphics update tbh (the hair is a placeholder)
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urtopia · 3 years
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Edvinas Reika
"There is a grounding and recharging feeling in being in the presence of those you trust more deeply"
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terenceaaron · 3 years
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Source: Edvinas Reika
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riclusive · 3 years
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unu-nunu-art · 6 years
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Happy Birthday @fullm00ny! ^u^
Here’s a little gift I’ve been working on for the past days, Reika from Fatal Frame. It was really, really interesting to draw this, I love experimenting with different styles. I hope you like it! 
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aesthesia-magazine · 2 years
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Design for Mental Health 2020 — Poster Collection | Graphic Design by Ed Reika | aⓂ
Aesthesia Magazine™ on Instagram
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merryfortune · 2 years
Bite for a Kiss
Written for the 100ships Challenge on Dreamwidth
Prompt: #71 Sable
Title: Bite for a Kiss
Ship: Miyuki/Wolfrun
Fandom: Smile Pretty Cure
Word Count: 2,541
Rating: M
Warnings: Major Character Death, Graphic Depictions of Violence
Tags: Alternate Universe - Five Nights at Freddy’s Fusion, Fluff with a Sad Ending, Horror, Murder, Inappropriate Crushes, Peer Pressure, First Kiss, Decapitation, Trauma, Fairy Tale Allusions
   Reika and the others were sceptical to say the least when Miyuki had explained her crush. Her very strange crush. On an animatronic at a gimmicky children’s entertainment themed restaurant which was very, heavily Americanised. 
   “No, I’m totally serious, this is not a joke.” Miyuki rambled to defend herself. “It was really different. He’s special. He’s not like the other animatronics. I’ve been visiting the Bad End Kingdom Diner since I was a kid and he always paid me special attention. It's so romantic.”
   Oh gosh, now she was swooning. It was dorky and embarrassing but for everyone who wasn’t Miyuki. She was savouring how her heart had begun to race as she imagined him: the big bad wolf. He was just so handsome and in such a punk rock way, in blue leather-inspired clothes and his shaggy grey mane and his deep, dark coloured eyes. He was her favourite and she knew that she was his favourite. She just had to be. The thought otherwise was simply impossible to Miyuki, she wouldn’t hear otherwise.
   How did this topic of conversation even come up? It all seemed to derail at the mention of the word “boy” somewhere along the way. No other word had a mystique or power over them to bring up possible routes of embarrassment and bonding quite like that. Though such was the way of being a gaggle of tween girls. It was brave of Miyuki to be so forthright about her eccentricities with her friends but they were still eccentricities, even if she was quite beloved to them. Hence why she could reveal such a thing in the first place.
   “I see it in his eyes. They gleam and glimmer.” Miyuki gushed.
   “Probably just the stage lights.” Akane suggested, dour and unimpressed.
   “They have an intelligence to them, I swear.” Miyuki insisted.
   “Sounds like anthropomorphism to me.” Reika said.
   “Ayup, what she said.” Nao agreed and Akane nodded with her but by Akane’s expression, it was blatantly obvious she had no idea what the word ‘anthropomorphism’ even meant.
   “I’m serious!” Miyuki begged to be believed.
   Miyuki just moaned and groaned, feeling othered for her strange attraction to, well, an attraction at a fast food restaurant. But he really was everything she said and more. He even had the most heart-wrenching lore in the books that the Bad End Kingdom provided about their animatronic characters and on the online website, too, stashed in between all the mini games. She just had the biggest, baddest crush on Wolfrun and she would be heard and she would not be mocked for it. Her face was just going redder and redder as she felt exactly that. Mocked for her crush.
   “Why don’t we go visit this animatronic then, hm?” Yayoi piped up, eyes shining. She clasped her hands together and tilted her head to the side. “Doesn’t that sound like fun? We could all go together, have something to eat, and watch Miyuki make baby-doll eyes for her furry boyfriend.”
   “Yayoi…” Miyuki protested but she didn’t dislike the idea.
   In fact, no one did. Reika and Nao exchanged a glance between one another that turned into a smile. Akane was grinning cheekily, she was always down to not having to be the one who cooked or cleaned up after them when they had a social outing. And so, Miyuki slowly succumbed to the idea of introducing her very tangible friends to her animatronic crush.
   So, it was decided, right down to having a reservation: Sunday, twelve-thirty, they were going to have lunch at the Bad End Kingdom Diner. And, come the day of, it was everything that the other girls had been expecting. Cheesy, low budget, but oddly charming all the same.
   The diner was nostalgic but not for any defined time period, being more anachronistic than that to best encapsulate the conflicting mediaeval aesthetics of its main attraction animatronics. There was a science station where kids could harmlessly mix different coloured solutions to make potions with Majorina. There was a drum kit and rage station with clubs and bats to model off the weapon of choice belonging to Akaoni. There was a stage for comedy and children’s drama sets themed to Joker’s aesthetic and sensibilities. And then there was Miyuki’s favourite element of the diner’s various attractions, the one set up for her beloved Wolfrun: the forest themed play area which was home to stalking silhouettes of the big, bad wolf himself.
   Miyuki was certainly enraptured by it, taking over from their assigned waiter so she could show them around the diner’s campus, much to the beleaguered irritation of said waiter but hey. Less work for them. Miyuki was just all too excited by the prospect of sharing her beloved children’s entertainment and food franchise with her friends, she wanted them to see everything like she did.
   And for a little while, it was exactly like she had hoped and more. She played with Nao and Reika in Majorina’s potion creation station and made marvellous concoctions of pink and green and blue. She raced Akane through the various hanging bean-filled bags of the forest-themed play area, dodging them with skill and sometimes colliding, only to end up in the ball pit and swimming through it. She tried to teach Yayoi how to best hold her bat as they smashed up old coffee mugs and then later enjoyed the baseball arcade game pertaining to Akaoni’s domain.
   The various sectors of the diner’s entertainment section had a unique smell and mystique to them. They were over sanitised on account of all the vomit and urine they likely saw and mixed with the food the restaurant sold as well but the design aspects more than made for it. The games were fun, the paintings on the wall were larger than life and though they were very much on the cusp of ageing out of the diner’s target audience, being the oldest and biggest kids in the play centre, they still had fun. Plenty of it, even.
   In fact, Miyuki could have played and played with her friends for hours but, fortunately for them, her stomach growled. It was time to eat and it was going to be a feast. All tuckered out, she and her friends retired back to their table and their assigned waiter, who had pizza face acne oddly enough, took their orders. Shouldn’t be that long at all, they were promised.
   They chatted idly and drank various soft drinks as they waited for their meals to arrive and they smelt them before they saw them. The thick, salty smell of burgers and fries all piled onto large, novelty plates soon seiged them left and right and the grace was of two, four, six, eight, dig in and don’t wait!
   Even notable big eaters in their crowd, like Akane and Nao, were astonished as they watched Miyuki eat her food. She had gone for the Wolfrun-themed set lunch. It came with three little pig curly fries and a big, wide burger that was perfect to wolf down and she was doing just that, and following up with huge slurps of her drink as well, making a right mess of herself, getting ketchup and mustard on her cheeks but her enjoyment was more cute than anything else.
   It made the others’ anticipation of their own, greasy meals, not quite so elaborate as Miyuki’s, much better.
There was just one last thing on their agenda before they went their separate ways homes: actually meeting the legendary animatronics of the restaurant. They had eaten their foods and played their games but now it was time for the meet and greet. This was probably the part that Miyuki had been looking forward to the most and her friends, the least.
    It is not because they didn’t love her but surely this was a little too strange, even for someone as eccentric as Miyuki but apparently not.
    As a group, they approached the stage. The stage itself was cordoned off, for apparent safety reasons and yet, the animatronics loomed seemingly past the yellow and white tape and over the fancy, theatrical fencing. They looked… off somehow. Uncanny, perhaps? They were characters in a children’s entertainment franchise so maybe it was because the other girls were too old and lacking in nostalgia to see past what it was about their designs and executions that seemed so sinister for the bright cheery lights around them.
    Akaoni was mid-set playing the drums, dual clubs for drumsticks. Majorina had taken to the left of the stage with a tambourine and a microphone, mid-howl, her fake skin eerie and waxy. Joker to the opposite, sneering and giggling, his lips unmoving despite his overactive voice box. His hands were poised over a provided keyboard. And then there was Wolfrun, in the middle, bass guitar in front of him, claws shredding the strings and his wide maw leaned into a microphone: he was the lead singer of this motley crew of musical characters.
   He had such a deep voice in the recordings. All the better to greet the children with - and Miyuki especially, of course. He had such big eyes, all the better to scan the crowd for the faces of adoring fans, to see Miyuki especially, of course. He had such big hands - paws, really - and they were all the better to hug with and Miyuki did wish for his embrace. And then there was his mouth, the teeth that produced and gleamed, such a big mouth and it was that big so he could eat pizza and burgers, of course. Not Miyuki, that would be silly, if Miyuki was going to be near that big, bad mouth of his, surely it would be to kiss.
   Her heart pounded. She was as nervous before this animatronic the same way she would be nervous before a flesh and blood boy that she was attracted to. Miyuki bounced on the ball of her feet, excited to info dump about them, she pushed down the anxiety that she felt as she stared down the white eyes and white teeth and sable maw of her favourite Wolfrun.
   “Aw, look, she’s blushing.” Akane teased her, poking her side and making her jump out of her skin.
   “Akane! Don’t scare me like that!” Miyuki screamed.
   Akane just snickered, “But it's so cute how head over heels for him you.”
   “It's true, Miyuki, we can all tell that you really love Wolfrun, its sweet… if a little weird.” Reika agreed.
   “Hey, different strokes for different folks as they say.” Nao shrugged but yes, she was very much with Reika in thinking that it was weird.
   “I think it's totally normal.” Yayoi pouted. “People get crushes on fictional characters all the time. It’s happened to me, you know. Miyuki just takes it that extra mile.”
   “Yayoi…” Miyuki complained, blushing furiously.
   “I think you should take it that extra mile.” Akane snickered. “Go on, give your big, bad wolf-boy a kiss.”
   “Yeah, do it.” Nao dared her.
   “Do it, do it, do it!” cheered Yayoi, bouncing on the heel of her foot.
   Miyuki quibbled. She had more than a few reservations about this. Her stomach began to twist and knot. All that she had eaten for lunch was suddenly disagreeing with her and her knees were knocking.
   This would be her first kiss, right? Like, it would count, wouldn’t it? Sure, it would be with an animatronic, no different in logistics to kissing a mirror or a plush toy but given that she had very real and legitimate feelings, that made it weightier an action than it seemed. She had spent more time than she would like to admit dreaming about kissing Wolfrun but it was one thing to imagine it. It was a completely different thing to actually do it.
   Miyuki snuck glances around the room. Being good natured older kids, they weren’t under supervision by staff. It was just them. The five of them and the animatronics on stage, which were cordoned off but it would be all too easy to jump the rope. Miyuki swallowed a lump in her throat as she felt her palms sweat, her heart raced.
   “If you don’t want to do it, Miyuki, ignore them.” Reika said scathingly. She seemed to disapprove of the bravado around her.
   But to her surprise, Miyuki shook her head and her hand curled into a determined fist, “Nuh-uh, I wanna do it.”
   Miyuki trembled but she stepped up to the plate, to Reika’s dismay and to the other girls’ utter delight. Akane, Nao, and Yayoi all cheered and goaded Miyuki on as she navigated the rope. She awkwardly straddled it and tipped herself the other way and stumbled into the forbidden mosh pit. At the base of the stage, toes practically to it, the animatronics seemed even bigger - and got bigger again when Miyuki hefted herself up to the stage.
   Then, finally, she came face to face with the absolute love of her fourteen year old life: Wolfrun.
   He was beautiful. He was fake. He was everything that Miyuki wanted and absolutely nothing at all. The contradictions confused Miyuki but her feelings were powerful and undeniably real. She took another step closer and got up onto her tip-toes. She held her hands, maidenly, in front of her breast and she puckered her lips.
   She had her first kiss to Wolfrun. Her first and only kiss.
   His lips were cold, hard plastic. Despite having a furred texture in his sculpt, there was nothing hairy about it. Miyuki kissed him and her heart soared. This was it. Her ultra happiness. She was certain of it. What she felt, how her heart raced, how light she felt, this was pure and unadulterated bliss. Everything she had dreamt and more and then everything went black.
   Wolfrun’s head slumped forward and Miyuki’s ears pricked up on that noise. That creak. It scared her. She felt something jar inside her chest and she looked up. Wolfrun… Wolfrun was very large, his eyes were huge and gleaming. For a second, he almost looked alive and then he ate her. Consumed her innocent kiss for a ravenous meal. His wide maw opened - all but unhinged - and Miyuki’s head was right in the middle of it, his teeth sank into her neck, and blood spurted.
   The other girls - Akane, Nao, Reika, Yayoi - all scream, helpless before this scene as Miyuki was decapitated. Wolfrun’s head jerked back and he ripped Miyuki’s gouged neck off its stump. For a precious moment, the rest of her body, upright and balanced, remained so in shock until the second passed and it collapsed, leaking blood from her wound.
   None of them knew what to do. None of them knew what they had even just seen: just the draining terror and the shrill screams that left their mouths before their brains could even process what their eyes had seen happen to her friend. Guilt wrecking them immediately because… because she wouldn’t have done that if the majority of them hadn’t egged her on. 
   One minute, Miyuki was kissing her crush, the next her head had been bitten off by the very animatronic that she was in love with and had now malfunctioned horrifically.
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keziah13ninja · 5 years
‘Survivor’ Morning After - Your Silver Touch Drabble
The sunlight was like a wave of cold water. Reika uttered a groan of annoyance, as she shut her eyes tight and buried her face into the warm object beside her. The gentle scent of strawberries and spring air wafted into the werewolf’s nostrils.
Reika drowsily opened her eyes and looked the pale skin of Aylin’s neck and upper back. With a small smile, the dark-haired girl leaned up and pressed a soft kiss behind the human girl’s ear. Aylin stirred, humming in approval. Reika carefully moved her arm from where it draped over the girl’s waist. She sat up and heaved out a sigh. 
Careful not to wake the sleeping beauty, Reika swung her legs over the edge of the bed and yawned, resting her elbows on her knees. She could still feel the searing pain of the princess’ nails in her arms and shoulder blades. She could hear the soft whines and moans of impatience coming from the blonde girl’s lips. She could still smell the aroma that steamed off of her and the princess, like smoke off a fire.
The young werewolf looked over her shoulder at Aylin, her gaze resting on a reddish-purple bruise at the base of her neck. Sudden guilt wrapped around Reika like a blanket. The dark-haired girl’s eyes travelled down to Aylin’s leg, which stuck out from between the sheets. The red marks were enough to cause Reika’s throat to close up. 
Perhaps it was the loss of protective warmth around her that roused Aylin. She stretched before turning onto her back. stretching out an arm. Her hand and gaze fell on empty space. Aylin frowned and looked up to see the girl who had been holding her minutes before, sitting on the edge of the bed.
“Reika?” The princess mumbled, sitting up. The dark-haired girl said nothing. Aylin ignored the pain in her lower half and drew the sheets around her body, shifting closer to the sulking werewolf. Reika stared at her hands. extending and retracting her claws. “Hey,” Aylin slid her arms around the werewolf’s torso and rest her chin on Rieka’s shoulder. 
“What’s bothering you?” Her voice was soft and smokey. Not at all what it had been last night. Reika couldn't stop the shudder when Aylin’s hot breathe hit her bare skin. Gods, this girl would be the death of her. “It’s nothing.” She muttered in response. Flashes ps graphic images flooded Reika’s mind’s eye. Images of her parents being killed. Images of her brother dead. Images of Aylin’s body laying in the snow, blood surrounding her like a halo. 
Reika blinked, shaking her head. The hallucinated blood on her hands vanishing. “You aren't fine.” Aylin insisted, her slender fingers rubbing circles into the taller girl’s sides. “Tell me what is bothering you.” She urged. Reika’s hands trembled. “I’m afraid.” She said finally, her shoulders slumping. “I’m afraid of losing you. What’s worse, I’m afraid I’ll hurt you.”
Aylin frowned, her eyebrows knitting together in confusion. “Reika, I trust you. You would never harm me in any way intentionally.” She shook a blonde streak from her eyes. “Exactly!” Reika blurted. “Intentionally! What if I lose control and you’re nearby? What if I....”
The werewolf’s hand trembled as tears formed in her amber eyes. “What if I do something I regret...” Aylin placed a hand on Reika’s. “Hey. You won’t lose control. You’re not some wild beast, Reika.” She tried to reassure.” The dark-haired girl looked over her shoulder to meet the blue eyes gaze of the princess. “But I am, Aylin. I’m a werewolf. A hated species of monster. I am the reason humans fear things that go bump in the night.”
Aylin listened as Reika spoke. “I could only watch as my parents were killed right in front of me. I’ve killed multiple humans, what else spells out vengeance-seeking monster?” Aylin’s hand slid to the werewolf’s shoulder. “You are not a monster.” She stated. “You are a survivor. It’s written all over your body.” 
The princess pulled back and let her eyes take in Reika. Mainly her back. Her body was littered with scars from old hunts, a living tapestry of near misses and brutal fights. “You had the chance to kill me, but you didn’t.” Aylin continued, drawing close again. “That says something.” 
The young werewolf was silent as Aylin threaded her fingers through her hair. “I’m not the person you think I am,” Reika said. “I’ve killed passionately because I tell myself I’m avenging my parents, protecting my brother, but...” She clenched her fists. “There have been times where I’ve...enjoyed it. Where slitting their throat isn’t enough. I become something else. A monster.” 
Aylin puts her arms around Reika’s quivering shoulders. “Reika, I don’t care what you’ve done. My feelings for you remain the same.” The werewolf stood abruptly, turning to glare at the blonde princess. “Are you even listening to a damn word I’ve said?” She demanded, tears sliding down her face. “I’ve ripped apart bodies! Slashed open throats with my teeth and claws!” 
Reika ran a hand through her tousled, dark hair. “And her I am in bed with the daughter of the bastard who wants my kind dead and gone.” She continued, her voice croaking with emotion. Aylin could feel tears stinging her own eyes and a burn in her chest. “I’m a monster, Aylin!” Reika shouted. “You can’t fall in love with a monster!”
“I already have!” Aylin shouted back. Reika was silent. If she was being honest, she didn’t expect that kind of outburst from the princess. Aylin stood and took a step towards the werewolf. 
“Why do you think I haven't’ ratted you out to my father already?! Why do you thin I sneak out to meet you? Hell, why do you think I slept with you?!” The blonde girl strode across the floor, stopping just in front of the dark-haired werewolf. “You’ve suffered your parents’ death in a way no child should ever have to endure. No child should ever have to watch their parents murdered.” 
Gently, Aylin raised a hand to Reika’s cheek. “You’ve suffered greatly since then. The side effects being nightmares, jumpiness, and bursts of emotional violence.” 
Reika’s hand met Aylin’s arm. “I just don’t want to hurt you...” She whispered, her thumb brushing the princess’ skin. “You won’t,” Aylin replied, looping her arms around her werewolf lover’s neck and leaning in. “I trust you.” 
When Aylin kissed her, Reika’s heart leapt. This kiss was very different than the ones they had exchanged the night before. This one was soft and tender, almost nostalgic. Reika’s kisses were gentle as if her maiden fair would crumble at her touch. 
Aylin smiled a bit, hoping and wishing they had more time.....
Dedicated to @werewolfdays
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a03-sailormoon · 5 years
For the Good of a Kingdom
by silent_figure
The future the Sailor Senshi once believed to be inevitable, has turned out far off course. Endymion rules Earth alone from Elysian with no knowledge of his child's existence, his contentiously resurrected Shitennou at his side. Serenity has assumed the Lunarian throne once denied to her in another life, her empire reborn with her Senshi guarding her, her flourishing new Kingdom and her secrets. Now both the Earth and Moon share a mutual enemy in an approaching Nemesis intent on invasion, a threat they were not expecting so early in their young reigns. After 5 years of dedicated silence the two monarchs and their loyal guardians must overcome a renewed ever growing prejudice, unforgiven betrayals, and confront their pasts by forging an unprecedented alliance for the good of their kingdoms.
A story of the future, the present, and the past.
Words: 19928, Chapters: 3/3, Language: English
Fandoms: Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon | Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon (Anime & Manga)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: F/M, Multi
Characters: Tsukino Usagi, Chiba Mamoru, Princess Serenity, Neo-Queen Serenity, Prince Endymion, King Endymion, Aino Minako, Kunzite (Sailor Moon), Nephrite (Sailor Moon), Kino Makoto, Mizuno Ami, Zoisite (Sailor Moon), Jadeite (Sailor Moon), Hino Rei, Meiou Setsuna, Tenoh Haruka, Kaiou Michiru, Tsukino Chibiusa, Tomoe Hotaru, Furuhata Motoki, Tsukino Shingo, Wiseman, Nishimura Reika, Queen Serenity, Charon
Relationships: Chiba Mamoru/Tsukino Usagi, Prince Endymion/Princess Serenity, King Endymion/Neo-Queen Serenity, Aino Minako/Kunzite, Kino Makoto/Nephrite, Mizuno Ami/Zoisite, Hino Rei/Jadeite
Additional Tags: Silver Millennium Era, Crystal Tokyo Era, Pre-Crystal Tokyo, Romance, Alternate Universe - Dark, Angst, Action, Drama, Sex
from AO3 works tagged 'Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon | Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon' https://ift.tt/2V0JthB via IFTTT
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dive-to-my-heart · 5 years
Chat Info
Hello all!
My name is Reika Nakano!
Welcome to our blog! The six of us (Kiri, Elsie, Nami, Aiya, Hiroko and myself, Reika) are thrilled that you have stopped by! 🤗 We are very excited to meet you!
Character Profiles:
Kiriya Kirishima
Elise Dumont
Nami Nitori
Aiya Amakata
Reika Nakano 
Hiroko Fujiwara
Here a few rules set by the Mun of this blog!
Chat Rules:
You may ask any of us about any of the boys! We love love to chat about them and you can ask us anything that you'd like to know us, them, or our relation ships with them!
The exception to this rule above is that NSFW questions may only be asked about the boys at their college age (i.e over 18). We will not answer any questions about our middle school/high school years if they are nsfw.
Please specify which year/age you are asking about. (i.e. asking Kiri about her middle school years) We love to reminisce of our younger days.
Chat may only be made with us as the age that we are now. Check out our character profiles for more information. 
You may also ask the boys any questions you like! We will track them down and get an answer for you!
As above, NSFW will only be allowed for college aged boys, if you wish to ask for Rei or Nagisa or any of high school age, they will be aged up to over 18 and in college.
Headcannon Requests!
The Mun of this blog will be happy to fulfill headcannons or drabble one shots for any of the boys!
Please limit HC to 3 boys per request. Feel free to send more than one request ^_^
Mun will write many subjects, including triggering material like self harm, or mild violence. These will be tagged and under a cut with a big warning above them.
Mun will not write graphic rape, violence, or anything illegal. 
You may also request headcannons about us and our significant other, or how we might interact with any of the boys in a certain situation.
Please be sure to check out our character profiles for the list of boys that we would be likely to interact with! Some of them are not as well known to some of us.
Thank you for checking out our blog! We are all very excited to get to know the rest of you!
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artwalktv · 2 years
A film by Mona Namér Creative Director, Choreographer & Written by: Mona Namér Music: Little Dragon Film Director: Sofia Aedo Zahou DOP: Sara Dehlin & Mika Aberra Producers: Maida Krak & Amelie Svenstedt Production Company: MADBUNNY FILM Set Design: Lisa Berkert Wallard Styling: Fernando Torres MUA: Hanna Warsame Hair stylist: Maurine Tugavune Focus Puller: Jesper Lundqvist 2AC/DIT: Greta Bondelid Gaffer: Carl Erskine Bestboy: Charles Felipe 2nd electrician: Farah Adam Grip: Hugo Witting Bestboy Grip: Albin Hjelm
 Cast/Dancers Salomon Mpondo-Dicka Mona Namér Nyat Kibreab Timothy Kakeeto 
Marco Wihlborg Mia Hellberg Fredrik Quiñones Aline Bennour Kamilla Halid Amir Ashoor Lamin Holmén 
FAD: Hawa Sanneh
 Production assistant: Reika Xappola Farman Runner: Tim Waclaw Stylist assistant: Katija Hirsch Set Design assistants: Damón Zurawski, Fredrik Dan Sundberg, Sabrina Elhafi
 Make-up assistant: Mery Mekonnen Hair stylist assistant: Lo von Krogh Editor: Tiyam Pour Khabbaz
 Colorist: Sander van Wijk Online: Andrea Vasquez Graphics: Patryk Konopacki
 Sound mix: Håkan Wirenstrand Thanks to:
Daniel Thisell/Ljud&Bild Senay Berhe Spring Studios Danscenter Fryshuset
 Danscentrum Stockholm 
Yvonne/Stenhuggarebyn Supported by: Swedish Arts Council City of Gothenburg KulturUngdom Kreativa Fonden Botkyrka Region Västra Götaland
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