#gravity falls rpg
manilafm · 9 months
Who is currently most wanted from high school story, and gravity falls? female characters only please! and thank you!
Our members have requested to see Grenda Grendinator, Mrs. Priscilla Northwest, Tambry, 'Lazy' Susan Wentworth, Shandra Jimenez, Melody, Mrs. Gleeful, Tiffany, Rosanna, Smabble, Pyronica, Giffany, or '.GIFfany', Celestabellebethabelle, Rosie, Mrs. Ma Duskerton, and Darlene from Gravity Falls !!
And they have also requested to see Payton Saunders, Autumn Brooks, Sakura Watanabe, Hope Castillo, Katherine, Koh Sunya, Chelsea, Brigette, Lacey, Kimi Chen, Quinn, Fibikemi ‘Phoebe’ Ayotunde, Kallie, Cathy Lee, Lena, Anjali, Preston Saunders, Professor Edwin, Talia Al-Assam, Hannah, Ellie, Isabel 'Dizzy’ Jimenez, and Janice 'Janey’ Rousseau from High School Story !!
And you're welcome, 'nonnie !!
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hiddenwashington · 5 months
@strwbrrymccn said : Was that [MAUDE APATOW]? Oh no no, that was just [MABEL PINES], a [CANON CHARACTER] from [GRAVITY FALLS]. They are [TWENTY TWO] years old, use [SHE/THEM], and [ARE] aware that they are not actually from Washington DC. Too bad they can’t stray from this city for long.{ooc: risa} can i go ahead and drop sam from ud??
accepted! welcome to washington d.c. mabel pines [maude apatow]! please send in your account within 24 hours! please be sure to take a look at the checklist now that you've arrived! we look forward to seeing you around the city!  **please do not unfollow, but note that sam giddings is now reopened for applications!
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evermorehqspromos · 1 year
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Nestled deep in the woods through thick vines and thorny branches lies the most peculiar town named EVERMORE. One might not even notice its presence at first glance. Far from city life and the roaring ocean you’ll find people of all kinds, and even something more magical lurking about. Humans, fae, witches and shapeshifters all alike live together somewhat peacefully within the towns unwavering borders. Not by choice though, that was the problem. No one could leave. Stepping foot outside the county line of Evermore will only lead you back down the same road to Evermore once more.
------------------------------------- WE HOPE YOU ENJOY YOUR STAY
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towelbun · 4 months
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Finally finished my 2023 piece! A collection of characters from media I engaged with last year interacting with each other!
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irregularbillcipher · 4 months
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well, i still think this meme is funny
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gatorstims · 2 years
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A Stanford pines stimboard for Anon! With books and Blue/Gold starry stuff!
⭐️ 🪬 ⭐️ | 🪬 ⭐️ 🪬 | ⭐️ 🪬 ⭐️
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hotp-rpg · 8 months
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Andromeda est une petite ville située au cœur de la forêt de Tillamook, dans l'Oregon, nichée entre océan et montagnes. Avec une population de 20 738 habitants, Andromeda est un endroit où l'histoire et les légendes urbaines ne font qu'un.
La ville est connue pour son atmosphère mystérieuse et ses légendes urbaines. D'aussi loin qu'on s'en souvienne, les habitants d'Andromeda racontent des histoires de phénomènes surnaturels et de rencontres avec des créatures étranges. Certains prétendent avoir vu de curieuses lumières dans le ciel la nuit, tandis que d'autres affirment avoir été témoin de manifestations paranormales dans les vieilles maisons abandonnées qui parsèment les environs. L'histoire d'Andromeda remonte à plusieurs siècles, les premiers colons ayant établi la ville dans les années 1800, attirés par les riches ressources naturelles de la région. Si à ses débuts la ville était très appréciée des nouveaux arrivants et dynamique pour l'époque, au fil du temps, Andromeda est devenue un endroit isolé, coupé du reste du monde. Les routes menant à la ville sont peu à peu abandonnées, faute d'entretien et de passage réguliers, contribuant à l'isolement de la bourgade déjà difficilement accessible.
La ville elle-même est un mélange unique d'architecture ancienne et de bâtiments plus modernes. Dans le centre historique, les rues sont bordées de vieilles maisons victoriennes et de boutiques atypiques, accentuant l'ambiance étrange et étouffante d'Andromeda. Les habitants sont fiers de leur patrimoine et de leur histoire, mais ils sont également conscients des légendes sombres qui entourent leur ville. La plus célèbre, celle racontée à tous les nouveaux venus, à toutes les soirées autour d'un feu de camp, à tous les enfants le soir d'Halloween, est celle de Lonely Maddie. On dit que son esprit hante la forêt environnante, apparaissant aux voyageurs égarés et aux curieux qui s'aventurent trop loin. Les habitants ont appris à respecter la nature et à éviter les zones les plus reculées, craignant de rencontrer le fantôme.
Malgré tout, Andromeda reste appréciée des familles y résidant, généralement présentes depuis des générations. La communauté locale est soudée et organise régulièrement des événements culturels et des festivals pour célébrer leur histoire et leur identité unique. Les marchés fermiers locaux proposent des produits frais et des spécialités régionales, tandis que les galeries d'art exposent des œuvres d'artistes locaux talentueux.
La nature environnante, même si parfois inquiétante, est un véritable trésor pour les habitants d'Andromeda. Les montagnes offrent des possibilités infinies de randonnées et d'explorations, avec des sentiers sinueux qui serpentent à travers la forêt dense. L'accès direct à l'océan Pacifique est parfait pour la pêche et les sports nautiques, attirant les amateurs de plein air de tous horizons.
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heroesofthewild · 5 months
Follow the link to view the original
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icanttypo · 1 year
Would anyone be interested in an Owl House Fangame RPG? (Spoilers for finale insuing)
I'm considering turning my old fanfic plots into a playable fangame, but I wanna make sure that's something that people would actually, yknow, play. So, here's my ideas!
1. Season 4 "The Game"
This would primarily be a game focused on wrapping up some unfinished storylines/rebuilding the Isles. I believe one of the main bosses would likely be the Titan Trappers since they were puppetted in WAD.
I think this would be the closest to a traditional rpg game, but I'm leaning more towards an unconventional combat style considering the way magic works in TOH. Regardless, combat wouldn't be a primary focus of the game. It'd be more exploration based and decision based, fleshing out the other areas of The Boiling Isles and all that jazz.
Possibly, the final boss may be the other archivists? I think in this one, by the end, you'll have the Collector in your party.
2. Side Stories
This would be more so a collection of routes trying to tell the stories that, sadly, The Owl House team never got the time to tell. These likely wouldn't actually be RPG games, but they're RPG maker, but I'm not sure how many of them there'd be, but I do have a few ideas for various routes, like:
-Wittebros Backstory (You play as Caleb, and it covers bits and pieces over the years up until... Well, you know the rest.)
-Hunter, Dale, and The Bat Queen (Focuses on two different interconnected plots. One is a story about The Golden Guard being tasked to find the last known Palistrom forest, only for those plans to get detailed by one sweet old man. Yadda yadda, learning ensues. And, the other is a story focused on Hunter going into the Palistrom forest with a few friends to start on some conservation efforts, facing his past, and him getting a new job.)
-Divorce Simulator (I think you know what this one's about :) )
-Vee (Have no idea what this one would be about, other than a game adaption of that MorningMark concept of Cabin ???- or one focusing on just her adapting to the human realm.)
3. TOH/GF/Amphibia Crossover
Okay, so I know probably nobody will vote for this one, but it's one that I have too many ideas for!
Basically, it's just going off the idea that after The Collector got that gross green stuff on him, from Belos, he was affected by Titian magic; screwing up his magic a little and making him semi-immortal rather than fully immortal. The Collector says they're going off to "grow up," but really, their main goal is to just find their siblings and find out what's going on with them.
This leads the little guy to the last known whereabouts of one of his siblings, Gravity Falls. Again, the dude's magic is kind of iffy, and he ends up crashlanding near the Mystery Shack and gets taken in by the new Mr. And Mrs. Mystery... Who... Somehow, are way more connected to Luz than he thought.
This is the closest thing to an RPG out of all of them because the main focus of the game is basically trying to stop the multiverse from splitting entirely. It'd be the casts from both TOH and GF; with a healthy addition of amphibia references.
In this universe, all of the archivists are just God's from other Disney Channel cartoons. And yeah. Told ya I had a lot of ideas!
Btw if anyone would be down to help either with writing, art, or music- please dm me! I can totally do it on my own, but I thought it might be nice to put it out there.
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mysterskids · 2 years
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stingraymilk · 2 months
Calling all 18+ Gravity Falls fans! My name is Pluto and I’m starting a Gravity Falls RPG! This will be over discord, in a quaint little server set up by yours truly.
The plot line is fairly simple, myself and my friend will act as the other people of Gravity Falls who aren’t taken, almost like a choose your own adventure. Thanks to bots, I can create the world of GF around us and YOU get to decide what happens. This is basically following the plot of the show. That evil triangle wants to rule the world and we’ve got to stop him! Also…what’s with those books? And did somebody say crombie? Crombie…is that even a word??
(If you get that you’re accepted immediately)
SPEAKING OF ACCEPTANCE! All I need in your first message is:
a writing sample
your age (18+ only)
which character you’d like
My discord is: pushingupdaisies
THANKS! Bye for now! And remember, reality is an illusion the universe is a hologram BUY GOLD BUYYYYY!
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manilafm · 9 months
mw from Phineas & Ferb, gravity falls?
Our members would absolutely love to see Phineas Flynn, Vanessa Doofenshmirtz, Isabella García-Shapiro, Stacy Hirano, Ferb Fletcher, Candace Flynn, Perry The Platypus, Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz, Baljeet Tjinder, and Buford Van Stomm from Phineas And Ferb !!
And we would also love to see Bill Cipher, Stanley Pines, Stanford Pines, Jesus ‘Soos’ Ramírez, Grenda Grendinator, Robert 'Robbie’ Valentino, Gideon Gleeful, Tambry, and Fiddleford 'Old Man’ McGucket from Gravity Falls !!
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hiddenwashington · 9 months
@strwbrrymccn said: Was that [HAILEE STEINFELD]? Oh no no, that was just [MABEL PINES], a [CANON CHARACTER] from [GRAVITY FALLS]. They are [ TWENTY] years old, use [SHE/THEY], and [ARE] aware that they are not actually from Washington DC. Too bad they can’t stray from this city for long.{ooc: RISA!} Can I drop blair?
accepted! welcome to washington d.c. mabel pines [hailee steinfeld]! please send in your account within 24 hours! please be sure to take a look at the checklist now that you've arrived! we look forward to seeing you around the city!  **blair waldorf is reopened for applications, please do not unfollow!
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Oooooohhhh.. gravity falls AU...........
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towelbun · 4 months
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I wanted to finish this before 2024. Alas, I was too late. Here's a peak at my big 2023 project I plan to finish sometime in January!
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irregularbillcipher · 11 months
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wanted to try my hand at this drawing meme, decided to just draw some of the main characters of my fics
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