#green aliens are the goat
nitpickrider · 2 years
Jason David Frank 1973-2022
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This comic feels pertinent now. Rest in Peace to THE Power Ranger We all wear many masks He wore them better than most.
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sweetlysimss · 10 months
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as some of you might know, I've written updated versions of the not so berry challenge and the berry pastel rainbowcy before. however, I keep wanting to switch between the two challenges or abandoning my one save for the other. so, on a random Monday evening I figured, why not combine the two for the ultimate updated challenge experience? my lovely fellow simmers over at @berrygameplay convinced me to write stuff down and... the NSB x BPR updated rules was born!
credit goes to @lilsimsie and @alwaysimming for the original nsb rules and @berrysweetboutique for the original berry pastel rainbowcy rules!
as with my two other updated challenges, i've written the rules in a google doc (that you cannot edit! stop asking for permission to edit the file!). if you want to save the rules for yourself, go to file > create a copy and you're able to save the rules wherever you want and edit them. this will not change the original document.
there are disclaimers, a list of packs you need for this challenge (most packs are optional) and an index to move through generations quickly. each gen has their own introductory story (you don't have to adhere to these stories!), required traits - aspirations - careers, the generational rule (bpr), reward traits to buy, and the list of objectives catered to that generation. feel free to edit these objectives to your hearts desire! this challenge is supposed to be fun :)
if you want to play this challenge, please tag your posts with #nsbxbpr so I can follow and share them!
so. let's get to it:
For easy access and to show an example of the rules, here are the first generation’s rules all written out. If you want to look at the other generations, click on the “send me to the rules” link!
generation one: white
coming from a long line of privileged sims, you’re ready to break away from your family and pursue your own dreams. you’ve only really felt close to your grandparent and never told anyone you were the sole heir to their old, rundown farmhouse. starting off with nothing, you pick up the hobby you were never allowed to put into practice: painting. you find it difficult to let other sims in and may come across as rude sometimes. you just need that one special sim to make you feel like it’s all worth it. slowly but surely, your own family starts to grow, but not without its ups and downs…
traits: creative, mean, [open slot]
aspiration: painter extraordinaire OR chief of mischief
career: none (sell paintings, produce, and harvestables)
spouses career: [open slot]
GENERATIONAL RULE: paint a portrait of your heir REWARD TRAITS TO BUY: mentor, speed reader, super green thumb
move into a lot with the ‘simple living’ lot challenge (size is up to you)
max painting skill
max gardening skill
max mischief skill
max logic skill
have multiple different love interests, but do not settle before having a child
date with a purple, pink, AND/OR red sim
have only 1 child with purple, pink, or red sim and 1 alien child
become enemies with the spouse you decide not to go long-term with
optional: make at least 2 enemies
marry a purple, pink OR red sim
sell at least 5 masterpieces
have at least 2 different animals on your farm
choose from the following: horse, goat, lamb, cow, llama, bunny, chicken, cat, dog, rodent
if you choose a horse, max the horse skills: temperament, jumping, agility, endurance
become good friends with all of your children and animals
adult or elder: max the knitting and/or cross-stitch skill
adult or elder: become good friends with at least 1 grandchild
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fancy11schmancy · 7 months
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Finally, after all this time, 1920’s AU Link’s Main outfit concepts are all done!!! It’s been a challenge traveling for work and having time to work on art, but I am slowly getting better at it! (Sorry this took so long ;;)
AU Main Summary:
Since travel has been restored between the light realm and the twilight realm, a newfound unity flourished between the two societies. New friends, new towns/cities to explore, never-before-seen technologies and fashions at their disposal- all seemed well...until nefarious rumors of a returning great threat started to spread... Brief Lore of Link’s Role In The AU: With the new alluring land of Twilight open for entry and for any and all visitors, Link jumps at the chance to visit the amber-hued and shadow-filled world as Zelda’s accompanying guard for the latest council meeting. What and who lies in wait for Link to meet in this parallel reality? A world far more alien and advanced than his own? Rumors of an ethereal beauty shrouded in shadow? ___________________________________________________________ Link, a kindhearted, brave and daring country boy, is ready to make a name for himself as Hyrule’s greatest explorer! He’s known across the land as the “one-man army” for being extremely adaptable and prepared for any situation at any time with his wide arsenal of tools at his disposal. Some may also call him the “evergreen mountaineer” being as there is no mountain or peak he cannot scale- and by the fact he is always seen donning his famous dark green field coat, cap and his pickax of legend. He always greets friends and acquaintances alike with a warm smile and a firm handshake with a hearty hello (or ‘howdy’) with a slight southern draw. (A trademark from those who hail from “across the field," the Ordon Region.)
With his natural talent for exploring and his insatiable hunger for discovery and adventure, he’s charted vast ancient ruins, several dungeons of lore, and has uncovered a fantastic array of numerous treasures on both land and sea. Because of this, he’s occasionally seen as a young, irresponsible and reckless lad, especially due to the extreme nature of most of his exploration missions and his tendency to throw safety to the wind. He may seem like a “lone wolf” most of the time, but he always manages to bring along his dear friend Princess Zelda (and sometimes Midna) for any excursion he may be heading on…but in secret, of course. If the King of Hyrule were to ever find out about the “dangerous” adventures he’s been dragging Zelda onto, surely it would not go well…. Besides adventuring, Link spends his time helping his adoptive family back in Ordon with their expansive pumpkin farm and raising goats that are for producing the finest of goat cheese known region-wide. Any other spare time he has is at the right-hand side of Zelda, helping her with daily royal errands, solving mysteries, or just going out on the town to a local pub or to a delightful picnic in Hyrule Field. When he is at the pub, he can be seen boisterously playing an array of instruments, ranging from drums, stringed instruments, and most notably, his Ocarina (a very cherished gift from Zelda). While Link may be a bit of a country boy, he is no less capable of assisting Zelda in her pursuits of solving the various mysteries popping up around Castle Town, often providing a unique perspective from being the most skilled survivalist around. Once Midna arrives on the scene, she often enables Link’s craziest ideas- bringing out his secret (or not-so-secret) mischievous side. However, Link absolutely loathes Zant, Midna's towering Valet, due to his arrogant nature and his occasional mocking of Link’s short stature.
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mcyt-daycare · 2 months
Ages and species!
Ages: (Children)
Joel - 7 - beetle
Scott - 9 - snowy owl
Jimmy - 8 - cod
Joey - 5 - tropical fish
Kathrine - 10 - fairy
Shubble - 10 - human
False - 11 - eagle
Oli - 6 - human
Pixl - 8 - ghost / human
Sausage - 9 - bunny
Lizzie - 9 - axolotl
Fwhip - 4 - dragon
Gem - 8 - dragon
Owen - 14 - Rat
If the species leans more towards the season 1 version, then the design will lean more towards the season 2 version.
Ages: (Adults)
Grian - 25 - scarlet macaw
Mumbo - 28 - bat
Scar - 31 - vex
Xisuma - 38 - alien thing
Cleo - 42 - human?
Pearl - 29 - salmon
Stress - 36 - fairy
Ren - 41 - dog
Doc - 46 - green goat-bear-cat-centaur thing??
Bigb - 36 - Rabbit
Other (important) Adults
Xornoth - 20 - black-banded owl
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starrclown · 6 months
☆ Redesign Time: Nifty, the lovable and SUCH A WASTE OF POTENTIAL ☆
(Sorry that title got aggressive. New series though! I now have, Have Tea With Me and Redesign Time.)
Ahoy Matey's, we are here to talk about my favorite Hazbin Hotel character. Yes, Nifty is my favorite. I've loved her ever since she stepped into the pilot. She's just so fun and silly and God I love her so much. But litteraly no one cares about her and that bothers me SO much. Like no one talks about her unless Alastor and Husk are involved. There is little to no merch of her. It's just so depressing man. But I love this little bug alien and I wanna rewrite her a story and redesign her cause her design is just not it.
(Also I wanna clarify something. With any redesigns and rewrites I do, they can change. Hazbin hasn't come out yet as of time of writing so Nifty may actually get a story. Maybe. I severely doubt it. These designs are for fun and fun only. I do genuinely like Hazbin Hotel and want it to succeed. This also isn't a attack on Vivziepop or SpindleHorse productions. Vivzie has been accused of alot but I'm not touching up on that. These designs are for fun and my own personal spin on things. Please don't harass me. Seriously artists have been harassed for redesigns and it's actually sickening. These are for fun, don't take it personally. ALSO!! DO NOT TRY TO ANIMATE THESE. I don't want no comments about how these are not animation friendly. I know. These are just showing of my level of art and a coherent story. Cool? Cool.)
☆Nifty's Redesign!!
Nifty's cannon design is just not it. Let's play a game. What is Nifty?
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Nifty, Wiki confirmed, is supposed to be a reference to bugs and aliens. Where? Besides her arms and legs Nifty has no bug features. Nifty also died in the 50's. Can you tell? No, you can't. Nifty is nothing like what she is described. That's the issue with most of the designs of Vivzie. They are nothing like how they are described. I've seen a couple of times that people didn't know that Alstor was supposed to be a deer, Vaggie is a moth, Charlie is based of dolls and goats, and Angel is a spider from the 40's. Nifty's design needs touching up, so let me show you my design!!
(I'm iffy on this. I think there are things I can improve)
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She's a little lady!! Let me explain certain parts of my design.
1. Hair. Curled hair was a big thing in the 50's. Nifty is cannonically Japanese so she would probably curl her hair. I wanted her hair to be this messy curly/wavy mop. Why is Nifty's hair fire colored? I thought it was so cool when Nifty came through the fire. In my rewrite I want fire to be a part of Nifty. (You'll see in a little bit.) I also gave her antennas.
2. Face. I changed Nifty to green to give her a bug/alien type feel. I gave her small little bug choppers and red rosy cheeks. I kept her one eye cause it makes her face stand out.
3. Clothing. I might have to change her clothes but I think I did a decently good job with her clothing. I gave her a apron with stitches to symbolize her obsession with chores. I gave her gloves because she's also the cook. I made her dress blue instead of red to contrast her hair and it makes her dress pop.
4. Bug features. Nifty now has antennas that move along with her emotions. She has her bug choppers, I gave her more bug like legs and arms, and finally, wings. There small so I imagine she can fly for small amounts of time.
I just wanted Nifty to feel more bug like. I also wanted her 50's background to shine through!!
(I cut out a whole section on her human life cause I want to save that until I get the main cast done.)
Feel free to leave criticism in the comments. I actually really like certain parts if the design!! Nifty deserves SO much better than Hazbin has given her and I'm here to deliver it!!
(I don't know what will be next. It could be tea time or another redesign. A fic if mine is almost is finished though so if your interested check it out)
- ⭐️StarClown⭐️
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tj-crochets · 4 months
I cannot focus because I just want to work on a puzzle so I am outsourcing this decision lol *when I made the stingray pattern I realized as I was cutting out the fabric the tail was too short and too narrow so I just cut the tail by eyeballing it but I really should fix the paper pattern before I share it **I made a great orange and black halloween-y dress to fit 18" dolls, intending to make a black cat to wear it and give it to my friend. But I messed up a little making the black cat and changed the shape of its face and then put it in a poofy white pirate shirt and space bell bottoms and somehow, despite looking nothing like Howl Moving Castle, it feels exactly like Howl Moving Castle and I cannot bring myself to put it back in the dress ***an experiment in using scrap fabric and scrap batting for plushie filling! He is Very Dense and very cuddly but currently faceless because I originally intended to make him a mothman but I am considering making him a Creature so I can use another pair of embroidered eyes. Probably the green ones.
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masterqwertster · 6 months
Because it's been rolling around in my head for a while thanks to the Indigo Disk DLC release...
Bells Hells Pokémon Teams!
These are all vibe based, limited to the six Pokémon teams, and everyone gets at least one Legendary and Shiny. Some will be evolutionary lines because I could see them coming into the campaign unevolved.
Stoutland- received as a Lillipup when Chet was a kid, this majestic old dog is his oldest companion. I think Stoutland speaks nicely to Chetney having a pretty normal life before he became a werewolf. Aslo, Chet can ride his Stoutland around, which is fun
Phantump- met as Chet trained in the Bramblewood, this spirit of a child in a tree stump/wood fell in love with Chetney's toy carving. Chet loves the joy this Pokémon feels with every project
Snover/Abamasnow- this tree Pokémon was caught during the Icelost years that Chet was present for in Tal'Dorei
Banette- Chetney is worried about his toycraft becoming obsolete, and this Pokémon is an abandoned toy. Also Chet talked about letting his grudges stew before werewolfdom
Lycanroc (Midnight Form, Shiny)- it's a Pokémon with something like the classical wolfman-werewolf shape, so werewolf vibes, baby! Caught after Chet got lycanthropy, shiny because it matches Chet's original color scheme
Zacian- look, it's a wolf that's set to shank a bitch. Tell me that doesn't vibe with Chetney
Sirfetch'd- Flying-type with a sword and shield, obviously meant for Mr Sword and Shield of the Air Ashari
Honedge/Doublade/Aegislash- Orym's memento of his husband that always travels with him is Will's sword, so the ghost sword(and later sword/shield combo) makes sense for Oym
Comfey- friendly cute flowers for Mr Druidcraft gifts
Pidgey/Pidgeotto/Pidgeot- the normal-est bird for the normal-est guy. Yet capable and more striking the further down the line they get
Appletun (Shiny)- got it in Byroden as a reminder to enjoy life and pie. Also, little guy solidarity. Shiny because green apple for Orym who wears green
Shaymin- more friendly flowers for Orym, and the Sky Form is a little fighter like him
Darumaka- Fearne needs a fire monkey to mirror Little Mister and this is the round fire monkey shaped like the Little Mister plush
Braixen/Delphox- fire Pokémon with a bit of a witch aesthetic for the fire girl of the Witchy Bitches
Impidimp- a Fairy-type with a mischievous streak for our mischievous fey
Skiddo/Gogoat- for the goat-ness of being a faun and a little druidic Grass-type
Gloom/Vileplume (Shiny)- for Fearne's love of poisonous flowers. And shiny because it's green and orange, which are Fearne's colors
Moltres- a burning phoenix Pokémon that Fearne worries will take on the Galarian Form that her Bad Future Self had
Mudsdale- workhorse for the farmgirl who loves horses
Ponyta (Galarian)- cute unicorn pony with Psychic typing (not Galarian Rapidash because I think it's ugly)
Blitzle/Zebstrika (Shiny)- the Electric-type "horse" (zebras are close, okay?) Pokémon for our storming electrical Horse Girl. And shiny because Zebstrika is purple when shiny
Hattrem/Hatterene- Imogen's witch Pokémon. It's Psychic-type and sensitive to emotions, making it sort of like her mindreading
Elgyem/Beheeyem- Psychic-type and kind of alien-ish and said to mess with people's heads, this Pokémon showed up to Imogen after her Exaltant powers awakened
Spectrier- Legendary horse that comes in Imogen's two colors: purple and red
Rattata (Alolan)- to mirror Pâté. Potentially shiny as the deep red and black are Laudna's colors
Mimikyu (Shiny)- a broken doll-like Pokémon for a person who feels like a broken doll. And shiny makes it a pale black and white like Laudna
Mismagius- Laudna's witch Pokémon, and ghostly of course (Also collar gems like Delilah?)
Leavanny- a bit of a crafter Pokémon and protective of kids
Meowth (Galarian)- the Alolan Meowth and Kantonian Persian are the kind of Pokémon I could see noble ladies having, so Laudna decided to catch her own Meowth... and ended up with a scrungly Galarian one. But she loves them anyways
Marshadow- it's shadow theme matches Laudna's Shadow Sorcerery. And Laudna does spend time trying to copy the Ladies of Whitestone...
Togepi/Togetic/Togekiss- Pokémon that are about bestowing happiness, because that's all FCG wants for their friends. Possibly not enthused by Togekiss being so bird-like, while Togetic is definitely on the edge of comfortable
Happiny/Chansey/Blissey- classic Pokémon Center helper and healers line for the cleric
Porygon/Porygon 2/Porygon-Z- artificial Pokémon for the artificially made person. The bird-ish shape might weird FCG out a bit
Fidough/Dachsbund- obtained after they got their oven installed, this Pokémon helps FCG with his baking endeavors
Iron Thorns- secret Aeorian rage-mode Pokémon since Future Paradox Pokémon look like robots and Tyranitar, which Iron Thorns is based off of, is known for raging around (also reflects Ashton having a Tyranitar a bit)
Magearna- a man-made clockwork Legendary for the Aeormaton
Golett/Golurk (Shiny)- a rock person Pokémon for an actual rock person. And they're also powered by mysterious energies. Probably Ashton's original Pokémon. Shiny for green glow lines
Tyranitar- acquired as a Larvitar in Bassuras and a point of pride to have fully evolved given the reputation of such a Pokémon in that city
Tinkaton- also caught in Bassuras as a Tinkatink. It's a Pokémon with a big hammer and the evolutionary line would probably be semi-common in the scrap heaps of Bassuras (Also the Corviknight hunting as a get rid of birds that FCG fears/hates)
Growlithe/Arcanine(Hisuian)- for Ashton's strong loyalties. Possibly acquired after attempting to absorb the Spark of Rau'shan for the Fire/Rock typing, or just had since a kid from Hishari
Cosmog- suddenly appeared after Ashton got galaxy-brained because it's a little galaxy guy from another (higher?) dimension. It's Ashton's innocent baby who doesn't know how to stay in the damn pokéball and not reveal his soft side
Regigigas- this is the big titan Pokémon, hauling continents and shit. Not to mention that the Slow Start ability reflects how Ashton had a titan shard for twenty years before they really got it to do anything spectacular
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niqhtlord01 · 1 year
Humans are weird: Intervention
( Please come see me on my new patreon and support me for early access to stories and personal story requests :D https://www.patreon.com/NiqhtLord Every bit helps)    
*Door opens and human roommate enters*
Human: Hey guys, I got us some-
*Sees alien roommates sitting in a circle*
Human: What’s going on here? Did you find out what musical chairs is?
Alien Roommate 1: Take a seat buddy.
*Human sits down*
Alien Roommate 2: We just want you to know that everyone here loves you.
Human: Bit awkward since we’re just roommates, but okay.
AR1: We wanted to talk to you about your online gaming.
Human: What about it?
AR2: We think you should stop for a while; maybe find another hobby.
Human: Seriously?
Human: Why would I do that? I was on a winning streak last night.
AR1: We were both there and you were far from winning.
AR2: You were up till 3am shouting “ONE MORE GAME”.
Human: I may have had a bit of a losing streak, but it was only one night.
AR2: You’ve been doing that for the last three weeks.
Human: Really?
AR1: Really; and to be honest it is annoying as hell.
Human: Well why don’t you tell me something then and I’ll be quieter.
AR2: We tried that once and you through a can of green sludge at us.
Human: Green sludge?
AR1: I believe you called it “Gamer Fuel”.
Human: That doesn’t sound like me.
Human: I’d never waster my precious gamer fuel; it keeps me going.
AR2: With the listed chemicals in it it’ll keep you going right into the grave, but that’s beside the point.
AR1: When you start gaming you become an entirely different person.
AR2: You start babbling nonsense that our galactic translators are still unable to understand.
AR1: For instance, what the hell does “Blarg” mean?
Human: Depends on the context it is spoken in for it can be a noun, adjective, or verb depending on how it is used.
AR2: *sighs loudly*
AR2: We just need you to dial back the gaming time; it’s starting to affect our sleep cycle.
Human: I call bullshit on that; you guys sleep 18 hours a day.
AR1: And for seven of those hours we can’t sleep.
Human: Well you don’t hear me complaining about your weird habits.
AR2: We’re not here to talk about us; we’re here to talk about you.
AR1: Wait, what do you mean “Weird habits”?
Human: Seriously?
Human: I saw you eat a live goat for breakfast and listened to it scream as you snapped its neck.
AR2: The juiciest meat is in the neck meat so I don’t see a problem with that.
Human: You shed your skin everywhere and then eat it when stressed.
AR1: I heard humans also like to eat their problems away.
Human: I have yet to see a fellow human eat what was once their own foot because they gave the wrong answer to a jeopardy question.
AR2: I think we’re getting off topic here.
AR2: We need you just to ease off of the gaming for a while.
Human: And if I refuse?
AR1: We kick you out and find a human that is less vocal with their displeasure.
AR1: Probably someone who’s into plants and thinks they can talk back to you if you listen.
Human: Fine.
Human: I’ll ease off gaming late into the night.
AR2: That’s all we ask.
AR1: *Coughs*
AR1: That’s all you ask, but I would like you to stop throwing things at walls when you lose.
Human: I don’t do it that often.
AR1: I’m still fixing the hole you made from your last controller after a human child *pauses to remember correct wording* “ganked” you and told you to “git gud scrub.”
Human: *Angrily flips over chairs*
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Thoughts while watching Wish:
- base princess personality trope
- Never getting over the face that the goat is named Valentino
- 7 dwarfs vibes with the friends
- Hans type character
- Weird ass love song to wishes
- Evil Chris Pratt went from 1-100 really fast
- The wife was 1000000% the kings wish and he used magic to get it
- Angry guy is played by GIZMO MY BELOVED
- 100 year old man move like a 60 year old fr
- Asha also goes from 50-100 real fast
- My favorite song was a little disappointing:(
- What she’s singing and what the animation gives dosent match
- Wifey is CLUELESS
- Star is still cute
- When you are a Star and accidentally make a devils trap in the tree lol
- IM A STAR ⭐️
- thanks for not eating me John
- Throwing books like your cramming for a test
- King is bipolar like actually tho
- What are you five ?
- Best friends help each other commit crimes against the kingdom
- King really is evil he made everyone go to an assembly and they aren’t even in school
- how old is the king ? Do we know at all ?
- Casually dooms yourself to an eternity of pain because you got insecure
- ok how do wishes work again ? Was gramps not free to still inspire people
- Not the mom pleading for her daughter to only get her wish trampled on (definitely don’t need to look at how accurate that is)
- Star said SQUARE TF UP
- He’s literally just your king hit him with your bookshelf
- Returns to your stable if anyone asks pLaY dUmB
- when you have to speed run the 5 stages of grief bc you are the main character damnit
- I know what your thinking- WELL I DONT girl that star doesn’t have an expression on his face
- I can not swim *proceeds to jump into the water with reckless abandon *
- You’ve been hit by, you’ve been stuck by LOSS OF YOUR WISH
- ‘AMYIA darling your just in time come meet my new TOY’ why would you WRITE IT LIKE THAT
- Hot take anyone who calls their partner darling is on THIN FUCKING ICE
- King man went insane that is fun
- Dont worry im a talking mouse but very clean
- When you only want to be a loyal knight but you end up betraying your friends- happens to the best of us dude
- Good find Valentino - my butt found it
- introverts deserve sanctuary— louder for the people in the back
- STRIKE, STRIKE newsies vibes
- YES fulfill your Sabos wish
- doc and dopey slayed
- They all did
- They are like any queer friend group fr
- the chase scene is cool
- I was fooled by the love I felt- Its ok queen you were definitely manipulated not your fault
- Don’t destroy never land you bastard
- A stick ? What am I supposed to do with this ?
- Poor gizmo can’t catch a break no matter what universe he’s in
- a dress on a tree more likely than you think
- Dude bro dear got into the mushrooms fr
- Sometimes a plan is just you and your six friends jumping from a high place
- thanks John
- Your so right bunnies are terrifying
- Nope nope nope nope nope
- StAr GeT aWaY fRoM tHeRe
- Yay singing again
- THE power of collective singing will always save the day
- MyWiShEs dude get a grip
- Simon and queen should be besties now
- Peter Pan origin story 👀👀
- bippty boppty boo the magic wand is fixed
- Give GIZMO THE WAND 😭he deserves it
- Fireworks yay
- 5/10 movie
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marlynnofmany · 2 years
Human at Work
When our ship landed to deliver the overdue shipment of weird little space goats, I admit I was surprised when I saw what their owners looked like. “Big,” I’d been told. “Polite,” as well. Even “Very careful about where they step.” But no one had told me to expect pink elephants.
I almost stopped in my tracks as I exited the ship, only jumping forward again when a shipmate’s bug leg prodded my shoulder blade. I stepped quickly and did my best to stare without slowing up to the proceedings.
Our small crew was bringing the cages out onto a landing pad raised off the ground, level with the average head height of the gigantic life forms whose home planet this was. They strolled by on business of their own, each with six legs and trunks in pairs: top and bottom. Their tails looked prehensile too. But the most striking part was the color: as bright pink as any flamingo, with flappy ears that faded to a more salmon-orange with yellow edges. All they needed was polka dots to look like the most absurd hallucination this side of the Milky Way.
“Hello, esteemed client!” announced our captain as he led the procession toward the pink face waiting at the edge of the platform. Captain Pockap was, I’d learned, the nephew of the captain of our sister ship, and somewhat new at this. I hoped he was waving his green tentacles at the right alien.
This elephant was pretty noteworthy, actually. Its eyes had the white haze of cataract sufferers on Earth. And as we approached, it moved its ears down to show a hat of some sort— Wait. No.
It that a human on its head?? I thought as I walked. What the heck?
It was. While Captain Pockap greeted the alien that still hadn’t spoken, I took in the sight of the muscley blonde guy perched on a saddle that was clearly custom-made for this scenario. He was wearing weird little booties and had one foot raised, like he was ready to tap out a message on the alien’s head.
“And hello to you too!” Pockap concluded with a wave up at the human.
The pink behemoth finally spoke. “Kindly do not distract my seeing-eye human,” it said in a deep voice. “He is working.”
Pockap gave many flowery apologies, which the alien ignored in favor of enquiring about the state of its cargo.
“The animals are in perfectly good health,” Pockap said. “Though they did give us some trouble. I’m afraid I’ll have to insist—”
His demands for additional money were interrupted by urgent hisses from several crewmates who knew better, and (thankfully) by the arrival of another giant pink elephant.
The two aliens spoke in rumbles almost too low to hear. The crewmates yelled at the captain in whispers. I stood awkwardly to the side, a newcomer without much stake in any of this.
“Hey,” called a different voice. “Quick question.” It was the human guy, waving me over while his employer (owner?) was busy with conversation.
I trotted to the edge of the platform, careful not to lean too far. No railing. “Yes?”
“Is there one ship like that, or two?” he asked, pointing over my shoulder at the lemon-looking thing we’d come in.
“Oh! Two,” I told him. “The other one looks just like it. Parked over thataway.” I pointed off to where Kamm’s ship was picking up a new courier job. The two were nearly the exact same model on the outside, though only one had corridors tall enough for me to stand comfortably.
“Thank you,” the guy said in clear relief. “I wasn’t sure I was describing it right. Glad I directed her to the right one.”
“Yeah, you got it!” I said. I made to move back toward the crew, but he had one more thing to say.
“If you’re looking for a change in careers, there’s plenty of demand for sight assistance here,” the guy said. “We work in shifts, and the pay is good.”
“Oh, uh, thanks! I’ll keep that in mind.” This wasn’t the type of career I was aiming for, but it certainly was memorable. I wondered if there was a foot-tap code.
The second elephant said its goodbyes and moved off, leaving the seeing-eye human to snap to attention and catch his employer up to speed with the surroundings. No one had moved much except for me. I sidled back to where I was supposed to be.
Wiser minds had prevailed, thankfully. Pockap didn’t press for extra fees, and the blind pink elephant who owned the goats didn’t say anything about his conversational misstep. I was quietly shaking my head about how strange my life had gotten when Pockap got involved in moving the cages onto the waiting cart, and he bumped the controls that let all of the goats out.
They immediately bounded across the platform in a wave of gleeful orange tentacle-fur, kicking up their heels and knocking each other over. Their scrambling was only matched by the ship’s crew going for the nets to catch them again.
I chased after two of the little troublemakers who broke away from the herd to make a mad dash toward the alien elephant at the edge of the platform. I could see the human tapping urgently at the giant head, but not soon enough. One of the goats skidded to a stop while the other sprang across empty space to land beside him.
He caught it. Just leaned forward in his harness and snatched it up like a wayward puppy. The one that had stayed on the platform was already scampering back toward the ship.
“Good catch!” I called. “Hey, are they poisonous?” No one had been able to say for sure, and it seemed like an important detail right now.
“Only if you’re allergic to bees!” the human said as he bundled the wriggling creature into his shirt. Anemone-tendril fur smacked his face.
“Thanks, good to know!” I said. “Let me grab a cage to put that one in.” I darted off while the blind elephant asked what was happening with more patience than the situation deserved.
Thankfully for all involved, our ship was the only one on the platform, and the door was shut. Those frisky goatlings had nowhere to go but around in circles. Not that they minded running in circles, of course, but it was only a matter of time before the crew managed to grab them one way or another. Mostly with nets. Sometimes with hands — or the equivalent — and sometimes with trash cans or whatever else was convenient. I hauled a single-occupancy cage over to the edge and got permission to climb onboard the giant alien’s head in order to retrieve the little critter that was trying to kick free.
I almost lost it over the edge. Almost. But the client didn’t need to know that. I got it in the cage and put the cage back on the cart with the rest, and that was all the mattered. The animals were none the worse for their adventure.
Pockap was allergic to bees, though.
“You finish up here,” he wheezed to the yellow Heatseeker who was already ushering him back toward the ship with exasperation on her lizardy face.
She spoke into her communicator to the crewmembers still on the ship. “Need a medical scan for the captain. Toxins and allergens. Quickly, please. He’s — okay yes, Zhee is carrying him in now.”
The gaudy purple Mesmer had scooped up the captain like an octopus that needed to be tossed back into the sea. It looked like an awkward motion with his praying mantis arms, but then, everything looked awkward to me and my human hands.
“Our sincere apologies,” said the new acting captain, coming to join me at the edge of the platform where she could address the client. “In all honesty, that spokesperson is not suited to this job. I hope his incompetence hasn’t caused you undue distress.”
It hadn’t. The large alien was more amused than anything, and willing enough to finish the transaction. Moments later, payment had been transferred and the animals were in a transport car, off to be someone else’s problem. I looked around to make absolutely sure that there were no sneaky little orange faces hiding somewhere. All clear.
“Farewell,” rumbled the elephant. “Safe travels.” It turned away from the platform slowly, leaving plenty of time for the human on its head to scan for tripping hazards and give the all clear. “Home, Jeeves.”
I held in a burst of laughter. Jeeves? That can’t be his real name. Did the first person to be a seeing-eye human suggest that as a job title? Amazing.
A cutesy little peeping noise told me the acting captain was doing her people’s version of a sharp whistle for my attention.
“Sorry, coming,” I said. Everyone else was heading for the ship, and I brought up the rear.
“Considering a job change?” she asked with a flick of her tail.
“No thank you,” I said. “A noble cause, I’m sure, but it doesn’t speak to me. I’d rather stay with you folks.”
“Good,” she told me, walking faster. “You’ll be useful to have on hand when we tell Pockap that we’re voting him out of the captain’s chair.”
“Oh my,” I managed. And I thought today was already as eventful as it was going to get.
(More backstory for the book. I’ve already got the next bit planned out!)
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magicspace114 · 1 year
New faces part 2
So... there was a demon passed out on your couch. Or alien.
Truthfully, all fear you had for this thing disappeared when it bleated like a goat and ran into a wall trying to escape you. You've determined the strange purple blood it leaked was not an acid that would eat your skin when it accidentally dripped onto your wrist past the gloves.
Now that you were close enough, you were starting to lean more to the alien option for this creature. It had some strange tech on it that you've never seen before.
For one, there was a stick attached to its leg that had strange buttons and lights on it. On pressing one, it gave you an electric shock so you assumed it was some kind of taser and put it somewhere this alien wouldn't reach it in case it tried to use it against you. Why it hadn't already, you were sure they were too in shock and concussed to try.
There was a small clip on its ear too that had a light green glow around the edge of it and bands around both its wrists made of some grey metal. There was a similar band around its neck that had a flashing yellow light on it.
"Is this how you spoke English earlier?"
The creature started to move but it didn't appear to be awake. It let out a small whine and its legs started pulling closer to its chest. It shivered too. You pulled the blanket from the back of the couch over the alien and tucked it around it. When that didn't appear to be enough, you pulled out a small electric heater and pointed it at the creature.
It sighed and relaxed, no longer shivering. It looked peaceful. You smiled at the creature. It looked rather cute and fluffy and if it weren't for the fact this was an unknown creature that was certainly terrified of you, you might have started cooing and fussing over it. You really needed a pet or something.
For now, you just decided to clean up while you waited for it to wake up. Your apartment wasn't messy but things had been knocked over when the creature ran away from you. You just had to straighten some things out and once that was done, you just sat down on a sofa across from the alien and waited, passing the time on your phone.
You didn't remember falling asleep but you certainly startled awake at the sound of rustling. The alien wasn't on the couch anymore but you heard noise from your kitchen. On getting there, you found it rooting through your cupboards desperately looking for something. You remembered the weapon you took off them.
"Uh, what are you doing?" You asked.
The creature bleated again and turned to you, eyes wide and startled. It blinked a couple times, breaths picking up before it reached for one of your kitchen knives. You immediately jumped in to stop them.
"No, no!" You said, pushing the block of knives further away from it and trapping its closest arm against the counter.
"Let me go! Let me go!" The creature yelped.
"Only if you don't try to attack me!"
"Please," the creature whined in such a heart breaking tone, "please don't hurt me." They shrunk down now, crouching to the ground.
You regretted pinning them but it was for your own safety. You let go of their arm, putting your knives away in a high cabinet before stepping away from the alien and giving them space.
"I'm not going to hurt you," you said calmly, "I was just trying to defend myself. You don't need to fight me." You held your hands out in a placating manner, hands open to show they were empty.
The alien looked at them then back at you, "what do you want from me?"
"Nothing," you said, "I just want to know what you were doing in my home. I've never seen someone like you before."
"I- I didn't mean to intrude," the creature said, panic rising again "I'm sorry, I didn't know this was your home. I- I promise- I-"
"Hey," you started, "just breathe. I'm not angry with you. I'm just confused. You're not in trouble. Just breathe."
The creature took in a few panicked breaths and didn't seem to believe you at all. They had curled themselves up into a tight ball, limbs pulled close to their body and head ducked down.
"How about we introduce each other?" You suggested, hoping that if you talked more, they'd unconsciously start slowing their breathing down. "I'll go first. Hi, I'm May. What's your name?"
"M-May?" The creature asked.
"Yup," you nodded with a smile, "do you have a name?"
"I- I'm uh-" the creature took a breath, deeper than their last few so you took it as a sign that the conversation was helping. "I'm Totobyc Maechislovic III."
You grimaced at the longer name but nodded. "Tot- To-" you winced more, "can I call you Toby?"
"Toby's not my name," the creature said.
"I know, it's just your name is very long and here, longer names tend to get shortened to help conversations flow. If you're not ok with the nickname, we can try another."
"Toby is fine," they nodded, seemingly relaxing now. "Was your name longer?"
"Well, a bit. Originally, my mother wanted to name me Mayflower but was thankfully talked out of it. I can't imagine all the bullying I would have got if I was actually called that." You let out a huff of breath.
Toby nodded slowly, careful to move at all. "Um, May? I had some things with me when I came here. Did you take them?"
"Well, I took your coat off so I could look for more injuries. There was also this long stick thing that gave me a shock. I was worried it was a weapon so I put it away."
Toby looked down at themselves, fiddling with the wrist bands on their arms. The bands looked rather tight on them, like they could cut off circulation but you didn't want to remove them in case they were some translator or even life support.
"Uh, Toby, are those bands part of your translator or something?" You pointed to them.
Toby flinched when you pointed and you quickly took your hand away. "Uh, n-no. They're uh... restraints."
"W-well, um..." Their shoulders tensed up again and their hands were waving around. They were panicking again.
"Easy," you said calmly, "if you don't want to talk about that now, it's ok. Just keep breathing. Stay calm."
"I can't stay calm!" Toby grabbed at his horns, "I'm stuck in an enclosed space with one of the deadliest creatures in the universe!"
"Deadliest creature in the universe? Me?" You chuckled in disbelief, "where did you get that from?"
"Thousands of years of history and research into your biology and social structures. There is talk that you once walked your prey to death!"
You rolled your eyes. You'd heard that one before. "Yeah, in the cavemen days, thousands of years ago. Many of us aren't even fit to walk a mile now, nevermind walk after a gazelle until it died."
"You've fought each other in huge global wars!"
"Yeah, that's a lot more recent," you muttered.
"And you're capable of surviving missing limbs and traumatic brain injuries!"
"I can't dispute with you there," you said, "but we also freak out over tiny, harmless insects, trip on air and enter a room only to forget why we went in there." You smiled when Toby just stared at you. They didn't seem so panicky now. They just blinked at you. "What you heard, we're capable of but it's not like we just do that on the regular. You're looking at extremes, not our mundane. We can be pretty clumsy sometimes." You chuckled.
Toby didn't say anything after that. They just watched you for a while, probably wondering if you were lying. They pulled their limbs close to them again but this time, it was less out of panic and more because they were shivering again.
"Stay there, I'll get you a blanket." You got up to leave. Toby stayed.
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stealingyourbones · 1 year
DPxDC Prompt Masterlist #601-650
601. Danny Pretends to be a Vampire (Fav Prompts) 602. Halfa! Dash and Uncle Barry Allen 603. Adventures of Speedster Dash and Halfa! Wes (Fav Prompts) 604. Danny Can't Walk on Holy Ground 605. Magically Inclined can See Ghosts 606. Laz. Pit is Fools Gold 607. Dash is a Timeline Fragment 608. Dash is a Corrupted Speed Clone 609. Ectoplasm is like Acid 610. DC Hero gets Ghostly Wail (Fav Prompts) 611. Jazz and Wonder Woman are Friends 612. Jason has an Unstable Time Core 613. SuperBrainDead Danny is Batburger Worker 614. SuperBrainDead Danny's Fangs 615. SuperBrainDead Summoning Your BF's (Fav Prompts) 616. SuperBrainDead Goat Man's Bridge (Fav Prompts) 617. SuperBrainDead Danny's Historical Artifacts 618. SuperBrainDead Glasses of True Sight 619. SuperBrainDead Damsel in Distress 620. Danny's Bakery 621. Connor gets stuck in the GZ 622. Danny: Arkham Resident 623. Danny works at the CCPD 624. Jason becomes Intangible (Fav Prompts) 625. Tech Suit Possession 626. Dani fucks with Green Arrow 627. Oliver Queen meets Fenton Works 628. Dani Possesses Kon's Jacket (Fav Prompts) 629. Flash has a Electric Core 630. Electric Core Flash's Obsession (Fav Prompts) 631. Danny's Wayne Enterprises Skill Portfolio 632. Dani and Shazam are Pals 633. Batfam Hauntings 634. Kwan Is Superman?!?!?! (Not Clickbait) 635. Ra's Summons Undergrowth 636. Wes becomes Riddlers Protoge (Fav Prompts) 637. Joker meet Amity Parkers 638. Riddler meet Amity Parkers 639. Silver Banshee meet Amity Parkers 640. Hal Jordan meet Amity Parkers 641. Lucius Fox meet Amity Parkers 642. Amity Parkers start a Gang in Gotham 643. Amity Parkers are in a Cult? 644. Amity Parkers are Mistaken as an Alien Race 645. Danny Forgets to tell the JL He Isn't Fully Dead 646. Danny goes Undercover for the JL 647. 5+1 Danny at the Watchtower 648. Next Time Read the Resume (Fav Prompts) 649. Danny: Astronomy and Alien Culture Teacher 650. Danny: Damian's P.E. Teacher
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cabezadeperro · 5 months
Hey!! Can I compel you with Maze/Zey - 26? <3
hi friend!!!! late but here it is! thanks for giving me the chance for writing this ship lmao
the song was bug like an angel, by mitski. ~940w, G, mutual pining. post order 66--i checked the wookie but i haven't read the last repcomm books (and i never will ♥️)
Did you go and make promises you can't keep? Well, when ya break them, they break you right back
There’s a clean mug face down on the rack by the sink by the time Maze leaves the bed. It’s still early, the morning sun coming in clear and liquid through the eastern windows. The small house is cold and quiet: Maze rubs at his face, bare feet shifting on the creaking floorboards of their borrowed kar’yai, and doesn’t bother calling out.
He goes back to his room for his boots and a jacket. There’s still caf in the pot on the stove: he tops up Zey’s mug and takes it with him when he leaves the building through the unlocked back door. 
The kitchen garden is still waking up: green can be seen here and there, young leaves peeking through the black, half-frozen dirt. The cold cutting wind that rolls down from the north smells of snow: Maze leans his hip against the low wooden gate, sipping at his caf, and breathes it all in. 
Patchy, dirty snow still survives on the rough gravel path, on the dry short yellow grass that grows at its sides. Maze cuts across the field at the back of the house, making his way through the sparse veshok forest. Here and then he can see the print of Zey’s cane where he dug it deep into the snow and the mud.
Zey’s wearing a too-small coat over his sleeping clothes, bare ankles too pale under the paler sun. he’s sitting on a big round stone, the snow hastily cleared away, and by the time Zey leaves the trees behind his head is tilted and his hand around his cane.
He’s lost weight in the past few weeks, and his hair and his beard are longer and messier than they ever got during the war, but he hasn’t changed much: he still looks like the proud tall man Zey remembers, and most of the time he behaves like he is still that man.
But somehow, Maze knows better—somehow, and very much despite himself, Maze allowed himself to get to know him, and he knows that the man once known as Jedi Master Arligan Zey is no more.
He leans against the rock at his side, and Zey blinks down at him, shifts a bit to the side; Maze grunts at him in thanks and sips at his caf, hugging himself against the cold, watching the rolling, craggy hills. Patchy snow, yellow dead grass, rotten fences, the ruins of a long-abandoned kar’yai here and there. It looks both old and too new to be true, too new to be good. 
Zey’s fingers are cold when he brushes Maze’s. Maze lets him take the caf and stuffs his hands in the pockets of his trousers.
“I wanted to see it. One last time, before I leave,” Zey says. He was never a talker, but he speaks so little now: his deep voice is hoarse and low with lack of use. Maze hums. “How did you find me?”
Maze shrugs. “You’re not hard to find.” He wanted to be found.
Zey hums. He returns his caf to Maze, and Maze finishes it off: it’s no longer warm, just lukewarm, not quite tepid.
The birds are singing. They are somewhere hidden among the branches of the trees, and low in the ground, in the short grass. Now and then, a quick dark shadow bursts into the air, cutting the cutting wind with little sharp wings. Maze has learned to expect them, but he can’t say he is used to them, to it: Mandalore is alive in a way he isn’t sure he enjoys, alive in bursts of alien and unexpected activity. The birds; the bugs. The strills that roam the fields. The little rodents and the alien look in the eyes of the big wild goats. They are cruel, clever beast. Two weeks ago Maze had to help the boys in Kyrimorut bury the carcass of one of the strills: one of the goats had broken its skull open with a kick sometime during the winter, and the spring thaw had released its body to rot and weather. It stunk to high hell, and the ground was still frozen, and in the end they just burned the thing and called it a day. 
“You don’t like Mandalore,” Zey says. Maze blinks: he can feel his eyes on the side of his face. 
“I like it as much as I like everything else,” he replies. It’s not a lie. Zey snorts.
“Precisely,” he says. He sighs. 
He won’t ask Maze to go with him—he knows Maze won’t. He’s had enough of Jedi for a lifetime: he doesn’t know what he wants from his life, but he knows joining Master Altis anad his group isn’t it. 
It’d be easier if Zey asked Maze to leave with him anyway. Maze dislikes this push-and-pull, hates the loaded silences and the careful looks. He’d hate them less if he didn’t know perfectly well they are not entirely Zey’s fault.
Zey stands up with a groan. The grey in his hair glints under the sunlight, paints his dark head in silver. 
“Let’s go back to the house,” he says, still looking at the field. Maze stands up as well: he forgot his coat inside, and he’s so cold and shivering so bad his muscles hurt. 
Zey doesn’t need the help, but when he reaches for Maze’s shoulder, Maze allows it: his hand is warm, and the ground under the veshok trees is porous and full of hidden pitfalls under the snow.
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alienintrees · 6 months
Wild Blue Yonder!!!
okokok I have officially watched it here are my thoguhts:
me and my dad are big fans of Alien and The Thing so we were watching it and pointing out shit like how those dark corridoor things with the blue and green lights looked like the nostromo and stuff aghahghgahah sci-fi my beloved
the mimicry thing??? holy shit?? so cool????????? I think te weird crab crawl thing was defo a reference to the exorcist
exiistential horro rmy beloved <3<3<3 I think the scene before they meet the mimics where they're looking out at the empty space was soooo cool. I felt genuine dread it was just,, incredible.
When there was that scene when it was abt to explode ad it was all slow motion I was freaking out so bad oh my godddddds
ok loooove the way David was playing the mimic ver of the doctor, like doing little things to make his expression and tone just slightly off, it was soooo cool
I looooove the design of the Captain w/ the skull that kinda resembled a deer or goat I think??
Shed actual tears when he came on screen.
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teejay-kaye · 1 year
what in god's green earth am I doing anymore
anyway. i have found like no good fics for these two so with god as my witness I will WRITE MY OWN. hop on over if you like queer dumbass alien immigrants and silly accidental date shenanigans and maybe a pinch of hurt/comfort and angst <3
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theliterarywolf · 1 year
if you go into the totk tag or the totk ganondorf tag a lot of people say the game is racist because ganondorf is a dark skinned dude. lots of folk also say it's racist because they made him green because they're trying to hide the racism
Anonymous said: 😬😬😬 Oh God, not the fucking Ganondorf is racist because he's a dark dude, from a race of brown skin people discourse again. But in case you didn't know, yes totk has been called racist because it shows Big G as being "evil for no reason", Rauro is apparently racist because he colonized the entire hylian race and made himself king over them as a foreigner, and now oppresses the other races that way, and Ganondorf is the only one who stood against Rauro's god complex and is demonized for it.
This tired-ass argument again?!
My God, that shit-take isn't just the town bicycle, it's the post-Pride Parade Glory Hole, that's how tired and overdone it is!
It's especially dumb here because at least in the past (though the argument was still dumb then) people were trying to make the argument 'So, there's only one dark-skinned person in the game and it's the villain? Really?'
But with ToTK specifically, we have more dark-skinned characters that are good versus the one that's evil. Hell, fucking Queen Sonia has dark skin!
And Ganondorf's been green since he debuted. Otherwise he would be fucking charcoal grey with hot rod flames like Demise was.
Seriously, anytime someone brings this nonsensical argument into the sun, I just want to put a caption underneath it that says 'When Westerners Feel the Perpetual Need to Look at Foreign Media Through an American Socioeconomic Lens'
Anon 2:
Rauru. The goat-alien who is a blatant angelic metaphor (the whole 'heavenly beings coming down to bless the common man and bring them to a higher level of existence but fail due to the corruption of man'). Who, along with his sister, is the last of his sparkly magical race. Who married a dark-skinned Hylian woman. And is ruling over a growing empire of primarily-Caucasian elf-people.
Is racist.
Okay. Reading comprehension is obviously dead here in the West and it is leeching over into the video game audience.
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