#greta castlevania x reader
Yooo askbox open :]
Could I get a Castlevania matchup, one female and one male character? I am fine with poly, and also the more background characters :]
I'm a bisexual guy. Once I'm past my initial `terrified of everything' and 'extremely withdrawn' phase of anxiety, I'm very energetic (though not very loud) and flirty. l love all fields of science, especially mathematics and physics. Very nerdy/ geeky, and I also paint and practice
l have a very impulsive and ADHD -type of humor, though it always takes me a moment to recognize any word-play. I'm very much a thrill-seeker, and things that tend to make other's squeamish don't bother me in the slightest. I suppose for the sake of the series, gore and acts of sadism don't really phase me, at least, to the extent that I am a spectator.
A/N: Okay for you, my Flirty, ADHD-Humor Anon, I think your best Castlevania matches would be Godbrand (Male) and Greta (Female)! [Note: The writer of this ask dmed me specifically to say they were fine with more minor/background characters, just in case you were wondering how I ended up choosing these two for them.]
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Godbrand, believe it or not, would be a great match for you! He is very energetic, and flirty when he wants to be. Well, he tries to be flirty, but more often than not he comes off as kind of an ass, but that’s just part of his charm!
As a Viking and a sailor, Godbrand has a particular interest in science, mostly astronomy, and geography, but he enjoys listening to all the knowledge you’re willing to share about mathematics and physics. Despite what you may think, Godbrand is rather intelligent. He may be brash and lack tact, but he does pay attention to the emotions and behaviors of others. Every once in a while his arrogance gets in the way, but for a vampire, he’s rather attuned to the mental state of those around him. 
I think he’d pick up on your impulsive tendencies and ADHD-type humor fairly quickly, although that may not be a good thing, as he can be rather impulsive himself lol. The both of you are thrill seekers, so neither one of you is there to act as the stubborn voice of reason in all the escapades the two of you get up to. It drives all the others crazy, but neither you nor Godbrand pay them any mind. 
Godbrand loves to show off all his combat skills to you, and he is so glad you don’t run away screaming when he demonstrates how he takes down a five-man human army all by his lonesome. He wants to show just how strong and capable he is as a mate, and this is his way of doing so. (It’s kinda sexy if we’re being honest lol.)
Godbrand will ask you to bear witness to his prowess, and then paint him something that captures his essence. You’re gonna need A LOT of red paint for such a scene. 
As an INTJ you balance out his ESTP. You tend to be on the introverted intellectual side where he’s all about the immediate action. You are a great value to him, especially in how you can talk over his ideas, and help him think about them in a more nuanced way. You’re impulsive as well, but also an analyst at your core, so you are all for cheering him on: it’s just that you want him to go forward most successfully. 
Who knows? The two of you together might have even changed the course of S2. Godbrand would want to act on Dracula’s noncommittal attitude, and you’d be the perfect partner to talk out a well-thought-out plan with. Instead of brashly confronting Isaac with his half-cooked idea of betrayal, perhaps the two of you as a team could have spoken to Dracula, and see if you could change his viewpoint on erasing all the humans and vampires of the world. 
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Greta is also a great choice as a partner for you because she’s smart and no-nonsense, but also wise enough to appreciate the energy and zest you have for life! 
Greta is quite understanding in your, as you called it, ‘terrified-of-everything’ phase of anxiety. In a world full of creatures who are constantly trying to kill you, who in the hells wouldn’t be? So many of her people live with the same anxiety and fear, and as their leader, she feels responsible for reassuring them all will be well. She knows what you need to hear to calm down, and she understands this is something you need to undergo to take any next steps.
She is drawn to your energy, and how flirty you are. She, being the self-assured woman she is, flirts right back. Your fire is a welcome addition to her otherwise very realistic, sort of strict outlook on life. 
She’s a leader, she needs control. She manages everyone, and it’s a difficult job. To make things easier rules and orders that are put in place. You on the other hand are impulsive, and rowdy at times. You challenge the stubborn rule-follower in her and push her to be more spontaneous and to accept the things she cannot control or change. This is also very much in line with your MBTI types, with you an INTJ, and her an ESTJ. 
You’re similar enough to have a great understanding of one another, but just opposite enough to push a little where they pull. Greta challenges you to stay grounded, and to think ten steps ahead, to consider the logical consequences of potential actions. 
She appreciates your love for science. Science is the future after all, and her people will need all the knowledge they can get if they are to advance their lifestyles and survive. 
The fact that both of you enjoy a good thrill is great and very much necessary in this universe. She understands you’re not keen on combat, but not everyone is. She’s just very grateful you aren’t constantly breaking down or throwing up when you catch a glimpse of her spearing a night creature through the middle. It would be very disheartening for her to protect the love of her life and be met with only fear and disgust. 
The other trait you share is that both of you are freakishly nonchalant at times. Night Creatures? Eh. Attempted murder? Eh. Vampires? Eh. It’s all just another Tuesday for you, and so long as you have each other, you figure the both of you will end up just fine.
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demigoddessqueens · 6 months
I saw an ask with the Crictal Role Characters defending S/O from shitty family so can that be applied to the Castlevania Characters as well like Alcuard, Trevor, Sypha , Greta, Hector, Issac, Lenore, Richter, Maria, Annette, Dracula, Olrox, Morgana and Striga.
Of course nonnie!!
Alucard - has those snarky quips ready in a whole “enough of your shit” way
Sypha - she’s a rambling grumpy mess at said family, maybe drops a few cusses, and just lets it out with a blunt “you are rude!!”
Trevor - oh he does not care at all! low gravelly sighs with a few grumpy “oh shut up, f*ck off”
Greta - nope! She won’t allow this, won’t stand for it! Tells them off so eloquently and then has you in tow
Hector - he knows a thing or two about bad families so he’ll drop some thinly veiled threats but won’t waste his time or breath
Isaac - not really holding back his disdain for your mistreatment and a Night Creature army can help with that
Maria - she’s piping mad if someone mistreats you and her lengthy vocabulary emphasizes that
Annette - she’s lost and gained family so it holds dear to her, and to have others show such disdain for you greatly angers her
Richter - family is everything to Belmonts so Richter is pissed AF to see you treated so disrespectfully and even argues with them, hyping you up too
Dracula - it’s the whole “what is a man?!” all over again and gods have mercy on the family who dared to insult you
Lenore - she’s got that scowl on her face and dishes out some mean snark if she feels riled up enough
Olrox - those piercing greens betray all the boiling rage he’s about to unleash, may go into snake form just to scare them
Striga and Morana - intimidation, snark, may break the dinner table, but also very protective of you
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aethes-bookshelf · 1 year
the stench of withered flowers || alucard (castlevania)/reader [part II to 'a garden of my love']
You ever write something so raw you make yourself cry? 'Cause I just did.
Also, if anyone was wondering, yes - I did write this impulsively, at 2am. I regret nothing.
Pairing: Alucard (Castlevania)/Reader
Wordcount: 1.3k
Warnings: hurt/no comfort, angst (a LOT of angst), major character death (Reader), Alucard/Greta plays a big role
Summary: He never celebrated another birthday after that day. Never ate any of the food he found lying by your body on the muddy village road. It tasted bitter like earth and sweet like blood to him. And earth and blood he could not stomach.
Alucard was sitting in a chair, reading, when the growing murmur of a crowd drew his attention. He was warm and comfortable, a blanket thrown on his lap, Greta sitting beside him. They shared a look; he knew she couldn’t hear the people outside as well as he could, but they were still loud enough to worry her. Something had happened — and knowing their luck, it was nothing good.
Greta got up first. By the time Alucard was done folding and putting away the blanket, she was already out the door. And by the time he was nearing it himself, he heard her shout in what sounded like pain.
Instinctively, he summoned his sword. It sliced through the air near his head as he rushed out the door, ready to face whatever was outside.
But no matter how ready he’d been to fight even the ugliest of monsters, nothing could’ve prepared him for what was coming.
The crowd parted when they saw him approach. A few people were crying, children were hiding their faces in their mothers’ skirts. There was a heaviness to the air around them, laced with a quiet, cold kind of shock. Like a splash of freezing water to the face; no one knew how to react.
Greta was in the middle of it all, in the empty space at the center of the crowd. She was cradling someone in her arms, their cloak stained with dark blood. The smell of it hit Alucard like an impenetrable wall. He knew that scent; he knew it from years ago, from the day he’d killed his father.
There was a basket lying nearby. Most of the food carried in it had spilled out and soiled with the bloody mud it was laying on. His favorites — roasted meats and breads, fresh fruit and wine from the castle’s basement. The food had grown cold already; the chill of the upcoming winter cooled it down pretty quickly.
He knew that blood. He knew that basket. Hell, he could even recognize the wine by its bottle — it was the same wine he’d been drinking every year, on his birthday, for quite some time now.
His sword fell to the ground with a dull thump as time slowed down to near-stillness.
No, his mind chanted, over and over again. Not like this. Please, not like this.
He approached Greta on shaky legs. He laid a hand on her shoulder and she lifted her head. She’d been crying, quiet sobs barely escaping her pursed lips.
That’s when he saw your face; and everything came crashing down.
His knees gave out. He, just like his sword, bonelessly fell to the ground. He might’ve been crying, he wasn’t sure. Nothing felt real.
He reached out to you with shaking hands. When his fingers caressed your cheek and he found it to be cold and unmoving, something shattered inside him. Just above the spot he touched, there was a gaping hole in your skull, in the shape of the rock just beneath his feet.
Disbelief turned to anger. How could you have been this stupid? He’d told you to stay put, not to push yourself! Why did you decide to trek through the village all the way to him anyway?! With a heavy basket, nonetheless. Why didn’t you ask for help, why didn’t you say something? Sure it was his birthday, but—
Alucard paused. He took another look at the food sprawled all over the ground. The string around the roast was clumsily tied, the bread had baked unevenly, the fruit wasn’t chopped properly. It all wasn’t right, wasn’t the way you usually made it. Making this — this gift for him — probably took all the strength you could muster.
It hit him then — you knew you’d been dying. Despite his best efforts, you’d been dying for a long time now. You must’ve known you didn’t have long before it’d all be over. For good, this time. This, as far as you knew, could’ve been his last birthday you’d get to spend together. The last feast of yours. Maybe you wanted to make it special; to surprise him in his new quarters.
Or maybe you were just being too stubborn for your own good, like you’d always been. Either way, it didn’t matter now. Not with you lifeless at his feet.
Alucard gently coaxed you out of Greta’s shaking arms. His were shaking too; he dug his nails into the fabric of your cloak hard enough for it to tear just to try and stop them from shaking any harder. He felt Greta curl around him, hand clenching his shoulder, trying to ground him, keep him there. But he felt it all through a fog.
He was so sure that if anyone were to slice his skin open, what would come out wouldn’t be blood, but stuffing of hay and leaves. Nothing felt real.
Your weight in his arms, truly and terribly limp, didn't feel real. The stench of blood, sweet enough to burn his throat, didn’t feel real. The tears, slowly dripping onto your frozen face, didn’t feel real. He wasn’t sure if they were his or Greta’s.
Oh, your face. He couldn’t bear to look at it, but couldn’t force himself to look away. Your eyes were wide open, mouth slightly ajar, as if you were about to speak. But your eyes were cold, expressionless. It felt wrong, seeing them like this. They were the most animated part of your face; usually, he could take a single look at them and know exactly what you’d been thinking.
Not this time.
Trevor and Sypha pushed through the crowd. Sypha’s hand was cradling her pregnant stomach; another one was on her back. She was clearly holding back a wince of pain. Her face went slack with shock when she saw the three of you — you, motionless, and Greta and Alucard, curled around you.
She gasped your name and rushed towards you as quickly as she could. Trevor, on the other hand, didn’t move an inch. He stood, frozen, with his eyes glued to your face. His face was almost completely blank, safe for his eyes. Alucard couldn’t bear looking at them for longer than a second.
It wasn’t supposed to be like this.
He’d always known you’d die someday. At first, he barely thought of it at all, but when he did, he hoped you’d get to die of old age. Peacefully, in your sleep. Then, after your illness tainted your lives, he’d hoped he could be there for you in your final moments. Soothe you to sleep one last time, even if you’d never wake up again.
You didn’t deserve to have died like this. Suddenly, all alone on a village road. Not like this, whispered his mind, heavy with the oncoming bitterness of grief. ‘Not like this,’ he said quietly, almost to himself.
Greta was looking at him, eyes drying but still raw. ‘Not like this,’ she repeated with him, head resting against his.
Alucard’s eyes stayed glued to your face. He took one last, long look at your eyes before closing them for you; saying goodbye to them forever. He tried to memorize their color, but the details were slipping his mind already.
He wanted to scream, wanted to rip and tear and kill whatever hurt you. But he couldn’t kill a rock. Couldn’t kill whatever illness had been rotting you from the inside for months. Couldn’t push down the terrifying realization that one day, he wouldn’t be able to remember your face. Or the sound of your voice. Or your laugh. Or your touch.
He keeled over your body, bent in half by sobs. The entirety of him was shaking now, wrecked by the raw, ugly pain in his chest. Nothing lasts, he thought, trying to remember his parents' faces.
He couldn’t.
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catboymoonknight · 8 months
Alucard Tepes x Reader
No Y/N used
Gender not specified
Words: 800+
Requests are Open!
Notes: Just finished both Castlevania shows and I'm so sad. I need more. Its also my birthday today (Oct 7) but I figured I should post this anyway since its finished <3
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"Don't think I haven't heard the orphan children call you father," Greta says as she sits on the log with Alucard. His face flushes as he hears her words, turning away from her.
"Some of them even refer to you and your partner as their parents."
Alucard flushes deeper, leaning forward to rest his face in his hands. "I have no idea what you could possibly be talking about." He says, keeping his normal tone in hopes of not seeming flustered.
Greta chuckles softly, patting his shoulder before standing up to help around the new village. He watches her walk away, sitting back up the further she gets. He sits up straighter as he hears a familiar set of footsteps walking towards him.
"I didn't know the orphan children called us their parents." He says softly, turning to look at you as you stand at his side.
"Mm..." You hum softly, resting a hand on Alucard's shoulders. "I've heard it from one or two children." You say softly, crouching down by him.
He chuckles softly, leaning into your touch. "Its cute, no?"
"I think the children in general are cute, Alucard." You laugh softly, pressing your forehead against his.
He brings his hands up to your face, cupping your cheeks. He rubs your cheekbones with his thumbs. Leaning down, he presses a kiss to your nose before leaning back and standing up. "Walk with me, darling?" He asks, holding his hand out to you.
"I would be happy to walk with you." You say with a bright smile, taking his hand.
He smiles back, helping you to your feet. He brings your hand up to his face, gently pressing your knuckles to his cheek. He lets out a content sigh, enjoying the warmth you provide him. You gently pull your hand from his grasp, pressing the palm of your hand to his cheek.
"You know... If I knew any better I would say you would die without my touch." You tease him softly.
He grins, his fangs peeking out from behind his lips. "Mmm.. Maybe I would, but I'd rather not find out, darling."
You laugh, leaning up to nuzzle your nose against his. Taking his hand, you slowly begin walking around the village, Alucard following closely behind you.
He looks over at you, eyes filled to the brim with love, a small content smile on his face. For the first time in weeks, months, he feels relaxed. He feels content. Many of the villagers say hello as the two of you pass by. Some of them notice the way Alucard looks at you, a smile on their face as they realize how smitten he is with you.
Many of the children run by, a small little girl running up to you. You crouch down to her height, recognizing her as one of the orphan children who refer to you and Alucard as their parents.
"What do you need, my little love?" You say to her, rubbing some dirt from her cheek.
"This is for you." She says excitedly, holding out a small flower she picked from the ground.
You smile brightly at her, taking the flower from her tiny hand. "I'll keep it forever," You say ruffling her hair softly.
She beams up at you, wrapping her tiny arms around your neck in a quick hug before she runs off once again to go play with the other children.
You stand straight again as you watch her run off, before turning to Alucard. He has a smile on his face, an expression filled with nothing but love.
You blush softly, giggling. He snaps out of his daze, blushing as he realizes you caught him gazing at you.
"You're so cute, my love." You say, tucking the flower behind his ear.
"I think you're mistaken. You tend to be the cute one between the two of us." He says, leaning in to press a kiss against your lips.
You rest against his chest, pulling away from the kiss after a few seconds. "I love you, Alucard."
His knuckles brush your cheek, his eyes meeting yours as he looks at you. "I love you too, darling. I will always love you. During this lifetime and through many more." He whispers against your lips, his breath gently brushing your skin.
A deep blush spread across your face. You look away from him, burying your head in his shoulder. He chuckles softly, the vibrations from his chest providing a sense of comfort, a sense of home.
He wraps his arms around you, holding you tightly against him. Your bodies fit together perfectly, like two puzzle pieces. Neither of you speaks, enjoying the silence between the two of you while listening to the ambiance sounds from around.
The silence is broken by dozens of little feet running over to you. You quickly turn in that direction, a group of children running around the two of you with happy expressions. You look up at your lover, a content smile on your face.
"Looks like our children need us." You say,
He chuckles again, pressing a kiss to your forehead. "Looks like it, darling."
He leans down, picking up one of the younger children, holding them on his hip. The two of you contiue walking around the growing village, the children happily walking and running beside the two of you.
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people asked and i shall deliver!! here are our brackets - i plan to update each one with the link after they're posted, but do keep an eye on the #powerpolyculeshowdown tag in case im unavailable to do so until later, please!
Also reminder they're programmed to be posted 1min apart from each other, so from 1:00pm to 1:10pm (EST)
Round 1
part 1 (finished)
Tulio/Miguel/Chel (Road to El Dorado) x Yoo/Han/Kim (Omniscient Reader) Winners: Tulio/Miguel/Chel
Mane 6 (My Little Pony) x Sasha/Anne/Marcy (Amphibia) Winners: Sasha/Anne/Marcy
Rey/Finn/Poe (Star Wars) x The Doctor/Rose/Jack Harkness (Doctor Who) Winners: The Doctor/Rose/Jack
Cosmo/Kathy/Don (Singing in the Rain) x Ferris/Sloane/Cameron (Ferris Bueller’s Day Off) Winners: Cosmo/Kathy/Don
Dave/Jade/Karkat (Homestuck) x Sora/Riku/Kairi (Kingdom Hearts) Winners: Sora/Riku/Kairi
Amaryllis/Sir Damien/Lord Arum (Penumbra Podcast) x Arthur/Guinevere/Lancelot (High Noon Over Camelot - The Mechanisms) Winners: Amaryllis/Sir Damien/Lord Arum
Wu Zetian/Li Shimin/Gao Yizhi (Iron Widow) x Sadie Kane/Walt Stone/Anubis (The Kane Chronicles) Winners: Wu Zetian/Li Shimin/Gao Yizhi
Star Allies (Kirby Star Allies) x All 1008 Pokémon (Pokémon) Winners: All 1008 Pokémon
Hardison/Parker/Elliot (Leverage) x Geralt/Jaskier/Yennefer (The Witcher) Winners: Hardison/Parker/Eliot
Suki/Sokka/Zuko (ATLA) x Sonic/Knuckles/Shadow (Sonic) Winners: Suki/Sokka/Zuko
Sweet/Cap’n/K_K (Deltarune) x Shiver/Frye/Big Man (Splatoon 3) Winners: Sweet/Cap'n/K_K
part 2 (finished)
Fred/Daphne/Velma/Shaggy (Scooby Doo) x Luka/Adrien/Kagami/Marinette (Miraculous Ladybug) Winners: Fred/Daphne/Velma/Shaggy
Wonder Woman/Superman/Batman (DC Comics) x Megaera/Zagreus/Thanatos (Hades) Winners: Megaera/Zagreus/Thanatos
Dekubowl (My Hero Academia) x Jolyne/Ermes/Foo Fighters (Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure) Winners: Jolyne/Ermes/Foo Fighters
Bocchi/Nijika/Ryo/Kita (Bocchi the Rock) x Tsukasa/Emu/Nene/Rui (Project Sekai) Winners: Tsukasa/Emu/Nene/Rui
Trevor/Sypha/Alucard/Greta (Castlevania) x Heizou/Kazuha/Scaramouche (Genshin Impact) Winners: Trevor/Sypha/Alucard/Greta
Rachel/Chloe/Max (Life is Strange) x Quanxi/Tsugihagi/Pingtsi/Long/Cosmo (Chainsaw Man) Winners: Rachel/Chloe/Max
McCoy/Spock/Kirk (Star Trek) x Frodo/Sam/Rosie (Lord of the Rings) Winners: McCoy/Spock/Kirk
Cassandra/Rapunzel/Flynn (Tangled Series) x Vivi/Lewis/Arthur (Mystery Skulls Animated) Winners: Cassandra/Rapunzel/Flynn
Aizo/Yujiro/Hiyori (HoneyWorks) x Panchito/Donald/José (The Three Caballeros) Winners: Panchito/Donald/José
Catra/Adora/Glimmer/Bow (She-Ra and The Princesses of Power) x Amethyst/Peridot/Lapis (Steven Universe) Winners: Catra/Adora/Glimmer/Bow
Bucky/Steve/Peggy/Angie (Marvel) x Hunter/Willow/Luz/Amity (The Owl House) Winners: Hunter/Willow/Luz/Amity
Round 2 (finished)
Tulio/Miguel/Chel (Road to El Dorado) x Cosmo/Kathy/Don (Singing in the Rain) Winners: Tulio/Miguel/Chel
Sasha/Anne/Marcy (Amphibia) x Hardison/Parker/Eliot (Leverage) Winners: Hardison/Parker/Eliot
The Doctor/Rose/Jack Harkness (Doctor Who) x McCoy/Spock/Kirk (Star Trek) Winners: The Doctor/Rose/Jack Harkness
Sora/Riku/Kairi (Kingdom Hearts) x Amaryllis/Sir Damien/Lord Arum (Penumbra Podcast) Winners: Amaryllis/Sir Damien/Lord Arum
Wu Zetian/Li Shimin/Gao Yizhi (Iron Widow) x Sweet/Cap’n/K_K (Deltarune) Tie!! Both move on!
Suki/Sokka/Zuko (Avatar: TLA) x Megaera/Zagreus/Thanatos (Hades) Winners: Suki/Sokka/Zuko
Fred/Dephne/Velma/Shaggy (Scooby Doo) x All 1008 Pokémon (Pokémon) Winners: Fred/Daphne/Velma/Shaggy
Jolyne/Ermes/Foo Fighters (Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure) x Tsukasa/Emu/Nene/Rui (Project Sekai) Winners: Jolyne/Ermes/Foo Fighters
Trevor/Sypha/Alucard/Greta (Castlevania) x Panchito/Donald/José (The Three Caballeros) Winners: Panchito/Donald/José
Cassandra/Rapunzel/Flynn (Tangled Series) x Rachel/Chloe/Max (Life is Strange) Winners: Cassandra/Rapunzel/Flynn
Catra/Adora/Glimmer/Bow (She-Ra and The Princesses of Power) x Hunter/Willow/Luz/Amity (The Owl House) Winners: Catra/Adora/Glimmer/Bow
Round 3 (finished)
Fred/Daphne/Velma/Shaggy (Scooby Doo) x Cassandra/Rapunzel/Flynn (Tangled the Series) Winners: Fred/Daphne/Velma/Shaggy
The Doctor/Rose/Jack (Doctor Who) x Hardison/Parker/Eliot (Leverage) Winners: Hardison/Parker/Eliot
Catra/Adora/Glimmer/Bow (She Ra) x Suki/Sokka/Zuko (Avatar: TLA) Winners: Suki/Sokka/Zuko
Panchito/Donald/José (The Three Caballeros) x Wu Zetian/Li Shimin/Gao Yizhi (Iron Widow) Winners: Panchito/Donald/José
Sweet/Cap’n/K_K (Deltarune) x Sora/Riku/Kairi (Kingdom Hearts) Winners: Sweet/Cap'n/K_K
Jolyne/Ermes/Foo Fighters (Jojo) x Tulio/Miguel/Cher (Road to El Dorado) Winners: Tulio/Miguel/Cher
Round 1 (finished)
Poll 1 Winners: The Doctor/Jack/Rose
Poll 2 Winners: Sasha/Anne/Marcy
Poll 3 Winners: Geralt/Yennefer/Jaskier
Poll 4 Winners: Yoo/Han/Kim
Round 2 (finshed)
Yoo Joonghyuk/Han Sooyoung/Kim Dokja (Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint) x The Doctor/Rose Tyler/Jack Harkness (Doctor Who) x Sasha/Anne/Marcy (Amphibia) x Geralt/Yennefer/Jaskier (The Witcher) Winners: Yoo/Han/Kim (ORV) and Doctor/Jack/Rose (DW)
Round 4 - Quarterfinals (finished)
Tulio/Miguel/Cher (Road to El Dorado) x Yoo Jonghyuk/Han Sooyoung/Kim Dokja (Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint)  Winners: Yoo Jonghyuk/Han Sooyoung/Kim Dokja
Fred/Daphne/Velma/Shaggy (Scooby Doo) x The Doctor/Rose Tyler/Jack Harkness (Doctor Who) Winners: Fred/Daphne/Velma/Shaggy
Sweet/Cap'n/Cakes (Deltarune) x Panchito/Donald/José (Three Caballeros) Winners: Sweet/Cap'n/K_K
Hardison/Parker/Eliot (Leverage) x Suki/Sokka/Zuko (Avatar) Winners: Hardison/Parker/Eliot
Round 5 - Semifinals (finished)
Sweet/Cap'n/K_K (Deltarune) x Yoo Jonghyuk/Han Sooyoung/Kim Dokja (Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint) Winners: Yoo/Han/Kim
Hardison/Parker/Eliot (Leverage) x Fred/Daphne/Velma/Shaggy (Scooby Doo) Winners: Hardison/Parker/Eliot
Round 6 (March 8th 2pm EST)
Hardison/Parker/Eliot (Leverage) x Yoo Jonghyuk/Han Sooyoung/Kim Dokja (Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint) Winners: Hardison/Parker/Eliot
Third place!
Sweet/Cap'n/K_K (Deltarune) x Fred/Daphne/Velma/Shaggy (Scooby Doo) Winners: Fred/Daphne/Velma/Shaggy
Congratulations Hardison/Parker/Eliot for the win!!!!
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ruiniel · 2 years
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Castlevania series (2017-2021): Alucard, Sypha Belnades, Trevor Belmont, Greta of Danesti, Carmilla of Styria, Lisa Tepes
Castlevania: Nocturne (2023): Richter Belmont, Tera Renard, Maria Renard, Annette, Drolta Tzuentes, Alucard, Abbot Emmanuel
The Silmarillion and other histories of Middle-earth: Glorfindel, Sauron, Maeglin, Haleth, Aegnor, Andreth, Caranthir, Maedhros, Curufin, Celegorm, Maglor, Amrod, Amras, Finrod, Fingon, Morwen, Aerin, Aredhel, Ecthelion, Nerdanel, Eöl, Túrin, Gwindor, Finduilas, Niënor, Thuringwethil, Lúthien, Tar-Míriel, Amarië, Melkor, Beleg, Nellas, Orc characters, Olórin, Eönwë, Elwing, Eärendil, Mandos, Mîm, Celebrimbor, might add others
The Lord of The Rings: Arwen, Éowyn, Gimli, Witch-king of Angmar, Khamûl, Boromir, Legolas, Aragorn
Mononoke (2007) & Ayakashi Japanese Classic Horror (2006): Kusuriuri (the 'Medicine Seller'), Kayo, Ochō
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba: Rengoku Kyōjurō, Tsugikuni Yoriichi, Tsugikuni Michikatsu (Kokushibō), Akaza, Tamayo, Kibutsuji Muzan
Heaven Official's Blessing: Xie Lian, Hua Cheng, Feng Xin, Mu Qing, He Xuan(Ming Yi), Pei Ming, Shi Qingxuan, Lord Rain Master(Yushi Huang), Jun Wu(White Clothed Calamity), Lang Qianqiu
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I will change the blog description to say REQUESTS OPEN when asks for writing are open, which means I'll be open to requests that follow these rules
Please note I will only write for characters mentioned in the above section
I welcome Gen requests
For character/character pairings, I also write polyamory, welcoming your OT3/OT4 requests
I will not take requests involving major character death or pregnancy
I write both SFW and NSFW
For NSFW requests, I welcome kink related requests. If I don't write for a particular kink, I'll tell you
I will refuse requests I personally find uncomfortable or feel I cannot accommodate
For xReader requests, please specify if F/M/Gender Neutral reader in your request. If none is specified or the request is unclear in this respect, the default will be Gender Neutral reader. Note: I consider xReader requests as canon x original character (this is my house). If you like, you're free to mention specific traits for the 'Reader' in your ask.
I ask for patience, sometimes requests may take longer due to other responsibilities or unforeseen life events. You know how it is.
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drabble to pentadrabble (100-500 words)
oneshot (usually 500-1.5k words; longer if I get more ideas)
headcanons (HCs)
I don't take multichapter story requests, but it may happen that a oneshot can turn into a multichapter
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For any combination of characters on this list: character & character, character & reader.
For any combination of adult characters on this list: character/character, character/reader, character + character, character + reader, character & character, character & reader.
What this means:
/ = romantic/sexual relationship
& = friendship, platonic relationship
+ = queer platonic, other relationships
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I do not take drawing requests.
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Writing Request Rules
I do not write Oc's in fanfics, only Canon characters and occasionally reader self insert.
I write some ships but they have to be of 18+ characters, no minors with adults. I also might write a reader x character fic if I feel comfortable with the context given.
No minors beyond here
I also occasionally write 18+ fics but they do no include the following
. Degrading kink
. Binding kink
. Anything to do with body waste (dung, urine ect.)
. Anything to do with animals
. Rape or sexual assult
. Breeding kink
I will allow reader x character 18+ if it falls within the above rules.
Characters I write 18+ for
Howl hmc
Alucard castlevania the og anime
Maybe Greta from castlevania the og anime
Others may be added later
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wyyvernn · 2 years
Wyy's Castlevania fanfiction + art masterlist
Tw: Yandere themes involved, swearing, suggestive themes, mostly fluff.
𝐌𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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✧ ˚ · . Art
- Isaac and Alucard
- Alucard in a modern-ish outfit
- Alucard headshot
- Trio in hogwarts
- Trephacardreta + Forge masters in hogwarts
- Alucard celebrity cover
- Modern Alucard - 2 - 3
- Broken Alucard
- Wolf!Alucard with corset
- Vampire lord (?) Alucard
- Lotr Elfcard
- Alucard in da waterrrrr
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✧ ˚ · . Fanfiction
- Alucard/Adrian x reader in the aftermath of season 4
- Yandere! Alucard/Adrian x reader [When]
- Yandere! Alucard/Adrian x reader
- Alucard/Adrian x reader [Pretty]
- Trio kissing headcanons
- The Same Stars Within Our Skies - Alucard x reader - part 1 - part 2 - part 3 (a bunch of one-shots all tied together by a modern reader and all the domestic things you and Adrian do in your lives at the castle - that's the plot, there is none)
- Alucard/Adrian x reader [Domestic Bliss]
- Alucard/Adrian x reader [Getting your wisdom teeth removed]
- Alucard/Adrian x Strong! reader [Imagine]
- Alucard/Adrian x reader [Comfort]
- Alucard/Adrian x reader [Reverse Comfort]
- Alucard/Adrian x Pregnant! reader
- Alucard/Adrian x Reader x Greta [Poly] [G'morning]
- Alucard/Adrian x Reader [Chase]
- Wolf!Alucard x Reader [Headcanons]
- Alucard/Adrian x Reader [Potential Thief]
- Trevor x Witch!Reader
- Stripper!Alucard x Reader
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fictional-yearning · 3 years
[Castlevania] How They Kiss You - Girls Edition 🦇
I've seen people do headcanons for the guys so I thought I could throw the main girls in? 😳 Carmilla and Lenore under the cut, because they are not good and wholesome people 🤣
Sypha: Sypha is surprisingly bold, which you may or may not have come to expect. If you start the kiss, she will be shy at first, then smile and kiss you back far more passionately than you first did. Good luck trying to keep up with her.
Greta: Slow and steady, Greta will lean in and kiss you like it's nothing, then pull back with a casual smile that you will want to kiss back right off her face. How can she look so unbothered, when she's left you a blushy, flustered mess??
Carmilla: Carmilla just wants to show you who's in charge (spoiler alert: it's her). The way her teeth brush against your neck makes you worry that she is about to bite — and let's be real, she will be entertaining the thought the whole time.
Lenore: Her kisses are so, so sweet that they feel like they are sugarcoating some darker intention underneath. And if they are? Right now, you do not care. Her lips and hands feel too soft against your skin for you to be thinking about that.
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linkemon · 3 years
Alucard x Reader (selfship)
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Selfship made for hopeless_hope_ on Wattpad with a special wish for husband/wife relationship.
Friendly reminder that English is not my first languge. You can check my Masterlists both in English and Polish here.
Beta: fittsythesnail​ ​
Check out my oneshot with Alucard here.
❧ You met Alucard when you moved to the recently founded village next to his castle. You've been wandering around for a long time. In return for your promise to help build houses, you got your corner.
❧ In your spare time, you taught the surviving children all your knowledge. Adrian came over to play with them from time to time and you got his attention. He was surprised to discover that you know a lot. He invited you to use the library and its surviving instruments. It was a joy for him to know that you would use them to convey something good.
❧ You once mentioned to him that your dream is to build a school. Until now, you have taught outside or in the free chambers of the castle. The next day, he showed you the construction plans. You threw your arms around his neck, overjoyed. It was that moment he realized that he was in love.
This fact absolutely terrified him. He was feeling better after the last heartbreak and didn't want to repeat it. To his surprise, Greta noticed what was happening. She talked to him. She assured him that you are neither Sumi nor Taka.
❧ He was unsure at first. It took him a long time to fully trust you. When he was ready, he told you about everything. He did not omit any details. He even prepared a wonderful dinner just for you. It was one of the longest and saddest evenings of your life. You were very touched by his story.
When he finished, he asked if there was any chance you would be interested in him. You hugged him tight. He didn't need words to understand that you agreed.
❧ Surprisingly, you didn't wait too long with the wedding. Perhaps because your feelings took a long time to develop. Alucard's confession was only an addition.
He proposed to you on the river bank. The village was celebrating Midsummer Night. He fished out your wreath when it was running downstream. He put it on your head and asked if you would be his wife. He had prepared one of his mother's rings for you. He really wanted you to wear it. Of course, you agreed. Everyone in the village had another reason to celebrate.
❧ The wedding was open to everyone. You were especially pleased with how your students congratulated you.
Belmont got totally drunk and had a fight competition with your husband. This became the highlight of the evening.
❧ Adrian is the definition of delicacy. He never made you do anything. He himself had a hard time not that long ago and his wedding night was a milestone for him. He waited until you both were ready.
He has never thought about fatherhood, but when he looks at the group of laughing kids in front of the castle, he seriously thinks about it. He doesn't want to become the new Dracula someday. Yet there is something wonderful about the thought that he could have children with you. He's curious as to what you think about it.
❧ Alucard loves to cook for you. He hunts for meat and fish himself. From time to time, he prepares dinner only for you with fresh ingredients. He always remembers what you love to eat. If you like wine, he will try to find a good vintage. Trevor drank half of all the bottles...
❧ He loves to lie on the meadow with you. Especially in summer when the weather is good. He also does not mind exploring the knowledge in the castle. If you want to continue your education, he will travel with you to the largest universities. After all, he can now leave his home in the hands of others without worrying about it.
❧ You like to play with his hair. Long, golden waves are perfect for braiding. You practice different hairstyles on him. He even allows you to weave flowers into them.
❧ It is a big responsibility to develop the village. There are many people helping you, but you think more ahead than the inhabitants. You deal with the planning and distribution of tasks. Many decisions are up to you. You learn and take advantage of Sypha's advice. Brought up among speakers, she knows what she is dealing with.
❧ After all the hard work, Adrian's favourite moment of the day is holding you in his arms. He doesn't need sleep, but he lays down anyway. Your presence calms him down. He repeats how lucky he is to met you and kisses you on the forehead. You stay in his arms until dawn, just like his parents used to do.
❧ As a dhampir, he has a lot of time. Eternity, in fact. There is a melancholy to the thought that you will leave this world before him. He is not sure what he will do with himself afterwards. Perhaps he will also choose to die.
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kkeidawrites · 3 years
Best Keep Quiet
A gift for @demigoddessqueens I appreciate the story you sent me earlier and I thought I would return the favor! Please be aware that this is 18+, smut, minors DNI!
It was too close.
Scandalous, even.
But, it was too late.
Here she was bent over a writing desk, blouse opened, moaning like a wanton whore, ass pushed up and repeatedly being pulled back and forth against a slender waist that wore straight fit black pants.
It was a set up; she knew it was.
The plan was plain and simple.
Alucard had asked her to his private study on the far side of the castle to discuss the village’s upcoming festivities that evening. It was a worthwhile and very needed celebration that after a year, the tents and wool cots were turned into houses and markets were established.
It was going to be a wonderful get together. However, once she entered the dhampir’s study it was empty. Strange. One of the villagers told her that he needed to speak with her, urgently and she rushed her way to get here and no one was here.
“Am I in the wrong study, again?” She asked no one.
Turning to leave, the door suddenly closed with a quiet shut and Greta felt her waist grabbed and her lips had been pressed by something warm but familiar.
Her eyes focused after a second or two then widened when she saw that it was Alucard who had her in his embrace. As the year progressed, so had their relationship and honestly, it was a long time before either made it to the next step meaning: kissing and allowing more touching towards one another. Alucard especially.
After what he told her in the woods being guided to their new home, Greta knew that it would take time for both of them to warm up to one another. Greta was willing to wait for him and let him know that she was there for him.
Pressing her own lips into his, Greta wrapped her arms around his neck, quietly moaning. Alucard’s own hands played with the hem of her tunic, feeling under it caress her brown skin.
“Mmm, I thought,” their lips smacked again, “I thought you wanted to talk about the upcoming festival?” She muttered against his lips.
“We are.” His lips traveled to her neck then her collarbone where he was thankful that she always wore a open blouse under her green armor.
“Just later.” He chuckles as his wet kisses pause for a moment to unclip the gold cuffs holding together her green armor.
“Wait, wait,” Greta gently pushes at his chest and he stops.
“We can’t do this here, someone may come in and-“
“We’re on the furthest side of the castle, no one knows about this place.” He reassured her and went back to unclipping the rest of her armor.
“Come on, just a quick one. It will be a while until we have to go to our next meeting.” He said.
Greta was left only in her white blouse that was tousled and wrinkled and green pants. He had a secret smirk on and Greta bit her lip. They had never done anything like this before. It was always in either’s bedrooms or their bathrooms when they bathed together sometimes.
What if they get caught?
Someone may stumble into the room and catch them in such a compromising position.
It was wicked.
Shameful, to do such a thing outside of the bedroom.
But she couldn’t help but feel the excitement coursing through her veins at the thought of someone catching them. She wasn’t one to back down from a challenge and wasn’t planning on stopping any time soon. She blushed and nodded in agreement.
Alucard grins seductively and picks her up by the back of her knees to move her over to the writing desk and sits her on top of the mahogany wood.
Placing another kiss on her lips, Greta took off her long boots and Alucard helped to unfasten her olive green straight pants, pulling those and her panties off. She had pretty brown legs. Greta unconsciously closed her legs as Alucard placed his hands by her hips on the desk and stared into her eyes.
Greta felt her blush intensify as his golden eyes burned down into an amber. A look she was all to familiar with. They only got like this for two reasons: when he’s in the heat of battle or really, REALLY horny. And thankfully it was the latter.
“Unbutton your blouse.” He says, quietly. Greta moved to do so and smirked slightly as she slowly took one button out at a time to tease him a bit. Seeing what she was doing, Alucard took matters into his own hands and grabbed the front, ripping the last few buttons and revealing her linen bra underneath.
“Hmm, teasing are we?” He growls teasingly.
“Of course not.” She tells him with a sly grin.
He grabbed the front of her bra and ripped it off, his lips immediately latching onto her right globe careful of his fangs and sucking on her brown nipple. His other hand junctions between her legs and begins rubbing there. Greta throws her head back as he sucks her right breast. And the sensation he was giving her between her legs was going to send her to the edge sooner than expected.
Greta placed a hand on his shoulder to hang onto something as his lips played with her left breast and inserted a finger inside of her. She moaned and her hips bucked against his hand.
“Fuck!” She moaned as Alucard pressed his body closer to her and began grinding against her at the same pace as his finger. His lips moved to her neck, licking the visible vein there. Greta’s arms wrapped around his neck. The vigorous grinding and the fingering, was making her see stars and the familiar tight coil building up in her lower belly.
“I’m…I’m close…” she moaned out brokenly.
“Hold it for a bit longer,” he licked a stripe on her neck and Greta gasped in pleasure.
“Please…I want to come for you. Please, please…” she begged wantonly and Alucard slipped in another finger, that alone made the woman tense up with a silent moan and release on his knuckles.
He suddenly removed his two fingers and Greta moaned in displeasure, she was not satiated. The dhampir kissed her as a way to apologize then knelt on one knee, opening her legs wider so her glistening slit was eye level with him.
He pulled her closer to the edge of the desk and placed a firm hold on her hips to keep her still. His lips found the button of her pussy and began lapping at it, catching every drop of her essence. Greta took a hold of his golden tresses and her hips begins to buck once more from his insatiable licks.
She felt his teeth bite gently on her clit and that made her release again.
��Ah, Alucard!” She keens, her legs shake from the pleasure and Alucard laps up the flowing juices. Two releases down, he thought.
Alucard licks his chops and stands back up to relish in her pleasured features. Her hair was disheveled and her cheeks were brighter than her full, parted lips.
Alucard unzips his pants and his erected manhood is released from its constricted sheathing. It rested against her right thigh and Greta bit her lower lip in anticipation.
Greta puts her hands under the hem of his white shirt and raised it slowly to get a feel of his abs. He removed his shirt and Greta licked her lips at the sight. Alucard shudders at the soft touches and grabs her hip with one hand as the other guides him inside her.
They moaned in unison and Greta fell back on to the desk. He thrusts slow and leisurely, making sure that each push and pull was hitting every spot inside her. Greta was using one hand to hold on to the edge of the desk behind her head and the other was placed on his lower body, her body bucking with his slow thrusting.
“Al…Alucard. Fuccck…why so slow?” She whines as he placed a hand on her lower belly where he could feel himself moving inside of her.
“To watch you make such beautiful faces as I please you. It’s not everyday I get to spend so much time with you,” he begins as he gave her a particular hard thrust then returned to slow.
Greta moaned sharply from the one and bit her lower lip to contain her moans. There was still a chance that they were able to bring attention to themselves. Someone could think someone was hurt and might want to investigate.
Alucard was quick to remove her hand as another one spilled out from her lips and he kissed her palm. He placed it by her head and kept it there as his thrusts began to pick up.
“W-Wait, if you-you go faster I’ll-“ she couldn’t finish as she released for a third time that evening. Alucard groaned at how tight her pussy gripped him and helped turn her over onto her stomach, raising her bottom slightly, the plump flesh poked out nicely and he squeezed a cheek to elicit a gasp from the woman below.
Greta looked over her shoulder, her eyes swimming in a pleasured haze and Alucard bent over to kiss her which she eagerly returned. As they kissed, he began moving inside of her again once her pussy stopped clenching him.
Greta moaned in their kiss and pushed her hips back to get more hard thrusts from the dhampir. Breaking off their kiss, Greta placed one hand on his abs as the other clenched the desk.
“Ah! Oh, God!” She moans out as Alucard grunts in pleasure watching her ass bounce on him appealingly.
“Yes, Greta come for me once more. Come for me, now!” On command, Greta did just that with a loud moan as Alucard too moaned out a curse and gave her three more hard thrusts and released inside of her.
He grunted at her tightening pussy again and fell over her back, his golden hair producing a curtain over their faces. He kissed the back of her neck and caressed her hips to help relax her body and Greta moaned appreciating the short massage.
Alucard removed himself from her honeypot and sighed in pleasure. He helped her sit up from the desk and hugged her to his chest. Greta placed her head on his chest, listening to his fast paced heart.
“I love you.” He whispered softly and Greta raised her head to place a kiss on his lips.
“I love you.” She says with a grin.
They moved to kiss again until a knock startled the couple.
“Whenever you two are done,” Trevor’s voice booms behind the door and Greta hides her flushed face in Alucard’s chest.
“The meeting for building a library started an hour ago and you two haven’t made your appearance. May want to wrap it up now. Also, Sypha wants you both by the house for a visit. Evening.” Trevor finished and his footsteps disappear down the hall leaving the caught couple frozen in their spot.
Greta gives Alucard an annoyed pursed lip look and the dhampir smiles sheepishly with an embarrassing blush on his cheeks.
“I thought no one else knew about this place but me. I guess I was wrong.”
Greta furrows her brow more.
“At least he didn’t see us in all our glory.” He tries to reason and Greta rolls her eyes.
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demigoddessqueens · 9 months
i love you, wait what?
A/N - based off original ask HERE
He heard what you said but he’s stuttering to find all the right words to say back…that is if you want him to confess to you
She’s caught off guard so fast that she’ll ask what you mean by that, a sliver of hope that her crush on you is more than that
Words have meaning to her so of course she ask as well, hoping there’s a chance of happiness with you
Ok don’t play with his heart 😅 —- but he’ll be constantly thinking about your remark all day and night and kind of hope you have genuine feelings for him like that before he asks
He’s not used to such sweet remarks, let alone something lovingly casual but he’ll accept it, hoping to change this from just friends/acquaintances one day
Really wishing, hoping that it’s an indication of something more genuine from you as he used to scoff at love but comes to admire it
He knows you mean well by your pleasantries but a centuries old heart is so wracked with past emotions
A little snarky tease who constantly likes to pester you with “oh you love me now? What about tomorrow or yesterday?”
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aethes-bookshelf · 2 years
a garden of my love || alucard/reader
This one has been slowly rotating in my brain like a rotisserie chicken for a few months now, so I'm glad it's finally out of my head and actually on a page :D
Pairing: Alucard (Castlevania)/Reader
Warnings: angst, hanahaki, character death, hurt/no comfort
Word count: 3.2k
ao3 link
It was late October. Most leaves had already fallen off the trees; the only surviving ones were desperately clinging to branches, all brown and crumbly with death. The sun was shining, but the breeze made your skin prickle with goosebumps despite the warm cloak you had fastened around your shoulders. You were carrying a basket full of food. It was all still warm — steam was gently puffing from beneath the cloth you covered it all with.
It was Alucard’s birthday. So, just like all the years before, you prepared all of his favorites as a gift. You couldn’t really afford lavish clothes or books, but you had plenty of food; so, you gave him your cooking instead.
You didn’t have much — never had, not really, but that rang especially true after Dracula’s war on humanity. Your house got ransacked by night creatures, leaving you to wander from city to city, collecting scraps or hunting in the forest. One day, you ended up in Gresit.
That’s how you met him.
- - - 
Judging by the stories you’d heard in your youth, Gresit was always ugly. But the recent war took that ugliness and transformed it into a picture of despair. Wherever you turned lay dead bodies, limbs spread-eagle, faces scrunched up in an eternal mask of fear. Even if you’d seen it many times before, it still made your stomach churn.
Ever since you’d lost your home, you kept yourself afloat by hunting — mostly hunting, at least. You wished you could say you’d never stolen in your life, but that would’ve been a lie. At least that wasn’t your primary way of getting food.
Usually, you ate only some of the meat from the animals you killed and sold the rest of the carcass, skin and whatever antlers included. But on that particular day, your hunt ended up a failure — most of your traps were empty and all you managed to get with your arrows were a few rabbits. Enough food for a day or two, but if you were to survive on their meat alone, you’d have to eat them all. All you’d be left with would be pelts. You knew from experience that rabbit pelts sold relatively cheap. The three you’d have left by the end of your meals wouldn’t be enough to buy the next one.
So, unfortunately, you had to settle for eating only one of the rabbits and selling the other two whole instead. Not the ideal solution, but maybe it’d get you enough money for a shitty bed in an even shittier inn. If there were any functioning ones left in this goddamned city.
On your way towards the market, you passed by a group of three strangers; two of them — a red-headed woman and a man in tattered clothes — were passionately arguing. Something about the group gave you pause.
You’d only just arrived in the city, but you’d already overheard your fair share of rumors about the battle that took place yesterday night. Apparently a speaker magician and someone thought to be a Belmont led the city’s forces against the night creatures. One of the strangers was clad in Speaker’s robes, the other one had a Belmont crest on his shirt. At least that part checked out. Who the third stranger was, the one sitting in shadow, you did not know. What you did notice about him, however, was that he was incredibly pretty. Distractingly so, almost.
Against your better judgment and possibly all kinds of common sense known to man, you walked towards them. After all, who’d want to get involved in Belmont business? Everyone knew how that ended for those unfortunate bastards; you weren’t exactly keen on getting killed by some overly religious fella with a sword like they had been.
Still, you walked on. Something in your gut told you this was the right thing to do. That maybe it was fate that led you to them that day, as ridiculous as that sounded.
‘What do you want?’ the Belmont barked in your general direction, side-eyeing you from his spot by the wall.
‘I’m not sure I know myself,’ you replied, shrugging.
‘Then be so kind and fuck off.’
‘Trevor!’ yelled the Speaker. If looks could kill, the man would’ve fallen dead on the spot.
‘What? We’re all thinking it.’
‘You’re just as charming as you look, then,’ you said. The dead rabbits you’d holstered to your belt were bleeding all over the side of your thigh. It got uncomfortable quickly in the cold breeze.
‘Could say the same thing about you.’ Trevor didn’t even bother to look up this time. He chose to marvel at all the empty bottles around them instead.
‘He does have a point though,’ said the Speaker. ‘Why did you approach us?’
‘Let’s just say I’m listening to my gut for once.’ You gestured to the bow hanging from your back. ‘You need an archer?’
- - -
After the dust settled and Trevor and Sypha left to chase adventure, you decided to stay with Alucard. Partly for your own sake — you didn’t exactly fancy the drifter lifestyle; plus, sleeping in a warm bed every night did sound really good — and partly for his. You’d been entertaining the idea of staying somewhere around Alucard ever since your little group got to Belmont Hold. But all it took for you to make that final choice was one look at his defeated expression; you’d never seen someone look as lost as he did, watching his father’s burning corpse.
So you stayed.
- - -
You gave him some space after Trevor and Sypha left. You weren’t strangers per say, but you weren’t friends either. You didn’t want to intrude. He deserved at least a few hours to himself.
Instead, you decided to forage in the nearby forest for some dinner. You’d run out of arrows during the battle, so you couldn’t hunt for now, as much as you’d like to. You managed to find some wild onions and herbs — wasn’t exactly dinner material, but if the castle had some dried meat in there somewhere, you could make something out of it.
You were about to turn back when you stumbled upon a whole bunch of beautiful apple trees. You figured they didn’t really belong to anyone, being in the middle of a forest and all. And, even if they did, the owner wouldn’t mind losing one or two apples. Or ten.
You filled up your bag with the fresh fruit; what you couldn’t fit there you carried in your shirt instead. You did drop a few of the apples on your way back to the castle, but you had enough to last relatively long. There was no point in turning back for just a couple of them.
By the time you came back, the sun was setting. You hoped those few hours of alone time did Alucard some good; and that he was ready to talk again. At least to talk long enough to make some food. You had no idea where what was in that huge castle. Let alone something like a pantry. Or a kitchen,
You circled the entire first floor looking for Alucard — no sign of him at all. The second floor, same thing. You gave up on yelling his name eventually; you didn’t want to ruin your throat.
‘I swear, if he’s huddled up somewhere in the basement, I will…’ you stopped mid-sentence when you saw light dancing beneath one of the closed doors. You sighed in relief. ‘Finally.’ You opened the door with your shoulder. ‘Hey, I went looking for some food and I found quite a few…’ you stopped again. But this time, it was for a different reason entirely.
His face was all swollen and his eyes were red-rimmed. Drying tears shone against his skin in the muted light of the fire. When he saw you come in, he tried to quickly wipe them away, but by the time he did, fresh ones started falling.
‘Oh,’ you managed to say. How eloquent of me, you thought. ‘Do you… do you want me to leave?’ you said, shoulders drooping slightly. You knew the death of his father would hit him hard — hell, you’d lost your own! — but you didn’t expect it to hit him this hard.
Then again, you hadn’t had to kill your father, so you didn’t have that much insight into his situation.
He swallowed with difficulty, snot blocking his throat. He moved to wipe the tears away again, but he stopped himself mid-way through. ‘I… I don’t know,’ he whispered, voice breaking.
You nodded and put away the apples; some of them rolled all the way to the other side of the room. ‘Okay.’ You cleared your throat. ‘How about we just… sit together for a while? And then you decide if you’d like me to go or to stay, or if you’d want to talk, we can do just that, okay? Or, well, I can do just that. The leaving part, anyway.’
He chuckled; the sound was unusually wet. ‘You’re awful at this.’
You sighed, resting your hands on your hips. ‘I know. Part of my charm, I suppose,’ you said, and sat on the floor next to him, with your back to the wall.
He smiled a sad, gentle smile. ‘I suppose so too.’
- - -
Years had passed since. And, in the meantime, the birthday feast became a tradition. It was your idea — he hadn’t even thought about celebrating his birthday since his parents’ deaths; something told you that had it not been for you, he’d probably never celebrate it again.
So, every year, without fail, you presented him with a tablefull of delicious treats. In the second year of you living together, Trevor and Sypha visited and stayed long enough to take part in this little celebration. In the third year, the two of you stumbled upon two lost hunters creeping in the forest. What happened after became a taboo, an unspeakable secret worn on Alucard’s skin. In year three, you realized that your devotion to him might be a lot more than you’d like it to be.
In year four, he met Greta.
She was wonderful in every sense of the word. Strong, brave, smart, funny. She made a great friend to both him and you, and a great leader to her people. One of your sweetest memories was sitting with her in the kitchen late at night, a pint of beer in your hands and laughter on your lips. The other one was helping her and the villagers built their new homes around the castle.
You’d be stupid not to notice the way he looked at her.
Ever since you’d realized what your feelings for him were, you decided to push them all down. After everything he’d been through your… attraction would only bring him pain. And that was the last thing you wanted for him. Besides, being someone close enough to him to be called his friend was an honor, you told yourself. Lover or not, he was the most important person in your life and you’d never risk ruining all of that over a stupid crush. It would pass, like they all always had.
So, you let time run its course. You watched Alucard and Greta get close and, despite the dull pang in your chest, you were genuinely happy for them.
After all, they were perfect for each other.
In year five, they finally got engaged. That’s when it all went to hell.
The whole village celebrated the news. All the hunters went out to the forest and all brought something back — yourself included. There was a huge bonfire and enough meat to feed everyone and then some. There was dancing, singing, music. Alcohol poured out of every corner. Everyone was giddy with laughter. Especially the freshly engaged couple — both of them with crowns of freshly picked flowers on their heads. You helped the children make them as gifts.
Everything was perfect. So, so perfect. You got drunk enough to get nauseous. You managed to stumble your way to a nearby bush to puke. You were too out of it to notice the petals swimming in the putrid liquid.
- - -
By the next day, the cough started. You chalked it up to a bad cold and moved on. Alucard was a bit worried when he noticed how pale you were, but you quickly dismissed him, telling him to go back to Greta. You were fine, a little cough wasn’t going to kill you.
Was it now?
A few weeks passed by, but the cough wasn’t getting any better. Quite the opposite, actually. Eventually it got to the point where you had to take a breather after walking up to your castle room. Luckily enough, no one noticed. You were sure it would pass if you just gave it enough time.
Then, the pain came. Sometimes it felt like something stabbing itself into the inside of your chest, sometimes it felt more like a pressure, rising until you could barely catch a breath.
That’s when Alucard decided that enough was enough. He forcibly got you to bed and ordered you to stay put until he figured out what was wrong with you.
Like hell you were gonna do that. Not after the petals you coughed up into your hand.
You ended up sneaking into the great, expansive library of the castle. After all, if you were to find an answer anywhere, it would be there. Or in the Belmont Hold, but that was plan B because of all the walking.
Night after night, you poured over books in hopes of finding an answer. The sleepless nights were starting to get to you. You tried to sleep as much as you could during the day, but your illness — whatever it was — wasn’t exactly helping with your tiredness.
‘What the hell do you do at night, exactly?’ asked Alucard, after changing the cold compress on your forehead.
‘What do you mean?’
‘Don’t play dumb with me. You’re tired as all hell. And you shouldn’t be, if you really were sleeping both at night and during the day.’
‘I’m sick…!’ you protested weakly; judging by his expression, that excuse didn’t work.
‘Sure.’ He cocked a brow. ‘If you don’t want to tell me now, don’t. But don’t expect me to just let you do whatever when you’re this ill. You’re not just my friend, you’re my patient as well.’ He took the basin of cold water from the dresser and rested it on his hip. ‘I won’t let you run yourself into the ground because of whatever it is you do at night.’
You huffed a breath. When he realized you weren’t going to answer him, he sighed through his nose.
‘I mean it. Take care of yourself, please. We’re all worried about you.’
‘I know,’ you said, voice hoarse. ‘I’m sorry.’
‘Nothing to be sorry for. Just, please, actually sleep at night.’
- - -
The night after that, you finally found your answer. Sitting on the ground, skimming a very old, very tattered book. The writing was so worn it was barely readable in the candlelight.
What you were suffering from was a kind of curse. At least according to the book. It befell those who were unhappily in love. You frowned at that. Love was a bit of a strong word, wasn’t it? Sure, you were fond of Alucard, but love? A bit of a stretch. Right?
‘There you are,’ said Alucard. His sudden appearance made you jump; the books around you fell onto the ground with a thud.
‘Don’t scare me like that!’ You hadn’t even heard him approach.
‘Oh, please.’ He rolled his eyes. ‘I’m losing sleep at night because you keep getting worse no matter what I do, and you’re sneaking into the library?’
You swallowed the petals threatening to spill out of your throat. ‘I’m looking for answers.’
‘Answers to what, exactly?’
‘To what’s wrong with me.’ You sighed and closed the book, hoping to whatever god was up there that he hadn't seen the page you were on. ‘No medicine is working, so I thought I’d do some… research myself.’
‘And did you find anything?’
You bit the inside of your cheek, weighing your options. Eventually, you settled on an answer. ‘No, not really.’
‘Then please, go back to bed and leave the research to me, okay?’ he said, kneeling on the floor next to you. ‘No need to push yourself like that.’
‘You’re right,’ you replied with a sigh, putting the book away.
One line burned itself into your mind; no cure.
- - -
And now, nearly half a year later, you were slowly trekking from the castle to Alucard and Greta’s new ‘office’; at least that’s what they called it. Initially, it was supposed to be the village’s control center, but, with time, it turned into their second house. They were spending more time there than in their castle chambers these days.
You expected Alucard to yell at you for doing all that cooking. You could hear him already. ‘You shouldn’t have done that’ and ‘Think of your health!’, and ‘You’re already weak as it is, what if something happened to you?’. To be perfectly honest, you found the way he worried about you so much quite endearing. It made you glad that, despite him being happily married, you still held an important spot in his heart.
You couldn’t say the same about some of your before-the-war friends, may the earth be light for them.
The basket was getting quite heavy though. As much as you wanted to deny it, it dug into your skin more and more with every step. The golden honeysuckles threatening to burst out of your chest certainly didn’t make anything easier.
Apparently they meant ‘devoted affection’ in the language of flowers. Well, at least that much was true when it came to your feelings for Alucard. Although you weren’t entirely sure if the kind of flowers really meant anything in the case of your curse. Maybe adding meaning to it all simply made your illness a bit easier to stomach for you. Maybe not.
The spot where the basket handle dug into your arm was starting to really hurt. Before this curse, your arms were something you were proud of — strong and reliable, the arms of a true archer. Now that all of your glory had been eaten away by the curse, all that remained of your previous profession were the calluses on your hands; eternal proof of what you used to be.
You started choking on your breath. Your legs dragged across the dirt road, leaving deep trenches in the fresh mud. Still, you pressed on. You were that much closer to Alucard and Greta’s new house. You weren’t going to give up now. Not when this could be the last birthday feast you’d ever throw for him.
Sweat dripped down your face. Some of it got into your eyes; the stinging blinded you for a moment. As you moved to wipe the sweat away, you lost footing on the slippery mud. You fell to the ground with a heavy thud, the side of your head colliding with a rock.
Blood pooled around you, drenching the warm food that spilled out of the basket you were cradling in your arms. And beside it all was a single, dirtied petal of honeysuckle.
The wind blew. The petal flew with it.
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𝔯𝔲𝔩𝔢𝔰 𝔣𝔬𝔯 𝔯𝔢𝔮𝔲𝔢𝔰𝔱𝔦𝔫𝔤
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Hello! This post contains the characters and themes I write for! I am always open to your ideas, though, so if something is not listed here feel free to ask me!
I only write for Bungou Stray Dogs, Vanitas no Carte, Twisted Wonderland, Castlevania (the series), and Tears of Themis!
I write headcanons, drabbles, oneshots, and stories (which can range from ~1.8k to 2k or higher, depending on how inspired I am)!
I write gender neutral readers, and prefer to write that way!
Please note the reader will always be of legal age.
You can request:
- a character
- a character with a genre/tone
- a reader with an ability*
* - BSD - you can base the ability off of a specific book, but if I don't know it or haven't read it I may ask you to give me a summary or more specifics (how you see the ability)!
If I don't feel comfortable with the author's work, I'll ask you to send in a different request!
Your request will most likely take 1-2 weeks (it can always take shorter or longer however) to get written and posted so please be patient!
Also note that I may ask you to send in a different request if I don't feel comfortable writing what you asked for :)
Do not send me multiple sets of the same request. I promise that I see and read them, but insistence can discourage me from writing it.
What I will write:
suggestive content
virtually anything
What I will not write:
yandere content
nsfw/smut - I prefer to write it on my own accord, without requests, and it generally appears very rarely on my blog
non-con/dub-con relationships and sex
extremely detailed readers - if you would like me to do a slightly specific reader please give me a short list of traits or mannerisms!
character x character
child readers and readers under 18
standard criteria (no homophobia, incest, racism, etc.)
Characters I write for:
Bungou Stray Dogs:
Armed Detective Agency:
Yukichi Fukuzawa
Osamu Dazai
Akiko Yosano
Edogawa Ranpo
Doppo Kunikida
Port Mafia:
Kouyou Ozaki
Chuuya Nakahara
Ryūnosuke Akutagawa
Gin Akutagawa
Michizō Tachihara
The Guild:
Louisa May Alcott
Lucy Maud Montgomery
Mark Twain
Margaret Mitchell
The Decay of Angels:
Fyodor Dostoyevsky
Nikolai Gogol
Bram Stoker
Hunting Dogs:
Tecchou Suehiro
Saigiku Jouno
Agatha Christie
Mizuki Tsujimura
Yukito Ayatsuji
Ango Sakaguchi
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Vanitas no Carte:
Noé Archiviste
Dominique de Sade
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Twisted Wonderland:
Riddle Rosehearts
Trey Clover
Cater Diamond
Ace Trappola
Deuce Spade
Leona Kingscholar
Ruggie Bucchi
Jack Howl
Azul Ashengrotto
Jade Leech
Floyd Leech
Kalim Al-Asim
Jamil Viper
Vil Schoenheit
Rook Hunt
Epel Felmier
Idia Shroud
Malleus Draconia
Lilia Vanrouge
Sebek Zigvolt
Grim (platonic)
The Ghosts (platonic)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Trevor Belmont
Sypha Belnades
Lisa Ţepeş
Vampires & Dhampirs:
Adrian "Alucard" Ţepeş
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Tears of Themis
Themis Law Firm:
Artem "Libra" Wing
Kiki Bennet
Pax Group:
Marius "King" von Hagen
Vincent Kim
Giannovyn Mental Health Research Center:
Vyn "Adjudicator" Richter
Pearce Private Investigations:
Luke "Raven" Pearce
Stellis Justice Department:
Darius Morgan
Please don't hesitate to send in your ask! I look forward to writing for you! :)
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f4irycafe · 3 years
castlevania just broke me so mind ur buisness if i’m writing straight alucard x reader or alucard x greta fics for the next few weeks cause DAMN 🥰 heart is so full rn
if you want to send in asks and specific scenarios for me to write abt for him SEND THAT SHIT IN
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ruiniel · 1 year
I found this excellent Alucard x modern reader fanfic that was really beautiful and well researched in terms of medieval romanian history and I was like "👀oh I gotta follow this writer". Turned out they make really pretty artwork as well so I'm doubly lucky!
Gwajfdhfdhf 🥹🥲TYSM was nice to 'meet' that way in comments and ALSO discover we have the Tolkien fandom in common too!
Și eu fiind eu, nu m-am abținut de la a combina Castlevania+Tolkien+Ro de-am pus fetele astea din Tolkien în port 🤧 (prima e Greta dar e Andreth dar e—)
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