#grimoire references
pigeonflavouredcake · 9 months
How to reference in your grimoire
If you intend on sharing your grimoire with the public or you're a fan of a more academic style of writing then you're gonna want to reference your sources to avoid any kind of plagiarism.
You may have already learned how to reference at your college/uni, in which case follow that method, but if you haven't let me show you what i've been doing in my grimoire.
The referencing style I was taught in my degree is a form of APA 7th edition. This style is best for essays and small research papers and since my grimoire is essentially a bunch of mini contextual essays stuck together I thought it was appropriate.
Here's the format:
Author Surname, Author Initials. (Date of publication/release). Title of source: sub-heading/title of chapter. Publishing company/website. Place of publication/website link. [Format]
So for example, the book I'm currently reading is Buried by Professor Alice Roberts. If I were to reference this book in this format it would look something like this:
Roberts, A. (2023). Buried, An Alternative History of The First Millennium in Britain: Water and Wine. Simon and Schuster. London. [Book]
(Its up to you whether you decide to put the chapter before the book title, it doesn't make a difference, but I prefer doing it this way.)
This reference will need to follow an in-text citation. You can do that by adding a little number in parentheses next to your quote or paraphrase that corresponds to the number on your list of references OR you can make a mini reference following this method:
(Author Surname, Author Initials. (Date of publication). Page number if required)
So following this method an in-text citation would look like this:
(Roberts, A. (2023). p1)
If you are citing a source with multiple authors, organised them alphabetically by surname, your in text citation only needs to include the first one.
If you're referencing an online upload of an old source like Internet Archive or Project Gutenberg, include the original authors name first, uploaders name/ID second and mark which is which in parenthesis, then the date of original publication if you can find it, followed by the date it was uploaded to the site.
If you are referencing a film/TV episode, use the name of the director and include (Dir) next to their name.
If you can't find a date of publication/upload then write DNA instead.
Always put your references at the back of your grimoire. If your grimoire contains multiple chapters, group them by each chapter and then organise either alphabetically or chronologically. If your in-text citation uses numbers, organise your reference list chronologically. If you're using a mini reference, organise your reference list alphabetically.
This last bit is especially important for practitioners who intend to publish their work. Please please please do not skip referencing! I've read so many traditionally published witchcraft books who's authors don't do this or do it half-assed and I can't stand it.
Readers deserve to know where your information is coming from so they can be the judge on whether or not it's appropriate for them to practice themselves. Not doing so creates a cycle of ignorance among readers and new practitioners that encourages the spread of cultural appropriation, poor media literacy and poor historical and scientific understanding. Always cite your sources.
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lunar-witches · 1 year
Types of Dream Work
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Dream Journaling: Keeping a dream journal is the foundation of dream work in witchcraft. It involves writing down your dreams as soon as you wake up, even if you can only remember a few details. This practice helps you remember your dreams more vividly, identify patterns or recurring themes, and develop a deeper understanding of your subconscious mind.
Lucid Dreaming: Lucid dreaming is the ability to become aware that you are dreaming and to control the dream. It can be used for manifestation, healing, and exploring your inner world. To practice lucid dreaming, you can use reality checks, set intentions before you go to sleep, and practice visualization techniques.
Astral Projection: Astral projection is the practice of leaving your physical body and traveling to different realms or dimensions. It can be used for spiritual exploration, connecting with spirit guides, or receiving messages from the universe. To practice astral projection, you can use meditation, visualization, among other journeying techniques. It's important to practice caution and preparation, and work with an experienced practitioner or teacher if possible.
Dream Incubation: Dream incubation is the practice of setting an intention before you go to sleep to dream about a specific topic or question. It can be used for divination, problem-solving, or spiritual exploration. To practice dream incubation, you can use visualization, affirmations, or ritual to set your intention.
Dream Interpretation: Dream interpretation is the process of analyzing the symbols and messages in your dreams to gain insight into your subconscious mind. It can be used for spiritual growth, self-awareness, and problem-solving. To practice dream interpretation, you can use books, online resources, or work with a dream interpreter or witch.
Dream Protection: Dream protection is the practice of protecting yourself from negative energies or entities that may enter your dreams. It can be used for spiritual protection, emotional healing, or to prevent nightmares. To practice dream protection, you can use visualization, affirmations, or protection spells or talismans.
My Ko-Fi
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magickkate · 3 months
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Good day, witches! Let's talk about what not to burn in your magical practice. While fire is a powerful tool for transformation and manifestation, it's essential to use it responsibly and ethically. Here are a few things to avoid burning:
Plastic: Burning plastic releases toxic fumes and pollutants into the air, harming both you and the environment. Stick to natural materials like wood, paper, or herbs for your burnable offerings.
Synthetic Materials: Similarly, avoid burning synthetic fabrics, rubber, or other man-made materials. Stick to natural fibers and materials that can safely be incinerated without releasing harmful chemicals.
Toxic Herbs: Not all herbs are safe to burn. Some herbs can produce irritating or toxic smoke when burned, so do your research and make sure you're using safe and non-toxic herbs in your rituals. Do research what plants are unsafe or toxic to burn, especially if you have fur/scale/feather-babies.
Belladonna (Deadly Nightshade): Its name says it all. It’s lethal. Hemlock: Socrates sipped it; you shouldn’t. Foxglove: Pretty, but deadly. Mandrake: It won’t scream, but it’s still toxic.
Animal Products: Avoid burning animal products such as feathers, bones, or fur, especially if you're unsure of their source or ethical implications. Opt for cruelty-free and ethically sourced alternatives instead.
Sage, if used outside of its designated closed practice. Here's some alternatives
Cedar: Cleansing and grounding. Palo Santo: Sweet, fragrant, and eco-friendly. Rosemary: Purification powerhouse.
Remember, fire is a sacred element, so treat it with respect and reverence in your magical practice. Choose your offerings wisely and always prioritize safety and sustainability. 🔥🌿✨
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redhotarsenic · 9 months
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Serron clothing design DONE!!!
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bunnakit · 8 months
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if you haven't seen my dog you should
her name is Grimoire Noir
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tangle-twer · 1 month
Finished the first chapter of my Between-Canon fanfiction!
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necro-druid · 8 months
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I made a 2-card spread worksheet for my grimoire. Feel free to use it as well. 💀❤️
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wildflowercryptid · 6 months
feeling goofy and silly tonight so i'm digging around in tangle tower's steam files. i just figured out how to extract the texture files and i now i'm really excited.
also, for anyone making fancases, the specific fonts used in the game are candela bold and old newpaper types!
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the-moon-pal · 7 months
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ofliterarynature · 10 months
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crow-posting · 4 months
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My sister in Christ you are literally the president. Cleave the Dreaming City in two.
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pigeonflavouredcake · 6 months
i'm so close to finishing the edits on my theory chapter so here's a extract about Terf witches
I'm directly taking this from my grimoire Book of Magic (BOM), literally just copy and pasted. I'm sharing this page specifically because I'm trans and I experience this everyday so understanding the signs of TERFism in the witchcraft community was something I had to learn.
All references will be at the bottom.
-Feminism Appropriating Radical Transphobes-
TERFism (Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminism) and gender essentialist ideology in spiritual spaces are a common sight but often overlooked as a necessary part of spiritual practice. They’re not. There are some well-known dog whistles used by TERFs that are very commonplace; “we are the daughters of the witches you didn’t burn” “divine feminine” “pussy power”. Many TERFs deal with misogyny or internalised misogyny disguised as "pussy power girlboss" feminism.
The idea behind TERFism is that gender is a patriarchal construct and that your sex assigned at birth is the only thing that can tell you if you’re a man or woman. (Wynn, N. (ContraPoints). 2019)
The problem with that is that because no-one is able to tell what someone’s sex is at a glance, TERFs use gender essentialism and white centric stereotypes to point out who they think is a man or woman and often getting it wrong which puts both transgender and non-conforming cisgender people in danger, more so if that person is also a person of colour. Due to the racialization of masculinity and femininity and the pervasive white standards of beauty it makes it near impossible for feminine presenting people of colour to be perceived as such without leaning into hyper feminine styles akin to Barbie or Marylin Monroe.
How one would recognise a TERF out in the wild may be tricky considering many of them are self-aware enough to never share their true feelings out in the open. Many of them use covert statements or gaslighting techniques in order to portray the narrative I spoke about in my previous section on cults, a narrative of heroism. A TERF isn’t spouting dangerous ideologies that put transgender people at risk of political, medical, and social discrimination, they’re just looking out for what’s best for you, they want to protect young gay men and lesbians from being influenced by a predatory agenda and to fight for the rights of women. 
A TERF will do a lot to portray themselves as the hero of an oppressive regime in order to experience the power and respect they may have been denied in life due to their own minority status as women.
Examples of Transphobic/Gender Essentialist Ideology
(primarily: Cambridge SU. 2021-22. Other sources as specified)
Refers to themselves as gender-critical, radfem, adult human female/male.
Refers to trans/nonbinary people as ‘TRA’ (Trans Rights Activists), ‘TIF’ or ‘TIM’ (Trans Identified Female/Male). (Stone, G. 2020) 
Refers to trans-feminine people as predators and trans-masculine people as victims of the patriarchy/woke agenda.
Conflates gender affirming care with gay conversion therapy aka torture, another method of attributing transgender people to confused children or victims of an agenda. (Corry, W (Sci Guys). 2020)
Refers to trans women as ‘transwomen’, the removal of the space is an intentional othering and separation from women and womanhood. (Mildred & Thorn, A. (Thought Slime. 2023)
Disagrees with the term cisgender or asking for pronouns saying “i don’t have pronouns i’m a woman/a man/normal”.
Believes certain traits are, by nature, more exclusive to men/women and believes women are inherently more powerful because of maturity, periods, childbaring etc…
Sides with LGB spaces or argues to “keep penises out of lesbian spaces”.
Uses the term ‘womxn’ referring to women as people with XX chromosomes exclusively.
Uses 1st/2nd wave feminism to exclude the transgender/nonbinary/intersex/bi/pan/poly community from feminist spaces (essentially excluding anyone that could potentially not not have a vulva/uterus or who interact with people who may not have a vulva/uterus).
Covertly refers to nonbinary people as women adjacent through women and nonbinary spaces and stereotyping.
Uses dinosaur emojis and/or the colours of the British suffragette flag (purple, white, green). (Stone, G. 2020)
TERFism in Spirituality
In the witchcraft and pagan communities TERFs abound spewing this kind of nonsense with a spicey, new age flavour masking the rotten fruit beneath. You can learn about how TERFism is portrayed specifically in Hellenism on another page but generally speaking a TERF witch is one who excludes the title of ‘witch’ to cisgender women, denying and demonising anyone adjacent to men and masculinity, including cisgender men and the whole transgender and nonbinary community citing the points listed above. TERF witches believe that this community is a super special ‘girls only, no boys allowed’ club which gives them power over misogyny and sexism that caused them so much pain and frustration in their life however they forget that everyone is a victim of misogyny and sexism, including men and trans people. 
I am using Lisa Lister’s book Witch as an -admittedly obvious- example of how TERF rhetoric is displayed in spiritual spaces. In their book, Lister outlines who is a witch and her power as a force of nature and a “creatrix” making constant references to “divine feminine” periods, wombs and using exclusively she/her pronouns.
The Introduction
“The part of us that was once anaesthetized, domesticated and kept numb by food (or by shopping drugs and media) is now awakening in each of us. It’s our wholeness, our intuition, our magic and our power - the power that lies between our thighs” (p xiii)
“Waking up and reclaiming the witch within us takes really big ovaries. It takes womb-deep recognition that you are: a woman who is powerful: you bleed for five days and don’t die. A force of nature who knows the ebb and flow of the moon, the seasons and mumma nature and her own body….” (p xiv)
The Witch Wound
“The pelvic bowl is a witch’s most powerful magic making tool, a place where we create, make life and connect directly to the source” (p 90)
Lister directly infers that the title of witch is exclusive to women and only the ‘working’ cisgender ones. This is dehumanising by reducing a person's power to their genitalia and only if it ‘works'. This correlates with the TERF belief that women are inherently more powerful because of a female reproductive system as opposed to women being powerful because of their autonomy as human beings. If the latter is the case, then what is stopping cisgender men or trans/nonbinary people from becoming practitioners? The answer is nothing. 
My thoughts
While a spell or task one may find in specific kinds of magical/holistic practices may call for the excrement produced by a specific genitalia -such as menstrual blood used as plant fertiliser- I firmly believe an individual does not need any specific anatomy or gender to practise witchcraft. However I also think that believing your magical power comes from your own sexual anatomy isn’t necessarily bad if that is as far as the concept is taken. As long as you don’t take it upon yourself to enforce that idea upon others and deny different concepts of power and magic, it’s harmless, even empowering.
I personally try to avoid any reference to power coming from genitalia as I find the idea redundant to my own practice. I believe power comes from individual autonomy and what the natural world provides but that does not make nature a mother figure in my eyes. Nature simply is, it is its own force, always creating, destroying and recreating itself, always demanding balance. It is sexless, genderless and bodiless but it is none-theless a god.
Finally I cannot emphasise this enough, you cannot ‘always tell’ when someone is trans. Butch cisgender women being perceived as predators and harassed for using the women’s loos is evidence enough. (Maurice, E.P. 2021)
Cambridge SU Women’s Campaign (2021-22) How to Spot TERF Ideology 2.0. Cambridge SU. [PDF] https://www.cambridgesu.co.uk/pageassets/resources/guides/spottingterfideology/How-to-Spot-TERF-Ideology-2.0-2.pdf
Corry, W. (Sci Guys) (2023). The Science of Conversion “Therapy” | Sci Guys Podcast #239. Youtube. [Video] https://youtu.be/sFI5Ycs-nig?si=NYVKe0YydykcWsTp&t=3359
Lister, L. (2017). Witch: Unleashed. Untamed. Unapologetic. Hay House. London. [Book]
Maurice, E.P (2021). Butch lesbian harassed ‘tens of times’ in public toilets as anti-trans hostility spills over. Pink News [Web Article] https://www.thepinknews.com/2021/01/19/public-toilets-trans-bathroom-butch-lesbian-harassed-gender-critical-feminists/
Mildred, Thorn, A. (Thought Slime). (2023). Is This the Weirdest Transphobic Lie Ever? - Cringe Corner Ft. Abigail Thorn & Sophie From Mars. Youtube. [Video] https://youtu.be/EfzUtEcGluA?t=2039
Stone, G. (2020). A glossary of Transphobia. Medium. [Web Article] https://medium.com/@notCursedE/a-glossary-of-transphobia-a31a001d279
Wynn, N. (ContraPoints). (2019). Gender Critical. Youtube.com [Video] https://youtu.be/1pTPuoGjQsI
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convexicalcrow · 2 years
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Some people do fanart. I use up one of my many, many spare notebooks to start a fictional Vex magic grimoire lol.
Will eventually include cake recipes, lore, stuff about vex magic crystals, Scar’s magic crystals, headcanon stuff, idk maybe some pictures or art idk. Any of the other 5 convex ppl on here, feel free to suggest other stuff I should put in here.
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magickkate · 3 months
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Hey there, fellow witches-in-training! Ready to learn how to fortify your energetic boundaries and protect yourself from unwanted vibes? Let's dive into the magical world of warding and shielding—essential skills for any budding practitioner. Here's the lowdown:
🌿 What is Warding?
Warding is like setting up a magical barrier around yourself or your space to keep out negative energy, entities, or influences. It's your personal energetic security system, designed to maintain harmony and protect against psychic intruders.
🔮 How to Ward:
Clear Your Space: Before warding, it's essential to cleanse your space of any lingering negativity. You can do this through smoke cleansing with herbs, sprinkling salt, or using sound vibrations with bells or singing bowls.
Set Your Intention: Decide what you want your wards to accomplish. Are you focusing on protection, privacy, or something else? Be clear and specific about your intentions.
Create Your Warding Tools: This can include crystals, charms, sigils, or even visualization techniques. Choose whatever resonates with you and feels most empowering.
Activate Your Wards: Place your chosen tools around your space or carry them with you as needed. Visualize a protective barrier forming around you, reinforcing your intention with each breath.
Reinforce Regularly: Warding isn't a one-and-done deal—it requires regular maintenance and reinforcement. Check in with your wards periodically and adjust them as needed.
🛡️ What is Shielding?
Shielding is like putting on a magical suit of armor to deflect negative energy and psychic attacks. It's all about strengthening your energetic boundaries and maintaining your inner peace amidst external chaos.
🌟 How to Shield:
Ground Yourself: Connect with the earth's energy by visualizing roots growing from your feet into the ground below. This helps you stay rooted and centered in your power.
Visualize Your Shield: Imagine a bubble or aura of protective light surrounding you, extending several feet in all directions. Envision it as impenetrable and invincible, repelling negativity like water off a duck's back.
Set Your Boundaries: Intend for your shield to only allow in positive energy while blocking out anything harmful or intrusive.
Maintain Awareness: Stay mindful of your shield throughout the day, especially in situations where you feel vulnerable or overwhelmed. Adjust its strength and size as needed to suit your surroundings.
Keep in mind, both warding and shielding are highly personal practices, so feel free to experiment and find what works best for you. Trust your intuition, stay grounded, and know that you have the power to create and maintain your own sacred space. Stay magical, my friends! 🌌✨
Sources: Sebastiani A. By Rust of Nail & Prick of Thorn. Independently Published; 2020. Wigington P. How to Magically Ground, Center, and Shield. Learn Religions. Published June 25, 2019. https://www.learnreligions.com/grounding-centering-and-shielding-4122187
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audhdwitch · 8 months
spell log 9.23.2023 money jar
a slightly different version of a spell i've previously used for getting gig-based work, reworked to suit on-hand materials and to pull that part-time job i applied to recently.
appropriate sigil + tools to write the sigil on the jar's lid
$2 bill
pouch (doesn't need to be fancy. this time i just used a folded up half of a paper towel secured with a rubber band)
"hard work pays off" powder
(optional) "spun gold"
gather materials and do whatever you gotta do to get settled and into your headspace. personally, the path to least resistance on this for me is getting high and throwing on my money draw playlist on spotify.
affix your sigil to the lid of the jar. my jar is awesome and has a chalkboard lid, so i just draw it on with chalk. if you don't have an awesome jar you can also just paint it on or draw it on a scrap of paper and affix it to the top with tape or something. set this aside.
fill your pouch with a bit of rice (seriously, you don't need a lot. maybe a few tbsp max) and sprinkle in some "hard work pays off" powder. secure the pouch however you see fit so that nothing falls out. set this aside, too.
optional: spin your gold, if you haven't already, and set that aside as well. (adapted from the lovely @breelandwalker, you can "spin gold" by methodically wrapping golden thread/embroidery floss/similar fiber around a spool or three, and tying it off. i had to look up how to do this and tbh i still am not sure i totally got it right, lol)
time to put stuff in the jar! i do it in a Particular Order to minimize the Bad Sensory sound of coins clinking against glass but honestly stuff can just Go In There. the order i do it in is: $2 bill, rice + powder pouch, pour spare change all in there (i always make a Big Deal of slowly pouring the coins in for the Vibes. the $2 bill and pouch going in first really helps muffle the sound). nestle that citrine in there; i have a lovely palm stone that always fits like a dream. optional: toss in those spun-gold spools now, if you have 'em.
close the jar and seal however you see fit. i wrap a little hand-woven thingy around it left over from the original iteration of this spell. set in a semi-prominent (or at least easily accessible) location and let it work its magic!
you can charge this spell over time by adding spare change.
when your jar gets full, grab some of those paper coin rolls and start rolling. deposit your full rolls, or use them to buy yourself a little treat. any coins leftover that didn't make a full roll go back in the jar to continue accumulating!
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awitchandhersecrets · 7 months
Reference: Crystal families (from Spells for Change by Frankie Castanea)
Chalcedony: Agate, Jasper, Onyx, Bloodstone Carnelian - Inspire courage, ward off anger, jealousy and misfortune
Feldspar: Moonstone Labrodite - Protection, lucid dreaming
Gypsum: Selenite - Activates other crystals Desert Rose - Mental clarity
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