#guild wars: prophecies
GW1 again: the Searing, before and after
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(Regent Valley)
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(Ascalon City)
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anghraine · 2 years
I was looking up some information for my father in the GW1 wiki, and the entry on Ascalon begins with a quote from the manual:
Once, Ascalon was a beautiful, fertile land of rolling green countryside and magnificent cities. Her people were viewed as grim by their neighbors. This was perhaps, to be expected, given their never-ending war against the aggressive Charr. Indeed, it was their unfailing vigilance, their Great Northern Wall, and the blood they shed each year to defend it that had protected not only Ascalon, but also Kryta and Orr through the ages.
I’m starting to suspect that my human Ascalon feelings and my Gondor feelings are not unrelated, tbh.
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catiuapavel · 5 months
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I've been replaying Guild wars (1) and I'm just so taken with the White Mantle's dress code. Cult organization but make it sexy. Tits out for The Unseen is their core precept.
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konig-varorson · 9 months
Fun Lore Fact: On Mursaat genders
With Secrets of the Obscure opening the possibility of us meeting more mursaat, and female mursaat at that, I want to point out a little noticeable fun fact about mursaat in Guild Wars 1.
While there is only one model used for all mursaat, thus leading one to think we only see male mursaat, based on the names of the various bosses it can be concluded that we do see female mursaat as well.
For example:
Willa the Unpleasant
Willem the Demeaning
Male and female form of the same name. Willa and Willem. There are other feminine names seen too, of course. Such as Aily the Innocent and Mercia the Smug.
So what does this mean?
This means mursaat have no notable sexual dimorphism from their models, particularly of note being their chest. Their females' chests look just like their males' chests. This is a female mursaat:
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And it is also a male mursaat.
This is NOT accurate female mursaat clothing:
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But adapted for the sake of humans and norn to wear (and sylvari just use this because humans and norn get weird seeing nude sylvari).
Let's see if ArenaNet keeps to this idea. #FreeMursaatNonBoobies!
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bringersofaggro · 1 year
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"Rurik!! We have to go back! "No! Surely you don't mean.....!? "YES. We have to do it...We have to......FINISH THE PROPHECIES CAMPAIGN!!" "(Shouting!)"
When: Saturday June 24th UTC 11pm
This is a 2 hour time slot where [Oops] members will be around and ingame in Guild Wars (one!). It is a lo-fi and chill / MMO gaming like it's 2005 adventure and experience.
We will prioritise getting first timers through the missions, however we are also down to farm dungeon books, titles, vanquish or run around capping elite skills.
If you never experienced GW1 in its heyday, or if you just want to bask in the nostalgia of a world without a Z axis, come along and bring your good builds, your weird builds, and of course, your Dagger wielding Dunkoros!
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Check out this event, and more in our Discord server!
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bimbotisms · 3 days
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i miss vanilla pudding too horace
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martyrette · 1 year
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She’s just a cottagecore girl living in a cottagecore world.
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0carkki0 · 2 years
I made a video! It’s nothing too amazing. Just my characters doing some secondary profession quests. - w - 
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khorren · 7 months
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Amazing savings on the original Guild Wars on steam right now for the Autumn Steam Sale. If you've ever wanted to try out the original and gone ".... nah" at the 40 bucks price tag then this is the time. Sales don't come around often for this game, and especially not one this large. GW1 is a great game on its own merit, but for GW2 people, if you link your accounts you can earn skins and titles and achievement points from doing stuff in GW1! Details on what you can earn is here: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Eye_of_the_North_(instance)
A few things I should point out:
If you play GW2 through steam you cannot link a GW1 account to your steam gw2 account, sorry. You'll still have a great game to play! But can't earn rewards to move over.
No such thing as a "GW1 steam account" it's just.... part of your anet account. So don't worry about the above in reverse
Eye of the north is needed for the HoM rewards and you need a base game to add eye of the north to, so you will need to own the Trilogy, or a stand-alone campaign (Prophecies, Factions, or Nightfall). Considering the trilogy is this cheap, no point going after just one campaign.
For the love of Dwayna, play the game for the game first of all, then worry about Hall of Monuments rewards later.
This is a very very very very different game to GW2 or any typical MMO. (GW1 is not an MMO anyway, it's a COORPG, Co-operative online roleplaying game). It's old, it shows its age. You can't jump, don't worry, you'll get over it.
I highly recommend starting a character in each of the campaigns so you can see the starting story as it were, then when you get to the point where you can travel to the other lands you'll have some idea which of those 3 characters you want to play on.
You will actually have to play the game to get gw2 rewards. I know this sounds silly for me to say, but I've seen my fair share of people buy the game and go "how do I get my stuff. what, I have to *play* this?"
Be patient with it, it's old and crinkly in parts, but it's a great game. <3 And seeing all the original stuff and going "I've been there in the future!" is always fun.
GW1 has a wiki just as great as the GW2 wiki. A lot of passionate people put time in it and like the gw2 wiki it's a massive community labour of love.
I'm always down to talk about all aspects of GW1 (and gw2 ofc) so if you have questions about anything, please hit me up. GW1 is where I got the nickname "Faepedia" after all :D
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the-tired-commander · 5 months
Black Lion Keys 2: Probability Boogaloo
We've been here before but now I am doing all the living stories and expansion, not including SoTO cause it's not done yet <3 (also redid some things I thought were off about my original)
The wiki says there's a 30% chance of getting a key for maps but from my own searching of other peoples experiences, it seems closer to 25%, so i've gone with that for the sake of ease!
So what are the chances of you getting a black lion key from every map from the expansions? And what's the chance of getting a key from every single possible map? Let's explore, shall we?
First note, no season 1! There's only Southsun Cove added with that and you can't get a key from it! Sorry Scarlet :( Second note, any errors about jumping puzzles are because I was checking the list on the wiki! Sorry if any were missed!
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LWS2: Glint's Prophecy
While there are 8 story parts there were only 2 maps added, there's not a huge amount to go over here. There are 8 waypoints, 0 renown hearts, 40 points of interest, 11 hero points, 13 vistas, and 2 jumping puzzles! You've got a 6.25% chance of getting keys from both maps! Which is by far the highest out of everything I'm about to go over.
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Heart Of Thorns
The first expansion to Guild Wars 2, I remember pre-ordering this! Introducing raids, the revenant, and elite specialisations! There are 4 maps that make up the HoT part of The Heart Of Maguuma, containing 32 waypoints, 0 renown hearts, 92 points of interest, 40 hero points, 25 vistas, and 5 jumping puzzles! You have a 0.390625% chance of getting a key from every map!
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LWS3: Glint's Legacy
This has 6 story parts and a new map for each one! Bloodstone Fen is a map used for key farming, as it has no renown hearts and very few things to get for map completion. The 6 maps contain 17 waypoints, 24 renown hearts, 98 points of interest, 0 hero points, 33 vistas, and 3 jumping puzzles! You have a 0.02441406% chance of getting a key from every map!
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Path of Fire
The second expansion, bringing in mounts and more elite specs! It also brought in 3 new raid wings! There are 5 maps and radically fewer waypoints comparatively, with only 23! There are 27 renown hearts, 166 points of interest, 29 hero points, 51 vistas, and 0 jumping puzzles! You have a 0.09765625% chance of getting a key from every map!
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LWS4: Rise of Kralkatorrik
A lot of people cite this living story as their favourite part of gw2 story! It brought in 2 new mounts, the roller beetle and the skyscale! There are 6 maps here, containing 19 waypoints, 19 renown hearts, 158 points of interest, 0 hero points, 36 vistas, and 1 jumping puzzle! You have a 0.02441406% chance of getting a key from every map!
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LWS5: Icebrood Saga
A living story I never actually finished and still giggle at the shortening of its name. It brought in 3 very large maps! These maps contain 7 waypoints, 0 renown hearts, 97 points of interest, 0 hero points, 34 vistas, and 1 jumping puzzle. You have a 1.5625% chance of getting a key for every map!
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End Of Dragons
The third expansion that brought an end to a decade long storyline! Introducing jadebots, skiffs, the siege turtle and yet more elite specs! This expansion brought in 5 maps, including the later added Gyala Delve! These contain 24 waypoints, 9 renown hearts, a staggering 196 points of interest, 30 hero points, 23 vistas, and 2 jumping puzzles! You have a 0.09765625% chance of getting a key for every map!
It's nigh on impossible to get keys for every map but it is very fun to think about! Getting a key from every map from every living story and expansion is a 2.1684039x10^-17% chance! In non standard form this is 0.000000000000000021684039% That's absolutely tiny!
But for every single map you could possible get a key on? How tiny would that be?
It would be a 1.92592916x10^-32% chance.
Written out of standard of form that number looks like this.
I cannot even think of what to compare this to. A single amu (atomic mass unit) or dalton is 1.66x10^-24 grams. This probablity is even tinier than that.
It's unlikely that this will ever happen but what an incredible occurence it would be if it ever did. An act of pure and absolute luck.
If you read this far, thank you for reading my ramblings <3 And I wish you all luck getting black lion keys.
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wardenofthecoast · 3 months
Skyrim and Civil War
You know, there are ways to make good morally grey conflicts, but Skyrim's Civil War is not one of them. However instead of talking about how undercooked it was (it was), I want to talk about the underlying concept of it. Sometimes just saying "add more content" isn't a reasonable critique when it comes to a product that needs to come out (there are graveyards of games that never stopped developing).
The issue with Skyrim's civil war -
It puts a lot of emphasis on Talos, a god that tbh I don't think needed it and wasn't referenced until the third game. IDK this is more personal but I'd prefer Talos just be a hero-god of Cyrodiil/Skyrim you know? (Oh that guy who conquered you all and forced you into his empire, which some of you are old enough to remember? worship him pls)
It's morally grey, but in the "I hate both of these options way". There historical precedents for a nationalist movement opposing imperialism, and there are precedents for rebellions occurring from princes or nobles who want take power. However the conflict feels more like neoliberal democrat versus libertarian republican, aka I hate em both and the difference is minimal. It's like if someone wanted to do the US civil war but they really thought it was about states' rights. It's like Braveheart but worst.
It's both the impetus for the plot (the dragonborn prophecy) and shows up in the main quest, but ONLY if you don't interact with it (too much). And there's incentive not to, as it provides a cool quest that is optional and you can remove a jarl or two you don't like depending on how it goes. Otherwise you can really ignore it, and you're standing with any guild or city isn't really referenced except when the new Jarl takes over.
It's an excuse for chuds to make stormcloak memes after they're done making Morrowind slavery memes.
OK i know what I said about content but yeah the gameplay aspect isn't great with one or two exceptions (the siege of Whiterun and Solitude/Windhelm). The lack of say and options as a nation's folk hero truly shines here. It's like if during the US civil war Jesus showed up, killed the devil and then everyone said "thank you but we need you to blackmail a secretary".
You could make it work. There's a phrase the comes up in the game, Season Unending, which the nords used to mean war. You could put an anti-war theme or something regarding the cyclical nature of violence, even if people didn't agree it would be saying something. Personally, I'd use the 30 years war as inspiration - a religious and political conflict about an empire with multiple actors, all of which causing mayhem to the countryside.
Here are my solutions which don't involve any additional content, but instead changes/removal.
The Civil War ended at the beginning of the game. You see Ulfric die, his forces are scattered and the jarls with him are left picking up the pieces, but the Empire doesn't have the funds to restore control nor pay its soldiers. This helps explains why forts are ruined and the high number of bandits - they are soldiers/deserters looking for a payday. It also creates a narrative of trying to see who Ulfric Stormcloak was using unreliable narrators and maybe a bit of tragedy for a guy who thought he was The Guy (but in fact You're The Guy).
The Civil War ended years ago. Same as above, but make it more tamed. This would be the closest to just removing it entirely.
Make it a rebellion and have the player be a part of it. It would be so interesting a contrast to be against the empire after four games directly or indirectly aiding it. Now you could either try to do something thoughtful about revolutions and violence and the character of that rebel army, or you could just do Braveheart, but either way people would probably be more invested in it.
Don't let us join either side. The Empire's rulers claim the title dragonborn, and having some shmuck say he is would not be in their interest. Ulfric claims tradition and his power of the voice, not saying but implying a connection to Talos, and so he would not want you as a threat to his power. Have both groups be awful, and hammer home how these nobles might all claim to be different, but they slaughter the peasants all the same.
These aren't perfect solutions, and tbh the quality and quantity of the writers on board a project are going to impact any idea. But still, I think I'd prefer these options than what we got in game.
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It's been a long time since I first fell in love with pre-Searing Ascalon in Guild Wars: Prophecies. But I'm still nostalgic enough that I periodically visit Ebonhawke just to go home to human Ascalon, and I loved this view of it :)
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anghraine · 2 years
My family and I usually use character creation in games to create idealized versions of ourselves, so it’s been a bit funny to play Prophecies with my dad and have his monk and my mesmer be like
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(IRL, he is 6′2″ with shoulder-length black hair; I’m 5′4″)
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catiuapavel · 5 months
My favourite Guild Wars Prophecies sidequest so far is "A gift for Althea" in the prologue for which you have to observe a conversation play out between Prince Rurik and his captain about his girlfriend Althea's upcoming birthday.
Apparently Rurik has no idea what to get her so he dumps that task on Captain Osrik. And apparently, Captain Osrik has no idea either because he dumps that task on you, the player character. So you have to find him a proper gift for his prince's girlfriend and the only instructions are "I don't know, find something beautiful because Althea is beautiful". Neither of them knows what her hobbies are, it would seem.
Now you have 3 items you may find and bring him: a beautiful feather, a beautiful pearl and a beautiful necklace (did you not get the memo? She is beautiful, and a woman). He will always refuse the first two, and accept the last one, no matter what they are.
However, there is another, much better way to end the sidequest: Bring any of the items directly to the concerned party, Althea herself, and snitch on what her boyfriend and his captain are making you do. This will prompt an upset reply on how she doesn't care what she's being gifted so long as Rurik picks it himself. She ends the quest, rewards you and goes give them both a piece of her mind which is the happiest end possible because why wouldn't you choose to cause problems for a man who can't be bothered to find a gift for his betrothed?
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capriccio-ffxiv · 9 days
People who complain about ARR's writing I'm like ok how many other MMOs have you actually played
Because ARR beats the stuffing out of:
* vanilla WoW (do not @ me!)
* Guild Wars 1 Prophecies
* Guild Wars 2 Core
* Elder Scrolls Online Core
* Wildstar (RIP)
Did EverQuest even HAVE a plot
The ONLY MMO I've played that had better writing AT LAUNCH was Star Wars: the Old Republic.
ARR seems cringe and bad *in hindsight*, compared to Shadowbringers. Stop telling people it's bad. It's actually pretty damn good.
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ultraericthered · 4 months
Kingdom Hearts Divergence, the Hearts In Chaos Chronicle
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Ephemer - The main protagonist of the saga, debuting as a dual MC next to Sora in KH4 before Sora's Keyblade of Light chooses Ephemer to be its new wielder. Ephemer's background is opposite of Sora's in that he's always known of other worlds, Keyblades, powers of light and darkness from the heart, Kingdom Hearts and all that because he's actually a member of the Dandelion Guild who comes from the distant past, having been thrust forward in time after running afoul of a conspiracy being set in motion by the then-current Guild Masters. Ephemer is a kind-hearted, empathetic and curious youth who wishes to solve the mysteries of the World, such as the Book of Prophecies and what exactly transpired between the Unions of the Dandelion Guild that caused Keyblades and Masters to become scarce. Much hard-hitting and less easygoing than Sora, he can be a bit cocky when he fights but is also known to be hesitant when he is unsure he's up to a big task, particularly true for becoming the next Keyblade Master, but he gradually starts to grow into the role. Ephemer is voiced in the English dub by Michael Johnston.
Skuld - The series' new female lead is quite special, as she's come to the present timeline from a far off future. It's never confirmed outright where she hails from and who her family is, but it is strongly implied that she's the future daughter of Squall Leonhart and Rinoa Heartilly, with similiarities in hair, fashion sense, and even the use of a sort of "Gunblade" as her weapon of choice. Skuld, like Riku, has dabbled in the powers of Darkness and can now uses abilities derived from the twilight in-between. Despite being something self-serious, driven, and something of a loner at first, Skuld cares greatly for her friends and doesn't like seeing others fighting and getting hurt, which is why she tries to carry the burdens all by herself. As she befriends Ephemer and begins to loosen up, we see she is every bit as empathetic as him and willing to take great risks to protect others.
Skuld is voiced in the English dub by Cristina Vee.
Brain - A young man living in the present day's Daybreak Town, Brain (pronounced BRYNE) is a cool, laid-back, and studious person by nature. The first person befriended by Ephemer when he lands in this timeline, Brain becomes protective of the boy like a big brother. He is very clever and tactically gifted, good with analytics, deduction, and making plans to be implemented in times of conflict. Brain was also hesitant about becoming an adventuring, world-saving hero, believing himself incapable of fulfilling the role, but resolves to perform his duties to prevent another war from breaking out. It is later revealed that Master Luxu's heart cast itself into Brain's and melded with it (akin to Ventus with Sora), so the Luminous Vanguard seek to recruit him into the Lost Masters, but Brain fights to assert that his heart is his own and he "makes himself" who he truly is. Much like Organization XIII's Zexion, Brain's weapon of choice is a magic book.
Brain is voiced in the English dub by Max Mittelman.
Huey, Dewey, and Louie Duck - In the year between KH2-KH3 and KH4, Donald's triplet nephews underwent a growth spurt and got even more deeply involved with being entrepreneurs under their great uncle Scrooge's mentorship, finally deciding they were ready to take on adventures of their own across the galaxy. As fate would have it, their first such endeavor leads them to Ephemer, and from them on they are inseparable from him. The Nephews act as a constantly rotating unit. In some worlds Ephemer can switch between which Nephew he wants to have fight along with him, but in select worlds, only one nephew will be available. Their specialty is utilizing magic like their uncle, but through high-tech gear rather than staffs.
The Nephews are voiced in the English dub by Danny Pudi (Huey), Ben Schwartz (Dewey), and Bobbi Moynihan (Louie).
Max Goof - The estranged teenage son of Disney Castle's lead guard, Goofy, Max is a squire still in training whose tastes tend to differ from his doofus dad's, including his belief that the best defense is a good offense, which is why he fights with a very shield-like blade. When Goofy and Donald accompany Sora to look into the rise in blight power and the Demi-Deterged, Max steals away on his own to prove himself, running into Donald's Nephews and Ephemer in the process. As one of Ephemer's constant companions, Max fears being as clumsy as his dad or being seen as needing of constant supervision and help, but eases into becoming a knight on his terms.
Max is voiced in the English dub by Jason Marsden.
Timothy Mouse - A mouse who used to be a big name in show biz but has since fallen to the wayside and become homeless. Timothy accompanies Ephemer and his friends on their journeys. The whole joke with him is that as he is a mouse and he's joined up with ducks and a Goof, Timothy believes himself a potential successor to King Mickey himself only to find himself the new Jiminy Cricket instead.
Timothy is voiced in the English dub by Chris Edgerly, who also voices the role of Cid.
King Mickey - We all know who he is by now, and of course he was going to involve himself somehow. Following KH4, he gets seen much less in the plot, making it a big deal whenever he does pop up.
King Mickey is voiced in the English dub by Brett Iwan.
Figaro - A stray cat from Disney Town who tags along with Max and with the main party, being attracted to Ephemer, Skuld, and Brain's monochrome colors they wear that match Figaro's own fur.
Figaro is voiced in the English dub by Frank Welker.
Chirithy - The Chirithy were the ancient predecessors to Moogles in the World, but only one such Chirithy remains in the present day.
Chirithy is voiced in the English dub by Lara Jill Miller.
The Blue Fairy - The very same Blue Fairy who brought Pinocchio to life, it's her magic that draws Ephemer, Brain, and Skuld together, as she fills Yen Sid's old spot as the primary magic-powered mentor.
The Blue Fairy is voiced in the English dub by Rosalin Landor.
Merlin - Speaking of magic-powered mentor, Merlin is still very much around, still working with the Committee, still in possession of the Winnie The Pooh book, and still offering magic training to any who need it. He becomes particularly close with both Brain and Max.
Merlin is voiced in the English dub by Jeff Bennett.
Scrooge McDuck - Donald's uncle and the great uncle of Huey, Dewey, and Louie who mentored them in the ways of big business. Uncle Scrooge is still around the hub worlds, always doing his thing.
Scrooge McDuck is voiced in the English dub by En Reitel.
Wreck-It Ralph & Pals - First obtained as summonable allies by Sora in KH3, Ralph, Vanellope, Felix, and Sgt. Calhoun are allies in their own world in KH4 and become recurring aid to Ephemer's party.
They are voiced in the English dub by John C. Reily, Sarah Silverman, Jack McBrayer, and Jane Lynch.
Kermit The Frog - No one quite understands what Kermit's deal is, but he was displaced from his home world when it got torn up by blight, so now he seeks application with Leon's Committee in KH4. Later reunited with his Muppet friends in KH5, Kermit continues to help out while also serving as the host for entertainment venues and mini-games. He's generally good-natured, but not good at handling frustration, and has next to no combat capabilities besides dodging.
Kermit The Frog is voiced in the English dub by Matt Vogel.
Elrena, Lauriam, & Strelitizia - The resident "Hayner, Pence, and Olette" of Daybreak Town, this trio is unique in that there are two girls and one guy this time! The three of them were in the very last remnant of the old Dandelion Guild and like a family to one another, but Strelitiza tragically lost her heart in an incident a few years ago, with Lauriam and Elrena losing their hearts to the Heartless when they invaded their world. Now fully restored to life, the trio become loyal allies to Ephemer upon learning his ties to the Dandelion Guild.
Elrena, Lauriam, & Strelitzia are voiced in the English dub by Shanelle Workman-Gray, Keith Ferguson, and Madison Davenport.
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The Demi-Detergered - A truly bizarre and unexpected evolution has occurred within many of the Heartless that still roam the worlds. Powers of light, light stolen from the hearts of others, have entered their veins and changed them from within. Rather than be attracted to the darkness of people's hearts with the instict to prey upon those hearts, these Heartless seek out darkness and attack it in ways that prove dangerous to hearts and destructive to the fabric of the World. Called the Demi-Deterged, this brand of Heartless and the "blight" they possess is exploited by the Luminous Vanguard in their quest to purge reality of darkness and re-organize it around eternal light.
Neodarkness - An entity made of pure raw darkness who's become ruler of the Dark Realm, ensuring that all dark beings like Darklings, Heartless, Unversed, and Nightmares return to the World. In his previous existence, Neodarkness was Vanitas, the dark half of Ventus who served Master Xehanort. In accepting his nature, his dark soul was able to evolve into something else. Pure evil as he seems, Neodarkness doesn't always disturb the peace and finds himself frequently acting on the defensive against beseiging blight.
Neodarkness is voiced in the English dub by Haley Joel Osment.
Pete & Duke Mortimer - While Maleficent plays the chief antagonist role in KH4 along with Judge Frollo, she's brought down and sapped of all her dark magical power in the end. Unable to act anymore, she tasks Pete with tending to all her tasks and searching for a way to restore her power to her, and knowing that her chief flunkie is hardly reliable on his own, she inducts a new flunkie into her service: Duke Mortimer Mouse, King Mickey's rival from Disney Town who debuted in KH4. Creating a faux Keyblade for his use, Mortimer also comes in handy for slaying Demi-Deterged as he and Pete travel the worlds.
Pete and Duke Mortimer are voiced in the English dub by Jim Cummings and Maurice Lemarche respectively.
The Luminous Vanguard - A clerical society of white mages made from what used to be different unions for the Dandelion Guild. While their seven masters entering stasis in time made the group unable to function for ages, it has finally reactivated and is out to achieve its leader's vision of a reconstructed Kingdom Hearts whose pure light can spread to not just all worlds, but all Worlds, and burn away all darkness so that all hearts will be forced into obedience to the light. Having eliminated the ability for hearts to unite with Keyblades in frequency ages ago, the Vanguard abhors the very existence of the Keyblade, believing such a weapon to not be fit for human hands.
Master Narix - Founder and leader of the Luminous Vanguard. Narix has long believed that the majority of hearts are naturally weak and susceptible to darkness that begets dark powers that defile the World, and that only the strongest and purest of hearts should set the course for the World and its denizens. Envisioning a reality where darkness no longer exists, light conquers all Worlds, and he reigns supreme as the light's oppressive guardian, Narix arrogantly looks to use blight to tear down and reconstruct Kingdom Hearts from within its innermost heart, and will eradicate all that would get in his way. The road to the deepest darkness is paved with good intentions.
Master Narix is voiced in the English dub by Johnny Yong Bosch.
The Lost Masters - The six Masters who accompanied Narix in forming the Luminous Vanguard were Avali, Fura, Gorgeyo, Jelus, Ecaed, and the now deceased Luxu. Aside from Luxu, the only truly prominent Master is the young Avali, whose pure heart and convictions to doing good by others for the cause of light enabled her to become one of the new Princesses of Heart. More than the others she has doubts about the rightness of the Vanguard's course, but tends to quickly dispell those doubts and show why a pure heart of light can be incredibly dangerous if exploited by the wrong crowd.
In the English dub, Avali is voiced by Jenna Ortega, Fura by Travis Willingham, Gorgeyo by Matthew Mercer, Jelus by Katelyn Gault, and Ecaed by Adam McArthur (and Luxu by Hector Elizondo).
Justice Minister Frollo - Having lost his authority in La Cite des Lumieres, Judge Frollo was beckoned out from his world by the Lost Masters, who annointed him as Minister of Justice to lead the test run faction of the Luminous Vanguard, with the leftover Nightmare energy Frollo had attained granting him the power to control and exploit the Demi-Deterged. Gladly compliant with the Vanguard's mission to purge the World of darkness but holding himself in such esteem that he frequently changes the course of plans without the Lost Masters' imput, Frollo's broad defining of what is sinful sees him seeking the destruction of many Disney villains and Disney good guys alike, as all this grows and enhances his own heart’s darkness yet he remains ignorant or in denial of it due to his sense of self-righteousness.
Frollo is voiced in the English dub by Timothy E. Brummud.
Evanesse' - A very different sort of adversary Ephemer finds himself faced with later in his quest. Created as a Hollow Replica by the late Xehanort, he's inadvertedly found and given life by Ephemer, making him a Xehanort replica whose essence is but a pale copy of what came from Ephemer's heart. Calling himself Evanessé, he seeks to find his own aim and to define his place in the World, but plagued by self doubt that he can live up to his own expectations for existing and by the specter of Xehanort, he comes to resent life and decides he just wants everything around him to disappear into nothingness...
Evanesse' is voiced in the English dub by Dylan Sprouse.
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