#guys i can paint in a clean style too!!!! no way!!!!
p0th · 7 months
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one day im. going to finish this (said day will most likely never happy but we can hope!!)
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chronicbeans · 1 year
I feel like I request way to much and I can't remember if I made this request already 💀 I imagined puppeteer reader having to show wally basic human things like brushing your teeth and hair and that you have to wash your clothes and when they say this wallys just like "more clothes pls" and after a lot of begging reader gives in and takes him shopping and when they're out wally sees a couple being all affectionate and is just like ":O is this how you guys show affection wowow" and tries to pull the same moves on reader 💀 (can be romantic or platonic I just love the idea of wally unknowingly rizzing up reader 😭)
OMG YES. More human Wally being confused.
Human Wally and Puppeteer Reader (part 2):
🍎 Day 3: this man is helpless. Like, you know it isn't really anyone's fault, since he is used to being a puppet and not a human, but... Come on! He tried to eat the toothpaste! Actually, not even that... HE DID EAT IT. He said he ate it because it smelled nice, so it probably tasted good, too! He was perfectly fine, afterwards, too. Sometimes you wonder if he is really entirely human...
🍎 So, when you finally decide to try to teach Wally how the shower actually works (all this time he has been sitting under the water in his clothes), you take GREAT CARE in doing so. He seems to take things very literally or get more interested in something else. Also, you don't want him to eat the shampoo or soap.
🍎"Okay, Wally, lets go through this nice and easy..." you carefully, very carefully, and extremely carefully talk over the process of how to wash his hair and body, as well as how to dry himself off. You also make sure to make it absolutely CRYSTAL CLEAR that you don't wear your clothes in the shower, and to instead take them off and leave them outside the door, for now. When you tried to go over how to brush his hair, he raises his hand and says "Oh! I got that, already! How else do you think I get my hair this well made up?"
🍎 So, you ask him, after about an hour of teaching, if he is ready to try to shower properly. He nods in excitement, watching as you leave to let him try it.
🍎 It sounds like a warzone. You have no idea what is going on, but you are way too scared to find out. You do notice that, even if he has done nothing else properly, he has left his clothes outside the door. You snatch them up, glad that you can finally get them washed up and rid them of the numerous toothpaste, ketchup, and paint stains on them.
🍎 You end up asking Angela if he can borrow some of Henry's father's old clothes, which she has refused to throw away. She was extremely torn... letting that... THING wear his clothes? But, eventually, she ended up going along with it. She had said that it was probably what he would've wanted. He was always happy to give to those in need. So, you neatly fold and outfit up, and leave them outside the door.
🍎 Two hours later, he finally gets out and peaks his head out the door to get his clothes, only to stop when he sees that they are gone. "(Y/N)! Help! Someone stole my clothes! I can't go out like this! I need to look nice!" You rush over, sighing as you point to the folded clothing, looking up to Wally, who is hiding behind "Put these on. Your clothes need to be washed." "If they needed to be washed, I could've just worn them in the shower." "PUT THE CLOTHES ON PLEASE-"
🍎 He comes out, wearing the plain white dress shirt and black dress pants you got him. To your shock, he somehow got his hair styled into his classic pompadour, even though you don't know if you have the product for it. The bathroom is mysteriously clean, despite the chaos you heard from it. Now, its time to buy him some clothes of his own.
🍎 He is like a child on Christmas morning. He sprints through the clothes aisle, getting lost three times during your trip. He throws practically anything he can find in there that resembles the clothes he wore on the show, with a few extras added on. He even runs to the women's aisle to grab a few dresses, saying they reminded him of the few times he played a princess in Sally's plays. Oh! And they also look pretty!
🍎 At the check-out, he can't help but notice these two people behind you who are acting really odd. They are cuddling really close and using the most sugary of compliments to refer to one another. Is that how he is supposed to show affection to you? He hasn't seen you do that or have that done to you... Oh no! You must feel really lonely! He needs to fix this, as your most devoted puppe- umm... Human!
🍎 As you are putting the numerous bags of (really expensive) clothing into your shopping cart, you feel Wally latch onto you from behind, nuzzling his face into your neck as he says things like "I love you so much, sugar cube!" or "Let's get married, someday!" You wheeze from both how tight he is holding you and shock, not knowing where this lovey-dovey behavior came from. Sure, he was always clingy, but it was more in a "worship" way, not "we are suddenly dating now" way.
🍎 The cashier giggles, mentioning how the two of you are "such a cute couple and would make an even cuter married couple!" You decide to stay quiet in the store, walking out with the clothes in the cart and Wally hanging onto you like a lifeline.
🍎 You pack everything in the car, before sitting in the driver's seat and turning to Wally. "What were you doing back there? Are you trying to like, date me or something? Is this weird worshipping schtick you have going on not enough to you?" When he explains what he saw and why he was doing it, you calm down a bit. Just another case of Wally being a little confused, but having the right spirit. "Okay... Just remember that that sort of behavior is usually reserved for romantic partners or trying to get a date, okay? Reserve that for someone you really, REALLY love. I don't know how to explain it. Like, butterflies in your stomach, a nice burning in your chest when you are near them. That sorta love."
🍎 Butterflies in his stomach? Burning in his chest? Near the person he loves? He gets those things near you! There is also this new, beating in his chest ever since he became human. That must be love, too! He looks to you, saying "So... Continue treating you like that. I got it."
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hansooyung · 9 days
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hansooyung's coloring tutorial & ctiys: alma time! 🍒
hello everyone! though i've been meaning to for a while, i've finally gotten around to making my first manga coloring tutorial! i'll be going over cleaning panels and screentones, choosing base colors, and finally shading and lighting.
this will also be a color this in your style challenge, so if you're willing, feel free to post your colored panel and tag me in it!! i'd love to see all the results :)
find details under the cut! 🦋
this is just how i personally color! i know for a fact that some of my other friends follow other methods and have such beautiful colorings <33
for colors specifically, i play around a LOT. if you don't like your color scheme for the time being, mess around with it! i don't use psds since i like to mess around by hand with color palettes, but maybe i'll look into it for the future.
i explain a lot just bear with me gang 🙏
software: ibis paint x (on iphone). i use ibis since it is FREE for all phones and it worked on my chromebook as well.
while this tutorial is made for ibis paint x, everything works on other softwares except the brushes, which i've provided alternatives for below.
brushes: i will be using dip pen (hard) which is automatically included with ibis, and two other brushes i made myself which you can find here and here. for more brushes, @/bkdkdh was incredibly helpful and posted her awesome set here!
for other softwares, you can use similar brushes. dip pen (hard) can just be the default brush, while wet edges is just the default brush on lowered opacity (and more of a rectangle/marker shape?). watercolor pencil is a watercolor brush in the rectangle/marker shape as well. if you can't get the shape, you can always smudge your lines into shape as well, so don't fret too much! a bunch of people only use one brush for coloring everything (which is insane to me, personally, they are so talented!)
fun fact: the first brush listed that i made was originally called "aki tao watercolor smooth" 👍
ok here we go guys!!
i think of this part as setting up the panel for coloring! usually it's pretty exhausting cuz it's all b&w but it's all worth it i swear. the panel i'll be coloring is this beautiful one of alma from chapter 2:
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imgur link here (x)
a lot of people redraw their lines to avoid screentones, which is extremely helpful. however, i work on a phone and my fingers are not steady even with the stabilizer turned all the way up T~T. i do it this way, but a different (possibly easier) way may work for you!!!
your first step will be to remove all the white, giving us a transparent background to work with. THIS IS THE NUMBER ONE REASON WHY I USE IBIS PAINT X.
when you upload the image to ibis, a popup comes asking if you would like to "extract line drawing". this creates a lineart of your image. click yes, and your work is like 90% done.
if you're not on ibis, you can redraw your panel, put lineart layer on screen, etc. or you can just extract line drawing from ibis and upload to software of your choice
for those of you not on ibis, i've included the line drawing here (x) if it looks black, don't worry and set your background to white.
omg i was not kidding when i said i explained a lot. ok now onto the three main steps of cleaning the panel:
cleaning background
removing screentones
repainting black lines
for cleaning the background, we're going to clear off all the extraneous stuff. this includes the text in the speech bubble, the gradient screentones behind alma, and the panel line on the left side. just use your eraser tool and go crazy! (i forgot to save the panel at this point of the coloring OTL)
for removing screentones, we're going to remove all those "dots" that mangakas use for shading. these are used to show value for b&w art, but since we're coloring we don't need them—a lot of people have really cool ways of incorporating screentones in their colorings though, and it looks amazing! i used it on nana's hand in my bnha coloring.
remove the screentones from alma's hair and jacket with your eraser tool. this will take time, but it's worth it in the end!
for portions with a bunch of lines, you can create A NEW LAYER and redraw some of the lines. that way, you can erase indiscriminately from the original layer but the lines you drew are still there. again, like i said, my hand is really shaky so i don't do it a lot, but it's extremely helpful for smaller parts where i have control! i used this on alma's jacket, and here's a screenshot of the process:
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(i made his jacket purple so i could distinguish between layers easily).
it should look like this when you're done:
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for the final step of cleaning, i like to erase all the things colored black (the collar and strings of the jacket, along with the back part of his hair). that way, i can color them in with dark colors and it adds to the whole look of the coloring.
i've circled the parts i'm going to erase below:
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and it should look like this when you're done!
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ok everyone cheer we're ready to color now!!!!
CROWD CHEERS ok lets go!
this part is the most important to me, because it sets the tone for the whole coloring. i like to use three-four main colors in my colorings, and it's usually background, skintone, hair, and the secret fourth color. the secret fourth color is usually whatever color fits the character's vibe, or if the character's color is the bg, it'll be an accent color.
for example, with my nagi coloring, i used white for the hair, i had my skintone, i had blue as the main coloring vibe (as nagi's color), and black as the accent color.
for alma, i chose his main color to be red! it's the color of his hair and his jacket, so i wanted it to be vibrant and stand out. since blue contrasts red, i went for a greyish-blue shade for the background. (i went for grey rather than solely blue because then it would clash rather than complement).
disclaimer please please please take your device off night mode warm mode f.lux whatever you have. this has screwed me over more times than you may think :(
i like to make my vibrant colors closer to the right end of the color square. for alma's hair, i chose this color:
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i dragged it down from the corner a bit but kept the saturation since his hair is kind of dark. we can use vibrant colors to shade it though, so don't worry!
here's his hair and the background together:
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now from here, play around with skintones until you find one that matches the hair!
i usually drag around the wheel to the orange-red intersection, and have it on the lighter, more saturated side. here's the color i chose for alma's skintone.
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i thought his original skintone looked a bit too orange, so i pulled the saturation back a little bit (moved closer to the left side of the square).
after that, color in his jacket with a bit darker red than hair, choose a gold color for the accents on his jacket, and color in the black parts with a grey-ish color (we will change that later).
here's the base colors!
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if it looks a bit bright, don't worry! we can change that with shading. or you might just have to. accept the light.
wooo we made it!!!!!!! ok now i lied, we have a bit more of base colors to go. on a layer above the skin, color in your teeth and tongue. for pieces that have a more red feel (like this one), i like to make the teeth and the shading a more vibrant blue color. (for blue pieces, i make it a purple!).
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i'll then go in and do some light shading with my wet edges brush. i'll use a darker color for hard shadows and then a lighter, more vibrant color to accentuate it.
next up we have blush! a lot of people do this in very different ways but i like to do it directly under the eyes, in a vibrant red shade. make a new layer above the skin and clip it on. color pick alma's hair and drag it to the most saturated shade (red corner). then using the watercolor pencil brush, lower the opacity of the brush and drag a line under the eyes on both sides.
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make sure to erase the portion of blush that goes above the eyeline. i also added some lips for alma as you can see, and then added a red line under the eyes! this was back to the regular dip pen (hard) brush on 100% opacity. it may take a few tries to get your blush to the way you want it, so don't worry too much.
now we can start our actual shading!
i break this part up into three steps: skin shading, blue shading, and light shading (highlights?)
for all of them, think about where the light is falling and how it will look on alma.
quick interlude about brushes: i use the watercolor pencil brush for softer, bouncy looks (like blush and noses) and i use the wet edges brush for more hard lines in shading.
again, make a new layer above the skin and clip it on. (i like to have it below the blush, so it doesn't cover it). for skin shading, i take the vibrant red and lower the opacity of the wet edges brush by a significant amount (specifics don't really matter, as long as you're happy with it). i'll trace his neck, from the shadow of his face, shadows of his hair falling on his face, ears, and nose. (for the nose i used the watercolor pencil brush for a softer look).
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this is what i have once i'm done!
next we have skin shading part two, where we basically make a new layer on top of our first shading, lower the opacity further, and trace outside whatever we just did to blend it in more.
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i used the watercolor pencil brush since it's more softer shading meant for blending! i also added it around the eyebrows for depth.
next up we have our blue shading! this is a technique that i learned from @/bkdkdh's colorings, but adding blue as a shadow really adds to the whole coloring. using the watercolor pencil brush, select a light-ish blue shade (a bit more saturated than background color) and use it to shadow a few more areas than your skin shading. i always make sure to hit the underside of the nose, cuz i think it adds depth!
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finally, to wrap up our skin shading we have our lights. i use an orange-ish yellow color, which i set pretty light to not blend into the skin. using the watercolor pencil brush, i'll basically highlight any areas opposite to where the blue was, and highlight different parts. i always highlight one side of the nose as well.
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i erased the line around the nose since we now have shading there, and added a darker shade to the teeth since i felt it wasn't shaded enough.
now onto the hair!!! (guys we're almost done bear with me, skin and hair are the two main things and then you can half-ass the clothes)
color pick alma's hair color, then drag the red a bit further down to get a darker yet still saturated color. here's mine:
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then, using the wet edges brush, draw lines of shadow wherever clumps of his hair fall or overlap with each other. you can have the opacity set to whatever level you want, i just went with around 90. just try to follow the natural lines and patterns of the original line drawing, and everything should work out fine.
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here's how mine looks! then, just like we did for skin shading, place a layer on top and lower the opacity to around 50%. place some more shading to blend it in. you can also shade more parts with this shade for some softer shading. i actually forgot to take a screenshot of this step but you'll see it in the next one!
for our (almost) last part of hair shading, take a layer and place it below both of your shading layers. this is going to be our highlight layer! you can see it below, labeled 49%.
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remember how we set alma's hair a bit darker from the corner color? now select that corner color and draw highlights in the center of each hair clump.
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lightly visible but it's there!
now here i skipped around a bit bc i was having fun and forgot i was doing a tutorial, but repeat the shading (not highlighting) steps with darker colors for alma's jacket. you should have your base layer, a dark shading, and a softer shading for blending.
we're almost there guys!!!
for the pretty much final step of shading, select a light blue color and do some blue shading with the watercolor pencil brush opposite to wherever your darker shading falls (just like we did on the face). make sure to do it to both your hair and your jacket! here's mine:
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now for the black portions, we're going to color the whole thing in a dark blue color. just alpha lock your layer and make a big stroke of dark blue, almost black. for our black shading, we're actually going to go lighter.
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select a lighter (but still dark) color and place highlights on the base layer, then take an even more vibrant, lighter blue and place it on the very outside for highlights. a better example of this would be nagi's legs in his blue lock uniform here. then, choose a shade to apply shading to the gold accents on alma's jacket and we're done!
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we made it guys!!!! for finishing touches, i'll usually do background effects or text or that kind of stuff.
step one is coloring your lines. you can add a new layer and clip it to your lineart, or simply alpha lock your lineart and color directly on top. for hair i like to add vibrant blue/purple lines, along with a few red ones. for skin lines i try to do dark brownish purples, but leaving some black is good too bc it adds flavor!
i colored in the text boxes and added shadows using the wet edge feature, then added some text. for the glitch effect, i duplicated the lineart, dragged the layer below all of my colors (including speech bubbles) and then used the glitch effect with height full from ibis. if you don't have ibis, you can look into features on your software, or you can also just drag your lineart layer a bit to either side and color it in. i also applied just the tiniest bit of noise on top of everything
and there we go!!!!! we made it to the end :)
if you've read all the way til here, thank you so much! if you decide to color this panel of alma (or any other panels!) don't be afraid to post them and tag me for a color this in your style type of thing! (you can also put it in my tracked tag, #user.roy) i'd love to see everyone's works :)
here's the full timelapse: (it stalls for a bit at some times but hey we can't have everything)
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cod-sins · 11 months
Can I have Ghost, König and Thomas Hewitt (if you write two fandoms in one) with male reader who is a metal head? Long hair, corpse paint, is fascinated with gore stuff and such.
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.ೃ࿐ Format: HCs.
.ೃ࿐ Reader: Male. Heavy Metal!Reader.
.ೃ࿐ Ratings: SFW. Gore/Blood mention.
.ೃ࿐ Word Count: 1.3K
[A/N: FIRST MALE READER REQUEST LET'S GOO! Thank you anon for giving me an excuse to watch TCM again. I also did some similar HCs with König (no mention of gender) you can check those out as well. Also, it was so hard for me to find a picture of a black male with corpse paint *sigh*.]
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Wowie y'all make an interesting duo.
Between his skull mask/balaclava and your corpse paint and dark clothing, you two make a very visually appealing couple. Ghost jokes about how it's always Halloween at y'alls house.
He likes your long hair. Military guys aren't allowed to have long hair so seeing you with long hair is somewhat refreshing to him.
There is something that awakens inside of Ghost when he sees you walking around shirtless with your hair down.
Ghost is another COD character who wouldn't be surprised by your music.
His father used to take him to Bone Licker concerts (sounds pretty heavy metal to me) when he was younger but he stopped going after the prostitute incident. With him being in the military it only drove him further away but if you could convince him to go to concerts with you he would.
He would make sure to mark the date so he wouldn't forget or let his work intervene. With even more convincing he would allow to you paint a skull on his face, he wouldn't wear it out though he'd switch back to his balaclava.
If there was a chance he couldn't make it to a concert or just didn't wanna go, he'd make it up to you by buying you VIP tickets.
Gets really defensive when other guys hit on you. Puts himself between you and the guy. “Yeah his style is nice and all now bug off.”
At first, Ghost would try and shield you from whatever injuries he has. If he came home still a little bruised and bloody from his last mission he wouldn't want you to see, probably heading straight to the bathroom to freshen up until you tell him you aren't squeamish and you're fine with it. Then he would come straight to the bedroom while you clean up his bloody bandaged shoulder.
Thought you were an odd fella the first time he laid eyes on you. It was most likely Soap who set you guys up.
He acknowledges your interest in gore, however, he'd prefer if you kept it to yourself. When he's deployed he's constantly surrounded by it--by death and blood. So when he gets home it's the last thing he wants to see.
Since the majority of Ghost's clothing is dark colors he would mix up y'alls clothing and wouldn't notice.
“Hey, Simon?” “Yeah?” “Is that my shirt?“ He peers down realizing it is in fact your shirt.”Ah, yeah sorry love I guess I grabbed the wrong thing.” He begins to take it off until you tell him it's okay and that he actually looks really good in it.
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The moment König laid eyes on you he was blown away.
He doesn't see people with your style so he thought you were very unique. He asks you why dress that way and why your makeup looks so crazy. He doesn't mean to come off as rude or anything he's just not used to it and he likes to hear you talk about your interests.
König would shyly ask if you could make his face look like yours. He would let you sit on his lap and watch as you meticulously drew on his face with black liner, on top of the white paint. He'd have a dumb smile on his face after you finish.
Just like Ghost, König would also go to concerts with you. If you were on the shorter side he would pick you up and put you on his shoulders so you could get a better view. The dude is like a rock so when people get a little too aggressive with their thrashing he has you stand behind him so you don't get hit.
Likes when you put your hair up and let strands of hair fall down, thinks it's really hot. König would stare non-stop until you called him.
Wouldn't say anything about your gore interest but he would indulge you in ways he killed/kills people. [cough cough König finishers cough]
He told you about how one time he sniped a man and his brain splattered out on a wall behind him. Or once he snapped a dude's neck so hard you could see the bone about to come out.
König watches closely as your eyes get big and you squirm in your seat as he goes on and on about his war stories.
He glares at anyone who would dare say anything negative about you. That includes his coworkers and supervisors.
König could not tell you the name of the bands you listen to because of the font. He says it looks all scrambled and he couldn't tell which letter is which.
When you told him you thought he was a little intimidating the first time you he giggled and told you, he felt the same way too. People think y'all are like that one scary goth couple in school.
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The first time Thomas saw you he instantly fell in love.
He couldn't stop staring at you, he thought you were sent by the devil himself as a gift.
He is so interested in you especially since you guys look the same. You have long hair, he has long hair. You wear intricate corpse paint that covers your face, he delicately sews people's faces together to cover his.
Thomas wouldn't allow Hoyt [derogatory] to make fun of you. He takes a lot of shit from him but he draws the line at his boyfriend being made fun of.
Thomas prefers your hair over his. His isn't really taken care of. It's all greasy and messy so if you took the time to brush and style it, he'd probably cry.
No one is that nice to him besides his mom. So it'd be up to you to spoil him.
I imagine the type of music you listen to isn't common in Texas, especially on rural Texas radio so he would be very interested in it.
He would have you play it while he's dealing with his victims because he finds the screaming to be very annoying and sometimes headache inducing.
Tommy always keeps an out for you to make sure you don't pass out from the heat. He'd literally be standing there, watching you with your paint running down your face with a concerned look on his face as you tell him you're fine.
He would let you watch him disassemble bodies. Since you're interested in that stuff Thomas thinks it's the perfect bonding experience.
Thomas would also put your ass to work, I'm sorry to say. He believes everyone should pull their weight including his partner.
While his method of butchering is sloppy, he would still show you how to properly gut a person and how to get the most meat off the bones.
He's happy that you have an interest in gore and he would most definitely make a mask for you. If you were to wear it around he would be so unbelievably happy.
You're wearing his art AND you like it?? A match made in heaven.
If you were too grossed out by the whole canniblism thing Thomas would try and find you other food. There aren't a lot of animals in the area but he would try and catch deer, rabbits, or coyotes.
Thomas might have you lure in other victims, and you may have to change your look-up to be more “approachable” so he would lend you some of his clothes. They'd be too big but he and his mom know how to tailor.
He would only do this if you felt comfortable with it, he would never want to put you in harm's way.
I think Thomas would do a lot to make sure you're okay. He doesn't get that luxury and he is afraid of you leaving him for someone else.
You would have to reassure him that you wouldn't leave him because he's pretty insecure about himself and being around Hoyt and Monty does not help.
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howlingdemon13 · 2 months
You could use a buddy~!
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Guys, you have no idea how happy I am that this is complete! You know I'm gonna be supper obnoxious now that I can turn into a demonic ghost with mommy issues. 🤪 Anyway, some notes and thoughts on this cosplay that no one asked for and no one wants~!
First and foremost, this cosplay is sort of a clonesona. I feel like (if given the chance), Beetlejuice would play around with how his clones look. Obviously on stage it’s impossible to find actors who look identical to the lead, but I like that the fandom has embraced BJ being unable/unwilling to create clones that are a 100% physical match. If that’s the case, I’m sure he throws in a more fem-presenting clone once in a while.
This doubles as a feminine-presenting form for Beetlejuice himself, too (Toonjuice has no issue changing his gender presentation at will in a bunch of scenarios, and I like to think that Musicaljuice would be the same/similar). I guess a version of Beetlejuice that’s female would be fun, but I prefer the idea of BJ shapeshifting to look and present the way he wants to (or to have fun with unsuspecting victims).
Even from the early development of this cosplay all the way back in October, choosing between a dress and a suit was like pulling teeth. I love the suit an unhealthy amount, but I wanted something distinct from other interpretations. That, and I was hesitant to lean into the hyper-sexualized looks I’ve seen from officially licensed offshoots of the character. Beetlejuice, while a self-proclaimed sexual being, doesn’t read as the kind of entity to go from generally masc-presenting all the way to hyper-sexual fem-presenting. Also, where the hell is the grime on all these fem designs???? Why does she look clean? Cowards!
I think BJ would settle on a fem-presenting form in a suit, but I also think he’s just as comfortable in a dress regardless of the pronouns/physical characteristics he’s using at any given moment. He likes his dresses and we love him for it.
I wanted a dress that felt “old” but not dated,so I settled on a shirt dress. They came about in the 1920’s, but didn’t become super popular until the 50’s. The cut of Beetlejuice’s suit is somewhere between modern and a style that would have been popular in the 50’s, too.
I also think shirt dresses are pretty “neutral” in that they aren’t form-fitting and they read more like a shirt from the waist up. I didn’t want anything dainty, but I wanted some movement to the fabric, and a dress does that a bit better than a suit imo. It’s why I love Beetlejuice’s first 15 minutes on stage in the trench coat. I know it’s a callback to when we first see him in the movie, but it adds a ton of secondary movement and looks cartoony when coupled with very exaggerated movements typical of a stage show. It’s why I love watching Collette especially bounce around on stage because istg he knows this (or that him growing up with the cartoon make him really lean into over the top body language and the trench coat just adds to it).
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Like, look at that! Are you seeing what I’m saying? If I could animate, that would be a dream shot!
Oops, can’t go 15 minutes without thinking of the silly.
All that is to say that movement and form in an outfit, especially one for a character as chaotic as Beetlejuice, was super important to me. It’s also why I settled on long, curly hair, kept the tie, and added a bow. All of that breaks up patterns, adds movement, and is something I can put moss on. Anyway, this cosplay has a lot of little nods to the musical, cartoon, and film (but is mostly based off of the musical).
Cartoon: bugs!! Toonjuice is sometimes seen with small beetles chilling on his suit (which he inevitably snacks on). I love the idea of Beej being covered in bugs, so I felt compelled to include them on the dress and hat. It's a subtle reference, but one that I really wanted. They’re made out of scrap polymer clay and painted. Here are a few:
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Film: The guide hat! It's iconic. I know that the hat made it into very early versions of the musical and promotional materials, but how it got thrown by the wayside is beyond me.
Musical: the grime and disrepair! I was heavily inspired by an early suit that is absolutely covered in moss!
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I also added a lot of grime to the shoulders and hem as a callback to later versions of the suit and especially the tour version of it. I also added some x stitches since I really like the way they look on the current tour suit!
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Oh, and the banjolele! Can't forget my favorite prop!
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Miscellaneous: I love giving supernatural characters pointy ears and fangs, so you best believe I’m going to do the same for BJ. Slightly related, but I love the tour makeup so much. The makeup artists really lean into Beetlejuice being corpsey and I’m here for it (I essentially combine the tour and film makeup to get the look I’m after).
Oh! And snap bracelets! I remember hardcore stimming with these as a kid to the point of destroying them (then it was goodbye snap bracelets), and you cannot tell me Beetlejuice, neurodivergent-coded demon ghost, wouldn’t be the same way. Full disclosure, I had to wrap them around metal bands because these snaps are rubber and the texture is a nightmare for me, but I was determined to include them. They’re also a substitute for Beetlejuice’s watches in the film.
God/Satan, that was a lot of rambling. If you survived all that, thanks for reading!
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thebottomfromhell · 11 months
hello!! I enjoy your stuff!! I was wondering if request are open could you headcanons of the upper moons having a goth s/o ?
like imagine their partner having platforms, chokers, black lipstick, the dark clothing and tattoos uwu
I would really love to see how they would react to them 🫰
Requests open, don't worry. It's a lovely ask, I hope you like it. I am writting considering the context, most are demons in the XX century that have lived at least 100 years, all of them from JAPAN. If it wasn't because most of this guys are freaks, none of them would approve.
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How does the Uppermoons feel about your asthetic? Goth GN Reader.
Warnings: Kokushibou being a grampa 😂, Referenced sexual content, Sekido being emotional again, and Akaza has his implied angst (why almost everything in him has at least some hidden angst?).
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Gyutaro loves your asthetic, it's almost the opposite of the traditional japanese beauty standards and he's all for it. He thinks it suits you a lot and he is not bothered when you want to show off a inked skin or too much skin. (He specially loves tattoos, thinks it's genial that marks on the body can be artistic, he is always nervious to touch them but you can see he wants to).
If you want to share a t-shirt, lend him some jewelry, put a choker in his neck, paint his nails or make him a fake tattoo (his regeneration would ruin a real one), then he is reasy for you to dress him up. (Even the lipstick, he is all for messy kisses and the more the merrier) With you as a partner he would start to incorporate some of this things to his everyday style (and Daki would loath you for it.)
Gyokko is conflicted, he likes the gothic style, adores it even. The themes, the dark colors, the uniqueness, it's a great asthetic. But it's not his asthetic. He likes colors, soft patterns, brightness. And of course Gyokko can't have it if it's not about himself, not that he minds. "Some things must be loved from afar. It's like art, you are not supposed to interact or be part of it if you are not the artist. You are just supposed to appreciate it."
He fully supports the way you look, the way you dress, and he might try to wear dark make up every once in a while with you doing it as a bonding experience, if you have something really nice then jewelry is a must, specially the choker (he feels sexy with it)... but besides that, he would barely touch it. Also, you better keep your mouth away with that lipstick.
It suits you, he doesn't have any strong opinion about it besides that. If that is what you want to wear, please do. But he got to admit there are things he is rather intimidated by in your style, the dark colors everywhere and memento mori themes are one of those.
He would not let you near with any of your things, not even the nail painting. Still, he would be plainty supportive of you expressing yourself. He is ok with the lipstick, though, it causes no harm.
Sekido is ok with it, it's the way you express yourself and dress is none of his business. He doesn't really like it but still thinks it's much better than dressing like Karaku or Urogi. He doesn't mind anything you do tl yourself as long as you like it.
And if you ever think of lending him something... don't, at best he will not use it, at worst he will give it to Urogi or Karaku and you will never see that piece of clothing/jewelry again. And try to put any make up on him he will literally have you shocked untill you pass out. Also, please clean the lipstick off if you want a kiss, he doesn't like them that messy.
Karaku thinks it's beautiful and sexy, he loves it a lot and is unafraid to say it. The second he saw you he said "Damn, you're looking good, hot-stuff. Suits you so much I'm almost envy it." He falls in love with you again evertime you expose a tattoo (he will trail the drawing with his index as he whispers how much he loves it in yoour skin by your ear) or wear tight and black clothes.
Don't mind him matching your style every once in a while, when he gets the mood to fix himself. But now that you gave him the idea he is forever using a choker, best thing ever. Also, he loves the black lipstick, he is enamored with kissing you with both having some and creating a mess, also he likes it since is extremely visible in his unlike bitemarks (they heal), so he is all for you kissing anywhere you like with it.
Urogi adores it, he thinks it's unique. Really, he gets all over you and asks you things like "What is that?" "How did you get it?" "Is it uncomfortable?" He also comments how it looks good in you. This includes the tattos, he loves then, even licks them at times lnly to see if it rubs off and is always amazed when it doesn't, even if he ever licked that same spot a million times.
After a while you realize he started to steal your stuff, specially the jewelry. He doesn't even wears them, he just likes them a lot so he keeps them. You can't get him to wear anything at all, he will run away at the sight of you wanting to dress him up (like a dog realizing it's bath-day, maybe he does think you will force him into a shower cuz he stinks a bit and you would not want to wear a shirt that he just used).
Aizetsu likes it, he thinks you look nice in it, you look like yourself. Dark clothes fit anyone, he thinks, and damn him if he isn't attracted to the themes, specially the memento mori. The thing he loves the most are the tattoos, the fact that they are part of you. He asks about their meaning, of why did you choose certain design, of the experience, he uses them as a way to know you.
Now, he wouldn't actually wear that. While he also likes dark clothes, he uses only things that are comfortable for his skin and to do the katas with his spear. But... a little bullying and he will be willing to match with you for a while. Oh, and he looks adorable after a messy kiss with the lipstick. He loves it and hates it at the same time, since it's awful but he likes that you can leave a mark that won't heal so he doesm't want to clean it off.
Nakime is in love with your style, she doesn't understand it as much as she feels she should, since he also wears black. She likes the themes, adores the tattoos (even if she would die before letting a needle basically embroider ink into her skin), dies for the make up and jewelry, also the fact she literally fell in love with you when she saw you like that... she still hasn't managed to integrate herself fully into it. She adores it, yearns it, but it's not hers.
Still, Nakime does like when you lend her something, and she would use them from time to time as long as you guide her through the style. And she likes a lot to kiss if you are both wearing lipstick, even if she doesn't like to deal with the mess it leaves in the skin.
Akaza doesn't share the taste, but he is very supportive. He likes to see you dress up the way it makes you comfortable and happy, and he is not above gifting you a gothic piece of jewelry or cloth if that will make you happy. His biggest issue are the tattoos, for some reason they make him feel on edge (you are used to him being paranoid of you being hurt, but fearing it out of a tattoo?)
He would not wear none of those, never. Akaza loves you, but he is not comfortable with the idea of so much black in him. It's actually funny because he wears white and pink, so you give the Jade (you) and Kat (him) vibe from Victorious at first glance. Also, he is not going to stop you from kissing hin if you wear lipstick, but he is cleaning his mouth the second your lips leave his.
Douma literally doesn't care. You could both dress in the most expensive suit or a trash bag and the same reaction. "You look lovely in that!" But he says it mostly because it's the correct thing to say, since he doesn't have feelings on the matter. The only think he is curious about are the tattoos, but once he made some questions like "Did it hurt?" "Why this drawing?" "What if one day you don't like it anymore?" He starts losing interest.
He also doesn't care lf you put anything on him, you could give him a tattoo if you ever wanted. He doesn't care if the kisses might get messy with the lipstick or even if you want to put make up in him, at best he will think having his face "painted" is funny and at worst he will clean it off. Douma just doesn't care.
Kokushibou hates it, if he wasn't a demon he would have died from a heart attack everytime he saw you using a choker with black lipstick, visible tattoos, clothes too tight in your skin and/or too revealing (he thinks too revealing is showing your shoulders, thighs, any tiny bit of chest, waist, back and so) and way too many accesories for his liking. And don't get him starting with the memento mori themes (he's terrified by it).
This is a japanese traditional man, and what your style is almost the exact opposite of it. Still, he barely comments on it, he's a very quiet man, and he's so horrified he doesn't know how to approach because... you really like to be like that??? [Go to sleep gramps 😂] If you ever put anything gothic on him, no matter what, even if it's just the figure of your lips with the black lipstick, forget the canon timeline, he will die then and there. [Poor grampa, your youth is too much for him 🤣]
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Can you please talk about how you 3D model? I love your style and as an aspiring 3d modeller myself the dragon models you make are just so satisfying!! love the khepra (they can do no wrong)
Thank you!! I’d love to talk about it ,,
So I learned how to 3D model by following a roblox game studio called Sonar Studios a few years ago. The lead developer makes speedModeling videos on youtube if you'd like to reference those. Back then I could only learn by visuals and trying to figure out what they were doing but eventually after self teaching myself, I was able to become a trial dev for them and learn with them!! So what I’ll be talking about closely reflects their style of modeling.
First, I have this old Google slides I made of the basics of blender (program I use)(you can ignore the parts about roblox)
But before that, I want to share how my models started out (after a bit of eyeballing)
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This guy looks good visually UNTIL you look at his wireframe... oh boy... Some issues I can name here are: modifiers not applied, unoptimized, seems kinda lazily done
BUT! I wanted to continue modeling due to the idea of having "digital action figures of my designs" which is super fun lol. So I practiced here and there and now I'm pretty comfortable where I'm at but I wont pass up the opportunity to learn new things about blender!
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(wings hidden for convenience) You can see now, this guy is MUCH cleaner looking compared to that model from 2021. I want to say though, the only modifier I don't apply unless I'm going to rig the model is the Mirror modifier.
OPTIMIZATION. IS. IMPORTANT! (and so is making sure your model looks clean on the wireframe level)
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Look at the stats of both these models! The left is the model from 2021 while the right is the model from 2024... huge difference! That's because I learned how to optimize! Detail of your model plays a huge part in this too but you can see that visually, both appear to be just as detailed. (Lower numbers usually means better BUT do not over-optimize because it can make your model look lower quality. Clean up your model the best you can while retaining as much original quality as possible! it is OK to cut out some design elements, for example if you have a really complex splotch pattern, depending on how detailed, it's ok to get rid of smaller and less important patterns as long as you keep close to the original shape to preserve quality.)
Some things of note before I move on:
The way I apply materials in the google slides is outdated (in my style) and now I follow this tutorial (I also change my model ref sheets to include gradient palettes if I need them)
I DO THIS AS A HOBBY! Not everything I do is perfect and that's okay!
I ALWAYS simplify my ref sheets to make them easier to model (it is OK to have a super detailed design as long as there's no super tiny details you wont notice)(additionally, if your design is detailed and your numbers start to go up, don't worry)
I have a natural eye for 3D shapes which is why modeling comes easy to me but if you struggle with only a side view of your subject then draw/reference more angles!
Also... you didn't ask but I want to touch back on the idea of "digital action figures" with the basics of rigging your model
I follow this tutorial but specifically the section on "rigid rigging" because weight painting is still a mystery to me. I know it's important.. but because I don't use my models besides personal use, my rigging abilities are super messy lol. I don't name my bones unless it's for symmetry reasons. Something also of note is when I'm ready to rig my model, I split it. Basically meaning I turn it from a figure to an action figure by giving it ball joints! (this part is probably the most tedious and boring)
In this style of modeling, your joints may never be perfect but it doesn't matter, you learn to love it.
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turbulentscrawl · 7 months
Thank you for the Weeping hc!!! Would I trouble you for some Weeping sfw and nsfw crumbs?
eheh you bet I can ewe This guy's really growing on me.
Weeping Clown
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-Partially due to his own insecurities and a resulting unwillingness to judge people, Joker doesn’t have much preference for a partner’s body type. He has a fondness for delicate, feminine aesthetics, but it’s not a deal breaker if his partner prefers other styles. Personality is much more important; you need to be kind.
-Joker is terrified of confrontation. All kinds, in and out of matches. If you’re someone who’s often getting into spats with other people, his methods of helping are limited to patching you up after the fact or, if it’s looking really bleak, swooping in with a rocket, scooping you up, and booking it. Seeing you in danger raises his blood pressure so much please he’s begging you to stay out of trouble.
-That said, I mean...he has killed a dude. Or he thinks he killed a dude, anyway, depending on if you think Smiley is alternative Joker or is actually Sergei. If your life were genuinely in danger, it’s not impossible for him to do it again…. But he’d agonize over his actions for the rest of his life.
-It never gets any easier for him to see people, especially you, get hurt or die in matches. He knows it’s not supposed to be permanent. He does. But a part of him is always scared the manor’s revival powers will just disappear one day and you’ll be gone for good. He needs a lot of comforting after matches, so please let him steal you away when you get back.
-He gives, like, amazing hugs and cuddles. He’s tall and lanky enough that he can really ivy-wrap himself around most people. When cuddling laying down, he prefers to be facing his partner so he can admire them. He’ll ghost his fingers over your face and hands randomly throughout, caressing you carefully, just to ease some of the love-pressure building in his chest. He also loves when you sit in his lap, though it makes him incredibly red in the face.
-He likes to share food. Joker’s a bit of a grazer; he likes to have a bunch of little snacks throughout the day. As a result, he doesn’t eat as much at mealtimes, and finds it a great excuse to share a plate. He always offers you some of his snacks, and tends to keep some of your favorites on hand once he knows what they are.
-I think he probably had a few flings during his time in the circus, but he doesn’t look back on them favorably for any number of reasons. Maybe he engaged in them because he was desperate for some affection, then was disappointed when they failed to fill that void. Maybe he was gossiped about after, made fun of. Maybe they just weren’t satisfying. Either way, he doesn’t enjoy talking about them, and didn’t glean much experience from them.
-Sub. Subby sub sub. He will take the lead if you ask him to, but his confidence waivers a lot in that role. And, frankly, he just really likes to be cooed over and doted on. Other than that, though, he’s pretty vanilla.
-He prefers it slow and sweet. Lovemaking requires time, focus, and a lot of kisses. Don’t ever forget the kisses. Please call him Sugar Lips. You can almost see the blush through the face paint. Also, hold his hands. You can even pin them down if you like, just as long as you hold his actual hands instead of his wrists.
 He likes spontaneity, so long as the act itself isn’t rushed. He secretly finds it really hot to see his face paint smeared all over your lips and cheeks after you’ve jumped his bones. (He normally take the paint off before sexy times to avoid the extra mess.) He will help you clean up, but just…just give him a minute to look at you. He wants to take it in.
-He dislikes any kind of degradation or intentional causing of pain, both in and out of the bedroom. Do not call him names, insult him, or handle him too roughly. With the way he’s been treated previously, it feels like betrayal coming from his lover.
-It’s also a betrayal if you talk to people about the details of your bedroom endeavors. He doesn’t mind if people know you’ve spent intimate time together, but he can’t stand the thought of people other than his partner knowing about his body or his skills, even if what you tell them is positive. He finds it humiliating for people other than you to know what he’s like under his clothes and paint.
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hollycircling · 11 months
would you consider dropping some tips on how you color? your art always has such a nice feeling to it
Thank you so much, and yes, absolutely! 
So... I have been agonizing over how to answer this question for over a week because I tend to make a lot of my major decisions based on what looks and feels good to me in the moment. It’s sort of hard to explain. Then I started getting philosophical with it (“how does one color? How do I explain aesthetic?”), and I started rambling, and had to cut the answer way, way, way down lol.
But here’s what I can help with right now. I think the most important part of how I color is my tools and what they allow me to do. These are currently my favorite brushes to use: 
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From top to bottom, I use Kyle T’s Gouache for just about everything. A lot of my recent pieces are done entirely in that– I love the chunky texture and how the pressure mimics traditional gouache. It’s great for children’s book illustrations, and filling linework, and realistic portraits. She is my soft wife and I love her. 
I practically never use the default hard round. Ignore that. 
The roller brush is another one I use for painting. It was my go-to before KT’s gouache, so you’ll find it a lot in my older work (and as a big texture thing in my current works). The “Sampled Tip” below that one I usually use for children’s book styled illustrations. It’s like a really dense, waxy crayon, so it’s fun for textured lines and details.
I always paint in my own shadows and highlights, but I like to use the soft round if I want to blow the shadow or highlight out. It’s for extra large areas.
And finally my pencil. I use it for sketching as well as linework, if I plan on doing a linework-centric piece. I don’t think there’s much of a difference between the two there… one is probably smoother than the other. 
The reason why I like textured, pressure-sensitive brushes so much is because they’re important to how I paint. When I blend, I don’t use a blender brush or a smudge tool. What I do is layer two colors– lightly– then use the eyedropper to select the color between them and continue painting with it. That’s probably the key to most of my work. I’ve gotten pretty fast at it, so I’m constantly selecting colors from the painting and reusing it throughout my painting. 
I still use the color-wheel to hand-pick what I think will look best, though. This is probably going to be a really frustrating answer, but I choose color palettes based on basic color/lighting theory combined with personal aesthetic preference. It can take some studying (of both theory and other artists’ work). If you’re ever looking for a really great reference on the former subjects, I highly recommend Color and Light by James Gurny. Even if you’re not into watercolor or dinosaurs or realism, the guy is a master at explaining all that different stuff in depth. 
Shape and negative space are also pretty important to me, but that's a whole other thing. And as a side-note, I recommend following more children’s book illustrators. Their work may look simple, but a lot of intention goes into how they use color, shape, space, and texture. 
Also, on texture, I hand-draw most of mine. I love to add little scratches and drops and splashes when the painting is almost over. It's one of my favorite things to do :')
Now, the other most important tip:
Once I’m happy with the sketch/linework, and once I’ve laid down the basic colors of my piece, I do a Really Terrible Thing. I become a graphic designer’s worst nightmare and collapse everything onto one layer. 
Then I paint directly on top of it, linework and all.
I do this for a lot of reasons, but mostly because 1) my tiny brain is overwhelmed by the clutter of too many layers, and 2) it forces me to approach a piece as if it was traditional media– a process which I find a lot more comfortable and rewarding. I paint right on top of the base colors, and right on top of the linework, effectively redoing and cleaning up what I already have there. Even if I'm working with a blank background, I'll paint a new blank one on top because it gives the feeling of a more unified piece, if that makes sense.
Basically, I approach my drawings as if I’m using traditional media. I like chunky brushes, utilizing (what I personally think are) interesting color combinations and textures, and smashing everything down onto one page so I can just paint. 
Anyway, please let me know if there’s anything specific you’d like me to go into detail on, any pieces of mine you’d like to know how exactly I went about it, etc etc etc. I’m happy to answer ^^
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k-tarotz · 30 days
https://www.tumblr.com/k-tarotz/748310935714791424/hello-can-u-do-theo-p1harmony-ideal-type-tysm?source=share thank u for the reading! now i wonder if he's an old soul cause the reading is very wise?🤔 can u describe his energy during your reading? like is he easy to read/very open or maybe the opposite etc? also im so excited for the next reading again thank u!!!
Theo’s Ideal Type;
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DISCLAIMER tarot is a form of entertainment, not a set in stone truth. please read this with a light heart, don’t take it too seriously. whether you fit these or not, you are pretty.
his energy… is pretty shy, but also honest. his higher-self didn’t back away from telling me his preferences. it’s almost as if he aimed to perplex me, in a playful way. pretty playful guy.
nine of cups, the emperor, knight of swords
tanned skin - everybody has a preference for skin tones and he might prefer tanned skin. sun kissed, a deep shade of beige. (completely unrelated, he might also think freckles are cute.) regardless, he also thinks pale skin is pretty, but if it’s harmonious with the rest of xyz features. (for example he might like light hair on paler people. not necessarily blond, I am getting more of a white or brightly coloured one with red/orange in a pastel way. just something unique.)
long hair - he doesn’t really care too much, he just prefers it both on himself and his partner. no specific length, anything below your shoulders is probably long for him already. even if his s/o or crush has short hair he doesn’t really care much.
pretty hands - came through really strong, for whatever reason. he prefers ones that look elegant? clean, neat and well looked after. he doesn’t expect anything to have a routine, he just likes pretty hands.
shorter than him - like around 160 - 168 is the ideal in his eyes? that’s just a guess from the vision I got though. he would prefer a shorter s/o due to him finding it cute and an easier opportunity to playfully tease.
dark colours - darker hair, darker eyes, darker clothing style. it’s a natural attraction. he seems more attracted to people with a little bit of diversity but still feels more comfortable with a darker “pallet” if that makes sense. say someone who often wears black clothes but they still have colourful ones. it’s hard to explain, because he doesn’t really care so he doesn’t really think about it. it’s just there.
feminine and masculine - someone with balanced feminine and masculine energies. not in a forced kind of way though, just one that comes to him naturally. for example if he is attracted to men then he likes masculine guys who paint their nails, but not black to seem cool and get flirting points but because they genuinely enjoy it. if he likes girls then girls who can dress up cute, have make up on but also know when to lay back at home and just allow themselves to be messy? have messy hair, pjs on while doing whatever. I don’t know his sexuality and I won’t assume because it’s neither mine or anyone else’s business, my point is he likes the diversity in movements and behaviour. the way a person carries themselves. to him that has a lot to do with how one appears. (might be true for personality as well, he doesn’t seem to like people that lack depth.)
naturally inviting - as in, energy wise. someone you look at and know that they won’t judge you. that they are friendly and accepting of people. he mainly wants someone like this because he could enjoy cuddling and being close to people. so, someone that is nice to cuddle. (he might also think some people are more comfortable to cuddle than others.)
smells good - smells have a lot to do with how one is perceived looks wise! for him, he prefers someone who smells good due to naturally viewing them as someone who takes care of themselves and their appearance. his favourite might be baby powder & soap (reminds him of xyz being freshly showered) and/or floral scented fragrances.
thank you for reading!~
- C
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pretty-oooodd · 1 year
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BSD men with a punk s/o!!
Featuring: Dazai, Chūya, Atsushi, Ranpo, Kunikida, Akutagawa, Sigma, Fyodor, Nikolai.
TW/CW: no tw, this is a fluff "domestic" one. Mention of tattoos, piercings. Let me know if you want me to add more (bc I'm not really practical with tws).
Enjoy <3!!
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DAZAI is the kind of guy that's always been interested in these kinds of subcultures, especially punk, but he didn't really had the reasons or will to get into it.
He likes the trash pants, the one full of patches, chains and tears.
But his absolute favorites are the skinny ones full of tears, with fishnets underneath them.
He's a big tease, so he would really have fun poking the holes in his s/o's clothes. Especially the ones on their tights.
You have tattoos? Cool, give him sharpies (Crayola ones) and he'll color your tats.
Piercing on your lips? He'll make sure to lick it when he kisses you.
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Ow come on, our buddy CHŪYA is a punk soul.
Argue with the wall.
He listens to punk music with his HEART.
And kinda likes the clothing, he just prefers his elegant attire.
So, if his s/o is punk he will love it. Absolutely admire you for your style and strong ideals, bc let's not forget what punk is abt!!
If you have tattoo sleeves, especially flowers, he STANS.
Nose piercings and studs lover here. He himself wants a nose piercing.
If you wear the same size clothes, he maybe steal something from your closet.
Would probably bring you to a concert.
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ATSUSHI is so soft and probably doesn't like studs but he would never offend you ^^
He wasn't really interested or educated on this community before meeting you.
He learned the lace code just for you!!
Doesn't really understand and like the music, but supports you and everything you like!
He LOVES your tattoos! He thinks they are so cool.
If you have piercings he will make sure to learn how to clean them and help you with it.
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RANPO thinks that your style is interesting but doesn't really mind it.
If you're a messy, chaotic person, you will get along.
If you have one of those wonderful haircuts like Mohawks or just bright hair color he will absolutely love it.
Likes playing with your hair and coloring your tattoos.
The patches in your pants and vests are his favorite parts.
Doesn't listen much music in general, so punk isn't really his problem anyway.
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I still haven't understood what's KUNIKIDA's "ideal woman".
Btw, he isn't a fan of punk or these cultures in general but likes you anyway.
Considers tattoos and piercings (everything abt this style) "unprofessional".
And he will tell you but there's nothing he can do abt it.
We stan a punk monarch.
Will always be the one to remember you to clean and treat your tats and piercings.
Kinda likes the dedication you put into styling your own clothes and hair.
And he likes the fact that the community expresses its ideals too.
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Bro doesn't care.
Lord give him two shits to give pls.
Jkjk, AKUTAGAWA kinda likes the "aggressive" style.
He's into the metal music probably idk.
Likes the studs and boots with platforms.
Likes to sew the patches on your vests and pants.
Piercings like nose bridge are his absolute favorites!!
You shaved your eyebrows for him, how sweet.
He's an introvert but the moshpit would be his natural habitat, just to let the rage out.
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Poor man, SIGMA got scared the first time he saw you.
He doesn't fully understand the "use" or "meaning" of this style but he's learning.
Not a fan of the music but loves you, so he will listen something if you ask him.
He likes your tattoos, as he thinks of them as a form of art that makes you unique.
Piercings aren't his thing tho. Really doesn't understand them but loves earrings.
You two probably have some matching sets of earrings.
He finds punks intimidating but in a good way.
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HOW PT. 2?????? WHAT?
I mean, I think FYODOR's kinda into metal and goth things but punk???
Punk really isn't his thing.
Doesn't like piercings, idk.
But tats are a form of art for him, just like painting.
He appreciates your dedication to the ideals even if he doesn't fully agree sometimes.
His favorite parts of your outfits are the boots!
He probably likes your hair too, bc they're particular.
Doesn't like the concerts so he won't come with you.
He probably looks cool af in a leather jacket with studs.
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NIKOLAI is a biiig tease.
He likes to play with your hair and piercings.
He's the prime example of man child: give him sharpies and he will color your tats gladly.
Probably wants to get a piercing just like his s/o!!
He dies your hair. You have no escape from this.
Skinny jeans fan!!
Nikolai isn't really into punk music but likes early 2000s emo culture (early Panic! At The Disco and Fall Out Boy).
My boy will torment you if you don't let him try your clothes on.
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kumachii · 1 year
✎ pairing. keisuke baji × fem!reader [no use of y/n]
✎ warnings. swearing, light mention of fighting, blood, surgeries, etc.
✎ notes. takes place right after the august 3rd battle. i was working on an original character when this came into existence. didn't know how an oc would be received so went with the safer choice (・3・) she is called 'ruri' in my head but feel free to imagine your oc/self. luv ya!
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It wasn't uncommon for her to dwindle in front of the apartment complex. Or, it wasn't while daylight still graced the streets of Shibuya. At night though, everything became eerily quiet and — be it her so-called masochistic delight of devouring horror movies knowing she could kiss sleep goodbye — every squeak or flickering shadow concocted wild imaginations in her brain.
The swing went back and forth, the rustic joints creaking and clanging. Her feet kicked up dirt, formerly white converses now painted yellow. She checked her wristwatch once again, sighing as another minute ticked by. Still no him.
An old tin box sloppily painted white sat on the seat next to hers, a red cross marked on it to designate its purpose. She couldn't possibly not get ticked off. He was supposed to be there a whole hour ago.
Even then, the worry outweighed ire. Every faint click of the watch's hands added another knot to her wrenching gut. How she wished he would just stop getting into these stupid skirmishes. Stop picking fights at the slightest inconvenience. Stop getting bloodied up all the damn time even if he did emerge victorious.
But normal was just not his style.
No, Baji was loud, wild and somewhere crossed between self assured and entirely too overconfident. Because she'd tell anyone like she told him a million times, one day he would get into a battle he couldn't win. And he would reassure her with a pointy grin, that notion was apparently impossible.
Perhaps it was that rambunctious outlook that both knew was dangerously naive, mixed with limitless loyalty that drove her mad.
And if he was relentlessly capable of anything, it was keeping his word. To his mother who was his greatest hero, to his friends that he adored more than anything and even to outsiders living in his neighborhood who he'd help around without uttering a word — in their eyes he could do no wrong. So, if being the orbit on which all the people in his life functioned kept him from fulfilling just one promise, one made to her, could she really be mad?
The generous rumble of an exhaust stirred her from her thoughts. She had been staring at the one stray cat who frequented the torn down park ad much as they did. The bike stopped at the sidewalk, a little ways away under the streetlight as the engine died down.
"Hey, little guy", Baji greeted the before he acknowledged her. Of course he did. Rolling her eyes, she kicked the ground once again, refusing to acknowledge him or the bruising wound on his somewhat pleasant face.
But her momentary resolve shattered when the cat purred, rubbing its face into the brunette's hand as if she didn't spend the entirety of her pocket money buying treats for him. Glaring at the feline, she cleared her throat in a manner demanding attention.
"Hey", Baji flashed her a lopsided smile, bit exaggerated but genuine. Then there was something else, too — forced down exhaustion evident in his dilated pupils.
She deadpanned at his lacking response. "Hey? It's what...", she made a display of eyeing her wrist, "Almost ten at night. You said you'd be here at an hour tops and all you can say is 'hey'?"
Without waiting for a retort, one that was bound to come, she plucked the first aid kit from the swing, retrieving a bottle of hydrogen peroxide and a packet of cotton swabs. She was almost running out from the times she'd cleaned his wounds that month alone.
"In my defense, I was going to make it on time but then Draken decided he wasn't havin it and got himself landed in the E.R. Fuck, you should've seen the paramedics, they were running around like headless chickens trying to stop the bleeding from a stab", he gruffed out.
When he did speak though, she almost tripped over her own feet.
At that moment, whether her blown wide eyes were comical or not, she hadn't the time to ponder. "I— What...", words failed her, coming out in incompressible jumbles. "He got stabbed?! Is he okay?"
"Out of danger", Baji revealed with a huff and her heart finally allowed blood to return to her entire body.
He didn’t explain any further, neither did she probe. It wasn't that she was unfamiliar with the people he called friends. She knew them quite well, the upper echelon of Toman. If anything, the daunting yet kind and sensible boy that was Draken seemed the least likely to end up at the hospital besides perhaps Mitsuya.
She had known Baji for a long time, since they were in kindergarten. And even if memories were a bit blurry from back then, she knew the ceaseless ball of energy that he was, needed some form of outlet. It was at age five he settled on karate which later became his greatest strength behind creating a gang. That also meant she knew about the still juvenile group since it's founding days. And led by these ambitious boys, they were not the bunch who picked fights that ended in bloodbath or fatalities.
Not without a reason far too complicated than just plain fistfight.
With her heart racing still, she worked on his scrapes silently, the furball they'd mutually adopted as their child rubbing up on her left leg.
Her mind was running a mile per minute, still trying to process the little of information revealed to her. He insisted on not telling any more than necessary so as to keep her away from his business and consequently the multitude of people having some vendetta against him.
Thinking back now, she cringed at her earlier display of complete insensitivity. Even without asking first she had jumped to conclusions. Her biggest flaw, though one of many.
"There you go. Don't put soap on them for at least a day. You'll end up agitating the gashes."
With a lump of white hot guilt and — she supposed that's what it was — fear of several what-ifs rattling inside her head, she finally stepped away from standing between his parted legs where he sat on the swing, hands dropping from having tilted his face upwards.
God, what a moron, she thought to herself. Here she was lamenting her rotten fate of getting stood up while he was there in a fight that had equal chances of turning south in anyone's case, sitting through one of his close friend's surgery while said friend grazed death's door.
Caught up in her mental berating, she missed him calling out her name, the syllables hanging in the quiet summer night. It wasn't until he had grasped both her wrists, tugging her closer until she resumed her spot — pressed against him and almost unbearably close. All it took was his lips pressing again her opened palms with all the gentleness he could muster, the smell of chemical making his nose scrunch up, for her to run blank.
"What'cha thinking?" His question was paired with a low hum.
Any other day and she would've lost it, scrambling to mask her reddening face. But not that day. And while her doubts often became her most formidable enemy, she couldn't help acknowledge the reality to them.
She had been bitching about the missed opportunity of wearing a pretty yukata to the festival, having stayed back in school to finish her tutoring. And he was out god knew where, constantly putting himself in situations that now even had the possibility of death, it seemed.
That was where their lives diverged. Because at the end of the day, his unrestrained freedom did not apply to her mundane life. He belonged in loud ruckus, thriving off of chaos and she? She was more than fine with the serenity of daily life as it was, home to school and back. In a sense, she had always known that. But now as they grew older, the fault between them also stretched on.
Sooner or later, they'd stray too far. And while he had the firm belief that they would get back together like usual, she had her doubts.
Uncertainty had never been a friend, but always an unwilling companion. In a world where they were still too young, too inexperienced about real life, what would they even become? Years from now, where would they be? For someone who hadn't known life without Baji Keisuke, what would she do if he ever stopped being that one constant she could always rely on?
"I'm... sorry", she settled on that, a pathetic attempt to get the raging storm of emotions flitting past her across.
His brows furrowed slightly and that was the last thing she noticed before the glassy filter of tears veiled her gaze. She felt his arms wrapping around her waist. This time she melted into the embrace, gripping his shoulders tight as if it were the last link tethering her to the universe as she knew it.
It was exactly that, though, wasn't it?
"Let's just stay like this for a while", came his muffled voice, face pressed against her uniform blazer.
He didn't mention his increasingly dampening shoulder. She didn’t bring up the angry red surrounding his eyes.
For now, this was okay. Not perfect but as long as they were there in the present, it didn't have be ideal. Maybe they could delude themselves into believing this false consistency for a little while longer.
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thefuchsianeko · 1 year
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As a "fun" design exercise I decided to mess with the Hazbin characters' designs... Not really "redesigns," but more so "refined-designs"-- Keeping their overall look or "essence" while trying to simplify them and clean up their colour palettes, as well as making sure they all look distinct from one another.
I tried to stick close to the original's style but I couldn't help using thick lines, lol. Along with the simplified shapes, it gives them an early 2000s cartoon vibe I think.
For the colours I tried giving them more unique palettes, as well as making sure that they had enough contrast (the colour value of this show tends to be... not great). Also the lineup at the bottom isn't my final selection, it's just a selection to get a better idea of how they all might look together side-by-side.
Eh, tell me what you think. I could keep editing these but like, I'm tired of looking at them lol. More info on each design (plus a speedpaint) under the cut. It gets wordy, sorry.
Charlie: Not much to say besides she needs more contrast in her colours. I changed her shirt to the same colour as her corneas (yellow) so it doesn't blend in with her skin. I wish her eyes were still black (not only does it bring better attention to her face, but it works better with the idea that she's a doll-- yknow, painted on eyes? Does that make sense lol). In retrospect, maybe it would've been good to try some browns with her colours? Idk. I kept her red since she's the princess of Hell, and Hell's main colour seems to be red. Oh also, I gave her some lines on her face and hands just to make her look more like a puppet/doll. The rest of her body would have the same kind of joints/segments.
Vaggie: Ok I know her hair technically looks more moth-like in her og redesign but... it just seems like too much? Yknow? It's kind of outrageous. Idk how well my solution works but I tried simplifying it. I simplified her bow as well and made her stockings more like leggings. Her X-eye now hides behind her hair. Her gloves are shorter. Also I took away that thing around her waist that.... seems to be a different colour than everything else??? Idk what's up with that. Sorry I took away her feet. I tried out some blue and purple with her, I think it looks nice. Only thought about keeping the red bow because I thought maybe it'll match her with Charlie. Also sorry I took away her boobs 💀💀💀
Angel Dust: So unsure about how I drew him... Specifically, his 2nd set of arms looks so floppy and tacked on, and his legs... Idk I'm not great at digitigrade legs but I'm pretty sure that's officially what kind of legs he has. His head is weird. I think I got the idea of giving him big feet from Meppity's redesign video (her redesigns are some of my faves). I took away his bowtie because... too many of these guys have bowties, and he already has a choker too. Also I had the funny idea of all the Hotel employees wearing bowties/bows of some sort, and Angel is a patron but not an employee... Anyway. Kept his gold tooth to link him to Val (who also has a gold tooth), and kept the dots under his eyes since I THINK they're supposed to be representative of his spider eyes? They can be taken away if need be, though. His gloves don't go all the way up and kind of look like dish-washing gloves again but, the way his gloves go all the way up and his sleeves go into them... it just looks so weird to me. Idk, maybe I should've just given him shorter sleeves, or even no sleeves at all 🤔 And honestly I still have no idea what's going on with his pants. Are they short-shorts? Underwear? Didn't change them anyway. For the colours, I made sure all his gloves were the same colour (still don't know WHY they decided to make his 2nd set not only a different colour, but the SAME colour as his skin/fur????). Turned down the saturation on his hot-pink, and gave his right eye the light pink instead of that almost-black colour (still kept his eyes different colours because I remember seeing a really old sketch page of Angel that insinuated that there was a reason for his eye being black). Made some of the darker parts straight-black just because I've been using that in all the other character's palettes, but this can be changed to his almost-black colour. Also tried a more purple palette to get away from all the pink, kinda really like it.
Alastor: I originally tried his coat with coattails, but wasn't sure about it and made it the original shape. Took away his monocle because fuck that it's unnecessary and clutters his face. Made his antlers bigger. Swapped out his shirt collar to be like the one Charlie's og redesign has, because the way it goes all the way up like that gets on my nerves? Idk maybe I just don't know anything about fashion design but it doesn't scream 30's-suit to me. You could probably take away the collar, though. I wanted to try a lot of darker colours for his palette since he's like... kinda the bad guy. Dark colours would work well for him. I'm worried about his arms getting lost in the black of his coat, but that's why his cuffs and hands are a different colour. Really wanted to give him more than just red so I spread out the yellow of his teeth; I like how it looks for his shirt, it also works well with his eyes to draw you towards his face. I also tried to (again) lessen the saturation of his reds and pushed them more towards orange to better match the yellow. Kept all the brighter colours to his upper body to keep your eyes there, too.
Husk: I think Husk was one of my least favorite designs when the pilot came out because he's a real mess of detail. His wings are the worst. His redesign isn't much better (like dawg why's he got these random-ass hearts everywhere). Simplified his wings to just have some circles and rounded shapes. Kept some heart shapes (like his nose, bowtie, and paws) but added a couple diamond shapes, too (mainly his suspender buttons and the shape of his white chest-fur). Really wanted to have more blatant club and spade shapes too (to add to the poker theme), but didn't want it to get crowed and decided the rest of the rounded and heart shapes worked well enough. Made his eyebrows shorter and more square-shaped. Didn't have many ideas for colours but knew that I wanted to try some oranges and yellows. Made his eyebrows a darker colour, and changed his eyes to yellow corneas with black pupils. Stands out more that way, I think.
Niffty: Did you know her name is spelled with two Fs? I didn't. I don't like it... Anywayyyy. Swirled her hair a little more, and took the yellow streak out. Added some fluff under her dress just to match her apron. Kept the dots on her shirt (though there are only two now instead of three) because I'm assuming it'll make sense later (like idk maybe she was shot to death and that's what they represent), but I wonder if you can take those away for a cleaner design? Gave her more rounded shapes. I said before that all the Hotel employees would have bows/bowties of some sort for these designs: Niffty's would be her handkerchief (yknow, it's tied into a bow in the back? That works right...? Eh.) I took away her cheekmarks 1) to clear up her face and 2) to make Charlie's cheek marks seem more unique and doll-like. For Niffty's colours, I (again) turned down the saturation on her pink. I wanted to try using some green and purple on her, since her inspirations include B-movie aliens and the song One-Eyed, One-Horned, Flying Purple People Eater. Tried using different colours for her skin, since a lot of characters in Hazbin have white skin, and for Niffty specifically I think the white skin along with her white apron dries-out her look (if that makes sense?) Though I do agree her having yellow skin is NOT good if she really does end up being Japanese. I think pink skin works well for her, though. Oh! And again, it helps make Charlie's design more unique with her white skin, making her seem more porcelain. I made Niffty's eyes yellow like her teeth, and then used the same colour for her apron to unify the palette.
Cherri: Ok Cherri's design was my ABSOLUTE least favorite from the pilot, too many senseless details I HATE her ripped pants. So hard to look at. Idk if you noticed in the time lapse but I had to re-sketch Cherri because 1) her pose was too similar to Niffty's (I was making their poses similar to their official art) and 2) her hair was giving me trouble... I kinda hate how her hair hovers to the side like that? Tried re-shaping her hair and now it looks like she uses a TON of hairspray or something, lol. Took away her tattoo but kept her freckles. Took away the skirt thing(?) she's got on her pants. Took the symbol off her shirt, but added an X to her pants (can be taken away, though). Simplified the rips on her pants to just be ripped knees. put a heel on her left shoe so she doesn't look unbalanced/uncomfortable. Made her gloves shorter. For colours, I again took away her white skin for the same reason I took away Niffty's white skin (less "dried out" palette and makes Charlie look more unique/porcelain). Afaik Cherri's not Asian so yellow skin could work for her, though I also tried green skin. Since one of her themes is cherries I wanted to use reds, pinks, greens, and blacks. I tried some green for her clothes (and again her skin), and also turned some of her pinks more red. Made her hair darker for more contrast, and tried using some red for her hair instead of pink (I like the pink hair, but again... red like cherries). In general her colour palette was the hardest to figure out but I think I found some interesting things.
Sir Pentious: Sir Pent was my 2nd least-favorite pilot design by only a little 🤏. It's all his eyes. He's very hard to look at. I took away all the eyes on his tail, and turned down the saturation on the rest of the eyes EXCEPT the ones on his face (maybe I should have just made those reds much different colours, but it still looks a lot better with just the saturation down). Took away his stupid-ass goggles and made the face on his hat a lot simpler (combined the mouth with the hat band; it can still emote btw). Replaced his bowtie with... *quick google search* A jabot? It's supposed to be a jabot I think. I think that's what it's called. More 1700s than 1800s, but eh. Maybe I should've given him *quick google search* a cravat maybe??? Eh, eh, not a fashion expert but anyway. I thickened his mid-section so it eases into his tail better because, the way it is in the official design it always made him look like a slug to me? I looks too... squishy. Banana-slug-lookin' ass Also took away his red-tipped claws and made them straight black. For his colours, I think the grey and yellow works for him already, though I do wanna see how he'd look with more green or blue. Most of what I did colour-wise was the eyes, but also his suit; still grey, but trying both darker colours and pushing it more towards blue and purple. I wonder if I made his skin a little too dark? Is it kinda hard to see his features? Idk. Idk how I feel about these colours. Bleh.
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1, 4, 5, 30, 31 from this ask game
Thank you so much for the ask!
Here we go!
What medium do you use the most?
I usually use just a pencil and sketch paper, I will occasionally use coloring pencils, and on rare occasions I will use canvas and paint.
4. Piece you wish got more love?
These three definitely
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They're some of my favourites that I've done.
5. How would you describe your style?
I'm actually not too sure. Some people have told me it gave them anime vibes, which I don't necessarily see, and others have described it as cartoony. This one guy once told me I write how I draw, which I don't know what that means honestly. I'd say sharp with soft angles, and detailed? Sometimes there are sketch lines and you can see the remanence of the sketch that made it into what it is now, which I love, and sometimes it's completely lined and clean.
30. What's something you're proud of about your style?
Oh, the character expressions and bodies are definitely something I'm proud of. A lot of what I know, like many artists out there, is self-taught and it took me years to get expressions right. I am also proud of my bodies and proportions (these are some older sketches and drawings on my Tumblr).
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(this one of Nimona is also one of my faves and I'll never be able to recreate it)
Someone has also told me one they love the way I draw hair, and I love that too.
31. Which fandom have you drawn the most for?
Back then it was Big Hero 6, I have many of those as I was obsessed with it back in the day. Nowadays I still draw for the fandom on occasion, but I have been more focused with drawing things for Nimona now, especially with the Nimona Big Bang (I have not posted these) andall my W.I.Ps for the fandom, as all of the things I draw I drew for my stories.
I hope I've answered these well and thank you again for asking! Have a nice day!
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shirohige-pirates · 6 months
Birds of a Feather
CisFem Reader x Marco
CW: Violence, blood, language, adult themes and scenes. 18+ only
Summary: Life has not been kind to you. After a string of bad relationships, you're a little jaded and a little depressed in all honestly. The worst day of your life seems to be the turning point, but the roller coaster ride that follows could either throw you soaring free, or have you caged forever?
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Chapter 12: The Firebird
Getting out of the car, you already saw Kid leaning against one of the bay door frames. The day was barely started and he was already covered in grease, shop uniform giving way. Knowing him he’d been working all night and hadn’t slept yet, versus having gotten up early enough to be in that state.
“Usopp here yet?” You call out, heading up to the shop proper, Marco coming up behind you.
“Yep,” Kid answers, squinting against the morning light as he cleans his hand up a little with a rag that’s seen brighter days. “Only just got here though, so you haven’t kept ‘im waiting much, Mouse.”
You roll your eyes and jerk your thumb toward Marco. “Eustass Kid, Newgate Marco,” you step aside as Marco steps up. “Marco, Kid.” You say, finishing your lazy introduction.
“Pleasure.” Marco says, taking Kid’s mostly de-grimed hand and giving it a shake.
“Sure thing.” Kid tilts his head toward the parking lot. “That yours?”
Marco looks back at his car and smiles as he looks back at Kid. “It is.”
“… Lemme put her up on a rack so I can get a good look at ‘er and I got a hood arm for you, no other charge.” Kid offers, still squinting against the light. Looking back and forth between the two of them you realize Marco’s the only person you know who could look Kid in the eye, damn giants.
Somehow Marco looks smaller than Kid, but probably because he’s not nearly as broad.
Marco looks to you and you smile. “I’m not gonna lie, I’ll be under the rack getting my fill too, if you’re okay with it.”
Marco chuckles. “Alright, it’s a solid deal, yoi.” He admits. “I’ll bring the car up. That bay?” He asks, pointing to one that looks like it has a lift in it.
“Yup.” Kid answers, his tone a little more friendly and a little less business.
“I’ll go talk to Usopp while you do that, and get things rolling.” You state, heading into the shop proper to find your car and Usopp.
The young artist is setting up his gear near your car. You start to say something to him, but the sight of your car catches your attention. In several pieces to make it easier for the paint job, everything has been reworked. If it wasn’t for the distinct body style and design of the interior, you’d almost wonder if it was your car.
“We either replaced or refurbished just about everything.” A familiar voice says from behind you. Looking over you see the wild blonde hair of Kid’s childhood friend Killer, one of the co-owners of the shop, poking out from behind the frame of a van with flames down the side of it. He turns to get a better look at you, lifting up his welding mask and giving you a smile.
“We kept what we could, but strictly original parts barely make up 10% of her now.”
“Did you guys redo the entire frame then?” You question, giving a wave to Usopp as Killer comes over to walk you through what they did to the car.
“Just about. You didn’t have near as much rust as we expected to find. Kid might not say so, but you took care of her really well, honestly. The engine had to be scrapped. There wasn’t enough machining to save it, and truthfully, the newer engines are just far too efficient.” Killer starts pointing at a few places while he explains. “Replaced all the clips and lines, new brake assemblies and tires. You got that sky blue base color, so we went with white for the interior. You had that dingy 70s silver before, so Kid didn’t think it was too different to bother saying something before hand.”
“Nah, white’s fine. It’ll be a challenge to keep clean, but y’all do detail jobs, right?”
“A-yup. Heat an’ Wire mostly, but I don’t think you’d hear a single complaint if this was the car they were cleaning.” Killer continues on. “Left the manual windows, and there’s an emergency release for the seat, but we did add fully adjustable controls to the seats.”
“Oh, programmable?” You prompt and Killer tilts his head.
“Here Kid was worried you’d be irritated by technology invading your precious time-capsule.” Killer grunts and you wave him off. “Yeah, you can put things were you want and save three different settings, so have fun with that. It’s still good old fashioned key-bound entry,” he continues on. “Kid says since you won’t have to worry about jumping her with the new, well, everything, that we could set you up with one of those magnetic keys for extra security if you wanted?”
“Hmm, I’ll have to think about it. Restored like this I’m going to have to get a new coverage policy, that’s for sure. It’d be cheaper on my end with the added security of a fancy key like that. Any chance I could have three for this car?”
“Three keys?”
You nod. “For now, one for me, one for the shop, and one for my house, in case I lose the one I keep with me.”
Killer tilts his head a little, and then nods. “I don’t see why not. I think we can order up to four for a single ignition without raising any concerns.”
“Whaddya think of her now, Mouse?” Kid asks, coming over to where you are with Marco not far behind.
“I think I’m going to go kick Victoria’s tires if you don’t stop calling me that.” You grumble.
Kid snorts. “Yeah, well, don’t kick Vicky’s tires, or your new car’s tires.” He warns. “Steel-belted, you might actually break a toe.”
“Hells Kid, are the windows bullet proof too? The security on this is already high enough as it is.” You tease, and Kid seems to consider.
“I mean, they could be.” He muses.
“No, no, that’s -,” you pinch the bridge of your nose and shake your head. “Thanks Kid, you guys did a great job.”
“Of which you had no doubt.” Kid retorts. It’d be arrogant, but he and the guys have the skills to back up his statement.
You smile and sigh, seeing no reason to give him an actual response. You turn to Usopp and give him a smile. He’s the only person in the entire shop that isn’t towering over you, it’s refreshing.
“Let’s talk design, Usopp.” You begin cheerfully. “The faster we get on the same page the faster I can look under Marco’s car’s skirt.” You hear Marco cough as Usopp laughs. Pulling a paper out of your pocket you unfold it and hand it off to Usopp. “I was thinking this kind of design.”
Usopp looks at it, looks to your car, and looks back at it. “That’s the original insignia design for the most part, isn’t it?”
You nod. “The expansion of the tail feathers would be unique, and I was thinking, one chain could go down each side of the car, and the third could come down through the headlight assembly?”
He tilts his head and looks back and forth again. “Yeah, I can see it. Do you know what colors you want to go with?”
“I think so. So if we do the outline of the wings in a kind of teal, with a metallic gold accent? I was thinking maybe a less metallic gold and more of a… hmm… dandelion gold for the chains.”
“Hm… rimmed in the metallic gold would be a nice touch.” He offers.
“Ooooh, yeah, that would. If the clear coat was a gloss finish too and not matte that would add to it.” You agree.
You’re too distracted with Usopp to notice, as Marco covers his face with a hand, listening to the two of you talk. Kid notices, looking over at him for a second before looking back at you. He keeps his voice low.
“You alright?”
“Huh? Oh - yeah, yeah. I’m good.”
“Wait, what if we invert the gold and yellow on the chain?” You prompt, and Marco makes a strange pained sound only Kid hears.
“You sure?” Kid presses a little. “If you’re going to hurl in my shop, step outside first.”
“No, I’m fine, yoi.”
Kid’s eyes narrow for a moment, and he seems about to say something when his eyes go wide.
“Oi, Mouse, I’m borrowin’ your boy toy for a minute.” He barks, grabbing Marco’s collar and pulling him away from everyone else.
“Hey, hey, don’t you-!”
“It’s alright.” Marco says, waving you off and giving you a smile as he and Kid go to the other side of the shop.
Your face twists a little, but Killer pats your shoulder. “I’ll keep an eye on ‘im, stay focused with Usopp for a bit.”
“Yeah, thanks Killer.” You murmur, turning back toward Usopp after giving Kid and Marco one more glance. Kid didn’t look happy, but Marco didn’t look bothered, so you did your best to pull your attention back to Usopp.
“The phoenix?!” Kid hisses, caught between disbelief and anger. “You’re Marco the gods-damned phoenix?!”
“Was.” Marco answers flatly. “Twenty years ago. Been a vet for over a decade.”
“The Whitebeard pirates were legendary.” Kid states. He opens and closes his mouth a few times, unsure of what to say. Caught between admiration and disbelief, he finally settles on the only thing that’s coming to mind for him. “Is she in danger?”
“No one’s been safe since Roger tried to right the world.” Marco answers a little more sourly than he means to. “But in danger because of me? No, not so far as I know. We stopped being pirates and the government stopped being a problem. Less trouble to just leave us be, yoi.”
“… Are you really immortal?” Killer asks, looking over his shoulder and giving a thumbs up before turning his attention back to the other two.
“I age,” Marco replies, tilting his head a little. “Past that, I don’t know. Nothing’s even so much as left a scar on me, yoi. But I’m not exactly testing the limits of things by taking care of cats and dogs.” He’s quiet for a moment, rubbing the back of his neck. “I haven’t talked with her about this yet, so I’d prefer-.”
“I’m not going to snitch,” Kid grumbles. “Talking about that stuff’s gotten fuckin’ touchy over the years, and considering mine keeps the shop running smooth I ain’t so stupid as to go around yappin’ about someone else’s business.”
“Happy to have your understanding.” Marco says quietly.
Having finished with Usopp, you came over to the other three, looking a little tentative until Kid waved you over directly.
“We all good?” You prompt, looking from one set of eyes to the next.
Marco smiles. “Exceptionally.”
You narrow your eyes a little and Marco looks taken aback for a second before you turn on Kid. “You didn’t go and do that whole big brother routine, did you?”
Kid rolls his eyes. “The hells would I go and do that? Yer doc’s alright.” He grumbles. “Let’s look under this car before Usopp paint’s the whole damn shop teal an’ gold.”
He pauses for a second, and turns and looks at you. “What made you pick those colors anyway?”
“I don’t know,” you admit, looking back over your shoulder at your car. “Just seemed right.”
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tacosrobot · 2 months
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Meet the gang! Or don't, I guess.
Actual character bios under the cut!
Full Name: Russell Jacobs
Nickname: Rusty
Birthday/Age: 24 – 5th of April
Place of birth: Somewhere in Colorado
Place of Residence: Somewhere out in the middle of nowhere
Education Level: Highschool graduate but barely
Occupation: Vampire Hunter (self-appointed)
Pets: n/a
Height: 5’9
Eye colour: Green 
Glasses/Contacts: N/A 
Prominent features: Freckles, lots of freckles.
Distinguishing Marks/Scars: There’s a thin scar running down the back of his right shoulder to his elbow. He has a few tattoos, too. They’re mostly around his shoulders and on his arms, he has no tattoos on his back but has tattoos on his chest and waist. They vary in nature but he holds the record in his friend group as ‘Guy With the Most Spider Tattoos’, he has three.
Hairstyle/Colour: He has ginger hair, cut by himself, of course, is choppy and layered. It reaches just below shoulder length and was once styled into a very fashionable mullet.
Style of clothing: He’ll wear anything he can get his hands on. He doesn’t care about conforming to any sort of gender norms and thinks fashion is a great way to express himself. He always has paint-covered yellow boots on.
Other: He has two nose piercings, a septum piercing and a bridge piercing. He almost got a tongue piercing but he chickened out and got another tattoo instead.
Optimist or pessimist: Optimist
Introverted or extroverted: Extroverted
Conflict Avoider or Seeker: Conflict seeker
Personality description: Upon first meeting Rusty, people usually sum him up in one word: ‘irritating’. Once you get to know him a little better, however, you soon learn that it’s not entirely true. Rusty can be annoying, don’t get me wrong, but he can also be considerate and caring when he needs to be. He may give off the vibe that the whole world revolves around him yet outside of trying to be the centre of attention, he’s a gentle guy with a somewhat gentle soul.
Traits and interests:
Strongest trait: Individualistic
Weakest trait: Arrogant
Habits: He cracks his knuckles, or just his fingers in general. Sometimes this extends to his neck too.
Favourite colour: Pink
Favourite music: Electro-pop or anything with synths
Favourite Food: Greasy foods of any sort.
Favourite Literature: Interview with the Vampire by Anne Rice, but literally anything to do with Vampires. He thinks that it’ll give him some sort of advantage over the vampires.
Goal: To get back to Colorado.
Motivation: Seeing his younger sister again.
Parent(s): Hank Jacobs, May Jacobs (deceased)
Sibling(s): Mildred ‘Millie’ Jacobs (younger sister)
Best friend: Janey Brinkley
Other friend(s): Emeric Moore (belongs to @viaterra) Donovan V. (belongs to @ross-stories)
Partner: N/A (his last girlfriend died)
Full Name: Toddman Farebrother
Nickname: Todd, Roddy (he calls himself that)
Birthday/Age: 19 – 12th of November
Place of birth: Wothead.
Place of Residence: Wothead.
Education Level: Got expelled in year nine
Occupation: Stay-at-home nuisance.
Pets: a hamster named Cricket
Height: 5’6
Eye colour: Brown 
Glasses/Contacts: N/A 
Prominent features: A significant number of freckles, primarily on his face. He also has a tooth gap; he’s missing his second tooth on the left.
Distinguishing Marks/Scars: N/A
Hairstyle/Colour: Roddy takes good care of his hair, despite how it may look. It’s short, layered and very messy. At some point, he decided to dye it redder than it was originally then settled on some weird shade of pink.
Style of clothing: Anything he can put a worn-down brown leather jacket over. This can vary from shirts to vests and even (albeit very rarely) jumpers. Trousers are often a second thought. He’ll put on whatever’s clean.
Other: He went through a phase of wearing fingerless gloves, no one knows why he did this. It didn’t even look that cool.
Optimist or pessimist: Pessimist
Introverted or extroverted: Ambivert
Conflict Avoider or Seeker: Conflict seeker
Personality description: Roddy has a problem with any kind of authority. Friends, family, the police; he doesn’t care because he knows he’s in the right every time. There are exceptions to this rule, he respects his sister and like one other person, plus his hamster, but that’s it.
Traits and interests:
Strongest trait: Independent
Weakest trait: Abrasive
Habits: He has no idea what he’s supposed to do with his hands so he often picks things up to play with. Also scratches his left cheek regularly.
Sports, including but not limited to football, cricket and tennis
Nature walks
Favourite colour: Red
Favourite music: Whatever the Clash and The Ramones have going on?
Favourite Food: Sausage sandwich with brown sauce and a sprinkle of salt
Favourite Literature: He doesn’t tend to read much, but The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle has a very special place in his heart.
Goal: Play football professionally.
Motivation: Making money.
Parent(s): Phillip Farebrother (deceased), Catherine Farebrother (absent)
Sibling(s): Patricia Farebrother (older sister)
Best friend: ‘Harry’ Hamilton
Other friend(s): That’s literally it. You could be his friend if you wanted but I don’t recommend it.
Partner: N/A
Enemies: Kenneth.
Full Name: Hayden Hayes
Alias: The Crow
Birthday/Age: 24 – 7th of March
Place of birth: London
Place of Residence: Still London, it’s a small world, ok?
Education Level: University Graduate. He got a degree in some sort of science. He doesn’t remember
Occupation: Museum security guard
Pets: n/a
Height: 5’6
Eye colour: Blue 
Glasses/Contacts: N/A 
Prominent features: His hair is pretty prominent
Distinguishing Marks/Scars: Nothing overly distinguishing about any of him if you look past the fact he’s a vigilante crime fighter.
Hairstyle/Colour: It’s short, black and really messy. It fans out at the sides and cannot be tamed, so don’t bother trying.
Style of clothing: Ignoring his big crow-inspired get-up, Hayden primarily wears whatever’s on sale. He tends to lean towards black clothes, though and has had the same coat for almost five years.
Other: He always, always, always carries a tie with him? For some reason? He calls it his ‘emergency tie’.
Optimist or pessimist: Optimist
Introverted or extroverted: Introverted
Conflict Avoider or Seeker: Conflict seeker
Personality description: To be honest, Hayden is kind of mixed up. He doesn't know if he wants to be the goofy comic relief hero or if he wants to be the stoic brooding type. He's street smart but not smart smart. He knows what he wants but he doesn't know how to get it sort of thing. He’s still figuring it out.
Traits and interests:
Strongest trait: Humorous
Weakest trait: Muddle-headed
Habits: Will cut you off while you’re talking. He’s not doing it on purpose he just a little bad at conversations.
Reading, he’s a big fan of non-fiction but will sometimes read fiction, too.
Watching documentaries
Favourite colour: Yellow
Favourite music: Early 2000s dance music
Favourite Food: Crème Brulee
Favourite Literature: To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
Goal: Stop the stupid idiot guys running this weird underground network of illegal stuff.
Motivation: Keeping his family safe.
Parent(s): Keith Ashbee (step-father), Polly Hayes
Sibling(s): Dylan Hayes (younger brother)
Best friend: ???
Other friend(s): He goes out with his co-workers a lot; I suppose they count.
Partner: N/A
Enemies: Those freaky little guys in suits who are doing weird illegal stuff under London.
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