#haikyuu sfw fic
ya9amicide · 2 months
♡ anime masterlist ♡
pov: your camera roll if you were dating wakatoshi ushijima.
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oomisluvr · 10 months
No Caller ID
Your job at The Agency was simple. In fact, there was only one rule: Don’t lose track of your field agent. Unfortunately for you, Agent K is a difficult man to find.
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warnings: agent!sakusa x handler!reader, international espionage, i was going for a james bond vibe, no graphic violence but there is a teeny bit of violence, hq! cameos that aren’t important to the story but i thought were fun to include, open ending i think, flirting (???), honestly freeform, i wrote this in 1 sitting lol, sfw, 1.8k words!
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You’re on a date the first time he calls you. 
The guy you’re out with is nice. Doesn’t interrupt you. Asks about your day. Laughs at all your jokes and pretends not to look down your shirt while the two of you eat. He works in IT, so you know he’s fairly well-off, too. 
It’s too bad this is just to keep up appearances.
Your phone rings with no caller ID and you have to stop your eyes from bulging out of your head. In this line of work, it’s best to keep personal calls separate from ongoing projects. For organization reasons. For safety precautions.
It’s for this reason that you have two cell phones. The first is for private calls, to keep up with the life your current alibi would be living. The second phone is for The Agency.
And you’ve never received a call from your second phone before.
You excuse yourself from the table with a practiced smile, adjusting your clothing as you stand. Your date nods. Understanding, as expected. He didn’t notice that you took your purse with you. He must think you’re coming back.
Exiting the restaurant, you pick up the phone with a nervous hand, unsure of what to expect, “This is Pluto speaking.”
“Pluto? Who the fuck is that?” A man’s voice grunts, panting loudly and very obviously out of breath, “What happened to Rin?” 
You clear your throat, “Rin has since left The Agency. I’m Pluto, his replacement.”
“That bastard. You’ve gotta be fucking kidding–” Sharp pops echo through the speaker. Possibly gunshots. The cursing that follows suggests that those were most likely gunshots. Everything is so loud.
“Agent K, if you’re requesting for backup, I can send over the twins–”
“Absolutely not. No backup, especially not from them.” Based on proximity, you can tell it’s K who fires next. Two quick rounds, followed by two dull thuds. Bullseye? “Everything is under control. Get me to Croatia before midnight tomorrow.”
The call ends.
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The second time he calls you is to complain about the first time.
You defend yourself with all the aggression of a caged circus bear.
K quickly learns not to complain about your work.
Two months pass. 
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Your job at The Agency was simple.
Fortunately, there was only one rule: Don’t lose track of your field agent.
Unfortunately for you, Agent K is a difficult man to find.
“Pick up, pick up, pick up!” You scream into the phone. You’ve combed through the security feeds of every private business, traffic cam, and ATM machine, but still no sight of him.
The ringing stops, an easy voice floating through the phone, “Hello?”
“Why the fuck aren’t you in Buenos Aires?” You all but yell, “I’ve been searching for you for hours.” It’s silent on the other end of the receiver. You continue your verbal assault, “Are you even in Argentina? In South America at all?”
K snorts. “Where do you think I am?”
You’re furious, “How did you leave the airport without me knowing? I booked your tickets myself. I made the passport you’re using–”
“Don’t worry about it.” He cuts you off, “Do you really want to know where I am?”
His tone calms you, just long enough to answer, “Yes.”
“A baby shower.”
“A… baby shower?” You repeat dumbly.
“Well, I’m not physically at the baby shower, that would be a breach of contract. I’m sitting in an unmarked car, about 100 feet from the festivities. Watching my little sister open her gifts. She doesn’t even know I’m here.” He sighs, and it’s so different from anything else you’ve heard from him. “Nobody does.”
People who do what K does rarely ever have families. Alive, that is. You wonder how old he was when he left home, if his parents know what he does for a living. If they even know he’s alive. 
Instead you ask, “Will you be having a niece or a nephew?”
He chuckles to himself, but it’s humorless. Empty. “That’s what I’m waiting to find out. I think the reveal is after they cut the cake. My sister is greedy enough to make everyone wait.”
You’re silent for a moment, at a genuine loss of words. The silence feels comfortable, and whether you’d like to admit it or not, you’ve gotten attached to Agent K. Fond, even. Just knowing he’s on the other end of the line, alive and breathing and not being shot at, gives you an enormous sense of relief.
You stare into the monitors ahead of you, at the sheer number of tabs you’ve opened, the energy you expended to make sure he’s safe.
“How did you get into this line of work?”
“Yes,” you can hear the sarcasm dripping from his voice, “You.” 
Nobody has ever asked you that. Nobody is allowed to ask that, you think. “I had an internship the summer after I graduated. My boss at the time has some sort of connection to The Agency. She said I should apply and that she’d put in a good word. My interview was the next day, and I was officially hired by the end of the month.”
It’s silent for a beat, “You do realize you failed the test, right?”
“Excuse me?”
“You aren’t supposed to divulge any personal information to me or any other agents,” He quips, “Especially not any information regarding The Agency.”
“Well,” You start, “You aren’t supposed to run away from missions and lie to your handler about where you are!”
K laughs. An actual laugh. “Touche. Though I’m not running away from anything. This is simply… a brief layover.”
“Whatever. I’ve already booked you a flight from Hyogo to Buenos Aires.”
“You’re sharp, Pluto.” There’s pleasant surprise in his voice, and pride flares in your veins at having caught him off guard, “How’d you know I was in Japan?”
“Don’t worry about it.” You repeat his own words back to him, “Your flight leaves at 8:30PM, Japan Standard Time. Think you can make it by then?”
“Yes, ma’am.” K huffs, “Is that all?”
“Yeah,” you say, “And I’ll be sure not to include this ‘brief layover’ in my reports.”
“Thank you.” He says, and you can tell it’s genuine. For a moment, you feel appreciated, before he adds, “And from now on, please refrain from using fishing boats as a means of escape.”
“Give me enough of a heads up and I won’t have to.” You fight back a smile, recalling your first encounter, and the angry call you got 16 hours later, “But if you ever lie to me again about where you are, I’m leaving you stranded.” It’s a lie. In reality, if it came between you and him, you’re the expendable one. 
“Deal.” He confirms, “Oh, and, Pluto?”
“It seems like I’ll be having a niece.”
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These days, your phone never stops ringing. Your second phone, that is.
“Where are you?” He preens through the phone. It’s the last question you’re expecting. You’re at a cocktail dinner for your job. The fake one. The one that The Agency placed you at to keep up appearances.
“Company dinner. Is there anything I can help you with?”
You’ve leaned over the balcony, nursing something with too much sugar and not enough alcohol. The venue is beautiful, probably some millionaire’s summer home, resting on a lavish hill and overlooking the ocean. The party blazes loudly behind you, a stark contrast to the stillness of the sea.
“Yeah. There is, actually.” He decides, “What are you wearing?”
“Excuse me?”
“Your clothes.” His voice is so smooth, sentences dancing off his tongue like a lullaby. “You’re wearing a purple dress, right? Say, is that silk?”
Your breath catches in your throat, your body suddenly alert at the implication of being watched, “Yes,” you find your voice again, making subtle movements to analyze your surroundings, “It was my mother’s.”
He hums, and part of you can hear a smirk in his voice, “Thought so.”
It bothers you that you’ve no clue what he looks like. How many times have you run into him without knowing? K was one of the most talented of this generation, able to adopt and shed identities as if they were clothing, able to blend into any crowd at any time, more dangerous than any traditional weapon. How many times has he been a friendly face on the street, a shadowy figure at the bar, and you simply had no idea?
“On your left.”
A man approaches you, dressed handsomely in a well-tailored suit. Shaggy orange hair falls into his bright eyes. His footsteps are quiet, practiced, holding a corsage in his right hand. 
Without sparing a moment, he transfers the flowers from his grasp to yours before spinning on his heels and disappearing into the crowd once again. Your words die in the back of your throat.
The corsage is simple, but pretty. Purple petals to compliment your dress. Tied around it is a small gift box. You return your attention to the phone, “What’s this?”
“A thank you.” He says, “And an apology. And something else. Open it.”
You do. It’s a cartier bracelet, thousands of dollars worth of gold. You flip it over to find your name engraved into the metal. Your real name. You gasp.
“Congratulations on the promotion.” He says your name so differently than anyone has ever said it. You trace the letters in your palm, just faint enough that only you would notice. Just faint enough that you could keep it, and not have it jeopardize your position.
“Just doing my job.” You conveniently left out that the company celebration was for you. Well, you and the five other people who received promotions this quarter. Of course K would find out.
”Don’t get smart with me,” He groans, “But consider it an apology as well. I would have loved to be there with you tonight. You’re brilliant, and I’m lucky to have you on my team.”
You idly watch the yachts float by, some illuminated with neon lights, and some brightened with floodlights. If you squint, you can make out the fishing boat just barely kissing the shore. And the shadowy figure perched upon it.
“Don’t feel bad,” You hum, “Something tells me you aren’t too far off.”
“Goodnight, Pluto.”
“Goodnight, K.”
The call ends. 
You clip the corsage around your wrist and return to the party.
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i though this would be a fun little story! ok bye love as always, niko ♡
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curtsycream · 4 months
Cg ushijima x little reader where she is like 2 and tendou knows that she Regressed. Some day tendou is at ushijimas place with small reader and she is very very very clingy that day so she is always in her dada's arms and everytime he get up and put her down she start crying and make grabby handy at ushijima and is like "d-dada" and when he need the toilet he gives her to tendou and she cries for her dada and when he gets back and put her back on his lap while hugging her she immediately stops crying and tendou is like "wow u have magic Powers" and they watch a movie after that
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Daddy’s Touch
Ushijima x Reader
I hope this did your request justice my mind is scattered.
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Y/N enjoyed days like this where she could relax in the arms of Ushijima while hanging out their friends. Today was a day like that as they watched Tangled for the fourth time that week this time with Tendou. Each time something happened on the screen Y/N would point at it just for Tendou to actively indulge her.
“Look,” she says pointing at a scene with Flynn Rider on screen as she looks at Tendou.
“I know, that’s so cool right!” He exclaimed as he sat on the recliner while she was comfortable in Ushijima’s arms.
A small squeal leaves her lips as she keeps her hold on him while talking to Tendou. Though she mostly spewed one word at a time due to her headspace.
Though the second she felt Ushijima shift to stand up she let out a small whine. Her arms wrapping around his neck as she holds on.
She had been like that all day clinging to him from the second she woke up in her headspace. So he allowed it holding her as he cooked breakfast, as they showered, even as he opened the door to let Tendou in. But he knew he couldn’t allow her to do so every waking second especially now.
“It’s okay pretty baby, I’m just going to the bathroom…don’t you want to stay and watch Tangled with Tendou?” He said softly trying to get her to calm down.
She shook her head hiding her face in the crook of his neck, “no! Don’t leave me, daddy.”
He couldn’t deny the way her eyes watered and how her bottom lip warbled tempted him to cave. Yet he knew if he didn’t do this now she would continue to be clingy until she decided she was satisfied. “Not leaving you, just going to the bathroom. I promise I’ll be right back,” he reassured her as he kissed the side of her head.
Ushijima was careful to remove her hands from around his neck as he set her down beside Tendou. The two seemed to communicate silently as Ushijima walked towards the bathroom. Tendou had a smile on his face, “hey Y/N look!” He said pointing at the lantern scene playing on the screen.
Y/N wasn’t amused by the scene she typically adored as she let out a small cry. Her eyes closed as she cried shaking her head, “left me.” She whimpered out the words as she continued to cry.
Tendou didn’t know what to do as he pulled her into a hug as she wailed about her daddy not coming back. “It’s okay Y/N don’t worry he’s coming back,” he said in an attempt to console her.
It felt like hours for both Y/N and Tendou as she didn’t stop crying and he failed at his attempts at calming her down. But the second Ushijima stepped back into the living room he picked up the crying girl. He held her close to his chest as his hand rubbed up and down her back, “told you I wouldn’t leave you, could never leave you.” He whispered to her.
It didn’t take much as being near him was enough to have her stop crying. As she clung to him she let out small noises of delight.
Tendou blinked with furrowed eyebrows at the scene unfolding before him, “what kind of sorcery is this?” He asked Ushijima.
“It’s called a daddy’s touch,” he joked with a straight face as Y/N goes back to watching Tangled.
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rintarousgirl · 10 months
i wanna be yours — 5. star treatment
✦ - Y/N is a small business owner, offering her services not only as a designer but an at-home makeup artist and cosmetic producer as well. She's perfectly content with her small life when she's approached by the manager of the INARIZAKI band, asking for her to fill the position of backstage artist on short notice. Needing the money, and wanting the experience, Y/N agrees. Little does she know of the fatal attraction she will share with the band's lead, Suna Rintarou
a/n: ik this chapter is a bit short, and that it's a bit overdue but i've been so busy LMAO. p.s i know about the typo in oikawa's post shh. anyways, i hope you all enjoy lovies!
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You woke up in bed with a splitting headache, the pounding pain behind your eyes being near unbearable. A weak groan escaped your mouth as you threw a hand over your eyes to block the sun.
Thankfully, drunk you had the courtesy of leaving a glass of water and an aspirin on the bed side table. Slowly, squinting as your eyes struggled to adjust to the light, you swallowed down the aspirin and took big mouthfuls of water to ease your dry throat.
As you think to recall last night, you stand up to change out of your clothes. You're sweaty, but you notice that you are wearing a change of clothes. They're a bit baggy on you, clearly made for someone a lot taller than you were. You rub your head, trying to recall what had happened.
"You're covered in flour," Rintarou points out from his spot at the counter. You glare at him, before looking down to your soiled clothes.
"I never said I was a clean cook. The messier it is, the better it tastes."
He hums non-committedly and takes a sip from his tea. "I'll go steal some clothes from Osamu, stay here."
"Where am I supposed to go?" You huff and turn back to your pizza.
Right, you had made homemade pizza with Rintarou. So, you were now wearing Osamu's clothes. Lovely. From before that though your memory goes iffy. You struggle to remember a good amount of it, as if you'd blacked out or something. Which technically you probably had. You remember vomiting, and hanging out with Suna for the rest of the night till you were sober enough to drive yourself home.
After peeling off your clothes and showering, you head back into your room. Your studio apartment was small, which meant you had communal washing and drying. You'd make sure to wash Osamu's clothes as quickly as possible.
Picking up your phone, your eyes widen at the surplus of notifications. You had over thirty text messages, and over thirty thousand notifications from twitter. You could get used to a lot of twitter notifications with your business, but all that in one night seemed impossible to you.
With slightly trembling hands, you opened twitter, feeling a pit grow in your stomach as you scrolled through your notifications.
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Despite all the negative posts from fans, you find yourself smiling at the pictures from last night. After making pizza, you and Rintarou had joined the others, dancing and playing games until everyone was either black out drunk or exhausted. You also remember doing karaoke with Yachi, laughing at the video of the two of you that Atsumu had posted.
Exiting twitter, you switch to your messaging app. You notice a few short messages between you and Rintarou, and that you'd gotten Yachi and Osamu's numbers in your phone at one point. Instead, you look at the texts from your friends.
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Sighing, you gnaw on your lip. You send a quick to Kenma, Bokuto, and Kuroo assuring them that you were okay and that you'd explain later before pressing on the call button.
It rings only once before Akaashi picks up. "Y/N? Are you alright?" are the first words out of his mouth, and you swallow softly with a sigh. You collapse back down on your bed, rubbing at your eyes.
"I'm alright, 'Kash. Don't worry."
He huffs. "You could've told me that last night."
"I know, I'm really sorry. I, uh, I went to an after party and I got a bit drunk."
That quiets him a bit. "You never get drunk. Not really at least."
"I know," you groan, feeling a bit more regret seep into you. "I was being stupid, okay? I'm sorry I didn't text you or anything. I know you worry a lot."
"It's alright. You're an adult, Y/N. I just...I wouldn't want you to get hurt when I could've done something about it."
"Well, don't worry. I don't plan on doing that again anytime soon. I mean...I embarrassed myself plenty."
There's a teasing tone to Akaashi's next words. "I saw. Kuroo went crazy when he found out you were working for INARIZAKI. I managed to convince him not to harass you about it though. You puked on him, huh?"
"Thanks," you say dryly, "but don't remind me." You drag a hang down your face, shame burning on your cheeks. "It was so bad. But technically, I puked in the bowl so not on him."
"That's still bad."
"I'm going to hang up on you. Why can't we talk about like...I don't know, the pizza or something."
Akaashi laughs, and you find yourself smiling despite it all. "Whatever let's talk about your adventures in person. Favorite cafe at three?"
You hum. "Favorite cafe at three," you confirm.
As you're getting ready, your phone dings with a text message. Absent-mindedly you pick it up and open it.
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<- previous | next -> | masterlist
★ - suna was not very chill when he sent that text. he was on the other side of the screen acting like a nervous wreck
★ - osamu's the smaller twin compared to atsumu seeing as atsumu still did have his vb career, just not as long. that's why his clothes aren't completely baggy on y/n (and are what she's wearing in the photo on suna's twt)
★ - akaashi spent most of the night awake waiting for you to text him till bokuto eventually convinced him to sleep for at least a few hours
✦ - Y/N is a small business owner, offering her services not only as a designer but an at-home makeup artist and cosmetic producer as well. She's perfectly content with her small life when she's approached by the manager of the INARIZAKI band, asking for her to fill the position of backstage artist on short notice. Needing the money, and wanting the experience, Y/N agrees. Little does she know of the fatal attraction she will share with the band's lead, Suna Rintarou.
@mannaornot \ @gojoscumslut \ @sunarots \ @alienvarmint \ @tojirin \ @tkooooop \ @cheriesdear \ @shotenvinsoot \ @wolffmaiden \ @riiceandsoup \ @thebrownemo \ @vivian-555 \ @effmigentlywithachainsaw \ @rukia-uchiha-98 \ @weird0o0 \ @seiamor \ @rory-cakes \ @blue-violin \ @reveusecherie \ @hellokittylover9 \ @yourlocal-bunny \ @keniza \ @cerberuspuppy1 \ @baramii \ @kirbyscreeper
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90skiyoomi · 2 years
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husband!sakusa kiyoomi x reader
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sakusa kiyoomi has always been self-conscious about his moles. they were scattered all over his body, but there were two very prominent ones above his eyebrows.
it has always been a part of him.
he always thought that it was quite ugly how the two moles sat so openly on his face and how he wished that he could pluck it out because he felt so insecure about it.
that was until they came around.
sakusa kiyoomi never thought that he would fall in love with his moles until he saw it on his kids.
how they perfectly capture your features and his moles.
how one of them had his curls and jet black hair.
it seemed like all his insecurities disappears when he first lay eyes on them.
sakusa kiyoomi used to hate his moles
but after seeing it on his kids, on the kids that you both made, he fell in love with his insecurities.
because he couldn't possibly hate the kids and how they look so much like you.
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thatbigbisexual29 · 8 months
Getting Pushed Off the High Horse (Haikyuu!!)
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Soooooooooooo... hi everyone! It's been a while since I've posted a fic, and I deeply apologize! Life has been busy so hoping on the computer and writing is kind of a hard task, I'm sure some of you can relate. And don't worry, I'm still working on that lee!Hobie fic, but after that's posted I might stop with the Spiderverse fics for a while. I still love the movies, but I've ran out of tickle fic content for that certain fandom. So I'll try posting something new! Hence this fic! I've been a fan of Haikyuu for a while and started watching it again *shoves down at least 50 animes I've been putting on the back burner* Okok I've been rambling now, so here you go! Enjoy! :3
“Hell yeah! That spike was even better than my last one! Eat my dust Akaashi! Woo!” was what Bokuto was currently shouting at his teammate.
It was very uncaptain-like, but his friends knew him well to know that this was a common occurrence. Whenever the team practiced together, Bokuto’s gloating personality shone. Akaashi didn’t mind the showboating, he honestly didn't. But today was not the day.
First, he woke up 30 minutes late to school, had to make up an exam in his first period, spilled his lunch all over himself, read a passage wrong in his English class and got laughed at, found out he failed that first period exam, got a C on another exam, got fussed at for sleeping in class, and accidentally packed his dirty uniform rather than a clean one for practice, so he stunk really bad. Out of all the days the gods wanted to test him, this was the day. And Bokuto was no help. In fact, he was the one that caused Akaashi to spill his lunch. He apologized… but not after he cackled like a lunatic! He even threatened to make ‘soup crotch’ his new nickname. A ‘don’t you fucking dare’ look ended that threat quick and Bokuto even offered some clean clothes he had. Which was surprising since… well, since it’s Bokuto. 
And now, after that extra mean spike Bokuto just served, Akaashi’s anger was near its boiling point. He glared at his captain from the other side of the next, wanting so badly to wipe that smug smirk off of his stupid face. Bokuto caught on and had some shit to talk.
“Oooh, is someone mad he can’t block my spikes? You should have gotten used to it by now~ Isn't losing to me your strong point? Since you’ve been losing to me ever since we met, I thought you would have rolled over and accepted your fate already~” Bokuto purred, snickering when Akaashi’s glare grew sour. The ravenette responded with a quick, “Shut up, owl.”
“Don’t let him get in your head!” Konoha shouted. Akaashi shook his head and tried to focus. But today’s events just kept piling up every time he looked at Bokuto’s stupid, annoying face. He took a deep breath in and exhaled in an attempt to calm himself. As soon as these practices were over, he could go home. He just wanted to go home.
Washio served the ball and the game was in motion. After the back and forth tosses, Bokuto took his stand.
“Pass it to me!” he called. Akaashi kept eyes on his friend, watching the ball spin in the air towards him. He watched as the ace readied himself then ran to the net, Akaashi right in front of him. They jumped at the same time, Akaashi ready to block. Bokuto had a mischievous twinkle in his eyes, one his best friend could spot a mile away. Then, there was the straw that broke the camel’s back.
“Take THIS, soup crotch!!!” Bokuto’s scream echoed across the gym as the sound of the ball slamming on the court followed suit. When they landed, Akaashi struck. He immediately ducked under the net and tackled the older boy to the court. Surprised, Bokuto let out an undignified squeal before bursting into maniacal laughter. He guarded his head as Akaashi attempted to collide his fists to the other’s shitty hair. He wasn’t trying to seriously injure, he would never go that far, but a few bruises wouldn’t kill the ace.
“I! Told! You! To! Shut! Up!” Akaashi growled between blocked hits. Bokuto just laughed and laughed as he grabbed Akaashi’s wrists and held them up.
“Hahaha! Looks like soup crotch can’t take the teeeasiiiing~” Bokuto just had to keep it up. Akaashi’s eyes burned bright with a murderous fire. Without knowing what else to do, Akaashi ripped his arms from Bokuto’s grip and shoved them into his armpits. That probably wasn’t the best idea since his pits were extremely sweaty, and because Bokuto decided to show everyone his best rodeo bull impression.
Bokuto proceeded to shoot his arms to his sides and hug his chest, cackling hysterically as his friend attacked a particularly bad spot. Their teammates watched on with exasperated yet understanding smiles. And plus, they didn’t dare intervene. Not when Akaashi’s face looked like he was happily skinning his prey alive.
“Yeah, yeah! Nothin’ to say now, huh? Huh? You were all big talk not one second ago, where did that talk go? Where did it go Bokuto?! You shut up real quick when someone gets a few tickles in, don’tcha? Come on, tease me again! One more jab, one more mock, one more word I dare you!” Akaashi bellowed with a sadistic smile on his face. Bokuto howled with mirth as he rocked side to side, kicking his feet to try and lessen the tickly feeling somehow.
“BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! A-AKAASHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHI! NAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA! EHEEHEEHEE- GAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!” screamed Bokuto. He could never handle tickles well, his friends knew this. Even a squeeze to his side would send him through the roof. But this was plain ol’ mean. Akaashi knew his weak spots better than anyone, and how to tickle just right so Bokuto ends up crying.
“Oh nuh-uh! You deserve this, you bastard! How are you able to read the court, but not your friend?! Why do you have to be so. Damn. Annoying?!” Akaashi growled as he now focused on Bokuto’s ribs, alternating between his massaging technique and his clawing technique. The poor ace finally managed to roll onto his stomach, but somehow, not being able to block out the tickles from behind made him even more ticklish. 
“REEHEEHEEHEEEEE!! AKA-AKAAHAHAHAHAHAHASHI! SAHAHAHAHAHAHAHARRY! I’M SAHAHAHAHAHAHAHARRY!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! IT'S JUST- BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! IT’S SOHOHOHOHOHOHO EHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEASYYYYY! REEEEEEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEEEE!” Bokuto cried. He attempted to crawl away, but Akaashi kept him down by laying his shin over the small of his back. The rest of the Fukurodani team, who decided to take a water break since this might take a minute, laughed from the sidelines.
“Oh my god, he sounds like Scooby Doo!” One of them remarked. The others cracked up even louder, joined their voices with Bokuto’s in the echoing gym. Akaashi himself couldn’t stop himself from smiling earnestly either. Bokuto was a dummy, that fact wasn’t to be argued with. But at least he was a loveable dummy. Even when he’s more aggravating than sin. All the teases and jabs he made to Akaashi were all friendly. He didn’t have a sinister bone in his body. He probably thought that he was cheering up the setter, so no harm was truly intended. Such a moron, Akaashi thought to himself.
“Apologize! Or else!” Akaashi demanded, pausing the tickling and placing his hand on the back of Bokuto’s thigh. Bokuto flipped himself on his back with a panicked scream.
“I’M SORRY!!!! I’m sorry for calling you soup crotch! And for making you spill the soup! And for hitting those nasty spikes! Please please please please have mercy Akaashi!” Bokuto begged. Akaashi smirked and stood up, putting his hands on his hips.
“That’s right dumbass. Learn to cheer your friend up in different ways.” Akaashi was about to walk away when he felt Bokuto’s weak hand clasp his shorts. The ace panted heavily and gulped a few times, wanting to say something but unable to get it out just yet. Akaashi rolled his eyes fondly and waited.
“Aka- *gulp* Akaashi… *pant pant pant* Let’s stop by a store… *pant pant* and get… *gulp* meat buns? I’ll *pant* pay…!” Bokuto asked. The setter looked at him surprised, then smiled and nodded.
“That’s fine with me. Now get up and drink something before you pass out.” He pulled the ace to his feet and pushed him towards the bench. After practice, Bokuto kept to his word and bought them each five meat buns from a local convenience store. Akaashi didn’t need that much, but it was the thought that counts. He reflected back on today while walking home with Bokuto, who wouldn’t stop talking, and smiled. Eh, today wasn’t so bad, he thought. 
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nataliewritez · 1 year
Pfp made by Totty
Requests: Closed!
Art Requests: Open!
Twitch: Link
Discord: Link
Wild Kratt's Discord: Link
Commissions: Link
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I do not write NSFW! That excludes bondage (heavy, perhaps mild), nudity, and adult activities, jokes are a completely different matter.
Please make sure to read the list below every so often to make sure if one of my fandoms are still active or not, I will be updating it every time I make a new fic or read/watch something new.
Remember I'm only one person, if I take long to do your request, it most likely will be due to personal life issues, my entire life doesn't need the internet.
If you disrespect my friend's rules/boundaries, just know if you come to me, I may not do your ask for a long while, for if you hurt a friend of mine, I'll not take that lightly.
More may be added in future.
Will Never Take Off: 👀
Most Into: 💖
Average: 💗
Like But Won't Write For: ❤
Not Into Currently: 💔
Will Write For: ✍
Won't Write For: 🤚
Still Playing/Watching: 🤳
Play/Watch List: 👁
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Dororo: 👀✍
BSD: 💖✍
Haikyuu!!: 💗✍
TBHK: 💗🤚
Black Butler: 👁🤚
Demon Slayer: 👀✍
Spy x Family: 🤳✍
Nanbaka: 👁✍
One Piece: 🤳✍
Komi Can't Communicate: 🤳✍
FMAB: 🤳✍
MHA: 🤳✍
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Genshin Impact: 💖✍
Honkai Star Rail: 👁🤚
Skyrim: ❤🤚
Ace Attorney: 👀✍
Obey Me: 💗✍
PjSekai: 💔🤚
Misao: 💗✍
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
TOH: ❤🤚
Ninjago: 💖✍
Puss 'N Boots: 💖✍
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Batman Wayne Family Adventures: 💖🤳✍
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Let The Stars Guide You (Lee!Reader/Ler!Xiao)
Departure Day (Lee!Senjuro/Ler!Kyojuro)
How To Train Your Owl (Lee!Bokuto/Ler!Akaashi)
Ango's Weakness (Lee!Ango/Ler!Reader)
Upper 1 & 2's Secret (Switches!Douma & Kokushibo/Ler!Akaza)
Dazai's Troublesome Day (Lee!Dazai/Lers!Atsushi & Akutagawa)
Cackly Cords (Lee!Zane/Lers!Cole & Pixal) (Collab w/ @jettorii)
Mushi-Madness (Lee!Reader/Ler!Mushitarou)
Sun Dials & Wails (Lee!Tengen/Ler!Kyojuro)
Knight In Shining Armour (Lee!Rui/Ler!Tsukasa)
Wonderous Ways (Lee!Xiao/Ler!Lumine)
Lying Lawyer (Lee!Phoenix/Ler!Edgeworth)
Boo Boo's & Laughter (Switches!Anya & Loid/Ler!Yor
High Horizons (Lee!Venti/Ler!Lisa)
Butterflies Bounty (Lee!Tomioka/Ler!Kocho)
A Book's Purpose (Lee!Yanfei/Ler!Hu Tao)
Best Day Off Ever (Lee!Chuuya/Ler!Reader) (Dani's Birthday Fic)
Late Night Sorrows (Lee!Reader/Ler!Mushitaro)
A Proxy's Memories (Lee!Toby/Ler!Slender)
Silent Kicks (Lee!Tadano/Ler!Komi
Tripping Up (Lee!Roy/Ler!Riza)
A Magician's Trick (Lee!Ferminet/Lers!Lynette & Lyney)
Near The Wood Fire (Lee!Jason Todd/Ler!Sakura)
Finding His Voice (Lee!Hyakkimaru/Ler!Mio)
No Longer Alone ( Jing Yuan Comfort Fic)
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Lee!Edward Elric(FMAB)
Lee!Illumi Zoldyck(HxH)
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kaiisers · 1 year
HAIKYUU! ꒰ sfw ꒱
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none of the works in this rec list belongs to me. all due credits go to the respective authors. most of these works are f! or afab! reader. ALSO! minors + blank + ageless blogs will be blocked.
⿻ last updated: may. 09, ‘23
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personal favorites : ♡
reader discretion advised, read content warnings : ✧
mxm: ch & ch
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head over heels. ──── 1k
⌜ ୨୧ ⌟ at an msby match, shoyo hinata catches your eye. apparently, you catch his too.
cw. gn!reader
how to: build a confession.
⌜ ୨୧ ⌟ tsukishima takes a grueling trip to build-a-bear and reflects on his feelings for you.
cw. none (except for kei’s miserable behavior)
girlfriend. ──── 2.4k
⌜ ୨୧ ⌟ you might be his girlfriend—but she's his girl.
cw. f!reader. hurt/comfort. a lot of reader insecurity. fear/mention of emotional cheating but there is none
exactly where you wanted me. ──── 2.3k [ outtake ]
⌜ ୨୧ ⌟ in which Oikawa asks you to be his fake girlfriend and isn't expecting to be swept off his feet
cw. she/her!reader, minimal angst, mostly fluff, love triangle-ish (as I had forewarned), pining
holiday shopping.
a groovy kind of love. ──── 1.8k
⌜ ୨୧ ⌟ in which bokuto tries his best to make you feel better.
cw. mentions of a breakdown, hurt/comfort.
as if! ──── complete
⌜ ୨୧ ⌟ what you want is what you get. thats how its always been for you growing up. but the one time you let time and destiny do it’s thing, surprise, surprise! it’s not how you want it to be. maybe you‘re just clueless on how things should play out without having it your way.
cw. smau, crack, fluff & maybe a pinch of angst
no follow-up questions. ──── 3.1k+
cw. mentions of drinking & alcohol, reader has a little drunk throw up moment <3
older brother’s best friend suna is so annoying !!!
storytime: i fell in love with my fake fiancée? ──── 3.2k
⌜ ୨୧ ⌟ suna decides a fake proposal is a good idea to get free dessert - what he doesn't expect is for a video to go tiktok viral for 'couple goals'.
cw. suna rintarou x f!reader
cold feet. ──── 1.8k
⌜ ୨୧ ⌟ in which Atsumu gets cold feet before he even gets engaged
cw. angst to fluff, exes(?) to lovers?
escapism. ──── 1.1k
cw. SFW, slight angst, reader is emotional, a lot of smiling and tears - lovers who have loved each other almost their whole lives, even if they lost sight of it along the way.
𖨂 ⸱ ꕤ ⸱ MIYA OSAMU
snapshots. ──── 1.9k
⌜ ୨୧ ⌟ Osamu asks you during an interview where you see yourself in five years. It’s everything you’ve wanted and so much more.
cw. fluff; coworkers to friends to lovers; Osamu is reader’s boss for a moment but there’s no power dynamics; self-indulgent
angel eyes. ──── 1.5k
⌜ ୨୧ ⌟ a series of unfortunate events for our mochi kita
cw. kita shinsuke x gn!reader, meet-cute(?), fluffy
happily ever after. ──── 1k
cw. kingdom au; angst/fluff; mentions of infidelity; suggestive content
⌜ ୨୧ ⌟ you’ll always be there for him as you are his home.
cw. fluff
steal my girl.
⌜ ୨୧ ⌟ kita has had enough with his teammates flirting with you and it’s about time they find out who you really are to him
cw. fluff
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tiniestbee · 11 months
Make Me
Daichi liked the little things in life; a nice dinner with his old teammates, a kiss goodbye before he left the house, and of course, the vivid recollections of you sobbing as he forced another orgasm out of you with his tongue and fingers before he had you absolutely wrecked on his cock.
Or, Daichi is a pleasure dom and no one can change my mind.
tags : not sfw, pwp, reader insert, afab reader, attempted bratting by reader, daddy kink, feminine nicknames used for reader(darling, princess, sweet girl), established relationship, established dom/sub relationship, overstimulation, forced orgasm, multiple orgasms, stop light system, mention of safewords(not used), aged up characters, not canon compliant, author does not use y/n
a/n : originally posted to AO3 on 9/5/20. vaguely self shipy in terms of reader's height, but otherwise it should be fairly neutral. also, is this realistic? probably not. was it hot when I wrote it? absolutely. this was the first explicit fic I posted to AO3, and also the first I've posted to Tumblr since crossposting, so if you notice a tag I should have included, please let me know, and thanks so much for reading!
minors, ageless, and blank blogs DNI, you will be blocked!
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Normally, Daichi wouldn’t bat an eye at your antics; twirling around in a too short skirt you picked out just for him, brushing up against him while he worked on dinner and rambling a mile a minute. But when you started getting mouthy, asking him “why should I?” and “can’t you do it?”, his patience started wearing thin. It wasn’t until you dropped this particular bomb, however, that he finally snapped.
“Darling,” Daichi sighed, “I’m going to need you to be a little quieter for me until I get this done. Can you do that for me?”
“I dunno. Why don’t you make me.”
Daichi all but froze, arching an eyebrow even though you couldn’t see it, and finished chopping the vegetables you’d need for dinner. That done, he put them into tupperware, studiously ignoring you for the time being, and set them in the fridge. You couldn’t help squirming while you waited for him to acknowledge you, thinking you had probably gone a little too far and maybe regretting it just a little.
“Oh, don’t get all shy now. Get over here,” He ordered, leaning back against the island while you made your way over, trying to fake a confidence you didn’t really feel. Throwing your arms around his waist, you shot him what you hoped was a blinding smile, pressing as close as you could into his chest.
“Yes Daddy?” You knew what it would do; you were already too far in to back out now, might as well enjoy the ride. Grabbing you by the upper arms, he spun you around and pinned you to the counter, hands flat on either side of you. It happened so fast you almost couldn’t react, breath caught in your throat as he pressed his forehead to yours, eyes squeezed shut while he attempted to steady his breath. Opening his eyes, he smirked down at you, straightening up until it felt like he was towering over you.
“Fine. You wanna play? Let’s play.” It was like a switch had flipped, and he was a whole other person standing in front of you. He reached down to grab the backs of your thighs and hoisted you up onto the island, pressing his mouth to the base of your neck to suck and bite little marks into the skin. His hands slid up your thighs and under your panties, fingers hooking into the edges and pulling until they fell to the floor on their own.
His target freed, he moved back to fall to his knees, pushing your skirt up to reveal your pussy, wet and waiting. Wasting no time, he took each thigh in a bruising grip and licked a thick line up the center until he reached your clit, closing his lips around it when he did. You couldn’t help the jolt of your body when the heat of his tongue touched you, a shiver shooting up your spine.
As annoyed as you knew he was, he was surprisingly gentle, fingertip shaped bruises notwithstanding. You couldn’t help a giggle when his tongue swiped across your opening and his brows furrowed, clearly not expecting the liquid already seeping out to stain your skin. The giggle quickly morphed into a moan when he slid his index finger in, down to the knuckle in one slow glide. If you didn’t know any better, you’d think Daichi was smirking down there.
He started a slow rhythm in and out, focusing his tongue on and around your clit to get you warmed up, thoughts of how best to get you sobbing on his cock as quickly as possible warring with how much he wanted to wring as many orgasms out of you with his mouth as he could. Shrugging internally, he decided he’d make you come as many times as it took to make you cry, then go from there.
With that in mind, he started eating you like a man starved to try and get you to orgasm as quickly as possible, carefully pressing in a second finger when he felt you were ready for it. With the extra stretch and added stimulation, it took only a few thrusts and you were gone, crying out and clenching around his fingers while he worked you through it. When he looked up at you, tongue still dragging over your clit even as the aftershocks began to fade, the glint in his eyes let you know you were in for a long night.
It felt like he knelt between your legs for hours, bringing you to orgasm over and over until you could barely think straight, and when he asked if you wanted him to stop, you’d say no, but when he asked if you wanted to come again, you’d say no too. After his most recent inquiry, he sat back on his heels to give you a bit of a breather, rubbing his hands up and down your thighs to let you know he hadn’t left. Leaning his forehead on the edge of the counter, he figured now was the time to get you on his cock, tears be damned. He’d get you crying one way or another.
You had laid back on the island somewhere between orgasms four and six, maybe 20 minutes ago, maybe an hour, you weren’t sure, finally letting the built up tears spill over and leak down your temples and into your sweat soaked hair. Your whole body felt wrung out and sore, but nowhere more so than your swollen, sensitive clit. Even the slightest brush of your thighs sent a shock up your spine.
Daichi called your name to get your attention, watching you slowly sit up with a soft smile. Instead of answering, you merely cocked your head and looked down at him, making grabby hands in his direction. After searching your eyes to confirm you were still there with him, he chuckled and gathered you into his arms for a hug, one arm around your waist and one hand stroking your hair.
“How’re we feeling, princess?” Again forgoing words, you just nodded into his chest, humming a little tiredly. You felt really good, honestly. Somehow both tense all over and utterly relaxed, something only Daichi could manage to make you feel. Letting out a good natured huff, he carefully separated your limbs and held you at arms length, eyebrow raised. “I need your color.”
“Green Daddy. I’m green,” you answered, making eye contact to reassure him that yes, you were there, everything was good, you were fine. He still hesitated a moment, squeezing your upper arms a bit before he let go.
“You know I have to ask. I’ll be right back. Daddy’s gonna take real good care of you, alright?” He didn’t wait for an answer, not really expecting one, and disappeared into your shared room. He exited fairly soon after, one hand behind his back like he was hiding something from you. Nothing could scare you at this point, what could it possibly be? Opening one of the drawers below you, he dropped the object in and closed it back, giving you an innocent smile.
“You’re ridiculous,” You laughed, pulling him in for your first kiss since he’d pinned you to the counter a good hour or two prior. Daichi wasted no time in tilting his head and licking at the seam of your lips, teeth catching on your bottom lip when they opened. Otherwise he kept it slow, just deep enough to keep your attention while he stepped closer and dropped his hands to his jeans, popping the button and lowering the fly. Hooking his thumbs in the waistband of his boxers, he shoved them both down just far enough to pull his dick free.
One hand gave himself a cursory stroke or two then just gripped it at the base, groaning into your mouth when it felt better than he expected. You couldn’t hold back a choked gasp when Daichi reached his hand down between your thighs, carefully avoiding the swollen nub as he trailed his fingers up and down, occasionally dipping a fingertip into your slick pussy to tease. You weren’t sure how much more you could handle, but safewording out never crossed your mind. Daichi would take care of you. He always did.
Finally breaking your kiss, he moved back, tapping your thigh and gesturing for you to get off the counter. Thinking he meant for you to get on your knees, you did as he asked, starting to kneel when his hand gripped your arm to stop you. He appreciated the thought of course, and maybe were this a regular day he would have you choke on it, but he had plans, so that would have to wait.
“Just turn around, love,” he explained, guiding you to face the island and gently pushing you until you were bent over it. You reached back and flipped your skirt up to expose your butt, shaking your hips as you looked back at him over your shoulder and absolutely beaming when he brought his free hand up to rub his face. “You’ll be the death of me, you know.”
Daichi pressed up against you and leaned down, your back to his chest, to press kisses down your neck and across your shoulders, sneaking his hand between you to circle your clit in earnest. Your body jolted underneath him, desperate to get away with nowhere to go, pinned between him and the counter again. A high whine forced itself out of your throat when he didn’t let up, squirming even as you felt the heat stirring low in your stomach.
“Daiichiii,” You cried, your legs twitching as the feeling teetered between pain and pleasure, too much and just enough. You had a feeling, likely a correct one, that he was trying to get one more out of you before he finally fucked you. How he could wait so long when he was rock hard and leaking, if the dampness on the back of your thigh was any indication, was beyond you. Your hands fluttered uselessly at your sides, curling and relaxing on thin air, until you stretched forward and grabbed the other side of the island, knuckles going pale from the pressure.
“Please, I don’t know if I can, I don’t, it hurts,” Your rambling devolved into meaningless sounds, the occasional yelp breaking the stream when he pressed a little too hard or moved too quickly. Body flushed from head to toe, you felt like you were on fire, a white hot ball condensing inside you that was egged on by the edge of pain.
Daichi could tell you were close by the way your muscles were tensing, and your moans had taken on a desperate tone, breaking off halfway through more often than not. Keeping his pace steady, he kissed his way back up your shoulder to the base of your neck and bit down, just hard enough to leave marks. The pain sent electricity down your spine and you came with a bitten off shout, mouth hung open as tears rolled down your cheeks and your muscles seized. Satisfied, he drew back, kissed the red indents left by his teeth and eased the pressure on your clit but kept the same pace, waiting until the initial shock died down to let your muscles relax.
“There’s my girl. I knew you had it in you,” He soothed, retracting his hand from underneath you to rub both hands up and down your sides, letting you come down in your own time. Once you had relaxed enough to lay mostly flat on the counter once more, he reached down to grab himself, rubbing his cockhead up and down your slick center while he waited. “Color?” He questioned once more, putting the slightest bit of pressure on your entrance as he passed it, not enough to slide in but enough that your pussy clenched every time he did.
You gave yourself a moment to think about the answer, which was unnecessary really, but for the sake of honoring the question, you did anyway. Tears aside, you felt pretty decent. Nothing hurt too badly, the stiffness in your fingers aside, you still knew where you were and who you were with, even if time had ceased to matter well before your third climax of the evening. So you answered green, a little hoarse from the crying but otherwise clear. Daichi let out a sigh of relief at your answer and tilted his hips forward, pushing until the head made it past the initial resistance with a little pop that caused a tiny jolt of your hips.
“Fuck, I forget how much I love your pussy sometimes,” He mumbled into your shoulder, pressing a final kiss into the skin before straightening up, letting out a weak laugh when you squeezed around him. You flushed at the words but couldn’t help the smile they caused. Daichi could dirty talk with the best of them, but somehow he very rarely swore. He hated how endearing you found it.
He cut your train of thought off in the best way possible, by starting a slow press into you, the same painfully steady pace from tip to base, until he bottomed out with a deep moan. Fully sheathed within you, his hands moved to your hips, holding you down until your hip bones ached from the pressure. It was a good ache though, one that meant you would bruise.
Your breath came out shuddering from the tears still leaking down your face, every single movement he made heightened by how sensitive you were. Shifting on your toes, you arched your back a little to let him slip just that last bit more in and groaned quietly, feeling like the head was pressed right up against your cervix. Your walls fluttered weakly around him as you acclimated to his size, still a little surprised you weren’t used to it by now. Relaxing your grip on the counter’s edge to spread your fingers a little, you let your hands lay flat on the counter before letting out a deep breath.
“You can move. I’m alright.”
Daichi needed no further encouragement, immediately drawing his hips back and thrusting forward, the sharp sound of skin on skin echoing around the room. Like in most things, he was steady but unrelenting; every thrust measured but giving you the full length of his cock again and again. The feel of him dragging against your insides was enough to cause a fresh wave of tears, keeping you from paying much attention at all to what else Daichi was doing until something cold and hard pressed directly onto your clit.
Daichi pressed the on button and the vibrations assaulting your swollen peak threatened to overwhelm you instantly, a scream ripped from your throat as the sensations finally registered. It was absolutely too much, you were sure you were going to fall apart right then and there. Every muscle in your lower body tensed, your pussy included, clenched so tight around his cock Daichi almost struggled to keep moving. He stopped moving when he was fully inside you once more, curling himself over your tight form to press his mouth to your ear, trying to sooth you as best he could.
“You’re okay, I promise. You can give me another, I know you can,” He murmured, giving a few experimental half thrusts before settling on slowly grinding against you, every shift sparking heat inside you. For some reason, that’s what did it; breaking down into sobs as you came so hard your vision spotted. Your hips started moving of their own accord, twitching back to try and push Daichi ever deeper then up to get away from the vibrator before starting over again, everything feeling like it was all too much. He didn’t stop his hips or remove the vibrator, all the while whispering sweet nothings in your ear, moving his free hand up your body to thumb away what tears he could reach.
Finally, just when it seemed like Daichi might leave you suspended in limbo between orgasm and let down, he clicked the vibrator off and you sprawled out on the counter like someone had cut your strings. It felt like you came forever, and even when the initial wave faded, aftershocks traveled up and down your entire body for a good minute after, each one causing you to clench around Daichi’s still achingly hard cock. You had the wherewithal to feel bad about that for a moment or two, before he was pulling out and helping you upright.
“I’m so proud of you, my sweet girl.” You hummed at the praise, wrapping your arms around his neck to keep yourself standing. Your whole body felt like it was shaking, your legs from the now released tension and your chest as you tried to settle your breathing now that the tears had abated. Bending his knees, Daichi scooped you up and carried you to the bedroom, setting you down on the bed with a chaste kiss before disappearing into the bathroom. You flopped back onto the pillows as soon as he let you go, wriggling until you were comfortable and waiting, eyes half closed, for him to return.
He did not too long after, soft shorts slung low on his hips and a warm washcloth in hand. He pressed one knee into the bed and leaned over you, carefully wiping your face before moving to the rest of you. He made sure to clean off any lingering wetness before tossing the cloth and crawling onto the bed. Flipping the covers back, he slid down into the sheets and beckoned you closer, an offer which you took gladly.Throwing your leg up over his hips, you laid your head on his chest and flopped your free arm over his stomach.
“That was good. Thanks Daddy.” Daichi grinned at the slur to your words, pressing a kiss to the top of your head as your breathing deepened with sleep almost instantly. He should be the one thanking you, for putting up with him and his obnoxious need to have his mouth on you, but that could wait. Pulling the covers up and over the two of you, he murmured your name and pressed his nose to your hair, holding you close as he too descended into sleep.
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unscheduledfics · 10 months
Sakuatsu drabble - Foxtsumu
sfw, fox hybrid atsumu, pre-relationship fluff 940w no warnings
Atsumu is outwardly loud and cocky but that's really just on a shallow level. When it comes down to it he's a bit skittish and shy, and slow to trust. The real loudness comes once he's comfortable with someone, but that takes a while.
When he joins MSBY he struggles to connect with his new teammates, especially since he's the only hybrid on the team. It's not very common to see hybrids in professional sport, because they're usually quite sensitive and their tails tend to get in the way.
In high school Atsumu always had Osamu by his side and they took on everything together, but now he feels isolated and alone. His cockiness is born from a 'fake it til you make it'-attitude, and eventually he becomes comfortable enough with his new team members to ease up around them and be more like himself - a bit of an asshole with a heart of gold, and someone who loves loudly and freely.
Enter Sakusa Kiyoomi, who changes everything.
Suddenly, the members of MSBY get to see Atsumu being shy and bashful. He's his usual self when Kiyoomi isn't around, but as soon as the newest member enters the gym Atsumu's ears perk up and his tail starts flicking back and forth.
He never speaks to Kiyoomi outside of normal pleasantries and call outs on the court. He stares, though, and tries to pretend he doesn't by hiding his face behind his tail. When Kiyoomi shows up wearing compression gear for the first time, Atsumu is beet red during the entire practice and his tail won't stop swishing up to cover his blushing face.
All of MSBY (aside from the fox himself and Kiyoomi, who are not privy to the discussion) agree that Atsumu is being so stupidly obvious and yet seeming so oblivious as to how hard he's crushing. His ears constantly swivel to face Kiyoomi, wherever he might be in the gym. He hides behind his bushy tail, his wide eyes the only thing peeking up over the soft fur, and watches Kiyoomi do spike drills. He avoids speaking directly to Kiyoomi whenever possible, always sticking close to the other team members and fleeing whenever he's alone with the spiker.
And then one day their usual team bus breaks down and they have to travel on a much smaller one. The lack of space requires everyone to have a seat mate and Atsumu almost panics when he realises that the team has conspired to have him end up next to Kiyoomi. The trip is long and there's no other place for him to sit, and so he proceeds to hug his tail and hide his blushing cheeks in the fur to avoid making a fool of himself by speaking to the object of his affections.
About an hour into the journey Atsumu feels a light touch to his shoulder and startles, turning to face Kiyoomi with most of his face still buried in his tail.
"Hey," Kiyoomi says, his eyes soft above his mask. "You seem really nervous, are you okay?"
Atsumu doesn't dare speak so he just gives a jittery nod, averting his eyes and biting his lip behind the cover of his tail.
Kiyoomi is quiet for a moment, but then he says something that makes Atsumu's heart do a somersault. "Would you like me to scratch your ears?"
"What?" Atsumu squeaks, head swivelling back towards Kiyoomi as his heart threatens to beat out of his chest.
Suddenly it's Kiyoomi's turn to blush and avert his eyes, clearing his throat before speaking again. "I'm sorry, that was... I'm sorry if that was too forward. It's just that, well, I don't have a lot of experience with hybrids so I did some research, and most sources agree that scratching behind the ears is comforting and calming..."
Kiyoomi trails off, staring out of the window, and Atsumu's just gaping at him.
Kiyoomi did research for Atsumu? He looked up how to make hybrids feel comfortable and at ease, and he's offering to...
"I'd like that," Atsumu blurts out before he can stop himself, immediately blushing harder and sinking back into his tail when Kiyoomi's head whips back around to face him, eyes wide. "If... if yer offerin', I mean."
Kiyoomi's eyes light up and Atsumu falls a little more, subconsciously leaning forward as Kiyoomi raises his hand towards his twitching ears.
"Be careful with 'em," he mumbles into his tail, eyes already half shut in relaxation when he feels Kiyoomi's hand gently settle on the top of his head.
"Of course," Kiyoomi says, barely above a whisper as he starts moving his fingers, his short nails softly scratching Atsumu's scalp right where his ears connect.
Atsumu can't help it - he immediately starts purring. Kiyoomi's hand is warm and his touch is careful and deliberate, gently scratching at the absolute best spot even without Atsumu guiding him. It's pure bliss.
"Are you... purring?"
Kiyoomi's voice is a mix between soft, curious, and amused. Atsumu would usually be embarrassed but he's way too blissed out to care, so he just hums affirmatively as his eyes slip shut, his tail falling into his lap as his arms relax.
Kiyoomi chuckles softly beside him, and the sound makes Atsumu's chest feel warm. He leans further into Kiyoomi's touch, and startles slightly when he feels his head land on his teammate's shoulder.
"Oh, 'm sorry-"
Kiyoomi's grip on his head tightens almost imperceptibly, keeping him in place. "It's okay, stay here."
A warm thrill runs through Atsumu's body and he purrs louder, nuzzling into Kiyoomi's shoulder and letting the soft touches lull him to sleep.
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reikuto · 2 years
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⋆ฺ。*:・CONTENT! college!au, mutual pining, cursing :: oikawa tooru x gender neutral reader. A/N! sorry for any grammatical errors, i was excited to post!!・: *。ฺ⋆
SPARING A FAKE SMILE TOWARDS THE COUPLE AS THEY LEFT the establishment, you waited until their backs were turned to roll your eyes in annoyance. wiping the thin sheen of sweat on your forehead, you mentally cursed the summer heat for making your shift utterly unbearable. catching sight of the busboy, you point to the cluttered table before moving on to attend the next group.
with a sigh, you walk up to the table and put on your best smile as you set their menus down. “hi, welcome! what can i get for yo—“ your smile drops when you meet his eyes. “what are you doing here?”
“hi, yes, could i get a birthday kiss, please?” oikawa smiles cheekily, innocently tapping his fingers against the menu. he looked painfully good; with his soft, styled hair, flushed cheeks, and dewy skin. “i’ll consider it my birthday gift, since you obviously forgot.”
“oh is it your birthday? i couldn’t tell.” you deadpan, staring at the birthday themed badge with a big, bold “I’M 8!” pinned to his shirt. “congrats, you’re almost at double digits.”
“they ran out of eighteen, i had to improvise.” iwaizumi shrugs, picking up his menu and flipping it open.
you scoff, crossing your arms. “they didn’t run out of birthday badges for an eighteen year old on a random tuesday afternoon.”
iwaizumi smirks smugly as he browses his menu. “come on now, the birthday boy asked for a kiss.”
“don’t change the subject.” you narrow your eyes at him. “why are you entertaining this?”
“birthday privileges,” iwaizumi says as he sets the menu down and finally looks up to meet your eyes. “that and he’s paying, so could you please get the big man and i get some water? lots of ice, thanks.”
“and a kiss,” oikawa quips.
“the two of you are insufferable,” you shake your head. “are you sticking with your usual orders or what.”
“yeah, the usual for me.” iwaizumi confirms before quickly adding, “extra pickles.”
“great,” you take their menus, paying no mind to the way oikawa pouted in his seat. finally facing him, you placed a hand on your hip and raise your eyebrows expectantly. “you ready to actually order now, oikawa?”
he breaks out into a grin at your attention—fuck he’s so cute—and straightens up in his seat. “have i ever told you i love the way you say my name?”
"oh give me a break.” you roll your eyes, spinning around before he could see the smile break out on your lips. leaving the two of them to pass their orders to the chef, you catch yourself staring at the floor and smiling like a doofus. jeez, what am i doing? get a grip. bringing yourself back to reality, you keep yourself busy while the cook works her magic.
oikawa’s eyes trail off of iwaizumi and onto you when you emerged from the kitchen. watching as you attended another table, he found humor in the way your face lit up when a child tried to order for themselves. mostly because you had recently expressed your disdain for parents who let their barely articulate four year old try to order during a lunch rush.
“could you be any more obvious?” iwaizumi asked, snapping in fingers in front of oikawa’s face. “you’re drooling all over the fucking table.”
“in a funny mood today, aren’t you?” oikawa shot back, “i can assume as much seeing as you bought me this.” he rolled his eyes, tapping his birthday badge.
“it was cute, i thought it suited your mature and distinguished personality.” iwaizumi teased annoyingly.
“ha-ha,” oikawa said dryly. “what happened to my birthday privileges.”
“oh believe me, they’re still there,” iwaizumi scoffed. “i’ve let a lot of things slide today, but that’s besides the point.”
“what exactly is the point?”
“the point is that this constant back and forth between you two is killing me.” iwaizumi groans, “when are you gonna grow a pair and ask them out?”
“i have a pair, thanks.” oikawa glared, catching a glimpse of a waiter approaching their table with a tray. “oh, would you look at that? someone’s already bringing your shit sandwich over.”
“this conversation isn’t over.”
“what conversation?”
“i obviously plan on doing it, just not today.” oikawa stated, watching in disdain as iwaizumi’s plate was placed in front of him. how on earth does he eat that. “it’s a total dick move.”
grabbing the nearby ketchup bottle, iwaizumi cocked an eyebrow at the statement. “i’m not following, why exactly is it a dick move?”
“cause it’s my birthday, iwa-chan.” oikawa rolled his eyes as if it were obvious. “what if the pressure of not wanting to hurt my feelings on my birthday is the only reason they agree.”
iwaizumi hummed, squeezing a dollop of ketchup onto his plate. “you know what i think?”
“what?” oikawa asked, hopeful that his best friend would provide him with some much needed insight.
“i think you’re making excuses.” or not.
“shut the hell up and eat your disgusting sandwich.”
by the time you’re done taking orders and dealing with bullshit, iwaizumi was already more than halfway done, nodding occasionally as oikawa talked his ear off. you practically skip over to the kitchen, poking your head inside and clearing your throat to get the cook’s attention.
“is it ready, ‘suri?” you ask with a hopeful tone. the last thing you wanted was for them to leave before the surprise was done. smiling when she nods over to the plate sitting prettily on the counter, you rushed over to pick it up. “thanks, you’re the best!”
exiting the kitchen, you hide the plate behind your back and compose yourself before making your way over to their table. ok so yes, you may or may not have asked her to make milk bread in honor of oikawa’s birthday but in your defense, oikawa has been going on about his birthday since before it even turned july. besides, the two of you are friends, of course you’re gonna get him something!
and while it might seem like an insignificant gift, ‘suri’s desserts held a reputation for being downright heavenly and expensive. plus, it was extra special because milkbread wasn’t even on the menu, ‘suri only made an exception because she loved you.
reaching his table, the two of you stare at each other for a few seconds before oikawa caves. “did you come over just to stare at my pretty face?” he muses. you let the smile take over your features, revealing the plate and setting it down in front of him.
“happy birthday, tooru.” you hummed, leaning down to place a quick kiss on his cheek. straightening up, you place a hand on his head and affectionately ruffle it a bit. “i can’t believe you’re already starting the third grade, i’m so proud of you, bud.”
“they grow up fast don’t they?” iwaizumi sighed, “seems like just yesterday he was having a meltdown over his haircut.”
“that’s because it was.” you laugh.
“that’s right, it was.”
oikawa’s still blinking in shock at the dessert before him and the fact that you brought it for him and holy shit, your hand is still in his hair. “well don’t just stare at it, try it.” you urge, sliding the plate a little closer.
oikawa cleared his throat, looking up at you with a tiny smirk. “are you gonna feed it to me too?” it took you a second to register what he was saying because all you could focus on was the pink hue to his cheeks and ears.
“as if,” you snorted, reluctantly taking your hand out of his hair. “now if you’ll excuse me, i have to get back to work.”
oikawa’s hand smoothly reached for your own before you could walk away. “you’re still coming tonight right?” please say yes.
forcing yourself to look away from your joined hands, you nodded dumbly. “to your party right?”
“yeah, i know you get off late but—“
“yes, yeah, of course i’ll be there.” you cut him off, mentally punching yourself for sounding so eager.
“great, i’ll see you then.” 
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ya9amicide · 2 months
♡ anime masterlist ♡
pov: your camera roll if you were dating hajime iwaizumi.
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Wherever You Start
SunaKomo | 11.1k | Teen
In which Suna has an Instagram famous ferret and pines for her vet, Komori. My dear friend Dindi did the art for the graphic!
Excerpt from the above pic under the cut:
"I think my ferret hurt her leg," Rin says on the phone with the vet at 2:00 AM. "Can you see her?"
That’s definitely the sound of a mattress creaking as Komori apparently slips out of bed. “Oh! Poor thing. Yeah, you can bring her right over.”
A pause, and then—“Hey, this isn’t some weird ploy to rob my clinic, right? I don’t have enough ketamine to justify holding me up for it.”
Rin laughs, slipping on a jacket and grabbing his keys. “Nah, I’ve got klonopin for that.”
Or: the SunaKomo veterinarian AU no one asked for.
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rintarousgirl · 11 months
i wanna be yours -- 4. fluorescent adolescent
✦ - Y/N is a small business owner, offering her services not only as a designer but an at-home makeup artist and cosmetic producer as well. She's perfectly content with her small life when she's approached by the manager of the INARIZAKI band, asking for her to fill the position of backstage artist on short notice. Needing the money, and wanting the experience, Y/N agrees. Little does she know of the fatal attraction she will share with the band's lead, Suna Rintarou.
a/n: there is heavy alcohol use and vomiting in this, but it's fairly quick so don't worry about missing much if you need to skip it!
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Suna's voice was angelic.
That was the only way you could describe it. His voice still held that sweet-smooth quality, sugared words dripping from his lips like honey. You tried to focus on the lyrics, how sweet they probably were considering the girls screaming in the audience. You knew they probably wrote love songs considering they were attractive young men. But you couldn't focus on the song itself, not even the pounding of the drums of the thick bass line.
You couldn't keep your eyes (and ears) off Suna.
He was wonderful, more than wonderful. Beautiful maybe, or alluring.
And it continued like that for the rest of the night. Occasionally Atsumu would run off stage, grabbing a few waters for the rest of them. You managed to coax Osamu off stage to fix his hair, seeing as the hat and sweat had made it stick up.
For the next two and a half hours, you sat there, borderline mesmerized by the band. Kita sometimes would cheer at the end of songs, sitting in his chair by the steps. He seemed just as invested as you did.
As the band did a small q&a to end off the concert, you make your way over to Kita on the stairs.
"I want to do the tour for you," you say softly, hoping none of the mics on the edge of the stage would pick up your voice. "I liked today. A lot."
Kita smiles. "I knew you would," he says confidently, "I was being truthful when I said I had faith in you. I'm not a kind person, Y/N, you can ask anyone. I'm told I'm blunt and rude. I would not install all this false confidence in you if I didn't think today would work out."
You feel a little bashful blush grow on your cheeks, and you return his small smile with a beam of your own. "Thank you, Kita. It really means a lot."
""Course. Oh, and by the way, you'll be paid for this by next week. And you'll get a better pay for tour. I just realized we'd never discussed payment."
You wave your hand, "It gets lost in the rush to get the job done. Just remind me when I should stop by and pick it up."
Kita nods, looking back over to the stage. "There's an after party tonight, and there's going to be a few friends invited. You're welcome to attend, I'd be willing to drive you."
"That would be great! I'd love to go."
Your small conversation is cut off by the band ending the q&a. They blow kisses and wave, and they're happy. That's what matters. They're sweaty and gross and panting so hard it looks like they're about to pass out but they're happy. They come off stage, laughing and chatting. Suna's even smiling too, beaming as he runs a hand through his sweaty hair.
Aran's the first to approach you, slinging an arm around your shoulders. "How'd we do?" he asks teasingly, a biting grin on his lips.
"Great," you say honestly, "I was shocked."
He laughs. "I know, I saw you. Your jaw was on the floor."
You match his laugh with a giggle of your own. You brush your hair from your face. "Can you blame me? The music was great."
Aran nods, licking his lips. "Did Kita invite you to the after party?"
"Yes," you say, "where is it exactly?"
"The twins. They're loaded, like...their family is. They got this huge condo out on the beach. It's the best place to party, so it'll be there. I assume you'll catch a ride with someone?"
"Yeah, with Kita."
Aran smiles. "Good. I'm curious to see what kind of person you are when you aren't all stressed."
You hit his arm lightly. "Hey! I'm pretty relaxed right now!"
"Sure, whatever you say."
You don't notice Suna's gaze from the across the room, his eyes squinting, and his lip bitten. Aran does though, and swiftly moves his arm from around your shoulder and brings you over to the main conversation.
Aran wasn't joking when he said the Miya twins were loaded. When you pulled up outside of their mansion, trailing behind Kita's car in your own, you couldn't help the way your eyes widened.
Walking in, you were greeted by music, some hip-hop rap beat that wasn't familiar to you in any manner, but you could see a group of people in the kitchen and the smell of alcohol. You and Kita were a bit late, having been the ones to hang back and clean the rented space as the band met up with their friends at the Miya's house.
You enter the kitchen, feeling multiple sets of eyes on you. "Guys," Kita says, "This is Y/N, the new makeup artist."
There's a soft bout of silence, and you watch as multiple sets of eyes fall on Suna, who gives a half-hearted shrug. You tuck that little piece of information into the back of your mind to ask about later.
A girl, the only one other than yourself, walks towards you. She holds out her hand, and her cheeks are a flushed pink. "Hi! I'm Hitoka Yachi! Though you can just call me 'Chi, that's what most people do."
You take her hand with a smile. "Hi, I'm Y/N. It's good to know these guys have friends that are women. I started to feel a bit secluded," you joke to which she giggles and nods. She's clearly anxious, struggling to not stutter through her words with her anxiety. You mentally thank her for stepping up though, considering nobody else seemed quite interested in doing so.
Overtime you learn the other's name. There's Oikawa Tooru and Takahiro Hanamaki from the two-partner band SEITWO. They mainly talk to the Kita and Aran, but Hanamaki smiles at you from the kitchen island when you grab your third shot of the night. There's Yachi's fellow band members of KARA3UNO, Kageyama and Yamaguchi who you've heard of. At least, you know them better than you knew INARIZAKI.
There's also a man named Sakusa Kiyoomi, who seems to hang around the twins. You know of him a lot better than anyone else in the room. He was a famous producer, having produced some of your favorite albums. You were the most scared to talk to him. Like, you were the lowly makeup artist. Nobody else had bothered to invite their makeup artist. Though, then again, nobody else brought along their managers yet Kita was here with you.
Slowly, as the night progressed, you loosen up. You down more shots, and at one point you end up doing some disney karaoke with Yachi. Your voice is mediocre compared to the professional singer's, but people cheer for you nonetheless as the two of you dance around wasted.
Eventually, the shots you took for fun become shots you feel like you need to take. Shake of the edge that manages to keep crawling around your shoulders like a blanket.
Yachi bites her lip, drunk herself but not on the same level as you as you come stumbling to sit next to each other. Yachi steals a sip from the beer in your hand, and you hiccup, trying not to drop it.
"Uh," you mumble, "Who was the old makeup artist--for, uh, INARIZAKI?"
Yachi processes the question for a second, her face a bit sour.
You nod, feeling a bit dizzy. The name seems familiar, but in your muddy drunk mind you can't really remember much.
"She's like...my best friend. She's the only reason I really have a career at all, actually. When she worked for the band, she introduced me to..uh Sakusa, and he signed me up with Tobio and Tadashi."
"Seems sweet," you say truthfully, but there's still this sense that there's something wrong going on in your mind.
"Yeah, uh, she quit though...obviously. She quit because--"
Yachi must've been talking a lot louder than you thought you guys were because Suna strides over and pulls you upright. "'Chi," he greets with a nod, and she smiles.
"Sunarin," she replies, a nickname you recall Atsumu frequently calling Suna.
"I think Kageyama is trying to find you, seemed a bit urgent."
Yachi's brows furrow, and slowly she stands, your beer still in her hand as she calls out for her band member. Once she's out of the picture, Suna turns to face you, and you realize just how close you two were.
There are only inches between you, and you know you're both drunk, but Suna is easily one of the soberest people in the house. His arm is around your waist, and he quickly removes it, an embarrassed flush tinting his cheeks.
"Wanted me all to yourself, didn't ya, Sunarin," you tease, the alcohol allowing the words to flow freely from your brain to your mouth. Suna seems to notice this, a grimace on his lips.
"If you're going to call me any nicknames, I'd rather it be Rin."
"Okay, Rin," you draw out the 'n', but it still manages to snag a smile out of him.
"You're drunk," he points out, as the two of you walk. You notice you're going into an area of the house you don't recognize, but that isn't on the front of your mind right now. You're too focused on how pretty Suna---Rintarou looked in the dim lighting of the hallway you were in.
The sounds of the others partying deafens around you, and you don't want to hear anything but Rintarou's voice. "You're so pretty, Rin," you slur, your head lolling onto his shoulder. "I shoulda told you after the show. You sounded amazing."
"Thank you," he says softly, trying to direct you into a straight line. "You're very pretty too, Y/N." the words are truthful, you can tell that much, but there's this disappointed and almost sad quality to his voice.
"What's wrong?" you ask, blinking the daze from your eyes. Rintarou looks at you, chewing on his lip. He opens his mouth to say something but suddenly your stomach is churning and you're gagging into your palm.
Rintarou acts immediately, pushing you into a nearby bathroom and kneeling you next to the toilet. He pulls your hair from your face just as you finally vomit, the contents of your stomach emptying.
It was mainly fluids, considering you hadn't eaten much. The regurgitated alcohol burned your throat, and you coughed and dry-heaved even after you'd finished. Rintarou gave you a roll of paper, which you wiped your mouth with before flushing it down the toilet.
Closing the lid, you leaned back against the wall.
"Fuck," you groan, "I am so sorry, Rintarou."
He tilts his head. "For what?"
You laugh, out of absurdity of the whole situation. Usually you were more responsible than this, and you would limit yourself. The last time you got yourself this drunk was with your friends, and Akaashi had to drive you home, considering you couldn't drive yourself.
You probably wouldn't be able to tonight either, even if you were more sober now.
"For ruining your night," you explain. "I-I'm better than this. I was stupid." You place your hands on your face, trying to hide the tears threatening to pop up in your eyes and the shame being clear on your face.
He takes your wrists in his hands, and he holds them. He holds your wrists gently, and your fingers brush his lips. That's how close you guys were. He's kneeling in front of you, despite your breath no doubt reeking of alcohol and the fact you looked like a mess.
"You were having fun, that's what matters. You didn't ruin anything. Actually, you made my night a lot more interesting. Gave me something to pay attention to other than the idiots out there."
He laughs at his own words, and you try not to look too shocked. It's probably the most he's ever said to you, and you feel a smile make it's way onto your face.
"I'm still gonna feel bad."
Rintarou shrugged. "Well, I'm not judging you."
"Thanks," you deadpan, which pulls out a huff of laughter. Rintarou sighs, and runs a hand through his hair.
"Do you want tea? I kind of want tea, my voice is shot."
"Tea sounds pretty nice right now."
The two of you walk down to the kitchen, taking a less-public path. The Miya condo was big, so that means there were multiple ways of getting to the same room. This way, you could avoid the others still partying in the living room.
Rintarou goes quiet again, sensing that they didn't need to talk. It was nice not needing to fill the silence between you two with chatter. It's nice silence, soft and quiet. You sit at the island counter and watch as he manages to find some teabags in the pantry and begins to make tea for the two of you.
As the water boils, you rest your chin in your hand. "Again," you sigh, "I'm really sorry again. I know you said you wouldn't judge or whatever, but like, I'm still sorry. You should be able to drink and have fun with your friends."
"You're my friend," he points out, "I"m having more fun sitting here making tea then listening to Kageyama try to sing Taylor Swift songs."
You laugh, shoulders trembling. Rintarou smiles, shaking his head.
"You barely know me. Why are you doing me favors?" it isn't that serious of a question, but Rintarou takes it as one. He frowns, placing a cup in front of you.
"I know I'm not the best conversationalist but...you're new, this is your first introduction to the celebrity world. I guess I just want to make sure you don't get lost along the way or something like that."
"Sweet sentiment," you tease, "are you drawn to me, Rin? Couldn't possibly leave me alone?"
He huffs. "Are you sure you're not still drunk?"
"Not entirely."
"Well, either way, it's pretty pathetic that those guys--" he points to the living room, "are my only friends."
Your brows furrow. "Actually?"
He sighs. "Can't have many friends when you're famous. Doesn't end well."
Rintarou looks down at the table and blows out a heavy breath. Then he turns around and takes the teapot off the stove. He puts the teabags into the cups and pours them.
"Is it why Kiyoko quit?"
You watch as his back goes straight and frigid, and you immediately know that it's the wrong question. Slowly, he turns around and pours your cup.
"I'm sorry--Fuck, that was a stupid question--"
"It's fine," he mutters, "There's a bunch of rumors about it anyway, I was kind of waiting for you to ask."
"Still, uh, it's clearly not a fun topic."
"You're right," Rintarou says, and picks up his cup and takes a sip. "But I'd rather not talk about it. Not yet at least."
"Okay," you accept, thankful that he was at least honest with you about it. You'd rather wait than hear some lie because he felt pressured to tell you. You didn't want to ruin...whatever you two were becoming anyway. It felt good to have a friend other than Kita in the band.
Well, you could consider Aran a friend, but he didn't pay much attention to you anyway. He was nice, but you really only talked to him because of his brother.
You take a sip of the tea, and it's warm and nice. The taste is strong but not overpowering, and Rintarou had just made it perfectly.
"Do you like tea?" you ask softly, lowering your cup.
Rintarou nods. "It's good for your vocal cords. A lot better than coffee. Yachi's voice is gonna be fried because she drinks so much coffee. She doesn't believe me."
You giggle. "Give her some of your tea, maybe she'll be convinced. It's really good. Better than any tea I've ever had."
"Thanks," RIntarou smiles, "I've been wanting to make boba sometime soon, try out new things."
"I'd like to make boba with you!" you beam, "I love boba tea."
He chuckles. "We, uh, we could plan something. Do I have your number?"
You shake your head and take out your phone. You slide it over to him, and let him type in his number. He sends a quick text to himself, before giving it back to you.
"I'd like that," you say. "Uh, this may sound weird, but could I take a photo for my twitter? I like to post on there a lot."
Rintarou laughs and nods. "Feel free. I like to post a lot too; my twitter page is a mess."
You take a photo of the two of you, and then take a picture of your two teacups. You quickly post both to your twitter account and send a 0.5 of Rintarou's face to Akaashi just to send him an update that you were in fact alive.
Rintarou makes a face when you snap the picture, and he gently pushed your phone down so you're looking at his eyes. "Couldn't possibly not have me in your camera roll, huh?"
He's playing on your own teasing words, and you let out a soft giggle. "I like taking photos of my friends."
"Good to know, because so do I."
And in a moment of surprise, he lifts his own phone and takes a rapid number of photos. You're caught off guard, and flinch as his flash goes off multiple times. You laugh, loud and free as you try and raise your hands to block the camera.
Eventually, he puts the phone down with a sigh. "How can I take good photos of you if you won't let me see your face?" he pouts, and it's so over-exaggerated that you couldn't help but laugh again.
And you did end up driving home that night, with multiple photos of Rintarou in your camera roll and an airy warmth in your chest.
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<- previous | next -> | masterlist
★ - y/n is usually a responsible drinker (as she said) but she let herself get loose tonight because she really enjoyed the concert (despite the nerves she was attempting to shake off) and hopes her job lasts
★ - the next chapter is going to have A LOT of smau stuff to make up for the lack of it in this chap. i just needed to get in the suna & y/n interactions for whats to come next ;)
★ - suna isn't a big drinker. he'll have one or two beers and that's it, which also means he's usually the designated driver.
★ - yachi had already had a few drinks prior to meeting y/n, so that's why she wasn't as nervous as she is shown in canon! though, she will be more nervous next time they talk lol
★ - more kiyoko lore ?? coming soon hehe
✦ - Y/N is a small business owner, offering her services not only as a designer but an at-home makeup artist and cosmetic producer as well. She's perfectly content with her small life when she's approached by the manager of the INARIZAKI band, asking for her to fill the position of backstage artist on short notice. Needing the money, and wanting the experience, Y/N agrees. Little does she know of the fatal attraction she will share with the band's lead, Suna Rintarou.
@mannaornot \ @gojoscumslut \ @sunarots \ @alienvarmint \ @fleoresies \ @tkooooop \ @cheriesdear \ @shotenvinsoot \ @wolffmaiden \ @riiceandsoup \ @thebrownemo \ @vivian-555 \ @effmigentlywithachainsaw \ @rukia-uchiha-98 \ @weird0o0 \ @seiamor \ @rory-cakes \ @blue-violin \ @reveusecherie \ @hellokittylover9 \ @yourlocal-bunny \ @keniza \ @cerberuspuppy1
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90skiyoomi · 2 years
reckless pt. 3 - the wedding
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fiancé!sakusa or soon to be husband!sakusa x f!reader
after a year, sakusa and you decided to hold your wedding (since it's off season and there isn't any overseas matches). what happens at the wedding and what kind of drama would happen?
a/n: i'm currently sick so there wouldn't be any proofreading. also i've never been to a wedding before so i have no idea how it actually works so i had to google a lot of things but i hope it still makes sense! anyways, this would be the last part for the reckless series. i never thought i would write more than 1 chapter but here we are, 3 chapters later and we're done!
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it's finally the day. you and sakusa have been planning this wedding for so long.
it was off-season period and sakusa didn't have as many matches. you finally found a day where you can hold the wedding.
it took a few wedding drafts and many cake tasting before getting to this point. it was finally the day.
you were in the dressing room while your make up artist puts on your make up and the hairdresser does your hair.
you looked at the mirror and took a glance at the beautiful dress that was hanging that sakusa picked and tailored for you. you can't help but to smile.
after that day that you saw your ex boyfriend and bestfriend, your ex boyfriend tried to call and text you with an unknown number, trying to get your attention and begging for forgiveness. sakusa thought it was funny to send him a photo of the both of you wearing your rings and blocked him after.
not gonna lie, you're feeling pretty nervous. you started overthinking about what might happen or what if sakusa leaves you at the alter. you decided to shrug it off because it's sakusa that we're talking about.
your relationship has been nothing but a dream. he was the most patient person you've ever met. he loves you with all his being and you love him too. you just thought how lucky it was for you to land a guy like this.
fast forward to 15 minutes before the wedding, komori came in to check on you and ask about how you're feeling (sakusa TOTALLY didn't ask him to do it). you guys chatted for abit before he left.
you started preparing to walk to the venue as the ceremony is about to start.
you could see sakusa standing at the podium at the end of the aisle, looking at you in awe as the wedding music started playing out of the speaker. you walked slowly towards him, smiling and thinking that it's finally happening.
when you're up at the podium, the wedding officiant started to ask the both of you to say your vows.
"y/n, it has been a long journey with you so far. i feel like years with you feels like minutes. i remember the first time we met when we were kids and how it was love at first sight. no one has ever made me feel so comfortable, sorry komori, you're second in this. but i want to spend the rest of our lives with you and i hope there is an afterlife so i can spend those times with you too. i love you so much and i'm so happy that i'm able to call my bestfriend my wife."
"sakusa, i honestly don't know how to top your vows because that was so sweet and i wish there is an afterlife too so even death can't do us part. you have been my bestfriend for all my life, minus those years where you moved away, what a dick move. but you have always been the one for me ever since we met in university again. being together with you has been a dream and you are the best person i've ever met and i can't wait to be your wife for the rest of my living life and anything after. i love you so much sakusa"
there were tears of joy from the guests and the both of you.
"now that the bride and groom has exchanged their vows, if there's anyone that isn't in favor of this marriage, speak up now or forever hold your silence."
when the wedding officiant was about to ask you both to exchange your rings, someone in the guest seating area stood up.
"i object!"
you turned around to look at who said that and you see your ex boyfriend.
who the hell invited him and who let him in?
you were at the brink of tears when sakusa called his security.
"escort that man out. he wasn't invited and he shouldn't even be here"
you could see that he was fuming.
"i'm so sorry to everyone for the disturbance. this was really unexpected as we're supposed to have a high level security in the venue. if there's no one else that objects this wedding, is it okay if we proceed accordingly?" he said, turning to look at the wedding officiant.
"it seems like that was just a minor inconvenience so yes, we may proceed. do you, y/n l/n, take sakusa kiyoomi as your lawfully wedded husband?"
you nodded and said yes.
"and do you, sakusa kiyoomi, take y/n l/n, as your lawfully wedded wife?"
"i do"
"i now pronounce you, husband and wife! you may now kiss your bride"
later at the reception, you found out that your ex has bribed one of your acquaintance that you invited and ask her to bring him as a plus one.
needless to say, you kicked that acquaintance out of the wedding after party and cut all contacts with her after that day.
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it has been 4 years since the wedding. as you thought about that day, it felt so nerve wrecking. but at the end of the day, it was all worth it.
as you continue to daydream and reminisce, you slowly drifted to sleep in the arms of your now-husband, sakusa kiyoomi, the most perfect man alive.
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kurobf · 2 years
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“We’re like the blood in our veins. We must flow without stopping.”
juno . 6teen . he/star .
exclusively sfw haikyuu content .
requests: i do not take requests but feel free to send hcs or ideas!
hq masterlist: coming soon!
ao3: kuroobf
unnamed kuroken fic. (will probably only be posted to ao3)
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