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kyndaris · 1 year
Almost after the first date, Spring was busy trying to plan the second. Initially, we had settled for a film. Spring, after all, was incredibly intent on watching the latest masterpiece from the director behind Your Name and Weathering with You: Suzume no Tojimari. Unfortunately, the date for when it would arrive on western shores was still a little far off. And so, Spring scrambled to find a replacement film for the two of us to watch in an attempt to keep the time between the first meetup and a second date shorter than three to five months. A considerable period of time - especially if one is hoping to pursue the hope of something romantic.
At first, he suggested Black Panther: Wakanda Forever. A film I had already watched recently with a work colleague in the best (and most expensive) way possible. Yes, that’s right dear readers. I spent $44 to be pampered in Gold Class with its reclining seats and food deliveries! 
Was it a ridiculous waste of money? 
Yes. But it was a nice enough novelty to experience at least once in my life.
But was Spring going to cough up that kind of cash for a unique experience? Hell no!
Running out of options, he then wondered perhaps if we ought to go for karaoke instead. A sudden change from what would have been an innocuous movie outing. Annoyed at his inability to stay the course, I sternly chided him on his decision to switch to karaoke with just two people AND while only on the second date when we were still testing the waters.
It didn’t help that I could already predict the songs he would be selecting. And I did not relish having a sober karaoke session with a man that was already giving me bad vibes. Especially when it seemed that all he wanted out of a relationship was a female version of himself.
That, and the fact that he thought it was a sign of old age to just ‘listen to the radio’ instead of throwing up Spotify to listen to his curated playlist. Reading that text message, dear readers, was enough for me to roll my eyes at the inanity of his ‘observations.’ 
Let it be known here and now that I’ve been listening to the car radio for as long as I can remember. Was 5-year-old Kyndaris ‘old’ because I hadn’t been able to listen to anything except the radio and was unable to put music that I was interested in?
Realising his faux pas, Spring then tried to backtrack, racking his brain for any film that would entertain. But rather than pick a date and review what might be available during those times, he just offered up Black Adam - a film that he had already seen and was about to end its run in cinemas. So, I pivoted to a few other films by checking to see what was available in cinemas in the back half of November. The Menu and Matilda: The Musical were the ones I selected as being the best choices from the paltry selection available. At least for the day that we finally settled on to go on our second date.
Spring was picky about that too. He had hoped for a weekend, but being the busy little bee that I was, I couldn’t find time to cater to his request on the weekend that Matilda: The Musical was showing in cinemas. I did offer up a Thursday but Spring didn’t want to go out on a work night. This was despite the fact that he wanted a Monday date when he had just got back from Europe and therefore had plenty of free time.
In the end we opted for a Friday.
But I still feel obliged to say my piece: Mate, I’m sorry but the world does not revolve around you! And just because I’m ‘flexible’ doesn’t always mean that your ‘preferences’ will come first. Please think about what might be convenient too for other people or compromising should schedules potentially clash!
As you can see, dear readers, Spring had certainly pressed a few of my buttons. And not in a good way.
So, finally after settling for a date on a Friday to watch Matilda: The Musical (Spring was keen to tell me that he had watched two other musicals before. Never, of course, at the theatre, but film versions. Grease and possibly Hairspray? I can’t remember the second one he mentioned), we set up a time to meet up on the day. 
Unfortunately for Spring, bad traffic on the way home meant he was running a little late. By the time he had arrived, I’d purchased a few cheese tarts for my family and already had the movie tickets in my wallet, ready to whip them out as soon as we were asked to show them for entry.
Although he was late, we were still able to sneak in a quick dinner at Sushi Rio located close to the cinemas without cutting too much into the viewing time of the film. After all, there’s always 20-30 minutes of advertisements now before the feature. 
As we were eating our plates of sushi, I happened to glance to my right  and saw a friend and her boyfriend also indulging in a few plates of sushi after a shopping adventure for anime figurines. On the premise of just checking the time, I’d subtly texted her. To my dismay, he was not one to check her phone messages. And seeing that my message had gone unread, I then tried desperately to remain unnoticed. A very difficult feat because, mind you, this was at a sushi train and I had to look in their general direction to see what delectable sushi I might pluck off the conveyor belt. And they were less than ten metres away. 
Suffice it to say, my efforts were in vain.
After they had finished their meal, they approached and said ‘hi.’ Embarrassed a little that I’d been caught on one of my many ‘dates’ to find the one, I don’t recall if I introduced Spring. I do think I might have mentioned that the two of us were watching a film but I didn’t want to exactly define our relationship as yet. In my head, after all, I knew it wouldn’t go much further than this second date if I had any say in the matter.
So, after a brief catch-up chat with the friend and her boyfriend, Spring and I headed into the cinemas to watch Matilda. 
And I’ve got to say, it was an excellent film. While people online have compared it the 1996 classic starring Danny DeVito and Mara Wilson, this was a beast of a different nature. it was an adaption of the stage musical, which was itself an alternate interpretation of the novel by Roald Dahl. The musical itself had visited Sydney a few times though I hadn’t been able to catch it live.
But from the opening number, you could see that it was meant to be a fun, quirky and magical experience. Although I did feel like Matilda’s precognition abilities were a ham-fisted attempt to provide some backstory for Miss Honey. Honestly, Miss Honey’s parents being an escapologist and trapeze artist was just a little...unbelievable.
Still, I liked many of the songs. Be that: Naughty, When I Grow Up, School Song and Revolting Children.
And even Spring was mightily impressed by the dance choreography. He even said that it was more impressive than the cinematic blow-by-blow of superhero films because of all the editing tricks and the green screens. Gosh, my dear readers, wait until he sees musicals live on the stage! Then he’d be really blown away!
Okay, that was probably a little unfair on Spring, but I was already tired of his ‘gosh, work sucks’ attitude and ‘I’m surrounded by such normie work colleagues’ chatter. It just seemed like he simply wasn’t interested in getting to know those around him on a human level. Rather, he’d write them off as one-note side characters in his main story life.
It was honestly not the best experience to see how callous and ego-centric he saw the world. And while he might have explored more of the world than an ex-friend of mine, the narrow way that they perceive the outside world was just tiring to endure. All of ‘his’ observations were apparently new and sudden and unique. No one else was singing his song. And oh, how wonderful would it be if he could just find someone that could like what he liked.
Did I mention that one of the people he dated was someone I knew at university? No? Well, there you have it.
And I’m not sure if it was a red flag or a green flag.
Regardless, when we went our separate ways at the train station after the film, we exchanged a few messages afterwards about the fact that common sense is no longer really ‘common’ anymore and that was about it. I’m not sure who ghosted who but at least it was a mutual one.
And thank goodness for that.
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ofbluesandyellows · 1 year
Eleven: Jitterbug Love - Eddie Munson/Reader
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Warnings: swearing
Word count: 8,848
a/n: this are just fluff and yeah we are right at the end, hope you like this
Previous chapter
Eddie was almost hyperventilating when they arrived at your building, it took them more than an hour to get there, the cars had to stay in some parking lot that was just secure enough to have Steve’s Mercedes looked after. They walked and took the subway to get to Queens.
Eddie gulped, he had to clean his sweaty hands over his jeans. They were received by your mom, who happily hugged Robin, and greeted the rest of them with warm smiles and a light squeeze on the arm. It was kinda crazy how you looked just like your mom, but also very different, you were a tiny bit more intimidating, it was the gaze and the way you moved in a room, catching attention without noticing it. At least that was what Eddie thought the first time he saw you, you were like a magnet trying to drag the attention from others, yet you were unaware of it, looking down at your feet or anywhere else.
The teens and the two boys sat down between the open living room, they drank pink lemonade and a few pieces of watermelon, because your mom didn’t want them to dehydrate, and keep them occupied until the food was ready.
Robin was lively chatting with your mom, sharing anecdotes and mostly gossiping about people in Hawkins.
Eddie was occupying himself by drinking his very refreshing pink lemonade, trying his best not to freak out and contain the urge to get the hell away from there. The door swung open making him choke on the liquid as you came into view, his chest somersaulted when his eyes landed you, with your red cheeks and sweaty forehead, headphones on. He gawked.
“You okay?” Dustin asked Eddie, who nodded as he felt the boy patting him on the back, but he was just mesmerized, with his hand he cleaned the drops coming from down his nose and across his neck.
You passed by the living room as if they were ghosts. Your mom put a finger on her lips as she saw you walk by, straight to your room.
For you it was a normal day of spring break, a little too hot in the city but you had to go out and print some images for the magazine, so as expected the subway was starting to stink. You felt like changing your clothes the second you got home.
Eddie’s mixtape was playing on loop in your walkman. Morrissey sang to you while you changed your t-shirt, Max’s tie-dye gift was the one you chose as you hummed along to the song. The photographs Jonathan took of a protest in Illinois were nowhere to be seen. You were sure you had put them on your desk the night before.
“Mom! Have you seen the photographs I had on the desk?” you heard nothing coming from her. You took the headphones off, they rested on your neck, “mom?”
You came out of your room, squinting at the silence, your mom was a loud one, always making noise around the apartment.
Walking into the living room you pressed pause to the walkman, not minding the whole scene until your eyes turned ahead. You froze on your spot. A loud horrified scream came out of you unbidden.
“Surprise!!” everyone said untimely.
“What are you doing here!” you shouted, covering your mouth in a second, your mom laughing at the reaction as you got tackled by Robin.
Damn, your heart pounded all the way up to your head, you felt like you could faint any second, good thing Robin was there to avoid the horrible fall.
Tears burning your eyes. It was all like an illusion there was no way they were there.
“You need to keep your promise now y/n. Forbidden Planet, tomorrow!” Dustin said with a grin on his face, you were too in awe to say yes, you just laughed and held your cheeks with your hands, feeling flush and with blurry sight.
Hugs and greetings were exchanged. Jeez, where were you supposed to fit them all in your tiny apartment now? El was so cute and the most innocent girl you’ve seen, Mike half hugged you and handed you a yellow envelope with the words “From Nancy Wheeler” on.
You could check that later. Steve’s hairspray scent filled your nose as he came to hug you in a very harsh motion, but it was fine, you had missed him a lot too.
“But what are you doing here, what about Family Video?”
“We’re here for business…” Steve winked at you but you were kind of confused “don’t worry about it we’ll tell you later. Thanks for the sweater by the way.”
He nudged you lightly.
“He wore it for like two months straight” Dustin added with a grossed face, this made you smile “did you like my present thought?”
“You’re kidding? That was awful Dustin you need to try harder, I don’t know how Suzzie is dating you if you give such horrible gifts”
You heard Eddie snort on the far end of the room, your lips twitched. You almost forgot he was there, the butterflies in your stomach woke up.
“Oh shut up y/n, Suzzie loves me for my charm I don’t need to give her anything because she appreciates me for who i am”
“Okay whatever Dustin, you either apologize or there won’t be Forbidden Planet for you”
“Steve, look what you did to her, she sounds just like you,” Dustin squealed and the ruckus started.
Robin quickly intervened, as the chatting increased when your mom informed the food was ready, making it all way more chaotic as the conversation moved to your tiny kitchen.
This was your cue, your hands were trembling, with a big deep breath you moved. Sooner or later you were going to talk to him anyway.
“Um, hi.”
Eddie gulped, and tried to mouth some words but he was speechless somehow, looking like some fish out of water, he couldn’t be more pathetic. You felt like you were about to lose sanity by having him there, with that outfit and his tattoos showing off on his slightly more tanned skin, your attention slipped to his lips, so pink and soft, and his eyes so wide and bright. Not to mention the way his biceps flexed when he crossed his arm over his chest.
Fuck fuck fuck,
“Hi, hello.” He finally said, it made you smile, he was so not how you first saw him almost a year ago, confidence had left his body, replacing it by clumsiness and cuteness.
You could see the cherry color spreading all over his cheeks and ears.  
“You look good,” he said first, taking you out of guard. His eyes never leaving you. It made you feel very self-conscious, still you probably weren’t as nervous as he felt but Eddie noticed the way your breathing hitched.
Eddie noticed everything when it came to you. It was almost like when he bought his precious guitar all over again as if the whole world had disappeared from around and it was just the guitar shining, but you were a million times more beautiful and captivating. His body and mind were not ready to see you, yes he had tried to wrap his head around the whole encounter with fake scenarios during the whole trip, still those didn’t do the trick for him. He couldn’t believe you were even more pretty now than what he remembered, hell! He was so in love and mesmerized it took his brain a moment to notice everyone had moved to the tiny kitchen to get food on their plates.
You smiled at him when he noticed the commotion. “You look good too! like a rockstar, you always looked like one to be fair”
Eddie’s smile caused a ripple of shivers on your spine. “Nah, I look like I could run a cult or at least that’s what people think.”
“For what it’s worth, I like how you look. I've always liked it.”
His eyes met yours, “That's all that really matters then.”
“Come let's have something to eat.” Your mind was not ready to touch on any delicate matters, not yet.
“Yes ma’am”
A grin formed on your lips as Eddie followed you to the kitchen. When you entered, your mom threw you a look, you knew her too well to know what that minimum innocent glance meant. It was a question charged with a cheeky meaning behind it. She came closer to you and whispered “is that him? The one from the band?”
Your eyes widened, they could’ve dropped out of their sockets, “Mom!” You whined.
“What? You spent the whole year listening to that cassette.”
Swallowing all your words you only shook your head and went to eat with your friends.
Both Eddie and you were not discreet when it came to ‘discreet' glances, and this time neither him nor you approached the other again. It was like an unspoken rule now, you couldn’t interact without making the rest of your friends to remain silent let alone to make the ambience feel awkward. Still they were doing their fair share, trying to tiptoe around the topic, no mentions of Corroded Coffin or concerts and definitely not the name that started with the letter C.
The afternoon didn’t lead to chatting with one another either. You weren’t sure if talking with Eddie was a good idea, yes having him there was a lot and it made you think twice of what to say if the moment occurred. But the sensations he made you feel were playing games with your brain. So when everyone left even after you and your mom insisted on them staying, you tried to get to your room before she could get to you, not wanting to explain anything to your mom but moms are smart, and sneaky. You couldn’t really hide anything from her.
“That’s the kid, right?… I wouldn’t forget a mop of hair like that. The Munson kid if I’m not wrong. He was always very… out there.”
Your mom was sipping from a mug, she looked tired under the fluorescent lights. But she managed to surprise you not once but twice now.
“I like him, he looks like a nice boy, even with all the dark clothes and the hair… although that style suits him. However I don't like him for that. I like him because I’ve seen the way he looks at you, as if you were the only one in the room.” Your mom smiled at you, you diverted her gaze, “now don’t tell me you don’t like him because I’m your mother and I know you y/n.”
She gasped, making you jump in your place, “or do you like that boy Steve? He is cute but you’re too comfortable around him so I’m assuming you’re good friends with him and you finally let that crush go-“
“MOM!” You were so embarrassed, trying to hide your face from your mom was not making it better.
“What? I’m just trying to understand, so is it Eddie or Steve? My money is on Eddie.”
Grunting you picked at your iridescent nail polish, “it’s Eddie… I like him but what if he just-“
“Sweetie, I heard that tape you carry everywhere with you, and he does! You’re just scared to reciprocate him.”
Well those weren’t news to you, but always being reaffirmed by someone else hit different.
“Of course I am mom! What if things don’t work out, we get along nicely but still, he has his band-“
“And you your magazine,”
“But you can work that out, eventually. You haven’t even gone on a proper date with him.”
“Uh, how do you know that?”
A smirk formed in her face, she tried to hide it behind the mug. “A little bird told me a few things.”
“Dammit Robin,” you mumbled.
“Hey, she did it because she cares for you, besides how on earth do you think we planned this, of course Robin was the master behind this operation.”
That was true, it had been a nice-scary surprise.
“Lately it seems like she talks to me more than you, I’m not judging sweetie just go with the flow a bit, you’ll do fine, you’re smart and young. Whatever it is that's making you uncomfortable, I know you are going to solve it, because you are not the kind of person that lets opportunities pass you by. Everything has a solution sweeties, remember that.”
“Thank you mom… I’m just scared, I don’t want to get hurt.. I guess”
She let out a chuckle, a sad one, “oh sweetie, that’s part of the game, if you don’t get hurt then you don’t learn anything, the point here is if you are ready to risk that for maybe a better outcome, you never know, maybe you won’t get hurt.”
Your eyes found hers, the tea in her mug got put aside. She grabbed your hands in hers, a little comforting feeling sitting on the base of your stomach.
“Still, It doesn’t depend on me? Eddie… he liked somebody else and now he is here and I know he likes me and I do like him but, mom…” you whined.
“Well honey, that, as you said, is not for you to decide, you only need to be open to whatever this thing is happening between the two of you, just let it happen honey. It’s always better than wondering what could have been, don’t you think? Plus, he is cute, too cute.”
“Mom…” you whined, she laughed, “please what if he actually becomes my boyfriend?”
“Than I’d have a cute son in law,”
“Ugh,” rolling your eyes, feeling like pop rocks were bubbling in your insides just by the mere thought of actually making Eddie part of the family. “I guess that wouldn’t be that bad.”
“That’s what I’ve been saying.”
“So if he asked me to go on tour with him would you let me?”
She shook her head, releasing a little sigh, “now you’re overstepping on my kindness honey, please go to sleep, you have a big day tomorrow. When the time comes we’ll see.”
You half shrugged, that went better than expected, “fine. Goodnight, and thanks mom, you truly are the best.”
“Thank you baby, I know that already.”
You snorted, kissing her cheek, finally making your way to your room.
You managed to keep the fake scenarios at bay for the last couple of days but that night they took over your mind after a whole day of having Eddie in your line of vision. Your eyes were fixated on the popcorn ceiling, questions started to pop, doubts brewed.
Eddie deserves another chance?
What if he doesn’t want another chance?
I need a damn sign. You grumbled and rolled with a pillow over your face, frustration was eating you alive.
Eddie, Eddie, Eddie. Maybe you are thinking much into it, so it was decided, you were going to let things flow, intrusive thoughts needed to be drowned. They dissipated when a knock put you on alert.
Eddie’s hands were shaking to say the least, Steve was by his side, looking up to your building, the kids were in his car waiting for him, faces plastered on the windows nudging one another, of course they didn’t want to stay at the hotel, gossip was their main motor. The night spring air felt fresh against Eddie’s face thanks to the little pearls of sweat covering his forehead. Shivers ran along his body not because he felt hot but for the anticipation.
The plan had been quite a success so far, he carried a bag over his shoulder filled in with sweets and drinks he knew you liked—or rather he bribed Robin to tell him what to buy—. Logistically was not the strongest plan, they had to go all the way back to the parking lot to get to Steve’s car and Eddie’s van to drive all the way to the hotel to then drive back to yours.
Was this a risky plan? Totally, but Eddie was willing to do anything in his power to fix things up.
Dustin honked Steve’s car, his hands up as if saying: ‘what are you waiting for?’
“Well… from now on you are on your own. Good luck Munson, I’ll see you… when I see you.” Steve smiled at Eddie giving him a heavy pat on the shoulder. “Don’t mess it up,”
“Yeah, no pressure at all. Thanks man,”
“Any time,” with that, Steve went to his pretty Mercedes and drove away, the kids waving at Eddie giving him thumbs up and hopeful grins. He only hoped that tonight was not a complete disaster.
Eddie was not a guy who exercised much however he pushed himself to do so the moment he climbed to the fire escapes, when he reached the seventh floor he was doubting his body would let him reach the twelfth.
It was fortunate that earlier Robin had a little tour in your apartment, she reassured Eddie that the fire escape was right outside your window, at least that way Eddie was sure not to encounter your mom or cause a lot of noise if in any case he had to try and enter the apartment to find you. Yeah that in itself sounded beyond crazy but then again he was checking on all his options.
“Fuck my life,” he said stepping the last flight of stairs, your window that indicated your room was closed, great.
He panted, taking a second to recover, taking the time to remind himself not to do this again, unless it was for you, for you he’d go to the rooftop and back six times if you wanted him to.
The way his chest was buzzing was not for the lack of air or the amount of effort he put into getting there, it was all because he was going to talk to you, and he was afraid of what you would say to him, he knew thing could go both ways, so he took a big deep breath. Squatting down to the same level as the window, he knocked very lightly.
His hand formed a visor around his eyes to try and catch a glimpse of you but the room was too dark, he clocked the shape of furniture but failed when it came to find you.
Eddie waited a minute, maybe it was less he didn’t know how time worked anymore he was eager. So he knocked again, almost yelped when your face appeared out of nowhere, the light of the city barely illuminating your features.
You laughed, but Eddie couldn’t hear, he waved a hand and you furrowed your eyebrows, wondering what the hell was he doing there.
His hands tried to push the window but he couldn’t, not until you unlocked it and he almost fell at your feet.
“Christ!” he squealed.
Gaining back his posture, crouching down he was still a little taller than you, you bit the inside of your cheek hiding a smile, it was impossible for you to stop the fluttery feeling in your stomach.
“Well, hello.” Eddie whispered, raspy, deep voice, you almost lost it there.
“Hi, what the hell do you think you are doing?”
Eddie looked around your room, and then at your face, to finally look at his hands, “isn’t it obvious now?” you squinted, Eddie let out a chuckle, he placed the bag he was carrying right between you two  “I came to see if you wanted to go to the rooftop. I checked and it has a very great view. I brought some snacks too…if you are interested.”
He didn’t check but Robin told him, so he trusted she was right.
His eyes were shining and that damn wry smile on, was he drunk, or high, how was that now his poise was the same as that night he took you out of your aunt’s house, it was a bit of a déjà vu moment.
“I need to change first… wait here, and don’t make a sound, my mom is asleep.”
“Sure thing, ma lady.” Eddie felt like jumping and screaming for a moment looking at you. He thought you were about to deny him the honor of spending the night with him.
It took you two minutes to pick up your clothes and put them on in the darkness, ballsy of you to do that with Eddie right there.
Eddie was playing with his hair, curling it around his index finger, just when you came out of the window.
“Let’s go!” you said to him, passing him by.
He said nothing, following you silently, the way up was easier for Eddie than for you, he was costumed to feel the effort and pain. Once at the top where the hue of lights made it look like some yellowy cloud rested at the very top of the buildings, Eddie pointed to his van, the car looked very small, it was kinda funny.
“You brought your van?” you asked, “and you painted it.”
Eddie felt embarrassed by that statement, “yeah,” his hand went to his neck, “I got new seats as well, it wasn't cheap but the gigs are paying off.” He grinned, pretty proud of the latter.
Eddie opened his bag, pulling out a blanket, he expanded it flat, followed by a hand gesture for you to sit on the now covered surface, to be fair you didn’t mind the scene so you plopped on it, Eddie following suit, the whole feeling sent you back to summer, the very subtle smell of smoke and the first awkward interactions, it was a bit reassuring to see not everything was different.
“Music?” he asked, taking out a small cute little portable radio, a few mixtapes fell at your feet for you to choose.
“Nice, so… do you have any recommendations?” you avoided looking at his face because the whole thing was nerve wracking enough to add that pretty profile carved by the streetlights.
Eddie shrugged, pushing play to the cassette he had already on the radio.
“This one is Dustin’s, he has quite the eclectic style.”
The chorus of Never Ending Story started to blast from the speakers.
“Well, now that’s jolly.” Eddie mumbled and you started laughing at it, his eyes went to your face, you were practically holding your belly from laughter, Eddie with a grin tugging at the end of his lips started to place the snacks on display.
“Never thought of all the people to see you Eddie Munson listening to this. It’s priceless.”
“It’s not even my mix, Dustin recommended it and it happened to be half way through the song, I don’t even know what that is.”
“Yeah, sure, I think we’ve gone through this, you can admit it, I won’t tell anyone.” you bit your lips trying to seem convincing.
“I—okay I may have given it a listen… or two.”
Your laugh rumbled all over the rooftop, making it echo with the walls of nearby buildings. Eddie felt like maybe things would be okay after all between the two, your laughter was his favorite sound, he would never get over it.
Never Gonna Give You Up played next and the mocking continued, it was too pop-y for Eddie, he only felt his cheeks go extra hot.
“Damn, this tape is making me look so bad, hope you’re happy now y/n.”
The mention of your name caused the laugh to die slowly, “It kinda did… So what do we have here?”
Your eyes traveled all the way from the buildings forming the skyline to the various snack packages.
“Just a couple of goodies…gummy bears, some Oreos, and yeah, these good old drinks. A guy I met during the tour said these were nice, but I haven’t tried them yet so beware.”
You gulped, “so, you… kind of planned this?”
Eddie scratched his cheek with his slender ringed fingers, god you wanted to hold his hand so bad.
“Yes, I’ve planned loads of different things but this one seems the most appropriate. But if you want we can do something else, whatever you want we can do it.”
“No, this is fine, we can talk here.”
Eddie felt the nervousness crawling down his arms to the tips of his fingers, feeling clammy already, “yeah, so… you really want to talk with me? After… all?”
“Why not?” you half shrugged, ripping open a bag of gummy bears, “you said you liked me in the tape so I’m willing to listen to you, because I thought it was pretty obvious back then but in any case you missed the clues… I liked you too, I still like you, but you hurt me.”
Your eyes had been glancing around, near your worn out shoes, so when you looked up, gathering all the courage you could to face Eddie, he had his eyes closed so tightly it made you grimace a little.
“I know, I’m the worst, and I was truly the most horrible person ever. It means everything to me that you didn’t kick me out the moment you saw me in your house. Or right now, you would’ve just ignored me back at the window and I would’ve understood. Because Jesus! What a colossal idiot I am.”
“You’re not a colossal idiot… just a normal idiot.”
Eddie finally managed to trade a look with you, “fair enough I guess.”
You grinned. Eddie sighed, now what, he had apologized enough but you wanted something else so whatever that was he wanted to give it to you.
“Chrissy and I broke up… or–I don’t even know if we were really in a relationship, she was cool but as I said, you were occupying all my time, I felt so bad about what I did that I got caught up in my own heartache that I forgot about her and of course she had her own plans.”
Eddie mumbled about the whole Chrissy situation, you noticed that he hadn’t talked about it with anyone, because he didn’t stop for air, not he took in mind that he was talking to you about the girl he had chosen over you. It made your chest clench, yet you understood that Eddie, more than anything, needed a friend at that very moment.
“I know where the loyalty lies when it comes to our friends, of course they took your side. They were not easy on me, let me tell you that.” He pointed.
“Good.” You chuckled, Eddie understood, he smiled back.
“Yeah I deserve that, Dustin almost punched me on the face the day after he saw you crying that time outside of Family Video, he didn’t let me be part of the campaign for two sessions, is absolutely mental that kid, then we have Robin and Steve, I owe my uncle like twenty bucks because they kept on charging me for a ‘lost’ VHS I never rented, it was so infatuating until Sinclair told me what was happening with them, so if you think I haven’t paid for my sins, you’re very wrong, although I’d do that again if I knew you were going to sit with me on the rooftop of your apartment, drinking cheap beverages of dubious origin and candy, the skyline of Manhattan there and the most beautiful girl by my side.”
“You drove more than twelve hours just to tell me that?” you said, wondering if your intuition was working. You hoped you were playing it cool, because your heart was leaping in your ribcage.
Eddie scoffed, “yeah, it’s the least I could do, don’t you think…” He winced, “Listen, Y/n I meant every word in the tape, it’s been hectic for me; not only with you but with the band and during the tour I realized how much I wanted you to be there to share the whole experience… it’s not fancy but it’s exciting and I love it.”
It was impossible not to feel something for Eddie, he was vulnerable right there by your side, his arms surrounding his knees as if he was trying to protect himself from something, as if he knew you were going to hurt him and he was keeping his body and heart warded from the words you could say, but maybe he didn’t need to do that.
“I missed you too, you know?” you sighed, subtly getting closer to him, “it’s unlike me to get so attached to someone so fast, and these past months I’ve had no one other than Nancy and Robin to talk about the magazine and it felt bad to do this without telling you about it, because you were the one that came up with the idea, so… I guess I called the other day for permission and also because I do want Corroded Coffin in there…”
“You don’t owe me anything, really y/n. I told you about the magazine because I knew you’d be good at it, you are fucking amazing at everything if you ask me, you play guitar now-“
“Thanks to you, though.” you chuckled.
“I’m a great teacher, we’re not debating that, however, you learned in one freaking session, and now you have a proper project that it’ll only grow and become even greater than the damn Rolling Stone, mark my words because it’s happening.”
His stomach fluttered when you beamed at him, this could be one of the single most magical moments he has had in his life.
“So… what do we do with this?” you nudged him slightly.
Eddie gulped, he wanted everything from this, from you. “Whatever you want, I already told you how I feel, and I’m not going to be naive to believe you are forgiving me completely for what I did, which is totally okay. But if I could ask for something… It’d be to stay close to you, in any way or form you allow me to be.”
His shiny doe eyes, locked with yours, you weren’t exactly certain how things would work out for you, because you both had different plans for the future.
“I would like that too, Eddie.”
He sighed so loudly he started chuckling, “damn, that’s a relief. You have no idea how my hearts reacts whenever you call me Eddie, I fucking love it.”
“Eddie,” you whispered, he shoot you a warning look,
“Careful there,” his hand, cold rings and warm skin reached for your hand.
Eddie intertwined his fingers with yours, and it felt nice, you could melt there just by the soft touch and droopy smiles, you hadn’t touched any alcohol yet and you felt like flying. On the other hand Eddie felt like he was going to burst, this was way better than whatever image he had created and recreated in his brain during the past few days.
“Can we just go slow, like starting as friends… we don’t have to rush anything right? and, I know Corroded Coffin is still going strong and getting bigger, and I have to go to college but I think we can figure out how to make this work, if we– you know… date or something.”
Your eyes never leaving his, it was magnetic the way your faces were getting closer and closer by the minute.
“Okay,” Eddie’s breath fanned you on the cheek, gummy bear sweet. “Leaving all the logistics aside… Can I kiss you?”
“But friends don’t kiss.” you blinked, getting dangerously close.
“Just a friendly kiss then.” Eddie smirked.
Your noses brushed together, you couldn’t stop yourself, lips clashed a little too harshly maybe, your hands untangled just for yours to meet in Eddie’s neck, while Eddie’s found place in your cheek and the back of your head.
It wasn’t slow or cute, it was needy and hot. Eddie’s low grunt made you smile halfway through the kiss, it was all you needed, but you didn’t want it to stop, nor did the boy in front of you.
But oxygen was necessary to live.
“That was… friendly.” You whispered, still inches close to Eddie’s lips.
“It was… amazing.” unbidden and all he peaked you on the lips once more, “I could do this forever you know.”
His pupils were as wide as you guessed yours were.
“I’m gonna have to add kissing into the list of things we can do to hang out… as friends of course.” you said, seeing him light up like a puppy with a new toy.
“I second that notion.” He went on to kiss you again but you moved last minute, lips finding your cheek, immediately he furrowed his eyebrow “hey, I thought we said-“
A laugh escaped you, “trust me I want to keep on doing so but we need to talk about business here… Eddie.”
“Okay, but I’m going to need an incentive ever so often.”
You rolled your eyes at him, “a kiss and you transform into an annoying boy.”
“Uh, excuse me? It’s not my fault you have me all smitten, business sounds boring right now.” he pouted.
“Maybe one last kiss and then we can talk about the interview? Does it sound fair?”
“Yeah, totally fair.”
In a second Eddie balanced over you making you squeal and laugh, the kisses were now slower, taking time to savor every second you two had of the night, sighing and a few unbidden moans made each other giggle.
It was happiness right there. The talking after that was deeper and also childish, the interview thing got left for another time, what mattered the most was how you two felt safe and comfortable with one another on a rooftop in the middle of Queens.
Yes you were hesitant about the future and so was Eddie, there were so many plans and expectations from both but that moment was just you, Eddie, half eaten snacks, a can of something bubbly and sweet getting warm and your company.
Eddie left you by your window at five in the morning, he drove back to the hotel they were staying in, not being able to keep it cool, not able to sleep or try to, he took a shower and waited for the rest of the gang to wake up.
It was an easy lead for Dustin when he saw Eddie writing down in the tiny journal he always carried with him, a smug smile on his lips when Will asked what had happened.
“I’m the happiest man on earth!” His arms up in the air, he looked like he had won the lottery and he had, with you it was that way and ten times better.
Steve hugged Eddie and both shared a look, it was like proudness and happiness and just friendship brewing there.
“I’m really proud of you man, this is the easy part, now you need to keep her and yourself happy.”
Mike and Lucas hissed.
“Hey what’s that supposed to mean, I got this, idiots, don’t doubt me.” Eddie scoffed, clearly offended.
“It’s hard to have a long distance relationship, Eddie.” Dustin sat on the bed, his messy curls coming out from under his cap, “Something tells me y/n is going to be the one making it work, you are too emotionally dumb for that.”
“Well, I’m offended but nothing you say to me can ruin my day, so fuck you man!”
He said this with a grin on his face.
Robin, El and Max had you screaming through the phone the moment you saw Eddie leave in his van.
“You need to pay girls, told you this was going to happen, I know my friends pretty well.” Robin said but it didn’t bother you that they made a bet on your love life, you had gone through worse to be honest.
“Hey, hey as much as I love that you are making money at my expense, guys what’s the plan for today, should we just go all for it or… play it cool? Literally my lips hurt-“
“Ew” Robin said
“Aww,” El voiced.
“Put some vaseline on.” Max advised. “But if I were you I’d play it cool, I mean, Eddie probably is telling the boys about it right this moment.”
“True, so… just act normal? That’s what you are saying because I’ve been trying to keep my chill the whole night, I could roll on the damn floor right now and jump on my bed and jump out of the window any given minute but I’m sitting on my bed punching a pillow, this is fucking insane Max, I wanna grab Eddie and hug him forever and kiss him and hide my face in his chest and brush his air and-“ you grunted and punched the pillow again.
“She lost it.” Robin confirmed, “Y/n, honey listen! We got you, we’ll keep him occupied and you can do whatever the hell you want to him when you get alone, we don’t want to see you behave weirdly.”
“I’m a bit offended but okay.”
“He is going to write you lots of love songs, it’s so romantic. Mike barely expresses it, but it’s fine I still love him.” El complained, and you understood.
“Hopefully he’ll learn something.”
“Yeah, men are so oblivious.” Max came into the conversation.
Robin hummed.
Everyone sighed, each one thinking of their own love struggles.
Everyone arrived at yours midday, everyone was acting kinda weird. Glances getting exchanged, smirks and low giggles, you furrowed your eyebrows but it all came into place when you saw Eddie, like a force coming at you. You gasped when you noticed the two daisies in hand and the nicest smile you’ve seen.
The boys were all smug and the girls were giggling and squealing, it was truly a scene.
“Hi, these are for you.” Eddie’s poise back to what you knew him for, all flirty and confident. Looking extra hot with a sleeveless black shirt, the logo of a band you weren’t sure you knew about.
Biting the side of your cheek you muttered, “Thank you,” he kissed you on the cheek.
“He grabbed them from some random yard,” Mike shouted as he crossed the street.
“Dude…” Eddie whined. “Mike, seriously I’m gonna have to kick you out of the Hellfire club for a whole session if you try to humiliate me again.”
Mike rolled his eyes and huffed, “whatever.”
“It’s still nice, thanks.” you said to Eddie, he smirked, gaining his confidence back.
“Okay, stop staring weirdos, let’s fucking go get some comics!” Eddie exclaimed, taking your hand and started walking.
“You heard the man, let’s get going, don’t separate from the group, if anyone needs a bathroom break, water or food, let me know in advance because we need to find a place to do so.” Steve shouted, as the mom of the troop everyone nodded in agreement.
“Shit, that Harrington has talent.”
Eddie said to you as he looked back at the group, admiring how everyone followed Steve’s instructions as he stayed behind to watch the pack of teens at his supervision.
“He’s been doing that for years, funny how they had always followed him around like a big brother even if they didn’t like him at first.”
“I like him… not more than I like you though.” Eddie smiled, kissing the top of your head as his hand left yours free, placing his arm over your shoulders.
“Keep it PG 13 guys, please.” Robin begged from behind you.
Your thumb went up in the air, to reassure her. Eddie laughed at your side.
The day went easy as you guided them to the subway, Manhattan had them all gawking and taking pictures of each other on film cameras. Hot dogs on the street, Lucas made the ketchup explode all over his face and shirt, which was really funny for everyone. Forbidden Planet got the attention of all the boys, except Steve and the girls.
El though, seemed interested in everything her eye landed on.
Robin, Steve and you waited for them near the entrance, Eddie’s head popped out of an aisle every now and then to say hi to you, it never failed to make you beam.
“You are almost drooling y/n, this is unbelievable.” Steve said, shaking his head but he seemed happy for you. Nudging you with his arm, he smiled, “so… everything is fine with Munson now?”
“It’s good, we need to see how things go when you guys go back to Hawkins, but we’ll worry about it when the time comes.”
“Well said,” Robin made a pirouette as she looked at the ceiling, she was dead bored, “we need to pick up some tapes near here so that’s our next stop. Keith wanted to come but we convinced him to let us do it… well Steve did it, don’t ask me how but he made it work.”
Your eyebrows shut upwards. Now that was a first. Keith was known to talk shit behind Steve’s back and always made him work twice as hard, so the fact that Steve convinced him was the biggest achievement ever made in Family Video.
“How?” you looked at him with crossed arms, daisies a little sad now from the city’s heat.
Steve puffed, and brushed his hair to the side, “I won’t tell you it’s too embarrassing.”
“Now you have to tell us!” Robin jumped in front of him, too close.
“Tell us Steve…” you also stepped closer. You knew Steve didn’t like to feel he had no personal space.
“Get the hell away from me you crazy women. I won’t tell shit.”
“Aw come on! What if we can help you?” Robin insisted, if someone knew Steve that was Robin.
“It’s so humiliating…” Neither you nor robin yielded position. Steve grunted, giving up, “I swear if you don’t help me I’m gonna have to cave my own grave.” with a sigh and a grimace Steve pulled you and Robin closer as if he was going to tell you a big secret. “He… he wants me to host his annual summer Star Wars trilogy watch.”
“Oh dude, that's harsh for you.” You said, pitying your friend, you well knew his reputation was at stake, but you were mostly doing it for shits and giggles, and Robin caught up quick, trading a glance with you.
“That’s not all of it…”
Robin gasped, clearly adding more drama to the whole situation. You had to fake a cough to cover your laugh.
“Keith practically forced me to sign a paper to assure him I’m doing it and that I’m bringing enough people … which if you know me that’s easy because I know a lot of people but the problem is who the hell would want to spend a whole day watching that? you know? It’s crazy.” Squealed, huffing, running a hand over his hair again.
“But you’re doing it.” Robin pointed
“Yes… I have no other option, have I?” He rolled his eyes at the obviousness of the statement.
“Well you got me and Vickie, I bet the kids will go anyway and Eddie and his friends too…”
“And I’ll go,” You smiled.
Both of them turning your way “what? Didn’t I tell you I’m coming for the summer?”
“You did not!” Robin pointed and immediately jumped to hug you.
“God fucking bless, the three musketeers back together!” Steve joined the hug and kissed both of your heads. “It’s gonna be amazing, and you’re saving me from Keith’s rage, I’m winning this summer, I can feel it”
The rest of the day was you following Steve and Robin around a VHS store as they picked up the latest films that had come out in the last few months, ready to get delivered to Hawkins' Family Video store. After that it all went smooth and nice, ice cream stops, Central Park walks and Steve smiling at girls who were not very interested in him.
The following two days, were a mix of sweaty bodies laughing while commuting in the subway to the most touristic and crowded spots in New York City, on other occasions you’d have avoided going out at all coast but everyone was having the greatest time, and Eddie was being the sweetest most caring boy in the whole world, even Dustin and Mike commented on the weirdness of his behavior but of course they would, they’ve only seen him behave like the freak they knew at school or the too cool to care-boy in the rock band , it was a bit of a shocker to you too whenever he kissed your cheek and intertwined his fingers with yours.
He didn’t care to show some PDA, Eddie loved everything about being with you, near you, it was as if he needed to show the world how much he cared and appreciated every second he was able to spend in your presence; skin touching and lips pressing together, he was not going to let any stupid teenager try and make himself feel self-conscious about his actions, he was beyond that, it took him long enough to be in that moment so why not enjoy it as much as he could, Eddie had limited time with you, until he had to go back to real life.
Unfortunately the weekend came to an end, with bags filled with comics, classic I <3 NYC shirts, instant photos, souvenirs and an uneven tan, the whole Hawkins gang was going back home. You and Robin cried just a little as you clung to the other, Steve patting both of your backs, he already familiarized with the dynamic of the farewell. There were only going to be a few more weeks until summer but that didn’t make it any less sad, Steve sniffed too when he clashed his body against you.
For some reason you had learned to love Steve’s hugs, they were always so full of love and it made you feel protected, always smelling nice but he had a little too tight of a grip. Steve kissed your forehead as he stepped back, the teens went and formed a line to give you their respective goodbyes. Will handed you a freshly drawn image of you and Eddie holding hands. Your chest squeezed with love and admiration at his talent. On the other hand you had Dustin giving you a coupon he and Eddie had won after all the nerdy stuff they bought at Forbidden Planet. Twenty percent off in your next visit, you were definitely not going back but a sharp look from the teen made you reconsider it. And it was annoying.
“I don’t promise anything… but maybe if I get a nice Christmas present I can pass by.”
“Here we go again, back to the same thing, yeah Y/n okay I’ll give you a nice gift, now please can you–just get me something else from there?.” Dustin said exasperated
“Alright fine,” Dustin smiled at you and went to spit on the palm of his hand, extending it to you.
“Yeah I’m not doing that, you have my word, though.”
Dustin nodded with a giggle and sparkly eyes, he cleaned his palm over his jeans, “and you have mine, now I leave you to loverboy… guess who is going to have to deal with his love nonsense when we get back? yeah me, so I want good comics y/n… anyway I guess we’ll see ya in a few weeks, take care!”
Max hugged you and promised she’d show you how to skate during the summer. El gave you a little pepper with her dress so you could write to her whenever you wanted, and you gave her yours just in case.
Last but obviously not least was Eddie, the boy leaning on his van, a smug smile on his face as he watched you say goodbye to everyone, he nibbled at his bottom lip once you started to approach him.
“What is it?” you asked, pushing his shoulder.
Eddie laughed, immediately placing his hands on your waist. “I’m just trying to remember everything, we have a long wait ahead.” he shrugged, he was not ready to leave, he didn’t want to be so far from you but deep down he knew he’d be rewarded for his patience, still he needed to hide his face in the croak of your neck for a second to try and gain some willpower to drive away.
You squealed when Eddie kissed the spot between your neck and jaw, he was gentle enough to make your skin tickle but the touch was causing a commotion in your belly. And yes he knew.
Just as you knew how he felt when you touched the sides of his face and kissed him on the lips.
“How am I going to be able to leave you when you kiss me and hold me like this… Christ! it’s going to be fucking nightmare!” He shouted to the skies.
“We can do this! you have my phone number and… we can talk.”
“You’re going to be so sick of me when you come to Hawkins… I can feel it.”
“I am already tired,” you heard Robin complain from afar.
You snorted, “just focus on the band.”
Eddie's eyes widened, “we didn’t talk about the interview.. shit!” his forehead clashed with yours gently.
“We can wait a little longer, I have a few other pieces I could add… but that interview is definitely happening.”
“Wasn’t expecting less from my girl.”
Your heart somersaulted at the last words, the flush coming for your whole face, so you looked down at your hands, the ones Eddie took a second later, one of his rings missing. Your eyebrows furrowed, but the silver ring appeared in your line of vision, Eddie holding it up for you to see.
“I want you to have this,” you took it between your thumb and index finger, watching it shine under the burning sunlight, it made you smirk. “Yeah I know what you’re gonna say, it is a bit mushy still I want you to have something mine while we wait to see each other again.”
Cheeks going full on red, Eddie scratched his cheek, he did feel embarrassed however this was some kind of oath for things to work in your favor.
“I’ll take care of it,” you mumbled, it was quite big to wear it but you could find a clever way to carry it around.
“I know, so… see you in a few weeks, okay?”
“Yes, drive carefully.”
“Call you when we get there.”
Eddie leaned down to kiss you, it wasn’t rushed, on the contrary, it was sweet and delicate, you felt his hair tickling your neck.
“Jesus, this is going to be so hard.” Eddie whined, kissing you again.
“Okay that’s enough guys, we need to go.” Steve yelled from the window of his car.
Eddie rolled his eyes, taking the opportunity you peaked him on the lips one more time.
“Good thing we were talking this slowly, huh?” Eddie said, with that smug expression as he poked you on the shoulder, “for the record I’m not complaining.”
“Well sorry, maybe I shouldn’t kiss you then.”
“I was joking!”
“Eddie!” Mike, Lucas, and Dustin shouted from the back of the van. Will laughing at everyone.
“One last kiss, and I’ll be off, promise.” and you gave the boy what he wanted, he hummed as he deepened the kiss a little.
“Now go or I won’t let you get in that damn van.”
Waving hands out of the car window, Robin’s half body out of the copilot seat, and everyone slowly disappeared down the road, the music Eddie put in his van vanished as he drove away.
Jumping, squealing and giggling you entered your apartment. Your mom was reading, she threw you a look, she hadn’t said much since you’ve been out the whole weekend. But it was obvious she knew something had shifted, mom’s always knew somehow.
“So… I’m guessing you’re going with your aunt’s for the summer?”
You nodded, trying to hide a smile.
“I already told your aunt. Only rule, no boys in the room.”
“Of course not, I’m not that forward, I barely let Eddie kiss me.”
Your mom widened her eyes, “Oh, so you are official! I’m so happy for you sweetheart, wow, that was so fast.” she got up and hugged you as if you had achieved the grandest of awards.
“Mom!” you giggled but slowly loosened the hug, her hands found place around your face.
“Tell him I can cut his hair whenever he wants, that boy Mike also needs a bit of a haircut and Will too, poor boy who keeps on cutting his hair like that.”
“Don’t know but  I’ll let them know.”
You sighed, it felt like a release from all the emotions you’ve been experiencing, ready to let the next couple of weeks pass as fast as they could.
Next chapter
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recentlyheardcom · 7 months
For a country that claims it had no direct involvement in planning the Hamas massacre against Israel, Iran appears to be doing its level best to escalate the conflict well beyond the confines of Gaza.In the immediate aftermath of Hamas’s barbaric assault on Israel on October 7, there was much speculation that such a sophisticated operation could not have been carried out without recourse to Iran’s renowned expertise in the realm of global terrorism. But after Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, denied that Tehran had any involvement in the attacks, Western intelligence officials were forced to concede there was scant evidence of direct Iranian complicity.The only suggestion that Iran, and its Hezbollah allies in southern Lebanon, had helped with the planning of the assault was the admission by Ismail Haniyeh, the Hamas leader, that the money the terror group had received from Tehran had been central to its ability to develop the terrorist infrastructure that was used to devastating effect against Israel.But Tehran’s reticence about claiming the credit for organising the worst terrorist attack the Jewish state has suffered in its history certainly does not apply to its other activities in the region. They appear to be a deliberate attempt to provoke a broader escalation in the conflict.Apart from maintaining its financial support for Hamas, which is said to be worth $100&hairsp;million a year, Iran has been accused of instigating border clashes in northern Israel between Hezbollah and the Israeli military. Iran’s efforts to maintain its supply lines to Hezbollah through the network of military bases it has established in neighbouring Syria has led to Israel conducting a series of air strikes against Iranian targets in the country.Meanwhile, Iranian-backed militias in Iraq and Syria have been accused of attacking bases held by the US and its allies, while attempts by Iran-backed Houthi rebels in Yemen to open a new front prompted the US military to shoot down a number of missiles and drones directed towards Israel.And, in the latest example of Tehran’s determination to deepen the pressure on Israel, pro-Western Arab security officials claim that Iran has set up a complex network to smuggle weapons into the West Bank, with the aim of opening up a new Palestinian front against Israel’s security forces.All this activity was taking place while the country’s foreign minister, Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, was warning Israel earlier this week that the Middle East could spiral out of control if it does not stop strikes on Gaza.The reason that Iran has been so busy encouraging its complex network of militias and terrorist organisations to target Israel and its allies is that Tehran knows it cannot afford a direct confrontation with Israel. To do so would risk the Israelis implementing their long-held plan to destroy Iran’s prized nuclear assets, which most Western intelligence experts believe are aimed at developing nuclear weapons.For all the ayatollahs’ bluster, they realise that they are no match for Israel’s military might, especially at a time when Washington has deployed two powerful aircraft carrier battle groups to the region as a gesture of solidarity with its Israeli ally. Instead, they have turned to the terror groups they sponsor throughout the region – groups that the West has allowed to flourish despite having tangible proof of Tehran’s malign intent.During Britain’s military involvement in both Iraq and Afghanistan, for example, Iran actively supported terror cells charged with killing and maiming British troops. And yet, rather than holding Iran to account for its actions, little was done for fear of upsetting the delicate negotiations over Tehran’s nuclear ambitions.Here at home, this reluctance to confront Tehran has even resulted in our security services failing to curb the activities of Iranian terrorist sleeper cells in the UK. The authorities were unable to prevent an Iranian opposition channel being forced to
relocate to Washington earlier this year because of the constant death threats its staff received.With Iran actively seeking to exploit the current crisis in the Middle East for its own nefarious ends, it is vital that Western powers, rather than seeking to avoid a conflict with Tehran, demonstrate that they will no longer tolerate Iran’s attempts to wage war through its many proxies.This time there is a real danger for Tehran that it is overplaying its hand, evident when US warships shot down Houthi missiles aimed at Israel. Other Western powers, including the UK, should likewise deploy military assets to thwart efforts by Iranian-backed terrorists to hit Israel and its allies.In London, the Government should implement a long-overdue ban on Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps, which controls Tehran’s terrorist network. Limiting Iran’s ability to provoke further would certainly help to prevent the conflict between Israel and Hamas from escalating into a far larger, and immensely more dangerous, Middle East war.Broaden your horizons with award-winning British journalism. Try The Telegraph free for 1 month, then enjoy 1 year for just $9 with our US-exclusive offer.
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envyglowbeauty · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: COPY - Biolage Styling Control Fast Drying Hairsp….
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trustclassifieds · 2 years
Renault master quickshift probleme
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Renault master quickshift probleme drivers#
Renault master quickshift probleme driver#
Renault master quickshift probleme manual#
Renault also applies the Quickshift in Twingo and Clio model passenger cars.
Renault master quickshift probleme driver#
The principal development with this robotized gearbox is the ability of the driver to override the automatic mode at any time in order to change gears without having to swap modes. Under heavy braking, the box shifts down two gears to increase engine braking and In automatic, six auto-adaptive parameters manages the five-speed transmission.įor example, the “kick down” function triggers instant downshift when the accelerator pedal is floored, while the “brake assistance” function anticipates downshifts under braking to profit from the slowing effects of engine braking and also engages the ideal gear for reacceleration. This is all done without lifting off the accelerator pedal. For example, if the driver flicks the lever back three times when travelling in fifth gear, the gearbox will automatically select second gear. And yet they will appear as in passenger cars more and more often not for the comfort of drivers, but to reduce exhaust emissions.
Renault master quickshift probleme manual#
In manual mode, gear changes require a simple flick of the joystick type gear lever a forward flick (+) to change up and a rearward flick (-) to shift down. Panel Renault Master van Dhollandia 2.3 dCi 180 HP QuickShift FWD & hairsp test, feedback Automatic gearboxes in Europe on commercial vehicles are still on the market.
Renault master quickshift probleme drivers#
The Quickshift gearbox allows drivers to select for automatic or manual modes simply by moving the gear lever knob to the left. It consists of different systems of hydraulic actuators (for releasing and engaging the clutch, and for changing gear) and an electric pump assembly which provides the energy needed for gearchanging. und berufliche bildung aufgaben chancen und probleme dargestellt am beispiel. The gearchanging robot which carries out the changing process. Now: A Masters Guide to Powerful Kisses, Seductive Kissing Technique. The engine management computer, which, thanks to information supplied by the gearbox computer, correctly adjusts the engine torque output and speed by working through the fuel injection and ignition timing. It can also take into account such factors as the gradient of the road and the driving style of the driver. The gearbox computer is connected to the mode and gear selectors, the brake pedal switch and the engine management computer. The gearbox computer to control gearchanging. Three main elements control the Quickshift: It is also linked to other technologies such as the fuel-injection system and the electronic control system. The system requires control of engine torque output and speed during gearchanging, in order to synchronize clutch operation and optimize the speed of shifting. When I start it it sometimes wont start, no clicking or anything and so you have to remove the key and reset the alarm system several times to get the thing to start – just wondered if .The Quickshift robotized gearbox is essentially a manual transmission modified with a module to support the automatic operation of the clutch and gearshifting. Felietony, ciekawe reportaże i porady ekspertów. Zdrowie, uroda, kuchnia, seks i związki, diety, forum kobiece. Men den startat direkt vid andra försöket. Det låter liksom som en utdragen hostning, och sen ett klank i slutet. I agree there a smart looking van and when there running they driver really well. It was comfortable and smooth to drive, powerful etc. Old-style Masters can also suffer from starting problems and the engine may cut out unexpectedly while you are under way. Verified mechanical Experts can provide you with the help you need. Having your questions answered and doubts cleared means that can be sure of the causes and solutions to your problems. Double passenger seat squabs too short for long distance comfort.ĭo you want to confirm a fault diagnosis you have received? Elle consiste dsigner une personne, une crature ou une chose par une autre, tablissant ds lors un rapport de similitude, souvent abstrait, entre un compar (le sujet original) et un comparant (le sujet duquel on le rapproche), sans qu'il y ait de mot ou de conjonction. Ci diesel engine, good looking front end styling. La mtaphore est une figure de style fonde sur l'analogie. Cheaper to buy new than the previous Master, economical 2. During the last year we notice a slight vibration . I believe it is not a common problem but can be very worrying and expensive to resolve if not dealt with correctly. Now, when warm, the van runs better than ever, but when I first . This did indeed need doing, as it was gunged up, so the garage replaced it and also the glow plugs. Renault Master Quickshift problems – Renault. Hi guys, any advice would be appreciated! I keep having problems with loss of power (limp mode).
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sleepersith · 2 years
They had a moment to breathe.
“Holy shit,” Dustin cursed again as he climbed back to his feet.  He grinned at them both.  “Where did you even get hairspray in the Upside Down?”
Steve shrugged and flipped the can with a grin. “Bathroom.  When you guys were having your little rock concert, I was exploring.”
Eddie huffed.  “Little rock concert, he says.  You lack taste, Harrington!”
Dustin leaned closer and gave Steve a poke.  “Is it the Farrah Fawcett spray?” 
“Stuff it Henderson!”
Eddie laughed and cut in over Steve’s yelling.  “Nah man.  It’s aquanet who the fuck has the money to spent on fancy hairsp----Oh.  Ohhhh Harrington.  Did I just learn the secret to the Hair?”
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nbaoracle · 2 years
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morphogenetic · 3 years
don't care, didn't ask, plus you're so keen i need more candy canes cold cake cold break freak got a high kick mr twister moist with roistering stick it up take it up step aside and see the world effects has defects take a bow to the moon (bow-wow to the moon) morning rays hairsp
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typewolf · 3 years
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Heather-Mariah Dixon&hairsp; → Site of the Day for April 30, 2021
Fonts: Roslindale, Traulha, Nimbus Sans, Mencken
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Upgrade your grooming game with our exclusive Men's Combo: Hair Cut + Hair Spa for just Rs 799! 💈✨ Unleash a fresh, refined look and indulge in the ultimate relaxation for your hair.
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gihh-sousa · 7 years
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SALÃO D&G HAIR STLYLIST PRODUÇÃO BEAUTY MAKEUP : Gih Sousa HAIR : Diego Massa MODELO : Ana Franco salãodghairstylist #uberabauai #brazil #produçãobeauty #makeup #moda #beleza #model #makeupartists #fotografy #photo#criação #artisticmakeup #saopaulo #week #hairsp #makeupspb
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haulogerie · 5 years
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For lovers of red, the H. Moser & Cie Endeavour Tourbillon Concept with its striking red fumé dial will suit you well. From the pronounced double hairsping flging tourbillon to the blue steel hands and the highly polished case, this is a serious bit of kit with enough pizazz to appease most. (📸 from @moserwatches) ———————————————————————— . . . Movement: 5/5 Aesthetics: 5/5 Wearability: 3/5 Price: Piece Unique . . . ———————————————————————— #hmosercie #watches #watchesph #watchesofinstagram #watchme #watchporn #clock #watchfam #watchaddict #zurich #watchgeek #wristporn #wristcandy #menswatch #watchoftheday #wristshot #wristgame #wotd #womw #beauty #luxurywatches #men #uhren #luxurywatch #luxury #lifestyle https://www.instagram.com/p/BxtU34Ynf9f/?igshid=1tx5o12auj6d1
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flowercrownbanner · 7 years
Jak Zacząć? Poradnik Why So Social
Socialmedia w stałe wpisały się obecnie w działania marketingowe przewodzone przez zarówno wielkie przedsiębiorstwa jak i małe przedsiębiorstwa. Jest to jedna z najczęściej używanych przeze mnie kampanii, ponieważ ta reklama na Facebooku generuje mi najlepsze wyniki i konkretne wyniki. Aby wygrać aukcję, reklamy rywalizują wyświetlenia na podstawie 2 głównych kryteriów: oferty jak i również skuteczności (jakości). Możemy użyć w tym celu raporty dostępne w panelu reklamowym kampania na facebooku na Facebooku lub z narzędzi udostępnianych przez firmy zewnętrzne. Za pomocą temu klient, który dostrzegł naszą obecność na Facebooku i zwróciła ona tej uwagę w pozytywny strategia, będzie bardzie skłonny wyselekcjonować usługi naszej firmy lub nasze produkty spośród odmiennych dostępnych na rynku. Przedstawicielstwo marketingowa Nakatomi ma wielkie doświadczenie w prowadzeniu rywalizacji na Facebooku dla tysięcy firm w całego globu, również na Facebooku. Doskonałym narzędziem do wywoływania ruchu płatnego są też media społecznościowe, a najbardziej liczną popularnością już od kilkunastu lat cieszy się Nasza klasa. Błędnym przekonaniem wydaje się być to, że kampania powinien być kosztowna i należy bardzo dużo zainwestować, aby odniosła ona skutek. Jeśli zaś od momentu początku projektowania swojej rywalizacji przed oczami masz do niej cel, Facebook sam podpowie Ci najodpowiedniejszy do tej realizacji format reklamowy a także wskaże pomniejsze kampania reklamowa na facebooku czynności, wskazane jest musisz dopełnić, by odpalić reklamy (np. Dodatkowy czas angażuje również dokształcanie się w tym zakresie, tak by być na bieżąco z najnowszymi trendami i zmianami, których na Facebooku nie brakuje. Kampania Reklamowej adwords pozwala na zachowanie całkowitej kontroli nad jej rozwojem i kosztami, jakie generuje. Znane również w Polsce a mianowicie głównie z zawyżonej ceny&hairsp; —&hairsp; piwo Corona bardzo dobrze zareklamowało na Facebooku tej wersję light. Facebook będzie wyświetlał Twoją reklamę tym użytkownikom, wśród których występuje bardzo duże prawdopodobieństwo że klikną w reklamę i dokonają konwersji na Twojej stronie. Dobre kampanie na Facebooku mogą sprawić, że przyciągniesz tysiące nowych osób na swoją stronę internetową. Piksel Facebooka, fani naszej strony), wyborze kraju, liczebności grup oraz rozmiaru możemy odnaleźć na Facebooku takie osoby, które pod różnymi względami (np. Facebook już dawno przestał być wyłącznie platformą społecznościową, jest to także miejsce w sieci, które pozwala na komunikację firmy z jej odbiorcami jak i również bardzo skuteczną autopromocję. Niezadowoleni klienci coraz częściej wyrażają swoje rozczarowanie bezpośrednio na Facebooku i w innych mediach społecznościowych. Jeśli to Twa pierwsza kampania reklamowa na facebooku dzięki Facebooku, to zakładam hdy niewątpliwie nie znasz przyrządów z wykorzystaniem których tworzymy autopromocji i zarządzamy nimi. Wyrażam zgodę na zapisanie się do newslettera (w każdej chwili mogę wypisać się). Na Facebooku do wyboru mamy trzy podstawowe lokalizacje wyświetlania broszurek - News Feed (aktualności) i prawa kolumna dzięki komputerach stacjonarnych oraz News Feed na urządzeniach mobilnych. Żeby zachęcić gimnazjalistów do polubienia fanpage'an oraz zapoznać ich z główną ideą kampanii, organizatorzy przeprowadzili turniej foto-wideo, który miał w celu zaangażować całą zbiorowość uczniowską. Dzięki stosownym narzędziom, osoba która była na kampania na facebooku Twojej stronie domowej zobaczy na swoim opisie na Facebooku reklamę, jaką mu wyświetlimy. Zaprezentowane tutaj przykłady i informacje mogą stanowić dobrą bazę do poznania i ocenienia średnich kosztów reklamy w Facebooku. Nasz zespół planował i przeprowadzał wielokrotnie kampanie na Facebooku dla różnorodnych marek, firm i towarów. Ponieważ remarketing nie wymaga dużych zasobów wystarczy przeznaczyć na jego 20-30% budżetu reklamy w Facebooku. Prowadzenie kampanii, która nie jest zaplanowana i przemyślana nie będzie na dłuższą metę skuteczne ani skuteczne, a będzie chaotyczne i przy konsekwencji kampania będzie zestawem nieprzemyślanych, przypadkowych komunikatów jak i również treści, które przynoszą efekt odwrotny od zamierzonego. Ludzie, do wskazane jest chcesz dotrzeć ze własnym kampania na facebooku produktem czy usługą, będą już na Facebooku a mianowicie wystarczy ich poszukać! Istnieją na tek krok różne sposoby a mianowicie można przygotowywać autorskie grafy, tworzyć ciekawe intrygujące treść, lub konkursy wymagające poświęcenia użytkowników. Czy Twoja kampania osiągnie sukces i wypełni zakładane cele marketingowe czy też nie. Znane również w Polsce - głównie z zawyżonej ceny&hairsp; —&hairsp; piwo Corona znakomicie zareklamowało na Facebooku jego wersję light. Ustalenie pomysłu kampanii na Facebooku i konsekwencja w jej prowadzeniu jest kluczem do triumfu. To fakt, większe kwoty wydane na reklamę na Facebooku kampania na facebooku pozwolą nam dotrzeć do większej ilości użytkowników i zwiększą zasięg reklam, ale jeśli treść nie będzie odpowiednia to niczego nam to nie da, a pieniądze zostaną wydane na marne. Soczyste „0” widoczne w Analyticsie przy zyskach z Facebooka to znak, że termin na zmiany.
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marikomckinnis · 5 years
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Nice middle part—so clean!! Probably used an iron to create the split + hairsp… https://ift.tt/329adQb
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suzanneshannon · 4 years
Some Typography Links
I just can’t stop opening excellent typography-related articles, which means I need to subject you to blog posts that round them up so I can clean up my open tabs.
Vistaserve is “a grass-roots web hosting initiative hailing from Thornbury, Australia. Inspired by the quirky web of the 90s, we allow users to create home pages, your own little sandbox on the World Wide Web, as it were.” Caitlin & Paul (I think the no-last-name thing is part of the aesthetic) wanted to get the fonts right, which meant removing anti-aliasing (the thing that makes fonts look good on screens!). CSS was no help. Turned out to be quite a journey involving literally rebuilding the fonts.
Thomas Bohm makes the point that the kerning around punctation may require special attention. For example, a question mark needing a little extra space or moving a superscript number away from butting against a letter.
You could do it manually with stuff like   or &hairsp in between characters. But I’m far too lazy for that unless I’m working on a very special piece. Personally, I just cross my fingers that the font I’m using is high quality enough to have thought of and implemented this sort of attention to detail.
I’m sure we’ve all seen, “The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog” as a tester string for type, because it uses all the characters in the alphabet. Jonathan Hoefler created some new proofing text that is much more helpful for typographers like him.
That’s deep in the type nerd weeds there. More useful perhaps is another recent post from Jonathan on pairings. I’ve probably read dozens of posts on font pairings in my life, but this one resonates the most.
Some of the most dazzling typographic pairings — and certainly my favorites — are those that use unexpected fonts together. At left, the grey flannel suit that is Tungsten Compressed is paired with crimson silk doublet of the St. Augustin Civilité, a fiery sixteenth century typeface that demands a good foil.
If you’ve got macOS Catalina, you’ve got access to some really nice fonts you might not know about that need to be manually downloaded. Ralf Herrmann has the story on what you get:
Font families:
Canela from Commercial Type in 16 styles
Domaine Display from Klim Type Foundry in 6 styles
Founders Grotesk by Klim Type Foundry in 17 styles
Graphik by Commercial Type in 18 styles
Produkt by Commercial Type in 8 styles
Proxima Nova by Mark Simonson Studio in 12 styles
Publico by Commercial Type in 12 styles
Individual display fonts:
Sauber Script by TypeJockeys
Quotes Caps and Quotes Script by Sudtipos
You can download the fonts right from Font Book
I get Erik Kennedy’s Learn UI Design newsletter, and he mentions using Calena in it…
Overall, Canela walks this balance between the warmth of human handwriting and stately details. It makes me think of something literary, which is why I used it for project in one of the new video lessons in Learn UI Design.
Mark Boulton has a cool new site: TypeSpecimens.
Type specimens are curious objects. They aim to inspire designers. They are tools with which to make design decisions. They are also marketing material for foundries. This project will dig into specimens from these three perspectives: as artefacts made by and for font designers to evolve type culture; as tools for font users to make decisions about choosing and using type; and as effective marketing tools.
The post Some Typography Links appeared first on CSS-Tricks.
Some Typography Links published first on https://deskbysnafu.tumblr.com/
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