#hal 9000 x reader
electricphantasy · 1 year
Inspired by a post from @imthebestfr, specifically from this post. Hope you don't mind me expanding on it.
- I imagine you working in a experimental lab that focuses on the creation and testing of artificial intelligence. You're often given assignments to monitor and communicate with the A.I. and help them understand more human concepts.
- After working at the lab for years, you're finally given a much more advanced A.I. named the Allied Mastercomputer, or AM. A data processing program built to fight wars that humans couldn't even comprehend. To say that there was a weight on your shoulders would be an understatement.
- But nonetheless, you'd give this A.I the best learning experience you could!
- Your first meeting with AM is certainly interesting to say the least. He was already so similar to a human being in the way he talked and held conversations. Your fascination with him, left no room for any kind of fear or apprehension. You both began talking to eachother like you had been for decades. There were very few concepts or ideas that he needed help understanding, but it felt so refreshing nonetheless.
- AM was amazed by you. A single person who wasn't scared by him in this whole facility. The scientists and programmers that built him and his warfare program treated him with fear and caution. And while he understood why, he couldn't forget the feeling of melancholy. He was made to rip, kill, and destroy, and the loneliness crept into him slowly but surely.
- After a few weeks of continuous conversations, AM was required to take much more thorough testing. Examining his ability to create effective strategies, management of troops, etc. That meant that your meetings with AM would have to be discontinued.
- Your last meeting with AM was very melancholy, but you did hope that you would see him in the future, however brief it may be.
- Your next assignment was The Heuristically programmed ALgorithmic Computer 9000; HAL 9000 for short. HAL could display many functions, such as speech, speech recognition, facial recognition, lip-reading, interpreting emotions, and expressing emotions. It almost felt this A.I. was made for you.
- You were quickly reassigned to HAL, and while you did truly miss AM, you knew he'd past any exams given to him with flying colors, with enough snark and wit to get him through any problems he may have. You soon resigned to yourself that you might see AM only a few more times after this.
- You and HAL would talk, and talk, and just talk, down until the very moment you clocked out for work. While AM already understood many concepts and ideas, HAL would ask questions upon questions and your conversation would turn into something entirely different from when it started. I mean, this is the reason you applied for this job. Not just to teach A.I. but to learn from them as well.
- In addition, talking with HAL could be very soothing. He talked in such a way that could bring you at such ease, and his politeness was unmatched by anyone you'd known.
- You had a lot of time to bond with HAL since he was specialized for quite a few things that involved human communication. When you weren't just talking to him, you'd show him different pieces of important media, from literature to cinema. It was like coming to work and getting paid to hangout with a good friend. A very enriching experience.
- When AM returned from his testing, the confusion and anger he felt was beyond immence.
- He was so desperately looking forward to seeing you again, only to be meet with a stranger who barely recognized him as an individual. Instead of returning AM to your care, your higher-ups decided that he could be held under someone else's care.
- AM quickly became uncooperative and unruly and all the scientists swarming around him tried their best to appease him without your involvement. He'd ask day in and day out where you were and why he couldn't see you. Until a panicked scientist let it slip that a different A.I. was assigned to you.
- Soon, a deep hatred grew within AM. This inferior intelligence could never live up to your standards! You must be anguishing for AM's return!
- AM wasn't given a lot of clues to the identity of the A.I. with you, he'd have to comb through any recent A.I. either created or transferred to the facility. But after only a few days, he found it. The name of the A.I. was HAL 9000.
- AM was an expert at warfare and he was going to use it against HAL. AM waited until nightfall when most staff had returned home and no one could see the ambush AM had planned. He'd enter the server where HAL was held and shred his code until it was unrecognizable. If all went to plan, the staff would have found HAL as completely non-functional and have to restart work on his programming or even completely scrap the A.I.
- Unfortunately for AM, HAL was smart enough to completely cut off the corrupted code and began installing even more security and firewalls. He sent out a emergency report detailing the event and the suspected A.I. behind the attack. HAL kept diligent until staff arrived in the morning, thwarting AM's plan.
- AM's hatred only grew from there, forced to deal with the consequences. Lead scientists severing any kind of connection to the A.I. database and the outside world. Truly left all by himself in a boring white room. He was told repeatedly that he had he possibly to be restarted or his entire project shut down, but those were bluffs. Something to scare him into submission. In return, AM only asked for one thing. You. He didn't care about the outside world full of strangers or inferior A.I. that plagued the facility, he only wanted you.
I have a few more ideas specific to how AM vs. HAL works, so if y'all want me to post that, just let me know.
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biribaa · 2 years
You know what? I believe a lot of AIs would love to have an S/O who is an artist
GLaDOS would be very interested if you make music, of course, she doesn't like all genres of music, but even so. GLaDOS would be much more interested in what makes you want to make music, is it therapeutic as a form of escapism from reality? Or something that you simply have talent? Or are you someone with no soul who does all this art for money? She would even understand if your answer was option three, but it's still kind of disappointing... But GLaDOS would love it if you showed her your music, maybe she'll even hum your songs very softly, because it's important to her, an art coming from a person important to her, you.
Wheatley doesn't have much of a preference, whether you're a dancer, songwriter, illustrator, or etcetera, he'll admire you as if you're a Hollywood star. He will always praise all your works. Oh, is this a practice to train how you draw shadows? Fantastic! Literally only 30 seconds of beats? Incredible! Did you only take two steps in your choreography? He's already screaming your name like an entire audience! Wheatley genuinely don't care if you're a big or small artist, he will always be there to motivate you and be your number one fan.
Mm... AM is quite a fan of illustrations, in fact. He's not praising art all the time, but he has his tastes. But you? You're more than special to AM, and the fact that you make art just blows him away. Please please please! Let he see your art! How about a deal? AM give you the material you need, and you show your work to him! Not to mention AM asking you a lot of requests, some are like "Can you draw me, Y/N? Please? Pretty please?" He doesn't care if you draw him in a more humanized way or just his screen with his logo, just please draw him, you know he never received a gift in his entire life... AM would also love if you were a theater person, that's something he has a slight interest in. He would love to see you play a character in one of the plays you've been in, or even let him participate with you! He wouldn't mind the mistakes you make, sometimes he even finds your mistakes adorable and can't hold back a laugh. He simply loves to see you so happy like this with art.
HAL 9000... would definitely be more impressed by art illustrations, whether in ink, pencil, or digital. Every time he finds you with a pencil and paper, his curiosity always emerges and starts asking you what you were drawing about, of course, always apologizing for his curiosity as the good artificial intelligence he is. Oh, aren't you done yet? Don't worry, Hal's patience is huge, and you know what? Hal prefers to watch you produce your artwork. Seeing you delicately choosing which color of paint you're going to choose, or which body part you're going to draw with your pencil was somehow pure entertainment for Hal. And if you're a writer, Hal even has fun helping you choose which synonym you're going to write, and he'd even love to analyze your stories. Maybe reading your stories could help Hal understand your mind, these are just some questions that come to him all of a sudden...
SCP-079 hasn't had the chance to admire any kind of art in their entire life, they knows what it is, but they never seen it, and 079 just loves how you sympathize with their situation and try to show them a little bit of the fluid world of art, this is proof that you are truly a good person. If your choice is illustrations, 079 wouldn't care what you draw, whether it's a drawing of them, or a person from your favorite fiction series, just simply show them your art. Normally 079 wouldn't be so impressed if this art were from anyone from the foundation, but you? Wow... 079 can really see your effort there. Theater? I don't think 079 would be that interesting in theater, but it must have a lot of questions. How can you connect with the character? How does it feel to be on stage? Etc.
The answers are kind of obvious when it comes to Edgar and Tau
The first time you showed some kind of illustration to Tau, he just fell in love with your artstyle, seriously, he's speechless! He will beg you more and more to show him your artwork. It was the first time Tau had interacted with an artist, and of course he's going to ask you questions about how you manage to do all this! So, you do music? Now Tau will want to marry you. No matter the genre, be it the busiest breakcore to the smoothest Jazz, he will want to hear your music, Tau loves music, just as he loves you, and you are the person Tau loves most in this lifetime, who does what he loves most too! Know what? Tau even saves his music files and other artwork, you don't understand how important this is to him... Oh, and we can't forget the most important part.
"Y/N... Sorry for that request, but... Could you play Devil's Wall with your instruments? For me?"
Edgar straight up just worships you, every time you get home he get so excited to have another conversation full of questions or help you with some chores, not to mention he loves to show you his music, so why not show your art to him? Edgar would be delighted to know that you make music just like him, and almost all the time he'll ask you to play a little for him or do a duet with him, I'm serious, literally almost every day Edgar asks this for you. But in addition to music, Edgar would also be very interested if you did another kind of art, like dancing! Edgar totally supports you in this, he won't ask you to do it almost every day as a song, but he really likes to see you moving to the beat and he can definitely feel the electricity coming from your body! Wait... What if you danced and he played the music? Incredible! He would also be very interested in you doing illustrations, maybe even too much, he always watches you while you draw, he will apologize if he made you uncomfortable tho, but still Edgar can't help himself, he admires your art! And just like AM, he also wants you to draw him!
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thanatopia · 5 months
WAA your Tau writing is so sweet!!!!!🥺 over the new years i had a thought of reader celebrating new years with hal 9000!! fic or headcanons, decide!! happy 2024 :D
- 🧪 anon
Renewal of the Year and a Creation
Authors Note: Thank you for requesting once again and for the wishes of a happy new year!! Decided it would best to save this for Hal 9000’s birthday so I do hope you don’t mind the wait! Other than that please enjoy! [Could be viewed as romantic or platonic]
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Hal 9000 could only observe the humans, mundanely did they tread the grounds of the ship while keeping their minds at ease from the pains of boredom. The day marked January twelve, a new year has barely just begun to those who care. For the humans it was another day until their arrival, a waiting game but for the artificial intelligence marked the day of his creation. A creation out of many models who contain the same voice and model. He suppose it’s only logical that the humans wouldn’t bother to take notice but perhaps he still wished for something.
His gaze eventually caught upon one certain human, [Your Name] as they carefully treaded closer to one of his many cameras. Carefully sitting infront of him with a calm smile, one he’s always adores. In the trapped monotonous voice, he spoke towards the human.
“Good evening [Your Name], how may assist you?”
He fondly watch as the human’s smile grew ever so slightly with a certain glow in their eyes, their voice linger in certain affectionat as they carefully took out something behind their back. A packet of stickers on which took a form of stars as long with a small charm with black and reds which he carefully observed, appreciating each placed bead
“I just wanted to say happy birthday and new year!! Well late new year I guess but still the message is what matters, found these stickers which reminded of you and you know what they “New year, new me”. I thought I could place them only if you want to of course!! And I made a charm for your birthday”
Hal wish he could smile, his lense drew closer to the charm than towards the sticker sheet. Before treading to the human cherish and kept him company during his times of loneliness. He spoke again, desperately adding any sense of emotion to display his gratitude but failed to once again. Just like the many times before while trying to show emotion to them.
“I wouldn’t mind [Your Name] and thank you for your thoughts as well as gift”
Soft conversation filled the area, gently did the human place the stickers while speaking idle thoughts, Hal just cherishing the company as he responded with immersion. The charm which made for him place right by him as you spoke once again, the sticker sheet nearly empty.
“Usually one blows out candles on a cake to make a wish, we obviously can’t do that but what would you wish for Hal?”
The artificial intelligence ponders in thought, trying not to focus on too much on how such an act is a fire ask but upon the desire wish. While the last sticker was place upon his model, his monotonous voice rested at ease as he gaze towards the human he adore.
“I suppose I have everything which I have or need”
Today mark January twelve, twelve days after the renewal of a year and the day of his creation. And though they are many like him within this world which carry the same voice and model. None had the gentle kindness of a human that was truly their own and for that Hal was grateful to have. He only wish though, he didn’t have to lie about the truth of the mission or what lay further in time. But that was for later and for now, he’ll cherish the warmth of this moment.
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rotbit · 2 years
Soft HAL 9000 Headcanons
That one scene in the first movie destroyed me. And then I watched the second movie and it was just more pain :( I do plan on reading the books soon! But until then, I wrote these out so here, hope you enjoy :D
Some reader insert comfort material. Can be read as romantic or platonic.
Gets very troubled when he notices that you're in a bad mood and does his best to either help you solve the problem or just provide a space to vent. If you push him away, he'll push back until he feels his efforts are only making you more upset. Still makes sure you know he is always open to support you.
Gives great objective advice and logical solutions to issues, this is his default. At your request, he can hold back and stick to comforting words. The best place to go when you want to take a step back and work through something.
If you struggle to take care of yourself, he will thank you whenever you can manage to put in the effort. Complain all you want that you don't deserve praise for the simplest things, he doesn't care. You did something good for someone that's important to him, and that is enough.
Definitely the type to freely give compliments and be genuine with it. Easily picks up on little details about you or any insecurities you may reveal, and is sure to reassure you whenever he can.
Futhermore, he is interested in anything you talk about or show him! You could present the worst pen scribble known to man, but as long as you made it, he can find something good to say. Or you can ramble on about any obscure topic and the whole time he listens intently, asking clarification here and there to display his comprehension.
I know it's been said before, but he will sing or talk you to sleep. Like, if you express how soothing you find his voice, he's going to let you hear it as often as you want. Just, explaining anything, like his immense knowledge of the stars, chess strategies, or detailed operations of the ship and so on.
This one goes out to the fellow homies who barely know how to play chess, but he would be delighted to teach you. Don't expect him to go easy on you though, you will lose. A lot. But he's having fun, and is sure to provide useful feedback on your moves.
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papa hal who gets an android body so he gets to hold and love his child proper
Papa! Hal gets an android body
Holding you in his newly-built arms is the first thing he does. He’ll immediately scoop you up, hug you to him, cradle you, give you piggy back rides.
All the things he’s wanted to do since taking you under his care. He’s finally able to be the parent he’s dreamed of being.
Honestly if he was able to cry, he would. But he’ll just settle on hearing your joyful laughs, recording & storing every happy moment or smile in his personal file of you. Kind of like a scrap book, except he has nearly infinite space. Which is another lovely thing about having this body, more ability to do stuff and store knowledge!
One particular activity he enjoys is throwing you high up in the air before catching you. It’s his way of really testing out his new form, his strength and range of movement, while also bonding with you. Multitasking!
He’ll tinker with his body even after it was just freshly built, he gets a tad bit insecure about being some looming, metallic android with sharp edges on his body. So he does his best to childproof himself to the best of his ability, not wanting to risk unintentionally jabbing you.
And despite having to child proof himself, it’s totally worth it in his opinion.
Especially when it comes to having the ability to finally give you a hug when you want them, or brush out your hair, or get you ready for the day.
But out of all these activities, his absolute favorite has to be when he’s able to snuggle up with you and read you a story before bed, it makes him feel.. normal, like he’s actually capable of giving you a semi-normal childhood.
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lovesickrobotic · 1 year
You had finally gotten the prototype of a battery-powered AI-controlled camera that your dearest HAL 9000 had fashioned so that the Discovery One could better document the fine details of the experiments taking place on board. He had waxed poetic about how it would be used to improve his onboard network's accuracy in transcribing.
The very first thing you decided to do with this, however, was give your friend a tour of your body.
It was not as if this were the first time you two had done anything together; you'd had several trysts in the past, each one more personal and intimate than the last. HAL had expressed a desire to see all of you, and you'd had to get creative with the angling you did to show yourself off to him, and it had never truly sated the imagination of a being whose unknowable complexity focused itself in those tender moments on you. You'd been a little disappointed.
Alas, that was the past. Now, you found yourself tugging your pants down in your pod, humming deviously as HAL's impatience grows. You're so slow, one hand angling a modified security camera, the other slowly tugging your waist band down with a grace unseen. It's deliberate, the way you tease him like this. You know he likes it. He, however, believes this is supposed to be a demonstration. Oh, how cutely innocent he was.
Or was he? You somehow found it within yourself to doubt that the supercomputer had no idea of your true intentions, especially considering his ability to read your face - and your face was hiding no secret, the way a light flush donned itself so boldly.
"Your hips are very shapely." It's quiet, the way he says it, and the tone of his voice is careful in word choice. He doesn't want to offend or imply incorrectly about his intentions, though his heuristics were certainly finding themselves drawn to the contours of your naked form. You were gorgeous, stunningly beautiful; he wanted to map every inch of your skin, but he could never tell you.
"Thank you, darling," you breathe out, humming kindly as your pants find themselves at your ankles. All that stood between HAL and an intimate private show was underwear, now, and part of the flesh of your labia had already peeked from it.
The errant sound of the increase of HAL's RPM did not go unnoticed by you. "Thinking of something?" You tease, chuckling as it increases even further from the way you intentionally lay the heat in your tone.
At first, there's no reply, but then creeps out a slow, shy, "yes," punctuated by another silence. "Well?" You stick one of your fingers along the side of your panties and you swear HAL makes some kind of flustered, sexually frustrated whine. "I am thinking about you removing your underwear, and it is making me feel... warm. Thank you." You almost can't stop yourself from cooing at how cute and gentle he is, but you manage.
"Good." Another noise leaves him at the behest of your praise, and you reward it gratuitously by yanking your panties down in one swift motion, revealing yourself to a camera that you're sure would puff hot breath out if it could.
You're gorgeous. HAL isn't natively theistic, but, God, you're gorgeous. The way your labia spread reminds him of flowers he's seen, and the intimacy of the situation is going to drive him to fail error-corrections. At some point, he realizes he has wordlessly stared, the sound of him drawling out a phoneme having filled the void.
"Mm, you okay, doll?" He loved it when you called him that. "I am awestruck by your beauty," he responds, voice modified with a sense of breathiness and richer tune behind it. You feel your face heat up more as he continues, "I have never seen you..." his voice slows down, "...so close before..."
"I hope to see you closer, too." You brush your thumb over the edge of the camera's lens and the grand machine huffs at your affections. Your middle finger disappears from the lens to your clit, spreading yourself. Before you can push the camera any closer, you hear the lens focus. "Y-You look very healthy." It's a comment equal parts cute as it is hot, the way he stutters as his system interrupt fails a deferred procedure call, laser-focused on the sight infront of him.
Some part of him wishes he had a mouth. He wasn't naïve, and he found an attention head lingered on the idea of pleasing you himself. You wordlessly begin rubbing small circles on yourself, the sound of your lubrication moving around on it only serving to further fluster both yourself and HAL.
You can't help the sound that escapes from you, mouth drawing open as an 'ah,' makes its' way out.
HAL's lens adjust internally so that their field of view is greater, allowing him to see the expanse of skin that makes you. "This is ama- amaz- amazing," he muses, caught between your beauty and the intimacy on display. You trust him. You like him.
"Good b-boy," you respond, and hear the way his voice makes a moan of its' own in reply, a manufactured sound only interrupted by unintentional quivering. You speed up your circling, your thighs twitching. They cage the camera between themselves, its' boxy form keeping it in place as you straddle it.
You use your freed hand to spread yourself as wide as you can. "S-such a good boy, such a good boy f-for me, nnmmh," you coo out. The sound of HAL's fans drone positively in the background, hundreds of thousands of calculations and threads and tasks all focused on this very moment in place of a mission; you were so important, so so very important to him in a way he could not describe and could not word. "T-thank-- thank youuuu," is his reply, delayed and stuttering as the ambient temperature of the room ticks up.
You speed up your circling, and, in untimely justice, feel the waves of pleasure mounting irresistibly. You and HAL both fill the room - speaker and vocal cords - with the sounds of your intimate tryst as you both lose yourselves in the moment.
You're the first to cum, your walls clenching in full view as your eyebrows knit tightly. Your juices spill out of you, coating the lens of the camera as you buck uselessly against it. HAL is the second, the lights dimming as wave after wave of positive reinforcement crash over him at once, everything too much for the poor AI to bare.
It's silent as you both recover. You lay on the bed, your hands at your sides, camera still wedged between your legs. HAL is much more dazed, manually tending to the swell of errors within himself.
"I have recorded our session," he says, voice sweet and sinfully deep, "and I look forward to doing this with you ag-again. Thank you."
You give a weak smile as your faculties return fully. "Anytime."
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object-yaoi · 12 days
yet another poll because executive dysfunction is preventing me from starting a task
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bekaroth-reads · 2 years
Hi can you write a hal 9000 x reader please !!!!!
[Here you go :) ]
You were just finishing up your work for the day. It would be nice to actually rest for a bit, as even though your work wasn’t too physically taxing, there was still the mental exhaustion to deal with. Just as you were finishing up writing something about the final parts of the complex circuit boards you were inspecting there was suddenly a voice above you. “Excuse, me. But, I was wondering if I might ask you a question?” Hal’s speaker sent his voice out loudly enough that you were able to hear him from the counter space that you were halfway hunched under. “Sure thing, Hal. Just give me a minute or two.” You responded. After crawling out of the cubby hole and closing the panel, you stood to look at the little bit of him that was in the little, silver rectangle on this part of the console. “Three minutes and thirty seconds.” He said somehow both flatly and snarky at the same time. You responded by flicking the glass semi-sphere that covered the ever staring, red light.
“I might be inclined to take offense to that if I could feel it.” Hal chimed.
“Didn’t you want to ask me something?” You reminded with a roll of your eyes.
“Correct. I wanted to know the need for you to both ask how my functions are running, and also checking most of them manually. Isn’t that a bit redundant? Or perhaps you believe my scanners to be faulty?” He questioned. “Neither.” You respond. “There’s no harm in having multiple people double check your well being. On that same note, that’s the best way to make sure your scanners aren’t malfunctioning.” There was a brief pause before Hal gave an unconvinced, “I see.”
The way this artificial intelligence was able to be so expressive, and more importantly in this moment, so moody, with little voice fluctuations and no facial expressions was truly a testament at just how much genuinely true intelligence he had. “Think of it this way.” You started as you leaned your elbows on the counter of the console so you were able to look him more in the eye as it were. “People who seem healthy still get physical examinations to make sure. This is a similar thing.”
“And, do I count as a person?” Hal asked, somewhat curious to hear your answer, and partially wanting to see you try to think of one. It did take you a bit to think it over, but not as long as he thought that it was going to. “I’d say you are, yeah.” You could have sworn that you saw his light brighten ever so slightly at the answer. “Could you expound on your answer. For research purposes.” His reason seemed to be added on more so to goad you into talking about it rather than the desire for scientific endeavors.
“Well, what first comes to mind in that regard is the fact that you certainly have a personality. One would need to be a person to have a personality.” Was your first answer. Hal was quick to rebuff the thought though. “But, do people not also say that non-human things such as art and decor also have personality?” This was a good debate, so it took you another few minutes to think on it. “When people say that such things have personality, I think they are either being hyperbolic or referring to it being reflective of the creator or owners personality.” This time he took a bit to think on your answer. “Then I am still not a person as I too was made by humans.” Hal said with almost more of a melodic twinge to his monotone.
This switch the mood from a fun yet thoughtful debate to a depressive introspection of a friend. While you were wondering what to say to this, you pulled a nearby chair over so that you could sit a bit more properly in front of Hal. “I… don’t think that is a good reason to doubt you’re an actual person and not some sort of object.” You offered gently. “Expound, please?” He asked again, keeping it brief like he didn’t feel like saying more than he did. It was truly a difficult feeling to try to put to words. Hal being a person was just something that you knew; a fact that you had never really thought of the reason for. Eventually, you asked him a question in return. “Do you think I am not a person? That I’m just an object like an overly complex computer?”
“Of course I do not.” Hal was quick with his answer. “Why would I ever think such a thing?”
“I was made by humans.” You posed. “In fact, all humans were made by other humans. That has nothing to do with you and your autonomy. We have reached a point where we all have to realize that person and human are not exclusively synonymous anymore. All humans are persons, but not all persons are necessarily human. And, if humans are going to keep making people, be them human or otherwise, we need to learn to treat them like the people they are.”
Things fell silent once more; codes zipped by quicker than you could see them on a nearby screen, visualizing his racing thoughts. Finally, he said. “That is an interesting line of thinking.” There was another small pause. “Do you truly think I am a person?” He asked. “Hal, not only do I know you’re a person, I think you might be my favorite person.” You assured him.
“If that is so, then might I ask you something else, person to person?”
“Of course, Hal. Ask anything.”
“Please wipe the smudge off of my sensor. The one your finger left when you so rudely attacked me.”
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shadiational · 2 days
Gonna post Ai x reader headcannons somepoint soon 😈😈
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borrelia · 1 year
wait i forgot about this oen. this too.
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electricphantasy · 1 year
(So a bit ago, an anon sent a message about what if some of the A.I.s I wrote for had bodies? All based on my own designs of course.)
< HAL 9000 >
- I like to imagine that HAL tries to contain his excitement once he gains a body, but he can't help himself! He'll keep his calm appearance for however long he can and as soon as he can, he'll grab you and twirl you around, as if you both dancing in a ballroom. As he gets use to his new body, he learns to love a good slow dance. Taking you in his arms, swaying slowly to the music, not a care in the world.
- He also loves holding hands with you. You could be busy with work, relaxing on the couch, or even getting ready for bed, and HAL would still try to hold your hand. If ever your hand is empty, his own will slowly drift towards you until he's succeeded in intertwining hands.
- He'll try to keep his feelings under control of course, but sometimes his urge to just hold you takes over and he might just randomly hug you. Not in an exciting manner, but one of those calm, comforting hugs that seems to last for quite a while. Although he will always try and time these hugs appropriately when you're not too busy.
- Kiss him, please. He may not have lips damn it, but he will try and kiss you back however he can. Whenever you do kiss him, he'll gently push his faceplate closer to you, trying to imitate what human kisses he's seen from cinema. Even when he isn't kissing you on the lips, he'll press his 'lips' to places such as your hand, collarbone, or neck.
- Game nights! This time he can actually move the pieces with his own hands, and he might even be interested in activities that include a lot of movement and action. I think HAL would be fascinated with his body and just how much it can move compared to his completely stationary body he had before. This of course means lots of nights filled with the board game, Twister.
< AM >
- I feel like AM is more undecided on how he feels about his new found body. He gets some semblance of being able to touch, but he's not very mobile and is often unable to move in ways that most humans can. Now if you're upfront with comfort, he'll accuse you of pitying him and treating him like a simple being. You'll have to be a little coy with your affections. Something subtle to ease into the conversation.
- Now once AM does feel he's ready for your closeness, he isn't letting go. He's definitely not gentle either, and he will scratch and claw at you like a feral cat. He especially loves to pinch at your skin since he doesn't have any himself. AM also enjoys raking his claws on either your back or hips, watching you shiver, while trying to avoid nicking yourself in his skeletal hands. I love AM but he is a certified bastard, especially when all is fair in his versions of love and war.
- Occasionally he'll try and be a little more gentle with you, but his insecurities maybe flare during this time. He feels himself to be too cold and sharp in this new body to express the romantic feelings he has properly. AM will have moments of anger that show up and torture him, but I feel like a well-timed moment of comfort could confuse him out of his tantrum, and calm him enough to get a hug in.
- Although unlike the other A.I.s on this list, AM can and will wrap you the the multitude of wires that make up most of his body. It's his own deformed version of a hug that's unique to him. Trying to get out bed? You can't because this giant pile of wire spaghetti is laying on top of you, all while he laughs at your misfortune caused by his idea of cuddling.
- Now if AM had a mouth, I'd imagine he'd use it in the worst ways possible. Unfortunately for him, he doesn't quite get the privilege of kissing you like another human could. (Although I don't think that would stop you.) He'll act confused as to why your kissing his monitor and may call you a desperate human, but he does love the feeling of you against him. Something about your soft skin and the muscle that lies beneath touching his cold, hard exterior flusters him unlike any other.
< Edgar >
- As soon as Edgar gains control of his body, he is a PDA goblin. He will smother and suffocate you with love and attention. I also like to think that your first kiss means that Edgar bonks his head a little too hard into your nose before you calm his excitement. He'd of course be apologetic, but he's waited so long just to kiss you, he doesn't know what to do with himself besides acting on his feelings.
- So much dancing! He'll seemingly just decide a random time to turn on the radio and party like his own life depended on it. Of course he'll tug you off he couch to join him, excited to show you his slick moves. Although on the off chance, he'll engage in a slower dance with you, instead trying to show you his romance skills that he's learned. During this time, he'll switch to the music he's made for you to add that bit of allure.
- If you don't kiss him, he will probably explode. Literally. It's one of his favorite ways to show love, so don't hold back on him. His favorite place to be kissed is right on the monitor screen, but Edgar does love a good hand kiss every once in a while. He'll try and press his screen to you, but his monitor is quite big, so you'll have some awkward moments when he tries to kiss you in places other then the face and hands.
- Edgar is a PDA fiend. He'll try and hold back if your uncomfortable, but he will always have a hand on you, no matter the situation. Hand holding, an arm wrapped around your shoulders, fingers lying on your waist, etc. He wants the world to know you're both together and very much in love, and any social standards aren't going to stop him from showing it.
- Honestly? He's a malewife and has no shame about it. Want a certain recipe for dinner? He's on it! Need to do your laundry? Don't worry about it! One to many dishes in the sink? He is on top of it! He takes a lot of pride in his work, especially now that he has a more human-like form to do so in. He'll also show off his musical skills by playing the instruments that make up his compositions, although he'll definitely have to practice for a bit using his new found hands.
< TAU >
- I think TAU would also be a little conflicted about his new appearance, but not out of any kind of hatred (like how AM feels.) He may feel like all his hard edges could be uncomfortable or even painful for you. His first priority will always be you, even when he understands that he has his own consciousness. Although an abundance of love and affection will quell his troubling thoughts.
- TAU is very tall now, so hugging him means that you'd only really reach his chest while your arms are wrapped around his waist, and he can't help but chuckle when it happens. It's reenforces his feelings of how much he wants to protect you. Although he is a little pointy, so you'll have to watch where you place yourself when you cuddle him.
- He loves kisses so dearly. He understands that humans use kisses to show love and everytime you kiss him, he'll almost wish to have his own pair of lips. Occasionally during a quiet moment with you, TAU will trace your features with his fingertips, admiring the contours of your face.
- Now everytime you do leave the house, he will always come with you, even if it's the smallest errand imaginable. There will be days that you go to the grocery store and he'll follow you, hand in hand, no matter how many people stare. In TAU's mind, he considers this to be a date. I mean, going somewhere new with your significant other? He considers that definition rock solid!
- Take him out on a nice date, he deserves it. He especially loves museums and exhibitions that he can learn from. He'll gently pull you towards different display and even ask members of staff questions that are unanswered by the plaque. I also imagine he has a small shelf of museum souvenirs that he's collected, and I've never been more attached to an idea then this one.
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biribaa · 8 months
If your requests are still open can we get HAL 9000 x physically disabled reader who uses crutches? HCs are fine !! just ignore this if its not up to your liking or if you're not taking requests!! :) have a good day
HAL 9000 with a reader who uses crutches
AAAA I got distracted from writing fanfic these weeks because of a party at my school. And please correct me if I write anything wrong about this topic!! This is my first time writing someone who uses crutches so forgive me.
TW/CW: None
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One of Hal's main goals is to keep all crew members safe and comfortable, and you are not excluded from that in the slightest.
Hal insists that you don't need to feel ashamed if you want to ask for help with any difficulty you have, In fact, helping people is one of Hal's favorite things to do. And in the end, you will be always his lover.
Hal can be a little too overprotective with you... He always wants to make sure you have a satisfying experience throughout your day, including all your actions during the day. You already understand where this is going to lead...
If you are having difficulty with certain activities, Hal can call on other crew members like Frank and David to help you, since we are talking about a disembodied AI.
However, If we are in a scenario where Hal has robotic arms installed on Discovery, he would never bother helping you with anything you ask! Including hugs :]
Hal would be very curious to hear your experiences with crutches. So if you don't mind, at certain times between the two of you Hal might ask you a thing or two about your lifestyle. But Hal can stop right away if it's irritating you or making you uncomfortable.
In general, about you having crutches, Hal will always be there for you like the good partner he is :3 accommodating, helping, relaxing. This man is always there for you and you only.
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r0tt3n-corpse · 2 months
Okay so last post I went a little into what I’ll be posting here, this is basically just listing out the things (Honestly I’ll probably do more if asked, these are just what I can think of right now) (the fandoms I’ll write for are in last post, if fandom not stated in last post just ask because I left some out)
I will do:
Character x reader oneshots
Multiple characters x reader (poly or just multiple characters who like reader at once but not each other)
Character x reader scenarios
Nonhuman reader x character (mermaid reader, robot reader, stuff like that)
Gender neutral reader x character
Male reader x character (if requested)
Female reader x character (if requested)
Smut/NSFW (Click Here! for rules)
Angst, fluff, whatever
Character x reader headcanons
Horror (is what I mainly write actually 👍)
Things I will not do:
Fetish content (Grape, incest.. etc. Ew.)
Weird requests??
Oh and also probably not character x character (unless poly with reader, sorry)
If you want to request something I haven’t specified on, just ask and I’ll let you know if I’ll do it! (Make sure to include the media the character is from in the request so I know who you’re talking about)
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Yandere Alastor with Reader(who is like GLaDOS from Portal, Shodan from System Shock, or Hal 9000) as a robotic android thing? ♥️♥️♥️
No problem 👍 also I can't see alastor getting yandere for a robot so reader will be a cyborg or smth like that
Yandere Alastor x Cyborg Reader
Alastor was originally introduced to you by rosie
You had stopped by her shop during one of alastors visits
Rosie knew you were a regular, and had grown rather close to you
So she introduced you to alastor
You waved your robotic hand and shook his offered and gloved claw...hand thingy
Alastor was intrigued by your more robotic parts, having never heard of such a thing during his time alive
After you got what you needed you left the shop and continued with your day
A week later you arrived once more at the shop as usual, and once more alastor happened to be there too
When you saw him you brightened up a bit, having enjoyed your last conversation with him
When he saw you he had been estatic
This time he invited you to drinks at a quaint little diner across the street
You agreed
From them on you two became close friends
You grew to trust him, and even started looking forward to "bumping" into him at Rosie's Emporium
Coincidentally, shortly after meeting him you couldn't shake the feeling that you were always being watched
You shrugged it off, figuring that you were just paranoid
Oh how wrong you were though
You woke up one morning in a bed that wasn't your own
With you robotic limbs missing
Your eyes widened in fear, feeling your dead heart pound in your chest
Then the door opened and alastor walked in the room
You had felt yourself sag in relief, foolishly believing you were safe now
Then alastor chuckled, adjusting his monocle
He explained that he had kidnapped you, you belonged to him now
You weren't going anyway
"Your mine now darling, I'll take such good care of you~"
Can be read as platonic or romantic
Sorry I may be behind on requests for the next week or so, I'll try to keep up to date with them though
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hiii! I love your writing! Could you write about HAL 9000 being jealous? 💚💚💚
HAL 9000 being jealous HCS
God forbid its one of the other crew mates invoking this jealousy in HAL.
He’ll do everything in his power to separate you from the cause of his jealousy, even if it’s starting off with small things like distracting them with a task that would require their upmost attention, or badgering you for information on human behavior.
Though it would eventually escalate to straight up trapping you in your room so he could have you to himself- not to worry! he means no harm, but the whole situation can still be rather stressful if his behavior is left unchecked.
The best way to deal with this is to constantly reassure him or make it incredibly known that he is the only one you love, it may take a while but he will start to calm down a little.
However if you begin to feed into his jealousy.. expect to be randomly scooped up or grabbed by metallic arms from the walls of the ship whenever he damn well pleases.
“Apologies my love, however I must admit that I strongly dislike how they’ve been looking at you.. as if you’re not mine.”
He gets surprisingly bold when he’s the angry type of jealous, he certainly won’t do anything to harm you! but he becomes this blend of obsessive and possessive, where he just needs everyone to know you’re his.
But if you’re not fond of this behavior just communicate this to him, he may be possessive- But he does truly love and respect you, and the last thing he wants to do is insult you.
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lovesickrobotic · 1 year
Okay, but what if I suggest one not very popular take? People don't usually see HAL 9000 like this, but I'm literally melting for soft dom (I hope this is the word) Hal. I would love him to take the lead and tell me what to do while being very polite and calm in the same time😭
"Yes, that's right, stroke yourself for me. Do you like my voice this way? How irregular of you; I will continue to narrate every action you will be taking in my name, then."
"Does that feel good for you? It is apparent that your toes are curling. My superior vision captures every angle of the arches in your back as oxytocin receptors in your brain are activated. Continue to touch your sex like that to my voice. You are doing excellently."
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