#hamzeh brothers
hamzehpackaging · 1 year
HAMZEH brother's
it's about style
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dear-indies · 6 months
hi sorry abt the mishap, still quite new to tumblr I'm afraid. could i still have fc suggestions for a direct male relative for gigi hadid within the same generation or after? cousin, son, brother etc. thank you.
Ramsey Nasr (1974) Palestinian / Dutch.
Mahmoud Shalaby (1982) Palestinian.
Mojo Rawley (1986) Palestinian / Syrian, Unspecified.
Samir Badran (1990) Palestinian / Unspecified.
Motaz Malhees (1992) Palestinian.
Samer Bisharat (1996) Palestinian.
Bilal Hasna (1999) Palestinian / Punjabi.
Hamzeh Okab (2001) Palestinian.
+ here's a masterlist of Palestinian faceclaims
I had multiple asks breaking my rules so I just wanted to let everybody know why I will not be replying to them! A lot of these have light eyes too because I think you mentioned that in your previous message? Hope these are helpful though!
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jordanianroyals · 3 years
The plot against Jordan's King Abdullah
By David Hearst. 14 April 2021 08:15 UTC
Abdullah fell foul of the axis of Mohammed bin Salman and Benjamin Netanyahu after refusing to go along with the Trump plan to push West Bank Palestinians into Jordan
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For once, just for once, US President Joe Biden got something right in the Middle East, and I say this conscious of his abysmal record in the region.
In accepting the intelligence he was passed by the Jordanians that Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman was up to his ears in a plot to destabilise the rule of King Abdullah, Biden brought the scheme to a premature halt. Biden did well to do so.
His statement that the US was behind Abdullah had immediate consequences for the other partner in this scheme, Benjamin Netanyahu, the prime minister of Israel.
While bin Salman was starving Jordan of funds (according to former Foreign Minister Marwan Muasher, the Saudis have not provided any direct bilateral assistance since 2014), Netanyahu was starving the kingdom of water.
This is water that Israel siphons off the River Jordan. Under past agreements, Israel has supplied Jordan with water, and when Jordan asks for an additional amount, Israel normally agrees without delay. Not this year: Netanyahu refused, allegedly in retaliation for an incident in which his helicopter was refused Jordanian airspace. He quickly changed his mind after a call from US Secretary of State Antony Blinken to his counterpart, Gabi Ashkenazi.
Had former US President Donald Trump still been in power, it is doubtful whether any of this would have happened.
Without Washington’s overt support, King Abdullah would now be in serious trouble: the victim of a two-pronged offensive from Saudi Arabia and Israel, his population seething with discontent, and his younger half-brother counting the days until he could take over.
The problem with Abdullah
But why were bin Salman and Netanyahu keen to put the skids under an ally like Abdullah?
Abdullah, a career soldier, is not exactly an opposition figure in the region. He of all people is not a Bashar al-Assad, Recep Tayyip Erdogan or Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.
Abdullah was fully signed up to the counter-revolution against the Arab Spring. Jordan joined the Saudi-led anti-Islamic State coalition, deployed aircraft to target the Houthis in Yemen, and withdrew its ambassador from Iran after the Saudi embassy in Tehran and consul in Mashhad were sacked and Saudi Arabia consequently cut diplomatic relations.
He attended the informal summit on a yacht in the Red Sea, convened to organise the fight against the influence of Turkey and Iran in the Middle East. That was in late 2015.
In January 2016, Abdullah told US congressmen in a private briefing that Turkey was exporting terrorists to Syria, a statement he denied making afterwards. But the remarks were documented in a Jordanian foreign ministry readout passed to MEE.
Jordan’s special forces trained men that Libyan general Khalifa Haftar used in his failed attempt to take Tripoli. This was the pet project of the UAE.
Abdullah also agreed with the Saudis and Emiratis on a plan to replace Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas with Mohammed Dahlan, the Emirati- and Israeli-preferred choice of successor.
Why then, should this stalwart of the cause now be considered by his Arab allies, Saudi Arabia and the UAE, an inconvenience that needs to be dealt with?
Insufficiently loyal
The answer partly lies in the psychology of bin Salman. It is not good enough to be partially signed up to his agenda. As far as he is concerned, you are either in or out.
Under Abdullah, Jordan never quite managed to be fully in. As one former Jordanian government minister told me: “Politically, Mohammed bin Salman and his father were never very close to the Hashemites. King Salman does not have any affinity to the Hashemites that his other brothers might have had. So on the political front, there is no affinity, no empathy.
“But there is also a feeling [in Riyadh] that Jordan and others should be with us or against us. So we were not completely with them on Iran. We were not completely with them on Qatar. We were not completely with them on Syria. We did what we could and I don’t think we should have gone further, but to them, that was not enough.”
Abdullah’s equivocation certainly was not enough for the intended centrepiece of the new era, Saudi Arabia's normalisation of relations with Israel.
Here, Jordan would have been directly involved and King Abdullah was having none of it. Had he gone along with the Trump plan, his kingdom - a careful balance between Jordanians and Palestinians - would have been in a state of insurrection.
In addition, Abdullah could not escape the fact that he was a Hashemite, whose legitimacy stems in part from Jordan’s role as custodian of Al-Aqsa Mosque and the holy sites in Jerusalem. This, too, was being threatened by the Al Sauds.
The importance of Aqaba
But the plan itself was regarded by both bin Salman and Netanyahu as too big to stop. I personalise this, because in both Saudi Arabia and Israel, there are experienced foreign policy and intelligence hands who appreciate how quickly this plan would have destabilised Jordan and Israel’s vulnerable eastern border.
The plan has been years in the preparation and the subject of clandestine meetings between the Saudi prince and the Israeli leader. At the centre of it lies Jordan’s sole access to the Red Sea, the strategic port of Aqaba.
The two cities of Aqaba and Ma’an were part of the kingdom of Hejaz from 1916 to 1925. In May 1925, Ibn Saud surrendered Aqaba and Ma’an and they became part of the British Emirate of Transjordan.
It would be another 40 years before the two independent countries would agree on a Jordan-Saudi border. Jordan got 19 kilometres of coastline on the Gulf of Aqaba and 6,000 square kilometres inland, while Saudi Arabia got 7,000 square kilometres of land.
For the new kid on the block, bin Salman, a prince who was always sensitive about his legitimacy, reclaiming Saudi influence over Aqaba in a big trade deal with Israel would be a big part of his claim to restoring Saudi dominance over its hinterland.
And the trade with Israel would be big. Bin Salman is spending $500bn constructing the city of Neom, which is eventually supposed to straddle Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Egypt. Sitting at the mouth of the Gulf of Aqaba, the Jordanian port would be firmly in Saudi sights.
This is where Bassem Awadallah, the former chief of Jordan's royal court, comes in. Two years before he definitively broke with King Abdullah, and while he was still Jordan’s envoy to Riyadh, Awadallah negotiated the launch of something called the Saudi-Jordanian Coordination Council, a vehicle that Jordanian officials at the time said would “unblock billions of dollars” for the cash-starved Hashemite kingdom.
Awadallah promised that the council would invest billions of Saudi dollars in Jordan’s leading economic sectors, focusing on the Aqaba Special Economic Zone.
Awadallah was also close to the crown prince of Abu Dhabi, Mohammed bin Zayed, who had his own agenda in Jordan. He wanted to ensure that the Muslim Brotherhood and the forces of political Islam were permanently eradicated from the country, something Abdullah has refused to do, although he is no supporter.
The money, of course, never materialised. Saudi support for the kingdom diminished to a trickle, and according to an informed source, Muasher, Saudi funds stopped almost completely after 2014.
The price for turning on the tap of Saudi finance was too high for Abdullah to pay. It was total subservience to Riyadh. Under this plan, Jordan would have become a satellite of Riyadh, much as Bahrain has become.
Netanyahu had his own sub-agenda in the huge trade that would flow from Neom once Saudi Arabia had formally recognised Israel.
A confirmed enemy of the Oslo plan to set up a Palestinian state in the West Bank and Gaza, Netanyahu and the Israeli right have always eyed annexation of Area C and the Jordan Valley, which comprises 60 percent of the West Bank. Under this new Nakba, the Palestinians living there, denied Israeli citizenship, would be slowly forced to move to Jordan. This could only happen under a Saudi-oriented plan, in which Jordanian workers could travel freely and work in Saudi Arabia. As it is, remittances from the Jordanian workforce in Saudi Arabia are an economic lifeblood to the bankrupt kingdom.
The money pouring into Jordan, accompanied by an essentially stateless workforce of Jordanians and Palestinians, would finally put to bed grandiose visions of a Palestinian state, and with it the two-state solution. On this, Netanyahu and bin Salman are as one: treat them as a mobile workforce, not citizens of a future state.
Hussein's favoured son
That Prince Hamzah should be seen as the means by which Jordan is enlisted to this plan represents the final irony of this bizarre tale.
If the Hashemite blood runs deep in any veins, it is surely in his. He was King Hussein’s favoured son. In a letter sent to his brother Prince Hassan in 1999, King Hussein wrote: “Hamzeh, may God give him long life, has been envied since childhood because he was close to me, and because he wanted to know all matters large and small, and all details of the history of his family. He wanted to know about the struggle of his brothers and of his countrymen. I have been touched by his devotion to his country and by his integrity and magnanimity as he stayed beside me, not moving unless I forced him from time to time to carry out some duty on occasions that did not exceed the fingers on one hand.”
Abdullah broke the agreement he made with his father on his death bed when he replaced his half-brother with his son, Hussein, as crown prince in 2004.
But if Hashemite pride in and knowledge of Jordan’s history runs deep in Hamzah, he of all princes would have soon realised the cost to Jordan of accepting bin Salman’s billions and Netanyahu’s tacit encouragement, just as his father did.
Hamzah’s friends ardently dispute they are part of this plot and downplay connections with Awadallah. Hamzah only owns up to one thing: that he is immensely concerned at how low Jordan has fallen under years of misrule. In this, Hamzah is 100 percent right.
It is clear what has to happen now. King Abdullah should finally see that he must completely overhaul the Jordanian political system, by calling for free and fair elections and abiding by their result. Only that will unite the country around him.
This is what King Hussein did when he faced challenge and revolt by Jordanian tribes in the south of the kingdom; in 1989, Hussein overhauled the political system and held the freest elections in the history of the kingdom.
The government that emerged from this process led the country safely out of one of the most difficult moments for Jordan: Saddam Hussein's invasion of Kuwait and the subsequent Gulf War.
The real villains
Biden, meanwhile, should realise that letting bin Salman get away with the murder of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi has a cost.
Bin Salman did not learn anything from the episode and carried on in exactly the same way, reckless and swift, against an Arab neighbour and ally, with potentially disastrous consequences.
The new foreign policy establishment in Washington should wean itself off the notion that US allies are its friends. It should learn once and for all that the active destabilisers of the Middle East are not the cartoon villains of Iran and Turkey.
Rather, they are the closest US allies, where US forces and military technology are either based, or as in the case of Israel, inextricably intertwined: Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Israel.
Jordan, the classic buffer state, is a case in point.
The views expressed in this article belong to the author and do not necessarily reflect the editorial policy of Middle East Eye.
David Hearst is co-founder and editor-in-chief of Middle East Eye. He is a commentator and speaker on the region and analyst on Saudi Arabia. He was The Guardian's foreign leader writer, and was correspondent in Russia, Europe, and Belfast. He joined the Guardian from The Scotsman, where he was education correspondent.
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newstfionline · 3 years
Monday, April 5, 2021
Coming out of the cave: As life creeps back, some feel dread (AP) Dinner reservations are gleefully being made again. Long-canceled vacations are being booked. People are coming together again, in some of the ways they used to. But not everyone is racing back. For some, even small tasks outside the home—a trip to the grocery store, or returning to the office—can feel overwhelming. Psychologists call it re-entry fear, and they’re finding it more common as headlines herald the imminent return to post-pandemic life. “I have embraced and gotten used to this new lifestyle of avoidance that I can’t fathom going back to how it was. I have every intention of continuing to isolate myself,” says Thomas Pietrasz, who lives alone and works from his home in the Chicago suburbs as a content creator. Pietrasz says his anxiety has grown markedly worse as talk of post-vaccine life grows. He says he got used to “hiding at home and taking advantage of curbside and delivery in order to avoid every situation with people.”
Vaccine passports are latest flash point in COVID politics (AP) Vaccine passports being developed to verify COVID-19 immunization status and allow inoculated people to more freely travel, shop and dine have become the latest flash point in America’s perpetual political wars, with Republicans portraying them as a heavy-handed intrusion into personal freedom and private health choices. They currently exist in only one state—a limited government partnership in New York with a private company—but that hasn’t stopped GOP lawmakers in a handful of states from rushing out legislative proposals to ban their use. Vaccine passports are typically an app with a code that verifies whether someone has been vaccinated or recently tested negative for COVID-19. They are in use in Israel and under development in parts of Europe. But lawmakers around the country are already taking a stand against the idea. “We have constitutional rights and health privacy laws for a reason,” said Pennsylvania House Majority Leader Kerry Benninghoff, a Republican. “They should not cease to exist in a time of crisis. These passports may start with COVID-19, but where will they end?” Benninghoff said this week his concern was “using taxpayer money to generate a system that will now be, possibly, in the hands of mega-tech organizations who’ve already had problems with getting hacked and security issues.”
Facebook data on more than 500M accounts found online (AP) Details from more than 500 million Facebook users have been found available on a website for hackers. The information appears to be several years old, but it is another example of the vast amount of information collected by Facebook and other social media sites, and the limits to how secure that information is. The availability of the data set was first reported by Business Insider. According to that publication, it has information from 106 countries including phone numbers, Facebook IDs, full names, locations, birthdates, and email addresses. Facebook has been grappling with data security issues for years.
In Myanmar, Easter eggs a symbol of defiance for anti-coup protesters (Reuters) Opponents of military rule in Myanmar inscribed messages of protest on Easter eggs on Sunday while others were back on the streets, facing off with the security forces after a night of candle-lit vigils for hundreds killed since a Feb. 1 coup. In the latest in a series of impromptu shows of defiance, messages including “We must win” and “Get out MAH”—referring to junta leader Min Aung Hlaing—were seen on eggs in photographs on social media. Young people in the main city of Yangon handed out eggs bearing the messages of protest, pictures in posts showed.
With Swarms of Ships, Beijing Tightens Its Grip on South China Sea (NYT) The Chinese ships settled in like unwanted guests who wouldn’t leave. As the days passed, more appeared. They were simply fishing boats, China said, though they did not appear to be fishing. Dozens even lashed themselves together in neat rows, seeking shelter, it was claimed, from storms that never came. Not long ago, China asserted its claims on the South China Sea by building and fortifying artificial islands in waters also claimed by Vietnam, the Philippines and Malaysia. Its strategy now is to reinforce those outposts by swarming the disputed waters with vessels, effectively defying the other countries to expel them. The goal is to accomplish by overwhelming presence what it has been unable to do through diplomacy or international law. And to an extent, it appears to be working. “Beijing pretty clearly thinks that if it uses enough coercion and pressure over a long enough period of time, it will squeeze the Southeast Asians out,” said Greg Poling, the director of the Asia Maritime Transparency Initiative at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington, which tracks developments in the South China Sea. “It’s insidious.”
Nearly 20 arrested in alleged plot against Jordan’s King Abdullah II (Washington Post) Jordanian authorities on Saturday arrested as many as 20 people and sought to restrain the movement of a former crown prince amid what officials called a threat to the “security and stability” of a country long regarded as a vital U.S. ally in the Middle East. Prince Hamzeh bin Hussein, the eldest son of the late King Hussein and his American-born fourth wife, Queen Noor, was told to remain at his Amman palace amid an investigation into an alleged plot to unseat his older half brother, King Abdullah II, according to a senior Middle Eastern intelligence official briefed on the events. The move followed the discovery of what officials described as a complex and far-reaching plot that included at least one other Jordanian royal as well as tribal leaders and members of the country’s political and security establishment. One official cited unspecified evidence of “foreign” backing for the plan. Biden administration officials were briefed on the arrests, which come at a time of heightened economic and political tension in a country long regarded as a bulwark of stability and an essential partner in U.S.-led counterterrorism operations.
Cairo’s mummies get a new home. And a grand procession on the way. (Washington Post) It was a parade unlike any other this city has seen. A procession of 22 ancient Egyptian royal mummies streamed Saturday from downtown Cairo, where revolutionaries rose up to topple autocrat Hosni Mubarak a decade ago, to a new museum three miles away that represents Egypt’s future as much as its past. At 8 p.m., the mummies—18 kings and four queens—left the famed ochre-hued Egyptian Museum near Tahrir Square, where they had rested for decades. They were each atop specially decorated gold-and-blue-hued vehicles resembling boats. Or perhaps the symbol of a winged sun, an ornament worn by Egypt’s ancient rulers and seen as providing protection. Each of the 22 vehicles was emblazoned with the name of the royal mummy it carried. The multimillion-dollar affair—called the Pharaohs’ Golden Parade—had been promoted for months. Egyptian authorities are seeking to attract tourists, a key source of foreign currency, and alter the course of an economy battered by the coronavirus pandemic, Islamist attacks and political chaos in past years. The highly choreographed ceremony was also a nationalist vehicle to highlight Egypt’s place in history. The nation’s authoritarian president, Abdel Fatah al-Sissi, who himself is often referred to as “a new pharaoh” for his ambitious projects and iron-fisted rule, presided over the ceremony.
Confronting late-stage pandemic burnout (NYT) Like many of us, the writer Susan Orlean is having a hard time concentrating these days. “Good morning to everyone,” she tweeted recently, “but especially to the sentence I just rewrote for the tenth time.” “I feel like I’m in quicksand,” she explained by phone from California, where she has been under quasi-house arrest for the last year. “I’m just so exhausted all the time. I’m doing so much less than I normally do—I’m not traveling, I’m not entertaining, I’m just sitting in front of my computer—but I am accomplishing way less. It’s like a whole new math. I have more time and fewer obligations, yet I’m getting so much less done.” Call it a late-pandemic crisis of productivity, of will, of enthusiasm, of purpose. Whatever you call it, it has left many of us feeling like burned-out husks, dimwitted approximations of our once-productive selves. “Malaise, burnout, depression and stress—all of those are up considerably,” said Todd Katz, executive vice president and head of group benefits at MetLife. The company’s most recent Employee Benefit Trends Study, conducted in December and January, found that workers across the board felt markedly worse than they did last April. The study was based in part on interviews with 2,651 employees. In total, 34 percent of respondents reported feeling burned out, up from 27 percent last April. Twenty-two percent said they were depressed, up from 17 percent last April, and 37 percent said they felt stressed, up from 34 percent.
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viralafeed · 3 years
Jordan accuses Hamzeh of 'promoting sedition' against Abdullah's government
Jordan accuses Hamzeh of ‘promoting sedition’ against Abdullah’s government
In a televised news conference, Safadi said extensive investigations carried out by Jordan’s security forces concluded that Hamzeh, the half brother of King Abdullah; Sharif Hasan, a member of the royal family; and Bassem Awadullah, a former senior official in the royal court and special Jordanian representative to the Saudi government, had engaged in activities that amounted to “promoting…
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rezaraeisi · 5 years
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ما بچه های تهران، شاه عبدالعظیم و امامزاده صالح رو خیلی خیلی دوسشون داریم!!! When visiting Tehran, Iran ...here is a must to go and have a nice time! Great Architecture, Great Bazaar and so great atmosphere!! Rey or Ray (Persian pronunciation: [ɾej]; Persian: شهر ری‎, Šahr-e Rey, “City of Ray”), also known as Rhages (/ˈreɪdʒəz/; Greek: Ῥάγαι, Rhagai, or Ευρωπός, Europos; Latin: Rhagae or Rhaganae) and formerly as Arsacia, is the capital of Rey County in Tehran Province of Iran, and the oldest existing city in the province. This pic is in the Holey Shrine! The Shāh Abdol-Azīm Shrine (Persian: شاه عبدالعظیم‎), also known as Shabdolazim,[1][2][3]located in Rey, Iran, contains the tomb of ‘Abdul ‘Adhīm ibn ‘Abdillāh al-Hasanī[4] (aka Shah Abdol Azim). Shah Abdol Azim was a fifth generation descendant of Hasan ibn ‘Alī[4]and a companion of Muhammad al-Taqī.[4] He was entombed here after his death in the 9th century. .Adjacent to the shrine, within the complex, include the mausolea of Imamzadeh Tahir(son of the fourth Shia Imam Sajjad) and Imamzadeh Hamzeh (brother of the eighth Twelver Imām - Imām Reza). . . . . . . #InfoSet, #ICT, #Health, #Oil and #Gas, #International #Project #Management,#Business #Development, #Marketing, #Export #Import #Consultant, #Investment, #Finance, #EPCF, #IT, #Cinema, #Movie, #Animation, #bitcoin, #cryptocurrency, #Reza_Raeisi, #china, #india, #usa, #France, #Russia, #Iran https://www.instagram.com/p/BxB9BkbgG_j/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1c12am8abg1x9
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tuseriesdetv · 5 years
Guía de series: Estrenos y regresos de junio 2019
Ya llevamos encadenando varios meses en los que se nota la variedad entre las nuevas ficciones, ojalá continúe la racha. Además, teniendo en cuenta que llega el verano y suele ser época de sequía, la gran cantidad de estrenos es algo que agradecer.
¡Feliz junio!
Verde: series nuevas.
Rojo: series de las que haremos reviews semanales.
Negro: regresos de otras series.
Naranja: miniseries o series documentales.
Amarillo: tv movies, documentales, especiales o pilotos.
Morado: season finales.
Púrpura: midseason finales.
Calendario de series
1 de junio: Arthdal Chronicles (1T completa) en Netflix
2 de junio: 
American Princess (1T) en Lifetime
Perpetual Grace, LTD (1T) en Epix
Fear The Walking Dead (5T) y NOS4A2 (1T completa) en AMC
Burden of Truth (2T) en The CW
When Calls the Heart (6T finale) en Hallmark
3 de junio: Chernobyl en HBO
4 de junio: 
Jonas Brothers: Chasing Happiness en Amazon
The Last O.G. (2T finale) en TBS
5 de junio: 
The Handmaid's Tale (3T) en Hulu
Black Mirror (5T completa) en Netflix
Grown-ish (2bT) en Freeform
6 de junio: Queen of the South (4T) en USA Network
7 de junio: 
Tales of the City (1T completa), 3% (3T completa), Designated Survivor (3T completa), I Am Mother y Elisa y Marcela en Netflix
Hierro (1T completa) en Movistar+
Warrior (1T finale) en Cinemax
9 de junio: 
Big Little Lies (2T) en HBO
Claws (3T) en TNT
Good Witch (5T) en Hallmark
Billions (4T finale) en Showtime
10 de junio: Gentleman Jack (1T finale) en HBO
11 de junio: 
Pose (2T) en FX
The Bold Type (3T finale) en Freeform
You Me Her (4T finale) en Audience Network
12 de junio: 
Younger (6T) en TV Land 
Queen Sugar (4T) en OWN
Krypton (2T) en Syfy
Wild Bill (1T) en ITV
13 de junio: 
Strange Angel (2T) en CBS All Access
Jinn (1T completa) en Netflix
Baskets (4T) en FX
Siren (2bT) en Freeform
A.P. Bio (series finale) en NBC
14 de junio: 
Jessica Jones (3T y última), Leila (1T completa), Trinkets (1T completa) El caso Alcàsser y Murder Mystery en Netflix
Too Old to Die Young (1T completa) y Absentia (2T completa) en Amazon
Los Espookys (1T) en HBO
Jett (1T) en Cinemax
16 de junio: 
City on a Hill (1T) en Showtime
Euphoria (1T) en HBO
The Chi (2T finale) en Showtime
17 de junio: 
Grand Hotel (1T) en ABC
Raven's Home (3T) en Disney Channel
L.A.'s Finest (1T finale) en Spectrum
18 de junio: 
Good Trouble (2T) en Freeform
Ambitions (1T) en OWN
Drunk History (6T) en Comedy Central
The Detour (4T) en TBS
19 de junio: 
Beats en Netflix
Yellowstone (2T) en Paramount
20 de junio: Reef Break (1T) en ABC
21 de junio: Dark (2T completa) y Mr. Iglesias (1T completa) en Netflix
23 de junio: Vida (2T finale) y The Spanish Princess (1T finale) en Starz
24 de junio: Legion (3T y última) en FX
27 de junio: 
In the Dark (1T finale) en The CW
Deep State (2T finale) en FOX UK
Life in Pieces (series finale) en CBS
28 de junio: Paquita Salas (3T completa), O Escolhido (1T completa) y 7 Seeds en Netflix
30 de junio: 
The Loudest Voice en Showtime
The Rook (1T) en Starz
What Just Happened??! (1T) en FOX
Instinct (2T) en CBS
Estrenos de series
Arthdal Chronicles (Netflix)
Nos cuenta el nacimiento de una civilización y de sus héroes mitológicos. Eunseom (Song Joong-ki), de apariencia inocente, lucha por proteger a su tribu y no dudará en usar la fuerza contra los atacantes; Tagon (Jang Dong-sun), el carismático y talentoso hijo del líder de la tribu Saenyeok, esconde su ira; Tanya (Kim Ji-won), la sucesora de la matriarca de la tribu Wahan, sabe que su destino es proteger a su pueblo contra otras tribus poderosas; y Taealha (Kim Ok-bin), la dama más bella de Arthdal, anhela el poder. Escrita por Kim Young-hyun y Park Sang-yeon, guionistas de Deep Rooted Tree y Queen Seondeok; y dirigida por Kim Won-seok. Dieciocho episodios. Estreno: 1 de junio
American Princess (Lifetime)
Una joven de buena familia (Georgia Flood, Wentworth) descubre pocas horas antes de su boda que su prometido (Max Ehrich; Under the Dome, Sweet/Vicious) la engaña y acaba en una feria renacentista revaluando su vida. Con ella estarán Lucas Neff (Raising Hope, Downward Dog), Rory O'Malley (Partners, Dreamgirls), Mary Hollis Inboden (Boss, The Real O'Neals), Lesley Ann Warren (Desperate Housewives, In Plain Sight), Seana Kofoed (Electric City), Mimi Gianopulos (Baby Daddy), Tommy Dorfman (13 Reasons Why), Erin Pineda y Helen Madelyn Kim. Creada y escrita por la actriz Jamie Denbo (Weeds, Orange Is the New Black) y producida por Jenji Kohan y Tara Hermann, encargadas de Orange Is the New Black y GLOW. Diez episodios.
Estreno: 2 de junio
Perpetual Grace, LTD (Epix)
Un joven estafador (Jimmi Simpson; Westworld, House of Cards) intenta engañar a un pastor (Ben Kingsley; Gandhi, House of Sand and Fog) y a su esposa (Jacki Weaver; Silver Linings Playbook, Secret City) sin siquiera sospechar lo peligrosos que pueden llegar a ser. Completan el reparto Terry O'Quinn (Lost, Castle Rock), Luis Guzmán (Code Black, Narcos), Timothy Spall (Sweeney Todd, Harry Potter), Kurtwood Smith (That '70s Show, Agent Carter), Damon Herriman (Justified, Flesh and Bone), Chris Conrad (Patriot, Young Hercules), Hana Mae Lee (Patriot, Those Who Can't). Escrita por Steve Conrad (Patriot, The Pursuit of Happiness) y Bruce Terris (Patriot, The Assets) y dirigido por Conrad. Diez episodios. Estreno: 2 de junio
Victoria McQueen (Ashleigh Cummings, Hounds of Love) es una adolescente con un don especial para encontrar cosas gracias a un misterioso puente cubierto que la transporta al lugar donde se encuentran los objetos perdidos. Un día, aparece junto a Charles Manx (Zachary Quinto; Heroes, American Horror Story), un anciano que resulta ser un peligroso psicópata que secuestra niños y los lleva a una tierra imaginaria donde siempre es Navidad. Completan el reparto Ólafur Darri Ólafsson (Ófærð, Lady Dynamite), Virginia Kull (Big Little Lies, The Looming Tower), Ebon Moss-Bachrach (Girls, The Punisher), Rarmian Newton (Rise, The Family), Darby Camp (Big Little Lies), Jahkara Smith (Sailor J), Karen Pittman (Luke Cage, The Americans) y Ashley Romans (Shameless, I'm Dying Up Here). Basada en la novela de Joe Hill (2013) y escrita por Jami O'Brien (Hell on Wheels, Fear The Walking Dead). Diez episodios. Estreno: 2 de junio
Tales of the City (Netflix)
Tales of the City fue una miniserie, adaptación de la novela de Armistead Maupin (1978), emitida en 1993 en la británica Channel 4. En ella, Mary Ann Singleton (Laura Linney; The Big C, The Truman Show), una ingenua joven de Cleveland, Ohio que estaba de vacaciones en San Francisco, decidía impulsivamente quedarse allí, encontraba un apartamento propiedad de Anna Madrigal (Olympia Dukakis) y forjaba amistad con una hippie bisexual, un donjuán heterosexual, un homosexual y muchos otros personajes que le mostraban un mundo muy distinto al que estaba acostumbrada. La miniserie tuvo dos continuaciones en Showtime, también adaptaciones de las siguientes novelas, en 1998 y 2001. Netflix continúa ahora la historia con un revival escrito por Lauren Morelli (Orange Is the New Black), junto a un equipo completamente queer, que cuenta con el regreso de Laura Linney, Olympia Dukakis y Barbara Garrick. Se suman a ellas Ellen Page (Juno, Hard Candy), Daniela Vega (Una mujer fantástica), Murray Bartlett (Looking, Iron Fist), Charlie Barnett (Chicago Fire, Russian Doll), Victor Garber (Alias, Legends of Tomorrow), Zosia Mamet (Girls, United States of Tara), Molly Ringwald (Riverdale, The Secret Life of the American Teenager), Josiah Victoria Garcia, May Hong (High Maintenance), Jen Richards (Her Story, Nashville), Michelle Buteau (Isn't It Romantic, The First Wives Club), Ashley Park, Christopher Larkin (The 100), Caldwell Tidicue (RuPaul's Drag Race), Matthew Risch (Modern Family, Looking), Michael Park (Dear Evan Hansen), Dickie Hearts, Benjamin Thys, Samantha Soule (Godless) y Juan Castaño (The OA, What/If) . Diez episodios.
Estreno: 7 de junio
Wild Bill (ITV)
Bill Hixon (Rob Lowe; Parks and Recreation, Brothers & Sisters) es un agente de policía de Boston al que nombran jefe de la policía de East Lincolnshire, Inglaterra y se muda allí junto a su hija de catorce años (Aloreia Spencer) para huir de su doloroso pasado, pero la gente de su nueva vida le obliga a cuestionarse todo sobre sí mismo. Con Rachel Stirling (Detectorists, The Bletchley Circle), Angela Griffin (Ordinary Lies, Lewis), Tony Pitts (Peaky Blinders, Line of Duty), Anthony Flanagan (Versailles, The Terror), Divian Ladwa (Detectorists), Steffan Rhodri (Gavin & Stacey, Manhunt), Vicki Pepperdine (Sally4Ever, Getting On), Anjli Mohindra (Bodyguard, Cucumber), Ty Hurley (Call the Midwife), Aleksandar Jovanovic (Close to the Enemy, Arctic Circle) y Bronwyn James (Harlots). Creada por David Griffiths (The Hunted, Collateral Damage), Kyle Killen (Awake, Mind Games) y escrita por Dudi Appleton (Silent Witness) y Jim Keeble (Silent Witness). Seis episodios. Estreno: 12 de junio
Jinn (Netflix)
La primera serie árabe de Netflix es un thriller sobrenatural sobre un grupo de adolescentes que viaja a Petra, donde liberan sin querer a un Jinn (Hamzeh Okab), una figura espiritual que podría destruir el mundo. Mientras tanto, Mira (Salma Malhas), una chica rebelde devastada por la pérdida de su madre, aprende a amar de nuevo. Con Sultan Alkhalil, Hana Chamoun, Yasser Al Hadi, Ban Halaweh, Faris Al Bahri, Mohammad Hindieh, Zaid Zoubi, Mohammad Nizar, Abd Alrazzaq, Karam Tabbaa, Anouar H. Smaine, Manal Sehaimat y Aysha Shahaltough. Escrita por Elan y Rajeev Dassani (Seam) y Amin Matalga. Cinco episodios. Estreno: 13 de junio
Leila (Netflix)
En un futuro cercano, en India, donde hay guetos que separan a las comunidades por clase social, religión o ingresos, Shalini (Huma Qureshi) se convierte al Islam al casarse con Riz (Rahul Khanna) y tienen una hija llamada Leila. Cuando Leila tiene tres años, detienen a Shalini, matan a Riz y raptan a la niña por ser mestiza. Años después, Shalini intenta encontrar a su hija. Basada en la novela de Prayaag Akbar (2017) y escrita y producida por Urmi Juvekar. Seis episodios.
Estreno: 14 de junio
Trinkets (Netflix)
Tres chicas adolescentes de distintas esquinas de la cafetería del instituto se encuentran en una reunión de Cleptómanos Anónimos y forjan una amistad especial gracias a la que encuentran la fuerza para lidiar con la familia o el instituto. Protagonizada por Brianna Hildebrand (Deadpool, Tragedy Girls), Kiana Madeira (The Flash, Sacred Lies) y Quintessa Swindell (Granada Nights). Les acompañan Larry Sullivan (Big Little Lies, Scandal), Brandon Butler (13 Reasons Why), Odiseas Georgiadis, Henry Zaga (13 Reasons Why, Teen Wolf), October Moore (Baskets) y Larisa Oleynik (Mad Men, Hawaii Five-0). Basada en la novela de Kirsten 'Kiwi' Smith (2013) y escrita por Smith (10 Things I Hate About You, Legally Blonde), Amy Andelson (Step Up 3D) y Emily Meyer (Step Up 3D). Diez episodios. Estreno: 14 de junio
Too Old to Die Young (Amazon)
Escrita, producida y dirigida por Nicolas Winding Refn (Drive, The Neon Demon) al estilo de su trilogía Pusher, explorará los bajos fondos de Los Ángeles siguiendo el viaje existencial de ciertos personajes, desde narcotraficantes mexicanos hasta mafiosos rusos, que pasan de ser asesinos a samuráis. Protagonizada por Miles Teller (Divergent, Whiplash), William Baldwin (Gossip Girl, The Squid and the Whale), Callie Hernandez (Graves, La La Land), Nell Tiger Free (Game of Thrones), Celestino Cornielle (Bosch, The Fate and the Furious), Alexander Gomez (Best. Worst. Weekend. Ever), John Hawkes (Winter's Bone, Three Billboards), Jena Malone (The Hunger Games, The Neon Demon), Babs Olusanmokun (The Widow, The Defenders), Cristina Rodlo (Miss Bala, The Terror), Augusto Aguilera (Chasing Life), Hart Bochner (Die Hard, Rules Don't Apply), Chris Coppola (Ray Donovan), Manuel Uriza (The Last Ship, The Bridge), Gino Vento (The Deuce, Mayans M.C.), Kegn Matungulu, Carlotta Montanari y Dereck Seven Smith. Diez episodios. Estreno: 14 de junio
Los Espookys (HBO)
Comedia ambientada en México, y rodada en castellano, sobre un grupo de amigos que convierten su amor por el terror y el gore en un negocio peculiar. Protagonizada por Bernardo Velasco, Fred Armisen (Portlandia, Saturday Night Live), Cassandra Ciangherotti, Ana Fábrega y Julio Torres. Escrita por Fábrega y Torres y producida por Armisen. Seis episodios.
Estreno: 14 de junio
Jett (Cinemax)
Daisy 'Jett' Kowalski (Carla Gugino; The Haunting of Hill House, Wayward Pines) es una ladrona profesional que acaba de salir de prisión y accede bajo coacción a seguir haciendo lo que mejor se le da para una serie de criminales con muy distintos objetivos. Completan el cast Giancarlo Esposito (Breaking Bad, Once Upon a Time), Elena Anaya (La piel que habito, Wonder Woman), Gil Bellows (Ally McBeal, Patriot), Violet McGraw (The Haunting of Hill House), Gaite Jansen (Peaky Blinders, Line of Duty), Michael Aronov (The Americans, Billions), Christopher Backus (Bosch, Roadies), Jodie Turner-Smith (Nightflyers, The Last Ship), Greg Bryk (Frontier, Mary Kills People), Gentry White (UnREAL, The Shannara Chronicles), Lucy Walters (Power, Get Shorty), Shiloh Fernandez (Gypsy, Jericho), Mustafa Shakir (The Deuce, Luke Cage), David Damane (Chicago PD), Rainbow Sun Francks (The Umbrella Academy, Eyewitness), Alex Mallari Jr. (Dark Matter, Shadowhunters), Gregg Lowe (Grantchester, Frankie Drake Mysteries), Dwain Murphy (The Strain, Rogue), Jonathan Koensgen (Copper, V-Wars), Hamza Haq (The Art of More) y Stuart Hughes (Frontier, Orphan Black). Creada, escrita, dirigida y producida por Sebastian Gutierrez (Gothika, The Eye). Nueve episodios. Estreno: 14 de junio
City on a Hill (Showtime)
Drama sobre la corrupción y las bandas de Boston en los años 90 centrado en un agente corrupto del FBI (Kevin Bacon; The Following, I Love Dick) que se alía con el ayudante del fiscal del distrito (Aldis Hodge; Underground, Leverage) para atrapar a una familia de ladrones de coches blindados y acaba destapando un gran escándalo relacionado con el sistema judicial de la ciudad. Les acompañan Jonathan Tucker (Kingdom, Westworld), Mark O'Brien (Halt and Catch Fire, Republic of Doyle), Jill Hennessy (Crossing Jordan, Madam Secretary), Amanda Clayton (If Loving You Is Wrong), Cathy Moriarty (Raging Bull), Kevin Dunn (Veep, True Detective), Sarah Shahi (Person of Interest, The L Word), Rory Culkin (Castle Rock, Waco), James Michael Cummings, Kevin Chapman (Person of Interest, Sneaky Pete), James Remar (Dexter, Black Lightning), Gloria Reuben (Mr. Robot, ER), Vincent Elbaz (The Hundred-Foot Journey), Lauren E. Banks (Maniac) y Georgina Reilly (Murdoch Mysteries). Basada en una idea original de Ben Affleck y Matt Damon y escrita por Chuck MacLean. Doce episodios. Estreno: 16 de junio
Euphoria (HBO)
Adaptación de la israelí Kids-meets-Trainspotting, drama sobre drogas, sexo, trauma, redes sociales, amor y amistad en la vida de un grupo de adolescentes. Protagonizada por Zendaya (Spider-Man: Homecoming, The Greatest Showman), Eric Dane (The Last Ship, Grey's Anatomy), Storm Reid (A Wrinkle in Time), Maude Apatow (Girls), Algee Smith (The New Edition Story, The Bobby Brown Story), Sydney Sweeney (The Handmaid's Tale), Alexa Demie (Love, Ray Donovan), Jacob Elordi (The Kissing Booth), Barbie Ferreira (Divorce), Nika King (Greenleaf, Funny Married Stuff), Hunter Schafer, Austin Abrams (The Walking Dead, Paper Towns), Keaan Johnson (Nashville, The Fosters) y Javon 'Wanna' Walton. Escrita por Sam Levinson (Assassination Nation, The Wizard of Lies) y producida por Drake. Ocho episodios.
Estreno: 16 de junio
Grand Hotel (ABC)
Adaptación de la española Gran Hotel que nos enseña el último hotel de Miami Beach dirigido por una familia. El carismático Santiago Mendoza (Demián Bichir; The Bridge, Weeds) es el dueño, y su segunda esposa (Roselyn Sánchez; Devious Maids, Without a Trace) y sus hijos adultos se aprovechan de su éxito aportando escándalos, deudas y secretos a este hotel de fachada lujosa. Completan el cast Shalim Ortiz (Heroes, Señora Acero), Denyse Tontz (The Fosters, Incorporated), Bryan Craig (Valor), Wendy Raquel Robinson (The Game, The Steve Harvey Show), Anne Winters (Tyrant, 13 Reasons Why), Chris Warren (High School Musical, The Fosters), John Marshall Jones (Smart Guy, Hart of Dixie), Feliz Ramirez y Justina Adorno (Seven Seconds). Participan como recurrentes Jencarlos Canela (Telenovela),  Richard Burgi (Desperate Housewives, Sentinel), Adrian Pasdar (Heroes, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.), Katey Sagal (Sons of Anarchy, Married with Children), Freddie Stroma (UnREAL, Game of Thrones), Ken Kirby (The Gifted, Good Trouble) y Cassandra Scerbo (Sharknado, Make It or Break It). Escrita por Brian Tanen (Devious Maids, Desperate Housewives) y producida por Eva Longoria, que participará como invitada. Trece episodios. Estreno: 17 de junio
Ambitions (OWN)
La divina y poderosa Stephanie Carlisle (Robin Givens; Riverdale, The Fix), la esposa del alcalde de Atlanta (Brian J. White; Scandal, Ray Donovan); y la recién llegada Amara Hughes (Essence Atkins; Marlon, Are We There Yet?), abogada de la oficina del fiscal; fueron amigas en la universidad, pero ahora se convertirán en rivales tanto en su vida personal como en la profesional. Les acompañan Kendrick Cross (Saints & Sinners), Brely Evans (Being Mary Jane), Erica Page (The Resident), Christina Kirkman, Gino Anthony Pesi (Shades of Blue, Dallas), Steven Williams (The Chi, The Leftovers) y Matt Cedeño (Power, Z Nation). Creada por Jamey Giddens (The Rich & the Ruthless), escrita por Kevin Arkadie (New York Undercover, The Shield) y producida por Will Packer (Girls Trip, Obsessed). Estreno: 18 de junio
Reef Break (ABC)
Creada, producida y protagonizada por Poppy Montgomery (Without a Trace, Unforgettable), trata sobre una exladrona impulsiva, imprudente e irresistible que ayuda al gobierno de una preciosa isla del Pacífico a atrapar a criminales. Con Desmond Chiam (The Shannara Chronicles, Now Apocalypse), Melissa Bone (Pulse, Janet King), Ray Stevenson (Black Sails, Roma), Tamala Shelton (Cleverman, Nowhere Boys), Stephen Hunter (Wolf Creek), Melina Vidler (800 Words) y Joey Vieira. Escrita por Ken Sanzel (Numb3rs). Trece episodios. Estreno: 20 de junio
Mr. Iglesias (Netflix)
El cómico mexicano Fluffy Iglesias protagoniza y produce esta comedia sobre un profesor que trabaja en el instituto en el que estudió e intenta sacar lo mejor que llevan dentro ciertos estudiantes que no encajan con el resto. Participan también Jacob Vargas (Sons of Anarchy, Luke Cage), Maggie Geha (Gotham), Cree Cicchino (Game Shakers), Richard Gant (The Mindy Project, The Chi), Tucker Albrizzi (A.P. Bio), Sherri Shepherd (Trial & Error, 30 Rock), Fabrizio Guido (World War Z, Welcome to the Family), Oscar Nuñez (The Office, People of Earth), Megyn Price (The Ranch, Rules of Engagement) y Coy Stewart (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., Bella and the Bulldogs). Producida por Kevin Hench (Last Man Standing, Cristela) y Ron De Blasio y Joe Meloche, encargados de los shows de Fluffy. Diez episodios.
Estreno: 21 de junio
O Escolhido (Netflix)
Tres médicos jóvenes son enviados a un remoto pueblo del Pantanal -el humedal más grande del mundo, entre Brasil, Bolivia y Paraguay- a vacunar a sus habitantes contra una nueva mutación del virus Zika, pero sus esfuerzos son rechazados. Notan que la comunidad es devota de un enigmático líder que dice curar dolencias sin usar medicinas y se ven atrapados en una zona aislada y llena de secretos. Protagonizada por Paloma Bernardi, Gutto Szuster, Pedro Caetano, Renan Tenca, Alli Willow, Tuna Dwek, Mariano Mattos Martins y Lourinelson Vladmir. Adaptación libre de la mexicana Niño Santo. Escrita por Carolina Munhóz y Raphael Draccon (Supermax). Seis episodios. Estreno: 28 de junio
The Loudest Voice (Showtime)
Limited series que contará la historia del ascenso y la caída de Roger Ailes, el ejecutivo de Fox News que dimitió en 2016 por un escándalo de acoso sexual. Estará protagonizada por Russell Crowe (Gladiator, A Beautiful Mind). Naomi Watts (21 Grams, Mulholland Dr.) interpretará a la presentadora Gretchen Carlson, pieza fundamental de la historia. Participan también Seth MacFarlane (The Orville, Family Guy), Sienna Miller (American Sniper, G.I. Joe), Simon McBurney (Utopia, The Casual Vacancy), Annabelle Wallis (Annabelle, Peaky Blinders), Aleksa Paladino (Halt and Catch Fire, Boardwalk Empire), Barry Watson (7th Heaven, Samantha Who?), Josh Charles (The Good Wife, Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt), Josh Stamberg (The Affair, Drop Dead Diva), Jenna Leigh Green (Sabrina, the Teenage Witch) y Emory Cohen (Smash, The OA). Basada en el libro de Gabriel Sherman (2017), escrita por Tom McCarthy (Up, Spotlight) y producida por Jason Blum (Get Out, Sharp Objects). Ocho episodios.
Estreno: 30 de junio
The Rook (Starz)
Drama sobrenatural de espionaje sobre una joven con habilidades extraordinarias (Emma Greenwell; The Path, Shameless) que despierta en un parque sin recordar nada y rodeada de muertos y es perseguida por enemigos paranormales. Le acompañarán Olivia Munn (The Newsroom, New Girl), Joely Richardson (Nip/Tuck, 101 Dalmatians), Adrian Lester (Riviera, Hustle), Ronan Raftery (The Terror), Catherine Steadman (Fearless, Downton Abbey), Jon Fletcher (Genius, Reverie), Paula Patton (Somewhere Between), James D'Arcy (Agent Carter, Homeland) y Shelley Conn (Liar, The Lottery). Basado en la novela de Daniel O'Malley (2012) y escrito por Stephenie Meyer (Twilight) y Stephen Garrett (The Night Manager). Estreno: 30 de junio
What Just Happened??! (FOX)
Creado y producido por Fred Savage (The Wonder Years, Friends from College) junto a Dave Jeser y Matt Silverstein, guionistas de Life in Pieces o The Cleveland Show, es un aftershow -talk show emitido después de una serie para comentar el episodio- de The Flare, thriller de ciencia ficción dirigido por Jon Cassar (24, The Orville) y adaptación de las novelas de TJ Whitford, de las que Savage es fan, en las que un acontecimiento relacionado con el Sol provoca efectos en la Tierra, y más concretamente en el pueblo obrero de Milford, Illinois, y poco a poco desemboca en una batalla postapocalíptica por la supervivencia humana. El programa, presentado por Savage y la comediante Taylor Tomlinson (The Comedy Lineup) y dirigido por Carrie Havel (Talking Dead), contendrá entrevistas a actores, visitas al set y discusiones con fans. Quizás cabría comentar que ni los libros ni la serie existen y que el guion de este falso talk show estará escrito por Abbey McBride (Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Alone Together), Edgar Momplaisir (Great News), Chase Mitchell (The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon), Agathe Panaretos (Chelsea) y Sean O'Connor (The Late Late Show With James Corden). Nueve episodios. Estreno: 30 de junio
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bedlamfoundry · 5 years
A State Of Trance Episode 877 (#ASOT877) [Hosted by NWYR & MaRLo] - Armin van Buuren
A State Of Trance Episode 877 (#ASOT877) [Hosted by NWYR & MaRLo] - Armin van Buuren ▶ https://AStateOfTrance.lnk.to/PLYA Tracklist #ASOT877: - NWYR - ID (00:01:14) - NWYR - ID (00:04:42) - NWYR - ID vs. Gareth Emery & STANDERWICK feat. HALIENE (00:08:23) - NWYR - ID (00:10:51) - NWYR - Venom (00:14:07) - NWYR - ID (00:17:56) - NWYR - ID (00:21:12) - Above & Beyond feat. Richard Bedford - Northern Soul (NWYR Remix) (00:22:36) - ID - ID (00:26:40) - Yoji Biomehanika - Hardstyle Disco (NWYR Bootleg) (00:28:19) - NWYR - Time Spiral (00:30:25) - NWYR - Wormhole (00:33:13) - NWYR - Ends Of Time (00:37:00) - NWYR - Dragon (00:41:15) - W&W - Moscow (00:42:32) - Safri Duo - Played Alive (NWYR & Willem de Roo Bootleg) (00:45:37) - NWYR - ID (00:48:21) - NWYR - ID (00:51:26) - SERVICE FOR DREAMERS: Joop - The Future (00:55:15) - MaRLo feat. Roxanne Emery - A Thousand Seas (Marcos Santoro Remix) (00:59:57) - Holbrook & Skykeeper - Let The Curtain Fall (01:02:08) - MaRLo feat. Emma Chatt - Here We Are (01:04:19) - MaRLo feat. Jano - Dreamers (Eric Senn Remix) (01:08:19) - Voolgarizm - Warrior (01:12:08) - HamzeH & Myke Bee - Spiral Drive (01:14:25) - Splinta - Shock Therapy (Bobby Neon Remix) (01:16:50) - Eric Senn - Inkunzi (01:19:42) - Sunset Brothers X Mark McCabe - I'm Feeling It (In The Air) [MaRLo Remix] (01:22:57) - MatricK - Ethereal (01:27:43) - Alex Ander - Tribe (01:30:36) - Lightform - Asylum (01:34:04) - MaRLo - Enough Echo (01:37:02) - MaRLo feat. Sarah Swagger - Always Be Around (Pinque Remix) (01:41:58) - Avao - Activate (01:45:54) - MaRLo feat. Jano - Haunted (Avao Remix) (01:48:43) - Avao - Reading Out (01:52:02) - MaRLo & Avao - We Are The Future (01:54:28) - Avao - A Prophecy (01:58:06) #ArminvanBuuren #ASOT877 #ASOT #BeFree #BeBeautiful #BeYOU #BeLOVE #BedlamFoundry #IAmBedlam #EDM #AStateOf Trance Episode 877 (#ASOT877) [Hosted by NWYR & MaRLo] #ArminvanBuuren #ASOT877 #ASOT #MaRLo #NWYR #AStateOf Trance #ArminvanBuuren ASOT #Episode877 #ASOT877
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The Shāh Abdol Azīm Shrine (Persian: شاه عبدالعظیم‎‎), located in Rey, Iran, contains the tomb of ‘Abdul ‘Adhīm ibn ‘Abdillāh al-Hasanī(aka. Shah Abdol Azim). Shah Abdol Azim was a fifth generation descendant of Hasan ibn ‘Alī and a companion of Muhammad al-Taqī. He was entombed here after his death in the 9th century. Adjacent to the shrine, within the complex, include the mausolea of Imamzadeh Tahir (son of the fourth shia Imam Sajjad) and Imamzadeh Hamzeh (brother of the eighth Twelver Imām - Imām Reza). #شاه_عبدالعظیم_حسنی #شاه_عبد_العظیم #شهر_ری #ری #shah_abdolazim_hasani #shah_abdo #rey #shahabdolazim #tehran #iran #photography #photo #amaturephotography #irphotoghraphyir #عکاسی #عکاسی_آماتور #تهران #ایران  #nikond5300 #samsungnote5 #nikon #adeli Htpps://www.Ade.li (at شاه عبدالعظیم)
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dear-indies · 4 years
Oh I have some people for your diversity list! Carl Malapa, actor, age unknown. I don't know what his ethnicity is but his older brother in the Netflix show Mortel was played by Sami Outalbali. The actor playing his father also looks Middle Eastern. Salma Malhas, born 2001, actor, Jordanian. Hamzeh Okab, born 2001, actor, Jordanian.
thank you so much they’ve all been added! 
edit: Sami is Moroccan! 
edit edit: Carl is Algerian! 
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jordanianroyals · 3 years
Opinion: The biggest potential danger to Jordan’s King Abdullah II is himself
Opinion by David Ignatius, April 7, 2021 at 6:24 a.m. GMT+8
Perhaps there’s a real coup plot amid the rumors that have been swirling around Jordan’s King Abdullah II and his charismatic half brother Hamzeh bin Hussein. But what’s certain is that we’re watching a riveting episode in the Jordanian version of “The Crown” — in which the messy family politics common to most royal dynasties are afflicting the Hashemites.
The most worrying aspect of the Jordan flap is that Abdullah may have contracted the obsession with imagined social-media enemies that has destabilized other Middle East leaders, from Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman to Egypt’s President Abdel Fatah al-Sissi.
Tuesday’s order by Jordan’s public prosecutor banning the media from discussing his case seems just the latest example of Arab royalty’s social-media panic. If it continues, it could signal a transformation of Jordan’s soft but generally benign autocracy into something more sinister.
The Hashemites had seemed to have patched over their royal breach Monday in a dynastic family hug. Former crown prince Hassan, now 74 — painfully removed from succession by his brother Hussein in favor of Abdullah just weeks before Hussein’s death in 1999 — mediated a truce between the current monarch and Hamzeh, who was in line for the throne until Abdullah sacked him as crown prince in 2004 and installed his own son.
Hamzeh pledged allegiance in a dutifully respectful letter signed Monday: “The interests of the homeland must remain above all else, and we must all stand behind his majesty the king and his efforts to protect Jordan and its national interests.” But social media posts by his supporters continued, along with a leaked audio of Hamzeh on Saturday dismissing an emissary from the palace, and the king evidently got the jitters.
Amman could compete with Hamlet’s Elsinore Castle or Cesare Borgia’s Rome as a center of intrigue. The palace is surrounded by conniving courtiers, ambitious princes and princesses, needy tribal chiefs, meddling neighbors — and wily intelligence chiefs spinning gossip about coup plots, real and fanciful. The king never has enough money for all the family coffers, so corruption in high places is an inevitable fact of life.
Abdullah has been king for 22 years, but the palaces that dot the hills of Amman are haunted, still, by memories of the late King Hussein, his charismatic father. Hussein gave his own memoir the Shakespearean title, “Uneasy Lies the Head” (that wears the crown). In a story about him 40 years ago for the Wall Street Journal, I counted nearly a dozen coup and assassination plots. Conspiracy talk is ceaseless in Amman, but sometimes it’s real.
Hamzeh seems to threaten Abdullah partly because he looks and sounds so much like their late father. Hamzeh compounded this anxiety over the past year by reaching out to the Bedouin tribes that bolster Jordan’s military and intelligence services — and by maintaining a visible social media presence. That culminated in an abrupt visit Saturday from Maj. Gen. Youssef al-Huneiti, the chief of the Jordanian military, who ordered Hamzeh to keep quiet, which friends say only rankled him more.
What set the gossip buzzing was the string of prominent people arrested at the same time Hamzeh was visited by the military chief. The list included two members of the powerful Majali tribe, a former head of the royal court and a well-connected businessman-fixer with close ties to Saudi Arabia’s crown prince. Several well-placed Jordanians told me they doubted that this amounted to a real firestorm of sedition against Abdullah, but it certainly provided some smoke.
Another wild card: Jordan’s current intelligence chief, Ahmed Husni (like all his predecessors known by the Ottoman honorific, “Pasha”), is a Circassian who has served in the post less than two years. Some Jordanians contrast his tough demeanor with the gentle style of his predecessor, Adnan al-Jundi. The new pasha is loyal to Abdullah, perhaps to a fault.
Monarchies present an image of stability, but it often masks deep anxieties. The House of Saud, for example, has always had a brotherly rivalry with the Hashemites in Jordan, because of Riyadh’s fear that Muslims might view the Hashemites, who as descendants of the prophet Muhammad ruled Mecca and Medina for centuries, as the true guardians of the Holy Places.
Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman is perhaps the best example of a reform-minded royal who subverted his dreams for his kingdom by listening to courtiers’ talk of alleged plots against him on social media — by Post contributor Jamal Khashoggi, among others. Uneasy lies the head . . .
Whatever conspiratorial talk may be buzzing around Amman now, the biggest potential danger to Abdullah is himself — if he listens to voices telling him to muzzle dissent, crush potential rivals and wreck the foundations of modern Jordan’s stability. Only a very unwise monarch would choose that course.
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jordanianroyals · 7 years
Hey !! I think that the relationship between king Abdullah and prince hazmeh is getting better . I mean prince hamzeh is always there next to his majesty . I think the problem between the two of them has gone . The are FAMILY at the end of the day .
I don’t think it is about their relationships improving or becoming better. Rather, I think it is because the people are talking and speculating why Hamzah and Hashim rarely make public appearances. I can’t read Arabic comments online but I won’t be surprised if Jordanians are wondering or discussing where Hamzah and Hashim are. Strangely enough, not long after someone asked me about where these two are, Hamzah and Hashim (till now) have started making more and more public appearances as royals again. I am not saying the royal court saw my blog and decided to change, it is likely that they saw enough speculation and wanted to end it by making Hamzah and Hashim more “visible” and show the public that the family is still as united. Think about it, the timing is interesting as well. 
I don’t know why Hamzah and Hashim are relatively less visible in public. It could be them really having a problem with Abdullah (Hamzah, more likely) or they just simply don’t need to be in public as they have a job in the army. But yeah, they are family, even if they have problem/distance with Abdullah, I never ever think they hate each other. Abdullah said once that their five brothers are united.
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The Shāh Abdol Azīm Shrine (Persian: شاه عبدالعظیم‎‎), located in Rey, Iran, contains the tomb of ‘Abdul ‘Adhīm ibn ‘Abdillāh al-Hasanī(aka. Shah Abdol Azim). Shah Abdol Azim was a fifth generation descendant of Hasan ibn ‘Alī and a companion of Muhammad al-Taqī. He was entombed here after his death in the 9th century. Adjacent to the shrine, within the complex, include the mausolea of Imamzadeh Tahir (son of the fourth shia Imam Sajjad) and Imamzadeh Hamzeh (brother of the eighth Twelver Imām - Imām Reza). #شاه_عبدالعظیم_حسنی #شاه_عبد_العظیم #شهر_ری #ری #shah_abdolazim_hasani #shah_abdo #rey #shahabdolazim #tehran #iran #photography #photo #amaturephotography #irphotoghraphyir #عکاسی #عکاسی_آماتور #تهران #ایران  #nikond5300 #samsungnote5 #nikon #adeli Htpps://www.Ade.li (at شاه عبدالعظیم)
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The Shāh Abdol Azīm Shrine (Persian: شاه عبدالعظیم‎‎), located in Rey, Iran, contains the tomb of ‘Abdul ‘Adhīm ibn ‘Abdillāh al-Hasanī(aka. Shah Abdol Azim). Shah Abdol Azim was a fifth generation descendant of Hasan ibn ‘Alī and a companion of Muhammad al-Taqī. He was entombed here after his death in the 9th century. Adjacent to the shrine, within the complex, include the mausolea of Imamzadeh Tahir (son of the fourth shia Imam Sajjad) and Imamzadeh Hamzeh (brother of the eighth Twelver Imām - Imām Reza). #شاه_عبدالعظیم_حسنی #شاه_عبد_العظیم #شهر_ری #ری #shah_abdolazim_hasani #shah_abdo #rey #shahabdolazim #tehran #iran #photography #photo #amaturephotography #irphotoghraphyir #عکاسی #عکاسی_آماتور #تهران #ایران  #nikond5300 #samsungnote5 #nikon #adeli Htpps://www.Ade.li (at شاه عبدالعظیم)
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The Shāh Abdol Azīm Shrine (Persian: شاه عبدالعظیم‎‎), located in Rey, Iran, contains the tomb of ‘Abdul ‘Adhīm ibn ‘Abdillāh al-Hasanī[1] (aka. Shah Abdol Azim). Shah Abdol Azim was a fifth generation descendant of Hasan ibn ‘Alī[1] and a companion of Muhammad al-Taqī.[1] He was entombed here after his death in the 9th century. Adjacent to the shrine, within the complex, include the mausolea of Imamzadeh Tahir (son of the fourth shia Imam Sajjad) and Imamzadeh Hamzeh (brother of the eighth Twelver Imām - Imām Reza). #شاه_عبدالعظیم_حسنی #شاه_عبد_العظیم #شهر_ری #ری #shah_abdolazim_hasani #shah_abdo #rey #shahabdolazim #tehran #iran #photography #photo #amaturephotography #irphotoghraphyir #عکاسی #عکاسی_آماتور #تهران #ایران  #nikond5300 #samsungnote5 #nikon #adeli Htpps://www.Ade.li
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