#hanamaki drabble
dira333 · 9 months
My Brother’s best Friend
Mattsukawa x Reader - requested by @shoulmate for the Haikyuu Request Game
Mild Angst to Fluff, 3700 words (my hand slipped)
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You’re not all that fond of your teenage years. 
But maybe that’s just he curse of teenage life, to cringe looking back.
You're the little sister, two years between you and Toruu, twelve between you and Suzu.
With that age gap, it's only natural that you’d cling to Toruu more and beg him to take you on his adventures.
There are times you think he only did that because Iwa had a soft spot for you.
“Can you stop?” Toruu’s standing in the door to your room, wiping dirt of his trousers as you cry.
“But I wanna come!” 
“I don’t want you around all the time! We’re going to catch bugs and you think they’re disgusting.”
“Do not!”
“Do too! You just want to come because you think Iwa-chan is cute.”
“Do not!”
“Do too! You’re in love with him.” He singsongs the last part and you grab your pillow, throw it at him with all the strength a six-year-old can muster.
“Guys!” Your mom calls up from the doorway. “Iwa-chan is here. Are you ready?”
“I’m ready. She’s not coming.”
Toruu races down the stairs but you’re quick to follow him, wiping away your tears as you run.
“But I wanna come.”
Iwa’s wearing jeans that have been cut off at the knees, something you’ve begged your mom for two weeks already with no avail. 
He’s sending you a tooth-gaped smile, offering you a lollipop as if he’s handing out secrets.
“I don’t mind.” He says. “Besides, she behaves better than you, Oink-kawa.”
“She does not!” Toruu exclaims with his usual dramatics, getting more into it when he sees Iwa roll his eyes and smile at you as if you’re sharing a joke he’s not in on.
“Do too.” You stick out your tongue.
You see the Volleyball under Toruus arm and jump out of your bed.
“Training? I’m coming with you.”
He rolls his eyes in mock annoyance.
“You’re not even interested in volleyball. You’re just coming to see Iwa-chan.”
“No, I’m just there for Kageyama.”
Toruu fake gags and you throw your shoe at him, regretting it right away when he catches it and flings it up the stairs.
“Well, looks like you won’t make it in time.”
“Toruu, you ass!” You yell but he’s already out the door.
You do make it in time, mainly because Toruu keeps forgetting that you’ve joined the track team.
Kageyama is cute.
Not as cute as Iwa-chan, but no boy is worth the hissy fits Toruu throws when he thinks you’re spending too much time with his best friend. 
Calling Kageyama cute or agreeing to pass the ball to him still riles your brother up, but in a much safer way.
You don’t want to wake up with a shaved head or anything like that.
Somewhere along the lines you’ ve become a babysitter.
To Toruu, because he keeps neglecting his health in favor of beating Shittyjima and to Kageyama, because no one else is willing to spare him a minute of their time.
You know you’re not the right fit for either role.
After all, you can only handle so much.
You know Toruu doesn’t really mean to push you away whenever you come to his room. To remind him that he needs to eat, or get to bed on time, or to ask if he minds passing the ball to you.
It still hurts.
You know your parents don’t really mean anything by it when match after match passes without them attending. They’re busy, especially with helping Suzu now that she’s back at work and needs help babysitting.
But it hurts, even more when there’s no match of Toruu they’ve ever missed.
You know that Kageyama isn’t as mean as everyone pretends him to be. 
His social skills are worse than his grades and you’re the one tutoring him in your freetime.
But it still hurts when he’s yelling, reminding you that whatever you do, no matter how hard you try, you’ll never measure up to your big brother.
Seijoh is good for Toruu.
He’s still a dick when it comes to volleyball, but he’s got more friends than just Iwa now. 
There’s Hanamaki and Matsukawa now, or Maki and Mattsun as they like to be called.
They seem to have a soft spot for you too, but unlike Iwa they dare to tease you too.
“Oi, princess, you have dropped something.” Mattsun calls out when you walk past them studying in the kitchen.
“What?” You turn, confused. The only thing you were carrying was the glass of water that’s still firmly in your hand.
He bows down to pick something from the floor and holds it up to your face, hand closed around it.
His voice is nasally as he speaks, the dramatic flair almost too overdone. “My heart, mylady.”
When he opens his hand, he’s holding a bug.
The first time it happened you’d squealed in surprise.
But you grew up with a nuisance for a brother and recognize that plastic shine everywhere.
“Oh, I missed you.” You tell the fake bug, pick it out of his hand and fling it into your mouth, swallowing it whole.
An impressed smile dances around Mattsun's lips while Toruu gags in the corner.
“Nice.” Makki whispers somewhere on your side while Iwa brings out the important information.
“That one was real.” He says.
You roll your eyes and take a sip from your water, pretending to be less grossed out than you are.
“Grow up, boys.”
“Oi, Oikawa-chan.” 
Makki’s leaning in the doorframe, one arm up to showcase his biceps - the little fucker knows exactly what he’s doing. Half your class is ogling him already but you ignore him as you trudge over.
“What?” You ask.
He stretches out one hand, too quick to dodge, and pinches your cheek.
“Is that the right way to greet your senpai?”
You’re just as quick to stab your hand into his side, aiming for his sensitive ribs.
“Fuck.” He curses when you hit him where it hurts.
“Language.” Class president yells somewhere behind you and you push Makki out the door before you can get detention for his wrongdoings.
“What do you want?”
“Can’t I just come see you when I want?”
“You can, but that way I’ll never get a boyfriend. Now, spill.”
He grins and offers you a piece of chewing gum before actually telling you what he came for.
“I was sent to ask if anyone wants to apply for the manager position. We want to do it lowkey since Shittykawa is so popular.”
“Yeah, no, not doing that. I’m already part of the Girl’s Volleyball Club.”
He grunts. “Not you. The boys want someone pretty- Stop that!” He steps away just in time to avoid another hit.
“You know your peers. Pick someone who’s not going to faint at the sight of your brother.”
“Easy. Oba Makoto. He’s got heart problems and can’t do sports but he knows a lot about Volleyball. He’s tried hitting on me twice, so he’s probably got some taste and won’t fall for my brother.”
Makki pulls a face. “A boy? Ah, well, okay, I'll bring it up. We’re going out for ice cream after school. Do you want to pretend to be Mattsun’s date?”
“Again? Toruu’s not going to buy it.”
“True, true. We can put fake spider’s in his ice cream?” 
You ponder the offer for a moment. “Eh, it’s too soon to pull that kind of prank again. Besides, I should hit the gym after school. First years have to make an impression.”
“Fine. But you’re going as Mattsun’s date this weekend. There’s someone from my class who thinks he can’t pull girls and we have to set him straight.”
You roll your eyes. “Why would I do that?”
Makki grins deviously. “I have blackmail material?”
You shudder. “Fine. Text me the details later. I’ve got to get back to class.”
Iwa has the decency to say goodbye before he leaves for America.
It crushes the tiny bit of hope you’d nursed in the week - or so - since the news of Toruu’s upcoming departure. Without your brother here to supervise you, you could have explored what was left of your crush on him.
“You did a good job.” He says, awkwardly rubbing his neck as he stares at the trophies littering your shelves.
“Yeah, sure, I’m not bad.” You agree halfheartedly but he shakes his head.
“Not Volleyball, or the other stuff. I mean… with Oikawa. And Kageyama. You did what you could, I know.”
“Don’t.” You get up before he can tell you more stuff that you don’t need to hear. You don’t want him to talk about things like that. It makes you feel like you’ve done it all for his approval. In reality, you did it to have friends, to stay close to your brother.
And look how that turned out.
“Just hug me.” You tell Iwa, well aware that Toruu’s going to barge in any second, still immensely jealous of his friends. Well aware that your parents only allow Iwa in your room because there’s nothing going to happen. Ever.
You allow yourself to cry a little bit over it, but only when he’s gone and Toruu’s bedroom door has closed behind him too.
College is so much harder than you thought it would be.
You barely make it onto the Volleyball team, you’re behind on your reading, your assignments, cleaning your room.
All you want is to go home for the weekend and hide under your sheets until mom calls for dinner.
Instead you dress up for a party you don’t want to go to, invited by a guy you can’t even remember the name off.
But he’s two years older than you and the thought that he could be interested - and that Toruu’s not here to ruin it - is exhilarating.
Hours later you stumble down the stairs outside, the world spinning around you.
You’re going to throw up any second, you think, or crash into something.
Someone grabs your arm instead and you turn, hand raised to slap whoever’s daring to touch you.
“Whoa, princess, chill! It’s me.”
There’s only one person in the world calling you that.
“Mattsun?” You blink up at him, half of his face light up by a streetlamp. It’s him, but he looks concerned.
“You’re not okay?” You ask him, your tongue struggling to form the words.
“I should ask you that.”
“‘m fine.” You stagger a bit. “Just… need to throw up, I think.”
“When’s the last time you ate something?” 
Why does he wanna know, you wonder, as you try to figure out the answer to his question.
“Well, I had breakfast. And they had some crackers inside, but they tasted awful.”
“Yeah, come on.” He pulls you forward slightly, slinging one arm around your back to keep you upright. “Let’s go get you something to eat. What do you think of Chicken Nuggets?”
“Yay,” you sway slightly as you try to do a happy dance, “Chicken Nuggies!”
Maybe it’s the bright light or the fact that the world has stopped spinning after Chicken Nuggets, fries and two cups of coffee, but Mattsun looks worried as he watches you dip the last of his fries into the ketchup.
He also looks older and taller, if that’s even possible.
“Why were you at that party?” He asks.
You shrug. “Got invited.”
He sighs. “But drinking? You’re what-”
“I’m nineteen,” you remind him, “Two years younger than you.”
He looks unconvinced and you lean forward to glare at him. 
“You threw up on Toruu when you were 17, piss drunk after trying my father’s sake.”
He has the decency to blush at the memory.
Silence falls over the two of you.
It’s a comfortable silence, even after so much time passing. 
You’ve barely seen Mattsun in the last two years. He’s been at your graduation, Makki too. But it had always felt a bit forced, wether it was them watching one of your matches or taking you out to ice cream on a random tuesday after school because they were College boys and could afford it.
It always felt like the shadow of your brother kept looming over you, reminding you that he was supposed to be at the table with you, Iwa included.
Mattsun clears his throat and you look up, surprised at the serious look on his face.
“Oikawa is going to kill me for this,” he mumbles before raising his voice to a normal volume. “What’s your schedule like? We could go to the cinema this weekend. There’s this new movie from that series you’ve always watched?”
You blink, surprised that he noticed that. He’s never been one for movies, not like Makki and you. He’d always rather stayed in and watched a rerun of his favorite series or blackmail Toruu to let you play Mario Kart with the four of them.
“Sure. Makki coming too?”
He blushes again, but this time without obvious reason.
“No. It would be just the two of us.”
You blink again. “Do I have to pretend to be your girlfriend? Do you know someone working at the Cinema?”
The sigh Mattsun lets out could move mountains.
“What?” You ask, defensively.
“I’m asking you out. On a date. A real date.” He presses the words out between his teeth, his hands already in his hair, pulling at the strands in thinly veiled despair.
“Oh.” You make. Then. “Oh?” And “OH!”
“Yeah.” The smile he’s giving you looks painful. 
“But-” You start, but close your mouth again, too stunned to speak.
Mattsun rubs at a spot of dried ketchup on the table, his face the colour of Makki’s hair.
“Like, I’ve been trying to for years, but you always ask if Makki’s coming too. And I thought I’d have more time to get you to like me like that, but you’re already going to parties you probably shouldn’t be at and, well, better shoot my shot now and get an honest reaction than just keep hoping, right?”
There are a million things you want to say, and a million more you want to ask.
But in a way, it all makes sense, looking back.
How he’s always called you princess, has always been the only one doing it.
The fact that he’s never missed a game of yours or had a really good excuse.
Makki always having an excuse to get you to pretend you’re Mattsun’s girlfriend.
Iwa might have been your first crush but you’d always been closer to Mattsun than any of them, even your brother.
You laugh at the absurdity of it, how you’ve been to blind to see it until you. 
“Toruu would hate that.” You say and realize, just as you say it, that you don't care. "Sure. Let's go out."
You stretch your hand out to shake his, to press his absurdly large hand, and grin mischievously back at him.
“But let’s keep it a secret from him. Just for now. I want something just for the two of us.”
The smile that’s growing on his face now, slow at first, but faster by the second, is something you’ve never seen before. Something you want to see again and again and again.
"Makki knows," Mattsun tells you as you wait in line for the popcorn.
You'd been obsessing over what to wear for hours, even going as far as to text some of the girls from your high school Volleyball team.
"So you finally started caring?" One of them asked and you'd chewed on that thought up until the moment Mattsun knocked on your door, his hair messed up just the right amount, his cheeks a little pinker than usual.
"He's not going to tell Toruu or Iwa, is he?"
"Nah." Mattsun shakes his head and if his hand brushes yours on accident, it stays where it is, the warmth of his hand seeping into yours.
You kiss him in the middle of the movie, not caring for whatever is happening on the screen.
He tastes like the candies you used to share on your fake dates in High School and the hopeful thrill of the future.
"Hey, Princess." Mattsun's waiting outside the gym, his large hand enclosing yours as you step closer and he bends down to press a kiss to your lips. "Great game."
"Thanks, I know." You wave at the girls leaving, some of them waving back at you.
"You look tired." You tell Mattsun as he leads you down the street towards the bus station, your hands swinging between you.
"That internship is kicking my ass." He tells you, his thumb rubbing over the back of your hand. "And I still need to write that assignment I told you about."
"You haven't finished yet?"
"No." He yawns loudly. "But I took some notes while you were warming up."
"Babe." You stop in front of the subway entrance and look up at him. "I love that you come to all my games, but that assignment is more important."
He smiles. "I love when you get all serious."
"I love you." 
Pink floods his cheeks at your words. You're surprised, that they slipped out just like that, but you're not taking them back, too sure of their truth.
"You know." He mumbles awkwardly, "I always thought you had a crush on Iwa. Makki was the one shipping the two of us."
“I did have a crush on him.” You agree, your hand pressing his to let him know there’s more coming. “When I was, I don’t know, seven years old?”
Mattsun’s face lights up with one of his cheekiest grins. “What? You were not into his biceps?”
“Nah. Turns out I’m more into idiots who tell me fun facts about embalming.”
His smile turns wicked. “Yeah? Guess what; I’ve got some you probably haven’t heard yet.”
It’s one of those mornings where not enough sleep does not mix well with trying to act human.
A phone rings somewhere on your left and you grab it, trying to silence the alarm without looking. Instead you hear the well known sound of a video call connecting.
Your brain isn’t as quick as the internet these days and you’re still blinking into the camera as Iwa blinks back, less tired but more confused.
“I thought I called Mattsun-” He starts at the same time reality introduces itself to your brain. You fling the phone through the room and it lands on the carpet next to the door, the call still connected.
You scramble out of bed, well aware now that you look like you’ve spent the night not sleeping - it’s the upcoming exams, you swear - wearing one of Mattsun’s old shirts.
Iwa’s still calling your name and you pick up the phone again, staring at him with as much determination as you can muster.
“No word to Toruu.”
He looks as tired as you’ve felt just minutes ago. “Sure. Sure. I don’t even wanna know. Can you bring Mattsun on the call?” 
“Hey Princess,” Mattsun greets you when you stumble through the door of his shared apartment, bags of groceries in your hands.
“Hey.” You stand on your tiptoes to kiss him on the lips, handing half of the bags to him. “I got the new Ramen you like.”
“Get a room.” Makki groans from the kitchen table where he’s working on assignments.
“Sure.” You tell him, “But the walls aren’t soundproof.”
“Not fair.” He whines. “Why don’t I have a girlfriend?”
“No clue.” You tell him as you start unpacking. “Maybe it’s because you have no job?”
“An unflattering hairstyle?” Mattsun offers.
“Because you chew with your mouth open?”
“Because you always lose in Mario Kart?”
Makki huffs at that. “The disrespect I have to endure in my own home. Oh, Shittykawa is calling.” He picks up before you can tell him not to, leaving you to dive under the kitchen counter. 
Mattsun is left standing next to you, hiding his laughter at your situation in his palm as he nudges you with his foot.
“I’m gonna bite you.” You tell him, showcasing your teeth.
“Sure, if that’s your kink.” Mattsun teases, only for Makki to yell “I told you to get a room!” 
This time, however, Toruu hears it too.
“Who’re you talking to?”
“Eh. Mattsun’s girlfriend.”
“Mattsun has a girlfriend?” You can hear your brother’s voice clearly, the curiosity in his voice. 
Just above your head, Mattsun wiggles his fingers, a silent sign for you to take his hand and get up, to let go of that secret. After all, everyone else already knows.
And what’s Toruu even gonna do? He’s all the way in Argentina.
That’s the thought that pushes you to grip his hand and shoot up from behind the kitchen counter, mischievous grin on your lips.
“You called?” You ask.
“Is that my sister?” Toruu’s voice reaches a height you’ve never heard before.
Makki looks at you, sees you nod and turns his laptop so that you and Mattsun are in full view.
“If you don’t like it, that’s your problem.” Your voice is calm but your heart still races.
“But I thought you liked Iwa.” Your brother just looks confused.
You laugh, wholeheartedly, mountains toppling off your chest. “Dude, you’re so bad at reading women, it’s no surprise you’re still chasing a ball.”
Toruu gapes at you. “The disrespect.” He calls out. “Mattsun! I thought you were my friend!”
“Nah.” Mattsun grins and pulls you closer. “I know which Oikawa I’m picking.”
“Makki?” Toruu asks, his pout even audible in his voice.
“Depends on if she’s cooking tonight,” Makki tells him. “I can be bought with good food.”
“You can cook yourself.” You tell him and he pulls a face.
“And I’m Shittykawa’s friend again.”
You listen to them talk on with only half an ear, distracted by the way Mattsun grins down at you.
“What?” You ask.
“Went better than expected?” He asks. You shrug. His grin grows.
“What?” You ask.
Instead of an answer, he leans down to kiss you. You step on your tiptoes in anticipation, meeting him halfway.
Somewhere behind you, you hear the sentence that has grown to be the soundtrack of your relationship, now spoken by two voices instead of one.
“Get a room!”
my Kofi if you want to tip me
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heich0e · 4 months
18+ minors and ageless blogs do not interact!
"oh, good"—takahiro's familiar head of strawberry blonde hair pops up over the back of the sofa as you step through the door, toeing off your work shoes in the narrow entryway of your shared apartment—"you're home!"
he pushes the gaming headset he's wearing off his ears, leaving it and his controller abandoned on the couch as he pulls himself up over the back of it. his long legs carry him quickly across the width of your modest home, and before you know it he's upon you—taking your bag from your hands and helping you free your arms from your coat.
you laugh a little at his eagerness as he impatiently tugs your outerwear off. "yeah, i'm home."
"thank god," he replies solemnly, setting the bag you take to work with you off to the side. he takes your hands in his and uses his hold on them to tug you forward towards him. he peers down at you, 186cm of man with the most deceptively soft flutter of his lashes. "sit on my face?"
your protest is half chastising and half a giggle, and when you try to pull your hand from his to swat at his chest he just twines your fingers together and holds you tighter. he pouts a little at you in the wake of what he interprets as refusal.
"baby, i've been waiting for you to get home for hours," he tells you pointedly, pulling you a bit closer so your bodies are flush against each other. his hands slip nimbly to your hips, simultaneously pawing at you and pressing you as close to his body as humanly possible. you don't miss the press of something firm in his sweatpants as he holds you against him—nor do you doubt the veracity of his statement in the wake of the sensation.
"at least let me shower," you barter with him, pressing weakly against his chest in a halfhearted attempt to escape his insistent touches.
he shakes his head. "can't wait."
"hiro," you laugh, squeezing your eyes shut, "i just walked in the door."
"i know," he replies, dipping down and dotting a kiss to your temple. "you must've had a long day."
you hum in agreement, luxuriating for a moment in the soft press of his lips as they slip down to your cheek.
"so let me help you relax," he murmurs into your skin, his hands at your waist slipping further down to paw at the back of your skirt. he takes a little step back towards the couch, drawing you along with him like a dance. in no time at all he reaches the arm of the sofa, and he topples back, splayed against the couch cushions where you're sure he spent most of his day. he peers up at you, smiling wolfishly. "i've got the perfect seat waiting for you."
you sigh, but the sound is as fond as it is exasperated.
"let me at least take my tights off," you mutter. "you've ripped enough that i'm down to my last two good pairs."
he pushes himself up onto his elbows, his eyes alight with excitement. "be my guest."
you shoot him a wry look, shimmying your skirt up over your hips so you can slip your thumbs into the waistband of your nylons. makki's attention is rapt as you tug the tight, clinging material down your thighs—watching every inch of their painfully slow descent. once you've kicked them off in a heap on the living room floor, your hands move towards the zipper of your skirt.
"no, no,"—he stop you before you can begin to remove the garment—"leave that on."
you look at him with a brow drawn up in question. "why?"
he gnaws on his lip, his eyes flickering back down to the glimpse of soft, lace-trimmed cotton he can see peeking out from under the bunched up hem of your skirt.
"you look so hot in business clothes," he tells you, groaning brokenly as he squeezes his eyes shut in pleasure. "like a sexy teacher."
"you're a pervert," you remark, but you don't protest as he stretches forward and tugs you towards the sofa by the hem of your skirt.
"oh, definitely," he agrees cheerfully.
you shuffle forward on the sofa until you're straddling his face, and his hands find yours again—interlocking your fingers as you hover over him on your knees.
"hi," he remarks, a boyishly charming grin on his face as he peers up at you from between your parted thighs.
"hi," you quietly return the greeting with a light laugh, and he squeezes your fingers with his own. your legs are starting to burn from holding yourself up over him, but because of the way he's holding your hands you can't press them down into the sofa to support you.
your only option is to sit, or to suffer.
takahiro lets his head loll to the side, pressing a kiss to the soft skin of your inner thigh. he nips at you playfully afterwards, and when you hiss slightly in surprise, his tongue darts out and slides against the sting to soothe it.
"you didn't even ask me how my day was before you manhandled me over here, you know," you remark, but there's not nearly enough complaint in your tone for it to be sincere.
hiro hums, a placating, easy sound, and presses another kiss to your thigh. "sorry, baby. how was your day?"
"it was good," you say, your hips dipping ever so minutely closer to his waiting mouth. "how was yours?"
"it was okay,—" hiro answers, but his words are mostly breath.
you watch your boyfriend swallow thickly, like there's suddenly saliva pooling in his mouth. his eyes are fixed to the little damp spot you feel inking across the cotton of your panties, but they flicker back up to yours—hungrier now than they were a moment prior—before he speaks again.
"—but it's about to get way better."
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kiyoors · 1 year
baked expectations
warnings: use of drugs (weed), third person's (makki's) pov, i thought this was funny
Makki thinks something is up with Mattsun. Which is kind of a lot to say because almost nothing is ever up with Matskawa. He'd even go as far to say that almost nothing is ever up to bother Matsukawa this long.
"What is it?" He asks his friend, who has been idle for the greater part of the time they've been at this house party. You and Iwaizumi had quickly gone ahead of them, having spotted some of your friends, you'd sprinted off to greet them, a stumbling Hajime in tow.
Makki sloppily dodges a guy who's struggling to open the refrigerator door, probably in search of more beer, as he meets his friend by the kitchen island overlooking the living room.
Mattsun nudges his head in the direction of you and Iwaizumi, both listening to something a very drunk Kindaichi is signaling about.
"There's something going on with those two," is what he finally tells him, taking a hit of his pen before exhaling cannabis scented smoke. Makki blinks at him, and then at his two friends in the living room.
His brain feels fuzzy and some of what mattsun is saying doesn't make sense. "Did they get in a fight?" a new song starts booming from the speakers, and it scratches Makki's brain just right, "they seem pretty alright now." Whatever this is, he's sure it'll be resolved by the end of the night.
But Mattsun's eyes are still focused on you both. "I think they're fucking."
Makki blinks, his reaction a little slow as he looks from Mattsun to the supposed couple in the living room, his mouth slightly agape. You and Hajime do seem a little touchier than normal, he has his arm around you as you laugh a little too much into his personal space, but you're also both drunk, and he knows you both get like this.
"Huh." is what he ultimately responds, still somewhat unconvinced. Mattsun finally turns to look at him, bloodshot eyes meeting his own red ones. He can't help it. He snorts at Mattsuns fucked out face. His friend starts giggling, giggling, too.
"They're in love," is what Mattsun says.
"Yeah, and you're not baked at all," Makki responds, snickering at his friend.
Mattsun has a pleasant look on his face, he smiles at Makki and then again nods his head in your direction.
He looks just in time to see Hajime whisper something into your ear and you nodding and taking his hand, leading him out.
Matsukawa lets out a low whistle behind him as they both watch their friends (who are very much in love) leave the party without so much as saying goodbye.
"Expect a wedding in the next five years," is all Mattsun hums, satisfied.
Makki blinks again, catching the way Hajime lightly smacks your ass right before the door closes behind him, "I think give it three years actually."
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cottonlemonade · 1 month
hey girl!! could i get a medium vanilla latte for here with makki!! love ya
When You’re Sick
warnings: spoilers
request: fluffy, husband Makki takes care of you when you’re sick
If being between jobs had one upside (besides being able to play video games whenever he fancied), it was that your husband Hiro could take care of you when you were sick.
When he had woken up that morning to get started on your lunch box for work, he had let out a confused, “What the heck?” when he found you burning up in his arms, chubby cheeks flushed from fever.
And so, his morning jog had taken him to the local pharmacy. To keep a better eye on you throughout the day, Hiro had gathered up all the blankets he could find and made a sort of nest situation in the living room on the couch, then scooped you up to help you to the bathroom.
"You know what I've always wondered?"
"What's that?"
"How can you be this tall and this-", you made an unintelligible gesture with your hand.
"That’s a question I get asked very often actually."
You were sitting on the couch with a cold cloth on your forehead while Hiro stood in the kitchen checking a soup recipe on his phone for the third time before finally adding a bit of salt.
Judging by your antics, the meds seemed to be kicking in now.
"Do you? Dang.", you whispered, slurring your words ever so slightly.
He chuckled, pouring hot water for a fresh pot of tea.
"Are you laughing at me?" you asked indignantly, trying and failing to put on an outraged expression but sinking back into the blanket nest.
"Why I would never dare." He set down the tea on the table next to you.
"You can't put that there."
"Why not?", he asked, slightly alarmed.
"That's a coffee table. You can't put tea on a coffee table!"
He snorted and set a soft kiss on your burning brow, “You're cute when you're high. Soup will be ready in a bit, babe."
a/n: thanks for the request, girl 🫶🏻 hope I did your mans justice 🌟
for requests see here
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betbeton · 2 years
𓆱 Menace to my Heart!
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Things HQ Men did to Ruin Sex
Long Version
Warnings - Various 'Vanilla' Kinks
18 + Minors DNI
·GN Reader·
·A/N- i just wanted to make short drabbles for the hcs that basically got my account off the ground. i'm really grateful anyone enjoys my writing since writing is my favourite hobby·
Original post
・❥・ Masterlist
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⪧ Sugawara Koushi
You two were in the middle of the euphoric pleasure you could only derive from each others bodies, your arms draped over his shoulders as your fingers gently tugged on his light locks. Eyes lidded as your head tilted down in pleasure a soft moan of his name leaving your lips when he brushed his nose against your cheek as your orgasm ripped though your body. His hands smoothing over your skin groping at any bit of skin he could reach as he chased his own orgasm. When his stomach tensed and his cock leaked out cum as he came Suga couldn't help the urge to sink his teeth into your skin, so he gave into it, teeth harshly grabbing the skin of your cheek as they sunk into it. When he finally came down from his high and unlatched himself from your cheek it became glaringly obvious that the indents in your cheek were going to leave a nasty bruise. Even if it didn't end up being all that visible the depth of the indents and the skin puffing angrily with each passing moment that he gazed at your face set the fear of god in the man, as a result he didn't have the heart to tell you. Thus he waited for you to find it the next morning when you were getting ready for work... As a result he slept in the guest room until the massive bruise and ache in your cheek dissipated.
⪧ Hinata Shoyo
Your boyfriend clung to your body while tears streamed down his face and apologies blubbered from his lips as you leaned over the sink flushing his cum from your eye. Standing up with an unreadable expression gazing at his sad face, looking very close to a distraught puppy, you couldn't help the defeated sigh that left your lips. The situation was absurd really, but he was your favourite person for a reason you couldn't deny comforting him even as your eye puffed and swelled in irritation. Which resulted in you two sitting on the tile floor of your bathroom his red face tucked into your neck as you rubbed at his back, vision blurring as your eye protested at being held open after being cleaned. Soft reassuring words leaving your lips as he blubbered and cried out apologies the sticky feeling of snot against your skin causing a grimace to settle on your face, but it was worth it to comfort Hinata. He had you wrapped around his finger staring at him even now with a grimace on your face and a swollen eye like he had strung the moon and stars with his own hands. With one last sigh and a pat to his back you pushed at his shoulder, being met with his red tear streaked face. Pushing hair from his forehead you planted a kiss on his forehead mumbling against his sweaty skin, a deep belly laugh leaving his lips.
"Nice shot, maybe try for both next time so I have an excuse to call in to work!"
⪧ Tsukishima Kei
Slowly blinking as you stared at your partner his bored expression mirroring your own as the voice of Hank Green droned out from his laptop, spouting off news about a new dinosaur discovery as he spoke to the host of the podcast. With a deep inhale you placed a hand on the lanky blonde's shoulder exhaling in an exasperated sigh.
"Is this seriously your sex playlist?"
You were met with an incredulous look as he placed his hands on your hips, gently pushing in a fake threat to push you from his lap. His voice ringing out in a bratty tone as a lighthearted argument burned to life.
"Do you have a problem with it?"
Scoffing as your face twisted with surprise you replied in kind, matching his energy.
"Yes! Dinosaur podcasts are almost as bad as fucking to classical music!"
The eye roll he threw your way had you hoisting a fist in threat to bop him in the head.
"No it's not, you're being so dramatic."
It is safe to say after that exchange you two didn't end up having good sex. You did however end up listening to his entire playlist later that night after you two fucked in tense petty silence, though you would never admit that little fact to him when he asked you what you got up to after he left. The knowing look on his smug face made it abundantly clear he knew your little secret thankfully he never let it spill, until the next time you brought up his terrible sex playlist.
⪧ Nishinoya Yuu
The first thing you registered as your vision focused again and the black dots at the corners of your eyes dissipated was Noya screeching on the phone to Asahi about how he killed you. Mumbling out his name earned another shriek from the short man as he bid his friend a hasty goodbye before turning his full attention to you. Blinking slowly as he anxiously filled you in on how he had gotten to excited and bashed his hips into your own which resulted in you going head first into the wooden headboard. Turning as he spoke you noticed a large indent in the dark wood, concern over how you were going to explain this to your flatmate overshadowing Noya babbling about how he thought you were dead. Reassuring him you felt fine only brought more concern to him, which resulted in him hastily dressing you two and dragging you to hospital. It's safe to say you were shocked when the doctor said you had a mild concussion, you could have sworn your partner was starring in a telenovella with the gasp that left him. He refused to allow you to do anything the entire ride home or when you got into the house, insisting he make it up to you. He also kept waking you up ever half hour that night despite the doctor's reassurance that you would be fine to sleep, and should only be worried if pain or dizziness occured when awake. Noya became a slow stroke king after this experience.
⪧ Oikawa Tooru
As you hoisted your leg to clean the cum leaking from your ass Oikawa droned on about how it was your fault he came so early, and how he could have totally lasted longer if your hole wasn't like a vice around his dick. Rolling your eyes as you threw the tissue paper away planting your hands on your hips as you stood in front of the complaining man, reaching a hand out when there was a lull in his ranting you tugged on his hair.
"Listen quick shot, it's fine you came early we were both virgins till like five minutes ago."
The dramatic gasp that left his as he placed a hand on his chest like you had just punched him was comical.
"Quick shot! Maybe you should loosen that bear trap you call an ass next time so you don't strangle the cum from my dick!"
Releasing his hair you could't help doubling over in laughter as you dropped onto the floor. The fit of giggles causing you to miss the absolutely stinky face Oikawa threw your way.
"Fine fine, whatever you say one pump McGee."
That comment set him off into another petty rant as he stomped around your laughing body crumpled up on the carpet. Thankfully you lived alone so no-one was at risk of walking in on this absolutely absurd situation. Wiping tears from your eyes you giggled out a reply to his fuming.
"Okay okay, I get it maybe next time you'll last for two pumps instead!"
"Thank yo- HEY!"
⪧ Matsukawa Issei
Soft groans heated the skin of your shoulder as Matsukawa pressed open mouthed kisses against your skin. His hips gently hitting against the back of your thighs as he fucked into the slick pocket hole he had created with them thanks to the copious amounts of lube poured onto your sex and legs. Reaching a hand back to thread your fingers through his locks had a groan rumbling from deep within his chest, large hands grabbing larger handfuls of the muscle that made up your thighs. Soft praises of how good you were to him and how warm your skin was against his cock leaving his lips like a babbled prayer of a damned soul. You thought nothing of his actions when he manhandled you onto your side so you were facing him, leaning up your head to kiss him as he hoisted up your leg. Lips a hair away from locking with his own when you felt pressure against your unprepared ass, the pressure of his thick cock head breaching your hole sent a spike of pain racing up your spine as you swung your fist clocking him in the side of his head.
"Ah shit! Sorry babe! I was trying to spice things up!"
Waving your fist around in a vague threat as he rubbed at his head you angrily yelled at him.
"Well maybe warn me next time so I can prep beforehand!"
⪧ Hanamaki Takahiro
Stomping into your shared home you tugged off your shoes not bothering to set them by the door as you stomped into your home, armed with your trainers in hand as you approached your partner. Fully intent on ending the man's whole career before it even begins. The lazy grin on his face as he greeted you from his reclined position on the sofa only made your blood boil more as you threw one of your shoes at him, hitting him square in the chest.
"Ow! I didn't take you for a sadist, babe."
Raising your other shoe in warning you fixed a deadly glare his way.
"Care to tell me why Mattsun asked me about my scent kink at work? You are the only person I ever told about that! I should have known you would tell him!"
Throwing your other shoe which he dodged by standing from the sofa, hands held up in surrender as he laughed nervously.
"Ah babe, I had to tell him. We don't keep secrets, it's the secret to a healthy relationship!"
You couldn't help the exasperated laugh that left your lips. Your borderline unhinged laughter brought a concerned look to Makki's face as he slowly approached you as if you were a wild animal.
"You're lucky I'm not mad, but the next time you spill my secrets to him I'm telling him you're into being cucked."
The excitement that quickly replaced his hesitant and concerned expression had you anticipating your next day alone with Matsukawa.
"Go ahead! After all I'd love to see Mattsun fuck your hole."
"You're lucky you're cute, Makki."
⪧ Iwaizumi Hajime
The moment of intimacy was unexpected it started when you crawled into bed beside Iwaizumi after coming home late from work, the man lazily reaching out for you in his sleepy haze. Strong arms curling around your body as he slanted his lips against your neck planting lazy open mouthed kisses. Tugging the duvet over your body as you nestled into his affections fingers rubbing at his scalp as soft sighs of pleasure left your lips. As his hands wondered from the gentle hold around your body, working your out of your pyjamas and freeing his half hard cock from the confines of his briefs. Groping at your body as he rutted against your thigh working himself into a greedy state words dripping with the thick tendrils of sleep and arousal as his husky voice rasped out against your neck.
"Please let me fuck you, been thinking about it all day even at work."
Never one to deny him you tugged at his short locks urging him to meet you in a sloppy open mouth kiss as you gasped out a reply into his mouth.
" 'M all yours for the taking."
Those were the only words he needed to blindly grope around the nightstand behind him for the small bottle of lube you two kept there for your spur of the moment intimacy. As he grunted in victory detaching his lips from yours as you leaned into his body hooking a leg around his hips to give him easier access to your hole. A shiver of anticipation rocking your body as the little cap snapping open rung out in the silence of your dark room, groaning against his skin urging him to work quicker as the liquid squirted into his palm. The chemical smell should have set off warning bells, but you two were too absorbed in each other to notice. The only inkling something might be wrong was the odd chill the normally warming lube brought to your skin as he smoothed his fingers against your puckered hole. A yelp of surprise as his fingers breached your hole halted Iwaizumi in his quest to loosen your hole for his cock. The stinging sensation you whined about settling into your sensitive skin had him tugging his fingers from your hole and flicking on the bedside lamp, grabbing the bottle he had picked up only to reveal the portable hand sanitizer you had bought the other day.
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zmbiesuga · 1 year
VARIOUS HQ BOYS . . . wearing an i <3 my bf shirt !
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desc: your boyfriend decided it was a good idea to get the infamous 'i ❤️ my boyfriend' shirt.
includes: kuroo, oikawa, kenma, yaku & hanamaki x male!reader. he/him pronouns used, boyfriend is also used
warnings: cussing, uh idk kinda fluff, supposed to be a little teehee funny thing but idk.
notes: trying a new layout! (for drabbles at least)
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bought it on the premise of "he is gonna think this is so fucking funny."
that's probably half of his wardrobe tbh, shirts he finds absolutely hilarious. nerd.
when you initially saw the shirt, you didn't know what to say. or how to feel
in front of you, is your dork ass boyfriend with this shit eating grin, and he is just soo proud of himself for buying this stupid fucking shirt
and you want to laugh really because it is funny in like a 12 year old boy way, but it's also strangely endearing
so you let out the laugh that's been stuck in your throat for a surprisingly long amount of time
and his smile grows wider knowing he was right
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he did not buy that shirt himself, you did.
you bought matching ones 😁
wtf do you want him to say? he doesn't know what to say.
he thinks it's kinda dumb. it's obviously not like, totally stupid, but he thinks it's a little dumb.
he'll wear it with you just to please you but other than that he won't wear it any other time
when he wore it with you once someone from the team saw him and teased him
pissed him off a little but honestly he doesn't really care. it makes you happy so, he'll do it.
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★ YAKU !
okay look he's the only one who bought it seriously
he thought it was cute 😕 he wanted to surprise you
yeah he's kind of a hardass, but he's really sweet with you and wants to show that he loves you!!
so he shows up to your next date wearing it, it wasn't like a fancy date or anything, like a park date.
you were going to laugh until you realized he wore it seriously, that's when you felt your chest tighten
tell him you love it and him please, he loves you so much. he's not afraid to tell the world that
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he got it for two reasons
1. it's really popular right now
2. you said he wouldn't actually buy it so he did to prove you wrong
you can't help but laugh at him really.
he gets all whiny because it's clearly a declaration of his love and not just him needing to prove you wrong on something
so you apologize and tell him you love it, only to get a "good you better it was like $30" in response </3
you can't win
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bought it on the premise "he is gonna think this is so fucking funny." pt. 2
except he didn't tell you he got the shirt
he decided he was gonna tell you by wearing the shirt at random to see if you noticed
you noticed the first couple of times, but didn't say anything to fuck with him
and it did
he got really fed up that you were being that oblivious and like finally told you that he had bought the shirt
you just tell him you noticed and didn't say anything, and now he feels like the idiot.
again, just tell him you love him and apologize
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sixosix · 2 years
Hii❤️❤️ if you’re taking requests, may I ask for a drabble (angst ofc) where the rest of seijoh 4 convince yn to break up with iwa bc his ex who they think is his soulmate is back in town? They look like they can be mean 🥹🥹
( ! ) angst w iwa :(, hurt/comfort, fluff w the three <3
( & ) also idk if u meant ‘mean’ by iwa’s ex or the boys so i did neither bc i didnt want to write yanderes 💀
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his finger slips under your chin, raising it enough for you to instinctively meet his eyes. “hey,” he murmurs.
“not now, t’ru,” you sniffle, tipping your chin away from his grasp. you probably look ugly right now, nose stuffy and eyes aching, but tooru doesn’t even question it.
“i know,” he sighs, “sorry. i heard what happened.”
ah, so that explains everything.
usually, tooru isn’t ever this gentle. he dives in face-first and doesn’t look twice. he breaks, but he mends himself back together again stronger than before—you wish you could be like him right now.
“you’re okay,” he coos into your ear. “you’re good. it’s not your fault. i’m sorry it had to happen this way.” he keeps going—too soft for even you to understand sometimes.
you chuckle, a wet and pitiful sound. “isn’t—isn’t haji— iwaizumi your best friend?”
tooru, observant as ever, lifts a brow at your switch of name. “between you and him, who do you think would need someone the most? i may be loyal, but i’m not an ignorant asshole, y/n-chan~!” he sings, smiling.
“screw them,” tooru exclaims, resting his forehead against yours, “you have me from now on, alright?”
you wonder if he means it in more ways than one.
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at the sound of footsteps, you scramble to grab your belongings and wipe away the tears on your stricken face.
but issei is faster. he catches your wrist and peers down at you with his usual face—save for the curious glint that sparks in his eye.
“we were only joking around when we said they were like soulmates,” issei states rather bluntly, faltering only slightly when your lip wavers at his admission.
“it still,” you sniffle, “still hurts. seeing them like that. thought i was— thought i was good enough.”
“you are,” issei says, and his earnestness almost catches you off guard. “iwaizumi’s ex is… a lot, you know. nothing like you.”
“is that a good thing when i got broken up with?” you laugh bitterly, warmth seeping from where he’s still holding you.
“if you think they’re meant to be, then wouldn’t you also be meant to be with the right guy this time?” issei quirks an eyebrow, a little playful. it’s always a glimpse of something when it comes to him.
“so you’re saying i should just—”
“let him go, y/n.”
for a guy that holds an expression as expressive as a blank paper, his presence is rather comforting right now.
“i’m glad you’re here, issei,” you mumble, and he pats your head. usually, you’d swat his hand away and stick your tongue out, but you can’t help but close your eyes and smile at the touch.
“anything for you,” issei whispers, and it turns into him running his fingers through your hair.
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“break up with him.”
you scrunch your nose, “takahiro—”
“i’m gonna be honest, y/n, i really don’t give a fuck about what excuse you’ll have for them,” he says, and though his face is carefully drawn away from any telling emotion, his words are like acid to the ears.
“i still… love hajime, i can’t just ignore that,” you tell him, frowning in confusion at the hostility so rare in takahiro’s voice boiling over.
“if you’d want to put up with someone’s ex who said that ‘you can’t compare’ just to be with him, that’s not love,” takahiro says, gently knocking his knuckles on your arm. “at least, not from iwaizumi, who didn’t do anything.”
you can’t help but grimace, nearly falling over from exhaustion. but takahiro catches you and lets you rest your head on his shoulder.
“it’s hard.”
takahiro sighs, “if you don’t break up with him, i will.”
you snort, a sound that surprises the both of you, “t-that’s not how it works, makki.”
you never called him that before, usually reserved for oikawa. but you must be a little too out of it to catch your slip.
“is this you trying to say ‘i’ll be here to help you’ in makki language?” you ask. it’s supposed to be a joke to make him laugh, too, but you’re too drained to let it hit.
his warmth is a blessing in the chilling air that’s been hanging heavy since you and iwaizumi fought. you lean closer and he lets you.
you two sit there, on the floor of the gymnasium, but neither of you pull away for even a second of hesitation.
his eyes soften impossibly. “looks like you already know the answer.”
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“do you believe in soulmates?”
hajime’s face sours—whether it’s from guilt or contemplation, you wouldn’t know. he seemed like a completely person yesterday when they walked in the room and demanded his attention without a word.
but it’s not his fault. fate does not lie. red threads do not deceive the truth—just like you and iwa.
“i do,” he says, slowly, “but they’re not always right—”
“i don’t,” you say, eyes hazy and faraway, as if you can’t even hear him right now. “because i thought it was us.”
hajime’s fists tremble, the only betrayal to his strangely still composure. “it doesn’t mean anything,” he grits through a pinched expression as if he’s hurting himself as he says it.
“you may be breaking my heart right now, but that doesn’t mean you should also do it to them, iwaizumi,” you say, and he falters.
“i really did believe it, y/n,” iwaizumi says, but it’s hard to tell if it’s answer to your question or whatever was between the two of you.
but that doesn’t matter.
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( & ) SORRY if this has mistakes i literally wrote this in one sitting. or well, lying. i’m still on my bed (^з^)-☆ reblogs and comments r soso helpful if u like these <3
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iwaoiness · 7 months
"Are you talking to Iwaizumi?" Matsukawa asks quietly, pretending to pay attention to the physics problem the teacher is explaining on the board.
Sitting next to him, in the back row, Oikawa stiffens, raising his head toward Issei, and blinking. His lips are curved into a soft smile that he hasn't given him time to disguise.
Mattsun smiles, peeling his eyes away from the board to direct them towards Tooru's phone on the table. It’s tucked under the thick physics book, screen on and brightness at minimum.
“You’re not subtle at all.”
Oikawa’s cheeks quickly turn red and he frowns, narrowing his big eyes.
“I’m not talking to Iwa-chan, it’s just… mom”
“Do you smile like a fool in love with your mom?”
"Actually, I didn't say it's my mom, maybe I'm talking to yours" He smiles proudly, but Issei arches an eyebrow, maintaining eye contact, amused watching Oikawa's ears also turn red and his lips quiver.
"Nice try, but you're not convincing at all."
Tooru's expression turns into a pout and he snorts, averting his gaze.
"... It’s Iwa-chan" He mumbles.
"Mmh" He hums, expanding his lazy smile as he turns his vision back towards the board. "Lovebirds"
"We're not!" He babbles too loudly, grabbing the attention of the class and halting the teacher's explanation.
Matsukawa has to make a titanic effort not to laugh as Oikawa (who curses him under his breath) quickly turns away, sketching his best innocent smile, the one that says I’m the best and more reliable student.
"Is there something you'd like to share with the class, Oikawa-kun?" The sensei arches an eyebrow, one hand on her waist and the other holding the chalk.
"Just how well you teach the class, sensei" He broadens his smile, cocking his head slightly in a gesture he knows no one can resist.
The sensei blinks slightly in surprise, letting out an oh, thank you before smiling back at him and continuing with the explanation.
Oikawa sighs and, frowning again, pinches Matsukawa's thigh under the table when he hears him cough to hide the laughter.
"This is your fault" He sticks his tongue out at him, slouching back over his book (his phone, actually).
Matsukawa rolls his eyes in enjoyment, again pretending to be understanding Coulomb's law. It's only a matter of seconds until Tooru is visibly more relaxed and when Issei glances sideways at him, he finds him again grinning dumbly at his phone, typing subtly.
Instead of lovebirds, fool-birds, he thinks, making sure the sensei is still engrossed in her explanation before lifting the cover of his own book where he has hidden his phone and glancing at the latest messages he has received from Hanamaki.
chicken teri-maki 🦩
bro i cant handle this anymore tf are they waiting for this happens in EVERY FUCKING english class and i cant pay attention to the damn lessons bc this mf is so in love and im too gossipy to ignore it
And there is an accompanying image, somewhat blurry and from a low angle, but it is enough to see Iwaizumi's profile, with his cheek resting on his hand, eyes set on his phone hidden in his case and a small smile that he tries to conceal by gently biting his lip.
btw u know in japan we say machine to the sewing machines only but apparently in english it refers to anything from alarm clock to a piece of construction??
Then, there is another image, this time, a selfie of Makki from below, with a disgusted expression directed at the camera.
Issei snorts and, with agility, types on his phone with one hand.
welcome to the false friends's world do u know consent sounds like konsento the word we use to power outlet but consent in english its asking for permission to do something? and what do u thing our two stupids boys are talking about?
fr?? i hate the false friends sm why are we studying this shit idk dude but i swear one day ill get these two together
for my mental health and academic achievement
u can find me on my ao3 🌻🍉
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yoomiomiki · 2 years
Calling him pretty boy
Becomes a tomato . Blushes so hard you think he’s going to explode . Would stutter and not know how to reply . But happy about you comment because you are the first one to call him pretty
Kageyama , Aran , Gao , hinata , bokuto ( would just be really happy to have you compliment him ) , lev , Asahi , yamaguchi
Flirt backs . He would be like ‘ i know , but you are prettier ‘ . Secretly happy that you called him pretty boy tho . He needs that assurance from time to time
Atsumu , hirugami , Kita , komori ( he and Kita are genuinely just complimenting you ) , konoha , kuroo, matsukawa
Acknowledges your reply with a hum or nod .and quietly thanks you . And you can see the blush rising up his neck . Internally cooing at you and how cute you are even though you are the one that called him pretty .
Sakusa , akaashi, kenma , kai , daichi , iwaizumi
Shameless about it , Would be shocked for a moment then proceed to tease you . ‘ you think I’m pretty ?’ . Grins so wide . Has no shame , would twirl your hair and peck your nose . In the end you would be the flustered one instead of him .
Suna , hoshuimi , osamu , tsukishima , yaku , ushijima ( he is just shocked) , sugawara , oikawa ( he knows he is pretty ) , hanamaki
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white-poppie · 2 years
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Characters: I.Hajime x Gn! reader Genre:  fluff Writer: @ white-poppie Song recommendation: Backyard boy
HAIKYU!! (ハイキュー!!)
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Iwaizumi huffed after seeing the grey clouds of deuterium floating like sail-boats high above. The faint tapping of rain against his window-sill made it impossible for him to concentrate on the book lying on the table.
He sighed and closed his book. Looking out of his window, he was pedestrians walking with their colourful umbrellas and raincoats, kids splashing in muddy puddles, cars speeding across them.
His eyes fell on a certain figure, drenched from head to toe, staggering around in their wet clothes with a bundle in their hand.
It didn’t take him long to realize who it was, Y/N L/N from year two. The person he was shipped with by the entirety of his team due to his extremely obvious crush on them.
He rushed downstairs and wore his shoes, taking an umbrella from the stand in his porch he ran out towards you.
“Y/N?” he shouted causing you to look back at him.
“Iwa senpai? What are you doing here?”
“I should be the one asking you that,” he huffed, “why are you out in the rain, do you want to get sick?”
You showed the small bundle wrapped in your rain coat, it was a shuddering cat, obviously breathing very slow.
“I saw her on my way, I couldn’t have left her alone, her breathing is very shallow,” you sniffed, “there is a vet nearby, I just need to take her there.”
Hajime rubbed a hand on his face and gave you the umbrella, “hold this, I will be back very quick.”
You nodded mindlessly and held the umbrella.
Within seconds Iwaizumi came running back with a second umbrella and a towel, “I’ll wrap this around the cat, you wear your rain coat.”
You gave the cat to Iwaizumi, he wrapped her tightly like a burrito while you wore the raincoat.
“Let’s go,” he said opening the umbrella and giving the cat to you.
After reaching the vet, you two patiently waited for the doctor’s analysis.
“She just has a little fever,” the vet checked, “give her some medicines and she will be fine.” 
Getting out of the clinic, you smiled at Hajime, “I am so glad she is okay.”
He nodded in understanding, “me too.”
“Thank you for helping me today,” you bowed in gratitude at Iwaizumi.
“Don’t mention it,” he chuckled leaning down to meet the cat, “I’ll come visit you soon.”
You laughed and held her paw, “Say bye, Haji.”
Oh god, if Iwaizumi wasn’t blushing earlier, he was now, for sure. Did you just name the cat Haji? Was this flirting or was this a way of gratitude. His ears turned red and he cleared his throat, “I-I will leave now.”
“Bye Iwa Senpai!”
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“Iwa Senpai~” God his ears were ringing at this point.
“Iwa Senpai~”
“IWA SENPAI!” Iwaizumi flinched as he came back to his senses...a bit too late because he couldn’t control the ball that hit him on his face.
Kindaichi rushed to get the ball while Iwaizumi robbed his nose, groaning in pain.
“Iwa Senpai you have been very distracted today, are you sick?”
“Yes he is,” Oikawa said smugly, spinning the ball on his index finger, “your Iwa senpai is lovesick.”
“Ehhh...” now everyone in the gym was suddenly interested.
“Who is it, Iwa senpai?” Kunimi questioned.
“This is stupid,” Kyotani tsked, continuing his practice.
“You are salty because no one likes you,” Matsukawa stated and Kyotani just growled.
“But really Iwaizumi, who is it?” Hanamaki questioned. Iwaizumi’s cheks were flushed with embarrassment.
“Its no one,” he replied and comments of ‘lie’ echoed in the gym.
“It’s Y/n,” Oikawa smirked and Iwaizumi cursed under his breath.
“Wait...Y/n as in Y/n L/n from my class?” Kunimi explained.
“Damnn Iwa likes the younger ones, huh?” Hanamaki chuckled.
“Shut up,” he grumbled, hiding his red face behind his palms.
“Aww he is getting flustered.” Iwa groaned at the mocking of his teammates. It was technically your fault to make him act like a 12-year-old in love.
“I am going to get some water,” he sighed, ignoring the snickers coming from behind him.
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Iwa washed his face in cold water, lifting the hem of his T-shirt to wipe the water. He took a deep breath and started walking back into them gym, only to bump into a figure running into him.
“Careful,” he said holding them by their shoulders as a reflex.
You squeaked at the sudden contact, “Iw-Iwaizumi senpai!”
Oh god, oh no no, Iwaizumi quickly removed his hands and bit his lips in embarrassment. 
“H-hey Y/N, Wh-what are you doing here?” he stuttered, mentally slapping himself.
“I-I was going to library,” you answered, “how is the practice going?”
“Its going, good uhm great, yeah,” he answered hating the awkwardness.
“That’s great,” you squeaked out.
“Uhh how is the cat?” he questioned.
“Oh, Haji?” Yep, the cat you named after him, “she is doing pretty well, her fever is down and she is really active, you should come visit her soon.”
“Yeah I will,” he rubbed the nape of his neck in embarrasment, “uhh Y/N are you free this Saturday, y’know maybe we can play with...Haji and then go to this really nice cafe I know?”
“Yeah, Saturday sounds good,” you said trying to ignore the flush on your face.
“Alright,” he smiled, “Saturday it is.”
“WOOHOO CONGRATULATIONS!!!” Kunimi exclaimed, earning a slap from Oikawa. Oikawa looked straight at Iwaizumi and whipped out a thumbs up of approval while muttering a few words as if he hadn’t been caught spying with his minion.
Yeah...he wasn’t going to hear the end of it.
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Tags:  @rintaroubby​ @nanaseishiro​, @akumicchi​, @oikawatoorupdf​ @dislownini @idowritingandstuff​, @bakaface​ @denkis111​, @jazzylove​,@maybeleftoverjourneys​, @lordmypantsaresocool​, @futuristicallykawaiiturtle​, @kristaline2dmensimp,
Reblog/like to give the author a hug (´;︵;)
HAIKYU!! (ハイキュー!!)
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lodi-writes · 11 months
Little drabble based on @mintmatcha 's Soggy fics, I think about them occasionally, usually alone while cycling through miscellaneous shower thoughts, and this time I couldn't get it out of my head so I had to do something about it lol (tw angst and character death)
Life is hardly ever fair - you accepted that long ago, years before you had ever met Makki. But once you did meet him, your confidence in that fact faltered, flickered like a candle in a gentle breeze. You even allowed yourself for fleeting moments in the dead of night to believe that maybe the universe was saying "it's your turn to be happy." That was all, of course, destroyed by that same universe as easily as a fruit fly being squished the moment you heard his diagnosis. That was the true moment in which you admitted fully, to your core, that life is hardly ever fair. So why then, as you sat at his bedside, holding his hand long past his last breath, were you cursing the universe? Why then, as you watched grim men take his lifeless body out of the room, all but unrecognizable from illness, did you scream and cry at them to bring him back? Why, if you already accepted how unfair it would be? You had already grieved him long before he left, yet that last glimmer of hope he held onto (perhaps on your behalf) being torn away from the world was so much worse than you could have ever imagined.
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heich0e · 2 years
getting into a fight with roommate!makki over something petty and stupid and saying something unreasonably, unjustifiably harsh.
his eyes widen a bit in the wake of your words, and after a moment of tense silence he just shuffles off to his room without saying anything, leaving you to wallow in the living room. your stomach pangs, a deep dull ache, as his bedroom door clicks closed softly.
he tiptoes back in after the dust has settled a little bit.
"are you really that mad at me?" he asks as he leans against the doorway, not daring to get any closer to where you're curled up under three blankets on the couch.
"no," you murmur remorsefully, curling a little further into yourself, "i'm just... being a raging bitch because i'm on my period."
"oh," takahiro says, nodding a little in understanding, "word."
it's quiet for a moment as the bad reality TV show you're watching drones on in front of you.
"well... i'm going out," hiro says after lingering for a while, slipping away towards the door. you perk up just in time to see him slip out of view, and you debate calling out and asking him to stay. asking if he's upset with you. but you let him go.
your phone rings half an hour later.
a photo of you and hiro from the summer, issei sandwiched in between you, flashes on the screen. a happier, warmer time. you free your hands from your cocoon of solitude and reach for it on the sofa cushion beside you.
you hold the cellphone between your shoulder and your ear as you reach for the remote to mute the TV.
"hello?" you answer the call.
"are you like... eat something grumpy, or like burn something grumpy?"
an incredulous, bewildered laugh bubbles up from your aching stomach before you know it.
"what?" you ask, confused, smashing the mute button on the remote because it doesn't seem to want to cooperate. finally the sound cuts out from the television. "what do you mean?"
"i'm wondering if the ice cream i'm getting is enough, or if i should buy like a couple dozen eggs and some fireworks so you can blow them up," makki replies from the other line. you hear the steady beep...beep...beep of a checkout scanner at a convenience store in the background of the call.
you slump back against the sofa, slinging your arm over your eyes as you laugh.
"you're an idiot."
"and you're mean," he returns your insult. "a weaker man might have cried with some of that shit you pulled earlier."
you sigh, nuzzling your nose further into the crook of your arm.
"i said i was sorry," you mutter.
"you didn't actually, and i'm still out here buying snacks for you anyway," hiro responds with a chuckle. "you're lucky i grew up with two sisters and this is not my first time on the receiving end of a menstrual cycle induced rage."
you laugh too, all breath.
"apology accepted. so do I need those eggs or not?"
"no eggs," you reply decisively.
"roger that," hiro says, and you can hear the smile in his voice. "i got vanilla and mint chocolate chip. that good?"
"that's great," you agree appreciatively. "can you get something salty too?"
"i'm not made of money, y'know," he quips, but you hear rustling that sounds suspiciously like a bag of chips on the other line.
"oh, really?" you muse, "this is news to me."
hiro snorts.
it's quiet for a second, and you hear the checkout beeping again but it's a bit more distant.
"...you need tampons or anything?" he asks, before mumbling a quiet 'shit why are there so many kinds?' under his breath
"i don't," you're quick to spare him. "but thanks... for thinking of me."
"yeah, yeah," makki brushes off your gratitude and clears his throat. "all in the name of feminism or whatever."
"you're an idiot. come home soon please."
hiro laughs. your stomach hurts a little less. "you got it, boss."
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charlythelee · 1 year
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🥓 Birthday, Bacon & Betrayal (✒︎ on Ao3) (Preview)
MatsuHana | Haikyuu!! | Timeskip/Canon compliant | Rated: Gen | 600 words
Matsukawa Issei is not a morning person and yet he is consistently awake well before 7 am because there is a small, smelly butt depositing itself on his face with an almost innocent, little ‘mrrrow’. A butt that belongs to a cat he most assuredly did not ask for. A cat that hates him. With a grunt and a curse, he shoves at the hell-beast attempting—and somehow succeeding—to steal both his alcove apartment and his lover.
My January piece for the MatsuHana Calendar 2023 (on Twitter) that I wrote for Makki's birthday today ~ I had so much fun working on this project and all the works are absolutely amazing, so please consider giving this a look. Special shoutout to @sleepskie who made the January art piece and worked with me on the fic — their works are nothing short of amazing 💕
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cottonlemonade · 20 days
Can i get a medium hot chocolate to go for hanamaki? I know he’d be all silly with it too, asking what size pussy you got for the night or day pads (he knows what to pick. He just saw the meme on his phone and thought it would be funny to do it for real). But he’d come tumbling home with a bunch of your favorite food in hand ;~; + his favorite cream puffs from the café down the road. I feel very normal about him.
When You’re On Your Period
request: fluffy, boyfriend Makki when you’re on your period
“And suffering…“
“I appreciate the update, babe, but I‘m working on fixing it.“
“Hurry please…“, you whimper on the other end of the line.
“Because of the pain.“
“And the suffering!“
“Thank you!“
“You‘re very welcome. - So, is now a bad time to make a joke about what size you need?“
“Pain and suffering, got it. Love you!“
He quickly hung up, readjusting the armful of supplies as he waited for his turn at the cash register. Having spent his life with two sisters he knew exactly what you needed of course. So he got you your comfort brands of hygiene products, medicine, tea and snacks. He even threw in a couple of portable heating packs for good measure, in case you wanted to starfish somewhere a power cord couldn’t reach.
The guy in front of him seemed to be on a similar mission and the two boys shared a sympathetic bready smile.
“I’m back!”, he called when he opened the door. The excited pat pat pat of your naked feet on the wooden floor could be heard and a moment later you hurried around the corner, bundled in a blanket. With wise foresight he had already rummaged for the painkillers first, holding the packet out to you. Offering a grateful smile, you took them and waddled to the kitchen for a glass of water.
He followed, shuffling in his slippers and watched you gulp down the medicine.
Then you slowly sank to the floor holding your middle. He joined you, pulling you into a hug and snaking his arms under the blanket to rub your soft tummy in order to relieve some of the pain a little faster.
Opening a bag of sour gummies he dangled a piece in front of your mouth until you opened up to snatch it. It felt like having a particularly dramatic snapping turtle for a girlfriend. He kissed your cheek and fed you one more, touched when you reached for the bag yourself to offer him one. Although he knew better, he ate it and pulled a face to make you laugh. You snuggled up against him more, your back pressed against his chest. For a while you cuddled on the kitchen floor of your apartment, then your eyes fell onto a large rectangular box on the kitchen counter.
“Did you go and buy cream puffs?”
“Of course.”
“Because they’re excellent to cheer someone up.”
“Hiro, they’re your favorites.”
“So you’re telling me you don’t want any?”
Silence. Then chubby hands grew from the blanket bundle making grabby motions toward the box.
“No no, gimme.”, you said quietly.
a/n: thank you for the request ^^ this is excellently synced with my very own pain and suffering so this was just what I needed 🌟
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ickymichi · 2 years
thinking of living with makki in your small tokyo apartment just the two of you, sometimes mattsun, sitting on the balcony all night, watching endless hours of netflix, laying in bed on the weekends till all hours, always cuddled up with one and other. the skin to skin contact always making each other feel loved T^T
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redrocketpanda · 1 year
I need to finish up a job application today (and by finish up I mean write the entire cover letter) so decided instead to redecorate my desk area
Now it's evening and I actually definitely need to finish the application, my brain is like... but what if you wrote a belated MatsuHana valentine's drabble instead?
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