#hanma shuji fics
seichira · 2 years
what do we know at sixteen?
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when hanma shuji disappeared without a trace, without a goodbye, you were quite sure that a part of you will always love him. when he shows up years later, all grown up, he is no longer the sweet shuji you remember him as.
pairing : hanma shuji x reader
content : angst with comfort. 2.4k words
warnings : swearing, violence, gang activity, guns.
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the one question that usually comes up at every late night conversation while sharing drinks with a friend is, “have you ever been in love?”
“yes,” you answer wholeheartedly, because it is the truth. growing up, leaving the comforts of childhood and venturing into the adult world is confusing as hell, but there is one thing you know for sure.
you have been in love back when you were sixteen. with hanma shuji. if anyone asks a follow-up question asking whether you still love this man, you say, “no, i don’t. it was a long time ago. it was probably just puppy love.”
now, that response is reeking with lies after another.
no, you haven’t moved on. a part of your heart will always be a little bit in love with hanma shuji. it might have been a long time ago, but it feels like yesterday when you were holding hands as he walked you to your house. finally. no, it wasn’t just puppy love.
you didn’t know much about love back then but the way his body melts perfectly into yours and the safety you felt when he embraced you was enough of an explanation that you two were in love.
there is no other explanation except for love in all the nights he stayed up to throw rocks at your childhood bedroom’s window to grab your attention after a petty fight, or when he climbed up to your room with his tall and lanky body so he can pepper your face with kisses as an apology.
if it wasn’t love, how can you explain that one midnight when he got beaten up and didn’t want to go home, so he went to you to seek solace. when the boy who others thought was so cool behaved like a baby just so you would cuddle him, comfort him. when he let you put hello kitty band-aids on the cuts on his forehead.
how can anyone accuse you of not being in love if everything shuji did that endangered his safety, killed you a little bit inside everytime he did them? was it really not love if shuji did everything to protect the blissful innocence of your childhood, all while he suffered at his abusive home?
you loved him without question.
hanma shuji loved you dearly.
at least, that was what you believed until you wake up one morning, and he wasn’t there waiting at your doorstep to walk you to school. until he disappeared into thin air, not leaving even at least a shadow of his existence.
sometimes, at random times, flashbacks of your sixteen-year-old self plays in your mind like a vintage tape. reminding you of the day you walked around his sketchy neighborhood with tears in your eyes and sobs leaving your lips as you knocked on every door, asking where shuji went.
their house was empty. not even a single furniture was there, but you guess it has always been that way even when they were there. his house that he shared with his parents didn’t feel like home, didn’t feel safe. and after shuji left that house, it was nothing more than just a structure of drywall and peeling paint.
of course, you also recall reaching his phone a million times through calls and texts. at first, the calls still went through and it rang his phone, but he never answered them. you held on to that, until he one day cut all possible ties when the number he once used was no longer available.
it was cruel that a girl that young had to go through such a heartbreak. there wasn’t enough apologies fate could offer you for all the nights you spent crying, staring at your window hoping shuji would start throwing rocks again.
the pain in his absence was the only thing that reminded you of him, ironically. so you held on to it for a long time, because the hurt was proof that he was real. it was the last piece of evidence that you were loved by hanma shuji.
you chose to rise past the truth that he left you without a word, choosing instead to remember the good times you had. there were a lot. they were enough.
all these years, when you think of shuji, you picture him as someone who is a lot taller and more handsome than he already was before. you see him remaining sweet but still a bit of a troublemaker, but nonetheless, kind.
you took comfort in those thoughts. he’s in a better state now, for sure. he’s probably moved far away from his abusive parents, living in a big house just like you two used to dream of, eating sumptuous meals, and generally just living well.
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after spending the night at the karaoke place with your officemates, you bid each of them goodnight and you start walking the dimly lit street. there are barely any taxis passing by, so you continue walking to help ease off the tipsiness brought by the bottle of beer you ordered.
a few minutes later, you almost reach the front of another alley. at first, there were muffled noises that you brush off as usual city noise. the closer you walk, the louder those muffled noises become.
until you stop walking altogether to turn your head towards the dark alley. the first sight you register is a broad back of a tall man in a suit. with... a gun. and in front of him... a person with a white cloth as a gag on his mouth.
you gasp, but you are also quick to cover your mouth with a palm. as much as you want to run away, your feet are glued in place. if you do run away, your legs will only fail you with how badly they are trembling.
the man in the suit can turn around anytime and find you. but you can’t. at this second, you don’t realize it yet, but you are exactly the characters the horror movies who you bash for being stupid.
“any last word?”
you shiver at the lack of emotion in the voice of the man. it is cold, heartless. the voice of a criminal who has no regard for life.
“please! please! let me live! i really do not know who killed kisaki tetta! i swear it wasn’t me! i have a family! my two daughters are waiting so please-” the helpless bloodied man earns a kicking on the stomach.
“i said word. that’s too many, you piece of shit.”
you hear the cucking sound of the gun, and the tall man aims it to the forehead of the man kneeling before him. can you just watch it happen? the man said it himself, he has a family. he has daughters.
before you can even think, you sob out, “no, please! don’t!”
the two men simultaneously looks at you. the man in a suit freezes before he moves his body to completely face you. however, your eyes are set on the man kneeling. you ran to him, stupidly so, and you try to free him from his restraints despite shaking so badly.
you wonder why the man in a suit doesn’t move to stop you. to kill you. to dispose of you after interrupting him. but you can’t do it, you can’t let someone be killed right in front of you. this scenario was exactly something that your nightmares were made of back then, because you were terrified that your shuji would be hurt this way.
“run away, please. run away,” you whisper delicately to the injured man. still, no intervention came from the man behind you. you wonder why, but you are certain you are going to die here tonight.
slowly, you rose to your feet, raise your two hands in surrender, and face the heartless criminal. but that heartless criminal is hanma shuji.
the two of you stood there, staring wide-eyed at each other. his lips are parted in surprise, and his eyes filled with anguish that you had to see that, and the shock of seeing you again. while yours, of familiarity but also of fear that this man is not the shuji you once knew.
“what the fuck?!” he screams at you. he has never done that before. hell, you have the nerve to be scared of his roaring voice when you just witnessed him almost commit a murder right before your eyes. “the fucking man got away! he was my only fuckin’ lead! fucking shit!”
he runs past you and doesn’t give you a chance to say another word. he runs, and runs, and runs, until he is out of sight. he was supposed to chase after the man, but he doesn’t. he purposefully let you free the man because he knew it would have killed you inside if you failed. he runs because he can’t face you, not now that he’s a criminal he spent his entire life keeping you away from.
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there is something terribly wrong with you. yes, you are up all night because of what just happened, but you aren’t thinking of the attempted murder that unfolded in front of you.
you are thinking about shuji, and how right you are about his appearance but also how terribly wrong you are about the life he is leading.
there is something terribly wrong with you.
because you realize tonight that you do not just love him a little. you are deeply in love with him still, and that is the reason why you haven’t loved anyone else after him, and it wasn’t because you were too busy with studies or work.
after all these years, it is still hanma shuji for you.
tonight, you allow the sixteen-year-old girl within you to weep for what hanma shuji has become. he isn’t your sweet, troublemaker boy anymore. he didn’t even seem to know who you are. he is a criminal.
and you fucking love him still.
in the middle of your thoughts and tears at four in the morning, a knock comes on your condo unit’s door. with a groan because of your throbbing head, you head to the door to open it, expecting housekeeping.
but right in front of you is the man himself, hanma shuji.
he looks tired and forlorn. despite his proud stance in the way he carries himself, his eyes are dead at void of life. he is an incredibly handsome man, but somehow, that beauty isn’t enough to erase desperation on his face.
“sh-shuji,” you choked out. “it is you, right?”
a tear escapes from his eyes when you reach out to hold his face gently, like he is the most important person in the world, when he was expecting a slap on the face. he sheds a tear for the first time in ten years, the last time being the time he had to leave you behind because his gang life was getting too dangerous for you. he cries because the woman he never stopped loving, the woman who just saw him commit a crime, is holding his face like a fragile glass.
“it’s me,” he whispers.
it dawns on you that he is still your shuji. he is standing right in front of you to show you exactly that. i changed, but it’s still me. i’m still your shuji. please, embrace me for who i am. please.
with a soft gaze and a soft voice, you ask him. “what happened?”
so you lead him inside, sit him down on your couch, and let him talk. you two are seated at opposite ends of the sofa, two people leaving a distance because they are afraid of what might happen if they cross it, and they want to cross it so bad.
the entire time, your brain is screaming, i miss you. i miss you. i miss you.
shuji explains everything to you. 
he tells you how a rival gang back then was killing everyone they held dear and a single connection to you will put you in peril.
he confesses that it broke his heart just as much as it broke yours, that when you were crying yourself to sleep, he wasn’t necessarily celebrating somewhere else. 
he admits that it took everything in him not to run back to you and beg you to take him back, to love him again.
he comes clean to the fact that he has been keeping track of you after all this time just to make sure you live somewhere safe, that no danger will come upon you, that you will grow up and live happily.
but he tells you how hard his life has been and why he is what he is right now, and he doesn’t have it in him to be sorry for all the things he did to survive.
“i’m sorry you had to see that, i–i have no excuse. i was too freaked out to see you there. never should’ve shouted at you. i am sorry.” he mutters after a long time of speaking. you listen to all that he has to say, and you reach out a hand to rest on top of his. 
you are hoping to get your message across through that touch. i believe you. i know. i understand.
when shuji comes at a dead end in thinking of what to say next, you scoot closer to him and took his much larger frame in your arms. with that single move, you unknowingly give hanma shuji the very thing he has craved for. your embrace.
“i don’t blame you, shuji,” you manage to say in between the soft hiccups that came with your tears. “it must have been so hard for you... and i wasn’t there.”
“it was because i left. i also wasn’t there for you when i promised i’d always be, y/n.”
you shake your head and stare straight into his eyes. “no... you did it to protect me.”
“i still could’ve done a lot of things differently! could’ve saved you a lot of heartbreaks!” he can’t help but share his regrets and his mistakes that he wishes he could make right. you stop him again by caging his face with your hands.
“shuji. we were kids. we didn’t know any better. what do we know at sixteen?”
he nods and frees himself from whatever keeps him from breaking down. he knows he can cry with you. he knows you won’t harm him. he knows he can be vulnerable when he is with you.
“thank you, shuji, for everything.” you pull him in to kiss him tenderly. there is a faint taste of the mixture of your tears on your lips, but neither of you seem to mind. “i love you.”
hanma shuji traces your jaw with the back of his hand while memorizing every part of this version of you. he swears he will never leave you again, he will never torture himself that much again. he has the world now. nothing can hurt you now.
“i knew at sixteen that i will always, always... be in love with you, y/n.”
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kunizk · 1 year
friends with benefits headcanons with hanma shuji < 3
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fwb!hanma who can’t help but keeps his eyes on you when you both end up at the same bar, you’re wasted but it’s all purely for his entertainment when he makes you slur over your words when he asks you stupid questions, he gets a kick out of it but he won’t tell you anything because you won’t remember a thing in the morning.
fwb!hanma who calls you ‘doll’ ‘sweet thing’ and ‘dollface’ in public when he knows he’s not suppose to, because of the contract you two made. lengthy fingers that sink into the skin of your waist and pinches at the skin sweetly — pressing your back against his chest possessively when he catches someone across the room looking at you a bit longer then he would like.
fwb!hanma who knows you don’t belong to him but yet he keeps coming back to your apartment with a lopsided grin and all he does is pull you towards the couch while he sucked on the skin on your jawline and neck while the hand marked sin grabs at the fat of your ass while punishment stayed wrapped around your pretty throat while you two fought for dominance with tongues and lips.
fwb!hanma who keeps his hairstyle the same, the gelled out swooped to the side look as well as keeping his glasses because he knows you love it so much. while he stays he keeps a spare change of clothes behind the couch, he’s normally shirtless with a pair of gray sweatpants that hung so low you could see the lining of his boxers — he knows you like it “like something you see sweet thing?”
fwb!hanma who’s such a fucking prick when your doing your makeup, pressing his face into the slouches of foundation you just placed on and begins to blend into his own skin “this shit gunna make you catch a case for facial fraud” he comments while he rubbed it into his delicate skin. hanma calls you goofy looking when you begin contouring so a good slap is what he needs to shut up. shuji hanma can’t seem to let go of you when you try and choose a lipstick of your liking “ nooo doll pick this peachy pinkish red looking one, it’ll look so much better “
fwb!hanma shuji who throws his head back in laughter when you actually pick the colours but yet you look so sexy in it, placing his lips against your repeatedly “ mm fuck you gotta choose this colour all the time, it’s so pretty on you sweet thing. one more kiss I swear “ but some how that kisses turned into an entire make out till your lipstick smeared across your lips and cheeks.
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stargirlo · 3 months
whatever she wants ♡.
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your boyfie luvs spoiling you with his money! and he doesn't care if he maxes out his credit card just by spending money on the stuff that you want to buy. he just wants to see his pretty girl happy, that's all. his love language is gift giving, so why not show his love to you by showering you with designer bags and red bottoms?
you're always whining about how he shouldn't give you this many stuff, even if it wasn't a special occasion. but he insists, who is going to stop him?
need your nails done? check, appointment is already made. you're craving oysters? the reservation is booked. want to be on the highest floor of a five-star hotel in singapore? prepare for the breathtaking view baby. your birkin bag is getting old? the order is at your doorstep. need a new tiffany and co bracelet? get in the car and lets buy you a new one.
honestly he knows every clothing brand that you like because he has a list of your wants and needs. whenever you say something like "this sundress is cute." or "these tory burch sandals would go with this, yeah?" he would instantly take note of it and buy it for you the next day. this man is tiring, but you absolutely adore him. not because of his money, but because of the way he treats you.
he treats you with full on royalty, as if you were his queen, in which, you already are. so, you can't help but give him your thanks to him for doing all these things.
"f-fuck baby, is this your thanks f'me..?" he dryly chuckles, slenders fingers slipping through your well styled hair, to which it was ruined by how tight he's gripping your fucking scalp. ouchie.
you nodded eagerly, sucking him off like your life depended on it. moans vibrated against his cock, letting his body jolt in absolute pleasure. he threw his head back, letting you have your way on his cock as it snuggles deep down your warm and tight throat. he can't help but buck his hips upwards into your throat, a stifled moan bubbling through his gritted teeth. a sweat rolls down his forehead, eyebrows knit together as he looks down at the gorgeous view of you being between his legs and sucking his cock to oblivion.
"ye'r such a slut y'know t-that . . . shit-" he hissed in pleasure, inhaling sharply before letting out a groan. your thighs rubbed together, trying to reach out for some friction for yourself while you gave your precious boyfriend a blow job. he lets out a string of curses and praises, murmuring something about how he's going to ruin your pussy after this, and it only turned you on further, feeling a wet patch on your victoria secret thong.
suddenly, you withdrew from his cock, watching a thin string of spit connect from his cock and to your glossy lips. you looked up at him teary-eyed, your plump lips turning into a small "o" shape as you let out shallow breaths. "what's wrong baby? dick t'much to take down ye'r throat?" he mocks, looking down at you with a sneer. how mean.
" 's okay sugar, daddy's gotcha . . . now c'mere," he pants, his pointer and ring finger beckoning you to crawl up his lap, and so you did. as you got yourself situated and comfortable on his lap, his cock occasionally rubbing against your soaked panties that was desperate to be fucked like a useless glory hole. his hands move under your skirt, pulling down the thong away as it revealed your hungry pussy to his eyes. it was glistening with your slick, and he was definitely going to have a field day with this slip 'n slide.
"you're so wet f'me, and all jus' by suckin' my dick." he chuckles, gripping your hips firmly and lifting it up with a subtle movement, just enough to feel the tip of his cock rubbing against your puffy 'n needy clit. you let out a short gasp, taking a hold on his shoulders as you looked down at the lewd scenery below you. "aht, aht sugar . . . look at me," he gently slaps your ass, bringing back your attention to him and looking at him directly. he murmurs a low "thereee we go." before sliding you down his cock, a high-pitched yelp eliciting from your lips.
his cock slides in further, deeper and deeper until you feel his cock fill you up to the hilt. you're now basically cockdrunk, and he hasn't done anything to make you be in this position yet. you babbled how he's "too big" and that "you're full" but he could only watch in awe. "shh, shh, look how soaked your pussy is . . . look at how easy it just slides in, aand out." he huffs, moving your hips with ease as the base of his cock slips in and out of your pussy, erupting a lewd squelch.
"now c'mon baby, show me how really thankful you are f'me . . ." his hands now let go of your hips, making you fully sit down on his cock as your pussy warms it up. your lips tug a small pout, his hands being placed behind his head as he raised a brow. his expression already spoke volumes on what he was going to say, so you tried your best to lift up your shaky hips and thighs as you worked your way into riding his cock.
let's just say he had to do most of the work later on :(
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💌: gojo satoru, geto suguru, hiromi higuruma, chuuya nakahara, haitani brothers, sanzu haruchiyo, manjiro sano, shuji hanma, wakasa imaushi, rafe cameron, ++ your favs!!
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bontensruby · 3 months
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soubi122 · 7 months
First timeline Hanma Shuji.
Warnings: smut, cherry popping, unprotected sex, fingering, prostitution, mentions of blood, slight dubcon, breeding kink if you squint, slight obsession, abuse/violence, slight angst, fluff at the end. MDNI - respectfully, GO AWAY!
Sitting in a large private room with a round table at a restaurant, Hanma Shuji could only smirk as the man in front of him begged him for forgiveness. “Please…I can pay it back. I will give all my earnings, just don't take my sister.” The man cried. His pleas fell on deaf ears. “You shouldn't bet what you don’t have.” Hanma laughed. The rest of the men laughed as well at the man’s pathetic attempt to keep the reaper from taking what he’s owed. “Toman will be collecting shortly…” He pauses and looks past the man and at the doorway behind him. His golden iris glowed with excitement at what or should we say who walked through the door. The innocent little dove that had no clue what was happening just so happened to be you. “(B/N), I got your text…what’s going on?” You question softly with a bit of worry on your tongue. Hanma’s mischievous giggle made you look up in his direction, it sent a small chill down his spine - you were radiating in pure innocence. The look of horror on your brother’s face when he noticed the reaper’s eyes land on your figure became noticeable.
Apparently, your brother put you down as collateral for a bet he couldn’t afford to lose. Did he win? Of course not. “Ohh…That’s quite fucked up. Putting your little sister up.❤️” The tall lanky male said with a wicked chuckle and smile, he began to walk towards you both. You thought you heard wrong, did he just say that your brother put you up, up for what?! “W-what is he talking about?” You ask as your body begins to tremble. “Are they forcing you to do something? If so, we can figure it out - I’ll get another job and pay-'' The tall male’s hand covered your mouth, muffling your words. Your brother couldn’t even look you in the eye. “(Y/N), I’m so sorry.” He said and was too ashamed of what he just did. He wanted to protest but he had no right, he put you in this position and single handley sold you off to Toman.
Looking down at the hand that kept you from speaking, you noticed the large tattoo on it. It read punishment (罰), the irony in seeing this only made your heart drop. You were going to be punished for someone else’s mistake. “Now, wave goodbye to your dear brother.” The man said and grabbed your wrist with his left hand and made you wave. Reading the tattoo on his left hand, you see that it reads sin (罪). The gears began to turn slowly inside your head. It made you nauseous - Hanma Shuji was the one taking you. He was known as the most ruthless and heartless person ever. You’ve heard the stories about Toman. Murder, extortion, fraud, gambling and expanding their territory into prostitution - he was all part of it.  
After kicking your brother out and registering you as Toman’s property - he leads you towards the back of the building and lets you know you are getting escorted to your new ‘home’. Before the car arrived, your eyes were shifting every now and then between the doorway and Hanma. Despite the way people described him, it did him no justice - yes he was a monster but he was very handsome too. Golden eyes, black and gold tresses with rounded specs. You were staring a little too long at him that he got the wrong idea. Before you could even think about asking him a question, he spoke curtly. “Don’t even try it, a pretty thing like you needs to be in one piece for your assessment.” That twisted smile on his face had your knees shaking. He thought you were going to beg him to release you or that you were going to try and make a run for it. 
Once the car arrived, he threw you in the back seat rather forcefully. You gasped and landed almost face first into the leather seats, with your ass hanging in the air - he got quite the view. When you managed to adjust yourself and the car began to pull away from the building, you spotted your older brother slouching on the street. He looked broken yet glad… The sight of him like this made your chest hurt. You began to cry when the anger bubbled over. You were angry at him and felt sorry for him. Did you not make enough to keep a roof over your heads? Why didn’t he come to you sooner instead of going to Toman? The thoughts were racing inside your head and your hands were trembling. Hanma startled you when he spoke. “Don’t you dare feel bad for him. He’s the reason you’re in this position. And the reason you will be raped over and over by men who don’t give a shit about you and your brother’s debt.” That maniacal tone made your blood run cold. He was right. You were sold off and will have to use your body to pay back every cent with interest.
The rest of the car ride remained quiet until you arrived at an office building. “Come on sweetheart…time to assess your worth.” His words only made the pain in your chest worse. Based on the building, it looked like a private practice office but there were a lot of Toman’s underlings with other women. Some of the women had bruises on their faces or gauze wrapped around what you could only assume were wounds. Faint sounds of coughing and sneezing made you almost forget that you were at an irregular doctor’s office…ohhhh. This is what he meant by assessment, you were going to be given a complete physical. Walking down the hall, The comments along the way amongst the other men were sickening. ‘You think we'll be able to fuck her?’ ‘Fuck, I want to eat her out.’ ‘Look at the tits on her…she’ll sell very nicely.’ ‘I wonder what pricing Kisaki  will have on her.’ More and more these cruel comments made your body tremble. Hanma remained behind you with a firm hand on your shoulder to keep you from running. It would be foolish to even try. Your vision began to get blurry as tears welled in your eyes, the life you knew was over.
Hanma pulled you into one of the examination rooms and you were met with a doctor, he looked…well, normal except he had a cast on his arm. Soon his normal appearance became distorted when he smiled - the disturbing smile on his face made you pause. Hanma nudged you. “Come on now sweetheart….it’s just protocol. We need to assess our new merchandise.❤️” That fucked up playful tone made a chill run down your spine. He made you step forward and he closed the door behind him. “Ah, you’re the new girl, welcome.” His tone was heavy and you could also feel him looking through your clothes. You turned to look at Hanma and he only smirked at you, he was going to be here the entire time this man put his hands on you. 
You were instructed to take your clothes off, you figured you were going to get a gown but the doctor said no. They needed to assess all of you. In nothing but your undergarments, you tried to cover yourself as best as possible but Hanma flashed you a look of disapproval. “What are you going to do to me?” You ask the doctor and stand in place. The doctor took out his clipboard and began taking notes, shifting his gaze between you and the clipboard, he didn’t answer your question. “Stand up straight and let your hands fall to your sides.” He said almost sweetly. When you hesitated, you saw Hanma walk towards your direction, his eyebrows were furrowed and his golden eyes were burning into you. His hands reached to grip yours and forcefully set them in place. It hurt, your wrists were turning red from the amount of force he was using. “Sorry dollface, Kisaki hates wasting time.” That faux apologetic tone made you sick. 
“He’ll need to take your measurements - you see, he broke my arm last week.” The doctor says smiling and hands Hanma the fabric measuring tape. His cold hands made your breath hitch. It made him chuckle and he continued brushing your skin teasingly just to get you to react. When he got to measuring your bust, he first palmed your breasts and made you gasp. Oh that sound of innocence, could you be…? “I’m guessing you’re a(n) [X] cup.” He says smirking and rubs his thumbs over the cups of your bra. The blush on your face only widened his smirk. He was right, how the hell could he have guessed by just touching them like that? He was making butterflies in your stomach, the first man to touch you was your executioner. “We need exact measurements, Shuji.” The doctor said and cleared his throat. Huffing, Hanma continued and his guess was correct. Hanma leans in and whispers in your ear. “He’s going to ask you some…intimate questions, better answer truthfully if you know what’s good for you.” That poison honied tone made your legs quiver. 
Stepping back, Hanma leans against the wall across from you with a smirk on his face. It felt like you were a teenager with a parent at a clinic and the doctor asks the question. “Now then, let us continue. Please discard the rest of your clothing and take a seat on the exam table.” The doctors says, for a moment you felt your brain short-circuit and froze. He wanted you to do what? "M-my underwear too?" You stutter but Hanma was quick to click his tongue. Looking over at him, you noticed his expression was rather annoyed. Not wanting to test his patience, you begin to unclasp your bra and keep your eyes glued to the floor. The cool air made you shiver and of course, your nipples hardened - causing Hanma to hum and bite his lip. You were so exposed. Once you were completely nude and sat on the exam table, the doctor asks the following questions:
Does your family have a history of cancer or any other fatal diseases?
Do you exercise? 
What is your diet like?
Do you smoke or drink?
Do you suffer from any back or joint pain?
Are you sexually active? 
Have you ever been pregnant?
Have you ever had any sexually transmitted diseases?
Have you ever taken two or more partners at once?
Do you partake in oral sex?
He kind of threw all these questions at you all at once. You were struggling to keep up with everything and were turning red from the last questions. “Umm…no.” You say quietly and keep your eyes glued to the floor. Hanma’s face lit up a bit, this couldn’t possibly be true - you a virgin? All the women who have walked through these doors have been deflowered and some even pollinated before. “Ohh?” His coy tone made you squirm on the table. To have the chance at breaking in a virgin, he’s wanted to do this for years but all previous women had their cherries popped already. The doctor walks over with his stethoscope and places the cold medal on your chest to listen to your heartbeat - he was careful not to inappropriately touch your breasts. Of course your heart rate was abnormal. He then told you to sit up straight and placed the diaphragm on your back to listen to your lungs. “Deep breaths in and out please.” The way your chest would slowly rise and fall was making Hanma eager to get to the next part. The doctor continued his physical, he waved the ophthalmoscope over each eye and used the otoscope to check your ears. "All right, open your mouth." Following his instructions, you opened your mouth and he shoved a flat wooden stick down your throat. It made you gag almost instantly. "Hmm, we can work on your gag reflex." Gag reflex? Is this why he asked you if you partake in oral sex? They were planning on making you a prostitute? 
He was carefully checking the surface of your skin for any flaws or abnormalities and then stepped away to take notes. Charting every detail about you and your body - they really graded women like they grade meat. "Now lay back and Shuji will finish the examination. Again, with my arm being broken, I wouldn't be able to complete it." The doctor says and smiles at you before taking a seat by the edge of the table. Before you knew it, Hanma was already next to you and he gently pushed you back. The doctor explained what he needed to do and what to feel for, they needed to give you a rather crude breast exam. The delight in Hanma's face had your legs trembling. "Arm over your head, dollface." He said in a low tone, you complied with the right arm first and he proceeded to slowly but firmly touch you. His cold hands made your breath hitch and the way your legs kept squirming - it made him smirk and keep eye contact with you. Starting from the center, he was making his way around and cleared you of any lumps. He could see the way your lips parted and could hear those shaky moans. Were you perhaps enjoying this? Now the left breast, same routine and he cleared you. The doctor took notes and told him to check your abdomen. Just when you thought he was done with the breast exam, next thing you know his fingers were rubbing your nipples. "Gotta check your sensitivity." He says and gives them a light pinch. The sweetest moan escaped your lips and oh he enjoyed it. 
"You see… We do a very thorough assessment…" He said and kept rolling them between his fingers. The sick pleasure that was being injected into your veins had you biting your lip and refusing to give him more reasons to tease you. Try as you might, you were falling apart - failing to hold back your whimpers. "The higher quality you are, the more expensive you'll be." The glossy look in your eyes had his member twitching. Your blushing and innocent face stirred something in him, he wanted nothing more than to corrupt you. He's had a taste of some merchandise before, but they were just that - nothing more. They didn't captivate him, they flaunted their experience and skills in bed. It didn't make him come back for more but you… you got him all sorts of fucked up from the moment you walked through that door.
Hanma was just about to lean in to bite your chest until the doctor cleared his throat. "Like you said, Kisaki hates wasting time, please allow me to finish up the assessment and I'll-" His words were cut off by a loud moan. When the doctor peered over to see what was going on, he noticed that the reaper had a mouth full and was enjoying himself to the merchandise. The doctor sighs and begins to walk away before pausing at the doorway and looking back. “Try not to break her, Kisaki wants to make the money back as quickly as possible - the higher her grade, the more we can sell her for.” With that the doctor exited the room and left you at the hands of the reaper. 
“Now then sweetheart… you can be honest with me.” He says playfully and nibbles on your skin - leaving pink marks behind. “You’ve had a cock between your legs before, yeah?” He coos in your ear and trails his hand south to your honey pot. Your hand was trying to hold on to something, anything, to suppress the lustful sensations. Refusing to answer his question, you bite your lip and screw your eyes shut. Bad idea, this only made Hanma want to break you even more. Without warning, he slapped your pussy and it made you quickly snap your legs closed, catching his hand in between. “Ohh… your thighs have quite the muscles.❤️” He giggled like a mad man and tried prying them open with one hand but failed. “...please, don’t.” It’s the first time you’ve addressed him at all. Leaning in to gently glide his tongue on your bottom lip, he whispered - “Your body doesn’t belong to you anymore, dollface. Now be a good girl and open your legs for me.” His words were cold and yet they made you melt on the spot. Who could resist those beautiful golden eyes, and those black and gold strands of hair? There was something stirring up inside of you, something dark. 
With your legs quivering, you slowly spread your legs open for him. “Good girl…” Lithe fingers slid down to your core and he just about moaned when he felt your slick. Whimpering, you barely manage to speak as his finger prods your entrance. “S-stop, please! I’ve never done this before!” Hanma couldn’t help but mock you and shove his finger inside you without warning, making you squeal and grip his bicep. The sensation was so foreign you didn’t know what to do. Just one finger and she’s practically crying? He thinks to himself and slowly explores your cavern. “You really are a virgin, huh?” He whispers into your lips and forces you into a kiss. Panting and moaning, you returned his kiss - it felt like you were in a daze. He was poisoning you and you were giving into him, might as well enjoy it before you get thrown to sharks. 
Wrapping your arms around his neck, you tried your hardest to at least make this as pleasurable as possible - for both of you. Caught off guard by the return of affection, he grinned and slid another digit inside your warmth. He could feel your walls clamping down on and pulsing at his sudden actions. Moaning into his kisses, you felt the way his long fingers stretched you out and your hips slightly grind into them. The sinful motions only continued as his thumb traced circles on your bundle of nerves. “...ngh…ah-it feels…” You say and try to adjust to the sensation of something being inside you. “This is nothing compared to what’s next, dollface.” Hanma chuckled and quickened his pace. Your sweet voice had him high in the clouds, so inexperienced and so sweet, he needed to sink into you. To feel your warmth, your tight walls and your release. 
"Fuck…you're so wet, practically dripping - tell me pretty girl, have you ever touched yourself?" He asks and nuzzles his face into your neck. "You've never played with this pretty pussy before? Hmm?" For a moment, you thought his voice alone was going to send you into overdrive. Shaking your head no, you confess that you've never been touched before. Poor thing, you've never experienced a hand, a finger, a tongue or a cock between your legs. The reaper couldn't have that now could he? Without warning he stopped and stood up straight, gazing down at you with his amber eyes. The way he towered over you, you thought he got turned off by your confession but it did quite the opposite. You set him on fire. 
He walked away and you closed your eyes thinking he was done with you. That is until you felt him on the other edge of the examination table, he gripped your ankles and yanked you closer to the edge of the table. Your surprised squeak made him smile. He removed his glasses and tossed them aside. The sound of his zipper made your heart skip a beat. Was he going to pop your cherry? The heavy contact from his length hitting your core made you flinch. “I want you to see the moment I deflower you…now sit up.” Hanma demanded, those gold irises reflected nothing but malice and desire. Looking down, you see how flushed his tip was, it was oozing precum and you swore you were going to die if he put it in you. “W-will it fit?” You ask innocently. For a moment the world stopped, Hanma felt infatuated with your innocence and couldn’t bear the thought of another man taking your first time. “I’ll make it fit, sweetheart.” He replies sweetly and rubs his tip against your clit as he unbuttons his shirt. His warmth and the slick was making your head fuzzy - you knew this was wrong but you wanted it.
Sitting up, you wrap your arms loosely around his neck and brace yourself. Looking up at him, Hanma noticed the tears that lined your eyes, you were worried and scared. Such a sweet expression. “I said I want you to see it…look down (Y/N).” Oh he said your name and a chill ran down your spine. Following his orders, you look down and see his cock throbbing, it makes your mouth salivate - this was really happening. Hanma reeled his hips back and lined himself up with your slit. His breath hitched when his tip prodded your entrance, your breath caught in your throat as you felt a burning stretch - you were too tight. Tears began to stream down your face as you watched him peirce you. He only had the tip in and you were already crying. “Ngh…it’s too big…it hurts.” You whimper and pant as his cock bullies its way inside you. Your words fell on deaf ears, Hanma was too busy drinking in your expression of distress and looking at how his length slowly disappeared inside you. “Keep watching, dollface. You’ll see how I make it fit.” He says and continues forcing his way in. He noticed how your legs trembled and how your tears streamed down your face. For you not to fight back…you might be able to take more of the things he wants to do to you.
As much as it burned, you couldn’t help but feel arousal in seeing how his fat cock split you open. You were becoming a lewd mess. This man, the devil’s incarnate, had you losing more than your innocence, he was making you lose your sanity. Could you ever look at yourself the same ever again? When he managed to bottom out, you felt a throbbing sensation inside you - you thought you were going to pass out. Hanma was panting and snickering like a mad man at how fucking good you felt. “See baby? I told you I’d fit.” He coos and presses his forehead against yours. Looking up at him, you see how the look in his eyes softened just a bit, could this be a sign of kindness? 
When your walls finally settled on his shape, Hanma slowly reeled his hips back and leaned back ever so slightly to take in the view. To his delight, there were light traces of blood on his shaft - you were a virgin and an obedient one at that. Doe eyes, pouty lips, flushed cheeks, all features that made him want to ruin you until you can no longer function without him. Grabbing you by the back of your neck with one hand and gipping your hip with the other, he pulled you in close and seared you with his gaze. Your eyes reflected nothing but obedience and reverence. He loved it. God or the Devil put you on his path for a reason, that reason was for him to get a taste of heaven - knowing that he will never actually get there after he departs this world, it was a rather kind gesture from the gods. When he thrusted into you, he felt your walls spasm around his length. Your core was pulling him in and refusing to let go of his cock, he struggled to pull away - he didn’t want to leave your warmth even for a second. 
Your soft moans had him in a daze and he kept his slow pace. The pain was beginning to subsite and pleasure started to creep up on you. With how close he was, your clit was getting some friction and you wanted more of this foreign sensation. “Sh-Shuji…I want more.” You whimper and pout at him. Saying his name like that, oh you have no idea what you just did to him. Crashing his lips into you, he devoured you and picked up his pace. Hanma couldn’t care less about your now ruined state - all he wanted was to fill you up and make you cry around his cock. Everything was getting hazy, you felt as if your body was going numb with each thrust of his hips. The air was being snatched from your lungs when he kept hitting that golden spot inside you that you didn’t even know existed. For it being your first time, you were taking him so well he thought that you were made for him. 
Leaning back on your elbows, you took in the view before you - when you should have felt fear and disgust, you felt bliss. Your mind was muddled in sin and you couldn’t help it, something about him just made you trust him and give in to him. His husky moans and breaths kept you in the clouds. He could have killed you on the spot and you would have died happy. Why on earth do you feel this happy when your life is over after this? Sensing your conflict, Hanma presses your legs further back, making his tip kiss your cervix with each thrust. “Ahn…I feel something coming, I-” Your moan cuts your sentence short. Your purity was being tainted and he was the cause of it all. 
Hanma was rather kind for breaking you in, had it been left to a client - they would have scarred you in a way where you would never feel pleasure again. “Get used to this position, sweetheart. You’ll be on your back to make back the money that is owed.” He pants between words and digs his fingernails into your plush thighs. Even though his words were cruel, you didn’t care at all - you were glad it was him. Maybe a little too glad as the soft smile on your lips and glossy look in your eyes sent him into overdrive. He expected you to cry at any moment or freeze in fear but you looked divine and accepted your fate without question. Perhaps he was fucking you stupid but loved the look on your face. It was now etched in his mind. 
“Shit…I’m close, gonna fill you up pretty girl.” He pants and places both hands on your hips to steady himself. Sitting up, wrapping your arms around his neck, you pulled him in - resting your chin on his shoulder. Those siren-like moans were now in his ear and he couldn’t help but feel a shiver run down his spine. Your cries of his name and god’s name kept echoing in his ear along with incoherent babbles that sounded like you were going to come undone at any second. Your thighs were beginning to shake and you bit down on his collarbone, making him wince and pound into you harder. The moment you felt your first orgasm, your body trembled and your release was pure bliss. You didn’t think it was possible to feel this good for your first time, especially after it being taken by the reaper himself. Feeling your cunt clench around him and feeling your juices drip down his thighs, Hanma reached his high and spilled his seed deep in your womb. It wouldn’t stop, he kept feeling his cum splurt inside you and he wanted to just keep you filled up until your belly was swollen. 
Both of you stayed still, panting and trying to regain some sort of consciousness, the afterglow was too good. “...Shuji.” You whisper and his ears perk up at the sound of your voice. “Hmm?” He hums in response and rests his forehead on your shoulder. “Will you still visit me when I’m taken away?” You ask him innocently and pray that he says yes. I know they say that you will never forget your first time but this was on a whole other level. It felt like you fell for him, even though you knew this would probably be a one time thing, perhaps even the last time you’d ever see him again. He fucked up your mental state, you got a taste of ecstacy and now you wanted to keep staying high in clouds and dancing with the devil. The low chuckle made your chest ache, he didn’t answer your question and told you to clean yourself up, he only wanted to pop your cherry - nothing more and nothing less. 
He left the room after cleaning himself up, not even looking back at you - he didn’t even give you the chance to savor his handsome face before he left. The soreness between your legs was beginning to creep up on you. After cleaning yourself up, the doctor walked back in and gave you a pill to swallow, of course - Hanma fucked you raw and you didn’t even think about the consequences that would bring. “If your period is late, please let us know immediately.” The doctor says and tells you to follow him. Slowly walking, you felt Hanma’s seed drip little by little, he really did fill you up. 
The doctor informed you of the rest of the procedure and how you will be staying at a…well for lack of a better word, whore house for now on but you were not to render services until the assessment was completed. When that is done, they will be changing your name and you will be given a complete breakdown of all the pricing that will be placed on your body. It kind of was a blur to you. 
After they dropped you off at your new home, you were welcomed by the staff and not so welcomed by the other women there. They were not happy about competing with another pretty face. Especially when they overheard that Hanma Shuji took a liking to you and popped your cherry. It meant that you were going to be worth more than they are and your ‘workspace’ would be much nicer than theirs. 
The first few days were hard. The days were short but the nights were long, you could hear the women servicing other men and it only made you nervous. Yet there was warmth that built up inside your chest just thinking about the reaper. Remaining in that room at night didn’t make it any better. Anyone could have walked through that door and you would have no choice but to surrender yourself to them. You were stuck doing laundry and cleanup duty for other rooms, you needed to be useful for something after all. To be fair, you preferred this but it wasn’t going to pay off the debit any sooner.
Finally after a month, the house mother walked in and threw you some lingerie to wear, “Your services are needed at 22:00, get cleaned up and get ready, babydoll.” She said and reminded you to put on a performance for your guest in order to get extra tips. She also gave you a warning, if the client left unsatisfied - you’d be doing some ‘unsavory’ services in the feature. You knew she didn’t mean clean up duty.
Feeling anxious, you quickly did as you were told - cleaning up the room, cleansing yourself and getting ready. The whole time you felt like you were going to pass out. You could feel your teeth chatter when everything was done and you looked at the clock, it was almost time…it read 21:57. The sound of the doorknob turning made your heart almost jump out of your chest. Your eyes darted to the figure at the door and it was your house mother. Oh thank goodness, you were praying that she’d tell you that they canceled. “Babydoll, your guest is downstairs - they have a rather peculiar request. Here…”  She says and tosses you a blindfold. Oh no, was the person some kind of old pervert? Or perhaps some guy with a fetish? Maybe this was for the best - you didn’t want to see his face, it would most likely haunt you. 
A knock on the door made your squeak and the house mother quickly fixed you up while telling the guest to come in. “I hope she is to your liking, enjoy.”  She says coyly and you could her walk away, followed by the sound of the door closing. The room remained silent and you sat there with your heart in your throat. It was too quiet so you decided to break the ice, “W-welcome, I will be taking care of you tonight, sir.” Your voice is soft and has a tinge of skittishness to it. The man said nothing. The room still remained quiet and you felt as if you were going to vomit. Standing there in silence while unable to see what’s in front of you was overwhelming. A few more seconds of silence and finally you hear him move. His footsteps came closer, you could feel his presence - he was right in front of you. 
The sudden hard slap to your face made you yelp and he threw you off balance, making you stumble back onto the bed. You froze in place, what the hell was this? He started to pant. The stinging sensation on your cheek intensified when another harsh slap landed on your face. However, you couldn’t retaliate - for your sake, there was no way. You were warned about this. As long as he doesn’t punch you or cause your skin to break, you were to take it. Many of the girls shared stories with you about how sometimes they would get terrifying men and would often have to take a beating from them. They were all done within the limits of the rules - even though the women protested, nothing was ever done as they were high paying clients. If the money rolled in, they had to pretty much roll with the punches. Tears were beginning to soak through the blindfold, it hurt so much. 
You could hear the sound of his belt buckle and zipper, was he going to fuck you now? But your ears picked up on the slight skin slapping sounds, he was getting off to his abuse. A third slap in the same spot made you scream in pain, the taste of blood was now in your mouth. He busted your lip. When you heard a whipping sound, you instinctively scream again in fear of your life - this was going beyond the service of a prostitute. A loud crash and the sound of charging footsteps could be heard, followed by a heavy thud. Freezing in place, you dared not to move, you could have gotten in trouble by not being cooperative with your guest. You felt the bed dip as if someone was kneeling on it and climbing over you. Every fiber in you was screaming for you to run or fight back. 
When the person lifted your blindfold, your vision was blurry and trying to adjust to the light. A maniacal chuckle echoes in your ears. “Rough first day, sweetheart?” That voice… You wipe your eyes and your vision focuses on him. Golden eyes, black and gold tresses with round specs, it was him. “Shuji?” The soft tone in your voice made a shiver run down his spine, you still sounded innocent. Looking down you see the asshole who slapped you was face down on the ground with his pants around his ankles. Apparently, Hanma walked in unannounced and was going to request your services. However, when the house mother said you just started servicing your first client, he pretty much didn’t give a flying fuck and made a beeline to your room and kicked the door open at the exact moment he heard your scream. 
The house mother gasped when she saw the client on the floor. “What the hell happened?” She questioned the reaper and glared at him. It wasn’t like Hanma to interrupt the girls during service. “Nothing, he broke the rules so I broke his nose.” He retorts. “By the way, she is no longer of service to this house.” Wait, what? “Oh dear…we had a queue lined up for her.” The house mother sighs and doesn’t question her boss any further. 
Wiping the blood off your lip, Hanma explains to you that your debt has been paid by an anonymous donor. You were set free from this shitty life. The sound of another man’s voice by the doorway made you both turn around. “So…this is the little bird you’ve been surly about?” A man with blond, neat cut hair says while examining you. You recognized him as Toman’s top brass, Kisaki Tetta. The girls would talk about him, he would rarely come by but only for VIP clients - he’d never indulge in the land of milk and honey. Kisaki was personally here to see who caught the eye of the reaper. You immediately stood up and bowed. “Thank you sir.” You say not wanting to seem rude. “Thank Hanma…he’s the one who paid your debt.” He scoffed and began to walk away with a smirk on his face. There was a tinge of regret of letting Hanma release you from your debt, you would have pulled in quite a lot of money. The plan is always to give the girls a list of fees different from their actual market pricing. That way Toman keeps them around a little longer while profiting off their suffering. 
“Oi, asshole! You weren’t supposed to tell her!” Hanma laughed and pulled you in from your waist. The reaper couldn’t get you out of his head, the moment he felt the afterglow - he had to backaway, there was something there and refused to accept it. It made sense as to why he refused to look at you one last time before he left that day. Even while working and blooding up faces, stacking bodies and sleeping with other women - he couldn’t get your innocent face out of his head. It was maddening. When he realized that you etched yourself into his mind - he cut a deal with Kisaki. You were going to be Hanma’s…personal assistant. He was refusing to let you go again and refused to have another man touch you. Hence the delay in your services at the whore house. 
In tears you thanked him, for once in his life he felt like he did something good - something that wasn’t for benefit. Right? Actually no, scratch that, it was all for his benefit. That night he took you home and made you cry more tears, only they were of pleasure and bliss. You were his and only his.
tags: @anxious-chick
287 notes · View notes
bleach-your-panties · 6 months
•Texting your anime bf to show him your new nails! pt. 2🍧💗💗
♡pt. 1
♡w/ chifuyu matsuno, hajime kokonoi, shuji hanma, & takashi mitsuya!
♡crack text fic!
(not my designs. all from pinterest)
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362 notes · View notes
killsaki · 1 year
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miscommunication ☆ romance isn’t on hanma’s list of specialties, but at least you can put making you cum on it.
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hanma shuji x female!reader
4.4k words | minors dni
cw / tw : alcohol and weed mentions, his friends don’t respect you, biting, marking, vaginal fingering, nipple sucking, messy plot.
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“you miss me, baby?” you can hear people speaking in the background as hanma talks into his phone as if he’s alone.
“no, shu’, i don’t.” you huff, picking lint from the couch cushions. you don’t understand how he’s so shameless, you’ve never been able to wrap your head around it no matter how long you’ve been around him.
“aw, but you’re still callin’ me that cute name.” your palm comes to land on your forehead as you mentally scold yourself from the force of habit. 
“i didn't—”
“didn’t mean to? hm, ‘course not.” he speaks to you so sweetly but you know it’s condescending like you’re too dumb to know what you’re saying. “anyways, figured i’d be so kind to tell you that i’ll be by your place later tonight.”
you scoff, you can practically hear the big smile on his face as he taunts you. there are some calls of his name in the background and you’re tempted to just hang up in his face and go back to the show you’d been watching, but before you take the phone from your ear you hear your name from a voice that is not hanma’s.
“is that her?” one that you can recognize as rindou asks smoothly.
sanzu, you realize that’s who said your name before. you hear as he answers the question intended for hanma, making sure to repeat your name this time with ‘my’ in front of it as if you were his possession.
hanma lets out his signature laugh, one that always freaks you out a little. “you sanzu’s girl, baby?”
“shu’, stop.” you breathe into the phone, your tv screen dims in your peripheral.
“aw, shu.” ran mocks and you purse your lips, not thinking about how hanma would, of course, put you on speakerphone after asking such a question.
“i’m hanging up,” you speak in your usual tone and you can hear laughs all around.
“wait,” hanma joins in with his friends, “you gonna leave the door open for me?”
you sigh, considering it. you’d stopped hanging out with hanma on purpose, stopped answering your phone and the door for him. he was a wild card, though you knew that from the moment you met him something told you to give it a chance. it wasn’t until after he’d started getting into blood-filled fights right in front of you and showing up to your place unannounced one too many times that you’d decided enough was enough. to top it all off, he’d refuse to acknowledge any conversation that included him giving the two of you a title.
you hadn’t slept with him, despite how much he’s tried— well, you’ve slept with him. on his chest, him on yours, but you haven’t fucked him. so that saved a bit of your pride, but not enough for you to dive back head first in with someone who won’t even call you his girlfriend before trying to strip you down.
“you always wake my neighbors with your bike,” you mutter, hoping you aren’t still on speaker.
“then come to mine,” he replies immediately after, and your head cocks in confusion. in the amount of time you’ve been involved with each other, that is the one place you haven’t been with him. restaurants, fairs— hell even gang meetings. but not his place.never his place.
“i dunno,” you fake a yawn and he sucks his teeth. “i’m pretty tired.”
“head over right now and you can sleep in my bed, pretty.” he sounds far from the phone and your device buzzes not a second later. “should take ten to get here, see you in five.”
he sings that last word before ending the call. there’s a thought pulling at you not to go, to text him to ‘fuck off xx’ but a glance at your open bedroom door makes you decide you really would rather not sleep alone.
it takes you twenty minutes to pack a bag and get into your car, another fifteen to pull into the driveway of the house and for a moment you think he’d sent you to the wrong place. only when the scattered motorcycles come into sight do you know that wasn’t the case.
outgoing: come out here.
shu !: princess cant walk by herself?
outgoing: i’ll leave
shu !: don’t you dare
you lock your phone, waiting in the locked car for his figure to appear through the front door but to your surprise, it comes from the side of the house. the house had surely been remodeled and split in two at the second story because the staircase leading to the door hanma exits looks far from sturdy. even in the dark, you can see the happy bounce in his walk to your door.
“hey, pretty.” your hand comes to where he’s leaning down to the window to block lavender eyes from seeing the stupid smile that creeps up on your face from his presence. maybe you did miss him, but you weren’t going to admit that now.
“you didn’t say anything about your friends being here.” you fake annoyance as you gather your things and shut off the car, making sure to lock it before exiting.
“you heard them on the phone.” hanma shrugs, arms immediately snaking around the small of your back as he traps you against the warm metal.
“doesn’t mean i thought they’d still be here.” you can’t help but laugh when he starts to nose at your neck, placing kisses here and there.
“that why you took so long?” he pulls away from your throat, smiling into your lips as he kisses them, acting as if the two of you haven’t gone an entire month without speaking. “sanzu’s feelings ‘ll be hurt if he hears that.”
you drag out a sigh before he finally leads you up to his door, and it’s exactly what you expected from hanma shuji. a few small decorations are lining the walls, big tv, and a decent-sized couch placed in the living room. surrounding it, a singular circular fold-out chair and an oversized bean bag that look fairly new. and of course, with those, bodies of some of the most dangerous guys your age in the area scattered about.
“he let you carry your bag?” sanzu looks at you bewildered, game controller in hand. “i would never make you do that.”
“don’t pause the game!” a blonde with a lion tattoo grunts at the long-haired one, you note the matching console control in his grip.
“oh really?” your head snaps up to shuji who side-eyes you with a laugh.
“she was hoping you’d be gone when she got here.” hanma says with amusement clear in his tone, taking your bag from your hand and heading to the closed door you can only assume is his bedroom.
“ignore those two, i know you came to see me.” ran sets the beer bottle down, and extends that same hand towards you, one that you only stare at as you bite your lip. “don’t be shy.” he tacks on teasingly.
you don’t have a chance to say anything before hanma is back with his arms wrapped around your waist. ran rolls his eyes back to the screen, sanzu’s following as he resumes the game. but even with hanma’s presence, the flirting—more so, teasing—doesn’t stop, not for a while at least. ran had gotten rindou to join in from where he sat below you all for a bit and then they’d talked about you as if you weren’t even in the room. you’d started to tune it out after so long. all of your interjections to their weird comments got shot down by remarks about you being ‘shy.’
the need for sleep took over at some point and your annoyance and embarrassment diminished along with the conversation. the game suddenly became most important once again when shion and rindou had gotten tied up in their amounts of wins. or at least that's what you think you hear, it’s hard to make out anything when you’re focusing so hard on forcing your eyes to stay open.
you let your head fall onto hanma’s shoulder and not a split second passes before he wraps you up in his arms, pulling you to straddle him and rest your head against his chest.
“like a lap dog.” shion speaks to rindou directly but no one says anything else. hanma hums, and you can feel it against your fingertips when he does. his warmth makes you relax further into him, hands sliding to loop behind his neck.
“tired, shu’.” you yawn, and it’s real this time. the large hand smoothing along your back only spurring you further to the brink of unconsciousness.
“alright,” he sighs happily, the same tone you’ve often heard him use when he’s won at something. “everyone get the fuck out.”
“we’re in the middle of a game.” shion objects as he shifts his weight on the beanbag chair.
“baby wants to sleep, get the fuck out.”
“aw, c’mon,” you can hear ran’s voice grow closer as he leans towards you, “you don’t want us to leave yet, do you?” you open your eyes just in time to catch the sight of him reaching out to touch you. almost on instinct, you flinch away, burying yourself further into hanma’s hold.
ran’s expression doesn’t change much as he pulls back, but his eyes shift slightly— it makes an odd feeling start to stir in your gut. but it quickly vanishes as they all start to stand and call out their goodbyes— though they’re mainly to hanma, you’re talked about like a pet that they ask him to ‘be nice’ to. except for sanzu telling you that he’s always available to you, and ran letting you know how much bigger and how much happier you’d be in his bed, should you ever want to try it.
you ignore the implications, ignore the way they eye you as you stand to stretch. but you can’t possibly ignore the way hanma latches onto you, draping himself over you to cover you in kisses. ones you giggle at, but maybe miss the reason behind.
“why do they talk about me like that?” you ask when hanma locks the door behind his friends.
“hm?” he hums, approaching you with a smile.
“i’m not your dog.” you curl your lip at the thought of being seen as his little pet.
“you’re my girl,” he wraps himself around you yet again, guiding you into his room. “ain’t it the same thing?”
“not at all.” you scoff, trying to free yourself from him as he makes you stumble from the difference between his large steps and your own shorter ones. “that’s why none of you have girlfriends.”
“nah, some of them do.” you suddenly feel your heart drop, just a bit. you can’t decipher if it’s the fact that guys like hanma are capable of calling someone their girlfriend or the fact that those girls don’t know that their boyfriends sat in someone's living room for the past who knows how long and talked so… highly about you. “they just think you’re still free game because we haven’t fucked.”
“but they have girlfriends,” you repeat to him, freezing in his arms, making him lean down beside you to catch a look at your annoyed, confused expression.
“yeah,” he smiles as he informs you, “they have a few.” 
hanma shrugs, unraveling his hold and softly pushing you toward the bed.
“annoying.” he says as he reaches over his head to grab the back of his shirt, pulling it off. “i dunno how they keep up with ‘em.”
that feeling starts to swirl in your chest again, and you’re sure you’re closer to figuring out what’s causing it. “it’s easier if you just don’t call any of them your girlfriend, huh?”
“nah,” he plops down on the bed, looking to where you still stand, arms crossed and fingers digging into your skin. “still too much room for bitchin’.” 
“so then, what?” you snap unintentionally, you can blame it on your tired state if he asks.
“why’re you so fired up?” he leans off the bed, grabbing you and forcing you to stumble towards him. “you’re my girl, aren’t you?”
your eyebrows furrow more at his question, making it almost painful. “what are you talking about?”
“we’ve been talking for months, i’ve paid for shit for you, slept in your bed without fucking you,” his hands are never still, falling to the back of your thighs and wandering around all they can reach. “isn’t that what a boyfriend does?”
“shuji, what?” your mouth drops open, and you’re unsure what to feel. what has he thought this entire time? “we haven’t talked in a month, you wouldn’t even talk to me when i brought this up before.”
“‘cause i thought we understood each other.” he pressed his face against your folded arms until you dropped them so he could rest his chin against your stomach. “you are a lil’ slow though, huh?”
“excuse me?” your eyes widen down at him and you don’t know what you’re supposed to feel. “slow? because you wouldn’t— because you refused to—”
“shh,” he shushes you, pulling you down into the bed before you can fight him. “too much, it's getting hard for you to get your words out.”
“oh my god, you suck.” you squirm when he locks himself around you for the umpteenth time that night, but he doesn’t let up. nor does he reply, he only tucks you into his bare chest, humming once finally comfortable. but your mind doesn’t stop going, doesn’t stop asking questions you just are dying to get the answer to— you wish you’d never asked at all, sleepiness having escaped you,
“so they think because i haven’t fucked you that i would fuck them?”
“yeah,” he laughs back.
“that’s stupid.” you wonder what could’ve given them that impression— or it was just wishful thinking. “wait, wait back to me being—”
“‘cause you’re hooked on me without my dick, right?” he interrupts, pushing your shoulder back so you’re looking at him and his stupid, pretty smirk.
“my god, shu’.” you groan, and fall back into the pillow, away from him. which, you quickly realize was a trap— something you should be more wary of when it comes to him— as he climbs on top of you, encasing you between his limbs.
“yeah, am i?” he licks his lips, looking down at you with a wicked gleam in his lavender eyes, something far from holy. you can’t deny the way it makes your heart skip a beat, how his bare skin feels pressed to yours in the places your shirt lifts, and the smell of weed and cigarettes mixed with something sweet wafts over you.
“i,” you put your hands to his chest, maybe to push him off, but they lose strength when they come into contact with him. “came over here to sleep.”
“we can.” he tries to shrug, but it looks silly given his position. “after.” he glances to your lips, leaning down only to ghost them with his own before he moves to press a kiss just under your ear. his body weight presses into you just a bit more, his legs slipping between yours and you feel yourself melt into the mattress. “or,” he pulls from where he’d almost started to leave marks on your neck to make eye contact as he rests his hips against your own, clothed cock heavy and warm against your cunt, making his next words feel like more of a taunt. “we don’t have to.”
you swallow, face warm as you open your mouth a few times, not sure what to say, not sure what you want. “maybe… just a little,” you nod.
he leans back down, speaking low against your lips and making your chest vibrate from his pressed against it. “whatever you’ll give me, pretty girl.” 
his mouth meshes with yours, slow wet drags of lips make you into a puddle in his sheets. all you can do is reach out for him, wrap around him, try to pull him impossibly closer. your hands go from tangling and tugging at his hair when he grinds down into you, to scratching between his shoulders when his lips leave yours to travel down your neck.
you can stomach the want, handle the heat flowing through your veins that begs for more. even when your clothes start to diminish in number and you’re left in nothing more than your panties under him. you can manage the twitch in your fingers that ache to touch parts of him that are still out of sight, that is until his mouth starts to suck marks into the soft skin of your breast. the hand reading sin, cupping your other before fingertips find their way to your nipple.
you gasp at the contact, and his eyes dart from where they’d been so peacefully closed up to watch your expression. he rolls the bud and the callousness of his hands does little to help you fight against the sounds you wish would stay caught in your throat. hanma is an opportunist if anything, and before you can even move to cover your face, his lips latch around your other nipple. you can’t think to fight the whine that escapes you, not when his weight lifts off of you so  that his free hand can glide fingertips along your embarrassingly wet, still clothed slit. 
your body moves on its own, a hand tangling in his hair and your hips bucking against him.
“there she is,” he speaks softly against your sensitive skin and your eyes flutter at his tone. it’s like cool silk in the way it makes you shiver. his fingers press harder against the fabric, teasing you with the resistance it gives, allowing him to press just enough against your entrance that you can feel the push but nothing more.
and suddenly you can’t handle it any longer. your want has bubbled into need and you’re far too warm for your skin, desperation for him to give you anything claws at you.
“more,” you pant out.
there’s a popping sound when he unlatches from your skin, and you don’t need to look down at him to know there’s a smirk on his face when he asks, “more?” but you do anyways, and you wish you didn’t. he’s already looking back at you, pretty purple eyes low with lust, his tongue prodding from between his lips as it runs slow, wet circles around your nipple making you that much weaker beneath him.
more of your soft pants fill the air before you’re able to tear yourself away from the sight, whimpering a small, “please, shu’.” before throwing an arm over your eyes.
his weight shifts on the mattress, and he’s pushing the seat of your panties out of the way to separate your folds with rough fingertips. “anythin’ for my girl.” 
you feel your breathing pick up and hear how it comes out in fast little huffs, but you can’t think of anything but how perfectly he moves against you, how it feels like the devil dancing the way that he circles your clit. pulling back the hood of it to get to the part that has you nearly in tears when he starts to tease it.
there are kisses pressed to your arm that cover your face, making you move it in search to feel those lips against your own instead. you look up to hanma who’s already looking back at you who's wearing an expression you’ve never seen from him before. his jaw slack, causing his lips to part, his tongue gliding along them as his nearly glowing, low-lidded gaze makes your heart race.
he watches you so intently as his fingers find their way back down your entrance, eyes locking on the way your lips fall open to gasp when he pushes one of his fingers in tantalizingly slow. you know he’s doing it on purpose, but you can’t tell if it’s for you or him the way his chest starts to heave from watching your expressions alone. how your eyes flutter when his knuckles press against you, the way your lips twitch with the sounds that fall from him curling his finger and pressing it against your softest wall, pressing far deeper than you’d ever felt your fingers reach. there’s nothing but the faintest buzz of this season’s bugs chirping outside, the sound of your shared sounds, and the way your slick clicks against his hand each time he pulls away only to push his digit back in to force another pretty moan out of your throat.
“more, pretty?” his voice barely audible.
“more, please.”
with the next pullback of his wrist, he adds another of his long, slender fingers into you. he pushes back to his knuckle this time, he presses his lips back to yours in time to catch the surprised sounds that lip out at his new, sudden pace. it’s faster but just as deep as his previous slow, teasing one. it has what would be embarrassing high pitch ‘ah, ah, ah’s falling off your tongue right onto his, but each push against your swollen spot has everything that isn’t the feeling that he’s giving you out of your mind.
his lips mold against yours, even when you can barely keep conscious enough to control them, trying to kiss him back, to feel yours drag against his and feel the way his infamous smirk starts to creep back onto his face when your nonsensical whines turn into those of his name. his move down to your ear, but he doesn’t speak yet, instead just using the position to listen as closely as he can to the highs of your breathy whimpers each time he fucks his fingers back into you.
“feel so good, baby.” his words are hot against your skin, “can’t wait to fuck this perfect pussy.” you clamp around him at the thought, of how easily you’ve melted for him from the way he worked you up alone, you can’t imagine watching the way he’d look sinking into you. “yeah?” he sounds huskier at the way your body agrees with his words. his lips drag along the column of your neck as he speaks between marks he leaves there. “you ‘gonna let me? ‘wanna take my cock, baby?” you feel yourself nod that time, hips starting to move against his hand at the same time, starting to search for the inches that you miss each time they pull out of you, even with the promise of them sinking back in is only second away. “you want it?”
“want it,” you manage to form, and you feel hanma’s teeth sink into where he’d just left a bruise. it sends the knot in your gut pulling tight, your legs starting to twitch against his sides— the curse of his name that leaves your mouth broken has him pressing his fingers as far into your cunt as they can reach, middle and ring fingers curling in and out of you with a need to hear the way you’re soaking down his wrist, to force your walls to spams around him, and make you cling to him even tighter than before, scrambling to grab every part of him that you can reach. tears are pricking at your eyes as you feel your stomach flex, face twisting up in a pleasure that hanma just has to pull away from you to take in clearly.
“c’mon,” he licks his lips as watches you start to unravel beneath him, his thumb rubbing sloppy shapes into your pulsing clit. “make a pretty little mess for me.” 
“shu’–fuck,” you drag out in a high cry, tears burning hot down your cheeks as you feel the white-hot static spread from your tightened core through your limbs, shooting down to the tips of your fingers.
he drags out his curse, pressing his hips into yours, just far enough away from your cunt he’s still able to finger you through your high. as you start to catch your breath, regain control of your body aside from the search for pleasure that overtook you before, you find yourself sticky from the middle of your thighs to their apex and the warmth that loomed over you starting to disappear.
“no,” you use your leg which still feels far too heavy to wrap around hanma, keeping him from where he was attempting to get off the bed.
hanma huffs a laugh down at you, “i’m comin’ back,” his long fingers wrap around the soft of your thigh, squeezing it slightly as he moves it. “‘gotta change since i fuckin’ creamed my pants.” 
you laugh softly, eyes drifting closed. you want nothing more than to poke fun at him, but you’ve also never felt this kind of tired before. you’re seconds away from drifting off when he wakes you with a warm rag to your skin.
“you got me acting like i’m a fuckin’ virgin,” he laughs, likely at himself again. 
“you mean you’re not one?” your words come out weak, and you can barely make out the shape of him in the now dim room as you speak.
“nah,” he wipes the last bit of the mess he made of you off your skin, humming in that same happy tone you hear nonstop from him. “i treat my girl so nice don’t i?”
you shrug weakly, “if thinking that will help you sleep tonight.”
“ahh,“ he tosses the wet, filthy rag off to what you hope isn’t just the top of his clothes basket. “you being next to me will help more than that,” your lips twitch up at his words as his weight drops down beside you, long arms maneuvering you around until he’s satisfied with how your bare chest presses up against him. “but busting that nut’ll help a lot too.”
“i can’t stand you.”
“mm,” he kisses your forehead, “but you came so ha—”
“shhhh,” you pat against his skin with your palm, like you’re trying to lull a child to sleep. “stop talking, ‘m tired.” you rub your head on where he’s laid you on one of his arms as if it’ll change anything at all about your comfort. “‘night, shu’.”
you faintly feel lips meet your forehead for a sweet, short kiss as you drift off. but you know you hear when he whispers back, “‘night, pretty baby.”
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bluerskiees · 2 years
Tokrev men reacting to a stranger saying you deserve better :) 🌬💙
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Would sob and tell you how much he loves you, how pretty you are and basically shower you with so many compliments
Would pretend to not be affected by it, but deep down thinks you deserve better.
Would give them a disgusting glare until they back away. "Thought so..... you're only mine, I'm only yours. No one can be in between"
"Says the one who can't even keep a single gf/bf" 🙄
Makes a random 'ur mom' or 'deez nutsz' joke outta nowhere and confuses the shit for everyone.
Would break their bones.
"Well..... im smarter than that. She deserves to be treated like a princess, and that's what I do. Our Bedroom is the only exception tho. She likes it rough yk"
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chochuuya · 7 months
boy next door.
hanma shuji x fem!reader
disclaimers: hair down and glasses hanma is in mind, he calls you miss perfect, slow burn kinda, college/uni setting, mentions of weed & alcohol, you & him are of the same age, hanma shuji in general 🚬
note: please do read with precaution. more suitable for those 18+, even though the overall fic is fluff and this is a sfw blog (^^ゞ
word count: 2.2k [2262]
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it’s been a few weeks since you’ve moved into a new neighbourhood, finally gaining independence and a new start in university.
the problem is, it’s anything but positive.
boom. boom. boom.
you swore that you could feel your windows pane rattle due to the loud music coming from next door.
trying to keep your cool, you found yourself in front of your new neighbour’s doorstep, apparently named hanma shuji. you shouldn’t have to be doing this. again. it’s 2 in the morning.
you knocked his door, hoping to get an answer or at least tell him to lower down his music.
there’s no response from within.
you knock a little louder and a second later, his front door swings open.
hanma, wearing only boxers, leans on the door’s frame, rubbing his eyes. his hair is disheveled and his voice is hoarse when he speaks to you.
unfazed by his appearance, you sighed before explaining yourself. “for the fifth time this week hanma, can you please lower down your volume? people are trying to sleep.”
he just stares at you, his brow furrowing. his gaze is... piercing and cold.
“look, i don’t really care about people trying to sleep. its friday; i have a party to throw.”
“at 2 am?” you didn’t even try to sneak a peek at his place. you would rather not.
hanma rolled his eyes.
“it's early; the majority aren’t here yet. but the ones that are here are having a good time.”
you stayed quiet, trying to process his words.
“fine, whatever. do whatever you please.”
he smirked, noticing your reaction and gives a mocking smirk.
“if you’re going to act like a grouch, go back to bed. it’s not like you’re invited anyway. i don’t like the look of you, miss perfect.”
“don’t like the way i look but calls me that.. what an idiot.” you mumbled to yourself and went back to your house, which is oh, so conveniently next to his.
he watched as you started to walk away.
“oh, you aren’t leaving already, are you? i thought you wanted to have a discussion with me.”
“what discussion? i only asked you to turn down your music, hanma.” you deadpanned. “good night.” you went back to the comfort of your own home.
he didn’t like that. the volume of the music increased again. the thumping and bass became even louder than before, probably just to annoy you.
you heard footsteps approaching your front door, and him knocking loudly. “hey, come out. i just wanted to talk.”
you opened the door a tiny bit as you glare at him irritated.
“what is it that you want now?”
“what i want?” he asked bitterly. “i want you to stop being such a goddamn prude.”
taken aback by that remark, you opened your door wider and your arms crossed.
“excuse me?”
hanma stepped forward, towering over you. his face was just inches away from yours, with your head tilted upward to look at him.
“i said, don’t be so uptight. just come to one of my parties already, you stick-in-the-mud.”
“i'd rather be sleeping.”
he was speechless and eyes widened as he looked down at you.
“you’re not serious, right? you’d rather be sleeping, rather than partying? it’s a friday night! everyone’s having fun, but you choose to be a loner instead?” his tone was dripping with sarcasm and he couldn’t help but sneer.
“yeah, so good night.” you closed your door once more and actually turned off the lights, trying to shoo him away.
“no wait, come ba—”
he tried opening your door, but it was locked.
“damn it...” he muttered to himself, before returning to his own home. the music continued to go on through the night.
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the next two weeks went by without the hanma shuji hosting another party. the peace had been restored, and you started to relax...
..that is, until the following tuesday.
you woke up at the ungodly hour of 4 in the morning, the loud roaring music of another party disturbing your sleep. you covered your ears in annoyance and got up to investigate.
you knocked on his door.
there he is.. just in boxers, opening his door again. his hair was wild but still somehow looked good on him. he yawned and his voice sounded raspy.
“what do you want? it’s 4am.” he stared at you sleepily, a small smirk forming on his lips as he remembered your previous encounter.
you eyed him sharply, annoyed. “how did you even sleep with music that loud?! turn it down, hanma.”
the music started again, now slightly quieter. he turned to you and once again, he did not hold back his words as they came out sharp.
“what, didn’t your parents ever teach you to mind your own business? stay in your lane, miss perfect. nobody asked you to butt into my matters and my lifestyle.”
he pushed his hair away from his face and rolled his eyes, as if your request was the dumbest thing he’d ever heard.
oh, you hoped he finds his brain back there with the amount of times he have been rolling his eyes every time you both talk.
“when your loud ass music comes to my range of hearing, it is already my business hanma. you're going to be the death of me one day.”
before you could make it back into your house, he walked up next to you, looking down at you once again.
“awww, that’s cute of you to assume that i’d ever let my music be the death of you.” his voice was cold and sarcastic, but the way he said it... sent chills down your spine.
“night's still young, and my party’s just getting going. do you mind if you... join in?”
“yes i would mind.”
typical hanma looked you up and down for a good few seconds, as if trying to decide whether or not he should keep pestering you. his gaze was sharp, and almost unsettling. and to your surprise, he actually chuckled at you.
“oh come on! i’m not letting you off that easily. i want to see you let loose for one night. you need a break from that uptight and workaholic personality you’ve got going on.”
“i don’t see the point of having parties at 4 in the morning.”
he chuckled again.
“because it’s a party, (y/n). you don’t see the point? well, let me show you then. come join us.” he took your arm and held it, waiting for a response from you.
“fine but i won’t stay long.” you reluctantly followed him into his place.
“us?” you thought to yourself.
almost immediately, the strong smell of cigarette and people almost knocked you out. your eyes dart everywhere at the crowd and felt out of place.
as soon as you walk in, you notice a few people standing against various walls in the living room. there’s also people dancing and sitting on the couch, chatting away. the smell of the devil’s lettuce is overwhelming, and it feels strange to see this side of your neighbourhood.
hanma led you to the couch where he sat, looking at you and grinning. “sit with me!” he gestured to the couch.
“make yourself at home.”
you had to cover your nose and mouth with a hand or else you would start to cough like a kid. you sit next to him anyway, since it is probably the safest.
hanma laughed at your reaction, not even bothering trying to mask his smirk.
“don’t be so dramatic, (y/n). it’s just pot!” he chuckled. “here.”
he handed you what appeared to be a.. cancer stick in your eyes.
“oh no, thank you.” you declined his offer, shaking your head.
he chuckled again — he was probably quite entertained by your reactions tonight.
“oh, come on. live a little!” he raised the joint near your face, almost forcing you to take it.
“i’m leaving if you push it any further.” you deadpanned.
he narrowed his eyes, but eventually let out a sigh.
“fiiiine, you have no fun.” he said mockingly. he took a huge hit from his cig and then exhaled the smoke slowly, before grinning at you.
“how about... just have a sip of my beer, then?you can’t be that picky when it comes to alcohol, miss perfect.”
you may not be much of a drinker but you can handle it. you hesitantly took the beer from his hand— force of habit, you wiped the opening with your hoodie before taking a sip.
“there.” you gave it back to him.
he giggled and stared at you with his arms crossed. his gaze was almost piercing. he didn’t say anything for a moment, probably waiting to tease you more.
“how old are you, again, (y/n)?”
“you don’t ask a lady that, hanma.”
he laughed. “oh, shut up. that’s a pathetic response. you’re in college, right? then just tell me your age already. you’re obviously not a little girl, so just tell me and drop the act for a second.”
you were getting irritated by the minute and feeling humid too from the crowd.
“you first.”
he smirked at your response. “fine, i'm __. now your turn, miss prude.”
you swear he just knows how to annoy you every time. you rolled your eyes.
“same age then, jerk.”
“well, well. same age, huh? that’s funny, i’d think you were way older since you act like, i don’t know... a grandma?” he laughed at his own joke as he took a sip out of his drink.
the night, or should i say morning.. dragged on until you managed to escape from his party. you took the opportunity to sleep until the actual morning.
you woke up feeling fresh and did your usual routine before throwing away your trash.
you made your way to the outside bins and that’s when you notice hanma was standing next to you. he stared at you with his piercing eyes, no surprise there.
“you know, the more that i see you around, the more annoyed i get. you’re a walking headache, (y/n).” he had an annoying smirk on his face once again — his way of trying to wind you up.
“good morning to you too, i guess.” you said nonchalantly as you threw away the trash.
hanma didn’t reply to you right away, just watched you throw away your trash without a word. you noticed that he seemed... distracted, his gaze wandering from you, to something or someone else.
something was annoying him.
“you just woke up, yet you look better than i do.” he said, his voice low. even for hanma, it was an unusual comment, as if he was trying to... compliment you?
you raised an eyebrow. “..thank you?”
you would give a more.. sassy reply like he should cut down on the damn cigs and alcohol but maybe next time.
he chuckled softly and leaned up against the wall. “no problem. i’m just saying you look good.”
he stared at you for a good few seconds, then finally spoke up again.
“do you have anything planned right now?”
“not really but—”
“you want to grab a cup of coffee with me?” he asked bluntly. he waited for a response. of course, he had a smirk on his face again, as if he was expecting you to refuse and then for him to say something smart or sarcastic in response.
you couldn’t believe your own ears and looked at him as if he transformed into a different person.
“i’m sorry, what?”
he shrugged, his tone slightly softer.
“i’m asking you out for coffee.” he looked at you as if it was the most normal thing in the world. “i’d like to get to know you.”
“uh.. sure, coffee it is.” you were still slightly surprised though but he asked nicely.
hanma nodded to you and if you were quick and had looked closely, he smiled to the ground. his eyes seemed less sharp than before.
“good. let’s go now.” he then offered you a hand to hold, waiting for you to accept.
“and stop acting so surprised. i’m not such a bad person, you know.”
“well, you are annoying.” you took your hand in his anyway.
he nodded in agreement, chuckling to himself. he was actually quite surprised that you accepted his offer so quickly.
both of you went and walked off together to a nearby coffee shop.
“do you have a boyfriend, or anything?” he asked out of nowhere.
that caught you off guard and almost made you choke on your own spit. you looked up to him in disbelief.
“right off the bat??”
he shrugged as he walked beside you.
“i’ve never liked beating around the bush, it pisses me off. besides, that way, i know if i have any chance of getting to know you more without stepping on some other guy or chick's toes.”
he was completely unbothered by your reaction to his question. in fact, he didn’t seem to care.
“what’s the big deal with that question?” he smirked. “answer the question, (y/n).”
“no, i don’t have one hanma.”
“i’m.. actually surprised. so, i have a chance huh?”
you scoffed. you knew that he was just trying to gouge a reaction out of you. shortly after, you two arrived to the coffee shop.
he ordered an iced coffee for himself, and got one for you as well. hanma's gaze was still fixated on you.
“so, what’s someone like you doing being single?”
oh, he isn’t wasting any time eh?
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please do not steal, copy, translate, repost to other sites or claim my writings as your own. plagiarism is real!
💌 hanma for ray!! @h4nman
this is.. the longest solo character fic i've ever written. just testing the waters hehe \_ヘ(ω・`) all likes & reblogs are vv much appreciated! ♡
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seichira · 2 years
his punishment, your demise.
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wherein hanma shuji loses the only person he has ever loved, despite all attempts to protect you from his world—a world of pain and death.
pairing: kmg!hanma x reader
warnings: heavy angst. death, profanity, blood, violence, knives, guns, kidnapping, gang fights, and a very heartbroken shuji.
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hanma shuji was no romantic man, but he was your man. he promised you the world, the stars, even the damn planets if you ask, and his entire future.
his love is too real, too true, and too sincere that you could almost hold it in your hands as he entrusted all that he is to you.
“i am all yours, for as long as you’d let me stay by your side,” he said that one october night when you bared your most naked feelings and thoughts to one another.
you can recall believing him, even taking reassurance from what he said. it made you sure that you will never lose him, because you will always—without a doubt—let him stay by your side because that is where you need him.
because as much as he was yours, you were also his. body and soul, and whatever else there is to offer.
oh, and another thing about hanma shuji, is that he is breaking up with you.
“i want to know why!” you almost can’t recognize your own voice from its strain. “you can’t barge in here this late in the night and decide that you don’t want to be with me anymore without a damn reason, shuji!”
there is no effort coming from your end in wiping the tears that filled your eyes, compromising the view you have of shuji who is sitting down on the couch with his hands clasped together against his face, avoiding your eyes.
“i just don’t wanna fucking do this anymore!” he shouts. “that should be enough reason to let me go! i don’t want this any longer!”
your sobs get caught in your throat, and your hand flies to your lips to stop the broken wails from coming out.
“y-you don’t want me anymore?”
the answer didn’t come nor did the love of your life move a single inch. it made you hope. that maybe he’s just confused. maybe he wants you. maybe he’s high off of something sanzu made him take even though he promised not to do that anymore—you’ll forgive him for it right now if you have to!
“shuji. shuji, you don’t mean it, right?“
a faint noise is heard when your knees hit the tiled floor of your apartment. when shuji raises his head to look, his eyes widens to see you kneeling in front of him with pleading and desperate eyes.
“what do you not understand?! it’s fuckin’ clear! they say you’re smart and all that with your damn straight As, right? why can’t you catch a clue that i don’t wanna be here!”
“but you said—you said you love me, shuji!”
he didn’t give you a chance to touch him. he stood up without a warning, making you lose your balance and falling on the floor. it was just a split second but you saw him stop himself from helping you.
what you don’t know is that it took everything in him not to come to your aid and take you into his arms to comfort you. he won’t tell you that now. maybe not ever.
“d-did i do something wrong? i know that i get clumsy and i make mistakes sometimes and if i did, i’m sorry!”
shuji can feel his entire body aching from head to toe, his skin screaming at him not to do this because it knows how much it will crave you for years after this night. but he knows what he has to do, and it involves breaking your heart.
because at the height of the era of gangs in japan, he found himself at the highest ranks of kanto manji gang. and the rival tokyo manji gang is out to kill him and the people he loves—but the only person he has ever loved is you.
like nothing happened, you pull yourself up from the floor to face him as best as you can because he is so adamant on avoiding your eyes.
“is there something wrong with me? you d-don’t find me pretty anymore? did i… change? i was stressed lately and i know it might have affected my appearance—“
“it’s not that, y/n! shit!” he curses without inhibition in the frustration that he cannot tell you anything, that he has to break your heart like this, that he has to leave you asking why.
“then what is it?!”
“i just don’t—“
you cut him off. “want this anymore! that is bullshit and you know that, shuji! we are better than this! i know that this isn’t right!”
time is running out. his enemies can find out where he is right this very moment and piece things out together, and they will figure out that in order to truly kill the reaper, they have to get rid of you first. he can’t have that.
“or…” you trail off at the last remaining possible reason in your mind, and the way the light left your once sparkling eyes didn’t go unnoticed by him. “you don’t love me anymore?”
fuck. he thinks. that will never fucking happen. he knows that in life, you will be the person whom his heart will beat for. even in death, his soul will always be in love you.
“if you don’t love me anymore… if you fell out of love with me… then i guess i can’t do anything about it.
“y/n—“ he was about to repeat his sorry of an excuse, the stupid excuse that he simply doesn’t want this relationship anymore. he knows it’s stupid, but at least it’s not him telling you the greatest lie of all—that he doesn’t love you anymore.
“just fucking say it, shuji!” you screamed. “look at me in the eye and tell me that you don’t love me anymore, and i’ll let you go!”
hanma shuji takes a step forward, leans in to level with your eyes, and like a heartless and soulless man says, “i don’t love you anymore.”
just like that, he walks out of your apartment and your life, something you have never imagined before.
the second the door closes behind him, the tears he was holding back came crashing on to him like a broken dam. he walked and walked and walked aimlessly, cursing himself to the depths of hell.
while he can’t regret you, he sure wishes that for your sake, he should’ve just contained himself from wishing to be close to you. he shouldn’t have let you fall for him so deeply. maybe you wouldn’t hurt this much.
with sin and punishment, his hands, he threw all the objects he could find in their hideout. sin and punishment. you are as clean as a saint, with no traces of sin. yet, he had to punish you in such a cruel, heartbreaking way.
what was he thinking? he’s one of the dangerous men that graced this earth! how could he think that an angel like you could live a normal, happy life with him?! outrageous! his selfishness is outrageous!
meanwhile, you grieve hanma shuji like he died. he is good as dead anyway, knowing that there is not a chance he would ever show himself to you ever again. you had no idea that he would be the one to actually grieve you.
a week after he broke up with you, the battle between the two tomans breaks out. a week after he broke up with you, two men kidnapped you from the comfort of your own home, and took you the site where the rest of them were.
to kill you right in front of him.
“hanma shuji!” the man holding you announces, momentarily halting the ocean of punches and kicks being thrown below you. they all looked up at you, being held at the top of the container van with a cloth on your mouth and blindfold on your eyes.
you are terrified. every inch of your body is trembling from the fear of being in another man’s hold, of being in this situation. but the mere mention of hanma shuji’s name is enough to make you relieved.
he’s here. your shuji is here.
but god, if you were terrified, shuji was already dying from the inside out. he thinks he could vomit all of his insides out of the unleveled fear of seeing you like that.
how did they get to you? he was so sure you were out of everyone’s eyes and ears! he protected you all this time! he has men tailing you to make sure no one would harm you! how could this fucking happen?!
“y/n!” he screamed your name before carelessly clearing the path in front of him.
for the first time in his life, he is afraid.
“fuckers! you gotta fuckin’ problem with me, you face me! cowards! she has got nothing to do with this!”
“well, well—you never played nice, reaper. why would i?” the man taunted, but everyone can see how he starts to trace your skin with the cold, sharp knife. you felt it, too.
in the middle of his trail to reach you, he is stopped by the captains of the tokyo manji gang.
you are scared for him, so you struggled. the toman captain holding you was kind enough to remove your gag. shuji curses out loud when he hears you call his name, “shuji! you can’t go here! he has a knife! he will hurt you!”
you think he cares about that?!
he is on the verge of breaking down. he knows you could die here. he knows what these men are capable of. men like him.
“i’ll get to you, i promise!” he shouts, trying to ease your worries in the midst of his own storm going on inside this head.
“no! you can’t! you will get hurt!”
he starts fighting off everyone, and normally, he couldn’t do it alone but maybe it’s the adrenaline and the sheer fear of losing you that enables him to knock them unconscious.
“shit! why the fuck does he have to climb that fucking high of the container vans?!” sanzu remarks.
the rest of kanto manji gang is holding off everyone else, as they also tried to reach you. if only you don’t have a blindfold, you’d see kakucho, ran, rindou, and sanzu killing everyone on sight to get to you as fast as they can—but not as fast as your lover.
however, the thing about his world is that there are no cliches, no promises of happy endings, and definitely no mercy. he can’t expect the enemy to play nice, to buy him time, because he never did the same for others.
an eye for an eye.
“say goodbye to your sweet lil angel, hanma!”
with that, a knife cuts through your side, and a bullet from another enemy from behind penetrates your chest.
a deafening silence follows, a precursor to hanma shuji’s scream of your name, a sound that would later haunt the people present that night both in their sleep and in their waking moments.
fate is cruel, because just a few seconds after you dropped down, he reaches you. if he had arrived a few seconds earlier, it is clear to everyone that he could have saved you.
but this is hanma shuji’s world.
“y/n! y/n!” at this point, he is full on sobbing and calling for your name with a broken voice. “call an ambulance, damn it!” he orders.
“baby? baby…” he taps your cheeks. “we’ll get you to the hospital, alright? it’s okay. it will be okay. i promise you. i’m here, see? i’m here.”
nobody cared that the kanto manji captains have killed the person who did it to you. nobody looked at anything or anyone else but the scenario unfolding in front of them.
everyone can only watch the man hold you in his arms to cradle you. they can only stand around and witness hanma shuji lose the love of his life, a person who is never meant to die like this, but does anyway because she fell in love.
“s-shuji…” your face is wet with tears, but they aren’t your tears. you raised your hand with the last remaining energy you have left as life slowly slipped away from you, holding his face on the palm of your hand.
your whole world in your hand.
“ssh.. sshh.. baby, it’s okay, yeah? don’t talk. save your energy. we’ll talk later, okay?”
his eyes are unfocused and he is trembling, but you badly need him to accept that if you two are to talk, you have to do it now.
“i-i… love you… shuji…” your voice is failing you but you have to say it, or else he will never forgive himself for today. because despite everything he told you the night you broke up, you know that he will always care for you whether he liked it or not.
“shuji… i have no regrets… d-don’t regret you. thank you f-for loving me before—“
“i love you. i love you. y/n, i will always love you, so please! don’t fuckin’ give up on me now, dammit!”
and you little shit had the guts to smile in this situation, “you l-love me… i’m so relieved… because i will always… love…”
you never finished the sentence.
“a-angel… c’mon. wait a bit more, baby. the ambulance is on its way. you can’t give up on me now. can’t leave me now. still gotta give you that home library you want!”
“baby, you can’t do this to me.” he’s still going on and on, trying to wake you up, trying to pretend that he is not bathing in your blood.
you’re not moving. you’re not telling him to calm down. you’re not assuring him that it is going to be fine. you’re not telling him you love him.
hanma shuji dropped his lips to rest on your forehead to kiss it over and over again.
i love you. i love you. i love you.
everyone stopped and bowed their heads, because they respect you—a victim of a life of blood and death. but also because all of them knows how it is like to find salvation in love, despite being stuck in this life.
but how about hanma shuji?
is this the price he has to pay for all his sins? the gods must be so cruel. if so, he prefers the idea of hell, than to live this life without you.
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a/n: it hurt my soul writing this as if their lives aren’t literally in my hands. anyway, likes and reblogs are appreciated!
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whatdoidosatoru · 20 days
lost in you
pairing: hanma shuji x reader | ao3
in which shuji comes home after a fight and needs to be taken care of <3
wc: 3.3k
cw: first person (sorry i just can't do second person pov), bruises, fighting (duh), no y/n, dry humping, some dirty talk, shuji is so needy, riding, light choking, unprotected sex, creampie, begging, pet names (baby, doll face)
Coming back home late from a fight was normal behaviour for Shuji Hanma. He fought for the thrill of it, for shits and giggles, but what he didn’t like about the whole ordeal was getting scolded for his injuries by his girlfriend.
His sweet girlfriend, who had never even thrown a punch, who didn’t like him fighting, who, despite that, always patched him up whenever he needed it and kissed his bruises better when he came home.
Now it was two in the morning and he had just parked his motorbike outside of the apartment complex. He walked up to the door and buzzed the intercom.
“Baby? It’s me, let me in.”
He wasn’t in the mood for anything apart from lying down pressed against his girlfriend’s chest and resting his aching limbs.
Inside the building, I got off the sofa where I dozed off while waiting for him to come back. I tried to stretch my neck but only made it hurt worse, so I dragged my feet (and the blanket that was draped over my shoulder) to the front door and buzzed him in. 
I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and waited by the door to hear his footsteps and let him in.
He smiled as soon as he saw me standing in the doorway, wrapping his arms tightly around me. He didn’t hold back, squeezing me with all his leftover energy, and I responded with a tight embrace filled with everything I had at the moment.
“Hey baby…” He cooed softly, leaning down to plant a few kisses along my jaw and neck.
I was melting in his arms, slightly slurring my words as I was still waking up.
“Shuji, is everything okay?”
He chuckled softly, gently picking me up off the ground and carrying me into the living room. 
“Everything’s fine, baby. Sorry I’m home late,” he says softly, sitting down on the sofa, placing me on his lap, “just…had some assholes piss me off, nothing new.”
I ran my hands across his chest, checking his face and the sides of his head, his back, arms, thighs…everything, for any signs of bruises or other injuries. He definitely had a rough night, his body was littered with new and fading bruises from the previous fights. He allowed me to look him over, gently tilting my chin up with his fingers so he could look into my eyes clouded with worry.
“Baby, I’m fine…I promise I am.”
He assured me softly, pressing a few tender kisses to my lips. My lips stayed in a pout after he kissed them repeatedly, too tired to adjust my face.
“Who was it tonight?”
He couldn’t help but sigh at my question and the fact I even had to ask.
“Ran Haitani and his prick of a little brother.”
He grumbled softly, his hand holding me by the chin to appreciate my pout in full.
I leaned forward to kiss an old bruise on his jaw gently, reaching the back of his neck with my hand. He closed his eyes at my gentle touch, tilting his head back for better access. 
He breathed out softly, his hands tracing down my waist and the tops of my thighs.
His eyes were lidded as he looked back down at me. I shifted on his lap so I straddled him instead of sitting sideways, getting better access to hug him and never let go. I trailed my lips softly along his bruises, down to his Adam’s apple. I let out a hum, feeling him gulp under my lips.
“Baby…what can I do to make you feel better?”
He practically purred as he ran his large tattooed hands along my thighs and back, feeling my body against his, distracting him from the soreness of his limbs and his bruises.
“Baby, you really wanna know what’ll make me feel better?”
My hands went into his hair, gently scratching his scalp again, seeing him become putty in my hands.
“Mhmm, what is it?”
He leaned back into the sofa, tilting his head back once more, melting in my hold. He couldn’t help but groan at the feeling, relaxing and erotic at the same time.
“Your touch…” he practically moaned out, “keep doing what you’re doing…it feels so…” he breathed out the word “good…”
I smirked as I tugged the strands of his hair ever so slightly before scratching gently again. I leaned forward to press a kiss to where his jaw met his ear and whispered.
“Feels good, baby?”
He shivered and his eyes drifted shut at my voice, a moan escaping his lips.
“F-fuck baby…” he breathed out shakily, “yeah…it feels…really good. Don’t…don’t stop.”
I let out a breathy chuckle as I saw him draw shallow breaths and shakily speak. His breath was warm against my neck and it sent shivers down my body.
I lifted my hips slightly just to rock them against his, teasing both of us at the same time. I kissed along his jawline and down to his neck, my tongue darting out to taste his skin.
“You deserve to feel good, baby.”
He shuddered at the slight contact of my hips, a breathy moan escaped his lips as his own hips buck to chase mine.
“Mmm…you make me feel so good…” he moaned out softly and pulled me closer, nuzzling into my neck and leaving small kisses on my skin, “don’t stop…”
I arched into his chest, pressing my breasts into him and biting the soft skin of his neck. My hands gripped his scalp tighter, sending shivers down his body. My hips pressed against his harder, begging to release some of the tension that was building between my thighs.
“What do you need baby? Tell me and I’ll give it to you.” I practically moaned into his neck.
He all but moaned out, tilting his head to the side to allow me easier access to his neck. His grip on my hips tightened, pressing me further down until I straddled him more firmly. A strained gasp escaped his lips as the movement pressed my clothed pussy against his straining bulge.
“I need…” He bit his bottom lip, barely holding back a low groan, “you, baby…don’t make me say it out loud.”
I chuckled against the sensitive skin of his neck, licking up to his ear and whispering.
“Mmm I kind of want to hear you beg, baby, but I’ll be good.”
I rocked my hips against his bulge, one of my hands still scratching at his scalp lightly, the other snaking up under his shirt and tracing the lines of his abs and chest. My rolling hips sped up slightly, helped by his firm grip on my ass and waist.
His breath came out in short bursts, each sound leaving his mouth either a desperate moan or a choked-back shiver. He couldn’t help himself, his fingers were digging into my plush skin as the friction on his bulge nearly had him seeing stars.
“Baby…f-fuck…” He practically gasped out, a cry for mercy. “B-baby…”
I used one hand to squeeze his cheeks together, pressing a deep kiss onto his pouty lips, swallowing every moan that had slipped from them. I lifted my hips up from his lap and in a soft voice commanded him.
“Unzip your jeans, Shuji.” 
As I said that, I moved the cloth of my panties to the side to allow him access to my slippery folds.
His mind was spinning, and with a shaky exhale he was all too happy to comply, his hands making quick work of his button and zipper, releasing his bulge from the denim confines with a sigh of released tension. His gaze flew over my body, ready in front of him, and landed back on my eyes.
“You’re so…gorgeous…”
I reached into his underwear and took out his hard and throbbing cock, positioning it at my entrance, and swiping it along my wet folds a few times for good measure. I took a moment to brush my thumb on his bottom lip slowly and kissed him deeply before sinking down on him, tantalisingly slowly.
His moans were hot on my lips, his breath heavy and thick against me as he wrapped his arms around me, holding me close to feel my body shivering as I took in his length all the way to the hilt. I moaned into his mouth as I sat flush on his lap. I rose up, sat back down, and rolled my hips a few times to establish my rhythm.
Every roll of my hips and every grind on his lap had him moaning and growling against my already kiss-swollen lips. His arms tightened their hold around me as I bounced on him.
“You look…so pretty…like this…” he moaned softly, his voice gruff, “I can’t…get enough of you…”
I let out a soft chuckle at the compliment, then ran a hand through my hair and threw my head back in pleasure, letting out a loud moan into the air. His lips were on my neck, needily kissing it with an open mouth. 
“You’re…so big, Shuji. Mmm feels fucking good, baby.”
He cursed under his breath, burying his face into my neck.
“You take me…so good…” He breathlessly moaned out, his arms flexing around my waist in an effort to keep me closer. 
I let out a needy groan, my hands moved up my body to squeeze my breasts before sliding back down to his chest, one still on my own body, rubbing circles around my clit as I mewled from all the sensations. I quickened my hips, desperately chasing a high, but still wanting to keep this going as long as possible.
He watched my hand work my clit carefully as his hands trailed up my sides and back down, settling on my plush thighs. He moaned at the sight, his breath catching in his throat.
“That feel good, baby?” He moaned out softly, his face flushed. “You look so…perfect…like that.”
I mewled at his words, nodding as I bit my lip. My hips sped up, rolling more intensely against him now, feeling his cock stretch me and hit all the right spots.
“S’good baby, feel so…full hmmm” I squeezed out a moan as I was getting close to release. “S-swear sometimes you go and fight just t-to get inside me…”
He chuckled breathlessly, his hand tracing along my thighs before his thumb replaced my fingers against my throbbing clit, rubbing it gently in time with my riding.
“Mmm…maybe I do…” he admitted with a playful smirk, his breath hot and heavy against my sensitive skin, “you know I can’t…get enough of you…”
He moaned lowly into my ear, his voice turning into a soft plea against my tight skin.
“Baby…I’m s-so close…”
I leaned against him, resting my head on his shoulder as I cried out with his thumb rubbing me just right, increasing the pressure just how I liked it.
“F-fuuck baby…I…don’t stop I-I’m so close…”
I sped up my hips, my rolls and hard drops of my ass against his lap becoming more desperate as he sped up his thumb on my clit. His breaths and moans became heavier, I could feel his breath faltering, warmth spreading against my neck.
His thumb pressed harder, rubbed faster in a desperate attempt to make me cry out in pleasure and cum around him, coming apart on his lap.
“C-come on…come on, for me baby…” he practically moaned the words into my ear, “wanna…see you cum…please…want you to cum…so badly…”
His other hand reached up to the base of my throat to squeeze a little, making me close my eyes in ecstasy and cry out his name at the feeling of his long, nimble fingers restricting my throat. The sight of his large tattooed hand snaking up my body to grip my neck was enough to send me reeling.
“Shu-ah fucccck Shuji!”
He moaned in response to my loud cry, the sound of his name slipping through my throat nearly finishing him off. He gripped my hips with both hands now, pulling me onto him, thrusting upwards into me like a maniac.
“That’s…good girl…” he moaned out against my chest now, grabbing any bit of flesh he could with his teeth, biting and marking anything he could reach, “so good for me…”
I shuddered at the intensity of my climax, my pussy clenching around him, and the sensation of his teeth grazing me, his lips sucking in any bit of skin they could. I cursed under my breath, not being able to slow down the rhythm, rolling my hips as he pushed into me with vigour, trying to get him to cum inside me again, chasing the feeling of being full.
“Shuji, baby, need you…fuuuck…need you so bad please.”
The feeling of my warm walls tightening around him, along with the pleas from my lips were enough to have him growling out my name, his breath became a low gasp as his hips moved to meet mine mid-roll. He was practically melting at the sound of my mewling for him.
“Y-yeah?...” he moaned out breathlessly, leaning down to bite a hickey into the soft flesh above my breast, “need me to…what? Tell me, baby…”
I groaned as he used my own words against me, making me say it out loud. My hips were recklessly rolling into him as I tugged on his hair lightly.
“Baby…I wan-I need you…to…fuck ah…need you to fill me up…ah”
He responded with a low, guttural moan from his parted lips, his gaze drifting to watch my lips rock against his. He knew he wouldn’t last much longer, not with those noises coming out of my lips.
“Say please baby…” he moaned out desperately against my chest, nipping it in the process, “say please…and I’ll give you everything…”
I mewled against his neck, my forehead pressed against his shoulder for support.
“P-please Shuji, cum in me…fill me up please…” I gasped as his thumb returned to my clit and started rubbing it quickly, “m-make it trickle d-down my thigh, baby…” I rolled my hips harder, clenching around him with need, “make my birth control work overtime, please, baby…”
A low, guttural moan of ‘yes’ escaped his lips in a barely audible whisper. His breaths turned into heavy gasps as he was still fighting his own release.
He reached up to cup my cheek in his large tattooed hand, tilting my head towards him to capture my lips into a greedy, messy kiss, practically pouring every ounce of passion and energy into it. He broke the kiss only to bite down on my bottom lip, his hips still moving up to meet mine in a more intense thrust.
I moaned into his mouth as he pulled me in, I neared another shuddering orgasm.
“Cum for me, Shuji, please baby…”
He moaned as heated, breathless gasps left his parted, kiss-swollen lips. He continued rocking his hips into mine, his cock bullying its way into me with each movement.
“B-baby…I’m close…” he murmured as he captured my lips with his again, “tell me…say please…I need to hear…you beg for me…”
I cried out, feeling my climax nearly there.
“Shuji please, b-baby, need your cum…need it please, give it to me, give me what I need baby please-”
He moaned against my lips, the hot breath bathing my sensitive lips and nearly breaking me. My mewling and begging nearly drove him wild, he was a desperate mess, his body pleading for release.
“Beg me…more…please,” he moaned through his teeth, “be…be a good girl for me…”
I whimpered and a sob escaped my throat into his shoulder where I was barely holding on. His cock was still working its pace, rutting into me even when I slowed down my hip movements.
“I’ve been g-good for you, baby, haven’t I? Please, baby, please, please, I need it…please, Shuji, fuck please, I’ll do anything…”
A guttural moan of pleasure ripped itself from his parted lips, his breath heavier against my skin.
“Yes…” he moaned out in hot gasps, his voice thick and raspy, “you have…so good for me…my good girl..”
I couldn’t hold myself back any longer, I cried out his name, along with a few curses, into his neck, shuddering and releasing another orgasm, clamping down on his thrusting cock. Squeezing and not letting go of him until I got every last drop of what he had to offer.
His breathing turned into deep moans as he rutted into me and finally spilled his cum all over my wet walls, shuddering in ecstasy, slowing down to help us ride out our highs together.
“Baby…” he all but groaned out, the soft nickname on his lips like a prayer, “good girl…you’re such a good girl…” he moaned into my neck, pressing a gentle kiss to my collarbone.
“Love…love you so much…love you Shuji, so much.”
His breath gradually evened out as he came down from his high. He pulled back to look into my eyes, his expression nothing less than utterly mesmerised and enamoured with me in his arms.
“Love you…more…” he murmured softly, his gaze practically glowing gold as it burned into mine, “so glad you’re mine…”
I attached my lips to his in a deep expression of the intense love I held for him.
“We’re not playing that game today, baby,” I stroked his hair gently, “you’re so good to me.”
He moaned into the kiss, eyes fluttering shut as he leaned into the touch of his head.
“Mmm, and you’re an angel…” he muttered under his breath, his face glowing in bliss as he pulled away slightly, “my favourite person in the entire world…”
I chuckled and shook my head lightly at this weirdo.
“It helps that you don’t like other people, but okay, I’ll take it.”
He rolled his eyes at my response, at the same time a smirk spread across his lips.
“Fair enough…” he paused for a moment, the smirk softening into an affectionate smile, “you really are my person, though.” He muttered in a soft tone, his gaze gentle and loving. “You’re my world…”
I caressed his cheek, smiling warmly at him.
“You’re such a damn sap. You’re lucky I would never go around and tell people.”
“Oh am I, huh?” He mused as he leaned into my hand, “You’re lucky I’m only this way with you, doll face. My reputation would be in ruins otherwise…”
“Big bad wolf, God of Death, Shuji Hanma, a big ol’ sappy pile of moans and shivers under a kiss of one girl, and one girl only.”
He sighed, shaking his head in amusement as he rolled his eyes.
“You make me sound so…needy and desperate. But maybe I am…I’m lost in you, completely.”
His hand moved up and gently gripped my thigh as he kissed me, gently, slowly. His thumb was tracing soft patterns along my flushed skin, his kiss as warm and tender as a summer evening.
I sighed against his lips when he broke the kiss, lips still in a light pout, not even an inch from mine and head tilted to the side.
“Take us to bed, baby?”
He gently picked me up and began making his way to the bedroom, pressing soft kisses against my neck and shoulders as he went. My feet were dangling along his sides and he held me tight. When he dropped me onto the bed, he crawled in after me and covered us with the duvet, snuggling into me, burying his face into my neck and breathing in my scent as if it was a drug he could only get from me.
His embrace tightened ever so slightly as if he was afraid he’d lose me if he didn’t hold on tight enough.
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beaunoor · 4 months
In your masterlist for Tokyo Revengers do you write for something like reader being a boyfriend or girlfriend of Kisaki Theta (Kisaki may or may not have rule 63 applied to him) and becoming friends with Hanma ?
Hi anon! sure I could write for him. if this isn’t what you had in mine I can revise later,,,got a bit carried away writing out a backstory sorry
kisaki tetta x gn reader; last timeline au
Notes: one curse, not proofread
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You knew Kisaki from when you were teens. You observed from afar—how he associated himself with the ruffians around school, how odd it was for him to change his style to match those who he surrounded himself with, you wanted to avoid any bad karma he would bring…
It wasn’t until years later into your adult life when you had seen him again. You don’t ever pay attention to anything sport related, but when you were asked to deliver files from your boss to the founders of TK&KO company at the infamous race track you couldn’t help but grimace at the task. 
You tried to keep a neutral face when you had handed him the folder. Keeping busy by looking around the box they sat in and casually watching the cars zoom around the track, sneakily glancing at him and how well he’s grown up
“These numbers look well done. Who’s the one overseeing the transactions?”
You cleared your throat.
“That would be me, sir.”
He finally peered up at you from where he sat through the lens of his glasses.
“Oh, L/n right?”
You raised your eyebrows in surprise.
“Ah–yes that’s right sir.”
“There’s no need for formality, we're about the same age. We go way back anyway.” He stood up from his seat, fixing his suit. “I want to have a meeting with your boss, L/n.”
And that is how you ended up being close to the calculating man. He quite literally bought shares of the company you worked at and now you more or less work as an accountant for him
Late nights spent at the office turned into nightly talks about the past with each other if he was ever in office. Instead of going home like a good homebody would do, you would knock on his door, offering a cup of coffee or tea and you would keep him company until he was done for the day. When you both were out of the building, you would part ways and be on your merry way home.
It wasn’t until one night before you would all be dismissed for holiday when he stopped you from going home and asked to take you out for dinner, hand scratching the back of his head as he struggled to focus on your reaction.
From then on he would do right by you and treated you as a good man should, properly asking to be your partner
You were aware that the gang he used to be a part of still had ties to him so you weren’t surprised to see a friend on occasion
But this—this was a bit different
You awkwardly stood up against the wall of the elevator, trying your best not to turn your head to see the piercing eyes on you as the lanky man who has also gotten onto the elevator up to the office saddled up to you. You were literally sweating bullets at the fact that he was standing so close and was just staring at you, as you had no idea what his intentions were.
When the elevator dinged, you both walked out and you realized he was indeed following you all the way. He had to be important to come to this floor in the first place but this was way too odd.
You knocked on the office door, opening the door ajar to pop your head in to hand Kisaki a document for his meeting, ready to whisper about the creepy man. But another presence opened the door all the way and there the creep stood and you could do nothing but stare in shock.
“Oh, Hanma there you are.” Kisaki said. “I see you’ve already scared Y/n.”
“Ah so they’re that one—” Hanma started
“Y/n you can go now.” Kisaki interrupted
Hanma would wait after that meeting to formally introduce himself. Afterwards, you became an odd pair of friends. 
He teased and bothered Kisaki quite often just for the kick of it, though you would often join in to rile up your man.
Hanma has an odd sense of humor that you try to understand, but sometimes it’s better not to
Yes, hanma has suggested you become a throuple and will continue to do so just to piss off Kisaki
When he would come over to your guys’ place to have a drink the both of them were a lot to handle, but you couldn’t help but smile and giggle at the obvious display of friendship
One night Hanma had drunkenly told you a little secret about kisaki you would never have guessed
“I remember Kisaki when he was a little shy idiot who wanted everything. Even though he was too much of a wuss to confess to this one girl one time and even more of a pussy to talk to you back when you guys were in grade school.”
You egged him on to tell you more before Kisaki shouted at him to shut the fuck up. You still ask Kisaki about the rest of the story but he refuses to tell you.
Hanma was a good confidant when he needed to be and being a photographer he had a good amount of free time he would hang around the racing track or the office when you were in to work
It was a nice connection to have that made you smile
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ahh so excited to have my first anon! thank you for requesting!
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tokyo-daaaamn-ji-gang · 5 months
I feel like hamna's the type of mf to be like "where's my hug at?" Just to take the piss
Oh definitely!!! He would be so funny with it too, enjoying people's reactions. I can especially see this in the final timeline with Kisaki, like Hanma is travelling around as a photographer for ages so doesn't see Kisaki for awhile and the first thing he says to him when they see each other again is "where's my hug at?". Then laughs as Kisaki rolls his eyes.
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Ngl I feel like he'd be a bit shocked though if he met someone who openly hugged him after he said that
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kenslilove · 6 months
speak 🎙️
😞 oh boy here we go…
shuji who decides that spicing up your sex life includes kidnapping you. He’s insane bb. One day he’s just pinning you to the wall, and you think maybe he’s gunna fell you up and instead you feel a piece of tape over your lips :(( he restrains you real quick despite your squirming and he’s grinning like a mad man the whole time “cmon dolly, let’s go on an adventure~”
He’s got you in his car and he just drives around aimlessly, while you squirm, whimper and thrash about. Oh, did I mention he’s got a vibrator tucked in you? A lil bullet that’s steady and making you wet and needy by the minute. And shuji knows your fear translate to desire. That you trust him wholeheartedly, that he’s not actually going to hurt you. And that makes it all the more enjoyable for him. He likes to push you like this, put you through insane situations just to feel your pussy still damp and fluttery every time he does it 😞
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marabout2772 · 4 months
⚠️ TW BLOOD ⚠️
If I had a nickel for every fanarts I've done for one of @mitsukkai 's fic, I would have two nickels, which isn't a lot, but it's strange it happened twice 👀
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The fic is called thy art, its hankisa, and IT'S SO FUCKING COOL ! GO READ IT EVERYONE !!!
(But please read the tags before ! Heavy description of murder, blood and gore !)
Literally the second I finished reading it, I had this urge to draw it ! I dunno what's with your writing mitsukkai, but it make me want to CREATE
Also I tried another style of shading/lighting, so its a bit inconsistent, sorry about that !
Likes are cool, reblogs are cooler btw !
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katkusuo · 2 months
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fem!reader possibly a fighter reader
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It was a dark night in a sketchy alley way somewhere in tokyo it was a place that you fucking hated because it was sketchy, and it always gave you a shiver as you walked down the alley you was met with a small group of men pervs at that eying you which you didn't appreciate for shit you didn't necessarily hate men but you did dispise some it was no big deal to feel unsafe in suspicious areas, but honestly, you felt more of a hate then a discomfort sure you loved getting into fights but not every second a girl always gotta get a break but of course, some asshole from the group decides to walk over with confidence as the man mutters drunkly "mmm lady come ere I need ya" this weird comment made your face instantly flip like a chair being put on a table after a school day your face instantly turned into the most irritated look you could ever give but before you come even throw any hits your met with a overly strong and not so bright aura from behind you an aura you can spot anywhere it was your boyfriend the infamous valhalla leader boyfriend from the men's point of view all they saw was a short angry girl and an lanky tall batshit terrifying guy behind her that screamed scary dog privilege as you went and turned around you saw your boyfriend none other then Shuji hanma grinning down at you as if mind reading you on tag teaming these bastards but then hanma muttered "nah...sweet cheeks leave em too me just sit and watch"
@darkstarlight82 @i-literally-cant-with-this @kazutora-kurokawa @arlerts-angel
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