#happy story
trek-tracks · 1 year
"Do you have a phone?"
I looked up from my bowl of pho (which I had ordered to attempt to recover from the error of dressing for yesterday's 24C weather in today's 4C weather) to see a little girl, probably between 4-6, the daughter of the proprietors in the otherwise-empty restaurant.
"Sure," I said. "What do you need?"
"Do you have a translator app? Can you tell me how to say sriracha and hoisin sauce in Vietnamese? I need to say them to my grandma."
"Let's look them up," I said. So we did, as well as I could manage, on Google Translate. In the meantime, she asked me what had happened to the Duolingo owl on my app (it looks like it's on fire, for a year-plus streak). She ran to the back of the restaurant, and I heard an exclamation of recognition and laughter.
As grandma rang up my lunch, the girl handed me my receipt. "Wait," she said, snatching it back."
"Oh, wrong copy?" I asked.
"One second," she said, staring at me and scribbling. Then she handed me this. We wished each other a lovely day, and I left.
It's going on my fridge. The world is a wholesome place, sometimes.
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bunjovibunny · 1 year
An actual police bun! Wellness Officer Percy, with Yuba City Police Department. 4-6-23. #OfficerHops #YubaCity #PoliceBunny #Percy #PoliceDepartment #Wholesome #Rabbit
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furiousgoldfish · 1 year
Stickers first.
Yesterday, I was at a gathering with a team of friends. Getting there was a nightmare, being there was very fun. Because the train ride there was long, and I had a very new, very bland notebook, I decided to take my little folder of stickers with me.
That was one of my best decisions lately.
We were sitting in a place, and some guys were talking about how they are bothered by the tape, because it was a busy print, but it just repeated. They said "this should be full of stickers."
And I went like "you guys, you're not gonna believe this one."
And I took out a sticker sheet. And then another. and another. There was a BUNCH of stickers on the table very soon, and this group of grown adults went completely wild over it. These were pretty cheap, but hand-selected little sticker sheets, and they brought SO MUCH JOY to the group. So, we spent a solid twenty minutes sticking things on other things - now there is a peacock on the tape, phones got decorated, whatnot. It was great
So, sometimes, even though all the trauma stole your childhood, it comes back a little. And I wish for it to come back for you like mine did.
That is a joyful story, thank you for bringing it on my blog! I'm glad you were there to make everyone's day with the sticker paradise.
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quinndelightful · 1 year
Hey, shoutout to the little girl at my work the other day.
Her mom was checking out, and I was scanning the items and doing my thing, and her little girl was showing me her toy she was carrying. Reassuring me that she didn't steal it.
(I work fashion retail, so there were no toys in the store lol)
But I'm all 'That's such a cool toy, and thats good to know you didn't;t take it, I believe you.' ect ect
And then she asks me to scan it,
I of course, oblige and take it gently and wave it infant off the sensor and I go "beep" and hand it back and-
My heart hurt from the joy <333
I hope I made her day even a little bit of how much she made mine <3
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ghostofpolaris · 1 year
My Voltaire poster finally got framed 🥺💕 I'm stoked for the concert on August 26th!
The Black Labyrinth is upon us!
To those who don't know the story, I went to the Aurelio Voltaire concert last year while he was touring around and I went by myself. It was at a really low point and I loved his music for YEARS so seeing this was a nice birthday gift to myself. This was before my brother passed away, but I faced issues with my dad both emotionally and legally. My father was super abusive on different fronts and when I finally broke free away from him, he retaliated legally by taking away the only thing that could be even considered an inheritance.
After the concert, he and I talked. I told him how it felt so hard to go on because I loved my dad (this concert happened before I finally decided to break free from him) but struggled with that, and other issues in my life. It felt almost like I could never escape and be me. His story during the concert about his own issues with his mental health really touched me, and he really was so kind. Voltaire told me about the story of the Black Labyrinth coming out, how there was a general in the book coming out named Artorius (which he thought was funny because when he was signung this poster beforehand I told him my name was Artorias which caught his attention) who was the first to realize that enough was enough.
He looked me right in the eye and reiterated: Enough is enough. You need to leave them behind. You've had enough.
It made both of us cry and we hugged it out and I told him I hoped this would not be the last time I saw him, and he told me it won't, and that he expected me back the next year. So, I did it! I'm coming back next year. A lot of stuff has hit me hard, but I am getting raised by bats and coming home. 🥺 I kept my promise to Voltaire and hope to make some friends in Orlando that night.
I hope you are proud Voltaire, been here since The Night and now The Black Labyrinth. 💕
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im-mekh · 9 months
【🤍 𝐖𝐡𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐍𝐮𝐧 𝐃𝐢𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬】 ~ 【Most "Un-depressing" SMP Server - DreamSMP】
If you know about DreamSMP, lemme know about have you watched DreamSMP from 2021 Era.
Last week, I showed you the most depressing SMP servers I've been to, DountSMP, I showed you how to sell Sugarcanes, Cactus and buying full gear and combat of Netherite set, And that made me cry and my side-effect was uncontrollable, and many of you cannot self-control. DountSMP is depressing.
But in the SMP servers, there are 3 types of SMP Minecraft servers, such as Vanilla, Peaceful and Anarchy.
So what about...
DreamSMP ? What do people do there ?
To answer that question, I watched "DreamSMP" videos, and what I saw there will make you unexpectedly happy, because it is un-depressing.
And yes, I watched it's been like 2 years now in 2021 and as seen on Tiktok, and I was surprised by how happy it was !
DreamSMP was created in 24th of April 2020, besides Minecraft Manhunt. exploring of the world most peaceful things player like, using Netherite set, Jukebox discs, and lore stories.
The following is another true story. I watched all more DreamSMP videos, it makes me happy and feel inspired by building structures on my personal singleplayer worlds, I've been listening to Tommyinnit's Podcast on Spotify.
At the end of the day. DountSMP is still depressing, but it can change ! And it can become a SMP servers with peaceful and war player, happiness community and ending of life.
One day, DountSMP can be as good as DreamSMP. See you in the next story !
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thevoidscreamer · 1 year
When the egg cracks and that little beak pokes out...
Today, it finally clicked for someone in my life. I’ve been watching them chew on this thought for literal years, and finally, it clicked while they were just rambling about their frustrations, and it went a little something like this:
“I just don’t like using labels.”
“Well, really what it is, is that I don’t like it when people assume I’m a man.”
“The words ‘man, he, him, sir, cisgender, straight, etc.’ place me into a category that doesn’t accurately describe me.”
“I’m not like other ‘men,’ you know? I can’t really relate to them, like at all.”
“I use the labels ‘man’ and ‘cisgender’ because I don’t feel like I fit into ‘the other category.’ Like, I’m definitely not a woman. So it’s not like I’m trans, right?”
“Oh. OH. OH NO. That’s the problem. Default genders shouldn’t be a thing, and the default gender category is cisgender. The options are man or woman. But people don’t fit into just those two things, obviously.”
“Wait. Is that what nonbinary means? The societal binary options of ‘man’ or ‘woman’ don’t accurately describe someone, so they’re nonbinary?”
“Wow, this is great! I wish I could tell everyone about this; how cool, I can be whatever I want! I don’t have to be a cis-man!”
“Am I allowed to use they/them? Would that be weird? It just works so much better.”
“Wait... does that mean I’m trans?”
Through their own thinking this person realized that, as it turns out, you don’t have to fit yourself into a category that doesn’t actually apply to you. 
Sometimes it’s gentle, open conversations like these, conducted in safe spaces over the course of years, that allow room for a person to know, love, and accept themself. That is why transness should not be hidden from children. This person spent the first 40 years of their life feeling like they had no community. So many of us don’t know until half our lives have been spent. Our children deserve better.
Important note: Not everyone who is nonbinary identifies as trans, and not everyone who uses they/them identifies as nonbinary or transgender. And not everyone who doesn’t identify with their gender assigned at birth identifies as transgender.
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mybpdiary · 1 year
Happy story! Overcame Self-harm addiction!!
I was pretty addicted to SH. Its the worst coping mechanism anyone could have. And I wanted to get better.
I planted a lemongrass plant a month or so ago from store bought stalks. Sprouted the stalks in the jar I used to store my SH "tools" in and threw away the blades. I was worried the plant might not grow at all or die on me midway since it's pretty hot this year. Forgot to water it for a couple days as well.
Against all odds, it survived! The plant not only survived but it's thriving and giving me new stalks every week!! It refused to give up on life
Just like I did... And I made my first tea with it and guess what? It's fucking awesome!
I'm not saying time will make things better. But you'll be stronger. It's unfair for us to fight these battles. But we're gonna turn out just as amazing as this fucking tea
Has it been easy? No. Will it ever become easy? Not counting on it. But I will fucking fight just to spite life
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That blessed moment when you explain (for the second time) to your mum that you're asexual/panromantic and she asks what that means so you tell her and she has a revelatory moment where she realizes that explains her entire romantic history up until now because she's also asexual panromantic and you're just sat in the car as delighted as she is going
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Have some good news! The world is full of amazing people. Never forget that.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 27 days
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License to Kitty.
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estrellalunablanca · 7 months
Hi My Is Coni I'm A Writer ,A Beginner, Even Though I Have Dyslexia, I Used Creative, Imagination,Use A Dictoray.My Story Are Not Real ,Just My Imagination.I&m Not Going To Let It ,Stop Me ,From Writing Fiction Story.I Write Poetry About ,Love , Simple Living ,Simple Love ,About My Own Life Experience.Art,Art Journaling, Quotes,Short ,or Long .Bully.Life , Heartache,.I Hope Some May Like ,Some May Don't Like .Show Some Respect.Enjoy My Story.Thank You.😊🤩
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Those were Vanessa's friends too in the FNAF movie
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salamispots · 10 months
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dream wip
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dogcastradio · 10 months
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When cheeky Charlie got into trouble in a lake, brave teen Connor waded in to save him - forgetting that he couldn't swim either!
Some people are lovely!
Episode 236 🐶💖
#dog #teenager #happy
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idkbishsss · 10 months
I have great news:) I’m no longer underweight and I’ve been eating better lately! (I use to not eat enough)
Also, my moms side of the family (who I’m close to) knows I’m gay! They also talk to my mom, and gave advice for moving. My aunt also got me a gift to show support. They found out, because I said I didn’t feel safe in my neighborhood in the gc we have, so that’s why. I haven’t seen any of them in a long time, and after this I really want to see them.
Idk if anyone cares, but I just wanted to post something| (• ◡•)|
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